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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WELL met; How Keataeky'a Cklef City Hoaored tke aTagaaal-, dobs General. TW Waathery Bemorrts Waged a Long, Determined War" Against Him, Baft tlta FIim of Keatadcy Ilofpltality Xtarnod, All tha IJxigatarv Cbaarine, laulag Taaamadj Who Omtoi Kim at rw toatkStrMC. Othar Thoaaaada Awaited aelTM of All Poaalble Parehaa, Tm Chick a fiMapae af the Great gaUler aa Mia Carrtaca XaiaStnatlaat Heh a BUataf aad tor Aa Orarf Bd, tbo Km ptisan, am Otter 3 THXSCXirDOTTS WKtOO At laataaaaolia. at Wt-pM a eetaeh the NHnuMM ef BW iaturllla awle-eUm, raatlinap; at W. N.

nn 1 1 jn a. ixm. Dta. TaM M4W.I. CsJberlsoa.

mt to the where ftfc a i a away ww asppmg. a aaia to the espo. laaBCMitty ntaftt ma aeon Depot at at. Birr lt-Bha LsaUvBls. Albany a JagcranaTfla tha Jnilowakg wwre eaboaawi ant Hit.

Oitol. Cot. Taw. Oft ta, Aaa. Tyaar asel art, Jneew B.

i Mto) Qui. BaAm, ate. Wab.a Boa ere. The era easmh ela ears aa4tba-gtaa. The hmoaaotlve.

Ma. fallT enmVml to Bees nt inniit The trato was aaoe ap at riiilitil Fnl lass's pinnl to raa-heaale aaaa; 1. Da. a bL mmt eh. to h(po ea.

Cha waai saw party taa rmaiaeal ratbaaa'a aar. aam Tjiii aniiminlnl CaiawabVa aar, walla the UsnsvlUe aiailiaia aaaakaa at to taaar Mb aa. Tb tra vat asasr taa at Wat M. Howea. a wcBrhncww aaa popa nt Mi.

eeaa a. Meddle, cant tke am aaaaMa aad emcaal aaa to taa sarvtae at taa li -j Hawse iiililil by AJbmBaraa. The trans aa wee oka Watt as Dawa at Maw Albany, waa tally enwarsteeA at taa aeeS. wat abaatw. aa4 aM all to I Taa an hail of tka trato aaa A iinin, rtui arveral kaa)rd peopahad ae ana tease Gen.

eras. TheyyaatAiS aaa aaa, aaa that waa aM. Be eteeaea taa abnply bowed ta to laui Ma pre- IntowlJ by. ssswiyt to to peeps. tookad aa thoejrh tka tattrt tow had I taa depot, a wary taiga crew.

eaae aa taa atottoaa. aa waa grta wak kserty appleoae. Taa train, pat to allow a newsboy ta IBwtk Taa hint wak hi awl him Ira I aepan at I aaafcat toapaa aaaaaaad aiaartt lait. La ajitoataaataaaaaatoaataaiaarttl aWFaaatunnUA A Bart, aa tattwkata, latft crtwd waa aaHiatad. 1 aonca taa tato waa eoaniaa- dowa a arowd.

Tha 'trato arrtrsd at Jsffsr- asaeina tktO, aaaktog tka ru tadlanapolhi, 100 atflea, to three hoart i aaa iwasty are anamas, a oaaty at aaariy kaht aa how ariit at that petal to tkiar tog tha aara so that tha Oraat ear aoald ha UMbrldgs. tbaa affording tba tssllafsaibttwrty tba opportaalty of taktag to tka big Wtdga aad ealalnlng a aaa rtow of she talla and the three etuaa arowd the fails. At tha Depot. At 8m M. aad depot tka aaaa waaoaa at wBd.

ki tpraailbla, asdeaerlbabls aathast. T- asai aad aaafoaioa. Before o'doek apee-' totaaa had bagwa to eat Ma at the aura at at tsiath aad Mato streats. sad thaagh Pse sata, aisHBg aosyythtog appaar aasty sad gjnaaiy. pearad dowa alilat fararaaaraaar was heard; aat a aaaa left tha ape or tniinlit wah tha araat eterk at tha watthsr.

Cartoelty hold fall sway orer tha atallllali, aad a astgbt hare beoa tea Haass aa wat. tea Mates aa ataddy, attty sad gloomy, "i aad atstaal pitlsast woald aara ahtraalaiind toat arowd. And sack a crowd. There wara weeaea aad gats, aaaa aad bora, toothers with ias. hrslhsra by tka kaada.

pas aad wlUaga people sod etty paapla Thera ware iaitrtraas, KagtlskaMa, Oataisas, lilahsaaa aad eotorad folks, fnntet, aaarybody was there wttk Ala slaters aad hat stasias sad seats, aad eswryaedy thaaght at bat the oaa thlag-of aatchstg aglhapaa ad the dUtaaralaktd ek rraaldea aad aaad-aag ap. a abeer of watsoass to gladdaa his aanshaav Tale arowd was a good-beat in it arswd. Then Waa a bxtte arwwdtog aad a to aght aor to reader Oam. Grant's arst step -apoa KaataakyseB daagrsssblA At half pet a e'eieck the Cruras! ctty or soUtorry paaacitallfia, nawastil by Cant. I.

T. I by Major Casthsaaa asasa aa, aad aa Bla after ata each yeOs at aathastasai as rant tha ahr wars eelAoajtietore heard to lasts sale. Errathe rata. Baety aad tltarrtt sola as was, a is read tor aUaae to ha forget, sad three Haaa three Tola alary sheer told tbt effect that a waB drtlled body at talrllwy haa opoit a gaataatlaa lea. Onatw trasa waa to here antred at BVto a'elaak.

Vet trasa detsya to ladlaaa a dat sot reach LsanrrlUe aata aa boor after that hate, sad wbaa a did Bask slowly toto aw depot toe erovd saade a rath lor the platters, aad the uautil pokes were aoapalisd before a pamga asarld ha etoared. Tha train was ateds ap of Ha aoashat aad angle Ke. 16, walek waa glQy btockd The the raw beadle PtFanMh's apsetol car; tka raOaaa ear, tleueral Oraat," a M. aad 'L atoHatoc-chair ear, aad the hagcaga ear. teas, araat aad oarvy held paaaialna -of rial In rthaaa'a prrrala ooach; awtarto.

toodeat Caldwatl't ear was em pled by Oaa. Traar, aad tba othr by tka Uuisrril, Xaw Alhaay sad JeffrrsoaTUla eoaaUtasa, asa- aenaw tmtr-twa awsilsiaea. Oa, trala draw wp to the depot. Mayor Baxter Mapped aboard the PaUtaaa fr. aad to the door waa aat by Br.

Ilsldemsa, who tntrodacod bha to Cad. tiraot. The two gaatlcaea esrdlally bork band-, and th-a Mayor 8axt-r. Mating eie uiMmcui.iHMi guert, atsnoed BffjBaflBB, aMeMMaftefL- WWUtl Bamtt, rods wp aad futattd toto Baaaasld paitfirsat Taaa aaaa MaJ. Btrbards aad bk tweaty Marshals ew horse-Baca, tbi-lowed by tha atoantad poMes andor Chest Wssthortord.

and too alillsiis, aadar Xlim isisl Msaltsl tThoarrrral at sash at these bodies was tha asraatoa at load aaaartoa. and whea ths sv. apatdeablsawlea wearied oe ry tato ths camagk wvteh wsa wuttag eoBtcbody toss. It aigat be called a ab-sttM Tuckcsritag wsa etms sedoad crowd; aot oca that wa waoUag ia ea- piemy- auawe jj lour aanilinia- sfHrttsd bay horses, who prsaoad sod earorv ad rnojBda if la aitch glessad doe appresto. tawatc the baraaa they were drawn.

Cwitg to tb ratn, tba top ot Gnu, Uxnt'a bim wet aut let dowa, aad a gnmpae ot aim Mold with duBealtf be caagbt thiaagh to raltr, ekieh was hep apaa. 1 tx-Frmldeat'a tecs bors rather thad sxprrwtua, sad hi look atcaad anarwaal eaves as be glial it eat at bis earns goal to glooBf wee! her and tha maddy atra eta. aat mhea ha aaarked wkk what dafereaee aad with what aa ahr at b-x leaded hae pttaUty thaladtoiwavadtavb- aaadkareklafj, aad tba doffad tie ksta, Oaa. Oraat aaaOad aad auda aauti to Maror Bama axpraaatT of Ala appraataUoa at aaatackja graatlac It waa arldaat that aa waa plaaaad. aad taa paopla wara aaoptar aM taaaraa taa toadar man iff taaofalasa that teat.

Oaa. Oraat taa a Vary happy way at rafetef hh) hat. aad kta bow hi a awtanaat at partaat hka fat, aa tt aaa baaa axatiint. aiilatlit aad that la what Kl kaaaa taa aftoaar ha boybd to haaraar aaaa taa raapoadlBf eham Aa aooa aa atra. Oraad wad htra.

CoL Trad. iwarteek pu ia at thatr aantaga thay whhrtad a to tha LaaaarOla Hotal, aad taaa tofaaad at toUaai, taak Hi usa or MAra I ra-aa ano-r Oc. Wiattoitod. intra Hi Viaitlnff Oaatiaaiaa, aaaaaaa of an Oaa. Uraat'a tarrtara.

aaeawta tarrtaai vua taaxtOMaBMra. 0lt owaiaa. at tha (hut aaa Vayar Bastar. Ma. 1 Col.

Frad. iraat, Mr. HjHwaaa, Co. No. tiaa.

Traa. Jaaaaa hpati. OatL BhalaT a LNbo. Xo. a ladaw Martladala, CoL Alawaad tr, i.

WatU Kaarar. T. H. Baarlay. No.

a aa. Neboa, Coi. hally, Hi. Daa. bar.

Mayor Kant. So. a-Caariaa Kaator, Dr. TaadaR, OoL Katfwto. W.

Daraw. Ko. Oaaua W. Morrta. Mayar Wardar, Mr.

Caibattasa. Dr. GrUDUM. No. 7 W.

B. eaaUh, Jaaaaa Bradlay, Dr. Brady, W. H. Toft- No.

-C. Btawa. ay. Kftppaattaprt. W.

T. Tul, r. K. IMaaaiaa. No.

a-Jadaa lUakaad, Jadaw TladiTI. W. Cant. Baekaar. No.

10 taaa Brewm, CoL Baott, Mr. Ma- CaaapbrU, JaiMW Uaihhoaaa, No. 11 Joda BaraaM. Qaarwa DwraO, Jaaaaa Clark. J.

B. Wadar. No. u-loha Whua. IX Matfaawa.

W. B. Jackaoa. Mr. Boratraacor.

No. 18 W. Noaaa, 1 B. Eddy. M.

M. Barley, CoL Carr. No. 16 Hrnaaa Wllaoa. air KuM.

No. Br. Haaaoto. Mr. gliyiia.

No. 1 Mra. Oaa. Otaat. Mia.

CoL Oraat, Mr. D. P. Faaida. No.

Mra. Traar, Mto) Marttodato, Mr. Boaora, Ca- -Abbott. No. 1 Mama MaCaampbaO.

Chat. Biaay MatotoTtord atraat, aat Taad to Ji dowa Jaflaraoa to Boraath, to Bnaath to Mato aad thtan to tha LoaktrtUa BotaL tarad. awhal piaaialit a ata, aad aa a atarlad aa taa baaaato taaa I tha Mai haanit atratot at "Baa to tha CaiaX." Tha paapta bad baaa or too taps at haeka. azpraaa wagaaa; ataag to lalaaiaph poiaa aad hama-poota; to tost, fraai srory araUaMa poaV ttoa thay ftaatleaUy wirad aaadkarshlafa. ays.

At Twelfth aad Mato tha toadaoaaaly darontad tabids at tha avaot tan to aad raai of tha proianlna, aad rtrbt arattCy did thay aat oa tha Baa. at stares. Tha car shirts sad praaalag tuiaaa aaaght tha pooolar aya. aad tha Bra dapartaaeal rsearrad a fall share at tha chaarlag, Wbaa tha proaaarlna rearbad Tsath aat Mato slims tha rato had abaoat aaaasd ta fall, sad at Oaa. Gnat's owa roan art tha top of tha Tshlela to which ha rode was let dowa aat tha people thoa sashlsd to ebtaia a good view at tha tirriaga eoetataiag hhaarlf aad Mayor Bular.

At Btgbth aad Mala atracts tha arowd grow draaar aad aaora aobty. Tha tatoratloos wara haadaoraar, and erarjrtling, area tha csimaeye at ara-story aaoidiscs. tt, to orj "htuaa tor Ormat." Tba sarrtsga ot prhaa artaaTlloa was atlaa stopped at tl part of tha aaarek to ardar that dlffaraal par- aat that waa aa aaiwiaatad Itodrrldaal, who, after giilaa Oaaaral Oraata bead a tvaasaa that toada biM wtoca, Mdlad bask arto tha rsar raaka and remark sd, wkk a grata of hh head, 1 taB poa. kta ay. dar a sod I stot aara a a ata tote'gn haa far At Iks procasilia aaored tkrwly aa Ba way, iVt arowd waa aagiaaalsd at arary coraar, aad at tka taad toracd toto Third atraat any Ihnaeeat peooM Pried ta rail the boss to off.

Proas Third aad Msaite Fifth and Jaf-fsrsoa sothtaeT hot the aeaae wild, aathaet- aU asiarhjt atarksd Uis Baaof anrck. Oa tha PlaUorau Sroat ataf a auleir rraei ataar traural satav Brtwssa 11 and IB o'clock yesterday store teg propl begsa to aoagrsgala la the vJeto-tty of tha CawrVheaaa. As aaa stood oa tha aaraaraf Fifth aad Jaif erase he aoald ess aetblng bat Bags aad aptataed aatbraOae, aad a roatloal slaht a waa tedead. AB aboat tha gtoeany old Coart hoaae, tor aaaa aa-11 1 tead by lags aad atrssiasi. aoald ba aaaa aambailess btosk oojeota.

The aajbrella mail to be walpotsnt aad owmnlf raaist. It was alls be satartoteteg spar, to watch aa aaihrslls-herk ssrettag thraagh tha are a to the great thwriaiitiiaiinl ot aB tha othar aat brills By It o'doek oaa ot tba groaned oa tha aoath atda at JeeTi aad to tha Cwarl huaai yard oa sack aide of tka rand. Tha wtodows of tka Coarv hooas, tha Cay Ball, Ik Wfilard Bote! aad aO tka bwndtacs aa tka a street were tiled wttk Tha pottos wara gfrra orders to keep tka street clear hi froat of the platform which sad heea araetad aa the Coart boats steps, aad from which Oaa. Grant, Mayor Baxter aad Got. Black bare were expected to stake thstr adtraaasa, Araaad the platform tha stars aad stripes wars wrapped.

Proa the top at tka Ceajrvhoeee twa aaaa Baga hwag. reaching alaasat to tha steps at I he balkUac The whole at Jeffarso aasaea war at fags as far It being aaaaaaesd that Oaa. Oraat woald probaMT ba reeerred ot the CoarV betweea 19 aad 1 s'slock, tha srewd raptdly ta asm bar towarde tha approach at tka latter hoar, aad at wrery aoaad tiisrhig the tetetaat tssnb ssns to baad aaele. a MB eoaeal he eoeteer" Baa from Bp to Up. At 1 o'clock tke rata ascaaed to tot ap for tha eecasloa sad the crowd as oaa su pat dowa ha ambrosia sad need aloag Jeeraoa atiaet ea orderty aad drawn ap a aa straight a Hae as ercry ailaea waa btoarht ap aa a soldier.

It waa a pretty sight; ths stdswslka wars BUsd ta the street, aad the aaa at bsmaaWy waa draws there, perteetly aarsggsd. it waa a eight that raditud credit apoa the poUee. mm eowra a last, Dasptto the gloomy asBist of tha sky sad tts rata that bad bees ertxalteg dowa all ths crowd was a good hassnred oaa. Whea tha CMy Ball cloefc straek two aa hat. atenee shoot erase from the araMtada.

aad toe cry of "Bo hi commgfn was heard to hraapet-toagsjed aaxxaa. It was trae; far ap tka atraat tha faint aost ot tka baad waa beard. The soared swelled ta rslnnt aa the aerate Bew. No maa was kaowa ear. death.

The Coart hooas yard waa packed, aardtoe-llfea, with a ass at haaaa rty. Oa the Cetirt hooee steps Be Oor. Blsck-harB aad aaita aad eecert, the aaliai at the Caamoa Cowaefl, tha members at the School Board aad a aamber af etihias. ready is racerre tha facet et the ctty. At tea ana.

tea past two Vloek tka edraaet fward ot the procomloa, ss to speak, aaaa to yaw. Etchhora'a brsa hand haadad the promaalua, paaymc 'a hlgbly-aepcrteg air, ao ether thsa the rKar span tried At fifth aad Jeffcrtoa trsota the atittary hailed sod allowed tba hack! ta pern ky tketa. The fret hack contained ode Brace, Oca. array aadeothers. ts tha next hack, welch waa opea behind, sat Oea.

Oraat aad Major Bex-tar. At this Janetare the crowd did aat fsd to Jo Its datr to the sboatiog Hnr. Mill thera waa not the sligbtest alga of disorder. There did aot aaaa to ba any dealra oa the pert of the people to pack and aqalrm and tramp oa thtwleem. bat a deeply Imp tv mud crowd.

The old verse 1 probably aot oat at para error tit wrsws Bros fee mm toe allow Ms aba wan in met tut aura meat aire asw. a arnrat irut caown. The pPe aaeamd to raeognla the fact that It wee astcoalag a aaa at great aiaary ran a a aaa at deeds, aad bat little skilled to the was ot wards; a aaaa at troa wUl; a aaa hat kttla tteaoartrsUva, aatot, eqnabic sad aaaa to the wildcat ewsuoa. It waa tosTstor a impeesfni crowd, aad eoaenbet ot sws ssttled over the aniutads. Vhea Oea.

Graal't carriac stopped aa Cast. otr-t Aitnaarf. aaaa. traBmiliinl aawrCaal.rnaati Imoih rma Naw iiam. a.

ltiinr- kra Mm mum, lTlin Uaanua. TVa faBawto, wara tha lataaaatt biarlat haf ora, aaar thay falthtally aaHraa arad to shrlak aad saraaaa thaaaaalrat haana, aad aaaaaat thaaa ajimlit Aa Oaa. Oaaatw rarrtaaa paaaad thoaaaada of paoala mm attaar atda at taa atraat hmmg aaa at waadowa aad daaraj tooaad fitat tha haaaa tirpr atoad paichad apoa atlaa ad VOLUME L.V1L froat of tha platfona Cocmttlaa at aaptioa adraaeal to asset hlat, aad akook with bisL- Aa a. baad at tha traeps ataytoc -Dtrta," thai aptritad ah whtoh tha Baatoara soldlarabar. Maad as aa hatr looam, aad aadartha at srhiek ha aalBsd toto tha taaa at asa at tha ata at taa war Cloaa to tha waka at tha LeasmUa Lactoa, with soap aad baad aspaalaity araat, assa atoad caard to trawl at thai arMUary to tha asaaawkBs I aaltoatatyto.

lad past tha Oaa. Oraat waa staadlaf. Tkoaa wba bars i at tha Tharawaa aat ata at thai Daaarttowat i baalk. Oaa. Oraat waa aat i a Aa tha fwast stood batorsthasrawd, watah.

teg what waa patag aa araaad aha, ha wat a tad ta aaary aaa. Tha at hiaj, tharawaa aat tha aUghtoat baaa at op aattioa oa bM to ba attoriy Aad bi tba sal wis at thaapa kaswld altars taa. A ai at tha UaHod a Wbaa tha tost baad. that at Barorlyw Coasr- ad Blast wla, aaiatod IU lad tha "aaasl at all Barlnaaf tothalraatat tha platforai aad daUrsrsd tha foUowtog aaV diaat at wslinwi to btbilf at tha Mpt ta wakoaja kvdar ts sar attr aaa of ata aval baaabaat aaaa af aw aaa. altar tuaaj iaawi era ai entetaeC an aaraa toreisa laat eaiesa ki the srewara etedt aad IM bs wet as Aaiertraa oilsta, and bad met wWh cria lerjenarf Ibaklsb tm aia Man to ate DaMed sat at is erauaB slrao aim eaarr ear, tuers Laauet ibu tat rblted as a lbs araaml Ueti ae km ii ilia i iiama kmriluk we kea sfl am psutes, wubtaa asgard a serif ar pat Now.

Oea. Oraat, bars a aa eery swat-way of am aitk a lbs stMropmw of keauidtj tea, am enlr Keoinckana, am ssua, jonag man. an reUue Lltlaaaa, I bars lbs a yea respoadad aa fottowa to the roamrha ot Mayor Baxter: Ma. xuraa aaa Oitmm BKMTPra.T-H at wah (real mheatOue iht waa res sme ta ear. I leal kaciie sr ant tarn WLkSj Ma save amdere ate, a I Be BsrpOtaM wMra 1 Bare leoHvel at ma aaada of ear artorisaem ale Ths lian a I fur.

Bed. TheauMt, of BVee uiami let km pair sm neara my own. aad rams a saw bernr. a SBSntrweaw sad, ohk a toard seapls, we mm to aaary. sad aMt stew a tiasorianm a ea ewe aaiaailm end aor.

BLACxacxa tarord to klia aad pra klat taa followtef welooato hi babaB ot tha Btatoi wsaxsAi. OsAwr Ton tram toe saiini of roa anil aat as serwj BarOfeaal mm State ml WBMS we mm JmmUy prued. War yoa aamd a do aa, I fcsl emierd smt yoa woald ermrar a Bte esama of aiagsmtea lliaj, was asra pronaiewai ea of amwerla. Tntaaare ae hose, hew. wai Bjsrs rom Slanuml.

fee wiu EM wiia a ran. aack cnm, armtatrea ad it in. (MM, a ns wwh am aminnia-aaa ion rum pi rimaaa wMoB grswad roa a ammt seary asaoa aad anme aase rem null i 'a a hare a Meted amm of ana nana mt nurtr anas, aa sMnd at ear toaBaoebiwkteeanB What The Mayor speech waa deUrerad wttk a sc. Oasaal Oraat'a rirpoai wee as low the aoald hardrr ba heard at aa. Tha Ooiaraor did brmeei jascles oa ths imialia, Oaaaral Oraat'a LooJstIII aatistitloa has at Isaat la aaa rasped heea pkaa roa real.

Ba haa aat heea eumed with toag aphrs. Ia this rarpeet, sa to dead to all stbsra, thero-esprloa we delightraL By halt-peat two the petteg waa all ever. A aomber of gsaiMasa than eaae forward aad shook heads with tka General. Tka crowd becaa ta Barge slightly toward tha eland, aad edtaoeished the party that was bats to dspart. The gwsst at the ctty waa seem Singly sseurtad to bis hav i Hal sly drora away sairla to Baikal of tac aad kand kerchief sad the aboat of the Pow bsada participated ta the affair.

Bck- hora's, Behacwdar'a. tha New Albany aad Beverly's. Btchheca pared -ftor Bpaagted whea they had halted; "Ball to tke Chief" tost before Geo. Oraat anoka, and "HnaikwllB Marsh'' whea tha party left, Tha Peceratlocis. Tha roote af the pruenaloe, fium thcTostr- tecath street depot, waa throagh see srinaa of aoatlag lags aad dacnaud bmlsatl beam.

AH alone- Mato street to Third, eat Third and dowa JeBuiaua, the atarcaatate aad mark at thesf rssueet. The lnornoa wara to hare bssa awl a an inhratt Osaa thay really were, bat, esag to tha aoartag rato. ay wao had dafaisd thsar prcpsiaMua tfl yesterday were ptavislal from asaa log owt thetr e7, sad many othar who had aade prrparaUoaa wara dlasoarraaed by tha horrlbla weelher. Tassdsy eveamg amny wtedowe were hong with Baca, aad every lew bwadrad yards ropes sliatt bil across the sad gags of every nalioa aad color. Tac tens ay after tka bard rata af tke sight piwvtoas tha Bag looked Try droopy, aad haag aa Hap rags, wttk thaw brIUisat eoloraaaeh aerred.

Bat few of the krana were dscorslBtT ether tbaa with Baga aad fastooaa et red. whne aad btae bantme. Oa lower Mala atraat only a eoenrjarsttrsly turn peaber at bow were datura ed, proalacat aaoag tkcai tha rTantert' Tohocoa Wara. Ehrreath aad Mate tracto. wh'ah waa treat at a large flag ksortsg the words Tobce Trade." Thie flag wall knowa aaMag tuhaona am, aad waa rssaarksd yea.

tarday that the leet Mme was darplsrsd wsa whea rrisllBBt Hare rlstted the etty. Bwt fw other hcwi oa thb) sowsra were adwaed tanker taaa with law mmll lacs, bat at tka eoner of Tsath tba establish eat of Look) Boa back was gayly dram id to tka aattloae! solpra, every wtadow aapporUag at Isaat kab? Orew'a hoaae. two doers from Tenth, waa also hasdaly bang wttk tags. OX MAIM BTBSXT, betweea Eighth aad Kinth, tb aost cwapte aoasly dscorsted hoaae waa that of the Bra of Trahos, Dane A Co which is elehorate-ly bang wkh gaga beaaura. rarthat ap oa Mala street the astobUehaseaa' et J.

O. Baxter A Co. aad Arthar rctar A Co. ware the Stoat -wlshoralaly decorated baildiag. The gayest aqaar to the etty, however, waa that of Mala street from Bulk la Seventh, where alaoal every hoaea hoes acme toksa ot rmpeet pad regard tor tka die.

ttagtrtshad General. Bambercee dt Bloom's arga Bv itary ballrlstg waa sstasa! with Hi nam aad hang wttk flaga boa bouoa to top, prsnsllag a very Baad soae appsaraasa. Carter Brae, were ame gay ry decorated; Ike Iahrrf Beta waatoa hlaes of aslor, aad Crva atom aaaartaa SB too ta rat a goaa look at aaa. Wbaa ow tha platforv. at wat totoedaaaa to OwV.

para, tad shook aaada wttktfca atta atrial thaCwaaLBaaaarhaalBiaia. baad aaaM tha abtoToVwaUl itattori. Tha ok atoaaaaawaa aoa all taartol Caalat ttraat to taa taa Uaapa wara pat tad. tha rtra 1 rtra tltiiaiaaiiol. Booty I aar taa plailart oa whtoh abalat Miiplliaiaay BsBBatsMt t9Wma IMirtir stall.

AB tha am laaUt, tha I wary aaa taa www iwraaanaiid wtthaat havah a ad aB arc aat hha atoad arowd as aa ratal bat to taw tauataa ktaitaa traav Tha who haa boom la taa, whaaa raintus rhto haa baaa aaipbal assrek hanat, aad whoaa Mtara to khan aaaatry haa baaa tha atoaal tor awHd aat pnaihig at aalkaria mil hardly ba aapaatad to ha atharwtat lhaa otot aa taak At Oaa. Oraat stood bahars tba aaswd ha tha iiauaiaiiH.a at aa hwa wal; ah) anaiBlartoa waa baahkr aad bat aya ahtar. WT. There a to aaa eemnrwe abroad mil naul it a ate easaaae, taiitlir aa traa. Oom to am idma ami esgr eraBBtaere- aaraaily a aM jobs a atew sanmai.

iat Be. wa hara lasnijoa whlak are at anssr hwaaer. mmM Slilmwjm tor taa 1 11 mil ia sad Bam ea WhaaOea. OiasS bed aalBk il. as year arllHaM amr ram ae wane.

we. roar lilhia leieilijim. saa Bam crmtsa awestlB) lull sued fua BeeelatMnafT asm. as amttm sea a mat of ear ass mt hmaasmam. as sow.

iiinL a OJertiiOia. allow ma. am twlaf laeraure af BUa suta, a extend ts sea I hearty wiinai asssaa sliiia ny. DSUdOCSLT (WOaT BrB BBS. UoMtsnasd aa Itk fmjtS (fUMT-fl MIDIOAL.

GEATITUUE. awatoxawaamaa QER CHILD SAVED nou Axxr Restored to Health BT TORUER'S SAFE: JLaatker Praaf tkat rBrigkt'a Dlseaa la Its Wont Faraa lflCarable. RocaaaTBS, X. Maw. tl.

187t Miati, B. H. yTAaaaa Ctv, tteabaa. lar. If.

Ooatai.JVeaa at www of dwty, aad apoa the adrtoa of fit aaaa. I hare coaoliaiUd to offar yoa a IcatliaoaUl procUiBAlng to the world that there kt aa absolute extra for Brlghft IMmmi Ia Ha worst fora. daaxhaBrCarrla has afflicted artlk this tomble diaaaae Mace aaa wag flra jmn of age tha ia aevanteea and during that clsraa years kar Ufa hat heea a tardea. Shea trraled by the beat physlciana a Buffalo, Pyracuee. tics, Ithaca, Owago, Bor.

asUeviae, Bocbsafsr, aad ether paneaa. a fortune has baaa paid out la tba Tela aadeaTor to ootola a cure or rrca raliaf. bat Bfl hara pnaooaoad bar tnctaable; have aasi thai kar kaOney wara aearty destroyed; that thera waa ao help for her, aad aaa moat abaodoa all hope of erer bainx an batfar. Wa tmaDj Board of joar BATX KJDKXT AKD UYXR CTJRJs aad aiggiatiirl to diSeraot pkyaV ctaaa that wa aaaka a trtol of Jt. but tha coated tka fctea, pyoaa0Kw4 tt a kwsB- twc.

aad said weald be parfeot foil. We flaaHy mm to Book at ar aa several rt jat lam hm-e. bwt thay, hha the othera, wwraawhtotodoaavthtog op har. Wa Blao ntBttoaad joor raaadj ta tana asd the aad aad a good repatatica. cawnged as to give a bral; ao, aa a teat rasort, wa cxmoloded to at toaat ooasolt job, aad arrea waeks afo to-day I caaaa to oar office for that purpose.

I took hoan two bottles of voor KXDNXT AJfD LIYEB CTJBX, aad cwrnaiaacad giviag it lo bar according to (Urectkau, aad by tba Ome ah bad takea oaa bottle, tbar waa a arkad tenrsroTtaacat la Bar ooaditloa: aba accralrad coalrol of kar wrlnary foao-tsoaa, which aha bad aot pciiima Mace chBdbood: all bloat snbsidad, aba brgaa lo gala ia good ootid flesh, aad gaiaed thir-teca poaaoa ta about three waaki Aftar tokmf tbrea bottlaa ml tba reaaedy, aha aaa, ia Ibat abort apace of acres, weeks, kiLteai nut ctrmao of what waa ra- garded a hop elm aaaa of Bright PI I wish I aoald talk with all aafforert from tkia earfol dieeeae, aad tall Iketa, aa I oaa ao tat tkia latter, that I aaow Bright Dbumi of tba worst typa aaa ba cared by WARIfXR-8 BATS KHjrXT AJTD LITXB CVHT, aad I gratefully acsjsOTladga that any daaghtere Bfe aad kealtk arc daa to tha waa of that remedy. Tours truly, ata Bt. 3. CRAJf Ho. 4 Sdiaborgk Betag tba anbject of the abora laalliae ami.

I deatra to testify to the truth ot its states aad tAptaaj ay rraUtaxl to wboas aaaba due for recovery from this terrible affliction, and to rececaDsend similar aufferara to aake oaa of tba aanss remedy that I did. CARRIX CRAXIL WABNEK'S SAFE WDm ARO UYER OTL The OPrLT Pmneey te Ow Woerm TTVXI.T ormaa aapSBr BIBBABB, B1A- "WARNER'S CAFE DITTERQ. A BBimlMB arravuTxa aa aptb. WARNER'S SAFE IIERVIIIE CrSleklr etethariDCTef 111 rtadi; CTJBXI B1AP A CHI, KKTJajtLOIAt yaaauaxPaad MATtlBAL aaa km Baasdy lau torhAKTOCa WARNER'S 1 SAFE PILLS. a Biaity aa? WCTiT rt tag, torftd una, DTIVKralA.

BlUOOsNBaa, MALA HA sad rhTBkAhBAOl'a Tea baa taiwa tAXATITaV WARNER'S i SAFE TONIC teiMMBta fhe wsoMrtTTIw, aad Mr WTALtDa ra'a'aocaiaaiaa tukm a a avamaaia, SAFE jBEMEBUS ar arm by Tliaiihaj sad BaaMra to II. II. WARXEK ROCHESTER, JT. T. I- Bast ll 1 ill umi tit in Kidney ana Iiiyer sr-aarahvaca.


OPENS TTTTH el XV BTTXtS ii2 Dress Goods, Baagntg froat 13 ta Ida aad ap, CAaa Pleia Colon Freaek Caaamera WWW fit AtditloBil Tarietiea la FlaU Colored aad Faaey nca ACTaaatar nwsxTtxaia Brof3ade4 aasl Plala 8aUat. ImdW ClotA Cwwomra. tihxaraaaada iwr-ltaad Cfrraawa, ban! Sacqoea. At Uatoweatl CLACX SILK FCITsCES. Special lal rood psjUeraa at SOc, Too aad yard.

Ftoiiatiatant wUbtoto aadataar Lal par naa KID CLCYES. baM KM UloTaa. ef A ae IWm, Oe mm. sieve tee Intel aad ant has ant, an 4 eair eid ir am tm mm koata a haw lal, Calrass ssd E.B. ITTJGI3IIT RUDDER BELTING, Leather Belting, HOSE PACKING, Wrought Iron Pipe, PIPE FITTI CO, Brass Goodu.

Baalaallt at lawaat atArkat ptiaaa. aaad far aatalogaa. 17.EDILLIKGHAU4C0, 14) Xal 8Lp, XiOXJISVILIaE, raiili wto is MOatlMTt Kta. G.jyi.188, AM kiBte Iwjw Woa4 Hojiivfj AH ktadi Raw Waal Uadaraaar, -Alt kwda Cardigaa Jackets. -AB kmda White aad Fancy eaarta, AB kadi CeUara, CwfTa.

NeUwear. All kmc. Wool Yansi gadZtpllyTt, Zaphyr Goods, Qoakl, eAcka, Matioaa, Fancy and Faramhiaf sods, cELniaiao. BAirnioa BAsnotra, sr LPfJU af aiHtwvflis, are far Katrwua I pmnea aaeee ania irw aw aa pma BoMsiClilie rWHAeeml awe seemef ttes. Ctaraa rieas.

Bemaal at W. B. BATUa, 1 HOLD DAY lnrt. Mia. aietie.

Wiilirr. Tleajtoiws, lae Cutis, nee raaa, I mtitllit. I i law, Caax Ware lw j.tTT7mtis. aoritBA tat Paawa eve. oaocKRiaa.

Ma baoc Bio oorraa. Wg BAOa lAaUATBA COVTBaV MAT OkB JAYA OOVTBB, aa BBDa axw oaxKAjri acaAB, ay aau caotca era CP. awaata nw naca. aa EBog aooA aw bblb wautaTjiAThJi auaAa, aava wbtt cx-ABit-iao avaAB, Aaa a aianil i i W. E.

A C3. tSSaadmHAlagU ELEVATORS. ELaTATOWIBBgiml wat a area Si i awn, or mmmaewm. kli nut Imnn aad liinint. Afmt teas am Ca ww reee Babta a kaewam rraret bb7bm vanese eerai i and el mi I.

niittt lack tttiw aamtlua. la ill inn a reamarir ami a ti tw btoi4 nmm eaev eata. Bluet kaclaai aad MermaerT. Aaaa end TH08.

COM sa eeanvia Taa and leas, tern til ywriltiiatamrarraoir. Ttoiaramiaadi variais ef nmef beam end ttee laaas COTTiafT. Ii. vewataafa Mililea I I kail I. Louisiana Stata Lottery I am Bve ef that tu Veere, a wuica emlreet is tm a wuica eoelree Ibe la.

lot. trie taiin fMeiaki ateSeee. with a etaitel et a. wars a set asm aaeee a wa reee sau.av. ImWrnad rHmrle ember It raw lea a will aaa aieca nweiaiv.

it mmwmr tntia naateeaaa. AeeB aa mmwibs atmrleettom eMuaa wtowSBADW rxrsvBwr, aiBtvte Oread Moathly a saw wsa ExtraaHlaary Saaiaaaal Drawl af Twetaar Baa. a. aa, sneer aa iiiwiii asd aataasvamm at Oaa. T.

xteaarvrard, of Loalslaaa, Bad traa. dabal A. early, Tirriala. CArTTAI, raDCB. atwAOOO.

10 Nmli Tli kaia are IteTliii II, rtaeeBaa. Tm aar. ttrr or rnixxai I rmwal Prim ef I wiaae Wa ef enumrrwaef J0. rtMeef bj.vo..

nam of Ptiwaef ao. A hua A to. ArreyixuiATios raixasv a iwniiMuo, r-iM of xn. a.ivc Aproxmatl.ialrle.ot aO.H,.MHn. lutS BS awraIBea mam at 1UHHB, ame.

tits. O. T. ItaVn i.lLwMtsi, Bmyd'assl A. Tnxle.

1 A (wfbepdJtrtaTs ftaf FBssBBI wf firM Baswstsfl aVflTtt" swssTAnV TT1T VaiUiahaClfranMaaja, a darw WidBfAfaa. mmm E3TAL HAVATIA LOTTERY. TT.ATOWAY Prawtne et rfestsir rj t.t. Oei BVk.m. fsuai mm anf snarm for a mt reaaie C4 I saeh Sbare.

Ma4 for clrrarv. Aimtlcseurnruie knrvTlsarr Tlieelaa ef em LottMf at iUmorui) Spala. SiMrtaettne faptiu aat tend SS ALlXtPliKA rlsi no ajfcy. a so. iO oxsxans aa raaihi a.

Ata tm jr i i i i i i ii ii ii i TOCOATS, TJISTEES the great fev -u 155 and 157 Fourth Courier-Journal Building. (I A I 1 I OICHIG Reilzed Jy State and General Government A thorough, wvaalrrn-v fof inn a rhnr Tdvtinn so rfiilfis from Detroit. tarvDeDartment la chartre of tens Jan. loom COAL. WB OapTB PattPni Oa OOAI, AB POt4eWBi nttsbarga, per load 00 Keatacky, per load 9 60 PltUbmrgk Nat, per load 50 Kemtaekr Mat.

per load ti Cnaael Coal.per load 00 Pino Hill, ver load OO Large Coke, per load 0 11 JLntkraclte. per tea BYRNE SPEED. aa IIOHB COamJLa nlTTWO tares ator ef Tilialiai rh am aa am mtml sew ea me war. wa aava raaace4M ae aanl LaM an Huatlia ssiaeHs seaL ettr aiea ea4 am eoae. lama eee the, mas Wwmt relet, lb.

a CNoU cfcj swxvtrr DE1T TIB TBY. L. G. NOEL M.D-D. D.S.

omczai sto.aa4rymenwtet.W.era4vi. I.aelewllle,, I'm i ttna Me tits Tree. IWTT.t ba a Leetwnile rrum tee lal wi lbs UTS. a la k. Mb T1 craai Uu is Boa eteerk BMBiw.

Ceaipvnl niuat will be la Muutk alratlae at eoi 'Ik a. ftntr 4irmM mt am aaa.etfu mt toimin-iiu. a A U. sutl. BeMMlaaTSlavIa apcrra-zaisAMa htaarauiBva.

COAL REDUCED CLCZE Twaatv CklaBcr. rallrwad aad aa far aala Tip BOOTS AM9 BHOta, a Wi have sarathw la Bayi' aad CkiKrcB's Rkare, ALSO fea Hem mt BOOTS a every vartrtv. VaanrntarrT.ai4lM( a sa4 aiiea he. Im ham Loe teMthsV-: Be. aetata CLOTH IN AMD rUKHIBHIlia COOOS.

Mm COUOATIOMAL. DILITARY an offlcer of the army and a vul iwu up CAPS af aaa. aTada of ealyaalard I re a. gpjakr earvd. Pahlla aad frt rata ka ltd lags aad eara perfectly yeatllatrd.

Htatlaaai. Or-aaaratal. eislea, Stera Prwef, era bla. hiaple Caaaa. turn far price net, ark my aee.i roewipt at a aate ta pay peetara.

tkiaiacy ky all tlaaara, aad all alsaa at BlwrCZTZZ. BAOBT Sc CO-'S, WHOLESALE AGSKTS AND JOBBEBB Ptalcw, Ximmtrt Bmppiif mnd Tinwmre 1BT rirat at, fjaalawlUe. PjooTS Iptcsl Leot aaa Ta mmi CLOTHING. Ji L2. HE3GTROZjGV7w3 GREAT CLOSINGOUT CLOTHI1TG CONTINUES AT HIS 11 NE DOUBLE STOSE, Tower Palace.

103 105 Jefferson Sty bet Third Fourth DRUGS, ata. Aa KODIiSO. Importers and Wholesale Druggists Aad Kanuiactiirei. of Fluid Extracts PlarmicenticaJ Prepantloas. LABORA TOUT, S9 SIXTH 8THEET, Sea.

194 aad 198 TVest Kaia Street, LoalsTUlo, Ky. asm a were vmy btnaaai. Use et TfOt I ntT tsrrseriwrMmlnM arts. yvw. 1Mb, Tom aeB.

vaoa. rwiuwi rssa. ae a aaanra. TUT ACADEOY. classical and scientific school, Pleasant and healthful.

Hill-' graduate of West Point Next viuituu afna iuuevuia seat alsee ULU1 wotriwixwruai loxasa waa a nasty a mmi iter Faoenes aw ai-nsTBif-ie snsis THE El IvUi a LJ LIATHIV AND BELTING. EHOE IXA.TBXE, SADDLE AST) Ea1iXS3 Leather and Rubber Beltinix, Jiubber roekimff, ile and MiU Suppltt. i 150 BXaXBT 8T, BX7T. rOUKTH ASD riTTH. Reccrgnlzed in all Markets of tluslV trys the Standardr5f Excellence, yon NEW SERIES NO.

3,991. Quality, Quantity Absolute Purity, ReabWortli and Genuine Washing Qualities, i CkOTHiao amo ruKBiaMiao aoossa NEW RECEPTION GOODS. a a a COLIaAILS. The Ottoman, The FedestrlanyM'i Ootklag II aase, cor. am sap i.naitotiai mm mmm exmo II2 EI? 3m faooa saaad a oe eok.amees.eea wa eoe 13 In-T- HID P.


FOURTH AND JEFFERSON. FOURTH AND FOURTH AND B2AHCH Or THE LARGEST HOLIDAY COOOa Open Till 9 O' Clock Every efealag fraaa a aw aatll CkrUtaaaa. Select year noiiii bit DOT: early. "We a new aad elegant stock, embracing all tko la test aoTeltlea af tba Beaattau nrrn loose, ar aet la artistic aeslraa. Tariety aad coastaatly-eceftlag 00l Oar departmeat Is complete In Necklaces, Blags.

Plas. Braeeleta. Sleere Battoaa. Bearf Biara, LAerplita, Ika4u Peadaiita, Seta.Gold Peaa, Penella, solid allyer.wittt aad witkewgi Plated Ware la aew styles arrirlag dally. Call and see tka largest itoek crer brought to tko city.

Kd-ipeetfallys G-BOBG-B Cor. Fourth and 'JefTeraon Gts. BAYLESS etwBT vavaaraaT VOpVwBBBlwaTt Baa anra)axaaay 9 Robes de Chambro, tainti seam LATEST IN NECKWEAR, nwwtwnortita, 7B JTourtli oxxaiT TtiDSeaivpin: DRXJGK3-ISX, Nos. S80 aad X82 Jeffersoa Street, Soatavest Corner of Teala. IiOTJI8VIT.T,T:, Stock emmptete, emmprimimp mil mrtirta utmtmllg kept fat ri af it aaa my Htnr.

a a. Mors. MOISE, BARBOUR Comminsion r.Zcrchanto, 'I FBOPB1XTOHS i Louisville Corn and Feed Mills. BCANTJTA.CTTJRK UonUny, UrIU, Pearl. Doited and Feed Seal, Crashed aad Xlxat Feed for Horses and Cows.

Deal la Hay, Cora, Oats, Brea, Shorts, Shipstaff, 011 Xeal, Aa. I a Cfnss, VToTehesses End Os 44 4S Fourth stptsL Ksin Wkolesale Grata aad Commlgtloa Departmeat representad ky 0. L. SMITH, foraserly of Smith, Stargeoa A Co: Wkm9 tsasw. BexnTaB LILaILa Sslcct EOLIDAT PEESESTS EsftrtttB lz BrtlU TBB BTOCBI hi BOW AU taa area Msrhe aisa.

''i tsvvV i' J'Vii T4f: i ESTABLISHED 183 'O 0. mmm mmm set. White Kid OloTes. White Satia Ties. Black Satin Tics.

Tit i Foarth aad Market Sta. JEFFE KoON. JEFFERSON. CLOTKIMC HOUSE IM AUECICL mi Xaatel Oraameats la cadlaaal ef rtm, Oerta riesc.a.T. jab.

r. a aa ami a. a IW ABU ABBASOBD AT sat Pewnb aaA pifth. I te Leal.M. LOOK OUi'l Breniisp'sAitDistri-iliii pobitivelt Dta ta.

2500 Priies! No Ulaaktr mOLB IBARFI tol IRABAa, BM. mw rrfrk a Ii.Iti Im Sa isaa tmitiii' ea. Mama era 1 mm Price Sold In J878, Over iLO.OOOaOOO POUNDS..

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