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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 12

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 THE TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE '8, 1680. llt.x rno TOLICE. At the JUssuHMiorsE, yesterday. IltsnT Artotx Watts, IT, ecletk, reidiof in llorooey ws before Alderman Sir llmfamin Ptfllip chrcri month of Mavlast.e letter contaioinsj too Wild of xrhnf fee (V, a 4X rW of value of UK it, and a quantity of ottae value? twdateeit's, and ttM wAartjr of hi traitor, Mr. Jan Smith llerlurn.

Tb rocotr, Ir. lletbom. i a soli cih iTictWing. stith others, in Bird ia I'amKexHirt, Olieap The rnwiwr had eo in their service si clerk for taut' month, Ms datv being to stamp and Jct letters and keep the If ttwbook. On the 2.1th of Mv Mr.

llejv. bom handed liiry a letter containing twv Hi's! of etcnsnsn for I'W with ir.structioat to deliver it immediately. At the eoronveiment of the present month th firm received a letter informing them that the bill hid not remittes. It js dlsom ereU that there was a tfefaritncy in atarBfearnOQntiar, to IrtoNO end andj kocotdaiat writ rrvwvvsl of letters not fsyirtj drlivwd Hie tallica wrreowtnmunicatfd with sDit to epnreheod tl rion'r. Oo Saturday IMectifrMwrjrirr, Child, of the City Poliff, aw tin prtoof in liotoney street, Weet ruinate am! told him he should arrest him a a charge of stealing the bills and rMtcc lUmp.

Tine ptieotwt admitted hit gnilt. TLc police office ararclird bit lodgings atnl found toe It ttf and till in juftion in hit '1 Vra rrf also found a If ttfr containing a jost order for 10. fid. and Smother letters which Mongrd to hi masters, There were also found letters the prorierty of hit former prap' oyrra. AH theae letters were of tbt greats! import nor, an II wat lltouc.riv mat trie jrioer dm nuiie.i stamr and tbe im prisoner said rs in difficult at the time and this wis bis first ofence.

Sir ltenjemin rhillipa sentenced him to two nonth' imnriaonarut, with hanl labour. At tKt.BORorr.n AtnrnTilEPtMJSi'ndSiKAH F.XPO, of rt ttfft. were un nrd before Mr. (ok br JcntrU Snook, unitary i fi at tlx) acbool, on the brotieht to the mull had a acme beating, tne UiTitiobal Furrron jctcrof M.Oforg,llnoirpr aellingailulteratf .1 Oulttr. 1 1 iDfircior aiairu id.i im: wvm a uje urirwi acta (hop and ttirrhaacd a (vuimI of batter of tbo shopman for I.

4d. Ho diriJevl the battrr into three (ortion. citioc oti to tl ahopman. rrUininj ooa Jiimvif, land tivitT tie other to the anaJjit. Tte inajretor pnxlurfd a ceruncate from Dr.

CorfVid. tJ analyat, toth ctlcct that there wa only lOpf cent, of butler and cut. of other aubstaue. TU defendant Albert Heddon mi was not aware of tbtre being anything wrong with the butter. He understood it to be witter.

The insjctor. rcMTice to Mr. Cooke, stated that he aKfI for butter He btlieved the defendanta had only recently taken the ahop. The Klf nlant mi las soon aa lie found article was comnlaii.etl of he derliried to sell any Diore. Mr.

Cooke fined him 40s. and Gd. costs. At Westmucstos, Mr. Howard ARyou.

aaMttant fchoolmaater of St. Mary's (ftoman Ctbolic) day achooU, CaJan trft, CbeJaei, iiuramoBed! for auulting James Morris a boy of May. Tho boy, when trate, "ws found to ind Dr. Ceorce lVarac sf the li Dhixton. found 16 or 17 stritf (serosa the battoeks of more than onlinary severity.

Mr. Terry appeared for the defence. It appeared from the' evidence of the mother, whoso husband Las so neglected his children that he has been sent to gaol under the Kducation Acta, the boy was aged only six year, and had not behaved himself, in fact, waa so little under control that she took him to the school and asked the defendant to give him a good canine," but not to kill him." The boy would not go in, so sie slapped hi bead. Then he lay down and kicked, and the went into the school and listened to the correction. This, she declared, lasted a quarter of an boar.

Tha boy not being now in at tendance, Ed wards, one of the officers of the court," waa despatched for him, but could sot bud him. Dr. Tearse dettved tljit tbre wis! no trmitent in iurr. bnt tbe boy had been too severely caned. The de.

fence was that tl hoy was so ld and incorrifihle that defendant was askel to well chtie him', and if be had com rait led au error in too aevercly castigating bim it was to be Lojed his future would not be branded by the stigma of a conviftion for Tbe Kev. John Cooke, the principal, gave the defendant an excellent character, and in tbe end tne summons was withdrawn on payment of tbe medical man's fee and 3s. compensation to the mother. At IVoRsinr STRrrr, A'Lrxrp Blt.tox, 27i omnibus rondnctoT, who had leen apprehendeil on! a war rant, was charged with uttering a forced and counterfeited a certificate of character, well knowing it to be forged, and with intent to defraud. Mr.

E. D. Lewis, solicitor, at earel for the profcecution which was hjtitutrd bv the London General Omnibus C'ompiuy. The prisoner had, it was stated, applied to tU company for a situation as conductor, and being require il to produce some tidecce of good character prventcd a It iter purporting to be written by a firm ia AVotxl strretvChfapciuej firing him a character for honesty and integrity, and saying that be had been their service for 18 months. The letter was written on paper with a stamped heading, but tbe h.Mid writinfwaA such as to arouse usiicion.

A aupcrintendeut of the comiuy made inqutne and found that the prisoner Lad never Wn in the ervi. of the firm Inetitioned. The company, however, put the prisoner I to work and allowed him to actas conductor, so that when the warrant was istued be might 1 apprehended. Sir. Lewis, in reply to a remark by the magistrate that the' prisoner' could have Ien proHTCuted under an Act which would hay' Uowed Lim to be summarily fined fcX), said that it wasdeirtdtoput a atop to imioeition of tbe same kinJ, and therefore the prosecution had bri'n instituted for forgery at common law.

Tte prisoner ws fully committed for trial at thG Central Criminal Court. Frank Jostrn 24, described as a 'clerk, of Vellington buildings, I'l'mHoo. was charged with' having stolen a jour, trap, and Lamm, talne i'lu, the property of Chafle Viugrove. Tbe prosecutor, a livery (table keeper attOld iord, said tDe pristcer borrowed tl.e roper ty in nudstion on tbe of April for a drive to Loagbton. Jie never returned to the stables, and tho prosecutor did not tee Lis property until about the middle of May when tbe' pony, trap, and barneaa were) traced to the poaseiwion of a MrT atts at iliatteriH a.

Watts bad purchased them front or through ant ostler, named Saunders, at tha Head publichouse. York road. lUtteraoa. Saundera said that tne rropcrty had been put up in the stables of the publichouse for about ten days before tne sale by a young man.i atts was given into custody for feloniously receiv ig. and, together with the other stands committed for trial.

be'and Saunders gave' information which led to the apprehension of the prisoner, who on being to that two men were committed for trial on his account said that he was sorry for it and that l.e should plead "Guilty. As they were innocent. The prisoner wa now identified by the prosecutor foreman at the person who had borrowed tbe lony and trap, and by, tho otmsn at the lTinrt ss's Head the youth who bad put kipf the pony there. Mr. Hannay fully committed the prisoner for trial at tbs burrey )vMon in order tiiat lie might be in dieted with 'Watts and tbe other pri.oner.

At the Thamf.s police court, Charles WoLT, a teaman. and JlICHAKI. tLUlCUs. a nieman.ou board ttic steamslnii Viola, lying at Htrmitage Tier, St. John's, Wtppibg, were charced before Jr.

Lusbington witl) smugzlioir tobacco. The Viola arrived on Sunday morning at Hermitage Tier from Hani burr Mlliam a t. uitom noui otlicer, found COib. of fortixn manufactured tobacco in tbe fore li'tle, and Wolf acknowledged that it hira. T2lb.

of bimilar tobacco in stokehole wasla'dmitted by Velrichs to be JUs. Ir. Iusmngton tinea plt JLi the alternitivelbeing six months' imprisonment, abd Vel tichs the alternative being three months' imprison rce'nt. 1 1 i' At. SocTinvxr.K.' AVilliam IIarri.

28, Ileumont JJrw nwich. and Jous Harixr. 3U, Woodteckerr lace, I 'cptford, were! charged with bring about to commit a nteaen or tr.e jrce acting princiji in prize ngnr. Jnspe ejtor Dawkins heart! that there waa to be a prize' bght at burbiton on the 31st in company with Inspector Ffctllips went to the Waterloo railway terminus and rrtod Harris as he was about to enter a train, liarptx CTnW ay, but was afterwards appreht nded. lioth prisoners denied any inte ntion of fichting a prize fight.

It was intendrl lb I merely a clove fgtit, and thry did not think there was anything illegal in that. Insjiector lawkins informed the mgitrate tnat tne prisoners bad been lor time in training for a regular prize fght, was well known in tSreennicli and Dejitford. Mr. Sl.ide ordered each of thru to ester into recognizances in 10 to keep the peace for tcree months. Mr.

Thomas At.LES, Sloane lodge, 'VhatminoTd, Forest hill, was summoned by Mr. Turpin. tliC auiierintend ect of tbe Brighton Railway olice, for maliciously and wilfully damaging a second class railway carriage by boring two holes in the partition, doing damage to tfcc eiuru oi iw. ir. imager prosecuted on or tr railway eomjiany.

William Castloline, a heason ticket bolder, living at High street, I'eckham, raid that ion the afternoon of the 7th ult. he cot into a second class comnart mentHo go to Indon bridge. Tbo defendant alone ia the adjoining rompnrtment. Shortly after the train left the.Queen'a road station the witness heard a acratchingkiud of which continued near his ear until they paed the South llermoiidey station, when he turm round and saw the end of a gimlet through the partition behind him. He caught hold of it and cut bis cngerand thumb In endea vaurinc to bold it until tiler irot to tl next station, but it was withdrawn.

As aoon as the train stopted at 1ondon bridge lie called the attention of tbe officials to what had occurred. Mr. Slide fined tbe defendant AS, and 10s. At Hammeksmiih, ANN llMWlf, married, who carried a child in Ler aruu, was brought before Mr. Slteil.

Urged with stabbing a nun Henoesiey on the head with a carving knife. Tbe partie are rieighbeurfc, lijli't in llrook green place. Hammersmith. On Sunday mbruing there wm aquanel between the boys of the two families. Tha complaiuant went to protect hia boy, and caught; 'hold of tbe prisoner's oa by the collar' and ibyok hinij The prisoner came oui sun tirvcn ino coiupiaiuaai mice on iue two wounds, re oi nitiH V0RTI1AMPT0N.

The CONSECRATION 'of LT tha manor ELECT wOt Ulia To oktow (Wnsjl, Jm at ju an, as CMtxxSrsL AofiaaaisoO; VrlIYXfclSTltin.TiVistTSlI' Hvacinthelwi II I .1 rmtur iniu. Kk llik ..1 tik nn CbitsUaattr. A limit! Bmhe of rrTd wvaU bm. Kb lrtiU. may be sreorsd at lit.

NlUbails Ulwr. X. Jl OM Ikiajtfwt. AdmlHtanXa MAltV TIIK VIKOIN. Crown atreet.

8oho. IllKTLS BdlUr.ln. A.1IEAV:.& AUK Tt lXI.NO U1 U. ru.MltiyaaenurrelCnnir, ua.lf tM elfetKm sir. a.

tlMlfoare. Organist, Air. J. VC, Hoara. Tbs otftrvnr will toy the AUItbmi Kd(y.

RATIONAL SOCIETY "for rROM(JTIN(Ttne CiTAIlUHIIKl) CIIL'BUIf. 1'bc flXTY Xl.VTU ANNUAL RRXKRAL MKKTIXr. In tU Mlof lbvwi, Nulmul Swlt i hwortaarr. WMtutMSsr. tu Wedsdar.

Jaon Slh. lKlMjoeixk. wUl lk IK Thslr, Th Itisbor of 1vo.ton, Manrhrttrr, Altwn's. KrretorJ. Kiioe, the Kart 6t (rnarrou.

It lUd ot lUrrowbr. Earl NIo. IUht Hon. Sir 11. A.Cruu, M.f ol otlif wuM.

It hojwd. NirrvMnt. AM KM 1) UNO f. UA, (Urry Ticttu mas ebuinel oa attlkaiioa to U. Mocietr oisce, uwit, nrsunuuirr.

milK POOR CCKHfiY UKCTEF COnPORATlON I VLtlJwh It' A livmranniMl lir ILhrml CbsrUr 18S7, foe li imxnntlal Krl( ot th OJenj. and Orphana llmrt ot slckorsv trTnent, or xtnvr trmporary oiiirrw. Tb LnA Arrlihlslioi of Caotertstry. Tha Ird A rrbNubon of T'ws. rrofesiiooal Ao.tltor Mr.

J. Udtil awl C) MaBsIo hnose tlitnibm. UMa idortstrMt, l.U Tb aetliatlor.s for btip to Ui CorreaUon cttrr so xwlafullf Biftuvoua anil nrtonl at rrrarnt and the Committee nl rarowtir APFKALfwOSirwirvra. Church tolbctioas. iKnutloBa ami Sub fcrijihun, to nablt tticm to carrj on moir inou won wim lonwi UhrralHr.

chtiOM should cm. Lond. nt WtmlDler liauk. 1, bt'iuac J. iJX.

Ulll Ulroian. R. T. TMOTT. D.C.L, oaen at the Oorporadon.

56. hoathiptoo stnwt, Mrscd. W.O. ROYAL ASYLUM of ST. ANNK'S Klrathuu bill and Attvnuste.

aSdrdin brnir. vdacatloa, TO4ltitrnor, 6.1 rlotblnf to ekil.lren parents hn uxMrd In a sairvir sUUnn Ida. foluoUrr onotrllnuJotn Tba luitltttUoo Is not celj national liui oniteri. i oiirn irvxo an parw of the worl tplian or not, ar nunw. ut itvtitcm Tna HALF YKAKLV an.l ELKCTION will hld at tha (Uimon lroal HottL on rnasr utooi.

mnjunr iwiiiiociuci i if. with iwa vote. V3 UV or with one vote. 5. Annual suburriptloos.

with two vutes i Is. or with on vote. Sulrlptlons snl eocationt imucn nrrueni rsmntiT nunwi ana III rrcvlfd 17 the mas'n, mi raruir, aurara 11. II. EVAS.

Secretary. rratrfailr I OS DOS OUl'l! AN' ASYLUM. AVatford(insti 1 iutt Ilia, fur th Mistranp, LlothlcCi and EducaUon of sitwvlrM OllJrrn of either hi, and wbrerr Tbe NEXT EbECTlUN will lake plac the ISih June, 1SS3, wten nrpt ana (m 12 aoJ .3 bOTl 1 aketel. children are now In tbe Aailum: 4.1i3 ur)hana bafe beea tOe Ctist since tha locmatioa ot Iht Charity. The Manaarra Aptal ro.nt catucatlr for Help, the limitation de nm.tfiilia of Its Income upoo volatitsrr aid.

Annual aetacrlptlon f'r one vote. 10a. for too eotea, 1 la; Ufa subacrtptlwo lor one tole, i sutt4 tor two oie, ib puoaa. AKTHUH U. t'AI'KL.

Treaatirer. JAM1 Hon. Secretary. E. WALLEIUIXjE, Atsitt.

deeretary. Offlce. 1. St Helen'rplaee. E.U i iVltTBARNARDfrS HOMES for 'FRIENDLESS and DlJiriTfTECllILDUKN.

PrMiUant The Kit ht Hon. the Kull CAIRXR. The Richt Hon. the'Lord Kl.VNAIRD. Treaeurer Wm.

oler, iwcoiii, U. Ilon.lhrrctor T. J. iii'aruo. r.iK.u.n.n Sil.n.

I Wm and Kouth Mtern Bank I Bow 11 ran eh. HI. The Uommitlee err earnestly AFP.KAL for HELP to carry no tha ir nek of three Institutions, now couUinln upwards of SCO homeless or orphan children. in conneztoo with the Institutions there areMoottaaw homes for irla at tlfcol; a home for little l.i) in Jrraejr. and three lre aofnee tor boys and firia in the East ol London, all encaged la tnlniuj ehlLlren for owfal aoa tndiutrloua 11 Tte.

ltrtltate caees ere always ellf ible. and niay he sent at any hour ot the day or nlfht. iiut caws not so urgent are rareiuuy in enlrt Into ajltl decided llHOtl chiklm. are irrtwnertiee ot dlfferrnces ot ace or S'Z. and In sriite of pbyU al disquaUueatloni that lrequently lead to their betn' reje.

ted elaewnere. mim ia tMUiredto oMaln adrrlaaion. There Is no endowment and the whole work Is dependent upon tha free will onrrluss of tbe hem Toienl. Ahnut in will suniiort one child In the Institution a whole year. Tt a llouee are alwajs oten to rial ion except on ea tarda alter boon and tifllre.

IS and W. SterneT causewsy. E. PROTECTION SlAltYLKltoNu FEMALE 157 9. Marrleloue roadl S.W.

Tbls Society ki to reacue younc women who up to tha time ot their fall haie horne a cooa cnaraeter. Tboae with lnfanu are aaaistcd from a pedal fund. COSTIUHUTIUNS earnestly solicited. Bankrt Mrears. dir Samuel Seott and 1.

Cavendlsh ltVQKiK rVCIIIlA tfOKE hecretary TTHAUITY OiTGAN" IZAT IO NT" SfCI ET Y. omces of the Council. U. huckinghimtreet. Londoo.

W.C. Objects. rreTcntion of rauperlsm I Thoroarh Inretitstlon. Diaontiraseroentcl Indiscrlutnste Approtrwte Asaiatance. AlmasivlbS A Committee has teen established in every Jlctropolitan roor Law KUNPS are reoolrrd throntbmit the year to carry on and develop tbe wcrkof the ccK lety.

ti.ntrirwuona parable to and i3. ntrand or to U. li. Luch, Sectetary. 15.

liuckLutbiai streeb HTitittTNO LETTERS. IVnmrw rcceivinR appeals f.rharitahle olifortt Intoi artuicanta with whom ther are not annualnte.1 are inited. Ufore replyiut to them. toCOMMUMOATLV ith the (Vntral O'nee of tbe Charity Omniutioo roclety. IS.

liuck locbam strret, Adelphl, cr with one of tbe Inalrict Umcea. METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL SUNDAY Firvn rattnn lfer MateaiT the OL'E EV. SERM OXS in AU of this rtTND will he preached in uerly 2.000 of wirb'i on SnnUr next, the 13th June. Anyiwrxm uuable to attend 1itiu7 woriu'pon that cay 1 rKlursieu aeuu uis or ncj conincu tiju to ilia Lurd Mayor, at tne Manilon house, E.C. TOUTH EASTERN HOSPITAL for CHILDREN, IA Hacknry road, E.

IS1 ouV palleQts and 31 In patieDts rellered laat week. fCNDrt much 4.JIXOA. Hecrelarj. SAMARITAN FREE HOSPITAL for WOMEN and CHILDREN, Iwr eymo'Irtrret, pian VT. the Hraneh.

IXirrct street. jMauche terjusro, W. r'UNDS greatly liMIKUr. oecrrtary. NKr.ll HI).

UNIVK1 4 Ifl.eil committed the head wilh a earring knjfxJrflirttn" which' wa of a serious nature. Mr, jtiscner fur trial. At Okkknwich, James Himmonlj, 40, living at Mad dc lU ottsps, lirocklev, was charged with being at the rear of the llruckley and Manor reads, supposed for an unlawful purav, and with assaulting 'Poliee conitable Rowley, Tbepriaouer had been, twice the con stable bring too ill te appear. It appearrd tt at at 1 o'clock on May 10 the ofJcr saw the prisoner try several 1 gatei of tbe boasts in the Manor road, and tlwn climb on to a wall. He caught hold of tbe who then threw him into the road and fell on him.

Tbty struggled toge 'ther, when tbe prisoner kicked him on tbe arm and on the bead, aad then got away. On being agaia caught, he twice threw the constable to the ground. Tbe latter "struck tbe prisoner a blow on tbe head with bis truncheon. Two other constables coming or. tbe prisoner was secured.

BowJey was found to have been severely injured, aad hsdbeen under medical treatment inc. Tbe assault was admitted, but tbe prisoner ssid the constable first seized him Iby the throat. Mr. Faljuy imposed a fine of the alternative teisg a month's imprisoameat. KRSITV COLLEOK (or NORTH LONDON) MPITAU Jowrr streei, W.O suported by Voluntary Con Lriuutiorxa.

2U5 lds, always full. Annual eiiwbdituie. He liatie tutwuie, JAWJ. n. 11.

i.nx, riMlE NEW HOSPITAL for WOMEN Maxyle .1 roa.L The i hinaani are women. ISil. Out t.aileuti are aren from 1 to 3 on Saturday morning, from 9 to 10. iT'NlW urgently JANE R. ror.HLAN.

Stcretary. Eankers Branch Ilink of Kugltcd, Burlington garaena. UEEN CHARLOTTE'S LYINO IN HOSPITAL, ISLMarjIebune rowJ, W. ratrou llrr Majetty the VUEE.V. yL'NDS are urrtiitly DEEDED.

A rrglsler cf monthly and wet nures kept. lupil inideiTe aud nurtet rrcrired lor trainlnr. A. Secretary SAVIOUR'S OANOEH HOSPITAL. Osnaburgh street, Kes ent'e park, X.

for the treatment of canorr and tiit rnal ti.uiours by the SUcliel and other poc aea, without tbs nils. Out intiienu seeu daily from 13 tu 1L and Tuealay and rrl 1a trfDiiigi. frcm 7 to 8. Treasurer. Kd ard II.

I'aimer, Es, 11, Kim Arms yard. E.C.: Kdikera. Cocks. Hld.lulpb, and 43, Charuig cruaa. Annual report graUa aud puat free.

C. JI.VKVKY Sccreury IMIE HOSPITAL for SICK CHILDREN 48 and JL 43. (ireat OnuorKl strteti W.C. and Crou well house, illgbgat. Patron llrr alajeaty the yUEEN.

CLalrman of Committee Lord AltKltOARC. The Cojimittev earnestly MlLlC'IT C'tiNTKlHUTIoNH to meet the current cipensca. Ihe Hosplul depeudf entirely on voluntary WIIITMlltD, Secretary. IWokrjrs Mi srs.lii.are Mewus.

LULSDON HOSPITAL, Whitccbapei, E. 1 resideut II.R.II. tLe liuke of K.O. Treasurer Henry H. tiibl.

Eaij. Chairman John Henry Ku i ton. Eso. The larreat Hoapital in Great Br.Uin. 790 beds.

Tba only General Hospital fur the wools of the Eat end of London and eastern suburbs. The annnal exceeds the reliable income by Contribution are earneatly req orated. iiankers Mraara. Ituoarts and Cu. aad Messrs.

fGlyn and Co. Secretary. A. J. Snelgrore.

"Wanstea J. AKY will be celebrated tha TNFAifT ORPHAN ASYLUM raimn iirr mi Ttt niTYTIIlKIi ANNIV The h'latil Hon. the LORD MAYOR has kindly couseated to rrt SIM. The leeeeenngw win commeiiiw a wa. A aejewner at rtau jwi Tbe tanelaal arraogementa Uonlem Hradh.

a imi. itk .1 MrHiiai will leaea Urermol atreet aft I S. Tlektt. 10a. fcd.

each, may be obtained ot the 'lewarla. at lb ofhee HXnilY V. UKl.tJi. Heeretary. HMr IM t1.L.ii K.R.

lA7f(2INoCOlXK(Tir lj ANNUAL DINNER will be held ou Tuea.lay, June Cth, at the Cannon street lloleL at so ctocs. nanoLui w. tVoo.t i.le. Weybrtdge' Surrey. I ANCINO COLLEOE.

FOUR EXHIDITIONS AJ will be hen after Eittnlnatloo oq July 31st. l. ir rartlenlara annle to tha Hecrstary, I EAMINOTON COLLEGE. TKere are tTirce De i partmenU (l Clelcel. CI MUitary and Ulru.

lj) junior. will he under tha direetlon of Hi. TTtE TTifES COLtTJCf Of KEW BOOKS and VEVT EDITIONS. Tab eelama Is rastrletad to Books et tha last tbm a stbaC KEQAff PAUL and CO'S LIST: rrnwvi IsJa aIrh fitfT A LIFE'S DECISION. By V.

W. ALLIES, Author XJL of rr Crucem ad Loeem, Iaree erown Sto. cloth, trio" 7S. td. miiE niriTuoii in helation to the state By eiiwARUMILLEC.

Author of " oc irricrim. ac rSnn, en el.ilh 13a. d. MODERN PIIAUISF.E. and other Sennoni rruiE JL Hyth( ritac'a.

Ver the Iilirv fNir rUN late Inrmbent of St. 'erMtreet. Edited fer the Terr ReV. H. DICKINsON, I.l Dean of Chapel Royal.

Llublln. IHE RELIGION of the FUTURE. By JOHN riiaunn MnM lul fear Include ScholarahlD at BallinL aneea at Woolwich and foopera niii. Apply so me tieaa saaater. t)ssATnrsinooiEKTRANufr Eutraneea i iVt it SHIPS.

12 to enrolled for June talue from 73 guineas (covering school frea) to JC21 Aes under It's au.1 Candidal may Iw etamln! at IloasaU or Uifurd. as pi ef erred. In classic or niatbecoetlra. Apply Kee.tthe Head Master. JTnaaalfHchnol.

rieetvond. RUCE CASTLE. Tottenhami Head ttee. W. ALMACfcT.

A I'ha SCHOOL not only ireparea tia for the ITnlrersltles and Com petiuvs t.lamlnatloa, but onrrs sn Mucaimo or a worouauy nrat elaaa character to Lhnae intribled ir rroferalonal or tmsibrrs life. School ImiMlnss and grunnda (23 acres) of exceptional healthiness. brant r. and convenience. rUDda recelre.1 as tbe half term.


Artillery. Knight of the Legion of llunoiir an Me.1;ldle. for aeeeral years employed by the Admiralty aa t'rnfeeeor and "pedal Examtifr at the Royal NaTalCullee.UECEIVE.S a limited number ol PUPILS. Molern laogiiagee, elaaalca. mathematics, liceident C'haplaJU.

Imtaani straw. Frrlburg. Ls lcn. T' liCAlTIECROZIKR, Crown in faith an dth. Sk.

HE 11 RAIN' an OUlIAN of MIND. By ii. chaklton b.vstian;,m.d. yolaaix. imuw national ricientitlc Serlea.

Small crown cloth. 3s. fcL, EXTENSION of EMPIRE WEAKNESS! DE EJ FIC1TH RUIN With a prartiral Scheme for the Reeonatme ttonof AalaUo Turkey. Br FRANCIS LLOYD and CHARLES TEBIiITT; 1. faternosteriuare.

jyjESSRS. MACMILLAN and LIST rv.s virtpiR'a iov lTiPHPHATII A or. the Amelioration of the World. vrniMu Knl ALheT with Two rVrmona at St. Uargaret'a, WestmiuKter.

at the Opening rf farltameot. Hr V. W. fARRAlL D.D.. K.R.S.

C'aoon of Wcataiaster. Crown s. Vnw eeadr in rrnvn firm. a ftHE PARABLES of OUR LORD, interpreted in Tlewof their relations to each other. Bj rrofessor HENRY CALDERWQOP, LL.U.

Jow ready. In fcp. mo HOLDERS of BOLIVIAN LOAN CERTIFI CATE.1 The ADJOURNED MEETINO of Certlflcat oojeeting to toe eooauct or tne rustees wui ne neit at I enchurcn arenue. ume atroct. oo neuaeajay nets, tne Ha last at 1 o'clock.

If. BARTON. MiE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAI LRO AD I POMP NY ol CALI FORNI A. Iue of 1I3.W10W per Ceiit Firit Mort'aga Cld Pondi. Mevr.

Soryer, I Irot hers hereby gtre notice that Uiey are 'prepared to EXCItjANUE tba fully paid nCKIl'. iaaued by them ot tbe abore Loan, against deSnltlre Bonds. The Scrip muat be leit Uireo clear osys lor examinauon. Anget eoiirt, EC Jan 7, lt3T. 1HRIS1 fer.


ENGLISH MEN of LETTERS. New Volnnie For. By LESLIE STEPHEN. Crown lea. 2a.

M. iU III LAN ll'AlCWX of CAN ADaTTisWEo? X1W.300 FIVE per CENT, PRErEREJICE FIRST M'lRT P.rt MOZART to OPERA. ADIUi IUJI Alt of and Edited byC.EORQE GROVE. D.CL. Siacmiuao ana Lou'ion.

liAilE BONUS, raoklnt as a pre prrferenoeenstge upon the Ime, at tbe price, of JP0 lr XlOd rkwid. Intereat payable balf ye doti. principal payable lit August, 1907. Tbe full vrusrwclu. with forma of application for those Bonds, can he obtained at Messrs.

liliu. JlilU Curne. ami Lombardtre and at the CVminatii'a office. 77. rubul.

LooJoa. E.C. "OLON of Qu KEN SLA Jill LOANS. The Vy (jueenaland National Hank (Llmite.1). No.

1X Old Broad Street, ill PAY! on and after lt rroiimo. the HALF YEAR'S. due at that date ou the DetM Bturea. laatied under autho rity id Acta of the Colonial Leglalatiire. ZHh.

Vic No ii 27th No. 2i 23ih Vic No, i Vtt. Na 34th Vic. No. 2 36th Vic Nil :4 39th Vc No.

8 i 43th No. 19 41st No. 23 and 41 Vic, No. 10. It endorsed payable in Loodoa, the coupons must oe leit torse ciearuays tor eiaminsuou.

ii. P. iiuciiak a. Manager. No.

15. Old Brol street, London. tC. 2d June. liOl.

PHILADELPHIA and READINO RAILROAD (HIM PAN Y. The Committee arr)olnted protect the inlereats of Boodholileis in the Phiadelphla ana Head lug Railroad In the legal proceedings pending In tbe United States request BONDHOLDERS to furnish imroeduielr. either thruuih their Bankers. Brokers, or otberwiae. their NAMES and ADUKESSES to tbe Secretary of tha Committee, lu ordrr teat tne yomumtce may be able to couunumcaie with them wbea necesssry.

By order. r. I'llILLim. SecreUry pro Um. Dfflces of tha Comtntte, 15.


Iaeue of 4.003 Sereo per Ccu. Debenture Bonds of X10 each, redeemable at 11 by annual dnicr. commendne 13. larce portion of which has been nritaterr snbaenbed. The D.rectora intite srclicatlons for tha re mainder of these Bonds, which' are a drat charge upon the entire pro perty.

1 be' eatlmated net Income of tbe Theatre Is 3.C00 per annam.whfch nni leaves a large margin after paying interest on Debentures and providing JLl as lunus on earn Hona wnen arawn. Eax det'enture holdrr will free admission to the Theatre nn every occasion of public performance. ApplleaUons for Bonds may be made by letter, or lull prospectus will be forwarded by tba Secretary. It. neaiimnnc, rj u.

t. nanngrtws, ixmuon, o. n. VIEW ISO 111 WALES tiOVKKN.MKN 1' UE .1 BENTURF. 4.

The Bank of New South Wales. Financial for the New South Wales (ioremmmt. will PAY. on and alter tbe 1st HALF YEAR'S INTEREST, dun in London on the 1st Julr, 1SS0, oa ail Iebeuturea isaued by that Gorcrnme'nt. Coupona and claim for interest murt be left three clear dare for examination, and forms for iJf ring tbe same may he had on sppll ca'lon at me (, ha iu ur.ui.ut, rcreiary.

tiaok of South Wales, Eajiia Broad street, Iiudon. 1st June. 1339. YICT0RTA (AUSTRALIA) PUBLIC'LJNr The London and tt ratminster Bank (Limited) aud the London Joint Stuck Bank will PAY. and after the 1st proximo, tbe HALF IM1 nn IK.

under the authority lif the Inblie Loan Act. October, lSoS. aad Dego llatea tnrougu tne six Asauctat! Australian nauxs. Th Interest Coupons moat be lrtt three tear days for examination and form for riatyirg the same may be bad on application at tbe Jxnidon ani Weatmtnater Bans (Ltnutedk V'tbhury, or tha Loudon joini sioca tuns, 4Tinr streei. or the London aud rstmlnst miNSLEY.

BROTHERS, NEW "PUBLICA TIOS and CHARACTER, LONDON TOWN Sketches of London Life and Character. By A RCUd FA LL. ith lUustraUoas by Harry 1 uruiss. vols, crown Bro. NEW WORK by WILLIAM GILBERT, EMOIRS of a CYNIC.

Br ATA py ww a kitaa jxa vr a aw a IYNIC. Br WILLiAM GIL 11KRT. Author of Shirley Hall Ajylum. te. 3oU "True rictores of real life." London News.

NEW NOVEL, by a New Writer. A CRUEL SECRET. A New Novel, by a New Writer. 3 vols, crown 8m NEW NOVEL by ANNIE THOMAS. FASHION'S GAY MAKT.

By ANNIE THOMAS (Mrs. Pender Civdllnl. Author of Denis Donna." Lc "A work of brlUlant Invention." Daily Telegraph. NEW NOVEL by G.M.STI9TID. FIRESIDE By it.

STISTIf). 3 vols. This really strong and striking story." Daily Newt. Retains the reader's interest to the end." Athenaeum. linstey.

xtretners, a. vskuierine euwct, oarano. REEVE and NEW WORKS "iCow Veadr. Part 1. BRITISH By OLORA of HfXlKER.

K.C.8 CR, T.RS Sir J. D. Ac. assisted bv various Botanists, Vols. 1 and 2.

32a. each. Now" ready. VoL 5. with 4S3 Wood Enrravugs.

25ai mHE NATURAL HISTORY of PLANTS. By IL BAILLON lTesidant of the Linna an Society of Paris. Pro feesor of Me iieal Natural Hl'tory. and Director of tba Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Super royal tro.

Vols. 1 to a. SJJ wooq r.njfiatmgs, a eacn. Now ready, second edition. Ira.

with 21 Plates and two large WEST YORKSHIRE i an Account of it Gcolocy, Physical Geography. Climatology, and Botany. BrJASdXS W. DAVIS. K.O.S..

and Fi ARNOLD Li.ES. F.L.S. No. 42i Jnne, with'sfaiColoored Pistes. 3s6.L.

THE BOTANICA1. MAGAZINE. Figures and lieecrictions of New and Ran Plants. By Sir J. D.

HOOKER. CtlF.US. Monthly, 36d. annual subscription, 42. Re issue of the third series in monthly 42s.

each'; to subscribers forth entire series, 36e. each. No. 101. Jnne.

with Four Coloured Plates. 3a. 6.1 THE FLORAL MAGAZINE. New Series, enlarged to royal 4 to. Figures and Descriptions ot the choieeat Near Flowers fur tha Garden.

Stove; and Conservatory. Monthly. 3a. Sd. aunual subacriptlun.

4X Flrt erles complete in 19 vola. with iod beautifully Coloured lates, 18 7s. 6L u. tteers ana oa. nennetta streec.

vevent gtraen. THE TIMES lECO.TD COLU1CT OT SEIT BOOKS and NB EDITIONS, a. This caan rwatricted to Boots of tha last three atooUa ROSBi'LOCKVVOOD and CIS LIST "MANUAL or the A AD includin, A the klaoufactnre of Solrhsrw Add. of Sndat. aad casUe npoo Trne.

and Loodon. Saber royal, with 122 lllaaira heos and Working Drawmgs. MS pp. 2 Vu. 6dciota IpveUf la.

3d. I. I7LECTRIC LIGHT: its Productton and Uae. Hi Emloly Jig Plain rectjoos roe the WocBng of Galranle Bat teries, Eleetr.e La sra. an i lTynaaao Elactno ataeruoea.

oy v. L'kulMiRr p. Eitra Platinc Edrted T. WEBB, 51 i tc With Btt4KTOUa XUiistratuma. Crown 7s.

6t. clcna 'postage tL OKtA.IA 17ARM MANAGEMENT tad TIO.V of FARM LABOUR. Treating of the Gaoerai Work of the rarm. Field, and Live Stock. DttaUs of oootraca ors, opeoaui tiea of Lai our.

Kceooailcal Maaagecorat'f tbe Fsnnhonse and CoV and their rnetlc AoiaaaX trB. SO'TT BURN. Lmp doth. 2a. cloth boards postage Ji.

(A new rolame of Weale's tries. I LAN lED KSTXTES AN AGEJIENT. Tre atintl of tha Varieties of Land; Peculiarities of tu Fanrs. Mathoda of srmine. the Settin.

oat of Farms aa their Field Coostruetioc of KoU. Fencea, Gate, aad rarm rtuldlngs. of Waste or Unrmrtue Urr LaxKla. lmuoo. Drauafe.

PUntatkm. le. By Ii. SOiTT BL'RN 11m dosh. 2a.

6d doth boards 3a postage 3d. (A new toinmecf WealVa rWna.1 fVAlOITMANAGE fy R. SfXrrrBORS. Anther of Outlinea of Modern tannipa" SMitor Tha Canniete Crazier, ke. ConaUtlOa Of tba ab two workaan one handsome folume.Iiall bound, ta postas M.

rpHE HANDBOOK of SPECIFICATIONS. IUuv 1 tratMt he Pmlmti of RnOdln a artnallT etecnted bv emlnenl Architects aud Engineers. Prorcded by Preliminary Essay, aud okeletobs of IScauooa ami Coutracta, kc. By Prof. f.

L. A LJSON Nsw edition. deme 3to containmz LC2 pages aad J3 Plater, ia tnt volume. Zl lis. 5d doth (postage is.

1MB; ixckwocd and lx. J. stationers aa i coin unuce. au. A Nil ED ESTATES and JLJMENT and A.

CHURCHILL'S NEW BOOKS: rilHE SPLRIT of NATUHE; beinj a Series of In 1 Urjrc unve Eaaai oa tbe llirtory or visiter, rrom taa Atom to tn wer. Ub.KY t. A leaber of the Pharinaceuttcal Society. Fifth edTtion, with Eoffravlngs. 64.

ALES TIN'S QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. If.ld and Cnrreeted krff R. HODGKINSON. Ph.D.. De inonstrasor of Practical Chemistry ia tha Soecce Schools.

South Ken SlCf.OO. niUE ORTHOPRAGMS of the SPINE: an Essay I i k. Tr B.i..f eiempljtiel by a Typical Coilecttoo lately presented to the Parte Mueeom of Hyriene. L'nieersitjr Coliege. London.

By ROBERT HEATHER BiliU, Assoc Inst, at Fco. ea. 300 5.. HE A LTH LI FJi and HEALTHY DWELLINGS: a Guide to Personal an.1 Domcstia Hyr.eoe. By GEORGE WILSON.

Medical ecr of Health for Ml Warwiekxture. J. a A. new emunzton arreet. AMUEL TINSLEY and N'EW PUBLI CATIONS 1UK rAIK HAlKED ALDA.

By FLORENCE MARRY AT. 3 31a ALLYN'S" FRl EN US By OT" VEBB APPLETON. Author of "Xatcklnz a Tartar and Froien Heart, i toU.Is. rL IaCIC OLLYVVOODl By ANNIE L. WALKER, 3 role.

31. fid. The Graphic savt Uolrwood is a book that deserve to be read.1 Tba' Atbeuavum aara A good book. simple in ot aud tn its maoner of namtkin. moutwooii is iixeir to nieaae ita reaaers.

HE ACTOR'a WIFE. By EDMUND LEATHE3, Actor, us. ba. fpUE BURTONS of UN ROU, SL Jis. ol.

ORD FREAK. LORD FREAK. Py JAMES B. BAYN ARD: Antbor of "The Rector of Oxbnry." 3toIs 3labd. A very amusing Morning Post.

Ha th crown ing merit of being distinctly readable. We found It above tha avaraf of merit." Spectator. London. Samuel itasley aud 11. Sonmamptoo itreet.

straod. and WINDUS'S NEW BOOKS For th Lonlon Joiut Stock Bai LosJon.lstJune.183a. W. F. NAR rrCsak (Limited).

W. ASILK, Manager. tAWAi. General klasager. I land i fc1'1 Li E1 LONDON LOCK HOSPITAL and ASYLUM.

WcetUiume gTeen. Harrow rotd. and 91. IWn strcet, Soto, W.fln connexion with the female out patient department, a well tralord nilaftlon wonlao i euploeiL who viit these unfortu oates. auiat tbeoilwilu alrioe.

and snows thm Low men mar re cotr their, lort lxMitlon. Thia i frtlcn id the wor'. ha bail a arked sucoesa. CO.NTUIHLHO.NS aad A.UAL SUBSC1MPTIONS. eren for the smallest amounts are earnestly requested, and thanafiilly rrceiTcil by toe lrviaauitra, the Kinualril, Pall' mail east, S.W.i and Roland Yoije bcten, 31.

Kutland gate, S.W by the Br.ker. J'erii. lUusom. Bouerte, ant 1. Pall mall raat, and Messrs.

Diuoiluoo.l. (Uiaring enaa, H.W.; or at the ahkauam, Socrelar jAST LONDON HOSPITAL for CHILDREN, It Sbadwell, E. Patroneaaes, Her Koyal tilgbness the Prloceaa LoCISE, Marchioness of LORNEj'Htrr koial Highneaa tbe Priucres MARY ADELAIDE. DiKefS of TEOK.

OotnnjitiMi etieally APPEAL for a continuance of tbe geaeroiu HELP lately given. The Hoanital is free from debt, but is entirely dependent on volun tary contributions to maintain tb beds, always ciled by auflerlng little childreu. S'ilvcriptionj and dooatlona wta ba tbaukfully received by the TV. 1 I II.Hin', r.

1 Pisn. hill Mmn, Uiutw. Strand Prrscott and Co, Thread needle street and by A11ilo., Secretary. METROPOLITAN CONVALESCENT INSTI IT I TUTION, Walton on Thames and KInitoo hlll tl.n..

l(at. I II This large unendowed Chanty admits yearly upwards of piior persons alter lit ess. to lanoui a lew wcets iu uie couutry, wiu nourishing fooi la essuhtial for restoration to health. PstietiU are kdniittcd free of extne, and without delay, oath reromraeudatitHi of subscribers. FCNDS are now much KEDEO and earnestly solicited.

Oftce. 32, CHARLES I HOLMES, Secretary. AMAIM.TAN SOCIETY London Hospital, E. 0 Caat oS Wearing Apirel. Presents ot CAST OFF WEARING more especially for women, will be tbanifully recrlted for destitute patients leaving the Hospital.

XTATIONAL the Grays imi road, INSTITUTION for DISEASES of London. W.C. ratablished 1564. 1'byaiclaa. J'r.

Barr Meadowa, 47, Vlctoriatreet, Wealluioater, S.W Free to the necessitous payment required from other applicants. BltlTlSH HOME for INCURABLES, Clapham rise, S.W. In.tituted 18fcl. Patroness H.U.H. tne Priujess t( WALES.

Bankers Mrs. Barclay, Bevan, ami i4, Loit bard street, E.0. and Mesars. Irummoud, OLaring croas, h. Thla Inatitutlnn ilanham road.

Provldrs a home for those who are unable, through incurable disease, to maintain tormrrlTHs. Iu rerUin caw peuslona of 23 per annum are granted. All under :0 rears' of aa or of the tuauier class, are inelgible. Full particulate on application to: tte HKreUry 73, theaiaide. The Home la open dally for tnai ectiun, excrpt Sundays, from o'clock to 6 u'cluck iu the uuiiur moiitha.

FI NDS sre very urgently NEKUKU CHARLES HOOD. Chairman. Oftfces. 73, CLeapstde. E.a EDWARD WEAVER, Secretary, p6 the CHARITABLY DISPOSED.

The adver I tiaer. ho la UDfurtunately tn debt. wiehe aome kind person or beisocs to HELP turn to saro his home," and, if powiLle, to go IntJ l.utlrwu. which he tborougLlykntJws. Alout 150 required, and ml sums aeut will lie grskduliy received as loans and returned at the eavrllaat opportunity, llrierencts jlTtn, aud a personal lulerrlew if wished, iease send to Alpha.

13. Worcester street. St. George's square, London. CHl RCH PHEFEKMET.

Tne KEtilSlER of CUL'KCII PREFERMENT now leady. cUtn iog all particilaia of Advowsoui, rtcrt uUttons, now fr Sale. Addre (eiivlusiug foir stajipsl Mr. II. W.

Bag.ttr. 14. bouthamj too tint, Strand. SALE of NEEDLEWORK and HAND PAINTED CHINA, done by ladles In reduced eirenmstances, held June 15th, 1Mb, 17ii, at S7, lleruen atreot. W.

(ground Ooorl. 24o cou uexlon with Natkmal Artistic Colon OARIS. Rue de la PaU. No. 12.

an Vieux Parir JL7 Bell COLLECTION de BIJOUTERIE et OKFEVKKKIE ANCIENNE8 obiet dTArt, Poreelalnea, Meublea. tirlositea, te. ROOFING GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON. S3 tons soiled eheas, siref, ift. to 9ft lengtbv.Zft.

wtd also Iron Chanel. 60tt liaf. 25ft. I a Mlsalon School or Lecture Room. 45ft.

by 20ft. Another smaller, oa saow at num phreys, Knlgbubridg. 8.W, LOCK CORKS, by which every bottle, large or small can be safely locked and kept perfectly air tight. Chain eigne, lemonades. at kept sound, when npensd.

iw weeks. Pnc Is. Id br Boat 20 tumps. G. FLEMING.

128. Strand. London, iioM most kraoeaantcrt, Bnuhmakers. Ou tiers. CSV V7ICTORIA (AUSTRALIA FIVE twr CENT.

RAILWAY LOAN (ISMI. Tha London an I Westminster Bsnk (Limitedl. and tbe London Joist Sloes Hank will PAY, on ami after oe 1st, ti ii ALf l.AULI i.Mt.iu.91, due 1st July. ISoU. on the iienenturei Isaued under tbe authority ol the ltailwar Loan Ait of and uegotted thruuU tbe Associated Australian junta i Interest Coupons must be left three clear dsyt fnr examination.

and forms for iedfylug the same euay be had on application at tbe Indon and Weatmi'uler Bank (UmitodL lLothbury. or the London Joint JV.OCS lunl, iT.nne iree. or the Loudon and cstmlnster Bank umtted. W. AiTLE, Manager.

For tbe London Joint Stock Bank. W. F. NARRA WAV, General Manager. London, 1st Junv 18S3l 1 IMCTORIA (AUSTRALIA) FOUR wr CENT.

BA1LWAY LOAN. Tbe London audWeatuiinstei Hankll.imiteill and the Loulou Jdr.tsiock HanK will fAV, on and after tba lat I pros, the llALt KAi; l.MLUtsl, Jatjaiy. Itj. eo the 1 lieii oturoa uuJcr tde auiboritr uf tha Bad war I. air ACUltU 'lO'' anl ue, I mroiign tne aix ina xiteo.

Australian lianxv I be interest ouixjua must oe left toree dear aays tor examination. nd forms for siacif intf tb same may bai on ai.nlication at the Lonlon ant neatminater tianx (Limned). ixtatnlry, or the Loudon olot toes iwaa. rrtuc a ei. tor the London aud Heatminstrr Bans (LlTdted).

W. ASILE. Manager. For the Lcndon Joint Stock Bank, W. F.

XARUAWAr, General Manager, London, 1st June. I860. nCTORIA (AUSTRALIA) FOUR per CENT, PUBLIC WORKS and RAILWAY LOAN. The London and Westminster Baa lUmitcl) and the London Joint Stock Banklwill IA M.nrftlu.lK. Ut.pnri.M th Illl V.ViriU'd IVTrUTMl due 1st Julr.

on tbe elntures Iaaued undcrihe autnority of tbe Iublic Wrrka and Railways Act', 1576, and negotiated tLroujh iue leo asaociate AUMraiun naoaa The Interrsl Couins must be ielt three clear days for examination. and forms for siodtylog the same may la bad on application at th Lonoou and Wettuiiuster Bank Lothbury. or th Luudon joint 3ioc iuci. innce siret, 1 or the London and estmlnster Bank ILimiteJ). W.

ASTLE, Manager. For the London Joint Stock Bank. W. F. NARRAW AY, Geuctsl Manager.

London, 1st June, 1833. TIOToRIa" lAUSTRALlA) FOUR and a IfAEF tr CENT. RAI LW AY LOAN (13781. The Lon Ion and Went mLster Itauk (LimiUdl and tbe London Joint Stock Bank will PAY. on and after the 1st (r.

lino, thi 1 1 A A R'S INTEREST, due 1 July, iSil.V the Derx nt'irea under thi authority of th lUilaay Loan aVl lE7d. and nezotiatl thxouuh' the teu Araoclated Au trauan nanaa. Tbe lntret Coupons must be left three clear ilarsforeiamtnatlon. and forma for pecUytrtg the same may tie hail on applicatiou at tbe ann natminarer lians tbe London joint stock nans, i nnces street. or ti London and Westminster Bank (Limited), W.

ASTLE, Manager. For tbe London Jolnt S'ock Bank, W. F. NARRAWAY. General Manager.

London. 1st June. 133. 1 JONDED DEBT, of SOUTH AUSTRALIA The BONDS due on tbe 1st July. 1830.

and the Interest due at the same date, will tie PAID by the National Bank of Auatralatla. No. 14j, Leadenhtil etreet on arid after that, date, between 12 end 2 o'clock. The Bond and Coupona then due, tbe Coupons, as well as tee Bon is baring no Coupons, must be left at the ofhee of the under signed at least three Clear days lor examination, and IJ be receirrd from this dste. It will he a enntenlence to the Agsot Geoersl if BondLoldejs would send In their Coupon duriug the Drat and second weeks In June.

Tue liat to accompany ihe shoreean no be obtained on application eithtr at tbe National Bank A'dtralia, 14, Lradenhsll a rcet. nr at tbia ochce. AKTill'it id.YTlI. AgeDt tieneral for the (totrriuueiit of South Anatralia. No.

8. Victoria chambers. Westminster, Jute 1st. 1830. '110 SHIPBUILDERS.

Tho Dublin Port and JL Board is prepated toreceire TENDERS for a STEAM iHtF.Ixltl: The specification with a.spedal form of taader cm le oh uinrd. on payment of at the (ifhos of th eugir.e 'r of the B)r l. liindon tt. Stoney, Ei Nortb wslU Dublin, who will afford further information il requiTrd. Tendeis snd drswtngs of tbe ranosed dredger, marked on tb out side of the erer' Tender for Sceam Dredper, mnut be delirered by post, scaled, i repaid, and addreed to the Serrettry.

Iniblin Port and Iockoce, eetmorelsnd fitrect, Dubds, oa or before Wednes ilay. the 23d day of 1830. The Board docs uot bind itself to accept the loweet or sny tender. By. order.

N. TRoUD, Secretary. D'iMIn port snd DocVs office. Msy 2Tth. 1SS0.

riO MllIPBUILDEIiS. The Dublin Port' and Docks Board is prepared to receive TENDERS for THREE iiort urawings can ra seen and the speeibeation together with a siecial form of tender obtaine 1 at the office of the engineer of tbe Board, Hindoo B. stoney. North wall, Dublin, on payment of 10. Tctidcra.

marked on the outvde of the cover Tender for nopper Barge" not l'delirered by post, araled, prepaid, and addressed to the Secretary, Dublin Port and Iocks oiBce, Westmoreland street, Dublin, ort or before Wednesday, the 23d day of June, 1880, Tbe Board docs not bind Itself tn accept the lowett or any tender. By order. N. PROUD, Secretary. Fort and Docks office.

Msy 27th. 1800. IllARITk COMMISSION. In the Matter ot the Charities calle.1 or known as TbeUNlTED WESTMINSTER sOHATTO I MARK TWAIN. 2 at arery Library.

A TRAMPj ABKOAD. By MAUK "The fun and tenderness of the concaution. Its me and1 fantasy, and slyness, mats of all this episode of Jim Baker and his Jojsa piece of work not only delightful aa readine. but, also of high merit aa literature.1 The boo l. lull of gocl thing." Athermitn.l Now ready, with 130 Iliutwations.

prire 1 A CADE MY OTES, lo8(J With Illustration of! Ts. tba lTincind Pictures in th Exhibition of th Roral Aevlfmr tii sreater.numbor of th Sketches drawn by the Artists. Edited by HL.tKY ULALKBUK.V Now railr. with numerous Iiluatrations. nriee ls GROSVENOR NOTES, 1SS0.

With Illustrations of the principal Picture at the Crtarenor Gallerr. moat of them from the Artteta own sketches. Editeil py HKNRYBLACKBURN. Tnese handbooks, admirably arraogeit and cot uo. are at once lta sant records and valuable helps to memory." Saturday lUview.

edition; crown 8ro cloth extra. Sa: Not only tbe author's marks a neweuoeh In Action." Horning I wt. 1 Crown cloth ettra, 7a URIOSITIES of PURITAN N'OMEN JCR By a W. BARDSLrrY. Author of ur Tie names Ones more tban mini the roniue of its title.

book i full of Interest. u'raphia' We take our ieave of this Dli saut volume bearty tbauks to the author for bis tuz.eatir.e and amuaiog ueuinrni ni iue suoject. uterary orio. Crown Sro, ls.7: cloth." Is. l'.

(uniform with Hygiene of "tb iiiiri ja ill in biscasm ot tneftKi being a 1 comclet code of instructions for the use of Batha in theaa afleninns. By J. L. MILTON. Senior Surgeon to St.

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S. By OUIDA. nneat work, but on which i .1, REMINGTON'S iiEW BOOKS, at all Libraries AHIS HERSELF, AGAIN. By GEOKGE AUGUSTUS SAL.Y. rtfth edition nin.trated by the first French Artists.

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AYLMER jiABLAKr, Author of A ron tor Love, ac. 3 21s. AKHIAUE a la ilUlJti a Koraance in tne Life 1TA of a Yorkshire Siuire. to th Bade ot tba Season. By incog.

3 I guinea. WORKERS in the7jAW7TNo7eBylG.B. GISSING. 3 voUL. I guinea THE' WANDERINGS ATURALISTS i Story of Adrenture.

By L. A LAWSON. Author of Wanderings la New Ciuitea," TraTel and Sport ia BurmaV 1 rot. 7s. Remington and Ca.

133, New Bund street, W. 'QEORGE BELL and SONS LIST Wu cl tX 3s. 6dTpervol pLUTARCHS LIVEi. Newly Translated from MT theiirek. with Notes aad a Life of Plutarch, by AUBREY STEW ART, M.A...

late Fallow of Trinity College, Cambridge and the late UEoROE LONG. M.A formerly F4.ow of Trinity College, Cambridge, tn 4 tola, VoL now ready. In Bonn's Library Binding, or gray cloth, 3 376d. each. CUNNINGHAM'S.

LIVES of the MOST EMINENT BRITISH PAINTERS. Revved edition, with Note and Is Additional Live by Mrs. CHARLES HEATON. POEMS, by Sir SAM ELl'ERG USON. (Dublin, JL wiiiuia MCJeeJ Second edition, crn doth, 2a.

frE! C1HURCH or DISSENT! An Appeal to Holy Scripture (Addressed to Di'sentera). By I P. GAItNIe'K. M.A, Rrctor vl Ctanworth with South btugb. Norfolk, and lata FeUow of All Souls' College.

Oil ord, io York street, Covent garden. rilHB HUNGARIAN WISES of Ha nvtvata naa aioo. By oaarsea tha and sutlclent Ibwm pr d.Dol only for thVlmtrt3'JUH also for the varlo CoarU mt Lw li lesser Tia.ta.1 tha eaL'ars of tba Arid.ka. UdflUFl "at. traordlrardy high qualuie of the.

niSJtU sV vieeof Inaodaemg than, Into tat iaui. S22M' of Httncarywera to Whsasof that amxatry Wad.i3?" bsawnttiauaaaMeftWircBatsait arowiaa. lanr. mad eosseeaaioa to Ht: Max Greer, TH. prndw of hi astat for aix years.

raaaaTeiu YK aieaitTOaE rWMlK HUNGARIAN AVINES of His 1j JL koyal HIgHW th. Moat rW AreeduT. Th Bad Kadaru and WmU RetaUn iZTSi. 2rUCBT fcgbJyrecncnaHTided. Aaanrted iUJT ioa daUvered tree la every part of th.

KtosSeiT' CAUTION. The bottles are protected brtha, of tha Archdae.1 Estate, without UchW. ramphleu free on aptUrlioo Puaia. MAX GREGER ndCTW3.nrebir!t7to Majesty the Onaee. sol etnuaVnar.

in. to. Hey for threat Britain. Ireland, and th Enchah colcaiW'l' TT1 V8 EC, ami 2. Old BotM straet, W.

0ni sr7. atinctag l.aa. IA' GREGER sre branded with our naeaa la full and with th ut.2Tf iUiou which nooa ar Mat Creger aed 7x ZrfZJ CAR. chants 10 tb linclcflane, and 2.

OriBoodeet. BARTHOLOMEW ANT1UUK OAjCjCRNITL'Rt BARTHtiLOMEWTmrl FCETUilKk for fHr PLKTE ANTIQUE DINING ROOM ai'lTEx iniZ Jil' BARTHOLOMEW and FLETCHER, 217 and 215 Tottaonam eonrt road. Dwigns frea b7pr BENHA3I and SONS. 50, 52. 5.

Wirm'ore rtrrT London. Iroomoniers sml Eseina. Workers. Lamp, Bath, Mot, and Rasa Jlikers. Hri w.i Ga Engineers, be rtpertfuily to lnUmat that.

order tha atmtst poanrj ad ran tag. to ttcae eri.tmeT. Zl)Z ta.aatrtaM nsasyasstaassar t.aa BSas. xa.a I I If rtasktV. awvaivs aa ssy Wfc raj tjj tvaaaj afc fl laVaWs a.

a cent 12a. tn the oo all goods purcaesed from tlkamTarTi PT wbea ordered or 1 wadalirery. tor BEN HAM and will continue aiW eeot. discount on all good not thus nraraT. liTr.P" toarerora to be earned to account, aad also oo all retain T.

xept in tU case of Um4e (which sac. wlL stated). paid foe witnia ooa month after oelitar ot rmxU wVl!" pl twa of arorx. or 24 rr cans, ii cakl wtuun th "that parioilrthere wU ba no diacouat. Acoouata uj s.

ovaSl seat In monthly, if so ordered otherwise Intaraat aatlf rata et i per cent, per annum will be charged oc ad accoonu ,71 witain 12 months. warn not pajij BEN HAM and SONS will open deposit if.r for sums of 42 and upward, and orders will a asucmat Opeantad. This STransraaneat will enable tbamselT of tha special easa discount without tha naoeadty toe aVu and correspondence, and at sa tv time wiil avoid th ecat of nnwl orders for small pvchsses: SuteoenSaot soeount ci k. pnc1 li ally.aod balance may ba withdrawn acy tlm oa tpc4Warl7 JENUAM and 2. 6ifi JUBIAN BLACKING.

Most economical of'aT 1 blsekter ta uae, on tpelieatioit'laata a a VTUBlAN BLACKING is an oily iiqr5reri "aTUBlAN BLXCKING polisheaSstryrsrltoul "VTUBIAN BLACKING wiU retain iu lustre iila NUBIAN BLACKING is perfectly wa XTUBIAN BLACKING keepa the leather sof'tanj JL prwrt it. XrUBlAN. BLACKING ii free from aad. and dos lirelT does not Ware tte leather. TVfTnnANB LACKING will not nib o3 or soil ladlea" akirt.

UBlTiKINGTathe only or iaal prtpan. k. siaw awiwatT Majnirwaai tasli wsslfcWJsMP. is saitable for geotlaasen's. aad children's boots aad shoe.

WTJBIAN HARNESS DRESSING is a new pre, 1 paratio) a harnaSa od and dreeaing combined kj UBIAN HARNESSTDltEiialNG is easily apolied with a sponxe, attached to the cork. arresta th jyUBTAN" "VJUBIAN HARNESS DRESSING ta wrfeetlT J.1 waterproof, and rain srlR not aject It. DTtESSJNG need only ba A.1 applied one a month. TJETAN xrunlAN 1 1 leather permanently. VfUBIAN HARNESS DltESaiyG J.1 i HARNESS DRESSING decay of tha leather.

HARNESS DRESS INXFts" HARNESS DRESSING is an in tense black, free frota add or alkalL HAHN KiTJKESdlN restores faded will alwan keep tha lsalbsr soft and protect tha hamaas from the action of tha weather. "VTUBIAN HARNESS DRESSING ta an entirely ll xw lareetioB. aad differs from' all others, bainz a ehamieal black. "VTUBIAN HARNESS DRESSING 1 bmahtng or Dreoaratloo, vttjbiak Harness tocisfl" Xl laathar parts of harness. requires no for the patent "VJ'XJBlANTLXltNESS POLISH restores ofd patent It leather equal to new.

"VnJBLAN HARNESS POLISH need only be XI applied aosasionaUy when tha leather beonmes dtuX VffJBlAN HARNESS POLISH pfes aa elisUc JLl glo which Is Imperrions to all waathers. UBIAN BLACKING, Harness Polish MoDres. in can be ordert through all dealers. Price of all tba Nubian rTesaratieas a aboe. Ia.

aod 2a. rer botil. Larxsi size nuca cheaper, containing aaoat thre time tb craantiiy. YEW WORKS by SCi Ia "VTEURA gbshrjur By T. SI Ibe illiapiul f.T 1 ON.GMANS and LIST mHE MISSION A ItY SECRETARIAT of HENRY VENN, Prebendary of St.

Paul's and Hon. Kee. of th Church Missionary Society. By the Re. Wj KNIUHT, M.A., formerly bee.

of tee OLsoe, With au Introductory BlocraDhical Chapter and other Additions by Mr. Venn's boas. with Autotype a vruait, jiricv ici. A CAVALIER'S NOTE BOOK beinff Notes. Anec dotrs.

and Obserrations of William KlundelL of Crosby. Lanca tv), tjaptain oi uraoons under Oenersl Tuoma Tiidrsley, Kct ia tbe Royalist Aruir of 1642. Edited, with Introductory Chaptera, by the. Rev. T.

ELLISON UIBaON. Croan with kacsimile, 14a DR. RItiBY'S LETTERS from FRANCE, Ac, in 17E9. Kditeit by his Daugh'er. Lady EASTLAKE.

Crown Iu. Id Singularly rutertainina letters." Morning Post, Lady Eaailake drarrers our thanks fur the xitt ot this very nlea.ant and In structiT little book." Qurwn. TLeae letteis dispisy.considerabl puwrrnf obaerration aud talt nt fjr lieely description. Note and tiueriea. HISTORY of ENGLAND, from tHe Conclusion of the Oreat War in 1815.

VoL ML. comnrisin the nerlod from 1S3Z to By PENCER WALPULK, Author of the Ufeof tha Right Hon, Spencer Perceval. 8vo.t 13. OIX LECTURES on the HISTORY of GERMAN sT5 THOUGHT, from tbe'Seveu Years" War to Uoethe'S Death, de llrrred at the Royal Institution of tlrcat Britain In 1379. By KARL JULl.LBKAMI.


Trinite Coilesn. Duniin Professor of Cerinan in the Unlrerslty of Dublin, becoud edition, rerised aod enlarged. Crown 8 4a, 6.1. London. Longmans and Paternoster row.

jyjR MURRAY'S LIST of NEV WORKS Peat THE CONVOCATION PRAYER) BOOK bein the Book of Common Prayer, With altered Rubrics, showing wnat would be the condition of ths lok it amended in conformity with the recommendations of the Cvnvoeationa of Canterbury and Yerlr, 1879. mHE METALLURGY of SILVER and GOLD, Tart 1.. with numerous Ulustrstiona. Br JOHN' PKRirv M.D.. K.R.S.., Lecturtrl on Metallurgy to tte Advanced Class of OfScera of the Royal tc.

I Post IStZ URRAY'S HANDBOOK for EfJTYPT. in cludinz Descriptions of the Course of tba Nd through tmn an Nubia, Aiciauona. Cairo, to Framids, ami Thebes, tbe Suex 'aual. tha Peninsular of biuai. the Oaaes.

tha Fyoom. ac Mara and plans. Second edition, Portrait. Sto 1 rpHE LIFE and TIME of ST. JOHN CHRY SOSTOM.

A hketch of the Churrh anil the Kmnira In th I Vth Ceotarr. By W. IL W. STEPHENS. M.A..

Author of the Lite of Dean Hook. aCm ALMSHOLVKS. now administered Pursuant to the ntSTisions of a ncneme ry au oruer oi tne Hoard Of Chanty Commu siobers for EusLiua and Wales, date.1 tha 11th July. 1879, and In the Matter of Tb CharitaUe Trust Acts. lSjJ to 1315.

By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Hales, not Ire ia hereby siren, that a PROPOSAL has been submittal to them tiy the Trustees of these Charitiea for the ALE of the PROPERTY of the Chanties mentioned in the subjoined Schedule for the sum of 21.001 Any objection1 or proposal relatlre to the said sale may be notified tn the Coinnitaaioner in wrltinr, addressed to their Secretary, Wbitc lulL Iudon. S.W.. 21 days from tbe prnllcstlon of this notice. Dated the Sin day of May. 1830.

HEN UV M. VANE.ecretry. Mchndule.Tbe Buildings belonging to the Almshouse, called or known rcepeclivrly as Jmes Palmer's and Nicholas Butler's Alms hnusea. with the respective sites thereof andtheappurteiiances thereto reaprctiTely apiwrtaimug, the wbule beiun situate on the north aid uf Victoria trt iu the irisa ot St. Margaret; tn th City ot Westminster.

HAR1TY 8o alHE GREEK VERB. Its Structure and Deve lopment. By Professor O. CURTIUS, of Unirer.itT of Leipzig Translated Into English. By Profeaeor A.

K. WILKIN'S. M.A.. and E. B.

EOLAKP, M.A Owens College. MancLsater. With Marl snd Plana to 10 URRAVS HANDllOOK for SOUTH GER XTA MANY. Wurtemburnl Bararia. tha An.tri, s.Wn,.

biyna, Hungary, and tee Danube, from L'lai to the black Sea. With tpecial directions fur travellers to'th Ammergau Passion play. wuuu Aiuuaj, ruuemarie strreL All fo.Io LEE and COMMISSION. In the matter of the wingOharitles namely til the CHARlTIKrl of 8ir HENRY nd ulhers, and (21 MARY DATCHELOR'S CHARITY ( Branch reepertlrely almlntnered for tb benefit of the parish of Andrew UrtOt rahaf tin the City of ludoo and in the astter of the Charitable Truate Acts 1363 to 1869. By directioni of the Huard of Charity CVimauiaalonera for England and Walea, uot lea Is hereby giveu that tbe Truster of the Charities propose to ORANT a BUILDING LEASE of the PROPERTY mentioned th the subjoined schedule tor tbe term of 80 years from tb 25th day of March.

ISSQ. at the annual reut of jCuXi, the lessee covenanting to expend not lea than 7.UX) In rebulldiug. Further particulars may be ascertained from Mr. Charles Robert Riving tun. Solicitor, Fenchurch butldlnga.

E.C Any objection to the proposed leas may ba transmitted to tha Commissioners In writing, adJressed to their Secretary, Whitehall. London, B.W.. within 21 days from the first publication of this notice. Dated the 4th day of June. 1830.

HENRY M. VANE. Secretary, i Schedule. 1. A Messuage or Dwelling bouse, being No.

Pt Mary ax, la th City of London, belonging to the Brat above mentioned Charities. 2, A Uessusge or Puhlle bouae. known aa the Suyir Loaf, being No. tit. Helen's, In tbe City of London, belonging to th tame Charities and 3.

A Messuage or Dwelling house, being No. 1. St. Miry aie afonr laid, belonging to tbe secondly abovemeationed Charity. All which said messuage are now held under leases granted by th Trustees of the said Charities foe terms erpirlnj on the JStb day of December.

1884. at reals amounting Jn tba aggregat to 305 per annum, and th sites of which said mettuages contain la tha whole about 2,180 Mipertcial Mutre feet, and have a frontage to St. Mary, axe aforesaid ot 3j et inches, ani to Oreat St. Uea i aforesaid ot 43 feet or thereabout. RICHARD BENTLEY and SON'S LIST: Miss BU0UGHT0.V3 NEW NOVEL.

At all tha Libraries, In 2 vols, crrwa SECOND THOUGHTS. By RHODA BROUGH TON. Author ol "Red as a Rose is She," "Good bye Sweet hrt, Ac NEW NOVEL, by the AutKor of "Lady GrizeLt At all Libraries, la 3 vola crowu IN HER MAJESTY'S KEEPING. Bythe Hon. LEWIS WINGFIELD, Author of My Lords of Strogue." Lady Urixei." Ac.

By the Author of Uncle SUas." Ac, at all Libraries, In 3 vols, erown 'HE PURCELL PAPERS. By the late J.SHERI DAN LE FANU.Author of Th Houae ly th Churttjard," 4c, 'J dit 'ay great literary vigour, and drama powers of a hlh At all Li'srsriesJ In 2 vols, crown HONOR OAHM1CHAEL. By HENRIETTA A. DUFF. Author of Virriiua.

a Roman Sketch "Tku skilfully narrated and well wirth reading. The plot is ingenious ana ue uero is aamirauy arawn. xionor. tne heroine, ia a powerfully conceived character, who soon commands respect aad iuterett," Morning Poat. At all Booksellers, price th TWO NEW SERIAL STORIES, ADAM and EVE and The REBEL of the FAMILY, are continued in tha TEUPLE BAK MAGAZINE for June.

Richard Beutlsy and Sob. New BurlingVia atreet, Publishers la Ordinary to Uer Majesty tha (jueea. fRSf. HENRY WOOD'S XTJL ARUOaY, now ready, for June. MAGAZINE.

The Pontnta THm of Heron Dyke, chaps. 15 18. Illustrated by il. E. Edwards hat Charming Count About Nonray, by Charles W.

Wood, with Bv Illustrations Mad Matty, by Ann Beale In the Abbot's Seat The Mirage. Sixpence, monthly. Richard Bcnlley and Son. 8. New Bur Ungton ttreet, W.

Now ready, demy 5s. A COMPENDIUM of the LAWS on BILLS of ia. EXCH ANGE. Fromlsaory Notts, Cheques, and' other Com. mereial Negotiabt lastruiaent of Eoglaed.

Germany, aod with a Translation of th German Cod aad References ta th Italian and epanlah Codes, hy HENRY D. JENCKEN Barristerat Uir. Wstsrlow aattSoas (Limited). London van. E.a BAIL LI ERE, TINDALL, arid QUA This day.

pric 77 rVI demy Bvci. RALG1A iu an i Curative Treatment. STRETCH DOWBS F.R.C.P.E.. Phyaidaa to tha aralyate and ttaMeof tla Nervous Sratem. Beta Volume 1 1, of 'f Tne Brain aod its Ducasea." This dii.

rie 2a SKIN DISEASES due to DERANGEMENTS the NERVOUS 3YsT.M th Curativa Treatment. Be T. MTK rCH DO K. M.D.. F.R.C.P.r..

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By C. HARRIsON BLACKLEY. M.D. "A pace of real honest nrk, onaMuai. and Lancet.

Tcl ilar, jrlce 7a demy Essays on referanca to tha EtiealTn tus and the Ptne By U. IN USZE f. F.LC, F.CS. Highly, NATURE'S HYlilENEt a Series of 1.1 Popular 8uheeta.with special i tus and the Find By U3E r. intereating aud instructive.

Metropolitan. Now rea.1v. price 7a. 6.1., with 6uperpned Cot oured MOVABLE ATLAS of the EAR, showinj; the entire mecjhanlam of (fearing, with Explanatory Text. By LENNOX BROrllNE.F.R C3.E.a Author ot In Throat and tu Disease." I ThT eTsTirerowB 8ro HOW to FEED an INFANT, with an Appendix on the (Ajmmoa Allm nts of Infancy, with their Hyeienifl aad CaraUre Trratment.

By BENSON BAKER. M.D.. SLK.O.P. London, BalUiere. TlndalL and Cox.

23. Kin William atreet, 8 triad. WAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, and NEWJUBXlX'ATION3 Now ready, erown cloth, extra, 12s A RIDE PETTICOATS and SLIPPERS from FEZto the ALGERIAN FRONTIER. Witu Map aad nius tratlona. By CapUIn H.

E. CftLVILE; "of the Grenadier Guards. 3 NoveL ndCnarltoo, NEW NOVEL, by EUMoND ABOCfl rpHE STORY of AN HONEST MAN. i. sj JL alias.

DO 1 eorg van Ru h's ista KTE VJT By U. BADEN 1 r.ITCHAKD, Author ot "Old Chi i vols. 'IMIE VOYAGE ALONE in tne YAWL" ROB ROY. From London to Paris and by Havre, across tha Channel the Ia otVl. hC.

Sotith Coaat, te. By JOHN MACGREGOR. M.A. Fourth cditioo, illustrated, cloth gilt. Ss.

enamelled boards: 1 Now ready, wrsperr Is. 6A (No. Af EN ot MARK, for June. Containing Permanent a IJ. r.iograpbical NoUcea.

of The Bisht Hon. Mr Botert Luso, Robert, M.A., C. T. iKitaon E.A London; aampson Low. Mara ton.


AuthT of Ite Komane of War," it uow ready ta three volumes at aU tha libraries. The MESSRS. GEORGE ROLTLEDGE and SONS i are now Inning an emlreiyoew lni. of Captain 51 A RYaTsNOEIS in shilling veiuaea, or bypoet. It atauite, Tha foliowies are now ready Peter 1 iu.ple, 43, Th Kina's Own,; Rattlia Reefer, 364 page Mt HUipuiaU Eaay, 334 pages.

Loudon and New Vcrk. QASSELL, rETTER, GALPIN. A. S'ow priee'lOs. KOSSUTHSNEW WORK.

and I OUIS KOSSUTH NEW WORK, entitled JLJ MEMORIES of MY EXILE. This Important work rentes to the peno4 when tne Italian Kingdom was leiog rsuhlished. aud give tha Trestles aad details of Ue.UD.lrniand!ng letaeeu England, the Emperor NtpWroD. ad Connt Caewur. 77I aw Rady thu ilsy.

price 'TH? rpHE NEW PAULIAMENT. By WILLIAM 8AUNDER5. Author of Throusb the Lisht ConUient, ave. Containing History of toe DuwoiuUou. the Mauifesto.

party Leader, special Btographita of our A'ew itemoers. Election Ind ilcnt. ac Sixth'aud cheap edition, now rrady. price 5ri miiE EIFE ot GLADSTONE. By iiARNETT HMITli With Two lvrtraita engraved oo SteeL lli third, fourth, and Of th large titioa id this won were exhausted la leas than hve weeks, and a Sixth litroq is now ready.

Now mdy. price 7s. 1. OUR OWN COUNTRY. Vol.

II. An Illustrated Geographical and Hialorkal Description of tha Chief Placet Ol Interest in Great Britain, With upwarda of 200 Illustration. Now raaly. eompleta tn 2 'it. 6L each.

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Caused. Fetter; Ualpin. and Ludgate hlU. London, depot. Worthjp siraet.fc.CX.

and S. ono hill. Jl.C rpHE EASTERN TEA AGENCY, offices, Dunster JL bOUsW Msrk4aVaM IjOfVl'Ila CCL rpHE EASTERN TEA AGENCY a ipplr. la quanti JL. im oi a it kh man ous, aav auAius itA, at simclng laa priors, being fully Ud.

par lb, cheaper than any to ba rrxnrrd fiom tha ordinary retailer aad many pane per. lb. lower thaa to prices noted by any CvU etervic or Co opers4ivwBtora. Famibe djUoction who consume a naotlty ot tea, and who axperienc a uirheulty la obtaining tu Oner kinds at pries, wul sod a manifest adrantag im eommunloatmaT with tha manager, who ii forward Sauspla and pric liat post frea oo sp.lK ati.nv. Vld aviaious of tha Prass Christian Iterto.

Morniog Advertiser. Nwt of the World. Sunday Timea. Kentish Meratry. Myra's Journal, Hotel aad Tavern' Advertiser.

La Mod lilustrcevkc THE EASTERN TEA AGENCY, offices, Dunster hous. Mart lane, London. E.C. entrance also In Duuter courv atindorlan 13LATE. GOLDSMITHS ALLIANCE (Llrnitedj Manufacturing Silversmiths.

II and IX Cornhill. Louden. Tea bast wmught SILVER SPOONS and FORKS. Fidelia FattsTB. 7a.

2d. per ouae tfuaea'a Patteni. 7s. (dpareoac. Many other patterns, plain or highly ornamented Ftddl Pal tarn.

ox. s. d. ad. Queen's Pattern ox.

12 Tabks Spoons 30st7 2 10 15 0 Tabi Spoon 43U7I 1Z Dessert ditto 23 7 2 7 1 12 lVssaa ditto 25 7 7 2 13 IS 0 12 Table Forxa 40 7 2 7 3 4 12 Dert ditto. 23 3 1181 2 Gravy Spoons 14 3 4 1 Soup Ladle 13 3 IS 4 Sauce ditto 12 1 0 9 4 bait ditto (streoz fUtl 4 13 0 1 FUh Knif and fork 3 i 12 Tea Spoons HatIO 0 15 0 1 1 Fair Sugar Toags Set of Fiddle Fattera 19 2 1 Set of Queen Pattern ..17 1 he Show Rooms ooataia aa sxteosir stock of Silver Plat. Silver Plated Ware, Ac A pamphlet, I Una trated with 300 aograrinxs. obtaining tha price of article required ia and at fres oa application. For tba use of committees a work ha ben pabusbed.

wita targe I tnocrapaia arasnngs or pias sept rwiy tor prutnianiss. 12 Tabl Forks 30 12 Dessert ditto 2 Gravy Spoon 10 leoupLail 9 4 Sauo ditto 13 4 Halt ditto (strong gCt) I risa Kau ana rorx 12 Tea spoons 13 at 7S 1 Pair eugar Tongs 7 2 72 7 ad. a ad. 15 Ot 9 tl 7t 15 St 71 ii Ii il) 7( llilt S3 4 15! 2 sula 121 I LVE PL ATKD SPOONS and FORKS. Especial atteatlon is directed to the superior quality of.

the manuiactured by tha GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE (Limited). aVa (heinc Plated oa a hard, white metal) are only sarpssssl a dorabuity by solid ail'er. Ulustratad pampalct ot price will forwarded jts and poat free oo apolicatiou to the GoUamltb' Affiance (Liiutadl, Manufacturing ttilversmithsrll nl 12. Corn sill. Loofioo.

Q.OLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE (Limited), OS. 11 and 12, CORNHILL, London, E.C TMPORTANT NOTICE Please LKTTERS and ORDERS rr direct aU ETER KOBlNrtON. Sillcaiercer and Lihendrarer, to the only addrass. VTOS. 103 to 108, OXFORD STREET, London, W.

A.V (wbare I'arcels free. XTEW SILKS for SUMMER. 10O Pieces of XT the Cloth of Gold, specially adaoteJ for saraiture, 5. 6 aad Sa M. pr yam.

Tha New Satin de Lyon, revexilble. in 73 Bew shades. 5s. per yari. 30) Pieces of Balla MerrrClensa, In Heliofrooei.

Glycena, Crevette. Vleil Or, and other soaeroui shades now ia aenand. frcsa 3s. 114. lr yard.

Pie. es of Poult Sola Lyon. A New Make of Coloured Silk for Costumes In every New aad espeeiauy made to my order, price 10m i. ll'td. to 4a Ud.

I aid. 22 Inch Coloured Satin pbades to select frocx, Ss. 3 perjard. I LO.O Pieces of Floral Indian. SUxx.

ITs. 6d tb os of serea jnarea. Fktr.I Diniisse Satins, a beautiful collection ot designst elect from. 3s. lid.

per yard. A Special Purchasa ot Dye Black Silks. 100 pieces eacb. at. Ja.

i si. m. per jarJ. riucx HrocaOM euss. Tart Roman triced Milk, fnr tha new atrl of Drn2 iTatses and noola or Jlautias, Ja.

Ild. per yard. Z4 Inches wfcle. LTaSsel scd ABRICS. rreond edition, price 6d, OVARIOTOMY (CONTROVERSY on).

Between Mr. T. epeneev Well. F.R.C.S, and Mr. Georg R.

Jcaaa, Hon, Sec, Society Abolition ot Vivisrctioo. Also Cotnanti Thereon. London. Pickerina and 136, Piccadilly. NEW NOVEL, by the Antbor nT'a Sake.

aad uniform with "iDota Thome." "Allln the WUd Sfarch Morein, Ssrera Foe." tc ready, VoL XL of th family ftory Teller Series. Price It post fre ls 2d. la fancy cloth. Is. 6d.

post free Is. SJ. To be had at a 1 Booksellers" and fcookitalls, MY 3IARK1AGE. London, VT. SteTens.

No. ajLtraod. W.a Now rtsly. 'price la, "TlHE ART of DECORATINti the FLOfm Ristorvcal Skates Ma and FVwCoveriaa of all Nation, ith aa Easay, Wbeiner to bar Carpet or Run. Published br Trekaar and Sons.

g.Lridgata hia. ifow ready, crowns 8 prire NIECli: a. Norel of ssrttaiiaa ura. io niece oi aurnoc Jtooauiat is ooa of the most Interesting, and moat cr ar mine young ladlea who of late yean has nude her appearance in ficuoo. and tb adventure tba gt throtua, ar of ta taost exating kind." Pall mall Gaxatt.

London. WmT Aift snd 11 Walerkxvplace. THE NINETEENTH A rrogrsnrm ef Reforms for Turkey, ky Edirti Pears Ths Conservatir Party and th lata Election, a 6qL by T. at. Kebbei Tb Oit In Iedian Fliaoce.

by Samuel Laing. M. Tta ladlaa Budget Estfanstes. by Lieut Gen. Richard Stracbey, EI.

R.S Dot tors aad Nurses 111. by Dr. Oetxviut ttturzea Qt, by Dr. Ba.ajeVu Sliartej. (U.

by Mis Lonsdale, C. Kexan Paul aad Co. London. OPKCIAL SALK of FRENCH DRESS FAI bought ia Pans for cash, at extraordinary discounu. iocU metres Bullion Gauze, at per yard.

3 piece all wiol Angolas, at S.Sd. fr yard. 100 pseces aocy Cachiaera Merinos, lis. areas. aoO piece Fsncy amt Plata CaatOMrre.

2d. par yard. A Manufacturer's ntir etock of very, nca Cseaoier sad sua. pompailour sad Damasae. amooncing to sereral hundred piers.

I tvery variety of Oriental and other mixture, now so meh used tor draping cnattunee, at 3it. aod 3a. lid. per yari wfctoer terersl other Urge lots and novelties equally cheap. Th fo'i are all be and ot tha highest uualuy tu their respective CJaaea.

Patteroa tree. PETER BBlNSON.Ostes dHStreat, "TATERIAL and WASHING COSTC3IES. A ivX large aad varied assortment aU Ul newest stile mmsc up ostu.K.s. lack aod all cotour. confeung of Bag de I ADjxda Foul4 Ctotb.

Cashmere. Beige. SatAia, Indian toon, oatmeal Cloth, aud ouser fabrics. Among csr Tho Violet, ia fine Belje The Beatrice, ia Casnuiere audi SUk The MlUwent, tn bu de Ilni 3 1 Th Nina, ta Cashmere aod Brocade Elba, la Pompadour Crttoan I Pstterb and Iiluatrations of these aad 40 other design pest Irs. PETER ROBINSON.

Oifxud atrret, VTEW' SUMMER cbsTUMES. Loni in pU 8 il tr ltrud I4ack OrcnaJlDe.uipU maiertai for bodice, ZU. Myrt, In plain aod br eaded Japanese Stk. in black, wail, aad a colours, am pi material for bcllee, 2 ISa tebort Te Uoana. la Cottoo, trimmed emtroidery and riDcon now frou.

42s. Indian MiallnfTostntre. trimmed Isos aod r.bbon. from ta, Feta III issis. from 2, bd 300 Xorn.tii Cotton Costumes, from Us.

91. Ball Dreasa. from XTEW MANTLES, is now worrtT The Jersey Jacket 1 in new elastic material, with siikiaed hood, ta old ge aod gold, and various coloured stnpes. Jersey Jactsta dlagooal. wits bood licsd satta.

Hack and coaoored. Childrao's Jerseys, in various sties aad Valour. SaaXaa eti Tisitea. 15s. lid.

anwarda. Caahmcr aad other 3d. apsrarda Shoulder Capet, new shape. 3Sa. Sd.

apwardsr Alpaca Lostr imst toaaa. 5. iio. sysara. tV Wlteraroof Mantle, ta aaw shape.

Children 'i Cetaaa a ares Visites aad Jackeu for cmldrsst, ta PETER ROBINSON, uxford strset. 7SSXS lPSSom aad coloerad XTEW FASHION BOOK for tae. Illustrstions and Price List Also aaparat oheetx. each cootaiaing front 13 to ,30 nfatsrajcs th following oepartKestt etia ucatusses. catena.

n.n Ccatomee, ammer Costomes. Maatass, FaasWS Dresira. Opera Msotl. Lac aad M.Uiaery Faacy Ardkrsrsras and NoveltJe. Wtterrrocft.

Seat scet fre oa rgi good are narked at a taoaey poos ta plate Bgurea. airev fre to any railway station ia tb tiasdacn. JpETER ROBINSON, 03 to 108..

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