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The Tribune from Hicksville, Ohio • Page 7

The Tribunei
Hicksville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TeSo A Single Remedy Of tea Cum Many BT VALENTIN'S MOTT, 1L 0, It la almost foipossibV to jiva a bat the endleaa dmn that foHow inditwiioT Perhaps a who cohra. fa this irn per woald required to print them id You eat to keep aliva-to tupply blood and flesh and hone and tnuacle and brain It I. ear to tea that tf your food ia not 41- by the delicata or-fa and distributed where it needed, a disease of aome aort (a rare to come. rw pep'ta la a common symptom, and ao are liver complaint, loaa of flesh, nervoumeaa, bed memory, dirtiness, sleeplessness, nc appetite. Many tinea, when neglected.

results hi cough, throat disease, catarrh, bronchitia and even more danced CI tni the d'- ark. because the food i. not properly digested "I a Plain even to a thl'SLg condition ii the stomach. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, combined a number of vegetable growtha into a temperance nxH "4 called it Oolden Medical Discovery.

It I. probably the moat efficacious discovery made in mcmnne. lor the list of people all ormi the world who have had their countless ill overcome by Dr. Pierce. Golden Medical Inscnvcry makes an amazing total of thou-sand.

I know of no advice better than this Hepm a home treatment today with tlm good vegetable medicine. It will show you better than I ran tell vou what it will do. When taking Oolden Medical Discovery, you ran rent a mm red of one very important thing-it nnntain neither alcohol nor opiatea. There ia nothing in (t but standard mote and hcrba that possess curative pmpertira of a high order. A aafe medicine ia the only kind yen can alTnrd to take.

HADN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT But Young Husband 8hould Have Known That All Jewela Require Some Kind of Setting. Thorp wns trotililo In the Smngtry household. Mother had been to visit bor aon mid lil wife nnd hnd found thlnga bit strained between them. "Can't thoy agree?" asked father angrily marching up mid flown the room In his limitation. "I'm nfrnltl not," said mother sadly, hut not nt nil surprised thnt (he glH her son hnd chosen bad turned out to bp the wrong one after nil.

seeing thnt thp boy would take no ndvlee on the mutter. "Hut when he first married her he railed her his Jewel," went on father. "So hp did," said mother with a snllT; "lint he discovered Inter he couldn't ulTord thu kind of Retting; she denintuleil." OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. County fifty! Your cold In head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos.

trlls will open, the air passages of your bond will clcnr nnd you can brenthe fnt-lf. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous dlRchnrge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath nt night (let a small bottle of Kly'a Cronm Balm from your druggist nnd npply a Utile of this frnjjrr.r.t nntlseptie cream In your nostrils. It penetrates ever- air pasangp of the bend, sootbtnc nnd healing the swollen or Infliimeil mucous membrane, giving you Instant relief. Head colds nnd catsrrh yield like magic. Pon't stay sttiffcd-up and mlsei-iible.

Belief Is sure. Adv Thotioht Vowels Were Olrda. iCxaiiiiner Well, my pooc yni tell me whnt vowels lire? First Boy Vowll aiirr Es, or course I can. FvamliierTell mo, then, what lire Vowels? First Boy (grinning nt the simplicity of the question) Vowls zur! Why. vowls be mnl Home.

rare blood is essential to Good ITMUh. GarfirM Tra dispels impurities, the ostein snd crndirsto lipne. Adv. Emergency proves no nation great er I linn Its farmers. FRANTIC WITH PAIN Lonj Suffering From Trouble Bore Than Wordi Can Describe.

Doai's Brought Bulla and Happiness. fm. Anns Thoron, 2W South Stiunfnrd, says: "I U.uln nm more strength a rhiM, nnd sftei sB-ivpine niv hek nurt mc more ni more. Mv heitil i hes were bud it sermrd a thoairli my were Is-inu torn into shreils nnd I would tinnlly lose track of everything nd lie in a stupor (nr haum. I fell I hm to krop trriinR or krpt up oftfTi when I trrmliled sll over wrth wrsktwus.

My feel were ewolleii and vf-rv KntM in Vriv Ja-S Yet 1' bodv to ache. Hts.Taafse Mv ot al.Tot as ea piece ot wid and the knuckles swcllod. The kidrx-y accretioos were dsrk enkired. aod U-mlilv biimina. I saflerrd more thsti word run d-srrdsv I tiruilly becsn asinp Vnan'i AHn'v and I believe with all suv heart that thev kept snr nu I nf the grave.

I am wrU and hviv sfer gotna thronrh enonrh p-i to lirw me frantir aN'a ssved mv life ff'ora If) hrfttrc me Jfh dK 0 rpl, lf.5. IIKNJAMIV AYRFS. Xotarn PvbUc. Tm'i a Aar It, ant a DOAN'S VAIV FOSTFJi MILBimN CO, HVTTKLO. N.

Y. cn With nig Wanted toaetl Rawleigh'i Products. Fatah sWhed demand. Large protita, healthy pleasant, permanent Give wr, occu rarion. reference.

W. T. KV, LFK.K Department WUN. Frecport, III. Heal Itching Skins Yith Cuticura Old Folk's Witt ha t'id premlHtr kf PitoV ttm Itirost tltk rritrvtm Irritalesi The r1 antra, by stare tha tft? fasra A Is IP-DS5 i OF GOOD DESIGN Exceptional In Appearance and Interior Arrangement SLOOR PLAN liS ATTRACTIVE Design May Eaally Be Changed to Suit Exposure of Houm or to Conform to Idea of Bulller Convenient and Cozy.

By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Mr. William A. Radford will answer kueettone and glva advtca b'HKK OF COST on ail subjects pertaining to the Subject of bulMlng.

for tne reajera of thla 4er. On account of hla wlda experience as Kdltor, Author and Manufacturer, ha la, without doubt, tha highest authority an all these subjects. Address all Inqulrlea to William A. Had ford. No, UCT Pralrla avenue, Chicago, and only ondo thraa-cant stamp for reply.

frsutuptlon of bullillng nt once, therefore, Is Import nnt, as the demand now Is greater than the supply nnd the Labor Saving. A novel device widen feeds tacka Into position to be driven by a hammer la equlped with claws to draw carpet or anything that Is to be. fas-teaed fight. Xef Heavenly Program. Aunt Culllc wna a very religion egm woman of the aliouilng variety.

She wnn lell'ng the children hIkioI acHven. and hat she ei-ctcd to do hen she got tliore. "When I glt dnr. sx-nevs. I glo 'nka a rrumi fireplace, another Important bungalow feature, and on either aide or it are low bookcases, with window above.

Opening off the UvltiE room through wide apace between colonnades, la the dining room, also of good alio end equally attractive In Ita arrangement. The room la 14 by 11 feet, with an alcove 4 by BH feet, the end wall of which Is formed by windows. How attractive this nook may be tnnde can be Imagined by the woman with artistic tastes. Between the alcove and the wall at the rear of the dining room Is a sent with windows abov. The kitchen, the workroom of the home.

Is designed with a view to effi ciency. It Is 12 by 10 feet, but a large pnntry. 6 by 6 feet adds to Its con venience. In the latler Is a work table, five shelves, and space for the Ice box, the lntter hnvlug an opening to the back porch so that It may be teed without coming Indoors, The basement stairs oppn off one corner of the kitchen. A T-shnped hnll connects the dining room and the two bedrooms.

The front bedroom Is 10H by 13 fpet and has two windows opening to the terrace snd ont at the side, nllowlng for exceltent ventilation. The rear bedroom has Bungalows have had an Increasing 1 similar windows, but Is slightly larger popularity among home builders dur- i than the front room, being 14H by 10 Ing the lust few years. Now, when Ihere will be a Inrgo number of now homes planned and started thronchout the country, they will be exceedingly popular, for the one good reason that owner gets more for his money in (hi style of architecture than la the older type of two-story houses. Of course, there are bnngnows and bnngnlows. Whether they be homes of la few as three rooms or those containing na many as ten, or even more, they are hiinpilow Just the same.

The ord to most minds, however, menus a mall, conveniently nrrauptl bonse of four or live Moms, six at the most, all )n tho one floor. Homo building hns been nt a str.nd-till during the last couple of years, ind tho time has coitip when finding plneo In which to live In almost every community Is rousltleralile of a tusk, and an expensive proposition, too. Itents have advanced, nnd because of the Inw of supply nnd demand nre rnpldly being further Increased. Tho feet. Between Is nn unusually large bathroom for this sle house.

Much Closet Space. Closet space always Is a feature thnt napciils to the liotisckepppr. In this bungalow. It will be noticed, are three large closets, one off the living room and one off each of the bedrooms. The bathroom, too, hns considerable space thnt can be so used.

In the hands of nn cxpprleneed builder, this design may be changed to suit the exposure of the house, or to suit ousp. or Jo ault the Idpns of the owner, It lll be an ensy matter or the bedrooms nnd bath nml dining rooms nnd kitchen. If the bungnlnw should face so this arrange ment would be more desirable. or either city, town or country, a bungalow of this type will bo found to make a comfortable home, ons thnt will grow on the owner the longpr he lives In It. liow cor.y will be the llv Ing room with the open fire In tho win ter, and how much comfort can be do rived from thp terrnce In tho summer enn enslly he Imagined A bungalow home, built from this "nVl Kitchen i mh 6ED.KR I lm 1 1 I it Hi'xIO' PmngRm.

HTgjg PI Living Rm. cT BedRm. 1 f-lS 19' -L IM'" 1 i M- --J5-o- 4-4 i i E. 1 i 1 A- jr. Floor Plan A -yaw ii-iiant will Hml paying sent an inereas-Ing tax on his Inivme, while at the time he Is luruiuulatlng nothing for this extraordinary expenillliire 1 ut hunch of rent receipt.

Bungalow 6olvea Problem. The bungalow goes fur toward solv-ng the problem of Inline fur tho mail family of limited means. But, Is most Importunt, bungalow Is doth comfortable aud nttractlve home. Thp nci-onipanylng lllustrntlon shows I'Xeeptlonal bungalow, bofli from exterior nppoiiruuce and Interior arrangement. In bullillng hoinp, a plncp whero one will live for a considerable number of years.

Its exterior appenrance Is Im portant. How will It lit in wltli tbe ulier homes on the street, or how will It lend Itself to Its surroundings? Cnn It be made an outstanding home, one 'hat will be a source of pride to Its jwnerT The Illustration answers both of these questions In favor of this bun galow. It la artistic without being glnger-brendy It Is comfortable appearing and la susceptible to having Its attractivenp enhanced by flower beds nnd flower boxes. The bungalow Is 35 by S2 feet. The terrace extends across 30 feet of the frontnge nnd Is 7 feet deep.

The slight arch In the r-mf over the front entrance door breaks the straight roof line, adding to the attractiveness of (he bulldltie. A floor plan of thla bungalow also Is shown In the Illustration and a study nf It will bring out many poln.a of Interest to those who nre considering what type of home they will build. Living Room la Large. The front entrance door open Into the living room, the room thnt makes a bungnlnw asich a favorite. This room Is 19 by 13 feet, nn exceptionally good md being too large to detract from the Idea of cosiness nnd not small thnt there Is a feeling of being shut In.

At one erne Is an open Vfc a design will meet the needs of the fam ily thnt wants a pretty, comfortable. convenient house one thnt will not be very costly to build. And when It Is finished nnd the owner ha moved In the family will feel Justifiably nf their new bungalow home "a home of our own." A Plaeidist. The mop dangled In the bucket on the Jialfwaslietl floor, the pantry shelves wero dismantled, the luncheon dishes reposed In the sink. T1ip little bride, who had been to market, rushed Into the kitchen to begin dinner.

John's folks were coming on their first visit of Inspection. There the new maid sat aimlessly thrusting nedlo In nnd out of piece of cloth. "I'm rryln" out my style of sewln'. she drawled. Camels In War.

Camels In war nre stationed among clnmps of sondn trees, with spv monnted on camera neck. This the safest place, for the camel, standing with only his head nbnve the trees, looks like bit of the foliage In the dlstsnee. Camels nre Rood fur de-ert wnrfnrc, because they cnn go wit bout water so long nnd cnn enslly enrry loads weighing from 400 to Selected. Tall Order. Mrs.

Fnrpurse "Yon point pictures order don'l you?" Croat Artist "Yea. madnme." Mrs, Fntpurse "Well, I want a landscape, with lota of deer, nnd ducks, nnd quail, nnd reed birds entile, pigs nnd so on, you know nnd put a lake nnd nn ocean In fresh and suit water, yon know, and be aura to have plenty nf fish swimming around. Iieeause It's for the dining room." Possibly Ha Had. A atrnnge bequest wna thnt of Jnbe flolllster. nn KncMslitnati.

who left a x-t of nlhiif msa toothpicks to hla sons "In order that they uilght never have occasion to sit In a deiillsCa chntr." angel pwlne gimme, an' put It on my head. Pen I gwlne git out my III' ole liahp an' piny some of dem heben chimes on It. Pen I gwlne sired my III' white wttiga an' fly fum cherry Iteam to cherry beam." Cooling Air In Mines. To cool the air fur under grotjtm. nnd thereliy permit the miners to work longer ahl'ts, the owners of a Furo-pean conl nilne eotnpreaa air at tha surface of the ground and phs? It through the wt-fctafa.

TttE HICKSVlXLF. TRlBUNfc. HICKSYITXK 0H7O MriQMLl QP1TA1 AFFAIRS Big Building for Ten Million Questionnaires ASH1NGTON. Doubtless a rood mnny of the ten million Americans who gave Uncle Sam their names anl addresses when He called for fighting men have often wondered nnd still are wondering whnt became or Is to become WHY THEY ifj-JL lKF.Pr mWtH fCW rr A JLinSM i KNATOH CHAMBERLAIN of Oregon rcccntl For Instance, r. annsa In the senate hleh confers tiMn ill" prpsldei to trenspnse (( i I rnnk during the great recently wnr.

Senator Frellngliuysen of New Jeesey, of the military affairs commlt- top, speaking ngulnst the bill, salil some Interesting things about the office of general. lie said, among other things: "Klrst, Mr. Bresldent, I wish to point out to the senate the fact thnt In the entire history of our country tho high rank of general hns been only four times conferred, and In oneh In stance for distinguished servlcps and of their questionnaires. For there was a whole lot In those documents In addition to mere statements of name, address and age. Of course, some of the younger fellows didn't have any Intimate family and financial secrets to reveal.

About all they had to sny was that the name was John Doe and thnt the address was so-and-so nnd that they waived exemption nnd thnt their next of kin wm mother, at the same address. But lots of the older men hnd to put things In the documents which they would not like to have printed on the first page of the home-town newspaper. There Is a lot of difference he- tween talking to Vncle Sam In confidence and talking for publication. So naturally they have wondered what t'nele Sam was going to do with those Questionnaires. It hns now been practically decided that these questionnaires shnll De preserved In a building of their own nt Washington barracks.

It will require a building with 270,000 square foot to house thpm so that thpy will be accessible. They must be properly arranged so thnt parh questionnaire can be found nnd examined In case the necessity nrlses. Of course they will not be available to the merely curious. In fact very few government officials will huve the authority to examine them. Rank of General of Army Is Held in High Honor Introduced by request hill out blanket authority to nppolnt nant generals, not named, who i vi- V.VJ V).

1 5W4 conspicuous gallantry In netnal warfare. To wnshlngton, to t.rnnl. to Mior-mnn, nnd finally to Sheridan, m-d to no othprs, was this suprpnie distortion conferred. In the case of Washington, the rank was fixed by direct vole of the Continental congress, In 177S, at the beginning of the Itevolution. After his retirement from the presldpncy, when war with France threatened.

In 17US and 17519. he was placed at the head of the army, but wus given the rnnk of lieutenant general. "By special act of congress In ISOC the grades of general and lieutenant general were recreated for the role benefit of Grant nnd Sherman. By reason of Grant's elevation to the presidency, the office of general was vacated, nnd he nominated Shermnn ns his successor In 1SC0. "Congress in 1888 created the dormant rank anew In order that Sheridan, then lieutenant general, might be given the higher honor while he still lived, for he was then upon his Congress has never held thp honor cheaply, nnd has always preserved the right to confer It by special net.

It will be observed that, except In the case of Washington, this high honor Was not conferred during hostilities nor Immediately following the close thereof. As a rule, congress has acted only after a sufficient lapse of time to permit the exercise of a cnlm nnd deliberate Judgment, preceded by adequate Inquiry and uninfluenced by public clamor." Bravery in 1868 Is Now Rewarded by Uqcle Sam LKANPKR IIKRKON of St. rani. has Just won a congrpsslonnl gold medal for bravery In 1 SOS. The Indians nlong the Snntit Fp trail were on the warpath, several thousand from a dozen different tribes having decided to run the pale face out of the country.

They bad put the stage IIiipr out of buslnoss nnd pony express riding had to be done nt Herrnn, now seventy years old, was corporal of Company Third United States Infantry. On the night of September 2, lSiW, Ilerron and Trooper I'nddy ljnylo were carrying government dispatches from Fort Podge to Fort Lamed, 75 miles to the east. They cnme upon a United Stales wagon train being attacked by Intllnns. Taking tho Indians by sur prise from behind the two troopers cut their way through to the train. The train proved to have only four soldiers with It the horses had bepn killed, nnd the soldiers were all wounded.

lb-fore Ilerron nnd Boyle had been five minutes nt the wagons the Indians mndp another charge, which was repulsed with difficulty. Trm per Boyle volunteered to break through the line under cover of dark-niss. nolher band of what the soldiers thought to be Indians, dressed In white. cnme up ns dawn broke. The rest of the story Is told In Ilerron 's own words; "Before we could fire, we heard tall In Kngtlsh: 'Pon't To our delight we recognized Buddy Boyle.

The savages had now broken and wore fleeing neross the prairie. What kind of a uniform do you cnll I asked Baddy. 'Well, the boys were asleep when 1 reached the he answered. 'They didn't take time to tlress. They haven't got anything on but their under clothes." Princes' Islands Prisons of Historic Personages THK National Congniphlc society, from Its Washington hondiinarters, bus Issued bulletin concerning the Princes' Islands, In the sea of Slannora.

where the warring factions of Kussln have been asked to send delegates for conference nt which It Is hoped the In ternal dissensions In the vast Slav dominions can be composed. The bulletin says, among other things: "The nine Islands He from 10 to 1.1 miles southeast of Constantinople, nenr the Aslntlc shore. Few Islands have a history more poignant with tragedy. Their very name Is significant of their past, for In the days of the By7anllnp empire they were the retreats, either forced or voluntary, of princes snd princesses who had fallen 1 tc'-J Into disfavor nt the nenr-hy court. Trott wns the prison of the deposed emperor, Bomnniis IV, called Plogenes.

Ho was a distinguished young soldier descended from a Cnppndoolan family, llnvlng been Implicated In a con spiracy to depose bis sovereign, Constantino IX, he was condemned to be executed for treason. While being led to his denlh, according to one nccnuut, ho caught the eye of the empress regent, Kuilocla Mncromholitlssn, who Instnntly fell In love with him, granted him a pardon and shortly thereafter married him. After his coronal Ion ns emperor he led three successful expeill-tlons ngalnst the Selluk Turks, hut bis fourth tntnpnlgn, ngulnar Alp Arslan, was a disastrous fnllure. Compelled to pny a large ransom for his rclenso. Itomaniis rvfiirnrd home to be defeated lit the hands of a pretenler to tha) throne.

Blinded, he spent his few remaining days of abject misery imprisoned In mnnnstcry on the highest point of I'Mtl. "In Brlnklpo, Kmpress Irene I wns Imprisoned for a time. A poor but beantlful orphan of Athens, Irene mnrrled Emperor loo IV and soon beotimo the true ruler of the Byanntlne empire. Upon the death of her husband assumed the reins of government for her ten-year-old son, Constantino VI. Transportation Department Urged on Congress CBKATION ot a deportment of transportation not only to supervise the mil-roads bnt to develop transportation by water and aircraft Is to lie ured upon congress In settling the railroad question.

With the Increased cost of rail transportation the connL-y la ba. ginning to wake op to the necessity of the utilization and further development of water transportation nnd Ita co-ordination with the railroad ays-terns ns a menna of reducing freight costs. The United has no system of water transportation comparable with thnt of Europe because the railroads have been permitted systi mntlc-ally to throttle wiitec competition, Embus-tails have pleaded for yoora for the development nf wnter commerce as a Justification for the development of waterways. They believe they see now nn opportunity to achieve ft M'tbtiliflc developtjefit of waterways If congress gives heed to the pint to cutb tha capacity of the full roods and readjust rail rates so na to permit the dlvrtion Of heavy freight to water bunts. The recent river and harbors congress declared: "The Inli rslnte commerce commission should hnve etiinrcol Jntiw'lctloc aver rail rates and over water rates tnder such tnnndnsvry tertr.s of nvr na (hnll ccr.irsd the commission so fo adjut the rates by mil by ns to tntibk boat tinea to earn a fair profit and to coexist wiUi rvtlnve n-ll i one of tlx- mast Ip porinnt i n.Kocl t.

LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers DvVsnt hurt a bit! Drop a little Freezone on nn aching corn, Instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, magic I A tiny bottle of Freefone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but Is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Freesone Is the sensational discovery Of a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful. STYLES IN NAMES CHANGE The Bible Would Seem to Be No Longer a Source of Feminine Nomenclature.

Fashions change In feminine nomenclature ns well ns In other affnlrs, the Manchester Guardian remarks. In one corner of Lancashire, nt any rale. Sarah a generntlnn ago was probablv the most common Christian name for girl. It was more aften than not linked wllh a soeniul. the two In prv inundation nlwnVs being run Into sneli fearful compounds ns "S'r'ntin, "S'r'annah," "S'r'ellen." These were the days before the decline of III" Snnilav school, nnd most of the chil dren bore the Old Testament Impress.

One aunt, we remember, labored the burden of Kerenliappueh another Jemima. Then there whs ltntli. Uiitinah, Naomi Ann. Abigail nnd the more common Mailliit and Pcbornh. There has been growth In popularity of the elienn novelist, and we nowa days find tbe old Biblical appellation'" ousted by Irene, Klleen, Arnhelln, 'ii- Ihln, Iris, Ida, Lavliiln and Ursula.

FREE INFORMATION FOR HOMESEEKERS. The U. S. Railroad Administration assembled information n-ganling farm opportunities in the several states, and will liimith it to honieseekcrs free on request. The work will be done through the newly established hoiuecckcro' bureau, headquarters in Washington.

"We are receiving nl-out l.nno letter a week from persons who wish to engage in farminu," fiiid J. L. Kdwaids, manager of the Agricultural Section of the Railroad Administration. "The inquiries come from even- stnle, asking about agricultural advantages in undeveloped territory. We famish dependable (lata, and through our service many investors" have been able to lind just what they were looking for.

"Our information is put out in form of illustrated booklets, by states, sent to those sufficiently interested to write and tell us what kind of a farm project they have In mind, and naming the state the opportunities in which they desire to investigate. Ilomeseekers can find in the United States productive land nt reasonable prices nnd on liberal terms, first-class markets, rscellcnt transportation facilities, a satisfactory climate, and ideal living conditions. Now that the war is over, I leak for a revival of farm development beyond that of nnv pre-war period." Cor-rrspondenee from homeeckers is solicited. Address. Room 200rt.

llimieseckei-s' Bureau, U. S. Railroad Administration, Washing-ton. D. The Trot Flnnnlgan (listening to new jnr.z record) Whnt kind Iv music do ye call that, Nornb? Pauglitei Thai's fox trot, daddy.

Flaiiiiignii- An' how many tin cans did tb' fox have tied to bis tail when lie 111 rot ted? -Buffalo F.xpress. Freshen a Heavy Skin With the nntlseptle, fascinating curn Talcum Powder, en exquisitely scenteo convenient, economical face. Rkln. baby nnd dusting powder nnd perfume. Renders other perfutnes superfluous.

One of the Cuticura Toilet I Trio (Soap. Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Testing the Theory. "No man wants to be too hard on his children's follies." "Then.

sir. If votir marries pie, will you make sumo allowance f. -r her?" A tnrplil liver crnitlilnn prrvrnls pmni-r f--i! SMttnilntlnn. Tono up yi ur llvr with innn pg-'inDlo I'll! 1-nllv tnd siiri-ly. Adv.

Thi set It Is impossible to suppress the man who thinks lie can tell funny story, Garfield Tin, taken regularly, will cop- fxat brth liver rn ili-nrders. Adv. i After nil. probe simply locates the sbot In the wound. vm illiiiisina' sf a.

r-- WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN TVhea you're fifty, your bedr bejina to eresk a little at the hinfee. Motion is more slow and deliberate. "Not so youns as 1 used to be" is a frequent and unwelcome thought. Certain bodily functions upoa which good health snd good spirits ao much depend, are impaired. The weik spot is trnerally the bladder.

Unpleasant symptoms show themselves. Painful and annoying complications in other organs arise. This is particularly true with el-derlv people. If you only know how, thia trouble can be obviated. Far over yti yesrs GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the in convenience and pin due to sdvaneinp ii is a stanuani, out time home remedy, and needs no in trod net inn.

It is now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules. These are easier snd more pleasant to take than the oil in bottles. Each eansule contains shout on Hns nf five drops. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow' of water They aoiik into the system and throw of! the poisons which are making you old before your time. They will quickly relieve Important to Wothera Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOU1A, thnt famous old remedy tor Infanta and children, nnd sec thut It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Mi ears.

Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Getting Bored. Knleker What wero you wondering? Bocker When trillions will come In stylp. Good health cannot be maintained where there is a constipated habit. Garfield Tea overcomes constipation. Adv.

I run 1 tM'KM il inn nil en int-itriy 111 demonstrate Its existence. A WEAK BODY those stiffened Joints, that backaehe, rhe mrtisra, lumbago, sciatica, nil stones, (Travel, "brick dust," etc. They are aa effective remedy for all disessr of I be bladder, kidney, liver, stomach aud allied organs. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cansulea cteiQse the kidneys and purify the blood. iney frequently ward oil attacks of the dangerous and fatal diseases of the kidneys.

They have a beneficial effect, and often completely cure the discuses of Hie bodily organs, allied with tht bliiMrr snd kidneys. If yon are troubled with soreness nrtos the loins or with "simple" aches snd (tains in the back tnke warning, it may be the preliminary indications ot some drmlful malady which ran be warded ell or cured ii taken in time. Ga vonr druggist todav and gt a box of GOLD MFPAL Haarlrm Oil Capsules. Money refunded if thev do not help vou. Three sites.

GOLD MKPAL are the pure, original imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. Accept No Substitutes. Adv. COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loathsome disease from runnlns; throiiKh your stable and cure all the colts suflVrlnn with ft whrn you hesrin the treatment. No matter how younK.

SPOHVS rOKI'III'MI Is safe to us on any colt It Is wontlrrful how It prevents all distempers, no matter how the colts or horses at sny aire are "exposed." MWIIW la aold hy your rimed! BPOII MEOItAL CO, Sole GMhra. lad. Washington Portrait Prized. A 'portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart was sold for at public auction In New York to a firm of nrt dealers nt the first sale of early American portrait held In this country. The sale was under the auspices of the American Art association.

The portrait was from the collection of Thomas II. Clarke, which comprises pictures and brought a total of The Washington iiortmll three years ago was sold for JJ.t,rm. Not Susceptible to Experiment. "Now everything bus Its use," explained the guy1 who knows pretty nearly everything nnd knows It. "Take poison, for example "Kxciisp me!" said his long-suffering friend, ns he started to leave.

"You cnn take It yourself. If yon want to, but you can't work your experiments out on me." Kxi hange. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half nt of water add 1 et. Ba.v Hum, a small boa of Rnrbo Compound, and 14 OS.

of glycerine. Any druvgist can put this up or you mix it st home at very little cost. Full directions making and use come In each box of irbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hnlr, and make it soft nnd glrssy. It will not color be scalp, is not sticky ot greasy, and does not rub off.

Ad Spirited Meeting. "1 attended a seance lal night." "Any spirits raised?" "Yes; a reporter present exhibited It spirit of Investigation, and this raised spirit of resent menl." Boston F.venltig Transcript. Why tint msev botllrs nt ettisr Vermt-fares, when on bntllc of Dr lVery's "IVsd Shot" will act surtlr sni promptly' Adv. The silver lining to many clouds Is nothing but moonshine. "Out of Torment and Misery to Comfort" Hendache Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Grippe Stiff Neck Joint Pains "Proved safe by millions" Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water.

If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders! 20 cent Raver packages also larger Buyer packages. Buy Bayer parkdgea only Get original packages. Bauer -Tablets nr. OF a a inn Horn of Plontir ft, The Bayer Crosswori Genuine Tablets Aspirin Is the trade nark of Manufacture of MonoaeeliciciJester of 'nHcyllcacid ,1 7W I VAAsaltsJWSist SIlS! Ak arc sure to remain, pnee of land is much below its value.

lani csnab'o of yielding 20 to 45 bush of wheat to tho aero can bo had on asy terms nt from $15 to $30 per Minv irms pnid for from a sinffle yenr's crop. calllr, sh-s-p and linr- bnniricoii.ilsucccs. Thclioven.n-cnt luriiMnH auu sunn raisin), nauway Bnu Land Coi-ipanies oflrr unusual Inducemvnii to Home Seekers, pnrrns may oc stocked hy loans al niniVralc inlpir-st. Vi.M esiem cannoa olli'rs lew tax.itinn. eood mnrketa and shiD- plnii; (tre schools, churches and hcjlihful climate.

ii'kXjMCSyJM F-s-lrlitilif as i rrirM r-llway nm. kntm i4 hM, lain-Ljk jtfsy eHyjmj filF tratal liuralurs. noli to Son. of Ulltwa, of aw. oTTBB- SVA-Tars niuiiitn t'i-rnin-ni Ag-nis Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations Mrs.

Etta Dorion, of Ogdenshurg, WUn says: 1 1 uffered from female troubles -vhlch caused piercing Mini like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my strength to I bad to go to bed. The octor advised an operation but 1 would not listen'to It. I though', of what I had read about Lydia E. Ilnkham'i VegeUble Comp und and tried It The Orst bottle brought great relief and six bottlei have entirely cured tne.

All women who have female trouble of any kind ahould try Lydia t. l'lnkham'i VegeUble Compound." How Mr. Boyd Avoided an Opsration. Ctinton, Ohio. "I suffpred from ft emle trouble which caused me much aimering.

an two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before 1 could get welL mnfhr.v wkft VmA Wnn. V.U.J V. -ll. T- ni.t imo ti ut IJ-M UJ tJMim I III- nam a vegetanie uomnouna, aavisea me to try it before tubmitting to an operation. It relieved me from my trouble so 1 can do my house work wfchout any ouncuiiT.

i aavise sny womnu wno is anilcted wit female troubles to give Lydia E.Pinkhnm's Vera- i table Compound trial and it will do aa much for Mrt. Uajux Boyd, 1421 6th Bt, V. 2-, Canton, Ohio. pV juvenj oicft v.oman onou A YT r'V' i i AW Am VEGEmBIE Before Submitting To An Operatiotff OTDta rPTNKM AH MCDIC.MC CO. tVOII.MAf (..

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