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The Dixon Telegraph from Dixon, Illinois • Page 7

Dixon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

What Came of 'a Railroad Accident. In the your 1854'n fcrrible railroad ac- eidciit occurred at a junction of the Illinois Contral Mieliigiui Sontlioni niilroitd, near Chicaep, 40 persons being killed. The luinotsLegislature, thea in session, took the uuittcr up, and passed- .1 law requiring, the stop- pingof all trains at thataud similurplaoes. A shurp Chicagoan, seeing a chance for a speculation, concluded it would be good thins to invest there, and lie did MI, paying S30 acre for one entire section, mid per acre for half of an Adjoining section. The land, to-day, is worth from to per acre, and Cornell, for so the place is called, grown to be one of the most valuable of suburban villages of ClucttRo.

The improvements projxjsed for the present year embrace a block of brick Btoren, over a hundred dwellings, smd one or two factories. And all this from a mil- road accident. A NEW EPOCH is MKDICAIJ HISTORY. and chance," says "led to the discovery of the virtues of medicinal herbs." In these modern days, research and exjierimeut hiwe perfected the work that reason and accident began. DK.

WALKER'S VISEOAII BITTEIW are the latest result of botanical investigation and pharmaceutical science. This extraordinary medicine, composed- entirely of vegetable ingredients culled from the soil of our Pacific territory, is pronounced a remedy for every liwH.m- not organic of the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the respiratory system, the kidneys, the muscles, and the other organs -which make up the machinery of life. All -who hitye witnessed its effect are in favor of its universal adoption as the safest and most reliable tonic known. Free from the taint of alcohol, it is nevertheless a stimulant, though not a dangerous excitant. One thing is certain no curative heretofore introduced to the public through the press has ever obtained, in so short a time, the celebrity of Dit.

CALU-'OUXIA YINEOAU Brrrniw, or been supported by such unimpeachable testimony. Frqm that testimony it is evident that this preparation is a specific for Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Intermittent and Bilious Beimtteut Fevers, Diarrhea, Dysentery, lUieuinatisui, Gout, and all disturbances of the secretive and excretive functions. PATCH CATS. Every man who works in the house at any trade aud needs a cap on the head to protect the hair from dirt, should -wear a cap instead of a cloth hat or cap. The latter so heats the head as to injure the scalp, and in multitudes of cases causes baldness.

The Scientific American says that a very large percentage of the operatives in factories are bidd-headed. A paper cap protects the head, and is cool and light THE WEEKLY SVX. Only $1 a Tear. Pages. Tun BEST FAJIILY The Weekly N.

Y. Hun. SpagcH. $1 a year. Send your Dollar.

THE BEST AaiiicDLTCKaXi PAiKii. The Weekly X. Y. Saw. 8 pugeH.

cl year. Scud your Dollar. THE BEST POLITICAL. Tho Weekly N. Y.

Sun. Independent and Faithful. Against Public Plunder. 8 pagea. 61 year.

Send your Dollar. THF. BEST NEWSPAPER. The Weekly N. 1 Sun.

8 pages, sjlayear. feud your Dollar. n.v. ALL THE The Weekly New York Sun. 8 pages.

SI a year. Kend your Dollar. THE BEST STOBY The Weekly N. Y. Sun.

8 pages, a a Send your Dollar. Tnu BEST FASHION Kuronrs in the Weekly N.Y. Sun. 8pagca. Sin year.

Send your Dollar. Tin: BEST MARKET KEPOIITS in the Weekly N.Y. Sun. 8 pages. 61 a.year.

Sond your Dollar. Tin: BEST CATTLE BKPOIITS in the Weekly N. Y. Sim. Spagew.

gl a year. Send your Dollar. Inn BEST PAPEII in Every Wecklj N.Y.Sun. 8 j)agce. 61 a.

year. Send j'our Dollar. THE New York City. A TEMPERATE CLUtATn, FINE SOIL, cheap lands on long credit, with every advantage to actual Hottlerf, in found in the Uppnr Arlcansas valley, where the AtchiHOu, Topcka and Santa Fe railroad is selling its land. Inquire of T.

and S. F. 11. 11. Land Department.

Topeka, Kaunas. THERE is no excuse for poor Biscuits, llollx. Bread, Griddle CiikeH. WaflleH, when Dooley'n Yeast Powder is used. Grocers noil U.

APOPLEXY is the cheapest, eitsient and most painless ivay of making an exit from the stage of life, Sr ICTDE COMMITTKI, as the result of an inactive Htate of liver and Btomach, producing lieadache. uhtuse inlellert. duIlncfH. despondency, dementia, and finally insanity, no uncommon occurrence. All of thene disagreeable symptoms aud had feelings are most ccrtninlv dmpelled by the use of Dr.

PicrceV Golden Medical Discoven It revitalizes and builds up the whole A little book on chronic diseases sent free. Address V. Pierce, 1 1.. Buffalo. N.Y.

023 AToiiE than forty years have elapsed MIICG Anodyne l.iiiijiivni was first invented, during which time hundreds of thousands have been benefited by its use. Probably no article ever became HO universally popular with all classes as A ncrlync J.itiinirnt. TILLS which contain antimony, quinine and calomel should be avoided, as severe griping pains would be their only result. The t-afest. surcpt and bpst pills aro'J'urrons-' J'ur- 'jrttire or THE use of pearl powders, for whitening the Complexion, up the poren of the skin and give-i rise to uiifightly enip- timw.

The QneenV Toilot removes their ill tlTccth and produces the desired result-- without rough skin, pimples, nngworm. salt-rheum, and othcrcuta- Jieousi affectioiiH cured, and tho skin mado coft p.nd by twint; the JtrxipElt TAU POAP made by CASWELL, HAZAHU Now York' Be certain to get the Tar fvap, made by iw. there arc many imitations mado with common tar which aro Yorxo mnn. if you -want to make nn inipression on your sweetheart, wear either the JDnrnrood or Warwick Foit Bronchial, Asthmatic and Pulmonary Complaints "Jtroirn'x Jlronchial manifest remarkable curative propertinu A CAKPENTER writes to the AJCEHICAS BciLDnu follows I struck out for myself Ust year and cleared nearly $3,000. amng tho plans and details in vour magazine, which were better than aa architect.

Count me a nub- scriher for life." Oar enbccribcrn can get the BCII.DEII on trial, four months, by inclosing 61 to Chun. I). Lakcy, Publisher, 23 Murray New The Judgment tUc 1'ubllc. dlinsri-c. Each scliool of inudlcluc Ite unu theories, -aJ as thcuc tUi-ortes differ u-I it 1 tlrar that few, it any of them, cau lie rlfht.

IJat If medical men caunot agree aiir tbmry eysti-iu practice, the ttuil Uu difflculty Iu asrccUic to uutorlom of fjct. far luttaucf, they have ciaay yearn that llustcttcr'j Stomach utiifornly tutc 1 ia.coiuUiiatlou, rJieumatlam, uervuuu debility, and many other dliii'siei whU-h the tho do not and cauuot cure; and they kuow tbercf.frf tlutt there can bo about it- Oil thU iwiut they ure firm aud They take their atuuil uu iucoultovertlLle farts, they Btate to another verbally, and sometimes by letter, what they about rehevlTiK and iircvL-utiutr ulth the standard TCfctablc toulc and ulleru- tlve of America. Hrrc, then, the Invalid has a (junrantoe of valua that cau relied UJHIII, the sober at the jiublic. After twenty years of ublervatiua and reflection, the American people piououneo Uustetter'a Hitters the bent inviKoratlutfaiid latlni; mcdlcino at their command, uud irlve cvl- Jencuofthu faith that IB in them by purchasing more of it than of any other udvertltcd mi-dklno manufactured on this eo'ntlueut. A humber af too, however much tkey may differ an other points in therapeutics, admit extra- ardlnary merits of the Ilitterc as it tonic luid alterative, and recommend as a iircvcutive of mala- rious diseases, and aa a remedy In intermittent and remittent fevers.

Tm: Lu.Niis AUK Sriuii.Ntj) JLM hy a per- ainteut Cough, tin: xtreiigih uatlel, and un iucurableeomplaiute-itabllrthefl thereby. Dr. Kilxx'turaut IH au fur Coughs" uid ColdK, and eiertn a leiicficial effect oa Uiu I aud Urouch 12 (2) 9J(n BEEVES 131 10). 20t(S) 00 (S 0 75 1 72 Ml 75'fHiH 87l 75 fi 00 25 5 75 25 5 00 00 3 75 75 2 25 25 (Si 4 00 fn)10 .10 00 (S) 8 00 311 101 Tile Markets. NEW 1'OllK.

BEEVES--Choice Common HOGS--DrecHcd COTTON--Middling Upland FLOUK--Superfine fi WHEAT--No. 2 Milwaukee 1 Cous OATH PoitK--3Iefv, l-i LAttl) CHICAGO. 5 Good 5 Medium -1 Common 8 Inferior 1 HOGS -1 FLOUU--White Winter a lied Winter Extra 7 WHEAT--No. 1 1 No. 2 Spring 1 No.

a Spring 1 COBS--No. 2 31 OATS--No. 2 20 RYE-NO. 2 BAULKY--No. 2 BUTTEII--Choice Dairy Eoos--Frcfih POUK--Mesa 12 LARD 7 ST.

WHEAT--No. 2 Spring 1 28 (5) Cons--No. 2 Mixed 31 OATS--No. 2 27 rs KYE 72 73 POUK--MCHH ..13 50 00 IIoos 4 50 4 90 CATTLE a 50 4 00 CINCINNATI. FLOUR 7 00 (gi 8 WHEAT 1 73 1 75 Cons 39J(5 40 KYE OATH POBK--Mesa 13 LAUD Hoos 4 MILWAUKEE.

WHEAT--NO. 1 i No. 2 1 No. 2 KANSAS. KANSAS Coal and Laud In Of ago county ownudand for sale by J.M.

CSKUM OP Central iilldluft FMt (no tar) for outside work nnd -tiTilde ItntradorjilJutiT. Seudi fir circ.A C.J. Fay.Caiudrn. N.J. KnTpIoymeut; 6100 a new article; MIC rcliants A ui'jifrs.

with stamp K. H. Smith A Liberty M.X.Y. AAH AGENTS WASTED. Samples sent free I bv mall.

Two new articles, salablu as Addrets N. II. WHITE, Newark. N.

J. noil, mild cll- i mate, flno fruit, quiet population und tlirjp lands. For description and address, with Mump, C. p. COMhTOfK.

Albany, (ienlry Mo. Jmra anil A'liitjiux Itttitts to Jur tr. CLAIMS IN EUROPE I'romptly colli-efd lv J. V. FUUEAUFF, Attorney at Law.


-j. rico aud CircuUrfi free. "WELCHCRIFFITHS Itontuu, Detroit. MU-U. CSE the HeisliiKcr Sash Lock aud Hupixirt to FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No uprliit- to break, noruttinirof sash; cheap, dur- ible, easily applied; holds at any place a srir-hflttner when the sash down.

Send stamp for circular. Circular anil tlx copper- bronzed locki sent to any uddrcas In the U. receipt of Liberal inducementx to the trade. AKents wauled. Look No.

413 Market Jlurrlnbure. Pa. Illustration cf cheapest nnd best lock ll'oirf'n Jlau-wltiJtl Hagasint, "-rrunilft CIICIT (tune, and rUDI I the old orlHlnal' STAii It enters UIHIII eloenth TEN earn we havo tuld you of Its ini-ritB. If huvo tt by ten yearn, NOW, then, it i i thi' time. It the mint nize an Y.

larvt.40riluiiiii puper. i i truted, uvt'rllnwlnu Stitrtrit, Sketches, Wit und Uumiir, and a k'n-ut specialty. The Corner, In i i i the and if 1 lti'Uiiit, Uasc.iU unit bwliidlert, uru exiMiHfd. Rcprrb i liVcoIor chrdinu. "A Umuim't 'f Aittiiinn tT worth one dullur und llft ei'iitK, li i FliEK, and the "Ujiim-r 1 whnh'year fur i utie dollar.

It is nu hninbiii; lithncraph, and It In aunt nt mice with llrst paper. The i savo you nioni-y, and It has no word to otfi-nd the most fastidious. One dollar Bociirus It und chronio. Uur offer Satlttf.ictton jjnaranti-i'il ur money refunded." We refer to K. Y.

Tribune," Wood's M.iKazlne, 1 Ditson A all tin- Kn-at "News and new9papern. Only one dollar for t'leirunl cbroino and year. cvntn. Auents wanted; complete outllt frt'e. (a-, for past ten curb) Star SpanKlcil llauner, Ihna- G5j 73i 80 21 (B 85 90 58 7 GO 33 Conx OATS--No.

2 1 BAULEY--No. 2 CLEVELAND. WHEAT--No. 1 1 No. 2 1 Cons OATS TOLEDO.

WHEAT--No. 1 Bed 1 No. 2 Bed 1 Cons OATS 30 38 25 CO 8 Co 5 00 23 74 fi9 3 1 7fi (U 1 C5 45 (5) 48 40 71 (S 1 i 40" 3G Tbe only Gift Diatrltration in tlic Couutry! IN VALUABLE GIFTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. I GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, March.

24th, 1873. One Grand Capital Prize, $10,000 in Golfl One Prize $5,000 in Silver BBACKS! GIVES AWAY--ThtHiboTe Origtual Cromo--iSlze, 9 by worth S10. pur. shaicror Dr. Foote'i wonJfrful A I HOME No competition--the TAKJSO UOD offered.

Agents wUEiaopsmllelM Booki and ready and dellrered together, Senfl for ProipMlDi utitl Cromo COMPLETE oatat. feulr lo icrriiorj. Fall table of aoa Terma on application. The U.VION PUBLXSBI5Q Krerjr Crozao completelj The GVIDE Is published QrAHTKKl.T. 25 cents pnysfor tbo year, which is not half the cost.

Those who afterwards send money to thu amount of One Unllnr or more for may also order iili cents worth extra--the price paid for the GvtliE. The Firtt Xitmlier is beautiful, plans for making Kiiral liftmen, UinlnK Table ratlonv, Wlndoiv (warilciiH. A.C., anil a maun of Information invaluable to the lover of flowers p.iKcs.on llnu tinted uaner, some noo Kn- uriivinuii, and a superb olnrrrt Hlntc and Chroma First Edition of printed Enijlieh and German. JAMES VICK, Rochester, New.York. Five Prizes $1,0005 Five Prizes Ten PrizcH Two yamlly Carriages and Matched Ilorurs Harnea, eueh! Two UuKKicH, Horses, worth g(OO eat i Tuo tlm- toned ItoHennod I'lunoB, worth SW each! Ten Family i i i MachineK.

worth M(U eueh I and Lavur SS'atches, from $20 to $3noi-ach: Gold Chains, i a Jewelry, Au. i Whole number Gifts 10,000. Tickets i i to ffl.UQo. Agents wanted to sell Tickets, ty tihom Liberal I'ri'inlnnn i bu paid. Slnsle S'4; Six Tickets, 81 Twelve rickets.

S'-SO; Twunty-tlvi. Tickets, S'lO. ClrcnUrs eontulntiiK a full lint uf prlrex, a de- scrlptlonof the manner of i and Information in reference to the i i i i i lie sent In any one oiderinK them. All must bo addressed to MAI.V L. D.

SINE, Box 86, 101 W. CINCIXXATI, O. $75,000 IN GASH FOR $1, OMAHA LOTTERY To erect th" Nebranka Mate Orphan Asylum. To be drawn tu 1'ublle, March $1 Enrli, or Six for 8.1.

Titkels Kent by r.xpresn. C.O. If denlred. I Prize, S7S.OOO: Ciiili 1'rlze, 1 Cash Prize, KOI balance of send fur Circular. Indorsed by hU ETcelloiiey Oov.

II. nnd the best men of ihurilatu. Aor.HT» Address J. M. I'ATTEC, Manatfer, OtiiHha, Nebraska.

A WEEK-AGENTS WANTED. Icuttimate. 1'artlculars free. J. St.

Louis. Mo. Box 2W. PETERS 7 MUSICAL MONTHLY Tho o. worth of and Piano Pieces, paces).

Two back oor iran lour frr .1. T-. Hrolvrijr, N. V- REWARD Kir we of Blind, IJIfe liait. Ifchlnir or Ulw ratu! i i lir.Rt.vo'i I'lLC IlElir.DV IttiM tc care.

It Is prtiwrcil ex cure the Soldlu T- wanted free. A. ll. ur.Ain*co.. St.

tier A i wanted! A Wfir people nf i mi at work for TII In their iipare iniirnrr.tH all Ihe tim- than nt uny- i free. Addri (J. Stinion Maine. THEA-NJECTAR Pl'KB TKA tli- Orern Te.i llavor, varranted i all ml'- everywhere. And for wholesale only by the Atlantic A.

Pacific Tr 3 191 FnXcin a i I 2 4 Church New Vork. 1'. Jtnxf.Vifi. ScnJfor Thca-Nectai Circular. Largest Organ Establishment in the World 7 Kx J.

ESTEY COMPANY Brattleboro, Vt, U. S. A. The Intent and bent linprnvements. Kvrrytlilni; i a arul tmvel.

linprovements in Oruani Introduced tint in this etubliah- meut, liHhi-tl Is-lO. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. O. Dr. A.

H. SMITH'S CELEBRATED Old Style Bitters! Tls.0 Itrxt Tonic nud IleitlCIi OlvtT of tUo 1'iiaioun if lood JPuriilcr and. Juv Iterator. A Decided Improvement upon any Medicine ever Prtscnicd is World! PUBELY thcrouphly iimJ it trlnl I to no In iii iliio prrparuKun ua over given uciver-al ai thn OLD STYLE HITTERS. All wlu them once i Tlieyafo to tlio contain muro than unjr otherlttt.

icatle. Fcr IH-fpctisia of all klinin ami fur Cuaijil.iint, nnl nil kindred ilia- Ilic toiinxlure to UUP. For C.itarrli. I.o:» of Keieruud Ainie, thi- 01J If llitten are unrivulleil. They nni for anil contain nothing; Uutb ill thu least injurious to the phyrlcnl fmne.

They will bniM up uml thoweiik ilubiliuii-il. ciunot flnd a Tunic en- rerior to OM Stylo Dittcm. Let all the givo them i i i a SAI.K r.Y ALL DIIUGOISTS. SOLI: iMtormirrons. VA.V I ChiuKo, 111., ItllOb.

A St. Lotlln. IlOltlll.ViJ, New York, 10,000 PRAIRIE FARMS, 10 Hours from Clilcitfto--with nf cun--nil In Ilic "MIDDLE REGION of WESTERN lOf A rich, welMrained natural ini'ailou nnd plow land, evenly i pure runnliiB water abundant: cllmatf unsurpiidied (fever and nuiif Ix'inK unkiinu'ii). rompnrt bodies of land to be had to uny desirable cxti-nt. 1,700,009 ACRES OF RAILROAD IANDS, Frrefrom inortaaKi 1 Kranti'd to Imltd.and all ad- to, the Inwn Hues of tin- ClilvaK" and Nnrth.

i i I Central anil t. C. A I', a for a I tracts to suit purclmin-m, by the A KAILIIOAH LAND CO. I.aiidi. of tin- i a i und near stations only iiist from 8" lo bin pcr'iicri-, tbi mori! diftant $4 to on time, i 0 per cent.

Interest. AKciitu at Rallnmil Stations are provided i plats, price's and tenmH lo i-hmv lands, frcr ti' pnr- cliusem. Land Exiilorlnu Tickets, rreelvublc for land piirchasod, ran be had at tin- llrunch nnice, f. 3. at tin- Itnllronrl Olllci-s In Clinton and nuuun.uc: and itt our main olllco below, iJirMifif or nil ii nfiitil'.

It costs nnthliiK. and Klres disrrlpltons, locatlotiH, prices, terms, and ull needful information. County show Inn for hale, also sent free. Call un or H. Land rnninilsslontT.

Ti-dur Rniirds, Town. MOTHERS MOTHEES MOTHEES MS on't fall to iirocuro W1NS- SOOTHING FOR CHILDREN TEETfllMU. vnliiable preparation h.18 been with SUCCESS l.V THOUSANDS Of CASEi. It not only relieves thu child from Tain, but lu- rlHOraten liowels, currents acid I ty, nut i tone nnd energy to tlm wliuki system. It i i i A relieve In the anil IVlnil Cnllr.

i i it the 1IEST and SCIIEST RRJIEDY IK THK AVORLIi I i i i 1YHE.VTKKY A I A I I A I I I I whcthpr arising from i i i i nny otht-r eatiKe. upon it, mntliLTD, It will Hlvn rest to ymir i aud Itc-llrf uiul Health to Your lufuutK. Ho sure and call for Mrs. Wliihlovr'H Sootlilnp Hynip," H.IVIIIK thn fao i of'CpnTJS A I'KEKKJB' en the wrapper. Sold by Ilrnu'tfiftii throiigliout the world.

NATURE'S REMEDY. Everyone Speaks Favorably. MR. Aug. 31,1870.

Sir--I IIATA bemi trontiled with CMikor Chlldhuud, cHiKiuc in) utoiitli to he that I wan unable toent. Ilavn ninnv prrparn- lloris, hut ulth nonETrct i.nlil I trltcl your VruKiiitc. Attor tailing a ilus.s. 1 fun ad i i i noasof tlionKni'Ki that ranker humor. the time I l.iid taken no third boillr.

uiynmntliunsontirelvcitred. withltnlncuttmt tlmr. whirh In n'tH 4R. 1 IIHTC muirinixnanl it ti of I-H. afi-aUs fuvorahly ol Iu Yours Irulr.

P. S. SHEIIHAN. Would Not be Without Vegetine FOB. TEW TI1VIES ITS COST! Ix-neflt 1 Vom tlw ow of Dr.

Iu i fHVor. I believe It to be nut uul of ten at viltitt for r'nicriuc tlio i nuil fUsiai'Tmnuiin. I leu F.K-.UN AifJl lor JInwicl of Lite A i No. 4H M-ors itiilliilrc Boston, JIIIM. PrcpnrH II.

K. I'rlco SI 1r i A to A femala. Address withsuion Needle 713 Olive St. Louis. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY.

(Soldiers enlisted between May 4th and August Clh, Ifa, fur three years, and never received bounty, can now obtain tt: who failed (o apply fir the ndrtltlonal Address, with stamp, E. UKOW.1 A I'litlburtth, J'a. B.B.B. RADWAY'S READY I Cures tho Worst Pains ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. SOT ONE HOUIi.

ATTIlt I A I THIS ADVESTIIEXtiCT. treed any one Buffer with Pain. Ueadr Belief Cure for every Pala. IT win TUB riur AND THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that luslitutljr Itopi the most excruciating pains, and currs whether of tlio Luugt, Stomach, Bowels, or glands or I'T application.

IN FK051 ONE TO TWENTY MINUTKS. no matter how violent or excrnclating the pain tho KUKUJIATIC. Bed-ridden. Inflrm. CrlppleJ.

Nerv. uua. NeuralRlc. or prostrated with disease suffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT-EASE.

InHnMMBttoii of (he liiflQnunnllon of I he Illadder, InHiunmwtloa the llowrli, Cumgrntlom of the Sore Thrautt DlOtriilt Hre.xthlua, lhc Henri, Croup, IMpblherln, Cninrrh, Influenza, Ilrndnc.hp, Toothache, Cold Cbllla, Tlio application of thn KKAPY KKL1KK Jo tlm part or parts wL-jro the p.V.n ur will alTurd cooiTcrl. Twenty drops In halfa tumbler ot water will In a few curv Sour Mutinied. Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, 0)sentery Colic. Wind in tlm and all Ititurtml Travelers Blioulil always curry boltln of UAP- WAVS A I I UELIElc with them. Afrwiropg In wuter will prevent or pains from chniiRu ofwKtor.

It In tatter tlutn French Ilriuuly ur Bitters annitlmuUnt. FEVER AND AGUE. VEVKK AND AGUK for flftr There Is not remedial Bcent In ttili world that cure and AKHO. nnd nil otlior MaUrloun. Scarlet.

Typhoid. Yellow, and othrr qulck Fifty CenU par Battle. HEALTH. BEAUTY. STItOM; IMIIti: IMCII HLOUU-IN.

CIlKASi: OK FIB8I1 ANI WKIttHT- CT.KAIl SKIN AM IIIJAUTIFUI, TO DR. A A HUH niruto the inom nmonlnbliiK NO quick, HO rnpllurc tho chninei the llodv unilcrjcnrN, under the Influence oflbla truly Wonderful Medicine) thiit Every Day aa Increase iii Flesli and Weight Is Seen and FelL THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvrrr drop of the SARSAI'AKILLIAN JIKBOLV- KNTcuuiuiiinlcatM through the blood. tiwrat, Urlue. anil utlior tlulda aud uftlm system the vlnor ill llfii.

fur it repair, the wastes of tho body with new and material. Hcriifuln, Brplillis, Uousiuiptlon. UlundnUr dlnuue. Ulcari In thti throat, Mouth. Hodoa In the Glands aud othor parts of the system.

BoreKrrB. Strumurous tllschftriies trow the Lurn, and tae wont form, of tiklu dlaeaMit, Eurptlone. Kuver Nures. Bcald end, It I UK Worm, Salt Hhrmn. Krvulpelan.

Acnv, Illack Hpoti. Worm, in tho Flnli, Taniors, C'miciTilu tliti puluful olDCliarrcfi, KlRlitbweati.LoMcfhpttrin and all of tlw life priiici tile, are within tho cnratUn raujfu of this wonder ofAlodurn Chomiiftrr. uud a few UK will proTU to anr unliiR it fur either of thoio foruia of lit putuut power to cure dliiiiniihiug the of wnotN. Its rrpnlra will be ruphl. mill eTery day thn put lent will feel Mmi-olf KrowiUK bntter itnil utrniiKcr, food cllvolliiv ti-r, iiuproTitiK.

nnJ wrlght cri'BBiii. tint oulr doeo tlioSAiijiAiAitiu.iAM HciuLVcif excel till known remcilln.1 aRent. In tlm curu ut Ohrunic. ticrofnloiiK. aud Skin but it id the ouly poafilTo euro for Kidney and Bladder Urlmiry ami Womb dhraiwv, Onirel, Hloi-y.

of Wmrr. Inuoutinxncoof Urlno, ItriKhl'ii all cancawlirre or tlm watrr thick. clumly. mlx'il with milwtuncm Ilkn tlm an ihiireln a mortild. durk, appoaraucn, anil whlto hancMliHt ill- anil there In a biiriiliiu Minim- tloil pnimlne wnter.

pulii in HID oftlic Hack and along tho Lulus. Tumor of 1'2 Yearn' Growth Cured by ItAllWA Y'rt PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. BR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative and Replating Pills, pcrfrctlr taatelro, ntcKnntly with swoet enin. tlr SS" ut 'V 1 rif and utrsiiHtlien.

ItAinVAY'S 1-1 Lla. for cun, of all dUonfen of ilio btDiiinch. Liver. Uiivroli, Kidnem, Rlnddi-r. M-rrona Dlm-atca, Ucadache.

Cnimtipatlon, UoKtlvn. new. Indlentloii. ilfiipflnMn. TMllcmiiifm.

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