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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 2

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

inii i i i n. i HHiW -fr i-Jm a-m fT nf nr L. T. uiii iM-Tt--ir-fT" rt fm Tip i.i um lBn inc iw drre. Itt.

that th. mw I UMT11 CAM. I I ttT foww. I cowgow ATtoit morfcu I lILSOAI) Bag rrtnoe ia Ttaal degre ober th Ironmonger does. Is that tha I I asw a i i i I -1 aiar.

rom Antra Aritae TTESVAf M0BK1NQ. AJPAIlf HI. JUTMSOrSVBSCMlPltOff: ro Mil tLmtCMIMMMS. DaOf. Atwefria OmmmM.

Om rer 00 I 0m 00 few 7 00 Ikrm Month 60 Tkr Mi 9 PVJTMMXB MT CAMMJKM. JWm, gmudmf toofavtlrof. .80 sea. Stmrlmm tmmtl. Anv ft MMMnp.

SATiea or ADrxjtnsnro. On fmrnr. tmtmrUtn, $1 00 mm IihH, $18 00; twwtk $39 00; rw XWdU, iCarrtaM, 10 ati a iml JTotiem. we; Cf It. 0 Ailiwi, 90.

ti4 CUf Jmihh 40a. Jbmding mmttmrnatitm. SO SOs Mm, in Wmklg fptr, SOt pr mm, Migmt Ummf tU4 mgmtttmka Tll-tal Mattottcs. Sill. Ciuou D.

Wumt. ot U4 ckartti Bum of Laixx and btattatka. in ka Rant IvpoTt. giw hm ttert tec facta abovt labor hoara aad eoaipea-atioa ia Saw Eafland. Mr.

Fbtb. Id kla feeent apacch, dacland that tb wort-liiS peop! of Xtw Eaglaad an tba brat paid and UM aappaaat mortal ia the world. Ms, Waiaar, at te a carrful atatuuciaa. dsaa aa aoataia tataatateoaeBl af Mr. Pass wmj aiara than di a writer ia a recent aambu of Uta Atiaatie Monthly, tba leading periodical of New ag-.

la tba aiilla of Maaaa men are paid $7 SO week, and women get only $3 oO. whila tha httia childraa recaire trooa $3 25 $3 ia the woolen milia which pay th: huguat waaya. One paper mill in Maiae Cava men $10 50 a work, and wuenea $5 SO. wurkmgarvratr-twe hoars a week. In New tlampabira tha wagea atw BMich lower than' thoae paid in Maine, and tba operativea are required to work ixiT-six aoara ia the week.

In Rhode lalauu the wagea arc a little higher, with eixly-au hour nf work durisg the week. Ia Ceaaeetirut operatirea work aiitetjr kitura imi Of teea houra a day. for air day nd tha wajrea are $9 for me $4 tW or women, $5 10 fur nude children and 30 for female children. Tha hihcat pinners' wage are $4. Ia Mataa-cuaciu from auir-thrae ae boars of lalMr a week are exacted, aad pinaera oolj get 08 a day; the hlghnat ctias of lahor ia the milia not to fll for tha men.

The atatiatieuui reinarka that "long hoar and poorly-paid labor tend to bru-laliae" and aa be shows that one auuia-faoturing towa faa MateaM-hnsetta aupporta 00 raai hole looks aa If the long hoars and poor wages system dnrea men and woBM-a to the "flowing bowL" We submit that these few figure and facta we hare cited do no soatara Mr. Kara and his brethren la their etatomeata aa to the unalloyed felicita of the New Kngiaod operatise. Neither do they eusta.a tha repeated aeTera-tione of the lrotectiotiisla that the Americaa ope rs lira ia bleaMd by tha protective tariff with "permaneatry high wajre." Inacr out protecUoa ajratena the w.fs paid by the atanufactureta do not go aa tar aa thoae paid by the He ft ink aianufacturafS. 1 he howl about "pauper wayee" ia nut by Mr. kMiar'a report sx-ry effectually.

The New England op-erativa is a poorly-paid and hard-worked laborer, aad area the poor pay he gets for his treaaeadoua work ia repeatedly cut oaJ whenever anaufacturer has a asrger product oa haad taaa ha caa sail la tha dtanwitie market, for he baa no foreign taarkel eontimialry apea for the ahaorp-tioa of he would hare undrr a low tariff. In all this the operative geta no protea-tion. akbouah he is told continually by the sophistical advocatue ot a prohimtorr tanff that the tariff waa designed solely to give him permanent work, and permanently good wagi-a. The oporatir find that thai a falsehood; that protection ia designed only to protect ha employer from competition, and the risk of business; that when one class of manufacturer are "protected" another class clamor foe and geta protection to indemnify agamat Competition; that it one aaaaa-f scture is protected a higher rate of protection is necessitated on the next form of manufacture into which the hrat commodity enters, and an protection ia constan tly protected against protection and tha consumer baa. to pay higher tribute to the protected aect.

The workragtnea. constituting the most numerous chua. hare to stand a tremea- Quote proportkm of this taxaiioa. and the protected maaufacturera hare the audacity to tell them that the swindle called the protective tariff is a labor of love, designed alone to make them happy and 'wealthy. Verily, the statistic of hours and pay of labor in.

New England give the lio to the claim ot Americaa protectionists. The Bahama Method. Oca. buius Cawt-aos. hia recent visit to the lirituh Wet indies, found a rystein of public schools in operation, which be declared, in the praance of the authorities, was just the system which was n-eded in Uto luted iatea for all clajsea.

Tiie New Providence group! schwd system gives every child, black and wliita, a thorough elementary eJucatton. Heading, writing, arithmetic and g. ograpby are the priuei-pjl atudiea, aad the scholars are made perfectly arodciout In thcoi. "I found ou thai said (lea. CAjtuuax to Gov.

ali.aiias. Governor of tha Bahamas, "a syslein of euujatioa which I apply to the free schools in the United Sutea were" I to formulate tba plan sii'l i-x rat of e.iuca'.ton for our own fiexplc." lien. Cimkbon a State of Pennsylvania IxuuW of her educational progros. education" people hare put In tueir work extensively there, and at a great wl to Ui Ux-parrt and to the detriment of tbo cotnaion school sratcm. ia lut from being t.f fotL (ion.

iMKUoa is awarn of these deflciencHts, awl be was nodouot sincere in his remnrk the Sew Common schools. The system indeed a most excellent one. One of Gen. I'AUbitox'a traveling cotupanions til us oVMcrioes the country achooi-houiT on Uiat taltnd and the process of education "Pe srfcool-hoine. wtilca bsd Mi eoiora I ranciaa fruta 4i to leslTs Tears, was a laoia af Oaatieesa saa pnmijoo.

It eutt uallUnt lo ha: A -ac taa aOxir ibbsi sos ebtvarra as a am Uk sol waers a bean, aa wbhm raaa ns nssf vrars esMm4 traa aa alfota aaa saht. Tt wsBt, eruits aae ta. vers asriestlv whiis aad rtaap: las srss aau swsia, aa4 UM kt anaslraal tr area ea mk-Doi. slibeiws moat af iters had bjea la est for maar sed- eirr rnDps as e-Sool Jj as emstis at ss sraua. Wase Hal arss sal a tbsv faasmt aaa snaer na the srlkiet-bueia.

sod at lb is of um tflaetMr! t.ScX arretic4 ra raiirarr anlar, ra ee sm rsJa, (mt as th otter, tank kep. rn Bsrfeet nam am ls of lbs saati'i rem. Wtam all tsr amam am ks bras ws. sasa. am am Lam, mm raenad br ia acrjoau versus af aenpcara.rssd.

atst ev ess arnmsr aad TSus lbs srbolars; sod uma um rsaaisr anraM la rorrantir, mats es wrmna wtra rose uirarsh wita. A auiLrad aor. not over twdrs or Bnasn srs ots, askud th arnsNr smekme Bmsrt-saL Tus arooemaev of ttm sBaoaws was stoaair oos, taw oldest aot bMoe ovsr twstv roars ot see aaa woiineit sn ovr sta. tat bos oos of one beadne sad marsebUdrM bus old sntoosf Iitl sud saull muars wntiae and amid rasd swa i firaJsr or lem frseorr. 'Kr said Om eolarxl ashouieiamar wea.

Caarsoa, Voir ttm reajsmai as Bssllsh sdacatM asusrair. srMim ae. rasdtae. wnuas, siaUiras am biaurr aa ot wblca ia ekiMvsa are rpqetrad to mars. I am earn by am unaw aaaaf of aamd Map a raar.

I tavs bsaata lbs KavlHb elvfl. ervm kww As Umtaactmr clTirar as turn IbIixsm- ob a mrsa, rnnttt ama earns ia. wblsperal a BMOt a Ihs leaetmr, toot osvaial aa and IsA. wu a taatr ksirsd ot. Uvrrv.

Tost fs ths Soaooi r-tod am ssaoal aa orsosr nakoowa a tout esvtf or vs vuar rao-al. Ha vfru lbs diaVmn apa rrrw mrwa andtaksaam aaasas ef um asoem o-tua. shlmce ars aoi tesseai, aad twv ar cslmi bsfais lbs at i-. soiM sad Bar tor um um-aiiafidsBot of tamr abstamsm in itsirwa erbjol apoa ear Asssfteaa arnsm ot ad Tee Baeusfe Muiiisaiai eitss i kurala aa vol aasral nana lae Bieasnmt sarsomi of lite. This araeh a I sennas taaa art a arnkSas ssors rbs ess eat a too have um a.

arose sad the Bjaiaarlna. ThM artoal forsasma a s-Ttenar iimlef ass va'aa aad ntsdoa. mt th taw whan si an aua. He ea wan sahaal a Wa do at kntrw ttnet that rrrstera Th amproved npdtt. Of pie ia thai cetmary deem bfaThsroos to talk at eompulsorv educstlan, fbot flier kav aever torn able to faniah any rfood reaeoa why ahould aoi be the raw here.

There I suene treabie abeat ft. of aouja; for alroer tha rVAeil Treat wooM have la took ap trnrnnta and fine ths parenU, mt they weald be eeeBpeded ta eraploy aa ageat like tha "School Comralsetonsr" ot Mew PrevkfrnsMm. Tba Bbttes aaethod veeddlfd) rneat affamtlva. It works well jaaada. aad would tort the Usited Btatee.

Thle Is a fro country. but at set free aa the fmam thaw a eotosmw has a rajtm to kawp hie chitdreei freaa ro-aaivaig aa slasaaatsry an a ties; eg aaasm, a ach foeedora ought la ho NcoexUaed. lor it meaas aim ply Hcenae til the ranks of ena me Is aad mural, faetw a groat pablie aaagar aad aaddl million of taxatloa oa tha aax -payers. Ws eer-laialr agree with Oea. CaMrusO that ths Bahama method better thaa earthing wo hare la this eouatry la th way of public adamsatosi; area ta those States where aa alleged edwretlnnat aaf lien ram ta aaid to szist, la Maasacho-estta, where the (yatrna to said ta be perfect, thousands of duldrea do aotga th ad van tag of It, being dragged aA to work ta tha lactorma before they earn reed with any degree of facility.

The Bahama system modeled after th English Ttem, which, rdthough only tea years old (the present code) ta mors borough thaa the American sy store. There th first ataadard of lb ooarae of stwdy consists of ar readings two syllabi word. aad arithmetic; ths sixth aad last grade ia that which ths pupti advanced aafOcieatly ta read a aewssmper with fluency, and is proficient ta the elementary aludir. The girls are taurht phua sewHng two or three day ia the week. The British plaa 1 compulsory.

Compulsory educetioa faithfully applied must inevitably abolmh illiteracy. The avongeat kind of opposition to such a system ra found ia the Northern State, where there Is a good deal continually said about ths aacaaity for pabuc education. The moat trivial arguments ar used to defeat th compulsory system, and ta two or three State Whore coenpoisorr law exist they are aot enforced. All this loess badly enough for the introduction of the Bahama It a even urgsa in many NortliL-rn ampere that a eartala smotmt of Uhtoraey a. a wboaasom efaeck oa leniniiialni and other dangerous lame whaoh may thumtea the country it is urged that illiteracy at always on the aid of ex sting tautttutiona and has no rsvoluliurmrr aeadenciis.

Uast msTurrectiojM, strikes, etc, aot the woak of Uiitaraloa, but isf tha amaiiurw raadera ot iaoaadlary docuaaeata. Thar a a mite ut truth ia all thia, but eo UUl that at oflan no argument worth noticing against compuhnrr education. Ws wouid like bo see the flahama system la fall opeaSuo la Kentucky oa every child, white aad blck. through the length and breadth of tha UotTtmooweaUa. Out of oar half auliioa of chOdrea of the pupil age.

aot to exceed half of them era ta aUendsacs at any school at alt. aad this aloam demonstrate the aeceasity of adopting a very atrlagent aarthod ot catting the whole pupil pupu- huiou into good schouls. Talk about ths safety of illiteracy Wat will dars say that the children bow growing ap ta illiteracy ia this Stats ars aot 4 terribis menace to th peso and prosperity ot the Stalef But Kentucky is aot tba only Stat which needs a Bahama system. We have just glanced at a San Francisco paper, th Cawoasci. which states that oaly fbrtr-six aad three-quarters par osat esat, of th achooiaava chikfama ia that Mass to any school.

Further tha Cfaroorcie says: -as lbs ota yeare ama MBS, as aujn. ear raar. lbs saa'a sears st au am oaar misiu ot. aamerameos. Ttm avaraae daMr saa-ai arawas Icr am su.

tears an am avane east at ttm rhneliB wss assrrf g3t per bass. a svmsal trom baoli weave mniaaeatssaaof mnai'r as ausrir faa Uhhti ibaaa a tor all tee casdroa of sottun sals set waa faat. aaarni ea bslf at taaaa ars ra of of I earn la alwr atoeraaca. sod aaror a the awate of a seat. tt a ealv a (jassuoa of slams beeaaeaUt iitnrail ar awut Proporir sbeaat bos bo hudto odecal otildrsa a bo aavor at ssm aHmtil Aad if a scaoui tax Is levwd, every child aot attending a private or pariah achool ousht to be compelled to attend a public achool.

The argument of 'individual liberty' doea not hold good la this matter. No parent or guardian aaa aav right to keep a child In a condition which raadera him a possible coat as a criminal to ths blate. Juvenile criminals ar ia-creasing everr day. Tber breaths the pestiferous atmoaphers of crime, are educated in crime and will commit crime unarms brought to good schools where a atora wholesome ambition to be clean, orderly sad educated wtd supplant ths degrading proclivities which have cursed them. Foe ea His Owa Habits.

i Ths old Controversy about Poa'a habits ha been revived of bile, and it has become a little more interesting from the fact diatlbe Baltimore American ha published recently-discovered letter of the poet, written to Joecra JCvaae cwoDoaaaa in 141, in which Poa gives some very exact mformstioa about himself and his bab.u. Iwayt, aa his friends bavs claimed, greatly mlsrspreaented, aad the misrepre-soatation diraensajna of landera on the usmory of a very good and pare mm. In that letter Pos say bar a i to Brno ro for ooer difriaai st ars-sif. as scatsd. Too srs a sarsmlaa.

and I preama as Bbrshaaa esa bar dfflicaltf a aXsetinc lis alnmavusl at a Toe are. awnoosr, ta-arart ooo. voil read a Bai Voe wlU aeva bs bruorlii ttml I onuld wrbo wbat I CmUr wme. at srrtta R. rm at ihb vmstn would te-S3a thost arbo kaow aot.

lo bsttava. Ia toe, I stedz vo-i. before Ocn, aim okraio wont of a evn-tlTn-sn that I am tsaiDersta ovea a riser. From am boar ta ebUSi I erst aaa- una hsssst of eslamBt-auet a dm boor a ealcb roared treat bis erase to awrvoanM able dtseest a his calmer, srro-aaare. Izaoraoea sod bra autv, Kothia stroxerv thaa rofi crtr jMsard ay let fa t.

avaajovaT, dos to esador ami I mtara yea Bsoa wtal bjondslioa be has areebat ha aaiodivs. At so sartud of air III was I over what ama ml to-, bamperaa. I aovov wss to am a. ihwt of hamzlosaVsa. I aavor drank dream.

Aa. Bat, bar a oriaf I II lit. vbim I raaMsd to Blebssned sad Ulliit a Masse fr. I dm Rtv wsv, a mc artafraJi, a ttm maptaUce bald oat on a'l OOss bv ma sstrtt ot Soettiavn sTf asesttiv bmiBereamt mid not rand an excluaient wbkm aa srsrv-bt astier to nr enaoaaions. IB abort, a amno-htama bsproasd thai was susaslsaiv tasnaeaiMt.

ror soon dan attar aae saorM I srs. avonaMr mruwd lo aiy Bed. kaktnrssswtaw ran aaesl have absalnaal etort tied ef aKaamlwerlac foer roar, with an eieetaton at a btryw eVvhv Uoa. walrh umnirad sboni arwv stv kmvias urw bo. wboe I was todoiad a resort a ttm orcsotaesl eMMr.

orsa hose mt valevtos a Toe a-at Bma aaa. treatlr tba wbta Biimol af ar wa. Toa wm ah aaa the itarwnaa ef that hmit shtch eeoM rrpier a 'od-r of 1M rmurx Better ou foe full to serestrs how obars-s the milianttr of tbo slsBdsrer aa-t be how r-auia: ama bs a aamdar. aad bow aHcb Um evousjs apoa wbam be wool band asaeataaauoa niwaoosa lMHiiwbnrTrtfiHswnmlbMU aojaatlou wMrnnM wnrarersd hr aaea sM evarr sunt wita wh.ia 1 aa la ksM of dally li'saa a I hav now only to reomt a vus.Hi iarl.av sawas mt bsbassraaafar rsssaood tram to-sbo dar Boa aaa sueba. htv earn WHl aost aa awaraae to rsrh-ef Tor eara frmaibi as hasasn to sank at am Is roar htsnni I loot a- BMatog avjr is repiant, sod roa wig bsts eaa When tbia letter was written be was editing th Qentlem m'a Mag isin at Pad-adclphu.

and his heat uch a "Th Gold Bug. "The Rven." "The Bella," etc. wet all written after tbc data of the letter. Bui th charges of Burns W. at 4 wold and Mr.

Buktos hav chmg with a crlm tenacity about the mcmorr of Pox, and it will be hard to make the world bVlievs tba: Pos was for any great length of lime, saving In lb rnatitnco ha himself sUtes, a total abstinence jmnn. lie waa one of thoae m-n who could not be called a "drunkard;" but bis periodic indulgence was even more terrible ia it effect than continual soaking, although there a no doubt that th number of bm aprecs has been grcatlr exagsratcd. No dnimtnrS certainly could max such a marvelous display of analytical reasoning as i found ia "Rue Morgue Murders" sat Tb Mystery ot Mans Ujgot," or so powetfu'lly dasorib "A Dmaoat Into I ha Ma! rom." Nor -does "Ths Gold MBS. taehmtsa. aasua asaesai of aua at a was aavaorMsm.

as aaara aar 'aBavassaS Baua a Mfaat awl aeea was asvoai hut asm eaoampt. and exact tnarm of thought No draokard arot" Drasmland" or "The Baren," and Post" worst fault of writing ar aot thee which raul trom slcoholM rmbsellity, hut front a tetrdeacy to Dlar th rolw of mytgora tooh try. His fancy was remarkablr original, aad en whoa tarn texture oaold very saallr obecured by whisky aad th aft sot troeperarhtomhM Bat hssw bo idm at wrltiag fMOqooaIUaJlPia, who wa a ailiaiadlaair pima of what DtiroTsr all a "-loetd aisop waker." partially dMrMrcmbered Of hat total- fa4 fW ff eestfcm ad Bonja4 atoliiawnly ty ta ssre he tbss aeoa arvpagsd sates, aad that he had bttler asjuggl with hie appetias. of which the world aad vsa hia elos frkand. Dr.

oWrMasmaAaT, kaew aothing. la gritting (ml of fUoa fr poets and a hanaaeally dp-. Our awarn th aaoat ohar of few aad wi virtaoos ia their private lire aad sxom-plary in vet7 aaapeci, va if la of bar stamped a distl character oa their varse. whoa tnaphrattoa ia chiefly AaieririsB. esa never bs imagiaed writ tag an saaoreoetsi od Baccrcaa th panoh howl a theme which aet MaaasTa brata toerork wSth a gusto.

Mor esa we picture to oorselrea WniTTixs aad Lowau. betaking Ihero-el vat to a slack hottl for thought and fancy. Aad the sweet llttl Good.u.bsI How clean thgy mxke ths spirit of Amor-aaaa poetry appear with their aaenseal flow of fragrant blossoms, woodland sounds aad cheer eua'igbL Nevar a breath of alaaJer oa lUeie and my more. Ths truth la. ths world, bid as it Is, want pur poetry sol will hen H.

Fora. would aot be tolerated if ha wet alive 11 is voluptuous indolence, offen-atve to pl.ilimaj.hy and religion, wai In ken aiag with tbs society ia wtiica ho tartar. Th poet who woald aav aounce that "most woioea hare no chur-acter at all" wou giijl bitaiult barred out of the eociety of reputable people. Pops entered the highest circles ia London at aa early age, and bs flattered about there hka a btttterfly among sweets all his life. Hi satire bad ao sting to it, because he did not mean tt to sting.

A poet or aa anther to bs very arigiaal. must be ia a chromic quarrel with tats age. lie will say itart-ling tttiaga ia that ear. I'oa was ndt love with, his period -and he abeam hia "uut-of sorts' spirit ail over ha hoots TstacsxajtAZ' hiaa. ia "Vanity i'air." is correct: "Th world ia a l(Hiung-glaae, and giro forth to arary maa the nlmclioa of his owa face, frowa at it aad it will, turn, look aourly apoa you; tough at at aad with it, aad it a Jolly eompaaioa; and aw lot all young persona lake taMur ciioic." So they do.

Tbackkkat laughed at aad with to world and made pea-pictures of tbs world scd its foibles for to world to look at and the world liked him. The Bauuav tMtaaraa, DoBBixa, Gbobob Oaaoaaiss and Aaai.ta sre always aumeromi. Ta crowd ia aa art. gallery aiwaya dose about th picture of street habUa aad asght fsmiliar. That a why Dscejus wrot himself into fame, fde put th talk aad ways of all of people ra ha hooka.

Nobody that Dickens need a ''defease' for th shadowy parts af his Ufa, aad th world forgives Utboh all hat debauchery because ha wrot Ilk a poetical Titaa. Mr. Post's friends mlzht not have had such a task defending Bun from the charge of habitual drunken doss hsd Pwa writ i an fifty p-eosa ehullteat with popular ilaaro. As it is, there are tbousaada of Amorieaae who o.innot netaducsd to read PoS because of ha It takes some very slight tiung to switch'our lire off ta sent her direction from, that iu tea tied. That may ha ham th caw with Poa, Um first drink, perhaps, was the diverting switch.

Docoi-as Jsaaom would have totacd Brao ta Grouc and probably would have been shot or chopped up by tha Turks, 'aav for a trifling aoc.deat. He was discussing th subject with oa tha atnet, and fully intended goiag. hot while lb two wore talking a heavy raia shower cam up. aad we him to lb akin. Tha.

Jautaoi said, "washed th Graec out of him." 8o with as all. Poa would hare beast a greater writer had be aot boon eddielod to liquor. "Kvery peiater draws himself well," suid Miciiau. Aaoaxo to a painter on whoa picture be saw aa os Qiunted batter thaa auythiug ewe. Every poet, every author, so draws sad writes himself down.

Be can aot help it. lie shows his dnJs. After ail, how few really great poets and author there are. men "eminently solitary and aiiaeully sociable." as tons on has said paradoxically, but trnir- Ws caa aot eves put Poa among th "great" postal much as we may desire ii. II had his 'feet only ia the doorway of tha vcst-buls of the temple of th poet' glory.

Um few worde to Dr. Sbodbbass toll aa why he did aot go further, sad they easgeat volumes, revealing to us a scintilla! iag gemiua. who struggled all bat mature bf with a denum who weald aot down. lucomssoaaau art tela apoa th acts of th lest Lrgislalare. ia-regard to do-hctiuant taxes, have moat unneonaaartiy excited our property bolder.

By wresting aectioaa and parte of srctKms from their prepar mnectioa these acts have been given aa Import and purpcee which do not belong to them, and which too court woald a us tain. Th fact that all this property In quertloa si show a by the book of former Sheriff and the record of the Clerk's office lo hsve been told heretofore by the Sheriff, sfterfuil snd due notice to the owner, and ha become, by the effects of the law, in a rertain scaes the property of the Stale, is enurely ignored, and all sorts of opposition a -counseled to carrying out the purpose of tii law, which is simply to collect th l.v hnliom. that ll ftl.t. or its ofliccrs, seek anything more tnan wbat may bs justly due It from tha property. If there are errors in this lut of taxes dus it to not the fault of th law or the officer seeking to carry it into effect, an aarared that when pointed out they may early cor reeled.

Those tsxee stand charged agamat the property. Crying out against the hw sad detesting Its purpose, or rrea -teallng It. will not eflaec th record tlie cfiios nor clear up the title. This entire list surely esa not bs all ia error; there mast aornethmc due th Btats. Would ft aot then better become It ppponeate to, at least, adriss tbs pay.

nient to Um Stat ot tta just duo and not n'om'jf urge everybody to resist the law. A i year ago Ji ilersoo oouauy appean.d la the Auditor'e report aa a mimper csontr that is, as rcceivwg from the State Treasurr mora money thsa she paid lo. This very formidable list Ot unpaid tax us wouhl seera to account for that deraoralile Condition. There a unfortanaf-ly in all eomtaruaitres a chtrs ef persons who are icady to trail thctnanlres of any pretext tor troidicg th payment of tasoa. Let such as owe there taxes ia whole's- ia part com forward and amy what thrr ew.

Lot awch as dad thiir cLarged with taxr unjustly corns forward and bar lb rectsd cwreciotl. Tbey surely will find that every facility to do ao will be offered them by the pioper ctHcera. Tnrt PhihKleiphut Ironmonger my: "ThtossmT I aa bsnast rtWirsKaWnwat Is the frlrad at pre eet-ea. Ttev snow saiBsaW wl real, as mrnvtm, esc tar's fe vary aamitaw mi. sat Kb i eVmiuDeet, eo ot hanaour with aad oaiBS kre r-T wt itoeomsmreml ecammntar of aremt-oAd roars aro.

at to ra tt n-rsuoas to maar of lbs pro tects ef later Kev aaa lost preirssa. Thoy erswrd that to many frean tbo rata of daty otorsad are we hit, aad thai a ranml raoarrl rrvtsie wood elv a a ar mrJf ovmrm to ait raaoaota. Tbe mrma-tacerars area seat to tovor of sermfevbsna. awd, hot tor DsBwreofm ibna to aa tlBasa. a wesr.

barn taaanrl. bayaraltf fia nwtomaf inaass rtormars ua I assy tartlalblm. To Bo as The advocates of a tariff for reveaue do "want th tanS aaada aatltfactory" by A. tiaoitiorMim of tfas war Isuaed therein aad th reduction of duties to a -re-vsata ety beam. The dlffsreac hetweea thexa aad th protactloolata.

who proaaaaac th tsrdl trnahl atfaflory." mt want ao revisto which, will rejno-re urn attigmSaon wa the pert of ceMnsamrs to py tax to tbegroua of rmrsoos ssuared na th aaannfacturing bottiiaea. and drvart tmfwrt duties late th Ualtod StotmTB-Tsryfor Uiepuaiic bseflt. TamtirmUrig reformers prorxm to abolish tbs process which compels cocararaere to pay ptem-wrb to predaeers erf awtiiactsssd srhV clea. They prefer tariff law which will wlisw otaaaaari of aa nif ai paying to prirata mtereaU and tantawo lb revenne of the Ooveraaawt, It wtfl be war ah red thai a arrest watery waa talMd try th Bepabhsaa ighaa. frwytwrt ago, arbea thy dstrsd thasawaaof thBathra Ot nnalnd voters to per poll tax mt oa dollar.

Thmae lam wwr eVwaoeaaeed awrtlee the aad i Of it to kaowa that star northera rsjsass stnngsat laws qasi- haw.rr I Ifytag auffraaw. hUaaO, vat ia tetsrs ST requlrtng raropertr quatlfarasioa, aad MaswaewuaetU and otsmr New Enciaad But nx)ulr tart aad ducUonal qutaluV eauioB. Th Bostoa Advertiser fVsfeads th Mnaaiilamlli tea aad diitiol falttVratloa with atthsvahaiif a roe aotmrs a raar. TTm sisises utaased amal awutuaBBatawbamwavsssst ssa whaa as oa gtAau, taa a craartr tower ram uma lbs era. The mat traa aaa to atreaafv, has a mflttaaito omUimlrs to B.

Tba nmtrma rod srrtnar risssostsaa Thenar oaams ssbasai sr valadfce ail Um i IIHw stotoa. Thar a set ime rood sod eras, a vuhm ttw aaasnowr srtneatba of iha vaepm. baa Um rarb4 amka fhs oat lot awe I ot that ra vmoasfsin am at nkn tsBanfals iiiiiBia todosor Certainly it at very expedient, but why do you got purple in th f-c with indig-natioa when a Soulimra Ix gislaisrs impose a small tax as a qualification of veto raf Why I at not a justifiable for a Southern Legislature todocree some modi. flcation of universal suHVsg at ia for a New England LearialstarsT Tub Washington Jtepuiiliuaa. whoso editor.

Mr. Risaniii, to a. Beaaaaaai friead of Beeteiary UkAiaa. gives the Re-pub aaa group of spoils butter th follow uig oausUe bint to proceed to public buaii In stos a the Uakm. Is baa Mm mt am aassa.

ef baa toast sod da-sally by Iha tt. at raa Uastaa saslsa. The am of as rosna aod avarr porouo of ha nsis saamm mis ii si st aa rottanai imbnilis. to barbed, ssa a asw. rasas taaa taoss oajea ba.r Be eaanausdmHsinwiimiaisaiid bsUni eaamda toiaaa bland rvuaiai srs Irto to tow as.

arifa et taaar ran 4 sBeaar ami. mm wr af bah mi aaraea to asasmsdad, otru raws ars Sa-sssjisd, am bnaaat rtiblnt to si anaaiiii asa.aa Um aowraeaf of bMWi na. UUa ahueld bs toraed sws ear mr SMa Kraal sad. tesluavdbsmsBea'aatbf th AstelaamraUoa a ot At a meeting to promote the gocd eaua of civil-aeivic reform, held last week IB Boston, Mr. W.

Rimwi made an address, which be la ported bar aaid: of um psrnieams sia avmuai. ttmm esrrmfs bad aad Kf at kaar. tja- OXUrauorew Um pojt luor roan. He reterma, rs sa s.aaee of tbs pc war i1i I to um haiids of Cisrsrnmiima, to ttm dimralir ef aotuiaia Um apeoiDUusat of lbs local an snmsiar. Mr.

otacst. arm onlv ssousd UiruaTh a tissual mrram enh rresuaBt Hsxxa, HOxmJ Mr. Btscar was supimrad by an tha BMaxbhta-aas dilsias Thsre oars gjr fmr ess'. Bum oifisloja a the iiuraoa Uma a-ers needed kept to alscs sunoir tar ibi taormsioe Na.y-.ard oe-psoyod soms at roa h.a erod oa ama for a fsw wsatos diaoaarsod frai ta oadar Umt lima aenrs la toe nueress at nnarer. mas maib.

raptor As Ba na-imr ut how ctva asrvtoj fs at preme: rmdrfaa. a sard Uul the ciiliarns of a ewtala seal sort sa4as nalaTraxttam aScsl a) Vorsbms bad bato am onmtur yaara, aatoaa oar, rttdasr aajwatr aa arm-lu aod ram hsw Tors, rh ibmid a arse raar eUih: haamrad and of ttai trhmhaadaw Bad thnt arsp-om of in tmrjoov-aooao. toaaimnsta rower af K.avu This litUe bundle of facta, out of a big pile, la aufflcient to ahow what aft immense amount of corruption, ignorance, atualing, Mlleawm, snd falsehood it take to keep I'm; liepublicaa party in power. Those facts suggest, too, the d'fbculty of bouncing a party in pos eisioa of all thia multiform macninery for ckclion work. Sebatoii Dawka, la 1ms eftorts tp kelp t.

ki 1 i nut any oy laii means nr loui means, waa badly thrown. Here is the way in which the official report of the Senate procetding of last Tbunday shows bow Senator Jomas demolished tbo burned-factory story of the Senator from Msaa. ciiusi'tts. Said Senator Jos as: Ha heaaaMa from' hard mkea as osst jmmi lay a misispbid a Irmnisim for I aa edramd oat a tint so ot the Broom ot cask. wig ha sweat to Bat bsr- I smarraialsM aha toaster troto a that ha aim a bat to hart tosat hat aaa to ths rferst rStea.

an a I nen trom Mm --aorot lbs tm.idiu th um uscj ebsre he h) waaied, Wbocob he suatslloo. a aust by tbi sio. wia et tanaoaa. I aaaa kmeat In aor of Loaadaoa, whs rswJa lo adi- lalne arxsuv. a twua oamoyaoor Bmuar to tba awsaa.IJssa.eev.ato kaniv.

Moava: -Wtarsoa. tjt, lain. imi.StruUm It. K. iMsvt.i Bovossassraiaamm sutl awit; win tat ra-aorMd aWasoantrfca; roe hurt a wire von.

Meatb aWJatta submto etv team, lrorortr tmrrmt to oHata htiaams. iBSirrr. I tor four UMumnd, Valoaitoa by aetriawr a adftiat tow fourMe hea-rlmt StaMW wVaMjeta By sraod Jorr mat afro, and hnam una iuda Baiwem an umi a. to ioir ara atawomas evabssos baas oaaaj BaluM Arm aba. S.

tt. IBl'tUsa. i muna iBoaSBt et a tonor Iroa Mmaree retu. a aarooo ot vtum I Ut road. I bavs toes aa hortssfj to fsrauk ta haw of to Wrtmr.

BS at.liinala-i torn oemnd and am oan. -I 1st wharsphrl to tbh gsslk iins tor snlbnr- tiy lows SB aaaa. I msaii bs a imo-jraasoeodaeemaaof Trmhadv. Mi Aa lamas aubsra tmaar, I Co aot as a llmoswmrl. i Toa Turks do not bar much cotta-denr ia th aew Cxar of Busstn, ertdent-ly believing that to compose the totoraal rumblings of empire hs will reopen the Tiarw ra question snd try another" march on Constantinople Vakil, th lurkish organ at Cons taa Uoopls, says 'knowingly: a alnsue thro raa ttm fin ton aisliilile isanaeeachor tba cam ef tan aoeef toea WM toward Dnmr.

Whereas, ahosld aterfoT a foot bra poetics at an. he win coraooly asset a riaataia poOr-y. Bowovar th ays 5 fa as lutila toiiah ami ssraa -shea srariln pssaaml i srSai shaS In amosoaae aasir illn I a aw me aaa aaaa earn roars Aw too us. I rt of a aabaV Basal ss toes soma! mimum wanammwns ssssssSBMSssas sshe he ae sioserw or saass ootv sajs eaahto mlaara.Sosicormialr aet ths swim la is puinilmt i inailbsma a lbs alo eosaad bam. TboDUtrtclof Oolamb'saaBmsaofariiMlbaS a Saw la la.

aatmrs. tiralalwa bweaoar. sums taaa Use lssujoj i inns aaa a sba loarmaib sew Wboavaaat aadarol mis ij il ii mm mi a iiaasd Tbsrohiaaiaa otaSjssaaroali rinnl womala Wow rata, PaUa-ilsllaml. oass, rTaamo-t au Umis, or aar tore ear where aM emsraaai aaasssaar ths CaaaU-ailnaai rarhaof th eaiaan, would bnsg ahoat ova awn aaaa a awash. Tha otBea ef relied tosaas Msiwisl to varans.

Tba a aitn aaaimn. amtoBstaamimtofrssaibwrh mei oaamaaa whteh are mm oa. rsakwm aiBHBLhesiaavvaaeetBeBSBnnahv Boasaa aaea are traa to toil wsla id lies ana. Bsnti The aaaa jaar a aim aa aaaasrrad overr Janrs wamh aw saasesm esa eaarmmr anate a asam. Bar Miii a aaiaur potiu- naoiiaT eses, )aaim aaeal war rebsilais ssala Umc'n Ttmre toaosnlBsml mam.

wama wia nlaaas smaiai 1 bam by us rasa liwnm Mf aoreta- iranim cms the varf rrilasra at saruss ia lam tlaiad hum. The saaaisaa aaaaaads bnamdaue and ovclavaimaimi. aaaaaaarf aa asom watriiia mat am shoaa bseoavoaad. Let faeroapoua. rmnsiorau wnawmra.

Baerr- oar tor or last, aaa that laiiasnna Saor. haatoad of biiailna tor toton amssMS sua, esms ssnmirs od a hasae, rarb toiaWlluniki of ass Capneu -Bnsostr. oapabtlSr and rVmoer was ths ana BsattasdfeiamsoBaw. The asitoeat tjoeara. aaa bsd SVMS bib irimral onmsa a damn at, kssaas otBrar.

aemim, buiaas aad asaoml sirs la um Post rotoa jrersrimaiu were Olou, nai ilai MCS eoaasafsnrs iiuamiiif wna am mil toilliiij aarvkw. Tease mmratanri wlstd an tousenaa Butusesl sjilbiaaro. as foer ainlei ef nnram owa Umar aaaa a thai tnaseaa aluoo. as asaass may as. Sba nm oaaow aniuh naiasBy WW aa sasmtoamsotawotBsBatowmaaaetaa eueaaa.

Bmre to as doses mat" wmr tosam tejeiLWe warm at aS Bass a ftowbow-ssruaa swrtAws aba to ta toast suwtoa. He toea mM to asm hma bimaa sitlmml ww. toe toto wawmaml hoi sssrt to jessamBV R'T it iiwffaaUaml to sttendsd with aom dUffleiilUss. Th surveys of Um fh-st Una eft laltrway ta thai pre-rino war comrneeieed lest year by Mr. MaiwT at Rarbor Gr asm.

aad wss at ra. rmfroatsd try sa sarry pso- pl. MoitrnTmr, la bto wport, aar: That aoandi Kkm th account of tt first sUexopt to btuld a rati wy ta Oun. Th wfoaadlBitrri hw basa awry ssamh cwtof She weetd ea thetr tolaad sad among thetr fogs. They namber about 180.0U0.

and ar chioy scagd lath eavUised way. Th ortgiaal Mltlcrs of 1008 war from Ireland, aad tbsy hav had fw addition to th aaock, aad for srly fhss esalari bavs tobnrmarrted so much that phvaioal deformity aad mea-tal debase aunt are th rule. Ttt Rapuhlicaa organ cf that city ha at last arrrrsd at a fair rtigi wf aad judgment. It says of the bcarth that "it Is evident that fbUtia ar ata coosidersbl diaoounl in thai AeoUoa. Ths poopl at new earnestly trying to develop their na-tlvs reaoaTcea, aad Norther capital fa freely flowing ia to second this laudable amMiioa.

Th blathersaute rwliuciaa caa no raslasally chaege tha Th South Is oa ta a grade bow." This is a bint to Fbtb, Dawes sad II aaa that tbc outrage gams 1 up, sad that the country is sick of maodacious alather. "Th Soath la oa th op grade bow" and ths Republican JJourbooa caa not stop bar progress. "War. Mr i a am set knew ef toe to rbs toborhaf. aaa of bumnasr asm et fee Norm Urns A reornt article ia the Atlantic Monthly, th marling Mew Kagtand periodical, very clearly uo wed thai th employ es ia Uae-aachusetu factories ar littl better thaa serfs; receiving pauper wage sad largely deprrved of educational prirllegea.

th nliililpaa tasiag rampelled to go to work at a tender age. Th Advert Is sr th loading protectioa organ of Ks Kngiaad. aod thia itlaut-aton new aigniticaeC Th Advertiser, however, waoto a 'earaful aad matbodical re vision, which ahall csref aUr arotd tw-lleving th Americaa people of the heavy tnbut they now pay to the menufaciur-ara. It appears that Gea. ilsspr ia bemaced from th PaBt-omem ImpartrOMnt.

It aad to think of ail the skullduggery which went oa under ths boss of poor, dear Mr. Kar, aad hew maay niilhone bars bees flicSed from the tax -payer of thia country ta pay for phantom fMmt-roulaa, and bow thuae niiUUms have bees alippmg lato taa pockets of the Bbadt nag for ao many yean. The whoa eouatry will be grateful to P. M. G.

Jams if he breaks ap th lataiamM ayasem of robbery of whteh iiBAor has baea th bead-ceuler. -1 Mr. Gsariau boa anOaaaarad to twesaa aa Baa foet ami ha to as ra i for whet Fsvs stto. to fee rod raat may hna waa vasbtt. Tstk tsaiaarsUI AsVarllaw Mr.

UsjiruUJi, tare rears ago. denounced bioody-sbtrt rp drrhoa. aad said that aba maa who attempted te keep up BBCttoraalam. as Fan ha always done, would bs without the support of their party- A caa-sr oditiosi of the rcvamd New. Testament will be uraished the Csaav daan by tan agent of the Oxford Proas, for twenty-two cents a copy.

Sons American rmU'abers pro poa to beat tha with a flfteea-ceat arueK A Chicago paper (the Times, we believe.) has pah! $1,000 for sa advance copy and will print the whole testament ia on of it rriiti as aatruksof newatmper enterprise. It fat stated by a woolen "irufsrfnrtT ia tb Boston Herald that that industry would h. fifty per cent, butter utf with free trade. Mr. BfuAirt, however, is trying to get aa extra aaasioa of Cewgraes to 'protect" th knd goods industry to tb extern, of fifty crnta a pound, which, wader a recent decision of th SupBrms Court, must giro place to thirty-five per cent, ad maUrem duty.

turn LaMiauaaa State Board of Health at a recent aitmtiag aigulAed their parpose of setiag wuh tb National Board of Health ia evaa-Tthiag aar th laUioning of aa officer of the latter Board at th MMisnppi quarantine staltoa a matter which rusU with tbs Governor, aad aot with the State Board. Inks pleasure ta recording the close of th damgreement betweea these two Bonds. Ma. DiLixia's abuse of th Gutm-rowa land set is ill-timed. Mr.

Paaatsxi. rec-ogruxes some good features ia It, and propose to eek tb uiisniinenl of th mi- gration and on or two otbw objectioa-able features. It will be better for th Irish Lead Leaguer lo do all they caa to put the bill through a a is, and thea continue th agitation for further refotm. Tux New Terk Cnmnwtreial A 'nrtt Bsyssf the Republican of tb Senate yield to uie laemocrata. It will be th signal for a shot gua parad aad negro massacres all over the South.

Tha really thinks that old stall will stiffea up tuc aenatorial polna oa th liepublicaa bide of lb Senate Chamber. Taa Piwadeat mid last week that rars's speech did express his srott-Ineotfi Ot course aot; Mr. OaartaXB declaxad ia 1878 that tb man who at-tenred to revtr sectional inimoaity would bs reft behind without th support of his party. That a tb oaly Tnminss Fara ass ever asea tit to rarag ta. Was Hssrmv aa Ooarmr.

the htof Bitot Yea; the Ussue ballot was Is vented try Iicpokhcaoa, and has brea used Toy Hum repeetodly to 'fielp ths party." I 1 Tki ruiaoelpiiia Teregraph reqneets Rermbllcan to look at Krpnhiasnlam ha I860 aed-Iufpublioanisra ui 1881 aad so berly reflect apoa tb dLflerencs. Th Contrast Is painful and iswtraotira. bad few RepublicaB draw any salutary moral coacluauoas rrora it. TaKaa la a chance to effort civi -service riform ia th Poat-omc Department It tb Gorarament at least ka 0OO 000 a year that being the ram st Tbs taken lor boss tuns to support Baast' rinf comfortably. Mrsamta Warra.

of taa BerUa Mis sion, wants his successor nominated aad eoaAraaed. but he doe aot kaow that tha Republican Senators bar been for flv week refuilaf to sttend to tb pabllo buameas. Tna brilliant Doutr aeetn to Thar been a leading star ta th post-rout Taa Republican havs sigaaily failed to prove that they bar a majority la ttr BaAarrahould beput na tJ1aJaika1roax- mat wswew BStr to IfjlmZiimwmi" ftesw. iha ssnskie shoot ths htaoesr too ii aad the mtoat kn I ma oaavaas bv KB yoasa at aip ea absoaaasmd. a tms toaa boeorod, aad fsw.

aaaa tudr.aiiwui, asm ttamwan. mods proad. and whaa nms-sDieaa truss lbs Ssa talk aaaas haiw was aae sre baataar ititd irryo. Tea whoa. hunT Bases to bs so to iuaiof re Ossaram to od hsars so rod asm sad taaa Boa has Ihsmmsm aaaa smltiat ao sb tnrlla to'masa to at a vara tor osnarm.

aaad aae aaafe aaoamary hv baa as af assnias relwa aat annul fctuow as aeoa fcasr ssram af trasamuars aad bwaswa-un Adunaw. Bjamaai at aaaa hv ha tntoliiwloaBamrmstyswl toiaaa, Is Mint, for bo has sboera tbss asaaaradyaoat to isiaii am toaaansin mm tfmsastoiiajia. eaaatoi tfsntry sdoUUsd lesierear tbrasiiianvws sraiaaaimraSautoCer.BBt.Pi aaa aaa of TTBfli aai 7 wrjyraM bbwm urOBiinoi raa rmiciirti. wtm. IteraHarBswas of tbo Tbbb a naaWAtbaW uTA1 svrnca, a afaar Tsaaa.

LsJ. Apr LWs tog to anas a too aaaa of Ualatm fwasfet-btni year. Tbsy snm far. aar jaat am to MB, ama masvat aauaj )imir ea dsw a easu inmt aad srara ems auwse to proooramnaaBoy torn, lambm lbs lahur Is iMimt boh a poms aa aswaoar a em warn a awaeoa at ptaal u. stiaaa OM mom awaay.aa aaa.

lrmeaavawatmsana Um bauor for aa parv'sa a a torn hSarVt ui fin us to um amis ar --a. aoesmm taaaa el aoal sammmi amaamVoft atosTa. mmttf 4wwXTsmema wamV BmamTaaoW npoa a yield af iwaaty trms of aaoo. ealwau. par owe oa aaliani emilllroaBmsaJ' Too bveaot im baa yaar oa aa aoo oere'wbieb osam a mar twuwiadte traa loray-ave bmst be lot waa be oa um ism is so oseswamauy otm saaatra.

SaM uta yssr for i.eotalltm hands are Si par day darta Um sossse ot eirm pMwiar. sod ror baioaa year aa to SI I tor smb.iim buom ears, sir Ida a a to ama Um day- ara si sad hast a amtt as toiiiiis Tsewruoadoami faaeh Uada aauk bat bet ease Iroa as emu. rwiu waauaMmrsmst faat lariua of Ssvetss. Ibm modatumssaa buses, a. araa a Seal.

most aouata oa. aod a too prto par em laaoii Bis or aav esom tea. i aa asrasef sasd aad Bra aarm ia lot 1. lo ha aababm aad linlmiry. la arm asm aasrlr aoso.

1 aa ins aiaallr -ma as bmwoaa aa im aod omaha of sa. aad raaoto ot taa ysr ae a aaoat ma am. a ama am. ral rooolre. rnaeas oram fm.iilirm erne.

Taora at ao at-o ef ta raw. to am wi la amnltasia as Beast mi. ttawe Baa i asm a I i-iittaa lor ad mam who as s. sad aoea totta at a swro atMU araai uau. a ear e.tmr asi italimai ft twave, ouaao.

ansa im i eaosss ss say ataorera. Taa asm ohm a lor aaaa as aa to aaase um ital ssae a hsaatsaa oaly to im-ooar, cr tasd was dutatoat kaaudms, wbh um dames ot too o.a wna bosh tta adviaas asm tmlaima eoBamsad loaealih. Bma abh tsas-aa a ama baa es maaaio. aod. an waoud wa lur aay oums sua a aaaa a aors rood fsssfm Uvidaal to wdl atwars be baa ar oaoo la.

to aay tb la li Imantiltiai fur is tatJi a oto is. a um abuva esesrai saume of too bmdaast. aa II MB basums-t waaab oar so avyeatW asSmsltiiat oa ass aa A mm (How Oil nil laaaa, baaab WJ Oaaaaa, La, Math l--iJor of (bs KV -Iraor Set It wain ansa 1 1 Um writer wed ai.aaHam mauy ntair.i a kaow um aa aa par aero ponins as, aar Mtoo-sva ar ba os trisomsr esaa. aa auamoUaat um ma, eat- tbsooatof au aarar toad oa Beiu laebar, a Tot ass yisUs par aar aad ea 1 for. Uils Tbato amasy a lauriaii aseasu aas Baa ssa aw ameer ss bv waer.

ta rmid par am Ssr Mm pm Ujraa Sao laitl by eoawanae fhs sbwvo anoaeh Um r-r snir- ot jorsr mals yuorool. yoa will oo- at nuaraaoa ssoasa. aastasa. The ssaaa a be eeae a dtrmrmrf at etawjoa miii'aei lbs eat at ealilvauai aad am priwrs. man ao Bars of eatm.

Mr. Hams, who a a tsaannal um etmaoo east of laiib.i ot aaar. aastadi com of an mil oaino. trwta, at auroam par ijs a stoat. -rac aat taay isi acre, bus v.

amy atari, ism opus aae, wbos at a ar svursao ar um oa or ooaa ait fi am; at. UU pueed wbsrea vseaaa-poa at ama. aaasm oar rilrtoalinos aima Um pnatuct of ear fraauTa croo ol 11m I ola saraa. ae Sad thai Um arum arecsed per aers a tuttows: ua- htoTsbtad af aar. I.SU lbs, at T34c aor uuatl.

ei TbMbawansma to sstmaa aoeh aaa. asm la la-sot of hxh tul.aitsi ws bats only ant tor to nallteiim rrea lbs Mans sow meal apoa tba arbua sacoaefol satisrbiaes hack danas tha aas aa or teste roars oa r. II i so ruins' um ptwos os maa ma am ltnrr fO daeada aiam Um taaisutalm am. eom M.aiv a tboeKtlv tmmovo a auear ptoaist-oa. sad ooe sraJ aaieoved no aooorsUr arulfcrs too-.

aatsruasBS. bo a iter, eaa to srowa SB.ebw to Btscbarn I taiirsna. and aa asMll fans sua as ebospry ears or esuos. Ws funbonoora won: am advra aat porta wkb amoe esisiai a at- a ara maor. or aae.

wossUMBtdiptr toe to am aoarsa tern house. By rood cauivatioe s.if a suiy ittoti aart imowo a eana assy vm stowo par air, mm may MrWMaoMMIaSaoaSMrHBaB, ALL CYtil THI SOUTH. Tbs reflBloas swskeuing la Tsssiin la sstd to bat rsVtod la KB cuovamla a latoaoa. 179 Mat aiatt at Marfnmsoar sad aosasrsas eoaversksm Jtssbviu, rrankito. -amaka.

Stjtiaa. eat. Wsnraa, tmiaaoa. anlirvilOt. ImwiaSara.

amedaMaovtU and oraar plscm New OabSAas Dsmoeeat, AarH at: as a so at aor mtiattail.a. ws soaotads hrttfly ibal um bvoos of umsisssi are laooaun fnat so ta a bus aw otaxmrne a ronton ss twrnw waters ama umr bora bea for amua roars post, ft enm. tit a aot ana vary aac tor tboa. sa SiB ese ss Bar a a soaa, baa asm. a a topsfsl.

A ouaBBsroxDrs-T write to tie Coratsa- Jovaair. froB BUean, rayvtt eeetv, Tcrua, nuu um lusrj tialua -m. It- Rortsua. isvenih IliluoU Chv arry." wet rot-oovd oa tbo arm a a tody foood a umt s'aee enrroe am war. A raruoout a leaa otdwrs bad aosar aroort a fjawbbsrbood the mevtoas dar.

snd wa Murpovm i ou aw ease ama brl baao k-Has br osjrt'ltmft. flts frtrsids or aa. tine to Itltema esa tsara SU ksewa pinlrnlar by wrtuur a Msona. Tta a. Tss hUraphm Avelsaehs to prmling sofa-toes a bma a toswd a um est ssuan tba east of Taati im a ooa biota, asnraf tba ro mmn uiorjowirSail, amttlfd a aa tolluwm I rarar aot.

beasBi at am toss to a Boot, attd Hutu aot-tlat too tat. is abt to be. isaiit la ar aas. toaKeahlaatlaae wvy to a drolarlad. AM UmtittH teeasa pomisty as toa esse ssv aart et TBS Patoakt (Taea.) OtAlasa an ate re.

ma kaoi adtnt ware ayrnd lm wa at aa soy BsBvreresa Mtorobsr. olntv yrart oat. as mm mra a ta emtio sows a tasil rrre rawr (to boats, sud to ustaota to in i air- lu foil woo hB svnher hitotodiatmr. l.o board res as pMetaa hnas otrehtmly aadtv ha arm. wfh at aaoo ssntod a asd to baadm bawtad Bav to toraoe a so to tb heme, imm ao aot at bass ae was an ban am no sat a row stara, sad of wad aarew ae bra aad a oaaa aobatosMV bet iwprdTy do bahsnrtiae rh i-TKl WMod aba.

BM as Bm rUeresv bed MNMhantM Wontwsw fs bmrMtsemea, ead wtiktomo yore eontermhiBr ur. tDOTHW ilia AtKAWwAt, What Is Thoaght at ta Beaata Dead, lock Crap Pro poet, irvsiauiamwa of the twartor Nmrasl 1 twvnra uwirrv, Asa April Ml 1 rtitebl I amobt Maor poUitot sbstwher to lost iiaaaaalm ooa. a I am oo polslnms. bat I ami cam 1 aas aav av ay abas um timas una atoms Save whoa tor a hat tow tor a to Usrma stam ssb-Bba, I here ram lbs arotsodllar fx Cvtrsraa. MiiBii at Bow aad rawa wTKSB toor kaow to bo sates.

Tbey has bat asTtoBbssasBsns were ss smt. I ioa Wjaa to mtto at a Case aa seaaaw a ejnbe ss osaimd oao. Mual. drroefmd. aod a all trnm satoioa mi I wa to aooaa av.

Bstar Wauat msmms. bet at aaa bare baas awn aaa ivoraaams. atr. BaTord waa ssy rsy aa. aad tdoea omoitv aa won waa mr." Tbo Notts will bava HI JBbtotob Bjiiibjiii sarwMwto, aMkW tmZ BmywwTwsdoCijM towwarh is ami sssveawTsBs' Baraakweam! bsbm.

ra for ssa. See ea eee-hea mm earn ttoaaVsam to sasaamo a a hw ie BmaS aaaa ares ae staamm raiiaim eroa. on soo boa a saasaamm aawamaad ibe toed rose, osaany Mr Ha isrpmr. of saa. UBdov was a ssevaw us aa ooa assoaei aaaa to ro-taraad a ttm as et aaa year, iailtt um aaaa haro a a ha owa aaaasr.

oorovptoam, sad a aor-fsawaa, bmama.i" boa same? a to sa mid ara ibamaw a liisin ota bma sad ii i i ii awaaijuiwB a earn aoamr. pad a moo oaams unary, aa stand sa aaaa inaa oana U. Ira, the aalrsr mm r-nmn. asm a ma braas aa esawo. aaose saa i ioasi mmim mumjmt fVrj laaad oaoo baa tavasaiaau.

aallivaliim ilai rrno. srf fr1 rtrrs uma ate biasvMaa ar to amua to from MtiWav tun. Taa to Baeras oasst to Him i'l lbs furl rasa atooWsaawmaaoSMwcaaMtoaaaiaawa Bad oa aa avsrsao warn toe Isnsnl asa- Soa bb owa wora. oaess um aa manse mi he a amasses ea um Bene Tie warn at amam Bavaadaa. sed we taiiasa ww esa boom so aegh aa atiaea ar sesely awmm.

(mas. U. Bamar. Haiivmw rmsbsTlrav et.fllf rraasus. ass mfosmad amd a It to a area earns, aa past aw ssa to esa.

tmeaa llaa tow as a us um oss ass ess ceuvvAvs "tor lbs mill." ear two esas a a aaaa, last tb maa la ears- biamll aadaa sa waneta aaatofoer basdtoaastsoTosla Bieimnaua aiwmi ll .10001. pumnsa toulsat. samwM IMSsbbobW aaVawV mxwatasrVMiHaaa aW bass wees, a iha hat part last, abna aat poo mieilaoetof uses arse sat ural sail It not maa bar. Tbsro ehaso at post fa whBosaseaaaasa man. 1 1 laaine a a bur a.

anal a. bsaad Biwa Um enay a tarn lam aaaaaa: To um asm a stoat aaaa tor ass sere. as Te eruwuaf aod ptaalase m- to Te esauvutoa to Mm Samoa. at Tatst fM Tboro I I a sto ssoJ imri.aiarol um sst-oud a esua aar. Mr.

amoa a bat iimaluw Umt Gra gitoes Lam ant ml Hot aroroods. 0 hue tba Mr. asaevsM falls to amtaet waw aad bar a airy- Tirf um mi rr lot ama I wbteb aoo la. ef aouito, rsoeoo too oat protno vary o. aslttarolrry.

rrrmse imbc, iMioaam. atb bs uorsorn oa um mien is tmov ms maruvo ocaamiana laai umt a a atlrataa- i. laaja tot areaar.v am rrwt jetraaal. warn a Mtto tortrot sag aswaattouat, I bsaratly Isl.rm Ibo oyw aad oaaros at Ibr Ose-Bitn liwitl lbtafc aaaa aroa. Msaoao mom to aaaa sat kltu Iboslrv baa in inn of the so aot voawbareMwHI doumaomoood.

a an boat a al.itmi.. osst toe uoeaisa due aaaa pes ma psa nMaao-via fbum aaaorasaad sat asm silsjtoB lor am, is vsrr. tory eana tiltosi. ansiiiB. toeaaa a atoooaa to so ams aaua ee wa a pawn at.

saa earn a jaa am aa. wo bad soioat tram oo ao aaa to dtrrtoaaVaaoaaawwalBSI SratS a mm bttbval to malum eaa oarf a vsrr ha ii int. Visa r. Tmt tocrisb. rtisaaso amy tod aoo aroauil at las bans aad alada 1 Um boo bora Bouts, easts- FOWELTOIIyJlO-tB, aTutvaalAtasw rtria Sheep aad Weed.

fi ii tit af Um Cootlm lam aot ear tuei sb at uas part et am bsiim ar avoataToiM Itoroa, ea.Ua. atsa sod hiato. Uud lnita srs esa store PMaUtul. ssm oaree od. 1 am avtooasmt maiiaatnm east BmaBoT of otate r.i sit a Irttim I ars at ot ties ii Mr.

w. b. ii taaa. oaset ila atmssmi na airs. som aa) Itadas saoam isoasd asm, oh arwaoraso yaarsows.

to Mr. uaaa, bar ai.SW ibr otttmat asm um oos asae matau. wasa ab so ban 11 a eat a ss sa, um hat to Sa pwaada eooa toe stars.o ymm. uer aoo. atow o.a.o lonrot Hme aoy I ae a Teaas.

aua saaaaat ro-eoomemrtrioWt. tiid to Im bad st trom aaaa-r oiiakiilJf ttmlnat raa aad twtaruawa', aad Blitiu at aaa isa trow iBoVvsJosia. saruso laatds aioisilat II t-s taaro. balm paMttto oa l-oao. Wa bete woe et tawmebly a a um hull it aHavrmt of um eurta.

asmvy aat tool Watt rmrato saottl at a.tlam In. Tbto srn-mss titU lata ta-i j-- tTSZmT Wiaehastor Ilvf h'he wDHeete eoesumption. eourooy wssk IrMgs, bruoululi and roaseai oWOiUiy. tolatlit-jai twsattr-ew roare. HOI IGk tkim Mi lara-ra-W tat MAtT----ArHI tA.

tt cloefk. est tatsPT r-fV ftwasMk. tta CUaxes mmty. tLj W. Mamtij.

wklm of -Iiat iaC Jam. mm i mi Mrs. 1 Uarrrk. ot ibta itj. la Uas vvr Imi- I MM Aprtt at i rmHmm- mt ttfr-laT.

VT. C. ktrtUa, J. BmJmmm miU mmM, mV mmUmtmf. FatMATal tna tmmt aBrtMit i aTem CATlPK-HTltH April M.

IWt ta UtomVmT Wity. tty HfkTTiM lU'oasbftia. CdiruTii mt tt. ama. Itllit I Umfrn trnmSm feU TeaTttn l-HA W-A-Tfl M.

fa kbrMtmmi, MaU rwrwM r. Mm Onmi. wttt t. w. jr.

OwfatLstr-At mm trnMimmmm vf hm W. tt Wi A. ss- tmtM mUf. rJD A.

At ADTll 1, Mr. AlAET AatMBxi OwwUir. aTtfa of Jm W. A. 0air.

ayf lyrtTar1l.r-UeTf av, imtff) fwattlf WaWllll ywaaeT mt aW eVe. Ur. i. sjraaa AiiiafcMr mf Cmt. Jmm, B.

lata mmm. HTkm-t), mam sudtrri Ht towltta G-nimf iJt-ifyr, 1 l. ffui ihm BT-ater mt mrm 3.l mf wtvmm tmrrt Aot to moomrm mm tmwm Mm lom Mm. o. mm aru ea itTe'-wit n-sa-jswof im Ct-lfttUaU.

'fcagrch for aVbOVt UUrt.7nrKe VT. AwaTtaf i wTtSe l-sms mf 4 sas-Ba-jaoaa artteVu-m tmm mhm hA aiU. navoif ml tvll ttmmm tmmL c-Zmruy tkaA awa-mf- -fat toKtt ksrsl to klasi. Htw artva mmimmd A '-j-r-- 1' rrvearaVrrtwr la a. III MlVtfaMiff llt-aA A-s-Ta-aMr.

vtf tv aaTbftUtar, mmm. tnmnt mtm mOmm Uws fmil sTbv-su- 4f aar Aa ta i. aa alt. Ubia aar my mm ai4Ju It fvSawivaj aad frt -mm will mmrp'-f Befsra taslr ittmax, at la aa aawfaamaa-a umm Im tmTm C-vrt UaM arvsata- af mm iMisstaarai.sysi Twk fwaavaw aarrtA a ts! alrm trtomm lafaai. mmm mt (arvw W.

a a (Uia lsUai. vtvaal at vm faauiv a- Sc. ta riuyj wommx. mt fitixt tlu nwralna- TTAa fraulii mlU hi -fti taa Uta IliM trata la tor atmax A Gftrcl, Ta aM nrWrn aa Mlt ia (i-rta Um awarA aa4 ta-iv trmtzona nt TaatAv, aarrp-aa am. aar-f mmexf.

kumm asf uawrtr4, st I wfB asa4 a neiw liaii via Calf T'toa. OK CHAattsAC. TtTta ftr aAt rvmtlf vutflMUTtavj bv a trUawoUhwAT ta sVaaCa. ain.ti. r-ara-J a MruM tmveimix to th Kav.

JO -tier ft T. IN TttariAA Xav larA wt. SalnE7o tZwif ttarbmsJ lyiatratad-a ra. um a sua a I aakariMca. 1 ofisntxa coMMAXuitBr.

so. i a. 11 T. mlla.4 0 btr aarUB this Iters, i dar) rra im Apnl pott, a o'eme. for roe p-rm-St ot owt an aaa ostcers.

A ran srtaadasco I tnitm 14. as bain jw tT Impor sara oltl roooir. lumlr tnolaa- C. af. SLrUUII.

C. b- ntxi-oaa. Raa. orTsvit.Lt roiKi ee, r.aod aji. tixm.1.

re. r.aod aji- a allrl oommaoleatlns this m. Mt s'clock a. br TJT Members aal tail a ff arm bmvs a oallaJ la M. M.

Oaur. brothtsa fssterssilr lavltod Notio. fuociaviLLs. It. Aprfl tA.

fSM. I ytl attaml aestuts of tbt of tbo Mo aavlara ria-tk will bs a lbs osTtoo of tovuaoa oo Munasy. May twt. for tbr si oatoa ate buarrtot larartnr. a aarva tit, amai roar.

aH W. tUU-Muly. tssbla. Hotic. nam i im liawsttl Amor.

vtoa.l Ito-tat svassT. Ldtttviui. arnt ta tn TSI saaoat an la vt to omum of tbc Ammtrntoo wilt wm ao.a at aa JaaTetaua. aot. Voonb asd ftfta ho-or.

of sal 1 o'clJOk Wodsralaj. Apnl It. a. a. Arttid Boar a OVftura to a-r- leu.

afar aoaoaotoaaaar. d. a1 ad a. apllm VocT pad Ti Not ICS. Bays L'jeitvTxu.

AprTt ten. T-HF atraaal atr-t: of too atoexbotdara of ths 1 Bass nf bouMvlll stltt bs sold at than- oetooea lioadav Mar X. ISal, fur lite ot dlraccatt. Bass oo Kss-nroarv. fuoeilrvtraa, Apnl tflt I Tim aromal omatlae ot too ta tbs Itsnk of Kasta wt.l la hs.d at iha saws, la Uttt n.

Moodr. Msy ImL far swettoe of a Board of fnraotova -i arra aa cn.a'at rcjr. Mt dtay THOM A L. A baf t. (WI i TTRSTIOS.

BIB KBinHTr-C VlaorT Imra. Xi. If Marttat. bm. Tatrd aad VoarrA.

Loott. villa. talla tbf bast aad rboaoam bstiit'a Teas-plar stTrotoas. Saod tor prtco-ltata. aplSdtroo iiopomt.

LlNUCRULWAT. IToUca Slraat CntTACUr. SXAl.KO Bros aits will ho lotattod or tbt as dor tss. aatn a adoasr av 0104 a a'rte -k far tee tradtot aod aacsdamlltas so 1 aTtsvartsa of twa tit tn at at fast by ta foot, bt aora aad rtrtoa-tb aod R-'wa aod Osac otroata. It uta sad tooatOoaUooa Baa toady.

Taa prtvua It re- mr wt j. w. ysAttoo't. Seat. Mood, tltr Bra Mats at.

CEALKI) rvopoaM, la loom -proposal, for Cool tlt.nSt..'t&r ia t-oapaoy. saitl aoot. oslay. It th dy of Msy next for farelaitrs ot bom vetlitv. ra aid tud pool Pittaborfb voat.

btr aw car.oti. a tb- otfics of Ut ro.iisauy. c. I a ro.tivauy. t-.

spit Tt st at asaamyi vt tat.RIJtrl.X. caanl. LOTfiRY. 3XJ3tr: rOrfLAS MOSTHLt OKA ISO or Tag COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. at tcau'sra TimAVTJtax.

taumour of SUURDAT, APRIL 30, 1881. Tboa ayawtas oeeor a rat 'j fOsmw sifl. aadtv BTovieloet of oa ool of oaaa-sl At a "Mf o- krlt.mi, toforporaotss Um Naarp-a IMaSlaj and Howasapot tm. opoeaaad April a lilt. Tt-s t'attrd sates Clrratt Coerb ea March re darad (ba followla dooisiaea rot-That the teaae wealth Otolrfh.

I too eaaotar a Wot, Ssrs.S tie draortaSTS aw tela. TUP. OOMr AST SLAS MOW OM SA A bAMOB tlil.r. run APRIL DRAWINC. S.OO0 t1l staao Hlft I U.O.H1 tot Prlaoa.

1 -tWHI aaraoviMAXiuM ntfJts. Tfylsws, tHe oorfb a.rt Prlaro. ytattft. I Pilose, at at i.4aw erajhTteha.w. "ar1mkl.

a tVtoto SA Twdrees, t.y sup as bs aat a aar osp.o.l. at koa It at A M. Casilti1 Ittiir-iai Ben was. ToKfima a laoy. oow 1 ara.

fSIAMOS, dtO. iPIAIIOS.rrrJ HINZEN ROZEN, to VfatrM ftsea. evsaas aaa maatoa la.trara.nta. Boat roonbVXo la liM. sad all to ta frasto Branaaat bat sa, I Smttft.

TalWaT toe aaa laa a Uaaiaaas. Lint mto, s.dao, Boa-sits, aumt aod Law air ay. batiat at rat am toed am ea te foam to ae amis. Wo am srs a pas. Iiiiitaasammtioissatasi aaa be emwn.

iota aero ba has a an Oar astotl aoaemr em au sesrao fibastinl la. tans saaam aoe aas bets, tartar saoam teliaa to a It ef taw." We ate a err babaaam. bo aa baa toBaa to siarlt two fame eesosBK strati ws yoa bs amd os as eaaaa a Mr, a ass uma lemeasd aa am bow aooms aas a Mo soooaf Bos ibsswuom Bstwa. bar are weew bs Hsatv at bava so tmts a aaa toaaf laSM aa pi i I base rworvr-voa. Cew as to -TasssOsw Bar saw hat aa apoa Owaswa Bovum aataant a pats irbt sir" tor two room bom Um iatoonaiat (ibaa lltms.

Tasos, aa nil log pad tor lorw-oaa yaaa to nay. tdtosaw ambit nm sat baaalttsl hill aslbtt aVnmae ntaa miaarmoatterlaars. earn an oomrsciaa MaVboaad bamsuraa. taaa apasa a a tb aaieoatnimatnaiof taotwo woiaa. iasasstotr Nty FGUDEG Absolutely Pure.

ABLhi barotriv AaJra aawk srtkA mm It MtaCKi.l.ANCOUS. Ssad'a fmlroaaawaZ aaamaarda aod -ototoeo at aoroj myUa; trit, armSmolaeaataal fot loc.r.ooaaTBJVrt Mom Mm tmm Taa iisiea of Moth am Kob-ttor to bo I'lorlad srs sow A ao. a DR.8WIIT, Veteriiifary 8urfireonf VIUfriaMMMl irtaa. Lmfito AA tra-' aratioo ta asaV swrstss4 Um mrm waaaalra tsTaTfTiM ipTiaii. asswi rni if siitia iwaviMi av Alt a a ihrn ataj ka tokmriiawaJ tj mU cara.

ifl Tiait iauat taaaja-, Aa raU -r ataAatta mt l.a ai wrrlaavtaaa'A. ti Matti at, fAaay ae sett, at H. S. Kitm'. mZnm at.

ar JaaAikr Mss-rT BioafMa, oa i a k. Mr. ta mM atictMi a Ata Um Ttijtwa atAriiaitaa ia A4at-it PAFKB-MILL FOB BALK. Ina JMaf vrt.1 rnmii ac aatrHa aaia ftf nr mo maTblii. trt frimU)ft Um LmmiavUim fKaar raaat-iall).

trmrn Timuf taa Laaaiaviita I Inj tSB frat mm aiisja awurtw-t. atntva La- raaaiaA nas-lrl ira wm -sarw im-. nvjr av iraff-s, vim au ui balldfLts Uieroma; i lut-taa. i raa tk llamas. 1 musca cIib pmymr mm awirfhawiaana taAa.

aad mJ, mmml man tog mrmmr. Ciarit. tha per At. jr. If tjaaprabia.

LA aaar mA itimmrj a lit rat aaaa. aparatmTir. Tka pwpmrty im a aa a atAawautf joarTpa ar mm 019 ot vaiev. or briicun art 1 MVdV' wrKK, oa tna areMitoaA, 1 f.mlrmiA2ublFi Drtf4 tmrettm. ft HOW betea nsfkMai frea rUBh Vftlm.

1 WATattaih 1 Plctet Artificial Ice Works, aa KV4 mtrmt. hm. I fsJeJarwil aa Kaotcty. aaA la AwsysUT-aw UtoAt Aauio. laawej prntl ummal kVl mmm atftwitt tor ttm fr MUrst-f af aatl ara 1 a TaM.a.eaa.

aaaaia mmm. aiilinidrea la mmj mmrm mt mmm SaawA, Ail aetaarw mrmpmig aAfasalatl ta row 14 in r. o. TTm JiBSTlST. OTTWH ea Fourth ooasaa, it) uttt CtpoMUoa.

Orlsltmior of tr. as. ptaottsJ srs tptsott ea of TtloaBooa BAO CTICA I tUS CO. aril Tbiaeroam rmb FREE READING 1 At th IubiM Ubrary of tha Polytechnic Society of Kentucky. Library Rooms.

Fourth arx. bet. Orasa and Walnut ata. Open from A. m.

to 19 P. bt. S7.00U rat-Bate of chotoe works ht the Circa baling library. A laiaeaos hbrarr of ever lw.tMN valaaaee. Heeding room haad-aosueiy fHteal ap for the free ova of th public.

AubacriDUoa fees to tb C'lreu- iaung Ubrary per year, or $1 per three as do, luox noes Camlllsi's Snowdrop tor tha Conrt- ptoxion. LMI tliaihla aod taa.Osmlua't Saa am tin. Woosba drop, Um bsaet.lB.-r-, am Cam.lto'a Aoavdroe aod be rrwsas raataaaaaa. a. A.

rrUiamT. tmaaral I J. A. JOKamt Ai JAMES F. BUCXNIS, Attorney- at-Law, LOUISVILLE.

ET. Txriix Satan SM atae loe mnidtny praeUm vv ta trw rollod atoua loxnot aad Clrcol. t'oorta ta 1 ii. aod to Ota aaaxemaot aad raf asdiss of rsaima botms taloramswamaaslloparVmaBI a Bosb- bwtos. truscr.

asm saw xoaspm. asm laram Lanel for aaiav IAM bow oSmtns at art rata rale UiW aostrat bloat vatl-kaowa rarm ansstad oo tbt Varaaiitet asd Midway turaoora. aodf.d ooooty. Ky- euataleto mi ra ttaolco, bmtdaamalv Improvod laod. kaowa aa lbs -S lntsad rarar." aad Bow ewaad sy Tboa.

H. Bwope. wao tm ot eMail oasaaro IS rotiamta Warn tbstb mo bisell told farra. ror tarmr, ate. ae allium la vsrsMits.

ay. trissooms a. a. atavaota. fVAltWIO I'ATEXT SELfVENTILATINO BEER FAUCET.

At aM feTtt nl ma aaaa. AaSwiat tryst tTl I vaael Louia.vHl Chmnemry Court. mum. mmrj i. "prtw.

inar-iuTi u. TOrm'T, aoi wm. at. i. mmtmwj mam mmwrm sa am, A MaraaA.

ttsTffM tsTtail. ara aUtttsat ia atarra AaTtaa avarfo rr mm ar tmsorm Jaa 1 tn. aTWftm sfosa a m. JUsWAoKH. OVmaAwHw-aaaa ZXw AkNTM.

PAjdaaVT MBcWRS IHHX AT CO. tta to aaaaae tAal ww' mtvrm tmrnt arrlvesl fro Fraara with aa afa mmmt amftaamai af ffart traaa, wrtaMotai aal fta rrtaA faiwtTam. teal Am, garl aad mm. lavej a-A IxasT tst aTrxttotsToM BroTWh-. TA'M tAtf taff Bm Mf.

au-aaMo Tr1cfa. Tlaar aril rrmarala aat a saMrt umM ai atm aa G. J. STITERS. 33 ID 1ST I ST.

fsrwriMatrda W. B. UATSkSMAX. At. Tax TraMaotBOM ftostal 0M to Mm itahaV West, i-araa-reemtooib wltiMmt pais.

Br anwtio riims iiD 6mmiis.fionCa. FERTILIZER. rut TOMS of sbtla TsaB OCsl for tola eboaB to ltfUoorysikbtsit. r.LsiBAaof, artodla bol Ha. Sy.

To Llfa and Flra Ina. Aganta. EirtKlSSCXD, ssailntle aad troatwotrby Coo-aral sad 11100-101 Anas waotad la orory am ead mot, eta whom aal hlmral arras. 1' ansa will be sim Aprtly at 000s wuk rrfaraaoro aod full portlroars. Addrtm o.

W. KBMaXI. Sacr. tary aod Ti mtarai. tt Ormsas, ts- apl dlt ttotlow to Indlanapolla and Madf aon staiiroao we.

sononoiowi. OFFWal Ow Taa sf Miaaawiiai-s Aoiaoa at a teMajii -1 uottSASV. JayrntatTtua isosAs. Asm ten TBI bos It of tbo tOdlssspalttloBd Madlioo BaB-rood Compaay so. May I.

IrM.otll bo paid at mayor ty. a tha ranaara- Laos aaa rniat so. srtrtasa-e rians, Ss Tarti srtor wblrh Um a-i wuisossa ss dla WKO. a McKlXBtaM. E.

8. STKTT ACT'S Fraakfert LtUry af Keatacky. IMAlsts. tltr to Arsu. n.

1 Bt. MrM704tlS.ll 4443eS15 l-AS. St UlltlMInMUN en Worn aeb as. 1 U. a.


s. a aptt TaTiiaaoda CU.rABD LINE. I fr-wt, faanm too a MowTooS, Tim Ibo aiL A ririA au-aa XmXXw-aa. tmjZTj Toag to oi.Auiw. ur.

ft-i in. lurmt. a so LilSlHIXOARHf VUtlKSllAr. Bawsamoo taeVaam Israora Km tl'to' a it rainy to locatlo.

Ssrorotao ttrkata, a Saread Caota ttowdoilasi avaryaioe fat alsb.d. OA Sscarama Mtwaat. Sn. Ptatraaa, miast sod prrpam ii. ks fnia aDboitt si bam roiat.

raaaia.ti bsosad a PABIa aod tbo COI-T I MC vm tola baa, as Ml is ad toe uaaaa atr. ALsrnf BALBWT9 a CO. tea arsadeoT. Tore, 11.1 a. fAr.t, wfnr, BtrMdU dw Psarsb Mt Lmaloxillak A v.

FltM CMAMtaAA. No tow. TBtt an 1 Bra oama ao tH ut stars Battay. to iitiiitli a ea aarai waaiman soo 10 aa in asm at a rt Mau Vy. dee.

A. battbt WwsBr AarsrtUiBg Barssa. A APrarfMsattT. akla oTrawa-aiTwr KliaiircmiWo maoltat rtnat torat ata-salasruotid Is Ibactty of Ixobtvltlo opoa vbtsb a eiaot otsd tsiltla sal altatt atr. at asm aaa.

A. tunmklMm. aaa'r. rata. rat.

Spat era osst. fagaoToATbam So. ra JoSat ie st. bot t.nsil aat ntob. ml Hs SI acM SoTaSmrr 1 a.

A ft-aa Ma( ta t'aaara piaAataa mt Ua ataaa af ILutef, Jatiaaa kyrmimmiuM. W. laataaaak oua Jkt AitoAarwa. p. H.

mumt.99 it4 mm baiaaaaaa ikava ww-iawawj. aaal mm a-ra-hf I'l r'T" mmm -avaaaiaa iAiwiataa ia a mmm Kiiva. iia.iMi-MftJ avia twAa i 1 oat fc'avaawsr CAanjaay." assa assi tta aOs7.rtAAa altltd) m'mmm mmM I Ura. i-frwrsi aaaasj. a A-rawtLaA taa A taa 1 a few taa mj gyaUlmVa a-arrl'staafa.

ainTitaatf aa4 mpo- ir o-a Aor a wama? w-T aWeVfaUw sTreBB raa aod toaantlttoa from tiota aras mm paaaortbW by aa prayar aotoantam mot mt 1 ran in. saaaa toewi a aae tows es JrJ.U.a- aaatt A- mmm kaA-4 aa tf anaaa4 AtMAt-aa af aaa AaaAtrmsl (mh tta ifsuAA frJa UmJ tya'Bifir44a fl mtmr in1 ma Aua Arat laa4 mt Um nmtm. mm mm tmmam aruesxtM mt iaaorLHsmUa ara Aal la-a tmt mill ta Afcr-a nna iaa. Tmm rUi aataU aapata far atsa iaa-atiaiat aaa aA aaar. Airtciai a Taa aafAAal -a mt to mmm aaesra msm tmrmm aaa-iraa thfiaaAart fpuiaara mf a fuM taa-tiiirwh.

ac auMca. AaTKJimttA Tmm aiwiii mw lim aarpifaWa ateeiUawasa fnaas umMMm-J mm Atari tawA. a-Aa. AtataVaa aUsAo Ira aailAwM tmW tWoMIJHtg iw mmi 'rmm sysOA mamm. attaw a-wa aa-aaiaa Akf a mm mt AwMT-aftas) (AAl TtaTIC-Lml 1 Taa aatraatrAilaa lrrwoa-.

ava ta awatsar. th froati tta -MkxsoititMA- ot torn ataavu aa rcsaaaa mr mum mm-m wm cwHuaa aar. i a aA otimmmv avwrauAV ar4 aaaiiM aa to- trm Awa. 1 a (ra jfotja of WaetA fbaMAI lit mt juta-l. AAUac a.

4aar aaraMa-av. JaAi-a tJt -mrisrmMmU nmmma M. aiwartar A w. War-w-al mom Gmmrm 0. VacnaAia Via aitaJl aat at aassa itaiJi tUmir memamn Awr.

etntU-m mm. Abtkua Aa riarUaa ot cTra dlrat-u ba tmim a taa 1 arif la Umf. ltJ4, aaA aaaaalit txAaTsraf istst, aaa at aastii Ataetuai ataai aAtb-a ai ybbi vhwk Ail v-awhUai!" aas4saa-Awi aal hi apaaa ummm aavlA abaU tea aailiA4 mm -t- AaTiui.a te- iiia uwa trmm aaAaa Aa liaaa anail cuaUuoa ta oa-aa AaiU tteaAr jmoam amtm mrm atr4 a A ttaaiAaa- atAi4bf 1 iioUAa rttf daw llHr to tuna ctMMr. A rimri mmm Trwa-arar mt iaa a-t-f-aia tWAte ut Mr-aaiUtvMmm aa Ait tey Una mamm pmtmmmt, aad aassa oxitmr mmmm Ai4 mmemm mm tmm mmmtmt mmm attorn 4ammuM mt ibcbuAiMasAi mt Ai-a corimraat baav fm)ttr a4 ii. a km thelA witaiamAaita.

i tjr tttav mo IhoAd mm atacA a mamf lrai aay VbUer or bt af its cai-fytaJtasm-j. A bar maf trtrnm. I. aom ttt iUaa ym au mm, mmm mum laeid-na a bA mh t. Urt-lr Omart aaci.

Aithh.1 11. Tte Artwau-mf. aamyni attaia-aa mm tMiAL-d. rJha aTadas-tm ramAAsAT. Ataf aU Aar I UkUmmt to.

lata BSrsrA llmMhU AVllAvT Tr! Artr tlbOUmmUhd tftTajLJlfQ. du AsTtuia 12 Ttea ibrif-ata acsrAw-anr mt tmm et wlaaaaAaidkt amaaa ttMtm aay aaA aii llAJil.uita f-ar mf-ittm ut lim urintiioa Wcatav Atea sxaaat aaA aAiA vt tmm mM aopa aaa, a baa- a "Tw? A BArUJtS llof ttbiMsa, ll hi; mas. CI' rHtllK. 3 m.

AruauToa. km ti MAi'iiaoiug. aHr KO. 41. Mt-tHASA.

rm torsa. CVtk of tba Coastr Csart of Jof. aCumtr, In tba Stats of Sontueky. da oortlfy Ittri Aiuo ware toiuo la BlutM. aod ac.Oj.ol.

aasad aatf dttuverd br (aro. W. A. Uui Ubelatar.

B. W. Uarmao. B. r.

Ctuiirlo. 1 AUrtrbtB. tla. MsUtoKly, TH. StHrrioy sad c.

Borbaooa. part tot loa.a 10 lo hs Mmlr am aad iltad sud Ibat I boat ratitrot ood uuaeatttata lo my sata nwu uu. uth da otf Aanf. irnt. a boat sty basal WH.

liOlt. rata. AMoafc Wm. jT Luras. Olork.

tloUo ef I naorpratioi mf tt) man ssman aitMiory arvryt- N- UTmV rtVA. Iff. AVOCwswsMOa wtck laniaA mi Utm Af Mr'AtAlmi mtaotmr ot Aftte EM aaff msTV-artek V. tafU HUH) sAjiat4Ml e-avpAatav, U-A Aba w4ariwaawl aava a-wbociai iwiWtAMA wst iat ataytar. 41 lilA rTsraJ'j1.

Ri'wt-T'aVnaj T. ataiita. Jotea 4. liaacte. BwfMHT.

mt. I IIIIAffU: UMJ nAlmSA I USB) tm taTBWI baUaaf yleiaOA Mtottikaty r-oaipMi'. aa4 iu a inxA-atipkri mt TaaairAlaa aajajjaaa la UmmmtmnAm mm TrgActrai- i taw prwwmraHaaj win wop xai vssti a m-aaa sat attniiiiadK. Ta Aaa BAAta mt KaatoA. babaA- utala ama mmm vbiaavy ut Um MUui af Masaua" aaA utlar rrjJa rui it atar amem-jkm la prop mi.

aaaf ta laarrylaa aa aartUlisArtua a-A rmmmm alt teadlaaa- jiBiofa4 wiih Akm la Atea ttL ui Ksiav TtsjbCAV. aad la fmuiaf la aLUAy af tta -lanaf rrf -t Aa mi worn airMttMitsPf mm muvr pinraai. TitowraTtea mmJiavi ai4aSA aalteart Aa la Mratsal wHA tha riahi Ui tAcraAa tlta aAutd AiteiyUa ffura Um ao ira aar mmm. ta mm paia wm AmtMewiwioa ajbshoa aaA mm hma-iaa la mmm mt mmm ym caaA. aa Ca14 by tiw BrarAf-tt I iracUrf aumit Tmm mmmjraJmMtm mtmmmammmm tmm IM Aay mt A L.

lAai, AA wUl AaftaiBair aa Aaa Ak Aa a aifcu. t. Fif tte-Ta AtTatra af tmm wftk mm av mmm tai mr a teoarA ot diraaiarA. wka ww ataa ana thalr mm-rn'Mir frtl mat, ai otai a mm -ra-mmwr aaA Tratraurar aatl aat oVbir ca wr da-wd hvaA ata an limm mmm -mam auay aa mmLA bf Aott aBtsa icAdaAiaj tba araAaiaoi. iaUaTba blajtaa-A AiwiiasTii ot latAAvctaettmyaai or Hay-XwOtLw mm wTxTtid-te taa rirwidiM ta aA aar ttmt mm mumjem.

rnXmrnu lAkA ia. Wbmasa. b-data. mbfcyj J-t. JOHH O.

KoK H. 1IK.NKT J. TH-roBD. bpU Aw) MUaal.KT.lUrulA. Mtiw mf Cmrpmrmtirmynmt ttmm J.

AtnrtAt AVT trrnrrtW Am srmwaa tAsaA mmm rsAarMaT aI Aladaaa mi aoi tva teo raoal ha Cmru'm mmmm ot mmm J-flaiat-a aaiy tin A. Kt-atacttr. BTaT-tamUfrWl Ot aaAxlfT Bd A AfOrfOt fkO rteAAv- Aaar mt lAwa tiiwra aMaamaaAra mt AvfrTeAttraff AJ. Tmm mmm- Thtr mom asf tmm ror-mfiioa fa Tmm I. AA.

At-wBr- bbtab mmt tta prt-salAiai a Ian mi -raao-aiinA batliifA-a Ia Laanavilla. Ay. 1 ao aavhuia ut um i ao tr aaa Act a a uuti rtJaa aita. aad adamr utaf tvu i-acAanaAi wfamOmj, ama aArrarai om Ttm rmmmmt atwek art rtawd Aa mm Aaal, to tea ao ta ai -saoy taa caUa or aa arupariy aA vaiaatlo-wA a la rlae OTlrioa nt imVriraaTaA oa tei tmllf lotlm. aad Tba eiAsAuaitMjuaaA mt ttea lUfyurraAlua ahall AAia trom mA or mil mmm tm am mmm mbmil anao yaar, aata-A autuaer atlsa7Mlf rod fey a rota ut tmm-mm-tonrtlm mt tmm tntA-ap mtmn Taa arrrurA aa umr rnvrmormmmm asbw swa ary a rYwadAjraA.

a raflscr-wxAry mmm a Ttx-fr Uve two tifmowra aar tea aalsad tn mmm m-ermm 4 tea ctooa aaaaaay. aa atay ao uiuiuitAoa try too tei sAata. A Bs-Ard of lijNt4-t3ri mmj ba -aro'ttlaA Iaat ay A vota of tan. third of alt ttta ptld-ap muci. Taa atditan aivwaoa iBAtfAJwwa wiutra sna ct7t AoraUta atay tavcar at aor aaa iUa itea! oa

fim mime ateaii ba tj-oaAfarred aaAll drot odaaraA Aa tmm sorporrfrAldbo aad Mrehaoa fry It roisAA rvlra pmaorty mf mmoctmlmm mmmii tea rnmammm f.m JuU-t At. A I UKUTUJlp a. mcHAA Itrtnarnx4U If. AprU i tmL. LOTTCRY.

a BrucaAiB rrBTVMrirais roarrtiait. nr ra wbabd DisTaiaurioa. class a. a hbw obuass, rtvaaiiAr. mat A MM.

13-dad Btaatbtr Bra whaa. Louisiana State lottery Company. A-aoloalloo: cArtTAA. ratza. ra.Bwa.

KIUU TICXbTS AT TWO fJOtAJta SAC0. HALT T1CKBTS OSB IXUXAB, usr or rautasi 1 fSHol rrms. 1 Capnal Irto PJ.tke 1 CMoa lnar kJ rriana or tj trrtsmof lai ton Btttltotof SO SJ St t-rtacsof Ml Mute si au woe ut rriamof vj.i AAtArrisaof bus ArTBUXtSLATKia raiXB. Apinsiimsiine promt ot tore rtw ApprostataUuo rtut of AJ0 LOO Aaveotrmtlltr pnaattf oarroapoodlos aarrsa waotad a OS yorfaUtts- laf a matltra. www rroarty, roe aodroa.

rood otvsrs i sxpram or bosbacrod Lab at. or ateasy ear by maii, iiii at a M. A. OAb'rau. fiwnaa ar M.

A. Vt arm So. ta Sntodway, Raw Tor. VfflLLARO HOTEL LOTTERY A Drawingin Sight. TUUJiSltjr, JULY 14, 1S81, IS THE DAT FIXED.

IV eeaat-M of Mm tb diaoro of a.haota haa b.ra MftWlH ruartUaf. to. ttt. oty ant, to rrrtntr to ar a ta i orawta. It oaiiaaa ibal aa doloy will mam Mm ao-proval uf ail Tlcs-t sjt t-s, aad avroaaM la Sao tepid ota mt bat rssmloam ml toa tic ata.

usr rxizt. TAR WIUbAltD riOTSU llflfl saa its asiraaaa Iixvb Best I a. Otto Mo I -aot oo Oases alt sal Two Caob Ptrma, aat. Bam tva Caa rnaa. asr-h st, AO tJB rbty Cash rrtom, oar oao Ibmdrod is I Tta a.

mm rirt bass red Csth rnaa. ear SM oa Sat of Ssr ran. lar Oao rts Plsaa Oa Btstonmi anvsrTMibtt HO 1UI oa Stan ot i rm Uas Ins Caaa rrayrs. eatw tM asw Boim raw Mae. IA tUS TM Iten hoesr-su Coeaty ldky.

tM jaM OB Boat Mavaas Ctsom, (MX. VO Ssr Mttastod Caaa 11 ttm, aotb Am AMOUWTIWC TO 8300,800 What TVboo. Brl tlatvoo. tfosrlvrs. Ba.

amlt am may hs maa bv Bart I Caesk. Bajresr. Trtaul Mtmey or MarUtartrd Ma I. west' fa tenu wmata-t at ait patBM. Far err-sarbw fou talaraasttoa aod lot actio addraat 3.

X. wiLxatat motba, bo List 11,1 a. atr. MADICAL. PRESCRIPTION FREE lJar tteo ty mt mr- mmm Warn tagwat TlaaAtty.

-bta fAf-Ai ASAUHy. ooba-bbm, tap nil 1 CaBsisTiap asf IdV'ay. awast rHrw MTAaw mf mam dlaafy-dAra teastwotit tey atd fclMtaiA Am AfeylwA bSA th mm I IWayA I mm oh.wfb-1 mLmZmZZdm hlTW ttttAUA, 1 aa mmm mi ha it, mmm. AAtAa ban riw-ZmTSSz mtJmmm om. tm df-Abat.

apkM. Tars worn PIMAHOIALa r.iorJEY made! AB rtvarviuv teiaa mt ArealaitaaL Olv a Olvoa tSaarsotaaA I ao "mm-li i lla a Tur fatiaar. notrd ttaf mmm (aay ow Saotaaast. 001 to in.e eaa Ur a sraio at nse BOBSiiae om la, twaatrl aoo petitory ot sraro. too trai at rnaa.

mwu sa forwsrsise of Um mam toa bow la at wstaltiian lilt aa I I lit tit poooa In ml sit n-l aod Ota aara. orao- jjy sod lit miii afpr.i otsw asd to a rasm tog ThM attain wa raja unit, tin ova as porpomoa at taa- torn Taaaa Toioiy eat atom MpSasaod, pa ija bos aaa ta-sswodhyaa otmebslmras ptpslor ooa. at sit a mrrsaehba to aa sow ssoritsiiae aaattl Oa. A A. D.

no, was a oaoMai of suuaJit wbia bos hoc. mil feeder soaraatlu, Ha evota oamte aaaabar dlau-lbaUao war on puna mtsaiy so to. Moral 1 uiltt. amor srotm ar sg.eita. lotos at Um toboorUd it Si I rs 1l I Ital I bua--omy.,.. ....1141 A I 11:11 i Ai art fita --TT A Ii at a I ml I tti SB It:) SS ts Bw tta nanua II ad. l.ivM-... I iVab As. ba i lowteaVtowWdfc CHAAHaaaAi Bhrnwrn HatiiiUw! awwatat war.

in aaA aAtajatrM M. asAapoiw aVvAf Amtrrm mm) l-OtsiAViaAoy aB laaarUlda. 1 tea Var Roar mrm. Bl. tfiA A mr.mZ

Matt. A p-i or- lba rAf Lt'fMa, A. -V-a ef Af Mt Aot 111V He bt A AI ny i mm mmr mm lum m. 9mm mm teo r. ai la tbraoA-oi 1 vxiaa 'rri mmm mmttiotm imtmr tteat.

mJMi umm AAaa-as TswxUf' OAAaaaaa ayosaTsbhAJ. ioJrra'r-nitma- otra Vrtoaw tatps UiatsaS Bt a VMaa trtlfa vis J. oaatt sua a ris vis J. MAI. Art.

i ui Art wrtdaoi aj aA4lA.Aa KSaZ tlmm tU ttAJA Ar WkTAwaaa. ltermA-i ruiawMni-siB. aij iu ra I oa llam-rsoVrUro loiAa A a btsl. 1 Aa At A At a At Af WladU ft- Ar 1 VlAA VAA1 4 tA -At ee Aa thaw SMTMT1 4HA A lAStl t-tlVaf AJ mmtm mm woJw A At aaviioAT raaa 1 fbpk a L. A I i Tt, rr II-T-ra 4 A WwL.A Wa 1 Ur tiiiS laaara LmfcAAVa tat- AlltmtiV.

135 11 a JmMmttum.UXm. I AA AinA a tm-i unur ivr a ArMvo a. kuutUua.aaJwaV AM tr. IfO AA Moiilsgm eeA.ew.eoe rri to at AmroKA Arrira aA Coaite. Arr.raia1A-:kUB..;..V.J4 A ArrlOw ot laTlAttApono At 31 tup karat a tarn 1-turM iiea ntri tm v.vSVi ire A I k-tiAl 11 AJTitraaA A at Arrlva at aA C.ilesvstu u-jo rsO An ira at to UI Arivaot 7 A ArrlvoaAloyya HaatAV frn Ar roai 8i v.m,.m ekOA A Mi i ii ru 'amt dtwtrsr aa MwiUiaM kATVUUi.

VfAf ba9M aaeaai tea. 1. Ka.S IoT, ta A if X.tBAH mitt tt Arrlvs si Jndaoor! is I yi ttttsllf tU iSvistti-f: hm espa ao. aad saa dstly. va ata rm dour aasaps 1 rata hmatoe ttiaMlim at toa p.

m. has robam Kmmpmd c-a to tttlcaev; rOtlataa auaw ood tMtcb uwtuoarb It pi. Loot Oatty ritaotc. 1 raia laortos ml -'J6 a. a.

ha I asir Uo r-atomo rbaamtottvrodlly siorpt IsaJsy. Dsaas sot toy Treaoob Bed tolmibTTblt AetlFeeA I abort and dlract rottt. ur .1 Mvaaavumovstosritm, I SUA t. ta. I ItaaoA.

ooiaar taolb SBd tats sttosas. tmoawtua. tmt AM I ASM a LoomrlUs mrW tr AlUaOm's. iBAM Ar AIOJ-B. a a) a a mt is rw lUcoorl.Umt AM I tear tmt a.

rt. ro utHtttraam asrll.m. JU" THI JitacUut, fttBJ Ar ra am mrtii. ra il it. ao rm Irt I Lr Ilr-oOrma cult a-r aiara Ar liuptlnavbta.

Ski I'll AT taifM Ar itediTiii esu ra Ar Ail ra AT VsAseob VJO KM Cbmo oooasctlsas aa JmoeUoa -rr Owaoatwo, br l.r roll ll.iatinaillbi TA Lr AM Lr Mold 1.V It radut-ab. S. I A A wuh alar at Owiatl ira ood at ortottTtl r.a an At Ftdaaabwia atatiroawaau S.U. AV aaa tMUe am Tm Baov Ataaardt-Cbtaaol Uopot oos. ao Mola to, Arrira violas ttm i BatrM uroaoc 1 3 An tva autca-lal.

JW It tmn Crowr.wdsnuo Ht fit Arrrro f.ayo:i... JM Arrlva bl- bw IM 2-Bt Asrlta flda.o hat At rhiosesl TSIllll Arrira st SSA I Lalolut Mrs, karat -om sBfOl. A S) botaaaa oaittSmsmi ta 1 Aatltaaer. ia mm. tUarlllo.

tr. Aiaal'a. Cosruutatl Hk ba. txMUa ll A oa. I la oa st 11 Bad dolly; t.

dollr 0001 a. 1.SAVS utaffiue -JBa-a. tyitaoJAJOr. a. ASBIVa AT bOLlSVOAto ftto aad uta a.

a. sad trM Mt SlMlitt TatAlaa. lAtn Loeisrttxa 1 fee) a Sksadkao. sr. ssstra a aovisrrXAst femaBksafctor.v.

Imatovtlloaod t'lerteeaH aTaalMlaa. taar a foot of Tbtrd St. 'o CuilasT sad eumr v. su MEPICAX. DR.

LANCASTER'S tXMmmXmVtt 9 Fftfc tt, twarsaavwi RV gj LACAa-TW. A gor-BT OU fw- twaaa. AV nd xeAW-rti-ltod. bbjArsyen. I rrvaaasor rrrt sTrasrr thaw tarwebty ar tmav AA, BPlianal aa BMsat ad ri ro aa VaxirAL as rtfywb, lAvlir CK1MOAy.Ja4XArAAtl to f-wew TWO TO flVB i-TT ma jtrMlLUI uoAMIVtll WWt etratj CHlTwif vTBitta r-raAarT.

mxvm. IStoa aorf Aka rtftA cmtmm mm tAdj afcaarswW tob.Ua IMa. '5f- arJWi fmt4 Cttilnr-llt oSi.etl P11MATUA AVilbotA aav UtPOTAMCf wTto.afAmc Iswaa aAmawi ra aath wA -srauat tArw lo ssTmvlidrcr -afrs A Amjumt VrrwaM.srM.Ssattoal ta -ttrry LM rrtavx-sa. I wrw. lr' ory.

sae. raf tstod Lay as BaratsSyJ P-araO- ttiHif M-rnavMC rwrifet fsnKaiVT vl mfi V--Alr fn-wl i tat by ochforTA. 1 hw -trmaA m-ma nmt byurrwr AH twaj ciaaa A-vABANraaTdV im aaa u-ftiMfaii wrrsAO Jm br Mail aw srt-rm CtwMuhrtHoo rMjrcaAltf ew try -sad aco Mtsrtar A A. mm. a m.

aa. AmMatjr tamm swa a- JUL. ai I A fiivAis rm-ksma Arar tmm i l-atoaTwi rfwaoliaa all im laayrAikl-aj-t at Baysttrts-s OBWwtajrtw mmm tVmaark: asf A tofWmmmtU-mm gBpawsaticO in rrieaic n-Btb-. Toa nt MaaaiacA Cvua IsaTBllawAal. abbtoild te toNal as All aaadl fctaat I Sent Lars Arstteesm IA a rwtaiH br avaa dVapaoii.

Xaiioii i I Aa rw-irwre IdrwwM. ssosrlii' I lie I to. named BSrd I I aaa louaiaau -a" ejT maa cOmwrTtM Ttl A-aSati mm) A A.nUtA. teT. Lot O.

Or. VHITTIEO, iaa. OiowA, i-AriaAATa, tVotelA an I'ntufjf Aad isaBtdaai Ate Tarr-M. tteKia OT rito aapBst-Aitaiad ooav oaaA ktOA. A tXoiy.

1T1TALA1 g-orraio trr iNtc ot atar c-artai A oo mom. triaf mTII tot ad-r rwliai' rttoCipiaa. ay usi; insm. baAmtirt. mauaU Ixuiiu aatl liafMoloaey.

at UirerMi of avAtr Atstao foot, Ft. bw-iaj oiesaaia atata-r rrarv mf mumr ea mmrr wa-, teoaM cry. auapta mrmr Cona'va la mt naUeo. a rty at aii frr mm, in.tiwkd. M-r-Aatala-BA eaa ac ar mu aa pm.

-r i i'l a A A A tV A TaV VA A laiiAo asaAavia rt-w oust root atora. A ara. tm a m--- at. TtraaH. tiMrt.t, a H'fjhrj t.

a.m. tb, mi. I aa aaanr iirrt 1 aywoao a 00- Mb-w Mory l-Ay" al-Wi! a r.Mtba rmrmJ C-tofwmVWJ -Of I atobai 0.AriAwa. IrsteilW, ajf AA I yij abd r-iA-rr Artrawi lwxsjst" mmri amtmt. fa a salfmat a- a vy Aitao oteA -raw? i tal Aiaadia a.

a Wi-axta voM at bsbmi 1 1, mm lAaarA A-wav "ty. to-rrrw awwot Xjmmmmmm mmm tt -aaa Ana-aai fi aaa aaal AAA AaU mrwlarrtAkfar. ine.tatAJoa awvwasaaay or aaa mam mmm flUTATX COUAATtXrOa aamSarwl bj a a no Atvyseat i Amtiiratae coMiaaoov ttrn" Cf. koas am aj It? 9 u-Ji nwAM letrB pita Hi 8 ml ml Vrt.ati...........M-ni:a It tiBorn 11' te.Bat "US-IB 11 At sbtarra Artdhst -Ala, a At mi i mlsatohbl af 3 izt Mt a a 3 r-si apasabM "S't-a l.1...M.MaM.t..,lllialB Laaaa M. alaaa Cllf boovo Imfarot Bii tmiii Tban arrtvooA bootartlt.

he eosaa of eom Owto and Ml. at. lasatsskWi Atrtao A.aa..rtUa )t .1 li A 3 1 ta I a Ioa os r-r. rpf aOAlHAj ATfaAt-SWC-lAA AOfl I aOpaBtAraTtrCy Bajry tows we. htorwtt tryVsta to asm sweat ami twm ef fmmm.

TAP -afarmOasatoeto-ea wia eea rnA tobartor. wth BaorAewf aal taii ssAfc. m4m ef waMBBah krxaowA-r M-Altoai CdA47af, led teaaa.oairfar rui 1 ta taa laaia. rro joauf mt ad aAbAfaaw AAwl uiid'A-asc lnma twiAa aa? at aat 1't-tytu taa ta aA, Lornm, ma city padM aaa--, ajad AtA sirhl arwrif kaav mm ttm laro.

paydcoi ararsi-aa a rtssATaVte. AtvAUi a.utm All rfn-fcAllAX C'Ltet, ta psjAVAA ar a ttr rmn. jamtnf mtirtm ioAo o.c.m kad ta hira, a Oalwo mm taa fia-ao'iAA lmo.stx aba uiaa ii.awi f. any a ia, tspasA, wramaAoutsoi. rrwaai dt-aay.

aAAwail a ti-rr. tm ma mm 1 hApinr-o m.r tea ioatwasjI 1 hrrol me rmm artH-swAatax torti mtmaM ravi It, taoo fetioa aaot it1 aa ey. r-vAiAr mm umm, wa-a a h-btfi, i v. mm mj emr ytoA ari Li ia who ay ar nAaow. I.

ii Aw-1 daiAl a Aaajra4oA a aV letfa-rwwwae- r'g.

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