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The Public Advertiser from London, Greater London, England • Page 1

London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1L KIN G'i Tfo a new Serious Qferi (tawi fbe Mufie entireW BACHi. The principtl iGfeajrattera by Signer-RONC4GLIA, ta Afl II. Ao Ah, vxomftmMoa the VWin, lonccUo, widifittotboy by Miff. Stumer, Cerveuo; Flario; a aad fang -by Signors With new exposed End of Aft DiverHfanant, by Ma Tuid nonet, we Wffw Twik ajnytfonf.Banti, End of the Open, 1 Madetnoifelle Hawthorn, Juftice WoOdeopfcAMr; Sir'Wlljiom Mri Mi. Latnaw and Youn Meadows, Mr Mrs.

Jewell 5 Margery, ACfa Twiftj Jfcv ehelli, and Monf. With nugnifewt Hl a l4 Pit To bepnwaeliy ajtSin, '''Wa Retina, vl try tn getting their ucrttpceVutfy mtreate-f to give sofcf -SetVpui tV set down and take Horftt HsWiawarda Pall-mall. 'Pit Door in Market, daptairi-FIaft; Mr. PALMER Stevens: TJoofa will be opened Six o'Clocfc, iand 1 Q9 Monday, (the 3d Time) The FEMALE CitE- iT of thew.A^^UA^, i OAfcoD X-H, A fp MN- i JL of this Place will this Sear ion. This The Doors will be opestea imnje.iliat^^lter Five.

to the Devi! Tempte Bar, Leave tolriforn the No-, bHUjtlahdf Gentry, yern, and Hotel, at Margate, are peds well Accommodation fit for thejr Reception. PoftaehaTfff N. RrMrf good Stables, In Tyi'o large Twelves, Price 7s. bound, QAZET'TEER or, An the Towri s. Wales (hewing, their, Situations, Trades, Markets, Fairs, Sehranta Places are tube at.

the Door in Saf-i -priacipal iuiWings, Charin- A- E. and WOOLLAMS. By hit A. 5 Company. the Theatre Royal A.

Oay will be preieated -The RUNAWAY, George HaWrwe, Mr Waldron: Janria, Mr. Palmer: Mr. Moilefi Sir Oiarlci SeymoBr, Mr Bierttonj Mr. -Mr. MOODY; LadyDinair, Emily.

Mrs. ROBIKSON Sufao. Mra. Wrighten 5 Harriet; Mifi P. And Bella, MifsY-xUNGE.

To wKch will be added, The I ISH WIDOW. Whittle, Mr. WALDRONj Keckfey, Mr. Dodd 5 Sir Patrick Bates by Mr.Baddeleyj Nephew by Mt.Daviei| Thomai, Mr. Burton Tbe Widow Brady, with an Epilogue Song, by End of Ad I.

of the Farce, the Minuet by the Tickets delivered by Mr. Page, Mr, Rurlhoipe, Mr. Finney, Mr.Whitty, and twi- finiy. will betaken. 'To begin cxaaiy at a Qoartef after Stir.

Vkant Rexfc Regina. To-rnetrow (not afted tWs ROMEO and Entertalritnerits. PoftlieBevieflt cf Watfon, Wilfon, Mr. Devote, Mr: Kay- fUl, and Mr. Burrows.

A N. Mr-TrHLLER, Mr. end Mr. JCqtLEy-. A IT the Theatre Royal, Govent Day will be ptffeated.

SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER 5 Hardcaftk; WILSON, tony Lumpkin; Mr, Marlow, Mf.WrojBgb.tont. Bafiings, Mr. WhitefieWj Cjb.ajrles[MarfoV./Mfc Featonj Mra. Hardcaflie; Mra. Pitt; Mtfa NewHeitMra.LB*SOHj Mifi Hardciftle, Mrs.

ByLRLEy. End of Aft 11. a new Dance, by Mr. his Pupils. In which wilt be introduced an Affault, by MaAer Dagueville and Maflitt land, with a Minuet, by Matter Dagueville and Mift Bullock.

Anil (for the Second Time) "the Prince of new, Minuet, by Matter Holland and Mil's Sjmonet. To whi will'be The 00NTRY Caatileno, (with Imitations) Mr. REINHOLD Ballad. Mr. MAHON; Quick: BauWfc, Mr.R0bf.n5 The Country Mad-Cap, Mra- MAT TO MCS.

Tickets deliyeied by Mr. Slepbenfon, ljU- Rohinfon, Mr. Varley, Mr. Brercton, Mr. W.

Anftll, Mr. Miller, Mrl Smallwood, Mr. Haliliurton, Mr. R. Ledger, Ntr.

"Baker, and Whittmgton, will be received. ftacti tor Boxes to taken of Mr. Satjaat, (onhiatthe Stage Door, The Doort to be opened at a Quarter paft To begin exaflly at a Quarter after Six. VtVantftes Regina. To-morrow, ALEXANDER the CfREAT, with Tue Blue, and COM(JS.

For the Benefit of the general Lying-in Hofoital, rottenbam-couTt. "SADLER'S WEt L5 HIS apd the following Evenings will be P'elented the ufnal confiftingof WHCING, by Mr. Lowe, Mr. Keari Burnett, Mif 6 Dowfon; partjtalarly a favourite MuHcal called TIT for TAT. ftnd anothi is iogen this -and everjf Daiy froovEight in the Morning in: Mr.

PrfitlPS's New Great Room Air-Street. TAYLOR, Sec. AdmittanceOne ghilliHg. gratiyj AX A A 0 1 Soirierfet Houfe. np EXHIBIT ON otT the JL' ROYAL AcJiTJEMY in is now open, and will continue every Day (Sundays from Eight in'the Seven in the Admittance One' Shilling.

The Catalogue gratis. F. M. NEWTONj R. A.

i i -jj^.otte^PpundatJonsi Sec. and their Diftances With a defcriptive jAiicWnt thefr Boundaries, Extent, bonfs, and Medicinal Springs. Wlth other Curia(i- itics 00ti the Military! Ways4earops Caftlis, other RemaW-of jaiidji Printed for O. Robinfon, and R. Baldwin, in Pater-hofter TENTS, and CAMP EQUIPAGE.

IKE and at their New i Ughalfterf Warehouff, No. 4.7^ Frith-ftreet, the Liberty to acquaint the Officers of Forces in the Army and Militia, for all Regiments and Contracts, that they Notice, all kinds of Marquees and Tents of different Degrees Field Beds, Bedding, Carpets, Tables, Chairs, and all other Cafnp Neceflaries, with the belt Materials, and on the mod equitable'Terms, Every Attention (hall be paid to Orders com-, minted to their Care and they aflnre the Public, that whatever they undertake (hall be executed reafbnabfy, and with N. B. Letters from the Gentlemen of the Militia in the Country IhaU be duly attended to. Marquees and Tents for Gardens, and TOfHf Ko.

TaviAockj-ftrficl, CbVent French TrimminE; Manufacturer, bega Leanre to return his Inofi grateful Ac; krtowiedgjnents to the NdbHity and Gentry who have favoured him with thieir Commands, takes the ibemthat he hat manufactured an entire new and elegant Trimming for the Birih-day, meet 1 with the none: which ontdo thoft in Elegancy arjd Tafte. lias iikewlfif a 'iieat; AiTortment of all Surtsof Fru ftriped, fiiperior to any French he rnade it up- in 'Frlmnlings, TafTels, Flowers, and do Barbe deNeptune for'Caps and t(ats; Fringes of Sorts, Blonds as ufual: Snits'of' Ckth, Negligees and all other trimmed in the neweft Tafte, on the (horteft In Two Volumes Quarto, with a Frontiipiecej Price tip 16s. in Boards, ATE A-: to r.T^iS,; felled from thtPa'pe'r'Qnlce, Mufeomi the Hardwicke and other.valuable Prni'teifor W.StraHari and T. and Tottenham. HE Soratner Ska-hn "minds'me of (duties of Gentlemen Suu- Jpfi pubhjbtd, Printed for Alexander Donaldfon, at No.

48,. St Paul's in one Volume Octavo, Price; neatiyfoou'nd, EVERtJBS MEMOIRS Hontcriiing MX; -the6F WAR. de SAXE, ofthe Armies ofIFraHce. from the Preifrch. To Which, fi annexed his Treattfe concerning LEGIONS.

Together with Letter-son various Military the Marflial tofeveral eminent Perfon's; with an Ae- count jof thcLife tif the Author, lllinftrated with Copper Place's. contains a cAhpleteSyttem of MiUtary Difcipline, and the Method 'of taifing, jjraj both Cavalry and- Foot; The Work met. with "(a large Tirip reflion being Tame-of Pcace;) (he Editor to give a new Edition to the Public. a. Gordon'4 yniverfal: Complete ifh ISdnS an vols.

8voV Price I 1 3. Prefident Goquet's Origin of Laws, arid" Sciences, 3 vols. N. B. Alexander Dortaldfon has' no with any other Shop in 'Lbnden.

Lifts of 1 with the are given away. them aitd every othef Society of Gentlemen rhy uc- Wft Endeavours' (nail be ufed to commutation agreeable, beg my grateftit 'Acknowledgmin's to ami CBffomers atn their Abft obedient huhible Servant, EDWARD VAUGHAN. A Plealhre Oarden and a Canal docked with Fiih," for the pt Angling; Field adjoining, with proper Im- pjliements ball O' be a bieautiial little Mare, about Thirteen. Hands and a half of Country, and may tJefeerr at Mr. Tarterfal's any 'Timeifomrhispay tjllMcinrfay, when wrtl be fold by Aofiion, if not difpofed of fooner, AS the whofe Hropetty (he is, is jgoing flie is calculated for any Lady or Gentle nan, beng of the compleateft Mould, Price Twenty Guinea, near double that Sum was bid for her lan Year at South, hampton.

7bit Day it In Quarto, (Price as. embelliihed with an E'liiblematicarFrorttifpiece, HE LOVE FEAST. OEM. I (peak that I do know." Shukefpeare. Printed for J.

Bew, No. Patera nbfferAnw and fold by Ti Lewis, RnSel-tlreet, it J. Ireland," the Coriier of Btaufort Buildings, Strand and the other Bookfellers. Of whom muy be ha 1, by Pricai each, with EmbljmiJtieal FrontifpiccJt, tJ aJSatire. a Poetical EpiiVei; calmly addreftcd tofhe greatell in England.

for Tabernacle Frames. to theFrinttrot the 'Public Ai 1 of the good Pepple of England feem tp with. the. preterit Mfriiftry, and 1 perhaps not without "Reafon But, alas! are the Tijpes ahd'triS Manners, that it isrioj: eafytQprQpofe aChangej without fcjj fbh thy is In a POTkakVoirimc 3 s. fld.

bound, 5 ofathe 'iJwft 4y which every Lowr pf of Paintjng mayinftarltly 1 -know the Names, the Years and Places of Birth of above Twof houfand Four ffunbred of the molt celebrated'Artifts who have flonrifhed in any King- domjjof Europe joo Years'paflj and aliij the hjC each; the Mailer under whom ap4 Age at which he- diei. Intended toifjfttuft.fas^well as to.aiffifl the Memory of) rhofc.G^ who either tra'vel abroad for 1 Tafle, or to viewitheJcuririis Cblledions in thefekingdoms. 'By the Rev. M. PILKiNOTON, A.M.

Printed for in tie Str'fed, Bookfeller and Printer to the.Royal Academy. his in whotn The Mafic by, Mr er (nr this Seafon) called SHE's MAD for HUSBAND- Set by Mr Dibdiiu by Mr. Le Merci r. Mr. Weft, 2 "tton.

x. iwr. wen, Mr Collet, Mrs. Huntley, and Mr. ING, by Mr.

Rayner, Mr. Gvman, and Mr. Several New and CAPITAL EXHIBITIONS Mr. Richer, Mynheer Baptifti, Mafter and Sienora And ROPE-DANCING, by M'. Ferzi andotnera.

To which will be added a new ORIENTAL Or, HARLEQUIN NABOB, ThtMnne by Mr. Moot. PafntinjBs by Mr. Green The Doors to be opened at EWe o'clock, begin atSis. 1 it (Price is.

dd. feWetf i'rfMa'rbIe Paper, or neatly bound inRed,) New being the Fourth, Additions, HE TABLET of MEMORY fliew- ing every EWt- in Htftcry, from the. earlier Period to die YearrjjS, claffed under difti (icl Hcads, with: their Dates; comprehending an Epitome; of Englift) with nology pi Painters andeiBinentMen. To which are added jevcralvaluable Liits. Pointed for and Ji Bew, in Patcr4 Nofter Row.

The uncommon Saccefs that has attended the former Publications ofthis ufeful Companioni (8000 having been fold within three. Years) has; enabled the Proprietors to enlarge this Edition with" tome confiderable Additions an accuritc'Lttt of diftinguiihe.d Painters, contributed by an'eminent Artiitj. correct.Lifts of the Kings of Francev'Spain-, Utility of every Publication is its greateil Bscdm- "mendation, and that which is the moft-esxeniive in in Contents muA therefore claim the Approbation of the Pubhc. And, bot-withftandihgj the Srnalkiefs-of this Volume', it contains every material Occurrence taken Notice of. by moil authenticl Writers; having fome Thuufand ufeful Events more than can be found hi any fimilar Publication.

Tbu Daf publijbed. Price is. 6d. fqi- the Managejnje of Children, frbm the of of feven and a plain of evSty DVfotder they ire well as of thpfe the Female Sex V' CwhhVaHiwy oi efficacious and eafy Remedies Difeatej reined heft Authois; wbereby any VVoirnn be' and ChiMren or. IwitfeltiiTroaiorwidrHkn- thft tifuHy wmte andToAgdj-to exjCKme Vjatipfriix of In two Vorrf SS.bonnd, ET BriE from HOWmtjLfi Tteterfperfed Anet-dtrtef Hiirorical and AmuGng, Gouifisiafld- Countries fhe paffed; founded, on.

Fafts. Printed forfl Bew, No.48j Pater-nofter Row. 9w fi I S. And arttfnd oflr'Urn While Friendlmp fpreads Our humble Printed for the and fold by G. St.

and Mrs. Yair, Square, Edmburghj I CJr.Thefc Elegies are new; Dr. JAM Ri illSj, Medicine Ji as i now the; Teft of public Experience lip wards of and the extraordinary IBtnkfijf, which has arifen Manltind of bna'of that: ever in ftypci inirVaiietyof' lafrancesv Of firft' This Superiority-hae alfd-beeh' Wfawwleaged by many, even of theFaculy, who hive openly it, and experienced its bappyEffefis. many Attempts have, een made uhderthe mbA Vrtfut to impofe upon the Public coun- -Medieiner every-'Cantion has been given to'obviate themV' Trie Public been ioiormed by an Affidavit made by jamct bimwrtf, fupported by the tnoft honourable Tefti- tjwtjio Perjfons are acqaainted with the Secret 1 ROBEitT M. A eLARk: bfc MYawi who ever had the' Ptocefa, from thbrn the gsboine MnfchVit.

1 V- Jun. at his Wntehrfuffe fiotn the iafpn. 4 James's aoa FjieeaKbdahe Packet Andlhaf the Public may Aothenyv- they will obterte'i'that Packet haS a Receipt It is impofltblfi riat: theyrcai be aniong. th.bfe, thin Rebellion, ia, hy and 6ur iiirred Confidence, oBghf-tP be.neld in BeKuatioiri as 'Tray tors to their Country arid tf ment had riot been feeble Indeed, they woufd Have been impeached azjd profecuted as fticM long ago. It would-be the Height of Madneli.

to place any Truft "or Confidence iri as cuiends, who have all co-operated with our Eneriues, and ihewrj. therrifelvesi'-ooj? wofll Enelriies. It is, notorious thaf the Leaders kndilrft Speakers in'Oppofifibni as hungry fothfelaftDbgree tnejf want for a Subu'fterice, would fticK at nothing, would every Thing- into 1 CJonfufion, tljatthey might get foraething; in? jtfie scramble, rfija Cou'niry'than'riot fljare in its and Honours. Others of them, as and have''been tried already, have beeri Weighed injt.hevBalances, and found wanting either in Capacity; or Courage hold the Reins of The Anglo hayittg the worfl of all bad Tern- ere, derives Tucij an original Taint frorh the French is fo warped by his Title atid France, that.he, can never maMagood Minifter, and would fomenting, but arej neither of fufficierft Abilify nor ProperJtyi and the latter Ingratitude to" the heft of Behefaftbra, that he can never be forgiven by is Foily run maj.j a Goele of the Capitol, but he may caclcle, without ever doing any Good. What Drydeii laid' of his Achitophel, the Lord ShafteG burjri is itf Parte very applicable to Lord, Yet Fame deferv'd no Enemy can The" Statefman.

we but praile the. Judge: I In Ifrael's Court fat an Abfceth din Widi tnore di.fcerning more, ctean. Oh had'lie been conterit to ferve the Crovra With only But wild Ambition loves to And Fortune's Ice prefers to wrt.ue*s Land weary tofoffefs A lawful'Fame, and lazy H'appinefs, Difdain'd the-goldert Frait to gather free And lent the- Crowd his Arm to Ihafce "ike Tree; Held hp the Buckler of the People's Caufe Again ft the Crown, and ikalk'd behind the Laws. Something might have been faid in Favour of the Earl he was-always a djA interefted a Friend Religion and Virtue; £pn is' fet. -But of'afl AbfurditTes in Politics'the' ftrangelt is 2 Nobleman, vvJiflLcherifhes 'HoUfe at his Tablej- Difleaters, land commits to thetn' of hts Children, to th.irife.that he can everbecdrae them, not only tp in GhurcH and State, but: al: WO to tbTdlPH8cjpres.

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