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The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio • Page 7

Newark, Ohio
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THE 3SEWARK DAILY ADVOCATE: WEDNESDAY, JANT7ABY 4 1893 Unlike Dutch Process Bo Alkalies MANY LUNATICS AT LARGE. Other Cbemicals are used in the preparation of i Ote Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and It has nore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixevl with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a eitp. It is delicious, nourishing, and EASILY DIGESTED. Sold by Grocers everywhere. Baker Dorchester, Mass, Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury.

Pure and wholesome Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations--and insist on having tin. NONE SUCH b-anci.

MERRELL SOULE. Svrcuse, Y. Experts Are Able to Detect Diseased by the Sense of Smell. "Every tenth mind is more or less abnormal, and you can reauily see tliat in the crowded thoroughfares of a city like this there must be hundreds of people of unsound mind wandering about," said a famous alienist yesterday. "Occasionally they are thrown into mental parosyms by being jostled or spoken to or interfered with, and then you read sensational articles in the daily journals headed Dangerous Lunatic at but the fact is as 1 have stated it--there are hundreds of lunatics at large in our streets.

When I am not reading I often amuse myself hunting for them in the street cars, on the elevated trains or on the ferryboats. Any expert in mental diseases can recognize one at a glance. "Any sculptor will tell you that by glancing at a draped figure he can feel the form beneath it, and so do we alienists when we gaze at a human ace. Almost unconsciously we feei the degree of mentality. True, there are certain outward symptoms of deranged intellect, such as the unsteady eye, the peculiar smirk known as the 'loony and certain motions and movements of the lips and hands and fingers; but the experienced alienist doesn't depend upon them.

As I have told you, he feels the presence of snbacute mania in the same way as a sculptor does a concealed figure; but more than this, he is often ablo to note the presence of a lunatic by the sense of smell. "It's a physiological truth that lunatics exhale an odor that is almost as distinctive as smell of musk, ambergris or sandaTJrood. "There is nothing surprising about this, for many fevers and contagious diseases have their distinctive odors, as any physician will tell you. The mind, or if you will, the nervous system, is largely concerned in the tak of keeping the secretory organs in a free and healthy action. Some people are so dull and lymphatic in their temperaments that they never perspire.

Lunacy is purely Soow Countries that have inadvisedly allowed their forest lands to be denuded eventually come to the conclusion that such reckles'Tiess involves most serious penalties. This appears to be the case in certain parts of Russia, where droughts cause great distress and injury. These droughts are ascribed to the gradual depreciation of the country along the principal riveis. aud to tlw removal oi obstacles in Doth factors cciiiLine in causing the rainwater and melted snow t' 'S3 off tucra rapidly, an'd the v. attr levol of the rivers therefore become abnormally and i permanently low.

To remedy this ponds are to be dug or built np in the courses from which tho rivers are fed, and on the plains long banks are to be raised, against which snowdrifts will be formed. The snow thus accumulated will melt more slowly than the thinner masses elsewhere, and will form a valuable supplement to the water supply at the period of the year when the droughts have hitherto obtained. This is simply a wholesale adaptation of a practice that has long been attributed to the more provident Russian peasants, who are in the habit of i nsins; plank walls to intercept the snow. The banks thus formed are said to frequently serve aa the family water supply up to the month of i da News. Depew's Corpse Story.

Chauncey Jl. Depew told the following story at a banquet in New York: A classmate of mine, a preacher, was located in a spiritualistic neighborhood, and the leader of tho spiritualists' band died. His next friend came to see the clergyman, and said: "We have something of the old Puritan spirit left, though we have renounced it in our practice, and we want our leader buried by Christian ceremonial. Will you attend?" My friend, the clergyman, consented in the best spirit of Christian charity. He gave out the hymn, read a passage of Scripture and made such re- he conscientiously could, I Fourth Street Planing Mill.

Having taken control of the above mill, persons desiring hard or soft wood finishing, frames, doors, sash, brackets, flooring, moulding, tables, cupboards, book fl "stands and all other planing mill and wood work, will do well to call and see us. Having one of the bf-'-t pl-ming mills in Ohio, all work will he 1 ue promptly and in good style. Corner Fourth and "Canal street, Newark, Ohio A. fe J. A.

FLOEY. After Bathing the first time Pearline, you feel clean before. Only baths like on make you There's ness and lux- Has your been wrecked by an attack of la grippe. The gre-it South American Nervine Tonic will auickly restore your Chattered nerves, strengthen and cure your digestive organs, regulate your liver and purify youi bloodl aud restore you to perfect soundu asram Ti great tonic should be used alter all sickness. Its power to restore to health are simply wonderful Trial bottles 13 cents.

Sold by J. W. oc oons, druggists, Newark. d. w.

tf. -eiM. A l-Vh i3 niaranteed to bring? i 'v-tory results, or in case of purchase price. On i.Ian voi: can buy from our ad- a bottle of Dr. King's for Corc-tnmption.

It is bring relief in every case, when used for anv affection of Throat, or C'heht. sVh as Consiunption, Infi.Lii.uion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cough, Croup, etc. It is i.lea^aiit and agreeable to taste, perfectly tafe, and can always be depended npon Trial bottles free at Chaa. W. Fuller drug store.

5 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos For sale by Chas. W.

Fuller. dwtf JONES FOR DRUGS. Ladies clean vour ine amost -p'thi'i else-ii were re apt to ovcr- Directloii3 IT'S you 11 irritation, be honest--stud li- I "Wervc Seeds," the wojut-rful remedy is Foid v. ith a 'writ- tea antee all nervous diseases such as Memory, 5-ouH cf 1'ov. cr, Hcaiiuchv, J.out Manhood, Xljcutly QuieltneaH.

lircums, JLack off Confidence, all tlrams mid loss of power of the Generative Organs in eitiiur sex caused bv over exertion, youthful errors, or if-e of tobacco, opium or ititnu- luntt which soon lead to Intirmity. Consumption and Infinity. Put up convenient to carry in vet-t pocket. Sent lj mal! In philn package a ac'ure'-iforlSl. orO for S3.

every order-we clve re ivriiten Guarantee to cure or reTimtl the taocey.) BEFOHE A1JD AFTER USING. C1UCULAU FKEE. Address AEKV.E thicuco. For sale in Newark, Ohio, by W. Fuller and Creighton Bros, druggists.

THE GE1AT SOUTH AMERICAN ,11 is the greatest Wessinp ever eiferer child-bearing -woman. I have been a mid-wife for irany years, and in each case "Mother's Friend" badfceenusedithas accomplished -wonders and relieved much suffering. It is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and -worth the price for tflat alone. MBS. M.

SI. BBUSTER, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt ef price, per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR Sold by all druggists. ATLANTA, OA.

Soldby Foreman a rk as a nervous condition, and hence it is al- i whereupon the -wife of the dead spirit- most always marked by a peculiar and ualist rose and said that he had a communication from her husband. That critical spirit tore the eulogium to pieces, ripped up the Scripture quoted and denounced the hymn. The surviving leader of the spiritualist band came to the clergyman and said: "We beg your pardon. We had no idea that our indescribable odor proceeding from the imperfect action of the nerves on Pittsburg Press. FOil HS iftye» i -Effectual.) Such as Sick Headache.

Wind and Pain in the, SEomacn, Giddiness, Fullness. Swelling after 1 Meais Dizziness, Drowsiness, Chills, Flush. ings of Keat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of; BreaJh. Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, A Nencus and Trembling Sensations, and Ir-; I regularities Incidental to Ladies. Covered with a Tasteless acd SolaHe Coating.

Of a'l Price cents a Box. New York Depot.365 Canal St. Keeping Churches Open. "When i got rich," said a business man, am going to give away a lot of churches, but I shall not give anybody a church unless they will agree to keep it open on week days as well as Sundays, There has been hi recent years an increase hi the number of Protestant churches kept open through the week, but I would like to see more of them. I inia gine that one reason why churches are not more generally kept open is the expense attending it, and doubtless many persons that people are all or nearly all too busy to spend time in churches on week days.

"It seems to me that the expense should not stand in the way, and 1 am i inclined to think that the number of those who would avail themselves of such opportunity for rest and meditation is greater than is generally supposed. I know that I havo never entered a church in New York on a week day without finding somebody there. I should like not only to have more of the churches kept open on week days, but to have them open for a longer period each day, and I would like to keep some of them open all night. It is easy to see that there might be many objections to this; still I would like to see churches whose doors would be always open to every York Sun. leader would come back hero and act in this way, and we hope you will forgive us." "My friend," the clergyman srid, "I will forgive you, becaube it is the first time in the many ministrations that I have had of this kind in this parish that I have ever been sassed by the corpse." New York World.

gloves with cleaner, for sale oul al- D. Jone's Drue: Store, and use White Rose Lotion for chapped hands and face It dries quickly leav ing the skin soft and smooth tfd -AKD- Highest cash prices paid for rnb- iron dry bones, and metals of all kind IKON MET S.L No 60 Fiffi street. Fine lounging coats at SOdtf ROE Silk suspenders for embroider ins: at SOdtf B.OTC EMERSON'S. o.o.o. CURES POISON Nature should be assisted to throw off impurities cf the Mood.

Nothing does it so well, so safely or so promptly as Swift's Speciflc. IFE HAD NO CHARMS. I For three years was troubled with milarial poison. Iwhich caused my appetite to fail, and I Iclucediil flesh, and life lost all its I tr-ed mer- Jcunal and potash te-nedics. hut to no effect.

I couM sot Inorclief. I then tned tf-jg-Jg -JB A I and permanent cure. HSBJEH a I erjoy I better health than ever. J.A. KICE.

Ctta a. Kja. Oar book on Blood and Skin Diseases tr.a kd SWIFT SPECIFIC i PAKKER'S I HASH BALSASH I ri'CTiscs ar.l jj 1'ro' io a hix.ur.iint tn i rails Gray" Hair its So or. Cur Si.2iD diseases St liQir al COc.ard SI (JOat rru2Si C-hiEdrenCryfor Pitcher's Castorfa. the the wi bowels ntrtes.

Bs. Kinss' tare torD'ASva? as-l fcon. Tlie IJeo and His Useful Sting. It will be a surprise to many to learn that, after all. the most important function of the be's sting is not stinging.

I have long been convinced that the beea put the finishing touches on their artistic cellwork by the dexterous use of their stings, and during this final finishing stage of the process of honey making the bees inject a minnfce portion of for- i mic acid into the honey. This is in reality the poison of their sting. This formic acid gives to honey its peculiar flavor, and also imparts to it its keeping qualities. The sting is really an exquisitely contrived little trowel, with which the bee finishes off and caps the ceils when they are filled brimful honey. While doing this the formic acid passes from the point of the sting and the beautiful work is finished.

--Horticultural Times. Pirate Treasure. The period fruitful above all others to the (imaginary) treasure seekers is that of the bold buccaneers, of the Spanish galleons charged with bullion and of the treasure fleets that were the choicest prey of the gallant sea rover. Pirate or buccaneer, he had some favorite haunt about Key West or among the islands of the Spanish main--some cave filled with booty which one day he hopes to transfer in safety to his native Devon. But a ehip heaves in sight--it is a Spanish man-of-war--and such a contest enues as has inspired the popular muse of the sailors' "shanty." There is an end of the pirate and hia crew, but the secret deposit remains as a prize for some future adventurer.

Or it may be that the buccaneers are only shipwrecked, and that one of the crew escapes with tho fragment of an old chart on which is marked the exact position of the buried treasure. The subject leaves plenty of play for the imagination, and, although often worked up in fiction, has always a kind of freshness about it, with a savor of truth and fact, for doubtless such a "hoard does somewhere exist, if we could only find the Year Round. AH kinds of ribbons for type writei can be found at this office tf JONES FOR FINE SOAPS. Wanted--Everybody patronize the Newark Feed and Sale Stable in rear of People's Bank. BERT CUSSIKGH Manager.

Free Soup. Free soup at C. A. Bi ber's restaurant on West Main street from 9 until 11 a every day. Lunch, sandwitches etc of all kinds at all hours dlw.

CLOSIMG OUT. Tlie Most Astonishing Medical Discovery ol the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the aa the Sweetest It is Safe and Harmless 23 12:3 Purest Milk. This wonderful Tservir.e Tonic Las only recently been introduced into this country by tlie Great Soi.ih American Medicine Compaay, and vet ita great value as a curative acrent bos long been, known by the native wants of South America, vTho rely upon its medicinal and ha completely solved the problem of the cure of inclurestaon, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and diseases of lie gencrd. Nervous System.

It also cures all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this Nervine Jjnic quaiiileo vihicli it anl by its great curative powers Coffee Cure for Ilorscs. The German naturalist, Martin, relates a case he recently met of a horse -which owed ita life to coffee. It was in such a bad way tbit it was consideie-l incura-1 ble, and the owner sold the animal for fifteen dollars. The animal was then almost a skeleton and so weak that it could hardly walk The man who bought the horse immediately began to treat it with coffee, giving infusions cf roasted coffee beans, and also coSee beans ground and mixed with honey.

In a short time the horse began to improve, and after a few months its new owner was offered for it. He told Herr Martin he had brought I round by the same same treatment many i horses which had been overworked or had lost their strength and Boston Globe. A Clever Cat. There is a large Maltese cat making its headquarters at the Seventh police precinct station that is bound to go on record as the smartest feline known. Like all other cats it delights in capturin sparrows, but unlike other cats it has never been known to let a bird get away that it made up its mind to catch.

Lieutenant Thompson is authority for the statement that the cat, perched on the cornice of the building, made a leap of twenty-two feet into a tree and caught a sparrow. The lieutenant has also watched the cat while bird catching aad has counted nine sparrows earned to a spot, and after the hunt was over devoured one by one. A peculiar trait of the cat is that there is but one man who reports at the station that sha will make friends with, and he is Patrolman Rowland. 'When he is on night duty the cat will for' him from the time he goes on duty until relieved the next morning. All the dogs in the Xewburg region have encountered the cat on several occasions, and when she is in sisrht tho canines take tho other side of the Press.

We have A few pieces Left from Our Holiday Goods Which we offer You at Wholesale prices. If you want Anything In the lir.e Come and get it At your own price. J. M. ICKES, Proprietor Johnson Drug Store.

upon the digestive organs, he stonfacb the liver and the bowels. Ko remedy compares this wonderfully valuable JServmc Tonic as a builder and. strengthener of the life iVoxr-s of the human body and as a great renewer of a broken down constitution. Is 5s of more real permanent value in tna treatment and cure of of the Lungs than any ten consumption remedies ever used oa this continent It is a marvelous cure for nervousness oi females of all Ladies, who are approaching the critical period known as change in sho-jlJ i.ot iLU to use this great Nervine Tonic constantly for the space of two or three years. It will carry their over the danger.

This great streagtheuer and curative is of inestimable value to the aged and infiim, because its great energizing properties witt give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to toe lives o4 many of tho-e vho will use half dozsa bottles of the remedy each year. Ladies Mackintoshes to order at oOdtf BOE EMERSON'S. JONES FOE CHOICE PERFUMES at SUe Es-i will save tho dvspcpiic from many days of misery. enable him to eat whatever bo ishcs.

Tiiey prevent Sick Headace, nse tbe food to assimilate and ncn ti body, give keen appetite, Develop Flesh and mnsrle. Elegantly coated. Price, per box. SOLD Sport wiili Beginners. They do like to sport with beginners on the stage.

An actor says that one evening he was playing in CM- cago a young ftllow went to his dressing room an intelligent and ambitious young follow, too, but awfully fresh-and said, "ilr. Burbedi presents his compliments and asks if you will kindly send him your bos of wrinkles." The actor kept a grave face and pretended to search among the materials on his makeup table before he replied: '-Tell Mr. Burbeck I'm sorry, but I'm all out of wrinkles. I'll have some more tomorrow." The n( genger went away, but was back in i minutes, just aa innocent as ever, ar.d said, "Mr. Burbeck says it's all right, but he would like to borrow the key of th York Recorder.

Now He Feels Bf-tter. A Woodward avenue man, who likes i his joke and his good hasn't been feeling well lately, pnd one day last week he went to see a physician. The doctor felt his pulse, looked at his' tongue and became thoughtful. "Um--er," he said, "do you eat before going to "Well, Anally." "Of you do. I was suro of that.

The tai-tons very evident. You'll to op it." "BiiHr. a-ke'l tbe patient quietly. Tho doctor became I'lought'v! again. "tj in rj "he- lid slowly: "about how miir'i do you eat, and abont how long i after it beiore you go t- "That d- pen-Is cviv.vhat, doctor," and the pat.ut.t lool-f serious.

"I usually eat three meals, and they are scattered along between 8 in the morning and 8 at Then the doctor made a few tropical remarks and said, "Two dollars, please." --Detroit Free Press. KEEP THE EE-T HARD AND SOFT COAL And all kinds of Coke for base- burners. Try our Gnadenhut- coal at $2 50 per ton. Be-rt in the city. No.

3. Cor. Canal and Second C'ts Dr. H. E.

Samson, POSITIVELY CUR! and rfervous Headache and Sick Headache, Female "Weakness, All Diseases of KeiTOux Chills, Paralysis, Nervous and JServois Choking Mot Flashes- Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Virus's Dance," -i -P of OM Neuralgia, Pains in tbe Hoart, Pains in. the Back, Failing Health. Ail iLe-o manr other Broken Debility of Old Age. ladigestioa and Dysptpsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tendernes? iu Stomaci, Loss Appetite, Dreams, in tte Eass, "VTeakness of Extremities and impure and Impoverished Blood, Boib and Cartuncles, Scrofula, Sxrofalous Spelling and "Olj 01 Oisurcptioa of the Lupgi If Urrh of the Lungs, luonoLitis arri Chronic Cougli, Liver Chronle Diairboea, und Scrofulous Children, Coirplair.t of Infants.

ci-icd Nervine Torue Iicipie'it Con-umptnn T-Oiit- i.c--;ul] Blood. uui i CT all Ft IP--Ol No Ii South Fourth NEWARK, OHIO. '--CALL AND SEE-NOAH AN --AGENT FOU Representing the leading Insurance Companies of the world. He is prepared to write gilt edge insurance on both farm and city" property at the lowest possible rates. Office No.

5i West Side Square. Ex Treas. v-u 7y Co. 1 tins 10 ly lias IjePii abla suil barmless in delicate individ- is I.eir, are Yvhcn there is an. Su)te of debility 01 SLtn-cd serves, lite Lir.

1 of'i'jod is snrplied, and r. As the lorces of tli9 perfect nutrition. 1- uf nutriment of -inl la'jov imposes Lai a nerve food bo r'ran ntinent has been out; of Vncn cerve tissue to all forms of aervcua irP I fc of xhc Society vs. "I ha-a i -outli Araeri- d'd tor meona 'i ot fro J-1 1 I havo foi twenty years on pn.u, horrible dreams, which has jndijtsttoii and dys- bv n. broken dovra avystcm But now I can tly as a baby, in 1 I (io not tbiak Tt neine introduced into ill at ail with as a.

care ior the SALE BY j. w. COLLINS.

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