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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 9

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STOCKS AND B0NDS1 Central Union Telephone Company to Issue Bonds. TO PAY FLOATING DEBT Portion to Be Used for Improvements and Extensions. Bill to Amend National Banking Act Stock Market Quiet but Firm Bank Clearings. As issue of $:. bonds will shortly be put r-j: the Central I'nkvn Telephone Company.

One-half of the prowdi will be used to pay oil a p-rtnn of the floating debt, and the other half mil be pent In improving the property of the company. The bond will ber per cent lrterrst and mature Id twenty yean from date of The Dell Telephone Company. It tike IsOO 000. of them at S7H In payment a claim held by It against the Central I'nion. and the s'ockbolderx of the latter company will l.

gner. the privilege of subscribing to the vi.iM at the aame figure. Juat bow rxluablr (hie privilege will be considered to be seen. The Central Vnion company ha in authnrixd capita: stock of tlO.tsJu.Ol). of which ps vi.i" is outstanding.

It haa been paying dlwd-nds at the rale of 5 per cent a year, miklcr an annual rhsrge on this account of t.O".XT The net esrnirsgt of the company in 1JC were f.165 thoa leaving a surplus after the payment of dividends of oaly The jrplus for the rrevioui year wai RW. As lnte-ef at the rate of per cent la to be paid the bonds, the company will hereafter be to meet a fixed charge of tf.0O0. or about much aa the surplus earning! for the last tao rara baa amounted to. The market for the ftO( recently has been weak, aalei on Man-day made at SI. The company has been put considerable expense by reason of the passage of ordinal In several cities in which operates requiring tl placing of wires underground aod a considerable expenditure is also rircesaitated by increasing competition.

I'p to ths prtnt time the company has bad no bonded Indebtedness and Its stork has been lsrgely for lr.vetn.en:. The question that Is now agitating the minis of traders is whether the company will be able to maintain the per cent dividend rate after the bonds have been put aul. r.jrr'srain Hopkins of Illinois has Just In-t-4Jed a bill In the House cf Representatives whirh will be of Interest to backers all over tn touutry. It is designed to cover certain drifts id the national banking act. and has particular reference to insolvent banks.

The. till was framed by Attorney Millard Powers of this ii'v and has received the approval of a number cf the leading bankers of the country. Its title is An act to amend in act authorixlcg the appointment of recetiert of national backs far ullier purposes The bil'. although not aimed at any particular uLd Is based largely on the ex-j-riercr of the Columbia and Chemical National Hanks this city. The national banking act la defective In several respects.

In ami of insolvent basks It practically tt.akes the Comptroller of the Currency a law i nto bimsrlf. It provides that titer all the of the bank have been paid, the r-. nt- through the Comptroller, shall take t'r 10 sreure the appointment of an agent of the stockholder, to whom shall be turned -r the remaining assets far the benefit of the V.holders No detailed report Is dt-eiim1-d f-im either the Comptroller or the re-re ver court assumes supervision over their a and with the turning over of the assets the ohltgatinns of both of these officials cease Neither is the agent of the stockholders who has been given charge of the affairs of the bank required to make any report either to the stock-b i.ders or to any court. The Comptroller and re eiver of a bank, and the agent of the stockholders after them, hare almost absolute control of affair, and It la practically Impossible to se-are an accounting from any et them If they i not choose to make aae. Attorney Posers' bill pros-Idea, among other things, that within three months from the time their appointment receivers ot national banks j't 111- an Inventory and the value of the estate the Institutions to which they have been assorted There must also be filed a list ot stockholders and the nnsnber of shares owned by -4 it a new to determining their responsibility All such inventories and lists must the clerk of the respective courts ihm whose jurisdiction the banking Institute ns may be located.

It further provides that re-eivers shall make reports to the court every three monthi. giving itemized statements, under ith of 'he receipts and disbursements of all belonging to the estates of the bank under their charge, together with Itemixed lists the uncollected assets and a report of the acts o'. the rf eel vers for the preceding three months ('tiler the national banking act as It stands at an agent for the stockholders may be 1. I.ut only after all obligations have I-n by the receiver. The Powers for te appointment of such agent a r.i time unit the request of a majority of i.i st ahuldrrs and upon the deposit by them a fund ruftV-ien: to wipe out all claims.

It b- rriit-ni bered that about two years ago an was made by tbe stockholders of the hrniics! National to secure the discharge of iLf recetver and the appointment of an agent act for them. They agreed to furnrsh the ne n-fded to pay all creditors at once, but the i)u-st refused by the Comptroller on the gt turd that there was no precedent for it. and i -at thr in as be Interpreted it required the i' fiver to pay off the claims out of the assets rt ii agent could be placed in charge. The it that the expensive receivership -j' f.i ha cunttaned. and is the final wind-up the are likely to get considerably i than they would otherwise have received.

it is held by the people back of this biil that where the ti. kholders of an insolvent rational bnk s'and. ready to pay off ail the obligations the bni they should be permitted to say wl.ether jiiot the receiver rbowld be continued. whether the control of pass fnto the hands of an agent of their own choosing This chr th- present law does not give them. Fur-ihrr.

it is claimed that the Circuit and District i ar-s of the I oiled state should have Jurisdlc-t. a over all receiver and agents for all pur-i' e. at though the receivers were or.gicaliy by euh courts. In the css of a mercantile talik-e the assignee I required to n.ake dfailed reports at stated intervals, and doe not appear to be any valid reason Ca'i bank receivers should not do likf- Th- orly information regarding the of affairs of an li. solvent national bank i (urr.l-.bed to tne stockholders of the ui'iiution it contained In the reports mtde by Comptroller, and tbte are of tht most sper description Nothing regarding the de-n.

Is of the administration of the trust is tj be und in tbra. There hss been a good deal of i on thu account In the last few Tears, ard particularly In Chicago, bat the complaints hve It" unheeded It Is to bring about a range In this respect and to provide the means obtaining U' Information as stockholders a-e really entitled to that the Power bill hat It is bow 1l the hands tf the tf' on banklrg and currency. The nock market yeaterday was quiet, but f'mer Second account trading begins today, and the neral impression Is that In the raae cf Hiam ind Match and New York Btscnll. at 4J a aood deal of activity will be witnessed. Trie theory of sense traders Is that the second i.

count will be marked np in order to allow the clique to market Its cash stock. New York Bia- Lit closed yesterday at af ei-divldend. which equnalent to s9H dividend on. Diamond Mat rallied from 144 to IC. and closed atrong at the top.

Alley aold at 6. and ther was a good demand tor It at that price. wai th prinnial buer. and during th afternoon wai auy part of shares. Coffeen.

who for seme Urns has been engaged in the brokerage huaisaaa, will on April 1 become the confidential clerk aid oAco tnan-aeer U'ilnam H. and 1. H. Moore of Diamond iiTk and New York Biscuit fame. He stcreds the tnade Tacant by the death of Harry Stephens Nw change nc discoant before elear-lnr.

discount after cliarira. Foreign ex-l nance ta aa luiiows; Bixty dara. Demand. Sterling, Mv 4(t7 Mfihlii acual 47i Fran-i. m-ner- lal US Slici J-n(- l.nker iuw hsjJ klarkr.

bankers' 6 The awuctated bank cieartwgw at Tt prJstda! lues in I tie Called xttatea yestenlajr and a Week mr. dues ago were March TC Vsrcla TT. at a a wi i How Tor. -ltirw: U.n.ft X.WW7 Z.M.M tvauon t-tillaSelphU Ht. LxMSia Battisnore IS 34, 744 n.m.ri i.r.7.irr Z.M.ot Th following show tae rang sf price ea th slock exrhangr.

lorn her wiui tae nnsnDex ox shares aoid' Dewrription HirhXnw.Cloae Bale. ihl. Kiret R. lsCT, )rj l'CS N. fill.

Htrwet R. KJ 2 S4 411 Lake a rt IHansond alat.h 144 It Turk Klx-Uit IlV CTS Z. Am. fMraw Hoard 41a 41 41S Uratmi etttae TV CTV 47 a CMraso Telephine 1S1 H7 Brew, and Malt 14 14 Id 40 brtKEks. Oik-ago Rdtson I1.

1 Mi Iake M. L- deb. Ca Hfe x4etntliiaa MO Chtcsgo Oltv Railway 4'ss Board ot Trade Following wvre the bid fur tbe WcaJAecurtiirs named: irrro and Prov. ta and C. Brew 1 Otcero aivl Prov.

i. to Sohurnbofeo 3 jas Light ie so Hireef Stable tt. P. and Pro Sl. Louts Brew IS Cass At.

St. Lihus Urew. Chi. Shore P. For bank Mocks lb bids were: Northern zli TELECR IPH1C KIXAXCIAU NEW YORK NEW YORK.

March -Although th dealings in storks xlay showed lntrv-enent over yesterday's record, fnanlrxilatvow was no less potent an Influence and tbe trading reflected indecision on the part of th pmfi snwahv Business was indifferently distributed, but although Sugar over-rhadowed any other Individual stock in point of activity the railroads attracted rather more attention than the Industrials as a group. London I dees came lower for Americans, and tbe foreign dealers sold aecuritlea. and chiefly St. Paul and lu.avllt and Kaahvilke. in thla market.

Ts.s fact, and an advance In foreign exchange rate, had a dleturtlng Influence upon price. Th MrMirth of exchange In the fac of tbe cqropar-fain-ry mo-lerate dt-maud caused unfavtwaM igr.iftcarK-e to attach lo the continued foreign selling, which It was feared might cause a rie In rates to Ihe Bc4d-export point- in addition avreaa was laul lv the peofeaplonais upon Minwvhat unsatisfactory cndiiKn of rallrtmd mn in Ihe i -at and NnhweTt. and uim tlf old tpsc of the light movement of r.rn. the ether hand, th money market exhibited a silgh-ly eaaler tendency, and raoo-y lenders were ported to be mmr Uisie1 lo buy tommerclal r-ler. although the Wnrt as to tbe quality of Ihe collateral ww aa kewiiy arawnaaever.

The con -ru tin reons in relation lo th crop proacta uaually lncM-ntal to thle tiin of the year ar-beginning to be noted. On the oor hand. It I Hid that the abumiant snowfall and rains all ovt-r the rountrv have Imnrovrd the outlooK for winter wheal: on th othr. It 1 urged by authorities that considerable damag' had b-ti done to thi-crop ow ing to the rapid change lo temierlure Other unfavorable factor are the prloncrl uncertainty of Eur(tn politus. and the Inflammatory tenor of the dtivusatons in relation to tv Cuban question at aahington.

LiquKlation a ptarrfic in a number of Mocks. anl the traders were on the alert for weak toots. Inside being the lesder In activity. Sugar nmplayed Ooe greatest staknew onTefirtg little rewistance to an attack based on report of unfaviv-abSe trade cmdl-tlona. The rv rsMutu In the genrral Hat were important, and ranged up to 1 per cent In Tobacco and liuriington At the low level, aborts were liberal purchaser In the afternoon dealing, and under tbe leadership of Sugar and fhicas lias the entire list impeded.

The tirM menllonM re to IIS. and Ihe lt'r i.Ii iihtJ per cent. teactlM fracti.mally at the close. The Improvements In the railway Mat were with in a range of 1 per cent, with Burlington. Hock Island.

Louisville and and Manhattan conspicuous. In the rallv. Speculation left off strong In tone, with slight net gains in most Instances. Price of railwsv nd miscellaneous -nd aaared during the greater part of tbe day. but toward the close there were evidences of support Ir a few la The aygrrgalc dealings were tl.lS.-Sve) Government bonds were firm on sales of gT AJ The following shows the quotations and tales cf stocks on the New York tc-day and th closing prUes estrrda.

Closing Mch. Men. feecrlptlon Sales "iclligh Low U. Amn. Sugar AM 11'.

IKS 111" l'-'' 3 Amn. Tobacco 1 J. X.T, Do pfd loS 10S lovs Amn rot. Oil 4-m ir. liv, 15 1L 15 Adams SO 1 1 1 4 11 1 110 111) 111 Atchison l.J0 14H MS 14V ro pf i iio rt a ts ts Talto.

A Ohio 11, 17i4 lv, ITS, 141, b. R. sum ii gt ti f. B. 4 H.s T4', T4V TJS T4H I4 f.

a. n. ism in iois i'i St. -WO 74 74V, 73S "4t Ti r. pfd ir ib', i', i K.

1. p. kj SS 4S SSs, 4 c. St. P.

vi i a On. So Sk 4 4H 4 fhes. a Ohio 15 C. St. L.

JiS -'t HV Iso pfd ui 74 R. of N. fco 14S 1M 104 Can Ihic Jl Mli ton. GastN T). ls lit hicigo I.

wai rrs f. I. a W. pfj vol, Ui 51 I. L.

at 3uo ll lrV 11 Kl Iel Hud IN IK 134 yjt 1S I R. O. aoD 4 4t 4 'A, D. C. F.

1 17 ITS 17 17 17V i-eeneral Electric. t.Tmi xi', Wi IS ii III. Cent 100 K. low- Cent, nfd 1H U'i H'i 4', It'-, xS Lake Shore l'o 14 14 14 U1H Louis. Naah 11.

lO" 4S 4 4S 4l L. E. at KU II is 1, Do pfd 70 70 70 7u TvSV, Irlede Gas I wo 7 Met. Traction IBS lna 103 lot i fc0 1" ii in, it'. Do pfd U00 f4 ivv, in, rs Manhattan 103 1, 1 MJS lot1, 1C3V.

kuamn Pie 11 Ti a Si M. a st 1st pf ia a an so i Nor. fyr i win is is IS IS 1. lpM 11 11 U's US N.Y L.E W. nw.

7 IV, 14 14S 1S N. Y. 9X1 MS 7 Y. a as A Do pfi 14', 24', Ncrth Amn. 7J0 fS 51 I N.

Y. A 4-ii) 1S U's 14 14 It Nst. Lead tt 3 a 23 Is, t.fl (A s4 loil Nat Linseed is) US 1S r.t, jr. V.r L.2d pf 2ia) hS 3S 'S NY.LKW.lst pf 3oS JS 'a 27 Io pfd 2S 22S rgn S. Une JS IS SS SS J.

II. lla a Bead 1 Par. Mall Jt 3t C. a St. pf ltW iS 5S S-mtl-em SO a Do pfd MO 2S 2S f'l S.I.

a- 1', la, 15 JlS, T. xa Pa 7S 7S 7V 7V 7 T. nn Coal 2v rs 2-S 2iS I 'nion Par tfs S. P.ut.ber fti SS 54 2s 2S Isj pf.i 17'. S4 4 7S v'oriage 4S 4't 4S 4'- 4S fo pf 4 SS ss Io gtd 5.1 la 1 17', 17', 1S Leather pfl.

sVH, cos CDS oS a 10 1 Io pfd 3 J3 3 its Wabash Sol In p(J 1S 1S 14', ISA. West Cnion L'J0 gJS 43', JS The fallow ing Is a comiJete record of the trans actions and tas of stocks on the New York slock exchange 10 A. M. TO P. M.

MOO Atch NP 1st cp do 1st reg lMSfflli', do 2nd cp 1 eU 1 1 rv do 2nd trSS) Ti9 1M00 Aa tnc -M A Co UllStU4 Atch 4 lJO Ann Arbor 4s. 7 1V40 7w0 do Jrd cp rt- do coo is 4Sw 47'. do con at tr. 1J0 UWkW a. j.

is BCKa.V Ut fn lHt'j con Tt n.s JfMO xjoo Hi cone S9S4Y1O0 PXO do Ne. At 1 IWIP.14P ex it IMS IMS ti rNW 4. deb 1J7.J ill lioo caiFI gen ia 11 do 1st Hi', IWOO Jo -nil note, v. i. 10w 1 i oeo a im a Spgflld dlv lit f'hlo So Peoples Gas ChKago.

con 102K PDaE Ut 1st Inc. 2 do gm 4s tr. 74S4J 77'. paw im 70 l. a-Wu CNJ cons 11 dtl Vo as 1U CaO gen 7JSj 71 SOt Cleve A 1st loos Muov low tr 1QO0I iit gm rv ps Iet A alch 4S 47 D4RC.

4 RC.w 1st 4s 7S 4 rwii 1 ta 1000 lono ltsy loniM 4VM0 2)0 So Pac Cal do of Arts 1st do of Mex 1st IOC1, SlLAIM aw ll StLSW lt rii rn. XM lSAA 4- I S70 7S 10 FT VaG 1st I -J 4 do con a 1 Krie gen Her US la) Ft W4IC iJt tr tt I livoo r.HAt-a I 1A do tnd 1-J HTC sa 1 TA do deb 4s 1000 laGtN 2nd 71'i 19 rio Ird JS Irtl Kt Cent 1 vo IN unfd 4s TTVi' 24X10 do 2nd StPMlM 4s So Ry 1st 6a. 'a SLRtW 1st tr TStLAKC It tr 74H TCI 1st ter. 1 Third At lst-12 Tex 2nd J2S 4s new reg I 1CV tm MCI. fcOOO 4-M 20u0 If) 490M 12000 XJDOS 1 -ex A gcr-T 1st lll'iSIIlS 10 I-tee r.a.

ivioo LVNT let 1 wMSfP cons.l2J lj do gm 4 er A an WM Met El rs" "cp rpr-o 1st woo t-r 1st -si. eO0 4000 no or list I'P new Cs 3 42000 Mut 1st tt Wab 1st K7 do 2nd 72 i V9 gtd 14 1100 10000 ji ntow rs wWd NCAStL 1st 12? The following were the closing quotations nn th New York stock exchange for I nited Slates and slat uooda. eaprraa. mining, and other shares: IT. S.

new 4s reg. V. S. new 4s II. S.

a reg V. a a cp V. H. 4s re V. 8.

4s cp U. 2s reg Pacific is of i. Ala. class A class class Mlsaoor I OA N. Carolina 12ZS 113 CarrHoa 4s ljj Ca Una non- fund 1S Tenw.

new set (S new art a. Ill Tenn. old 4a a Vs. cent noes 4314 .104 Va. deferred .10 Adams Express 147 Americas Express.

.11 Ala. currency. iS u. Kxwress 41 us cot soil 4s eua-r argo Ex B1I. Offered.

MONET JJAHKETS NEW YORK. March 14 Money on call ea'y at IMS per cent; laat loan. t. cloned Prima roercwntil paper. 4 is per oent.

Sterling exchange. Arm. wsth actual bust we In banker' bill at fc'a for demand, and $4 sTtyt-tTS for Sixty dara. Po4d rale, 47 V44 4- and M. Commercial bill.

I4.MS: bar aUver. Sc. Btleer cert locales. KS6. BCtaTON.

March tt. Call loans. 4S; time loans. irv Mitr 14 Consols for moar. 194; do for th account.

IM u-i- Canadian Pacific. bV; Erie. Ia; Erto orrood. 72: llltrtol On. trai Mexaran ordinary.

US' SL Pawl ron 000. T7S: Now TorV OwtraL Pwnaoylva-nia, Reading. Mexican Oratral svew 4. 72; 'bar allvwr. 11 money W.

Th rat of dis- gar anon, auua. a war rhlrarA THE AIL INTETl WDyXSPAY HABCII, 25t ,1890, teal Th rata of dlsroojii la tho ssortev fa Uirar-aaontba MUa, bt sml 1 aWtSTOH. 1 rWVVTON. 24 The followrtng afowa the range of price on th stock exchange, togotbar with th number ot share sold Description- Sale Ooa High Low CTooa American Sugar 11S US H'i A'Uattc Mining I 1 1 Auhlaon 144 II 14 14 Hat. Moot.

7S 3 'S Pott a Boat XTi IS 1 1 1 Rir State 1W I1 lit US 11 9M 5K m4 2 Vrll P. 0 1.4M0 74S "4" '3 T44 Calanvt 2 Hecsa. SW eS 2e Franklrn Mining 12 IX 12 11 Fltchbunr Pfd r-S xiS i Oeneral Electric 'd CS ro pfd lo a Illinois Steel fd 43 43 tt Krorwarre 2' lit IIS Merced Mining I7S 24 Own. Snort Una IS Pioneer Mining I Tt, Mi I-ullman oil 17.7 117 137 117T Qiitncy kilning IS 123 I2S IS lima.irk 21 1ft'. i-C 104 10 Santa Ysabei MS 144a H1, 14'.

Vwt Kd 10 477 47 7 Wolverine. r. 7w JS Ta Ti BONDS. VH) At-Mori 1. Atchison 24 rVi24 K.

C. Ft. S. a M. as V74r4 4 009 Central 4 aS' 1 Ouil Mexican Central 1st Inc VV, 2 IVwlon Gaa 1st i 7S 1.

ON Chicago Juacuon aa 17 MniXQ SHARES. NEW YORK. NEW March 24 Closing quotatloaat Bulwer I Ophir l.r Chollar 4i Ontario 11.0 Crown Point Plymouth 30 Coa- Cal. and 1 uu4cka1lvT 250 -ad wood 1 guickallver pfd la 0 (sou Id a Curry 3t Sierra Nevada Hale A 1.1 Standard 1.4 Homestake li.oo Colon Con Iron Sliver 22 Yellow Jacket ii Mexican MJ. Asked Offered.

BOSTON. IS iSTON. starch 24 -Closing quotations A Hoots Mining. la Kewrsarge til 0 Atlantic 17.Mfsceola 2.M Boston a Mont 7.2"iOa1ney 1S.1 Butte a Rueton 11 So Tamarack Calumet a it. i Vi oUeni.e 7.00 Franklin 11.

DENVER. DENVER Clo. March 24 -The following are today' closing bid nd asked for price for the listed and unlisted stocks on the Colorado mining rlv hangr LISTED. Bid Aaked. Bid.

Asked. Alamo Jackpot Anaconda 'Justice 4 Aoia IS 2 Keystone Argentum 41S 43 'Lincoln Boy H. C. Mollle Oibaon. 72 liitfton Idaho 2 Mt.

Roaa 14 IS Honkers' 17 17 Pharmacist US 1 c. c. Con 17 is Portland Ii7 1S3 c. a People 4 c. a i.

i Reno tS Hold Stamlard M', Sacramento iS liar. 4 SS I'nion (sold So MS lioiden Fleece ls 1M In Won Leasing, i 11 til Hill Con Id 10S Work 14 li l-aKe, Si'j 44 Thonipeon 204 2IS Inalev 7 7S M. Anchor 7 71 liotKiad sS 10 Bid Asked Bid Asked An- -Inland 1JU Mi Cold Field 1', IS Bir Six llenriet'a IV 2S Hob I IS IS Jeffrraon 27 i'ro-t'it 2, 3 ln1 Ki 1 Chimborazo IS ISC K- a 1 IS Eclipse IS IS Defender IS Eureka 1 Franklin IS lSi SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FHANCISCO. March Closing quotations.

alia H.fsould a Gurrle I .24 Alpha Con II Hale a Noreroa I.I7- gndea 31 Justice 11 Kelcher Jl klentu Con Ileal a Belcher 7o Mexican i u-1ie Con ra Mono lo 0 IV cidenial Con rulwerc.n iophir IS aledunia overman 1 34 Poloat 44 Chollar So Savage a ien Scorptoa Con CaJa an.l i. I 70 Sierra Ne ada 74 on ltrttarrial 7 I'nion Con 7 Con New Tork "I t'tah Con 11 crown Point i4 Yellow Jacket 47 Exchequer 4 LICENSED TO DO BlIE9S. Sew Illinois Concern Awlhorlsesl to Brrsaie I nrorlroraled. Springfield. Ill March 24 Special Telerram.

The Secretary' of state has licensed the lncorpora-ticn of ihe following companies Chlcsgo Elite Club. Chiccr: incornors torn. Cns Aachsem. mil Pcderson. Peder Petieraon.

and others Bohemian P.epal.llcan Club of tbe Eighth Ward. tieorge Washington Chicago: incor-tx aloes. Joseph Schon. Joha I'ubScek. Frank Viach.

and others. West Side Plumbing Compsny. Chicago; capital oto-k. 12. 0 Incorporators, cliarle W.

For-s: th. Walter Gudir. and William C. Hood. The Martinique Company.

Chicago; capital stock. U.VJn; lot'orporatora. Georg M. Colby. William c.

Heirabeucher. and A. A. Colby. American Electric Vehicle Company.

Chicago; capital slock. trvj.ISi- Incorporators. F. 8. Culver.

W. W. Robtnaon. an-l I). M.

Carter. Th Ottcag Fasaenfcer I tail was I'omnasr. Orl-caao. certified to an increase ia capital Mock frotr. to rt.ooi.srsi The Wabash Apartment Building Cnmpanr.

ChK ago. certified to a decrease la capital atock from t2io.o 1H.) Lansing. March 24 Spedsl Telegram. The corrorationa have filed art srlrs of asociatii with ihe SecreLar of Slate during the past week Tbe A 'pen a Hoop Company. Alpena 110 too; In-eoiporators.

Julius pe, a. c. Williams, and D. Smith. Michigan Maple Lumber Comparer.

Traver-e City. lo incorporators W. H. Shuil. R.

Blacker. Perry Hannah, and other. Ithaca Light an Power company. Ithaca. ilS.ano: incorporators.

C. E. Wegster. Wolf Net SOOT J. B.

Crawford and others. Ithaca SawmiU Company. Ithaca. fl3.m: incorporators. J.

H. see ver. W. T. Natdrett.

Inbha. and others. Michigan Car-hide Company. Detroit, lnrorporalors. E.

church. A. E. Smiths. Oorge F.

Wilson, and others Michlrsn A-etvne tlss Companv. Ie-liolt. 7i.0ii: Incorikoratorv. E. 41.

Church. A. Sniythe George F. Wllsc.n. and others.

The Wrll-man aaher Company. Isundee, gTi incorporators. D. E. Wellman.

C. fo.rtch. t. K. M.eher.

and others. Stat Road Cheeae Factonr I'ltmi'tiiv, 'lenna. tl.otW; Incomorators. o. Field.

William Vaua-han. I. D. C.lllett. and others, llriissss Fruir Company.

Rm-hestsr. N. Michigan irn-'e. Insing. s): lncsrportfsrs, L.

S. ter. John C. Mott. Walter T.

Pettlnglll. nd others. I'nion Hall As4w-iatlon. Chester, tl.oai. mr 'tators.

Wyll. Clarence Clau. E. Lords, and other. Engine and Iron Works.

Hastings. lnooriMirator. Sylteatrr irrtsel. T. H.

Barlow. W. E. Power, and others lrrrlandT Debt. M.

asks th Press how much money ther was in the treasury when ex-President Hsrrison took his seat la and bow much there was when Cleveland took bis seat In ltd. Information Is also desired a to th total Issue of bond made under the Cleveland administration, and bow much the interest thereon will b. The treasury books show that on March 19. three days prior to General Harrison's Inauguration, ther was 3t. 404.441 ia th trews, ury.

and on March 1. 1C. immediately preceding Cleveland Inauguration, th total available cash was 1 124.12 OS. Th difference la the soms Indicate the tailing revenues In th last year of the Harrison administration, due to expected Democratic tariff reductions. In th for years of Harrison tbe national debt was reduced at follows la round numbers 1490 Jlii.O'M.OOO 11 1S92 40.000.000 iw3 io.eoo.oou This was an aggregate ot ClO.OOl.OOO of Interest-bearing obligation canceled.

Th Cleveland administration ta data exhibit aa Increase in the national debt of four bond aalea to make up for the lack of revenue caused by th Wilson-Gorman tariff bill. Th. first issue wasdn February. 194. Kd.OM.OOQ at per cent for ten years, commanding tJiOCs).) interest at maturity.

Tbe second iasce was in November. lsV4. of tod.OOO.-000 per cent bonds, for nine and one-half years, commanding lJS.7aO.000 Interest at maturity. Tbe third issu was in February. 1.9a.

of 4 per rent bonds for thirty years, commanding 174.778. 4. Th fourth Issue was In February. 18K. for 4 per rent bonds, running twenty-ntn yesrs.

commanding tllg.sMO.oo interest at maturity. This addition to the public Indebtedness Is In principal 22.313.4QQ and In Interest 4). making a grand toul of tl.s43.S80. Th sum total of the Cleveland Indebtedness la found by adding to thla Increase of Interest-bearing debt the treasury deficiency to date. New York Press.

Rtvagei of U. P.ochefort's recent advocacy of temperance has directed attention to toe consumption of absinthe In France, and som startling statements la connection therewith ar being; made. Men as a role, lake tbe absinth dilated lo water, lipping It slowly. But th women, to the con-tersalisa ot Ihe doctors. Insist as a ml oa drinking It "neat." with most terrible to their constitutions.

The number of brilliant men whom France ha lost through the abus of th opalescent bnt poionou fluid, from tfi great poet Alfred de Mosset. who used to be picked up drank and half dead every night la th streets, down to th celebrated artist aad caricaturist, Andre Gill. Is simply appalling. An Idea ot the extent of tbe eril may be gathered from tb recent returns of the Ministry of Finance, which show that at Urn present moment ther Is a ma re hand de rtn. or French absinthe seller, to every three houses In the French metropolis.

Westminster Casetta. Foolajrar Anaoaa- tbe Aaeleat Creeks. Among; th nciest Greek boot ami shoe making was raised to the dignity of aa artistic profession. They had a light kind of boot for hunting purposes. Military boots vers fastened by silver clasps, Th military krepis half sandal half boot covered th legs aad exposed th loss.

Draalcem lira la Laadla'a. Scotland Yard. Londoa. ai Issued aa order ta th poitct fore to the elect that if a coa-subi gee a flraaksa maa approaching a aoblle boos a la to prevent his atraaco, aad tf a drsakra maa dwa got lasids a psbllo boas th policeman ia to call aaadiard'g aitaatioa to his wadriioa. HIGHER ATTHE CLOSE Wheat Started Lower but Advanced Nearly a Cent LOWER" MARK FOR LARD Pork Has a Bad Break and Lard Sells to Nearly Fire Cents.

Cudahy Hat Unloaded and Country Holds rs Havo Beta Forced Out on $top Orders. Th local wheat traders sold early and bought later. Their action at tb laai was da to a too confident fseUsg st tbe start. The early news was bearish, the moat Im porta at being th ra-crsssod North wast receipts, TW cars, against 567 cars a week ago. and 331 last year.

Tb Liverpool csbles wer also heavy, with prices Ht)d lower, snd prtrat advices said that Rasslaa offerings wer largs. Th openlag wa weak, at bottom. With a loss of HOSc from Monday's Hose. It was expected that a great deal of loeg tuff would com oat. owing; to the bearish Influences, but.

as It failed to materlall. th big shorts changed their plana and covered, canaing aa advance of aad th cloa was rather strong, with a gafa of for the day. May opened at triStfslV advanced ta Tc. d-cl'ned to trac, bat with tb last boar advanced to CHc and closed at CV. July erased at The chief can tor the turning by th shorts was th large local shipments.

lTt.ast) b. part of which was wheat bought by miller JO to to dsys ago. Exports wer also heavier. 39S.0OO ba wheat and flour, clearances of flour slane being brls. Th Northwest reported an improved demand for flour, and ther wer bad crop reports from the South and Southeast, which soctloas have furnished this character of news tor several weeks.

California news was conflicting. On report said the temperature was to and dry-Another contradicted this report aad aald that prices there were lower snd that a few bulls were trying to get an advance. The crowd, however, took tbe first report as correct and bought on It. There was a good trade early, but In tbe last hour the market was dull, with very little outside business. Tb early selling wa by fit.

Louis houoet. Fa rd ridge. Baldwln-Farnum, Schwartz-Dupe, and the Hot Springs party. The best buying was lo cover shorts by Resm. Linn, snd tbe Barrets.

Ther wa also good buying by Mitchell. Baxter, and Chandler, sad lat la tbe day by Sch warts-rnjpee and Logan. There was not much wheat oa the market at th last hour, so that price responded readily to th buying. Taking lb market as a whole. It wa a disappointing one, the bears having looked for lower prices and the ball beirg surprised at the rally.

Th cash demand from millers took Si. 000 bu. here and ther were rumors of 100.000 bu selling at Buffalo late Monday for prompt shipment. New York at the close reporte six loads sold tor export. The corn trade was slow.

range. May sold at 3lc and 9r. opening at 9c and cloaiag at rSr. or the same as Monday. July closed a trifl easier at 30Sc There was general liquidation early by longs and fair buying by tbe country.

A better rash demand existed from Baltimore and New Eagland for fresh-loaded cargoes fsr ibfpmeat. Baltimore bidding over May at Lak Erie ports for No. t. Cash lots were weaker aad lower, with 377 cars received and 300 cars expected today. Liverpool was lower, and exports Z41.0Q0 bu.

Including 130,000 bo to New Orleans. Contract stocks increased 371. MM bu. and are bu, agalnit 1.H4.000 ba last year. Tb trade In oats wa liberal aad the feeling weaker early, there being good general liquidation, which carried prices 1c below the previous day's close.

May sold at lSc and lirVsc. opening at lsSie aad cloalng at DHc with a gala of The buying was cover shorts, and was led by Seavarna. Nash. Wright, and Prlngle. Cash lots were slow sad He lower.

Ther wor export bid her for 5 000 bu lots, bat none sold. New Yffrk reported 50 Ww ba takes foe export then. Receipts wore -430 ears, with 300 ran expected today. Exports asanas. wv' Rye wa dull, bat offerings 'Ight and prices steady st Sac ta go to stor and CHc free oa board.

May. T7e37ic: July. 3e aaked. Receipt. 14 cars.

Th trade In barley was smaJX but ther was no Important rbsnge in the situation. Arrivals wer (4 car. Screenings ranged gt 17 to 310 per ton for common ts choice. Law grade at nttSUc. Light weight to fair malting.

43c. aad good to fancy. 2Mj3wc Sample of Dakota barley were offered lo arrive, bat buyer were slow to msk bids. In lot not graded brought Jc. Flax seed traders wer not disposed ts operate heavily, and the market was quiet bat steady at for No.

1 Northwestern and kg He for Southwestern. Rejected. tl(fS4c. May. Se.

July exchanged Tor May at 2c premium. September sold at Mi4c. Recelpta, 1J cars. Timothy seed market was (low and easier, with liberal offerings. March and April was September 33.10 bid.

Cash lots ranged at 2.75 for poor to common, and t7LoI. for fair to high grade Clover in light supply snd steady at S4t7.W for poor tc choice. Millet In bulk sold at 7t)c, I car bringing that price. There Was demorallratina In riMrlAe. a decidedly lower range.

Hog were M10c low- as a ire general liquidation by outside holder on stop orders, and also selling by Cadaay and th professionals. Th Impression prersfls that Cudahy is about out of his long tuff, and that the crowd has held the bag May nork opened 5c lower, at XS.tThi. dorUaed to but rallied to ta.K at tbe close with a leas of 17Vc. Ther wa heavy covering of shorts on the break. Llndblom taking abu 10 000 brls.

and Baldwin also bought a big let. The combined purchases of the two houses wer the chief cue for th rally. Lard, a 1 tough wealt, only declined Sc. celling at Ii.lTH4r3.I0 for Mar and closed at li.30. with a loss of Ic.

Cash lard sold at $6 oth. th lowest price oa record. Ribs opened 5c lower, st 4.77Vs for Msy. declined lo I4.7TH. snd closed at H75, with a Iota of 7.

Th buying on the break was by 8wift, Vlles Robbina, Pattea and Baldwin, the tatter taking over l.Ono.OOO tb yt rib. The break ha Improved th cash business, there being good buying on export account. for thf ''sding speculative article ZTl'M" WHb ''to on Hainxday and tbe same day rat rear, were as follows CHICAGO. Wheat doer, MI.K x.J.1-. Mar May June July torn Mar May July Vr My July bent Pork-Mar May July Lard-Mar May Julv Ribs-Mar May July Whest-May 2H '7 ,4 sS -S -ii -i -is" w'i -Ms MS .45 lS SsS trs rs iei t.7TS S.17S i.7S It its as ii S.131 BS "(CH I.IT'l 4.T0 4.CS tKa 507H SSTti S.07S 1.17 i.

a. ic 4.CH 4.431, 4.5TS 4.0 4.I7S 4 4rii NEW TORK. 5S 8T. LOL'ia X'm .41 May July Wheat-May July Corn My July Wheat- .574 -iS iS -aS MINNEAPOLIS. -57S DCTeCTH.

.43 .44 Mar WtMWt- May TOLEDO, .04 .70 .7 On ta curb wheat wa a trifl firmer, and tiers was good bujriag of calla, which sold from ts CSC bat closed at CTse. PU told at ClaCGtta, aad dosed at C2c Call en May corn. S8It4c. Pau at JS3Sc Estimated recelpU today: Wheat, 2S ears; corn, 20 cars; oats, tot ears; hogs, 23,100 head. COVVEKCIAL 50TES.

The last sab of board ot trade membership was I7M, bat they caa boagkt for ieas. The koarf af txads Uroctors are having as. oasy time" these" days, a ao Important esses are being biwtiirht bofora theta, and rhotr lon far swvsrsj weeks bast bat not wessded, thirty minutes. 1 Tom Barrett, referring to the Alexandria saes-sago from Saa Fraacisco. that tbo temperstar ta Thd Baa Josseula Valley waa at to M.

aad damaging the wheat, said: "I was there aboat three weeks ago fuhing had the tomporatare was Hi." Ho baa a message from Maieahy ot Saa rrssclsco, which read: "Talk of dry weather la CalUaraia ta false; some longs here working to get out; oar market lower today." Stocks of No. red winter wheat her last week decreased tTTCtO bd. aad are 046.00 bn. against Z0.SS4.0Ut last year. Ke.

1 Northern Increased (3,00 ba 'aad are I.U7.00 ba. Mo. oprfasg lacreased lot. ba aad ar T.zsXttM he. against ba last year.

The totat -erease la contract stock was 3710 ba. making them it, 4.00 bs. agalaat 23.310.000 bn last year. Contrset corn lacreased I7t.t0 ba aad ar X.ZU.000 ba. sgalast 1.14, 00 ba test year.

Contract oat lacreased 177.00 ba aad ar LSC.tM ba. against I.XU.tOO bw last year. Th electrical equipment ia tbe Board of Trade building fat the beet la th city. Th director jeaterday mad a thorough exsaslnaiisa ot the switch board that ta about completed aad It ta aald to bo th flsest la th coastry. It has all the latest improvements.

A storage battery room is belag completed that has svnty-ve cells. It ta designed to take the surplus power daring the day and store tt. so that there win be ufflctent to light the building at algbt after tbe machinery is ghat dowe. Electrician fig-are that it has a capacity ot twenty -ft horsepower for tea hoars. Tbe engines have capacity of 309 horse-power.

The arte las well Is furnishing sumcleat water to run the boiler, and since tbe new boiler have beea put ia It oaly require four to do the work that six performed heretofore. The exhaust catch-basin Is being deepened about thirty feet and ther ar also other Improvements being made. The genera! impressloa among provision traders Is that Joha Cudahy has sold out all bis short ribs, sad his Interest la tb long side is very little. About all the weak holders who booghl during tbe past three months, and did not get oat. have beea sold oat oa stop lost orders.

There has been baying ot lard from Se dowa by aix booses, who. It Is claimed, have 15.0 tcs bought, sll of which shows a loss. Mll-mlne-Uodmaa. Bart let t-Frailer. Baldwin.

Cun-selmaa-Day. Nortoa-Worthington. aad Ramsey-Ligbtner are pat dowa aa holding the moot of It. It has been bought because prices srs low snd would not go much lower. This baa beea tb theory oa which wheat traders worked for two years, bat It ta certain that lard will not go materially lower, at tb price ta now th lowest oa record, and It has always beea a purchase around 5 Sc.

Stocks here ar estimated at 13,00 us. DAILT CRalS MOVEJsEST. Tb following were th receipts aad shipment of floor, grain, and produce tor th past twenty-futir hours, as compared with the same time last year: Receipt Pblpmenta Article 1H. W. IB.

Flour, brls t.M4 1J.7! t.40 4Jt Wheat, bu Zl.tM X.4I7 174.14 1 km Corn, bu IJl.IO) 5.lll Oat, bu M.ts ljo.Hs IT. 12 1M.71S Kye. bu 1.454 t.s 4. 1M Barley, bu 54.IBI t.7a JS.Wl ll.TJ T. seed, lbs 144.7m SM.4S 41.

1 seed. Ih 1X4.14 4t.ll 1I IU 4I.SI4 F. seed, bo 17.1U l.U .1 It. corn, lb H.m) S4.71 13) C. meats, lb 7i 4M.7S 4.JI4 1144.TS7 fan.

meat. c'. I 1112 beef, lb 174, 7 2S1.VUU 1U4.S72 lleef. brls Hi 77J Fork. 74 T7 Lard, lb to.

1225 1344 tal In4 042 t'hrese. Ib. 4I.440 1.41S Mt Hotter, lb 747.71S 430. 1 TH.t 7.l! l-rgs. case 12.X72 .1 i.Swt Fotatoea.

bu U.X-4 U.ta ISM lit: The Inspection of grain by car loads for th dsy waa aa follow; Other Contract. No. S. grades. Total.

Winter wheat 4 I 11 Spring wheat 2t I it Com" ....144 M7 Oats 47 14 42C Kye 1 1 14 Barley 41 22 S4 Flaxseed It 1 Inspected Out Winter wheat, W.JO0 bs: spring wheat. bu: corn. 4S.J bu: oat. 44.SM bu. Bax seed.

11464 bu. Th stocks of wheat and com at twenty-on leading Inierior and seaboard markets, east of Rocky Mountain, in transit from the West to th seaboard, and afloat on tbe ocean, destined for Great Britain and Continental Europe oa th date named, were as foiaosrs: Whearbw. Corn.bu. f. H.

east of A float on ocean. I'. Kingdom. SJ.SSO.IX Afloat oa ocean. Con-Kuroo.

T.v.ot 4.4sw.iar Total. March 23. MM Previous week tl.SI.O Total. Marrk niTfl.t Total. March 24.

I4 l.41v Total. March V. )S 111.44. Total. March 2s.

I XT! TltllOJ HJM.m t212.w 2S.ls4.4uO lt.lS4.00t ll.ri.kM HE CASH TRADE. FLOfB Ther were export orders for patents with sale of Is art, and 11 sacks of spring. JUsbera also took hosd mnderatetr. Prices wer eaeler. Wrater patents, ii 404yd tt: straights.

seconds. t2rio: hard spring patents, 5rx to soft patent. S3.104jrx.2t: soft bakers'. Ijw gradws. ft 23,1.7, Kye.

ttZXft-K ler brl. I RAN In light supply an steady. Two cars sold on track at It M. and 1 car billed through at r. WINTER WHEAT Waa steady with sales of K.Oa bu to millers at lo over May lob.

No 2 hard. Samples: 5 3 red. Mc for poor. Sec fair, and taSe for choice: No. 2 red.

tic. KFHINM WHKAT SVstd sowly snd priors were atowdy early and ac higher st the elnee. No2 freah rec Ipts, SO. real V- and cked at 41K.C fUmple. No.

2 tuStrClSc for local, snd fcs1 -t- billed tkrowch. RN There was a fair cash InouH-v for No 3 n1 price Sc lower. JS. 2 sold at jemSSc anl closed at r-'4jSS'-. No 2 yellow sold at 2SSc and (toeevl rxsmmally at 2 Sc.

No. 2 whit sold at JSSwnV- No- sold at 27c. and Hewed at c. No. 3 yellow sold at X7c.

snd dosed about 27e. Mam pie in fair demand and Sc lower. Males: On Track and Free on Board No. 4 old at No. 1 at 27S3tr; No.

yellow at No. 3 white at 3c; ear at Blllad 1 hrtvwwh No. 4 st No. 3 st No. 2 yellow at setwise: No.

at 2SeSc: No. 2 yellow at No. I whit at 2VSc. OATS Wer weaker and Sc lower with lighter trade. No.

I to so to wtnre. lTStyltSc: No. 3 while. 1SS4.1V; No. 2 at lSUSc No.

i white. 3c. Sample sale: On Track and Free on Board-No. 2 at lSflSc: Xn. 3 whit at UStrWc: No.

2 at ltr: No. 2 whit a ltnic. Killed Thronsh No. 3 at No. 2 white at ltS4lSe: No.

2 at ITSeissac; No. 2 white at UStfltSo. PRtsVlMION Lard tsale. 4 tc choice at r-S7S: 2S.n Its leaf at M.tTV Green Hams tialew. tVtstf Iwa.

av 14W14 lbs. at 17. Ii. lb, ar Is lb, at Iba, av 14 sba, at 7c; lb, sv 12 Iba. tolsc: 2xtM Iba.

sv22r24 its, on p. t. Sweet Ptckied Hams (tale, lbs. sv It lbs. on p.

t. 13 av 104712 Iba. on p. t.

71 tea. av II lb, at tr: IS tcs No. 1 sv 12414 Iba. oa p. t.

Mwcwt Pickled Picnic Hants tlaJeo. 75 tea ar 46 1 lb at tSc- Kra Mhon Csewr (Udes fUlew, 2Xs iba. ar irTL lb, at 4SC Short Clear Rides Sales, boxes. 4yl psere. at 44.

7: 4A bosgw do. on p. t. YA boxes. 74r ptorea, on p.

t. Dry Baited Betltew Halew. n.snt lbs. av 12414 lbs. on p.

t. 2S.4M Iba. av laasa Iba. on p. t.

COOPERAOB Offerings fair and eemand limited. Pork barrets doll and alow sale at toe. Lad tlrrcea steady at sTSc- Hale, car pork barrels at tUr: 7rl lard tsetve at S7SC. TA H13KT Steady on the basis of 11.22 for hlgh-wtnew. HA Receipts.

17 ton: shipments, ttl ton. Supply large and demand light. Choice timothy. tlJtil2.M: No. I.

Ilirrll; No. 1 tolwJ0: No. 1 i7.Mrt: choice prairie. ts.Ssta; No. f7.5oi; No.

1 1707. No. 1 K7; No. 4. tS.S0rw.

STRAW Sale: On Track Tangled Rye 1 car off color at; 3 cars at Wheat -1 car at 24.2.: 1 car at tS, Oat 2 car st ti. THE PHODCCK MARKETS. The general trade on Sooth Water street was only fair. Receipts were liberal of everything except poultry, which wa la light supply snd firmer, turkeys being scarce. Eggs sold at Sc to tc for Northern, cases Included nt mark.

Potatoes were slow and lower for early Ohio. Ther was good sursply of freeh regetsbles. except green onion, wbit-siwere scarce and brought hlrh price, fttrsw-berrk wer in lighter supply sad sold at 2tc to JJc per Qt. NOTE These quotations ar for round lota, sold st arst hands, aa nearly aa poaalble. An advance over these prices must usually bs psid la filling mall orders.

BEANS Pea hem snd navies. BfrSSc for fancy hand picked. 24rc for choice medium, aad 7S9 IV for common snd dirty: California Lamas. tlQ 112S per lot lbs; Swedish. SI-06 per ba.

Bt'TTER Creamery extra fancy. 21c: firsts. 1S20Sc: second. 14914c: thirds. IcHle; Imitation creamery.

12yUc: dairies, selections, ltc; No. 1. 1 My lac: No. 1 Iltflxc: extra ladles, list USc; No. tlle: freaS packing stock.

TtTtci stale, tc: grease. 47ac; roila. 4Ue. BROOM CORN Commoa and short, t20a21 per tnn: self-worktng. fair to choice.

HO): dwarf. t30tr4S; all hurt l4J per Ion. CRANPERRJE8 Slow at Mr per brl for common to fancy Cap Cod Jersey. tf.O per brl. CUEKSETounr A merle.

t(lSc: twins, t) ltc; Cheddars. tStrtc: on Savor. 47c: Swiss. No. llwllS; No.

A Mpldc: No. I brick, taylsu; Limburgtr. tw 11c EOO-8trietiy fresh. 14c; Icehouse. 4t7e.

OREEN FRUITS Banana, shipping bunches, 7Scft.l.2S for good to choice: apples. i2.7i44 foe No. 1. and ILfMjlto tor No. 1 ORANOKH California navels.

3L2S47X2S: seed-linsrs. tl.2otrt.2S. QA1IE Golden pkrrer. tl.TtwX: graaw. 21 per jeesi snip, ti.

iwz: (sum snipe, zae lard ducks. U41.S per doa; teal. 3422; rabbits. TVestl.xS per 1 ooa. HIDES Oreea salted, Ke; damaged.

4c 1 call 7c no. a. ssvc; ssun hsdea. 4c: horws hides, tltjl; cake. 4c.

No. 1 taisow. isc: Ko. 1 tkc: POUI.TRT Turkeys. 4JUH per Tb: chick re a.

bens. Sc: sprtne. Hc: ducks. 0)12e per lb: ousters. 4'tric; geese.

t44 per dos: dressed twrkews. lwiLe: good lo chose chickens, seiao; sorlngsnc; rooster, ttrtc; ducka. lotyUc; LRMON DuH at tL7ada per boa for Meastnas and Pal usds. POTATOK3 Roe. It4atrt liebroaa.

ltdrlte: Burbsaks. lCv-21c; saixed. laUe per ba ea track. POP CORN Whit rice and pearL tl: elgat row. II; mixed kxa.

S4ac per 10 lbs. v7BAb-oi4i at 4t7S per lb for rood td cbolc jiiqanrABU-cassag. hiv etna CSltS see erate: ewiotss. 2wx4c fr bo; rutabaga turalo. 2s per bo; white tar-nlna.

tl.S per brl: send kettwc. tlolper bri: lwf. sovrwc par raae: green, on tone. TV 43 pee bo bwSi. radlabea.

slitl.S per ba boa; tlCLS per ba bos. UVE tTOCrw SilKET. Chicaa rsroipts aad abiwaeit of Uv stork fog tb date ua: Receipts Catfe.Calre,H'T- Sheep. Monday. March 11...

t.lTS 1X1 li. March i lAi l.oms We fhua far. 11XST l.m 45. r.OJ Saws period snkJll 1.047 K.74 bam period UH 1M4 4s.ta3 2. (it (ihlpwssnt Monday.

Marc 23 141 442 Moodajr, hUrch 2.W) Week thus far 5.11 14,44 175 Sam period ktat 4 ill 1744 Suae gertod lawi 114W Kts 4.74 Esttaaaied receipts today. If. csstii. 2s.d hogs, snd id. to beep.

Receipts, with comparisons, at four market: Csttle. Hrgs. Sheep. rhtrogo lbs lt.Sst IS Kansas Otr I. last lout l.yus Totals.

.11.40 4S.20 11. 44 Corrrspooding day last k.U.'v 41. 24 Tw CotTespuadloa- day 10t 1144 40.4U U.H A cwapte ef targe tsussraes of 4-year-oM rtxsi rattle. knchJdina a few tkr. recently od at tit tlt per bead, or about 7 prr bead lower Than a year ago.

Fair lo cnoir yoartinsa aad two at I low 14 aaow but little difference. Hen Texaa ens rwrentlv rba wared bawds so the Indian Tsrri lory at tUSe per head. sad. lb pwrcbaaer assured th Drovers' Journal, "they wer aot ead canning stock, either. A.

B. Butler, bead hoe; buyer for Swift. sld: "I don't oso Why bog should not continue to cause pieatlfully and good. Fsrasers who have bus ar swr to have corn, and Ibey ar awaking tn bog 1st. Ws have been getting many very ripe snd very prime heavy hog from Kan.

1 saw on man wrtb som of that kind averaging over tut lb who said aw knew man who had about 1.004 bead more of tb same kind. When asked how It wa that Kassss could be turning In rip rS-year-old hoes wnea tb state had almost no corn in 194. he said that maay of tb farmer, when they didn't hav corn, let th hog rua oa th root-hog -or -d la prlacips. aad fed them corn when they gut It." CATTLK Tae market wa slow and generally ltc lower in anticlpaUon of heavy receipts. Inferior to good l.tswMgl.US-lb beef steers sold at tl.244.2t.

including good steers at tLa. and nle steers at tTtt: fed Tesas Mem. CIW 1.124 Iba. Tb alanaaa City market waa dull and Ivolje lower today. Tb atjpoly of calve wa unusually lrg.

aad price again declined 2S4SSSC. making Usem nearly tl lower man th best time a few week go. Home welected calve n4d at tSrseiU. bat tb bulk st M-ior, 4.2S. Cow aad be if era stady at stora-ers sad feeder.

XI TVtJl ki. HOO Th bulk of th hogs sold 10c lower, with fancy light only weal to sc lower, and plenty of big heavy bog 10c lower. The packers wer about all buying, but th trade waa slow, ne vert hee-s tM-eeulators did not have much "nerve." and tss shipping demand waa weak, except for "feather-w-iahts." Mlsed hogs aad selected butcher h- sold at t3.as2 k. with a fw fancy sot runaing Msnrely te prime at 44.iV Tb bulk of tb gl mixed hugs sold around tl Fancy droves of eilr-lb hrgs "ld at choice hog sntd at 23 Ke3 t. with a sale or two above, and fair to good rts4s-lfc bogs st tifctsJ w.

Th hulk of good heavy bos sold at SS iiwl 17 Fancy 140tl4-lb sorts sold at t4.0&44 with Inferior 10 chose Haiti mlsed at kiH. Ten packers and city butchers bought 12.sU hog, and ahuipers 4 and 1 wer left over. Armour Co bought 2 274: Angso-Amerlcao Provision Compsnr. 2.10B: Bcyd. Lunaam fd; Chicago Parking and Provisson Company, tut: Con-linental Packing and Pro visum Company.

G. Hammond Iwtemattonal Parkins Ccra-paay. lJuo. ilorvl Cw-. 4ii.

bwlft Lisil; Viles Robbin. 70. HHEEP Th bulk of the sheep, as usual, were Westers, and. unleoa thev were too heavy they sold freely at former fix urea Lamb sold from teady 10 1- higher, th best showing tbe sml advance. Pale included om chose clipped sheep up to SXSa.

Western sheew sold mostly at ti 7'frl si. and the bulk of the lamb at 44 to, with best at i and choice shorn at II ti. HtRSEH There were more buyers in th market and th demand wa Mronger from all source The best sellers were erptrt chunks, drivers, (southern chunk, snd F.atrn farm animal inouirv for herv drafter being light and prtr- ranging from tsuwla for common to tilts chose offering. OTHER LIVE STOCK MARKETS. NEW TORK.

March 24. -Beeves Receipt. Pt bed: European cable oucte American steer st 4yAe. dressed weight: refrigerator beef at S'4 7e. ExDona today.

Vj beeves. l.M sheen, and lltal Qua rt era of beef. Calve Receipt. IZ bead: steady: veala. poor to prime.

t4.S04jn.2a. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. Ml head: veryuutrt. but feeling aleadv. Fneeo.

poor to prim. Sot 4.2S. Lambs, common to choice. 14-Mtrlla. Hogs Receipts.

177 hesdi Heady at 14 40414 ($. EAT BUFFALO. N. March There were no fresh anivsls of sal dock today, and only a few odd rnda held over from former arrival. Fairly steady tor good fat and bandy but elvers Hogs Receinr.

I ears: fslrty sctlve: Yorkers, fair to chose. t.Mf roughs, common to good, tl. 4042 pigs, common to fair. 14 244. XS.

fiheeo and Lamhe Receipts. It cars: slow. Lamb, cbosre to prlsse. Hluv-: cull and common. Bheeo, chose to select export wethers.

tXTSasXtt: cull and common. 11 OMAHA. March 24. Cattle Receipts. Hot bead msrket steady to easier: native beef steers, ga Western steers.

tZ XOl 74 Texas steers, tt-asmrlei: sows aod better. X4s)elt; caarerra. lUTitsl ii: storkers and feedera. t2.7& IkS: rstvea. t-i.

bulla, ataas. etc elll Hoc eceiws S.J80 head: market jl'ic lower: neuvr aad mixed. UcesXtS: light. C.S44X70; piss, rt rrl bulk of aalea. tl ta.

Sbeess Receipts. 1.4 head: market steady: fair to ehow-e native. tTtOwXsO: do Western. t2.Y ossansoa and stock aaeep. Katt-tt; laaiba.

$3 44 St. HT LOUTS. March 24 Cattle Receipts. 4 head; market steady native beeres. tXlOdt 4 4: Texas steers.

gS4s4: stoeker sad feeders. 22.21 rl 4S: cows aad heifers, bulls, mostly tS. tv; is. Hoes ReeHots tot head: msrket steady tc lower. Heavy.

doluM: nuxtd. sauX.M: light. 23 SotsM aw. Bheeo reel ot a. l.

head; msrket stesdy: nstive. tx 40tsl tt: Westerns. t3.AeaU.7t: Southern, C4M4. ivANSA.4 CITT. March 21- Cattle Re-eelDts.

I.7W bead: seitptnewt L2M head. Market weak. 4'c lower: Texas steers. I17S91 70: Texas cows. XX1.

beef Meera. (3T4 ii: native cow, ft 2Strl40: stoeker snd feeders. UTissl ti; bulls. CSfStl. Hows Receipt, t.70 bead: rhipmenta.

bead. Market 41V lower; In som case lie lower: bulk of sale. CsT.trJTS: heavy, ti t1 75 packers'. fry mixed, txsseon 75: Ugbu Yorker, tl 0 7. tug U4V1 ti.

8heeo Receipts, 2.7'lt head: shipments. PO head, msrket slow bat stesdy Lambs. muttons, tl Uul ii. FOREIG.t 44lOT.tjTIO.IS. LrVERPOOU March 24 -Whest-Spct.

eniet: demand poor: Na. 2 red winter, le Sd: No. 2 red spring, stocks exhausted. No. 1 California.

Is Sd; No. 1 bard Manitoba, is SSd Futures opened steady with sear and dtstsst positions tad lower: closed steady with near pourtlnas lower, sni distant poaliiooa lower. Busineaa heavvaat on mICdl poaltsons. March. Is 4Sd: April, ta 4Sd: May, 4d: June, ta 4d: July, 4d: Auguat.

5 Id. Cora Spot, atilet: Americaa mixed, new, 2s. Futures opened quiet with sesr snd distant positions Sd Vcswrwr: closed evtet with near positions SO ird lower, snd distant poaltsnus Sd lower, hoskiru about equally distributed. March, ts Sd: April. 2 rd' May.

ta ISd. June. 1 id: July. 2s lSd: August, is tl. Prcvlsson ftaooa Frnu; demand poor: Cumberland cat.

tt ts 20 lb. 24; snort ribs 2t iba. 2X td. long clear, light. 2t to 44 lbs.

24 id: Ion ciewr. havy. tt lb, stock exhausted: short clear backs. Iietit, It Iba. 27s td: (hart Hear mlddsr.

heavy. Ii lb, pi td: dear bell sew. It to It Iba, tea. Shoulders 1 to II fba. td Kama-Sort cut.

II to 1 lbs, JS. Tallow Fin North American. 2. Reef Extra India mess. C4a 2.1.

prime mews, 4.1. Pork Prime nses. nn Western. SOs: do medium 4Sa Id. Lard Quiet: prime Western.

27: refined la palls, tt. Cheese Unset demand poor: Barst A merle n. white ami colored. 42. Itutter Finest otted State, to: gnod.

to. Refrigerator Beef ForrQuarter. iSJ. blnd-uuarter. tSd.

MARKETS BY TELEGR tPH. NEW TORK. March 24-Flour Receipts. 7.IM brls: exports. tt.lM brl; quiet and steady.

Grstn Wheat Exports. T1I5 bu. Spot, dull: No. 1 hard. 74Se f.

o. b. Option, after opening weak and lower, under heavy spring wheat receipts, rallied snd wer generally firm sll day oa scarcity of offerings snd a good short demand, stimulated by talk ot unfavorable crop conditions, snd rumors of large wheat acceptance, closed So net lower: March closed 7c; Mar. 4tS4jSc. closed tt'-ic.

Corn Receipts. 41.Us ba; exports. 44,20 bu. Spot, dull: No. 1 I7Uc.

elevator. Options opened fairly steady, advancing on smaller car lot estimate than anticipated, rule, steady and closed quiet and unchanged. May, Srt 4-1 4c, closed 2SSc; March closed 27V. Oats Receipt. lz.l bu; exports.

4.T") bu. Sisot. easier: No. 1 24S24c. Option, fairly activ and about steady, closing unchanged.

March, closed lSc: May. NSG-4HC. closed 14Sc Provtalooa Beef Cut meat (teady: ptckied shoulders, 4HvSo. Lard weak: Western steam closrd refined lower: Continent. ti.7a.

Pork dull; men. t.S0n). Petroleum Dull; United closed at tl 2tbid. Rosin firm; strained, common 10 good. ILTityl1.

Turpentine dull. Sac Pig Iron steady; Southern, 11113.73. NorthenC Ol tjllt. Metal Copper Arm; brokers. 11; exchange, til.

nominal. Lead tedy; broker', tl 19: exchange. t2.1syl2t: tin dull; strait, ill 25tyll2. plaiea easy. Spelter quiet; domestic.

14.144.20, September copper. Coffee Options opened stesdy at unchanged Kces is points decline, ruled quiet snd feature-s. with only small local trading, within narrow limitation. Closed hwrei aia as Changed prices to I point dacllne; rales.

14. tut bag a. im-iuuij aiarvii. saowij. sue Bpot tjolte KlO quiet: No- T.

Uc; mild quiet; Cordova. lSltc-saifS. IW bags Maracaib m. l.tot Laguayra 2- YtSlV1 10 do )sa vanilla p. t-1 1.M do Central American p.

t. firm: sales, 4.121 bag Cuba centrifugal tt test at t-lo a-ahlp. STXOUlS.Mo.. March In Wheat-Cash easy; No. I red.

tiSe elevator. t47lc track; sp-tioos better: May. trsSaSo; July. ttSe. Com- yasu lower.

nMJk'ac; tutuces steady; Msy. 2Se: duly. 27H' fcrrr, wc lists Cash u. Oat Cash. ItSc: May.

2S; duly. ltc. My tjuiet. Mc ivator. track.

Pork Lower: lob sot, new. tt .1 -i old. U.S Lard Lower; cholc. KtaH.20. aL Iad Hull.

ITS sellers Spelter Nominally; tl tt. Flax Seed Steady at USc. Poultry-Quiet; turkeys, 12flk: chickens. Iff tSc: ducks, ie: gees. MM Sc.

Butter cresmery. 170 Sc. dairy. 12917a. Egg Firm nt tike.

wrt.MINOTON.TJ! March strained. tl.tO: good. tl.tS. Spirit Nothing doing. Tsr Stesdy at too.

Turpeotin Nothing doing. PHILADELPHIA. March 14. -Butter Firm; fair demand: fancy Western eesamsry. 22c Eggs Stesdy: fresh Western, HSo.

ButteewRceerpts. jt.r pkgs; market steady: Vsusss ai aaswan 1 i.rSe Idslaw rhu 12923; kUguss. 22. Chse Recelpi ts. LLU nkaa: mala toeoa.

am Ias; smalt, a una. te IWa. 8lMtc; part sklma. 14 Sc; full ag-f-iicrtp'-s. Uttt akgat auady: stats and 9 CEIPPLECREEK STOCKS.

We haw carefully lnvestigstoJ and tvew. esTeoeiaily rwcoixuasiid as sal tmrestiaeatt th tock of ISompsoi, looo-lodkv, elate Bill CoBsolklal PoTtlUu, Iubelli, nd DilOB-Cwld TH annwdiadldy I JS Jsckson Street, Btvnk Floor. Za. IX KNIiXAND, Manager. Members of all Colorado Ixcbangea.

Dt- rect Prtrat Wires. Order Promptly Xxw entod. Correepoadeae Solicited. Tlepbon Main 470. Onr Market Letter Reviewing th grain aad stork markets dally will be sent you oa in th hop sf ewerr.

ins part of your buslnesa. Bend also for our Mar- net uvctsooarw-. oenmns sti tsosra or irso ui Stork Exchange expressions, aad containing valvals! statistic extending over a period ef twenty ve years, aolldt your order la grsiu. storks, and rrovisioos. either tor cash or oa to i points margin.

J. R. WILLARD CO. Chicago Board of Trod. New fork frwdwca Excbasvga.

N. V. Cua Stock fescssowga. I eard ef Train, fbtrsza. 44 Srssswsy.

Hew Tsrk CRIPPLE CREEK GOLD Stock Ws clfr a portion ef the treasury stock of th Industrial Cold Mining Cempsay (property to-csted near th celebrated Independence and Portland Mlasst. at th extremely low price of 2S cents per share. Get ts before the rise. haadle so "Wild Cat" scheme, but only the most cosservatlvs investments. Send for reliable prospectus.

Highest references given. C. W. HOYT ot vestment Bssskrr. Jaeobtoa Building.

Isenver. Colo. WHEAT. Careful and conservative traders bought wheat around Our and look their oroflt. Wheat 4 again near that safe point, with even better reasons for a advance.

let serve your Interests In plac-irg your orders on toe 'Tiscaao Huwrd o( Write for free sally Market Letter. Ready Reference Book, and any Information OVsiid I K.N lit. Members Chicago lfard of Trade. N-s. 4.1 Board of Trad.

Chicago. WRITE TO I'S. r. O. LOQAN te 4poaoor Ioraim, TRAteC.

STOCKS. e. FwuvsiTa. rsasr. iii.sstwuwl sews its.

Pennsylvaxua. 12c; Western, lltll'ic; Southern. 10rwli''. Md March II. -Flour-Dull, unchanged: receipts.

4.477 brls; shipments. 44 brl. Grain Wheat Dull, spot ana month. 714 71 May. ae ssked: receipts.

bu. Corn fteady; spot, month, and April. StawMc: May. MSftjlc. receipts.

42.70 bo: shtpments. it 4u bu Oats tlteady: No. 2 wkit West era. receipts. lt.40ibu; shipments, tt.wt bu.

Rye Dull: No. 2 Western. 444tc. Hay Firm: best grade choice timothy T4 bid. DETROIT.

Msch March 24. Wheat Stronger; No. 1 whit. 7aSc: N. 2 red, 4sc: May.

ssked July. Sc bid: August, tc. Com 4o. 2. 23 SC.

Oats No. I white. 27 Sc. Rje J. Uc Clover Seed UCi.

TOLEDO. Oh so. March It, Grain Wheat Higher, steady. No. 2 cash and htarch.

Sc: May. Ttc; iuiy. te. Corn OuiL steady; No. mixed.

2k-: Its. mixed. 27SC. OatsQuiet; No. mixed, ric: 24 o.

2 white. May. 22c noose laaL Rye No. casts. e.

Clover Seed Active; tower; prims cash aad March Pt 2V MINNEAPOLIS. March 24. The wheat market larked brl knew, but aa even undertone of atrength held cow trot ail day. The opening was a IMtle lower, but there wa a show of lia-sees from tb Mart and a moderate rally that kept ahorta seller away from th pit. A tb session ndvanced coaaiderabl bull new ia tbe way of crow damage cam in.

some of It of a character to auggeoc aa effort to madhsulale. tb remainder having weight slit Ihe trade. The price advanced after this new wa received. Oa lb whoie th market ws featureless. May opened at fTSc aad closed at itwe.

that feeing th rang of th session. July opened at Stc and closed at t4c. Floor There nre bat few new features to be found in the market: first patents. tX142.Ss: second patent. Holll: first clears, Cii.

second dears, fcrwil. DL'LLTH. March It Grain Wheat No. I hard rash. Marv.h.

4y May. CV: No. 1 Northern rah. tc: March. itrSc; Mav s)tc; June.

tlSrc: July. 4ic bid: No. 2 Northern cash. May. MV No.

2 stxlng. UW: rejected. aTsr; to arrive No. 1 hard. rV: N-s.

Northern. tc. Rve xjtjc. Oats J. 1 IV: No.

2. 17SC. I'l-ay. Car Inspection Wheat. 4S: crn.

4. iats. 21: rye. bnriey. flax.

21. Receipt Wheat. lJS.tit bu; oats. 12.23 bs. rv-.

L43 bu: flax. t.wi bu Shipments joe. COTTOX WAS WEAKER. NEW YORK. March 24.

Market was alow, sale -being 7 700 bales. Tbe light trading created weakness, and at'-bous-a market wasaaxruw. closing prlc.s were 2 to 2 point lower than yesterday's. LJverpooi wa lower f.w soots and future, with spot sals of bales. Price wvr aa follows: rioae Months Open.

High. Low. Cloee.Mar.22 March 7 51 71 7.41 Til 7.M April SI 712 53 7.5 May 7 7 5 no 7 it T.i i 7 41 July 7 41 7.43 7.5 7 7 1 Aawust 7l 7l T.S 7.S 72 September 7.3 7.2 T.2 T.M 7.22 BOS TO WOOL BOSTON. March 24. Although there Is a feeling among tb Boat on wool uvea that business will shortly revive here, yet last week's msr-kat does not show sny evideuoa whereby sny grounds for stack a belief can sntsiisad Tbe market was remarkably quiet, altbouch la whatever sales were made prices wer maintain Fleece wool show a srarcity of stsps aad very One pa recta.

bu( a fair amount of other qualities can be picked up. Tbe sales are alow la territory wool and Australian wooia hold Arm with stow trade. Tbe following are tbe guotationa for leading description! Ohio and Pennsylvania Fleeces aad above, ttc; XX and XX above lsjnc; No. 1 2Cc; No. I combing.

2124c: delaine. 214r21V. Michigan. Wisconsin. Ktc -X Michigan.

ISO 17c: No 1 Michigan combing. 21c: No. 1 Illinois combing. 22e; No. 2 Michigan eombing.

22trSSe: No. Illinois combing. ZZSc: Nw Tors. New Hampshire, and Vermont. 14c: No.

1 New Tork. New Hompshtre. and Vermont. He; Michigan. IXsltM-p.

L'nwaabed Medium Kentucky and Maine, quarter bl md combing. ItwltSc: ICentwcky sad Maine five-eighths blood combing, tstsltic: Indiana an-l Missouri quarter blood combing. t7ltr: Indian and Missouri, three-eighth blood combing. 17atlc; braid combing. 17c: Lak and Oeorgia.

nstlixc. Texas Wools Spring, medium ttweive months). 1IW13C. scoured price tic: spring, fin month), lltyllc. scoured price.

Ciac. Territory Wools Montana firs medium and fine, l'SW 13c scoured price. SIsVKc; I'tah. Wyoming, floe medium and nne.t412o: scoured price, 2214c. California Woolst-Xorthem spring.

1I9IA-: scoured price. 22r20r: middle county, spring. list ltc: soared price. llteSEc. Australian, ncoured liasis suuetllws, 47Kdc: c-smbing.

good. 434tc: combing, average. W3c; Queensland sod combing. 4tH4c. DBI GOODS.

NEW TORK. March 24. Dry goods markets steady. Aa Irregular request was mads by tb various raise be of the cutting -up trad aad soma r-uslnea wss done. Printing clothe steady st 2Sc.

with sales of about 40. Jus) piece in all markets. Reunarkable ratal. The most remarkable canal In the world la (ho one betwea or ley aad SL Halcaa. ia th north of Kaglaad.

It Is sixteen miles long, tad nxtder-groaad from end to cad. Ia Lancsshkrs th coal mle are very exteaatvo. half the con sty being undermined. Many yesrs ago the managers ef a great nobletnss's estates thought they could tare mosey by transporting the coal underground instead of oa the surface; therefore the racial was constructed, aad the mine connected aad drained at tbe tamo time. A Polyglot E.

Allea Drawbnugh. principal of the Pother glti school, la Steelton. teaches sixty-sit pupils, aad they represent tweir nationalities Ther ar thirty-three Americaa. two German on Iriah. three Po landers, on English, oa Syrian, sis lulls ss.

six Hungarlana, Bve Bohe-miaaa. threw Slavs foar aegroea. aad ea Arabia. Dwera' Twllet Claw. A toilet dab for thr ate of dog haa bee opened la Boad street, Londoa, aad they sap tt I ka laterettlng experteac to go through the pteadldl Sued ap room devoted1 to tb iaav-Ing aad thampootag of pet dogs, whlls huagry.

aad bomUe bey sad girls ar tradg. log Uusugh la atrtst atsld..

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