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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

INDIANA BANKE(8 COITPY. Capital; j. $220,000. Coirwmiooa. Mewaaule firms, and individuals roi.uMt nGCO liOJW r.

Jm. n. urn. wuuh. W.

H. kOEEIBOX. Preheat INDIANA NATIONAL BANK, -EOECI WLT, frerf. $500,000.

barpius Fund, 100.UOO. tm Bank' doe general baaking' brainest: tnaif km and drain draft on the principal clue i lathe tnion. Y.ollcUotui nnnaftlr made and remitted lor. latere! paid on oepbalss by special agreement ia earacaae. .8.

E. Cor. WaaIngton tad Meridian St JdSJt C. 5lW, Casa. -i 1 iarylnFnad bit Bank does all thet2nei ctcallr traoMtcted by fmlM taakiaf lnituyoa.

Paras'ols and Fans, LADIES UNDERWEAR, Find Embroideries And I.acrs, AT Grcot Bar gain a. -L. a unrmr Ni'Aiu inuia v-a Opea Every Iven la THE EVENING NEWS. -i --) "Ln f.xi i-1rLnr ii MONDAY JfXE 17r 1S7X TILE CITY. HHOB HE3TIOM.

Circua this afternoon and evenihg. There are thirty-fight prisoners in roimty jail. the The Hanirnond. Htate will be sold at tlon on the'Sffth. The Trinity M.

E. Church picnic at Minne- wau Hprings to-morrow-. A cutting scrape is reported letween T-on. McClelland and Jolin Foster. The property-man of the Metropolitan is on the marriage venture.

Tl apring meeting, of the Indianapolis Fair Association was a financial success. TJharles Uonnellan, an important witness for the defense in the Clem case, is mipsing. The picnic of the First Presbyterian Canroh will bebejd to-morrow at 8chofield's JtfilU The last weekly rehearsal, until the fall muod, of the Choral Union, will be held this evening. Six converts were baptized near the Yellow Bridge yesterday by the pastor of the celored J. t.

iJapust 1 The turfmen, of the West propose organiz ing a Western Turf Congress, with headquar ters in this city. Belle Hyatt, a woman from Zionsville, was picked up by the police lait evening, dressed in men'a clothes. Thomas Grnley, boarding at the Central Hoase, had a watch and $22 in money stolen from him las evening. Owen Toller, has been elected dentot the Indianapolis Fair Association. vice John Fiahback, resigned.

The Grand Jury returnedan indictment of murder in the first degree" against Mary Lewis, charged with killing Mrs. Wagner. Miss Lucy Adams, Walter Melville and son, and Miss Ella Rosa, are the new appear-'anc'W at the MeLpp6litan during this week. The revenue assessment on inromesand special license tax for 1872 amounted to 97, ar. Increase of 70 overj last Rev.

Robert Slot ministered to the Tlurd rmbyterian Chorch congregation yesterday for the last timet j.Ue leaves to-morrow for his new field of labor. 'j Mrs. Hafkness's boarding house, corner Meridian and Walnut streets, was. entered by burglars Saturday night, and robbed of a gold watch and $40 In currency. A young girl.

Alary Day, wai severelv bitten i by a Ticions dog on Saturday last. The animal is owned by a Virginia avenue saloon deeper, named Muntz and needs killing. Li very handsome gold was prisinted to W'illliara Small4 of the New York Store, by his' associates, tn eTening lasfc Xr. S. is soon1 to leave for onpe.

The residernce property1 of O. TVlhon, on South Tennessee street was on Saturday by Bishop Pe St. Pallus, and be added to thjs arhcV'tlhonse' yard. Price paid Early yesterday morning a roan named Wm. Hartman was found in WP.

Fish-back's residence by the coachman, Je-ronje and was by him captured and lodged in the Station House. 1 A fine horse was ruined yesterday by breaking through the flooring of the Wash ington street bridge over the western arm of the canaL The Street Comniisscrner atten- tinn for weeks past has been caled to the larrgeroos condition of that bridge. CiiKstl Sanday IkhMl IsMiltnte. During th present week the Institute of the First District of the Indiana Christian Sinday ScW5bi AssociaUon wffl be heU in the First Christitn Church, of this city, commencing at -'2 r. Wednesday evening.

Every Superintendent, teacher and minister In the 4istrict is invited to attend, and free entertainment will be provided for all Sunday school workers.A Tery excellent ircranime hAsbeen Puringjts session the Institute will be conducted by KeY. W. DowUng, one of the liveliest workers Jhe VTri. WMtber BiUIrda. nevai axayjca rnrxs statx ajkxt.

iSDiAHArous, Jnse 17, 13727 a. I Aszrceta. 7i, fft. i EL. el t.

SjE rtondv. 6.B,ar- i i. oa. fair. lair.

77. 3., cioqdv. 79, 8., fair. '7, lair. 75, fair.

73.fT. 77, 8. clear. C7. S.

fair. 6f. 8. fair. w.

B. fair. M. fair. fair.

79, rkKHly. 78. 5. cloudy. S.

fair. i. lair. 8. fair.

7. ciear. 69, N. fair. Borton.

Km. a Bcfkio. 2i. Cairo. EL.

JjggSi8, I rinrtnn.H ft 0'Ttton. Indianapolis, IntL. Jackjn.vle, FTju, Ixniirille. vv Memphis. Tmn aiotue.

Aii Nsabvf.le. Iran New wonour. va. Omaha. Xebr.

rtttaburga. PortlandVMe. N. ruata Kaaaa. Fla.

Savannah. Oa Khreveport. La Bb Lotua et Parit VJckiFbnrf. Jd WjiminftoOi M. C.

Tb 8aaaay-cbl Wrk. nuwusvi iu uinTiDj ncbooi of the city, and ia furtherance of thia idea Superintendent and Teat bin are reuuestel Uy eiwnA -y vwwfcvru Ul 1 n-yvrwr eTfry ner4arr la order that ther mr made a do-Mp. Yesterday morrdng an ambassador of The News visited the Indianola Sandaj School, and was gtirprised upon obsenirig the lar? nnmDers ot teachers and pupils present, and the interest which they evidenced in everv part of Hit proceedings. While there taking 1 notes, imagination brought np the. t'Stringtown" of the past, and the irrelirldii and Sabbath breaking population who resid-wT in the YieinitT of the rll u'Jf whom presence in that neighborhood ren dered a passage ov er the rfver after nightfall one of danger and disgust; and as he listen.

ed to the account of the good work already accomplished, and contrasted the past with the present, and looked on the happy faces and into the bright and snarkline eves of the childhood gathered there, he con Id scarcelv realize that human agency had in so short a time, produced such happy results. singing, Jed by Johp G. Blake, with MLhs AriT1 Kingsbury presiding at the organ wai spirited aid harmonious, and would have been creditable to some of the mort pretentious schools of this city. An adores from Rev. Robert Sloss took the place of the regular lesson.

This gentleman has mani fested a deep interest in the success of this school since its organization, and the teach rs greatly regret that he is soon to be called away from their midst. His address was in leresting and instructive, and was listened tc with marked attention Upon conclusion Rev. David Stevenson, in a few neat and ap propriate tonchingly acknowl edged the obligations of the school, to Rev Mr. Sloss, and al.10 to Miss M. Brown (one of the teachers) and expressed deep regret thai they were about to remove from the city.

The indianola bunuay acnooi was organ ized July 24th, 1870. Previous to that time much earnest and Christian effort had been expended in attempting to maintain a school. but by reason of local, discouragements all hopes of permanent success were abandoned, and for a long time the field was apparently forsaken, both by God and man. Upon the organization in July, 1S70, the following offi cera were selected Superintendent H. H.

Fulton. Assistant' Superintendent and Chorister- Blake. Secretary Wa McCormick. Treasurer Miss Eliza Tercy. a SMiUM ji ion, iiii a' utivu a uiu trva Toledo, and the vacant" Superintendency of the school was filled by the very worthy selection of John G.

Blake to that position an oluce wnicn he nas continually held ut to the present with honor to himself and benefit to the school. The remaining officers and teachers now on dutv are as follows Assistant Superintendent Thomas Mc- Hutcheon. Treasurer G. W. McCain.

Secretary Thomas Horton. Librarian-TH. E. Bowen. Assistant Librarian Tools.

Organist Miss Anna Kingsburv. Teachers-rMiss M. Brown, Miss M. Lewis, Miss Anna Kingsbury, Miss Ella Lint. Mia rM.

uehinbaugh, Miss M. (Juinius, Mist Ek Tercy, Miss E.A, Stevenson, Miss Ruse ban rt Rev. David Stevenson, Mr. liams, Thomas McHutchon, JL Aughin baueh: and W. M.

Phillips. The great success 01 toeir work 13 sufficient commendation of the faithfulness with which these noble-hearted young ladies and gentlemen have labored." The school now nas an average attendance ot one nunarec and constantly growing. It ha proved one of the most useful and successful Of our city mission work, and has resulted in 1 t. uie organization 01 tuuau, wiui mr mv. Mr.

Stevenson as pastor, which has continued toDrosoer trom the very day or its com meriewnent, and is stealily increasing in use falness. Tie congregation have recently purchased a laTe nd commodious building, which will be dedic2tl on Sunday, the 30th. with appropriate and interting ceremonies I Whole chapters might be written, and volf I anea could be tilled witn maaenis mat uv come under the personal observationi of Mr, Blake and his indefatlcable corps of assist ant in rmnl to their mission work in the "Stringtown" oLold, the Indianola of tht Dresent: but such chapters are, useless in ualini? the people what thev.have don through Godfs instmmentalitY. The work is there a monument of praise lor them and it speaks for itself. T3X BHAEPSV1U.X CSIOS SABATH 8CHOOU To thaEdltorf The Evening News.

Perhaps some of your readers who are deeply interested in Sabbath Schools would be pleased, to learn that the good citizen out here are not dormant in Sunday School enterpriaea. The prejudices existing hetween the church denominations here, have seem ingly vanished. The imperious and stub bom notions of clinging, to sectarianism, with a tenacious ambition for the sake of popular- itv in Christianity, has proved Itself unim- intelH. gence vi vuu nijioornoou. ow a liberal movement has recived them with sufficient life, a calm, quiet and resolute love, as mind of "wide awake" to the Important and indispensable duty of im parting a love, and a christian knowledge to the many rising children of this quiet, industrious neighborhood.

This Sabbath School was organized May for the three Sundays past I a Mia a3wA4aa aj-w. vaeiaiBU xuit i irom uie aaic mc-unuuu---ik ia ween in- creasuiK xtwix ou intiiSbbow manifested, the SnndaY School I will ta a success. It started out (as I have I above stated) under embarrassing circum- "sszssif. Asks neighborhood SabbaUi School and at ia head us a leader who has by long experience and practice Decwiiip uhuwm nuiuw Sabbath School necessities. Dr.

Walker, who ia a member of. the Baptist church myour city, and who fa now a resident of this place, I of in in to Lrr. Dr. of jwlx. ne er; wtth bis execntiTe abiL'fiei he has inverted people here with new energies.

The selection ia my was a judicious one. We look upon our superintendent and oar two Bible teachers as persons of settled christain principles. Ana wiiu. in-w-lificn. nformatkm, ponctu- iJi-J, perseverance and concuiatlon Qf-sptnt, we are confident of a pleasant instructive nU nocessful 8abbath School jn gharpsville.

The officers and teachers of the Sundav school are as follows: -i "i 1, Superintendent J. B. Walker. Assistant Superintendent F. Eeisner.

Treasurer- W. Walters, Secretary LLbngaker. Ubrarian-J-F. Coburn. Leader of Singing Robert Xicholson.

Teachers in the Bible classes-F. Reisner, Mrs. Mary A. Nicholson. In Testament classes Mr.

Guyton, Mr. Robert. Nicholson. Mr" W. Bourfirieht Mr.

J. Johnson. Mrs. E. Reisner and Mrs.

Mattie Johnson. Teacher in Infant class Mrs. Li! Cobnrn. The teachers seem to "be worklne unuer- standingly and conscientiously ia the dis- vuarge oi uieir anxies. 1.

iu A riEoriors 1 dog is harbored on Forest avenue. Aikbight is still lying at the Surgioal In stitute in a critical condition. Qrnnr, the man scalded so horribly one week ago. is recovering rapidly. The 8eventh PreshyteTianThurch Sabbath School picnics at Greenwood on Wednesday Greeit' apples, ballet size and cholera pro ductive, have made their appearance in the market.

Governor Baker returned. Satnrday even ing and Prof. Owens arrived in the city this morning. Thoi saxos of people Military Park during the bright and beautiful weather 01 yesterdav. IATR MATAUfjtY Eastern trip seems to have added an usual benignancy to his classic countenance.

A mas named Wright, living on Paugherty street, on Saturday last ruiaed an eye while breaking bowlders. The Administrative Republicans are mar shaling their forces and have already placed some of the "susrected" under surveil lance. Mrs. Astta Stiliwell was quite severely injured yesterday by accidentally falling from the stone steps in front ol Little's HoteL The Fourth Presbyterian congregation and Sabbath school will picnic at Danville, on Wednesday, leaving the Union Depot at a. st.

AKOTHia-truahtSunday-school lad, -dressed in duck, is said to have tumbled involuntarily from the Ohio street bridge into the canal yesterday. The prompt action of the police in quell ing a neighborhood squabble near the corner of Washington and Alabama streets, seems to have placed the residents under obliga tions to them. The portmonie, trunk checks, etc, adver tised as lost by a poor woman some days ago, was found by W. P. Berry and returned to officer Scantlin yesterday.

They are now in possession of Chief Thompson. A hard-fisted brute, called by his cem- panions "Jim," edified himself and attract ed, a crowd of spectators early yesterday fore noon by brutally pounding a horse near the south-west corner of, Military Park. The Bucktown Palace Saloon just at pres ent is the "pink of propriety" for a drinking- The customers walk mournfully in, dolefully swallow their "pizen," solemnly deposit their last fire-center, and dismally warble Off. A certain young man last; week applied for boarding and lodging at a North Penn- lylvania street boarding house, and reserved the right in the contract made "that facili ties shoflld be furnished him for doing. his own washing." More Helen He Search, To-morrow, Prof.

Cox, State Geologist, and his assistant, Prof. Levette, start on a scien- tific expedition into the counties of Jasper, Dubois and irerrv. as soon as tins is com-1 pleted Prof. Cox will make a tour through 9ome of the northern connties, a visit Very much desired by' the citizens 'away np yon- der. In a few days Prof.

Collett will also itart out, and will visit Carroll, Cass, Miami, Huntington, Grant and Fulton counties be fore his return. Dead. Auce Lurry, alias onnny, a Hdme for FrifinfJIess Women, this Alice Curry, alias died at the morning, consumption. Thiswoinaa is remembered a as by nolic rimleb rinrinv Oia war anA tiwihnaftfjvit-I'-niVi't fit'. m' tTaii I i one of the most abandoned of creatures, and I was brought to the Home eighj months ago aata fallAvt aaw4 mJSaIm.

kMfk I f- vuuuiuuii, wtu tuvuiaii uujubau, i 13 pusaiuie ivi i humanitv tn reach. Tn ih i9nimra nf Aunty Smith, "she died a bSgit TtZdnJ' and during the last few months of her illness was a wonderful example of patience' and resigna.tion. Fnneral trerrfeea. The remains pf BiHy Carter; vj ere escorted Crown Hill citeday afternoon by a large number of friends and old comrades. The I nail bearer- eonsisttnir of juo --j i General WcGmnia.

Colonel tTink-1 faffTi I Ion the top of a hill so steep that neither I scripdon of the manner of drawing, and other tn-1 hon 1 v.v, vkwu Eleventh tf ror. duty. The wryitea VslB conauctea ty kct. ilr. Aabury; ot Ames Church, and were solemn and Lmpressivei BaaU clintan Caanty, mi The chemical analysis, which was made bv L.

It Waterman, of this city, assisted by P. McNab, of West wWrlnft the case Basil JJailf Sr of Clinton county. Indi- w- 'S't" Ht determining the fact that Aiicif iuua ioi3oni nnt mnrt cued from SO BIB Unascertained rr' BileT vaa years oR previously healthy. worked hard all day. eat his sunnar.

and discovered very sick in about two hours after- vtrpir aaown wwui. come disagreement kis fwulj gave rise to the surpiaan that was poisoned, and the ComrPint tu? x. If M.i--tdltrrrnd the mcil nalyied. The result as shown by John T-ifacauleyAleck Jameson and Charley termed Wt of -the oM essv in the IT is the pnacieai manager oi ue scnooi. -ue I -uavii to me coroner of Clinton coun-ba5 the talents accessary, or a good mana-1 ty, entirely relieves the inspected parties.

LOCAL an elegant and stylish suit made I to order at the IndianioU3 One Pnt-e Clothing House, 13 West Washington street Picnic- Third Street Methodist Episcopal Sunday School -will picnid at Greenwood, Tnesdaf, June 19th- Train will leave ihird street and C. and L. R. at o'clock rfrienda the school are invited to join us and enjoy a pleasant time. coups 01 an tinas are muBiim.tu 1 1 I 1 1L.

oy toe aaaiuon ox a aessen spwuiui ui. me famous Halford jicestershire Table Sauce. If you will try This recipe yob; will ho more co without the Halfenl tfciLn without the soup. offer von this morning is to keep your property wen in- sured in the Home Fire Insurance Company of New York, represented in Indianapolis by E. MartindaleCo.

jjltis worth anyone's time to examine the large and well assorted stock of jewelry 1 Ji. I Xaae4 tfooV, now oucrca vj vnut a. uvivi, --t uui ington street, at wholesale Gold watches ber of those celebrated Perregaux timekeep- ers are offered at importers prices oy them. Call and examine. srWe now have a first class grocery and provision store at the comer of Maryland and Illinois street.

This establishment, is I conducted by Messrs. Dollarhlde Jc Hatch ings, two pleasant -gentlemen to deal with, wh' buy for cash and sell for cash, and keep the best the market affords: r3T-New eoodsl New styles in ready made clothing, at the Indianapolis One-Price Clothing House, 13 West ashington street per cent. Under Valuei $1 75 French Yoke Shirt, $1S5 Open Back ShirL $2 Open Back Vest "Pattern Bosoms. $1 40 Colored Shirt great bargain. $2 40 Genuine English Cheviot Shirts.

25 cent Suspenders and Handkerchiefs. fru-v lufuuok.jiunw linen collars in "the city. See goods and prices. Ties, hosiery and summer nnderwear every description, best bargains. At the rancy ill potato, bugs with-.

Paris 'green. Get your Taris green from the wholesale Paint House, 23 West Maryland street This establishment has chrome green, the finest of Venetian red, paints, oils and uh Hair Goods at MuirA Foley's, MUler's Block. E. Downey, over Fletcher's. Bank, has the exclusive agency for the sale of lots in Irvington.

There are yet several beauti ful lots unsold in this thriving suburb, and pleasant homes can be secured by men of moderate means. ue Anecdotes of Alexander Dimla, Dumas's reburial has produced another flood of anecdotes Hts liberality is well il lustrated by the following: One day a gentleman came to him with the most elaborate professions of gratitude. "I assure you that you are said I uumas. "How so?" "I do not recollect having done you any service." "It is impossible after such a fT fmanl 11 'cjq i rl Tivmia XTTf TT fa. gard to services, I only remember that are done tome." Jules Sardeau, however, hit it quite as ac- curately one time, when he heard a gentle man speak of Dumas as "a man who tnrew money out of the window." "Yes, said oardeauy "other people money.

1 1 A Plea for Children. A correspondent of the New York Times says he has seen pleas for all sorts of animals and for poor people, and ne wants to put in plea for rich children. He says: I have been a witness in seeing nurses beat, and stoops until thev screamed with pain, and the nurses would talk and reason with them if they were old folks, a suppose these children must have mothers, but where are they? I suppose shopping. Why not hire the creel girls to go shopping, and the moth-1 eb stay with the little children till they get ig enougu blti.b uatA, ur veu. uiumw W(Juld do writej they would tfle little dears a good many black and blue spots that their mothers never see.

A a Well Quarrel IV eo. On one occasion a ama' laird was waited on a neighbor to request his name as an accommodation to a- bit bill for 20 at three months, which led to the following charac IS teristic colloquy: "JNa, na, I cannadj "Why for no, laird; ye hae duna.1 there wheels within wheels ye ken naeth-1 wjwv i to refuse me, laird." "WeeL -ye see, time cam round ye wadna be ready, ana i I 2 wsa nae to pay sa uieu yuu viu uus wm i ouarrel: sae we may just as weel quarrel the I ff the silWs in ma pouch." Thomas Jefferaon'ai The New York.World argues, that Greeley I would make a poor President because can not even manage his small aide-hill farm at Chappaqua on WeU, we Cpniess we na7P npt a yery exaiteq opinion di ait. lTllHUiL. UUIStlVtS. UUL Wfl I no means regard that as conclusive against nom Jeuerson, wnea epgagea in rrtk ATf i thA ma.nement of hla lArm at Vnnt.icpIIn.

'I nmiL iiurae-mni. at ixiiiaiuemuie eioeiiae. Ahomas iJefierson was, at east in tieestima- rCourleisrontnal of 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I Of I 1 Eiua i I pjYB Tm ourer Ieaca, worth Nl To 'r i IX 0 i INDIANAPOLIS TIME-TABLE. TJtYlKGTON 03CnBC3 LINE, On and after Kav 2. 1ST1 lie IrriMton Omnlbca Line will ran on the following time-table during the rummer.

Headquarters have been chanced to Irvington, and It is not int nded to'change the (une-tacu again ontu about toe 1st ot October: ixate avaferos lxavx oroiaarAroua At 7:15 4 00 I At At pm I 7.00 stnroATs. 8:30 and 12:30 At At. AXBTS, Cltti. Cor, Cat AbrottaAJOua w. nrpw a I rmwi- -jjj ft 10:15 a 4:45 pa Expreia.

Pma, Cts. a Br. Loca Jftv w. ran una sontaern Xx Mail Express. 9: a Rrpn $.35 a xpre Frt 1-inA 55 Truss Hactx VAjroiiiA.

A Sr. Loins S. B. fullld'T Dy kx -oo a Easfnr. tine.

3 30am a xa fjfjjgj UtDiASAroua 4 T. Ac. 5:30 pm Atiantie Ex (:00 it i ixoxasaroLa st. ixca k. k.

8t Louis Ex I Lightning Ex. S5aia Klght Ex. Bait Ex. Manoon ac. ax 1 Day Ex, 6:10 pal Cu cm a ati HtnaoAn.

1:40 am 0:40 am Baltlx. I ytn ttreettsbarg Ae 8 :40 a Greensburg Ae 1:30 pm Bait 7Mptt lvi a chlcxso Ex a cnicago Mali 1:309 I Chi feQiiin.Exl0rJO a ut CM. Qnin.Kx SK6p za Omaha 6Xpm BxooimreTOS Wxsriaa Railway. Padflc a xa I Klght SxpreasS-J0 a Duy Kt 1:46 pm I Kiprpw 95 a Kx IraciicKx 60op CnicnrNATi Junction Railsoad, Expresa ilAfl jo: a 1 wau opa 4 wo axprewi 7:50 VWCXSIfXS KAILXOAO. -j vincenneJi AcL a Fpencer a iihi a 1 etAt Putt; 4 Chicago Railway, ChL (kToLMall 6:50 am I Chicago Ex Tolede 2:50 Toledo Ex 9:65 a Qiicago Ex 8 :00 Mail ck CbL Ex 5:15 pm JarrisoifYnxa 4 lUnaoif.

i Lotusvme Ex- I Louisville Ex. 2: so a Loa 4Mad Mail Columbos AC.10:.10 a Colnnibas Ac. 3 :20 pm Lowisville Ex 1:20 pm Louisville Ex. 6:15 I Loo. MaLEx 7:40 IHDIAHAPOI.IB KKHEDiaU jUTSTI 1UTX.

aecond story, Miller's Block, Illinoli street is UMurrassed for the cure of Lnngr Catarrh. Female and all Chronic Di-jeane. Turkish and RuaMiiia Baths in Vacuo. Klectrio Thermal Bathat uwnuiea meoicaments, acuo, vacuum 01 air treatment for restorinr and eanalizinf the clr cuUtlOTi of the blood; movement and lifting Terms low. Institute indorsed bv the nrofeealon.

FRTNK A STEPHENaON. AverilL Chemical Paint! More BEATTHFUI BMBLE I ECOSOmCAI Than any ether Palst nae. MIXED READY FOR USE Of the purest White or any shade of color desired, and sold by the gallon in quantity to suit the par chaser. -ispUMAPous, June, 1872. A M.

LEWIS A Jo. 27 Maasachuaetts avenue, -i Political Decorator for all Tames. Banners, Flags, Lanterns, Wagons, eUi, fitted np 9TO. 2S 3Tortb IUlnole ldianaTJolia Lard Oil Wprkv s. in.

skrino: Manufacturer Pure Lard Oils, Dealer Lard' Grease and Tallow. 27 and 29 Weit Pearl Street, INDIANAPOLIS, DTD. I 'aV Principal office, 101 W. Ilfth St, Cincinnati, a 0ny KeliaDle Gift DlStttOlltlOn In the Country! $100,000 00 7 IN YALUAdUc" GIFTS! To be Distributed in L.D. SINE'S 38lh Semi-Annual i.

I. GIFT ENTERPRISE, ,1 To be drawn Tboaday, July 4, 1872. One Grand Capital Prize of $10,000 IN GOLD! FfiZv, III OliVGr (I ArVAae 1 I wBt $500. Greenbacks! Prt 100 twn ur. Jio'intea uarnJ, worth each.

iw HOrsef and Buggies with Silver-mounted WSSJHSS PUnca worth Ten Family Sewtg Machines, worth roo each I 100 Gold aad Kilrr HnnHiw WatrJim from $20 to tsoo each -r LeonUne chains, yeat i11 fflZ US ln efcHT 1nule number of Gifts, lo.coo. Tickets limited to UL agents wanted torexc TICKETS, whom liberal Premium will be said. ftngle tickets, t2f tickets, tip: twelve fdckela. twen7 nve ucc, tw rrvnixinm m. mil it rj rjdrefiMd'to -vw 4 G- I per, at none at co ur oliixicrton jcadhjtt of yraic- ULD1) TOU CONCERTS.

Monday Evening, June 17. THX CELEBRATED EURO BOY rUlOST, BLIND ine ureat xoucai rroaiirr 01 tnt ace. ana Bfoal Karveleaa Unaieal Genlas a-Ivlnft Adzoiaaion, 50 eta. Reerved Beats 75 cts. Doon ODen ai 7 oVlnrk Cnnrrt Ia mmmnifti ats.

I aa-Seats can be secured at Benham's ilwic Store. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Imnartar and Dealer tn. an Mndi I Rhlns WInet, Import ad Chan? ilsnw AKD rX)3OSTI0 LIQTOR3.V Krarklinff and Still Wlnw. i nw uuugnui ana vxuo. Attached to this Is the flnaeana meat, nkvuant Billiard Boom In th fhati.

r- a a 1 HOMCEOPATHIST, 1 Ko. S7 North Delaware 8U a. uiaiasKja, ax. OmoRa Norta Delaware 1 fcaamiroa-ais Kortb Uberty Wjt KTXOrOXlTAJI Excelsior Uouho y-'' HXCELSIOR, MINH.I W. W.

WATT, JfToprletor. This beautiful summer reaort is situated on take xainneiouca, one 01 ue nnest latex in the8tai eighteen mites wet of Minneapolia, wlth'whtch place it haa daily communicailoa tttatner and cars. The above House, which has been and famished. Is now ready to receive guesu tot the aeaaon upon reasonable terma CHlCiailUNQ SONS1 PIANOS Wostari r3rowii New and Popular Store, 46 Pena. st, Opp.

the Post Office. Wi H. Planoa to Itnt. QARBLAOES AKD WAGOXS. 8HOVER A MILLER, Manufacturers of Carrlagea Wagons, Coal Carta Platform Wagoua HoweahWl iDK.

done on "hot notice, No. to 165 East Market street TTORSEYS. JOIfNYOITNd, Attorney at law. No. 85 E.

Slm'eTffl J- Attro i IUOUST MAI, Ko. 43 Sooth Elinoia Street-. Dealer Goods. lni all kinds of Spectacles and-Optloal tacleFramea Aim, urn new patent uomoinauon upee- Franlxlin UirXXSQ, WEST TrrNLA. tots, Orer GBTJBB, PAXTOIT Agentf, No.

72X West Washington Street, IMBIAJTAPOUS, IBI. TBTDlXBTAPOUa ISSTJXASCX COS Bank of Discount and Deposit. PAT J3XTEHEST Olf DEPOSITS. Buy and sell Ezchanre. deal In fVimmorui andmaJIeCollectiousinallpartsof Btatea i 0X7ICX IN COMPANT'8 BDILDINd, Cor.

Virginia avenue and Pennsylvania at, W1L HEKDXBSON, Prealdeut. Axxx Jajcxsoh, W.C.0B1TBB. BOBT. a TmXTOH GRTJBB Sc PAXTON, riBis and. liira AgontH, "72X W.

WASHaeroii Sraxar. Bull dines; merchandlae, fornltnra ete low rate safety will permit WereprearDt but Ant-class companies. Appllcattons left office receive prompt attention. We also represent the best Life Co, in the world 1 Every one should examine before making appttca- 5-Oon elsewhere, OTI K. Parties wantlnr their ilnk ta ti Mai na-l Vv (Ka Odorlew Priw.

Vanlt rdera Immediately in pentoa. or throagh the Post office), at Sonth JV' 0EfIfl" CPreprieton. Conn-ty rights for sale. 13 xnourra co. Manufaotarat and Waaiaaila Cealst IADDLESY HARDWARE, Jfa, XarCa Delaware street opposite docrt Koaae -r-- t- SSL New.

Music 'ajiaflnBBBaa1 -TKr In din np li.

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