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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

5 I. B4 i .4 fiTHE 115IBS, WEDNESDAY." TOVEMBER 1887. Mioiatunl vtiewt tU friweer with the maxhlae at I Gwealp appeared for the Constable Goldlnr, a the foot cf 8UfkfTir4TWx on October 51. Tbe trltoner I I Jaln tkrtbes ofler, aaid that at akmt 8 o'clock on Hon Mla aad CI altera rf tJreraa i 4 hum Art and uw bm auoiraa nlawlvdowa the IbrBarart rxt In tha way aud teat iMwlut witness, aw ct the pritoccr and tl BtitfciM (Ltottur.) Thomas JUhtoo, a bicycle agent, ct Weterloo tidrod stated that oa October 24 the viaoBc brought the kwUM to bU shop aad having It tOTB IOC a UBJ CV IWVOBfWl lllMWJf. WttfiVM um macHine lor Ci en OetoUr On Korem Wrltha rrhceer acun cue to tt then tad wattLtd iwai wv

It ftJH few saw VIUHK fits privaiauott in ouafonl aLreet acj be would call again later oa, Ut Wtcad dolax so he went direct a .1 aw. tee soon ana 101a tee cia sun, wfcctn wiimss ployed, that (rciMxta) bad arranged with witness acd be was grtr to rv arpta cn.lhe bicycla. Believing tbat tbe trlneer rpeke the truth tbe man allowed him to Ub tbe machine. Tla Ttritocer aared bla band to tbe rai Mjlet, Good bje, dd chap, I shall not be long." tie wen roue away ari Mining more was teen or iurni or tbe machine rati, both were in the custody of the police. I)etectiveerreant Alexander.

division, denoaed: to arresting tbe Miaoner. lie then satd," I am wr for tt I bare octieybut I auppo I bare bad a touch of auepiomania." AMrYUvwrTgani nita, at wtinoo, aUted thu be had two ranee araliut tbe rrMoncr, ia which be fiaa ooUiDfU apartmrDU on the rrprcsmuiiea uat tat tvame was Uefawtre." and that cmt lcTfd i aa acrobat at tbe CotWy aad tiatti'a Musiohn. From boue be had auJca 5, and Tnos another 7. There 4 aa a tiallar rai from Woolwich. Sir; faid tbat the eaa coold be coae into at tbe trial.

Tbe mother of the tirWeer. who ni la coort. aaid that abe could not nndmtaad what bad eaued ber eoa to act aa be bad done. Mr. Hanni aaid the ctuo wa a mot extraordinary one.

aaa be aent ue aecoieu, wno maue no answer to ut ebarre. to the Central Criminal Court for trial. Jxxn STrrnta, 2C, cmrroaa.of Huurrrford ttrct, Com acrctai roea out, waa cnarxm oewjc (iruoc wctie in cbarre of a raa and pair of boraoa, and further with rauunf bodily barm to Frederick Bonnick and Nellie Coleman, from tbe evidence apprared that about 11 o'clock oa uonday nLjtci a numoer oi rana were paJng Uonx the UtjroM. im rana luraea into iuiwardttrect. The rt rmml Mfely into the road, but tbe aeeotid, which it wa alleged the prisoner waa dririnr.

raa upon the footpath, and Bonnick and. the young woman were knocked down; im tnotner ox ue yonnr woman ran alter tbe Tan and (topped the prvraer, whom he found to be drunk. Ho called rolke coaatable S7S (1. who took tbe priaoner Into cnatody. and remored lkmnick to neighbouring aurrWy, where it waa aaoertained tbat be had auatalned a aerioua injury to hia head.

He waa now unable to appear, but the young woman, who eeeaped with a abaking, care evidence. The priaoner denied that it waa hia ran that knoekod the people down, and Mr. Ilannay remanded him on bail fur ue atienaatice oi ue injured man. At CLXKXtxwxxx, tnwjiRD Tnoxrsox. 0, rcfusisg bit addrcca, aad deacribing himaelf aa a decorator, land "Willi AX Uxxst RicniKtxsox, 42, a ahitt maker, tiring in Crofton road, Peckhara.

were charged on remand with baring been concerned with one Selig Aron and otbera ia felonioasly breaking bto the ahop 48, Clerkenwrll road, on the it th of January lait, and with itealing there CaaaU Htoai, OU0Arj0a. EriCUe larerid CmUal Pfcra rear 1 to 11011 Iwnaa ji ttllaa I an. 15 i uh ammmim Btiru Aara ttli. to IK aad Back of Vtw ZaalaadK IS 10. left are.

There woe no other external mark of violence. The man complained of mat pain and fcelinga of aickaea. Tbe abdomen waa alijchtlr extruded aad rather tender. He continued to complain pain till bit death, oa Monday night. He was very reallcaa, and wiwaa noticed aignt of internal nemcrrcase.

ua oaicruav aitcmoou ne tens to uccumb, and in the erening witneaa commusicatcd with tbe police and depoaitiont were taken. Witneat waa present when be made a it at em est, and be waa then perfectly conaeioua. inarweior iiawaint aaia uei ween ue nruoner waa first charged be waa only accuacd of violent aaaault, butaince thtn the man had died, and tbia morninz the priacner waa charged at the olice court with caunng the death of Warman. AVitncaa charred him. and in reply tbe maoncr aaid tbev were fichtm inthe ttrcet.

The deceaied knocked him down, and Le himaelf did not recollect any more. On thia evidt nco Ioipector Iaains aakrd for a remand. and 31 r. Baccallav cranted it. as! intimated bit willingneat to allow the prinoner out cn bail, in order tbat be might, if bo chose, attend the inquest.

The bail, howeTex.would be aubatantial prisoner in 00, with" two turcUea in 100 each, with the ciual notice to the police. rrUobcr waa then removed, Mr. Gretnip remarking that it waa practically tmpoatille for him to find the turetiea. At Greenwich, receipt wat acknowledeed of a 5 Bank of England note for tbe poor box from Mr. II.

ikhman, Berkeley equarc STOCKS and RAILWAY and OTHER S1JAIIE3. IICriE QCJLRI, Tuesday Evening. Tbo next monthly Settlement in Consols will Win on NoTcmbcr 29 and. end on December 1. Tho next Settlement in llailway and Foreign Stocks.

will bosin on November 14 and end on November 1C. Tbe ollowing is a statement of the opening and closing quotations to day of tlioy undermentioned ecuritit'S, together with the quotations at which they closed lost nicht and tho prices at which they wero made up at tho last Settlement, In the rate of railway and other ccmpanlea whoaeisautt quoted here are cf mere than cne kiiid, the prices giren rtiatc to tho "Ordinary" atock or aharet unleftoiherwiao specified. In the eaao cf all tecurttiet the cloamx Quotation! are tbe latest oltalred up to half' from a quantity of jewellery to the value cf days except fcatutQjy, when he Jaust prices air an laow udmiocu i xur uiutcibvuii iu liters unu may iaxe ptace uur uese oours rtirence must ue maue to our Uity Article. BBITlSlI AND 1D1AN' OOVIRNltFNT TOCKa AM) UElIiall CVKPOUATlUil ttCUlilTlLK. Lart mat! los.

day tdgLt was Ui duty in, tbe Ntetb TVtwlwich road. Uu be aw the prUotr come out of tbeliraving Dock Tarern. He aaktd hi name, and then fiM aim ae aaould take him into custody for violently assaulting a man named Tm iv.i ii. TC I OrrMM JiMiwifltt lamefela anraKean man. (Turlre DenieK JI.D., touse surgeon at tbel Ooioaxu.

OoarouTi8Tfrxa lraiXe4IraahbOUteBar Londoo Hot pital, aaid that 00 Thunday, November 3, tbe I ter tSlx par OmU.1 le 103 ditu 18U ptrXat Bauta. 1UU je dmaard maa Warmaa waa taken Into tbat inatitnUcn at ff Oeat, Datwatoisa) 100 3. aad ullto (CewaoU VlrWU vlaM sas xajvw va ntau laid ruranctat. Land aad Morts OoBpaBy of to it. Ka Znlaad Loan aae aireaniu.AaT aaa Otatrsl Amntiae Lac Vt to ztawfauasa 1 run tixl Uom ill; ae4 iHafoaaS laiaaimast to IS Oi.

Biwcce Airta aoaaK to UK 14K. Castlcataed OtkaU) IimpooUeadoo, iBtTK.w 1 tM mm inrivrin in 1 aad Cloba rira and Lti pacunao Kulih IIlsKa. KliBlerl(7 aoax 1 to ii Ao(lo African Diamond i to aoa wcsl liaMU 10 ltiy TrirtiRAra. EAjtrrn (Six ncr Cent. Frtffmea) rxx.L to 13 TaaMWATC A ana of la Eilalmrib Btrect to lCit urtrpool uaitce tn 54.

aaa i rctiaaai 10 aj. In tho snbjoincd official record of 14 business done transactions marked relate to small bonds and those distinguished thus to an exceptional amount at special rates. Stocks and shares marked thus hare paid no dividend for tho last two half years and upwards ntuTtsu Trans, ic. Zfjjrtjn OorLv 3 p.c Ouaboan, Coaiels. lffi Shi 3 f.

B0ned ThtM pet Caata.tiC K.w'jXr rr Crnta. ICS 11 T0 and 1 hrr4juarurs pr Cta, 7 Two and Half CeaUrad. Tnrkth nanairfrvd. WSS. 1CT Bank of Ij iUoJ 4 p.t for ian cau ear, lodia tt.

(kt 10. luaVioOiS IXx, Jin. 'lSll, 10t t. 5, i IoJia Bapearaprr, 4 pit.Jbi'A cori ohatiox STOCKS exit fd kingdom. Mt.

Heard i.f 3H oet. a. iv.v. iiva Da. 1941, t9i', lOOlfrUlOO Blirn'ozham Corp.

Stock, 19, lt. ii Cardt Cwp blt. reAUio. 100 1 Crvrdon Ciirp. 3i p.a IrfsdstD.

flock. Ids Urpocl Cof p. Stock, 10Si 5 Corjv. fctk run. vrp.

Kwicaoa Corporatzi. Stock, IClfi I WchrLmplon 0ore.8tock, 1C1 COLOS1AL AJ.D PKOrXNCIAl. COVEItJfMEJIT 8ECUKIXIX3 British CtlsmtU, 1917. 4'; aa. Kw Zaaltsd.

1M0, ltts lSlt, 1C1 Cauda. Dom." of. a Bonds, lx e. 1C4 ii'S 454 C. of Oood Hor, rtdm.

tr ann. 1 u.e. acc. V. ManUot 6 r.c.

Ck, 1910. IT.K H. pmutii nam. im to jsciicau QuU iTTbT. 041904,111 Queril.Dd, 1913 15, 103H property of tbe executors of tbe late Abel Davenport.

Anzus Lewis' appeared to prosecute on behalf of the Treasury Mr. Huttou, barrister, defended Thompson, and Mr. Willi, barrister, appeartd' for Richardson. "The I rase baa already been reported. Mr.

iSarstow again re 1 aaaoea the prtsoaera. At the Tn'aMrs Police court, Wirum M'GRlTn, 23. was charred with aa offence arainst Selina Gibbs, a firl I 1 1 ubuct bb mcs vi i years, living aa uuuieia axreex, Bromley. lVoaecntrix said that the was 13 years and months On Saturdar nirht last she was outside a publiehouse ia North street, l'oplar, when the prisoner came up and asked her if the would have adrinr. Bhe said she ould and they went to a publichouso and had some drink.

The accused then took her to a house ia Jamaica place and asked her how old sho was. when she replied she wu 17. She then stent with the prisoner all aiiht. When she went with M'urath she was drunk, and oa Sunday moraine the found herself in bed with the excuaea. cne uea went acme, bee cad never before been to houses with Sarah King, a girl aced 17, atid that on Saturday last she was with uibba and went with her, the priaoner, and hit brother to have seme drink.

The prisoner went to a bouse with tbe last witness and his brother went with witness. Constable 4WK said that at 1 o'clock on "Wednesday morn in jf prosecutrix's mother informed him of what had happened. When he arreated the priaoner and told him tbe charre be said the rirl waa a prostitute. Dr. K.

W. DewTdeposed to examining the rtru air. baunuera tnournt. tae accusea bad reasonable cause to believe the rul was over 16 years of are and uiscnarrea aim. Jaxks Bkooxs, S5, a "sailor, of 32, Starr etreet.

St. George's, and Otis Bcssnx. a tailor, having no home, were with burrUrioualv breaking and entering No. 1, Bancroft road, MUe end, and stealing therefrom a silver plated tray, a silver dian, and other goods, the property of Samuel Detective sergeant Patrick ennrat. saia mat at cioct on 'auesoay morning ne waa la the Mile end road with other officers, when be saw; tbe prisoners and another.

From their suspicious movements he watched them and eventually stopped KuaselL He searched him and found the plated tray, produced, on him. At that time Brooks and the other man bad run into tbe roadway, but Brooks was caught. Bussell became ivery and endeavoured to eacape. On the way to the station he found another plated tray inside liuaseil's trousers. what be was told be went to No.

Bancroft road, and then found the place had been entered ry lorcmg toe area window, xne property had been taken Iran a glass case. Xnere were jemmy marks on window aad the abutters had been burst in. QVhen charged at the station Brooks aaid a man had giver them the goods to carry. Constable 350J gave corroboratire rnaeace and oepoaed to arreatlng Urooax. lie then found hehada sfler dish, teapot, and milk jug in hiapossca iwiu vu vbo Mux" iw waa Tery violent.

Mrs. Mordecai said that tbe house was locked up at about 12 5 on Tuesday night, and they went to bed a quarter cf an hour later. The area window was then safe aad the shorten fastened. At half past 1 a policeman woke them up, and they then found the place had been broken into. The articles mentioned in the charge were missed from a cupboard ia the breakfast room.

The value of the articles stolen was 12. Mr. Saunders ordered the accused to be remanded. Wiuxut Jura Patvors, described as a carpenter. of Colegrave road, Btratford.waa charged on remand with obtaining 10 from WOliam Newton, barman, by means of false ipretencea.

Mr. Ratcliff, solicitor, prosecuted and Mr. O. H. Tounx defended.

The evid ence of the prosecutor showed that at the beginning of October be was out of em ployment, and saw an advertisement la a daily paper for a man and his wife to manage a beerhouse. It was also stated that 30 deposit waa required. The advertisement was answered, and a letter wu received from the defen dant, ia which it was stated the wares were 18s. per Week, Witness answered that letter, and received anotheri In consequence of that he went to the defendant's house ami saw him." On learning tbat witness was reed to. pay 10 1 il.

a 1. i.t 1L.1 Kceuat 14 ucpnu as uuu pna uiat ua usura wouiu be to manage the house and pay all moneys received to him. Be also said that the rent, raa, rates, and taxes would be paid by himself. The witness went to the house, which was the Little Wonder, Baker street, Mile end, which was closed, and the defendant explained that the cause of that was that there was only a caretaker in possession, and that the licence would have to be in witness's name. Witness paid defendant the 10 at a solicitor's office and received the receipt produced.

It was arranged uai ne aaowa enter on ais auues on uetooer ma, but on that and other days witness received letters puttinr him off. He then ascertained that the supposed caretaker was the Defendant also represented that he paid 40 per month for ale. Mr. Harry Omelles, in the employ of Messrs. Laeos, brewers, said they bad supplied defendant with beer, and he owed them about 40 lor it Tbey bad also a hold on the premises for Defendant never paid them 40 per month for ale.

The house was now dosed, and the brokers had been in for rent. Tbe accoied was committed for trial. It T.iwmmr: Ptvkt Ttrir iff HOST Wajld, 36, Kyber road, Clapham Junction, and J0O5 MrrcnxiX, 57, Long lane, Bermondsey, plumber, were caarged on warrant witn being concerned in feloniously ut tenor fictitious cheques and by fraud obtainine money from various persoai. The case has for some time been in tbe hands of Detectite Inspector cnamberlaia and Dergeant ope, and tee prisoners were ultimately taken into custody. Inspector Chamberlain now asked; his worship to allow, upon the sworn information upon which warrants had been granted, an adjourn ment, aa no douM othex cases would be brought forward.

Mr. Nixon; the second clerk, then read the sworn information of Mr. Dunn. Bol ton street, crocer. Mr.

Matthews. Bol ton street, Mr. J. Bannell, landlord of the White Bear, Keanmgton park road, and Mr. Bellamy, 'greengrocer, wamoerweu isew road, upon woom cneques upon the London and County Bank, the Alliance Bank, and the Imperial Bank were passed for various amounts, and ultimately found to be worthless.

Inspector Chamber ULa stated that he bad known the prisoners as companions, and two of them had been Mr. 7 Biron ordered a remandtnd refused the application of Mr. Sydney (who appeared for the prisoners) to take bail. In reply to Inspector Chamberlain.Mr. Biron certified that it was a case no considered should be taken up by tbe Public Prosecutor.

At HlMMlCBKltlTg. GtOBCCH. WZATBXRALL, of Iffiev, road, Hainmersmitb, was summoned for demanding 0 by menaces from Mr. Alfred Gittbgr, a surgeon in "Kilmarah road. Mr.

S. M. Daniel, barrister, appeared to support tbo summons and Mr. Ifaynes for tho defendant. It was alleged that tbe complainant had been accused of behaving improperly to Laura Power, the defendant's servant.

Mr. Daniel said there waa a distinct attempt to extort money by menaces, aad he should ask tbe magistrate to send the case for trial.Under menaces of that sort persons bad been driven to commit suicide, but the enmplsinant wisely placed the matter in tho hands of his leral adviaer. The rirl had applied to Mr. Paret for a summons against the complainant lor an indecent assault, but be refused to grant it. The complainant said he waa a registered medical practitioner.

b. Aiuuatta. 1SX 191S. Tuutiiit, mi l.iXl, 4a, tttli Victoria, 1S9V 19C1, 1CSU UolS04.ilOH IlXulITtaEi, AMD IKSCBIBED TO KS.C' f.c. Mock, Ct( Kouih Vi Zealand 4 p.e.

ron.Stklna, QnwoVUrdkk hVACtV. aj b. AUfUaiun, 1101 of IU2 3 4 OL Victoria. 4 p.c Loam 1 1822 3 4, Canad. 12 '5 1y.

4 p.e. Frda'eed (lata p. Et107V4 Cap of Uvod Hope, 4 p.c Da tUan of U331 let ICS Da. 4 D.c Uca. loa.

ICS. v. ai auL 4 a Con. Ioa, 1S37, lea. 1C7VI 1 Da.4 p.

a. Loan of 1SS5. ICT, 1 rOBEIC.N 6TOCK8. aa Covrons FATists iw trie. If am of 6eiUr.

iCIosioirrieas 1 iat uigoi. To daj's Prices. Oprnitj. I Clcsinc. 131 in il jTtiaa p.c Consoli i Uik.

Act. IDraj ntw na uea. p. (1SCN. P.O.

1C3 iiebju.t ld.U.Usr. ladla. 3 3i.j m. JBo ids Kt lKli i ICS 1D3H icsi; 80 Buik of Knc. Stock.

KsiDtian. 3 d.c a iu'i luaia, Art c. 2 n.e. Kntacfd, 4 p.e! 118 cWfel.Vra.3ttp.e!j 110 licji lxw3 p.0. VXf Laej! tH HVi 1W 113 7 10U i 99; 1C2M Kiw ay, l0i 113 iw I tsi 3 4 ICQ Sl4 11C IMS 4 UO KaiL IMt, Uil.

Itri lkx.lU2.lC15; a.A iHXi lt4, S4 Drtillian. 1873, 1:1 ICOft 1SS3, S6 U6. ioo4Iu UJ4 LoiO Baraoa Arn, 1(73, S8T4 soS CUImi, 185. 1CCHV pal J. tt 10M4 9W Cbioraf, rM.

March. 1195. IU fColomtUa, 1S73. IS I roT. of.

1919. S3 Ya 1.1 Cctta l(tc, ISoodi A. BI J4 HODOS D. IS iEciud'T, CODL, 11 x.d. COXjUKIAL KFCVBJT1RS.

CacaOa MacOSW J). DO. (UMldcrCJ 112 (New a Waif 4 e. 1C4 iVatlan4, 4 p. ICS 8.

ICS 107: AptiL Oct. U7 'Wanna Aiittralia 1C7 it7: BRITISH BAILWAY STOCKi Otd. l. Craat KaiUrn Ul'I Great i. 135' Grtat Wnitrn Hull IUre.1.

1171, Lane, ami Vorktlr 1U Xon. Brithton.Urd. Dcicrrrtf 2M, fJra. WSl Da. J.p.e.

12 l'IxuL a lii ILoed. a 35 I Da iLaod 34MttreD. DUtrica 124Vi Mtdlaod iV3piu vntitn. 33HI r'dio. a Glaa lKC'NUL KasteraCotirola 9SVi Nth.

8taorcterir 124 L. Stb. Kaaurc Ord. 130 1 Da, Dtf rrrd 10Pi KV1 I 1W4 IKH 133 i 102S iaA JC3 imi 111 m'J U2 ni i $8 fcH e' stf. Sfci Celt u(! irl 1N2 103i 104 1034 104 103 1C2 VJ3 1'J lCtf! 1072 i06U (lcsi4 lOtji loeI xaJJ ICfC 1C7 IC7 1'J 107f.

ice; 1074 108 ICS lfctf 1C7U 67i t7 fl2 113 114 111 114 113 114 101 lClSilCl 1M IO.K 10M Lift aj liW, 136j; 1JC lX'J 119 IM 119 120 119 120 132 134 I 1M 1J4 ia Ilia: 116 lli)4 lit Ui iuy. S7H 12S 129 128 129 128 129 68 19 73 7U 3tTi SifS a 2i4 (6 67 17 6 fcT 47 (8 ..1, ..1 114 126f, 1 12K, UtVi ia 22t 10(. IOCS' loov, lot, 100K 100 34 3S i4 35 3 3S UJTi IKii lciii lt34 1524 :1 16 Hi "7 I V4 7 125 125 127 liS 1JT .1 lOtVi IOCS 1C0 10CH 1 10C IKK MauDoiraln. Sb DUra banish Ctn. Dtbt.70 4k 1.

EtUtLirt. 11S6. Boadi. VJ. Girt Indfjer It79, 91 uu, p.c, itzi, i.i P.C, 1U4.

71 M7lty Ilaaallan, 6 p.c.cicrlp all 1C0 ITmhmm.m 1 ill Jiiwd. 187X112 Gold Bruits, lCSl. Khi i Vi linioan, 3 p.e. Con. Boo da, 1S8S, MH.fe.43T.,.

Ki, bumfee iida, Do 13i4. 17 Kicaraeiia, 6 p.c, (3 Pamruar. Honda. 181 ti'aiurlan. 1870, Cert, hec Jt.n Jt t.

abja, um, idv, I1B va Pbrtuautae. 18S3 E4. 7 Knaaian. U73, 97V4 Da. 1172.

82 D. 1871. UM BaoU (Xoili Col. Xxi. p.e.

Mort. Cooda, 94 Do. (Wrtt Oot. CoU Baa). p.e.

Mort. Uoods, 87 BanU Brconqulata Bait, 6 p.e. aiOfL jtuooi. ets Spaiilah. 2 p.e.

Coupon VnnAt, 48 4 o. Booda, 17 ft TH 7 Ewrdiab. 130. It3 Turkiao, 1154. Da, 1871.

72 A I 71 A lsn. ltn (Dafmral UtD. D1A. Tt. im.

Vmcn ela. Vtw Con. II IK a 4U.i 40 3S Coltoks Payable ABRnait. Arnn. Ild.

Dollars. lffJ 76. 73 Auitfiao Kllr Rsetes. UV, Vranth lUnUa. lrrad.

for lOTaara. Do. Gold Baotra. K) iLtfj; iiajian iimua, ax. st.

ft ax. ui BAILWAYft OBSIKABY BTOOKa Oalrdonlan, 1S, 64 Von. N. eato. 4 Ut.

K.attKD. 6S 7 Va Of Northern, Con. 113' 14 14 Do Cooa ipi Gt. wVuro. Coii Oii, 1, LVr 14 Raa and ock.2V,8HV,H 4 CcSa.

od, Brlrhtoo, atid B. Coaat, Ijoc WmI. and lina.Prtf. wi Da. Def.

2SU U' it Sit Uidland. Cooa. Ord, 11354 6H Kortli Uritlia. OnL. 1XV.

Nortb KaaUrn.Conaoti, 15243 7 Konb Coa S6 Bontli EaiUm. Ord Da, frac, UK tUoll.Ilaraal7. 1.VOCX Lund IM Da. Dcf il6i V. tl tfDiloo.Chathara.

SoTtr LINES LEASED AT FIXED BF.NTA1A Elrkentead, 118 Louden and BlackwaU, 12tV DBBENTUBE fcTlCK8. Ban to 17 CbtlUnbam. 6 p.c, Loo Chatham, ta. Mi. rta to 4 p.e, tu Da.

6 a. J8T7. rtd. to 4 c.c. 13 lirrcon aicrtnjr, is, Lon.

flj Wnl. 4'p. ikfA CANADIAN RAILWAY SECTJBITIE3. f5! Canadian radflc th 13S Grand Truck fcltarrs liS. Do, lt Preferebc! Da.

za i rnsrtxni tv, OA Pt.lwnca 7554'. Da 4 6 79 65 65' 31H iz 7 74 AMERICAN BAILWAY 6 ECU BIT UK. 33 74 23 57 63 119 59 2. 'Central Pacific Ichic. xa.abt.

raul I Da, Prtferred I Da. 4 1IU10U1 tant Ktai Lakeribore Mia: S. MiatburL T. lJtv. York Ceulral 274 N.

YLaka hrie.a W. 64 Da. lrrtrr 191K1 Ib lit. uaiano. a 39 N.Y.rea.SO..!aill 9) Norfolk a l'rrfd.

11 INn. Paciflc Com. 4'KI Preferred Ohio a) la rpi. H.ta 57 5Cbfca. 31U PtiL BraLS5C Sba.

10b aeral atort. 47)4 Union PiciBe 16 Pad 3CK I Da. (Jtn. aiort. (5 t7la UK Kl 73 65 311: 19V ne; 6i V4 110 51 ST' OTUtB iOBLIGN BAILWAY EttCTIlUlXS.

42H Mrtlcan 116' Do liit 1 7S! 2d I rrefereace 1 rrrferauee 'Ottoman Kharra 1 Mth. Atiatriao Kharta 4i 73K 7 41 I '7a TELEGBApa AND feECDBITIFS. 5tVi, Ar.lj Amrr. Teles, fl Ha. I referred 14HI Da.Deferrd 9 iD.iect U.S.

CeJ.le 11 Eaatarn Eitaciion 11 t'clurd Talepboaa lowest, a UaxU Xtiac US MINES. 66V, 11V, llf, lljl 12 29 1 I'i Hi T3 lt 7M 17 1:1 jtS iS 313 16 115 1S313 1S 315 16 7 15 7 15 ii ya lie 11 fa Cap iVitoptapo 3 F.Dplie.. Muou ana Barry ,.7 3 IS 7 5 10 1 Montana. HI Khan MS 3 1S i A aijaore 4 1 15 7 IS Uf pun Prafertt.ce 7 16 18 iranueuio ii 2 BioTlato ..103 16101 16 JIISCELLAM.OL'8 BLCVBITIEB UtTm, fit Ijubin U.nk TtV, Buz Canal Sbaies 2784 Guidoma. Ord.

To 137V, Da, Prtf. 135 120 S.AlotpSoo,nrd. 123 2 Au. Anir. hnh.

Lie. i'A SI Bay ..1 21! FOBEICN COVEBNMKM 6KCUB1TIK8. 5 p.e..lS6i 71 I Da. UardDollra. 4W r.r 1879 irCH 5 pc, 1886 S7S rlVfl Da, 6 DC.

1E86 Chili. p.c 1E6 C8 6 p.t,ktaixh liu Da.Juue 77K'CottaKlea(A) IfO Do. IUI 76 Ert t. pA la. 5 p.c.

f6 Da.bUteDa iwu iia, uaira, p.e. 1C7V, Freaeb, 4, p.e. VJ urrrcr, a p.c, it7 70J Do 1844 Ilacgarr, P.C. op e. 3CAl Do Contrrted lji; Tf TO, 6 p.t, 1870 1 5 c.

1872 (7d Porta aL le.a VJU Huaaia.5 p.t, US3 to I J5i c7WSpaln.4iv.e. Iionej, ay 27 61516 3 7 1S 1C2 In 31! 744 twi ml 121 ro a 20 1U 40S no5 51 17 43 118 74 vi a Is 28 3 716 39 16 Calrdonian. 4 p.av. Hi; Ld. urrat uiiera.

4 ia Do IL 18t7. 1X1 Da. East ABilian. Ui Great wcttrn, 4ft p.c, im Da Ijuie. GUARANTEED STOCK 8.

Torth Brldje. 4 pc. 116, eaatcrn, one. in uus. H5V, Loo.

A S. 4 at. Da. 3 PC too Metropolitan. 4Vi p.c, 12 Met.

District, at. 160, ABffiao, aw Weattrn, 4V4 1 p.e 14CV 9 A Votka 3 Do 4 1CJ Nortli tritlah, 4 pa. llTii d. A. London.

rt tic 133 Gootb Eastern, Perpetual, p.a. OL Norttern. Parp. 5 P.C. Prat, Ferp.

una. a n.c. iwu Do Oona. Gua. 6 p.e, lvS, CV4 iTelxo.

District, 4 p.e. Parp. Oua. Cvns.Cna.Prf4tl20 PnEFERKNCH fiTOCKK. fWllh dildEds ccctittrnt tn Ue Mtt cf ach separata year.) I r.

A I V' l' Uua. Bricbtcn. A S. Coast, Coca a PC lu Calrdontan, 4 pa Great Featern, Cons. 4 p.a Irtf, iijv, i Da, 4 p.e Ktk 18S.

113 11 4 o. till l91tc 113 Gt. North. ft, Da, 4 p.0., 1852, uoy .0 Crrit It rttaru. Cons.

5 p.a, i3: Lan. a Yorks Cns. 4 pe. USt Do 4 p.e.. 1884.

114SJ 15'4 Loadoo. Caaibam, 4K uc tDa, 4V, p.a 24 5 Cot. a. PrtX, Loidcn aod N. Weatero, Cone 4 ce.

1184 IS 18 174 London A H. WeaCein, Coo. 4 pa. lit, 17 p.n. C'onrt.

Prf. btock. 1872, 1324 a P.C., itn, ia Uetropolitan. 4 pc. Perp.

Pref. Metrorjolitan DistrlcL 6 n.e.. 6Vi Midland Con a. 4 p.e, Perp, Pref. Stock.

lttlaH 18 N. Britian.47, p.a lrre.Ff..l24V; Do 4V, piaOiTt PL. 1875.124; W. SaaUro, Pref. INDIAN BAILWAYS.

Bensal tyi A GL Isdian raa. ISiH Indian "Mid. 0 Al aural, na. 4rclCSViK aural, rva. p.c lA is CuUs and IU.t.Ukund (LI.

sua. 5 r.c. lZ7'i i a MahratU IU 4 p.0. Dab. Stock, lu.V, NUaoa State Baa, Gua.

Btoek, 113HVa Da. 4 p.e. liorL Deb. Scrip, K0 Vi Da. b'baret.

84 (Cent. a), foa. 34 p.c., Bga st air, 4 PC 103 IV. i bharra. 3i Bombar, haroda, Ac, a.

5 p.t. 6 i E. UeusaL U. 4 p.e. Dh.Slk.,lC.',, a.

Ann. U. Def. Ann. 4 fc, BRITISH POK8ESSIONH.

Atlantis aad N. Western. 6 p.e. Midland of Canada, Starlin 1st UiiaiataiL 1 MorV. x.a.

Caoadian Pacific, 3 p.c. 54 5 as. Cons. 1st Mort. iuo ay, 8ter.5p.alst Mt.Bda.,10:K Montreal A Or.aaplabv 6 p.a.

1st i'e aiorx. xanoi, iui tlld. Trunk of Canada, Coa New Brunaviek 1st Mori p.0. UV, 16 'A eterboz ltoucu. nsy.

Da, Una. 4p.e. 74 Ontari a Quebec, 5 e. Perp. Ut ITvL 79 8T'.

Deb. Stock. 105'; 5 44 I.I it euce p.c lida. 2d ITef. SL Laieuci IDa.

3d Pref. 31 A JJ 83 2V, 5 p.e. PeraDab. Toronto, C.r 3ia 915 rer. a 4 n.t 1st Mora.

Honda. 82 Chicago andU. Trunk, 6 aa let Ut, Coup. I1U It 10 AMERICAN RAILROAD BUAtEi Da, 4 p.e. Perp.

Deb. 8tt. 91V4 ISOJaHX 73 ti S3 yA ,911 Da. a ti.a.lfriev DO ,1. roup i.

A) IV "iDi Ururaar, 6 p.a United Statca. 4 p.e. VlrciaU Kav.lp.c.1 75 79" 7S I 77 79V4 282 278 Iti i 173 282 IO liS 10 135 140 123 123 128 1 123 123 22(i 212 ij l' 21 V4 12 3V4 95; f3U ts4 S3J4 73 73 71 73V, T5 73V4 67, 59 57 9B 97, t8 100 lOWi 1004 1001 10C locaj 4 Stt Sfc Kg 1 ,8 111' 109 lit 109 111 i fl Hi 7CJ4 7tf. 70 7tV 7C 70V 1H JOS K7 108 91 Vt SI 52 91 $2 71 7lVa 71 71V4 71 71V4 71V4 71 7lC 71 71 to; ic2 toy at? IfI 17 Stf! HJ St (e SI 'f 74 87 Xf. 3i 33f JijJ 15 154Z 154 liH li li'a 13JJ I3T liS 14 14V4 MS "14 674 665 95 63 64 9.

92t; 63V4 5s i t5' Jf 1 73 4 73, 7J 73V 72Vi 71 ttC UJ4 I fcj, 852 66 2K ri i3 2H 14 lit. 15 ijij J3q IS .65 4 t5 644 tS'I U9 .130 U9 13S 129 Uo' 0 CI iO 51 tO il in tbe Atlantic. lt Leaned Unra. 77V, Tvent, racue 01 ayt cuicafo, uvankce, a hv raul. Com.

V. tDenrer Hi tGraiiUe Block, 24V, 4 i l.l. raf Stk .074 KaX E. Tesnaaaref to, 2d Pref. iStw York Cent.

A lludaoa BJrer, cur. par. in Loa. iivv, y. f.New York, Lake Lric, A Wi ax.

9 Hi 9 tDa. 6 pc Pret, 67 N. York, onurio, A tTestn. Com. IS 9 18 tNorfolk and Prel, 42V4 tPhlladelpbla ARead.Fnr.

Aasraa. all pd 3j4 i'a union ramrc. ci? Vm A Naahtilla, 6Cy, A I tWabatb. kt. Louu.

and PadfiCr rrei. iaaaees. au 31 3Ci AMERICAN RAILROAD BONDS. Stock. 23V; i Lake Khore Mickz.

Bonto. S7H 8 7'i 8 JLouirfOle Pencajl Rail. 6tm, 51 Vi Baltimore and 'Ohio, 1J3 Central of New Jersey 5 p.a Gen. jiorv mi, luiH Detroit, GrandLHaten.A Milwau kee Equip. Booda.

lis. Ionia. A Naah. Ut Ml. da.

113VC MlnneaoU A Nortb Weat. lit Mt. Gold Hood. 1044 N. York Cent, and lludaoa Rirer Mort.

Honda, 1J7V4 CVRRIJICT. p.e.Gold New York, Lake Erie, A Wratera, Vd sirk iua nzy, 1 N. York. Pen' a. A Ohio, latMrt.

4 Da. Def. Int. anants. It VI Oreron A, LoaCom.

Cotnp. Certa. 104Vi PhlladeL A Read. Temp. Reeelpta, Asteaau.enl all paid.

104 Bt. Loala, Alkanaaa, and Tetaa, Ut Mert. Gold Carta, 8S', KTrmT Tvn If. and Canada Railroad, United New Jersey Railroad and MotLltda. lll x.d.

Canal BcndJ. 109 AhU. A lit Imp. ML, 1054 FOREIGN RAILWAYS. September ba atteoded the defeodaat's child.

On that day AAora i ower caUed. for tacdiclaa for tuo cniid. a wo letters srritUa by tbo defendaat were placed before the CourLaad Mr. Ilajaea thea proceeded to cross examine the eomplaiaaat, Wbo stated that he had kaowa the family for 13 months. Whea the tlrl cama for the mcdiciiie be CTamined her, as he thought, ahe waa, suffering! from typhoid ferer.

The examination seeatlred tbe thooibt. bhe cooaenLod to the examination and did not resist She did not tell him that ahe belonged to a dub aad did not require bis asslsUnee. There were two examinations. Be nerer kissed her. tie denied astanlUng the girl or asking the rlefrnrlsTit what reparatica ha ahonld make.

Tbe entriinrtris wu adJooniecL At Wot Hajc, Cbablxs Lxzzxorx, 4S, described as a of 2t, ArUiorttreet, BUrertown, was charged wish causing the death of George TVarman, a man about 45, by striking him about the body at Arthnr street, Silrer toirn.atorabout mldnkht on the let: inst. Ur. 0. Tho following nro chances recorded Official Li8t up to. 3 p.m.

Hour CoaroSATIOS (Torrs. An APTAXCZ cf 1 in Leads ITonr Msjaaav aaia ne was to 112 14 each In Swuaea to 1C1 and Wolr'tbamp. 1'rior to. the 10th of I ton to lOl and each la Birmiuf ham to 105V4 ditto rlarM pee Arfentloe Great Treat. (LL Deu, Bit, 7a 7 v4 BahlaA Van k'randaeo (L), Gua.

7 p.a 22 5 16 2 1, BSbao Utter A CantabrUa Bail i ILI.tTd, 1U 10 Brarluaa Ion, Cent. Bails 0 ka 1 p.c, wm Da. 6 P.O. Deb. 1101 Buenua Aires Great bonthero fL), 177V4 i Bueno Ayree Anarnada Porty.1 ura.

Bcarea, Buenos Ayres and Pacific, 7 p.e. rreio. eioca. lay. x.a.

132V4! iltrcedes Eitea. 5 at, Coode d'ls (l), j. a.l3Vt z.d. Coata Rka. cert, of sharts, 4a 11 164 Eatt Argentina (lk Ca.

7 p. 97Vx.d. La Ueaira and Caraeaa FJ. (L), 5 p.e. Deb.

Stock, 92V, 1 Llmaili.5 7.lS tMeilean VL 423, 3 2A4 Do, iat Pret, 5 Pt, l6.a 1TW a txe. Pern. I M. Weatrrn of Tjrosnay tt a n.c. vt.

74 3V; Deb. Stt. 1JC4 CeoUl to 91 H. Car dill to 1004 1V4. aad Nottiasham to 90 V4.

OoTinxxtST CapeCSIDnoaal to 101 S.Ykterla (16811 to ICS S. and ditto and 18831 V. to 1C7 Caaada Ifour par Cent: Bends) mxl 1 to 1C6 7 FolklGX GovaakUCN Ranla iWectam (Vntral Sallwa.t aoaz 4 to 87 A UuaUmaU KtannMll rtlL 1 tiUt tuiiiii lAatlo Dutch) I to 56 8, aad Tutklah (Priority) 1 to 69 71. isviAX RAiLWAr. Banttl Narpur aosa I to ICS 10, IIOVK TLlTI WAY, T.ff Vala vrf vrti I La IK JT1 tto 16570 Drxaxrrara.

firaat E.atsra ttt 1 tain 41 1 ao a. vv.a Da, p.a. 2d Prel. Stt, 47J Da; 6 e. Dab.

Stock. 1094 Sedfe and Sao Franclacw flLL CaaCulo4traiBiaal cna. 7 av. 4r4V4 2 ad. Btr jrna and Caaeaba (LL 21 zd.

bouUn. Brazilian KM.G rands do ral ILI, 6 p.c Irre. Deb Stock. POKEIGX BAILWAY OHTJilATTOVS. Arreetlae K.

Cent. Bail. Eilec, Nitrate Railwais (LI 1st AtiBda, Ml Vi Boenos Ayres A Rosarlo (LLlOrd. Stock. lfct Vi Da, Sunchaira Eitsa.

Shares. 1EU 1M6 Dol. Dft. Deb. 1191 Central Arrentioe il), 1(54 73 Do, 6 e.

Stock, 5 ne. Cot. Mt. i Vi 2 Brazil Gt. Stan.

(I.L e. bU.L C.UU1 a a 6Vat Delx.7S 3 Ooela Bicab ac.U Donna Tberea Cbrlatu.a (lniurrun Tt) sUn I totlSU tollS 17. TaSTslemxl kDea.iS4V4S ItsxicaaNaUoBal let Mort. ag. uoia aoa.

scrip au pa. 7V4 5 p.a. Do. iv, (Edlnborjh aad Glaasow) 1 to 123 S. and ditto (1875) I to 124 6.

COLONIAL A FALT. of 1 eafh'ln klanltofae. and Nertk Waetm to 88 8, Taamanlan Main Liner (Uebenturr,) to 64 Cltlcara aad Grand Trunk to 109 IL and Grand Trunk Junction toXCS 7. AxtaiCAJt CnaaiTiCY.ClBelnnaU and Wsahuftca (Saeoad Idortxacel aota 1 tall and ditto rThlrd llsrtnnl La 44 4 Oregua (OotuplaU Cerliflcatea) ratx 1 6a 153 5. roat lOH.

CcpUpo aoax 1 tetiX. Ceatral Arsaatiaa 1 to ICS 71. Atosraoa (BraxU), p.e. Do. ViUbaL.taa.83Vi' 104V1 it Pror.

Orel VI lfi2Si 3 San Paulo A Bio da Janeiro, 106U Smyrna A Casaaba, 5 pc. lit llrt. Bedeeaa. 112 BnaU Auatriao. 11V4 Varna.

3 n.c. 4Mt 5 W.ot burooa Bter. 7. AIL. Dan.

Do i at Wlil te 1315 11, NINES COlAlNtAL "AND VOKTinfl Axrlo Afrirae Diamond ai4 11 tPanulcfllo Cor par ftL 7VJ Richmond Cocaojl dated Copiapo auaoraCold Minlns: ailft aasinc Richmood CJccaaUi ComeAnirfl Ttoplra UlBtef Co. JU, 1 TA lata (Ll MaaooABainaLTtilS fc 10 Ml 10 W4 Montana a lV4 il T3a. Uert. Bonds. 994 VsiUd Ataxlaaa (LL 4J.

2AN7CX. Ans1r.m4ieB cu fAl Baavk of Atutralaaia. 64 3V4 VAX I tf New Zn aaa. UH CLartered of India. Aastnllaaai cJoadaLXVi CklaaiaSad.

Duu a Locdoa a 1 rv 8 x.L os. sa.or aueer riaae aj, infe XacBaa, SaotUak CaariaraL321 Isrpartal Utasaaas, Aaatraitaa Vi MIL laiodoaACcajatyaiBVaUKX UmrfoB A IWlaelAltU. 14VT Lnewloai a rtml au llt. ao Lnid. t7srt.ef Aaattaiw.

254W f. Lcodoa Joint Suea Q.t 26441 KaA Bank ut AiatraJaata. 13 Has. Prow, of Eaciaad (Lfc 14 lie Oaecatelaad Nat. (LL 12 htaadard wf S.

Africa Uataa of AastraXta II L1 Laioa of 1 onnnai u.1 raieo lUak at ttpata A fi U.L4aa OAXAU AND DOCKH BlmlBthaaa CaaaL 115 JL a W. India Deck. JS cniiur.sciaL. UIDDSTBIAL. Aei Aerated Bread 0.1 4 1MI 5 Gutanea IA.

Gulitaa. ftjii. Ca. Alkotn AlUrmai A aoaa. LL LL tArd.

Stack. 280 44' ura. Btoec. IZJS a la.a pc. Da.

I aa Tft thft 7H 4 5 pa. Dea. tlti, fl7 Da. a 4 ne. D.D.

auicvk. liiv. to. Barrett' Brewery A Bottila(LL IlapBiUerS CLL Bharea.41 a la 7 16 54 lodia no rrrraa, xet. 13 1 lSlTiIJ work Kynaea tu.

ayaoca aaa i u. rrei. bj Morrkt New Kl Nordenfelt Gens and Aauav 0.1 15 16; Rio 4a Janeiro Cltylmprort. 0 5 pa Detk. 1871 to 18S3.

123 Bamada Brotaars (LL 2V tMUl'l PaJfSt IIJL 13 Talaw Cooatr. A Slain ten. 0 1 1 I BB.a.a, OalH.a DtuW f. (Share. HVi (R Murrts A 800a IL iploaiTe.

0.185 14 tBitau sutea twuas bux. Waterlow Brae. A Laitoa 0.L 12 Brrant a Mar ILL 13 1 1S LTi 11 Catailnaa Wuehoaaea a Mole Uo. of BJLrrea. 6aa ML Deo.

104 DanleU and bona' Brawcrlas (LL unL.11 E. Powdrr ai S4S ClrarstU French Tobaeoo (LL 2, Zley Xrotber a'. ti' jrordhaat (W.B. Pordiam A Boas, LL Share. 1V4 Gillaan aod Sarncer (LL 54 llotdikiat Ordnanr (LL 16 Da.

I pe. rret. II 5 15 CORPflRATlOX STOCK COLONIAL AND PORXION. Cltyrf Montreal, 5 p.a Bterlins. City of BcaartcV (aa atetliaf ito ia a.

Bona. 1U4 nNANClAL. LAND. AND INVESTMENT AsrlcuL of MarittaL 11 15 N. 8.

Wale Mors. Loan aod Aaert BeallzatioB IL 84 Azaoey OA 14 i Aaatralian MorULaniL Flaaaea New iaad Land Moe. (LL (1,1. Arw is, at a 9H ad. New etuaoi ina a Mrreaata; Da.

4 P.O. Deb. Btk. hA Asency aL r.4 V4 5 1S Baeno Ayr llara. Wsa Trust, Otso and totalaad Lnr.

(1 lVs Trurt Cert. Scrrn. 9W! B1L Deb. Trust (LL Saa Cent. ArcenUna Liand.2T 15 16 redeem, at 10 1UH Debenture CorpotatkmaitVi 3 li RatL lor.

(LL PraL Stock. 4 GoreraHtock Railwty Stare Tract (LL A. 7 va, tw mvib AiKruaa Lau am. aaa II ad 10 a. Bay Coapany, 214 laT.ii.Lii.

ls MaaltoU Atort A 1 OAS. Aaron (LL 2 TJ.8. Sn.v Start, 1244 ABstrallaa Cas LIcbLS e. Deba 138 BahU(LL Ort 20 Bombar ILL New. IK 7 18 CaaUfhta Cbka.

A. OnL. 250V 1 SUM I Da, 4 S7 8 Cas Lbht A TVi tPraL. Ma. If8 Do 4 Deai 113, lap.

Contiaentai, 21,, Mrt. of 5 pe. 111 Mont Video (I 19 INSURANCE. Lion Fire ILL 4 bMIPPINQ. fCeoaral Steam NarlfaUoo.

84 P. ad O. RLeam S9 84 9Vs Da.ap.t, 18((. union niesmanip iLi, it' Tr.Lr.iiicAi ii i Art iu.r.rtiuia. African D.Tele.

ILL 4 e.Dk. 98 Aaslo AtBericaa' (LL 654 BreillUn huhmaha ILL llfilJ IS Dtreet United Bute Cabl (LL 1877. 9Vi ZaJterBai.115 16 Da, 6 p.e 14 Da.4 ML D.D. btk, 1014 V4 ti i.d. London Platlao.Brz.

dL 4V4 TKAM WATS AND OMXIBU8. ABflc Arzrntina (LL 10 7 lf Barcelon (11. It1, Bristol (LL 101 Bueno Ayr A Balerano Tram. Co. (LLlat Drh.8tk.6 Carlbarena and Ilarrarias Staam L10V4 atastern Sitesaion.Acatralaat, A China (LI.

12 11 is li lb Globe and Truat MX II IB Da. 6 pe. 13 3 i Oft, North, of Copenhagen, p.c. Dei a. 11, 01 ibul iu United Telethon (LI 11 Vi 9 lt Wntra ami BramUn (LL Weatlndia aad Panama p.c.

ias 1 Edlnbarrb Street 10 IMS 1 Ln.ted Truna. A Obl. KlzabcrUyaVUV Kid. lirerpoi cfc L. London (U UK Lo4ob Ces.

UmBilnu (LL 157 London Koad ar Ca (II. 5H WATERWORKS. Ksrth Vatrvpolitan, lTy, Lamheth (max. 10 pal 237 V4 RECENT NOVELS. 'Whether Mias Uraddon will occupy a con tpicuous niche in that corner 01 the temple ot fame which is reserved for the world's novelists, or whether Bhe will bo admitted at all, is a debat able question which posterity alone cm settle.

But to bo appreciated by contemporaries is worth a cood deal of posthumous ronowu and Miss Braddou is fortunate enough to be appreciated highly, if not by the nicest critica, at all events br tho myriad readers who are so much more im rjortant than ihev. Unon Liko and Unlike (3 Ulacltett) wo have two verdicts to pais, uno is tnat as a novel meant 10 command a circulating library success, with a subsequent career: in yellow covers at railway bookstalls, it is admirable. The other is that as a literary com position the novel is odious. Jliss Uradcon nresent stvle mav bo described as that of a slightly chastened Ouida, ever trembling upon the vergo of hyperbole, yet seldom stepping over the brink, over tripping airily ovor ground where she is obviously net at Lome, yet seldom meeting with a downright tumble. Such a ityle is more mischievous in its effects than many others more grossly bad.

Its meretricious qualities are taken or fine writing by many who would not be deceived by palpable bathos, and so contribute largely 10 viuaie mo novei reauers lasie. now for the other side of tho question. Like and Unlike is by far the most effective of Miss Brad don's stories sinco Ishmael," which, indeed, bo excels the rest of the long catalogue that it must be placed in a class by itself. No bettor instance than the novel before us could be Ihosen to illustrate how well Miss Braddon knows her business. In its raw state the.

melodramatic plot before us is hardly fitted for consumption in the servants' hall. In. the 19th century a gentleman with an Eton and Oxford education when at midnight ho discovers bis wife penning a letter telling him that she is about to decamp from a 'neglectful husband with another man, does not fell her dead with ono blow of a loaded cane. ISor, by. way of mending matters, would ho wrap the body in a rug (why this precaution 1), carry it upon his athletic shoulders down to the stream a quarter oi a mile away, and pop it in, while a baronet, his brother, who has como in at tho ooks on with sorrowful but passive disapproval.

But it is in rendering such things probable that Miss Braddon's talent resides. The whole train of incidents which leads up to this and the whole train of consequences which follows are so adroitly pieced together, and the situations are so dramatic throughout, that such an occurrence appears to the reader the most common thing in the world. And this rather alarming illusion is assisted in another way. The writer is in harmony with the movements and tastes of smart society, ia well up in its patter, and has further developed that pert smartness of style which her later works have exhibited in a nascent state. A large portion of society will be satisfied and even delighted with any book which shows that its.

author has kept abreast of the fashion of the day. Then, again, some of Miss Braddon's characters, especially among the women, are excellent. Leonora Baddeley is an entertaining specimen of the Becky Sharp order, and a compensatory justice is dene to the sex by embodying in Lady Belfield the highest womanly traits. The character of tbo girl Madge is also a tribute to feminine goodness, but we are conscious of some inconsistency between Madge of the first volume and Madge of the second and Of the men, the less said the better, it is all very1 well to assure us that the polished and flabby Sir Adrian and his coarse brother Valentino were liko as well as 41 unlike." But their photographs" alono would convince us of their likeness everything in these pages speaks to their radical unlikeness. In con clusion, we would ask Miss Braddon whether two years' imprisonment with hard labour is really her 1 a .11.

notion 01 an aaequaie pumsnment zor a gentleman who kills his wife under the circumstances above mentioned. Does she think that a coal heaver who had met with a similar misadventure would get off with 20 years' penal servitude 1 Major and (isy w. tu. Jiomi. inree Bentley.) Here is another tale of two brothers, liko and unlike'.

Uno is bad, the other good. But neither does tho bad one speak or act like a coarse ruffian, nor does the good one comport himself as a Christian martyr might do in a frock coat. Brian Segrave is simply what people would pronounce "a real good sort that is to say, possessed of a high but unconscious sense of honour, and a great fund of modesty, patience, and good Gilbert, his brother, is no worse than a shrewd, shabby fellow with a low sense of honour. The virtues of Mr. Noma's heroes and the vices of his scoundreu are, indeed, realistic in the best sense they are just what might be met every day in society.

His analysis of character is searching without being laboured and although fn as a wt trai at a ft ft amidst 111 sT Bel Tw aTnfa'ai aVIV SVi AAA AS V.B, alaaaaliJaaJsj AAe b4 VAAA4 Sf books, each one pf them is as good as a sermon, provided always mat we rest satisned witn tnou sholt not," and explore not the regions of thou shalt." Probably nono'cf the pettier vices tempts the average sinner more persistently than that want of straigntf orwardness which renders Gilbert a despicable creature, and the reader who may tiunlc himself incapable of Gilbert's conduct as a whole may Eometimes profit by olscrring his more impalpable phases of shabbinesji varieties of de. ception which are hardly distinguishable from prudence and worldly wisdom. How in a moment of annovance Brian was crossed out from his father'a an unlucky landslip prevented Sir Brian from fulfilling his intention of reinserting him, how Gilbert persuades liimself that the property, will do better in his own hands than: if restored to his elder brother, how Brian goes off to London to eiirnhis bread and cheese as ah organist at a suburban7 church, how ho is reduced to sell the valuable scran of croDertr of which it was not in I Sir Brian's power to deprive him in, fact, the I whole historr of Gilbert's cad behaviour to Brian, JLTJtl ILI SO Lv Aiaajr U1UHVU Muiuiu av, enlivened br such, pcrscnages as Mr. Bcswell and Tomnrv Phirna. But unquestionably the person who will receive the greatest attention is Mis Beatrice Huntley, the heroine, whose character is enifftna.

It is so rare to come across a UautLftil T(rane lady con wniing whcm itis argu atxie wnevaer uus or tnat wwim uwwiu taste, whether this or that action was meddlesome, or whether the legitimate desire to castigate did not here or there verge npon malice. All these TirnMprna am nrr apnt in the case of 3tiu Hmitley, and even when the lev to itcobd deal of her con onle will be found to think that she was wantonly cruel (and once iinjustifiably rude) to amiable Jjord Bttpieioru, ana wiat aim went out of her way to pursue oncers ukb vengeful fury. At all events Beatrice has a large capacity for mischief as well as for good, but we must be lenient to her, because she is an heiress. She is able to indulge all her fancies without control from any quarter, and she is, moreover, of that masculine, self reliant; tvpe of voung womaii which is rather foshicnable nowadays, and there fore needs no. Alaborate defence.

We have only one crow to pluck witholr IS oms, who has given us such a good book. He sends Brian, as wo have said, to a London suburb, which is duly par ticularized, in the capacity of an organist. His adventures there are, no doubt, capital satire, but they seem to bo founded upon, the questionable belief (several times openly and rather offensively expressed) that the society of the suburb in question is composed of vulgar rich, people, to such a degree that tho vicar of Brian's church finds it a relief to meet some one of his own social position. Assuming all this were true, it would, still be very bod taste in 3Ir. Norris to say so but to those who know the neighbourhood such a picture is simply ludicrous, and we can only explain it by numbering him among those with whom it is anaffectation to believe that metropolitan good breeding is confined to a little world of which Kensington (whatever that term may mean) is the uttermost boundary.

The Creiso of the Excelsior." (By Bret Horte, 2 F. V. White.) This is a clever book, rather different in its scope from the subjects in connexion with which Bret Harte ii best known. Its characters, are crisp, its situations, taken in detail, aro interesting, and yet alas 1 that there should be a yet the book is unsatisfactory a whole. If the truth must be told, the plot is intricate and perplexing.

What was it ail about and what did they kill each other for 1 Here, in the year of Our Lord 1852 is a smart schooner, captained by a suspiciously suave Seiior Perkins, carrying an interesting assortment of American gentlemen and ladies, and apparently making for a certain port on the coast of California. They do not reach their port, but they are carried by a mysterious current, aided, judicious management on the part of: the suave the Mexican.mission station of Todos Santos, a dreamy, misty post which why, it is not easy to make out has been forgotten by the Mexican Government and has held no communication with tho outside world for we aro afraid to say how many years. The idea is novel and striking. The improbability onco accepted, tbero is plenty of scope for amusing episodes inthe oca uaintancos struck up between lively American belles and courtly commandantes' and alcaldes, between dark eyed damsels of the Presidio and dashing Yankee beaux and plenty of time for tho heroine to develop her tenderness for one Hurlstcme, a gentleman whoso privato affairs he is a fugitive from" a good for nothing wife are supposed to entitle him to' be melancholy. Bui tins is all to pass the time.

Why Seiior Perkins ever brought them there, why he decamped with the schooner and left them what light the garrison of Todos Santos regarded him, whether aa a filibuster or a rebel against their own, the United States, or any other Government, or whether he was, in fact, a rebel against any and which of these, is a little puzzlo which each reader must solve to the lest of his ability. We can only say that the mysterious Perkins comes bock again, that his second visit is supposed to dissipate the mystery, that it involves bloodshed, and that the end of this singular adventure of the passengers of the Excelsior affords a little excitement as well as a good deal of amusement. The Wonderful Adventures of Lucy Smith (by F. C. Philips, 2 Sonnenschein) aro very similar in some respects to the adventures of others of the author's heroes and heroines.

He is fond of tracing the rose strewn career of' some young person of either sex who devotes himself or herself to self enjoyment, unfettered by social restraints and owing no duty to any one but first person singular." The bachelor, the dtrorcfe, the unmarried girl have practised this easy religion in Mr. Philips's successive novels. It is fortunate, perhaps, for the general tone of society that the Epicurean rule of life so alluringly illustrated by Mr. Philips demands a few conditions which are seldom found together for example, a full purse, freedom from all family or social ties, and a conscience which gives no trouble. But 3Iies Lucy Smith has the complete equipment.

She is a Sretty governess, without family or friends, who, nding nerself, never mind how. in possession of a nice sum of money, sets about the study of how to enjoy herself with a business like coolness which would not disgrace a man about town of long experience. She thoroughly appreciates a good manyare the hints which the gourmand may pick up from theso pages, as from thoeo. of. all the same writer's It is just after enjoying a rfchtrchi little repast at the Grand, Brighton, that she picks up a handsome, lover.

Of course (sho runs into risky situations with charming unconsciousness and, of course, she comes to no harm unless a rich marriage contracted in this casual way may bo bo described. But we are omitting the feature which, after all, distinguishes this sharply from all 3Ir. Philips's previous books. A wizard or necromancer or by whatever name an old gentleman who purchases young girls' dreams for hard cash is to be called is rather a queer importation into a type of story which is nothing if not prosaic. What tho precise working of such a transaction is wo are not informed but the most.

natural consequence of the sale of a girl's dreams to a wizard would be that the wizard would dream of new gowns and that she would dream of nothing. As the consequence in this case was certainly something more horrible, so serious, indeed, as to necessitate finding a moral wizard to smash the immoral must sorrowfully give pp exercising as to what was tho legal effect of the document to which Miss Lucy Smith, rashly put her name, but whereof we are not told that she ever restored any part of the consideration money. DcadMan's Rock." (By" Casseiland Co.) It would be unfair to lay stress on the fact that this tale is an imitation of a celebrated living master. At all events, it is a taking and even striking imitation, which could Dot have been effected by a feeble hand. A pure and vigorous style and a glowing imagination are welcome in any writer, whencesoever he derives his inspiration and' these are undeniably to be found in Dead Man's Bock." We will rather, therefore, thank Jfr.

R. L. for raisinup such a promising disciple to emulate him. Q's fancy has rich! materials to work with. We are irresistibly infected with Jasper Treknoweth's awe of the Bay of Lantrig and of its associations of wreck and bloodshed and the author's sense of sublimity while describing the ascent of the great peak of Ceylon communicates itself to us with a vividness not rendered less im pressive by the exciting nature of the quest upon which the pilgrim is has the gift ougnt we to call the knack 1 01 circumstantial narration, and we own its power, although that is used to narrow us witn successive scenes of murder.

That is wriat tne puoiio demands: and that is what it gets here. If any reader fails to be thrilled with the fiendish atrocities of Simon Colliver he must more than human. Having done, perhaps, full justice to the ability of to fascinate his readers, let us point out where he breaks down, if such a. strong nhrase is allowable. In constructing marvels of adventure no one would wish to impose a limit npon the imagination.

The more wonderful, perilous, and sublime are the things conceived the more they enchain the mind. But with what we may call marvels of coincidence it is different. One turtraofclinary coincidence is quite enough for a plot; two stagger, and three disgust us. Q.e we are sorry to aay, has not even limited himself to this extent. Up to Uie meeting of Jasper Treknoweth with Clare Luttrell the writer carries us wita nim entirely, xrom vat wins enwards the plot tisfee of fjie Taeet ex.

asperating coincidences which moderB Setkm hat ever admitted into, one story. Nor is 14 at home in dealing with the teiidec The whole episode of Clare Lnttrell weak, and might have been dragged in beeaase the aatbor had been told by some injudicious adviser that no novel would be complete without a love story. Let us hope that will write another roaanct without any lore Mr. Haggard will show hira that the thing can bo done and without coincidences. "Old Blazer! Hero." (By.

David Chriiii. Murray Chatto and Windus.) Here is a short, unambitious tale of humble life, in which Mr. David Murray's rugged power of telling a story and his talent for reproducing the eccentric side of humanity are seen to advantage. Old Blazer' to explain matters somewhat, is a coal mine whose weakness for getting on fire has earned it this affectionate nickname, and it will be guessed that Old Blazer's hero is.the hero of expIosionVfiredamp, and floods. Ned Blane is a manly fellow, with much strength "of fibre, who is beset with the trials and temptations common to all heroes and, substituting womanly for manly attributes, the same remark andies to lllary by giving her hand to the aissipateu iu xuacauLi, is uio innocent cauao 01 Blane's adversity.

While we follow the fortunes and misfortunes of these, the chief actors, with interest, we confess to deriving the heartiest en oyment from 3Ir. Murray's subsidiary characters rom the naive Shadrach, commonly called 44 the Bard," owing to his proclivity to rhyming improvisation from Hepziboh, whoso cast iron features onlv melt either when she is, under tha influence of motherly regard for Ned Blane or when she is struck with awe at tbe divine genius of 44 the Bard from the money lender, Mr. Lowther, and his bum Aberryham and from old Mr. Hackett and his spouse. All these sketches are admirable, and their' grotcsqaeness, at t' a a it wild a aligns leaning to caricature, togciner with the strong human element in them, render the comparison with Dickens one that cannot be resisted.

Dickens, however, made his humorous creations more important, and they filled a larger space. Mr. Murray only allows! us to catch occasional glimpses of his, and we are constantly led to regret it. 3 fl LAW ISOTICES, This Day Wednesday), Xor. 9..

HOUSE OT LORDS. Wrrrwrrmx Their Lordships ril hsia arpeal hiuineea tomorrov. at 19 30. Tha foUoTin ea4Aa U1 pa 1st the paper hearinc Coopet t. Cooper and other.

JUDICIAL COMMITTEE Or THE PRIVY COUNCIL. Wamc ball At 13 33 Astiaaia. Kai Kiahoei Dl and anotharT. bendra hath Sircar aad othara, part hearl StanLar Baaah T. Dya abaaka anal others; scrnEM court oy jTjDicATrEE coriT or aittaLv ArrxALCocaTL BWoratha AiAaTsa of Kotx aou uomzm JcsTlcts Bowtx sad rar.

at 1030 Appeal liotioa. part, from tha Qaeen'a Baaeb and Amiraltr Di'iaiona. urisiat! Motion a. llancrr. Jamei IrU Eln.

Appaala front tha Unem's Heaeh DiTisloB (Interloeotor LtftL Fblu T. Chinrr and anoUer. cart bearJ The Oiaa T. IYoiMr aad otTer (CraVB 8id (appI of Loodwn. Tilbury, and revthend Eaila ar CoeapMjt aa' arpllm tion ty Rer.J.

Can Cox for a wtvS hatcas eorvos (apieal J. UaSeal OL ArrsALCocaTlL Befcre Lobdb Jcmczs Corroy. Lixptrr. and Loris, at 13 10 Arp al Mottms. rt parte, from th Chancery and Probata acd Dirorra Dtiiaion.

Urtainal Mutpm. ATosaoiMated Bank (application, rf Haa orth'a xeutorsL Aprea's from th Chaaeer? and Dtroro Dtrialoa (Separata Liatl Pnateo Kthri(toa Kmitb It E. U. Kaellnc'a fiattteineBt iKeeina' V. t'oallard.

and KIibc Disby Urjaat r. Stailett Maefartana Llater. and Bradahaw Maef arULB. Ex parte if i ford Dock Coapany lappeal of A. Drydenl 1SW i UICH COCBT OF JUSTICE.

CHASCF.ET Drvisioy. Chascxkt CocxT Be for Ma. Jcsnnt Kat. allOIOt AdaWton Llnoleain Cempaay (ax part BeoaonL Cattaea for lth witne. Elinors v.

IVrU and Atkinson t. Fan, part heartt. CHAXrxsT Cocrr nL. Bfor Msu Jrsrtcai Csrrrrr. at 13 Can forTriaL without.

ltneea AVnmolh A. WeamotlL part heard SatUn Ward Exrhas( fihippuif Comrany Wild Sall Lawson Oaare Ryiuontlt tint htB's Kultabt Loan jiociatr Thornhiil Mxoo J. Walker r. Archer E. Walker Archer J.

Cox' Troata. ex fmtifr Cox'a lser hock r. FanaeU WaUa toCnaeannea aod V'ehdor and Fuchaaer Act Jlawerr. Harstonaad Jenkiaar. Jiewaokl Caaacxar Court IL Beo a.

Jca ric Satvn, at 13 30 AetJoo, with wltneaae. BattBn T. PopUr Daathet Board or Work, part haiard. Adjonrard Saamoo. Prtom T.

Proom (by ordwL' Load Cockt. Bfor lit. Jcsnce Stieitso. as 19 33 For JailcmtnL Salvey ea'atay. Order.

M'l'er t. II UL Adjourn. I Sammooae. Baiinoa T. Kawlines.

part heard Law ton T. XI wee. part hamrxt he Farrer aad Chaasptoa and Vendor and Porehaaar AeltlS7 Smith WlmT. Bydar Batty Cail 18 BMatr Brydte. Chascist Coiar iy.

Before Us. JrsTTCX atxmrtCB. Can tor TriaL with witness. WeaeerT. Sanitary Xnciahiv Aa, Co part heard Wearrr r.

J. atiS aod Sms KMnloy IKnareeboroaxhi As Banking Company T. KearaleyJ Padaa T. TelpnU Warburs. Harri Cox T.

Isnlow aod Bona. QUEEN'S BXSCH DITI8IOS: Qrxix'a Erxfu Covarr VlL DivnioXAi. Corar. Bcfora Jcmci Srarnajr'aod Jrrrica Chaiu.cs at 13 39 Xx parts Motions oa th CItU 8id. trppoced Motloasea th ClrB Bad.

Foretsaa Carrett Eraos T. Great WeaUra ailway Company and aaotber two ejotiotor. ex part Tharmpenn i ek v. Kant Wllds oo aad a aether T. froat U6V.

cxur BtscHCovar IV. Be (or Ut MAStSTT, at 19 30 BpMtal Joriaa. Uaaa Miller, part heard Emplorera JaMUty A snrane Corporation Sklpp and Xaat WBliaa Cardlaar aad Son (2371 Viiu'i Bbsch Coubt IX Bfor Kb. Jcsttcx ILtrarw. at 19 30 8pedU Jarle.

Potts v. Lsrer. part heard Vast T. Ketap and ethara Whltsley r. Barley LnUr r.

Llurr aad aaothM' '2avzuta Exwch CoraT VITL Eefora Ma. Jcinca A.L 8xrm. at 10 Coaamon Jarl. Dotbtn r. Sextoa.

part heard Pjk and Misehla r. M'Mardo Ch ampaa T. Woodsa Bond T. Pmtoo, Kwor. eimmon Maader Andrrwa I US).

Srrnxtit ix BtaaacrTcr. Mr. Joatica Car will ait oa Lfsaday next Oorember 1), at 13 3a to bear Bankruptcy Motieo. Vomcx to Jcaoaa lb special Juror earn mooed torQna's Bench Court IV. ars rinired to attend ttere tonlsy.

aJ 13 20. Losdow AcTIoka. Special Jury actien UI tried oa aad a'ter Monday. N. IL Cvaamoa Jury actiou will tried aa aad after Meixtay.

Sar. 33. BANKRUPTCY. At tha Coart, LIneol lnn. Efor i Mb.

BSbisTBAa Girraaix Tint Coort, Application, sectioo 21 R. Coke, at IL Lhachart J. B. Barnard, at 11 A. Aaatia.

at 11 Darla had Daria. at LL Pnblla ExanuniUoa. L. ABspaca, at It OL H. Barnea, at U33 0.

H. Uaaa. at 11 O. Cajwy, at 11 30 W. Aabert, as 11 Cox and Sooa, at 13 O.

Brown, arti W. Bor laa. at 12 CV ruunnol. at 11 R. Boacii.irj at 11 A.

K. ABdraw. at 12 D. Brown, at 12 30 H. Coulthard.

at 12 30 L. Alnawirth. at 11 XL Befors Ms. BaauraAa Llsbiatu. Second Court.

Diachan. J. Stspheas. at IX Adjourned Pablia Eiaaina tiona. P.

IL 8mtilv at 2 T. H. Ss. at T. A.

V. Tempest, at 2 U. Surar. at 1 Turner, at 2. BeforaMa.

RxvCrTBAa LUxurr. Ia Boom 3. Motion. Sir E. M.

Mantel, at IL Before Ma. Rsoiv Taaa Bbocohax. to Voooa 29 Two petitlooa at 11. time pott tiona at 11 33. four pttltkins as 12, Urea petitiona alli petl.

tiona at and Urea petitioc st 2. To Kettle Order. U. fnraer. at IL Oca application at LL AppUcatton to AnaaL 13C Mrrrtscs or CsxDrToaa.

Before the OmciaL Ercrirxxx At Bank mpeT rIUinia, Porturl atreet. LlMoIn's inn. feecood Mert tnc A.M. Manden. at IL Pint Ueetinra J.

Kitaoo, at O. OraxioU. at 12 O. MHward. at 2 30.

At IL Carey etraet. Lla cola a ian. Central tiasv AbertromM. at IL PEOBATE. DIVOBCX.

A2f ACMIBALTT DTVISIOX PaoBATT, DlTOKO. A.tO COVBT Kf OTW th BlUHTHoir. tha PxlxIDXJlT. at 10 30 1 Probata Aetion; wita bpretal Jurt. Keeaoo r.

Lor moor (Laxmoort Utrrexan(r Eia T. WUliama (. Pkobatc Drroacr, aad Adxixaitt Cotxr It Eefor II Jem ex Butt, with Triaity 13 30 Admlralty. Salrif. with WUaeaaea Tha ChltMB Marsaax.

WRECK la Qweao's Bench Coart IX Befor sib. IL Wreek Cooa tain oner, wuh A sots, at 11 Upwpa aad tha Plaotaur. The Eisner or St. David's asittiib Wesixtass. In a speech on the question of diseatablisLmeat al the recent akxasan conference, the Bishop cf SL.

Carid's saiJ. when peaking of the nnsertaiclT of the Toloatary srstem for supporting the work of God, that he was told there were numerous Wesleysa'raiaisters now nncaploTcd. The TiTVyane Jones, of Srecca, presideat cf jhe Wealejaa Conference, directed the Bishops attenticn to the statement, informing b'" that he was entirely ia error and that there were no Aveslejan ministers unemployed, with the exception of the inperntmeraries retired froni actire str Tice on account of health or of advanced age. The Bishop has written the following reply Her.

and Dear Sir, Yon haTe called my attention to an eipreation made om of by me in my opening address deliTered at the St. David's Diocesan Conference. I said 'Ye are told cf numerous Wealejaa ministers unemployed. Of course I did not restore to assert that this wu the case all I meast was that a statement to that effect was current. It Is plain from the Information which you hare given rae that tbe.

facts of the case would act Lear oat such a statement although I asserted its existence and currency on whit then appeared to me to be satisfactory evidence, I am now driven to conclude that either my inform ant or the authority on which he relied was mistaken. Iti hardly necessary for me to add that what I said was not by me with aay kind of adverse animus as regards the VTesleyaa body, and I am certain that my informant was equally Tree from any such feeling, lour faithful servant, Vi. Uasil St. David's." The Oitxd xxj Geooxtxidgx RAixwAT. The Government Inspector (Ita jor Geseral Hutchinsoa) made aa official inspection on Monday of the first section of tie Oxted and GrocmtriJge near line of the London, Brighten, and South Coast Railway from Oxted to Edenhridge Be was accompanied by Mr.

Allen Sarle secretary antl general manager), Mr. r. D. Banister (resident engmeerV Mr. TV.

Etroudlev (loecmotire auperintesdent). Mr. J. Richardson (traffic superintendent), and Mr. G.

W. SUaiforth (goods Major Geseral Hutchinson expressed himself well pleased with the new works, which had been carried outnnVerthe suDerviaJon of Mr. George Lcpea (under tha direction of Mr. Banister). The contractors, Mesars.

Fir bank, were represented by Mr. Stennett. It ia unJer rtood that this section of tho new line will be opened fcr trafSccn January 1 next, Japatesx axd Assam Tea, The statistics of tha export of Jspanese tea show that while the annual quantities feat ahraad (mainly to the United States) have rapidly increased, the prices are still more rapidly diminishing. In 1859, the first year Japan was opened to foreign trade, the export was only 2Q.0COIb. while in 1878; the last rear for whichhe com para tire statistic are givenJt reached 1 million pounds.

For the moat part tho increase was a steady and regular one, showing few and trilling fluctuations. Not so, however, the tree In tht average price per picul (133 31b. waa $23, in 1S63 $30, 1870 $33,1873 $37, aad then it declined until in lS73itwU cmly $1 orleothiahalf that of 1S72. As La China, tis cause of this enennoci decline in vslsa is depreciation is quality tha tea growers, being anxious to get the leal rapidly and in as large quantities as possible to tbt market, do sot give it the time and care repaired in ti delicate operation of" producing high quality tea. Froma report made by tha Attara secretariat to the Government Bengal it appears that in 1S6S there were in tho Brahmapootra and Burma valleys 663 tea rardeas of vnt 9Wj acres, cf which only an area cf 2LJ.0W screswasa? artuxd cultivation.

Ooe aixth of this area asdded the last four years. 13 tc yield was flrrtaample of JLsssa tea reached when, accing to th Punscer.4Siab.waa a at per lb, in 1866 3766,96. eame fewta Use Batoespct valley and Sanaa betfig about the rate of 366b, an acre li 'i 1: is I.

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