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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 7

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CITY IN. BRIEF Bchoolbojla Crashed Beneath an Electric Cat. FAST HORSEMAN-NABBED Father and Bon-ln-Law United In Pollcs Court. Woman Turn On Gas and la Found Dead Robbers Aro Too Noisy. Or MKKTS ATS AWrtt DEATH, Kalpb Diana.

Cnuktl fcr mm Elertrto At Wt Harrtaoa street ui Oakley imM, ax e'ckock yeaterday ifticiw. T-yeer-o4 Ralph Dixon of No. 10 Floumoy street wns rua over u4 tnatanUy killed by aa electric em. Tbo accident was wltaa by a large atum-hmr of people, among tkaa being avaay erotnen. who war forced la turn away at tha horrlbla eceae which ceafroated thee.

The boy's bend wa Marly aeverod from the body. At 'clock Ralph. La compear with a camber at rooapealoea. left the King school a ad alerted for home. Ha carrtod a bundle la fcts band aad whea Harrison street waa reacho-l bo atartad to eroaa tha street.

Aa enat-booad Harrison atraat alactrlc car waa approaching at rapid sat aad Bevural paapla call ad to tha boy ta atop. A passing wagoa prevented tka boy from ireoelag aad alaa preveated him looking attkar to tko aaat ar weet. ta aao If a car waa approachlag. Whoa tka wagoa had paiaad ka atartad to ran aad aa a result raa diraetly ta front of tko approachlag alaetrto ear. Tka motor anna aad passsngsrs ataadiag oa tka front platform akoutad to tka boy to tara back.

Tka xBOtorxaaa did all ta hla powar to atop tha ear. bat ia another aaoaaoat tko boy waa kaackad down aad waa betas dragged over tko cob ble atooea. Tka ear wkaala paaasd aver hla neea- VYUHara r. Laage of No. US Burling atraat with at ban ptckad up tko foaagled ramalaa of tko daad boy aad carrtod tkeaa to tka aide- walk, wkara a physician aooa arrived, bat life waa extlaet.

Tka body waa takaa to tka county morgue, wkara aa loejueet will ba hold today. CITES HIS ITEKD TOO MCCH REIS. tors Mood of tbo Law Fix-Its Shote frwan tko Snddle. Edward G. Sbute's daatra to demoaatrato tko racing abilities of hla horse lad to hla ar- rent, yaatarday afternoon oa tha chare of fast driving.

Tka rait at wblah ba drove hla eteed along Mlchlgna araaaa attraetod Park PoUertuaa Kaalay'a attention. The officer was mounted, aad ka pursued Sbute. eaptarlag him after a akarp raca at Harmoa court. Shote waa takaa ta tko Harrtaoa atraet police atatloa. Ma waa raleaaad after aeveral hour a coaflno- meat aa booda foralakad by a frieod.

KISS ASD MAKE IP IS COIRT. Ren a loo of FatWr faa-la-Law at tko ArnsaoT. Tka dlffereaee betwaaa Joha Klekreae, tha rlcfcaat armor ia Nllee Tawaaklp. aad kit eoa-la-law aad daughter wara eetUed amle-ably la tha hail way oat oatalde of Justice Foeere court yaatarday. Nlekreaa.

who treasurer of tko Nile Lutberaa Church, appaarod la court to proa a eato kia eon-In-law. Joka Weermaaa. for re- ruelsg to pay tko reeta! oa a farm wklck Nlakraaa had laaaod hla. a aambar of yaara ago. Testarday moraiag wkaa tko caao waa callod Nlekraas appsars la coart with At toraoy Ckeator A.

Graver. la a coraar of tko ooartraoaa aat kia aoa la -law aad kia daoghtor. They gaaod do-(UaUy at thalr father, aad ho rataraad thalr look. Atioraoy Crorar left hla elloat aad. advaaelag to wkara tha aoa-la-law, Joka Waaxaxaaa.

aat, whlaparad that tko fatkar doalrad a racoaetUatlaa. Tkaa ko rataraad to Mekreaa aad told hloa the aame thlac WIL rra got aotkiag agataat tha yoaag man. aai4 rtiaaroaa. weanaaaa keard klaa. aad.

galag to whore tha father atooJ. offered to ahake ban 4a. Klckreas looked at tko etordy yoaag farmer for aome LI mo. aad tkaa barat lata tears aad embraced klaa. Weanaaaa waa ao overcome by this wboll aao port e4 reeoptloa that be.

too. Jolood la tko weeping, aad kia wife embraced both the hasbaad aad fatkar. Tko trio becamo ao deoavaatratlTa that they were oraerea oat of ue coartroom. ao tker ar- raaged tkelr little diaealUee la tka hallway. I oa reaoit waa that too caao waa dropped aad Nlakraaa bm4o the aoa-la-Law a pre a a I of the real one oa the farm.

KILLS HERSELS sir OAS. Mrs, Mlaalo Moaeoi reasd Dead at A da Bso Mm. Mlaele Moaaoav yeara old. was found dead ta bed yesterday morning la a room la tho Adamf Hoaaa. Slate etreet, sear Forty- Bevcaih.

and Indlratloaa are thai the womaa committed Tko gaa jeu la tho room were open aad a atroag odor of gaa pervaded tha room. Tho womaa 'a Idea illy was aot kaowa to the police natll last evening, wkea Mm Fa Bale Payees of No. lid Greea etreet called at Rol- otoa a aadertaklag eatabUakmeat la Hyde Park aad said tko body waa tkat of Mm Maa- son. Mm Payaoa was with Mm Moasoa wkea tko Utter arrived at tho hotel, oa Thursday, oat lett later. Mm Payaoa toIJ tho polloa that Mm Moa- aoa waa a dlvereed womaa, aad had Heed la CI la ton.

Iowa, aad Rock Islead. I1L She ramo to Chicago receaUy with tho lateatioa oc ataruag a boardlag-booaa at No. 2960 State atreec Mm Payaoa alleges that her friend had beea despeadeat of late aad had threat ened to commit sulci le. 8 bo rested the Sat oa State street aad weat to the hotel lo slay aatil pointers aad carpenters had completed laou- wan. ROBBERS WERE XOISf.

Job) of Bssgllsg Bora la ry boot lea Matehw Eade la While ar- confederate remained oa guard yesterday morning, two burglars broke a front window of a residence at No. etZa Carpenter street and crawled la. The aolae they made awakened J. J. Alkea aad O.

M. Da vis. who live la the house. With revolvers la hands they raa to the front room la time to aao tho maa eater. The burglars leaned out of tko window and raa.

pureaed by Alkea aad Darts, who Sred several limes at tko thieves, aad were Sred at la return. None ot the bullets hit their marka and tko burglars eecaped. Tho slock yards police were aotineo. SOJGER It DISCHARGED. Ei-Cssdsrlsr Waa Aeessed of He- eelllasr Tickets.

Judge CheUala yesterday afternoon dis charged r. Souger. who wax receatly held lor trial by Justice Qulaa oa a charge of offering for sale tranaportatloa oa the subur- baa Uses of the Illinois Central Railroad. Booger waa at oae lime a eoadnetoe la tho employ of the Illinois Central Railroad Com pany aad served oa suburban lines. It was alleged that ho sold aad offered to eell tick- eta oa the line upon Wklck ke ran as a eon.

doctor. But tko proof was lacking wkea the caao waa Beard yesterday oa a habeas csnxu writ aad Judge Chetlaia ordered the ex -can aucior uiscaargeo. SPALDIG PLEADS SOT CCILTT. Tvremty-Xlae Isdlrlasali Ar Read to tbo Booker. To the twenty-alae Indlctmeate read to him yesterday by Clerk Krtmble of Judge Dalle court Charles W.

Spalding pleaded not STty. Ha waa not aervoua. and whea tho last la-tfictmeat had beea read- ba asked the court furnish him a list of tha wltneaaea whoap- peered before the grand fnry. aad alaa a Hal at tka ycrera who were to try klaa. Hla honor aaid tala would all bo doae at tko proper time.

Tkaa fipaMlag waa aaat back to kia cell. Coloaei Oil rer. hla attorney, airreed a few mlDutea after Spalding bad been arraign ed had waat orer to the Jail to eee him. HAS ST1U1CI T. A.

Rawlloaa Telia Pol loo of av Plot Kill Hlaa. T. A. Rawltaga of Paxtoa awoke la Kuhn'e Hotel oa State atraat early yesterday morning aad hastily dressing kimaelf rushed la to tka atraet yelling that an attempt had beea mads to murder aad rob him. "They tried to drug mo.

ha yelled aa ha raa wildly dowa Bute atraat- la root of tko btaaoale Temple ba stopped and entering a pkoaograpk establishment begaa re Latin hla troubles. Tha manager ot tho place callod tbo police aad Bawling waa takes to tho Central detail atatloa. Ho waa quest toned obm! be toad a wild story: I was wakes eo by eoltsa oatsldo my reoan. ko said, -sod apoo luteals heard acme one debating aa to bow 1 aboald ba robbed gad killed. There wars two mas gad a woataa la tko hallway.

1 dressed myself aad while I was trylag lo tblak of eosao way BBuina my escape (nose ia tbo ball put tko oad of eyprtng lata tko key bo to of my roota and began throwing a drug at ma. Then tLey tried to foreo another door leading to my room, aad while they were doing mis I raa is ie ibo street- Kawuagr story waa lnrestl gated by tha poiieo aad found ta be tha result of a dellil oaa mlud. He la bow being cared for at tho Harrtaoa atraet poilee atatlea. Rswtlnea era rrom paxtoa mat Tuesday with money, which bo aara ba losa ao the Doara oi traoe. SEW MAYOR IS STALLED, Hie v-lree.

Aet la to Dessomo rkuf Fretlebvevwskra Star. vaoiei n. jaurpay. tko sow mayor of Lo ir, waa Installed la offlos Tkaradar ma. aaa yesterday morning kle Brat official act waa to demand tbo liar of Chief of polloa rraag rrouckowaki.

Tka demaad for tko ofleial'e star was aot maoo ia tka city kail, bat I sat sad tko deeapl tatioa too DISCO oa tka anala street of the rlty la tka presence of a number of eerly-rta- um cuuru Mayor Murphy met Protlehowakl at taclock yeateTosr moraiag wnilo tko latter was oa tko way is in omee. and demanded tho star. Pre-lickowaki appaarod to bo greatly surmised. bat asked Perm las too to ao to kia homo and change kia uniform for eitlaeae' dress before giving ap hla badge af office. Tbo request waa granted, aad later Prellch owaki appeared at tka mayor's acBeav and de livered nta star to tha new reform mayor.

Tha laaugural exercises Thursday evening consisted of a large ball, which was partlct- peted la by all tko reform Moment of tko city. J. W. McCarthy, tko retiring mayor, made aa ess. la wklck ka paid kigk tribute to tko onctaL Mayor-Klect Murphy responded.

aad took occaatoa to score tha outgoing ad- ministration. Amoag other things Mayor Murphy win a pools! the new heada of depart menu next Wednesday evealng. FISDS lK.tOWS DEAD MA. Deck Hand Dleeeeer Body Plootloa la tho River. Haaa Haaaoa.

a deck head oa tko govern meat revenue cutter Calamet, waa scrubbiag tho dock of tbo steamer at tha foot of State atraet yesterday moraiag whoa bo aotloed tha body of a maa Coat! a a la tha river. He net I Bed tbo police, aad Omcor Crosby of tbo Central detail atatloa removed tho body to No Adaaaa atreec Tbo body had evidently beea ta tho water about three weeks. A search of tko ctotking at tko aadertaJUng-rooma resulted la tko police ftadlag aa Insurance book containing a aumber of aaaaeo aad address so from aa other city. One of those read. "Joka Kaaulor, Bradford.

Pa." Tko dead maa waa apparently Xe years old. Ho wore a abort, black mustache, aad had brows hair aad eyes. A peculiar feature of tko caao. aad oae wklck puxxlea tko pollea. la that the body waa caalliaa.

Tbo trousers aad rent were of Aao quality of goods aad tko feet ire eatased ta pointed shoos. Tko only mark about tka clothoa la one oa tbo collar. hick bears tho words "Aug. D. Tbo pollea think tho maa waa aa laeuraace agent.

JCDCB PATSE WILL LOOK HIM CP. arte Will laeeellarate Latter Written by Htassberry. Jadge Payee will Investigate tha story of Philip Hen berry, who says ho la a victim of police persecution. Heaaeberry la aew under sentence to tha Pontine reformatory oa tho charge af burglary. Yesterday the latter young Heaneber- ry wrote to Judge Goggia receatly was sub- Itted to Judge Payaa.

"Well, this young maa la clever at letter writing." commeated hla honor. Tvery maa boy cosvtcted la this court la a victim of poiieo orpresaioo to let him toil tho atory-Aa to letter writing, every prisoaer la the Jail could write or dictate aa epistle ao fall of pa thos tkat It would molt tko heart of a stone. I presume the evidence agalaet this boy waa clear. 1 think; yet 1 ahall lake hla ease ap one ot these days, wkea I get time, asd wo will hear what he haa to aay then." Heaaeberry Is hopeful of release, while tko police are aUU Arm la tko belief at kia guilt. CHARGED WITH SCRIOCS OtTEXIC Klae-Teor-Old Girl Pioeeeatoa a sues Lewis, Colored.

James Lawla. a colored maa. who makes kit living doing odd obe ta tka vicinity of Twen-ty-Pourtk street aad Michigan avenue la under arrest at tko Cottage Grove avenue atatloa oa a serious chargs. Ho waa arrested yesterday oa a desert ptloa glvea Sergeant Ameteta by Aaalo Olson, yeara old. who lives with her pareets at No.

VM Indlaaa avtaua. Tha girt attends the Move ley School aad ako alleges tkat Tkureday afternoon Lewie eatlced ker lata a vacant Bat oa Mtchlgaa aveaae aad mistreated ker. Aaalo told tko police tkat Lewis also took another schoolgirl lata tho Bat at the earns time, but aha does aot know ker name. After belag released by Lewis tko girl raa to bee home aad reported tko matter to ker mother The police were then ao tilled aad (fleers were detailed oa tko case. A physician who waa called says tko girl's condition la njt serious.

WILL VISIT JOLIET. Prisoners Wbn Loft Yesterday for tbo Pea Meat lory- Two brothers, oae convicted ot murder and the other of robbery, were la tko party taken yesterday from the county Jail to tho ol let Pealteatlary. They are Tbomaa Flyaa. under a fifty year sentence for tbo murder of William Jaaae. tho Lo Grand Hotel bar feeder, aad Patrick Flyaa.

convicted of robbery. Tbo list of those who waat dowa yesterday Included tha following: Tbrmas Plyaa, murder, flrty yeara; Joha McAadrewa, perjury; William Brown, at tempted burglary; Vlacenao Do Loreaao. robbery; Patrick Flyaa. robbery; James Hoeeka. robbery; Jamea Jacksos, burglary; Thomas Murray, robbery; Edward Mil- forgery; Fraak Mmsoa.

burglary; Edward Murphy, burglary; Mania MeCana. robbery; H. O. Norton, confidence game: O. W.

Spencer, criminal assault; Otto Neckert, forgery, aad George Williams, burglary. HEALT CRITICISES ICES. Coaaly Attorney Biassed for Aliened Slosraoee la tho Cbaso Matter. President Healy of tho county board yes terday afternoon agala criticised County Attorney Ilea for the alowaeee.wtta which ha la dealing ta tho proaecutloa of tho civil aad criminal suite against ea-Couaty Recorder Samuel Chase. At the meeting of the public-service com mittee Commissioner Allen secured the pas sage of a resolution, appointing tho Judiciary committee of tho board to assist County At torney Ilea la tha pr pa ration of the suits to bo brought aralast Ctase.

Ia support of the motion iTesioeet Henly said ke hoped the res- eiutloa would rrerall. "There haa beea nothing doae la the cases," said President ileal, ao fax aa I aaa aea. gad TTLE DA1X.Y ITJJIT OClSAJf. HATUHDAY -JlOUHUfO, 8. loyr.

If we eaa Inject aome life Into the preparation ot these maltara wa ahall accomplish aome good." I.w THE FEDERAL CRIRIHAL COCRT. Beajaaala B. Joaee la Aaaoaar tbo Defeadaata. Is tha t'nltsd Sta.Ua latrlct Court yaatarday Arthur W. Shermaa admitted receiving a letter at hla address Inclosing a money order for 12.75.

payable to aaother peraoo. aad having secured tka money for himself. Sherman waa otdei od to pay back tka aaooey aad seateaca waa auepeaded during; good behavior. Aftar thirteen moatha confinement la Jail, aad having bad two Jurleo disagree oa hla case, Tbomaa Lake was discharged by tko dismissal of tka Indictment. Lake had been Indicted aa aa accomplloo wttk, J.

W. Morgan, alias MeNaUy, la tka greea goods swindle of a year ago, Benjamin B. Jonea. tha alleged embeaallag paying toller ot tbo National Baak ot lilt-boss, was place ao trial sbortly before the adjonrnmeat of court. Ex-Judge Richard Prendergaet, kle attorney, waived aa opening addraaa.

sad Henry R. Kaat, a former aaslat-aat cashier of tko bank, was tha first witness. Ha aald that oa Aug. SO. IIS, aftar Jonea bad gone oa hie vacation the baak discovered tho snortago.

Mr. Kent was bold dowa to hla own knowledge, and aaid the deficiency la Joaee' account was $3,730. Judge Preadergaat took bold of tko witness oa cross-examination. Kent admitted tkat besides Jonea. Vloo Prenldeat William A.

Hammond. Cashier Carl Mall, himself, aad H. D. Ftelda. assistant cashier, bad keys to tko specie vault, aad six other clerks bad access to tko vsult whea It waa opened.

Ho did aot know It Janes had changed tha bags, except that Joaee waa responsible for the con-teats of tho rauIL After tho examination ot Kent court adjourned aatil Monday. MAYOR XAMES TWO. Gaa Iaspeetor 0Coaaora Appolateo la Thrown One. Mayor 'Harrtaoa yesterday made tho following appolatmeata under tho atzty-day temporary rule of tho civil-service law: W. J.

McAllister, ta be secretary of tko building departmeat. vice George Ward, reeigned; Klaao Landweer. to bo secretary and chief dark, of tho gaa Inspector's office, vloe Edward Stack, removed. Stack waa appointed several daya ago by Gaa Inspector O'Connor without eoBsoltaUoa with the jnsyer. Tkeaa positions aro, under tko Thornton epiaioa.

outside the classified servlcsv, Wlthla a tew daya tka mayor. It ta aald. will appoint sec rets lies to tka other departments. Tka elate wklck ta aald to have beea agreed upon la aa follows: Walter Michael la. secretary etvll-servloe commission Tbomaa K.

Caaaon, secretary department of public works; Flu-gerald aocrelary departmeat of health. START FOR LOS ASGELES. Csstsrlsn Leave Chlrsgs oa Spootal Train. A special train bearing 454 railway eoad actors of Chicago aad vicinity, bouad for tka bleaalal aeosioa of tko grand dlvUloa of tko Order of Rail way Conductors, at Los Angeles. left tko Polk atraet depot last alght, over the Santa Fa.

Tha excursloa waa under tho anaploaa of Chicago Division. No. 1. aad waa la charge of William Kil pa trick, chairman; E. A.

Todd. Chicago, Burlington aad Qulncy road; A. Con norm. Chicago aad North western: Frank Slate of tho Nortnera Paclfla. aad H.

War raa ot tko BalUaaoro aad Ohio road. Tbo train consisted of tea Pullman sleepers, bag ears, aad dialog car. Tho route will bo direct to Loa A a roles. Tho return will bo made by way of Saa Franc loon. Portland.

Sookaao Falla. aad Sf Paal aa Minneapolis. ArrargemeuU hare boon made to oatartaia tko party at various polata along tha route. GOOD START IS MADI Severnl Snboorfbo to tbo Ttetortn Jablloo Tho offlcora ot the Tletorla Diamond Jubi lee Aeaoeiattea ot Chicago report that aeveral persona bars aubecribod toward tbo road for endowing hospital beds la Chicago, aad the aggregate of tho eoma reported la about Laos. Satisfactory work ia reported from the mltteo having la charge arraogemeata for a amat colobraxloa of tha Quoea'a diamond Jubilee at tho Auditorium oa tho eveaiag ot Jane tl next; but the arrsngeceente have not egraseed far enough to warrant a pubil- illon of details.

Chicago became a city March 4. ltTT. tho aamo year tkat Quoea Victoria aaeended the trroae. It ta suggested that this bo cltea as one reason why tbo jubilee enould be made aui WILL CO TO THE CRT TODAT. CloolaaT Speeeboe In Splrohataa Mm eler Caao Bearta.

Judge Ball yesterday listened to rebuttal teetiaaoay la tko caao ot Scott Price and Jesse Soger a. tko alleged murderers of George Splrokalaa. The nitsasaas calledTwere mostly cotored men sad women wko had knows Price sad Scgera for eoano time, aad wko tostlBed tkat botk were of good character, reliable, aad boneet. Ia Iks aftersooa tho argument ot eoasaal began. Aaalataat Stats 'a Attorney Peareoa asked tha Jury to Inflict tko deatk penalty upoa each of the dafendaata.

who, ha Id. had deliberately planned tha robbery ot Splrokataa. aad killed tha Greek fruit reader while robbing htav Tho ease will reach tko Jury tkle afternoon. WILL MEET OS OLD CAMP CROUD. Craad Reltarlowe Rslly.le Ste Held at Desplaloeo.

Tbo trustee of tbo Chicago aad Chicago Northern Districts Camp Grounds AaeocUtloa have perfected arraagementa for a groat day on tho old bistorts camp grounds a plalaea oa Monday. Juno 7. tko data of tho aaaual business meeting. lavltatloa baa beea extended and ac cepted by tho Chicago Methodist preachers to boM taetr regular Monday sees loa grounds on that date, and tbo bust do mltteo of tkat meeting have la peepers Uoa a special programme for tho occasion. It la the lateatioa of tho trustees te make thle tho greatest rallylag day la tho hlatory ot too ota camp grounds.

ALDRICH GOES TO THE ASYLfM. Jary ta Jodao Doaaellra Ceart rinds Hlaa IsMss. A Jury la Judge Taanellya County Court yesterday found Cantata Charlies E. Aldrtck loaaae, aad committed bins to tko asylum at Elgin. Tko matter waa heard la a email Jury room for the purpose of excluding a crowd ot euros-Ity aeekera, Cap tala Aldrlch aat bealde Judge Donnelly while tha latter waa questloa-tag tbo witaeeeee, aad frequently Interrupted by suggest too s.

Tho verdict of tbo Jury wee that he waa In-aaae. the probable cause being the blow oa the head received la tho atreet-car riot on the West Side la ltsa. Tho captata waa takaa lo tko asylum at aoon. WORK OF.THB COROIIR. laajaeate Held Teaterelay aad Verdlesa Fan ad.

Tko coroner held tnoueeta yeeterday aa fol lower Paul Jabloaakt. No. 4S West North avenue; drank borao liniment by mlatake; accidental death. Joha Herman. No.

171 Twonty-Flfth place; atruck by Wabash Railroad engine at Fiftieth atrert aad set era Jadlana Railroad tracks while picking coal; accidental death. roi'XD DEAD IS BED. aw renew Deveronwn Dlee Saddenly nt Hotel White. Lawrence Devereaux. yeara eld aad a aaleamaa.

who came to Cklcuge recently from Dublin, was found dead In bed last evening In a room at tka Hotel While, No. 14S Canal street Derereaux went to tie hotel several days ago. and complained of not feeling wetL Teo-terday the maa did not appear for hla meals, and aa Investigation proved that ha waa dead. Heart It esse auppoaed to have caused death. The body waa removed to tho county morgue.

COMPLIMENT ART DOG LICE5SE. See rotary of Cerseon Caasalate Payn Be Toll Conine. Tbo secretary ot tha German Consulate. C. Reich Ie, took advantage ot kfa diplomatic po-altloa yestirday.

and applied for and waa granted a dog license without tho payment ot the customary tee of fx." Mr. Reich le aaat hla repreeentstlve to City Clerk Loeffler yeeterday morning, wttk a lot-tor eottlng fortk tho provisions of tko treaty between the United 8lates aad Germany, exempting consular representatives of both countries aa well aa thalr chancellors aad secretaries, from ait direct, persons 1. or sumptuary uV, duties, and contribution whether Federal, atate. or municipal. EMC1LKWOOD IS LCCsC Dr.

CrrasTeed So ye Ho Will Bot Mown Tksro. Dr. Cyrus Teed says be does sot eo ate la-plate aaovlng rroan Washington Helghta aa rumored aeveral daya aao. Dr. Teed aald: "I aat permanently located at Washington Heights aad latend to stay there.

aold our printing office and It haa been moved to Eaglewood. That may have caused the THE WEATHER. Reodloa-e Teslerssy ot tbo Ba leter and Tbersaoaseter. Tbo temperature, aa observed yesterday by U. Manaaea.

optician. No. St Madison otroot. waa aa follows: a. It, IS a.

av. 64: 11 a. 64; 11 nu. S7j 1 p. aov.

SO; p. 42; p. fiL Barometer: a. au. MPS; Ian, g.M.

Tho Efystaa Oub will gree a May party a Wicker Psrk Hall. No MS West North aveaae. FrMay oveelag. May 14. There will be a meeting et the Cook County Lawyers Association at 1 o'clock this sXtrrneoa ta the office of Devldsoa at ColUaa.

No. sua Keeper block. Business of especial Utereet to the members of Ike assnletlsa ta to come up. The committee of one hand red. auxiliary to the Ctvte Feneration, aaaoaaco aa aati-Humphrey bill rally for Monday eveaiag at North Sloe Turner 1U1L Mayor Harrison will preslae aad ether epeaaere will be F.

J. Lash. Charles eaackelford, W. T. t'aderweod.

aad Joha Harlan. The Ninth Battalion Infantry, N. who are etrucgllag as gv their new full drees en If eras tor tMcoraOoa aay. will be tendered a teetlnsoalal bene St by Msaager Frank at the Acaaemy Sua. day elent.

The enUalfcoe will put so tbo anta-atrst compaay which aasoe sack at hit at Battery last month. The Blrtk Preeoyterlaa Ckarck eelebratea Its tweaty-Sftk aaarversary today aad tosnorrew, Wliilsni P. Merrill pastor. At o'clock this evraleg a serial aed ycptlen will take ptsro. wrtk addresses by Dr.

Mephnsaa. Dr. McClnre. aad Dr. Hale, eperlal sirvles will aay moral sg.

aad at night aa I vUll Mvervu ay Ur. iiuna. Total In a Pneanraphu Deputy ShertS Huh yesterday meralag closed the saloon of Jacob Beralsbetm. No. Fifth Bvenae.

ee aa esecatlen for Stss taken out by Brail Hetnhelm. The board of exanttafug enginssrs ergaalsed ysstsraay msralag by eaerUag the following of-Scera: Joseph ft. Flaa. oreeidoat: Wllikua M. Huron, secretary; Henry McMahon.

chief clerk. Tho ease of ea-Pnalmeslir O'Lsary against George Boanrt. city clerk ot Kvaaetoa. was set far a bearing before Judge Goggia yesterday, bat a change of venue waa taken by agreement between the attorneys. Tim King le being held at the county Jail with Hed" Mslila-aa sad Charles beck, raaraed with Kavteg room Xssorr" Morse, peeprttee of sssr" Tbestrtrsl Compaay.

at as end aasaey. the -Usrbr Wli ti.oa la Olai Joaaeoa wee 'ee yesterday seat te Jail tor Sve daya by Judge Stela for coatrmpt ef court. Johsoen Is the Juror who is access 4 of soUrtUag a seise frees Assists at City Alteraer Quli O'Brlea. aad Uvea at No. Ssst Cottage Orove aveane.

A. P. Brink, bees see et has! esse eSalre. yeo-terdsy withdrew as one of the bondsmen ef A. IM AvrtlL, late We preolaeat of the Globe Savlaga Ur, Wallaco Abbott atanod tbo send with E.

A. Khn ball, end AvrUl retained bis Uberty. Aa ecwee wea entered by Judge Freemen yeeterday aUowiag the attorneys tor the receiver ef E. a. Dreyer A Co.

gt.ue en aceoent ot tbotr eerv lees te the estate ap te date. The attorneys are Lackaor A Buta. who arses sua a aetlUoa for tale aaiauut. E. llerxaetsa.

doiag seism ae Henbelm at Co maoe aa enstenasea fea the Conaty Coart yeeterday. Henbelm la a wholesale aaa re tall dealer la sums aad Hqaere at No. Fifth avenue. Hla see us are plersd at fl.ete aad ale I labilities at SKaes, Tho tntsenatloaal eomaUtteo. eompeeed of Amerlraas.

Bagllsh. Scotch. Welsh, Irish, aad Canadians, met last eveaiag la the dubrooea ot Ibo Palmer fee the Scottish picale aad latornaltonal at Burllagton Park Aug. J. At the anaaal BBeetrsg et the Women's Alliance held yesterday afternoon at the Sksraisa House the fallowing ale era were elected for the ensuing year: President.

Mrs. Minnie R. btesrss; vice president. Miss Kate Will; recording secretary. Mrs.

B. A. Cummtas; correepond-lr-s sex rotary. Mrs. Alice McMastsr; treasurer.

Mrs. T. a. Allbriant. The rea-ular saoatbly ateetmg of the hoard of directors of tho Oermaa Society waa beid yeo-terday arternoos.

la his report Ue manager aha wed that tbo enetery baa a up ported thirty- nix tasalbos. with in cbMarea, aad twenty-nine annaarrteS uereows derlne the soot ssoata. at aa expense of gsat aa. Applicants to the aamber ot Ui were provided with work. The Boulevard Riding Ctub waa entertained at cares end supper at the home ef Oeorge ease.

Ne. e7 Moaree street, Taorasay eveolnc nren is ar raanle Taaaart. Maed Clayton. Messrs. Doig.

8toae. sad Taggart. During tbo eveaiag a beautiful allver-plaied, gald-mouated bugie was sn listed to the dab br George W. Joaee. having gee engraving.

Prtvate F. McGIII af Battery A. Second Artillery, stationed at Fort sbetidan. waa ar reigned before satire roster at the Harrison etreet police station yesterday charged with as sault. Ho was turned over se a corporal of hla rempaay arte? a tiptimana rrom tne Justice.

Michael Hunt charged that MeOlll assaulted him la Custom-Hoase place Thursday alght. The regular monthly met ting of the CI tlx ens' League was held yeeterday et sea da garters. No. 112 Adams street. H.

J. Heyward, attorney and 1 aa-eot (or tha league, eubmltted the rot- aaalast saloon keepers. 114; for sell ing lienor te mlsora, 41; for eelllag liquor to druakaree. oa: Imr beeping a disorderly boase. X.

Amount ef Snea aad costs Imposed, Xl.r7; aum ber et witnesses subpoenaed. XM. SOT A MATCH -FOR THREE." Henry lvert Beaten ana Robbeel Kenr Hla Ho seo. Wlthla a block ot kia homo. No.

707 Weet Monroe a tree, Hsnry Slvert was attacked at o'clock Thursday evening ky three klgk- waymen. who beat klm until bo waa almost un conscious, aad thea robbed klm of hla watch, valued at 100, and a-dlamood atud wklck coot 1(0. Mr. Slvert la oometklng ot aa atkleto, aaa wkea oae of tko three moo wko mat him draw revolver aad ordered, klm to threw up km "hands ha threw one of them Into the face of the highwayman, aad knocked klm late the gutter. bo was able to again- maxe aa at tack upoa tko ktgbwaymea ha was atruck on tho forehead.

Just above the left eye. wits aome blunt Instrument, presumably a revolver, and knocked Tho moo thea beat aad kicked klaa. Hla face Was severely cut aad bruised. Mr. Slvert Is employed aa a foreman tor tne te Wolff Manufacturing Company, oa West Lake atraet.

Yesterday morning ho reported hla experience with the robbers te the pollen at tho Deaplalnee etreet atatloa. Captain Kelly detailed facers to search for the men. Mr. Slvert waa unable to give a good description of kia assailants, but all were emootb ahaveo. aad appeared to be between XI aad 25 years of ags.

Ohio Salt Fir ess te Cesnblae. Poraerey, Ohio. May 7. There la a movemsat oa feet to organise all salt compastso la emerey Bend lata aa aasorlatloa and advance the price ef salt to teats per barrel. Ail but paay have Joined the easoctauoe.

tbis at wui glee Oerer uncos work to erer 1.00U (sea. Sbnfeldt Dlattlloey Starta to. Peoria. Mar 7. Fascial Telegram.

The former Manhattan distillery started ap today under the same of Shufeldt. te amaaufacture the brands ef goods formerly made by the Shu feldt distillery st Chtraxw. with a capacity ef 7ju bushels, which will bv Increased la a few se days. SOLDIERS AT A DANCE Tha FesjtiTal of Company a. Great Bncoess.

PRESENTED WITH A FLAG Oracefol Speech Mada by Colonel Henry I Turner. Finn Eablbltloi of Drill ad Masioal Font nolo Woo Them. A military ball la always Interesting tlxaee of peace, aad tho "May Festival alght ot tho Compaay. First Regiment, 8wltaera Indlaaa, waa a more than usually plctaraafjue eotertainmeut. The crack company of tba "duda rectmcnt" gave aa exhibition ot drill that worked Immense ontfcnnleem aad applaaao from tba audience; and not leee Interesting were tho other ieatures of tko evening, tho alnglng of Mlaa Jane Gray aad tho rest of tho Ladies' Auxiliary, the Maypole dance, and.

of course, tho ball which wound everything up. The pairoaa and patronesses were: Messrs. and Mssdsaiso -Ferdlaaad W. Peesv iDr.P.L. MeKlnaia.

Harry O. Selfridga. O. D. Wetherell.

edge C. C. Kehlaaat, Ma J. J. B.

Saahora, Cot. Heary Tumor. Mai com McNeill. judge freak Baker, W. it, Barnea.

Hon. Nath, C. Sears, Oeorge B. Colo. Col.

Oeo. M. Moulten, C. F. Ounthor, Joha M.

Hubbard. Cat. Hugh T. Reed. A loose Mather.

William A. Giles, -A. P. Brink. -Capt A.

L. Bell. Robert C. Otvtaa, Dr. B.

B. Wsstoo. CoLCbas. U. IC Keen, OaskOCaeS V.

RsabJJauapSj W. G. Stspheaa. D. N.

Hoi conn. MaJ. O. W. Ballard.

J. W. Me Williams. J. Nelly.

L. W. Noyaa. Prof. J.

H. Norton. Cssd. Chas. T.

WUt, William K. Kerr. Mai. Kllott Duraad. Ma.

Alfred Russell. Ramsey H. Stewart. W. H.

IUS. A. H. Areola. J.

B. Patterson, J. B. Ban ford. C.

A. Walton. J. S. Sawla.

W. J. Irvla. Charles Truax. B.

A. Kennedy, C. W. Basset t. Joha J.

MltcbelL Jamea E. Keith. Hon. av a. iacr.

Lyman H. Tower. Cataorlne L. Stewart. Frances A.

Harper. SCate Reed, Fanato -C Iliff. Harrietts B. Oreely, Cora F. Brisk.

see urey Clara trees gate E. Greeiy. Cbaa. Page Bryan. Fraaete A Riddle.

Oeorge V. Will Lass H. Harper. J. J.

Healy. Major Hoi a. laton, Thomas I. Btaeey. Cuthbert Ms)or Edwla L.

Bread. C. B. Beards ley. Frederick PWree.

ftev. Joan J. Beaaott, Major W. L. B.

Jeaaey. R. Jenkins. Eugene at, Cos. L.

Dsoemor. People Wko Were There. Amoag those preaeat wars: Messrs. sad Cbss. N.

hw, K. J. Mirton, R. O. rMehle.

E. K. u-ftA, F. J. Richards.

Cart. Jaeaee y. R. Lsrsmte. U.

R. Hullork. Clara. K. H.

Outtrs, O. A. Tbueaas. Mlease Pearl R. Llsxto IX.

Bell Maadur-Heecher. Huchse. halL BdMh Vree. Afys Hlnda Amy MHIura, O. tVltth Brmndt.OnVe Hoimsw.

Marlon Mnnrs. Hat tie Bar. Msrte Jnaneon. Marie Peterson waerer. Hal tie JnttRsoa.

fnrrte Roeers. a rare Craakey. Lory Johosin, Kate Summera, Roy Om. Nellte Iteoet. Edltb F.

Cam. Helen Hea-OiMUMe L. Bdr. Lou Smith, Mamie Sothern. Nellie BmJta, tttoptn.

Loalea Ids K. Wela- Oledys Cela'ova. lots. O-rie B. Cuss- Xste aaleea.

Anna Lottie Stuham tie StitiMna. Emma Dene. Nellie klill. Loot Anna M. Tobln.

Kallle rott. Olive Uendrts. Cor-Myao WW- antaebota Noses Koita ur, Fyfe. uxsie Marrtam Ootto- Murira way. u- Major, H.

A. Weeeler. Paul Oeutaer. af, BravMn tPl, WaU otrsbe. Emory awss, B.

H. SanMoera C. M. shew, H. B.

rv-hells. t. W. Adsmo. Vsl Hsnt. Brewa. J. M. Hawley, Heary Header. Oeo.

leham. Mss M. Kennedy. W. A.

MrasH. 1. w. neuy. MeatauMoary, John i s.

1. Unrhmid. J. W. s.ater.

S. C. P. MiUe. Panl WJlbrusa.

R. L. H. Nones. P-Svade.

i. V. KllaeeaC F- J. hrta. TWu Fas.

Mile Porter. B. laihroo. Robert Planer, i. I.

Psitereou, Cbsrleo Fyfe. W. SV Richard- Kdwmrd Ba Oeorge Orlffln, son. garten. Sdward Jtseee.T Hayde Roeers.

j. a. Tne Rnpld Shew Drills. Tko apodal eouad ot forty men wko do the ranld ahow drllla ta light rubber ahoes aro tho pride of Company and of tko whole regiment. Men work sad drill patleaUy tor taontke to earn a place in Its ranks.

Aad tkaa wkea they get oa it they drill karder than ever to atay there. Tkey get ao tkat ttey can drill ta tkelr sleep or whea they are "out of their bead." They are aot cob tent with old drill regulations, such aa moat militia are aatlafled with. They get the latent drill regulations aad the latest caps however ugly these may bo and thea, ia addition, they Invent maneuvers of their own. tara sad crosses aad moat bewildering look' Ing things. And the way they execute them for a aeaneavrr Is bat born to be executed la such ae would carry Joy to tho heart ot the moss critical of their friends.

The committee who made tko affair last Bigot socceas were: Csptala E. It. Switsor. fVrfMDt J. Morton, Lieutenant F.

B. Lsrs- Corporal J. W. Mo le. Keaod.

Sergeant 8. Colgrove. Privets H. J. Gray.

Corporal H. 8 Sergeant J- T. Smith, Private J. M. Hester.

Private E. B. King. Private F. BuUock.

seers. Private ft. J. Mad- AfTanremeets aad Decoratlone Corporal John eklaaer. Private George Da Jr.

Cloete, Private Joha Ralston. Privatel. G. Gelder. Private Jena A.

Rose. Private B. K. Yoaag. Music Mlse JsaeOrey.

Corporal F. S. Lang. Prtvate William Strube. Private George ft.

Bal-Bergeaat Bran J. Mar- lock. ton. Private T. J.

Houstoa. Reception-- Veteran Lieutenant 3. Sergeant E. A. Herrlck.

H. Bowra. Corporal J. L. Crouch.

Beigiaat H. S. Gray. Sergeant H. B.

Cook. Corporal S. B. Wheeler. Corporal H.

Card. Lieutenant P. C. World. Privstee C.

8. Baker, F. H. Baker. O.

J. Byrnsa. -P. A. Brink.

Wm. A. Brandt. C. O.

Berg. R. W. Brandt. Edward Brown.

G. B. Cstgrova. A. T.

Crouch. D. A. Campbell. B.

L. Cbalmera. O. W. De CI ota.

Joha A. Eby. C. V. kosroeer.

F. C. Johnson, C. F. Johnson.

J. Knyper, A. B. Lewis. O.

Lore a. H. J. Leach. -F.

A. Luettlcb, H. J. Mellsxs, J. H.

McCrsckao, James F. Mills. F. R. Meador.

B. M. Miller. J. Q.

Pstterson. L. W. Phelps. A.

8. Pratt, B. S. Predmere. Jehs J.

Kslstoo, Louis Ratasack. E. W. Sedgwick. H.

H. ShaSer, Jamea L. aUrode, O. A. Snorwood, C.

Schneider, A. P. Bsc ford. Charles P. Tripp.

H. Walters, S. O. Wsde. C.

Wbedea. Jsmes A. Wherry, F. Wolleehaapt had gone through their Cbsrleo A. Ellis.

Alfred Fraakel. L. O. Grant. F.

B. Goitre, M. L. Roberta. Louie Oeider.

D. C. Ostes, Msufice Hoyle, R. W. Holland, Al H.

Hoffman. Wm. Hopkins. H. J.

Heseell. Vsl H. Hunt, Wm. H. Hotrmaa.

Caarlsa O. HalghC After tho "Indiana' marching and thalr bayonet drill, and their Tallying by fours' aad by company, aad had glvea their yell, whence their name, they drew up ia lino, presented arms, and thea Colonel Turner presented them with tho flag which tko lad lea" auxiliary gave them. Celenel Tnrnere Bpeeebw Colonel Turner aald: "A gee ago. la the daya of King Arthur, knlgbta used to aaily forth la search of ad-venture. Today they do aot go fortk ia armor, nor alngty.

but they go forth ta corn-pan lea and battalions, aad of all such I know none more worthy than Compaay hi ot tka First Regiment. (Applauae.) "la those old daya ladies decked their ekoeea knlgbta wttk favora ef aome kind. Today tka ladlee auxiliary give their knight aa a favor aa emblem the meet beautiful one la the world the a tar apangled banner." Captaia Swltaer. receiving the flag, aald: "Wa will carry this flag on our next trip, which wa hope will aot bo vary far off. aad only hope that tha ladies will always support as aa faithfully In the future aa they have ebowa-that they do tonight." Immediately oa the conclusion ot hla worda tha chorus burst Into eong; with Tba First Regiment.

Mlaa Jane Gray next aang "America." and wen nia LUf BOM.J ini. oaon. The members ot the chorus ware: Bopr J. H. Bowra, R.

J. Morton. Gertrude L. Smith, Martin Eby. Anna Fslrband.

Liaste Fife. Delia Bruce, rloreneo Barksr, Kose Berger, Csrrle Bradley. -Edith Boyee. Carrie Cummtnga. Mamie Crowley.

Grace Coo key. leasts Charleston. Jessie Chapia. Marie Deiatootaine. lennle DeVoang, Mable Dyer.

Lily Eby, Amy O. Msllum, Clara Maw. Grace McKeand. Bessie MeKeand. Marfan Moore.

Clara P. Ktcolal. -Darrts Rogers, Margaret iUodet, Altoe Meedamee Oeorge K. Bullock. Charles A.

M. Cross, Marlon Johnson. Belle MeedeohalV J.p. Palmer, E. B.

Ooftra. F. B. Laramla, J. toxemia.

Minnie Sothern, Nellie Smith. Lottie Stldham. BelU Stebblna, Anna Tobln. Battle Washburn. Wlrum.

Ida E. Weinberg. Mae WoUennaupc. Ray Oeider, Jaily Oeider. Eleanor Goodman.

-Meniara Galloway. MlBBa.Hogan. gnnaHolman. Nellie Howe, Hsttle Johnson, Nlllle Keast, Anna M. Locey, Nora Low la.

Julia Leo. Nellie M. Annie M. Lowery. -K.

Lydla. Ida RVharda. David 8. B. Wheeler.

-Charles T. WUt. F. K. Webster, O.

Edith Marts Johnson, Lacy Johnson. Aaua McOormlck. Llssie Moses, Minerva Major. Lena Olson. Marie Peterson.

BU B. Wright Edith Cara. lad ye Colgrove, Ray Cox. Constance Chapia. Emma Duns.

Olive Hendrie. easel Is Humphrey, Belle Hudson, Harry BarnahL Jsmes Craig. William donkey, Oeorge Deiafeelatae, Arthur Heodrte. Purtette B. Hermes Seblolgartb, Howard Smith.

Al R. H. Thompson. 8. K.

Wheeler. Edwla J. Wight, A. M. Cross.

Foster El Us. A. Miller. Charles Nuaaa. -N.

Peter Peterson, A- W. Smith. Fred Vent, -Joseph T. Woof. J.

M. Wasbbnrn. N. J. aladneree, T.

J. Houston. John Q. Patterson. FIRE IB A SALOOS.

Steele ef Uoem Oveneel by Henry Stntarlen In Dssger. Beery Statsrlem's anlooa at No. 7S Cly-bouru aveaae was yesterday moraiag damaged by are. wklck atartad la tko basement where kia stock ot liquors were stored. A lighted candle left in tko Icebox by the bartender was tko eauan of the Tho damage was $300.

A three-etory buUdlag at Na. STt Milwaukee avenue used aa a boarding-house waa dla-eerered to bo oa lire yeeterday morning before aay ot tho boarders bad Heath aroused kle guests, aad they ail escaped without accident. Tho fire waa extinguished with only nominal damage. Children playing with matches started a Are yeeterday aftoraooa la a barn owaed by J. Hoopa.

at No. 4734 Aahlaad avenue. The blase caueed 5 damage before it could be extinguished. it spread to tho adjoining bare owned by J. Vey.

nt No, 4722 Ashland a venae, aad caused $75 damage. GAVE MRS. FALK A VERDICT. Jary' Awards Her Daraagei eMf BSMM Aomlnac City-ef Hsatlagtea. -Wabash.

May 7. Special Telegram. Tka jury ta tho Wabaah Circuit Court this morning gave Mrs. Falx. an elderly lady ot an ting-too, wko sued that city for $5,000.

a verdict for tko full amount of ker claim. Two yeara alaco-aho caught her foot la a decayed pavement, waa thrown violently to tho ground, and tho ahock caused paralysis agltaaa. Her head and body twitch atantly, and ako ta scarcely able to walk. A year eince ako Sled aa action for damages at Huntington. It waa brought to this county oa change of venue aad went to the Jury nt o'clock last night.

Two or three ball ota were taken oa tko amount to be awarded. MARRIAGE UCUTSES. The fallowing mairtsge licenses were Issued yes- sexoas Ace. Mortu Meier. Msttle Hfnes Loots Bwente.

Ksthryo 17 Tt Peter Swart. Marr DeJone 3 Albta Carlooa. Amanda FYade 11 Richard Jeneon. Alice Rsvmond Zx Joan Backer. Edith Preston 3 Louts Ioua, Eva 2S a Lee Mirks.

Msry Ltsewaka If Doalel CarroiL Kate Fltznetrick xt Josef Jeltnei, A a loot Calhrslova 23 Joseph Waleacsuo. Bronislawa Marke- josuwao Martin Hoseart. Anna Wlnh. J.mii Havlln. Annie Hea-h WUltama.

Rosle Davis. TttX Jeremiah Crowley. Kathertne Crowley "3 Kiot Oleon. Hulda Bentgreea 1 Oeorge W. Miller.

Kltxa Hollsnd as Joha KubkowskL Stantalswa St Ewla Kelly, CarlottaCook T3 Hermsn F. w. Abransm, Emma Nleoiaeo Reinberger. Lena .....47 3 Charlee Aggens. Helen SI Albert H.

Pleas, iiertna t-f Norsert Ksntsr. Annie Favlls hAMrmmr. Minnie IltnetflWiann 77 13 Aueuetla Rav. Marr Lehman 47 r.riM. fielma Alolund.

Michael Tuny, ttnoges aa. i unr 1 W. Liraon. Marr 14- Jace6 Ivereen. Mary slater John H.

MUler. Mary Keerer riVkM. laecbant CsrLeon William ail. eannie Rlaaius Kl merer. usrimins n-iiKeim Nottmeler.

Emma Tesse xs DEATHS. rtJNKRAL TRAIN Ore ca lard aed rvary-Fn-Bersl train ef the Chicago. Milwaukee aad St. Paul Railway leaves union aepot tMaaisoa aaa srl reel om.xm asot jf. m.

AMBLER Fraak W. Ambler died Frldsy morn ing, atay I. ageu yeare. ueiiui South Kedsls avenue. Hartal 8 under.

May at Milwaukee. la Forest Home Cemetery, from Chicago. Milwaukee snd Kt deoot: arrival 11: It a. m. New Tork.

Ueabury aad se sauwsnsss papers mouse BARRY Officer Joha of West North avenue u.lkn seioveo none no ec emoiiie euir Hoelahant. Funeral rrotrr resldenoe of his mother. No. let Mc Henry street, oa Saturday, te Annunciation Church, at ctoca sasrn. ueaos bv curiam to Calvary, Rs-rTlNO Mat hiss, 'beloved husband ef Leah Hettlnjt.

rstner or iiuam, uwu, josepn, An ton. Annie. Edith, Louise, and Mrs. Oeorge Hi emmet ah erg. at his residence.

No. 14! North Clsrfc street. Msy s. sged 7 years. Funeral tsturdsy.

1 p. from St. Alpsonslus Ctiurca, bv csrriares to 91. Boniiaee jemetery. BU NOB May a.

Msry 8. beloved wife of WI1- iism x. mussts and osuenter or wotrt. Funeral services en Sundsy. Msy nt ner late reaidencs.

No. 144 Park avenue. p. carriages to Wusder a cemetery, ueeceisnu. CLU-dtase.

beloved wife of Joseph J. oris i nee Bernerol, and daughter of John snd Theresa Beraero, sad sister ot Jennie, Louie. Llssie. and Mamie Bemero; sged XI years months and 7 dsrs. Funeral Bundsy.

at clock. to tho Church of the 'Assumption, from her late residence. Na. aaU Hslsted etreet. to Chicago ana Mortawestcm oepot.

ay ears to calvary. CH CM A.4KRO Oeorge R. Chmnaeero. at No. e-ia Bt.

Lawrenes a venae. Notloe of funeral a ere after. CR AN Et Jennie Crane (nee Cowan), nerved wtf oc Alexander VTmn. runerai wuniar. at p.

frum Ists residence. No. S4.VI Went worth avenue, ta Oakwoods cemetery. Scotch papers oil mmm nor, CARL8EW Nora, beloved dsughter of Christ janaen ana niece or Mrs. uetnne Kruckeberg.

seed a years snd months. Funeral Sunday, May S. at 1 o'clock, from late residence. No. XJ1 North Whlnole street, tn Moemt Olivet.

DONNELLT May. Johanna (nee Fltsgersldl. Beloved wife of John Donnelly, snd mother of John. William. Llaale.

snd KJ ward Uonnelly. aser 17 years. Funeral Saturday, it I p. I rose her Iste residence. No.

179 Wsshburne venue, thence to Waehtnston. IX C. or burial, via B. aad O. R.

It. F1JLX.K Oottfried. at bsj residence at Dee pwseo. stay I. at 1 a.

aged as. husasnd of evnpbia Fulle. Funeral Sunday. May a at 1 P. to rsrk Kldee Cemoterr.

FAKKBtaR May 4. 187. August beloved father of Adoipa Faerber. sed 67 years. Funeral Katurdsy.

a a. from lete reeldenoe. No. XJi Larrsbce street, to St. Michael's Church, thence to St.

Bi nlface Cemetery. TTTZ PATRICK The funeral ef Officer J. H. tspatrlok. aephew of Inspector fitspstrick.

will be held Sundsv. Msy s. at IS a. from hla lata home. No.

Xid Hermitage avenue. Trains leave Grand Trunk depot at noon for Mount Olivet Cemetery. OOWNE Alli-e Mom. heloTed dsughter of imra ana nmiiy uowne, atay a. ageo years months.

Fenersl from parents residence. No. Mi Erie street, fundsy. at o'clock, by carriages te Forest Home. HERMAN SEN Annie, beloved wife of Charles Hermaneen.

aged 7X years snd months. Funeral Saturday at clock from lata residence. No. ie Lumber street, by carriages te race-lend. HKINZ Nick; Hetns, Msy i.

aged XS years munthe S4 daya Funeral Ssturdsy. a a. m. rrom pe rente remoenee, no. iM Peoria street, by oarvleeres toBt.

Mary Cemetery. HAOOEHATON Joha IX. beloved husband ef Mrs. Hsrtara Hsgvereton. Msy s.

sged it years. Funeral Sunday, uay tip. bl. from late rest-denoe. No.

fc-4 West Randoipb street, to Forest Home, by carriages. Boston paoers niease cour. HRRMAKN John, beloved husnaad ef Annls Hermann nee Brhlenker). sred TS veers 11 mot the. Funeral from residence.

No. 171 Twen- ty.rifth piece. Kuaday, May at I a. m. Oak- 1 woods Cemetery.

I D2ATB3 a wiww iiuwumaiu nail. aed tl years. Funeral Sunday. May 1, at 10 re saarp. to tramanuei rretyterian cnurcn, 1 hlr-ty-rlrst and Hon field streets, tnenoe by car-rtaa-es to Hoes tilil.

Belfast Urslaad) papers pieaee copy. JOHNSON Andrew, beloved husband of Betty Johnson, May 3. aged 4s years months. Fu- nersl eunday. May from residence.

No. 1341 North California avenue, at 1 by carnages to Mount Olive. JOHNSON May f. at his home. No.

1541 Bucking, ham place. Erlck J. Johnson. Funeral Sunday, at 1 p. te Roes HilL KLINE March B.

at East St. Louis. TIL. Frederick William Kline, residence No. a Whiting street, corner Wells street.

LTONH Msrs-aret. beloveo daugnter of Frank and Mary Lyons neo Fltsaenaldl. aaed years sod I months. Funeral BuoJay, at 10 a. from her parents' residence.

No. tSSt Went worth avenue, hy carriages to Mount Olivet. LDDWIO Anna Ludwlg, widow of Oscar Lud-wlg. beloved mother of William, rismuel. Henrl- etts.

Ceils, and Edward Ludwlg, aged (7 years. Funeral from No. Ill Bis eell street. Sunday, at IK a. to Or seels ad.

New Tock papers please copy. LYONS At bis boms. No. tetf Armour avenue. May f.

Jamea son of Patrick and Ann Lyons, a red X2 years and months. Funeral Saturday. May a. at ls. at SC Anne's Church; by car- liaaes to Mount a.

tasry. beloved sister of Mrs. Joha McNulty. ased XT years, native of Atty- mooa. County Mayo, lretaod.

FunersJ flundey, from her swiers residence. No. xu paraeil avs-. nue. at a.

to Church of Nativity; thence by eerrta gea toCal-ary. MMSaiNOER At Nsw Tor, of naeumonls. Ralph D. Measlnser. eon of W.

JJ. and Klla McCulloch Meeslnirer. ased XS years. Funeral services at late residence. No.

Ma Jackson botfievard. on Saturday, at 1 o'clock. Burial prirsle at loiie Forest. III. MCLCAHET Mary Mulcshey fore 1 loved wife of lease! Mulcahey.

No. 4M1 bora street, aaed years. Funeral Bunday. at a. m.

to iM. Elissbeth's Church; thence te Polk etreet depot, aad by ears te Mount Olivet. lTCORSICK-Msy IS97. Annie, aauxhter ot ftoeer McCormlck and sister of Msry. William, Thomsa.

snd Kate Freeman. Funeral from No. lejS Nnrth Kedrle avenue, Saturday, la a. te fK. 8vtveeters Church, thence by carriaa-es to Calvary.

31. Louis and! ClarhsvUls papers pleaes copy. MILEH Mar 1x97. a. Mrs.

arf Miles, at the reeidenos of her daushtsr. Mrs. Frank McDonnell. No. 107 Cleveland avenue.

Mother of Mrs. Frank MceVnoeil and Samuel Miles, sister of Mrs. Joseph Morgan sod Masirie Murphy. Member of CVicrt Immaculata Con eeptinn, Ko. V.

C. O. F. Funeral Seturdsy 'at a. by carrisires to Calvary.

Ottawa till.) and Buffalo N. T.I papers please copy. POKFrTKe May at I-4B a. Ernestine 8.. be-luwd wife of Henry Poedtke.

ejred Veers months and 23 dare Funeral services Sunday. May s. at her late residence. No. SK3 Mllwsukes area as.

at 1 o. av. carriages te Waldbelm Cent- Rt'SK Martha wife of Rev. John Rask. Parufciea et p.

Seturdsy. Msy a. st the Concord. Twenty-Fourth street snd Indiana sve- nue. Interment in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati, Columbus, aad Marietta (Ohio) papers please copy. SAOB-Msy 7. Rufus H. Ssge. st bis residence.

No. J) oemlnary avenue, aged 0 years. Burial at Trey. V. Y.

Faaerai notice later. 8TiL7NKR May (, Auaust Steisner. beloved husband of Kate Steisner 4nee Van Rathl. Funeral will be held ttunday at o'ciork p. tn.

from late residence. No. 181 Orchard streecK te Mtcnael'a Church, thence to St. Boalf ore Cemetery. SULLIVAN Msy Bjmnh Mary, beloved dauehter of Timothy T.

and LJssle Sullivan nee MeAullfre. sged a yea re 1 month and 4 days. Funeral fr-Kn parents residence. No. fXt Union avenue, fiuraey.

aiay at iv a. in oy car-rias-ee te Mount Olivet. vrir.i.L vruiam a. vosneii. Busosno or erva Vosheil.

was buried from the vsult of Mount CsJ vary. Wednesday. May 5, 197: died March van. Frrfsrsusee Every Day 12iSO te lOtSO The Four La tselle Carmen. Carrie Scott.

Msthews and Harris, The Bloadeils. Charles A. Loder. Fleh and Vlulcg, lid and Josie Evans. Alice Raymond; Had! Lisstek.

Ucr Troupe Andy and Flora McKes. Asues Atherton. White and Biekett. Murray Twin Sisters. O'Neill and Raymond.

Contlnaoos Vaudeville lOe, lSe. Son COSTI5 COL'S VAIDKVILLE. Exra KendalL Pat Reiny. Flyna snd Walker, Lawrence A Harrington. Prince Kokin.

Cain and Mack. Emmons Emerson Trio. Mile. Mhrnonette. Blanch Newcorob.

La Moyne Brothers, Fieeae. Swan A Williams. Dsdlev Prescott. Annie McLaughlin. Attte Spencer.

St. Clair and Lorenn, Lelsrh and Lotto. -FKICK8 lO, SO, ao CEXTL COSTISLOCS VtlDEVULE. Chlqulta. Smith and Champion.

Laura Dainty, MrOsle end ijt nor Drawee. Wiila and Barron. Burt Jordan. BIHy Bios A E.M.Kayne. Johneon.

Unvcnpurt aas Lorvlla. Jaa. Rlchmoml Glenroy. la Violet tys and Kusei. Harry Fitzgerald.

Warren and Howard. Oscar HH lain Thiee. PHICES lO. 20, 3D CKJTTS. unni err Hat Mat.

Todav at t. ITVVLVL.L I Last Time Tonight at 8. MR. JOHN DREW (IwHisul Chat, Frehauu) la Bis ganareat Triaaix IWOnsltmn asdstorrayi Sunday. May I.

Sr. Cbaa Fronmsn's Dramatic Prod uo Ion of "The Two Little Vsgraata. TOMIQHT Field aad Lewis Blr VaadcyiHe CoatUsstios. Next Sunday.recommeneernent of Bsur Pehelnn the burlesque season a great play "ta IxUJJIUB. Popur Prices Cc.


GRAND OPERA-HOUSE atTeday gf PBONOONCXD BIT OF TBS COXKDIAn'. IV TBK HOOSIER DOCTOR by aaiaibxa Tbsans. aathsrat Alxfrxnx, Is Sllitsaia.h CENTRAL MUSIC HALL. Rcciial. SATCBDAT.

MAT t-M P. M. Scats 50c. 75c. fl.Oa.

Students, tec Sale at Lyon A Healy's snd Boa Office. THE COLUMBIA Today at 2. MARGARET In Her Grand aa esss ej ss. r-roaociioa oi leJM I nssVrC CYMBELINB Next Week Tomorrow nleht snd everv eeea- Ing te and Including Thursday night. Miss Mather will repest "CymbeUne;" Friday, "Leah:" Sat-urday matinee and night.

"Romeo and Juliet. AUDiTORIUn Msy lCth. Festlvst Concert Apollo Moslcsl Clob ELIJHH Box Offices Lyon A Healy's. The Auditorium. and The Inter Ocean.

Popular prices see to gLfia. Crovrded Bouaen Af A TTr7f I rT very Might. wnwi e-e iioiiiim vrr.h Bis Own Beautiful Amerlcaa Play, GHORE ACRES TONIQflT AT Scats New Sclller. SAM T. JACK'S.

Msdleon nesr State. TeLM.9M Only Burteeoue Show tn Chicago, Orasd rerleroascat tvery Bay I A I Two New Burlesques "THE MODEL XACGH7T OIRL8." snd the Mstchless I Pari el en ne MMtom Prioet lu. ao, sue. TUM LIN CO LN'rSSXVSik MATIN KB TODATt-LADIES OJTLT. FAY In SOMNOLENCY Next Bunday "TJNCLB TOM'S CABIIf.

ACADEMY Joseph Frank, Mgr. Msria 9ALTKR A ert r1 Todav I MAJlTUt WSSUi I win Wete1 IU1U 60 POPLS. BAkI A LH An BRA THEATER 2Sc Mat Today. Sweet eingar. eyj iw -TfARLTHJa uiasubi a.

eeaaf hms rsuubea. Next Sunday JANK COOMB8 In "Bleak Bouja. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR tlOS CASH AND $9 PEB month. Including Interest, boys a new t-etory 1am a rA htiilitm, fne two femilleB at River Forest; the handsomest trees la Cook County; Sc fare.

FADNEB, li La Sslls st. (Si.

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