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The Waterloo Press from Waterloo, Indiana • Page 4

Waterloo, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i pill fame, id worth tftoen franca, a H' ba3 chosen four ol directors. 3 voy has four watch facto-" I to have ono iiiore. county, IlUnoia, claims 1 tons of i'-i ichine in Memphis it ia I turn out thirty tons per revenno of Great Britain last t-aoantod to in L. I -l-TJ is proposed to create a new i'rj out of a portion of Dakota, I it Chippewa.

fjts Knights -i-i pfeTrTork.Stae1wHh A. members. 7 er-ialiure indefinitely 7i xjor mo aDoiiuon 01 yCt of JU.l lin ahridg ts3ji ar IMeinpUia-i VFiUprA stn.o nst 1 ia. K07 who killed Broder- la flurin in ininii flliia, poor and sick. throughout the XXZ'ol train per minute h'" B'Kfhat would bo 525.

fna a jfcirf restoration of tho German undep Kinc William, is mid ything but popular in Russian cles, indignation of. tho English 5 various ways expressed, has 1. a i-tr lrineo 01 vaies to incna 1 skrat made a hola through mrtrrirtccn hundred trout ea- jo. an The fashionable season in Florida hisnot been io llouruhin this ycr aa rmerlj. Tho alligator trado.uow erf i looking up R2 Iowa raised 21,0,000 bushels heat last year.

Illinois went it icr bv bushels. -Secd grain is shipped to France rdor to criye the farmer's a chance next season's crop. member of the Virginia legis- 13 domanding legislation to pro pcoplo againat paper and cui jhoes. 'a ri 57 manniuccuro oi tinen in Are Ayoar, was greater than ever rand it is thought prices wil yeol Miosirtsippi, almost wit exception, Bay they Intend luuig uuru, uiiu saisv; uiuig otvuija. n.

fgfiia aring the last two years th -by-is l'ucifio railroad oomminv sol 6i0 acres of laud, for 2,000,000 r- i t-Iittl-iJes3 than an averai-o of tho la.t month, Cvo hun-. 'A colored persons have applied to 'i American Colon iz ition Society for to go to Liberia. More negroes now aitraciau to mo colony tuan rer before. rThe Engineering Magazine says "We are on the brink of a now era in railways tho era of tho narrow gauge railway an era of renewed activity, when every yillago, almost farmhouse, xuay have its railway. A new self-acting brako has been invented by a Gorman, and applied to all tho Bavarian railroads.

It works by steam, and even when tho locomo-tivo ia detached, from any cause, is tho most effectual dovieo for" stopping trains that baa ever boon invented. JC They havo begun in Canada to cultivate rabbits as an article ot iood, and in F.uropean countries hundreds of miles of coast lantl-t 4ire usod a3 rabbit warrens, and their Sosh furnishes a cheap and nutritious food for millions, whib tho furs havo considerable value ia trade. In 18C3 England exported to Egypt steam engines worth jC.i,S0D; in 1S70 tho similar exports wore 220,573. Tho total export of steam engiues in 1870- was Russia being the largest customer, and taking worth. America did not tak.o enough for t-pocial mention.

A narrow railroad is proposed between Fiqua and Celina, Ohio. Its cauge is to bo thirty-six inc'io; the looomottves will weigh live tons, aud will draw from ton to twenty loaded freight cars, carrying two tons and a half each. A passenger car on this road will hold twenty persons. Such a road is in operation between Akron and Massillon. A now field of southern industry o-crus to be opened in tho recent shipment of fifty bales of palmetto leaves from New Orleans to Liverpool These loaves, which can bo had lor the mere gathering in Florida and Louisiana forests, command almost tho prico of ordinary cotton, namely, ten aud a half cents per pound.

Tho first lot would yield 51,000 profit on $200 exponse. They are having a timc of unprecedented activity in railroad building in Miohigan. Tho Detroit and llills-dalo and. the Midland are extending their surveys quite rapidly, while tho the Michigan Central has already put greater part of its air-line in operation, and now coutemplates another cat-off, whereby the distance botwee-a Niles and YpsUanti will be shortened ten miles. Tho number of inhabitants living on the banks of the Merrimac and to a great extent dependent upon the river which moves the ichioory of their workshops is 230,000.

They are looatod thus: Newburjport, 30. Haverhill, Lawrence, -well. Nashua, Man-LesterO, 00; Concord.O.OOO; above Concord, 2 ,000. gives 150,000 in Mas-nchuseUa and 100j000 in New JIaffljwtiro-. 1ST0.

12-15-ly CATTUKEI) The Croiro Prince in Pari3, aid JACOB K'AHN Iff WATERLOO I a Mnwimoth "toe Is of Goods, pur- Xi chased la tlu Luteri Litiet at Circally Reduced I'rlces, Mlch he will toll at price that DEFY COrPETSTIOn I would esll special attention to my Oomploto otoo. OF nil ess goods: FLANXELS, T7ATSHPKOOr CiOXXi I will oiler sperrla! fndaccmeatw L'O HI JN 3- HATS ami CAI.S, Furnishing GOODS AMD BOOTS SHOES. Do nn liny anr Ooo'ls until Tu lok at tut Ptock. which f. and ATIKACTI VB.

Coma an 'I examln the Uou, f.O TROUBLE TO SH0YG00DSI vill continue to buy PR OP UCS of all kindt run. vaoii. ra T.t.Vfnl najit faTort. and hoplnr for eontinnancof tha mnmc, I wjll only aay to int that 1 will do my ntatoat to PLUKHM. t- 8, H7Q 12nMly: DEALER Ilf OIIOCEIwIIi, BOOTS AMD SHOES, PERFUMERIES, "Yankee Notions, Hats ancl Caps, Gloves and Mittens, 'n.

STATIONERY, nLANiz no oks, WALL AXD WIXDOW PAPERS. Country Produce, Taken In lixcliaiifcc forOoods nt tlio IUghcMt Market Irlce. Aiabnra. Indiana J. SI L-2n Anlmrn, Indiana, Docomlier Jo, 1S70.

rlln3t iwr. ii.t( w. willis. uesar willis. WIH.IL.TS Vliolcsalc aiul Itetail Dealers In Bocks Si Stationery, ews Agents Andconrrnl donlorn In all ktndsof merchandise ktn in a first rlaas Cook Store.

We witnid call the atfntloti of the jnllletoo stocHnf MISOKl.t.ASEOUS II OKS 1 f.KS.T KS-TAMEVT9. SIN'UNO HOOKS, I'. MS BKKS, JT E.N I LB HOOKS. Our stock of Pocket Hooks and lllfnk Baokuls the and most complete eroroif-red In this market. We k.op a conipleta llneof Ooil.iri ari'l CuIih.

Onr HOLIDAY TOCK Is complete In both IlflOKS A Nil TOYS. We ko-p ho Inritr.t ind most -onipletefock of WALL A i'' A i c-'i Itirchnars w-Id do well to Mirrors and Pirinre Frames, for, nil rchnsliic eUewln-re. We make If rami-s n.i.v vtinrt f0. tkrhKl iri.VOH- VCUTAIX FIJC Tt' i iri mirkrl nnlv -Jtlrts. ntT window.

noKalliC'oiitity f-r I'erklns ir vov-EXPLOSIVK KKIUISKNE LAMP, lt Lamp In tlm mnt ki-t. A A cnis f-r II- Kalti cuntT furSnrMin'ii Ti-lohrati'd ST EEL KNUR A V- IdS Lrx-nl Aff'-ntn wanted. We h-ire th" rj of tho United Brethren Prllilinc llcnue. A I I ne wmne mm as rnmP in wn intrket. Tlmtiklnjr lie pnhllr for pnl pa- rniuiiP.

wo solicit a rontiuuatice of 1 1 Re ra Tors. AOOT'S Plll'VATE IJOOK, The Salesman's Gnidc! millSliwik Is dosiened rxpreasly for the nse ef I. Agents and thoio al out to enter that Tot-a-tion. Any person can become a Successful Salesman Bjr cr fully renting this boc-k. S.ut pcst-pAttl on ircelpt of prl FIFTY CENTS.

Addrees, W. BROSI'M A itins. Ml U5m3 -h. 3 1 V. sr si.

iJJ Z3 or hi i 2 ft 1-3 3 -T3 BARNUil MAY And ihua draw uImDoae crowd but we doubt If wan vur wvu auicf Sllonlia At In nt io 31ills Tlio Very Best DcLnfnes. that Iragrixo XOo. SplondldYard Wide Ilotivy Sliootlng-, Oc. THIS BEATS BQTU CHICAGO are bound for a Big Trade this Anjbod jCelse will giTe.1t to us. Goods sold on credit.

i i Eyery dollar irorth Mast be sold fer cash. A BJr tot of Llnm Bnek Towcla, only Laager iu vamaas uiivn, idu ioo. Table udmii and napklna at nalr turner ulcaa. Oood Quality toom Daauuka, warranted all Linen, only 3faw a yard. GREAT BARGAINS 600 Whalvton Conets, only SAe.

600 Trench woren cheap In sua v'i, fuxis, xxiEsn ALIO, A 1ASOK ALPACAS, VELVETS, CLOTHS, and CAKPET.S, SIaLIS, LACES, TRIM 3IECIAOS AXD EHP1SESS CLOTHS As Cheap In proportion. Good lip. Kent quality BrnRKeli Carpets, $1,23. Good square Woolen Shawls, $1 90, 1 Tf aud i 00. Oood Dobla Woolen Shawls, J3 0, yi nj 6 00.

All-wool Irenck Merinos, down to SOe. All-wool rrancb.Empresw CIuUw, down to eoo. i -I A GOOD SET of FURS for; $2.00. i Abetter wet of rur for $3. Oennine HlnlucU dwn Fine llinkHetMaftclienp In proportion.

Genuine; black Atra- cliau bets, down to O.OO. A ftplendld Far Hood Tor vrortb 9.0O. i All 7cinds of Furs at Reduced Prices. Jet I And Fancy 'Jewelry, UnndkercliiefH.TFancy IXowa and ScarCde Lncc ColIarH, GIoreM, Inlt NliawlM, In great Variety. Grcat 5ew York City Store, Opi'Otile BoiuTi Drvg Store, 1)4 Columlia Street, Fvrt Indiana.

SUN CJLA1K Ac UU. GXKlkAL HARDWARE DEALERS 73 HOUSE BUHaDERS Will here find Nulls. Class, Doors, Locks Iliges, rmii. 1 te Lead and Oil. WAGON MAILERS WlUSnd Iron, linos.

Fellows, SprinRS and Axles HOUSE KEEPERS Will here And Cocking: and Parlor Stores. Tinware and Wash Tubs and Wash Stands. LUMBER MEIT Willnnd faw Mill Saws.seren kiuds of croas-eot Sawn, all or Iho latest sty les, chopping Axes aud broad Axes. TO FARMERS Mo wuM mty. In addition toour rormerbadnei we h.kvo aiivltnl the CITY JTOTJTiTmr.

Come an 1 boy yon quality equal to 11,,. nt l.i re tou will hare a surety of al- wavn rrttinir Points, Landi.les and other repairs ttr Pl besides you will be encourag-D( llimio.M.iuiifaetures. Hoad Scrapers Do tttleSiovel Plo-ws kept on hand. Jf. n.

Machine Work done to order Rubber leltins kept on bund Waterloo, April UXIONTOWX FOREVER! M. CKKITER Wf ISrlF.S to inr.m the jH.ple In the town and Vf country that he has a well selected stoek of Cnoico Family Groceries Wlili-h he offers In the trading community at his old stand in t'niontown At Very Low Prices. Such staple articles as Tea, CoiTec, liice fc Snjjar by bim at LOWKK PRICES, for Cash, than can be purchased at any other establishment in the Count) for tho truth of whu-h he invitesCTerybody to call and satisfy themselves. Ills stock of VARIETY' GOODS WUlb rrpntnhrH In few dajn. hen vlllb able tottirut'oh eTtrytUitg asoalty funnd in a GROCERY STORE.

A5J- REM EMBER to call at Gitt'KTEE'S before go Hi elsewhere to buy tlrocerles. 19 I Markley, Sclirader Co ICKolttala aud Dtdtcrt in Hoots 8s Slice JV'o. 4 Keyitont Block, Calhoun Street, Fort "Wayne, Indiana. Tl3o5-ly Xeiv Jlcat Market 1 C. W.

SKAW, es Would announce to thepuMic that they are now readj to supply it with Fresli Meats Erery Iay. thbeln experience! butchers THEY WARRANT SATISFACTION. First door north of City Rolcl, WsUloo City In. Give htm calU ADVERTISE A adTrtlacmxtt drew mora Motda Drooortion- ukbiobi a now 3Xuslln, cC 1 12 lS2. AND KCTT TOSK PalCZS.

Spring, if Selling cheaper than and bcttrr frlnfrerf. ldo. and 13J4c Baaatt- IN CORSETS! Whalebooa Corsets, only 7 be. Better Corsets as proportion STOCK Of goods, yard wide Carpets, from 25c. pcniFiEsrnE mxon.

CURES SYYIIII.IS,SKINllSILVsii.S I Tumors, Old Sores, Pimples, I1 IXT CITES, II OILS, Tetter, Salt Illi en in, iWliItc NwcllliiR, CIIROXTC REIEUJIA- TISM, SOI1E EYES, AKD ALL DISEASES I REQUIEINO TDK. USE OF A i POWERFUL AXD "RELIABLE BL00DPURIFIER I It Permanently Eradicates ALL IIU3I0RS TAINTS PURElRICH BLOOD A Smootli Skin, And a Clear Complexion foUovo its nse. For Liver Complaint Or Himousncsa, and COHSTlPATlOn CF THE BOW-I ELS, IT IS A REMEDY OF i Surpassing Excellence. For sale by Druggist. I UNDER THE SUN -A.

NEW FURXITURE ESTAELISIiUEXT IX WATIJILCO. LOCKIIAET TANFLEET 1 BE now reeriTinr.nd will kt'p coa-sttly on XX band full supply ox ererj ilcscnptiun of Welnrite eiTcia! AtteaUon to out assortment of woodyfiag and cmn-ea CHAIKS, Of the noet approred patteraa ard beat make. We expect tomakea riiuinessof the mannfaoture of rarnitare of every description, aad witn Workmen AJr Good T5Efto3rltlJ3 will to Warrant all our work special attest! on JrVT' willtbe glen to teV the UndertaiiDg at all times. Whenever yon wautanytltiog iuilUefumlturclino, GiTe the New Firm a Trial LOCKIIART VAXFLEET. January 13, 1S70.

ntT JEVTELRT, Clocks, WATCIIKS vrsi SILTER-riATED WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ASSETT to ne.t A Maxoo. bar4 now in HlUM-k th tarRfe't aswrtiuritt 'f piHMin In thwir Iiu. In tliUptvrto( tliabuta, which they ar lug at th. VERY LOWEST RATES. are tUo prepared to Repair Clocks and Vat dies Ob tb.

ltortet nolle and warrant them atUfaclfon. hiRnuac our vut inu iiooni. WE WAR1UXT ALL Ol'R AYOSK! In Brick illoelt, north of Usllrosd. Waterloo, Feb. 18, IST1-I3 'i2 GOOD E3EWS! GEO.

W. MILLER Ha. a cholc.Totof FAMILY -GROCERIES, Cuuslitlun of ererj-thins; nsnally fonnd In Fli-Ht-ClaKH Grocery Provision STOEE! Which he the IiOWOSt ZTtfXtlOJS- His GociU are tLe KI1ST and Lb PRICFJi TIIK LOWEST! ThhtRhftt market tric PA ID fort'G UXTi: 1'7'A' UCE EF)inrii Tift; ri vrr.i IdDOOR SOITH OK CITY HOTEL. WATERLOO. F.O.

W. IND. MLILKR. 12-1! DEKALB FslARBLE WORKS M'ijle Street, near 11. Church, Waterloo', Isicllunn.

nRSIAN FRCEELlCn, Proprietor JTomtmcnts, Tombstones, Headstones, rilHE been in thl ftir a iirtTl.t-rf a qnai ttted with it, will emetic vitr work of iltu-rijitittn. of at lower rate than an nrhcrrtal in rn Indiana. lliy i tr -tt in iintittr. and at the )w-rf liTin nnd hoitic thoro'isrh Ijr a-inninted withthf M-rM Tratln. ntton1y toitiiaiti buiut at thsf prt prirn, hattovrll mtpTit material and work at verylittic tho old prior.

I wuold rail Pirir.l aU-ntionto my aad lettering, whichtrari not 'f! I IIK11MAN FHCEH LICIT. Apr -ttii2jr A KB ITI-s i ft VT is old established pl.p. on Till rnat rce is always on hand do work in line, on short notice. lie is prr-fvrei to evrrythinfrom the j. reiairnc.

to i ronton wagons, buggies, etc. I'artiruiar atlent iob to A Don't ny ynnr wajrons away from, vrh'n yon fn p'-t th'm up.t lieajcr aisd ueu tor at atid tim Wat erloo, A irM WIXIiLO Vi-ti 13 ALf A3I OF ET -7f sWstabA Vv'kuW' aAS.wAm mM oa TBI Arrtnioys or Tin Throat and Lungs, ECCS AS Colds, Coughs, Cronp, Asthma, HOARSENESS, INFLUENZA, Brovcliilis ami Innji nt Cunxtimjitfon, And highly serviceable the more a-lvancedstag raticnts t-. of tl.e itieaie. Itest Mpdlelnc in all the World for tlie above FOR SALE AT; Ti3.o 322xxs Store O.V T1TE CORSr.R. Waterloo.

March 27 1 vll n2T EXAIIIXATIOX OF TEACHERS. PnMfe s.mIntIon of will ba held a Angara, DcK alb county, on the First Saturday of Every 3Iouth, A ad on the 1st and Saturday cf each of thefo1 lowing months: April, 2Iay, October XorcEibor Trustees will not hire TThenever i sihall appear that other iwiints in tie connty, a numberof perions si ill I ire srlvinc me notice of ssj 1 desire, public ex-sniiiationswill beheld atsnc'i U-l XS 3k. JtcLiIJil. txajumer ACKXTSWANTED-SSSrERMONin) I the AMERICAN KXITTISU ilACUI.NK Levis, Mo. 2iw SOCIiOOK.

w4 'orfart selling- pnpilttr nb. iTTiiM 1 IJ crirtion Uok. Kxtra in- i aucvxuenu in apow lufor- nuitionfroe A Caress Am. Bok Cu- William St. Nkw Turk.

10 3IADE FE03I 59 nrgfntly upciJpJ by ererjUiHlT. Call Sei-: or IS sent rpi innuf retail e.i-il fl. K. L. WUIt, lSUChathaiu Square, St Vurk.

21w4 mnisisxoncMiira! I Bysrndinir OK CKXTJ, with afre. hMht, rolnrafftM hai r. OvJ ion will rpcirebv return mail a correct piclureof your future hnsnaouor marnnpe. Adararn, N.Y. 24-T THE MAGIC rill change acyeolortd I hxfr or lieardton.

perm- 'anent Mark or brown. Tt contains so pota. Ono 4joibnt by mail for TI. Droier Dipjld ml rwlnced Auarevs Wm. Masa.

24w4 FREE TO BOOK AG EM'S! WfwiH seoxl a hanclinie Prospectaa of our lllunratctl rVmilv Bia.V con tain ins: orer aiiOnne Scriiiturc Iilustratinnsto auj h.V Aent-froe rf clarRT'. rt'BLiMiiiso uaniiia- Louis, aio. llf efisw) MACHINE. Has alike un lotli aud is full licenced, The bebt anil clifa4t fniilv Shntlle Machine in the surkrt. Aldreu JOHNSON, CLARK CO Bootou.

Pittsburgh, Pa Chicago, II I. or St. Lonls, Mo. 24 wt GC'CRAL AGENTS WASTED for Groeshctk's marhln. rapid.

urcnr-te, infl. nmtt'd. chenp aud bvuutiful. ti i ving irii.iutmu-ou addiriuns or tnb ttuvctions, tAkiiw from oa to fivo columns of fia ere at a mo. carrying ana Ik rn'wina itoa tnnii.unlrtMtsi,etc., without th- Icat on the lftrt of ttm operator.

Address ZElOisKEl McCtUDV, Cinciunati.Ohio. Uww4 Pi A AGENTS WANTED FOR Tit r.ntainini;Fluetwwrs"LiretfCiri8t, I.ivesi.f the Afitie, Kvainrelits and ftf Do Jdridtfes "Evidences Til 7 lli.t..rv of the tJ. I. ns; "A f.storr ofali wirh trrtfiii-e- and ta'de rel.iting to evenisconnH-tMl with JliHe ilist-rv, with line ftirnuuir a complete Treaurv V. FLINT A No.

Crt 3 Tth Home Place, OhicaJ aim i.v Jin ci.t Liaciunau 4 we REDUCTION OF TRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION Or DUTIES. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY OirTTINO VP sTiSed for our New Trine List. and a rial, form 111 (W'OiiiliT it.c-u:ammc fllU (itreetionM nia ilia; larpes avine to conxamers and remanera- tile to club ortrauiuts. TtaGreat American Tea Compcuiy Rl and 33 YESE FTRFPT.

r.O. Box S(W3. NLW YORK. 2- AUKXTS WANTED FOK 46 WOHBEES OF THE WORLD." OTIS O'CK THnrSAKIt II TBTXA JPHS. The lartTt l-st anj FiKtt atrructivt mihtrrfptfon boot, ever Oi.e mitmt in ItnTr, Colorado, bii 1 rupir tn 4 dnyn.

On 9 nifpnt in Milwaukee aiild 1 day a trke nitmf-r from 'Jti to Sii --fier pt J.y. rnd tr 'ir-nlnr. with terrr. at 1'CBMSfl N(J CO.Xe York-t and St. Lout.

'aiiwl mm TUFA NECTAR 1. A I'fKK- IJLAtii TEA it'rf-n 'i (o stilt nl I last For Sitlr.rr. hole. ale tt Allinlir T-a St. N.

V.lO.B..x i. fr T'-f-i ir 2twl CARBOLIC TABLETS. DY CH. VELtS, Th mo-t iniportiiut diovery if tU as; thin won d.rtul II nn 1 fr ail 4tiftH4i trr of tu It mtory vun, h'-re Thr.utt. Su-ldn 4" ld, 11 irftc A tt hm Iryiuw of th Tunwt of the ed and fr aj 1 irr i t.bLau of tho A'l uitd S.

with-. 'il n- j.i-mc tii-tr lit rlarii tic vnie t. -I -i i 'i i nj; a it i.y th" uiiunt rtiiit Wei. Dr. Veils' Talbts.

set dire tly t'U in in I. rnr.e hmtM proiof siol taken in or vb.ieut Ii.iiici of wtiitlir, as the Cirri. lation I tii" aiol thus ard off nil Icniienc.v to cobls and I.1111K diilb-nltr. 'I he moiilil sy, niodi-rine Uo- ih-ir inn! they w(fubl fi TTrpTnTT the pul-lie ayailit bti jets.

ion CAU XlUl's by other t.l tMrut noon Ho niiu j.liite of thee nd nirable T-il lets. (i KKI.I.txt(l I f. A TT .,.0 1. 1 T. fcuLU UY lKL'iiilS'l.

l'i no -i a box. Hvi 7.v DOTY'S WASHING ZIX DINE, hiili mca ihkoveo uhtiii siw TJnivercal Clothes rinzzv with aiiti tlie Vtvnt t-nt rior to am -wpII MitOon! p. rr wtvr t-r rnttii ft i-a, h.t hi-t v- invetit' tind wi! cot twice a ytar. lij fAViiit lauor and Those willhave a-ii llivia K'r testimony as "it- nnr ifh'nc iu i r-mid lift l'i i-t it. r.r: '1 i thf jl" T- l.t in i-t- n( th -j tn iti L.

M. A. fhurrh. In thf 1 ah -Iry i.fny a tTi'inK ji t. '-u Mr.ii.:y for tlif iff ry wi'i 1 the -tffW; U.n tin nfvf it a tip iamatoy u-f the I.i'indry.

I hfrtily I It C.vi7mit r.f tiiur, Ir K-r. Or, KH. iid Duty V'-iir I l-i i.f ynr Wa.tiitK i ii i ite- i a caidto I Toq 'nur rhin- i irV n-. in lh'iili' iimrp if to-'iay hati rrr, and won not with under ay cii c.t mttancr! N.m RbiHtttn. The ir Trihun.

Vc. IA, in anvr tr. a n'fr, c-iTU'lcnt, Of WmIi-ts, thera in none t- l-e cur.i to Ifctty's PIiICESA rafr CiTer. If th Mi' hnT.t your hro w.I! notfamh, iid -rtii" Mrh nd mthe I prife. i.

ra VV 'jt and vs wi. I or rna-K nf to irift Ti- i- mid tv-y Vi Vt -f I -1 we r-t? t-j r-rn jv! tircrn mi if -tTii' uia J.ii f- -f f-risZ a muiith'ti trial, acco dir.g to -in-i drti-'eTV nf Tvhluz with th r. i'ri ft enn -e If-en and ifr permit the 'X'" ii-i -t ti tr-r- a CT -th 1t d-tr-r to nade. liberal R. C.

Cs. Agat 13-14 Si York. iOT1! el str-a a it 'A AT Apothecaries' Hall J.V. WISSLOI it- mm A ir-T 4 SH i-T j-j 1 i ti 33eKalb County HARDWARE STORE 1 Auburn, Indiana. TVu.wihTlin to annonnee to his patrons an the public that this old established Chcnp Hani vrnro store AND TIN-SUOF, Is once more In fnllblast In his B3ICX EUILDIEQ," and he has filled it with a IBW STOCK Inclndingall tho latest and ooststyiesoi STOVES, TIN-WARE, Mtbb, BAR AND SHEET IROX, NA1T.S, GLASS, OIES, PAINTS, And .11 other article, in the trade as any "'J" tablishment In tho West, and at as LOW riUCLS.

Kvery descnntion ot attended to. Cook and Tarlor Stores, of eTerr' variety. Give me Call beforeltnying Auylliiiie in my uue EIewliere. All persons owing uicwill confer a fa vorlv settling up iiumcJiately. JOHN L.

DAVIS. Aubnrn. Oct. 1. lSfS.

CASSETT KESTER AVE their new Planing Mill In complete ord aud are uremrod to 611 all orders for LU3IBEI1 DRESSING, SA1VING, SA.SII, DaOlt AND XSIsIXD SIAXUFACTFKIXa, scnou. sayikq, Ac. on short noticoandln the best stylo. jvi.Mlll on Maple street, beyond the gVkiaw Railroad. Waterloo, Indiana.

vl2noiy iW AMI CHEAP. WATEIILOO CLOTHING UMPORIBM A YE received a well assorted itock of II Ready-Made CLOTHING, iO aWsW CHITS' coses, HATS CAPS. Which thf-y tiro at Drirr that The if iiiK uilblie. OUR Isin nrst-lass order, and we will not beexcelled oitlier in eiitliiie or nmkltlg Op tieulieinen wear 11 this neck of woods. sThose wantinK In our line will dowell to irive il a en! I.

as a will sell Hoods at pricest hat wiliKe alfat'lb'n. Goods Warranted as Represented Rrmrmlrrthf l'1-ft, in IjvlSnrCt I'ort, nor(A the H'atfrhxi, Intliulia, lt-14j WATr.KI.OO E.B.t.EAS, L. V. LEAS, J. I.

CAMPBELL ILoas, Cainpell mini imJ Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Fine Toilet Articles, ALL Till POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES of th dar, LAF1FG LAf'P and v-TTyttdiittkcpt in a First-Class Drn? Store. W'c will always aim to krrp. Pure Medicines, nn to sell them at the C0TT0M OF THE 31AIiT-IFT dn; ninl rd.aldy caui iouii'1' 'I. hurs th iay or niyht. Lai, iic GItl iStnnd.

SOUTH OF THE It All. UO Alt. LEAS, rAMPIJELL CO. Waterloo. Dee.

23. liCJ. Th's "inijly relieve for a slo.rt time, but I -r I end 1 erniancut cures or the wor-t cases ofk'brcnie Xas CaUrrh, aod I wit; p.iv a tbnt I etninot eiirs. iti th" -I'-it Il r. i he are cn-e-i If a d.s- Coiflfe fr'rrn tl.e II we.

f-ffelisive or otherwise, tin -f t'le af tiiu't, luss of tiie t.i-te or -arirtr. eyes witVrine or 1 Lure or pr in the bad, yon p. ay re-t I you l.nve fat'irrb. isitli.ja in inife-tinir bnlfof the t-riottint. in Conttumotion and end In the prrive.

X'o is sr. common, n-vf tiee or iin h.v pby'i. bins. J---1 fi -n-I ori to atiy addr5 tree. Ir.

i'wf'n Cstarrh i now sOLi BT MOiT I.N ALrABT8 0F TilK Priee 5'ieents. fl-'n by mail on rece pt or -ent-. four tr two Beware irr. US. l'e rtT private tun.

wbis i positive una rant io-nes. wn.j-1 lit in- ni- b'-r this I r.vase i i- Httites fiovertuasetit, iy I I the I uit- stacipinp ni.v mid sd'lre-s. si.d rs tout th. vorJiTl ve itorfn auc met l. Ii-t-keii.

lon't be id others, re preset; fnj by trav the? '-eivei I a th "fir man nownv- Jniz that. Las the lari'! ri-'ht to man Catarrh IleoieJy.anJ I ture tLe t' ii'iiti' lr. never travel to sen rrcss 133 Sen street, SaSalo, Yi ri IS I i 3 ri 'tk- af I A RADVAY'S REMEDIES. HEALTH! BE AUTYT! Strosjr.acd Pure Rich Elood In-" crease Gf Flesh and YTelprht Clear asi Bcaatifal omplexlaa SEtTKED to ALL AI5 WATT'S I Sarsajmrillian Itcsolvetii TIA8 MADB THE MOST ATOXTST! y1 cukes so orti so n.vrit) ahk th CIIASOE3 TUB lli)TY VSUKROOKi VNHEK TUB INFLUENCE OF Till TKLiLY O.V LIEHFUL) ilLJJlCINE TiiAX Every Day an Increase in Flh and Weight is Seen and Fell Bcrofnla, Consnmpt Ion, Syplillla. "IS rnrnl anil tiailly liratrd Venereal, tsf Its ma it foi'ma, (Jlamlular illscMac-f leers lu (lie liironl, Tiimonv odri In tlie CI iliiU, ao.t oilier pr4 vf i tie system.

Sore Eyes. rw mosr-dlscbavcs from the Karss KmstlfJ illra iirtli. Kyes, 5ie. Mwntta, armtf tlie vor.t forma of Skli. diseases.

Kriiit Ions, Ftr Sores, bcalil tClii Worm, iiAlt I Ili um. Kry si prlaaf cue, lilac Sjnits, Worms Inllis Tnsiun. Cancers In the Womb, sn.d uitd painful dUchsrusst Swisti, loa and sill -wastes of tie life ii ln tlc. are wlliilas lli.mrstlr. ran of Itadway's Sarsa pmrlltlnn Ucislrcnl, sincl few days nse va-ftll prove to any person uslus; Aft for olliier of tliese forms of (1 Iscal.p ll Hitcu( pswer lo curs Not only doe tV.e rfiraniartlliain Aeaofai vtsl excel ail know remedial agents in the curs) rt tvrululotui t'on litulionnl, and iisia-iti bin it is the onlv remedy tor lClHitey, XllwttUer Irinsry, ainex Woiiih rllseaea, (Jravrl, llatHstas) Urtipiy of Wnter, luros.

tlneurt of iiiue, Britain's illseaaev Albuini anil In nil easel whM lliere are tlusl siejioslta, or nnitr Is flilrk,, uilxetl vrltta suntnnces lio Itie vvliite of wn ctrif. or tln-eads liUe vlilte or titer is) a morbt.l clarJc. Iilllou a and tvlitt" bone dut liolts, ami vvliere lliei 1 unrnlnst sciisntioii when p.mdttjf water, and pain iu ibi fcti.ali of tne ItacU, ant. luuj tlia Iu all tlieee aon- II Ions Var.aparllllan Hs. solvent nlled liy tSie application of llarlvtay'a ltrady tlcllrf to tlie Spina ami siunll of I lie li.irk, anil tlie resiilaled 1IH one two of Had.

way's Itcul.itluv lltl per day, will mon niaUe a mfil is enre. In a few days, tit. pntieut will lie enabled tc hold slid discliai'Ka Ills water natural, ly without pnin, mid III. 1'riua will be restored to its nnlnrsl clear, and a ui or alirrry cwlor. TUK VtViSTE OF THE BODY are supplied with n.

health-, and vivoroas bloe4 thnt luiinlies woind btiu.ure. llenoo nil surfur lnj from iJi-tiuiKOB's MALlf or of tho Womb, bier or, or otho waeiiior I.i'ucorrha-i, fprim, or ol cciy kmd, or fioin rioloiioo ol troui liio Guniuil lands, Venereal lii.charttus, or ulceis, or son-s, throarrbi the repinilivo jnojtss of KADWAY'S BAltHA-1 AK11.L1AN, oro arrested, and Urn ruplurtst otftaos hulled riiE tiitjk TitnruT of I. AT) A 'ti A I A 1' A III I. I A It EMUL VETTT snpp'les tho s.hrouh tho blued, urme. se it, aid stvueture-m ikiiiK constituents with Ti.ui! ii EitnU ci ikiiiir, Hoit or Caiorie and ikuij; nu nts.

11 ol its are niHri't'nioi, purii'tftwr, ami tlrtnylkening. 'jlt tl. JZ'Mi. its, oiiif drirtt out of tAs fro.f -ts of nud rormplion, CO.iM'111 II l.X, Will'! LiUyP-fcY,, CAM l.l::i, are Bit of a and ns .1 arc withta lb iia.imo ii De ol the j.U'AliJLLdA-Jl lit.jOLVi.-NU 1 Tfcut iN-roftiln, hy whatever nsmo desitrnakod. Is i tie.

"l.i Iron Will lil-ioo, in.iuot-a oe i.i li liiotiK i' ll umite n. Thul those deposiai bike til-; it ymr, lr, teaMrjs, arm imnpablo of hobl.rix solution IU procrsl con.U ui i.l.i, or tl-'i tich of some virus ot jvteon in thu liUi-l, na M- rury, b'nioniel, CiiTosiva rul uo al.tca is the Cblortde ol leri-uiy or other a piveu in nwdicinos and tnt- r.1 eiv in tiie eotrimon mivortissd Al.S'i;iEIott CIIAMOiiU ll.ul lUl-ili NAil KAL WSbillyS. f. Tint unb ss thu or nutriment art) tt' irt the wiitos, ih it drfoomoosiiioii aa4 it wol mi; rvcm, aud ti.o poaeis of lib. bw CcO.ll I J.

S. That tho dvine bff cannot ho siud.iirwt sny tieiitn i.t oi nili- exitnuia tbtt CMttsii. or finis to tlie bl'iod, tho Ouly in innu thr.a 'a the vit-il fooua aro pro fetvi-'l, an I on wnuji the powih ol til bosly ciel'vluls. 4. Ifa way's KnmnpnrHHan R.

tof vent ouj 1- a vtttnt i.e'er oelore pojsosssd ot to in t)ist tins nuw foaad I iii i in i. ii 'nl s. ion which hits boea orourlu to suciia purivol syusim cf curs la oxlubitasi as lo.iows 1. Ttn (rrettl pnwor In (ha ti IH Is first s'nee disluinlion in thu pn of dire, ion, as iliyme and chyle with the nourishing -flcments of blood, sep.T.itinp from theso liquloa refu-ennd inert iiiuilities tH-foro they srefikun up by the bu teeaU aud are lormi into bb.d. Here wo K-e ih it by iu wundetlul Kiwer it charges that ysteni aith the very esscnee or this foiin.

the vital (sowers ol the lm ly, and ita utioti no the bnsel in iu prim. tire and ronrfdeta wpu.itos rv. ry atom of refuse tnAlorial rr out vf wiiiJh tuo virus of dMeaae afl Xiimot. 2. 'i'b'it.

the b'ood thus prppored, and supplied" with these properties tieeome. strong, riebsnd be.ib hy, and hol lij solution its prop. eonstituents, tiuooii'i the Sursopnrllliau His oil enl, and taiis the w.Oi'es of tlio liodf sound ui.d be.iltiiy strueturiw. Kueli is th wotidii ful piwer tiie rinrsa parllila It, solvent eeits on blood mid julot of th no itt btiiii'ir. or poisons wul estit bv wliii.Ii nte d.

Jl.j i iny wiii. 'i ti.o VartaiiarllHtn enter, the!i, atid i.oii.tuuui:ute. its curative Hwei ti.i the Lloo baeiit. Urine, ar.d otlii-r the con-titueut secrctum of euh oi)-m. tslubiLihitig (utietional btirn.onv tu 0 thioui its) mid pow.

over tlie rV. the Ijvor u.i-iiml jroj i-r allotment of ld et j.i linn j. una; una tne Lant iir ")ii so uou ii ti wolel' ri nl noilii.ine not onlw luo sick Lfxiy, but prosurve tliti tii bi'l'ii. At Ae li.tve ir.n-ii tlie tirinciolc on a'hieh dis is bivtu; au wi'l ni tliu only nerilile thonry ot cure, il that tlio of cure of th earan I'nrilliun Itr.oivcnt is unlimited, srol th il i 'iy di tlmt is of a Ctrronio. w-rini i i.uuic LnLuoai is, propurly witiiia ibl TUK 'iaKAT SrcitET OF CtTtg In thi Mi i ie ioi.un in the seleetion ot inwdfi c.

ii.iiiir eurntivn an I nouriahlnif irs tiie blood and u'nerai iu licoo- it'll it's wbtuh, in aeoudiDon of liiviB and 1 "primly, it is deficient of, torether the criir.Ki.t.Lri i't tlio several iLcredlrntS) tluit form the i'AIi I LLIA.N KCbol.Vtiir. If tho coiii-lituijut ofixyjren was e.inUd Isaeav tie at air, lifo would becotnj ztlnat. So, win a the bbxi-l becomes exbtturted of its wktal CutUiutnla, it if! iU tubcrclnt and disooao huiuois iu the body, auj of dojiy an4 deconipv.ition rupoi-vene. KarMt parllllan Kesulrtul Is to tbo amS g. ijili Uxvoew lm tho litinospharii' air; it supplies lifj principle, and eoablee tk.

blood to huid i- jn all itt natural constituonat. IAILY talos flare), for in the increases wast streniitb en't polity cf ti.o l.iood, utl depoMtj are) d.lnin..'ieJ, nu 1 n.r.-re tiier" are formedi Iti tbi biiii-s, thu deposits are arreto.1. andi ttuit aro i-m tbii ihed or didodirssL. extolled, erhiia u-'l, or tlio poitiou of tiie dtwe.isssf lun ciLotniil, and the srxotui4Q roix-ivcs if nii sjuudf hOAllh I.I.I.ND I.AIlY Oravcl, bote LcgA, LRcding from tbsf Luni. i up d.

ilr. Uii MuKTistt, a oonrnerciol traveller, in Cut.adA VV si, w.ili;s us, uudor date of AprU 17, (torn W'oolvo "luc SAitn.Al'AKU.LIA'jr la) aiid w.nkintr Mr. Uoao. ot fclrall voi'. rnri o( aeaao whera a ti i-rThy 'i no of lh HAlti.M'AI:lLLIA.-.

a now sew bi re A Lut -m not wi.h to rthc-fj ilun lroda Cull to set bi lo 1 us woiflwrful. oc'i'ii, druKftst here, m- oj note -in; ti sueul ti- itict.Ka witn ijis-i Ml lu ben ct-r'J htllWAY'd A ltd A. 1-Aiilf i-V. 01.VE..X." tur. lioio i p' an raw tt 8or Lfir.

tluit all otii'-r bv few ootids of tSAliSAJ-AUlLLIAJC ht-ULVLM'. "ilr. I'iaix Fariti.Asn, of Widdor "tattoo, cure iy hotile, of 'eilrr frrm the Lungs, Hi ht 1 erv H.511 1 I wnnderfal ertreej hv Kb-iOLV-tNT. lor i-rry km I ot Jju-nor, l-ore, Kruptlon. i .1 at it.

tho p. os4 usw it. ul -'Ji-'iu -c'-. i a no itts, S.tula, w'hits) owejt-iif. H' l-' htnl and Sleuth, ot s.i-i, thi.i wo.i-1.

riinedT acu ra or, tiie i.loi i take it btouma fcoli, lil.d ht-'iliiyf'. Ui.s tiincruai r.A-n-rA-rs iskstit- l--r or ii or i. and iitdiitlie I leu I ana LR. XA Waxru.jj,-.-- i I I i I. "Tfl 0 jo.

cf id ru ili'm wen. 5r.ei, tt Ucr I to fly IthsUn-' it-Thin1. byi ibt, el it. tgftC'l Bt' if fi cf cr.i-nri 1 of ly fwi nr tt UT.

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