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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 4

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WW.Jg!WMgMl-i-'J r'1'1 -TVIL JOtlNS'PCN POll SALS ARD REPIT. WRY GOODS, GOODS, Commercial (t THE SUN rn'1 V- V1 i-t vk-n- I Ufuillty, aim ill uire cn.rci rafrie i.rne or jcw lor an Va I certaim habit ol youUi. I m'I TI1 Sk II' E. 1 I 1-w W1 fl I'. t'S-f." Sfr.Yi, 'L oPRtruiiJR andmina.

Also. nuu biuuu I iliroat, Woe and CKin. cured. L.I tnmou, tgotm lor luuie i ioi iui um YOUNG MEN i i i "1 19 PASSAGE rivUM btiiiAl' Blilini; n.nv KEJL.A IN li ine line nrsi cum piuuu TIA. McLane master, will be dispatched Liverpool in a lew days anil return direct to uus Isri, presenting a very comfortable conveyance lor padsen- gers.

For terms pppiy i OBT. LESLIE SON, til S. Gar I I Tnh2-lm: A MON EY viTi GREAT BRITAIN OK IRE- LAND. persons wishing to send for tneir suit, from 1 ui, wiiieh wiU be cashed by ail me prin cipal banks in England, Ireland, scotiami or Apply to cor. Pratt st anil Smith's wharf.

VV. liliu.llio ot U22-lAii: Pint siav I'lflvi'KI'O DIKEC1 JiKG- i.vj h-iu iixhl 'Ph hoautintl "new regular Clipper-Schooner, I CtiPtain Geo. Allen, will sail as alsve in ia or days. rom uie mouei oi uie wanderer is tuiumcuuj expected she will make one of the shortest passages on record. She is very sharp anil of small capacity, and wdl load up town, wbieh oilers inducements to shippers.

For the bulk of a few hundred bids, treignt, apply to STIRLING A11RENS, Jiili-u DticnaiiHii'K wiiitn. 11 fc.Tt I TRAVELERS SOUTH. IVI'IC llllt AND ECONOMICAL LINE BETWEEN BALTIMORE AS IJ FREDERICKS BURG, RICHMOSU, Bf.l KliSH HU. SJAL TOS. LYXCilhURG.

Wirsnma, and KA LEIGH, Aorih Ctrrolina. Tbe well-known Swift, Safe anil lorlable Steamer POWHAI AN, Capt. "has. F-. Mitchell, running in connexion Willi the Kichmoiid and Fredericksburg, and Richmond and Petersburg Railroads, leaves COMMERCE STREET WHARF, EVE RY WEDNESDAY, at 3'i o'clock, p.

and arrives at Aequia Creek nextiday, in ample time to connect withjhe MAIL TRAIX FOR THE SOU If. tine. 1... .1.. ninl l.r.ti.ii,iien I a- iisric i.if i.iir, a aiwui uii'i are afforded the opportunity for enjoying a comfortable night's rest, whilst passing down the Chesapeake Bay and for viewing the beautiful scenery of tne Potomac River, by daylight.

The improvements which nave reeenuy ueeti maae on the Powhatan, render her, in point of expedition, satetv and comfort, all that can be desired. First Class Passage to redencksburg $31 Richmond ft i MeaN $3 00 4 5U 4 14 l'olomac Alex'a. and WasTrnt Forward Cabin Passage to Ivleliinonii (Meals and Lodging free.) For further inlorination or passage, apply to Uie Cap tain on board, or to chas. vuitrtii.vtiru.-. Agent.

a4-MTllw9mt Commerce street wharf. lil llll.i-Il.ll 111, I.U. Tbe Steamer CECIL will leave her I'lll'CTrn wiv-rn wharf. LiTHt sueet. EVERY TUES DAY MORNING, at o'clock, lor KEN'P ISLAND, CORSICA, CIIES'I'ERIOWN, CROMPTON AND KIRBV Rt turmiifr.

will leave Kisbv's on ED- ESDAY, at 7 o'clock. A. Fiopning at the above places. E.G. S'l'L'RGE' IN, plain.

Tii" FOR YORK RIVER VIA 1'OSGOTEAGVE. Tlie Steamer D. S. etller. master, will leave Flanmsraii's wharf F.l'ER MOS'DAY.

al tour o'clock. P. for PONUl- TEAGUE, FST ANi YORK RIVERS. Kit inn ing, she will leave King am! Wueen C. H.

on Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, P. Yorktown. Tiiurday, at o'clock, A. and reach Baltunorc early Friday Goods taken at low -rates: uie iretrnt tone paiiinere. B.

TALIAFERRO, Agent, No. 10 Bowly's wharf. I ap4-'tf No. 10 Bowly STEAMER CHAMPION FOR AN N'APOLIS, DAILY, at 7 o'clock, and "return by way of WEST RIVER evenr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and A A Y. SOUTH RIVER every and THURSDAY FAIR HAVEN every TUESDAY and FRIDAY.

pre to Annapolis, 75 est liiver, Soutii Rivet and Fair Haven. II E.N KY J. STRAN'DKERG, Capt. rTT. FOR POUT DEPOSITE, HAVRE WATER GRACE, AND TIDE CANAL.

The Steamers UN I ATA and LANCASTER have resumed their regular trips, leaving West Fails avenue daily at o'clock, P. 1. No Freignt wul be received after 6 o'clock. IU24 -it. JOS.


The new and splendid steamers GEN'L Mc DON ALD. Capt. I'earce, and ROBERT MORRIS. Cart, Trirne. will resume their ream lar trips fur the season.

on tins rout- to Phil.idelplua, ou Jl OA UA i 41 it. leaving Union Dock, fool of Concord street, dailv. (except Sundays) at 7 o'cliK-k. A. for rench'town, and thence by Railroad, via New Castle and Wilmington, to Phiiadtdpbia.

are, 1st class, to I'luiaticipiua and ciiester S2 se 2d 1 50 1st 2d 1st 3d 25 1 25 3 On 1 25 1 05 1 00 Frenchtown Ford's Landin? 2-Brcakfast and Dinner nnivnleil on hoard. VV.YI. CKAWFtlRD, Agent. FROM PHILADELPHIA: Piissenffers will leave the lie pot of tbe Philadelphia. Wilmington 4st Baltimore Railroad Company, corner of Broad and Prime streets, daily, (except Sundays) at 12 '-i o'clock.

P. by cars to Frenchtown, liience by sieamhont to Baltimore. i ovVner-s R1K, by the above Line IS AT TIIE and Passengers are excressiv ir- hibited takinar any thing as baggage hut wearing apparel. Eighty pounds ol Baggage allowed bleach senger ii-Rt apl-'ll NEW ROUTE rtR UTII ERN TRA VELERS, DIRECT FROM NEW Yt iRK TO CHARLESTON. SPRING SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, (Carrying U.

S. Daily, Sundays excepted.) TO CHARLESTON. S. via Bay Line, and Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, to el, II tf'OTi, ami thence to ami A'eir Orleans, the Schedule bi-iiir so arranged that tiie Traveler is subject 10 no uioriit travel on uie Railroad to and from Nmv ork and Ciiari.kstos. Fare from New York to Charleston, S.

$20 no rniiatie ipiiia to 00 do is on Do Baltimore to do uo 17 5e Do tb to ilmington 13 no Do ilo to F.dentoii or Plvmniith 8 On Do ilo to Richmond and Petersburg 7 K) Do do to Norfolk or Sun iTrf-Tbromrn tickets for the above places can lie bad on hoard the Boats. No expense for Pasensrers and their Raffarn-re lie- tween the dilFcrrnl Depots; the Baggage is checked through from Baltimore to Chnrlesiim, and Baggage Conductors go through every day from Baltimore to Charleston, who will attend lo the Passengerstbrough-out their journey. The AW ami J-pieininl steamer NORTH CAROLINA has just been added to tin-hue. 'The Steamers GEORGIA and HERALD have just been thoroughly overhauled, new Boilers, State Rooms ami every other convenience to make tiie passage comfortable and pleasant. 1 ne rvoiiois r-ieamers win leave tne Baltimore Steam Packet Company's Wharf.

Union Dock, foot of Con cord street, lor tlie Souih, daily, Sumiavs excepted, at ti O'clock, P. or immediately alter the arrival of the Express 1 rain from Philadelphia. THE FOLLOWING IS THE SCHEDULE: Leave New York at ft o'ebtek, A. M. Leave Philadelphia at 2 oVbtck, P.

M. Leave Baltimore at ii o'clock. P. M. Leave Portsmouth at o'clock, A.

M. Leave Weldon at 12 o'clock, noon. Arrive in Wilmington at o'clock, P. where the Passengers take tin; P.oat for Chari.rston, S. C.

Passentrers Ior Richmond I'l-terhiir" nr anv other poiiits 011 James River, connect Willi the James River Boats early next morning after lea vinrr Baltimore. All I'assenzers lor E.l-nli.u. Pivmouili. N'ewlmm. Washington.

Weldon.". Warsaw- R.ileth. and Wilmington, N. or anv other point on ibeSca-board and Wilmington Roads, will liud it the most pleasant and agreeable route.

M. N. FALLS. Airent. Baltimore, March 20, 1853.

ap; tf? BR00KVILI.1:. sanhv SsK-'sri AND LAI 'HEL. A a two-horse yTAGE COACH is now runmmr daily. First days (Sundays) excepted, on tlie above route, connecting at wiin me clocK, A. train ot cars lrom liaitimore.

hare from Laurel to BrookvUle to intermediate points inproportioii. JOSHUA C. GILPIN, Managers. al5-5t: CALEB STABLER, I OLD HORSES. COWS AND HOGS, bought at tiie BONE FACTORY, at Uie Crossing ol the North Point Road and the rail 42 will be paid if delivered at the Factory.

Bone Ihist always in store at now 01 tne aueve places. m31-tMy28j JOSHUA HORNER. DORBAKER'S DROVE AND SALE ST A BLES. The subscriber has iust erected on -the corner of Pratt and Paca streets, a t.neiher of tlie most superb STABLES in the United States, with a yard attached, 175 feet long. He invites Drovers, and assures them that he will give hit) personal attention and extensive acquaintance in makiiitr sales.

Buyers can always find at bid Stables the best HtSKtf in this market. PigS-tlH WM. riORB AKP.R. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. Absconded, on last Saturday iiislit.from mvresi- Ti I'imnii TlVll SU.AVi'-J -SAM PWI'V Sam is about thirty-four years old, dark mulatto, square made, stout, with a full suit of hair, and about five feet ten inches high.

Peter is twenty-rive years old, quite black, about live feet eleven inches high; takes much pains with Ids hair, a very full suit sometimes he has it plaited. They bad a full supply of clothing, ami I cannot describe what they wore away. will give tne above Reward ior tne apprehension 01 both, or One Hundred Dollars lor either, if taken out of the State of Viiguija or Filly Dollars for each, if taken in Virginia; bin in either case they must be se cured in a Jail in Maryland or Virginia. CHARLES HUNTON. April 7th, 1853.

apll-U? v'JllO REWARD. DR. CHALMER'S ANTI-0uU DOTE AND LOTION, for the cure of all Diseases of a certain delicate and secret nature. Of all Remedies vet discovered for trie above com plaints, this is the most nife, speedy and certain, as it cures without the least regard to diet, drink, exposure or application 10 business. give no long quackish recommendations lo deceive tne public if tne medicine does not speak for it- pell, no one snail speaK.

lor it. Our object is to nolny the public where it can be obtained, ami the proprietor chaCenges any one to produce a better Medicine, under any circumstances. It is found to be an effectual preventive against the disease, if exposed, it does not affect tbe breath in the least, and is perfectly pleasant and agreejible to the stomach. Price of AjiTino-rit, $1 per bottle; Lotion, 6u cents. One bottle lasts a week, which generally cures many are cured in less time.

For sale by mm lin' S. S. HANCE, bm Ralritnore afreet. 5.001) NEGROES WANTED. i will i.av tne highest prices, 1.1 cash, lorB.nuu EGKOES.

with good titles, slaves for life or ior term of years, in large or small families, or single negroes. I will also puicbase Negroes restricted to remain in the Suite thai sustain good characters. Families never separated. Persons having Slaves for sale will please cull and see me, as I am always 111 the market with the cash. Communications uid hbernl eo.nmis- o.

no. in fU BUI a Uiseaseoi delicate secret nalur in a lew days. Required no restn, aZ, iiuaiaiiirrii iti iMirw road, west side of Herring Run. They will be removed by calling at the corner of BANK ami CAROLINE or at the corner of CHEW and ENSOR Old Town, and on cents will be paid liie messenger. 1J tbnt i 9 oi PROCLAIMS TO THE AFFLICTED lie lias disctivered the most certain, speedy and tliicacious pbiu of treating FX 'R E'l DISEASES that ban ever yet ben presented to Uie world.

Ry hia TUn. founded on oUrvatioiis in the hitttkU of fcurope and America he wdl insure A t'l ftW IV Tlt'll IIAVU A V-A a.i pain-, the lm. Diseases of the Kidney k.Vrvnn. Hiiccuuns arir-ing trom a Inch destrovs luih kikli Tliose dreadful symptoms of the Head. especially, who have become Ute vicuma of Sol U.iry i i i i .4............

ii. i Ulilfc Ull I 111 Liui.utc llttliil, 1VIIICO llfl- nually sweeps lo an uniuiit ly grave thousands of men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who Ii.igiil iiiuerw lsc nave ruinuiceu llMcnilg Scnatet with uie thunders ol ebwpience. ur waked to eostacv the living lyre, may cull wnu iml confidence, MAKKIAGL. Married iktkmh. or Ihnse conleniplatitir nmrrun being aware of physical weakness, should luiuiedialely ciiisul: Dr.

and be restored Toperfet-t healtli. OFFICE No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK the left baud side goin? lrom Baltimore street, seven doors from tiie comer. Be particular in observing the nama and number, or you viit minAr thepUu e. DR.

JOHNSTON, Member of tlie Royal I 'oilege of Surgeons, London. Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United Slates, ami the greater part of wbt-e lita has been si'iit in the Hospitals of Loudon, I'arbvJ'iul-adelphia and elsewhere lias effected some of tlufmcst astonishing cures that wasever known. trouhled Willi ringiiig in tiie ears and head when asleep, grval nervousness, being alanned at sudden rounds, ainl!nn?s. witli treijueiit bbisliing-, allende.l with derangement of mind, Were cured iuuuedi- alC'y TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr.

J. addresses all Uiose who have injured themselves by priva'e and improper indulgences, that Mere tm.l solitary hahit which ruins both body end mitid, unfitting them for either business or society. These are some oi the and melancholy effecia produced by early habits of youth. i Weakness ot liie Back and Limbs, Pains in tiie Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Palpitation of tbe Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervous irritability.

De rai.vement of llie Digestive Functions, Gencal Debduy, Sjinittoiaj Consumption, tic. Alcntailu. The tearful eUecuJ upon tlie niiaJ tr much if Memory. Ctinfusion of Ideas, Depression of tjpiriis. Evil Foiebiwimr-.

Aversion to S.uuiicTuuiduv, iic uie ol me ev lis produced. Sucii peisutik baould. lMiliecuuieaipluiig AIARJxIAGE consull Da. Johnston, mid lie. at onre restored.

Le4 mtjal.c del.rary prcent, but apply lianiethately and save yourself lrom the dicadiui and awful consequences ol Uus terrible malady. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the niissuiiicj and imprudent votary of rle-eure nnds he has mbiiicd the seeds ef tlus i jiiind disease. 11 loo oltcn Unit an ill li.i.e.l shame, or dread of deters bu.i Uoai apply- ins and can alone beintmd li.i.i, ing uil tbe riuiliiuuoiiaJ syuipionis oi Uiis il. make their appear-aiiee, alitvtiitg the head, tnroal.

wore, skin, bA, on With rapidity. puts a jtctit.J iii sullenus by Hcmhng llem to "that bourne from whence no travel reiurud S'l R.ANGER3. He who places Itiiii.Mdf under the care of Dr. Jorn-stos, may religiously confide honor as a gentleman, and coiilideiujy rtly upon UU bkiH an a physician. rurny fioucJ cured at this intilution Within the last ten years, and tiie numemiis important Sur-gical Operations perti.rnied by Dr.

itnessed by the reporters ol pa iters and other ihtmihw appeareu atraiu ami again beiore Uie pubho. a suifieient guarantee to the afflicted. DrrJolmston would say to these unorauainted vit hUrepntation. that his Credentials or Diplomas airait hang in his nrice. W'EAKNESsl OF TIIE ORGAN'S immediately cured, and full ig, restored.

S-A cure varrjrUol. or 110 cJiarsrr. nil mm. ject to the coidrrct with the fmtient. 77.


Iji'1 ELXIR, OR THE PIOHTH WONDER OK THE BOTAXIO Haiti B' he invigorating Elixir am! Cordial, introduced into medical practice tiie great chemist, physician and traveler. Dr. M. Morse, lias for iu basis an oriental herb, fir-t brougfit lrom the stony deserts of Arabia Petrea, by that eminent plnlosopher. The native of that gion are remarkable for tneir longevity.

neniD- tion from sickness, mid power of siistaininglaligue, all of which tiiey attribute iu a great degree to tlie use ot" the herb or plant reterred to, which they universally chew, and sometimes smoke, Ui his return to Europe, altera long residence 111 tiie Eat, Professor Mura commenced eipcruiieritmg with this wonderful natural protiuciion, aim uie result ol Uis labors is tbe lnvig-ira-tmg Elixir, which has been endorsed by Uie medical coheres of all "be great cities ol" Eur pe, as tlie beat preparalioti extant for the CURE OF NERVOUS DISEASES. No langu -ge can convey au adequate idea of tbe immediate and almost miraculous cnamre winch it n. casious 111 the diseased, debilitated and shattered ner- Vous system, betiier broken down by eicess, weak Well may the i iiaiii.t-, ttr luiitaireu uy preparation be caib-d the WONDER of tbe nineteenth century. It is. as the fimt scientific men in tbe old world have admitted, that miracle of medicine heretofore supposed to have no existence.

A STIMULANT Til AT ENTAILS NO REACTION. Its fwrce is never eipended, as is the case with opium alcobal prepanilionsj arid all other excitants. 'The etiect of is briei, and il may well be smu! ol" biiu who takes them. -the last sliile of thai man isnw than tiie first." But the Elixir is an exhdarant without a single drawback safe in its operation, perpetual in its happy influence upon Uie nerves, Uie mind, ami tiie entire ion. Persons ol pah; coniplxion or consumptive liabiu are restored by tbe use a bottle or two to blnom and vigor, chaiigmgtheskm from pale yellow sickly color to a beauuiul Jtori rompierion.

Mark liie misery Uiat never fails to punish tiie violation ot nature's laws function alter function giver way iinderlhis delusion. Palpitation of tbe Heart, periodical Headaches, cold and shivered state of the frame, frequent his of traction, dislike to sitt-iety, melancholy, religious monomania, heats and flushes of the lace 011 the d-Mre that existence should terminate; Uie stomach is put out of order; the appetite becomes chiti-ious. a train of youthful dyspeptics sets 111, such as flatulency, constipation, Sec, producing night sweats, heaviness, and torpor alter ealmg, lelid breath, furred tongue, tic. MARRIED PERSONS, or others, conrcious of inability from whatever cause, will Timt Ibis Cordial, after they use a bottle or two, a thorough regenerator ol the system. Where want of dil'spniig is a cause of regret, it is of inestimable value.

Prepared by M. Moksk, M. and for sale by II. Rino, General Agent. 1P2 Broadway.

New ork. to whom all orders must be addressed. Il is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bottles, with the name blown in the glass, and sold lor $3 per bottle; 2 for $-'4 Uie dozen. AGENTS: S. H.

HANCE. 1m3 Baltimore street. C. P. ROGERS is.

corner of Baltimore and Howard streets. Washington Ci'v 7.. D. OILMAN. Richmond BENNETT BEERS.

For particulars see the Baltimore Clipper, tnl'lm EDiCAL HOUSE, 1 1 No. 1.5 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, BALTIMORE MARYLAND. Established in order to ufTuid the a touted sound and scientific medical aid, and Jot tie supprezsuin of Q.iuiAer;. DR. SMITH has practised in all cases requiring MEDICAL and SURGICAL SKILL, but more attends to the cure of that class of comnlauiU commonly called SECRET DISEASES; to manage winch, it is all important ohttrfn Uie services ol an exiw-nrneeil and surgeon.

From a regular Medical Education, with the advantage 01 having seen every form of Uiese maladies treated iu Use hospitals of Euroie ijus country; ami, fiom a practice in tins branch of fifteen years. Dr. Smilli is enabled to guarantee to both sexes a safe, speedy, and permanent cure tlie wort co-vrt of secret or of Uie ctlecu resulung lrom tne use of Mercury. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal wheUn-r onginatitig from a "Certain Destructive Habil," or from any other cause, with train of Iwwhly and mental eviU which toilow, should make an early application, with Uie full assurance that they can lie completely and speedily restored to sound health and firm vigor. All peculiar to Ft (ax als suppressions.

Irregularities, siieeudy and liectualiy removed. Dr. SmiUl has applied himself to the diiuV of hia profession, with untiring r.eal and in. lastly, in Uie in-vesligation of tbe disorders which lie has confined bis whole attention, and. by this means, baa obtained an intimate knowledge of tiiem, -in all their forms and variations." His medicines are entirely free from aay deleterious drugs, and are put tin with the nmost regard to proporti'tns and chemical comi.inatH.ii, "expressly to meet Uie cae-e under treatment," and in no instance have laded in eradicating diseases, aiu! that in the shortest period.

rj-Siningers should be careful Uiat they are not deceived by boasting quacks, who make promises which cannot be liiiliilol. instead of being cured 111 a few hours, (as some profess,) you have your heal Lb injured fur years. Persons at a distance may consult Dr. 8. by letter, ptint-paid, describing cae, and have medicine wmi to Uiein.

Address, DR. J. B. SMITH, No. It South Frederick ml3-lm; Baltimore aid.

DR. HARRIS LOCK INFIRMARY No. 31 SOUTH GAY STREET. Between Second and Lombard streetsA A SAFE AMI SPEEDY CURE EFFECTED OR io jiualy 1. Em 1 l.i).

Over twenty years' experience iuUie treatment of all forms of PRIVATE DISEASES, enaWes Dr. HARRIS to ensure a sound and cure in any of these complaints. His remedies are tree disgusting Oils, poisonous compounds of Mercury, and injurious Drugs which so often lead to exjwtsure, rendeiiug Uie unhappy siitferer an invalid for life. THE LOCK INFIRMARY, celebrated throughout tbe Union for Ihe effectual cure of all classes of SeerPl Diseases, in tbe shortest time ever accomplished by proper and safe remedies, was established in this city over Uiirteen years' ago, as a refuge from Qiuidery. No public notice of ihu, Institution would" lie required were it not lor tbe number of strangers in a large city exposed to Imposition from Uie alluring baits oi Mock Doctors, w'io will promise anything to entice strangers ENFEEBLED MANHOOD tucnT" I Dr.

I i-nvv ki may Here mm a cctram restorative. The remedies of 111 renovating the mental and physical hs, ami n-moviinr all ornnv ('fii-r evils en tailed by a certai. Setret HahU.lre tit i.iH-ent action, ceii.nn 121 ciiect, and unsurpassed by any discovery ol the age. TO FEMALES. Dr.

II. liajj given imrticular attention to Ftmale diseases. His experience enables him to relieve SAFELY aiid HVettoiLx aU Nervou De-rangemeid. Constitutional Weaknesses, General Debii-Uy, c. trt 'ettcre, and treatmenl m.11 keil with kill and delicacy.

Communications sacredly tnt-wiiole. rKPt l7X', honie' addrejni DR. GOhlKIN HARiHjs, Baltimore, (bliem post paid.) Meilu-llie aeiil in tl -n o.ll As-I 1 MAGNlN'ri LUCINA Coll DIAL, OR ELIXIR OF LOVE. I he only positive cure for Loss of uscular Energy, I liysieal Lassitude am! General Pntsuauon, Irruabifi-ly, and ad Nervous Atreciions, Indigesuon. Sluggieli-iies 01 Urn Liver, and evury disease iu any way connected with Uo Procreauve Vunr turns.

I orsons about to marry, if conscious of any cenain nature, should UUe Ui Ll CINA CORDIAL, ad it will infallibly relore health and vigor 111 a bnel period: and where want ofotlsprilil is a Biuirce ol rrgrci, if recourse be had to it tins diiM benerti-iol results may be Hiuicipated wuh confidence, ersous, all weakness and lassitude before takuig once become robust and I till oi enerry, under nr in-ttut-nce. Piice fj per bolile, or neir bonje lor flu. HUTU H. FOR SALE. Tbe proprietor being about to change bis business, oilers for sale the establish-ail-meiit now occupied by him, located on th.

i. corner of tremont and German streets. To an enter- tii-isinar man it wollbl Mink tine of the bs stands III the city for the GROCERY and LIUUORBUS1NESS. will be sold low. H.

ECKHART. apl-3t: FOR RENT A handsome and desirable COUN-OilTUY SEAT, situated on the Washington Road, three and ble either tor public cation -may ue mi premises, or to Mr street, next door to FOR RENT A STABLE on Vine sire-t, attached to the premises No. iSl West Fayette where also an experienced Gardener will find employment. apis-2t FOR RENT The STORE and DWELLING, No. Camden near the Hanover Market.

Annlvto THOMAS ROGERS, Lumber Com- mission Merchants, East Falls Avenue. alts 41 VIRGINIA LANDS FOR SALE. I have man; Tracts of A 1 .1 IA BLE LAND Sa v. 35o acres wul improved on the Rappahannock River; 55o and 40O on me t.urraioman river; ouo, ijv, ami jjw an V'oi riverr n. rir Coon river: ooo well improved and valuable Farming and Grazing Laud, near a Railroad Station at Culpepper Court House.

Others, ol various size cay, 200, 131, 178, 230, 4, Address, post paid, G. B. TALIAFERO, No. 10 bowly's wharf. FOR REN A neat two story and attic Vm DWELLING, in rear of 33 Baltimore street, en- A-iiaLtraiice from Frederick street.

Apply to BOGGS COTTMAN 4o Lombard street. al4-'eo3t FOR RENT. A STORE AND DWELLING, the east sitle of Futaw street, second door aU'roin l.eviii-rnui It is well adauted for tbe Dry Goods business, for wheh it has been used for several years. Tiie house has been entirely altered and put in cAViDlele order. I no s'ore is ami in ior uuy uusi ness.

Apply to JOHN DALEY, 2e3 Frankjin street, ii Pearl and Pine. al4-eoot-n SHOPS AlVIl TEAM POVVEK FOR RENT f.i l.i. i 1 1 "l- tie teiiuseriner vttinti rv ij i his Prt St. Shops and St earn-Power for the manufacturing of Iron work, for which purpose lliey are well calculated The lireinises art; sufficient for workinff titty hands and considerable shafting is still remaining iu their place. The premises can be viewed at any time, and possession given at once.

J. S. EAS1MAN, aP7-eOW" I'O. llitlliivei FOR SALE. The STI ICR, GOOD-WILL ami FIXTURES of a FAMILY GROCERY, located iu a business part of the city.

Ill-health is the present proprietor's reason lor selling out. Enquue at tne tsun olhce. aiu Jt-n FOR RENT The new Three-Story HOUSE. iiiiiaie.l on the corner of Madison and Elisor sts. "well adapted lor a Grocery and lecil Mote, nc Store Room is all fitted up lor the business.

Enquire at No. 194 MONUMENT STREET, near Ashland Square. aio jit AN IRON FOUNDERY FOR SALE OK OH RENT, situated in the village of Port Deposit, WiUCeeil countv wherein a small capital may be profitably invented. Apply to the subscriber, near the same. I W.

ai14lav2t; -j. FOR SALE A THREE STORY BRICK fi; DWELLING AND STORE, situated on the.soutli ttwti slrppiri. If good stand for business, and will he disposed of on lf4 EAST MONUMENT STREET, opposite the Methodist Church. apld-3t: FOR KENT In Howard sueet, an Or ICE or Sl UKK, with larze dry cellar beneath the same. 1 hev will he renteit separately or loeeuier.

The railroad runs in front of the premises, making it additionally desirable. The room contains a large fire proof vault. For terms apply to near German. alii 31 I OFFER AT PRIVATE SALE A DWELti-f ING HOUSE, situated on Fayette 4th house i-i-lrom the N. W.

cor. of Popplcton st. It is well built, and possesses the modern improvements. Any person wisbuisr lo purchase will please call and exa mine. If not sold bv Thursday, tin: 21st 1 will on that day rent it for a year, or a term of years.

Price Inquire of N. ALE. Pine No. altf-St J. FOR SALE OR RENT A PLACE on the i Tfii I lanover Branch Railroad, called SMITH STATION," in the midst of a rich settlement, where an extensive forwariiinfr business could he done.

The Land is limestone, consists of 71 acres-, and ol ex cellent quality, it is decidedly the hest location tor business on the road. The place will be sold or let for a term oi venrs. toaretiier with the arehouse. More house and Switch. Apply on tlie premises, to ADAM H.

SMI TH, ain-ocj FOR RENT. A very healty and commodious tt COUNTRY RESIDENCE. situated I miles from tiik-tlie city, well supplied with Ice and all varieties of Fruit. For turuier intormatioii apply to No.2ja Baltimore st. N.

MONTGOMERY, alo tit Vi ill SA EE Two three storv and attic BRICK DWELLINGS on FA Y'ETTE 7th and sth l-iliiiisi'S west of Popnleioii. The houses are just finished, with modern improvements, cooking ranger bath fixtures, hot and cold water. See. lor term? anulv to E. HUBBALL BROTHER, No.

N. Liberty street. aplj-tit Pol.l.o ALL FOR RENT The GRAND SA- I LOON, 3o by S'feet, lighted by three magnificent ami settees capauie oi st aring tjcj persons Apply al FRANKLIN HALL. North st. tf FO A E.

Tl ie GOOD-WILL, ST( )CK and Fl XTURES of a tint-nite TA ERN. witii a srsd TEN-PIN ALLEY' attached to it, ami doing a good business. The proprietor wishes to chanre Ins business. For particulars enquire at No. 73 HANOVER ST.

aplS-tit. FOR RENT. A STORE, in perfect order, and "l-l excellently adapted to the Dry Goods loca ted in one of the most business partsot Baltimore street. Rent moderate. Also, iliKEL A lib Ri l( IMS over the store No.

7i BALTIMORE ST. cor ner Tripoict 'sal ley, adapted lo uiamii'actunng purposes or public meetimrs. Apply immediately to ASHER 11 El "ITT, No. asbiiigton Hail. all-It il jf.

rOKf-ALE 3:1 acres ot miles on tne York Dike: -ri actes near 'Tiiiiomum: acres 3.. from the city, on Hilleii road, (all weil mi- a beautilul Residence at Eihcott's Mill; 3 near the Frederick pike; a number ot Farms, well situated. near tbe citv; 7u Houses 111 various parts ol tlie city; Lots for sale and lease; Croun Rents sale. Apply to i.t 1. 11 os.

11 1. 1 si. iii-te, MIR 111. A I .1 Hiree-Slory VV AO till Skrtlth 'barles street, west side, formerly oecil stiainied as a Furniture Wareroom and Chair factory. ALSO A S'i'ORE in Pratt street, between Charles and Hanover streets, well adapted for a Clothing Ston Apply to WM.

HAMILTON, Aiu No. 177 l'ralt st west ol diaries. all-tt( FOR RENT The UNITED STATES HOTEL, i in the town of Cmbeki.ini), situated within iiiiup block of the Baltimore and Oiiio Railroad llppot. now beiiur thorousrhly repnired throughout, lo- retiier with many mudern improvements. Possession tirsr of-Mav.

Also ia progress 01 erection, a large add 11 ion i me building, with an extensive Brick Stable, Carriage-House, ice-House, Stc, which will be ready by tbe first of July. To a person competent to keep a first-class Hotel, the rent win ue moderate. Ani-lv bv letter, or personalty, to ajo -lm M. P. ERN, Cumberland, Md.

TO FLORISTS AND NURSERY MEN, 03 AND TEACHERS. For sale in Washington fciM'iiv. a Soi'are ok Ground, froiitimr south 111 near d-KJ feet. It is well improved by a double BRICK DWELLING, containimr 111 and attached to it some 20 or 21 rooms. It has a number of good FRUIT TREES, jMtb large Grounds; tine Flowers, and a large Garden; Coach House and Stable of brick; waterin llie Ritcueii and bath-room.

It will be sold at a moderate for part in cash and the residue 011 a credit of one 10 four years, bearing interest; or it will be exchaused for the lanrcr portion of the price, in im proved property in Baltimore city. It is about or 7 quares cast ol the Capitol, and in the neighborhood of several cmirciies. ciyyiy 10 111c owner, ai io. 01 HA 1.1 li-iou si, Jiaiumorc. BARGAINS IN PROPERTY.

FOR SALE. 1 fine three-story on Aisquitli street; do. on 1 uii m.iiiiii fin. 1, 'i" 'ii Grundy Bow: eiglit Houses 011 and Elisor streets; nine do. 011 Lombard and Dallas streets; do.

oil Ann street. Also, several SMALL HOUSES 111 dif ferent parts of the city, for which, by a small payment being made, a liberal credit will be given lor llie In aiicc. For sale, 19 LO'l'S On Fullon and Monroe st one Lot. 112 feet, on llie southwest corner of Favettt' and Wolf streets; also, four Acres ou West Franklin street; forty-live leet 011 Franklin Square; ten Acres, a part of Canton Race Course. Lots to lease iu dilfe- rent parts of the city.

Stocks taken in excitative for the above property. Wanted, a FARM, near the Baltimore and Ohio, or iSuseuel.aima Railroad. Money on mortgage. SAMUEL M. LAWDER, Real Estate Agent and Collector.

aT-eofa't? No. 2ti St. Paul street wy, RICHARDSON'S FOREST FOR SALE Con- tabling lev acres, more or less, of valuable Land; al-i acres cleared, the rest is timbered with Oak, Cbesiiut, Hickory, and the land is well adapted to Wheat, aiid part ol it is now set in Clover and Timothy. There is on it a large lot of Fruit such as Apples, Pears, Plums, Peaches, 1 he improve ments are a two-story DWELLING HOUSE, ot 7 apartments, and cellar; two excellent Springs near the House; c-pnng liouse hi me avveiuuir; oiaiiiinv ior a horses and ti cows; a Corn-house and Granery; Fodder Yard; a Vegetable Garden, fenced in. 1 1 is situated 10 miles from Baltimore, and 1 mile from Stemmer's Run Station 011 the Baltimore ami Phuadelnbia Railroad.

There are two churches in the immediate neighborhood. Apply to MR. THOMAS COSTELLO, on the premises. a-'eotil GREEN SPRING HOTEL. BALTIMORE COUNTY.

'I bis liouse is now open for the reception of visitors, with additional attractions, such as a convenient and spa cioiis Bar-room, with Reading room attached, where will be found 011 hie New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore papers. Also, a fine BOWLING SALOON with two alleys, tor the amusement ol his patrons 1 lie choicest brands 01 ines. Liquors arm r-esrars. aiti-eotit( P. T.

SHARE. A WINTHROP F. FOSTER have opened the BALTIMORE HOTEL, at V11 tin MV SiTHF-IVP rionr tlie iili-irt" Sau I- rancisco, California, and will be very happy to provide their friends from Baltimore with llie best accommodations and Board. Terms $10 per week in advance. al4-l 111 A Ciioi iiuiblj, Baltimore, corner Vc- CHARLES AND PRATT SI S.

Thesub-iijiilCSLLeriber respectiuliy informs his friends and tne public that lie has taken that well-known and es-tabhshod HOTEL, for the accommodation of the traveling community, and shall spare 110 pams niaKmg ins guests comiortanie. 1 erms $1 per day. apl-3m WM. J. LLOYD, Proprietor.

ft A It I ALTO HOTEL, VTS No. 34 PRATT STREET. irJ, The proprietor of tlus celebrated RESTAURANT bi's-s leave to notify his friends and the Public, that having made every necessary' arrangement, fie is now fully prepared to accommodate BOARDERS by the day or week, in as good style and on as rciiduuiiutt; iciiiis uiy biuiucu ebuiuiisiiiiieui tbe citv. His, as usual, ia fully stocked with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, selected with care and by compeienijtiuges. miivm.

mxa-incj a A itAllUlt.lU 11 I 1 Tjll, NORJ-'OLK. VIRGINIA. r. HI A IT. I'l'L-, iiS2A The subscriber respt-ctfulij' announces to bis men Js and the traveluig public, that he has taken ehnre of This Irirar nnl estabf istnneitt.

which has been completely and elegantly rc-rirted and refurnished in every department. Having bad charge, for a long time, of tne Exchange Hotel, Richmond, and being experienced in ail tbe dentils requisite to form a Hotel of the first class, be assures the public thai every exertion wiil be mane 10 render the Na lional in every respect deserving of their confidence and sunnort. VV. J. REYNOLDS.

g--The BAR attached to the Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and funiit-bed with pure WINES and'LfQUORS. LUNCH DAILY, at 11 o'clock. to 3ml JAMES MoCUKLEY, A II MA KE II, NO. 21 LIBERTY STREET. Persons wishing CARRIAGES will find il to their interest to give me a call before purchasing, 11s 1 am determined to sell low fbrcashjor appioved paper.

rS-OiJ Cumagea Repaired, cr exchanged ior new HUM, ull30-4iU a nan miles lrom uaiune'ic. or private purposes. Etiny appu- I I'K. vvesi run i the Three Tuns Tavern. aplS-3l: Mi "1 PUCK GLOVES AND MITTS.

A large suipply of various makes and qualities now on hand and lor sale bv HAMILTON fc HON. aty-eoSw; 2X9 Market Baltimore. A IN of Auction Bargains at J. K.ANN CHEAP CORNER, S. E.

cornerof Broadway and Eastern avenue such as Lawns, ()'. Linen Lustre, ti1: Ginghams, 8 cents; large Linen Towels, Silk ravats, 25 cents; best Kid Gloves. 37i cents; Uueen ictoria, hear, bear!) Collars, bT-, worth $1 00; Linen 3c; Huckaback Diapers, 8c: Stockings. tii; Gloves, 4e; Barege de Laines, 12-; rich Embroideries ot all.srades and chapes, cheap; Stutrfor Men's and Boys' Lninen-tionables, 12 cents. Thousands ol oilier (jreat

Cad soon and look for yourselves. P. S. Will be open for exhibition on lUESDA April 19, a large stock of BONNETS and RIBBONS, ol bitet style and at the very lowest prices. Al! Bonnets sold at this Cheap Establishment will be trimmed free ol charge.

The public are respectfully invited To call at alii cots J. KANN'S llr.Al- r.u. fRINTED It EN A DINES. WROTH Jt IMclREERY, 85 Baltimore Strpet, Have iust received a VERY CHOICE lot of WHITE GROUND Printed GREN ADINES. on hand a FULL ASSORTMENT ot I'll IN FABRICS, rom The late New York auction sales, at much less than the usual prices, to which they invite the attention of their friends and the public.

alu-tA27t CHRISTOPHER, ceived, direct from BROADWAY, lias re-the Eastern markets, asplen- did assortment of CRAPE SHAWLS; and India SILKS, which will be lound a little below the market. Also, a full assortment ot New SPRING GOODS, ol" every desirable style, selected with care-purchased for cash, and will be sold cheap. Gent's and Boys' Wear, Housekeeping Goods, price and low R. McELDOWNEY JOBBERS AND RETAILERS ot nirejgn aim lloineslie 1IRV OtM A'o. 1M9 B-11.

ro. ft i T)Cr Lipid, have a complete assortment ol all GOODis in their line, which they otter on as favorable terms and at as low prices as auy house in this city. Buyers are invited to call before purchasing, el AUCTION GOODS R. McELDOWNEY CO. will open, this morninor.

a choice lot of Goods lrom Auction, which will be sold much below cost of importation; as MUSLIN CURTAINS AND DRAPERY, CRINOLINE SKIRTS, FLOUNCED AND BAYADERE BAREGE IIOBES, LINENS AND LINEN SHEETINGS, PILLOW LINEN. TOW ELS, To which they respectfully invite the immediate attention of their friends, ami tbe public. NO. lt9 BALTIMORE all-tf; iv West of LiglUgt. EASTER FIELD, No.

277 BALTIMORE are now offering at reduced prices-Wool DE LAINES, in all colors. Union do do Plain BAREGES, all colors, "very cheap." New stvle PHiNTS. in great variety. BAKEGE DE LAINES, in neat and rich styles. GIGHAMS.

solid Checks and fancy styles. LAWNS, large stock at low prices. To which they invite the attention ot buyers. apS-tf. 1 ITS I A KG A I TI i EC AS II It A KG A IN 1-4 STORE has received from auction 1 ease L.

C. Handkerchiefs, ti1 the best I have had al that price; Cassimer. 37 SJ vc-y clieap; a lot of nearly yard wide Gro de Rhine. $1 25; a few pieces 4-4 Brown Linen, l'i; some very tine 4-4 Black Alpaca, 31 a lot of White Cotton Hose. Stv Gloves, I2.S; Leghorn,.

GEO. W. I'll LER, ItW Franklin St. a9 -'if "51 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. nri.t jr.

CKKKV Tit. ii MI1L 'I'M' where be round the best assortment ot Glo ries in the city. Sugars 5. 7. 8, 10; Young Hyson, Ininerial and Gunpowder I LAS', ii.

ou. cents, ami Black Teas 25, 31, 37, 5o, 75 cents and t.reeii onee luo iu. u. jam ii, uiigimiio Maracaiho 13. Roasted Rio 12, 13.

14; Java 15, La guayra 13, 14; Maracaiho 13, 14. Molasses 2o, 2S, 31, 37; in. I.olilell t-yrup, lilt' nest. in uie in.iiKt-t, uiu an other articles the Grocery Hue at tiie prices. Goods delivered in any part of the city tree ot charge.

Also, a good lainily Rockawai Mr saie cheap. STEPHEN GEORGE, No. 45 Green street. a9 WMit near livinartnn. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING DEPOT.

ra i ne sunsciincr lias jusi luiuinni' nurunin si mi sunerior assortment oi I AsbH l.AHi.h I LO TH ING for aeuliemeii. He has culled his stock from the Northern market, and for quali stvle. in the best manner, anu on tbe most reasoname terms. Also on hand a large supply ol HOSIERY, UNDER GARMENTS CRAVATS. HAN DKERClllEFS, To all of which attention is particularly invited.

Gentlemen may depend on inirciiasing g'wls at tins establishment oi the best quality, and at as low, it not lower, prices man at any other establishment in this city. S. BROOKS, Colvio Building, No. IJaltimore street, tnSfl lmn 3 west of Smith et, Zy GAiiDEN AND FLOVVER SEE7DS. Just 4irJif received and f.

rsale, an extensive as oriment ot GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS, from the most approved Horticultural Establishment in Europe and Ibis country, at. THOS. C. HOPKINS' Drug Store. Broadway ainl Canton ay ml4-eolm GERMAN GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, aaaf Just imported an extensive assortment ol Gar-MhriVn and Flower Seeds, from the most celebrated Horticultural Gardens in Hariem and Holland, warranted of a superior kind of the grow th of for sale by N.

N. ROBINSON. Apothecary, corner of Gay and Saratoga streets; and by C. WISEMAN', West Baltimore stieet. al-'lm CLAM PITT ii KL'i ES EK.

BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, f)3 iioi.LiitAV Bai.timork. Keep constantly on hand or make to order, Church, Factory. Steamboat and House Water, steam and Gas C'Ol Soda Water FIXTURES, of latest styles; a new and cheap BRASS PUMP, for bouse and garden purposes; new unyrtiveii ni- DRAN'T, superior to any now use inbl2-tf: sscr G. il. PE! KCE.

DENTIST, No. 15 LI BER- H.fSJTY STREET, tween uaiiiinore and ray- elle. is nrenareil to nerlorm l11 on the TEETH in the most perfect mam oier, at tne lowest rates. Teeth inserted irom one 10 an enure sei. f-'Ti 11 JTH-AC1! cured in five without pat; fel5-3nif --y PROMENADE PARASOLS of new and designs: Ladie' Riding or Carriage PARA-I S( iI.S ol the latest PARIS STYLES; Parasols of Large and extra Large for elderly Ladies; small and ipoque for and Little t.irls; together with Ladies' and Genilemen-s tl 11 and Rain UMBRELLAS.

E. M. PUNDERSi it ai4-n: o. ih llalllmore st. "iX KE VAK PI A A RM I NG fyftlTIMES'.

Do you wisii to have good health by ttj early rising; II you answer please call at AiVF.H'S CLOCK, WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE. No. 74 CHARLES near Pratt, where you can get a beatiiilul ALARMCL )CK, for oniy 42, lor two years ny nn. 1,11, ml11in iT3r.tu.Ti 1 Kiet an1 ivafrrt fviarr- 1 1 jfJVtfied THE CITIZENS OF BALTIMORE are i.oti- thai they can nave tin ir 1 K.Kf? and rut 111 complete order ny me luenticai iniliviiiual who invented and that wonderful Ke ating Alarm-Lain p-Light mg ire milling )CK which created so niiic.i excitemi lit and eiieiieu so miteii 1 raise at the late Fair, by calling 011 II. M1 lit RI LL.

No. 23 N. Liberty street. mh! tto j-T PERSONS about pitrchiLsing PI A N'OS 111 till I- 1 'Hi 3 0 ...1 .11 1 (.1 t.l U.tll I I inv slore. here a solciuliil Oi" NEW and SECONDHAND INSTRUMENTS, at a low price, are constantly on hand, ami warranted every respect.

1 lining and Repairing none. Al. iillti, r. l.ll.elty t.yl0( between and German sis. WM.


GAEflLE it MAN UFA CTI JR ER Nos. 4, am! 9 El "TAW STREET, Oifonte the Eutnic llouie, would respectfully invite public attention (and parti-ticiilarly Those is want of a superior PIANO FoR'i'E at moderate price) to the extensive assortment constantly on band at their Wart-rooms. Our establishment is now most extensive South, ninnlieiiiig over One Hundred Workmen, with a well selected stock of seasoned Materials from which we are nian-maciimitg PIANO-FORTES, combining tlie most valuable improvement known. Our ron Frame Piau Fortes, for which we have received fikst premiums for three successive years, (from the Maryland Institute,) over those of Northern maJ.e, are particularly worthy of attention, being so arranged at to secure great additional strength, without affecting the tone, lor which our Instruments have been so highly recommended by tiie best Professors and Amateurs throughout tbe country. A guarantee for five years will be given wuh each Instrument sold by us, of our make, with privilege of exchange at any time within s.ix months from day of sale, if not perfectly satisfactory.

CARHART NEEDHAM'S PATENT MELO-DEONS constantly on baud, (au article we can re-coiiiinend.) TUNING attended to. n23-tft CABINET, CHAD! SOFA WARESIOOMS, AND MATTRESS DEPOT, No. 45 South street Red Posfs in front. We have on hand and constantly mamifactu- ii 1 ring every description oi HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of Dressing and Plain Bureaus; Sofas; Chairs; Bedsteads: Feather Beds; Mattresses; in fact evcrv thing in the Housekeeping line, on tbe most reasonable terms. BENJAMIN WASKEY, mill9-9m- IV.prietrr ROBERT LAVv'SON, SADDLE, TRUNK, HARNESS AND COLLAR Tfc IMITL' Al'I'l 1 tjL iti iti i 1 r.

i iioiesaie ami ive-y tail,) No. 42 SOU'TIi STREET, one door "IVom Lombard. Baltimore. 'Tiie above ar ticles are manufactured of the best materials, and will be sold at the lowest prices. Merchants and wholesale dealers are invited to call am) examine my stock before making purchases, being prepared to sell goods as low as they can be purchased 111 any of the northern or eastern citie.3, and pledge myself lo duplicate any bill made in those cities.

mh-2iii( WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IMPORTING, FINDING AND LEATHER ESTABLISHMENT, South Calvert Baltimore. The undersigned co-partnership announces to the public that tbev are prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice, and lowest rales, the largest and most superior assortment, comprised of SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, both foreign and domestic. ALSO. GAITER CLOTHS, GALLOONS, RIBBONS, LACES, Ol" all shades and colors, necessary for the, trade, low lor cash hy D. ilAHHAliH KOSE.

i ai-3r. SPORTING WAREHOUSE ESTABLISHED 1813. On baud, rjif- 5H large assortment ot Double and Sin-i gle GUNS, of all sizes and qualities; KEI'EAIERW; ALLEN'S REVOLVERS; PISTOLS of all kinds; Flasks; Shtit Belts: Powder; Shot- Caps, tec. No. 51 S.

CALVERT Md. N. B. GUNS and RIFLES made to order; REPAIRING done in tlie best manner. ALEX'R.

McCO.MAS. j3-lf? Maker and Importer. r.T. .51 GOOD NEWS FOR GREY HEADS! PV. VVe in'orm those interested, that JOHN A.

jgfjoNES' A I A L1UUID HAIR Irti'-iivDYE colors the Hair so na "iB'--i judges cannot delect it fro It colors Brown or Black in three 111 naiural tnat the best 0111 tht; natural hair. muuiles. wu.iout in jury to the hair or skin. Ask for the Dye to make the color you desire. It can be had at ail tbe principal Drinrjrista throughout the Ihiion, and at JOHN A.

JONES', Inveiitor, 23 E. BALTIMORE ST. Price tf per box. Persons wtsiupg their Hair dyed, can have it don In th l-nr Vt ltlvinr above di iM. SLAVES WANTED.

We are at all times purchasing SLAVES, paying Uie highest cash prices. Persons wishing JO sell will please call at 243 PRATT fi UL1.) Corjaniveicabw aiu.nd t. PIT1 U. Wt i WAi.kl ty, style and beauty cannot be surpassed by any estao-lishnient in the couetry. He has also on hand a very large supply of CLOTHS.

CASSIM ERES and LS 1 -i win. he will make ud to order in the latest It TRKNCH PLAID AND STR1PKD nKlLLlNtJS i HA I I IS, CM KR CArSI BUS, Persons desirous of supplying- tlienif Ives with Srnsnnnlde Goons ul Jau will rinrl a choice assortuient at. WEBB it HOPPEi, No. 221 Baltimore 3d door from Charles. 1 i'At i.e;horn 0.1)UU NETS.

Rll! II ATS. from 20 cts up: UOft- RlimoYS. and DRY tiOUUft in srreat variety, al tlie POOR MAN'S STOBL, 15 anil I sell at half price, nor 25 percent. b-low anybody else; nor goods at worth 25 cents. That would lie rather last, even doubttiil.

Do the dest 1 can, and tbnt is some. atn-ttt S. BRfDGE. NOTICE. The subscribers would respeeuu ly inform their friends and the public generally that thev are now fully prepared to till, all orders in DllV GOODS LINE.

Their stock is ample, and their motto is that they will make it to the interest ot whofavortbem with their patronage, at the CHLA1 ONE PRICE STORK, head ot Cheapside or No. 20 WATER b-nrtli alS-2m M. GLO. Mt.lKiKi.rv. rotJSSELlNEljKLAINS 6 Cbecks'4; real i French Lawn Gloves fcwiss Aluslms 12i cents; Irish Linens 25 cents; I rencb Lnuui 12-2 cents; Wide Sheeting Muslins 6U cents; Red Spreads, white, only $1 25; Stocking's cents; 1 ant stubs cents.

Come a running 235 Lexington 2 doors east of Pearl. al8-Gt( DonM. forget, Red Posts in tront. 7MD2 CHEAP OORN'KK has received from N. York J- auctions a lot.

of lla Silks loC $1 and $1 12; Huckaback Towels, iil4c; another lot Barege De Laines, 12'c; very rioh isc; L. lic; more yd. wide Chintzes, 12V.C. that soul soUf aisO, 11.11111 11. llil 'f PUi'B 'S, a huge stock ol'Mouniingfioods.

ar.lS-U': No. 13, cor. lis alo, Emb'd. Crape tfliawls; a umiiin, i l.K. It tto.

Si Front sts. IKAPE SHAWLS AND A NT ILL AS. BIRD AVTLSON, NO. U9 BAH LtlObI'. KmiMieVed ANTON CRAPK SflAWLS lrom 410 to MANTILLAS and new -ivies; Black SILKS: Plain, Brocade and Piaid Bayadere and Swiss Robes; Bareges; Tissues; Lawns; Chinch-oil Bareges; Barege de Lams; Embroideries PAilASOLS, lo which we invite the attention ol the Ladies.

itl8 tLAlD SILKS AND GRENADINES! A choice assortment of tlu "'Jt styles of PLAID SILKS; GRKNAD1N KS; LAWNS; INDIA SILKS; KOHLr-; BA-KEGI; Scarlet and White KAPK Sll AW Lfc, for sale by VVEBK HOPPER. No. 223 Baltimore 3 doors iVom Charles. EMBROIDERIES OF ALL KINDS. Persons desiring to supply themselves with SEASONABLE GOODS, at fair prices, would do well to call and examine for themselves.

No. 223 BALTIMORE STREET, al8 mtutIi 3d doorlroin barb's. Ires I slllllMV Ol lain I1IHH CNDF.RSIGNED HANK 1 No. 11 1 WASHINGTON 11 ALL, ST BAL TIMORE where Ihey ill keep a lull assiiriiiit-iii in l)KKs uoiitip. f.KBiu L'vCES.

HOSIERY, ana nu.n..iuu.3 geuerallv, which oiler at the very lower prices. Also. Ii full assortment of STI! AV tt 1 together wild every article the Ail LL I.RV line. IvlvA No. 11 ashmgtoii nan.

N. R. Bonnets bouarht there will be trimineu wiiii on! eniirsre. aia-iil d'i'li--WV BONNETS, RIBBONS, Ladies' and Misses' STRAW El S-em- tracing everything new some of which are Sicilian Star, Brilliant Sotitag, Brussels Brilliant, Uueen's Patent. and uesirauie oi me Embroidered Blond, French Straw and Gimps, Diamonds, Black is.


Black )DES and BOMBAZINE. Giasae, I'oulte de Soie and Gro de Nap SILKS. Crapes, Florence, Illusions, Nets, Wires, Frames, Crowns, See. An examination solicited. Our Goods will be sold atlowpricos.

ARMSTRONG CAPOR, 175 Baltimore stri el, Titf htween I divert and I RTreet. I'll' l.i II ins X'EW GOI IIIS. JNO. A. ROC HE the IN SON.

No' HANI iVElt would a-k attention ot their menus ana cusoimers i me b-cled indhamlsomest sfckofDKESS and HOI s.E-EEEl'lNG GOODS thev have ever ottered: 1 lam colored liareges at cents; Satin Plaid 31 J4 cents; French Lawns from J2.j cents up; Figured Linens; Embroidered Muslins, new styles. if CTF'RINi; TRIMMINGS. 153. RlAL'K AND COLD S1LIC FRINGES. FRiNGED RIBBONS.

BUGLE AND LACE GIMPS. 1M PADt M'R Till 1NGS. EMBROIDERING BiC-VID AND SILKS. For sale wholestdc and retail by al-i Jafcr JAMES M. HAIG.

133 st. npHE CENTRE MARKET BARGAIN STORE has rct ived fiom auction tine dotted viss, omy 2 cents; fine Jaconet, and 25 cents; i'laid 12 and cents: Cassimer, 37' cents: 4-J Brown Linen cents; Leghorn Hats. cents: Heavy Irish. 37', Altiacu. 2j and 31 cents; Linen Handkercbiets s' and 12i cent; also, great bargains in CARPI.

I ING. GOKSUCH JONES, al6-tfT corner Centre Market Space and Pratt st. EMBROIDERIES. The uiiilcrsisued respectfully cahs the attention ol Uie ladies to tile itiaamim-ent STOCK OF EMBROIDERIES which be lias just received, con-isting ot real Ibmton GotKis, as COLLARS. LACES, CHEMISE'! I and a new styie of CROTCHET COLLARS.

A splendid STck f-f THREAD AND BLACK BRUSSELI.s LAI Es. Ladies' EMB'D. SKIRTS, INFANTS' WAD-Is a. id Ri )PES in variety. Together with a large aed well seb-cted stock of FANCY GOODS.

-uei 3s new and rich ot Pearl, Ivory' ami Sttamsii FANS; PORT Hltl'SIIES: best quality KID GLOVES; RIBI.oN.--; 11 FLOWERS: EUGlNt.S; I NSER 4tc. LEVI GOLDENBERG, 5.5 Baltimore sipl5 Jin. (3 doors East ol Guy st.) R. EMBROIDERIES, McELDOWNEY CO VO 1 MM H.rl 1,1 I M1I1L r. i urr i WILL OPEN'.

THIS MORNING, another handsome assortment -f EMBROIDERIES, as CHEM I'ETTES and SLEEV ES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVES. EUGINGS. of French and Swiss maniifae'iire. a large lot of Vtil. 'OIlS Plai-t.

Check and Stnres; LINEN CAMBRIC AND FRENCH LAWN, is-c; which they beg tocail the attention of their customers and the public, with tne assurance that the above are not surpassed by any in tins market. DM apl2-tit lURNING GOODS. ii R. VV. i )f WN CO.

Have in stttre and cbnlv opening a very handsome stock of'MOUKNING GOODS; they name iu part, Lupin's BEST III E. Sober ALPACA AND CANTON TAMfSE CLOTH. CHALLEYS, MOUSSE LINES, BAREGES, of super and fa-vtirii; makt-s. Blk LOVE Ei LS. ENGi rSH CRAPE VEILS.

Black Spotted GRENADINE, superb quality; to which they invite especial attention. No. 15,3 ALT1M ORE STREET. al2-tit Pi VVest ot TRISH LINEN'S IRISH LINENS' JL The Ladies of Baltimore are particularly invited to call and examine the real IRflI iia.Ni sii Sliiitiutr and Bosom LINENS; Sheeting and I'illow Liiu and White D-imask Table Linens; Napkins; Doylies; Towelings; Nursery L. C.

ready made Shirt Bosoms. all-4w; J. W. Iiign sl. SPRING IMPORTS, 153.

RICH DRESS GOODS. R. McELDOYVNEY 4k CO. have tore, selected from recent importations, a choice assortment of inch DRESS and other lODS. Tliey name hi part: SILKS, in rich Brocade figures SILKS, in plain colors PLAID SILKS, newest styles Black Gl.i I DE RHINE Striped mid Checked FOULARDS Rich ROCHE; figured poll DE SOIE SILK TISSUES; GRENADINES MOUSSELINE and BAREGE 1)1! EMBROIDERIES AND I-tiCES.

'This department contains ail tbe novelties of the a LINEN SHEETING AND IRISH LINENS. All grades and desirable makes of these goods, to which they invite the immediate attention of their customers and the public-No. 199 BALTIMORE all tft LLl West of Light. UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY' inform their friends and the trade in general thai they have taken the commodious House lo. 2H BAL TIMORE STREET, between Sharp ami Liberty south side, where tney nave on nanu anu are nany ie-ceiviiig, by direct importations and from A'etc Vorf A.u-tuZU.nn enure NEW and XT ENS I VE STOCK OK FRESH AND FASHIONABLE SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Ribbons; Millinery Goods in seneral; a com plete assortment of Hosiery; Trimmintis; JP erf timer Parte Mommies; CoirM, aii of which will be fcoid at tlie VKP.Y LOWEST MARKET 1'RICKH.

OBERNDOKF LAUER, 295 VVest Baltimore street, a4-lni between Sharp and Liberty streets. $2,000 REWARD WILL BE PAID TO ANY PF.RSON ho will produce a cheaper store than s. llKVlli: cokinlk of r.ui'jix anu ORLEANS STREETS. He sells lUSSELINE DE LAINES at tiJi cents, worth 12; FRENCH ORK COLLARS at 6 cents; 5-4 BROWN MUSLINS at 9 ctr-: 10 cases 4-4 BLEACHED at worth 3 cases IRISH LINEN, at 25, ai'i, 37i VERY CHEAP He is aide to sell cheaper than any retail store in the city, lie buys bis goods by larcn quantities and at manufacturers' prices tor cash. Jnsf received from York 30 pieces )i, AND WORSTiCD CARPET ING, at 57, 44 and 50 10 pieces YVOOL FILL I NG at nnd 25 cents; 2u pieces TH REE PLY lut.r mrai-inr rnREYIENDOUS REVOLUTION IV BROADYY'A J.

AT J. P. KANN'S CHEAP CORNER. Opened this morning, renen yard wide.otily Sets worth 25; Barege de Laine, Scents; Chalhes, cts fine black and while Prints, worth 12ii; 5-4 wide Eeinbroidered Curtain Muslin, lbJa, worth Vox bus, WXc.i large size Silk Pocket Handkerchieis, 12, worth 50; Stockings Silk Gloves, 12'i; Jou- vm's best Kid I. loves, a iceue soiled,) only 3lye; ano ther lot of those beautilul pointed Collars at French worked Lace Capes, (got soiled in the window,) only 62', worth $3, and about worth ot other lvv iiuun.

10 nc run on hi your own price Just received from ivew vorK Auction, luo pieces CA.N TO.N MAl'l 1 lu arm innrft I lion lorget, J. KANN'S CHEAP CORNER, S. E. corner of Broadway and Eastern avenue. mh23-MTu4s3m CHOICE GOODS.

Just a large stock of RICH SILK GOODS Canton CRAPE SHAWLS DRESS GO( HIS, in great variety Alexander's KID GLOVES English Cotton and Silk HOSIERY Rich RIBBON'S, EMBROIDERIES, For sale on best terms, by J. EDWARD BIRD, PR 211 Baltimore street. Canton crape shawls an VJ 1jA.H-I have just opened a targe lot of the above (nous, r-nawis ironi to capes, s.c the latest Paris styles. Emhrouierics a large assortment, very low. Please call and examine my very ciioice, ueauiuui aim ciieap siock oi rew tioons.

HUT. W. DRY I "EN, apll tf: No. rt? Market near Gay st. unio WANTS SOME (' THOSE TAST il irI Ell LAWNS, only IZK and BAREGE DE LAINES 123, and L.

C. HDKr S. li'j, with a great many other goods in proportion? Who wants some nice, line, pretty goods for ladies and gentlemen and for children, for old people and young? We invite them all local! iniinediaiely ul JOSEPH FARROW'S, ail tf bod BaJvo. con Fopplelou. The Stock market presented a very meagre amount ofbu yesfrdny.

Plian Baltimore uln-ad, however. a little better tha.i Saturday m-Him 83 il" advance The other st' ks wer- gcncnlly steady. The financial accounts, hull foreign domestic, Kive indications of increasing confidence and ease in the money market, ami there is good reason to believe that an improved state of" matters will take place. In England. Consols nre still above par.

The shipments of gold it is thought will, however, be large from this country during the four months next following, but within tlie bounds of the receipts of the same metal during that period. This idea is supported to some extent by the fact that the latest foreign commercial advices tor our breadstuff's and cotton do not justify the cxpi ctaticm of increased need of shipments. bus money may continue in demand here, but in Baltimore sin.nlied at present at reduced rates, l-'ir-t endorsed naper at best single names and good to fair 15 cent. SALES AT THE OLD STOCK BOARD YESTERDAY 33 shs Marine 5-ti XI Ik do ilo 30, 25 shs 50 shs do tune Si" 4 shs Union fio sirs do 51 shs usq Canal 25 slm do lu sbs Winchester ii. 25 slis do Potomac UK 13 25 slis do llnsinr Hntes.

Slate ti's. of 1870, 108V bid; do. ,.82 1SPO, 10Pi bid; do. coupon 6 p. ct.

Iionds, los uki, ed; tJtate 5's (long.) 9J bid; do. 5's, (over-due.) PS asked; do. Merlin? o's, no limitations; City (pleasure.) no quotations; do. quotations; do. 1870, lti bid.

lOti asked; do. 1SP0, 107'4' asked; do. 5's, 91 bid, Masked; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bonds, oi 14, no quotations; do. 1807, bid, PS asked; do. Is75, P5J4- bid, Vti7i asked; do.

13S0, bid, 95i asked; do. 1SS5, PI li bid, asked; do. shares, 82 bid, S3 asked; York ainl Cumberland llailroad, bid, asked; Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad, no quotations; Gforge's Creek Coal and Iron 72 bid, 77 asked. SALES AT THE BALTIMORE STOCK EXCHANGE. 10.10 Bds, 18S5.

Pll 25 slis BSc Ht.tmie. 500 City H's, 1890 20 shs a Closing Rates-Cay, 1890, 106? bid, 107.S, asked; Baiti're and Ohio Railroad shares, bid, S3' asked; Unltimore and Ohio lUihoad Bonds, Itssa, bid, 91. asked; of Baltimore, too bid, lc2 asked; Franklin Hank," 12-, bid. 127 asked. At a recent nblie sale, nearly ten thousand dollars worth of Washington City Stock was sold at Tbe stock bears an interest of which is paid quarterly.

The Favetteville and Western (N. Plank Road ha-: a siMiii-anmial (lividcnd ot 4 with all tbe current repairs paid for, and 10 cent, of all receipts invested as part of tiie permanent tmid tor re-i-onstruction. Tbe Bank of Washington. X. has declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 cent.

negotiation for one million Convertible Bonds of the lleivi.b re Railroad Company, euaiantced by the Camden and Ambov ltiiilroad and Delaware and ban-tan Canal Cmnpniiies, has been perlected tlirougu Messrs. ibincan. Sliennan ol NewVor and ('. M. Fisher, of Philadelphia.

Tbe loan is un-derstooii to be cliietiy lor foreign account. FAbTOIORK MARKCT-Mi iXDAY. Beef Ctti.e. Tbe numher ot Cattle ollered at tbe scales amounted to 7 head of beeves. 35o bead of which were sold to citv butchers and packers, and dealers iii stuck at prices ranging lrom 5o to $4 75 V.

loo ffis. on the hoof equal to 7 2o net. and averaging $4 25 gross. '1 he balance (.350 head,) were driven to Philadelphia. lloos.

Sales from 6 50 to $7 00 "pi 100 ffis. Flotr and Meal. The Flour market is qmet to-d iv under the steamer's news. Sales ot 4" hi bbis. Howard street brands, at $4 S7.1i holders i bW.

Citv Mdis held at io bid. Rye Fiour 3 75 i'3 ST. and I 'orn Meal SS 121-. bid. Fish.

Small sales: prices luicliansred. Cp ais ami Sefks. The receipts of all kinds of Gram tire vt rv small. We quote red Wheat at 1 OSa Jl 10, Wh at 1 15 to $1 busiiel, as to quality. Maryland tiy 75 cents, and Pennsylvania do.

ho eiits busoel. White Corn 51 -a 53 cents, and yellow do. 57 cents httsliel. Maryliuiit Oats S5 i 37 cents, and Pennsylvania do. 4i iccr2 cents bushel.

Cloverseed $7511 ft bushel; Timothy $3 CO, and Flaxseed $1 40 "(Jrockriks. Small sales of Rio Cotiee at to in cents and Lasruayrn hi cents. Mig-rs iluli; iles small -toek heavy. Molasses unchanged. Rice 44 cents 11 i.

Provision j. I lie sales are small, vve qutne icss Pork at $11 bt l. Prime Pork $14 50. Mess Beef $1 l.ld. Paeon shoulders 4'it7 cents, side-! 7'a'-iS cents, ard haius in cents "T' B.

Lard in bbls. cents, and in cents Butter ill kegs 1 17 eents lb. Chee-e Kilo cuts Tobacco. We note a steady demand. No in prices, ainl market firm.

Wot L.r' ales of unwashed at 2(27 cents, washed 3A'ei3S cents, pulled 3.t.37 cents, and tine fleece cents "ps Whisky. Sales of Ihds. at 22 cents, and of bbls. at 23 cents 5s gallor tft Ooiaiaai Advert Iseiiieikta. AL AY MAGAZINES, UCKTXG HJi IV S.

LADY'S F.OOK. a lieautinil umber. iJRAIIAM'S MAGAZINE, a ilndid Number. VD1ES' XATi i i.N'AL M.VUA.INE. TO CAliiN presenting tiie original facts and doctimcirH upon which the in f.jiiiitb;d; witn corroborative statements verifying tiie 'ruth of tbe work.

By Harriet i ber Siowe, Received and fur sale BUCKINGHAM'S NATIONAL PERIGDIVJIL DEPOT, 2t ia ional lloiel. 1 KACELET Id 1ST. eveninir last, a iJ iihie Enamelled and Riue and Gold Link bit vCLI.I. I was io-t bv a laiiv. men here Ix tweeii Canisi saloon i ni hi street.

Tbe wiM be liberafly ne.variied bv leaving it at GAGi ct lihi! Jewelry Store, Pennsylvania Avenue, Wasbuiglon, C. ais at-, r'TEr'lAL TlCfc. IV M. KKMOV AL REMOVAL Tj'UJTTOX. ctionekr, AS REMOVED from tf.e corner of iiitli street and Pcrmsyivania t.vmue to that new and spacious tnrec-story war--louse near Tenth stif-t, a few doors above tiie old -tanil.

wii' iebe will be haj'iy to see his friends rom oid nftT this date. a vimr increased facilities for tiie DISPLAY SALEOF ALL KINDS OF GOODS, he is prepared lo receive the same, and will make liberal cash advances on coiisiTiim-nts. N. IJ. SAL Ed OK HEAL ESTATE and al! kinds of Personal Property attended lo in person on tbe mot reasonable terms.

apl4-dJt: I.VXTRA PAY THE SAILORS. lit Those Odicers and Sailors who servedon the coast ii Cali'oniia una Alexieo since i.itii. i-vi'j, aim tixe ho beioriTcd to the bite Arctic Expedition, can obtain their double pay while in tin- pacific by calling on or addressing M. SNYDER. National Hotel Buildinir.

apl2 col Washington Ciry, D. C. Foi MOUNT VERNON ON M' IN I I A V'l WEDNESDAYS AN 1 1 1 Rl- -Fare lio'ind. Trip $1: J'r un. --IIAY Alexandria 75 eis.

Tbe steamer GEORGE IPASII-IVGTOV will leave Washington at tt, and Alexandria it W-i -V. M. Coaches leave the Capitol for the boat at i-2; coach fare lu cents. Persons ishing the coaches to cai! for them will leave their residences with Geo. mil Thomas Parker 4c Co.

QHfreslitneitU to be bad on tin; boat. inl7-TUThsU JOB CORSl )N, Captain. ft-w WASHi.NiVTOV AND ALEXAN--S-ADRIA BOAT. The GEORGE W'ASH-zxrd i wi in will leave the regular Steamboat Wharf. The Boat has fine, comfortable saloons.

Coach leaves the Capitol hi fi, ll, and Boat leaves Alexandria at 7, 9, 11, U2'. 32 and (J. Hr leavea Washinsnon atH, 10, 12. 5 and Steamer THOS. iLLYEli will leave at the opposite hours from tne above, eieept when oil the route at Mount Vernon.

JOB CORSON, Captain. Just published ft NEW II I CO VF.ii IN MEDICINE A FEW' ORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT of Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, involuntary Discharges, Affection of tbe Eyes, Piinjleson the Face, Sexual Infirmities. Pointing out a remedy by means of which every one is enabled to care hunsetf perfectly, ami at tlie least cost by addressing, paid, Dr. B. DE LA-NEY.

Sent crratis. ul I.ispennril street, or Box Broadway New Y'ork. aUrUm NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIY'EN To 'I'll TAX-PAVERS OF BALTIMORE COUNTY, to come lorwaid and pay their Slate and County Taxes, in order to avail themselves of the provisions of the act of December session, 1S-W. chapter 319, section and the -uppleuiciii of December session, 1S47, chapter 2w, section Third section of Act, chapter 319. Sfc.

3. Aa i be it enacted, 'i hat the said tax payers shall have lrom the first day of January until the lirst day of May, in each and every year, to pav their State and county taxes, and they shall have deducted the whole amount of percentage for collecting tin; same; and those who fail to pay as aforesaid shall have a fur-Iher time of lour months, from tbe first day ol May mil the first day of September, in tai li and every year, mil snail have deducted three-fourths ul tlie percen tage levied tor the collection thereof; and every tax who snail pay nerweeii me ursi uay oi ceptem-ier and tbe last ilav of December, in each and everv year, shall have deducted from bis tax bill one-half of the per (rentage levied for the collection thereof; and it shiiil be nan of the duty of the treasurer to deduct from llie tax bill or billsol said person or persons the per cenlage specified as aforesaid lor the collection ot the State uud county taxes; and il me said lax payers oi saiu counly fail lo pav their tax-s, or any part thereof, by the last day of December, in each and every year, as hereinbe'fore authorised, it shall be the dutyoi the county commi-sioners, and they art; hereby required, immediately To place the arrears of taxes not paid as atcre-aid, into the hands of the sheriff of Baltimore comity, who shall proceed to collect and complete the sum-; within nine months from the time said taxes nre placed in his possession, according to the existing laws made and provided for the collection of the taxes. First Section of Supplement, IS 17 chapter 2'Jb'. Section l. Beit enacted hy the General A.isemhli of Maryland, Thai all persons and incorporated institutions of Ibis State, that in the year ci-riitceii hundred and and in all succeeding years, shall pay their State laves on or before; the first day of September of the year for which the said taxes arc or may be levied shall be entided to a deduction of live per centum on the amount of said taxes; all that shall pay the smiie on or before the first day of October of the said year shall be entitled to a deduction of" four per centum, and all that shall pay the same on or before the first of November of the said year shall be entitled to a deduction of three per centum, and at the time of receiving the said taxes the collectors or the treasurer, as the case may be, shall make the deductions aforesaid and note llie same upon the receipfs given to the persons or incorporated iitious so paying its aforesaid; but nothing in this section contained shall he construed to extend lo the taxes paid or payable on the public debt of Maryland or the stock loans of tbe city of Baltimore, which shall be collected and paid aa is now provided by law.

JOHN L. STAN'S BURY, Wlt( Treasurer. I YON'S MAGNETIC POWDER AND PILLS for the destruction of Roaches. Bugs, Ants, Uafs, Mice, and insects of all kinds. The f'ollowmg speaks tor itself: "Ni Y'ork Hospital.

June 1st, 1352. I have miidy.ed Emanuel Lvon's Maunetic Powder. As the result oi my examination, I should state that it is cnlirelytrec from mineral or other corrosive poison. Its ellects are astonishing. Lawrence Rkio, I'roessor of Chemistry." For sale by D.

C. DRiSCOLL, tA2 ') Ba't. nori oer.osiie 1 1 il I idav. SHELLED ALMONDS. 100 boxes and 20 bbiilew crop Sicily, in Store and for sale hy WILLIAM PRICE.

nta TVTOl ICE TO OWNERS OF HOGS persons desiring to purchase GARBAGE will make immediate application lo the Board of Health, or gtmti, m-ioir BALTIMORE, TUESDAY, ATOIL 11, 1S53. I Reports for the Baltimore Sn.l MAIIYLAM) RK., April IS, 1853. House of Delegates. Present 45 members.

A variety of petitions were presented. Twelve bills, of a local character, were read a second time anil ordered to be engrossed. The Metropolitan Railroad bill was postponed to Thursday next. The bill to establish a general system of putmc scoools throughout this State was taken up. Mr.

Kerney spoke at lenrth and with much earnestness and ability in defence of the bill. relation to the section requiring that no sectarian books should be used in public schools, he relerred to sneral books in the catalogue of books used in Baltimore lor 1S52, and quoted lrom Wheatley's lAigic a paragraph in which Humanists were termed also from Historj of Ens-land, and Pinnock's Histories, paragraphs which he stated to be of the same purport Mr Raker of Baltimore, wairu u' those books were stated here lor the rtret lions to those books time to his knowledge, aim mai ilk- of Baltimore city public schools always removed everv book to which any valid objection could be maile, of that character. Mr Kernev asked that gentlemen would strike out even -thine in the bill that was objectionable, but for the sake of promoting popular education, lie hoped the bill would he passed in some shape. Mr. Baker was in favor of leaving the school system of the State in its present condition lor a few years.

Mr Crout stated that it would be impossible to procure a history not sectarian, and to which some objection could not be made. After an animated debate, the bill was recommitted to a committee consistinsr of the committee on education, and one member from each county. The Senate was not in session to-day, wanting one of a quorum. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Washington, April IS.

Failuiv of a War in Europe The EJTcvl of such a War on the United States Peace our policy The Cabinet and Central America City Appointments. Politicians nud newspapers, always excitable on war Questions and ready to promote the war spirit that exists in human nature, have failed, it seems, to brine about a war between Russia and lurkey, on what Tom Crib used to call "a general rumbust A. general war in Europe has been looked as a boon to the United States, but it is not, perhaps, to be considered in that light at the present day though, as all know, this country was put forward half a centurv by the war giowmg out of the French revolution. The case is somewhat different now, and we shall lose as much as we wotwd gain by a general war in Europe, even supposing that our neutrality should be respected, and that we should not be driven into the vortex strife. This country has, in its strength and position, a guaranty of peace: ami its pobey is peace.

"Give us," said Mr. Everett, "twenty-five years ot peace," and the consequence will be a progress ot our principles and of our strength that will iar exceed any progress that we can make by arms. I notice that it is stated abroad, through the telegraph, that the cabinet has been deeply and daily-engaged about the Honduras and the Nicaragua quest ions. I doubt it extremely. They have, more probably, been engaged about the appointments the States, and, indeed, the fact is well known.

It is very true that the Administration are undecided, as yet, upon some points relative to the Central American questions. I mentioned to you, some weeks aire that the question lies between the proposition of the British Government and that of Mr. Everett, in relation to the disposition of the port and town of Sail Juan, in the cceneral arrangement proposed to be made between the several powers of Central America. The city appointments are to be soon taken up and disposed of. The President invites an expression of the views and wishes of the citizens oi Washingtoa on the subject.

Ion. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Washington, April IS, 1853. lkalh of Rev. Dr.

Laurie The Public Gardens Capitol Library Orphans- Sale National Monument Ceorgclou-n and Alexandria The venerable Rev. Dr. -James Laurie expired this morning at his residence on street, alter an illness of nearly a week. This estimable divine has been an inhabitant of Washington r-bout titty-one years, half century ago he established the "Old School" Presbyterian denomination of christians in this city preaching in the hall of the old Treasury Department. This was the tlrst regularly organised sect of christians ia the National metropolis.

The doctor, dying in his seventy-sixth year, leaves a temple of divine worship on street, recently enlarged and renovated every pew therein occupied by an intelligent and spiritual congregation. Rev. Mr. Harrison of Alexandria, Kev. Dr.

Junkin, co-pastor of Dr. L's church, s.nd several other churchmen, were present when the goixl man met his fate and to their kind interrogatories he promptly responded, '-Gi yes all is peace am The deceased was connected with many of our benevolent associations. The Capitol grounds and Presidents garden present a most lovely appearance. The rotunda of the former is occupied by a large force of painters, who are about, by their skill and industry, to and beautify that part of" the building. IVrhaps the greatest attraction within the wail at present, is the new Library, completely fitted, and being in iron beautifully decorate i.

There are tluo rows of shelving opcu-woik all around the spacious room; and, when painted and gilded, one would hardly suppose that iron wot could be tendered of such utility and beauty. On Thursday evening next the Methodists of Wesley Chapel intend holding their fust lovc-feast for the year, on which occasion every member is urged to be present. The interesting orphans of "St. Vincent's Asylum" have opened a sale of small, pretty articles, their own handiwork, which they will continue to dispose of every afternoon this week. The collections fur the Washington National Monument continue t- come in liberally; the workmen arc again actively at work, and this memorial of America will rise to a nobie heighth during the present season.

Our auxiliary guaid books show that about seventy persons have either voluntarily entered for lodgings, or been brought in for petty critues.tince the first of the month. Georgetown, I). Mmday Afternoon. At John Iavis' tavern to-day, weight of butler sold at $21 per 100 pounds; dozen of eggs at $11 per 100 dozen; chickens at 50 per dozen. From Alexandria.

1 learn that the following named gentlemen have been nominated by the collector: Deputy collector, J. Louis Kinzer; weigher and measurer, John T. Johnson; inspectors. James Fossett and John W. Campbell.

No news there of sjecial interest to-day. Mebcuky. President Pierce's Health. The Washington correspondent of the Charleston Standard says "The President's health is failing greatly, his lungs leing quite irritated. He worries too much over conflicting claims for office, taking every such contest involving bine-mess on either side, greatly to heatr." JCr'A professorship of fanning is about to be established at the literary institution at Fairfax, with an endowment of Hughes, of Philadelphia, has been appointed mail agent between that city and Washington.

Hannibal, Missouri, dram sellers are re-riuired to pay tire hundred dollars license for every six months. Louisville and Nashville railroad has been put under contract, to be finished in two and a half years. 63T'lf Nashville papers announce the death of Moses Non ill, formerly editor of the Nashville Whig. 53Tl''re are said to be one hundred thousand barrels of Hour in the Detroit warehouses waiting a shipment to the East. STlr" George Morrow has been arrested in Hick-mati county, on the charge of killing his own son.

ICIt is said there are but slight hopes of the recovery of Mike Walsh, who is lying ill in York. James Buchanan, of was C2 years of age on Tuesday last, having been born, April 13th, 1791. JCfThe steamer City of Norfolk sailed from New York on Saturday, for Australia, with litty-llve passengers. fMrs. Catharine Tyler, of Harrisburg, died suddenly in an omnibus in New York, on Friday.

citizens of Cleveland, Ohio, have, by a majority of more than six hundred, authorized the construction of water works, at a cost of $1,000,000. Zja vomer man named Isaac N. Nolcs was killed at Okoloua, on the 1st by Thos. M. Gill, aged Hi years.

large sized locomotive, for the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, weighing 32 tons, is being constructed at Wilmington, Del. ELfHon. John A. Campbell, the new judge of me niucu hupieme Court, qualified at Mo- l.i It. icW Sj-E.

Birdon has been convicted at Atlanta, Ceo. ol the murder ol his brother-in-law, Doctor 1JWUU1 11. L5A fracas occurred at Pensacola. a few days wiwmi nit? cui.ens aim a number ol u. S.

sanots. One of the latter was killed. omcers ol the l. s. steamer Fulton jiave uecnneu a public tinnier at Mobile.

JLTm thebth instant 14 stores and 54 dwellings ucsuujiTj uy nre at snreveporc, i.a. Hull' fell from a building in New Y'ork on sAhuiuny, ami was instanly killed. 23-The area drained by the Mississippi, is is said. Is 1,226,000 miles. Something of a farm.

JCSpring, the murderer, was in Sing Sing prison wueu iwutiu muruereu near Camden, N. J. 2-Jonn oasey Kineu James Cockrlll, on the square, in XSasnville, on J. uesday Ust. lata Collector of Customs at Sandusky.

wuiu, baiu to ue uriauii lor auoul A. G. Carothers has accei ted a call from he new Presbyterian Church in Washington city. 23f Gov. Farwell, of Wisconsin, declines a reelection.

5t-Thcre were 176 deaths in Philadelphia hist week of consumption 36; croup T. ST3The wheat fields in Caroline county, it is stated, present a flourishing appearance. rDr. J. W.

Palmer, of Baltimore, has arrived Boston in the ship Niobe, from Calcutta. 13" St. Jos-ph's Church, in Brooklyn, was con-WciuteU on Sunday by Aickbisiiop Hughes..

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