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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 3

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ftlESAOA, RANGE STAGE. STARTING TO THE MINES rxio Home of the Hematite, Likew ise of Chart and tee resume rise squirm, A March Dar Excursion Under the Eye of Ursa Major: Lrnrnfd Gealogitt; Talka Enter-taininIy af Ore True Tale. What One 8eea WhiltpMaing Through the Great Beaaemer Or Segiani of If inOMOtaV (oimrjrosiiic ortai Bandana. Dclcth. March 11802.

It ipn't the unal thing for wells rs in the lower latitudes to com up bera totha I siur City aa mar raaltsr of diversion at this period of tba yaar. Albe-t. I was on of a party of gentlamen -lio braved Boreas and invadd THI UltOrtUt KiJOt 1 In the light of March crescent noon that st-t like diadem on th brow of tba lofty fines. ere bent on miaaiona of deep scisn-life research, aomo wera out for mere ad- venture, while atill others incased their limbs in Osrmansockf and 'enveloped their pedui extremities in arctics, in aearob of solid, bard cash. Well to-day in the biassed calm of the Sabbath, looking out upon tba untalted ara that here extend from tba center of the universe to the unsounded depth of tit vast aao cwivsansx cutsowK, From the parlor windows of tbe Brighton compared notes, and each and all of us were satisfied with our observation and ex-durations.

The profound scientist could tell you that it was here or hereabouts that tbey laid tbe srchtiic foundstiOH of this mundane sphere, buttressed (ore and aft with lieesemer ttsfuty-ina t4 Per and painted with red and brown hematites that dissolved, into the yellow ochre of Lndiart aoM. The adventurous gentlemen eonld tell yon about the aisantu white jack rabbit wbich huI I have a bahiVatien and a name in the sterns! fastnestet of tba Mesaba range, and diva TOP P-tRKUHO BIKTS Of slaving moose along the confine of Em-barrau ake, tiotwlthstanding the law impose a tine of KOO for feloniously shooting at one til tli gentle critters. It may be said iu extenaatinn of the law. however, that for forty and two years there ha not besn aon viottou. Lot ua pause and moose over tlii thing.

I t.s CBpl'Jilint. ths graplnaman of roeney. Vihil perhaps somewhat sordid in tbeir Iims and end, were glib of tongue and an-odious in praise of wbat they had seen. There was a inetallio ring in their voices, and they were wliliafto go pack to IHX OLD aPAkTSM BASIS OV CUaSKHCT. Kicept tnat crucible steel instead of pur-iro should be the legal tender of Ibe realm.

How generous one become when be is in on the around of a monopoly! iua bad in axe aside, the sights that on see on the srett Menaba Range are about a pear the vera ol the incredible aa a devout Hard Haotist can approach and maintain bis baptist can approach and maintain 1 lredeeund serenity i re.ief.unsa aerenity. 1 refer, of course, to the great iron deposits of tbe region, for that is all people are talking about np here at this time. now mucn is mer in inia Bira incwiim nriit. wbich I sn mil mare fully describe bre- siter. do yoa akr mer.

do yo 1 nhll tin Hunarrui loxeu yoa, wtnu tin tint iri.t aii Mil inf nnkinii tion upon th memory of tb late ill. Aa-auias. Figure give on but a faiat Idea. But if you will mm lo give ma tea cents a ton lor all the reus man sudi iibiui wa That can be mined from a singls section of acres of laud. 1 will make Cipoinuatl a pr-sent ol fuaOOO and raura with as big a bank account aa Crasus.

Will this vst niiasral deposit aver pa util-izetl in a commercial way The answer to that question is further along. I am speekiae only of the things that exiau AVhat advaouga may oa taken of them is, of Course, in abeyanee. Ihesa Mnai artit diaeoverlea. lying Ilka the bed of soma ancieat Factolean river a ros this part af the continent, serve only to emphasis th endless and boundless pose ibiiuis of our Km pi re. 1 he ulp from ibis oitr to the Msabe Iron Range, sonis fifty or seventy-five mi lee north Of hare, was participated in by a number of gentlemen, and was immensely snioyed.

There 1 to gauca that must bo said a fertmal way in ArraoACRise tub snajacr Thst th more vivacious dstalla can not bo giva in my opeaina letter. well aa every place alee, you Trm.t Hr.lH.lnk wAta Mhhil mail ltarird cunroet yonrbroth. The eeid and formal ds- scriptlpn, precede the lighter ostitllsof the rl through the, snowy soli-tude of th Pine forest. ovr froxen lakes and trout strsaan locksd.ln th solid em brace of two or lb re teetjef 1 brace of two or three teet of lee. past th wig- wama oi tba red man ana along pne vistaa that seem to ttretok root th ritera to the Out party was taken no from Pulatb to Mttab biation in th privaM ear of CArrAiv oatATsmoaa.

Where bob-sled stage war waiting to take uadeep inio tbe wooded rangea. where she great ere beds ware to be found. Every-wher front th station to th mine Provision train were ta eneantered going to and fraini lha mlnlaa eamns conveying tn neosiisary nroviaions lor tba! 1.5U0 or tM sturdy men ployed oa th range, most lsrmy developing and testing tn ore llk -I lh. Iimi linaa off the new railroad witb lbTr lateral bra nche uiuviu panelrav ta tuirmviui ua Th mining ore thafta and tha 1 nan MKk Mmntlm aatiidv. which Will elaborated farther alone iu thU correipond- snr lber notblag like gsttiag at tHBTXCHSllAuTlSS JVben you give a ao at this point I shall utillje -Prof.

Horace V. lacbelU Ue Assiatant ttale Geologist of Mlnnn.tfi. Tell ma. 1. tUl irtll ll general and particularly tb gr-t.

iroa blt ttiat bispcts till portion of tha the fruiemur is a wonderful and be Proceeded te enliinieo a grouo nera. said he. i one of the tuort n.mnd- ant eUmsnwol ih earth's cru-i. Itocrur ia aarea il.iv nf oH and In rocks of all geoiotticel forioatioi 1 haexide of ir.m entitiii from to rr eent pf i. THE MESABA ail ol enr eomnion rot'ka, mil ii amount to more tii.i-i per cent, tire ervat iiih n.i, Jronrn oxygen, oar lion, nr.

r-en i Silicon and ei 'w minm I ruwtwrif i- ii- i I'm or: laeoin i i the wi. i the Dm. uatad to tbf 1 Willi -1 noriis. a ion. onv rank from on that proving tU n.Vi,C beatUeUrOWM.

entr inio t-he blood of the human D7 na Imparl, iniiu and visor, ion it in a Nation's indu-r'' end arroduct- eernmrrelal prosperity end Although ia liietno-x VB.nnbl jntl we have. It la to irvaniorr aura, live metals, gold and silver, what tii gret ofi b.viy of the middle cuwtra in otiir, tl. productive laboring ar the ulthr and arteioeretie elae which atiaerb and hoard aMtuo- "i Tn ln of ertirt more. completely disintegrate and devour it verv rapidly. Por thia reason neiiv or nieiallic iron la rare occurrence in the rock of the esrtu cruwt, while oxide of iron is In tvtir ir am of watar and rrd of nh.

ra ertain and aotoaicai laws wtilcn aovaru lha eoncaatration and le-itipn of iron ora, and a kaowlatiaa of ehaiuietry and aanlocy lndiipana-abla to any ona wrha would prediet wiin certainty- tba occurrence ol ora In any local-nr. Theaa laws and condition appear to hera ber mot fully aiitiad in tbe early day of tba worllblury, and hence tba moat extanaive and valuable depoaiu of iron or. araloand in the ancient Archaean and Tmeon ic rcke world oer. It abould not be a matter of eurpriae to any ona te nod laow Oka ta yoiTfiBRf I I II IT. I IV I For there a treat extent of territory.

amouniinx to wjm titan lO.OOOaqnar ocruDiMi bv the rot-Urn tHmlrn nare nmea. l'rerioaato IMS, a eenloeitt. Colonel 4 harli hittlreey. Hted Vermilion and Lrab ra Lakes in prtrl-eallern Jtlinnetota. ar mat ton.

narlea Xl i an from tba tnera observance of theae rncL; aluionati he aaw no iron ere. iaid: 'I mull be disappointed ii workable iron oredoea not exlat witbia such adiHtaneetif the lake lau-perior) a to render it practical it is tne province oi ine loiri it to in dicate tbe area occupied by th diiierent aeo-loaical forntatioii and to. atete In what rvaiona tbe proper conditions exist for the occurrence of natural wealth. It la tbe bui-i-hm of the explorer toapoly tbeaa direciiona and to aeareb for the ore depoeita. For several yearn pat the Minnesota aeolotieal aar-vey has proclaimed, in its report the mine i probability of the discovery or mer-ebantable, deposits of ore on tbe Meaaba ranae.

and yet upon the (ulMllmenl of thea prediction the quetion ia dauy presented. 9 I I 7 miTI (V4 mil II1ICUT' 1 rence of tbese orea may anucipata aocb questions a thas and furnish a solution to others or a Ilka nature. 1 hat tha deposits are remarkable both in extent and in quality 1 ad nut lea on all reason to become aomawnat excited over the discovery of so much wealth, bidden for so long and yet to near tbe snriace 01 tb ground that tbe Overturn Ing of a forest mon- trchinaiala revealed th solid bed of or eneath bis roots. 'The rocks to whieh these ores belong and In which they are foend are of the same axe as the iron-bearing rocks, in New York and Vermont, and are called Taconie from the mountains by that name in vvestern ew England. They mark the dawn of life on tb globe, and qonsist of strata ofqaartxite.

jaspcryor and quarlsitoand slate. mixel witb more or less greenish volcanic material. These beds were all PKPOriTkD IB A OCBAV. Having for its floor and ft northern shore tbe green schist sua granite which are now found rising in ridges just to tbe north of the mines. The erosion or wearing away of these ana Other ridges furnished tbe quarts, mud and oxide of iron which now constitute lha strata of the Taconie.

Being deposited on tbe southern slope of th nil gee aoove msntionea. toe ore ana jasper and associated rocks sloped or dipped lo the rrtuth. This dip may have been increased atar in some localities by other causes, sinoe it is sometime as high as 6J. After the deposition of tnese rocks th ocean, subsided, leaving the order of stratification rrom toe oottora upwara as represented in tha figure, araenatona. auartxite.

iaaoerv quaruite and ore. slaty quaruite and black slate. Tbe next aotlon was a wearing away of the slates. Theae were soft and were re. moved by ordinary eroaiea, perhaps assisted by glacial acuoa.

The original beds of or were not so uniform and Bursas tbetarsnow. Tbey were intcrbedded with seams and layers of quaruite and Jasper, mid were themselves more or less lltceou- But tbe bleb dip of the rocks and the porens nature ef the underlying quaruite. added perhaps to tbe Firesence of considerable carbonate of iron the original sediment, sooa combined to rw wi iron are some roDiponndof run wtthexygen. This latter la tba n.ou abundant of si eiameuta. and erf of orcr "Is it not a remarkable thing- to find it in such poult ion and so totally liferent from tbe Vermilion ranter brief deacrtutinn of tha node AMnr.

SCAR-NOSE CHARLEY AND -MIS BOYS RETURNING FROM CHASE, allow turf ace trn filter dowir into and through I lis rock. (Allowing at hrst th line of conUci between the Taconia bed and the nnasrlyiaa green chist- This moist-ur earnd witlr it mors or lea enrtxn.ic acid, wbwu tM-eai the wower of diatolvinc paid of iron and aiiica as sugar is dikolved in water, and auxin denosits tliera on ration ex coroiur In contact with oth nni ha results of such a her eolation rF aortal watfn. long. Continue hi tb rninral the silica Irani the ruction tli greeneten slope, down into tbe lower level, and the purirteauon and enlarsement of the amount af oxidaof iron already rtwnt lhis action 1 found In umlnuni7 to hsv proceeded upward from the green srhit enursly through the imp ur orejr aud into tb evBatTtw cuctii pbipt. In other places the sltsrution hss not proceed el isr.and there is a capping ef th orumul s'tietion IsriT Stul ltt on top ot th ore.

Ibis eaoonntered in nr. erai of the worKinni. end when penetrated the or pee i 1 beneath Tt. (here is an i'i evioen, i ta ai'tio of water in pearl eerr -t P.I fr 1 ort of tn i re i J. an contain from to 4 per leukit i i chemical compooi- deprita cf iron I fn In i i tt i'1-um- afe fulfilled is the lae to exrt the laraeai nf ore.

Ilint eondmrtna Binjr be brerly stated as irU. lb prnte I aoonio tw ki tweoad. ibir dcixsHum a slop of tli older rMtes aranite. "hird. the uniform pontinnity of tbia alooe over a considerable distance at a rather biajt dip.

Fonrth. the absence any areat tbick-DfM of black slates or rabro upon lb of the original ore-bearioa strata. "The Qnention may bV asked where these appear to bs been meet luily compiird with. This is difficult te answer at the present acace of devetopatent and without a careful examination of toe entire ran re. It is also manifestly impossible to CO into a diacustion of the locatioa and proe- rcu ol all tbe mioee aow being opened, bat (nay ear that I wan immediately impressed with the favorable situation of tbe) ana Cincinnati 1 bs areen aebist oot-erop to tba north, and lyinc upon it are the strata of the I soonie jasiiery auartstte and ore.

The beds dip to the south and maintain an uninterrupted slope for a considerable distance. Moreover, tbeiVie bnt a trace of tbe btankalatea reraainix.ana tbe norvnern edge of the gabbro overtfow is several luilee to the soulb-eaet. FasetnaT. along tn tba aoutn-west. following tbe line of the green aebist outcrop, lavorable een-ditians are seen in many places, and from tbe contoar of tbe country, although not much of tbe aeoleay can, be seen with a foot snow on tbe gronnd.

I shonld. tbinkthat m-re ore is likely pa be found in township 58-17 than in -16. Thia is enly aa opinion, and ia quite nnrtaio. while the work already in Sa-14 make it a certainty tbat iarsa bodies of ore exist there. "the exint of development is not yet very great, but roost of the explorations so far have been rewarded by encouraging results, and in work of test pitting baa been prosecuted at a comparatively low expense.

This is due to the general absence ol water and tbe softness of the ora and tbe superjacent alacial material. "The rapid ioorease in the market price of the stock of these various companies is well calculated draw out ail the speculative and gambling instincts of men natures, and tbe radical dirt'erenee in temperament and natural prudence is well displayed mi ha ex-mim! rmvd that daily throngs the offieM if Fthe various companies, the hotel lobbies and even extend out into the street. rue least prunent invest quicaiy tn ne stock ol aay company tnat is en ina tnar' at a low ii a sure, au 10 or 12 percent, of the capitalization, regardlesa of what that asay be. iibont. malting any investigation into the organization of the company, tbe extent gna location oi its property or in nature oi tbe lease or fee and royalty to be paid, they buy simply because they hope tbe stock wiil increase ia price from ten to twenty cents on the dollar and they will double their money.

It may be ibt there has not been a bole fen feet deep sunk on th land: it is possibl that mere never win oe. nut. to use a. common expression, every thing goes, aad thus far theprices have gone np. loose who are mo iiinr nrnH mnk i nan It Into tne various points mentioned above, iney are able to tell, if you ask them, how much property a company controls and whether it is held ona lease or in fee.

They know where th land is situated and something Of the prospects of finding ore on it. This class ot investors is well pleased to buystock ii companies like tbe Detroit or the Towanna which have not done any work yet. but which have several forties well located and which show that tbey mean business and have confidence in their property by build ing permanent camp ana setting A LA RUB CREW OP MXM At work. When a sends in supplies for six months it looks as though there would soma work done there, and so tha stock of such companies is in double demand. "The most conservative investor, however, who rarely apeculatea.

or who. If be does, wants the nearest thing an absolute certainty that can found in tbe apeeulativ line, turns hi attention to companies like the Cinclnnan and Blwabik. where there is already enough ore in eigbt to warrant a higher figure tnan the stock has yet reached. Tbe percentage of Drotit may not be quite ao great, but it is bis belief that meaey inveeted in aucb stock purchases a fair equivalent, and be knows that the slock represent a real, not a probable ora possible, value." These ar the hard-pan views of tba pel-ntist. but they have a magic effect on colder-hearted capital which ia going rapidly into investments.

I met Colonel A. E. Humphreys, ef th firm of A. Uumpbrey Co aud asked bim: "What is going to be the outcome of this new mining movement in this district?" "Well, lbsrdly know how to answer that question. There ia NO BHD TO TUB TlSrs Of iron and steel aa our civilisation the demand ia growing constantly.

We have here in the Mesaba rang a practically limitlesssappir of th beet grade of besaemar ore, cheaply prudaeed-asd readily converted. Ve do not monqoolixe tke iron production of the country, bet we will compete Paying terms witb an ether seenon. and have coetiau demand for oar orea until ottning tag tu place of iron and steel. But! should be pleased if you would geovertheCin-Cinaati. I hnriesien.

Chicago. Camdea. Kauai wha. PitLbor. iaiisspolis.

Twin Citv. lii Ballard and adjoining properties, and eive a straightforward etimaia of tbeir poasibiiir thia it will allerd tbein great pleasure to furnish any on with information conorniug thcity of Dubith and varied inMrei. lb firm i compoeed of tbe a nrhtaat and snout pushing man in the Zuith nr. This letter is sutpfd to end in tbe heart nf i tie Cincinnati fining Cam p. Coiouel af Covii gtoa.

tke foreground vainly trying to bit a Pit aquimi Willi It rock. 'i be cook has just blown the born for din, per. Oood-br. A. T.

1'. P. Hon iiiature Oehberattrn I iei re In ray tti at I ilrw lh I irn in, 1. HUT 1 -114. I I shall do.

bnt net to-dav. aa I have already exhausted more aoao than cx- Ibe tirut ef iiumphrey Co. baa heavy intents nn tha range, but aside fmi t.i a i rl I i toati.rvl V.fiir Iiik. n. -e k.

Aa THE ENQUIREIl, CIKCIKlTATIv TTJESDAT, UAUCH 8. 1CP2? (EY-IIOTES Struck at a Thoiiiaiid Points, TancUoff to lTa7 Cboro Wiatiar Qirlsg to tha VoTliTlmmjii The Enquirer, Many Important Happenings. weaaral Ceart aTrws, AeeUeata ef Kan eg Oessso.msBse, ast Oeearrtaa tig. Tarlad sTatara. Bfaael.

lallwa OLD WATTHSAff OtnTS. Vpgcta. March 7. Emanuel Rich, aged 84 years, died here last evening. Be had been resident for half century, and for fifteen years was a watchman atttorrBurson banking bouse.

7 HepltlBSTille Keatneky. PIkP 1ST AX AgYLUBT. Hopxixsviixx. March 7. Isaao Pupny.

tormttlr a prominent citizen of this county. and for tb past year an inmate of tha Wt- Lunatic Asyinm.neer this city, died at that Institution last night of erysipelas, aged 66 years. BUIaswrw, Ohlav. lAMtx'l SDPPgB PSATK. Hills so ao.

March 7. Hon. John A. Smith. President of the First National Bank of this place, died auddenly at 8 o'clock thi morn ing from apoplexy.

He waa aged about 71 year. ereeaeaaU, Indiana. -ij: BUBO LAST. GaBgnoAflTLg. March 7.

Burglar entered tbe residence of John McXaryat Fillmore last night while tbe was at ehnrcb and atole over am) which tbey found in a bureau drawer. McNary sson is tbe village roetmaster. and part of tbe stolen treasure belonged to tbe Post-office fund. EvajiavUle, ladlaaa. olp cmzgff GOBS.

Evaxstillx. March 7, Mr. Christian Deck er, tha oldest German citizen of Evansville. died Isst evening pnemuonia. II was in the eighty-third yearpf hia age.

and eame to this city nfty-bve year ago. lie was a mem- Kr oi tne nrst oara pi k-bioi irneteea. ana since held severafj dices of trust in tbe waa- waul. Itatlev, I Indiana. vrxDisiD lw ixnoTt, UCTLta.

March H. Evana, whoa homo ta in and who baa charge of a gang ofeoolored men building anew railroad, struck one of his men named 'harlea Tanner over tbe bead witb a billiard cue, from tha attest I which beoiedtnis evening, imnnri home i in Atlanta, (ia. bvana was. taken to Auburn Ji Jail lor sale- keeping. 11 baa been beating but men every cuance no gok ana was cunsmereo a aunger oua roan.

raatord, Ratnfcy. A BAP CASB. FtAvroao. Marcb 7. Mrs.

Jame Weslsy Wilober waa deelared fnaan in Judge Var- non'a Conn to-day by a jury. Her cane la an exceedingly sad one. as she eave birth ta a child only week ago and has three others wua are too young voiatecareoi tnemneives. Tn tronoia wiut aira. wucner originated several years ago.

and she has been to the asylum three times. Pbe was ordered tbsrr again to-uay py uags arnon. tMlk Ckartestea. Oble. HI OOT om IT PY1WO MAT0B.

Satrrii CgABLisToir. March 7. Alfred Ptroup met witb a various accident while ex sreising a horse at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Presley yesterday.

The animal feel- ine frWkv kicked the bov In the itamuh knocking bim senseless. Dr. Collins being cauea nnaiiy reatorea tiim to consciousness, and the patient will recover. Hon. Win.

J. Hudson, Mayor of this city, who ha for some days been seriously sick, is stui aiive. put is considered to be in a dying condition. 'f-o ti ire A. bradfnrd has Van id.

pointed by Conncil ae temporary Mayor, and win serve in tnat capacity. I ClarksvtU. Ten OLD OOVFLa OIB TOOBTBBB. ClasxsvillsJ March 7. A coincidence is tbe death of ia vry old couple of tb Eighteenth District of Montgomery County.

a their demiaa occurred only three day apart. Several days ago tb dath of J. Underwoop. aged V2 rears, waa reported, and now. three days later, bis wife dies, aged Tit.

is aged couple were married January ii, 1829L living -together aixtv-thrae rear, and celebrating onit a number of wedding anniversaries sfter their golden on. They reared eight children, and ell survive them. Tbe lives ot tnes peopi wera speot in tins coun ty entirely. Tlflla, Ohlev TBB CBACT PKOntSSOR CSIBIWAL ArVAIBS. Tim.

March 7. Prof. Emil Reicbelt. who created the disturbance in St. Paul M.

E. Church yesterday, ia in the County Jail awaiting a hearing en the charge of lnnacv. He came here from Cleveland, and tba au- tnoritiea oi mat citv win oa asgea ia rag care ef bim. Charles Dunn, arrested for eomplieitr tn th th Post-orBce burglary last Friday night. Rom una reisjueo.

ae toe perpetrator, rrana eon an. eonfessaia that be did the job alone, Koonan has been turned aver to th Faderl authorities god was taken to Toledo for trial this evening. Michael Hickey. a ratlroader. was arrested to-night charged with robbing a jfeLlow- worainan oi a tew aoiiars.

riadtay, Ohio. Boeca iAarrgB. Fix plat, March 7. Judge Johnson went to Bowling Green thia morning to preside over th Common Pleas Court in the trial of tb State of Ohio vs. 8.

P. Tbe defendant eame to Bowling Green two or tbre rears aao aad began tb practice of law. pro uuoidb a ceriineate oi aamiasion to tne Par signed by the Clerk of tbe bap rem Court of Ohio. On account of some crooked practices the Question came no aa ta hot her ha waa ver reeilv admitted, and aa investigation of the Clerk'a records showed that bo sash eer-tifioute had ever been iasued to such a man. McKniabt bad either stolen a blank certifies or had got held of ona belonging to sous other attorney.

Hawesrlll, Kaatacky. kscsrip rusoBXB. HawxsvtLLg. March 7. Jesse Marlowe, wba was brought here Saturday frem Batesville.

charged with ernbezxlement. baa escaped from the officers. He waa arraigned before ndge Tabor Saturday on a warrant of tha incinnati Can I Vim nan e.hanri him with erabexsling tiOOO. Th case wss postponed ntiui ssonoay in oraer to seenr aoent wiu neasa. Vpu agreeing to pay ex pens he waa allowed to stay under guard at the honseef tb Sheriff natil tbe trial.

Sheriff Baker and Marshal Bollington were an ointed to smard biro, Tby stayed with im until early yesterday morning, when tullington went bom, hhortly after, while laker a hark waa turned. MirlAa. tbe door and escaped to tbe woods. Ornjeers are hot on his trail, and Hut) reward is otSered tor his capture, 1 Wooater. Oble, IBPICTMBRTa, Woostxb.

March 7. Tb grand Jurrv which cnnolnded its tabor last owning, found the following Indict meats: William Svitler. two for burglary, one for highway robbery Dora Swart, two for larceny, two for highway robbery, two for burglary; Harry Hoffman, burglary and highway robbery: George nooimea. onrBiary ana larcenyt itoger Mnrahv. nnrglarvi Martin llrannn r.w...

Pieking; Dr. barlee Ayiesworth and Dick Voooek, etabbvtig with intent kill. Tbe tnree nrst namea win pieaa guilty to a eerie nf tb mt daring crime committed here in yearv on crime being that of forcibly entering th bom -el an aged anal and uni of Swart, and bcoana the old people woaid not give ua tneir money Kaat thaai inseesibility and lit tham for dead. T)r. Charles Ariesworth ia the Cleveland pby- iotaa who.

while en a viait to his parents in Mirer, stabbed Robert oweil seven times because to well objected to Ayleeworth'a ao ten tion to hia daughter. Ariesworth being a married man. Cewsil nearly died from the wound inhicted. a With ta Wtdww. sntciAt.

niarATcw sum Banciasa. Tbexosrowx. Ohio. March 7. Burt Specr.

ct Greuill. Penn sen of livery man here, and Mrs. Dor Corns toex. a charming young window of eloped to Jamestown. N.Ust lharsday, where tbev were married, ard iben went to New York on a bniaJ trip.

Mrs. is a daughter of t'baxle Kudolpa. resiaint here. Ix-c orember her buKnd.a railway empli killed iu the lennsrlvania yard. I lt w-eic th fumaany setllcd tb cave.

her tila, a.ter tne seu't-. tibewioow and oer uecided on a qust aoroax tn tUable linrae, Rit'TBrxo. Onto, March Tbe Jivery and feed stable of Garver Bros, was destroyed by tr this evening. Insoraace. $0M, Llefclg Company's Ei tract o( Beet' 1 la wttfcnesa aci.

d.setta ZIOLE-HIU, 0ela aweuew Te a fiaa aliad Jgeaataia aty araciax. navew ve ram awaorama. Valtakaiso. I bp March 7j Tba activity oi organizers in recruiting Lb reeks of tha order ef tb Patriotic Sops of America errata no little indignation among Catholics, who look upon tha organisation as asm ace to their personal libertiea, Tha feeling of antagonism la becoming very witter. The dis-nnaiuaa af th enter in maar laeaiitiea to enter pell tic it is feared will result ia the at mastcemplateeateanaementot the relations ex tstiae between Protestants and Catnelica.

James Caldwell. a preraineat Irish-Ameri-ean of South Bend, in a letter to tbe Press, of tnat city, snakes us ot tnese vigorous terms: "if any good American citizen will take the trouble to inquire be will find that tbe Vafrintia liaai a niarva are nan of 1 nan Orangemen who used to amuse themselves op th 12iU of July in Ireland by burning Catholic- Chorebea and shouting "Te I with tb and anould a war break put with Great Britain tbeir allegiance would be doubtful tt tbe stars and stripe Caldwell 'a letter has created considerable feeling. i ADMIRAL 8EMMES WII)OW Die aa 34 Ol Ata-Tt tsrvivtsf SPBCtAI. PiarATCW TO TBTS BWV1BBB. LotJiSTiLLB, Kt Marcb t.A Private tale- gram announces tnat Mrs.

Anns tsemnies. widow of the late Admiral Semmea. wbo commanded tha Confederal cruiser Ala bama during th war. died at noon at her borne in Mobile to-day. hbe was a noted and worthy woman and had reached aa advanced age.

For several months she had been fading away. anna week ago it became evident that only a few days could intervene before 4ath lensned. Mrt. tiemmes has numerous frirnds and sev eral relatives in thia eity. Mrs etemmaa six children are: Judge O.

J. feemmea. of the Alabama bench: Jadgetipencer bemmes. oi rkansas: Mrs. tern me toision.

oi stp- le, and Kaphaai bam ma. Mrs. L.UI t-. right and iMre. Charles B.

Bryan, all of Mempbia. 1 A LYNCHING May Bej Qtiietly Arranged. Charle a Colored Brgtt, ArreeU4 tn Craal Asaaalt. rsait BisrAvnat ve si ssacn. l.

Mt. Stbbliho. Kt- March 7- Th arrest of Charles Wilson, an paly colored man. this morning, on a chare of raotng a nine-year-old colored girl named. Sallie Harrison on the farm ot Joan Owinga.

this county, brings to light a moat horriblftjalepf cruelty and suffering. About week ago last Thursday night when the Harris girl and her slater were alone in tbe house. Wilson Came ia and commenced taking liberties witn Sallie. tbe eldest, aa nnnaually bright girl. She resisted, when Wilson, who is a powerful brute, threw her on tbe bed and by force and threats suo-oeeded in accomplishing her ruin.

Tb airfi sifter came to her resent, bat wa knocked down by a heavy iron poker in th hands of Wilson, who threatened to kill her. Having finished his work, ilrton left, after threatening to kill the if either made any mention of the affair in any way. riallie bore her rfu tiering in silence until last night, when sheitold her mother the whole story. A physician waa hastily summoned and an examination made which confirmed tb girls story. Before this no one suspected any thing- wrong.

Th girl a mother came to town and bad a warrant sworn out for Wfl-aon' arrest on a charge of rape. He waa ar- rted abont 10 clock thia morning py omer -m tiogera, orongut to town ana loagea In Jail. Wilann dame the charge, bnt the artrla ar positive he ia lying, and no amount of ques tioning has mad them deviate one Jot from heir first statements. The colored peoole in tKa nctahrwhnnd ar eraatlv exoitad. and had the trouble become known sooner.

Wilson would have now been dangling from a As iti. a lynching be may not be an improbable thing. The girl are daughters of respected aolored people, ilsoa eame to Mr. Owinas' place from Virginia, aad baa been at work lor mm since cnristuiaa. TERRIFIC WINP3J Pestrey Several ftoasa Kill aVg Fer.

ens at Usaen. Liubok. March 7. Tb hurrican which passed over the Portuguese Coast yesterday did much damag to property and to tbe harbor work A number of bouse wer unroofed, ehimnnya blown down and trees Six person who were pasai ine along tne (tree's were ltruca or nr- Inn d1 sbrls and killed, a number or others were snore pr leas seriously, injured by tbe tailing oricke. tiies.

ore, in mv bricks, tiles. Ac, the ver irTagua. it which in some pjacee ba ia already overflowed lis Dan aa. coil ii nu es to rise raoldly to rise rapidly and rru lire a Lea a eonai inreatea ennsiderable damage, ibe river is full of driftwaod, and navigation of tbe stream has become so bacardoua tbat few. if any.

vessel attempt is. LOCAL XOTIClaa. a1-' cut a ooop- don't go. It tA "Gilt Edae" Bottled Ber from the Jobn Kaufiman Brewing Company tbat 1 tb finest and best brewed beer In tha market. mbe-6tod "CorQ He "rwn'f froneAioJ Trocket" are used with advantage to alleviate Coughs.

Bor Throat. Hoarseness and Bronchial ABeo tion. Sold only in boxes. aT-XB Gilt Edge BoUled Beer is only brswed and bottled br the John Kaufiman Brewing Company. It baa bo equal.

Label copyrighted. ah-6tod arif you have a cough don't delay. It is dangerous. Piao's Cor for Conaumptioa will cure you. Guaranteed.

All druggist. Zta. aWrVf llJt a Alit stand. 2S3 Wtai Sixtb. and at tb new.

Si Weat rourm street, -y aea-Ttn "Ph it lips' DiQBSTtaLt Cocoa A very nutritious drink for children. r-old Whiky.J Thobald. t7 W. FUth at inofr-mThSadutni aWAaxpsxB-BrscH beer at Th lily's. arwa-ratt'e "Art.

M7 Walnotopp. P. O. tmhS-tfl tOHWalnnCCiB.Ca.Co..ri,l. 5o.

TaLiat, Bo3a-tf SPECXAI. nonets. Caletaeal ManaalavITonr first armism medals swnrded. liora aaTree- able to tne taste and smaller dote tban other magnesia. or sal in bottle, only, with United ritatae Govern mens registered label attached, without which none is genuine.

At druggists and eon a trr star. aii.od-22t aaaad P-taaea. wttst til IB a rw la. KumMd table eovera. 90 eenta: atamaed doylies.

lOcantsI Sew shade In wash ambroid, ery silks, initials and monograms design in stamping just received. yimaa. ay, avacw. STEM CUtm Claaaas Maparnty. Bean.

ifut tin ts preserved, and odorless. Call at ti. kxbb oinoe, a w. oorto m. armg falaia Koral).

ren ft lor price list. aayrvtw aad rla.lawat R. Walker. Vv J. H.


V. aula Mao aav Mntb. To-Mrhi'a aabiaet. "'I ttcvaa-fal: Kaaaraol atao. Pabtle taviMd.

MIAMI LOD6S. K'i r. ADA.H.-Bpeta! mtlng Il ISBAV. Marcb TJ ax. wk la AC K.

Vlaltar ecrdially Invitee. w. sr. sr. H.

at. Soak wry. aaste-l a Mr Ml MAS CHAPfit a l-aaelal meet-log TMia kV I-o at worg la it. A. Dgr.

Vhviturs weicons. D. H. J.OI lt.AHEfJijIlt,H.r. N-oTtc to cATcH-BAenr ownst-TBar will Na a Betlig of awor el aaleb aaata at weat xr aiau tvkiut mmur, Marca Aasluata'atoaa.

A saU auaaeaace ja air. STATkD BtEKTISO LargYKTTS LODOS Nt SI. r. sd A. IVUiikO, atarea mt, uti wun Innt.

less K. pevaoiww. po y. mbeXtb i Tanien rili. txjpoK.

r. 1 laaaiiaa 1 'Hia A.VKSI: a. vtsi.iu. Work K. a.

aad f. C. Viaivuealavlwd. faavit W. Hmmr.W at.

WAIKTJT nH.La F. iHD A. naeuag VAD AT Va-M- Xft. Mure tjo erojacg. 1 a iam.

w. ut-xs. w. mu BTJTXTJZ1VO JtSSOCXATXOH. PHE Alpha Building an4 Irsa Compaay A.

rcii meetioa eoraiuuitoa irTsDAY.iusrcns. Iu It. IGvjVJkO. Pre a. 1 moiils.

CATATTVT. f1 Tines resnedy Ctarra la Ibe i f-. a- rhMiw i I i ,1 i i vr -u fcjr eiad, i t-- i-'i'. J.j---- THE Gta For ike SpUndtd Trade HVre Having in CARPETSi CURTAii GOODS, RUBS, Gc. TOTTLl know'uds Ubereil Stocks the Beet of Goods, La test Styles (maoy of whloU era) onflood to us here), avadlaow.

Safe, Honeet Prices Oenriiiie, OTerflowlnar Values. 0HIFJIT1L, WILT05, Moouett. Body and Tapestry Brosaela, Good to Bst In grains aad Kngaof evenr description, in eluding the rich and beautiful Smyrnas. -r- FQilTIERES! lad of Sheila, Royal Ren-' aixsanoe. SUk CrocaUllea, 8itk and Cotton Broca- tellesv Satin Derby.

Jabs Velvur. Ae tn latest colors and handsomest fasniona. -i. Is the time wraile our arrest etoeke're at their beet, and you can tret lust what you want to make your selection, i The Carpets can be laid, the Curtains, cifca. put up at your I Urn Km sV 131 and 133 Jourth Near Race.

THE WEST WE CLOSE OUT Of Our nre Stock; TO-DAT at 20PERCEWiDISC0UMT From our extremely low prices on purchases of SI and upward. Come and see what this offer means. We still have a lair stock: of Dinner Sets, Hanging Lamps, and they must ffo. Come in the morninT. at 9 o'clock.

THE ES TIG 110 West Fourth Street. I rTJIUTITTJKX, dtG. Oar now atylea for aprina; have newer been eqaalad fb Tarteey and besotr. Folding; Beds from $20 np. The tie to.

FoldlngT and Gunn Combination Folding; Bode are tbe beat In tbe -world. Solid Oak Bedroom Seta, 8 piece, 15 to $330. Solid Oak Sideboard, large Mirror Back. $13 to $SStS. Handaome 8-few Extension Table S7.SO np.

Parlor Bnt tea S2S te $500. Cbatr Rocker and faney place tn endlesw warietr Book-case. China, Closet, Office Furniture, i. i wmmm i COE ELM AND CANAL STREETS. Ttniu or IailMrty Street Eleetrte tears.

TJEATKS. A BTLETT Bsrtlett Monday, March 7. 1892. at 7:30 a. at tb of hie son.

Charles, at Hon aged atyears and 6 months. Funeral Wednesday. March tp.m. Train leaves Grand t'entral Depot for Bond Hill at IP, m. Interred at Sprint Grove at p.

m. Burial priTata, CAMEROS-SatnHay. March B. 1891 at 7:41 a. at hia residene.

tionth Grand av. Price Hill. Dr. Jo. O.

Cameron, in the5th year of hia age. Funeral frem the Ninth Street Baptist Church Tuesday. March Vat 10:30 a. m. Burial private- 71 COBTELLO Monday.

March 7. at 7:15 o'clock. William A. Costello, native ol Bristol. Kn- gland, aged 89 years.

Burial from hia residence. U7 morning. March 9. at 8 o'clock. Mass at St.

Edward 'a Church. Please omit flowers. DtTFF Louis B. Duff, at New Orleans. Monday.

March 7. Due notic of funeral will be given. EVAK8 On 8nnday. March at residence of her parents. Newport New.

Mrs. rJteia Evans (neaJoynes). beloved wife of Clarence F. Kvana, Funeral service ia Spring Grove Chapel Tuesday morning. 8th lost.

at lOo'elock. GEPPERT 8unday. March A suddenly, at 5 n. ru-, William, aged 21 years mouths and 9 days, son of Andrew and Gertrude Gep-pert tne Mangold). Funeral Wednesday.

March 8, at 8:30. a. nv from parenu res-deac. Delhi pike. A I.T.AM At hia residence.

In Newport. win'af. Vfaek A at 1 1 --If! TM Knhirv. eon Hal lam. aged as years, r.unerai from hu nul jr.

iw ennren. rueeday, jtarcn a at a. m. aturiai privaie. JOHANSIGMAN Mathiaa Jnhaanigman.

on Friday. March A. 1SHI at 11:15 p. at bis residence. No.

60s Bac st- after a abort ill ness. Fonersl Tuesday morning, at o'clock, from rv John's Cborcb. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Omit flower. KEMPER March 7.

at 3 a Ernaaf. youngest daughter ef Robert and Emiiie Kemper, aaed 4 year and 81 day a Funeral from residence. Kose t. Ht. iiernard.

ybKv Wednesday. WacU a. at t0 P. m. iriends and relatives invited.

LICHTENDAHLrvSundar. Marcb a. Md- denir. at ner late reataance. ao.

baa tits St. at 3:15 a. Fenoe Lacbtenoahl (no Banneke). aged .4 years months and day a Funeral tasee place Tuesday. March at 1:30 p.

in. bervtce at .3 t. m. at feelem'e Church, cor, of Orchard and 8yeamor at Friends invited. Kindly omit nowera.

LOO AJf Eltia. th beloved second danahter ot inomaaj. ana raizaoetn ids 4th year of her an, at p. March Funeral Tuesday. March A at 2 o'clock p.

rn from parenu' residence, AO. 212W I. Third ak, 'ewporv Ky. TI MOTT Oc March a. at 5 o'clock P.

Fanr.y H. Mott. daughter of late bamuei and L.u- Sinua a. aiott, at ner Dome, me street, unerat Tnesday afternoon at o'clock. Burial private.

MANTZ-Mrs. Elsia A Mantx. tha beloved wiiaof Thomas Mantx. March 7. at a.

nv uneral Alarch Ull xa from bt, L.ukr Church. MEYN Monday, i March 7. 1892. Johanna Atern. alter a snort uins.

at use axe o( tu Tear. Funeral froiaher late residence. Ko. 439 Walnut need ay. ib.

at I 'clock. Frienus retpectiully invited, v-f KOL A Fun aial of Mrs. Jan Nolan Marc i Vm new ck jraui ar. a- vuiiuca. PA PF Monday, at 1 p.

Edward W. Papa. at nia resiaenca. i.u jwajtiiiaa atw agt-a 63 year. Due aotice of iaaaial wul be given.

EJECK At hit residence, SharonvilIe.Ohin. March 6. John Ti yr2 roonihs and 13 day. Funeral lrem reaidaaae. Tuaa-day. 8EITER On Pnailay. March at 19 p. at to rwatdenca of Her son-in-law, Alrred West. aSellevue.

Zy Mrs. Klixabeth baiter, relict of tbe lata Gregory Seiwer. in hsr fcnh ear. Funeral aervicee to be peii at tbe lrstEngUah Evangein-al LntberanCbarch. on Kim it, between Kir nth and Mnthsta en W'xiaeday afternoon, at o'clock.

6HIKE Monday morning. Varrh 7. efpau. inoDia. CaUiaxin fchmo, a native of Wiuar-pey.

Ireland. pneral front ber lar read-dence. o. 8TS W. rourth Covinyton, Wednesday.

March (. at 8:30 a. tn. lnjtn tnaas at bt Patnck'a Cbnrch at a u'cotk. b-2 all kla MarM Wa-fe Coma Mart, at.

Ltoga! gravarity. Wn.u't Uu, XTA.TCZZJr. tttjTijt rn nnno lit UIV: lAUl.UeJ.TT.4jt. rSATTTIirRS. Us I Ko.

Ta'e Tbird Ctreet. Ait i 1. 1. 13enrt: OTTS CO, 1 Brasaels Lfoa, louia tha Htb. Casban, Tambour, lriah Point.

Poin DAp-. pllqoa. Madras. Kottint nana. Acl.

auv. bant oat all soras af Poles, witb Newest Fixings. Aa. convenience when you're ready. 1 4k TICE CO.

WHAT REMAINS PTXE CtTREi sra awe1- WINTER RESORT. "FOUR SEASONS HOTEL" (CUUEERUXO SAP PARK) WUt It Oaaa. Ua Paku Marsh 1S. Thi- aaperb structure, under tba well- known managtmsnt of Mr. Henry Clair, it tb Bear of any Anaerican ar foreign hetsL Irs culsln i nnsurpaased.

ant its cellar is carefully i acted. Situated in a perfectly healthy region and an equable climate, it ia suited to both pleasure saekra and iavalida. Tha region abound ia Iron aad Sulphur Spring, and ia traversed by miles of maeed-amixed reads. Addree MB. XIEKRY CLAIR.

mh5-SH 1 Harrogate. Tepn. YOU UAHT A PLEASANT HOME Lnzring tba W1NTEB at reeaonsbla rates. Address. J.

MONiaosa. iei. Miss. caJS-auT raeav Piiva roaxst im,! 1 aeaa later Wainrt la toe eoaia. PI a.

trass fee (ollea ia ertrr Aiiaeuaa. Baaa- ttful walk and drtv. Bantlag as aaaiBg. writ teg acriu. ai.

jav Jtaai COTXARS. iiOiiSl 1" 0 a- 2 oT 5 IH eaawaa XT 5. aaaaam) 3 l-T-1 BlJ 9 WBES BBBBJ II a-aa THE jS5W C0UUr 'i ii i i a fJalS-lyTnFl HlTIC jIL LlFlTETTE BASK yet. 18 Cad 20 West TklHStv BUYS ASJ SEXXS CTIKCIXKATI BOXDS, AadiasBas rammeeriaj aad Traralera1 fraallta ta terllag Ibraag biuiW.1. edll'La A AUJ- Twaiawa ia aar pari aa warja.

AUTtTJAI. HEgTlJfO, CTcmyTt. BTLTog awpDatto! KAitaoAP Cdxmi. il CwCT-BtTi. Onto, i'ebrnarr SI VOL ST THB annosl mwtint of tbe stack-bolder JL Uiumaor.

Ie tbe aiecuea ef tare LiirecU r. to serve three years aud far tn trss'sCiion of such kcBrt as may fywrn t-ior thefa. ni beid at tUeou.ce ci tais i. vnna sireet. lii city, on -jAY.

ta Lu day of "reh. at to cl-K-x a. ru In tranefer Iwe.i ai.l beeloaed tae4th oar ajarco, uot.1 i -e ei-ctiou. rr- 1 1 T- feewntalT. f--a r.

a 1 a. 'i a i. i. TJfE TOHH JiinXTTO Mitm The closest xiarket in the coiintry, for your SpinJ, Purchaces of BUY YOTJB GOODS FROM 1 iEOHS SDILLITO CQaPMYi Acknowledged to be the lowest priced house in tJbis city. Assortments unequaled of Dress Goods, Silks, Embroideries, Ltaces, Riblgons, Hand-" kerchiefs.

Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Table Linens, Napkins, White Goods, Towels, Lace Cixrtains, All at lnlpoters, Prices. i-v; Extroordinary; inducements offered this week in prices of Prints. Gingh ams, Wash Fabrics, Dress Novelties and Staple CJottons. Get our prices before buying. Our long experience in this market has ii familiarized us with the wants of the TRADE, and we have bought accordingly.

lii JODJJ SBILUIX) COHPANY Race, SAventb. aad GeoraTe Streets. THE aTOHH SHTXtTTO OOatPAmr. FLPLTyil Time to Secure Your OUTING UASH FLANNELS Is now. We are eelline a regrula 40c quality of Wool iWash FLannela at 25c a Pall 30 inches wide.

Immense riiriety to choose from. FIRST FIjOOR SKVEXTH-ST. 81DU. toe joii sshro mm; Ttanm flAvanfV JkMUSEXEtm. CRAWDiil T0-HI3HTI -Al IMTAIT1IW03 ITH RUDOLPH ARQNSOn CQUiC OPERA raoi thb JfEWYORK CASINO.

To-alht, Ta-arrow Want ABB Tharadgy, Friday. Sktirday llatlae ABO Eytalno, ftea tha Caat Tfca TYROLEAN I NAN ON a-rnoaaa4 ta pre adlhaitgbtx1 pobll te Beat an only orolaUa aimnliaf llh opara apawarlv. J1AHIK TKMPKHT, Lents Basdet, av Davenyarl. Prw Uoaaldsea, jta eleven, jrraa jm Prl-aa an. 70.

SI. Si Au. Jlaxt Wk-ta great saceees. Mob." nkt-B THE LARGEST AUDIENCE IB a rxaetaaari Taaaiar Sor yaara vaarat wtt iHI 'W naiw "a TAB AND TARTAR A.T I V7 OPKIt A. TLABT THE PI lit motjhh aioat Ask roar Kelgbbor abont iw 10 SiAgtnc Stars anil Beat Cemie Opera Ckorma Is tse Werld.

Read To-4aya Paper. Each. 51kt aa Satarday Xatiaa. Seat at Cburch's. Kext Wk -The Private aWB agawaaBBwnwaBBBWBj HlLLliiiihiU lar ar carnaa waiiaing.

aaaaif. wiagiag tb besaard loaa. pia-eat ag evait. eld-fasateee aagra gaaloatie. BtaataOaa aaag.

Ao. aceaga-audat taaaiar aaruaa vaa great walk wilt ataj-t at I o'cloea. Aalnaa Soa. Siiinn a. at f.

ea- was at JUawWy day. ggg TTARCH 10 Tba eltlBB et Cladaaau as aarraaadlng ertta have ay garaa ina ta aaov atrtraiaai win aa wanay ta auaadaaa af every faauly. f-r. laUSIC HAU CinClHATL 0. PADEREUSIU'S TWO (2) A50 AT.

FUKO RECITALS Marcb 8 and 1893. RoSsrrad Seats $1.00: Also 75c; aKATS AT BMtTH a IXO.M 118 W. roc mth ciiecinw atx. The 4et -CI3 CClMe CF CaOTAL SUCERY artmcnt oi Dentistry. TJaiverait of Cln- cin ma AT THE ODEOn, ITcBeadaT, ATArcs 9, at eclclv.

Addreat by Dr. W. O. Tbowpaon, President of Miami Caiweraity. Music by tb BeUstedt Orebattra.

The publio ts eaeniaily Invited- aabt-n lef laf Ll I Marwa IV aretaaa. aetara aatatwasaat at tneOfaa AMI. AtrBtD asz eiciasirn PUalat and 'CrUlat. Ibetr yart ataae tae ebariaiag at aay givva. weaderral aad Kaaarva mi 7a aa at.

Oa aal ta A'aa lj.aia.a.1 tyaAia. aaaAAA.S.WJI 4iIU kteajasbyir bs. WIIantTU OPERA COMPAJi V. 1 ai Aaffe'-. a4 Km a'art-' nua ur-t faOUt, at JIIDBLtTeVII a Vi Acer's u-sical Cake al.

and Gannra Streata 4r HETJCK'S Svry Evaalag. Mall WecneMay A aalefday. IPafAl 7 lt PW C-A awaQR04T KtDxarriwn SitB3 I Ills RKALlBTtti rlRB SCKIEI 1 I1C riSurcpATitoL wagodi SaMlvaalih taaaSaia a aaaaaai a a I BaeSaa to In eaora. ntii -aay 1I1.F upT in HAVtwiN'G i jTaaaa M. V.

faaaua la us. barmes jjf jesx Atatiaaa atawda. a4 aalsrsai. Stilaailar-1i MMnigfet Alanu, atMf PEOPLE'S THEATER. WnALLEN and MARTELL KoH-f-NOOa VAVDAVILLS uosrASY.

n.zt wa-arry Karaall INDIAN LINE. Sewr Tarh. Qneaaatawa aad 14vsnet Waw Mw Tarh Bvary Hasaaatat. CITS or PARI aad I ITT OV SAW HUSK. to.aoo Twaa Maah.

CITT or lESUN. C1TT or CHICAGO, DITIOrCHUTKB, rraea Maw Tar hi fit mt ttrtta. Waday. Maeeb I. T-H a.

av tllf MStw Tll, UMItatar BUftU, ts City af CaieagrK Waeseaaay. Null te. at. uiay a i j-ara. vnaaaaay.

apu jw a. Far raja ol aa sibar lafansaslae aa. OTERKATIOXAL JTAT1GATI05 CO 0eral Ag. Sewllsg Gta, X.a Tarb. Or I AUa jvauoaal SaaK, Tfelrg aa Viihi iwpiarutt wa i air h.

u.riaa atioaa Baaa.lalr'aa4 Vauy "1 Maak. 71 T. 1 aLr ati Waatara U.rtaaa baaa. Cindnaati. asbl-toaa.

I si be COOK'GHICH CLAC3 KtTBOrSAJf TWtTBta. All Travelleg Tspaasa laelwdaa. 1 TlSTBtnT TBABt. A Brua ta gar tfarlag tb eaaauag aeo will lv a lell'iwa: May rarty. a.

a. MaJaaUe, A aril V. irt u. I aflj pa. a.

a. amna. m-mT w. apart) ari Tnt. par a tlirarla.

atay tt. iot.Dd fane rinr. aar a. a A -aire Jeee lary. par a.

a. sfajcauo. Ja tt -VU Jus r.riv. Mr.S Cii Pan. Twaaneelal Abort Taar.

Bar KAUifalaie Tar. Jsly U. City at faria. Aegaatk arth tap. aad Mama rartr.

av a StrBrta, la a ar 4 ally baeklag ntaww par tbees esewr. tavli lai madiai aaallnilw fraas all waa let ag avail IXaaalrw ibaaa. tala4 ay aatar! ag TstK root a MI, BtbaarrkTe wai giy. BTFAOn I 6IKIIALI TRiyaiTLlS. TiaCa rraaeb La la barn.

mVKMY nr. iTlOAV. CaajsaarVDia. tafl Aarta auvax. taaa tatartoa Aw Tra.

a DuU huuU a LMMf, Stt, afavk ft 4 A.K tA nuKM A niAV Laaraal. HraB 1. A At. A VKri'l AOMk. Jtarea M.

4 A.M. A- VmaT. weesfal Agat, atewltag irssa a-aa data Vailav Wattaaat Baak. flea an Wa. tloaal biiB.A.aSain, sis V.

Uop- aai. iou vi vmwm ta- inira r. l'ilTBre. a W. Pea saaata fa l1iiaaa.

XXCTTRATOITS, Touns to Eunopn taSafU oaag.tal ttxSWHi Paiaaaa V. a a. vm. AU a aaaaaai BrM-laaa. paiiing 4a aa a.j taau run in.ii.nttu, IfetvtataaTaTal LXOAL TfOnCTS.

ICoriwoTO. y-. ay 1 1 lryti THE rflDtKK.Kbb. de brby. to nay th eniir laeebtadneaa of ISa trot et Lahtiiaaa A CaasnbelL graoer.

lhn orgnad will also coilct all ae-aunt due said bra. U. X. CAM Pr L. ltne: ti L.

Kbiobt. ruhl'ja 1 a 8HOTT.T. CbsA. H. Rowe-attachmeat.

belore rsng J. rnrrnl. Ji-i, oi feacaef hurrr Tewashio. llaesiioa C' o' Ohio. On tb Ctf day ol January, A.

IK aid Jo Ice laaueii aa order of a' cinbt i above aewa for the su i of IlA Marcb WM. mhlT'To SJOTICS ta bray given that tba nadea ne4 aa aaea eaiy teaaintrt a before ibe Caiari 1in vn cuty. ftaa. a axr luri oi Of Aaar.a AtaesaiO. aaer tn 1.

ari.l an llftnMit Hxeev' Dated Ciadaaati. Ohio, taia sat ot Alari 'i. la. a. lurra Pwnt.

A tterw W. Taaa pie P-r no tb-weat arr liain bj Caaxt ir. Bnbi-3tl) "0TI At hereby given thet tb ba i baea antMMBtad an 1 0U: aa A aa laa aai tratoe ea iae.aiateul ia i owaiA, Wani. late rf liaa u. tank IijJfAl IV A.

Ml i st Claaiawau. Qkio, tu i. Hiul 'PI! v. riait b) dalr A. eiu L.

y. vaapa. Fsbnrr Ja a. a. Cajwa, AUaT 1.

.1 -ri 'karhf prtst' -t? I. a ai Lie i A.

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