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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 5

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WELL LICIT. lOrwmwed from tX TV awwi at banner ud fare erwowad tbe ttrart. Jeektoe, Urate A MeOoodwIa dleplayed bundrnJeof Saga, atoo did at, Btebtanee Co. TV wboleeal drec-boon (T 1.1 Booinooe doomed elaborately; aleo tha TJnfoaCiprm office; tbe Board of Trsde lliiBC. and very maay rthmbwUtltngt llong I several lively aire, Oew.

Grant, eat or! at by Oen. Mamf, walked MM lk gtea, wbteh I I I I I toane will Man to eanorr nn mitt waa Waobtnz- war, aaare naaaa fane Kaieartr KBaj, osraet. annt at toa araat lapaaiaat leirai nunl to by ate tana and arowaedjltia adatbaiina at GrM reawancUd aa toUowe: tnaiaeaaaar worna.and aaaranTtoa hare wtta taaa neat ad ten rwbat at niliinwiln nai aa aa- torw er aaaaa aa a a ratowntoad ta aaaa aimed? by tan tow aed nanaaiiiay eaaaaatawnans end I ihanb nT'tT'TaTa yrTta tmm aaw I and (rewy anery nant to natoe an a if at to mgraaae Bnmtaay want to aa- aron waarnaar ibey wiu Hm, eaj, to ad iwini to a. and nanaitf ntowaatanaa batBr to law. pear.

aaaaatae a tew af tbe eaaarb an lafewef tbe th dtrtaace betweew thim The tramline -vm eerywhera Utnm, however; Sag nl eatooot ot boating, and fectooM of botbf end litf- ThirJ atma, Ntn hr Waroel, bad ejwtte a botklwy appearance, being entered by aamernne cord mwMlil Kl aog Ml1 neto end fearing the. window alaaort all too hIl4. Th Tart Exchange ww aapaeiaRy (ar daooa, hTtsg a doubts area el lane with ree vf ublngtoa, Uaeola aadGraaL Tbe Volhtblotl offira aa alaa bamdwoaMrr Tea MtUMaaa of Bradley at- Otrttert ww ban- with atw, Taa Metrapothee Theater waa vary vatrrtyrjoratod wfch Bar aad wreath wad awtaaea ef Tigitta, is the saater mt which aa tha word "Wtllctal." Owl act aad aatlnaal aulaia. Mainada Teatple vaa baaff wttb (an botb aa 'eartb aaa) wwCaraoa, aad tta dlngr eat wane apeeerad wen Amad the Oaart bawaa all at the ajar with ten. a Sixth, waa vary atabr ataiiamarila wane, and iiraaaatil a Bad the waa the ta the bajOdJaga wbiab the arty aaaay anHrldaal MaaaaWrt TVaater Wa awry eJaberaterf diaaratid.

aad, beatdea perag bang wtU laga. watalaadailil wttbCbbiaia lawliraa Oa rcenab eWeet, the to air Herat ft T. VwaJde aad bally Trtaa ware bar iMtatnller Batala The eeHaneate barb bid beea pawpaawdlor tbe recreate at Oea. Brant aad party it taa leaner I la Betel ateaM, ta the way ot eeegaaee, tbat taa wall earned feaadattoa ot that baaaa Taea "Tan Loatarrtila Bote! bee alwwya IharwpateUoB ef baaan a aaoaa and aaaahirlarila laai. wbarelbetiaaeler It tualad te gflded eligaaaq aad a aa bat te eueafiaiahle iaarttea, goad Care aaar far Oaa.

Ona aad lady aad OaL Fred, Tlraat aad wtta bt Mre. Oiaafa tirHale narjar, baaa aery at td with a ct gat Dade aapai tag. Tbe traaapelairtai'a. Tbe tbe partar aad ebatabar ate of awry eapaaarr end each wea baaad wttb a bow ot rattan ot ed. wbtte aad Waa, Taa faiatiataef the tbtahtr tt altgaet.

Taa waUaad tbe twe amaa Wrra) babb raj at ma aad a vary Let Mtatilait, by CoL Ai. Beary, tbe eeaaaaatea of bnga waa Gtrt," by the Bee arte. by lialiaeat tta rat by ale the "tTnr etrt," by Cnntlg- a ItHIo atady mt Beware, by Eabati -4Bd Maa' nWa-bv Twaa TnaUr. aad taetral atbeta by widely Tbe whaldL aac ear aaaa at tbe i Wa that at batata, earn a paraoa weaUd aafaatly aaaifortahia tat the a bit at. Itewara wwretdeeedapoatb tabtaa aad ta raei the anant.

gtrtngtbaaa abanifal bile ever a barge toirrer ta tbe erer wea aa taagtd garbjafai of aaallay. The rest woo a arrrato ball, tenanted frtea the aaala bnU by aa area anrteaaed wttb aaaa aarv. Tea third twoan of th aaate wee eat Bad waa favmtabad alatoet aa htndagtBtly tb outer chamber. Mew eerpet, aaw wan aaaer. aad taa aaate tltgtnt ate entat L.

rwady anellnait, The farattars wary arpanarre. Oa tbe walat at abaaabar alto war bang rax pate tta ga, aaaoag wbiab art "Pet aUbblta." by HabUai a aady aad aattaray by r. aVboUea; a attle Ptaaraatta arte a Breaa the brweh et Adraaa Motoh 'grenp ef aaltla by Breaa at. Tbe window of thee Ml rat all baJeoey, which It approprtttorj taav- away trial be prowd The bvg pOlart wnra- aitelbil wtrh arjtral ef the wall and at the ah eanea, wateh teeteeaed wttt tjwVtVeVtaWaVw OVtwf wentwl tnWaptCaT wf (bat tBt i bail aorttwtt af tbe dtatbagi id rat ed tb daaplartd wttb gated i BTWBT WIBBOW WA BW0OBA1 Pah lag, while at th awtraaea tt lac draped the doer. Orar aba dear i arch at mart aa arblcb the word "Wet- t' At the Latatanlla.

Frota the Coart-hoaot, Oea. Cirtart barorted te the Leahrrllle Hot at, where he we taadaattd apatalr by Mayer Bu tar. At the bead at tbe atatra. he waa aaa by i wtrgdwead te Mooter fa targe Keaa aad Mb leant, laabrilaaad Acne Clark aad Mary H. aat, eech ef wbotB pintaalad taa Kb boaoaet of boaaUfnl.

to were. aenrse, rwaogwUtng the vain of tttae, pre ate4 btt banqawt wttb the to! low tear abort rat nant it mark 'llow do yon, 0 antral; Jlow wie to prenaet yoa with than aa touvdoctloa to am -ml ledtet th laatral waa oBdacted to on of th parlor tbe aotet, where he waa aval by raa iHtiBBtrHi! raoa aaeaynxa. thlch cam BTtt kroe to vtatt thwr etty. la waa aatrodacd to Mayer Kerrbe wbe Birrnlaet tbe k.ltntloa la behail af lerrgatioe, a fullowa: anor ta arjoa ma gdt aronWoeenore-n and to ml lei an hrrttanua to raw. Wa wall aw ct bbl Aart nasi, th wimKT et taw rn.niat aa vfie, neat I To na'rti Oannrnl Urnnt rap Wd: wn Mlnata ewrt VI oaa, bat I aaa ieiaii te ana and M-alm.

ard I dual ipnuaitoaiaM. 11 toaa ge I wad ae ten an m. Tb ttcmral waa tbra ttrtrcdaead to. aad aaofchand arttb, th KaehrUI dnlogattna. a eon rtrmuBg the tayunttna tiawerai Grant waa thro atbaa to hat rnnaat.

aa autpinocd rauca wea Barren. Attar waeht lOCBTUXB COCBCO. i body cniard. Mr. Joaaph, ta behalf af ii.Iiiii tmUT and aad I raw.

Oraat wa taea ratrodnead te aad jea anwaa wna eaeb tataabar aaaantely. aaaae the School Board, who were ale ieewMd te tbe General. Prwldant iJofd taeotd aim nil a copy ot th ateUatlre at tw arxtcaji nnun beteg pmeateJ, Mr. G. P.

Theobald, at AW etKnbdb AnU. maa to I itoBwllla Cap oral waa tatrodaead aaaey ef wboaa he toeoga a of bla tt ha afctieaa war. tr. I. H.

Bator natn nd tha ted to Graaral Oraat aad pawaed to bat th hodg ef a "Mextrsn ywteraa. Taa BX-ratrBBAi. OLBrBB, dad by Cea. W. a WblUker, arched Ik rotandnot th hotel.

After the hand uata wktck arwo. patted theat had played Uhnle wad bai aaera aarnrad awmteysd 1WJ asm) MtMIVBMk fenarapiapiUaw nrmthsbxwwr vnlt ef ratal hove ram earn. twiirfctn aaga. aad tinlriard wttbaitliatl extern. Tbe batted Btetae Mattaa UoaetUI.

aad aha teata. a rennet ad wtib trngt- awetbaee beam a the tnldal rbaaatera." aad they bare baaa re rear and, ravetiarwd, wttb a atawta biaaellt a aaaif oat taea ta aetata bat aaadi ep Ion aer tent baa beea dtnpaaaed nary baadaaaaa tfewnaeaa, aad aaaaawd idae itntwntrbBt paatrtiaa, aad at eary jtaBenewMa eanbiattag aat iatlatae at easy tii wa wwrad. aa weU aa oaary at the anoat tiutot Ummm. eaaaa awaaBaaaa, arree mm weuangaaa, nape- dwaw, WatbbaHea aad Blbara anaeatr tbe Bwtwral esowi ataatttue tabtaa arela the rnaan. one of which, aaa da of reaawoed tare ad by afelllad watbaiaa, waa btaagbt n.

1 1 in 1 aatay jean nugtlbat wttb a eeaptB ef newer wneoa amaa at tbe aaaaa tjalartal. tbe nartaaaa at betb tWJbBt- I i iimnatat vary I taawed with bwattag aad lutratid wttb aaaw. Tbe whet of the betel trnialU a boUday I bgpaareara, tb otwae aaifrtlaada badngee- I aneaaPy attntllitv I pert ef the aaaae waa aapailaiiafil by Mr. Aadraw Erarner, aad hat la tt aaa ha art in. whan the whole aefflBg to I liatnantd with atfiraaad Bnge.

auk Beat ate I wralbar baaa aaaa ga aad bannera file at tat tin; I erwr- I vara ten wp mm aaeb tide, aad met Oca. Whttaksr, wbe eddraaned hM aa toBowm as. WBTTtaxa'a arwacB. aew. Oom.

oar ex-tailowofflaiia and have honored to bet roa wcjeoato to a Haw aad oar beenrrui ety ef Ual ta. that r.w toes know now ouriUa, warm ana aooerom ara, aad bow aturea roe baJ oberanl low bhn- ry. ft ttiniia mkm roa aad week ts to bit auportor aad rWk-w-ooeer ana om fonunue anna In taa Orfonm aur nt itiai animt Hvf wiort maJe hr dual aad terif A a i 4 ai mm Aa aa dier la hvxleo end to taa tale war ta aef-n-e and ni nurtof our an anal ecfarnaiani, we, einam and axUara aba aarf.d la oud taiia and aanv 1M and anW and atfKtra. aa firtan, foar lata oOkan and aa.ra tmm taae raw nars, nueincntni u-anrlara and inaudn aaaa mj mauanar and aaa. aara uar four Ufa uo-iim aa worm mr rw ram- Kraaam, nan and ta a at atiaraaiar aa a atima.

and tm aur niuttarf aad a ttuasl earner, and wa ntte a (rcat nrun 'a toa kwb eHOnata bare keaa arid lea gfrei eaaar aa ma uau-ra one- 4 a mar faaa ana. lea oar laite a npeM aad iitwi utaiiy. Wa, id aala, Nat aa wa bava tna rtrM aaa woa tna ratwiw I aftad soa ilillil toa ai llna ad ttav anad rwn ft'Miera. I wtu raae a to -baa. burr aa aw artaaaa at ear ana fraaa id BMet tintrwili a aaa, a ware wan aid rladeeroar mat anXUMa a a lwr ib: t-aar waru aa a ataa aaa Sot wa.

jaer aaaaradaa aad ailunli baaa aew haavwr aaaaad awar. fetal Mat we nam 'a yaw at a it a mat ii wa aaa aaa. ajara tan aula aatnaa aaa aaaorr at ear ba. Imaiidlalary aftar the epeeaa mi Oea. ad aatdTtnew ate nea pea tea Inia af wea.

Qraat the badge at a -Fad- erml nnkMar." Sea. Oread reapeadad aa tonowef aa uteaa wwa were a ate eabar aaaa, ealy Ulna tn nailoa, aa a we aaaa id I wataa roar wan aaneea iwiiJa Tanraeaaennd Tlta Van Ida Jteeeataea Tb reneptloa ef Man. Oraat at th raan-naaaef Mra, IX I. Faalda waa a aaaaa ot iltalorarer bntora abaatatd bt tbe etty otUmarrUle. ladttd.

tt anaaid a fairy lead. Tb hoaeo wa ughtad artth baLndnada of ru Bgmte et dlffaaaal eotore la millnal gold aaadalabra, aad gae-tate eew taa aryatal aa Blearer ad aland tela, tret tare end dbv aad awade aaaay fabjada by bet aOabat MJeeAeW bndawr. wale Ma grot de Lyeaa. Mm. Betwwy, ef Cblaaayo, Tatrat, wbHa atlk aad Mn.

ratter ralaaar. af Cblnagay bane waV- awt aad old gold aetta. aad a btaellfal Via. CoL rred. Oraat, bar aaatar, aa oiraw browb ralyet, with ttiipet of browa aod old gold, ead dtontoadt; aaw a baaatttol wi Mr.

Uor. Blaebbara. aa exqnJett toilet at Mr, ktattae Faaldn, pale bin eatta. aaa- bTOtaored la brae ebeaiue, wa rzqntali tonet. Mn.

Viator Kanreomb, aptrh toilet et white aaovra aattqw. aad Snperh blneh atce. wttb tie ton I Mra. Beary L. fop, btaek twtt aad rleh lea; her two deanjbtara, Mtoe Harebell aad Mat Mart Leyd Maraball, axqalatte tot- lata af black yatrnt aad whtta Mra.

CUwde. aligaat blaeh nflb, aanbrwldnrad and bat. Mre. baabb lit alaa ead bay aaetar. Mat, ee.

Btnattagtea, a haary bene, with peart Mra. Thcaaat CWflord. a Ft rath drew) at at wbtte hratad. oa Mra. OerSerd leaked eereij.

Mra. aWwa Ward Latota XTX, Maria Aatnlaatlt ad pad brae relied too of enrk-Mwa I ak tarwagh with pel 6n da Lyeaa; pnilac, wtU old treat aad reaad too tiliiat; aaaerdraat af pale-brae gre de tyotat ea eld hate; aatperb by MtatbaaW dt PetetH of Tor. Mra. Jeha W. AlaiTi aw tsotdelto teOet Fait bra tad tflrt hreeada.

oyer trala of I Tlret; tratttaata, ana aad dtoitKnaaa, Mm Dr. Badd. rteh Mack Terr, artth eoporb wkn Ian. Mi. Fogg, rteh btaek antia, i ta tot.

Mr. M. Bwlew. blnefe: adk aad while leee, Mr. (11 B.

Marray, Ttivot trturae, die- Mr, laaee CaWwalT, a eorabteatSoa of old broead aad eahea ef roar, wttb dlnaaoatd. Mia May Caldwell, garaot ralTet end entla. A aeont ttococalag totle. Mr. CrtUasdra Coltlea, the beck draaa, row elik, eat Ilk a roat, with a front ef whit edk, brocaded wttb rwk nerbwd.

Tbla toilt wa Bude by Eekia, of Saw Terk. Mr. Harry UUtoora, a rtab black yelrwt. tobrutdnred ta J4; dtaaaood orwaraaata. Mn.

May Ward, a rich eoawbaBatiaa fat black aflk and bine brocade. Mbh Dora Brldcaford, pal bine aflk. Mra. Zaae, btadk Jrt, wbtte leee aad dlaatoaonv 11 m. Sbarate, bleok Tel rat and Jo.

i Mia Kent CanatagbaaB, aiamoaohwwd yelret aed ttlk Uarnga; dtnatond ornaaaauta. Tha Mlaaot rratber, Mlaa'Iat Beat. Mra, Babrrt Hunt. Mint Ottorwe. Mra.

Raa- eoai and bet baaatlfnl daughter. Mat OoedV Mr. K. B. Bolltoc, Mtaa Ropktaa, Mra.

Claade Jobatoa. ot Lartngtoa. Mr. Waa. Barrett, Mre.

Bpbauw, Mra. Doegbwty, Mr, klehard Traboe. Mra. Edward Wilder. Maw) Perrre, Mr.

Robert Bell, Mr, aad Mraa Nor. toa. Mr. Dr. Roberta.

Mlee Mary Poradextar MWa aaate TandaU, Mra. Paal Oontoa, Mra. Mekay, Mra. 8. a.

Haralrton, Maat Joaoi naatCtoa, Mtoa UH1 Bcaalag, Mr. Baurao. Mr. Mra. Moat-ronery Wncwk Mr.

Chat, tvtttt aad twaa othert hi ex-qalalt loBmU that hay aot rooea to de-aerfbe. The Indian all were azqniatte opera At o'eteck Oea. Great aaet a parly at frleada at dtaaar at the rarlrTaaua of Mr. Uaary WtUerwoa, trotag tbenca, at half aaet to the LoaUrrtll Hotel, where he waa jotted by Mra, Oraat, wboaa ha tnataiitabiil Ve tb GnM Bowaav. Tha lllaaueetieo.

The niaatlntrlaa far ealahaao the daonra- I awAahtneaey need agate aad eiaailaeied wtadowa tairty aieaed op aad dowa the pttaetpal etraaa. Mara etreat, baaa the LaatieyUle Hotel the Oatt Baaaa, wet bnUtoat araoo of light. ttowtloa wrth rtd Bgble I arwraaa I aaj aarr amta iaitoirtoatoTaa I mw mnt, aaroad and ai mtr maaiiy. I aaa I mm if aaaa naf raw, aad eanaNw aat In aaw eaaaarr nana I kaaa aaa mnj toa atoiitora itowa I wana aa aaaaat aa aaa, aaa I waira to wia hnare wffl anna I toajSaTi, WatoawfTitutofc'wa aanttor aa In aaa wea tony atecM a ate awe war. we are la weatnaae nana.

waUa naaretaa aaadetbuad I awe aaawana Uvea waa are Ballad, we are rwd I wmmaaa eaar hnae luaara wan BBUMhee aveatanra, mn cBaaaa wwre lhaa ofend for Saw. Oraart and kaertly gtraa. Oea. tireat, aa i tiara lag te baa winter, waa neat by vara esoaw tiai tatimei -beaded by Ma. bUrrta, wbe, bt Uetr be belt, aaofee aa loliewa: oaaaaat, Oram, Mnneaan OwjaiaiaaJB Aa eord aawliena.

am ad of ear coanwy aad aa bwa aanwnatoea. Ma taraa, Ha ull iiiiiiilni ba tiiiinm hi. wa ai in aa naiir aa yon tnaa, ana eeaaaat heaiaj rant tony wab adawatlna and ewtoaaaaaaa tar nana aaaa aid a tree natitut. Wa are araaarai tone nai laam yon ware i replied an year tear amend tbe wrat. waataar batar yuwnor or at tea anaaaaa.

aaaaa7eaaaad ee yna are ta aat Beat aa aa we catenae, roa aJwnra aaaaaaaaead tb wwa darntty and Boat Mr at Aa i ma rtuana, Tbnie a ae araaaaar, ajnaadarw aniakd tru aa ed Lb at mjOm warat than tbe rnante mm at Aanartaaa aaaaen. Taer taaarbir nw, roar njaan-eae tBBaara nad yonr tie iiiiaaal Kanja, enr ronadud by their naanaieai tnuatne ot attad neaaet, ana aaanato aaarOtow naat da aruand the thrjena at auaaar, atone enartad ta ton ravranaeat toa atoni Aanajanaa an rata, uar arvaataat taaat a unt wn, ton, are tawtritan, taettna at that amaa inaublt. tat wnoto warat aaar. Wa bene tar to day when baaaa tie a era haw ta lit a waa and to nent area at a in, awaaoaniraiani toe randnar at ear Iraa taautaataaa, aad aba reward a tttailtl Aa tbe taiiwilnlnae war baabed wttb the anant ewealalte aWwern. Ban-baa et tragraat baeeaoane, a baaa edera tiled the entire teerltital, bang ht rrary araUable Tbant aad aatta wtU ealy 1 trail tat ta Mai.

Bella Batata, wadteetrb, Daabtttt bbtaaad dbhttaaile, aadaaabed aaealy, eeeba etwayadwaa. Mn. IbtTtd VeaUda, a mbaaareoa yatrnt, BoBBt lata aad fbitnainr, aaaa taatimbag Mra. Aflea' Haeetae, aaia Bhab, ana de Ly- bftdarod aa pawk roeer; wwtat et wbJta, adnk Loa Baweoa, betb tligaat aOk man at Ml. nVobart tflb liltiail aad btaaa, eetated wtth tritltl aead eead naartt aad ark a draaata a aaparh lutleaii.

4 that (ht etty may weU fee! Broad of. At tVa Coart bnatt aad City Hag aeotber daawttatT dtaptny wad te be tana. Fearth atreet, Oitttt aad Third ware alaa bfCUaaUy hramtwaled. a ra oowaranVdotmaAW otBee Chratat toartama did nM ha their pee to aanke th Been aaoat bri IllaaV A row at gay eeaored InaXaro gtrdad tbe boildtng at the third toor, while freot the hark toot ehahbt of but tern drooped to tb aighbor- twg baUdiBgs, The 'enfiy aUrwtatT ana-ed by a pillar of brlgat -Ugbta, aad tb teeny wtedowf -wore all brOlleatly Uli Bated. Oa Foarth rtrtot tb aldawwlkd aad aloro- troatd were gaaerally boag with tantarn.

which, together wtth the lag, audi a Tory brilliant una a. Oa Groan, WetwwaaTktrd and Fearth, tb aewauaner row tatrly enadld ttrerf, tbe dalllaa each tryang to ahow the bagwaat appraeiarloB of the ettr'a heoatwd guaat. Tk Aaaarlawr oOot wwt ablaat troot root to htatena twnaaatt of the I argute a 1 1 eta nedle, aad the wbote eUeal bebd hm th ttght of the aewepepera glory. The rutaaitrrlal, betir. wa hot to he ewtdoae by ke brUllawt aolgwbot, ao II eowghl to bo ma wtth tee 11 at aad eky tuiAeoa aad bare bag oot- ercwkgwta, Bafwtaa ItaTW Theobtr oppoatto wore arBllbBtaa ef nghat, atahlag the what offnot of the tojaanw hnataalt aad aartag th tatteo-tng tmrtloa to taa ooal at ah aertbaa that that waa aot eetdoo etwa by abaata.

The ttrntthitai Tbialay bright wtth Cat the anane bteafkgwd aiade Wabtat tdiett aright far aei at al aqntrte The froat of the tboater wet haag wtth ai herast et ngbta, aad the whole wea a ery brflltant Mr. Joha Maoaaley enwrod ao Twe Aaarknr- awtght, wwa tatrty ad Ughta tt already aaaay tlshta. to Sixth aaa Qrw- aaar by. Tb bed kanli wa ablaaewttb gaa aad haag wtth aaaay light. The Coart- hoaat, which at boot ta a Ty dtagy okg TaaattU of immtiem, did tt ran beet to ehtn la boa or at the great General, aad right well did II tamed; eyery rooaa waa lighted, aad OTory wtwdow btatwtd a dood ef brtrhtanea.

th ynrd at the aada, a dnrpaey ef trewnrka waa anade, which wa very. entrned a tug erewd of bttereaUd le-Oa Mnta atrnea, benjaaratT at the Lotnwrfllo Hotel, that thorea of licht tn tb Gntt Hoaaan. At th UraJartlle two largo headitrtta were placed a the eaar, aad they ef pther Ughta, too Tb large wl ana Co. aad Band a Tory htarttnmt dhtpiny. Tnrrni, Doata da Boat door, wtth rbtain aaaiaraa.

sad abed a Bood ot briihwat from roof tn nellnr, ad the froat ef ft wwa haag lepaoaafy artth: rnniorno. Jew. Ortfltth As Caw aaw OOor, a balllatallt lllntaaaoled Awroa thaauawt, the baUldtwg of H. Bnan ah Co. aad the L'ataa aUpr Coanpe- my'e togadi Cp near Fearth.

the fatwdtare baaaa af Fred. A anker waa taaanlawiaa tor tta Tory hrflMaat lllamlaatkaat aad ttaahowy waadowa. taoaeet whaah aaaa Hal tta id portrait et Pan. Qmat. On tha eereer the whale ef If.

Bad. rtaU'e aotblttbmaal wna brightly Ut aa. aad haag ea tha ootatdn wtth haadrede at Thoatwoaet the Ovaad hf rail ma I waa ablaaa with Oiram Attbeaarm of dt were Try ktalttmily The atare ot Vtttra. W. 8.

Mlraaa, J. B. Bated aad alaa mt Prirrrag, ad adjnlrltg. were Tory tatgalrltmiy lighted pp wtth Oa Mala, aber Third, th Mpply Wl da A. O.

Heaipli, waa Ib eta oaalyaad hrbratty kchtea-ap aalabratb At the earaer of inai th riiHit Bowk ly BHIMtnt. hat tbe koildrng of th Laewyrflla Kaahrlae rnflmad ltd ttijaa any oa otreok It waa ted poked with naga aad Tory ala gently fflaaejaated wtth railroad laa- teraa of aaaay aad Tarloe ea lor. Thodb- play aaad by tkia taaOdiag staaaed ba nrtiailaa teem tbe large orewd gated et the toratt ttaaa eay net ana of the Oelt Bean I artley Jtkatna aad Jnnarblwth A Co. were Tory eeoaeaalp haag wtth Cklam. Italinil, and prmaaladBTery bright race.

Maay other pnaaer Dchl ahoaa oat from an pert of th etty, aad tb otmata war crowded nam 10 o'eloek by aultilndat of KeecpUea at tha Calk Ot aware, oa the rtaeloa of Oaa. Orant'i Ttatt, the Oelt Boaae waa dir-irnlaii te do ate whole daty, ead probably tt a re patrlotl then ynrtnrday. Keek ef tbe barge and atagnrdanatly proporttaatd 'a wrapped with the of th oral dealgaa, neTanrtng at data head aad tag at tea taete. At the onde of th iwptet wtth rare plant end gow ef Flora 'a datatUy a wwroaB logttbar. Th ipataoaa haDd aad parlor tror The leora ef the lath la the of th i.

It 'at taarty aay ta the atrfk- by tha ttmple adora- The tiltitag waa ee of tha ry aad aaaaa of ly-the baaaUfal grtwtt et tag piaata II tale the llw beaaty aa atnaiti nili added ewnh giaot to two para while ef tony ehjtelitt, -Wmmk a ntarrwl of tarter The tattlpittrt la th narior war btaa trfway beaked with aowrra. Haadaocwe a the LoaierlUe gorletaar fnaaoaa for war gracwfnlly placed at tataa-raJa ta tb roocaa. waasAU. It wad 10 e'eloek before th door of th Oraat aad party lad th way to the bead ot Bate at aad Blood. Th nrowd of gay yeaog peopl an rand after them parlota, aad tbe ball mem eooa be came Tall of life and jolttty.

Fifty tnnalratna ware aagaged by Mr. Almy, aod the maaht wad abanralOBtly twtchlsg. Tb daao- gaa, aad erarybody bat good eplrttB. It wa a bowqaet of Koatacky loraliaam with all that tha) ba pitta ta the way of tare aplrlta aod eweeaty beaaty. Oea.

Oraat aad th Gortra-er aad Bat JoUlty, the Mayor. nidetiUy ojoyad it, to Jwdg troot tha twine that oreripr tbefar eowBtetitBtot a tbey ca-pnrad nimbly thronerh tha gay anndrlUn. All etTtoe of beaaty were reocoeealed. from th matd wtth the Seeking black aye to the gtrl wtth tbe dreamy browa ere and beaatt-fal eawaplazloa; from th oomblaattoa blood aad brnrMtU, to tb girl with Bale triaait aad tb bright bla eye. It waa, Indeed, collection of rare feminine exotica.

Aad lb way tbey tnfweed ptrtt ead marilmaut bate the lain It waa aot loag before aft tuffntaa heattaaey had departed, and every ea waa at hw or her one. The Keatocky gM at I nea. (yarythmg thaw before her radiant good hwmer aad her eoraleoa butghtac laiiim at rrjix awrne. Beyer did the Gait Boo room mound with a mor toyoaa rtppltBg of neiiliiitul; aTr taa agcta Baaa apoa more ttttn bled WrallBwie; wrr did tb ataia aad tootoead the coil ate wwr a anarrler aaawe. Krerytblng wnarrthm.

beaaty. Aa taib weald herd beea eoanpallod te bhaaalf to the ebarm af tha urtrlaa; a hermit wowld aerer bare regretted leaytan- hM hermltaan tn frt a gllmpae of th world again whoa maa bright eolor. Th rynae't aaeey loaertooaly Bar gilded bate a tmOe. Old anon fall yeaag tort nlrtt, aad the yoamg fnit that they bed wtoga. Why not, ttrt Bet.

wbBa the blood thu-ta hi yntwa sad tbe tptrtu are wamarrad hr It ea ha regiabt oa thay ara'graaUy to ii dle- The large aUBlnAeoom wwt aiiltanmiliitel tat a ball-rom to ompletaly that tb neeta ef thewatt Booae eoaM aearaely BMOgvJat ereaptett to twake the BiamttaHna lagwfd taaat, ead bat rrwnrd wa oaa af tha aaont tilirany Bad bmHaally utuataltl bend that to the etty. Oa Jentawtea the aceae that graetad the eye ef th aaaae tbowanaita ot Indtoa aad ewUa-awaathat atfodod lataabth the allBtatattid trt wea aot aaa dtatlttg, becker Tbitttr. ahraye bad kona added I AJaaeet rnry hewae doarw tta" if baa at. the Chart baa tha giatabwaa waa rati bad, Froat th tnn taaToathe CttyBaO tewar long hain of aaatoraa ware atatpeadad to the bonding lha aeillata killllaal li at to aeMltaoato the were aaatlitaa of Chaenan laataraa aad tltaala hetaat ot p. A.

Robtw-blaatng frota top to bottom. Bght orar the wheat mnaro. Oa the aorwor at Fifth, tha baaatag a KthmeBl of Thaodor Bob wart dt Co. Grant, daaped la tb atare eadetilpaa. C.

S. knwaoa Blato mated alee. eaeeaa. nbdrnod sad dalloalt; tat tligaol, end th potto, ao armytAdog aa lira ran; there tt. Mr.

AJay raeotatnad Cbe fwet that a hrflUaal aa amemblag ahoeid be rncorrnd tm as ruble aad hnraaonloaa awawtorw, and atrrwiy aotatBg af grace and beaaty wwt omitted th make ap of too room. Tbo euiiowndtnar wore iiw in Jtoad. The eeiltngaware ten-tooaed graeernJIy with gaga of all nn-ttoaa, the "Star end Stripee" taking lha hleenit to the way of prnrahtenao. Bw tweatal color, yaMeaat and Amorteea ebtehi were placed betwoaa tan wtedoww. The Wtadow liinmailim wi banked wtth tare aaotlen, palm, piaata aad Bower, an taete folly arranged, ao a to make a moat pit terag bnprneelna npoe the eye, aod aootribellag twoch to tbe general good look of tbe loom.

Tan ten4nnoy of- deaonatloe Bow-a-dara be-twg toward Bataral effeeta, Bomber af naen ry barda ooald be heard ebtrping meiilij ta ea parte ot the room. It Wan extremely wetarwl that the aong of the birda abowld be haard amMat ao maay pVtati tad nowerw. From tbe Mater of each wtadow wore hang I pretty little bird gay wit who ef tmltaUoa of tb toe ladto praaaal The bird war ktadly loewed by Mr. George W. Man.

Market they added not abatletothe From the nant or ot the let the bell room wa Majaaaebal Kiel aad btaah bada. The dtrtori were libamid wtth atallax aad graaae. The team wa wei Ata bttle batore tm, Geo. aad Via. Oreo, accompanied by Mayor Baxter sad Mr.

Beary Wattnreoo, aad CoL aad Mra. Fred. Grand, nonompnnaed by Oea. Xk H. Marray ead T.

V. Dadley, Milled at the Owkt Baaaa They were aaet at the la din' litre em by Ma. W. T. Palarnt, Mr.

Joha B. Grneo and Dr. Irrtne Bailor, aad were hue a to tbe largo eeorar parlor, whore tbey held a brant loteuHoa betore tb halt, Tha ladle aad gialltmta ft pnnaltd tothodnnwaeithadl gweet by Mr. W.T. adore end.

Kaabhera'a tubitlia wa ataMoati to the haB, aad datv tog tha raaaptaaa plajad the foUowtag follualag erden Oea. Oraat and Mra. Beater, Go. Black bora aad Mra. Oraat, Mayo Baxter and Mra.

Fred. Grant, CoL Fred. Gene aad Mra. Oea. Mantwy, Go.

Marray aad Mm. awtawkdaAWtani 4 The brat aat waa denned wttb the erjOowtag: pertttlpaatet Own. Uraat aad Mr. Baxter, Go. Htoekewra aad Mr.

Grant, Wuana aad Mra. WLnwau Mr. T. WI aad Mr. PaHtar Pnlaner, Cot.

Fred. Grant and Mr. Oea. Marray. Mr.

T. H.Bbortoy end Mtoa Era Bbwrlay, Goa. Marray aad bwm. Mayor Baxtor and Mr, rmd. Grnat.

Tb toUowtwg waa tha i A Wetin Tei a A Uaaa XlaUrW in anna" By A Wane aailtnoW --PT" T. Onlu "tuaee't By WaM A laiiitam Plan fee" By A Wnim "Hnra Maade- nr wrani. 11. n.MililWa "fwmrlai" StW 1. Walia "tXWrsaf T-Onr" ranat tA waalraam7ti "atonio" after iaaetag tha grat few aoa Oaa.

TwafonowtBA- are tha hvdkm wb greeod I Mra. Fred. Oraat, baack Tnlyad, wtUgotd. Mra. Got.

plant bara, whtto aalto, eotot lao. blneh rate. Mr. Lewni Anna, rold anttB. iinaaibd with nary boa velvet and point taea.

Mr. Gen. Marray, aero, aatta wtth eera broeorle; garni minted rotae. Mtm Maml FoUM, bine awtto with trtaw- MamBalkwop, drom at alaa od Mtoa Manila, iraam anlrewd aatta. wtth frtagaa.

Mim Idawte Jeoob, Maa aOk. aarttoolsrod. how i limine aad Waa. Maa Mary Lloyd MarabaO, pfaak aSk. trimmed wtth lace.

Mra. Oraat, Tory regally Blind to wallet, point mee aad dtamnadt Mr. Forar Palmar, garwat velvet. Mia. Harrla, la KUa graaa tflk, point and dbtatonrl Mm.

Got. Braaaiotte, bleak Tnlyad. Baf SSW twwntennWtSeBW Mm. B. B.

Teraoa. baaofcailk, hm Maat Mask) Kreaaer, whtta aOt emhtwivea, im. Land A Teiret, artth gold MnwHattt MeDowadLof Fraakfort, wwito Mam Mma bwm brier, polo btneallfc away arawtTerret; arnaaitnta, paawhv Mm. i. B.

aetlamaa, eleganl bleak yalyet dram atrlpad with gold; oratmaw Mre. T. H. faweriey. blank Telvet diem Mra.

L. O. Marray. fawa eaaorad aatia dreee, potat nana aad torn rmd MU Berti rarr. Mo tatia aad porat aaee.

Mr. Joaaia kid let cat, eherry aaad white drear. Mre. Belle 8. Bhcrrn.

pohat lao dram evar wbtte enttn, trlmmad wtth Jaaqnamt Mm. Chaw, Mrrlwatber. pel ptak awtht dreea, wtth Wa brocade ererakn-t. Maat BalMe Bedta. pale btaa aattoaadto Mra.

D. F. Faalda, ntrmdnf Mhw Cora AUhwa, et Hew Attway, Tetret wtth Mm. Own. Kkht, Maek ttlk aad ymymdwtt, tibwmil with ktee.

Mr, itirwia. Mack Terrwt, wtth are oteidr! aad dMatnada, Mia Bottle Flaldt. white oochemir, wtth Botat nppUqo OTardrnae, poarl araiaetaU. exam waaam atwpe, wtth peak MM Kra Bharley, whtto It humeri with bine. Mr.

Oaa. Tyarr, linn broead velvot aad Mra. Bowry LFop. Meek velvet, loo Bad ptak blneh rote. Mr.

Fred. Loth, white tifeta, point toaa aad dtamoad eroaa. Mn. Baddart, maa aatla gad gwrwet vol- at, MM Wttaon, of Frwakiort, arwam aoloied brocade aad pearta. Mra.

Blaford WOaoa, pal blae tflk aod dia- awood orwamoBtA Mm. John WklU, black aflk aad point Mce. Mbw JeaaJe BamlTtoa, polo bine a Ok and Mra. Ward, btaek aflk and niamrmda. Mr.

Virginia Thompson, black aOk and whit trisralaga. Mn. W. H. McXaJglit, btaa tflk draae; bamanU.

pearta. Mlee Trabwo, at Frankfort, am Iter branded n-ath a-" '-yr Mam Awbta McDowell, brae Uk dree. hrwwmcd wtth ptak plaab row. Mr. Barrey, of Chicago, acre aatla bro- dreee; dhuawadw.

Mm. B. D. Fotta. of Taareatay, cream white aflk; peart and dteneonda.

Mine Belle Grant, Frankfort, Fart maalia and Valaacfaam. Mhw FaBBto Crttteadea, tyieoa-oolored tttkiatte; pearl. MM UOtm Ortttaadea, Mack aflk, white ate Mhw Abo Bhort, iiw Albaay, ptak aod whitoank. Mr. Robert Jacob, black aDk Mm.

Xdwwrd Tarwoa, black iCh wttb black Mim Feareo, aombtnAtloa arte, btaa aflk and bto eatta. Mrw Mar Maady, blae tdk, hlttm wtth wbtte tote. Mtm BoOoway, eraeawecrlorad BlJk. oaaw- btaed wtth aatfw. BUM 18111 MambaJL ItmVtbltfcri tVtot, Mr.

Jaa. CJerk, Pram-erderad aflk. wtth pitoam wbteh Ween made tbe prat ion at the -iialktrai teemed te be hold- thety oww to and atatltatai asbryor at oath ei ttoant Maih Waliiwa" By renal a. aate Bybnob JL w. TWiftlnewl fanWLeaa.Malaa nmwwoa-wm Th naiprlta being error, the boB aueaa door wore intaid ead they eatarad la tha aaaa Mtee tenet rand ana OBteTWiTeA wnAerimiim Irtwmbig i Maw Maml Haddtt, whtto kraaadt, potat leee aad lb nana, Maw.

Oea. Taylor, fawa toliwi I aatta, petat late aad dm raid Mian tdat Gwlhitn, mum ultra 1 btnmd, KoWobMCb; MIMb) flantdew TawnTanwBwaBeBeaBn MM Ada a Badewr, ot Cbitign, whtta atlk Mian Libfeoe htm ay, kreehwrbl Wtth etrtpod gwaaie overdreea, Maw Seme breve, Mack aflk aVdaw, wtth Mhw Bath O'FaJlee. et BA lirti. whtto Bownra. i MMa Taltt aTaat, bhwa endaa, wtth bcoaaded rnt drwaa, trbwaaod with poont ana.

anrTSraitnTMa Mtm Uorwlle Walker, a Worth inrlatti ot btwe Mtm. aotot toaa aad pearl aat wmk aimdiani; daamrmd maamaala, Mra. Bambargm. wfWrjrttwB dimati tmhteiiitrtd la ill tit- Mr. Wtth tower.

Mr. Got. Bramlette, bunk Tntrnt. wbtte lean, trtarmed with gonmrn. Mam eSrarta, paht ptiaab tlnattm (HX Mia Bailie Ruer.

hlecfe mJk. Maa ABdoraoa, whtta allk. Witt hrhwrntBgn, Mtoe Pnrkaua, btwe aOk, Mam Battle Bumatare, lee colored anh. Mht ttiat ntlrttmaa, atwk talk, wtth whtta ktee trlmmlB-B. Maw Lowe 6 warts, Mra.

wybtte. bleak aOk. Mam Barwett, bla aatbi end white Blaalaa, Mtm Froajo Lee, aorw broead IB garnet Mr. Wolf, black ewtrat. Mra.

B. arjtal. were btoe aflk, nobly Mra. OaarKa O. Mln aVlcwrtoa, UaetUk, tta, aataral dower.

Maw Batanoa, whtta Maat awJItraa, Mtoa Mem Otaart, peak aflk, rnrta i 'MwA'otrwTttiiew dlhaay. Mrs. COl. Hktibillutd, bhbnk atlk. oaw- awnwared la abeatlla aad hat IrtmmlBBi Mat.

WDder, btaek aatta da bow, tot Rxbd CAnrwaoaT eerteialr tnatawgod the hack wriL JLhom the docoTBlioa at 8. T. Moore A wwa a battle bag froat Fort Piwlna, ml tha aarger flag aad hi ewiag tothe bad p. TtTBocaa aoeae tnttaadnielaBillag, tha Brwwnrka of the Omaiaa locraaLAi, City BaB aa Taa foOowiBg Bewwpaper aaaa dowa tram Cwtrwaaarl yiatardey: W. B.

Gnawtto; F. MeLeaa. Tbwwa; i. B. ChatV wmk.

B. HaOarnnt, J. Bieaa ia, lUrBrer. Thay OaM. Wm rnrjubimh tawt Basra lag.

for lha built of tha large ewaneon at add budiri ef taa Cooaina JoaranAh. the aerta hbMury et Oow. Groat "a nmtrktb to Batapa, loawlbar wtth a aketeh ef hat kto A eaaAT deal ba baaa awai by wtltma mt ftna. Oraat1 uliamdbtaij power et reset- larttaa una and ia, wwtktog ap to leek or oa, aaad: "Why, CoL how are yonr' for a Tela waa the tra ttaas the two bar mat atawa the fall at Viakobnarg. AaT elegant sad rmpoetng rpectacla wwa that pmtaalad by the r.

Bloom the net aunt tar a oa Mato shot, the alawortUddea from ytow by the aaa ef star aad atrip, aad the to root richly draped wtth tha dtlightatb to Taab ef th Halt waa iapimeald byabaaatttal tea tat wtth tu raapeettra nwnerolly tha wand, a bnaner artaoted the arena aaa potnt ef the toote one wet worth Irm MatTiag depot, Mra. Oraat to the 1 onarrMn Babel, whsaw thny waaa aa- oarred by Mr. Box tar, Mrs, Eat Maawy. Maw. Fiat at Palmer.

Mra. FtodeJ. Mra. Iihwaaito, Mm. Mrs.

Zaae aad Mra. Baaa. Mrs. Grail wa ex aotdra gty eordinl to her la be Inll af the of the cade (aattil Mr. T.

W. Taatd eaameto her tell illt wtth aa BmbreQa) aad wwrwd bar haaiibarablaf to tha pro a teal awlew. Bhoaxpraaiid to neb nlaainre at I tag to LoariaTlUe nynaa, where ahe air owed tweet torltiag Mrw Oraot'g raeepttoa room. The tadlat taea retired to thetr roots to gala Bttle rest after tweet lallgnlng Joexnoy. Twa wall -known tnbocee mantifactwr-kwg trm of Flasor Bros, eaalilbatsd a Beat aowTwanT at the day tothatttape of Beat plug at thetr holct tooaeoo, baaiiag oa oaa aVde a mdlltna of Oea.

V. a. Grant, Dtot" IBia wwraltj aad tta approprailraam ea acoooal ot the x-rreeidnat'a wee et the weed. Major deal I em aa prattaimg tt. aald: Sen.

0at; I bare btaa owaaanbai fen twaaatag Pair ot rrmtndtac rne at trdniuu are at toa laarlrat) ton lea of too rood ead ttoto mt gaanwrky. ytiier day. They apaiarad to feat an tk tenet hr at to the aUapley, aad daaced tbroagb tha kbaa deep arad, gty-brng Teal to thetr tptrtu gg mweh aa tognbrlowj weather wowld per-L Leading th grtmta Chiaf Fraagtwhto baggy, fallowed by A tt I Hal Chief MeCorkhlU nnd Baohe ea horerback. At the heed ef the ire nmpttm osm lha Baxter book aad Udder, which wwt daaotwitd aad It aaa be aetd wit bowl dawmragtog the wtth sower aad followed the eafisM la twcwlar ardor, eaeb faatooaad wtth (owara and trimmed with hoaqneta. All ot Ihem war different, sad varied a maoh a did th teat of their vart ow CnptalaA All, heweror, praam ted good spFMraoce, and were a very important few tar to the beaaty of toe procmeloa.

Jn the nkaoteck of ee of the ogis a littl aolored boy was placed, sad attracted eoonld-orwble emiateultul hr bw grimaoa and saaarp-wlataaaof a aaaaU etrtpod wmbrells. Ctaataaatt ltwparatloa for raw CtnrnraATi, Dm. 10L Prtpnrmtiooi for the rwMPttoa of Oea. Great to-morrow are wB eompioU except th dwsorstioo. Raia Ml all day aad pcetpowed all oatdoor work of that! kind.

Whatever te dowa to that rmpeet mart ba dose to-morrow. The exarrUua et art Hall wtU inciod mwattby Tbonane archestiw, th great orgaa aad hora ot achooi childrea. The baaewet at aitrht at tha Grand Hotel wm be attended by ISO rneete, tb amali it betnc looli amooV Hon. llnaotoa Tart preeldM, and aaw regnier toert are proTided. Haary Tartar Bad Cold.

Beary Taylor, colored, wtth Mg kwodka. ohlef sad SS oa hM paraoa, waa an mud that oa Ora ttreet by OfBcer Berry and BwekMy. Tha baadnarehtot roo- ritialad the tadaatilowa Taytar'a night' mraad the moaey. Jk DiBhaaoot Bamaaea Maa. Ka-w Owuaws, Dm.

14 Th book a. Banem sad property ef Page dt of thieeUy, hare beea aolaed at tb salt mt Theodore L. Page, ew lor parte er. Barrea ywaae go Page returned to Mato, totrsevag the bealeem wholly to Oeoram 8. Fletcher, formerly ef Lawrence.

wb has, Pag claim, de-freoded him to a mnre amoaaA Tha nana. ertf all nil ad br Flatabar aa an thA Tag wtU probably recorwr moot the moaey. Prim Fig at. Krw Tows. Dee.

10. It to rwmornd to. Ighl that Johnnr Dwver, of Brooklya, ebaas. peoa hoary-wot tat dgbter, and Paddy brna, firm any of Iroy, foogbt at Maaolaa. Long Inlead, to-day, and that Uwver mtm tm-tor after Bla hi raanat and how tpogbt, ohermaag hnotntn.

ntwantid wtth aann. rhh bmmdid Tadrot, pbnk Waah totHaMaStwl tlaftowa'JtBV OTardramafwhito pmmek raw entra. goad Mtd oraaaktrt, whtta aatta bat wtth flam Mtoa Katie rWPrrpa, puib blmitm atlk aumtoaid wtth garaot yalyet, putol btit raf-awa. eWonwkhre, MaaCaaa, htoa biataaa, potol taea aad MmfrnTtapMa. hlaefc aOk, potol Ineeaad aVaaaeaai.

Mtm Maggie Patina, pawk eOh aw Mm MhwCaaajtagbam, atoh tombtatd wtth and beach i all at. at t' ata. AaaM ta noontee- enrrad et taa dip at yteterdoy. Aa the Oow eral ellghtad tram the trata. be dltiariiitto the etldot et the crowd a gmllamaa.

a larva tr mlfltal ot Otliibmg. 11L, aad awrtag the ww ea otTeeer la a rtgim ibI bat that Wat Motwithrtaa drag tha tattatamaad pitunitgm the vttmtly. Oea. Oraat left ata mart, sad national emblem e. whoa oa the tanwd-doer trial wa aowa aa arm ant ipma-tag khetams boaor.M enaat ennr aoaBBwaed laoaraaa; end ea tinirf at one et Mr li baai i aaanaatiaiaaia, I ham tne ii tmiei of iimitwog fon mw ping ef I wwhttoooav (I roeota at lb rtaawr ana.

JjWalnBWrOJitexrt objntwtraiejilt meitbiil tbe aiiiwiito el an a a titte, mm yea wnl nan by me wilnliue mm one naaa.M naiua, tenap enr aaaaiMwBatoaelto. Tm red area wont te traaaat at anno maa aanwam af jwaeeand bonaaanM, aad to hnaanhm at them I need nl BUg. i Tha rtiw Pegailtaeat. TV toerleyiU Fhm DapailniMl. wbtah at-wwye aaba aa iipttltny good daanany, fahly aertdtd Bwatf eater day.

The arrawiM all s-pearadbi aew aaUerwa, wok thodr tagwiii an bright aad awmeoamety lihamil wtth owart aed Targraa. Tbadr tram, alway tookhag Meek and glooay. teemed aWathiy ee the ether oompeahai mora headoooaoly thaw aay ather, the ktddnr draped to the aerlrmal eoiore, aad the whole track dew orated to a very tnrtofni mtta ar ata i a boa Thoa Ti.2 CITCuT CZZZ i ZZ2. Eiiif Delate la th Row, WAioA rrj Oct th Eoitar ef Gm. Xgifeiv a Doth Brtiachtm of Cfcn-ta Acre to dktijaorB rrom Daeamber 19 to Janoarw IV W.

H. Hay Coalraicdl Jadga tf tt thlUd SUUm DUtrUI Caart far jtaatacky. II4D1TH ktSWCT CCCKAM OttAkT. The Raw Boo rata rv aFTfar. WABturxwrow, Lms.

lagx eppohrted aWarMary at War. eeat MOrery, Fiikijlualfe. apnrmhm lglB: wa a of tbe igttlii of that ttaaty to ibmi at tha tlatltrwl Cttiatr at rwaateyryaomm bWIB; to Mil wws CUrk at the hwato Koaam ot i waaaWnnii 11 to lAag et the awato Cawtral Fiatijlitutb. la War ha was rwilliil Taylor, the drrt Ti raoref WSe, ad at the awte at the Waem'e Frwpabned Low latorwot Bows iBBiaaiua, Dee. Mt imatoiy abrttnt hr Mr.

Weed I prwotsa gar i tbre aad halt per aawt. beada. Ma. aaa awaaw taaoatiittit to that eke pro art to aetr, or a et foar i to htm te lake Bfty mil loan et the bee da at nnr. Ui they da thte he will aot take to heal twa tag ea that beam weald awwply the aala ef boaew, aa follow wham menrkhir tallewa tea area i mi il.

aad wab tbe ananwJio aer rarttaw aaam et aaar aer eeat. anode by Ihewerwtmont mannid. Im I rears, woaad aaaaart te a aa Teton.wwian wonhl aondar me eeal Mart yonr to nan. preoataaa of tm arx to mn and a half nor mm. ItoarlWanjMenr.

bw ihroa am ema. auoreat are aelUn at I nodim rt ararly per. Tne areas at toe Cauad aaatoe ttun. May anwal to abat ot Grant aVkwm. ayjae aaeal Mearod batunm lan, aba Tan enir dfiaaaia to fewo at Srant hmamhttm to tool oennuy tbom a a hewer ee-ereanaaet li mnilaiil end Btoorand wmaa to me "mat wm wm are i 01 aat iti i mii i the MtttMtrmnmiUftltMfbMaiMt to deohtfal whetber tbey wgl ba enatiatrtd.

Friday to prfrtt hoi day, and tha Uotnte will adloarw rnr Satardar-. ao ap aattl bow week. Two foci aamrooriotioa ton to gioaooa mora twar. ewiag the aawwhatg at i Th Talk at Mwtineg JwaaUoo But, aaad jattlna Beat oa two grow eat rt the fart that a bOiat peadtogto taa anwaam danwmrr dwaUMUaartaatngav.eluMsyeec. The aaw to aarr pat baCaaw bto amwetog aader the atw.

The atteek af aa aarmhv whteh bat bapt hha tat tha Iwaoh tor mw. ly beea ewofcna toby the rraan- ttnt atiaeL awd that to thoat afl wesreato lha story. Bto nto'toml by Aid lor Bwawrtag IrelaBd. -IftrrWI Mi raw to Mm ml 1 Wiigiaiiua, De. la-Congrwaaaaaa Caa rt Iroannd ea ah nonet Ceagraaa.

He pro-Farad the foOowawt paMttoa, aad mob bad the MbMTtptloa of aTaaty mmwben of Coa- daeliaed bar ef the H. fef -nt tnrtj MOB at all. Kllta aad Feltoa Qwarrol. WAawrnoTow. One.

M. Mamrw. KUto and Fnrtow, of the Boaao, bar beea Mrajred ta wilting mtlera to each other to Mttle a atfav anoaretandlrig. Whoa Mr. FeUoa'a latter wa paUmbad, to wbteh ha same owt for Grant, Mr.

EiUa to aa totarrttw said Feltoa did Ui bora not hi eootlltatacy was Itrgwiy twad wp of ex-Ualoe am who ware aot traa to tbe Coofederncy. Mr. Feltoa wrote tors rotjwettoa. ead Mr. Rum rwptbm that ba wm tololBformtl aa to the people ot lha Brrenth Goorwl fTeltoa'l) dkuriet, aod mwkto dag explaoeUoe.

Boardt of Tra do la weaaioa. WaWMWOTuoj. Dan- 1 Bwa. Trade ami to thte etty te-der earn the Uattad rttatee Board af Trade, ef which Sathaa Ap-aletoe. of Boetoa.

PinniiiMi mma t. tb Natlowal Board at Tiwds, Fred. Fralsy, at rniledelphta, Praakwat. A boot gftaea ember wer to Mltaltatt ad tha totoilbia af tfcn --i aetrog btUob local Board of Trade ead Chamber ot Coouacfos. The aaaae! report ex toe wxeonnvo maa eu wwt rmd Bad edVirdod, aad the foUowiag offioart for the earning Tear elect ad: PToal.l.iit, Fred.

Fralsy, Philadelpoln; Wo Prnaklnnto. H. C. Pmfth J. A MlOdirt-n.

ItoJumorwi K. F. Dow, BnU, to; J. A Uopm, aod K. 5.

Rotliae, Dernr. ft. W. U.Wajbborn, Mia-BMpolat; W. F.

MeLaawn. Miiw.aZ.. A. snow aad J. B.

T. btraMbaa, New Tortt etty; a -Mm bmtow, PbilelprihVr. Bereer, Portland, -a ea J. BoehaaaeVTreotoa, j. liomad Melee hoard of Trod roqwaotmc the vwonM BW COOTOT Wl earn from tbetr body reiaxjT to harmoalsiBg (W Mh Ik.

wMiriUOW. in rr gneat waa eomphed With, kooune boat nam iter the rndaJ pro. iwsmrftijom in rr eattiind 1 hrwa haammnat adopt loo Tta a wm at bvarg dor' eatm partimrar rree I roMiw mt aw a. at any im, a aad mt eito aweunaiun am aaae toe no wataaiaipMib eeonTpart, to ewsarw bwaV lawwdsto las hmde aa Lake Fato aad to gwbwil mU dto to totlo'mlt went of Mto taa amda aawawywlth the aa Bed attar, whtah be laUared ap wtth aa ether to USfe. la IM he wee Maine ed the etty ef few.

Font, and wm tg iiitanef wtoatetoaf Mbmaattoto tm, eaaBtaanakeg to want arwn wwtat UWMl In laflg hewae tlirttd a boaster la Ceagr frost Mbnweaato tor too mrm Mrttarto llrtw, amTtag aa theCommtt-bamaf Harm affairs. Fort iBiii and Fort ma At, Fnwwwto aad tha Pal ml Offlat, Xa paiialb the rneawa BaJtrend, eaad nthlj Frmt tdlMi eartarwa'at! 'aad "it- rtaa up Unit I taiinmiiayrti nn itoi of rritilni Ltoiibt to liMantt. i- maytmiat te boil the prHe bwdma ot lergo ttnaabt ef the tweeawtom that there are parses whebowonv ly botteve a three sad owe-half par seat, bead weatd aawt at par, aad ha wowld hlmtrtf believe It If a ryadlaalt of beokom wsaM aaake a atoaertttea hear egaWaaei a thro aad a bait par aaaa. bond owwad goal at par. Mr.

Wood hat biBibb the Herald to oaa-portaf biaprnpaaatlBa te awtmad mtlartog beada to tha bwm ef home and ana bag go aer aona. we ena fart aaad rt tranwa oanal wna ad it at ee. t-J lm two end bant aw em, ear tt nn tar tolmtanf e-iena to. i TmTSLZZl ZZa amrwrt bm.ii onmto, jeoa 'Jama an7 a bag toaum ear toe raton ata tone aedabaUnnr net. Bond ot bt Unaart Btotoa haamg lamn abirt rwarata rna.

wfnng to a aaw ihraa and half nor Tana meaner twiaart i-r ai er ei am n. mnaenr. raanui armw bag to ma onalry. aad. a b) tiki it, hm aarnady I I Katwaawa ariltl nlaal ta ataiart pad nil it eemot aaeanieiaBBammaarwram( tbtoaaaa, i ApproprtaUoa BalU Beady.

1 Itoaawltoanifkmhi limaat.1 WaMCTm. xme. Tbe gaael te any prwrhmw nmndjMramtat Wwf sntVaewjlryn ea the IWh feme. Aa attempt win be made te peat thaiiiHaad aad furlld tHna Maroprl atloaat ltdiiat the. hcodaya.

Both mt toaa btBabhTeaeaa ptapartd 1 1 1 aad wa ha aabmlttod la- toa tnil Cammfatit aaa ppaapilellua te moeeoar. Bgrnkm Baadall.whal pawaamg the Ageww-grtatlnai Ciw kin to Barry torward tta wnrk aa aptidUy pimftli, wit tit bethbtweto be brought tola tha Hiai aad pwmidja. awarrew. Aa to wia. he rwpiinltit to hovw the Mtio bitoltl a rear, wm anneal hat rotore to eewrtemtm.

bed with proper aer be amy are tor anyone! years. 1-1 f-Trtrs salam Ibt whmb peat Mr. atoyw IttmWanw grom (3aah. Tm paper road mfoUoww: Weds mil to aa anhwawt anbtt, bat www new aililf mretetof aatiiitltwwe mtoaaWKddat. Worn to rhnh- anttre aim err.

aad warn mm. 'Bownambor daeliaed teMbe tribe. It to ex-pitted Try member at. few Bowse win ntre one to am qaoattaw, Bulee Lndme, wMteor- ad tbe toaarwbig relet waTaarV wwaveweToywo flPrr's) wFWnr wnWBTaaR awte at bw etoemet! or lie br new ote ma WIH bo orninne. Inn Biimney bnwlne Bie toil af Mdtn etoui bo raatijaellii ae aha miiioar aw any Al 1 ha United Mam Board ef Trade tolbrttoerderby l-tmldtat Arrpletoa.

Among the mtmbam itannt ware 0. i. filWy, ol St. Luula; Hoa. B.

Batterweld, ef PeaMyira-Bta; t. B. Farwnll wad M. K. I'aKbnnka, ef Cbmaw, and D.

Barae, mt Detroit. After the apiomted be be Neltonel hoi from tbe National hoard. Paper were thee read oa the "Mstrl Bra- toi Uhi aod "The trover TrBOBantbm ef en Railroad. At tbeeoaxeaauoo et Board adopted memorial Coaigim. cnltmg et notion mm the man named eoofar eraa reqneatme; ice liaaaaje of with mfmeoM thcrwto.

Tbe re pari of. tbe tnmmttm rmomtd at tb tool aaaaal tag to eoaatoer tbe eabtoet et The Eatnbl lab- mead of a IJapoilmael of Oommtrne aod In- goatry by tbe Oanal wee Mmmttlrea. wbteh wera toft aa the aaoerai ef Ike alnpmbiloane.n The, afleot et that awthorltaltea will be to ea- Sbie the thme Kawabllcaa ebalimia. M. Anthony, KdwarOe Bag Ci weae to the mmortty.

The ww whoil dt reded to thai mawtt. i PnjhtlO BaUdlBgSe WaAWxawvow, Dow. 10. The Bat temmtttra ea Peblie kwtldmgw. Mr.

MaBtawte tat tna mma, wnl reeiiim at toe I toe mb a The appro aekad for ggretwie rr.ao8,uwi vrltb UirtyHhrae Imlej la hear Coohrmatt Dew. ia Tbe et War; BeretloO. Ptewaa, Ptaaioa Agent at Pbimdeiphm; Ww H. Bayo, Uanvad Bletee Dtatrmt jwdg for P. Jama.

taao ate ta Juetloo goprtm Cowrt, DhWrkat of Colnmom; Cwertee bmrdilejr, ot low, Foarth Awautor ai two Trttiary; Albert ohoaoa, mitjim Oowaawl tor Ooloraito. Poet- Bdwnrd B. Tobey, at Baetow, and Alrano F. Olribooa, et Chnrtattow, 1 anoa, w. ta Ohio ttltom rl.

MeCoy, kkG. Wink bam. Korwalki Dayid D. Tarlor. Cmbrtrtgq.

aod Beary g. Botaweoe, Wenh-BrtaeC B. Indiaea Tbatllaat Coffin, New Xerth; Alfred F. Bob. abelbyTUte, sad Mrs, harah rjnMnarnao, amrun.

Mich lean Cltntoe Wmaoaato Waa. F. Fomth. Jeff. Tanmaa w.

Boenoer. Food aw Las. town caoa. M. rail.

Vltotoa, and Jnaalfaia Maiean, Wort Liberty. Miaaiinla Winter W. Bnrtlay, Brainnrd; aarrn n. ooauo, wenamgioe; t. aanrd u.

Bnwaa, Larrerae aad Lwke Marvte, lMam Kahrait Ittnb Dram, Baatrltt. Desoto Was. H. Feareett. I nad City.

Baa ma Aaate M. Plltobwrr. MMhnttaa: Cbeaate; Wm. H. BwMta.

MaryarUiei aai deba F. taa Lanwgwo. Ti liawnl If Arsoil, Cornmtbm, uoaal Baak Dee, M. The Be to-day oa tbe bill aeaoiraaaT the riaerraa tear to Mww at htcnl taodar noton. the emmdaaaat offend brJadce Bockaar.

wbteh atrike owt the raqaJimaeat it teaaea ef a rmm rt of twrotr- Bve am oaatom ee tbn em eeat of otreoiatloa. and mahM that pmkttea applicable to da- pMtm nnty. mtmdae, wm off ami a awhatitote tor Mr. nrkraar't Mil ee ere en (led by tbe coaualtte. Th Btotioa to belli wa fetoeted, only young lor u.

Bauair. rnco and Ctnpo. not Moaoa trom tha Capital. lanMToa. Dae.

M. Tha Hoeee Com. mdttee an rVtatmc hot toatraatad Mr. WOtoa to report ravorably apoa tbe petitloa ot ex- RBTiBtatlya Glover, to hare tbe proceeding et ha eoarmtttee during th Forty-Bfih Pwmm pee Ax Uairmarv ot Wnr McCrery eietul tcfT lnare WMhlngtow early next week to anaina the datto of Coated at ale Jndg ef the Eighth dedUcta! Ctroolt. Bunt try Thorn peoa wfll sprad the hotv dsy st bai bom to lorliaaa, lia azpacta to toere Wanhfaagtoa Frtday Beat.

TBS Treaaiiry aoaay pwrcnatta wraanj mm miynr roe in rauoaetpem aciaaaai to wot sspttug to IIYL IMT StSStCl. Bwaaia. WtABjas'tea. Dae. la The TICS FKXrU- PUT teta bet are the a real a a arm the Burtiary or war toga ta i alt I nropr1mleo et g4UU, to mi Mi work to the Wsr, Btsts aad Nary Do yjwtai baHrtlngi to ga eg aeattoaoaaiy.

Ma BATARD, from the Committee aa Ft- for th rnltof of Beery Bnlmae and Tm The lam print dad to temdat toe awb-bwwto, and wwt mil It aatharlam tha Comatkaaloemat Intorwal Rerwwae to allow wmlt marnd bribe breaking of aetd dlotlllory, tor whaah tbe I at the pa til, as tvotred by tow. oMM were brtrodwaed aad referredi By Mr. DAV1B, ef Blaeto-To ewtbortee maetiae of otntws a honor nt Chant JwrtoM Job Msrabnll. Br Mr. AAwruaua TO rotwtrnto and saw ear ata rat traa doe by tbe State of Wm Var- Cta to etwxeo tberwof tor itrrlnt rendered Catted stele to tb tote war, aad which gr pi overt! cliatgmbl to tb United BtaleA By Mr.

IXM- AriKLXr Exloodtng tbe pro-etoes of otetkm to AtrtfT. Betrteed BtalotM. to record ta eotry for trnaaDortatioa te hood, to the port of bt, Louie. Alee extend in the proArhnoo ot oactloo Re-Thwd btniataa, to the port of Rental CHy sad St. irmmmm.

Mr. CocXreU oflerod a ree-olatloa tbal the Commttto oa Claim be tnatmrted to ooaelritr tbe expediency of ee-teblMbnig a permaaeet tnbaaal, wbieb haU ha luitodlctteo of matter ord! eerily referred mnlnaa. nnd to mnort hill or 'We. Adopted. Affi." -ariarurvai a a aire a mate toax IB col- (btr.

Waive I bad beam Bad wa mill Ctwtal nwca attending itailoot of tbo ata, br mnoa of Ulnm. ra aoom atr. lwuu, too an bow the wtedar. rcoorted by him Aonl 7. 1819.

(or tbe relief of the Central Brnawh of tbe Union Pacta Ralbreed Company, lu la-dadniiely poetpoaad. Tbe toortdng boar having exptrad, tb Bea-la Iboneaod eoBatderaf low of tbe roaolattoo offered by Mr. Lwrte (W. Ve.) enlltng on the Bieniery ot the Traeaary for 8 mainauiil af teeeWnoatnte ywtd oat of the tronaairy aince IBM on tartnte elnime crowleaT owt ot tbe late war. 1 Mr.

DAVIS swepted the amend racot pro, mad by Mr. hdmuodt, that tb lutnaeal itemed to rteod back to March Iiw31. Mr. MOKklLL aattl to odd to tee raicra- ttemBUeaWft And aho a tbe tiatimirt rtaBaaaWewaniawliluk bare em ail aa end wntarm bf tbe Trnowry Mr. TiATIB tn rmtf hM eafnloa thai tha Bepnblmaa aoeolor war trying to lead tbe twaotaitea dowa wah ammiliiiiau to order to bin a.

Mr. MORRILL raepomted that (he atewl af the roaorathm tumid to ba to obtata ewctea Id format Ion, end ho thoogbt the mteineat Baited for by ha) amend meal would preOeMy pi meat sots very tanows aad plgaiftraBt tetrattcw, 1 be eaiMdmrnt wwa ratected sad th reao-brtiow odowted by parly vote, RepabUewar WwnneDvo thtt woe Mr. miihuiU. offeroa rmorstloa eaJllng I the goereoary of too Treaewry for a tetm- lated rtawrnwtit abowreg by btete tb total inotel et ctelm trowttir owl ef the into wnr creiaetld to end retertad by the Tnanrr www mamrwm bo ninrfa a. Is.

ead aaaa of all Ilka aiaima aow there perKltsg. Laid over eraser the rniee. Tea Beea btmnii raeolnuoa to adV yoora tram Imam atr to deaawry wag oooweti MiPT-ywtx Twoortr-eoe, 1 no foUowug voted war: Meeer. Bteir, Caieeraii rri. Vakm, Cowkitor.

Anion, i i. Maaii'ilBn, Moaey, Mexrul, km dees, fataev anal at naiwanin ntiiwd by Bto mmro to tne nn ai. aaip or one awaa that maim it to ton erwnaal tog mt avtnar. tooronw watw mttaool www meanwbm maooimadellue. ana, etwar a abne dlatatelaa, the ranee, wee adnpted and tfte Board fedjumatd awtg to- Tan IwlwV ISmVttnt tMFmttBaTTtnwtrVol aaTfrpirfaBrwwFwal towthoparwooeof detttmmtng wbrtbtr thtra to a oeaaewta bnoaa trpee wbbah tbwtmorwww-hitlii lawttt, bead a long aaaatoo ts-attrbt, hart tbaer nitn mt eryaatr aawe aad methods af anil tern ore ee digit art tt to ineWdtrtd deabWat whether My Bmaaww be mteaand for tolnctn the two board togother.

The rat ba am in to order at the mm Ingot the hnttnoal hoard et Tiwdo to mawew will he the atitlf of trrttr btrte mm mm and raiaatMlba( wialmtmii et tola ataia Caaoaa ml Demeerotae aaatar. WBwTWBnmWwmaJ WW eWmanTW) (IM oTWPOtTwl flC tthtV wPwewwwy, mlbtaa kmiil by Jwdga Tbatmaa. apea the Mhjtrtef -AJtm every fall tolti itngi ef Throe end aabaaatlit llnai Itaef the ak)it, tb eoanaaaWM't rsort anm adopted wtth great filibeg, it waa tot the agert toot there wea aa part aam ef iiaalilil agwbmg ha- etnamw of the giam tor tha miaatt to which thay hay setad wtth twgatr to taaaat tottrartiiai at hart Marsh, tag end Mpakla. aod thot the hi I tittmi abate iiltntd ta, wbteh paettdo tor-tbe re-ttallua at Uotoa aoldltm aod at vsranawrtbaf mpaoym apoa gttaaat ef tg it'll twtrm, avw wt0wkeBWBTwBew MtHmBwawW- PSBBaWaaawJ IM 0BawBwvffMwl tk awroo wtth only owe am ia la in. aim ilyr "Te taonme the gmgaaol rt Arm to tppotot Ibrtt tililllltetl mniiaeir for ttitlneoe- Bielid wtth the kiaac.

te roam awrrm tare etd Mapabilma ttanwww-gora who hone herelotoro km barwe oa tot rely lima trail rrtla. Tbo wnanlmnee gitimtet at the eeaewe wwa that the llama erotae mlmtly ah Hiaili abeehi am ao to the twit meaamre of gimtos trattmMt wbteh wm arnarrttd to Ihem la aa altera of pitwanti hr the ktaehllmai whoa the Uam- ITimlnad. Thee maatear aaaraaaaaiaat im ata a aattoaeeot to wrwiae at enaorto. aav, at toe aay or wn where mid potato bmiiwa a tail ii i to mm ai tut am ad aenrnm wtieitaor. one farther, earn too mb nranmB toe will eiaraoi a tottor at tetany to tha It nuary at too Titeem te em am to whiitii toe emit et mo pot im mretm aaaaow mma nam at mat panan) tatlmi, and.

It mm, wm aaaaont, to hh) totenwai. ahtotld te ni at nattl. Aaat lor a Mate bam et aba in neat af mm peal aaiaillr hi me riairt at anok pwt tor law am si paktt Toller, Taao aad Toaa. awaa af BTopraaaatatWvaa. WAaarrmrrow.

Da. 10. The toaaraol Tory aeory e-eay aaa aw amdlag POtTSAnTT, Mr. BURROWS tottodaeed a totat reoolw- uoe, wioa ill a teg A Untied tmcrmi A Ouaiitm awtg hare Baa erajB to anartjiarana amaminje. cm era icy eoranananT.

Mr. GrLLRTTR tetrodatoad bill ettaubMah bin. itetorrndL Ciaaiilarellonnttho'ottloal bill was pottpoBtd aaUl JaBsary f. Tbe SPBAXKRibew porta. Mr.

WATT, from th meewa, reported blllamaai Biemtd nialntro. mo mm te ellew aay aot at tbe Uafted Stem to am nnd port of delivery la a ttmtom aoUertl at aay triet, after do on try of mid rtiitl aad at a port of entry to aaad aUetna. ar. lunuu to of If apoa tha great lake, n. i MUretetlve'to the powiteattea et fwi voanitlieia.

a mag eoaeaoo acta putt ea the laniiii ot the miner of the raa oner. Mr. LOW moyaatx to amaa It gAaM muni of Btrtwtt. Mr. FRTR argaed to waoert et toe steal, toaaaaatea? the tew miarltt Bald Jwdaaa ef -the sepremt Coart to hie ft (ate, aod ne- aaniaa, repty too im irw mootu lew eeald be god who ware parfeetlv li mptitsl oe aaaa wora ear a aaiwy as atuu, Mr.

KhXFRR seated that onmpaltoi mm eowld be got to bte Btnte at aey awob aoiary. Mr. FRlR rataed a gewerni tench by tha he bed aot and that awte la hh arorided wtth Fleetly the eatery of the reporter wm txad et P4.UU) wlthoot aay prortelon for par aatta oa annrtinaal vnlaram, atr. Mr. marbteg that dlmnatlag op mines wm fero eweatly, the laroad BooU eowt, the mora valwnbleof the two.

i Mw WMATB dtpremlad the "attrrteg ap of the taint of the aad ad toeeled hie lamtetat, which wm rrterted, oly tm Totmg lor It Meter. White awd Ths bfn tb Uocton. wham tbn wore agreed to aad tbo bill Tbe gPRAKRR teat before tbe Bowww a another ot exeoattvo and ether tarma, wbteh ware Bfearepatetoly ralarred. DEATH IT lECAFITATIOlo The Porta Fbyoro mart reuaetly a ati atltl re porter wwneta tae axaeauaow at kMOTwie ef ea etrotlno mar dorm aamed I'i a aim The mnmanl that toe guillotine hod done tie work tbe body end heed were pieced to a hneket Md wmw takea to the mra el toy, vboro im. wyrare, urn onge, vneraiitor, i me-aintna.

Roahw aad Itenatewa worn tinwl. M. Ryrnrd had aekad for ead ohtamed tbe body er tae taaoa tor ox pa mam la, which" my the mDorter. "we tultewod with oeep tour eat, for bailin tbatr ptuwly acaratlas itirnxw, tnny reaaaea ao naatnua Monew enmaaamo aoM me tooaf Five mtaaiM had tltpud from the mommt waaa th hood ww Mpareted from at waa plana on a el one air. te front of the Bute chattel of Cmnemtlvair Btlte btood one bowob, bbo ami arop core rai tram tbe ewrotad wrtory.

Aiiaowgh to IBnteful'. tee faee ex perl meat, the tered. art a metal a ewteered. The left ear was eompwioiy mii lata to af a cowdte arttaoeA obtelateg of amillilllli di Tided the akm of tbe foar aarte. and.

netu hammer, aealuol tbe mw. tbey took away th apper por- ttoa ex aoe Basil aaa wnaarew ioe eraa. eeeapted tea mlaatM. Immediately oa I enhmitled te ee electric battery tha re This ins of the hood et mm diaplayod Burrow battered, tb month wtueb are obeorvod to ateaping people wbea ttekted witt fcethrr. With th boon tbe mm rooult wm obteteed.

It wm aoeciutely withowt feeliaal. Il wm opoawd, the heart, bang aad IoImUum were reoaoTed, aad thoa, ea being placed la eowtact wttb the etecute bettery, the anno and tec lontawUy aaovwd. At thte moment Dr. Erratd aabed nea what e'eloek was, and tt appeared that forty mtentee had tltpead trom ta Mma of the exeeoUoa. hently cam the eondndlng aapertateat.

TJader the eettoa ot the battery a ebred of haagteg swab, dav pioced by the oti online, a rood on ead, mblated. aad eoickly placed tteetf beck on the epot from trbteb Bed berw onL" The enarlaalna of tbe doctor te thot the ate to mate oca erred to the bodtet ot ntraoM galilotiaod ob beau aabjMlnd to tb aetloa oi utttncuy atw aoaoiaiaiy dtepte anilhm aay remainder of life wer of awMwaaxe. im orponmMt wut we ibo aaa teal of a maenulr, which will eboraly be pre-tmttd to the Aeedemy of Madtate bv M. RTranLaad to wbteh he WtU damnartral that death by Itmpliitlna to IKIOAIBACE IM IUSSIA. ILmwwTi lllll laat at ten Ooloo wo And the tnllowtea- auwac atory, copied by teat toar-Bnl from lha IcedJaaT aawepnper ot Wtwr.

A dewiefe paddlar. reeenUy trwrelteg an foot throagb tb Grodno dtetrtet, wm attacked la wood by footpad, who robbed him of all the money he hod eboet him nnd then tot him go. Pioratiltog an bla way the ptwadamd peddter met a aaownted peailaniat. to whom be related hM maihap, and who proceeded at once to anarch tor the robber, soompaaMd by tbe plundered aaaa. Tbey noon Mm ao with the obteet of tbaar qnoot.

wpem whom paraua tbe etolea menav wee foowd, wcU two eleap-fcniTM end a pocket- whittle, of which oncooaKlered trinew" thecendarme look potttttloa. llsTlag boawd the culprll't bawd behind him and a tucked him to the goodaraie't aeddle by cord, tbey etarted for rt liege, i ea ban tae peon i or on too, taa x. rrneaouy at ee-i be mbrbt well what aort of a tone eowld he pro-by the soaweeated wbhrtte. which be aeeordtotrly pat to bte lipe sad blew with an- amoty yigor. BtraigBtway there appoaroel apoa tae eeaae a horde of armed brtgaade, who tettroanded the party, awd, attar freeing The Bowdarm owt nor to bte hone, broke throagb the drrte at hi titell-aato, and got a army wtth a ballet to ate ebowl-der.

brat the aaf orteaete peddter. awwbi to aatwps, fen vtettet to tbe bratelfty ot th haedlts, who backed hi body to pieces aad loft bte mat Holed ramala oa th blah reed. Freperailoo ere beteg made bv sathorlUM te ton una the wood of waltftiinra bos axed ate bttd mm rarely entetttfal to Batata aowaday as tbey war ef for to lha Rtogaeat at Saptet tb Fapel fcalae. atlraad Rdtad Gmtt, Wasaiawiua. Dae.

IA Ths Attorney trenornl renderad ea aptalne apoa certain ln-eoirtei awbmtttod by the Btwiarv af the la-tertor towehlag th aothority ot tha letter to lata ptdeate to the ft let of Mln mora tor the hiatal af ths Booth era Mtaaatnta RatV road Company for mettle tearaa wlthm tb ttmite ot two trrea by aw act et Joly InWA Ths getmioa aroaa apoa the Bart tbo witl. or potthia of ww ooa-aaed fetter the portod praeerlbad by grwatlng act aad aeoa bai oUOetwot from that adopted at ta detnlw loeatioa. Tbe Attoraey tteoeral buida that tbe State to eetttled te the laada. aotwtU nil beta orttnar tbe aead owt bnOt after the tim dxed lor tta aptettea bad exptrad, beeaa tor loeteletiTe or indtelaL haa beea ti rein read tbe Catted State wtth tbe trU. On the aaeowd potat ha holds that ergotte acttoa by the company, prior te the feweapteae by atste ox tae Brans arse am dbbo tng on eftber two etnte er tne uorers tweet, end that ae tbe btete bad by repeated leclatloa required the company to build to tartars potete aeveral atltea diataat trom the lias txod br dednlte locntioo, tb OoyeraaMtrt mattao-cepl tbe eooetroetioa withowt refnrcora to the fact tbal tt te ow different roe'e from tbe one formerly adopted by the eompaay, end apoa wbieb the omlte of the grant bare ei)Tattea.

i ee oeeretary see eaoptea the Attoraey Gtneral'a optatoa. Tha Galea Leagaa at Aaacrica. ParUADaxrait. Dae. 10.

The Katiooal Connrtl of tbe Caaow Leagwe of AaMrlca held tta annnnl eeeeloa to-day, artth rx-itey. re. A. Newell, of Now Jereev. te tbe eh air.

The folio win officer wera elected tor tb ewaouig yenrr rreatdeat, at uitem A. Aeweti, of Hew Jeraev; VM PraetrtVota, ChsriM W. God art, of Mew York; Maraball JwIL of Cow Boeticwt; J. O. MeOn.nid.

ot rtwaaylran-a; TbomM R. Ricby, of Marylaod; Daniel Ca rt, of New lorn: ueorr H. linrlow. of Utlnoia; Wax. K.

Cbwadter, af Now ilmpehlre; H. B. i. Cnanmrng, of Iowa; Uoorya C. Uor.

bam, of California; aad K. B. trnxreoer, of Oslo; Corrcepoadlng Iteereterv, Tbamat O. Bekar, of New York; Keeonliog rteexrtary, georaol P. winner, of tneMfiTente; Iretav Brer, Wax.

V. Alexander, of New fork; tuple tm. Rev. Beary Uigbtead bnrnatt, of New lorb. Manas atellueeee.

Kw Toax. Dae 10. Tb tamhlB Deva. Booee for ilneeol December has rvtaraed with erimoer eamgto. New Toil.

Dee. M. Arrived Btoamehla Verad. from Ltrvrpool; Btete Of Imltaat, 1 be ahlo Ceniene, arrtred to-day. Mcked Wp the mraetng boot of tbe fewrteered bark 4iib wtib tee Capteia aad foar Tbey were preTtetuly repotted lost.

Lov Dos, Dee. la Ptetmablpt Gellart end Motel, from Mew York, arrived ant. Th Ohio Mirer Commtawioe. mmmtmw. IM VUIO aUTaO Imprnycmoot Commamloa onvoned to-day.

IteproaeButirae were prmont from Pmnerb-tun, Ubie, Wert lixinr. ladiaaa aad 1 ea- ne. 11 te expected lirtnoie sill be pentad to-morrow. Tb mevtirr ww prneided over by Gnx 1. Morebend, at Pvaneira-Bl.

Twenty meuiber ware praeaot. After rending thanlnwtaa of the prerkw willing the eummhwiua adjooraed te call apoa tb FrweidwaA Twa im rwrrlnre wiwanfartorT of Clnernwntt, W. H. Bebrader, haaMaat, aa. alrBad, yannrdny, to Utoar Ceagrore.

LaV gKutuae, U.iiuw; ameta. gdUL toa. oBhwt, After aa exiiaU a. theBiatm owrttod. wee itinittt, arooooing umiow nmmim not ex at wirwm aamwirj nam aanwmt mttaar htrnwa.

sorwxns cocbt BaroaTW, Faadteg acttoa, the atorateg hoar wprred. ad the Uowwe wont tola I'limmillaa aat the ami eniereaea aeiannmMI pre vtdteg that only the opiqloM at nannrtty of the eowrt, and wot inllag opititrm. ahaU be oeMiabed. ItUWBBotmeaad Ike tawlaat re- tn; I -mwmmwwmwwwwnwwawaw, aVotiTitT wf tog jtgVwlBtltwjJgU i. Kgatla Turn OtyygrBtogBt 1-triL dtafrthftp ZMatrtiotlva Flood in Htua.

gwry Atoxsh Valnabla Prop. arty lastroyad. Tk Tlrwas sf rrigea Aleiaalgr, sf Bpjggrlg. Ia a TstUrtag Ceaditioa. PEUSSIA AID BUS- EALLEOADa Rl'MUR RIH1LUTS.

Btwruw, Uba IB btrtUgtwee froat Bt, TiHiihmg aaya earths somber of Iheaovo-rnltnonry Journal, eatttted "The Will at tha People." taw boos dlrtrfbslid to gA Faters-bwrg aad ather parts at Itto ThMaoteber wm BeblMbed awbeeqwawt te the iweaw! aewrt trtlal. awd anatala mmmirti so tbe trtel af the Mibiltot Mtreky. Tha Moree Vreoyw, at. BA Fitoitomg. atetee that the Onvtrati ot thot etty bee ard mad every hnaaibilitr te Slag lay and tamp batore bto door tghliy Bomber sf lha heaaa.

A will tof.amed to- twltwbmi Tt'-iaa-ri ti aha Th tent wnr proved abnt fotwtga Mterprtea no not rim net taa parua mreiyea th pne-stva eppoeUtea of intoiy to priyml a tyttem arevaila at BL. rmaaalmia aad polte tare bars bssa largely btraote ef tbe rtty, ami mnaetelly tateam tadiml that fraob et- tamcte apoa ths Ufa af la tjbwr are aaliet- M. Watoteft, who wa farm arly a bvortte with lha Cawr.aadewlbsTst vertews ttdwrtw pits, ha aaw tallea tote anrnalrt aUegraae. the Csar bayteg I wag bla eowaUtatiooal protect lata the gr whoa Wateteg oiaBa-ted thma, aod dlimhud Watojeg Oortnehalog end Gear have tigteiil mU tbaer abramr tad new aw MartwtT, Bom gtarttary. wtll ptwbebly be dliwlinl.

aad IgwntteC dae branted Chief of the Artatta Depwrtmtst, Ow the nam day the Can siiltod at gA Feterabwrg the fttevotablOBary anmmlilta to-owsd the BMrt vioawwt praalamallua, which to beteg dlotribarlad sally, and to wbteh thay stow that urn tote attempt ea the Cnar'e ate wwa ewade by theto ardor, ead, theagh the attempt felted, I key are aot ar ready te try agate. a BlIXaAMIA. Lowoow, Dm. Ml Ths Ttrtata Bndget, argaaof the Aaatrtea Rmhmy batw.eayat "Wi soar tram Sods that Frtos AtexAoder et rmigarta dally grawtog awor awpopalar. th oxtety of bto three.

Ute benoaarteg crt- dm that the ermtrtwtten It not worknhte. and the eoaatry to thriatiatd watb mrikj TtwwBA, Das. ML The Bntenrtnn Aaaambty wm dteaoivnd ttmait tbe Ittiltm of to taatertty rat aaed to allow Prteoa Alerwader to have any votoo to the aoaUBatteaof a aew Cabteat, ood ates iilwtil to modify ths ad-drm raplfing te tbn mprmck from the thrawo, no mm mmawry, aaa, ay taapuon- TaeCahwwrtsa- aew Aitimtly ahaB taaat. wtth BothowCteav aat of Taraoarn. flew In naAl Mintotae mt nan inwiMiHm, at ettcBMWUl tae rrtwra'g aaxtety te Breed mM hie mtAtwim -H, A dlapalch trom Baebariat th major-Ryla the Aaooaxbly repraaaelid tbe eatt-Bamlaa aoatlmai, aad ao effort arm be wpered to prwrewt thetr aeeeaaioo to power.

YUmmm tm Itttl. I ateralj xeeatiog aritera from at, Frtwaborg, DESTBLCTIOB BT FLOOD. Dae. Id. The deotrnctlon at ae ea atari? all the prtaaltial rrrera Bataawrr end Ttanetlaanle mm to.

rtble BlxaiiatlaBB are tab glltee the nlta sited wtth anxiety. But for the fateam eoid. raagng trom In te Mr atenmatr, uremia date sad atvatwl TlllagM around ths etty wwald have abwrod the fete faatgaaitoB Tw-aaOTar. Aiwd, aad eororal towws to Trnnayl- Twwm were paruy tnwwowiofe Moaoay, aad, aa faD to. Bo awddenly cam the Bom tokea, aad grant dantare to or petty to re SrAIM.

Mawwiw, Tb, m. Com onto nt tb orxay. oevorrtbrtoBtgtothsoBttlteTyitMttpaet CIIB1HT. rten. M.

Thn lua.i mt th. Landtec hM. ndopted, gJg te 19a, eleaoaa of the bill mpowoxtetT 1tit llninamml la sat ehue the berlin end Statu Magdebsrg sad aialowmadt, Haaorar aod Alteabrekea aod Cologae aad endow rsllwarA Ths dlmaatteatt wwra Ctertcal. I'i nai aielimlin. Pate end torn National I lonrele.

Tbn Quo element bw promlied te Intradwra nt tbe present or the next aeorlno of tbe Landtag a bill BroTidlng lor tbe gwerwatewt tllnw laird for br th Railroad Committee. Tbelmpenal Bank of UonnaaT kea redneed Be rate et diurnal froat foar sad a halt to foorpereeot. The Borneo Zeetnng Mya two director ot the Impanel Book of Geraanay repudiate the report tent tbe woverwrn! BUtadt tmiimter tbeaxteof ttlrer. TUB WEST INDIES. Fosrr AW Pamca.

Ker. to. AB amamater bm dleappMiwd. Tbe following era eom of the principal piwrteaoo of the aewly raraiad ormUtwiiowr The Praatdowltel 'term te dxed at etebt yr aod the Mlary at n0U-, the Praetdent te Tint id wtth tbe right te appoint aad rmwove all peblie foactlowartee; aleo with powwr eg cttwo an IM aew of death for political cAenm ha bwa SonffTo nun hiddow id the a wmlt to tha ptewtara ta in li Btntt aonl Tteoa awalllnr ttrtot toyoetaratlow. bavaba, ime.

to. uaraoa stwtsaumt pablteh a dteoatch from Forte Rteo, tnaag that Praandeet GwllloraBO, of fata re. bee errlved thorn wtth bte Mlalilij. FBArTCB. Tmwn, Dtt.

lO Tbe report that Larnyar toadorad hit rmafwatlow Mtoteter ef Jmv Mce It aemt em rue I ly eontradtetad. I. mm to I mm -mm th. mm the epplteattoa for A partial tmamy law, th Gorernmoot will alrwaily detealed.ead tb Mlolotry will Immediaiejy raeigw. Gnm- mm W.I rrmJm m.

eortala eeedlUaoa, the moot Important ef unw norng tarn turn aaait be ateaotaiaoo of timm rtiehMi mm-rt em r. i II Orevy will probably amadt to. EGTFT. Caibo. Dee.

Hl Ths Governor at Main wah hM referred tatter front trardow Paaha. OoverwoMl aeeral ot Booth RcTpt, blieuaa tog that he will probably arrive to Mam wah to-day. Caibo, Dew IL Gen. Oordoa baa arrived safely st Maotowwb. AUUiMlt, Dee.

la The FrrBttaa Gov ernment ordered boo troop to embark at boss oa hwturday for Meaaowah. TBI DOMlHIOff. Mowtwbau Daw. HL It to rteted that the Ooountttee ef teraetigattew, appoioted by tbe Inaoireat Cowrt, into tbe affair of the Uow-aolHteted Bynx, Sad that tt WIU be Beceeenry to make rail oa tbe abareboiilera, awdor the double-ha bilrty ckm of tbe baa king act, to ea mwtutera. rOKElGB BOTE BT CAB LB.

-Ex-KwraxM Euokjiia ha arrived at Chteelharat. Ta tasiine ttrorg Ihg Polmk minora la Leper Btkelw to begiaolwg to prodooe yphoa fevtc Tan Ba Featfalla bra rcwaoa 10 heilevw that en tiiemalm ow tbe Greek froottar Agyptm euMttow be ten erneed rt govtrwmaBtt at atari ta, VI Ml I are starching to ewremp st Bouyaa Bab4 Uat mWBclg TdOlktelaa. TKE riXCtt-EAllt. Ttmt lw the Operatiog Bewwa of to B. to mmmt trwna.

lltewTorkttev I The peraoe who, a loo la New Tork, makes pctelty of uaodmg to the aaaer-ailia, 11 ere to baotterrate qaarter oa Tneoty-tfaird tract. Bear Booth' Thee tar. Tber boa re Dorter fnowd her, to a large aod richly far. Btabed parlor, bat a email porwoo of wbteh. i heblod a crocs ukao acraes and oenr window wm mi apart fnr the practice of her profemloa.

Ben nd that err nea, oa email labia, wore dieplaeed mast gleaming leleeor Of Odd sntpe. bright I Tor, bajiriied knirM Bed Boa, boxM of onerneuc aifd nollaoinr powdnr, beitiM of nonorna, Md ee mttoiiy Of otbar tool and matannie fortnetrmtment, apoa rorreat prmerpie of an, of thr feuror. Ball. Tb Bitntcnrt barer eMteg ow a low toul ta lit talor, wa large, Dee-rooking Wewtea, Tory taecerutiy dreoeoo. apt of toome aad daft ef hand while P'Tlrr bar nornl er.

't. fiefoee her otood a Inx anooe eim I lieli tor toe panne la be operated opow "laa," said aha, touug sp plianally, "1 gmtlia laaptal! Cowan, wateh wm te Sera i ijnliiilij arln I i et tha Rmpatww. waa waaml, aat as atash to fecatldrt ate aasrttsa af pases ar way st hew Mt te retire tram bmiiiiibI dlpta-matte feltlfadt ef feggitiilta A aew war wowld are daaa am. aflartia miMltlad oatentarahn wkili tot in of thoMibniiii, A Vlitaa limn nafial ranorM that creel teaea sool- itandMtalmiiian foraiga tariMlaiti. off tbe GororereMl.

Lamntho mw atlU an Domtei kail lal I'tmitga ar txt- bntweea taa aod Ruate. A in-rtrr-it frpm Teheran rr porta thai the TekkM eeteed a amber of aemela wbleb were bemg tehaa to IMeotem. necked the Tula re of Tow rat -ad oanaad oaT the tahnbe- Leaita end thme Mnt.ta II to am tbe grat, aad balttv ewWrtiB the swop maan a taw tnaaliy. 11 to axe lam titer an. In Pr New lark, aaw lhaow atoaitta agh liatil fu tbatr at hewng one! wine.

here. Aaw mark ad ef rood mialnl tag aad beeuuiyteg of Ibe hunw Batai te as aiiMttol the rare of tbe teeth. IVrwaco te etwa mora ee, (or tekieg eera ef ten teaea te torxe part mllar mliteh teucm to tbe owner of Ibe tenth, bat te eating bar too Sneer anil we do en eat of enaaiiterattea tor daceecv. lore of tbe beantifal end itarard taw ibe foeliasa of tteam wttb whom we era brought te contact. Nalta, yos know, wul aad erbe.

ev thoogb they may be in naaaiad mowrniaa, bitten umrralii tbe eJ-e ute ennr -ead fringed with frayed, autteaa and hane mum. PofWapo that la why many neovaa atarlart tbeoa. Unt I can not eomntele. Warn I Matted to bwAteeaa, twe yonr mrw, I wnated eoiwe day before my tady. wbe paid ate a dollar for pntuag bar anile ta enter end now 1 have mneb By ee taara, I r.

am araratra rt three oeorloro af as boar, ni bnd nre bapt prntty baov all day huea. A grant imte of my enmomer ar regwtet. Ibat to. totltbd of anm in to tormiaaam. ttoaal libf ap et their aaite, Btaa gwag tola a xrnace bwhertfeap ioToabao -r take racnter eonreee ef Irani men iur thana aauoth et time, atmiag te oame a Tito, ham who tbra erttotlonlir tamatity toasr rata ore ef Ibe very tort oieeeei uli Tbey era ledamef the bigheat teouiiea, aoo.

ttemea of the moat arlelaarauo oinbe. boxtav I know at bed te km brae very sal orlnetlt ta Be aalw. had to eare torn af alroaet avnrv I dated end bed habit poanlbte, bat at bant, am happy ta aay, hare got temte Imte What do Vow nteaa by "Btemlthai teolade molorwtlowa. womaea etMrttv; hrtUte ead bed gianeag aaia ere defeetlr A ead aaanaar mono b2 of the well antal ttteiwageend waahjbtly aara erimbanialm pfwoura te proline aaate of bane eniac tae Belle, which tnm to he tasrmg and sUpsang the tbtrkmtd Mtteie et to ate the watte wtth eherp thora tetese I earn: end em mauor how nnatghtiy the aaiat amy wo. I aaat gnarwetee ktriag them, ta a mi it nteaa, bentHy of form wed eote.

After tbev awa wnwn pwa gooa itaailtna a te wot wife to keep Ihm ee. -The enrvtem of theat weak. rtlhoBA-b I tarty Into every weak. At a re, teaea who art moot eareful of tbaer nolle aod rant mm often mt era the very one who era. emm liaely te uMnabtetrly rob mtm et the tread of my work by etairateg II tnr Iki enjltm.

-wnm itittia aaua yoa ha re I to beee beea to the mya aoe tear eat aeotber, who to tort left my heaaMV Ubv door, aol 1 have ae eriaaua to ae to She amaioam, Mf nalU (row notnrally tent replte the dm, artiem ereatwra. btet I hnew my onoaolattoa to my aarrteaot tee I rul aad mv dotter and batf. Il te ant texaa. row know, that ontia grow beaatlf al I eat Morally. At tenet I beve never mow af that did.

Matora te not to be trnoted tea-pjicitly for the fathlrmlng ot the bomea Bam dlrtee, aa yoa may beve letptettd if yea hows ever twlmplaltl a lot of om ba there." "Do faahlnM ta nnlla nnanca. Ilka tbomto boa note, tot tea It art?" CarUtelyBot. There la a etendard of toa bMBtlfnl and arttetle wbteh oaa Brtetamwm, Tbe Mil abowld be long, aloaood-ahoaaa. pmk at tko bona, white at tea potat, tree Urn apate, Bwrteetly omootb and highly pulliaid Wbera one mw wot grow lone nnlla. aaaaad irpted.

Abroad at at aa-mlim hraadteg te bono tha Mtamiiilim bntea ararded a tb ptebeteaarwho here teeeraelteang nan not ebertah eao prmarve each irfkia hadgm ef rank. -rltil Ilia It aaniad to each as ex irm Mr that ataailaram oftea Sow aaii terao or fowr tnrbm loag, wwaah er protect ordinorUy by gold abmtlia, vawteargvem' aod tet ahow paal at. total I nporala yoaTeae MewWed my prmimti are. Pint, tbe tsgora am eonatad ta hnth of pert amed mouiralod water aed dried. Thaw, with thte ate, I glv tea anil te daalrad almond ahape, en.

Now, with ttmaa delamte carved eeamora. I traa off the Mane Saoam en tide aboat the Bella, and Ivanovo tea haaxraaua. At that point I would ramara taa anwxdorwtteae nnd bimhibm ta tint. Mentis BoUeh, I epraad Ibw Ball bow dor ea Mate ckatnote-ekta, nod apply It totakte, Bm bow tb nail abtee aow, ilawt like eaa-atooda. Bet wa weal a liuw deeper tmt, am that will mmble the exqnwfte roomie tomb ee the tettde of a em ahail.

Thai Dink oaat anette will beatow at, aad at la tarn tim saV gtv utebtUte pea mlaw of cwtiew. Once more tha go bite a be lb of perfamd water, sad Item the entla are rapaltebeiL and If roo theoxBg tbey ahow before, what de yaw Ihiek of Ihm of coeree. Ihac am. not to aatara, hot the mnnlcnra. LertafaB nWtebtag I pertnmed.

Aad roa tea tbatlmwat knap beay to get through tt all ia tltrae -uaartam at an boar.1' "Are yoa aot afraid that priir awn- yowr moo ey yowr enmnmirt tor I ar by rivate who win teara It from yowr' -Not at ail. -f ri aot harm my baalnean. Not one peteoe to aaa wm the left band ea Hah atr, -adliy and etToetlrely woaud be manned pwt the walte ef tbe right hand ta i lie Two haada era needed for the anh. And. nn for edeeatmg other axeajcaree, I bora mm fear, indeed, 1 wowld be pleated to awa mora, tbev woo id lead to euluvate baa Boblte Bpnrortellim of tne bnnnrlenae mt tae nrt i prnctana, ano ll a petition, iiowedy eon ahnpe the a ona.

ia not to mm um7 ee Baaatns gtamally ana inn. There It eomtelna, ten, ta tbe know tod- of my red pee. Do I wna Mtiwrthteg as Ike In era to break tbe heart af betlaar tee nailer Mo, not at alL I tnm-miy make the Bella eo bMnUfnl teat evea a thonerattem ehOd wU have eaSraant ferae eg will to refrain from deepotliax team, leak -at yowr aeli aow, atr, and bite one of tern If yos raa gad the heart to do as. I dar yog todott." Bawicxx Nbat. one ot Boatow wewlthay yowng am, bm beea mulcted tXjOOm to broeob nt prom too eoia, nnd onbtacted.

tbe reeding te cowrt of bte lor I ulttaw. Welch wwra eddreaaed Ilka that: "My oera aad aaly practoa httl awte th tart," "My IT doariy brtovnd tared "My only helmed ewe." end "Be ft. oroetoa drlhwx.w I Mirer Telegram. Heoatel te feteCwwraw IimbbI.1 Ornrnraavi. Ttoa.

to. Bone. Ai ill id Aawt, I ban, A.B.; Harn, item it. fcet A.B4 brae Be wtata. lAwwiiiio.

ta-jo r. a. tinear Lenta, 11 A. a. hirer ame tart haw I Btewty.

Batata afl toerem. Oaot, OraonrvAVi, ttew IS. Wtetn' laanm om iwim: raining at Arrread Altai, rwtoorah. Lnnex HMm ateUraawm te Vrtvemxr. ttew Ml dtia of tii oi mn eatanr; etniem wata wia BWbt, want and north went aoer: aatiitar art to arty and ta.ttoe reel: terianoue twenty-ni one qiaaner no nM.

ttirmr rhtne, ww arw eeo tattth tent ate aaoae. net ttel'tra Craerw, r. H4 tea. ttethrlo, ajar; A TWCIillim LTOWW tof 1 A.B. toaaravtiXB, IW.

M. WUrbt rtmrni and atttam I tor ii ery eetr-tro. klrar nurtoe. Piat Lua Mia. witd, then and retorn.

I r. Hambuw, Inwiit nnd iwMint, nhb moaaialt into. Tee rtex. btargb a tewnitaa. Catan.

Das. -wewwWx, I fcua, I r. Parte a turn, hew rairaaa. It A. A fev-tiw, hew orient.

1 a. a. goanrtel ta. Uerte. at r.

tnlrea u. mim, att para fjuea. (. lormaetf, II: wm liabteto. laana, 1 aeda.

how Orhnan, Ihnmy CAFao, Dtt to, tladereaa. tteWV rite r. LiorieaKBt.JaH, A bnnbe-t. A beluar. A I oeK r.

a. HiMllvrl'lMmMt rmiiwrinn wnaiewiier aetr-twe. sr. tVtnye. two.

Mtrm. an fhuwc Utr of tmtnearr, Tirtabnnr. la Lew-ea, tana: Briar B-mpua, B-aroak nte. out ftio teat by tee kat Itear aed awanas wul rrum legate. xarwxt, Dm.

te. rtwta. wtear rm a a Btctan. arrrrf Ord'urt. GaieanOj.

fa uarwt tria avmuutra. Now iwvwno; J. w. bng, taaxnanak twrrmr. at.

Uatew Co aud amr. Lrm. Do, to The tram af aaaiw Pet tel. tee re and a tm m-mmj, lb near hnf Ttrxanrm, Itet. to.

rwn rata Bert raan. rrr. r-x. Due a Parana 1. I A a.

Da tnrotjtatona. I r. M-i tun btimaf. A. tu U.

r. tlrw toUM, Dot. t. All It TWknm. t.

Look OmnAee. Hrwry rraril. Nrfmbrc Ikar, I Innrmau. la-pened Doranu, tnni. 1.1 KwaArrtoat, ttrnr.

tor: ir wiinnr and wareier; mwanaiaim anrentf-wt a rai ledtcatieea. Waa birimrrr, tHixr luiu Orra-a, Tan. fawroa. u. imx.

11. a. a. r.a luitt aaa vhb Ohio vtrxcr, aiaie aaa noamt eira. borxvam tXMt ajid run oa ci ai ie wtirnaa.

la aa I nter end Unter WieeMO Valwr nelne end a it WKxie and em-mr or nJ tie eiuiaor. a4 BL my tefo-rtlu r-e Ijtae rar-'r ritrw tarnnipor. nei ia. VMPrlt Wlr and tM, tot't CWiuf oer lower tmtm br onmw.o r- anow, OTOTiiniiled aver euar Bviea hr enw wiowe mji ne'awwtleM Dln'h. Puu.n Imieut, Hi.Kt.Jlia.

Va4 O.a rfl A tw. A -I t. rt n. In-il. r-v rt.

i i. fevad, baovo tVia, bud mi nanraeaa marrbaotd. 1 aad Nhmitt AUthemtSrtmt nt tewred ahewaalililart faaatlm af haw fork, ham Ibe ebtelrrw II te tee aiewd emMta-otom eon a week. One et thorn taw Pi mat aaa. Bow.

wV Wnutw dark ead otenrt. Iteba taming aB da. Blear fee tew am tea toiamg ttewty. Tw hit km ate xeent: aterlimaaittax airt let atemtamv'na ana part te mtrite with ttratr bnrwwh to mtbmkrt htentflnarttmtkirial ttnja, rtbxr tettuaw wtU liHtw wtth btwry tow. sat rtesy rna it warm teat, eeaty tort ta port wet MonV tnaTanawatTaaaattey mmtwrntmrnm 'ut)mi btoewttal awy.

TBI AtetetolbammhnWfhr St. Ink than, team Bam, wbe bm ervtate. wJ tees mmt eta bow rtetmar inwlde, tw Ota nulla ma) ear Ortnti wtta toca 1 1 name nVt'ttot am atetewi oWwnwmm. oat, Crrr Three tort awht torhm mmtewatA, PaAawraat, gy IMa. rttiaWi rtmrto ehnwnmry rt em aaenl, www ata an ef ooww mma eaaaoat.

loWMteatn, and anew a Beeey kg anew, wwa wwMhmto www. tn-eltn. Bioennt A I toe, be, fillilmrgb. Ttoa, rtotag. Btaarmixw Dee.

It ntenr ihlea. btteate meota. atnitl tnaior. oaat ttrar..

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