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The Tribune from Hicksville, Ohio • Page 5

The Tribunei
Hicksville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Local News DR. 0. AFPLEQATE, DENTIST, Room 209 Amerl. can Building, phone Main 440. Boll.) Leather Work Rhoen, 12 IB Maxwell Hi on.

l-ast up ml first down, work shirt II no nl Msxwcll ltms. nf Wnll Paper lHlrymili, that's nil. You know the rest. 4j(f Mia. Dave Saunders was cnlled to lint lor Inst week by (he Illness of sister.

Nothing given' live mock no Rood an appetite nil Salvet. you enn get It 11 Mnpi'H a co. Olho Ilnrrtnann nnd son Master Henry of Antwerp were Hlcksvllle visitors Tuesday. Charley Curio of 81. Joo visited fiimi Knlurday until Monday with hi mint Mrs.

Kvorcti Muvln knd family. Mrit. Orrln Komerer In In receipt o( word i hat her huHlmml has landed on tlic home shores from Kurtip nml will HiHin he homo, Mm. Lulu Chirk of Toledo who wan guest or her mother, Mih. Melissa oon, I I last I'rlilay for l.elpslc to with her slsior, Mrs.

L. o. l'urns worth nml fnmlly. A fnrnior'n wire hurryliiR from milking tho rows to tho kitchen, from tln kitchen lo tln churn, from tho churn to tho woodshed nml buck to (he kitchen stove, was asked If she. want-nl to volo, She vi'himi'itly replied: No, I ecrlnlnly do not, I any now, If (here's om llllli' iIiIiik thnt tho men folks enn do alone for heaven's snke lot 'inn do It," AJ TT Solid Leather Work Shoes.

5 2K Naiwell J9tf Last Bp and tntt down, -work shirts 11 00 at MatWall Brti. 4Hf Wsll raper, choicest tntlera, prWs right at Dalrymple's. 42U One Drop Corn Remedy uU m. No better made. Hoffman's Prof "tore.

S2tt William Lewis, Murk towship anl-dler Ind arrived hntre from overseas fflSt week. Curlnln goods ranging In price from 12o to 4(c Hr yard Swisher Unltershcll's. 41(1 Tho Musscll Cnhlll blood hound wns railed to Kdgorton, Tuesday nnirnlnK some robbery ensc. Pse Rnlvct for yoilr live stock If you want tliu nnlmnlii bi'nlthy nnd sleek. Cot tt of Mnpea ft Co.

3014 Mr. nnd Mrs. Itolnnd Walters nml fnmlly hnve movi'd from town to (he 1(. II. Mclli'iiry farm on Mlirord Komi Kstell Haskell, niuilhi'r nno of lllcksvillo's soldier hoys returned from tmlnliiK nt Cninp Tnylor last week.

Mrn. Clnri'ni'o (illlwrt received word l(tsl Krldny of tlic ilniili of hIhIit Inlaw, Mrn. ('. ItoliortN, of nnir Kil gi'rton. Ilonvy nil an vIkIiimI tlitN lornllty IhkI I'rlilny iiIkIiI nnd Hnlurdny, not-HIiiK tho Kroiind nnd dolliR IliUrh Koo.l lo win-lit nnd Krivn.

Mr. I.llllo IVMIt li-n Satuiilay for t'h'vo, Hi In nlnto, ni-nr t'lnrlnnatl. kIii'I'o alio ill do Uod t'lona miraliiK for roupto of wrekn. John TronaliT nnd family havo movod from Mlirord townxhlp to Mark Inwnxhip. on I lie llanna linia, iholr mall koIiik thmiiKh Mark Conli'i'.

family or whom nom of 1 1 nii'mlii'tit nii HiibKcrlborn lo lu'Wn pnprr will mil pay mint to hnvp nn olillunry or lliolr lowd oit piihllNhi'd In liH'iiini linn, why nholild lliii prtnlorn rwni llivlr tlnio nml iiH'ium iIoIiik It for mnliliiKT Clinrter No. 680J. Itoni'ivo Itlntrli'l No. 4 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE HICKSVILLE NATIONAL BANK At lllokKVllli', In tho Stato of Ohio, nt the tlonr of Miurh lU'ISOUUCI Itonitn nnd iIIhooiiiiIh fiB Ovi'idraftn, uiiHi'curod rS.2ft U. 8, Dondi to nocure clrrulnllon (pnr value) 211,000.00 II.

S. bonds nnd cortlfli-nton of indi'lilodm'nN owned nnd tinplt'ilKoil M.riOO.OO 70.ri0n.on Liberty llondn, 4, nnd 44 per cent, unpledKi'd O.triO.OO riondu nnd necurltlPR pledged no collateral for ntalo or othpr deponlti (pontixl excluded) or bills pnynblo 4,000.00 Securities othnr than U. 8. bonds (not Including MiM'ks) ownvd nnd unpleilKi'd 21.7S2.47 Total bonds, securities, oilier than V. 8.

2S.782.47 Block of Federal Reserve Itnnk (50 per cent of cubncrlption 1 ,500.00 Value of bnnktng bouse 7,000.00 Kqulty In banking house 7,000.00 Lawful roHorve with Federal Reserve Hank 25,479.31 Cash In vault and net amount due from national banks 125.955.47 Checks on othnr bnnks In the snmo city or town ns reporting bank 1.172.05 Total of Items 127.127.52 Redemption fund with U. 8. Trensttrer and due from V. 8. Treasurer 1,250.00 Interest earned hut not rollerled -approximate on Notes nnd Hills Receivable not past due 1.179.95 War Snvtngs Certlflcntes nnd Thrift Rtnmps actually owned 509.25 Amount due on Fourth Liberty Loan Ilonds 533.62 TOTAI $.111,597.07 MABILlTlKa Cnpltnl slock paid In 25,000.00 Bnrplus fund 25,000.00 Vndlvliled profits Less rttrrent expenses, Inlerent, nnd luxes 2.617.

26 15,997.45 Interest nnd discount collei'led or credited. In ndvnncn of tnaluilty nnd not eiiined (np- proxhnnle) 34. Rl Circulating notes outstanding 25,000.00 Certified cheeks outstanding 10.30 Total of llems 10.30 Individual deposits subject lo cheek 113,632.22 Certlflcntes of deposit, due In less than 30 days (oilier than for money borrowed) 235,241.17 Btnte, county or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of nssels of this bank 4,556.12 Mvldends unpaid 125.00 Tola) demand deposits (olber limn bank deposits) subject lo Reserve 353,554 51 TOTAL 1 11.597.07 Btate of Ohio, County of Defiance, ss: 1, A. D. Booth, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

A. B. BOOTH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 17th day of March, 1919. CI 1.

WILSON, Notary Public Correct Attest: Wm. Miller, O. P. l4'ViiiRlon, II. M.

Ilarlnler. Directors. 5y There, won't be enough Fordson Tractors to go 'round! THE demand for the Fordaon tractor is so great tht it will be a long time probably before everyone will be oble to get one. Therefore, if you are looking for tractor and wish a Fordaon you should ace ua at once. The Fordaon hat more than fulfilled expectations.

With ita economy efficiency durability it ia ideal for the average farm. Bums kerosene has ttpecial air washer and all moving parti are enclosed there ia practically nothing to cause trouble. Use it with the 'Oliver No. 7 Plow Here ant some of the big Oliver features: The combined rolling coulter and joinder buries all stalks, weeds and trash at the bottom of the furrow; and the atop device maintains an even depth of furrow. The best plow for your Fordson that's the Oliver.

j. Come in and let us show them to you. MASTIN SON Window Curtains at half prices at DulryniKle'a 41 Whn yo are tnaettag- take Tht One Day Doctor. 42tl Fur your live stock gat Solret at tht Mapee Co. ator.

Jt4 Will Hennlng Is home from Columbus for a few days vacation. Pnrk Murphy nnd Rsy Arrsnts were business cullers In lVshlrr, Tuesday. Robert ntnl Helen Belbcrt are guests of their father Charlps Belliert, at Akron. Mrs. William Henly of Bt.

Joo was sn over Hiinday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fish. Clocks are lo be set abend one hour In ndvnnce of standnrd time, Itie last day or this monih. A great lino of house rlesnlng nec essities and prices rlnht ul the Bwlsh-er llutlershell store.

41tt Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Miller were Cleveland visitors Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of last week. Harry llarkey of Toledo has been a visitor nl Itie Home ot nts pnrcms Mr. nnd Mrs.

John llarkey, Don F.vnns nnd family have moved from Hltiffton, this state, onto the William Oils farm nt Cicero. A fine baby girl wns born to Mr. and Mih. Fred II. Itohrs, Sunday.

Mother and habe are both doing well. Mr. nnd Mrs. William llishoff bad as over Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs.

Owen Tustlson nnd son Robert. C. Hear has purchased the .1. ,1 Itorsey 160 ncre farm soulh or town, making the serond fn tin now owned by Mr. Hear.

11, B. Altcraltve Syrup cures sores. ecienm nnd nil skin troubles If used with II. 11. Kctoma Ointment.

Holt man's Drug Htorc. 32if Milton Heard of Mlirord tow lu till' Is home fioin t'anili lleiiuieKalil, having llnlslieil his triilniiiR and been Klven an honulalile dlsrhulKe. Miss Kallinn Leslie lift Oils week Tor New Voik clly Where she Will be a (tnest or tier aunt, Mrs. Aineiin Hliinlii'm lor nn exiended time. II 11.

Mrllenry has moved Into the Milliard property out North Main street and I L. Rlcel bus linoed Into the pinperly acaied by Mr. Mrllenry. Mrs. Martha l'ldi, Albert Smith and Mis.

(leorge tillbert went to Nebrns ke lust Week to look after some busl ness tuiilW'is Dial Ueeiletl tlieir nl- lent ton. HliKono Baker or Speneervllle, who lott here with former t'oiiipany and was later translerreO to the lltith laiaiilry. arrived home last Thursday. He was sIlKhtly wounded in the foot and knee. Automobile nnd nulo I ruck ow ners paid the stale or Ohio last year rot license the great sum or In addition lo this nil the machines paid personal property tix that would exci'll the license sum.

Mr. nnd Mrs. F.lmer Crow I have received information I hat their son tiuv has iin lveil nt New i oi t'lt from Kurope. Ho goes to Camp Mills and laler to Camp Mead where he will probably he ulvcn an honorable discharge nnd be through with the service, lie was the last or three brothers to arrive on OiIh side, nil sain and well. People born In.

nml about Hlcksvllle ns late ns 1S6S or JS70 can hawllv claim to he early settlers, as there are hundreds of them about here who would full In that class or better. The Tribune man himself was horitl In Srlplo township In 162. nnd never thought of enrolling himself ainonjx the so called early settlers. The county and town Is full or them thai ran heat II. Delta lleeb, nnolher old Co.

boy, and then a Rainbow Division soldier reached his home nt Antwerp last week, lie suffers yet from shell shock and Is minus an arm. With all that be Is not kicker and says lie was proud to make the saerillee. lie Is loud In his praise of Hie Red Cross and Salvation Army. He says none nl home here can have the rainiest Iden of I In- wonderful help they were lo the soldier boys over there. Wednesday I'Vcnlm; of last week when Hnslinel Hnlllsler arrived nnolher soldier boy stepped on" of the train wholly unexpected and was not known to many of the people who were present with the band to greet Hilidinell.

The young man was Wel come Dnlryniple of Mark townhslp. Co. V. bov who was also wounded in action Not knowinglilm or expect lug him Hie greetings nil seemed lo go to the one soldier lad. leaving the oilier to feel that he was slighted When tliscoverv was made Hlrksvlllr people were greatly concerned and mortified about the matter nnd regret was heard expressed on all sides.

A machine took the soldier to his hoiiii and all done that could be to tuaki amends, nlso notify Injt the Mark Con ter people In ndvunce so they loo would not be rnughl unexpectedly. For Good Glasses See Griest Mrs. Arthur Kelm diei nl her home nl LotilM llle. Monday. March 10.

after short Illness with pneumonia. Her death will interest Hicksvllle people when it Is understood that she was formerly Miss Olndys Tannehlll. daughter or the lale IHictor Charles Tannehill nnd a grand daughter or I Mr. nml Mrs. (leorge Knight of Canton, this stale.

She was horn In Hlcksvllle but was raised In the lly of her grandparents. Funeral services nnd Interment were at Louis vllle, Thursday, of last week. Sur Ivlng her nre the husband. Arthur Keim of Louisville, the mother, Mrs. Corn L.

Finer of San Francisco, brother. Dr. Herbert Tannehlll of Muskegon, nnd the grandpar- nls, Mr. nnd Mrs. (ieorge K.

Knighi of Canton. The Hicksvllle friends will greatly sympathize wilh all the bereaved ones over their sail in 's nnd ntlliclinn. A messnge to Hicksvllle from Oreenville, (his stale, lat Thursday, telling of the death of King Falter-son, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.

A. Fat terson. was a great shock to our whole community, as It was not known that he was even ill. A message came In the early part of the week telling bis parents that he was III nnd "Mr. rat terson nrrived there Wednesday nnd found King suffering with iicuic in digestion, complicated with heart trouble.

He grew rapidly worse and passed awn Thursday morning about o'clock. The remains were brought here Friday. The family had moved to Oreenvllle from Tlnin bill a fe months before and were getting along nicely. He was (he eldest of two sons nnd was a line, bright young man. Besides his parents he leaves his wife snd daughter Jnne, the lat ter aged six years old.

DR. H. M. JORDAN DENTIST Maxwell Bros. tier I nop tHE IHCK8VILLK TRIBUNE, HICKSVILLE, OHIO Solid leather Work Bhoes, 2 25 at Uiuwll Urus.

Silt Wall Paper tram lCe.Il Jt lo 17 B0 D. R. at Dalrympic' 42tt R. T. Cnilkshank vita a business caller at Chicago the latter part of last week.

To keep your live stork In good condition Bnlvet has no equal. Ms pes ft Co. sell II. 8014 Charles sholl moved last Thursday to near Bwanton this slate where hp has purehnr.ed a farni. Over four thousand tractors are re-IHirtcd now In tanners hands In Indiana, a gain of over five hundred Inst year.

When you are In town always call and see us, we Invariably have great bargains to offer. Swisher A Hut-teishell. 41tl Morris Cecowets, a Mark township soldier boy, returned home last week. He Is a son of Mr. and Mrs.

(J. A. Cecowets. Itayniond Byroade nnd tiinilly moved Tuesday to a farm near Ney, this coiinly, on the Farmer nnd Washington township line. One lrop Croup Remedy tnnkps one-half pint of the bpit croup syrup nn the market.

Better keep some on hand. Hoffman's Drug Store. Slit Mrs. (litirge Doering died Wednesday afternoon of last week nl the family residence on Antwerp street. Funeral services were held nl Antwerp, I'rlilny afternoon, Interment nlso nt Antwerp.

A letter from Artclgh Conner to bis mother, Mrs. Florence Conner, says Alberta, Canada, has nt last got some real winter. A hllrttnrd struck there Feb. 23rd and the thermometer Went down to forty below icro, nnd has remained near Hint since. Thai Is the first winter lo speak of for Hint local-ll this season.

Cards Were mulled last week null-fling all siibsii lliers lo The Tribune whose t)me expires April 1st, of the fuel. Fltder the rule now, no papers ate (milled at The Tribune olllee to any mldii'ss afler their expiration. IVopIc who reeelved the raids, nml who want to continue the paper should attend to renewing promptly, ns other wise they will receive their last paper Willi Hie issue of March 27. Christian Sinn, one of our pioneer elti7.ens died ill Hie family home, West High street last Thursday. lie was aged elghly three years and had lived In lllilisv llle and Newvllle township for tunny yi'itrs.

He was flue scholar and genial kindly man who niimhered as liiemls all who ever knew him. His advanced ago of ionise marked Ills ib parliire ns soon. bill with thai his death caused nil ciliy.ins to regret that Hie lime had arrived. While there may be others In this neighborhood who can beal II, nevertheless The TcJbuue will have to be shown If Mrs. David (Martha) Kleek-ner Is not the earliest settler left In the neighborhood.

She was daughter of and Mrs. (ieorge Cleninier and was born In log cabin that stood in the rear of the present N. II. Hull residence, out West High street, then known as the Fort Wayne road, the month being July and the year 1M4, or about 75 years ago. She attended school In the tlrsl school house ever In the town and II was log building and stood on Hie ground now occupied by the Dlersleln block, corner of High and Bryan nl reels.

As child she lreiiiently saw Indians pass through the little set I lenient. She well re-members the first frame house built In the lown and who built It. That building vet stands and is loealed on Speneervllle street, being the Alex (diiiparetle residence, In which by the wnv lives a pair of very early set tlers, though not Hlcksvllle born. Stopped Cough After Influenza "I wiinl to say that Foley's Honey and Tar Is the best cough medicine 1 ever tried," writes K. H.

McDowel, R. F. D. 1, Box 119, Arlington, Tenn. "My son had inllueii7.a.

He had tho worst kind of a rough nnd I tried everything, but nothing did any good. Cod sent me friend With Foley'o Honey and Tar, and his cough was better the next day and in two days he hnd no cough at nil." Foley's Honey nn.l Tar slops harsh, racking coughs; eases wheezy breathing. It is effective, yet pleasant to lake. Hoffman's Drug Store. Advert Isement TheExcIusive Shoe Store Rubber for Father Mother Sister and Brother All New TRY IRON CLAD HOSIERY Bargains in Children's Shoes CARL M.

HART Everything In Footwtar Shoe 6tor Oppotitt Hotel Swllley Boost for the fnlr. Buy Snivel for your live neck from Mapea Co. t(U Last up and first down, work ahlrti II on MhxwvII Hrvw. 41tf Bart Btosner hna, lni-n attending a meeting of druggists at Columbus. Fonlvce ttldi'iiour tins gone to New castle, Pa where he will be employed.

Olenn Ripley Is here from New York where he was In government service. Bee the giviit bargains at Italrym pie's In Wall Paper end Window Shades. 42lf Start boost lug the fair at once. If you will all do so, we will have the greatest ever. The warm rains ot the pnst few dsvs have made Hie wheat nnd grass shine up a hcnulltul green.

Master Weldon Cot cell, ill nl his grandmother's, Mrs. (leorce Trachl, who has lien seriously III for some lime, Is now soutewhnl Improved. We expect soon'cnr country mill pure winter wheat middlings In 100 pound bags. Price per bag or 2.45 for Ion or mote. Phone No.

4. Four Store. 4 111 Scientists claim thai the. whale gives barrel of milk nt one milking. Where nre you going my pretty tnermnld? tiolng to milk a whale, kind sir, she said.

A pie nnd box social will be given at (he Six Corners school, Dlsl. No. 2 on Friday evening, March 2H. A liimh will la served. Ladies bring pies or boxes.

Toucher lleitlah Mc-('ollough. 421 2p Whether there Js or not nddlllonnl Icgl datlon, Ohio niitoinnlli ally goes dry Mat 27, so stales Attorney llogan of Columbus. Saloon licenses all expire May 27, and the pro hih'ilcn prevents the renewal. Some men with mulish dispositions slu-n Hu go home will not ent If dinner Is inly, and If not ready they raise the dickens. What the wire needs In such cases Is nn i Im club nntl muscle to use i on the mule The smiling.

rheeiTill hvporrile, who par In public, mid is devil Inside the walls of hie home nnd torments his Inniily as ii lime described, oughl lo be boiled The Workers of Six Corners are holding their usual Thnreday meeting at the Church. Since Red Cross work Is not available, they are now engaged In iullllng nnd mak lug eoiulotlers. Last Friday evening the ladles etilerl allied their Ininllli's to "pot luck supper." Owing (o ilie condition or Hie roads there were but slxty Wght present. The even lug was spent with recitations nnd music. Bugler Dushncll llolllster arrived home from overseas Wednesday evening of last week and was met nt the train by the (.111 band nnd escorted homo with full honors.

He Is the first Hlcksville hoy to arrive home who wnn wounded and bad been In hospital several months. The wound was in the thigh anil has practically recovered, lie Is wonderfully plensed to get home once more nnd has won-derlul experiences to relate. Claren Allen, son of Mr nnd Mrs. Arthur Allen, returned home Satur day from Ilie army. Ho sailed lor Kurope In October, landed about Nov.

1st and In few days the Armistice was signed. For this reason be nev er got lo Hie front. On the return he landed Feb. 2lslt, nnd spent ten lays each at Camp Dix and Camp Sherman. lie Is In splendid healih and greatly appreciates his experience ind triii but at the same time Is might glad to get homo once more.

1 There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard Hut the. old fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while It acted. Get ih relief and hcln that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and wiioout the blister. Musterole dots it It I a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. It it scientifically prepared, to that it work wonders, and yet doca not blister the tendcrest akin.

Just massage Musterole In ith the gently. See how quickly it brings relict how ipecdily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for Bore throat, bronchitis, tonpjlitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, paina and achra of the back or iolnts, sprains, sore muscles, bruisen, chilolains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. City Feed Mill PHONE 133-Y WE HAVE Oil Meal Gorn Germ Meal Alfalfa Meal Tankage Oyster Shells at all times.

Geo. Warfield Auto Trailers We have several good ones now on hand and are offer them at bargain. Will give time with secur ity if desired. GROUSE BROS. 42tf Phon.

398 Hicksvllle REAL ESTATE New five room bungalow on East Msin street, a bargain. 30 seres, 6 room house, cement eel lar, drove well, cistern, barn, hen house, blsck and sandy soil, tiled, fenced, all under cultivation. Resldsncs with acre ground good house, barn, drove well. 11200.00 Uses It S4O0.00 down, balance to suit urchsssr. A.

James HICKSVILLE, Mrs. N. II. Haywood of Hnyton bus been guest of ltev. C.

Moore nnd family. Itev. J. risher Is home from Southern Itnlliinn, where be held a scries of meet lugs. Mr.

nml Mrs. (Ieorge Howell of Willis, nttenilcil Hie tunc! nl or Mrs. tleorge Doering. Mrs. Dora Jackson, was nn over Sunday guests of her pn renin, Mr.

nml Mrs. Samuel Volkerl. Charles tllllette and wife received word Thursday of Hie death of Mrs. C. V.

Huberts at Kdgerton. The liver the carburetor of your system, have you got tt set The One Day Doctor will Uo II. 4211 Mrs. A. llarinore came from Detroit, Snturilny.

to visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. 11. Mnpes nnd family. Mrs.

Hiley of Toledo was here over Sunday at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnve Knxor. Mrs. Knzor's condition remains about the same.

Some people refuse to spend a few cents in memory of their loved ones, yet expect a printing olllee to spend a couple of dollars Tor that purpose. Mrs. Miner Tiacht nnd daughter Wilmii of Ciillon mine Saturday lor a week or ten days visit with Mrs. (ieorge Traclit and oilier relnilves. Articles thai have appeared In print elsewhere nre.

no longer regarded ns news at The Tribune olllee and hence will be charged for if used nt nil, subject to the judgment of tho pub lishers nlone. Wnrren Miller, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Miller or Mlirord township is nnolher overseas soldier boy who tins nrrived home. He came Saturday has nn honorable discharge nnd is ready for the peaceful life once more.

Mrs. Audrie Kverctt returned from Columbus, Saturday, where she as sisted Mrs. C. V. Miller who has been seriously III with Influenza nnd pneu monia.

Mrs. Miller formerly lived at Hicksvllle. Mrs. Kverctt will re i urn to Columbus where she expects to make her home. The Acme club met nl the home of Mrs.

Lower, the president, Mrs. ltev- ington presiding. Lesson from mag- mine, conducted by Mrs. Itnnk. I'lano- logue by Mrs.

C.esslnger nnd Miss Uila Hevlngton was enjoyed by nil present. Club will meet with Mrs. (irifliih, March 19. Thursday evening of las! week (he K. of P.

nnd Pythian Sisters gave a program enlerlnlnment, the snme being for St. Patrick's Day, but also liecame a reception for two members who arrived home from the wnr, Hush-nell llolllster nnd Lieutenant Korrest Knin. Home returned Hart's Doys were also present as guests and treated the great attendance lo fine music. A program was rendered, refreshments were served and a splendid time was enjoyed. Charles Krlese brought Into The Tribune office Sal unlay several pieces of old coin that are rare and curiosities.

There Is a colonial silver piece, something like a half dollar, the lettering being worn so badly thai Its denomination can not he told unless by an expert. He has also a Spanish half dollar coined In 1704, several pieces of small coins and last but not least a gold one dollar piece coined In lSf.3. This last is in splendid preservation and a line example of the coiners art. tut This Out It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c and mall It to Foley II 28X5 Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, 1U writing your name and address clearly.

You will receive In return a trial package containing; FVv lej's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and cronp; Koley Kidney Tills, for pain In sides and back: rhemstism, backache, kidney and blsd dr aliments; and' Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation. biliousness, heedache and sluggish bowels. Hoffman a Drug Store Ad TsrUsemenU fr A A TH 1lUMM.f Knoving-not Guessing An unadvertiscd article may be of as Rood quality as the one that is advertised, but how are you to know? The manufacturer of an advertised commodity could not afford to make an inferior article because be would immediately lose his advertising investment. The manufacturers of unadvertiscd goods have no advertising investment to lose and no reputation to maintain. It is for this reason that we feel so secure when recommending Clothcraft and Kuppenheimer Clothes, Gim-bel Hats, Monarch and Cluett Shirts, Osborn Gloves, Bostonian and McElwain Shoes All have a National reputation.

When you see these in our store you can feel with confidence that they will give you full value for your money. New Spring Styles Now on Display The Boon Bevington Go. Kodak Time is Here! Tn fact any old time is KODAK time. We can supply your needs in anything you may need. Ansco Gameras all styles M.

Q. Developer Cyko Paper Re-developer for Sepia -Prints Pack and Roll Films Fancy Art Corners for Album Mounts 10c. package Try our developing and printing and you will be sure to like it. MAPES CO. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given thnt Cornelia S.

Ilndsell has been appointed nnd qualified as Kxeeutrlx of the estate of Charles Z. Hndsell, Inte of Defiance County, Ohio, decensed. Dated this ldlh dav of March. 1319. C.

W. rAI.MEK. 4113 Probate Judge. Telephone local Items to The Trib une ollice. HICKSVILLE LEGAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Wayne K.

Hughes has been appointed nnd qualified as Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Mary Hughes late of Defiance County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 10th day of March, 1919. C. W. PALM Kit, 4113 Probate Judge.

Tribune Want Ads do the business. We are able to Get New FORD CARS NOW! BETTER LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE MASTIN SON FARMS Town Properties, Fire, Tornado and (Automobile Insurance, Bonds. MONEY TO LOAN on Farms at 5 1-2 PER CENT. ZEIS PARKER. PHONE MAIN 403.

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