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The New York Age from New York, New York • Page 3

The New York Agei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

N. Y. At Star of Bethle- Troy, N. Y. Miss Marion Jackson PantUt Church last Sunday the entertained thirty of her friends last I was at his post after spending Friday evening at the resldencAa of i i week in New York City and in Ma-; Mrs.

John Taylor, 2850 Fifth avenue. wood At 11 a. m. he spoke Games were enjoyed, after which a the subject, "The Growth of the dainty collation was served. The dec-Kinedora." At 12 noon the Sunday orations were patriotic in coloring and Cchool convened.

At 8 o'clock the pas- in keeping with the anniversary on the subject, "Christ ana brated. the Storm of Life." The pastor also! William L. Taylor, formerly of 2850 Soke of the campaign that the min-' Fifth avenue, but now residing in New have begun tor a ary 1 orn uy, was cancu to mis cjiy oy Thfv have engaged James H. Morten- the United States Government, to be A Ice to speak at the Presbyterian examined. It is expected that he will rhurch.

Columbus nan, ana ine inn- join ic wiuu rn it nirrh. with noon meeting The engagement of engagement of jrr tti. the factories. Brother Gregory is in Bellevue in New York City. POUGHKEEPSIE, N.

Y. Pouch KEtrsiE, a. x. ai mc oiimu avenue rnnm was taKeil. iXCAi ouiiu-jr mum i i Miss Cornelia C.

Grant to William Washington of Washington, D. has been an nounced. A card' party will be given Thursday evening, March 7, by the Troy Unit of the Circle for Negro War Relief at h-m nf Uic I Ifi'in Mvth Street A. M. E.

Zion Church last Sun-i Martin William Schuyler Mead, rfav there was a large attendance at S'xtn avenue, diea reoruary day mere after a long illness. both services. In the evening Faster, The funeral was heid from the homc Vn Buren preached an object sermon Wednesday afternoon, February 27. the subject. "The Universe tjou interment rorest rarK cemetery, Phonograph and Photographic Plate," and practically every seat in the lecture- WASHINGTONVILLE, N.

Y. Washingtonville, N. Y. At the Co ill eive a blackboard talk to iDnial social held in Bethany Chanel Fri- i I ik.l t- children ana preatn aim uuiiniiti aay evening me oirtnaays oi in the evening. The 'ton and Lincoln were celebrated.

Miss Sabbath School was well attended. Su- Frances Peterson read a paper giving nerinteiident Yarbrough Chapmon was historical sketches of Lincoln. oresent after being out of town tor Mary Chambers and Mrs. Charles Page i I Tli. Pic.

i it several weess oh uusuibj. i sang soios. aiiss joiuc riceiuan ic- sion Play to be exhibited at Zion in cited a selection from "Blossoms," by the near future is creating considerable vv. H. Jenkins.

Miss Naomi Sewell of interest. Men's Day, under the auspices Princeton, N. recited two selections nf the Men's Club will be observed from paul L. Dunbar's works. "Our Sunday, April 14.

Flag" was rendered by littfe Naomi Ur Herbert Smith. 45 Williams Sewell. Lincoln's Address at Getlvs- street, was in New York the past week burg was read by Miss Pearl Peterson visiting friends and relatives. select reading by Kaymond Koss reci- The funeral of Mrs. Venie Willis tations by -Misses Clara Depfew, Vir- T-ma took nlace Saturday from the Dncc I Mann eelei reaHini? Dutch Reform Church, South Mill-, by Miss S.

J. Peterson and Mrs. Mamie brook, ine Kev. cnancs Belle. Mr.

Agnes isewell officiated at officiated, assisted, by the Rev. J. C. the piano; The proceeds amounted to Lyill, pastor of the church. He leaves two sisters an dtwo brothers and a Clarence Richardson of New York Urge number of relatives.

ipent Sunday at the parsonage. John Sunday services were well attended Doson Wm. Dolson, Matt. Peterson, at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, the Wm and Mss Florence Lewis pastor, the Rev. Charles b.

hasscess, Sundav in town. Mrs. Tom Lewis spoke at both services. is on the sick Services at Bethany Chapel Sunday were interesting and well attended. The PORT CHESTER, N.

Y. popular meeting in the evening was un-Port Chester. N. Y. Services at usually inspiring, Mrs.

Bert McBride Bethesda Baptist Church Sunday were leading. in charge of Brother Edward Whitty the morning and Brother Arthur i Wirmin in trie eveninit. i- it t-l a 5 Kv-. cii-j rMtiMATiM, i. i.

inc services ai inr. the Rev. I. M. Levister, filled the yilpit at Betnesaa ed last Sunday.

The pastor, the Rev. RnrheUe. all day. In the atter- JT. and CISTM the subject: OuriE W.

Jones preached morning the discussed, led by Deacon W. J. Brown church. Alt M. Four persons joined Collection for the day-was of New Rochelle.

and followed by Ad- J7L'- dison Johnson of Rye, Miss Jackson.1 The Adonis Club met last Friday eye- Urs. Lantv ot Kocnene ana others. MUMFORD, N. Y. Mumford.

N. Y. Services street. The prize was won by Mrs. A.

.1 i i-. 1 I Miss Cora Freeman of Grace Church uciigiuiui rcPi icu. itreet is enjoying a vacation visiting The social given by Class 7, of A. relatives in Ti'ken. S.

C. M- "df a ho Mrs Stonewall Crews of North of their teacher, Mrs. S. C. Mathews, Main street, who has been indisposed Caledonia avenue, last Thursday eve-i, iva is mnrh improved.

niiiK. was a perfect success. Mrs. Cora nerry ana oencrs ciiici laincu Mohawk Whist Club last Tuesday evening at the home of "Mrs. R.

Cottoms. Mohawk street. A dainty repast was were Mrs. I. S.

Herndon entertained largely attended at the Second Bap- at a theatre oartv recently Mrs. O. C. tist Church Sunday. The pastor Adams and Mrs.

W. Henry Green. The preached from the Bubject, "Focusing secon(j dance given by the "Lamb's" Our Minds on Things Above." The Auxiliary No. 6 was a great success at 8unday School Is preparing a rc ptower City Hall last Thursday night, gram entitled, "The Cross in Congo services were largely attended at all land," tor Easter sunaay. ine ev.

churches last Sunday. The weather C. H. Haynes was a guest at the home waj finc rs. Sally Mathews, who of Mr.

and Mrs. Lwis Price sustajned several bruises by falling on The Hoover supper given last Fri- aki- to be out. Master How- day evening by the Missionary Society ara Lee, champion backward skater of provea succesmui socially auu uuuu-j western New York, added three more 'laurels at the first meet at the Eastern On Saturday evening, March 30, the Wide Waters last Saturday afternoon. men of the Second Baptist Church will. glT a clam chowder supper in the ROSSVILLE C2 Sarky of West Rush.

JYTeou JJ, est at the Carpenter home last Raters, jutyr the A. M. EZion uZ and evening services. In the evening Tislttng her brother, Thomas Slmms. NYACK, N.

Y. Nyack, N. Y. Services at St. Phil "PS A.

M. E. Zion Church last Sun- lnr Ithe white M. E. church of Woodron; the Rev.

L. Roach, pastor of Beth el M. E. Church, Kossvine, and tne Rev. Victory, pastor of Christfleld, worshipped at Zion in the even- The Rev.

Kobt. n. Landin, an I j-j I a uwnimg wtrt wen aiirnara, i rc- oraainea aeacuu, iiicoiucui, ui uc ding Elder R. H. Mason of the Hud- Trustee Board and superintendent of on River District preached a helpful Sunday School of Zion Church, is crlt-ermon.

Ically ill at his residence. f-arue congregations were at Pil-1 joej a. Cooley, Tottenvllle, who Baptist Church Sunday, it being na8 been ill, is doing nicely. missionary rally day. The Rev.

J. H. J3 Harris is getting along well. Kobmson preached at each service Mitchell made a trip to High CluT Lodge. G.

U. O. gave Bridgeport last week and brought concert on Washington's Birthday. bark cgr 0n hls way back he Roth" a we.rC -1? stopped at Norwalk. and vis-Koth Avery, who talked on the "Life Jp he Rev Slmm8, who ,8 pa8.

Wiesr to7of the Baptist Church, tion ir wrn The Rev. J. S. Decker occupied thP Mr. F.

Pitts; recilatuin. i 7nn Sodee. The St. Phillips choir rendered f(lpltlia S.8 'm t'he'evln 'few selections Church in the morning, tne even- The funeral of lnrle- Worth ho nS the pastor, the Rev. J.

E. Sun-by. Penary ul." was' held the De PerS0D trom Pilgrim liantist Church Wednes- the -I- ine Kev. H. KiO nifin nffiriatino South Nor-Lonn was in town Titesdav.

SYRACUSE, N. Y. Svracusk, N. Y. Miss Edith Johnson spent the wek-end at Ithaca as the guest of Miss Gathrinc Cook, and while there attended a grand ball.

Charles Johnson has accepted a position with the G. and I. Art Institute Co. as bookkeeper. The Town and Gown Club, an organization composed of the.

university men. last Fridav evening at the home of Mrs. Atwclt. The honorary nietn-Lrrs, the Rev. J.

D. Wilson, the Rev R. Oilman and Clarence Maloncy. were present. A great volume of business was transacted, and a general get-togcllier meeting was held, after which a buffet luncheon was served.

The active members are Harold Trigg, president; Richard Bonderant. vice-president; Cato r-on, ary; Chas. THE NW YORK AGE, SATURN A MARCH 2, 1918. I- OUT QF TOUW OOilESPQMBEMCI jgj BEACON, N. Y.

TROY, N. Y. Stewart, treasurer; Gabriel Dennis, Far mer Duncan and Nathaniel Creen. E. G.

Beaston is making a visit to the metropolis. Wm. White anit Mc Fountain of New York were callers at the Lippins home Wednesday Salt City Chapter O. E. S.

worked the (jueen of the South Monday evening, Chas. Sumner Lodge No. 10. K. of held its regular meeting eve ning.

Cato Anderson had charge of the program for St. Philip's Men's Club Sunday. Richard Bondcrairt read a very interesting paper. The Butler sis ters, Willie. Corinne and Helen, ap peared in duet and accompanist.

solo by Mr. Anderson and a speaker from the Dry Campaign Workers were well received. Mrs. Marguerite Gaither is visiting friends in Miss Lucille Gentry has returned from the hospital after undergoing a successful operation. She is recovering at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Williams, Orange street. The Craftsman Club will meet Sunday, March 3, corner Orange and Cedar streets. CORNING, N.

Y. Cobnixc. M. Y. Wnrif has heen re that Saul Ralph, formerly of Corning, died in Buffalo week before last with pneumonia.

Antony Jones was in Buffalo lats Wednesday on business. The Rev. Z. A. Jones has returned from a visit in Johnstown, Pa.

The following attended the dance in Elmira last Thursday week: Mrs. John Freeman. Mrs. Mark Morris, Misses Isabclle and Mary Dickinson. Mrs.

Fred Dunham is visiting relatives in Llmira. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamm and children are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.

John Freeman. Mrs. Matilda Smith is ill at her home on Harvey street. Miss Alice Hogan was visiting her father Monday. William Dickinson has returned from Syracuse, N.

Y. Miss Sarah Scott was in Horsehead last Sunday, visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott. The colored regiment from the Mex ican border stopped over in Corning last Fridav week. While waiting for their train they exercised by marching about the streets of Corning.

lames McGradv is confined to his home with a strained back. Miss Ber-nice Scott of Horseheads stopped in Corning last Thursday to see her sister, Miss Sarah Scott. Miss Scott lett tor Wellsboro, Pa. Mrs. James A.

Lee of cimira was visiting inenai in an cuy Saturday evening. George Freeman and Louis Holmes left here Friday night for Camp Greene, N. C. YONKERS, N. Y.

Yoskers, N. Y. Miss Sidney Skin who has been quite ill, has been removed to St. John Hospital. The birthday party given by the spe cial committee at -the Metropolitan A.

M. L. Zion Church last Thursday eve ning was unique and enjoyable. Those whose birthdays were celebrated were James Foster, Chas. C.

V. Richardson, Ai aster John Rogers, William Skinner. Mesdames Anna Cole. Mary Crawford, Misses Emma Gross, Melba Smyer, Lu etic Washington, Myrtle Braxton and little Benjamin Washington. A short sketch of the life of each one was given by the program committee.

Miss Howard, who was oper ated upon the St. John's Hospital last Thursday, is doing nicely. Services at the Metropolitan A. M. h.

Zion Church Sunday were well attended. At the evening service one joined the church. Dr. Smyer. the pastor, conducted the services, preaching both morning and evening The Sunaa School turned out in round numbers at the afternoon hnir.

Classes and 5 were the banner classes. Two joined the school. Mesdames Carrie Ryerson, Stella Gross and John N. James repre sented the school at the Sunday School The prize ball given under the management of S. W.

Hawkins was success. Prizes were awarded to the following: FtfW prize, Harry No thorp and Miss H. Fairfax; second prize. Carol Johnson and Miss A Stewart; third prize, Leroy Johnson and Miss L. Wooby of Port Byron.

The following are on the sick list Miss Gladys Stewart, Mrs. Prine, Mrs. Walklns, Mrs. Parker, Mr. Snowden and the children of Mr.

and Mrt. J. Richardson. Mrs. Anna Griffin, Genesse street, has been confined to her bed since February 21.

T. Persons of Seneca alls was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker last week.

Miss Isabel Diggs attended the Elks ball in Ithaca and was the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil nams. The sum of $25 was realized from the concert given at the- Seward School January 31 for benefit of the Tubman Home.

Mrs. P. K. Fonvielle is confined ner home with neuritis. The third quarterly conference of A.

M. E. Zion Church was held Mon day, February 24. Presiding Elder Ellison preached an able sermon. Mrs.

John Hassell was the Sunday guest of Mrs. S. M. Koss in Syracuse. UTICA, N.

Y. Utica. N. Y. On last Sunday eve ning the Rev.

Robt. J. Strother dehv ered an inspiring address upon the lynching of the race in the South, and the race loyalty to the Stars and Stripes at Hope Chapel Union Church A large congregation was present. Tuesday evening, renniary 19, Damon Lodge No. 6, K.

of convened. All members of the lodge were notified to be present March 5, as there will be a lot of new business to be transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of New York are the guests of Mrs.

John Buck, 326 Catherine street. Mrs. Mabelle Martin is improving slowly from a very severe attack of la grippe. Albert Ebo was in Rome, N. recently visiting friends and relatives.

Jas. Wormworth, chor ister, and Mrs. Waiter Pell sang i beautiful solo at Hope Chapel last Sun day evening. Last Monday afternoon Leo Frank of No. 445 Whttesboro street and Miss Edna Hoover of No.

127 Seneca street were united in marriage in Oneida by the Rev. Walters at LIS p. tn. Mr, and Mrs. Frank will reside, in Utica.

Among the recent drafters who passed 'in this city was Arthur Baker, John Gordon, Herbert Freeman, David Kdinondson and Richard Frank. Mr. Baker leaves Tuesday ior Camp Dix, while the others will await further or ders. LEROY. N.

Y. LeRoy. N. Y. Services at the Sec ond Baptist -Church Sunday morning were well attended, in the evening the church united with the other churches of the village in a community service at Ingham Hall.

Roosevelt Price, of Genesee Nor mal, arrived in town Thursday eve ning to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Price.

Ine Misses Martha Lewis, Lmma Lewis and Madge Price of Rochester lsited relatives in LeRoy Sunday. The Rev. J. E. Rose was in Roches ter Friday on business.

Mrs. A. L. Price and son, Roose velt, were in Rochester Friday. Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Alexander spent Sunday with thclatter's mother and father at Southbridge. Mr. and Mrs. L.

Price enter tained at-dinner Sunday their daugh ters, Misses Madge and Dell Price; their son Roosevelt, and Louis Car ter and Howard Williams. Winkfieid Layne ot Avon spent a meeting held at the Y. M. C. A.

build- few days last week with Mr. and Mrs ing at 3.30 p. m. Mrs. Simmons of Culver street con tinues ill.

ELMIRA, N. Y. Elmika, N. Y. A large audience was present at the Douglass Church Sunday at 7 p.

m. at the Christian Endeavor service. Frank Elliot had an excellent paper on the "Power of the Cross in Africa." At 8 p. m. the pastor preached a splendid sermon on "God the A good offering was taken.

Mrs. Edna La Shea was the guest of her sister. Joseph Thompson, re cently. Mrs. John A.

llson, 423 Stan-dish street, is confined to her home wrth lumbago. Mrs. Thomas Hawkins of Ithaca was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.

F. Broks, S16 HiRh street. Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke.

Pickinson street, have purchased i noine on Uak street, UJ, and will possession April 1. The death of S. K. Harp occurred at rnot-6gden Hospital Monday evening. prayer service was held at Harrington's undertaking rooms evening.

The Rev. C. CufF officiated and also accompanied the widow and sister to BaUiniore with" the remains. The deceased came to Elmira with his wife Tune arrd had made HQr frfctul. While in the city they had roomed with Mr.

and Mrs. J. b. Pyror, 51 Madison avenue. N.

Y. Auburn, N. Y. Oscar McAdams entertained and Mrs. w.

Smith at dinner at the Slllman Club Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A Moreland or Syracuse were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.

D. Dlggs. Nelson Rae was the guest of hs wife Sunday. Little Ursula and Roland Di nlian and Zoah Cooper have the measles. B.

Mills and R. White of Syracuse the guests of the Misses Fair-prize ball. The Misses Bessie Wells, Jackson and MeCady and William Bush of Rochester guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Thursday.

Clyde Layne, NEWBURGH, N. Y. Newbureh. N. Y.

Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, who is still on our sick list, is improving slowly. The members and friends of the A. M. E.

Zion Church will tender its pastor, the Rev. L. H. Taylor, a donation February 28, at the church. Mrs.

Sarah Raysdale, who is still confined to St. Luke's Hospital, has not been indisposed. Miss Lillian Tavlor returned home Monday after a pleasant visit in Wa-terbury, during the past week, tne guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Munn and family.

Mrs. Henry freeman, who was brought home ill from her work on Thursday last, is still on the sick list. Messrs. A. H.

and L. S. Munn gave a dinner iri honor of Miss Lillian Taylor at the Colored Cheshire Country Club, Waterbury, February 16. There were sixteen couples present. The early part of the evening was spent in singing and dancing.

Dinner was served in seven courses and the remainder of the evening was spent in toasts and solos. L. S. Munn acted as toastmaster and Charles Demo as soloist. He sang in honor of A.

H. Munn, Toastmaster L. S. Munn gave a toast to Miss Lillian Taylor. The Rev.

E. N. McDaniels occupied the pulpit at both services Sunday. Mrs. E.

N. McDaniels wil lprescnt a playlet, "Fortune's Wheel," March at 77 Smith street. Mrs. Virginia Peterson returned last week after a ten days' visit in Water-bury, Conn. KINGSTON, N.

Y. Kingston, N. Y. Franklin Street A. M.

E. Zion Church, the Rev. John T. Matthews, pastor, celebrated its fif tieth anniversary at 11 a. m.

with, a love-feast and general class meeting. A large number were present. In the evening anniversary praise service was observed and a special program arranged by the pastor, was rendered as toitows: invocation, tne Kev. j. v.

SaniDSon: sineincr for-, the evenincr. choir; paper -on "Zion In Its Early ways, Brother uensis jonnson, one of the old members; address, Brother dancing. A handsome shirtwaist was G. W. Banks, president of the Trustee presented to Miss Green.

"Those pres-Board, who touched on the early days ent were -Mrs. J. B-own, Mrs. E. Jack et ion.

amr-hie wondenui progress son Mrs. j. Thompson, MissEdith made in fifty man; paper, The Prog- Oliver. Isaiah Carter, Percy Walls and ress of Zion, Mrs. Minnie Wootton; Thornton Percy, Ballston Spa; Lewis remarks, Miss Anna Vanderzu, presi- Henry, Mechanicsville; Augustus and i Bad' h0 Ernest Johnson, Schenectady; James jy.v uajra May, Alonzo Fowler, Walter Johnson Church and Sunday School.

Mrs. anj 'Albert Stewart Annie Wilkes, superintendent of the I Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown entertained Sunday School spoke of ner work, the Mrs.

Charles Mann, Alice and Robert Sunday School and -ebttrch. Mrs, Mann, February 14. oaidii la i our. urcsiuciu ui Daughters 'of Conference, spoke words of praise for Zion and its wonderful progress. Th eservices were enjoyable.

Collection for the day was $.17. II IUI UlC UdT J.K.!U BUFFALO, N. Y. Buffalo. N.

Y. Mrs. John Tavlor. who has been very sick, has recovered. lr-- Last Friday night the concert and entertainment given by the Daughters nfs rn.e?t lo atter of Salome was a success.

An excel- Pronged visit. lent program was rendered. Vi 7 i 2-. Mrs. J.

T. Matthews is able to be T'n yj f. Vt. 3 riff II rf mimharmn aaams. out again.

tyi- Miss Cornelia Cantene is on the "Vy XT ou memoers.ntp, were sick jjst- set up oy tne gran a omcers ot tne K. Mrs. John B. Hurt is confined to vv- Johnson. her home on Gage street.

grana cniet, and W. f. Smith, grand Private Calvin Snyder of the 347th. 8eT.etary-. Field Artillery, Camp Dix, spent Sun-' lnf xyoira rMDusicans day with his family.

No of will open Everette Sampson and Warren ne.w a.1 49 Broadway demark of Camo Dix scent Sundav.0" oay night, March 1, with a re visiting friends and relatives. Miss Maggie De witt of Greenhill. spent Sunday in Kingston visiting IriAnnQ ceptiotl and concert. AH friends of music are cordially invited to attend. Tuesday; April 2, the Colored Bellman's Association will give their first Mrs.

James Ray and Miss Eula annuH Dan at La louraine Hubbs spent Sunday afternoon calling1, corporal Lemuel I. Boydston, who on friends. Mrs: Theron Mowers of Liberty is on the sick list. Sunday Presiding Elder L. G.

Ma son will be present at Zion. On Monday the quarterly conference will be held at Zion. 2 ITHACA, N. Y. Ithaca, N.

Y. Presiding Elder J. H. is stationed at Newport News, was the guest of the Jackson family of Clinton street this week, on a visit to Miss Marjorie. Mrs.

Joseph Patterson of William street entertained the Athenian Art Club in honor of her birthday anniversary' at a fine luncheon last Monday afternoon. Red and white were the colors used in the tasty i writ lison held his third quarterly meeting! TuuX" J7Ji of the year at the A. M. L. Zion with a ai, nUt.

Church Monday evening. February 18. Xhe mceti All of the departments of the church' Art u. were well represented and made excel-: Mont Tafe on. Thursday afternoon; lent reports.

There was a marked crease, showing that much interest had! The Camp Dix Club returned been manifested by the members. The thanks to Mrs. Luke Green, Mrs. Jo-pastor, the Rev. J.

H. Johnson, at the sephjne Little and Rev.Fathcr Ben-close, gave a symposium of the work nett for donations of books and maga-done during the last quarter, presenting 2ines and papers, which have been receipts, showing that the church sent to the boys at Camp Dix is now sailing smoothly over the finan- The Camn Di rinh ha hM thr Cial Seas. 'rrrr'nlinn for tho cnlHior knui mlin Miss Lela Adams, a junior in the have spent their furloughs in the city, high school, is the recipient of a Fqster.They have spent a large sum of money inompson scnoiarsmp, wmcn is mc buying wool and knitting sweaters, hivhrst honor a student may obtain. The wristlets, socks and gloves, which scholarships are based on scholarship, have been sent to the hov in ramn character and service rendered to the) Troop 58 covered themselves with school nuaiiis is mc uaugmcr ui giory ana received a great deal ot mr. ana naams.

i praise tor their excellent demonstra te A. M. E. Zion Church, the" Rev. tion of scoutcraft on Friday night.

A Il I ii. luuiisuii, wuiui, wiin.ii wa very idrvc aiuuicncc oi interested oar- closed during the recent cold spelL has ents and friends witnessed the splen- resumed its worsntp. i ne pastor spoke did work ot the boys and gave them a at both morning and evening services liberal donation. Sunday. There was a full attendance im i he new electric lighting system the evening.

I he singing by the choir that has been placed in St. Phillio under the direction of Professor Powell Church will be completed and Used was inspiring. The -pastor made an, for the first time at the services on urgent appeal to the auxiliaries to be; Sunday, March 3. Sunday night the active and attend all meetings. The Rev.

Dr. Broughton, rector of the members and friends responded liberally Church of the Ascension, will preach to the offerine. A special after collec- Mrs. Fanny and Mary Jackson en- tion was taken for janitor work. tertained the Woman's Auxiliary this The carnival, which was in session at week at their home on bwann street.

Calvary Baptist Church during the The Auxiliary is making a set of quilts week by the choir under the direction of during the Lenten season, which they Mr Walter Hill nut maH hv Mr. Hill will sell at their Easter sale. after the Sundav evening service. Dea-' The Choir Guild will have their con Fisher was loud in his praise of Easter concert and promenade at La Mr. Hill for such excellent services Touraine Hall, Utica street, on rendered.

Wednesday night. April 3. Mist M. Carpenter, the efficient presi-l inc Misses Hurt ot Clinton street dent of the B. Y.

P. U. is ill and con- nave become members of Troop fined to her room. Girl Scouts. Ten of the girls have The receotion.

and dance eiven bv the recently passed the tenderfoot exami- Order of Elks Thursday evening, Feb. nation. 21. was well attended, making the affair Mrs. John Johnson has become a a social and financial success.

The room'valued member of the choir of St. was artistically decorated with the Elk's Phillip s. The choirmaster has a very emblem. The gowns worn by the ladies nne singer, who will also become were ot handsome creations, xuemners of larges from Rochester, Owego, EI Auburn and Syracuse were pres ent. Breakfast was served rriday tives.

Edward Jackson has gone to Troy was spent. Miss Leonora L-reen was tendered surprise party at her home on Wil- iiarifsticci recently by Mrs. James Fletcher, Misses Goldie Brown, Elizabeth Jackson and Eva Clow. The evening was spent in playing games and BAYONNE. N.

J. Bayonne, N. J. Mrs. George IU Y1311 ma 1 r.

W. morning at the Elks' quarters in State, Mills and her daughter, Miss Harriet, street. iof New York City, visited friends in tnis city on Sunday, hebruary 17. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.

LMisF- Mulford visited her aunt, Saratago Springs. N. Y. MrsJIrs Spurlock, at Cranford, on Sun- Nancy Kelley visited relatives in Troy fcr'ry last olindaV. I i.nn aitnuuc, imukw daU.

h9c 'street, has been ill. but is much better. turned from Washington, D. C.X Mr.s- John Randolph, 23 Court place, where she spent the last few months jhas been very sick. At this writing with her parents.

(she is able to attend to her domestic Miss Ida Coon left for New last week, where she. will visit rela mc- iev. ki. c. rerris, presiding elder, will hold his final quarterly corv ference of the present conference year for St.

Peter's A. M. E. Zion Church, Little Oliver Davenport is ill Drancn, pastor, at tne Saratoga Hospital. icnurcn on inursday evening, hebru- Miss Lydia Price, Miss Florence 28, at 8 p.

m. Nelson and John Nelson of Ballston n.e Rev. J. M. Branch occupied the Spa were in the city last Saturday.

al 3- meters A. M. L. ion Mrs. Kebecca Le evre was con-i uai on unaay last, ned to the house several days last I Qn Sunday, February 24, the Rev.

hv an attarb of rheumatism. K. J. Kendricks Dreached at n. m.

A puzzle social was held at the-A. at the Angelic Baptist Church, of M. E. Zion parsonage on February 20. which Rev.

J. T. Thornton is the rc- bv Mrs. Anna Norwood and Mrs. Lf.

A. Brooks, chairmen of the Do mestic and Novelty booth committees the annual fair, which will be held in the church March 16 to 23. They ere assisted bv Margaret Dougherty and Mrs. James R. Lane.

On -Thursday, hebruary si, a Mar tha Washington tea party was given the Mt. Olivet Baotist Cuhrch by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mrs. George Hadley and others.

Mrs. Nettie Miller of New York re cently spent a few days in the city ith her parents, and Mrs. John mith. Robert Cochrane is critically ill af hjs home on Nelson avenue. surprise party was given at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. James Brown hv lohnson. in honor of Miss Eva Clow. A delightful evening siding pastor. Th Rev.

H. W. Cul- bwth, of Elizabeth, offered prayer at the closing of the service. The Rev. Bailey spoke in behalf of Jhe state convention, and the advancement of young pcopic; aisu oi ine industrial College, which is to be erected at Rahway.

Mrs. Rose Kelsey of Orange attended the morning service of the Angelic Baptist Church. After sermons she visited a few of he rfriends. i ne tonicri given ior inc-c ounaay school on February 22 was quite vard, spent Saturday in Fulshing vis- iting her friends and daughter, Mrs. F.

Goddard, Sunday. Mrs. Robinson and her daughter assisted in a program, rendered by Mrs. Jennie V. Ennis.

Mrs. Goddard sang a beautiful solo and Mrs. Robinson gave a recitation. 1 RAHWAY, N.J. Rahway, N.

J. Mrs. Amanda Mitchen has returned to her home in Greenville, after a visit to her son at 86 Grand street. able sermon at the Second Baptist Church Sunday morning. The Rev.

Mr. Wright spoke in the evening. Mr. Shell is rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born last week. Johnnie Hunter has returned to his home in Maple avenue from Camp Dix.

Scott Brown has been at his home, 211 Milton avenue, visitinar his Daren ts. Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

Brown. ine uunbar Improvement Club of, the Second Baptist Church met at theO residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. Edgars, Edgar street, Thursday afternoon.

-After business refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchen of Grand street are enjoying the advent of twin boys. They have been named wurus ana iurne.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bailey of Main street had the Rev. A. Wright to ask God's blessing over three of their children on last Sunday afternoon.

The children are Hamilton Diston Bailey, godfather, C. Moor-head, and godmother, rMs. E. Edgar; Dorothy Bailey, godmother, Mrs. Thomas Smith; Alma Bailey, godmother, Mrs.

E. L. Brown. After the ceremonies supper was served. Those present were: Mrs.

T. Smith, Mrs. D. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs.

C. Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Mr.

and Mrs. C. Maize, Mr. and Mrs. E.

L. Brown, Mrs. K. Holmes, Scott and William Brown, the Rev. P.

D. James, the Rev. A. Wright, G. Harvey, Louis and Thomas Brown, Alma and Doro- tny uaiiey, Hamilton, Lenwood and Eddie Bailey.

Mrs. S. Magaskill and son Benjamin have returned to Rahway. PASSAIC, N. J.

Passaic, N. J. The social given bv the stewards of Bethel A. M. E.

Church on Lincoln's Birthday at the home of Mr. and Collins, was well attended and a neat sum was re- alized. On Sunday afternoon, March 3, Mrs. Susan Kvles will give a sacred concert in Bethel Church. Miss Alice Russell of Montclair was the guest for two days of Mr.

and rc 17 Quite a large number of the loyal and patriotic citizens of Passaic attended the entertainment given by Unit No. 2. Circle for Negro War Re lief, Thursday evening, February 21, at Paterson. An excellent program was rendered. Miss Mamie Williams is back again after a short visit South.

JERSEY CITY, N. J. Jersey City, N. J. At Salem Baptist Church last Sunday Pastor R.

Jud- kins preached- morning and evening to large and enthusiastic aduiences. Many visitors and strangers were seen in the congregation. The pastor, on behalf of the church, thanked them for their presence and support. The Sunday School was well attended at 1.30 p. m.

The B. Y. P. U. at 6.30 p.

m. held a very interesting session. The topic for discussion was "A Typical Missionary Ser mon." The B. Y. P.

U. choir rendered good jnusic. On account of the coat shortage, the weekly prayer meetings are held around in the various homes of the members. W. F.

Snapp and Thomas Snanp have returned from Dandridge, where they were called to the bedside of a sick mother. Miss Beulah Spencer was buried from Cannish undertaking parlors February 25. A large nuroher of friends were present. Miss Rubv M. Davis and James Edwards were married in Pastor Judkins study hebruary 26, at 8 p.

m. Mrs. Lottie C. King has charge of the Sunday School choir and will train the Sunday School children in the Laster music. Pastor Junkms will fill his pulpit next Sunday and serve communion at 3 p.

in. ASHEVILLE SCHOOL OF DESIGNING AND DRESSMAKING New French System taught where pupils can cut all the latest patterns by tape measure. Employment given to those, who desire to remain in Asheville. Correspondence Course completed in three weeks. Open all year round.

MRS. AGNES L. KEMP, Principal Biltmore Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Formerly of Brooklyn, N.

Y. THE AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SESSION Fall Term Begin September 1. 1917 THREE STRONG DEPARTMENTS: AGRICULTURAL, MECHANICAL AND ACADEMIC SHORT PRACTICAL COURSES OF THREE MONTHS Maintained by the Government! of North Carolina and of the United Statea. Special training for teachers nf vocational subject. Board, Lodging and Tuition, $9.00 per Calendar Month.

For Catalog and further information, adrirexs PRESIDENT DUDLEY. A. T. Cr'lf Greensboro, 8..

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