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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DESERVED A VICTORY I Chicago Puts Up a and 8en- Oazns. DAHLEN AGAIN THE STAR Drirej the Ball Orer Iit Field Feaca for Hom Run. Kverltt la lajeree Ula IkMMtf Early th Can 4 Fortewtng la th eteadiag UM club ta tuMa lea ta data: A.T10MAL LEXOUK. w. i p.cj w.

p.c ..1 Vruwvn file 7 I 7 i aa.ll 7 4 I 4 i Hoeton. a a 4 a le. 1 4 I7J ''Mladelptila -fek-aa-o I Maw I or a 4 4 -Seal Waaalnctna I wnrnx LIAOll i-1 W. 1 a Wl I .417 olamvaa .4 Kanaaa 4 4 llwaama. MlMapolla 4 4 .471 Ura4 14 WEHTIRJ4 ASaOClATIOX.

.147 W. 1 P.C.I W. It. P.C. OvlMKina 4 PaoHa 4 4 .49 rmAmz 4 4 m.

iJ, I 517 Tw UuUM 1 4 4 4 I 4 .24 XXTXRSTATK LKAOIX i. ci W. L. r.c. VmPuiU 1 Part I 4 Manaoatd 4 4 pfinal4 4 4 D7tM 4 4 -V' To4.i 4 )'BaMa 4 4- 4 aflCHIOAM kkTATB LIAOCK.

ci W. P.C rkaon 4 4 1.4CanalB- I Huiiii 4 1 Waloaar. 1 4 Pact 4 1 .44 Kiliwiaw 4 Raaalta TeattHar. NATIONAL LEAOCK. Clawtaad.

4: Chlcaao. 4. Hoot on. 4: Waahloatoo. 4.

Naw Tark. 7: Brooklyn, t. Lou lav 111 11; St, Ioula, T. Pitta burc. Claclnnall.

Baltlaor. 11; Pblladalahla. 1L WESTERN LEAGUE. Colamtraa. If; Drtrait.

Craad Raptda. Indtaaapolla, X. MlBomapolla. Mllwaokaa. 4.

84. Paul. Kaaaaa City. 1. WESTERN ASSOCIATION.

St. Joarph. 29; Dabuqaa, 1. Cadar KapMa. 11; BuatlaaTtam.

B. QUK-y. Havkfora. ft. Iaa Malaaa.

Paarta. 6. i XT ERST ATE LKAOL'C Kw Caatla. IS: Daytoa. S.

Wnaalrnc. Port W.raa, 4. Sprtaaa4. 7: Maaanald. L.

Tuimiaai. Toiado. 4. MICHIOAN 4TTATB LEAOUM. Bay City.

4: Kalaamaaaa. 4. Port Haroa, aaaiaa. t. Jacko.

It. Laaaiac I. Gaaaea Talar NATIONAL LKAOt'K. Calcaaa at Oavaiaad. Loata at LMlarllla.

CtactaaaU at Ptttabarc. Daltimora at Philadelphia. Maahlacta 1 Boataa. Brooklya at Yrk. WESTERN LXAOUK.

Cotambaa at Zatrat. ladiarapolta at Of-aaff Rapida. Kaaaaa CUT at St. PaaU Mllaaakaa at Mlaaaapolla. WESTERN ASSOCIATION.

Cadar Raalda at Bvrtlataav Ibaa at Sc Jaaaph. Rarkford at Qalary. Pvoria at Oaa Motaaa. INTERSTATE LEAGUE. ToB (at aar a at Tofada.

MaaaSatd at Sprte4aid. Naar Caatla at Oaytaa. WhaaUax at Fort Wayaa. MICHIOAN STATE LEAGUE. Part Ifaraa at Sa1aa.

Kalaaaaaoa at Bap Clly. laaalna at Jackaoa. CHICACMVS DEFEAT HOIORtlLE. i Fa at a a 4raaaftaaal baa Xraraa'i ladlai Clara laud. Obia.

Mar 7. Spadal TrUcraat. Claralaad dVfratad Chicae aata thla afti rnaaa la a canaa atcb vaa raaarkabla for tta maay aaaaatioaaJ aad faatara piaya. Bath taa aia piayad faat ball. Not maa bat bad aa appartaalty ta biaaaalf.

aad of Baif mt thatr cbaaeaa taa otoat araa mad. It waa a aaaa mt balr braadth aacapra. mtracaloaa alulae, aad paa- anwaal MOD. Tha apart atora bad twa faaa1taa tha baaadlag ladiaa. aork ataxia, aad Dahlaa.

Tha la tar a work with tbaatlrk waa bat aad hla botaa raa la tba Srat laalaa waa aoa of tha klad evor which blaarhara raa aad manataa taar tbalr hair. Tha ball raaa aatU at a batcbt of tM rt aad anarad aatward ta aad aver taa Wft-fleld faoca. Cktmalaa Bat tar Barkatt Uokad at taa ball aad aal dowa. Tba ball Barer ram a back. aVockalaile added ta bla vimmm record of blta aooa sreat work la tba Said.

Thre of bla pat- otata were ratrhea of Itoa Bfa wiana aa tna raa. Oaa waa a phraotaeeal left.baad catch of a loac low Sr. hot from Laaaa'a bat. Tba atop prer ant ed tw raaa betas oaada. Deairr iMaew taa Tonng waa la tba box for Claralaad.

wblla Al um (are hla yoanc whlrlwlad. Deeaer. aa appartaalty. Deoarr had lota of epeed bat the boom tram bit tba ball apportaaelr. Deaarr waa ar tnao wild, bat Kill at critical i eoilocted eaoucb.

aad twlra retired tba ladtaaa whaa ther had taa baaea klled. Use waea twa aaaa war aa baaea aad two oat he deliberately ar Sorkalesla hla baae aa balla aad mad aa aaar eat of the Best at bat. Klttrlda- waa oaay for tha Clarelaada aad taar eteie sis baaea oa blot. Tba Srat time th Spider went ta tb bat ta fclttlos waa hot aad fartoaa aad tb Colta war kept acrambllna. So faat did tha aarreaalra plapa com that the at orer threw op both haada.

A baae aa balla. followed by aa eat. foar etoalee. aad aa error by Uoi, a rambled nr. rwioaw tb thraa talUam.

Tebaaa'a atacle aad atoelea by Wallac aad Inil acered aaotber raa far thd Bpldera. Aaotber maa acorod 4a tb oar. oath oa a aactiflea. a atoale. aad aa Sock et te tripled ta left aad Beared aa a atacle la lb etbih.

After Dahlaa mad hla bom ran tba Colt did hot erore aatll tb fourth, tbea, after Ryaa bad b-aea aattlad by tba paraooeaal atop Bad faat threw of wallac. iMrhar amaWal aat a roaa er which Teoeaa captured wnh creat diltlcalir. O'Coaaor dropped It, however, aad Decker waa aaf. PfaaTer a harole effort waa railed for by HockaWala. aad Klttrtda alccVad prettily lata rtcbt cm tar.

a-ortac Decker. Dealer aerate bad a deabl aad Klttrtdaa rota pad bam a. WoCor- aalek ataajtad. tbea be atote capd. bat Deeaer waa caoBt aa tblra.

Colta Make a Great Rally. ta tb alatb tb Colt rallied aoblr. after Mo- CoraBick bad furs la bad tb Srat aut. a Sy rtabt. Dablea hit tb ball betweea th eye for tw baaea.

a-wiia pitch laade htm aa third: 1 a tared th are wbea Laase atacWd. aad waa held tbar wbea Laaca tol aeroed. Both Bar raced baai whaa Thorotoo elncled ta tlsbc Laace'a apnatloc oalllas forth cheer. Ryaa ended tb aaaa by otac aat. EverKt waa lafared la bla Bhealdec dartac today a iae aad ton (ar Chi-ra co teolaht.

Tba acara: Omlaa-l- AB. 5 I I rraraetl. (lit Mckaaa. P-kai-rala, CVtoaaor inaka. cf T-Waa.

'k'aJkac. Teoraj. Pvwttt. Jh afo. Thornton.

ft raa. rf l-f. rr-ffrr. Klttrvica. t'levetaad ...1 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 C.r- 1 4 4 14 Earned Run CTevataavt.

I Chleucav A Plrat Haaa by Krr-mm CbJcaci. I-efl xx 1 land. U. (-hicaan. T.

Plrat haae I 1 14 1 4441 9 1 4 miiiir. I i 9 I Totala. I II XT 19 9 Cbtraam a ft ft A ah 1 9 arxnfc-a. 4444 i i i 4 1 i 4 i 0 0 i4i44444 aa a M4444 0 1 0 1 0 5 4in 1 9 a a 9 Total. jm 1 14 11 I "I -a (mji rrc loans, i.

on oenier. x. lurxctiajt -Bf r-xair. I It me ft Dahlaa. Thre-Re tilt i aai-aax.

iwo-rxaae Mil OaJtlx. Ikao-aer. kacTifana Ira Wallace. Lance. riol-n TWam Teunc r.

Borkalevle Rlaka. Purkatt. laatx, rwxxbla Pure to lf-r Dx-kar; tunten lfeffer. Wit Pile Yiuac. Paaaed ul Zlmmar.

Bxatra Laanal A. Tina of t.aine i Baltlaaara. 1S PklladrU bla, 11. Pbltodelpbta. May 7.

BaJtlmor and PhC adelpkla had aa batuaff caaxa to day, aad tax-llmar nam at aa toa. Tb htttlaar waa ebieay doa after rbaace had ba ala ta retire ta aid. Th pHcalnc a both aia waa ua-araady. eleven haaad belnc ctrea. aad Bv aaa hit.

Xh baiunf Cboaiy waa about tk laalar. ml4 fatokad the Bret WliUt, mm waa IkM ul.fl by WtaUr. At-tonrlana a. IIM. TIM Muni Ilalllmore.

AIIFAE Paliadaipru A keeter. 1 1 Oooiey. i Jnnlna. I (Mff. i 4 Keller.

If 1 IS Lale. I i Doyle, lb. 1 lnUuir. If. 4 ill rf ...1 alloy to.

1 H. I til ICruan Pelt, lb 4 HuinUi 4b- Roblaan. S-4 I 4 4 t1 ee I irtm. a i nMi i .....1 4 I I i SS "3 I Totala HUM I PtMmm 1 1 A 11 rtiLuptiL i i ti Marued Haw-nuMipkU, Tw- ra ue i njarr an. i-nm hajimul rini.

Qui an. Katlx. Stolen ileal Jannlnc. Kelly. fyte 1.

Oinbli Puri Jenninee la Rett to tkarl: Kert In Jniui to l.a-ia rirat Maa. on Ma la on: niM4. 1. oft Wbeeter. afCor bait.

4. Hit Plicated Ha.ll H.IVU an lllllea Jenninea Kelt. Out Br Wheeler. by riaett. a.

rHeheo neelar. I'orbett, ert OH I II I I 1 1 ll I 11 ItliM 11 iitwuMi moare Ljrack. riBelaBstt, PUtabura. Mar T. Bota laaaaa Dlaraat taate aavtaai Bltua Sana or la mm PttiabaraTa thlrtan klta aUa4 taraauMM lia aa4 CU- cinaati'a taralra catrrtatf wit laaea aarinlaaa.

MlUar'a rop of Paoklaa'a If la Ikt at-hta waa loUowrf by aaUa'a aa4 Cly'a ihraa annii and two atnalaa by Uroaa ami CkauiaUy. aroma thraa raaa. IhU aruuuaa la caaaa. Attanoaaoa. atttabarc SmltA.

..4 Kly. aa 4 Lyena. 4 14 Cincinnati. A 1 Hurha. If 4 4 9 4 4 4 Hoy.

94 1 HalllaAr-- ..4 4 4 4 4 4 MrPba. 4 4 1 4 Millar, rf 4 4 4 1 4 VauaHa, lb. ..4 4 4 4 Irwia. lb 4 4 14 4 1 Kltrhay. I 4 4 4 Palta.

1 IT IVotm41t. a Brodla. Ilooovin rf.4 PadJaa. lua-lan. klUaa, 1 Hfiiari.

4 1 Tatala ti Totala 4 14 I Ratted for May. Batted for Brettraatela. Pttlatwrc I 4 14 411 Cincinnati 4 4 4 111 a 4 Kamad Raaa Prftaoare. Cincinnati, t. Two-Ttaaa Hit Irwin.

Thraa-llaaa Hlta Kly t. Lyona. Su Ian. Horn Raa Millar, hacfillc Hlta Hark a. HcrlM, ViHrno, Brvltaaatauu atnaaa naaae l.rona.

Donnoilr. Barka. Palta. Plrat Itaa oa Italia Off Kawn. off brief eaateto, A Hit by Pitched Ball Bmrth.

Plrat Uaaa on I Ureal CMIv-err Uy klllen. I. St rock (mi- lly Klllan. by llminuian. s.

Left oa Hun Plttapwa. 11: Cln. nnaau. a. McDeranott.

Ttn uf Qiq New Tark, Brwaklya. S. Brook Ira, N. Mar 7. Xxtrara aaat error aaaV a claaa hit aver ta left arid trace by Bill (lark, wa la aow plartna- left Arid for the Xew Torka.

were the only featarea of tba aacaad coa- leat bat waa tb Oraaler New Tarh rloba tadar. Maakta aad Pa raa pitched aad boaora war about even. Hrooklya owaa bar acoree the error or tne uiaata, wail the Utter acored Bot.r lock. Kmith had la leave th Bald In tba alatb laaina; owinc to a 4ama-d haad aad Scbock re pwM Dia. tm eoare? Nrw York.

A A Halt a. ef 4 Onrnn. cf 4 Jaa, rf I Joyce. 114 1 An-taraoa. Davla.

aa 1 114 l.hlad. nieaana, I La Oiaace, lb Barney, lk.t 17 1 1. Canaraa. 4 14 Clark, If, .1144 amlth. aa 1 wareer.

Meehla. p. ..11 1 ahorfc. ae 1 1 1 4 ilrtm. 1 Payae.

..7 11Z7U 4 1 4 Totala 4 77 New Tor I 4 111 7 1 1 1 4 4 44 Brooklyn taraed Ra New Tor. Two-Baae Hlta VT. lore. Aadaraoo. Moane Ran lark.

tara. dacrlnre Hit iMrla. Olem Parne. flea Maaaa Vaa Hillm. itackler.

Ituuble Ptar Warner la Davie to Meckley. Plrat Haae on Bal.a -inr far a. err ateraia. A atrura uai ity Payne. by Maehla.

1. Paaf 4 Halle Una. Warner. Wild Pitch Meekln. Left oa Ha a.

a New fork- 1: Braofelra. A Plrat Baae aa Krrara New Tarh, 4: Hnoklya. 4. Tin ax. L'auMre Attealaara.

kjaa. Laalarlll. 11 St- La a la, T. May 7. Tba CotoaeU had a treoal la defeatlaaT (be Dreaaa today.

Hart waa hit hard wbea blta maa at run, while Praaer heat leaaM' blta wen acattered. Clarke' three-rear, with tba baaea fall, waa a faatara. At- leadaac. tla. Tb arare: Loalavllla.

HPAtM. Lout. A Clark. If. 14 11 Ihtwalaa.

114 .4 I I I i Mw-reerr. rf 1 ptckmaf. cfl Warde. I a inw4. cr.

Turaer. rf ran nor. la .1 1 9 Rurera. Hart maa, Kb. Ill wuaoa.

a. Dolaa. 1 Btarb r. 19 9 1 aa 4 114 1 y. 4 4 4 Otncmaa.

Sbt Praaer. 1 Morph Mart. 11 TMala. It lint Totala. tunu Lawlanlle 4 I I 9 11 44.

Leexe llt 7 Raa Loaaavtlia. 4: St. Loala. A Plrat aa Errore Loalavllla. at.

Loala. Left l.ouv1tle. 4: at. Loala. A Klret Baae oa Ball OaT Preeer.

4: off Hart. 4. Struck Out Ir, Praaar. by Hart. I Hteae Raa flart.

-Haaa Hit Tra. Two-Raaa Mlta Otnc maa, Pv-aartac. MoCraery, Turaar. Aeertar Hlta larxa. invt atolaa Ha alcOraarr.

Clinamaa. Doabla Plara Ruaara la Wardea: Dniaa la Roarer Warora; Duucla ta Bterbeaer. Hartavan I Connor. Hit by Pitched Hall rVkarlM. Wild Pilch Praaar.

Tlial 1 a. L'SBpira dheridaa. May 7. Waahlactoa waa white-y Bung today a rattllnc cood ax ma. Error were acarce, tb batttac waa not parctca-torly h-iavy.

but th Soldtnc waa aharu. McJaeaea atrach out ave an to eu for th BaHig avtcher. Col.lna' work at the bat wa excaxlea. Tb aoare: Boatno, A aablfurtoa. A Hamilton, ef.

Tenney. Lnrts. aa I 1 Hewn, cf II 9 1 1 Beibarb, a iMmoat. MoOulra, ilinn. ntna it.

ib. Abbey, Rallly. McJimea. i iuiTr. ir Teear.

r-olllaa. Oanaal. ullivea. Tale .4 4 ff 14 Totala In I Kieton 4 I 4 Waahiectoa 4 Earned Ran Braxton. TTinr flaaa Mil 4nHlna Stolati Haaa Hamilton ll).

Collina. Doubl PUya Me lama to Cartwrtaht to MrOulre: Hrtaa to artwnaat. rirat Baae oa Hall Off Mcjamee. Hamilton, Tenney. Mtruck out By MaJjmaa.

Hamirtoa, Lowe. CM Una. i lenael. aulllvaa: by BulMvaa. NeitkacB.

Paaaed Ball Mcflulre. Time 14. Umpire Herat- Attendance AM. SATTOAL LEAGIE GOSSIP. All tba Chirac Traaa S4a la a Llttla Meralac rrartlr.

War daal tba Cblcaco taass wla aota balir la a aueettoa which Pre Id rat Jaraea A. Hart la dodctBE Bowadaya. Ha la aa mt about tea tbaasaad other natlr of this rlclalty wbo da aot Cora pre bead ta their entlr aatlafactloa net wfcy tk Colts ahaald linear at tba "bad" end of the Bercwataa tabl. said tb "power behind th throe' tVouAh'fatly. make lv kKs aad they BsaAa dv bit, bat they ecor Sve runs aad wa cet tw ut of th ecrimmaca.

Tbcre you ar. My owa )wBet telle aa what th trouble la. Nearly all of tb other le ro bar beea at boar for their momlnc practice. bava beea bora just tw 4a and are exit aa th road asaln. Tb ctlaaat pravanta ur apealBB here.

Peraonal-ly. 1 tbiak that tha team la atroac but. Ilka very body sis. I wlah that they would wla If lack of atornlnc prartlc la tb caaae of llabt bltUac. aad poor form, it tooka aa tboasjh Cia- claaatl would repeat their pet Tot maac ta th openlas ti.

Th Colta will retura for th Sunday 4. with ao chaoc I work morBlnca la tha laterraL Brooklyn. Boataa. aad however, follow ClactaaaU bars, aad ta 'lack may chaoxa. aaa People wbo were aat ta tb ball park aa tb day of tb toat (aaa her aaw Dearer warm up a titli with hla aocl.

th grand aid maa. Thoa expertise a Mc atrapaxac fellow who started ta ball doa hra bawl aad tnnf It bisk above bla bead aad rlad It la tb dowa winr at a ataa-kllllac par were dlaappotated. he player la Of stout, thick -aat hand. wttA apt areatly a atrwoaT ana swtsciac at bis rlsht Bid. He threw with a abort -arm rwbrt.

tk ilnc th body at about th hetcht th ear. He wlcde hla body I Bet bla weight behiad th throw very much aa a ratrber doe la forward Lac th bail to aeeond. With tba eped that sets lata tb bail, aad with aay kind of control, ba ahaald make aa Mail pitcher for th catcher wba want all tb Una ha caa Ct la ta throw ta sac aaa. aaa. IL M.

Waldo, la aa of hla rreoat statu, aay that tk Ctovaiaad team baa (nine aa arranged that aa el thoa alow bunt hits caa aot poaatbly roll foul. Tbla baa been aecompllahed by balld- ta a bank af earth about ala lachae hlch alone llaea. Tk bank le aaa anally ovrlokd aoieea oaa's attealioa ta called to K. It Bur be tk basks ar seeded to satisfy tboa wba ar always ralllaf for aor hitting la tb aat tonal cam. Hlttiac developed by artlaclai micbt canaa a chance la th praeaet aya- teaa of pladnc the men.

haa th batter becia ta devote their dd momenta baatlnc th poor eaUUIdr to liable ta Bod Ufa trtoa avoaotooou. He micbt a called la watch oat for over threw, it mis hi aleo bo Beeery I srraas for tw ahart atop, placed aa they ar la th Indoor sam. cloa ta th batter, protected, bow- ever, with rubber salts sad maske. Tha Idea, to tboushL anil appear ao rear aom that th macaataa will a alt la farcins P. Teoeaa bv I bla amuada down aad permit hit te roil hither th WUL I I be dot ng ail la hlttiac a Tboratoa vaa ma far for Ik Cbh-aca team.

Tha yewag left Balder ritaer get ta a Bit er go ut oa a long By to th outseid. tit has ss tw tbst should ae soms claaa Una alts la th balls dlahod op to the plat before tk eaoa la vr. Aa aooa a BJlfLaac and th others 4ciil becia pa nek lac ut tw blta a cam tk other tenma may ao a akr- rncket climbing for a peel tloa la tba 4 rat dlvleten. Ih Lhtcago team baa to much real stent tit 119 1 I the iAfLr nrTm oceaj. 07.

IEW linear lone aandwIcBad bet waea BL Loala aad aahiastaa. Tbarataa raaJiaed Ula laaa a WEITERS LEAQIC. ladlaaaaalla Laaea tba lteal Oaa ta Urmmal Rapid. Oraad RapUa. May T.

Bat for Blade' moff of a aat behiad ticnaf. iBdlaaapoll woold bar beea akat oat. la th taa lb ICabe threw a pd ball tba plate, aad at rack aaaa 1. the batter, la the ear. la th ooafualoa that fallow ad.

two Oraad Rapida baae raaaera raehed boat. Th car: Orand Rapid 44414-f lad I ana .4 4 4 4 Baae Klta Oraad RaDlda. 11: Indiana poll. 4. Errore Oraad Rapida.

Isdlaaapoll. I. Bat ten Reldy aad Hockley; Pbllllpe aad Kaboa. Mlnaaapolla. Mlaa.

May 7. The Mlllera woa th intra cam froea tn Mrvwer today la tna amta In nln. with tare Iwobaccera aad a alnaka. The I4l- ...4 1 4 4 4 1 4 44 Hlta Mlaaaapolla, 11: Mllwaakae. U.

Er-Inaeapolla. 4: Milwaukee. 4. Batter! Baker aad Moraa; Taylor aad apear. at.

Paul. May 7. After Mallana bad the caaie wall ta haad today, aad apparently woo. waa takea oat of the box aad nckea put la for trial bp t'oeaiaaey. ana cam Bear loainc tna tame for the boaao team.

McUltl waa pat In tb as In lb tenth. Spiv and Ulanford bald a aet-to la th ninth, aad Splee waa put aut of tb caaae by Cavptra Laily. Taa eoore: at. Paul 1 1444111 Kaaaaa City i I I II I 1 4 Haae Hlta St. Pa a I.

14: Kanaaa City. ta. Kr- rara at. Paul. Kanaaa City.

4. llattarlei Mallana. Prtrken. Mctllll. Mpiea.

aad Holllnce-wortb: Nleol. Morarland. Lake, aad Hlaatord. Detroit. Mick.

Mar 1. Columbue buachad Ihalr hlta today, aad had aa difficulty la defeatlac th moaia. tb acura: Ci WaltpaafJaa a a a 4f A 0 4 0 9 Detroit 11141411 Haae Hlta Columbua. Ml Detroit. 14.

Error Columbue. Uatruit. 4. ballad aa Daaiela and rianar; Acaa aad Troat. WEI7ERX ASSOCIATION- SI.

JMh Adaalalatera a Craakl Defeat ta Dabaa. St. Joaeob, Mar 7. aloecUl Telaaram. The opanirtfj came wtta LMiDaiu waa woa by BU Joaepk IhrouaTh heavy hlttiac.

while the Tlertor ware anabla to laad oa Paroe. Walnrtoa wa knocked out of the boa la tba third aad CaatUlua onteaea ih ex m. xh acore: at. Joaep a a a 444 Duboau i VI. DubUQUe.

A Rattertaa Por HI JnxiJi Panlaa ana Hiina: lor uubuaue Wolvartaa. Caa outiivao. t. nptra MMcely. Horllna-tan.

lim kf ae -r x-r nanu oattea la at run ta tae eianta Innir.a. after JIurllnaTo bad tied the ecure la taalr wlnnlnc tb Brat fame betweea the tw luta. Tb acore: Cedar Rapida. 9 9 11 Burancton i la 1 Raa HKa hnrllncton, 11: Cadar RapMa. It Krrura Buninaxoa.

CUdar- RaptJa. A liattar. Pr BwTlinaton. Kit aoa and 11 llama, for ar Rapid. Duaaelly aad Puller.

Umpire Aarrathera. Qolncr. May 7. -Special Telacraai. nackett.

the Jarkanavllle (lll Ui. waa put la the boa today acalnat tba Rockforda. an proved a phe-Bjm. vtalujra Onjinc him only ala tlmea. The acore.

OulM-y Rurhlord I 4 J7 R-kfrd. Errora Oujjry. 1: Rorhfnrd. A Hatterlee-llarkrtt aal I "ncy: Anderaoa aad Vtutaa for Rock ford. Cmptre Alberta.

De Motaaa. Iowa. May 7. -Special Tetaaram. Motnea w-ja Ih Bret a a eta arit a rr.

aear toaln It la the toat laalac 7T rjae Motsa 1 1 Ha-Dea Molnea. Peoria. 7. a atotnae, Peon, 9. Ra tt art aa Por Daa Moiaea.

aonler and Lohmani aad Lucdail. Cinpire Ward. KTESITATK LEAOIE. 'art Wayaa taa bla ta 4er Atxlul Wktll Attar rirat laalaaj. Pert Wayaa.

May Taxecraax. Fort Wayaa avorad four run la tb flrat In nine today, thoa Oarrey aetttod aowa. aad Wheel in woa prtaclpally a Ooaa-a errora. Tb ecara: Wbeeltnc r2T Wheel T. Error "rt Htrat, Whaa lac.

A Ratterlae Pne Part Warn. mpb.ll ni Pw vVhewriaa! Oarrey aad AUwaatu ImaaraWeriar. ay 7 -BperHai pi K-hara dy and New Caatl rrr ta mm aad woa aaaily, The fCau 19 994 uurtaa Hlte-Purton. 11: New Cnatl. It 14 -naytrru 4: New Cutl Raxtrrtaa Hodaktu-Roaehroun.

Waned, aad Oraenwald for 1 orxuai I or jxew IMla. at- "rrrnXeld. Ohio. May opnacBold cnaxe near anutrtnar aui ktuux.1. maimer, a new Mrrbee.

"ho wa with Purtinnd tore taat year, araa la th baa. and aliened a ww iw eoore; JaenaM axaawoaaa 1 1 1-T aaa rttta Manorlald. A atarlnrfleU. ManaAald A ium Prantinor aad Stertck; fur MaaaOelJ. Toledo.

Ohio. Mar Mnaetal dr rtm wa loot by tb bom team en or rair-i iiaeeman nxrart aa-l the poor baae run. nln of Ket la Ih ninth Inn I food a a utck- lanarHHB. in eoore: Yoarurutown a a I a a a Toledo 4 Haa Rita Toledo. Tour rton.

9. Prr Totlo. Youraratown. A Rattanae Klb aad atuut; annw aad iaraa. Uaiplle llaldta.

MICHIGAX STATS LEAGCE. Jaakaan'a OatSeld rats Tb Earllat Gaa Acnlnat Laalaar. Jarkaon. Mick. May 7.

Special delrrm. Jackaon'a outfteld put up a pbeanmenal sam ta- aay. ana Bota teeme batted well. Th aoor: Jack eon 9 119 194 14 Lnnaxa Ixxae Hlta Jackaon. 17: Lanalna.

1A Er Lanaina. A Beltane Diamond aad Lafluer; Al- orient an kiiu. mptre avaa. Hay City. Mick.

May 7. apertal Tltim. Bay Otr defeated Kalamaaoo la a hard foucbt eaana IBM anernoon. aitbouxra max In errm at nanHy -ei mora. The home team wa aauauaily weu o-rreiopea at tne aaa.

1 ae aoor: Bar City 4 9 Kilimxpu lit Hit Bar Cltr. 14: Kalamaaoo. A Bat. tenee Moeer an Knapp: Brando and O'Connor. rWlna w.

Mar 7 Hpertal Telaaram. Baclnaw and Port Huroa thie afternoon played tne cam at aenuie rw Axf. a th viattors aut' piayad the local at all aainl. Tk ecora- F-wt Haroa I 4 I 4 4 4 Saslaaw 1 11 baa Hit Basil aw. 4: Port Huron.

1. 'ttrrore -uimb. 7: Port Huron. A Battina Jobaetoo aad Mitchell; Irwia and Buroa. at rat Ltifst.

At Paducah. Kr. Padarah. to: I rat on. At Kvaaavlll.

lad. EvaaavtUa. Terra Haute, 1. At anhrtrto. Cairo, A Eaatrra Laan.

At Sprtncdeld, Mae. nprtncBeld. 4 Rorheoter. 7. jxt acrxxian, ihutiio, ix: ncrxnton.

a. Al Wllkaabarra. Pa. Wilkeebarre. II: Toronto.

A Al Proxtdanoe. R. eJyracTxa. Provldeac. A COLLEGES BASEBALL GAMES.

WIralB Def rata Hoak Medical la a SlacKlac Match. Madlaoa. May 7. Special TaJacraam. Tb be ball Bam bataaaa Roab Medical Cottoas sad Wlaeoaala CalTwralty tea ma, played Camp Randall this aXtaraooa.

raaaltad la a victory for Wlaeoaala by a soar oZ9 ta 15. Both tttrher wer bit freely, aad Tw trier Soxner sad Welllnrtoa of Rub Medical mpbssls4 tba raa retting by giving fifteen Bad Kara baaea oa balla. Raedal wa la tb bo for laeoaala and. hi! car bat two men free to the Initial baa. th doctor found bis curve early la tba (SB ana pounaea them hard.

Tb Wlaeoaala waa aaad largely of subatltateo. Cu- Ula Harden umpired tb sam. Brewer was take sick befor the gam atartad. Oerava got aa ana wrenched aad bad to suit, aad Bandella. tba regular pitcher, wbo played la left field, hart ria aip in aiKuag a baa aad bad ta rutlra.

1 a aoor: Wlarouela. A Roan. A If ft Urace. i I 1 1 jl 1 I I I i 1 nom a.

tb.aa,p 14 4 4 4 9 1 Arnall. 14 1 Aaton. aa 1 Retfert. I Band' a. nark.

Jb Brewer, cf ...9 14 Itanrer. If 1 9 1 i Mclermlt. lb 1 111 Herg, rf. Perry. 1 WU't'n.

p. aal fill Pahrto. 4 Roblnaon. cf t-M 4 11 Raedal. 4.

I i it Totiit ii ri9? Wlaconela 11 4 4 4 4 Haah Madia 4 4 4 Karat Rana Urieoonetn. 4: Ruan, A -H i lllteOark. Kerfert. Mcbet-mlt. Three-Maaa Hit Orecc.

Robtneoo, Paaaed Ball Perry. Wild Pltrhre W'alUnfton. kocnara. Plrat Haae aa Ball Off Randal. off Welllnrtoa.

off aomoia. 1. Hit by Pitched Ball ReedaL Struck Out By Readal, 4: by Wetilaetou, by isomer. 1. Left on Kaaae Wlnexxl.

Hash, 4. Double Plare tlrecc to Aetoo to Selfan; WeUlnctew to Mo-DemgL Tim 9 Jo. Laiptrv Maqeua aad Hay- Cambrldce. Maa. May 7.

it pedal TleTum. Harvard dafeeted Corn 11 In a Hard Dlxr4 aama tlay by a ecor of 14 to A The victory wa aaa it tb hard aad tlaxely hattiag of tha homo team The neor: Harvard ..1 1 9 1 4 14 Cornea 1 I 1 1 4 be Hit Harvard. Cornell. 4 Error Harrard. 4: CVmall.

A JUteartee Pala aad Bcnaaail; Bots. MLUer. aad Young. Bloomlnctoa, May 7. expedal Tetexrranx.

In a pit a of the heaatlful day. a vary crowd wltn i ax i I tb aaxn betvruen tb Illlnola Weeleyaa t'nlraraity aad rxilnn. The WaMrxa battery waa rvry affecUr. AAoCraary auiaUng eiu le maa. aaoond baa and at Bhort for Waa- dld brililaat work, in Paatoaa Tba eoore Daaa Hlta WeaUptB.

14; Pmx-ta. 4. Errora 'aajarxa. pastoa, 1A Itatlariaa Poc Wl raa, Wllla and Moreary: far Pa I ton, Tboeaa- ttomiuj! una Colanmble, May T. aparlal nanaaa t.nivrxiy waa neatea Bar today by tvaatmlaeter Collace la aa tntaraatln' came.

Tba rvaiwr or tna cam waa taa wor OC Weetmlaater'a pltchaa. Th aoorai tilling Batterlee Peter, Staaler. and Carry for Kaaaaa; Inchem aad Barry for Weetmioaier. C'ov- yrijirx auuaHxr ex mieeourt. MICUIOAlf IXTERCLASS EVKXTS, "raakaaeai Dfat th leak Brarythlaa; bat Ball Oi Abb Arbor.

May 7. Special Tele rata. Tb aaaaai aopbemoriYahJDaa Said day arousal ton aooxe eery lataraaUBA rotnDeti tloa today. Tb traahmaa claaa baa aom vary promlaiDC axauar. aad la tba track event they cot aeany every event xront ue aopbamaraa.

Nloety-alo. however, took awt rev an by winaias tba baae ball caa haad lly. 7 ta Tba wopboaioi a a a aa ..................7. 14 a i aa aumiDary of track areata la aa follows: On-Hundred-Yard Deah Elbl.lM. flrat A oar.

aeeond: Prentlaa. law. third. Tim 4 14 4-A Two-Haadred-and-Tweatv-Yard rw -k i k.i Ttata'TVi lTntl'' meo- Pl "lrd. Uuartar-Mile Run Batteratan.

Ixo ra- r-KK IkM, cnnd; Kent. 'at. third. Time IT 4-4. Half-Mlla Run Hodsamaa.

144, flrat: McKee. 4. ecoad: Stela, 'ar ihlrd. Time 1 11. UiimIIm Leaa.

1MU. flret: Ayer. 'at. aaoond. Tim 17 Tw.Huadred-aad-Twenty Yard Hurdle Ma-Laa.

1M. Brat: Ayer. 'M. aaoond. Tim M.

Mil Walk Trroa, Brat: Paul, 'a m.A- Woodruff. iaa third. Tim I Mile Run Wood. 1PW, Bret: Whlteleewy. Whltoomb.

third. Time tlhat Put Jove. Brat: Juttmr 'xa Dletaaee 44 feet 1 Inch. Hammer Throw Jut tier. IMS.

flrat: Tttob. Bf aeeond. Dlatanoe 44 feet. Pole Vault Trroa. Brat: Read.

aaoond H1(ht 1 feet. HiaB jump uavia. law. nrat: Kl Dier. ttsa aao ond.

Hetcht 4 feet I Inohea. Broad Jump McLean, 1PM. flrat; McKea. ft, ecoad. Dtataac 41 feet, la petal tb fraabmea araa 44 111.

10WAILLIX0I9 OAMB CAKCELED. Ckarsr af Prwf eualaaallaaa Mad Aalaat Havekrya Pitrbrr. Iowa City. Iowa, May 7. Spactal Talacrara.

rrofaeeor H. IL Everett. CBairmaa of tba faculty athletic coxa ml tee of tba I'alreroltr af Illlaals. letter Preeldent Schaeaer af tba Ualvar- slty of Iowa, baa prof erred rbarca of arofeaalaa- Bhara acalnat Maytaax. lowa'a crack Ditcher.

I to aaaerta that tha Ilitaota team cannot nlav if Maytuos la la tb bos. Profaaeur Slma ef laws ta rail for Martaat's rotlraraaaL aad the sam arheduled far Chaaipalaa May was eaaoeled today. PAIKBtMT SEES GOOD POSIT. iBssal rirlxl Errata af tha Hick Brkaala Draw. La raja Crawal.

Palrbury. Ill May 1. Special Telecram. A larc crowd waa la attaadaac at th annual laid day xemaea af th Palrbury Hlcb Schoola to day. Coat taa war preaeat rroca all th ur roandlac dtlea aad tha eotrte were torca.

A quae th an aat excltlmc caraee waa beak at ball by cluba roxnaoaad 4 hich achool alrta. rap- talaed by Mlaaea Joel Soauaarautl aad Edna WratervalL Tb fortaar waa by a acara of I ta A. Aa Ooadart. Lexlnaioo. eeoood.

Dtataac 114 yar-oe. Ptftr-Tard Daah Harry TlaoenL Oderj. Our W'hlteoo. pontlaa. ini Tune I at.

Uinnar.ll ifa Rlevele Race Ufaab ffenllna. flrat OW4. fa mat) all pontlac. earand. Tune 17.

Pol Vault Harry Movver. Punttac won: Her bert StaEerd. ralrhory. eeoooA Hikl 4 faet Inrmea. taadtntr Hlcb Jump atepriea Baker, pontlse, won: Larato paaraaa.

Llngtoo, aeooad. kxxalxx Hraaal Janaln Wllltaia an. i Haree lilch Kick L. Penraua aron: Bert BalL Qlbaoa City, eeoood. Hetcht 14 Inchea.

Hir-Mtie Rlrrcle Race J. Tornbaugh. Poatlao. on Hundred Yard Daak U. Vincent woa: Ouy TWESTT.

COLLEGER MAT COMPETE. 7aaa Moat af Iatrwwllalat tloa Prwaala ta Ba a I At th mnetlag af tb gradual commltte ta Wxajtara Iatoreoitoglat Atklotio Aaaoctatloa held ywaterday at raam UBS T. M. A. build Ing.

La kali atreet, waa rapsrtad that shoot A arur eailage aad aaataarwlUns would lavltad te participate la Ik annual latereUelAb aaa ii i oe ie ta a a A Tk oueeoe aa ta th ground oa which the meet ahaJt be held waa ala eonMdereeVrb Wantworth areaue aad Thirty -PI fib atruat aad tha Marehall Plard erouna oetna evenuoaid. cwmmltte aaaaed I approach tk rullruad raaiipaalaa wtth a view aacunag a re not Ion ta faraa. other commtua was Intruatad with tk taak af epprwaroina amciais tor IB meet. Tb amort win ooia aaotaer mllng at tb T. M.

A. viHixiBi awaa ervaay. 4 BRCTAL riGHT. IS PIXLED OFF. anWBaaaammi kaaaaa and A an re Flhf Forty-FIro Bloadr May Tb moat brutal priz "aat ever rougat IB uter Mlcblgma wa pulled oa sariy in la tanrnlng ta a bark saat of thu city.

Kldy Shaaaaa of Detroit aad Agar of Jersey City war th paglltotA Thar wer KM pacta tor. Three time tlra referee tried to stop ta fight, faunae that Shaaaoa's paalatrant would PTOV fatal, but th men. who aaaa. ri ping with blood, kept xt It to Ike forty-fifth round, wbea-both fell from abauatloa. Shaanoa nruiona aia wnat la tbotwoaty-etxta.

bat tlaad fight Ilk a Bead. JAMES ASH KILLED BT HIS WIFE. Cleror Clrrd rastllst af Boataa Dla af Hla nnxlx. Boatoo, May 7. Spcil TolecraaA-.

Jaaxeo Ash. tb walt-knowa colored Ugbtwlgbt of this Cltr. who waa aha, b-r hla wk Urn vrlfe aa rxnmxx atiwet WedBoaday. Bled at tb Maa- aacaaantts uaraj Hoaaital this afteraook. Snlllrna-Cwrkett Flkt.

SnortlBC Editor. Mar. A Will una nlana In. form bm through Tb Inter Oceea tb a amber of rBd la tb SalUrsa-Corbett fight y. M.

A KET. Twoaty-oa round wer foughL ECKEKLA JOIST FIELD CONTESTS. Pearl T. M. C.

A. Wist tha Majarltr af tha Prlaoa. Eureka, May 7. Special Totecraam. Joiat field-day contaet betweea Eureka College and tb Poorl T.

M. A. wr bald bars today aad raaulted la aom cloa aad exciting areata. Tba Peon boys woa the greater number of prtaeo. Tb reenlte wer as follows: On Handrwd- Tard Daab Bar.

firm: Short. arraand. Time 4:11. ho Put Roeeil. Srat; Ooodnigtit.

aeoont. Dlfnc feet. Tw H'Adrad and Tai aafa.TaM tfafVlla Tlav Crat; Duane. acoocvl. Time Half Mil Bieycle BarUett.

flrst: Lacy. ao cnd. Time I 14. P.unnlng Bread Jumn Ooodnigtit. first: Day.

Second. avruuance If feet. One-Half Mil Run Iuarae, BtwL Tim -fH Pot Vault Roeeil Brat; Bay. Height On Mile Rlcrrl Race Bartlett. Brat; Sxrtnford.

icond. Time an. Ham Tier 1 hrvw E. Ranarm. flret: B.

arrond. DtaAo faet 7 In-hea. Kunnlnc Hlah Jamo Hav. Ootrdnlcht. aeo- and.

Height 4 feet I trachea. I aeo Hun lead and Twentv.Taud Ron -Bar. Beat: Short, eerond. Tim I II l-A Uaaket BH acore, to 4 la farorwaf PUcria. FIELD DAT SPORTS AT LI5COLH.

1. D. Aadvrnaa Wla Nabraalca Calrr attp nar la tha Sarlata. Llacola. T4gram.

Pleld day aporta at tb Stats Unlrerxlty attracted a Larg attandaaoa. Tb 104-yard dash waa woa by R. IX Aaderuoa la 4:11: Us 92u-rard by Ander- oa ta I-: tb toils dash by Ryaa la 1:40 l-C. Tb running high lump and the broad jumps or won by W. Andaman: dJataac.

4 fet 1V lBCTea, aad 14 feet 4 Inchea. raapoctlvelr. anot put, st teet 114k inch, aa nam mar throw. 74 feet 9 Inch, war both won by Nat Turaar. Compaay A woa tb relay rue at 1,000 yard.

TE.19I9 Al'ITII. Wcllaaal Clah Hold Its Aaaaai El tlaa af Oflieara. At a recent meeting of tb Wellatrnl Tennis Clnb of Austla th (oil owing officer war lectad for tb saasoa ef 197: Preaideril. PbU O. Bar- talm: ternary sad treaaurdr.

Cbarlaa Harton manager. Wallac MeParldnd; aacraHry and treasurer of lad lea' aortal cofnmUte, Mlaa Edltk iiartoo. CREESE IS CHAMrlOX OF KANSAS. Wlsi tha Tftla kr Graulsg Thirty Birds StrAisht. Manhattan.

May 1 Th champion xblp hi taat of th Kaaaaa Stat Sportaaaea'a Aaao- latloa for tb State of A an aaa waa woa tbla movBlBg by C. L. Drama at this cK by Kraaalna laun bird straight Elrk lay aa COLLEGE MEN AT BAT Michigan and Ghicso 'Varsity Ttazna "Will Meat Today. BOTH NINES LACK FORM Many Chan gas Hars Been Made in SteK'sInfiald. Nrtkwtra aad BIlt Play tm Eraaataa la What Praaalaaa ta Ba a CI Caatrat.

Th University of Michigan's strangest ball taam will moot aSUxx men oa Marshall (laid this Bftsraooa at 9 lu o'clock. Beoaaaa ef tba rovsrsos and bad luck which bare come In Urea quanUUs th last few days, tba tDArooA rooters ara anytblng bat confident over in outcome of tb contest. With A bells sick. Vera on laid no wlra bad knee, and tb Infield, tboroachly diaorgan- lzro. anytninc out a brilltsDt cam is ex- Pc tad.

Abella mar sbls to pUy and Ad-klnson will cover scoad-be tarritorr. aa of old. II Is wo fully lacking In form, bow-over, as has bad bat tare days' practice this Ywr. Mermneid win play snort, in lieu of Oordon wbo has been laid off for poor wore ia tna last three garae. and "Jack Hagy.

a bow maa. will ba triad at third. Al though Hagry has show op well during th tw day ba has beea practicing, he naturally baa oat tna experience, nor doe ba Inspire tne same connaenca in the "fans' that an older maa would. Tbe students pin their sith largely on Captain "Iky Clark' pitching, and hop that he will pull tbom out of the hole, as did la tb University of Illinois ana Wisconsin game. Michigan has boasted that with Nichols goo sb would have ao dlfflcalty in findlna Clark for innumerable hits.

Illinois did tha ats thine, ret, la th second sm. Clark struck oat sixteen of their men. a feat never rfor accamplished In a collece came on tba Chicago 'Varsity (rounds. CUrk's work this year has beea aom thing of a surprise ta his inenaa. wo rear ago be made a wonderful record, holding Captain Anson's heavy hitters dowa to seven hits, and almost winntnc tne game.

Last Tear no did aot sbow ud at all well, bat so far this esoa has been wen nigh invincible. Of the Michigan team, bat little Is known st the only two men. Wstkina and Miller, having beea seen here before. Tb Wolverines, however, have boon particularly unxoTTunate in netng aeprtved of tne majority of their old men. through strict adherence to the rales, adopted at th col lege conference last lalL la start of th nam erotic defeat recorded against them they are said to be playing a good article of ball now.

Pollowlnf 1 th Un-np of th opposing nine: C. of H. l-oalttoo. r. of C.

Abella or Pill haaa Butler Aulllvaa. Third haaa Shortxt Adklnaon Harey Letchton TV Cevnarrtcbt Wetirle Watktna Miller field Brown Clark Memaeld MICHIGAN PLATS HERB TODAY. Caaeh Watkls la CraMnl aVI. try Over tha ChlenaT Tonnn. Aaa Arbor.

May 7. Special Talagraxn. Taatgbt the Michigan baaeball tosm Isft for Its regular Wester trip. Tb taam will mot Chi cago tomorrow aad next Wadassdsy. aad will play Wteeanata Monday.

Coach Waikta feels coaldent that Mich Is aa will be eaecnaaful. Tbe men takea oa tbe trip are: McOe. Emraocix. Miller, II 1111. Androa.

Coadoa. Heard. wais. Bulllraa. Butler, cartwrlght.

Ludlow, Coach Watklaa. Manager Atklneoa. aad i slstaat Maagr II oilman. BASEBALL IS OAK PARKU Sakarkaa, Clak Lin Aaalnat Lak rtt I'Blrwrolty Teaaa. Oak Park's crack team win meet th Lake Fureet University baaeball Bla this afterat at 9:9 o'clock.

Chart Tiadtll will a mplr. Tb Oak Park Club grvuada have beea greatly enlarged thl' year, and a sectloa la tbe grand stand bss beea aat aal da aw. reserved Beat. A large bicycle ataad baa beea added to I ground also. Th admission Is cents.

The Una ap: Lak Freet. Poaltlotu Oak Park. Blewett a-nppen atcner la ma Jareer baae Field Rvder baae A I ward Bettea baa Nlchola Conr Jackson field Jrrreme Wlillamaoa Center Dead Andrew ATHLETIC TEAMS TO PLAT. Baakrrn' aad Illinois Cyrllaw Claba Hlaea Meet Today. Tb Bankers' Athletic Club ball team play tb nilBOis Cycling Clnb acxrecatioa at Thirty-Fifth stret aad Wentwarth avoaae tbla afternoon at 1M o'clock.

The lln-ap la aa follows: Banker. Poaltaon. Dllnol Shawbrlde Tor loaceyt be af or i Dun de rlnt xxii. Bloomlraeatoa Baa la Third Pnxmal I Pike Tod Kllla nr-ld-. Oiblta Left field.

Heodrlfk I Ia tha Hlk Sehaal Laae. Tbe Austla and Lake View High School bss tn teams will play this afternoon st Mej-rtck Park. Austin. It promise to no a stnooorniy fought game throughout, for the reaaoa that tha a net In team baa strength sad the leagu teams ar afraid tb suburban boys will get a lead that cannot be overcome. Tb battery for Aaatia will probably be Haytbora ana Jenaia.

The Oak rare rtisa scuoot aaeeoan xtaaaa idi th team of tbe North want Dletotoa High School will nlar thla foroaooa at tb Oak Park Club armunda. Oak Park. TB Oak Park team baaea doinc bard practice work, and is la a much Improved condition. SICKLES AND MURPHT CASE. Xorth weat rrn'a Cnaaanltt Heara K-rl- deno.

hat Wltkkeldo Declalna. Plaal action was takea last evening by tb stbtotl commltte of North weeters university la regard tb chargas of prof esatonaltsm pro- erred scale at vntchor sicklas aaa starpoy oy tb Ualrerslty of Michlgaa. Ths member of th commltte held a sscrat aaaslon aad altar the BieeUag thoa preaent positively refused to mak tha findiac nubile Profoaaor J. ifoott Clark, -chairman of the committee, aaaa tna finding was final aad would be given to ths publlo todsy. Hs refused to discuss th subject, bat Intimated that the charge wer not pne la ana oicaie anu airpir am tea ivuuuaw.

Tb meeting wa held In the gymnasium snd all ths member of ths cotnmttt wer present. Professor Clark rriwd ths charges preferred by Michlgaa, which were ta the effect that Sickle during th saasoa af had received money for hla aei aloe with the Oak Park team aad also that be bad received a salary for coach ing the blgh-echewl taam at Edcartoa. Wl. The charge Against Murphy wer general aaa ao ea- Beolal Inataao ef bla baring received eom- eaaaUon for bis ssrvtcs was mentioned In tb CBsrge. Profoaaor Clark sreseeted to -the committee letter from Tod Lasslord.

nxaaager of the Oak park team, la. which th latter atreououaly de nied baring paid alexins money anting ths sea- soa of IX. A latter from Oscar C. agar of the Kdgartoa rtign school taam, denying th stipend charge aa to 9lcklee, waa aleo pre-aeated to tha committee. Th eeaalon waa a long i aad the chare urr thoroochlr aifted.

rTofvaaor Scott aald after th meeting: "Th finding of tb commltte tonight la final And wa Intend bars no mors troubls la regard to Sickles sad Murphy. I will prepare tbe finding aaa preeect it to ta paoiio today. student at the university conatrue Profoaaor Clark 'a remark to th effect that ao more trouble would be ripen en oed on account of Sickles and Murphy In th light that tbe committee found In favor ox the players. Tha aaeoad earn betweea th Pare Fenoe an the Daly will layd tomorrow moraine at th eauev a para. Th Hamilton will play Miller' picked nln at th fnrrner crounda.

rvebeter ead I nlar avanu. loatorrow anoruing at 1 clou. Th Btneham Stare will nlar tha A If era at the Weet bide ball park at Harriaon aad Loumla atreeta tcanorrow morninc at 1 o'clock. Th Whttlna: Oravs of Whltln will eonciinlon auk tk Dalya Siinuay aXtaraooa a AAAAAAArVwVrVVVVVk 1 WITH THB AMATBUnm. NrwAAAAAAAAAMVwVVVVarVka tha latter park.

Th Whiting boy hsre char-terat a special train aad will bs socompaaied by a oaii rootara. Tha Paatharatooaa and Proviso ball taam will be the attraction tomorrow afternoon at tbe Nortb- wet City eagiis Park. CI 7 bourn place and Pan- no ruan. Th Oreelan would Ilk to arranc came with tha Dalya. I'nlona, Oak 1'arka.

Auburn Parka. ad ml cood amateur teame. Addreea John Lara broa. No. 174 Eaat Harrtaoa atraet.

Th Wlcklow would Ilk to near from any 14-rvar-eld t-am la the city. Plaaeta or Preaootu prefer rad. Thar would like a came for Sunday. Addraee J. QriBln.

No. 23 Wt Ckioago avenue. The Jefferaoa amy will play th Standard tomorrow at Jefferson Park. Th followtntrlay-er ara rquetd to report at I o'clock: Prank Steadman. M.

J. Demoeer. Qallaahcr. Carl Mrara. and PreenelmaB.

Th Park Manors would like to arrange came with ami 11 to 14 rear old team. Baa-maw Junior. Planet. Bl rut ham Star, and Parkslde preferred. Add me VV.

W. Motzcer. Ko. M4 Calumet areaue. -The Sellnr oaaehall groundA located at Grand avenue aad LMvialon afreet, north arret district, caa had for ball game free of charce every Satur day afternoon and Sunday moraine.

Add raa Theodore Baling. Oraad aveno and Dlvlalon treat. Th Chicago Edcara'arlll make their Brat trip to ElarlB toarorrow afternoon to meet the crack team of that city. Stock. Krueeer.

and Bneii or laat aaaaoa'a Edear and Lai maa and Kelly of th Edgar of lstf are all member of the Eicta n. aad It will be unueual tor taam to Ptajr their old team. Th Hamilton will eroee bats with th Rival tb latter' a ground. Kedxl avenue and Ohio atraet. tomorrow at clock.

To Hamilton would Ilk to hear from nral-claee 17 to 14 pear old team for Sunday moraine and afternoon gamee at their crounda: retura came guaranteed. Address W. L. HUt manager. No.

Ilia North Laavltt atreet. Tha Pat aad Lean Aldermen of tk Cltr Council will nlar fur rharttr'a aake at the Weet Side hall park una A Mayor Haniaon will umpire and Couchlla and Revere will be the battery for th rat ana riinay ixni an tr ataney I or tne i nan Kd Sc. Clair of th ri treat or Red I la tb oltr boo kin game for hi team. would like to near rrom all nretiaee ciuo in tne city. AOdraae Ed St.

Clair. Struator. IU. Th mplr of th Ualvuraltr Club hare or- a baae ball tenm and would Ilka to hear rata all amateur tea ma. Tk foltowlne I th llne-u of the team: H.

catrber; Applemaa. pttoner: D. Lynch, flrat baae; Mllla, aeeond baae; Rmlth. third baae; D. Wlnton.

abortetop: Riddle, toft Beid: Hanael. center field, and Crew, riant field. Addreee D. Wlnton. cntln.

No. North Clark atreet. care of Murray Broa. Tb Cuatom-Hous Baeebalt Club gaalsed for the eeaaon, with the following p. ayer: H.

T. Soovllle. catnhar; McClelland, pitcher: Ed Byrne, abort atop: n. Miller, nret Da: tr. Btern.

aeeond baae: J. Miller, third base: William Scarry Held; P. Palmer, left Beid; P. H. O' Toole, center Held.

They have ao eneetrement for Saturday. May 15. and would like to arrance a earn vntn mm unirormea ciuo, tne u. w. naei- don of the Broker' Lea rue preferred.

Addr John R. Ford, manager. V. 8. Appraiaer'a tor.

Th T. M. S. Stare will pro beta with the Chlcaco Marooue at rh collea yard. May and EleventB etreeta.

nunony, gam cniiara at a cioca. The line tin la aa fnilnva: T. aa. a. Btara.

r-nitona. ixi nxranx. roar Plrat haae. Third J. Dillon rot Cellaathaa Left Beid Dunn 'enter Right Bald Th Dalva will nlar tk Pace Fence Olanta.

colored champion a. at the former 'a ground. Thlnv-Ntnth atreet and Wentwonh avenue, tbla aft ar noon. The same will be called promptly at a cioca. un-up will be aa louowa: Only a.

PoeltloB. Olanta. Laccer Pitcher Witooa or Woods Hotmea atrher rsurns Mtntoa Plrat baa Pattereon Traraor aeeond baa Ralney baae Taylor Parker Short etnn. Johnson Connor field. Haaaau Center Blnra Htcker Riant The Chlcaoo Edear and th Marshall Field A Co.

ball team of tha Cocnmerclal Leagu win nlar the ooenlne came thl arternoon at th raortn weat City Leaarue Park. CI a-bourn place and Paulina atreet. Parker, a left-hand pitcher from Dundee. tlL. will Ditch for the Kdrxra.

who will also bar Lltrpart of Milwaukee aaa Mariana at Lansing. Tbe same will a called at clock. wtth to te i tollov Edaara. Field. CTOradr rarker.

ork In Hue Hadam Hartead Oela Trxpp Wood baa. Hanke Beid Lowe Center Kaablar The Carey have orcanlsed for th eeaaon. and mmiM like ta baae fmaa anv amateur baaebell club In th city. Addreea J. J.

MoCabe. Fa. 424 Aahlaad avenue. They play trae warren tomorrow at Pony-Third atreet aad Aahlaad avenue for a puree of IIS. The follow lac le the line-up: rxmrx.

rjeiuon. i wim OrUAa Pitcher Sullivan or CI end on Crowley Flrat baae Coehatt Second baae Crane Colltne Clark baa Ktnc Browa. vonver Center fte at cal raw Hare neld ntenicaa Tha Pal 1 maa Bore will cm bete tmarrw rnnnlne avith tha Little Rorke at IS o'clock, and la tb afternoon with tbe Park Manor at I o'olook at tb orrner p-rounda. Aay dub wiahlng gamaa addreea W. J.

Erana. lojllman. IU. KAXDBALL IS POPULAR. iBtwraahavat uanrx Wstchfd by Urge Crowd.

Hand ball Is barlog qnlto a boom among the South Side schoola. large crowds being present day te witness th tournament between the rival schools of Princeton-Yal and Ken wood Preparatory. So far th competing teams have been evenly matched, and Toth schools bare been putting up good cam. Prlnceton- Yal lead in double bv nitaea poiata. rveu- Preoaralorv.

however, naa beea winning la the alagl matches and toads it rival by nny-Bva aolata. Two games wer yrxsruay arternuon. Fisher aad Totooa of Princetoa-Yale defeated Hitond and Moraa. while Callanan of th Ken Preparatory woa aaaiiy xrom f-ianer at singles. The score: ftsher and HUand aad Mormn 4 21 .....1 Tbe touraameat will end this afternoon.

A bandlcan tountsment for tbe membara of th Kenwood Preparatory School is being arranged lor asxt week. FACLHABER IS RCS IMr.1l. Brass la Ckaaeal by a Drpaty ShartaT and Arreateal. Bruno FaulhAber. th cyclist, has run "amuck' tha tow.

lost his reputation as a fast rider be cause he permitted himself to be caught by a deputy la. a buggy, aad la now feeling quit at oats with th world IB gsnoraL After an exciting cbaas from th Criminal Court buiidlnc to Twslfth and Robey street yea tarday betweea th prtaoner en a oicycie ana a oeputy riant! in a ougcy. rnuiuaoer waa cap tured. Faulhabar. raoeauy Indicted on tne charge of saaault with Intent to kill, forfeited his bonds of Tusaday aad weat te th cnminsi Court building ta aeo it It could be reinstated.

Whlls ther Deputy Sheriff Oobel served him with a capias snd took him into custody, on the way to tbe jail the prtaoner requested that be be allowea to go to too treat ox ue oaiiaiuc, ta me his wheel to a friend. When be reached tlie sldswalk sprang upon bla bicycle and daahed away, pursued by uodol wna arsw nie revolver. Oobel did not open fire becaoa there too many peopl oa th street. Be-fore Pauthaber got eat of sight ths deputy sprang Into a buccv. and.

whipping the horse into a eallon. Dureoed him. He chased Fsulhsber to Twelfth and Robey streets, where he fired two shots snd captured him. Bruno rauihaner won second time pnse in in st Chicago road ree, aad for a time was the renter of attraction in th cycling world. He disputed the right of Frank B.

Murphy to the flrst ttnjo prise, claiming that the latter never rode the course. Ha was backed by a local tire firm snd tbe fight waxed warm for a time. Murphy was vindicated by Referee Frank B. Farming's decision, which stated that there was no proof to show that Faulhsber's claims were true. Later Faalbsber won a race rrom "Babe" Wil son over the Wheeling course.

He tried track racing ror a tim. but accomplished little. rl Is not likely to do very much cycling for a tim. snd may not abls to even look upon tb Chicago race this year. a.

BALD IS READY TO MEET COOPER. Devaalta ttSOO ta Bind a Mutch Raa with th Detroit Maa. LoulsvUls. May 7. Eddie Bald this after- boob deposited 9500 with J.

W. Brtgman, bicycl editor of the Evening Poet, to bind A match race with Tom Cooper, to take place at aay time betweea aluly 1 aad Aug. 1. Bald grae run th race at aay tim during thla pertod on aay track and for any sum over fsft that Cooper may select i also willing te allow th winker to tak all th aid bet and all th purse offored by th track en which ths race Is run. or will accept any terms as to these conditions that Cooper may prefer.

Bald aay he 1 vary anxious to meet Cooper and ta tired of talking. Cooper Is In th city, but has taken no steps toward covering Bald's money. His friends say tbst will accept. PRESIDENT ALLET IS HAPPY. Predicts That Hla Asssaclatioa ill Sarprls th Oppowltloa.

Cook County Cyclists Association road race arrangements are progressing favorably. "Ev erything points to our race being a huge sua- said John P. Hslley yesterday. "Tha de mand for entry blanks Is very lsrg aad Is Increasing each day. There will a small grand stand at the finlanlng line.

Mias Bean bss accepted th offic of referee and Alderman John Cannon has connected to act as a Judge at to Colxh, Th road commissioners bars promised to bar the road ta good order. Up this Afler-hoon ws hav received 102 sn trtoa. VAST fCARTET OF CYCLISTS. Saw Yark Selceta Fear Speedy Mrs far Relary Uses. Dench.

Wood. Olram, aad Frank Waller will be with th New-York team that is to compel- la tb intercity relay race. Tbalr entries wer mailed yeatorday by Oeorge Colllatar. tb Eastern manager, aad the presence of the Quartet of long -die tane stars to aaaured. What two rider will with th faat quartet to mak op ta Nw York taam will bs decided on before Von day.

Colllatar Is busy looking for Available talent and declare that all six for th relay will be about evenly matched and In fit condition te meat th pick of th country. Tb anaoancemeat of th make-up of th New York tram bad an enlivening effect on th train- luai asr i- a ii. uaiaaix raaa a aaeov. AB eHl oa tb excellent ndlng of th local nomlnaea. It Is feared that the Kaatern stars will be a little too formidable for them.

Special attention will be given to Weacue and Ftommlag aext weak. In th latter John Wat declare be baa one of th coming middle-dtstano rider of th country. Henry Stewart's entry from SL Louis wss received yeatarday. He ba been training care fully and win likely qualify for the combination SOLDIERS Iff TRAISIXG. Frt Saerlaata Trepan Through Their Dally Drill at th Cnllaewm.

Tbe hum of activity prevailed la every corner of th Coliseum yestsrdsy and the hugs building took on something of the character that It wilt assume on Monday evening. From o'clock in Ih morning until after 10 o'clock at night troops were drilling and athtotse were training. Ths man ef the cavalry aad Infantry yesterday ate bed th evolutions of the light Battery Second Artillery. U. 8.

Badkr tbe command of Captain Grimes, and the hardy manner of tha superb drill and the anappy exact tloa of the movements war loudly applauded. Of feat In particular ahowa tha daxtcritv of tha driver and tb remarkable training of tha horaed. Four post are est up la the oenter of tb arena in cloa bag a space just twelv Inches wider thaa the gun earn, inrougn una us battery te arming at a gallop, turning and drtvlng agala through the staked apace. If none of tbe posts are knocked down It reflect credit upon the detachment; wajwa waa uwf aia aaaa! ai. Captain Walnwright took cut Troop O.

Second United Stafea Cavalry, thre time during the day for drill, and put them through maneuver that tested toe stamina and nerve of the men and also their sblllty to tide. The compaay of Infantry from Fort Sberidsn went through it drill for th flrst tim wtth a band yaaterday and th men reflected great credit on Lieutenant Lowe and Castner. In ths anappy bar-bell drill the men nae the Kreg-Jorgensen line in lien of th ordinary woodea bar-bell. Wbea Lieutenant Castner took th men in band snd out them throuarh tha Ka aron a drill to tha mw of the drum athlete atopped track work in muta maoement at the excellence and lightning-like rapidity with which the movement were made. Major iMrtdsosr took bla bicycl corpa out, scaled a fifteen-foot wall, and dixappeared be- a.aaaw aa.

aaa 1 1 aauu Dicrcicx. A Corp WSS In heavy marching order. Tbe trick of passing up th last bicycl snd getting the last maa orer the wall excited much Internet, and wbea Ser- L. a i aaaawa Kxoaj into ID BIT BBU grBOOeu a hanging man around the waiat he climbed up ua xxofiiif une oc swinging men wtth tk agility of a monkey. All contestant In the athletic events must be st tbe Coliseum st 7 o'clock sack evening tbst tbe event In which they are entered occur, and will go st once to tha dreaaing-rooma on ths north rid of the building, where they will receive numbers aad be assigned quarters.

They must be ready to be on the marks at 7SS o'clock sharp: otherwise they will be left, la the afternoon they will report at 1 o'clock for number and dressing-rooms and be oa their marks at 1:65 o'clock. MICHIGAN WILL NOT CONTEST. Nw Teas Will seat ta the Clleasa Athletic CsrslvaL Ana Arbor. May 7'. Michigan will send no team to tbe Coliseum athletic carnival, despite plana to the contrary.

This decision was reached tonight when It waa learned tbst Wtoeonatn had withdrawn. As Chicago aad Illinois bad previ ously refused ta eater. Wlaeoaala 'a actJoa left Michlgaa with no real rival la the uet, aad for -this reason the maxtaarement took tha action aa stated above. In Crlkkara Sporting Editorx Please decide the following: A aad play cribbagei A plays 4: 4. aad counts S.

A plays piays 9: A plays 4, and counts a ran ef 4, play 9 and claims a run of aaye uai are cannot count am run ae-csusa th pair of fours breaks th ran. A. A prominent local player decides as follows: Tbe run waa aot broken bee nae the two four were played ArsL Had they beea played In ths pUddle. the run would hare beea brokea. StoartlatY Note.

Referee Oeorge Slier returned from Lexington. yesterdsy noon. He went down to referee tb Vaa Heeat-Stout fight. Farmer Burns wss scheduled to appear In tbe city laat evening. He could not be found about his usual hauata, bower er.

Bradley (00) beat Rubens by a acore of 14 to 103 In the third game ef fourteen -I neb balk-llae billiards at ths Brunswick billiard ball yaaterday. Football players will forget all knocks re- -eerred during the season whil smoking tbe pipe of peace at the concert to be gtven this evening by the Chicago Football Aaaoclation In Parker's Hall. No. ill Wast Madison street, corner of Halsted street. An sthletl? entertainment and ball will be given for the benefit of Profeseor Jos Tausey at Madison Halt, No.

14 Weet- Msdison street, on May 10. Many of the local leading athlete will appear an the programme, aad among them will be Harry Gil more and Frank Garrard. SATURDAY and SUNDAY Ar th cyclists' da vs. If you ar going riding roti want to feel that you hare ererythlne; that la necessary to enjoy a pleasant day's ouUngv Our Special Sal of Bicycl Clothing con tinue today, and even If you ar not colnc to pare base, our stors Is worth Aa Inspection. have the most complet assortment of cyclists" Mcessitle In th country Lamps.

Bells. Pump. Repair Kits. Cyclometers verythJng ia th sundry Iln. Including the lAmou cnristy AOAtomlcAl Saddle.

Credenda Bicycles. 20.00. SpecUl Flyer. no name, maroon color. $25.09.

Lexington. 9. now. $20.04. 9 Spalding Bicycles.

140.00. 'S Credendaa, new. $30.90. THE SPALDING BICYCLE Th peer of all hlea-crad bicycles. tlOo.

Th SPALDING SPECIAL, next beat, $75.00. Ws hsre second-hand wheels In abundance. Including all ths high-grade makes, from 9 IS. 44 up. Remember ws ar hesdausrters for every thing required by th cyclist.

It Is Immste- riAi what you want, nave iL A. 0. Spalding Oro s. 147.149 WAbash Avenue. TO BE IN IT.

CCT THE AT ATnCHMClT row MTACKMCHT FOR BiCYClE HEAD. BOTH WITH ErTWf LAMP. THE ONLY AUTOMATIC VMCK LOCK Peak the button, rara. aad arlaea yea let go liar nick locked aotaaaalacxliy, AQMie won't Blow it Oat. Rough Komds don't PHme It Doesn't Smoke! Light the Road tor 10 feet Easiest to Clean.

Tfaollatdbvvacr dealer. takaaabarlrat. ul arad aa receipt ef a.0. eapexw pud. SATO rO PKBTTV BOraXUT.



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