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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 12

Cincinnati, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I II 1 1 Li ft i .1 'sr. I i. i 11.. f. I I -J.


THET LI. hrt on anything, will th Llc.yds. If the blKgest gambling hous( the world has ever known. The Lloyd headquarters re In London, hut Lloyd s-nts and trokT are In every part of the world. Everyone has heard of the Lloyds.

Borne of their marvelous financial manipulation have utarihsd the world time, and airaln, for the Lloyds are adventurers In the world of finance, and the world at large has always man'festd a deop Interest In adventure of any kind. The Lloyds are rjt years old. That l(r. he first notice of the Lloyds was given that long ago when an informal meeting was helrt-ln the; ronVe house of Edward Lloyd, a Welshman. In London There were merchants, shippers, insurance men and uihers present at that memorable meeting.

They had been accustomed to gather at the coffee house of Llqyd. Ho the society grew and waxed strong, doing what might be termed insuring. It didn't become an Incorporated association, though, until 1N71. When Parliament granted a charter to the organiratton. This charter gave them the three-fold privilege of 'writing marine Insurance," protecting the interests of members" and "the collection' and diffusion of Intelligent and information' with respect to Marine Insurance Is the only Insurance which has the backing of the Lloyds.

Hut they always pay any wager they make, providing they lose, and their busi- ness has gone on for years andyears on an unquestionable basis. However, should the Lloyds ever take a notion not to pay bet. the winner couldn't collect from them. They simply keep on doing business on their reputation. There are members of the Lloyd organisation, but only IX of these are underwriting members.

The initiation fee Is between and T. KA. There are also subscribers wtio pay $Jo annual- This gives them the privilege, ot betting on any offer sent In by the IJoyds agents. The Initiation fee of from and Is to secure payment In case of loss. The subscriber has no voice In the management of the institution.

He pays a year for the privilege of taking chances on Insurance. The members are divided Into two classes: Those who pay each year and who do not underwrite and those win do tuke part In the management and share in the profits. The undent riling members pay 1 annually and also put tip from ifJi.tmu to as guarantee fund. l'he offer to bet on nn election In this country Is not made by the society, but by individual members. Some members t.ike Insurance on shops, others on horses, ot hers on an) thing, everything, any- nere In tie ule, wide world.

1 The Advisor Committee assumes no reaponslbiiii Insurer nor to the Insured beyond udvtre based on ttie reports of its acuts. Whether these bused 011 the sentiment of Wall tri- t. or on unit of the Middle West, will regulate or gain on the election In the contest between Tnft and Hrysn. The ineinU rs who underwrite fire and marine Insurance seldom underwrite stocks, weather, racing or election risks. In either case the losses are guaranteed beforehand, not by the Lloyd: but by the d-poslts of the Individual underwriters. Americana are members ot the Lioyds society, for In the American the loe for excitement Is strong and betting furnishes It in great big heaps. It's this excitement which causes men to wager money with the Lloyds. The sums are generally large, for the Lloyds won't take small bets. They are In for big game, ami men with plenty of money play it. With many of those who make wagers with the Lloyds It notthe sum of money they may win from the Hrltiah society, but the excitement that the thing furnishes them that Is worth the money risked.

At least so they argue. It's the -same scheme thai marks at tendance at a horse race or a sport event any kind. A race Is rive times more Interesting toa man when he has few dollars or cigars on a contestant than when he's not betting on the result. Every morning at Uoyd the different propositions are made public. The members hear what wagers are wanted from, every part of the glohe.

Every member who Is doing "Insuring" has the-prlvllege of accepting or refusing an offer. After all the offers have been accepted, the Lloyds are prepared for new onea. A new factor in politics this year was the "Uoyd system." In New York they didn't call It betting, but used the more gentle term of Insuring. Those who to wager on the outcome of the recent "Presidential election didn't hunt up some willing gentlemen and say: "I'll het you that Bryan will be elected." or "that Taft will be elected. rf whichever the case might be.

Th'ey didn't mske a bet. shake hands or '-hunt UP stakeholder, hut the man who wanted to lay a wager on the election went to an Insurance broker and asked for a P. or. In other words, "a policy wltb proof of interest." The merchant who dealt In bust and lithographs of William Howard Taft, or that. If Taft la elected and If has Insured him for enough ha wlil coma out even, for he will have In his purse the money which he- will lose aa a result ot Tuft's eleetten.

On the other hand, if Taft is defeated he will lose the premium on the Insurance, but he will have coming to him what he would have lost if Taft had been elected. Bo that the man gets enough financial condolence. Edward Lloyd Insured nothing but that Java should be good and a few minor things. The original members of the society were sedate persona who talked of pledging their fortunes against the perils of the sea Insuring vessels against the elements, and they were themselves interested in many ships. The Lloyds grew rich on the ship Insurance business.

There was a great wide field ahead, so they selxed opportunity by the horns and engaged In other Insurance ventures. To-day they cover almost every line over which fate rules. The Lloyds draw the line at the roulette wheel and horse racing. They won't gamble on a horse winning or losing a race, but they'll Insure any horse entered In the race against breaking its leg or being- overcome by some physical misfortune. 1 The owner of a great thoroughbred feel confident that his horse will win a race: In fact, he may know that nothing except sudden lameness or a like misfortune- can prevent his horse from winning.

So he goes to the Lloyds, insures his horse against misfortune; and if It does happen to prevent the horsn from winning the race, the owner will win anyway. He simply can't lose. The Lloyds are a canny lot of Britishers. They know the uncertainty of the great American public, and they get a fortune out -of this knowledge. They are aware that even a twice-defeated candidate stands a good chance of election In America, and they are a little shy about taking a big amount of money insuring Taft against defeat.

Ona of the earliest examples of political Insurance known on the American aide of the Atlantic occurred during the Presidential election of 1904. During the campaign of that year one" man had bet tx.OOO that Roosevelt would be elected. He considered the bet aa safe as though he had the money in his own pocket till It occurred to him that If Roosevelt should drop dead he'd lose the 18.000. A friend suggested to him that he go to the Lloyds and Insure the life of Roosevelt. This he did.

It didn't take much money. The Lloyds wore wili ng to risk on the life ot Roosevelt at a small premium. So. If Roosevelt had died the better wouldn't have lost his Mio. as the Lloyds would have paid him that much In Insurance.

The same policies might be applied In the present campaign. Policies could be written against Bryan's voice giving out or against Taft perishing from inanition. One of the bets that set the world talk- lug about the Lloyds occurred during the first trial of Harry K. Thaw, when the British society wrote a policy against the conviction of the ayer of Stanford White. The premium charged was 31Vj per cent, the agreement calling for payment on the face of the pol'cy If the pris-.

oner was executed. Who made this bet with the Lloyds la still a mystery. But the shrewdness of the Lloyds was here analn shown. They had full knowledge of-the possibilities of Jury trials In New York City, and they knew well enough whut chances Thaw stood. The premium, which was a high one, was the same offered In the New York betting rings some time later.

One of the frequenf beta made by the L'oyds Is In regard to the elements. If anyoi in- Europe wlsnes to pull off a big event and stands a chance of lo-slng money should it rain, he goes to the Lloyds and Insures himself against the The Lloyds will bet that it won't rain, the man beta that It wiU. If it rains the Lloyds lose, and he Is partly recompensed for loss through lack of attendance caused by the rain. Last spring, when the crops In the West were held back by heavy rains and the rivers were making new high-water marks, a Chicago man wagerel $13,000 that It would rain a certa'n number of days In' May. He won.

Then he bet that It would ran a certain number of days in June. He 'won again. The managers of the Vanderbilt Cup race on Long Island Insured themselves with the Lloyds, not against rain, for there were no admission fees to be lost in case of rain, but against accident for which they might be held liable. Insurance against spoiling of an out door spectacle cost the Lloyds one of the biggest losses In history- London had spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on decorations and stands along the raute of what waa to-have been King Edward's coronation procession In 1002. For a premium which eventually rose from 10 to per cent the underwriters had Insured the prospective profits of the owners of the street stands and of tradesmen who had stocked up heavily In anticipation of the big holiday event demand, the Idea, being that only a phenomenal stona could keep the people Indoors and prevent gross profit! from reaching the highest expectations.

It didn't rain on the appointed day, but. the Lloyds lost. 'for King Edward upset the carefully worked out weather "mortality" calculations of the experts by taking 111 and causing- aa Indefinite postponement of the ceremonies. The Lloyds are pretty optimistic on th Black Hand proposition, and they are willing to take risks on almost any applicant from the United States at tha modest premium of 3 per cent. The many bomb outrages taars caused a big number of Americans to Inswrs themselves and then property saralnst the action of those who seek to causa the publisher who had a consignment of deah and destruction through th us of state document by the Republican candidate to unload on the public, could well Insure hlmse'f against financial loss by Bryan's election by tsklng a few risks with the Lloyds, who are at the other end of the cable In London and always willing to oblige any Inquirer with whatever long chances he wishes.

Those who wanted to Insuv against the election of Bryan didn't bare to show that he 'would be damaged. The pesass slon of a policy Is sufficient proof, but under th English laws they can't be legally collected. They have exactly th same standing ss betting under th laws of Michigan or sn I. O. V.

check after a night's session at poker. Thone who don't rare to loae bet with ths Lloyds. Supposing a man who has enormous business Interests felt that with th election of Taft he would loss several thousand dollars. So. to guard himself against this loss, h- goes to the Lloyds and lakes out sn Insurance on Taft.

Hs insures Taft for election. He will prob-ably pay 60 per cent, or same lain; Ilk bombs. This also makes a good profit lor.tne nriiisn gam di era. The Lloyds will also insure against th arrival of twins or triplets. They dont ssk any great premiums pn such a risk, though, as they don't consider It much of a risk, according to scientific facts.

On big joke still told Insurance circles Is the "mother-in-law policy." by which a man was insured for $80,000 sgalnst laying violent hands on his mother-in-law. Th explanation for this policy was that (be Insured had been willed tlOO.ODA by hla mother-in-law on the sole condition that he did not molest her during her Ufa. He wanted to realise on his legacy, but could not borrow money because of the qualifying clause tat the will. If he could give th proper guarantee that th will would not be revoked for that cause, money lenders wr willing to advance him so.iii. One of Lloyds' agents had sufficient faith tat tha son-in-law self-control to write a policy Insuring the money leaders against this oontlasjency.

as the last of the world's great man. To the worst of them, perhaps even tha last poignant cry of the murdered Julius or the pathetic tenderness -of Nelson's farewell to Hardy, may seam no mors than figments of th dramatic historian. Yet, as ws like to hops, to the majority these utterances ara the lpals-sima verba of those to whom they are attributed, and worthy df especial veneration in that through them the characters of those who speak at this, often tha most serious, crisis of life, the passing from it, are revealed. Who finds It hard to believe the ac-count given of tha death ot Cromwell by Carlyle's "Writer of Our Old Pamphlet," of the saying "God is good," which frequently used all along; and would speak It with much cheerfulness and fervor of spirit. In the midst of his pains; and how "toward morning ha used divers holy expressions.

Implying much Inward consolation and peace," among the rest speaking "some exceeding self-debasing words, annihilating and judging himself." Our last glimpse of Richelieu ahows him still the statesman absorbed In public affairs, and offering to the world a spectacle of Iron resolution and unruffled composure. Among his last words was his reply, recorded by Mme. De Mottevills. when asked If he pardoned his enemies: "I have no enemies except those ot tha state." It is the man rather than ths statesman that we see in the touching picture drawtv for us by the Comte De Brienns of laasa-. rin la his last hours.

Death overtakes him In the midst ot his splendor, triumphant at last over all his enemies, and no less the real ruler of France than his illustrious predecessor. But It is not on France that his laM thoughts are fixed. Inspired as he waa by a genuine love of art, though even here are to be found traces of that avarice which disfigured his character, he had amassed In his palace TOE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, -DECEMBER 5, 1908. Last (Horde of Great JYIen. YNICS thers may be who will as- cribs to tha inventive faculties of posterity the words which generations of mankind have reverenced THE morning of the 15th of SEHASEAELE DEATH-BED SPEECHES OF PEOPLE FAMOUS IN HISTOB.T.

1 London Global priceless treasures In pictures, tapestry and the goldsmith's art. The thought ot these drags him from his Toed, and he fores himself painfully along, murmur-Ins; as hs stops before one treasure after another, "II taut quitter tout, eels, II fsut quitter tout csla." Characteristic toe. Is tha deathbed tirade of Queen Elisabeth, when tha nam of Beauchamp Is suggested to her as that erf bar successor: "I wfll have no rascal's son in rrj sU. but on worthy to be a King." Alt through bar reign she bad indignantly resisted th attempts of Parliament and the nation to settle th questions of her marriage and the succession. Th dry humor of th monarca who "never said a foolish thing and nnver did a wise one" did not fall hlra when, amid th tortures of a painful death, -be apologised to his courtiers for "the unconscionable time took tn dying;" and th keyaote of his life Is struck in his last words to his successor, to whom hs bequeaths no maxim of statecraft, no message to his people, but a prayer not to -'let poor Nelly starve." Th true Roman spirit was shown by ths Emperor Vespasian as.

In his last de-' llrlum, he struggled to rise, saying that an Imperator should di standing; while bis last words, "Ut puto, dess no' I become a are characteristic Ths traditions death words of Nero. "What an artist am to perish," uttered as. paralysed with terror, ha groveled on straw to hid area from his slaves, are leas worthy of credence. It Is mors reasonable to suppose that In the face of death, with no flatterer to interpose the lying mirror, he would se himself mors nearly as he was. Ws cannot leave th Roman Emperors without quoting ths verses with which ths contemplation of death Inspired th Emperor Hadrian.

Th naivete of their expression and their almost childlike simplicity form a striking contrast with ths pomp and gravity of an imperial deathbed. translation, good as It is. falls adequately to reproduce th ton of wistful using and the playfulness, with its undercurrent of melancholy, of ths original: Soul of mine, pretty one. flitting ona, Guest and partner of my clay. Whither wilt thou his sway-Pallid ona, rigid one, naked one Never to play again, never to play.

Boston Corbett's (He trd Career MAN WHO SHOT LINCOLN'S sLAYER LIVED HOST REMARKABLE LIFE. St. Louis Glob-Democrat April. 1885, the whole loyal North was thrilled by ths most profound horror ever caused by the death of a sinjle man. The day before the people of this same loyal North were filled with an exaltation of joy so Intense that it seemed slmost delirious.

All the armies of th Confederacy had. not surrendered, but. it waa understood that the battles were over; the Norti had conquered and the Union was preserved. In that hour of supreme triumph the gaunt, homely, patient and kindly man at the White House was more than President; he was the enthroned idol in the hearts of Ms countrymen. To the people the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was more than the killing of a ruler; It wca a deep personal affliction.

When the news was first flashed over the wires the people of the North were stunned by the awfulness ot it. There was an hour ot stupefaction, and then came a feeling of rage and desire for vengeance that was awful In Intensity. It was believed that tha leaders of the Confederacy had planned the deed, and If those leaders had fallen into the hands of the North just then not one of them would have lived to tell th story. It Is to the jeverlastlng credit of the Northern people, and a sure proof ot their marvelous ability for self-government, that In a few weeks after this most sorrowful tragedy of the nineteenth century, occurring asxU did at the close of th bloodiest civil war of all ages, when they were naturally wrought up to the highest pitch of feeling, they were able to take ao calm and Just a view of the situation as (hey did. The desire fos summary and wholesale vengeance gave way to a demand for the arrest, conviction and execution by legal process of the real cul prlts.

It has been many years since the public mind became convinced that the real leaders of the Confederacy were innocent of any knowledge of or complicity tn tha plan to murder Abraham Lincoln. That plan was the suggestion ot the brilliant but shallow tragedian, who paid with hla miserable life th forfeit of hla crime, and left behind blm a name that will be as lastingly execrated as that of Benedict Arnold. Among the command that was hurriedly summoned and aent in pursuit of J. Wilkes Booth wss an English Sergeant, whose name waa carried on tha muster rolls as Boston Corbett. The original baptismal name of this strange character was not Boston, but John.

Several years before th war and shortly after emigrating from England hs attended a religious meeting at Boston and became a convert to tha Methodist faith. On being baptised he chose the nam of Boston. In honor, as he explained it, of th place where he had received th blessing of the Divine Spirit. Boston Corbett was simply a "Roundhead" gone to seed. His ancestry could -no doubt be traced back to some ot the followers of CromwelL If Corbett had been born 300 years earlier he would have tnsde one -of that marvelous army of psalm alngers whose perfect drill, fanatical piety and lnvincj-' ble courage filled with admiration and wonder the greatest Captains of Euros and broke th strongest battalions with a valor that waa perhaps never matched in th history of th armies of th old world.

To th old "Roundhead" the day of battle waa a day of religious triumph. The opposing army waa to his mind mad up of Philistines, wh should be broken to pieces tn the name of th Lord, and with an absolute confidence in his to conquer he rushed on tha serried ranks ot the opposition, utterly regardless of the odds sgalnst him. shouting his paslms a he went as paeans of victory, and It may be said in passing that his confidence seemed to be as wsa proved by an unbroken series ot victories. Boston Corbett, the descendant ot soma follower of CromwelL had! all the fanaticism, all tha unflinching courage of bis ancestry, snd added to it. perhaps, a taint of madness.

Hs waa a short and rather slightly built man. with ths unsmiling face of th ascetic and th burning religious enthusiasm ot ths fanatic. i With him th war was no picnic, but a matter of religion. In th ordinary frivolities of th camp he took ao part, but when there waa a company prayer meeting was ons of the" most earnest and eager participants. Ha was Dot easily amenable to discipline, but In a fight he was brave to recklessness.

On ona occasion he was sent out akmg with a scouting party in search of Colonel Mosby. Th commander of the scouting party was blustering and Incompetent, 'and. Instead of finding Mosby. Mosby found him and surrounded his command. All the command surrendered except Boston Corbett.

He got into a dry weil and there, alone, stood off Mosby eatir command. The fight was tolerably even until Boston had shot away all of his 0 rounds of ammunition. Even thed be did -net surrender. He simply ceased firing. Not hearing- anything from the lone Sergeant tor a long time, the rebels supposed that hs must either be killed or desperately wounded, and finally ventured to creep up and look over the edge ot ths well.

Duwa at the bottom tut Boston Corbett, undlsmsyed, munching a bit of hard tack as unconcernedly as If he had been a thousand miles from the firing line. As he had nothing left to shoot with, he wss forced to let the enemy take him. He was sent to Andersonvllle snd spent 10 months In that prison hell. When he came out. more dead than alive, with scurvy, he was ordered to the hospital, but he refused to go.

He Insisted on fighting, snd, sgalnst the orders of the surgeon, rejoined his command. Of course, on a man of the temperament of Boston Corbet, the assasalnation of Lincoln made a powerful impression. He believed himself to be divinely commissioned as an avenger of blood, and only wanted the opportunity' to act as the minister of vengeance for the Almighty. That this was in his mind is shown by an account of th pursuit and Ulng of Booth, written by him years after, of which the following is an extract: "During the Intervale of our different skirmishes," saya Corbett, "I attended prayer meeting one night- The leader said. Brother Corbett, lead us in prayer.

I prayed, 'O Lord, lay not Innocent blood to our charge, but bring the guilty speedily to Afterward, when the assassin lay at my feet a wounded man, and I saw that the bullet had taken effect about an inch back of the ear, and I remembered that Mr. Lincoln was wounded sbout the same part of the head, I said: 'What a God we have. I little thought when I made that prayer a week ago that it would ba answered this way." i It la possible that it would have been' necessary in any event to have lulled Booth before he could have been taken. He was standing desperately at bay in the burning barn and refused to surrender. He waa armed, and it Is reasonable to suppose that he would finally have sold his life as dearly as possible.

But Boston Corbett, the descendant ot the "Roundhead." was not disposed to wait for the final order to shoot the assassin. The spirit of. ths avenger of blood was upon him. snd there was the form of Booth clearly outlined by the flames. Among Corbett' qualifications was a marvelous accuracy of aim, and as he remarks in an account written more than 20 years afterward, "One shot brought him Booth down." The news of Booth's death was received by the people with a certain degree of disappointment.

They wanted the satisfaction of seeing him hanged. It seemed to be too honorable a death for Booth to be shot at a time when he was defying his pursuers. was claimed, and the claim waa probably true, that Corbett had disobeyed orders, for which offense hs wss Court-martialed. Ha received no severe punishment, but never received any part of the magnificent reward paid by the United States Government tor the capture of the assassin. For years after the war nothing waa heard of the halt-mad Sergeant, but la the latter seventies hs turned up aa a homesteader in Cloud County.

Kansss. On an eighty-acre tract of land that had been passed over by ths seekers for homes on account of the fact that. It was hardly fit for cultivation, the slayer of f. Wilkes Booth settled down to a bermlt-Uk existence. The lonesome life on th prairie In the dugout habitation perhaps tended to develop the taint of mania in his blood.

Along with his fanatical religious seal developed a tendency to moroseneas. a brooding over Imaginary Injuries and supposed plots against his Ufa. He believed that the friends of J. Wilkes Booth were pursuing hlra and planning his destruction. He regarded strangers and even his neighbors with suspicion, and hla humble habitation was something of an arsenal.

About the only thing in the way of diversion ever Indulged in waa some private practice with Ills Lying fiat on hla baclooB ths ground would watch the birds flying overhead, aad with the shots from his revolver bring down the feathered travelers; or riding his pony at full speed he would shoot squirrels from the tops ot the cottonwoods that skirted the Republican River. His neighbors were Inclined to regard hlra with a certain de gree of fear as a man who was slightly oat ot mental balance aad liable some time to do damage, bat as the years wore on this feeling wore away and Boston Corbett came to be regarded as simply a an Instant unanimity that tha would close right than. Thinking ever it on the next day the partidpaata tat tb game thst had bean ao abruptly adjourned decided that th slayer of Booth should be placed under bonds to keep th peace. A complaint waa filed before a Jostle la the towa of Concordia, and aa officer sent to announce to Corbett that he was ander arrest and required to ap pear for trial. The news that Use man who had once been aa actor in th greatest tragedy of American history waa to ba tried for disturb tag th peace brought a large nwd ot laUrestad spectators the Court presided over by the Concordia Justice.

Corbett appeared for trial, and made no open objection, to the proceedings until the leading witness for the prosecution began to give tax. testimony that was unsatisfactory to the defendant. Then sud- denly the eyes of the slayer of Booth began to flash fire. With the preliminary declaration that ba hsd fallen' among thieves, be drew his revolver, whlah he had brought to Court with kim. and ordered the Court, lawyers and spectators to scatter.

Probably no Court of justice waa ever adjourned with such promptness and lack ot ceremony. The next day the Justice, i having recovered bis equanimity to soma extent, snd testing that ths dignity of his tribunal must, be preserved, sent two men out to arrest tb defendant and bring htm Into Court. The officers went ss directed, but they wen sect by the recluse In his dugout doo with the Inquiry ss to whether they cam for peace or war. There was a somewhat painful pause after Corbett propounded this Inquiry, but the officers -of the law finally conveyed she Information to him that they had come for the purpose of persuading him to 'return to town, in order that the wheels ot Justice revolve tn a regular and orderly manner. To this diplomatic request Corbett replied that if the Court wanted him alive It would be necessary to send out more thsn two such men ss the officers who confronted him.

The officers evidently believed in the sincerity of his declaration, and Corbett was not rearrested. It waa nearly two years after this episode that the member of the Kansas Legislature from the county of Cloud. In an impassioned speech before the caucus cal'ed to select the officers and employes of ths Lower House, nominated Boston Corbett aa ona of the doorkeeper of the House. The. legislators of Kansas were an Intensely patriotic set of statesmen, and tha speech of ths member from Cloud nominating the slayer of the assassin of Abraham Lincoln waa received by the caucus with tumultuous applause.

Corbett waa chosen without opposition. For soms tuns after his election ss doorkeeper Corbett gave no outwsrd Indications of dissatisfaction. His duties were not onerous, snd ha seemed to rather enjoy the attentions he attracted. All the visitors wanted to see and talk with the slayer of Wilkes Booth, and again aad again be told over the story of ths burning barn and the fatal shot that ended the earthly career of the murderer of Abraham Lincoln. Possibly If his intensely religious nature had not.

been specially wrought up he might have spent the winter In performing the uneventful duties of a doorkeeper. A band of the Salvation Army had es tablished their "barracks" in the capital city and with sound of drum and tambourine, with vociferous prayers and lusty songs this army of the Lord by night and by day assailed the battlements of sin, The semlmilltary character of this religious organisation and the fervency of Its devotional exercises appealed most strongly to Boston Corbett. The march- lng in military order; the beating of the drums and the clashing of the cymbals stirred to a fever of enthusiasm the sol- dler blood that waa his by and the songs, the shoutings and fervent prayers reawakened in him the religious -fanaticism that with him had passed the pplnt of mere devotion and become a mania. At the "barracks" snd on the street it waa noticed that the prayers of Boston Corbett were the most impassioned of any of the battalion, and a "close observer might have noticed a restlessness of eye that boded trouble. He atill kept his watch st the door of ttnr" legislative gallery, but he began to regard the legislative body with suspicion and distrust.

This, in Itself, would indeed have been no sure Indication of mental aberration. Tor any one who has closely watched the operations of a legis- I latlve body might be pardoned for re- gardlng It with a degree of suspicion. In the case of Corbett the suspicion soon developed Into a profound distrust. His old hallucination about plots organised by the friends of J. Wilkes Booth revived.

His distrust grew untll'he was filled with the belief that the greater part of the legislative body was leagued with the powers of darkness against him. His trusty revolver, which he bad laid away when he first came to take his position, again became his companion. Some four weeka after the date of hla election be one day saw two of his felow-einployes talking snd laughing together. To hla distorted mental jyiston their actions appeared ominous, and rushing upon them with drawn revolver, he shouted that if they did not leave the hall he would kilt them then and there. It is perhaps unnecessary to state that they left.

The Serjeant-at-Arms, the chief peace officer of the legislative body, rushed in to restore but fled incontinently at the point of Corbett's revolver. The Sergeant-at-Arms at once discharged him, but while it was easy to discharge this historic madman, so far aa the records were concerned, it waa a much harder thing to get rid of him in fact. Through the entire legislative session of that day was presented the cu rious snd somewhat terrifying spectacle of a small man, hs long hair banging almost to his shoulders, a well-tilled cartridge belt buckled sbout his person and a large revolver In its holster, pacing back and forth in the gallery overlooking the legislative hall with biasing' eyes, watching members seated below, whom he had now come to regard as his mortal' enemies. He decided that It waa hla especial duty to "remove the Speaker of the House, even as he had removed the slayer of th.e martyred Lincoln, and the determination came near costing a member, who, unfortunately tor his safety. resembled the Speaker, his life.

Suddenly meeting this member In the entry wsy, Corhett was preparing to put his intent Into execution, but was, with considerable difficulty, persuaded by the members that it waa a case of mistaken Identity. By some strategy and by force of overwhelming numbers, Cbrbett was finally captured and overpowered, and the members of the Legislature breathed easier. A few days after Boston Corbett was tried for Insanity and sent to the asylum for treatment. For a year he remained an Inmate. One pleasant day tn the month of May.

1888. while out taking an airing in company with an attendant and several other inmates of the asylum, the party passed by a horse that a visitor had hitched on the grounds. Quick aa a flasb Corbett sprang on the back of the horse, and before the attendant could check him, he had bounded away. Pursuit was at once organised, but the little Sergeant was not overtaken. Several miles out in the country he left the horse with directions to return It to its owner and then con-tinned his Journey on foot For IS years after hla sensational escape the general public heard nothing of Boston and tha general Impression prevailed that he waa dead.

He had been allowed a small pension by the Government. As ne msde no call st the agency for this pension he was supposed by the authorities of the Pension Department to be dead, and his name was dropped from the pension rolls. During his confinement In the asylum a guard-tan was appointed to taste charge of what Mt tie property belonged to him. Among the personal effects left In this guardian's hands was the pony that Corbett had lid-den on th day he adjourned the Western Court. This pony wss the especial 'object of Corbetf Section, and he Instated that he shoald be guarded with particular care.

The story goes that toe anxious guardian, knowing the peculiarities Of Corbetf temper, was tn the hsbit getting ns tn th middle of th night to look after met pony, giving ss ms rem- religions to be treated with that son that there was ne telling whst day toleration for cranks and freaks which is rwK-tt mla-bt torn nn and he I the eruard- a marked and commendable characteristic of the Ksnsas people. It was owing to Corbett's strenuous religious ideas that he was again brought into public notice. Bora of th young people among his neighbors were In th habit ot meeting near th homestead of Boston Corbett on pleasant Sunday afternoons to play games ball and-croquet. This was a desecration that stirred' the blood of the descendant of th "Roundhead." Th games were not played en his land, but be decided to scatter them la the name of the Lord. He ordered the.

players to desist from their ungodly amusement. They disposed to question his authority, not when he appeared- with th same revolver with which he had shot the birds flying high la the air aad announced that Ian) did not" want to have to make any exoianattaf's to a man who was not only off mentally, bat who was able to shoot squirrels eat of a tree with a revqfver wbea he was? riding at full gallop. It seems that the general and seemingly well-founded Impression that Corbett was dead Is a mistake. The rumor has aeea confirmed that this strange monomaniac whose Bam, was linked with th. story of this aatioa's saddest tragedy is still alivaaad whea last heard from was act-, ing as agent for a patent medicine company.

TWO ICWcage Vewal The California trait growers have asked unless ths game stopped at one he would lhat en Ismona be raised. Thoss Adventures Cditb a Circus. iSKrclcoa round the -Cdorld. OLD' SHOWMAN TELLS MANY THRILLING EXPERIENCES LUR- TNG. THE EARLY SATS.

0 proprietors 12.000. INew Tork Press. RAVE been actively engaged tat the circus business -for a con tin- nous period of 40 years constitutes a remarkable record. It Is all tha aw re remarkable when It la considered that the man daring this whole length of time was connected with the most dangerous side of the show business, the charge ot aad training at the wild animals, and that he Is practically as well and strong to-day as when he began. George Conklln.

for many years super- tntendent of the Barnum 4k Bailey mea-agerie. the best-known "animal man" in the country. Is ths ons. He naa been connected with a number of circuses, haa crossed both oceans, traveled not thousands, but literally hundreds of thousands of miles tat this country, Europe and Australia, and haa had thrilling experiences more than sufficient to fill the book intends to write. "When the big show wept to Europe the voyage across wss a mere Jaunt compared with the toura I took la oast seasons with the -old John O'Brien circus, which hsd Its winter quarters tn Philadelphia and played dates In the- Pennsylvania towns," Conklln said.

"There were more dangers Involved in the overland caravan means ot transportation, with all the hard work connected with it, aad the reason is easy to explain. We looked for trouble every time the show was billed a Pennsylvsnla mining town, and ws generally got those days. Tha miners would liquor up before the evening performance and celebrate by trying to force their wsy into the big tent without paying. "Every circus employe was prepared, and then we had our old elephant. Lalla Rookh.

to help us. Tea, indeed, she could take her share of ths fighting, and shs seemed to understand ths cry of 'Hey, meant aa well as any of us. We'd give her a tent pole, march alongside of her and she'd start Into the thick of the rowdies, swinging that weapon In her trunk from right to left, and she'd sweep aslda anything that came In her-, way. The disturbers were afraid of her. and when she put In an appearance the fighting element would melt away.

One man waa killed, an outsider hs wrTnav scrap at Duncannon, and It costthe show "But spesking of the elrcus having trouble with the population, the worst times of that sort I'vs seen were In the South. In most of ths Mississippi River towns where we were billed. Those fellows down there nil appeared to be heeled and they'd, shoot quick ss look st you. They'd stsnd on the outside abd shoot Into the teat during the performance and lay for the employee after It was over. night was the worst, and those river rowdies would shoot out the lights when we were getting the outfitresdy for' the boat.

I've known them to-follow clear to tbe levee and plug the beacon light the steamboat- people bad there to guide us. It's a wonder more people weren't killed than were. Looking back I can't understand why there were not. "That was with the old Cole show. I first started with it In 1M7.

Cole's circus hsd been through Texas with what was advertised as a stuffed whale, but In reality it was constructed 'of tin and papier-mache. JVelL the people tumbled to ths fact It was a fake, and the proprietors knew if they ever toured the state again under the same name there be trouble. So when they wanted to get back they changed the name of the show to the New Tork Circus, laid off all their old employes until the Tcxss dates were played, and I was ons of ths new ones engaged. We took steamer for Galveston. I bad charge of ths elephant Cole had paid 6.000 for a short while before.

Elephants were scarce In thoss days and great attractions. This waa a small one. between five and six feet high and a mischievous little rascaL He was berthed jn the steerage and I slept close to him to see that nothing happened to auch a valuable piece of property. "On night be reached his trunk over and broke open head of a barrel of flour near where be was tethered. In the morning- when I awoke at first I thought we'd run Into a snowstorm.

That elephant had scattered the flour over everything he could reach, myself Included, and where he couldn't reach with hla trunk he'd blown the flour through It. He was a white elephant without any mistake. To offset this bleaching I went to sleep on the hurricane deck In tbe sun one day, and was burned nearly as black as a nigger. "Our tour through Texas was sue- cessful without the whale. "From my 40 years' experience with all sorts of wild animals I should say emphatically that they are excellent travel-era, even the giraffes, and that they are fond of it.

This is especially the case with the elephants and cameia. I'm certain that some ot the older ones of the elephants in winter quarters at Bridgeport knew that the period of going on the road was approaching. They would become extremely restless, and when the time came fur them to be led to the cars for the annual trip to New Tork they'd squeal with Joy over the prospect- "Speaking of elephants. I can give it as my opinion that they are by far the most Intelligent ot all beasts. Some of them are almost humaa.

Thrre was old Tom. for Instance. When one of the stablemen would come In his stall on a cold winter's morning, clean up tbe litter and. placing it in a wheelbarrow, start to empty It In the yard back. Tom would alwavs open the door for him and pull It to after the man and wheelbarrow had psseed out.

Then he would wait antd he heard the wheelbarrow approach after being emptied, and would swing the door open. "The key to his door would be found mysteriously missing, snd ws were -at a loss to know what bad basome cf It- One day Tom was seen slyly to remove the key and, placing It under one of bis forefeet, stand on It. Undoubtedly he did it Just out ot pure mischief aad playful- ness. i "Gyp learned Ike trick of unscrewing the leg shackles, ana not Infrequently at Bight she would stealthily unfasten them end wander about the quarters. Just visiting here and there, until shs was discovered by a She waa a great old girt.

"To prove my statement that the elephant la the smartest beast ef all Inay say that It la tha only ons which, when th trainer has been teaching It a trick and leaves It to Itself, will continue to practice that trick of its own accord. I'vs seen them do it often. Then It Is remarkable bow they will remember their stunts from one season to another. I've had them come down from Bridgeport, start 'era rehearsing for th opening at the Garden, maybe forget' to put them through soma trick that had been forgotten, but old Columbia, or. whichever one It happened to be.

wouldn't let the performance go on until that bit had been Included But perhaps later they would be quite ready to shirk the sum thing it It could be done. They are like children, with an ef a child's-asTection. perversity and willfulness, ts say nothing of curiosity. net a winter or se ago. at the Gar-.

den. when the elephants were quartered tat the bstsement la whst Is known there as the tunnel. this trait was made manifest. At night the electric lights Illuminating that part went oat. It was discovered that one of the elephants bad -reached up to the electric wires running above, had torn them down and bitten them to pieces.

It must have given the miecreavnt a considerable shock, for whea the wires were strung again they were aot molested. "Naturally, while oa toe road accident happen, and It is inevitable that at times animals will escape. Once while tmvel- begin to shoot, the players agreed with who have been tat th habit ot receiving tbronvh Ohio, near the town -r ta. this form of citrus. fruit freely will hall eatur.

the top of a Uob'b eager was the proposition with high favor, it ought to cost more than it sometimes does to band man a lemon. a AN CXLAHOXAirS EPITAPH. I Fence City Courier. W. ft.

Haggins. better known as Peanut Bill, kas sought a' lot ia the Poaca City cemetery and had erected thereon a handsome marble monument to IrfmseJf. Tha only inscription oa th monument Is this stmpls staumaau "Bill Hactiaa to sons." crushed by a lot of coal failing oa It from a chute, and th occupant escaped and. Jumping oft. disappeared from view.

The train was stopped, and-1 beaded a party to captor the brat. Pretty soon I beard a smothered aoo In the direction ef a farmyard not far from th railroad. th I told th boys, and going to the farmhouse notified the owner ot the escape, and that I believed th lion wsh kilting his calf la the bara. It's our old cow Betsy your dterned critter is atXaia't. gvt ne he said axcltedljr, "We followed blm oa the ran to the barn and there, through the open door, we saw tbe lion, fiat on his back, playing with an empty barrel be had Bound.

He was tossing it up Inte the air with his paws aa it ha was practicing a Juggling act. Tbe cow was lying dead alongside. We ran one -of the wagons with a cage up to the barn and got the lion Into It again without much trouble. He'd killed the cow simply by grabbing her by th note, for that waa tbe only part of her marked. We always called that lion Juggler afterward oa account of his play with the barrel.

"When we made the trip te Australia with the Cole show on th City of Sidney a lion escaped from Its csg. and th first P'ace he struck was the mailroom, where the clerks were busx Tbe beast didn't Injure any one. but he did some sorting of tha mail liimselt before we got him back In hla cage. "This trip waa a memorable one. We shipped on the Sidney at Frisco, sailed first to Honolulu, and went from thers to Auckland, New Zealand, where we showed first.

Ws took three elephants with us. but only one pair of work horses. In addition to the ring stock. At San Francisco the portholes ot the steamship were enlarged, so thst we marphed the elephants right through on the deck, where their stalls were ready. When w.

had left the Sidney and prepared to visit ths other Islands we had to engage smaller steamers. In which ths facilities were lacking, and different arrangements had to be made for shipping ths elephants. "81ings were made of heavy canvas. These were put a round the big rules, and they were hoisted aboard In thla manner and out again. It was a procedure that was singularly distasteful to the elephants, and there was invariably a terrific trumpeting and squealing during tbe operation.

We'd get one of the elephanta above th hold. Just over an of th big beams, sad. he would straddle It. if possible, to keep from toeing lowered. Then we would have to hoist up again and set him down In a hurry.

It wss only necessary for the elephants to catch a glimpse of the slings to throw them Into paale. "That venture to Australia waa a most successful one in every respect, aad the show coined money. People seemed Just hungry for the circus, aad tbe fact that It was direct from America, aad It was owned and run by Americana, caused crowds everywhere we billed for. It was a first-class show for those days, too, with a good menagerie, and a troupe of some of the most talented circus performers ever gathered under cspas. Ws visited all ths towns ot any also In the islands.

Ths health of the people snd the animals all through the voyage waa remarkable. The only things we lost were some snskes which found it too breesy on hlpboerd. caught cold and Here the veteran animal trainer revert ed to the tralta and peculiarities of tbe beasts of such great variety that be has studied and known for so many years. "It Is not generally suspected thst the camel la one of tbe most treacherous and dangerous brutes wltb which we have to deal, but such is the case," he declared. "They will, bear watching continually, and are by no means the tractable, stupid beasts they are supposed to be, "When the Cole shew was touring the Mississippi River towns, with ths aid or a steamboat and barges, we had a number of camels quartered on the main deck.

Tbe arrangements were such thst the cook's galley was Just sbovs snd a staircase led up to It, close to the cameia. One of the cooks, when he would come down the stairway, was In the habit of bringing dainties for ths cameia He had taken a dislike to one old fellow we called Bolivar. After feeding the others, snd passing down tha line, instead of giving old Bolivar a titbit he would bit him on the nose. "One day I heard a sudden horrible yell of pain and fear mingled. Running forward I saw Bolivar holding the cook's right arm In his powerful teeth, tbe lips all wrinkled op.

worrying at It as a terrier would shake a rat. When we got the man away finally, faint and staggering, the arm' was bitten In two. and was held together only by a shred of flesh. Later It was found necessary to amputate several Inches shove the bite. The beast hsd waited hla opportunity and seised the man.

A camel can reach out an aston-- lshlngly long distance with its neck, and the teeth are capable of causing a terrible wound. "When two males fight It Is a struggle to the death, unless they are separated, and It is hazardous to go near them at such a time. They rear up and strike at one another, bite and butt, and I've seen them tear wholastrips of flesh from on another's bodies. They squeal and snort snd bellow so one would think the whole menagerie bad broken "Now. as to a Hon and tiger.

I should ssy that the tiger Is the more powerful animal of the two. At the same time. la more cowardly, haa mors of ths sneaking, slinking astur of tbe cat, and is more treacherous. I believe I'm fully qualified to stste. as I've had them both on me.

I bear the teeth marks of a Hon that shut his jaws tight on my legs. But kl, hI train, fit. Shows didn't own their own cars then. I goes th limit haa been reached bow." be said, with a sigh. RAPED, DELIVERY.

'Lenses oWi On September IS. 1877, more than St years ago. a letter was posted at Lyon address to ths Superior of th Oblate of St- Charles -at Saint Bagtheiesny. In tb course or removal te tb sew prsss-sses this letter has been found bidden by a hara card at the p-aetefBce at Tmrar. -The letter reached Its destination an Monday and It was found that tb superior had dead tor a quarter of.

a cAc tuxy. SBBBSK -OBW HI in -St VTv: ijirr-" sTo -'rr' UNCLE SAM WILL DIRECT ALL THE SHIPS OF HIS FLU; LANS have Rear Admiral FROM WASHINGTON. Wsa. S. Mew Tork Worts I announced by Chief of the Equipment Bares at Washlngtost, which provide tor the eventual establishing of wireless communication around the world Some day and Admiral Cowlas Is confident that the day la not far distant Uncle Sam from his chair In tbe Whits House can direct th ships of his fleet, so matter In which of the seven seas they may be cruslng.

The corner stone of this stupendous achievement will be laid when work la begun la tbs near future en a high-power, long-distance wireless station at Washington. Necessity wss tbs Inspiration for tbe undertaking, naval experts say. Th United States assumed Use responsibility of petroling ths Pari fie when tbe Philippines were tsaea under the fold ef the Stars and Stripes. It Is all very well, perhaps, for battle ships to sail forth boldly on months-long cruises, bat Carle Bam wants to be In a position to call them up. day or night, and make them feel they are aot so far away from boose after all.

High powered stations similar to the one soon to be constructed In Washington wfll es-sMl-V i Coast. The n-t 1. Hawaii, liutm. fn: pines. Wlrele-s eh'pe In tbe- Xnri pneaubt to a ptat tbe future ctfle.

tbe erreafr Pacific and part be oethred up -1 r. Ctlt tn VeW the House. In times rf fwa. wtll he able to a with tbe orrts'niv pieces on a rbe come the STSgeiWIlt tl shoulders of Wat rt In some mom tn the w- of naval srrt mv message In Its flsht. -WW- mi i unaertaa TV It Will tV d.fri'-u' in rn-ry 1 napping wlw-fi -rt nivw in worm I'e fighters against trarx i wis thev mia-hr fij i ocean wirbout r-s Cow les plans.

srti-i. i report, bsve rnuj HUM I the building ft tt- r. ail-worid wtreW. i Ycggmcn and Cbcir Kind THERE ARE ONLY ABOUT ONE HUNDRED REAL "SOr? IIT worship a tneta-orita. IN THE COUNTRY.

I HEX th Cashier of a St Psul bank balanced hla accounts a alght there was a shortage ef PeU. That the money had been stolen was apparent, for th thief had left traces. But before tbe bank's officers hsd time even to summon ths detectives a packags containing tb $eO waa received la the mail. On a piece of wrapping paper around th bills 'were scrawled these words: "Why don't you keep your sign outT" The sign to which ths uneasy robber referred was one inert bed "Member American Bankers' Association-" Every safe-breaker. orger and "sneak" in the United State know what that means.

To rob a "member bank" half of an the banks In the country belong to the association la to court disaster. It means the. limit of dsrlng. the certainty of pursuit to a prison cell or the grave, the assurance that sooner or later, somehow, somewhere, the thief must atone for his crime. The detectives will follow blm to the ends of the earth, backed by the bottomless treasury of aa fear so much.

It Is ths clsws. The teeth organisation that has adopted a policy of come out straight, but ths claws, being hounding relentlessly Its despotlers. booked, tear out th flesh and sinews as they are withdrawn. When a lion goee at a trainer be starts right toward him. with no subterfuge, mouth open and tsll stiff ss a poker.

A tiger cringes and crawls until he makes hla soring. In sir fight It would be hard to guess which animal would come oft victor, and much would depend. I think, on tbe one that got the first, good hold The lion also ts protected about the neck by tbe heavy mane, which 'U an advantage. "There la one Instance I remember where a full-grown Hon and tiger engaged tn combat, by unforeseen chsnce. of course.

It wss when the John O'Brien Show hsd its winter quarters In Philadelphia and I was connected with it. "A lion snd a tiger were In a compartment cage, with a partition between. In some manner thla partition waa battered down In the night and the. two big Ad-lows got together. They bad probably been issuing challenges to each other and promising what they would do to one another If the chance cam.

When morning arrived we found the two In the lion's cage, the tiger dead and tb lion an chewed and clawed to pieces, but still full of "Tigers eat more than Uoaa. In the Barnum aad Bailey Show, where I had tbe matter of feeding dowa to a fine point, the big tiger wss allowed 28 pounds of meat, bone Included, ef course, while tbe largest Hon got 18 pound a "There Is quits a difference between the amount necessary for tbe big "fellows and th allowance of two aad a half pounds apiece for the leopards. If th quantity waa Increased for two or three days It would ba eaten, but then the lion or tiger would refuse food for a day. Menagerie rarnlvora are never fed on Sunday. Though be appears such a stupid creature, the rhlaoeero recognises Its keeper and gets on a friendly footing with him.

and Is cspsbls of being trained I never knew of but one. however, which was broken to work In the ring. This was trained by Dan Riee, the famous clown, and performed la the one-ring circus of which he wss proprietor. When I had charge of the white double-homed rhino now In the Central Park too I was accustomed to go In bis cage and fuss over hlra without trouble." Ia retrospect the veteran showman's mind turned to the modern circus methods, compered with those ef three or four decades ago. "it's simple luxury nowadays compared with then." be laughed.

"Even when the shows traveled by train, for a long time ail the loading of cages and wagons on the cars hsd to be done by hand, for we had bo elephants to posh them op ths Inclines as to dons nowadays. couldn't go from on railroad to another la earn cars, even. If at Bight we reached the end of a Una, we'd have to get out of the cars, move our bedding to those of another road. Just Ilk emlgraata. and transfer an The.

chase may last a day or five years or a lifetime. There are but two avenue which th pursued avoids punishment death snd reform. If be lives snd persists he must eeve an open trail some dsy. Few die before thst trail Is found; still fewer reform. It ts estimated that there are In the United States about loO real "soap men." expert users of the nitroglycerin cap.

The number of outside "yeggs," leek experienced and lees deling men. who bsve not been sdmltted to tbe highest degree of the faternlty. Is placed at 3U0. Many of them are never, caught. Vnllks the extinct bank bnrgiar of the old school, who traveled tn Pullman ears, spent weeks of preparation, around the scene of bis Intended crime, lavished money like a millionaire and rather prided himself on his reputation as a man of genius, the "yegg" never seen In the towa where he plans a bsul until the hour ot the deed.

When th "soup men snd his band have done their work they depart with no show snd stesl sway like tramps on stolen teams or handcar. Style la a thing apart from the "yegg." matter what hla success, be is content to wear bis blue shirt, to live la tbe -V4V- I skillful that thrre lice detection. When a man h.m- tlcallr loees the I If there a stranger who that he enuti-d etiquette does not jtr, hi name. "Where d'j-e ball 'r Uon. If he ref.llre tha! they call him -Tutu or soms other physical character: meanest of loosing tne worst or lax la the "yegg." la tb center viUTIIS mere II.

i owna. innuin i i. limes in the Mi-, has Its means of a meeting places and wr That broth-rhnfwl organized. rv alone or with a iji- 1 nn Kino. rn-ft Is no delay In tl.e n.y-.- n.

of a fund his d-f-n T1-. sent rmm all parts Rarely, and only ur.p- sure, ooes ne mase a -r. "I a memoer or Ms V. i is. too.

he knnas tw ii With other yss. at: of news circulaTin i "a u. gree of clevrti aamea. A young n.n i array hairs la km.m-n w- A hunchback with a a the appellstlon of Ts ins word "yegg" to gypsy or special sprJtude 1' "egg chief tramp or hobi If thief came lni Tegg." snd finally exclusively by the vain expert of u-dy pears to emhodv a gypsy and the aad the barbarity reckless daring One of the mt the fraternity -f those rare family and the Wlilir It bappena nw --a wife and chl 1r-n la arrested eth-r -t vide for the fstn The yegg nitfc raslonally grat. -a competence, his native -some bscnen ar.i more.

If there has happened to la. "Has gone what that mean i I- 1 -J-v SI Lore of tbe JMctcor. rrVTNE HONORS HAVE BEEN PAID THE WAS2lilS THE SET. HE OLOOMT ssonth mt It brings tb mamma tioa of th meteor. It la th special month for these swtat aad erratic wan derers of th sky.

It ts only within th Wat hundred years that science has taken up tb stady tn met tor sirinnsty. bat tat sH ages Its fitful gieaaa haa oaptnrsd tb tsBsglaatioa of men. Ia Asia la early times a fragment wns picked aa which prabaMy bor a very rede resemblance a hums a figure, it waa looked upon aa aa image ef IXaae, sent down from Jupiter. A great I omuls wsa bant at Epbesaa la It honor the Tern Die of Diana of tbs rnhsslsss TW eut- Nrooi Pw Pt Socked Tb Romans, too, at certaia epocbs mt their history, feu tender tha aptrtt ef tan metserlt. Astneaa.

tha saythl tanadar mt th nee, is said to have carried ana with Mm to and owe of th Mrsagest pictures la th wonderful gallery ef Roman history Is that of tha Emperor Hell. gabalu paylnsvdlvtne honors te hs mote-eric god; for th bead of ta Imperial CHy was High Priest la a tssapk whoa god was a rods fragment mt ass isuslu A Dsanlflcent temple was teuut for tn Every Bsoralng berstotnb ef mulim aad sheep were -Vr- est wine were po--r 1 ly incense wss bur- nssteorie god was tered with gold snd waa drawn bv six reins, walking bark kmari yea fixed on his god people ran. beer jug tor i. The chariot In w- i garlands of flowers as 1 I rf On another ocral -c a tre-e played aa Important RjMt i rvi lory, it tea In mmA mkmnl at re wonderful sum They had learned asking tb miw the a 1 ascribed the vi.tur t- Haaamal la tbe i'-'---whea ta later year, i.v OeneraJ taad erne-1 At tained bis place ir. l'- the troubled s-sf r.r books that an enemy tt freea Italy 'he at we So they seal t- -hat it migfct b- that I m-ir-k Tni v.rr oa tn and sore enoua.i Ht-' eempnlied to r-: to A ormeemted lacre yet' farced ts.

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