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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 11

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ri.M,r whu wort bfjw 4uiiwl si or Arrt from tho effect of the Ull'" MSSY MARKETClTY INTELLIGENCE. Monday Kvrnlnr, tv. tendencr of th Money Market tcma to ho ainvtUw lurtner montiis bank at 1 amm inst tq work rwnk stock sme little titrto pt woft sirongthonod by the tvrt 0( artictW, wiucu Hare l.n gradually law )n pric until lmycr came forward. In thoso irntmt.uxw the imnmiiato prwjvct seems to be cKrfor raonov. Tho frroign exchange aro lusher rr.

rWrn Amsterdam tho London rato is tV iv 12 13i. awl a very small further iM brine coll from there. The Paris c' i 5 35 and tho lWkwn lv5 StV. (VnCH have not vriil in prioo nil (Uj either oni account. The hnl quotation are to to ft5 rcjpoctirelr.

Now Three riVtiare aiiu unchanged. There was very L.l. htitinrt ione tolonul or Indian stocks, ouv'tatJOiu are in all cases nearly the same as liailwav Swks opened dull, and "prices rctr prtsoJ thwurjliont tho day. Th stooka of the crost pvJj rryinp.comjxanies feji most, and vt'ore the close there was a Midden relapjo in Miropolrt11 stock, which ictt on tiuu villi tho of the Uusinesa continues veri Ifjarreii. 'and jckmy trade retvrts are circulated leaiini to" increase "the difjvMtien of oivrators Viutevi Mates Hallway Mocks left oa tinner better pnoes from ork, hut Canadian do jipn' a weak, 'and closet! like English ti R.

si srvut the lowest. There iras no special lot.u in leiraph Shares. London Water Com inwie Miviis continue, flat. I Vrin Mock Market continues very lifeless ja pste of buying on Continental account, vli pr; dull, but there was no rrocuccnt relapse in any stocks except Argentine, in tiee there was great" excitement, and the price the loan fell at one time 12. per cent, below jhe yiice of 'week A slight rccovery.took place Sriore.

the close, butthctiual quotation was still 10 per cent, lovtr than on Monday tast. Tt other loai; fell in proportion. No cause a p.en for the fall beyond rumours of cer the presidential election. jhi thes have as vet ukfeu place, however, it uetied bv the leading River Tlate houses Krs. The selling came chiefly from Taris.and as the here are ratheroverloaded with tirts pave way ail the more npidly.

Judging by the rrctst mail news from the Republic, disturbances are verv occur, but their effect neetl not be eVfS41 There were these outbreaks at the presidential theycamo to nothing. The Gremor of. the province of Buenos Ayres KfE to be still a candidate, and to have delivered ten mdainmatory message to the provincial Lsjature supjxrt of his candidature, but the aurfsts at stake throughout the Republic aro so prst that order may be maintained. At present mly indication of trouble which is authentic is a ri oi alvut 3 jer cent, in the premium on gold, Jucii was quoted on Saiurdav at 2(5 per cent, as and23 earlier in tho week. The Con fitraiion is now fully as prosperous as Brazil, yet us per Cent.

Loan of 1S71 is to night 10 per than the last issued Four and a Half per CVnt, Brazilian bonds just introducoii on this irkct. Such is the effect of tho mere report of kc4l disorders. Egjptian bonds were "heavy liis afternoon, and Kussian and Hungarian fell siichtlv. The interior stocks, such as Mexican and rruvun, have nearly sunk to the prices from wiuca they moved last year. Tut; sum of in gold has been purchased ry the Bank.

"yur 1'aris Correspondent telegraphs that there wi very little business doing, on the Bourse dv. rer Cents, bt san at and. after ujuccms mi. THE TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1880. 11 5c and HSf.

97c, left otT at tho vzice a fall of oc. from Saturday's closing units on lxodon at sigiu, oi. o4c. to tC Four Clock Prices. Five per Tiikish Five per llf.

15c; Spanish Ex seral. i Austrian Gold Rentes, 76f Hungarian, 56j Ottoman Bank, 540f. 02c Egyptian Unified, Vuf. 25c The bar silver market remains quiet at tho termer quotation of 52 3 16d. pr ounce.

The last ruce. of Mexican dollars is 51 jd. The India and China exchanges are unaltered. Intiiin Four and a ILilf per Cent. Rupee Paper shows a fall of at Soj to the Four per Cents, are unchanged.

in the Corn Market there was a firm trado in wheat at last week's prices. Barley was unaltered, and oats were Cd. cheaper from tho highest point. The Coal Market continued active to day, and rices further advanced Cd. jr ton.

The direct' ts of the Bank of Xew Zealand report thai the net profit for the half vear ended March 31 last wn3 74,102. To this "they add 17,113, rtprescnting the premium on the new shares sold, asa the balance brought forward, making a total of out of which thej' recommend the driving appropriations 50,000 to a dividend ar the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, to a bonus equal to 6 per cent, per annum, and to the new half year's account. Tho baiinct sheet shows a liability of 4'J7i301 on iXites in circulation and of 7,029,811 on deposits, A'. Bills payable in circulation also constitute a liability of 1,337,451. On the asset sido cash and balances stanft for 2,114,007 money lent at suort dates in London, for 675,450 bills receivable and securities in London, for and bids discounted and other debts duo to the Bank a very indefinite item for 0,454,979.

me subjoined is the latest form oi tno request, note issued" by the Committee of Bolivian iknuhcldtrs and tho Council of Foreign Bond hoiUvrs. It is even moro objectionable than tho note dlreviy bjected to and withdrawn Tit tc ine the holder of and now snrren to tte sai.J depositees in trust ti uadermentioned ana cotipous re rtr cent on tLe mid committee aiiflcurjxfiticn, La account of deductions which now are or lhe and Navigation Returns for May this morning reflect tho pauso which has ius tne business ol tne country, inc ngures April may be said to have marked tho culminat 'H' Iint iji "the recent great ad vai(ce, and no, we Aatv cord a very severe falling away. Oh tho import si the totals show an increase of over 10X cent. year 'compared with last, botv as last Jr tp'ures lor May showjed a decrease of nrarly 11 Jr cent, compared with 1878 it can hardly be that the gain this ye 'tr amounts to much, higher range of values lo taken into account anil l.jit last year has parely been niado VMU the exjiort side of tho account tho t.up i are. rxther more satisfactory, so far as a C'inqurwui of totals is concerned, since they a smU increase of 4i as against an iMe 6t 2 tr ctnt.

in Mayl.tst ear. But here, 'w. wiien pncui are taken accouni oi, tno con i isT ir roust that business hrts sunk almost las, h.el, f.T lyost articles are higher in I'tiie thuit they werca year ago. The increase iii tne value the ir ilv exported is, for le, tie.uly doublo the increase in tho juan So surirten Hiid nevere a recoil in'the volume uie oi um fcuntry must, io laKen to jiruvo uuf.ud.b of much of the 1u.m in r. ent monthft.

Tl ere has sr ut i wutijut st of speculation than tii. rt Wi. Hd jiiiainess dem.tnd to warrant, arjci ti w. tht the relaj'so lias suddenly come tjj vet to be ablo to ascertain what tuuense in biisit oss is likely to lo enduring. Tims ti Uriittd States Lave" stood nearly alono as jf I ngliah iho fact that Mi txplains lioth the keennetaof tut rp Ht "sfjct uialion and it Rwift end.

Now, i the wave, receding may riso in ''ti i 'iuectioris. Our own colonies, stimulated by l'ita and bv ni'w immii'raiits. aro in toino buying more lieavily and India has, on tho wl improved her position as a buyer ainco JaJ" With a good harvest Europe may next bo i to nlarco its custom. It would, at all bo to give way at onco to dospon becauso the wild speculation of last winter has cwme to an end. "Low prices aro much more likely to stimulate renewed activity everywhere than a continuance" of the speculative inflation could have done.

At present our trade with Lurojean countries is mere depressed than it has been for many years, especially for textile fabrics and iron. In cotton piece goods, for example, the flling off is very severe, no particularized country In Europe except Portugal and Turkey having tken larger quantities than in the previous years. The record is nearly as bad for woollen fabrics, and In the various denominations iof iron tha falUng off la equally marked. Hut outMflo Jburopo the figures are m6re promising, both for Jthe month and for the tire months. Austrana, unut, ine Arjrontino Confederation, British North America, and India haVo all don better and tho advances of rocent months may, In tho casf of some of the countries.

be exceeded in tho near future The prospect is thus a ono, loading neither to orer eonnuenco nor unaue tiesnondency. For tho five months now ended tho total value of the imports is 173,323,000, an increaso of or fully 19 pr cent, on the figurea fortho aamo period last year. Tho total value of the exports of British and Irish produce is 69,171,000. an Increaso of 15,072.000, or over 20 per cent. Thus the two sides of the trado account keep wonderfully equal in respect of tho increased business thus far done.

Tho bullion movements are'of no importance jiwt now. Subjoined aro our usual tables for tho month I. lMrORTS or i'ORIlOX xhd Colo.nul Mxrchakdisk. VuotlUf. rrindpU Artlelaa Anlmilf Oiro tat Ball Shttp ul Lustx (Woa nutic.

CbrcWT.f 0o3k Oorrr tor kad Bculiu, Cora WT nfr DU Ift tlMCora Whtwt Rour Coikm, rw' Cumau) FUx Hncp llMc ilrr tai wl TmaJ. Ao. J0t M. i routo' fUttitu I lUc 8uix. raoeJ TobkcocL cnmnufkctaivl Wlna WooJ.

hwu nd uto Wool. ttp ta4 luntV Cwl Toot Cwt. Lb. Cwl Cwt Lb, ins. 96.W4, mtss 155.

J6S zii.e S.300 tmt2t 156. US ti.633 71.IM 154974 11.164. 646.T1S ncd S.0S7.W0 80.301 1.771.780 1.4I7.7U 23S.JJJ 45.751X3 Ttla. 1JM. SJLS31 SS1.J31 19S.U7 (7.711 145.1&S 10.510 J.437.W8 6ia.47S 1.396.54 3.1K!.7 7J7.03S U31.X6 6 24S.E7I 105,670 3.905.597 156.058 814.714 372 E96.5S9 95.553 6S.945 9.C4 L6S2.7J9 73.4SS LT05.4J9 1,887.347 3SiS6J 34.457.:i3 1.447.951 Inerrwaor tcreM p.e, coanrM tlh MJ.

1579. 1I7.K7.53 JE30.4S3.114. 1L Ei pp.TS or Bkitish asd Irish Pr.ocrcE 3lACrACTCRE. '13S AND QuAiitltie. rrinsr Articiet.

ATiaU Beer and Ala i2 sorU CcuX. Uoke. Ac Copper; 11 kindi Ojtton yixn udTwiit I1c Goodi Iron fctl Jut Yra Goodl Llnea 'ua Viece Goodi OU Sced feplrlLi tiiuu. rednfrl i. ttiKp ind Woollea Vud World Yitrn Clotti Wontd fetuffi Woollen Catjcu Cwt.

Barreli Lb. Toot Cwt. Lb. Trd Toot Lb. Yirdi Lt.

Yard! Uilloni Cwt Lb. Yaxdi 1573. S9i4Tl 41.701 443.001 1,443.253 73,153 22,035,100. 3J3.731.4C3 2S1.SU l.ios.eoc ij.asx) 1.S43.003 13.563.530 1.100,311 131.051 SS.973 1.011.6M 3.606,203 11,959.200 474.933 ISiO. .595,127 3S.753 LM1.754 67.415 14.253.333 51 1K.C tt.irt 350.603 1,453,100 11.415.403 1.224.030 U.IS2.1M 1.04J,8?J 145.431 7S.S33 2.257.690 Zi26.700 3.145.203 14.373.530 ojI.633 Icereue or lcree j.c witb.Majr, 1879.

Frlsdp! Article. Alkll 1. A i prel Slept beer sad Ale CuidleVll icrti Cbemical Product Col. Coir, Copper, til kinds Cotton Yirn ol Twist Piece Goods tlltitr MnuUctareii Earthen And China Ware. Haberdasterj HiriwireanJCuUerj Iron and 3ucl Jute Yafti Piece? Goods Linen Yarn Piece Goods Machinery and Jlffii Oils Seed" Silk Maaufaci SpirtU Sucar, renued' Wool, skeep.ind lambe' Woollen ani Worsied Yarn' Ooths Wonted' StuHs Woollen CupeU All otter Articles clor 1879.i 187.633...

314.777 179.763 17L525 :43.435''.. 1.1K.61I 3.74551 149.8:8 4.196'... 1.613.717 17.C15 176.883 93.S19,.. 373.433 L. 7.144 119.625 u.

33,033 S7.627 h. 63.337 354.041 433.745 4C4.303 57.4vO 3,740.319 Isso. QnanUtj. Value. U474 1E5.5S5 7U.413 229.290 847,852 445,244 463.671 166.E92 284.622 334.ECS 2.654.674 21.303 145.459 73.819 337.733 a.oei 116.175 141,822 30.633 E8.6C3 133,343 279,813 402.047 86.676 72.299 3.395.235 13 5 t4 2 117 71 tl4 3 135 4 5 4 34 5 i t20 U5 4 15 3 'ih 114 4 iii.

1223' 1153 W3 8 2 10 8 ISO 125 0 .133 4 2 11 7 130 19 3 463 252 117 7 121 3 195 114 12 8 51 178 19 2 1241 i.M15 2 133 4 1127 24 4 25'6 120 26 3 259 132 ..16.20.430. X17.277.876 Increase. Decrease. We have received tho following notico Messrs; Speyer Brotliersannounce tbat they ure prepared to exefcatge tLe lully paia scrip, Dy rneni, oi tLe $10,000,000 Six per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Howls of the Southerri Pacific Company of Cliforuia against LHrfinitirc Bond.

COAL MAliKET, June 7. (rr. sicks or Coals jer Ton at.tue Closk or the Makklt.) ijet rVVjlam, 15s. Wallsend. Hetton, 15s.

llettoa Lyons, Hawthorns, 14. 3d.1; Lambton, Original Hartlepool, 15s. iid. Wear, South JlettoB, 15s. Chilton Tees, Tecs, 15s.

3d. Kadord Navigatibu, 15s. yd. Sbii at market, sold, 11 gas, lie, 7 At sea, 5. lu i PRODUCE MARKETS.

Mokav Ercsixo. Ricc A talr iuiaixr and steadj rates pali A cargo of Tbetutur market cbiitlime tery Irregular. Fine qualities, wl jch are scarce, are uken ofl readily at flearer rtf. all hrr ntlr. I ritsUud qar trauds ranged Ironi S2.

Jo 9es ri'in oues lOOs.for extra. wmle tine trade qualities brought Kits tdll0 Kntuny Lutters rtroaioe4 without quouM change. Ail cheese is ckared out of first hands, and new Is tUa illariltal at lrjewng prices. Wfc 70s. the lat ratea lai.l Dtttcli niui and ii good Ueuiand Ldam.

new milk. 62. to fc3s. or new trass the i rice tn Holland is equal to alwut ts to b7s. per cwi Ilicon tnttts a ttely demand at Irldajr ru s.

WaierfordisiraWe. 60s. perct free ou toara Cork nd Ijmerick. 74s to llanitro. 70.

Ucdef. lliiinJ Menrs and on rtport that the attack of flj re firre ltolAst rk Larine occurred in surne districts isconnruicd tolar. but fc little or no fleet on the market at this early jriod. Wkmiraliaiwejiuch needed in all the luhtrt fotls. ejnj UWU extent.

reported from some ounUntntl UutrieU. Ti imports of Le'j astj iiontll I were, accrdii to the Customs' lists, 663 bales, ba.ts less than In May. 1879. llMi Mioillantoutflo.rms of heary shipments. October CMASIAL WfK.i..

1 be tauloiurs this evening contained the fol 1 wiiii! Mdney. WUifclJ bales I.TeUid"Sb,13 St? VJalaaU. Uy VVtl Ua. soiaewilwt thinner, but trie, were fairly aufuorted. ui.t Tlk'rv has Uii rather more inquiry to day for It Imlia cuttun at full prlce4 American futures baie adwnced sd.

wr lb. i ii. sli 4 b00 bait. Inclu.lin TainUelly at 6d to 3 1U. aai Western at Jd.Jto lli rartl.

MJ.ilv lUis and to 5 9 lCd. for good lair, ArricS. JuneSeptember, 6 19 320. to 6 October oumber, tVI 1'rlh. for middling 1 e.

MtTALiO tOfliclal lJeport of the London 5fcul tichange.l Correr iia lta toiiS LSi. fpot. Tlit Pine foreirn. its to Xbi siKt 631 to 63 13.

forward, tnglish Ingots, 13 to X75. bcotch pu Iron. 43s. 4V4d. to 45s.

td. cash. OitiiuniSl Tem2n. at 26. 9d.

to ardlnr to package. brown rape. 27s. 9d. American jpiriU of tur bate reclined to 32s.

fiT per est, at which a1 fair amoun 1 1 ut business has been rtotie, I'etroleum dearer at Ci'sd. to, 64(1. per gallon uu the slut, according to test, Ac. v. PrTSOtirM.

Measr. Arthur Brown and Co. report the Iew org quotation for refined has advanced cent, and crudcertiflcaU 3 cenu, since their Issue of last week. It Is reported that the refiners In the HUte sre doing their best to more rrfce upward, but whether they will moored to any extent tn the fac of ttchJieTy Mocks wJ. ...1.1 Mfnl tnmtmr 1rlIM LQ(1 StanflalM WOlt Peonfylratdan on Ue spot old at 6jii to ML tt fUoa eoti lug to test.

the Month, at to lUy August. 6Hd. HtpUmber beotmber. a fair business don at 7Wd. to 1 16d.

To STOCKSand RAILWAY ndQTHBR SHARES, PBiJmxo rtocBsVfio.uAn Alonday Ertainf. Tho next monthly settlement" in Consols is fixed for the 1st of July, and ths next fortnightly sottlomont in ltailwar Stocks, Koroicn Bonds, Ac, begins on Juno 0 and ends on Juno 11. Tho following aro tho 4 30 p.m. prices In Consols Indian and Colonial Funds in tho leading English I Dnbarg tv lUilwaya and Foroign Stocks, and in such other himpSltin. aiwiiritin urn mihlivt in frontinnt flnr(nt ino I U.L sua.

7 e. (SerlnL 19' i 1 I Lember (iern. JaasT il.I. rna, in the market lor uovrnsMEXT hectiutixs, p.c Ut A2dusue.i3S';t,s consols ciosea at money and vi usj lor tne account, Arxl New Threa Jr Cents, at 07 07j. HRlTlsn 1UILWATS.

A ALL of 19 in orthEaitern to Oraat CastafB. 4 FofleljtKttt, 1U Great Korta of Konr I3su r(, A fL.Weat.. B. 4 m. 1 tit rthrn.

i jjn' jj Nortb EaUro. 4 r. H4 Lsm A 4 llij North London. ft llK Ion South EasV Ptrp, 4 li.3 LINEH uutn at rrxr.n RrxTALS. Jtorta rtUt.OoBa, dotting Oraeta.

B. ft 0.. 196 Vi rORKIOX RAtLWATH. Bahla A Ban rraneisca (LI cu. 7 tMazieaad 23 3 Do.

1st I Central Uruxnar of Mnntarfdm HUH ueu. KtoeS.lDSi lllo. iTftl a D.C.. iz tepik ILL Regiat. fl) P.

Perp. Deb. Stock, 110 7 xleaaaLSU ll' Prtt.8 P.A.UHU13 (L). Per. 1s Dl.

Hock.l04Vi ii AW 1 ip Nlzain i State p.t gua.110 1M 1511; 14 in Metropolitan to 119i 120; liinMan In London and orth Western tolSlJlMJ; 1 each in laledonian to 1042 1043. and Boutli Kaitern Deferred) to 130 131 1 i in Londou ami Bnthton to 155 lot. 155l Wtn to 1151 115j, Midland to KI rf Uig, ano A mm oiaw smusi v. ub (aaw Ban Taulo (Brazbiaal ak laa. 1 p.a, witi South Austrian.

7 ft rOREION RAILWAY OBLIOATIOXS. Cbarkof Amf, M( i Baa Paula and Rla da Janalra Charkow Krtmentschng. jy guar 132 ICast ArgeoUne, 1st Mort. Austrian. 1S7L.

154 1CS4, ft x.4. BouU ltallih. 13ri BANKS. Asg lo Esrpt. Bank.

(LL t3 x.d. London and Westminster (LI, 55 Bulk of Earns. liana oi new eaiana, Zl Itoumanla, JJ Nsw. Is, at 10 aooe paia locripi, i psa, or Itritish to 7b 751 Chester, bhrffield, and Lincolnshire) (Ordinary) to 87 1 87 j. i each in Chartered (if India, Australia, ft iry) to R71 87i.

r' and London, Chatham, and Doter (Four and a HaK per oorJoiuiaied'a) TH 16 Out. lVeferfnce) to.lUOj) 100j jj each in ditto (Ordinary) I Kngilsh. Hcottish'. and Australia StAlTonltoTDJSOi. MS'Jb' UMTIn STATES, OREIOX, ANO UOLONIAL ItAILWATS.

(4 15 Prires.) A rise of 1 in Illinois to 101 105 in Krie (Ordinary) ta 34 34 and in Atlantic and Great AVetru CJd to A fall of I in Graad Trunk (3d Preference) to 35J 351 i each in ditto list Preference) to Slf 851. and ditto (2d Preference) to CSi 6tl 3 in oil to (Onlinary) to 134 VJi. and 16tn in Great Wcstt rn of Canada to 121 121.

Official Prices). A RISE of 4 in Atlantic, Mis 1 each in Atlantic and Great Western (lit Mortaaga Certificates) to KJ 63. (2d ditto) to W. Central Pacific of California (1st Mortescr) to 11G Autralla. ortndal of England London Chartered National Pro 36i New Lond.

ft Bmlllaa IftH 13 wueensiana national ill btandard of British South Africa Chartered. 24 (LL431AI1 ustralla (LI. K3A Ut 1 xxuhieii wDUKngci, RRITTSII MIXE. IMaAe Valley. liskeard.

COLOKIAL AKD roREION MI VI3. 3 16 Ts Rio Tlnto. Bhare. 11 irUgiUfl 0 1.11 rronuno i London Nouteau PanuldUo Corner a Richmond Ctu(L. US 14 x.d.

Rio Tlnto a 1.5 p.e. Jtrt 4 York Peninsula (L). a iiotiTia (ioia Kuny a lraoaerbergcoo. ILL I A California a)'', R.WynaadsUtekGoldl.),lS Mood Gold. 1 lS South indlao Oold.

1 9 15 3'. Bt. John del Rer ILL 211 Anglo American (L ix reierred. Def erred, 33, ArUelea. 1373.

1S30. QuanUty.Valu. Aaimal40ien aad Bulla 3fi.3S7 731.237 8S 4 S3 2 6iep aad Lambs S03.04: 273.218 C97 34 5 Bacon 4713 761.S2S... 331 '60 9 Butwt 45,673 LW0.U9 2 7 'X Chees 164.004 s. 230,063 tT til OoCee, LC43.508 63.079 t37 3 430 Coppr Or and Begulu 147.6 30 Ooru Wheat, 1.7JJ.265 L9S9.133 133 5 13fl Barley S1.454 251.995 12 7 Ml OaU 400.233 512.206 '125 27 9 Indian Corn 1.0CS.ISJ 9a.S58 flS 8 (82 Wheat Flour $49,513 613.KS 12 5 'U Cotton, raw 4X117 J.137.8 33J.

Manufacture 217.319: 174.43S flVs Currant 2,634 11 t991 i. t99 5 Flax 371.4 493.409 '33 5 '34 4 Heap ..) 116.0 42 151.966 27 4 '30 9 25S.967 34LS56 '43 4 'SSO Tained.Ac. 169. 525 231.833 44fl N3 2 Jot S7.CS1 in.512 27 3 'S2S Poutoe 1 237.599 K7.t5a M2 29 3 Kalslns' 14.374 730 tK 194 9 Rice 3lL70li 431.761 "SS VS 3 Seeds Flax and 165.767 I42.TH 32 '46 4 SUtraw ai.7!2;.. 76.9a (S3 3 469 4 Sugar, rednel 465,74 413.755 116 4 (IPS Raw 1.B36.S39 191 (132 TaUow and Stearic.

139.375 112,03 (122 4 Tea ii. 115,075 112.963 2't tl'3 Tobacco, uamanufactured 63.S31; 114.507 9lO "Wine 439.2S3 639.263 32 '2S Wood, hewn and wn 511.460 6SU75 62 3 72'3 Wool sheep and lambs' 2.615.405;.. 1,633.773 6 ZTS Woollen Yrn 143,663 171 823 '25 2 21 0 All other 9.336,092 10.454.657 'lli rise' mk r4r '1aa firm tiW tsstL A11. 7S 16d. Naphtha quiet Coal oU.

no jstae. TurpenUoe quiet. SDti 34s. tnSx.6d.: June. 27a to 26.

9d. July December. 23. 2J. with UtU buiinea pauiag.

Tiixow Th market is quiet and quotation a follow 4JW P.Y.C, on the rnot. 41.: new P.Y.O.. do, 41. 64. AttJtrUfl mutton.

X. 6d. to do, Wf. 52. to, to M.

September Oeceoiber. 118. ditto (Land llond) to 107 lW. Xer Vork Central and lludwn lliter (Shares) to 127 12J. Union Pacific (lit Mortgage) to 115 117, and Atlantic (Leased Lines) to 51 63 each in Sail aulo (Debenture) to 117 and Pennsylvania (Shareitfto 51, 'i i eAchm (ht Preference) to 19 VJi.

ditto (2d ditto) to 11 12f. A fALL ofl in Buenoi Arrei Great Southern to 13n 140 each in ditto (Six per Cent.Xo 125 12iJ, and Baltimore and Ohio (1877) to lulj 102 anJ 1 each in ltueuos A vrvt GroatSouthern (Hxtention) to 13 131 Central Argentine to 17 17j, and Alabama Great Southern to Sj 1'. i POIiElOS GoVERXMWTSECCRrriES. A RISK of each in French Mentet fflireo per Cent.) to Ml 8tJ, Peruvian (1870) to 16 17, ditto 14 14J, and United States ilour and a Half perCent.i to llli 1121. A FALL of 64 each in Argentine (1871) to 75 76, fluenos Ayres (1870) to rtt i i i i ii, uiu uiiiu iioi oi iu ti in in Arseo Brazilian Hi bmarlne a I.

8 7 18 rrei Th arsis Bulphur and Copper 0.L3O TELEQRAP118. Eastern Extension, Australasian. A China II SHi ferenea. 5 pc (AiiiraBaa Got. Suh.) 1900.

Cloh Telegraph and Trust IX 6M665vl x.4. 6 p.0. Pret. 11 IX Indo European (L). 2S W.

India A Panama a). IS 7 16 tWestern and Brmsllaa 11 16 4 in ditto (Uanl DoUars tine (1SCS) to 65 8ti to C0J 1 in lrptUn (State Domaini) to 21 1 in ditto (Khedive. to 4 each In Turki tlS62)tol4 15. and Uruguay to 30J 31f in Egyptian luuiuou; 10 oof iioj cacn in auto irreierencej so oof Oi Direct Hpanlah 10 P.O. IV.i Eastern (LL 9 1 18 8 15 18 9 MI IJa, 6 p.e lreferne, 124 Po 6 p.e.

rrpajsbl Oct, ltU. 101 Do 5 p.a 12Y8TJRANCE. Alliance BrlUsh and Foreign, 32 British and Mercantile, 62 Lon Pror. Marine, Rock life. tVi OAS.

Oas Light MonUrldeo (LL 1SU 4H P.O., 109H South Metropolitan. A. 206H Imperial Continental, 179 d. DOCaTS. London and BU KALoarin, lift Mill wall 5 p.e.

Frp. Debtatorea, 1 1201 WATERWORKS. Ktat, 289 1 Boutbwsrk and Ttnihan, 219 20 Lambeth.Masimuml0.2004H West 170 69 Nw Hirer, As w. 370 1 BONDS. LOANS.

AND TRtTSTS. Auckland Harbour Board, p.a. Kbedir Dslr Banleh ana Kussian (1S70J tots mif, eacn in ditto (1873) to 878 871, Hungarian (Gold) to 1)31 93J, and Italian! to 851 and LlC each in Spanish (Tliree per Cent.) to 172 18. 107i City of Auckland, Act 1872, aty of Dunedln (LHago), 6 p.e. 193S.

110 p. ConsoL Redeem. 1906. Con. 72 IV.

4 KBtnire uaira TEE CATTLE TRADE. StETROPOLITAN CATTLE MAfiKET, Jcyi 7. The number of cattle entered for eantazsptioa last weak ru 3,450 head tho corresponding week of 1879, 4,410 1878, 4,670 1877, 2,70 1876, 4,660 1875, 4,240 1874 4,430 1873, 4,330 and 1872, 4,080. To day' trade haa bean alow and dear. The high rate asked limit trade, making buyers cautious.

We note light increaae; in aapply from oar Korfolk district, and also a fint coBJignment of gnag fed cattle, qoalitygood. For all best breeds gales clote firm. A clearance, of the market is doubtful, and a lower finish is expected. On the farelga tde somewhat more freedom in buying has been ihowx We Lat had on offer about 500 CanadiAn cattle, which with our other ujuaI i nf ply from abroad, hare come to hand in excellent condition To day's top rate for all prime beasts as follows, at per 81b. Scotch, 6s.

4d. NorfoLb. 6s. 2d. to6s.4d.

fat cows, 5s. 6d. to U. M. Jutts, 5s.

lOd. tb 6s. Canadians, 5s. lOd. to 6s.

Swedes (middling in character), 4s. 8d. to 4s. lOd. 3djich quietness has prevailed in the Sheep market, and tbre.ha been a tendency to decline.

This, howTer to second classes. Choice breeds cannot bo quoted at less than our extreme, and very prime and neat haTicg erea a call Upon that. The ruling market rate for all best breeds Downs, 7s. to 7s. 2d.

Rents, 6s. 6d. large framed sheep, 6s. to 6s. 2d.

Danish," 6s. 2d. to 6i. 4d. per 81b The general tone of the market slow, with much heaviness The demand for Lamb has lessened considerably, value 2d.

to 4d. per 81b. less. Veal and Fork Beasts Sheep aad laa CalTs Beef Mutton Veal Pork Lamb IcrefgB. L273, 420! 43; Beef Mutton Veal From Scotland From Norfolk.

and Essex JsCTTLT. British. 2.060 11.330 143 Bamsn. At pee Ch, sinking th offaL Inferior. Second.

4a. 6d. lOd. 6. 6d.

6s. 6d. 6. 6d. Od, 4.

6d. 5d 44. 7A Od. Totxxa. At per sinking ths offaL Inferior.

Second. 4s. M. 5. 64.

..5. Od. 6. 13d. 4.

6d. 6 2d. AABiraLa, Ituu. 73 I From Midland and Bom Soffolk. I Counties i U33 Total 3.320 U.753 ISO first.

6. 4d i. 7a Od. .6. 6d.

5a. Sd. ts. Od. Tint, 6.

Od. 6. 4d. 6s. Sd.

Beasts 660 Rla City ol Montreal, 5 p.e. and Turkish (General Debt) to lOj 10J rORCION KAILWAV OBUOATIONS. A FALL Of 1 each 102 KL City of yuebea. n. etrig.

Aoan, lus Sterling, a. Con. Tund. Dedal Debt ScriD. 72 VM Foreign A Colonial Cot.

Trust 0.1, Deferred. 104 i Oamaru LI arbour Board (Otago) Waterworks, 7 p.e, 1907. loJ'4 Railway share Trust (L), 6 p.e. 2 Spanish; 6 p. National Lands Mon.

viYii i'r ai. FA1.LV1 a CSVCXl I i inb.tlrn,'l7fl B'a BJ.gJP. uot, aooycon. p.o. gua.

oy to 125. and ban Paulo and Kio Janeiro to 101 llUt and i in ditto (2d Series) to 101 102. Teleq KAFiis, A RisEof each in Anglo American I (Ordi nary) to Wj, and ditto (1'relerred) to "JO WJ. raRis isooitsE. io oay 3 Jo m.

prices are compared with those Ht 12 40 p.m. on Saturday Kenfes, Three per for money, 5f. 75c a rise of 10c.V ditto, for the Account, 65f. ditto, New, 87f. 35c si 11 of 5c; ditto, 'ire per for money, 118f.

80c a rise of 10c; ditto, for the account, llllf. a fall of 15ci Italian, Fie per Cent. Lombards. Austrian lUilwavs. ol)7f.

50c. Suez Canal, a fall of Ottoman llank. 540f. 32c a tall of 3f. 13c; Turkish, Firo per llf.

15c; a fall of 7c; Austrian Gold, i6f. 624c a fall of 3jc; Spannh, Three per 18f. a fall of 6c; gyptian iTelerence, 1 ito per. ditto, Unified, Six per 2oc a fall of If, 60c Tho following are other changes recorded in tho Official List upto3.p.m. In Banks, at.

advance of in NaiionAl Provincial to 44 45 and i in Xorth. Eastern to 3j 4. In a of i in Flagstifl to i 1. A tall of each in South Wheal Frances to 14 16J, Wheal Grenrille to 8 9, and Tharsis tsalt lnr to 30. In Waierwokks, Sbuthwark and Vaaxball RECEDED 5 to 210 liut London '4 to ll3 203, Graod Junction 2 to 110 115, and West Middlesex 2 to lo7 172.

In MlSCKLLANEOl'S, a FALL of 1. in' American Investment Trust to'ji each in North iletrorolitan Tram ways to log 15, ditto (New) to 5 5J Prorincial (71 paid) to par 1 and Kio de Janeiro City Improvements to 26 2CJ and in City of Buenos Ayres to 5 0. Tho following quotations aro takon from the officialrocord of business dono in stocks and shares. Stocks and shares marked thus (t) have paid no dividend for the last two half years and upwards BK1T1S1I FUXDS. Ac S3H 8 India Knfaced p.e.,1893.

Z1.0M. 37s. pm. Metrop. hoard of Work btock, 3 x.d.

sale 2a p.c paid, 2'iPm. Three per Cent. Consols, July 1. 9a; x.d. Reduced Three per i i Mew Three per Vm "i January.

1S31. Mi i d. India.Uct.10. 1633. 4p.e.,lW!.3:, COLONIAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIE3.

ew Zealand. 5 33L 1873 1904, 4 Da. 5 30. 1906. p.a, 103 10 40, 103'; 1.

1UI, iUJJS 71 Inscribed ritk. 83'4 i 8 Canada. 1532 4, 135 4 OVt. of Oort, 105H Do 1504 5 S. S7 IX) 1304 6 a.

Insc Ire 97U. Cap ot GtMd Hope, 4V, p. 130v. Ceyluu, 1S32 an 1 1633. 133Vi.

't PC, liw. da. Montr. B3 i Quvenslan 1. IHZ 1.

1064; 1851 6. 114 1313 iS, Da. Scrip. 1S73. 91 H.Auitrsllaa.

1891 1300. 118t 1894 1916. 96, Vs Victoria. 1883 5. 10a 4 4J.

Da. 1S39 13C1, S3 ii FOREICJ7 STOCKS. Argentine. 18S8. 9C? 83 6.

New ti. Wales. 1835.1494. 10711 2 p.caiiLUil drawings Ironl per New 2aUnd, Con. I p.

ana. bink. ol, 1SJ', Da. PubUo Works. 1871, 804 83 8 9 7U 8 5, 754 7 6s' BolWia, Bondholders' Committee Ucrt 44V, nrazilian.

1375. lluenon Aire. 1870,. 73 9i 1S7A 7S 8 ChiUan. 97 1EU, U't 1873, 69 V.

l.V.i Clinee. U77. 134 Danubiaa. lSt7. KnyptUa, Unified Debt, 'UV, Si KK'l i e7Vs6Tss 7fcHi 6tate Doniain, 'i's Uun'arian, 1571.

8514 Ji 1X E8H Rentc.93;!i 4 3.i 4, liu' I il exlcan. 1651, 1D 13 1864. i Norwegian, 1875. Portupieiie, 1853 78. S2V, Russiau.

1822, Sterlinf. 86 Do liii. 06'; ItitA. 101 91 Do. IN ic.

'Kail. 5, U67 9. 7a; 1873. 68 1871. 1 1873, 88 Tl 1875.

83 xroinutKD. 171 Sinlh. 1K7 9.70S, 3 p.e,. 13177 I P.C W4 QuicksU 1870, 10314 3 Turkish. 1354, Ecypt.

Tribute, 83 1E62. fi 1 General Debt. 10? Da. lSU. Keypt.

67't Treasury ARC, VruruaT. Cons. 1871. 30 ltiti. 14V 5'i .105 4v Argentine Hard 1 ssv, French 84Vi Ill Italun.

ex. 251., p.e., 85! United mates, 4 p.t, lk 4W D.c. VlK. titock. New ol54 60', INDIAN RAILWAY DELENTURE STOCK.

(Principal aud Interest Guaranteed by the Secretary ol State for ludii in Couccu.) East'Indian. Irrcleemable, i)i 114. ORDINARY SlIARia AND STOCKS. Caledonian. ConxL.

5 Manchester, and Lincoln, (Da. Def. UnL. No. 1.12S, Ord 87'i '4 tEant London.

Con 29 Da, 123V, O. Kattern. 6a! 1 60JI 4 Delerre.1. 52 ITi Gt. Norihtrn.Con.OriE..

120t W4 ll. tropolitau. USSi 20'V New, 1878, US' 86S4 Italian 1C3 IROJf. a fihymney Iron 0 1 29 COMMrRCIAL. FINANCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL.

Airtcultural of Mauritius (L), 2 Telerph Construe, A Mala. wreois ui soaresv General Credit 1 Discount (LL United Discount Corporation 0 3 1S 5 N. South Wale Mort. Loan aad United 8Ute Rollins Btock. 17 lS 1 LAND.

British American. 32 Hudson's Bay. 17M Natal Land and Colonization Co. Queensland InTeitment Land UJ. 10H iO 9'.

Mort. (LL 27, SHIPPING. African SUamship, 1 Ptolnsulu and Oriental TEA. Assam, 5Sn4 3H Darjeelbjf (Uox). 21 x.t TRAMWAV3.

I North Metropolitan, L5V4 Tramways Union (LL Da, New, 13 I London General Om. Co. (LL 237 Rio de Janeiro City ImproTe NaUre Guano (L), meats (ltm.L 1 TEE CORN TRADE. AUK LANE, MoyDir ArriRsooN, Jcne 7. Tbe axmala of grain laden ressels at ports of call daring the past week have been very moderate.

Wheat has been in as active demand, buyers having previously supplied themselves freely. The weather, moreover, has been of a favourable character for tbe growing crops, and this has not been without its effect on bayersi Both red winters and No. 2 springs have suffered a slight decline on the prices of this day week. Tbe coast is sow quite bare of maize, the nominal value being about 25s. 6d.

America has continued to offer wheat freIy for shipment at Od. to Is. per qr. de cline on red winter, and Is. 6d.

to on spring' descrip tion for prompt shipmsnt, but quotations remain un changed for July Auguit shipment. Buyers aire still very reverted, and the business done has been on tbe most re stricted scale. Las met a moderate demand at about Late rates, 22s. lOJd. to 23.

for June shipment, and 23a. 6d. to 23s. 9d. on passage.

The arrivals into London during the past week have been English wheat foriign Exports There waiagaina very small supply of English wheat at market this morning, and a.quiet dexnand was experienced at the quotations of this day week of foreign the arrivals were on a moderate scale. and with an average attendance of millers and. showery weather the trade ruled steady for all descriptions. White winter Americans' were about Gd. per qr.

dearer. Country flour, 15,932 sacks foreign, 10,6 1 sacks and 6,112 barrels. Business was inactive for both sacks and barrels, but prices alteration. English barley, 779 exports, 100 qrs. The trade ruled dull at the currencies of this day week for both malting and grinding descriptions.

Maize, 16,404 qrs. There was a good inquiry for mixed American at 24s. to 24s. 3d. per 4801b.

ex ship, while round corn was also fully as dear. English oats, 122 Scotch, 100 qrs foreign, 131,764 exports, 343 qrs. Owing to the very large arrivals, an decline of 6J. per qr. took place.

English beans, 485 qrs. In moderate request at 6d. to Is per 'qr. more money. Arrivals or Corjt in the or London trom Mat 29 to Jcnx 4 inclcsIve, Flour.

'Wheat, arley. Oats. Beans. Teas. Urs.

Qrv Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Brla. Sacks.

2.506 779 122 432 2S1 15.932 Scotch 100 33.975 ..133.764 1.343 6,112 13,67: 1.621 FOREIGN CATTLE MARKET. DEPTFORD. Jcne 7. number ot animals id the market this da Beasts, l.T'.'O calves, 317 sheep, pigs, 540. DARLINGTON, Jane 7.

A rather small show of tat cattle, which" sou pretty reaouy as rooa pnee. Best rat, lo. to 1U. seeooaary sorts. 8.

Sd. to 9. 3d. per stone. Lean cattle were also rather small In number.

Lane grating beast. xlS to 18 secondary sorts. 13 10s. to 14 smaller kinds. i to 11 Cows la ccod show at strong prices.

(Sheep were a lane show, (test mutton. 9d. to SHd secondary sorts. So. to 8a.

Lambs a small snow aad dear. LTTERPOOL.7th. The aunnlvof cattle I 372 head) was Larrer. and of sheep and lambs (8.9131 much lrer than on last Monday For cattle tner was ralrdemaaU. wttb Uttle Ttuiatlon lo alue.

aneep and lamt were rather lower In pnee. Beef. 6Sd. to 9iid per muttoa. 8Sd ICtyL; and lambs, 30s.

to 47a. each. Then wars many Canadian oxen of good Quality oo oiler. STATE OF TRADE. Total 41.431' 779 133,935 432 Total Quantities or all othr Pulse rs.

I wrs. Tares Jo Linseed 9,531 Malt Kye Maize 23,075 24 1S.405 6,112 26.633 and Grain. On Rapeseed.fte... 81S Other seeds 1.C10 Whet Barley Malt Oats 8.675 100 416 345 Qrs. I 3j0 Other Seeds Qrs.

vsi csvci 11, VViWllUl it VI 116 rtil lor. lV, lo .0 13. L.anc. A. Ixd lirtgbtoii, and South Coast, Ibb's 1879.

85! Metropolitan District Ordinary. Midland, Consolidated Ordinary, .75 fi. r.astu.. Jonsolfc" last's fs ii 4i S4 North Staffordshire. Coo.

831,, tOJ'i 7954B0i S. Krtern. 141i 2 131ti i jt. I nitty, neacar, ac, a Tib tLondno Arb. IV.

1 i London N. WesL, ConsoL, 152 i 2 Ka London and Mouth Western, rREFEBENCE SHARES AND STOCKS. Gt, Eastern. 4 p.c Rent cbarge. London A North Westem.Cons 1uj .4 4 PC lOSVi Gt.

Northern. 4H p.e. Cons. Non c. Con.

Bent Cont. I'ern. 1 117 charze. lVP.m Brighton, A a. Coast, 12SVa 44.a.

Con 107v aoutncasiern, 4 (Wl' dlrtdends contingent on the probts of each separate year.) Caledlnian. 4 p.c Cons. AXinc, 5p.cConv., NO L. 132', i Furneu. 4 uc.

1101, Midland. 5 p. Con. Peru. Pret.

Gt. Northern. 41, p.c Con. Perp. 128 114 Do 4 pc, 1876, with opt.

to Great Western, Con. p.c, 31 1S83. 21V 4p.e.rl873.da, 1883, Loa.ioji. Brighton. Ac.Con.

5 p.c, N. Bntbih, and ii. lOul 1 127 4ii p.c. 1875. 94l't London.

Chatham. Ac. 4ft N. Eastern, 8 p.c, 106 lui 'i, iui? Exported Beans I Pea I 7 I flour, 2,930 cwt. Kapeseed 1.U1 UOseed 5t)0( Total Quantities or Corn Arrived in rarPoRT or LOUDON CP TO JUNE 4.

Qrs. Qrs. Barrels. Wheat ..1.093.509 48.374 Flour ..113.315 Barley 343.929 Pea 3L237 sacks. 660.636 Oats'.

I Current Prices or British Grain and Flour in Per Qr. Mare lane. Per Qr. s. s.

I and Kent. white, new 42 to 58 red. new 44 54 Norfolk. Lincoln, tVrvti r4 new 43 54 Berler. choslier.

33 42 lo gnnding Da, distilling 38 43 Malt. pale. nw i old, brown 48 52 Re 32 36 Oats, English feed ..23 25 Dots to ..25 29 Oats, Irish feed, white Do black Beans, Mazagan ticks pigeon, old Pea, white boilers' maple gray Flour, per sack of town households best country households Do.Norfolk A (Suffolk FOREIGN GRAIN. P.C.. l'Jl Lon.

Wrstem, 4 135 Buffalo and Lake Huron. 1st ML, i' D.C: l'o. Kds 1879. 113 i Eastern ItengaL 140 tast Indian. 4P c.

Annuity .11 Da, Annuity D. 23 5 16 Det. Annuity g. 4 122 tGd. Trunk ol Canada, Con.

IS l.tptef. Stk. Ifc 5, 2d I'reL" Stock. fcS'i li 3d Pref. htock.

35, a 'i r'a i 6 IK. 5 p. Deb. Stock. 61 Great Indian Peninsula, gua.

p.c. 123 1, BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Great Western of Canada, 5 p.c. i Perp. 5 p.c Debeh.

Stock, 1031 6 p.c repayable 1890, 10i.x.L Hamilton aud North Western. 1st Ml. 6 p.c. 96 7 5 i d. Ma gua.

5 p.c, 123! Madra Irrig. aud Canal, g. 5 p.c, 135 Northern of Can la, 5 p.c, 1st 95' Norheru 6 p.c Im. ML, 123Ti i Oude and Kobllkund gu. pc 123 y.

South IndUn, g. 5 p.c, 124 Wheat, Dactsle. mixed Da, extra Kfinlgsberg Rostock Do Meek' burg.andUckermrk. red Gbirka Kasaian. bard Da.

American, red Australian v. No. 2.. da, ord. white Da, do.i red Da, Barley, 5 to 5 Barley, distilling 57 Oats, Dutch, brewing, 55 57 and $3 56 feed Da.

Danish and Hwedlsh. fee 1 50 '52 Do, 47 48 Da, Rig 43 69 Bt. Petersburg 51 52: Beans. Italian 48 53 '9 51 Peas, Canadtaa 52 531 Prussian 48 49 Maize, Black Hea 46 '47 Da, Mixed American 45 46 I Flour. French, per sack 43 45 'Da, 11

43 '45 American, barrel 25 S5 Tare, spring 26 to 23 25 26 34 36 35 33 42 50 34 33 Zi 43 35 37 43 47 4042 35 33 Per Qr. a 32 to 33 23 25 23 24 21 A 25 23 25 20 21 20 24 39 43 37 13 35 36 36 37 32 34 24 25 38. 44 42 56 22 30 38 40 AMERICAN EOND3 AND SHARES. BONPHAM) SHAKES. Delaware and Hudson, lit liars lllinoli Central, 1100 WIVs New York Central and Hudson1 lliter.

$103 Phares, 123 di. paaMe In London at Atlantic A Great Western. 1st ML Trustees Cert. t3 vs fDa.62 2d Mort. Trustees' 26ii 8 3d Mort.

Trustees 13'. Atlantic Hissiuippl.AOhto.Com. of fnd. Canada Southern 1st New Issue. 92 Central of New Jersey, CotuMort, Aentlnfr.

102 Adlustment bonds. 106 Central Paclae of California, 1st Da (California ft Oregon 1st Mort. Gold Bond. 107S Da, Land Grant Bonds, 1C61, 7 rrrml THn wsrttt awn anawKa. Penna.

Pennsylvania Gen. 1I5V, 18 BRITISH SEEDS. s. 9 to 15 1 Linseed, crushing S3 to 55 7 li I Linseed cakes, per ton. 10 45 52 to 10 10s.

23 25 I Rapeseed. new. per ar. 64 72 20 32 Rape cake.per ton, 4 15. to 5 U.

66 74 i FOREIGN SEEDS. s. s. a. a.

CloTerseed. red 58 to 60 1 Llnseed.per Baltic 51 to 55 white 60 S5 1 BomUy ..52 54 toil seed, icrqr small 29 Treioil 18 24 j' Rape cake, per ton 5to55t. Italian, per I CalcutU ..62 64 baieof 2cL 33 42 'Caraway, do. ..31 33 Mustard, brown, p.buih. white Canary, one, per qr.

Cunaiider, per cwl Trefoil Linseed, sowing, per Qr. 4s. 1W.L. 128'i New York. Lake Erie, A Western, $100 SDrs 1st Con.

Mart. Bonds, 123 2d Con. Mort. Bonds, 84 d. Oregon and California.

Traucfort Com. Rects x. coup, 33 fenntylranla. $50 Share. 51 tttillaaeL Keauine, aou.onares.

10 Ills li iw.s Atlantis A Gt. WeL Leased Line Beottl Trust, 1873, 43HH Atlantis 1st Leased lines Rent Trust Llm. Stock. SIVi BaitlsDor A Ohio, 1877. 102 x.4.

IUlnot Central, Sink. New York and Canada RalL 102 New York Central Hudson Blvsr Mort, Sonda, US Con. Sinking Fund 11J Philadelphia and Beading, Gen. Con. 101 A td.

pa. imp. tjy, 'A 4 Da, Gen. Mort, 14. ex aafemd tor th 6 dcf.H ecopt.

ce I CORK, Jun 5. The price of wheat remain unchanged, and Very little business paaslug. Odessa and NlcolaieS Gbirka. 23. per bushel string American.

23a. per barreL June 7. Black oat. 8. per cwt DARLINGTON, 7th.

There was a large show of wheat wfclchjmet a stow sale, and In some cases rather less, money was taken. Red wheat, 13. to white. 14. 3L to lis.

per boll of two bushel. Barley In small show at 8. to 8a. 9Jj per bolL Oat scarce and dear at 3a. 4d.

to 4a. 4d. per bushel, according to quality. LIVERPOOL, 7th. Not much doing In wheat but holders ask late rates.

Indian com scarce on th spot, and hew mixed American quoted 4. lid. per centaL Messrs. Starr and Ca's San Francisco telegram to day ad rise Wheat and freights Clearance of wheat and flour to the United KLtgdom nd Continent for week ended 5th lnat. were 96.000 cental.

$1 571 jc to SI 60c per cental freight. 50s. to 62. 64. per ton Iron vessel.

U.K equal, ling 45. 6d. to 46. pet 5001b, cost to shippers cLf." LUDLOW, 7 th. Th at tendance was ezoeedlngly limited.

Th wheat trade waa flat Quotation English wheat per bushel, weigh red 8. to 6. 6d. hli. 7s.

4d. to 8. per bushel barley, 36a. to 40a. oat.

27. to 30s. per qr. NORTHAMPTON. 5th.

A fair attendance. Short supply of wheat which was 1. lower on th week. Other grain nchangeu. held tor RWINDON.

Tth. Xxcept tor sprint con. which has ion money, trad Aa beta very qult at last weeks rates. BELFAST, Jcnx 5. Bojincss is the early part of the week was cbaracterized by much quietness, but by the close of it an improved feeling sprung; up, and' in the spinning branch thers is much' greater animation.

Flax. The unfavourable 'reports coming from the continent itb regard to the flax crop have had the effect of gardening prices of the raw material, and any sales mads are at higher rates than in tbe previous week. The Irish crop, thougn suffering from tfjff drought and coili windi, not teriocsly injured, and with a favourable change in tbe weather may turn out well. Yarns. The; advance in tbe raw material and the prospect of a further rite has imparted a considerable stimulus to the spinning trade.

Some' large sales are reported, and quotations of linen yarns are advanced three halfpence within the past day or two, the market closing with a strong upward tendency. Linens. Inquiry; is more general and more orders coming in, though sot quite equal to current production prices have been steadier, and tbe prevailing feeling is that a turn for the better is setting in. Manufacturers re not pressing their stocks on the market, expecting an early advance. Shipping trade is quiet just now, and prices of white linens are firmer.

The wool market is without material alteration. The business doin in. wool is of a restricted cbracter. The purchases aro just to coverpressing requirements. Prices of wool in the country are said to be rather stiller, and this tends to ereate some obstacle to business being done.

are obliged to assume a firmer attitude, and tbey scera to be less hopeful as to the future. The; supply of Irish wool in the market is small. The varn market shows the same want of anima tion. Export merchants hare placed few orders, and those placed are small in quantity. Single and tube yarns are in moderate request.

A good business is doing mostly in Botany yarns on home account. Where spinners are in want of orders tha hnver mav obtain a slizht advantage. The piece mar ket is rather less aetive in some departments. A moderatelr steady business is doing for home and the Ccmtinen hough some manufacturers una it aimcait lo ootam new oraers. Tbe demand for 'America is less active, recent shipments to that country baring, apparently, satisfied the requirements ot mercnants lor.

the present. CORK, 7th. Butter. Firsts, seconds, 109s. fourths, f7s.

fifths, 76s. superfine, lllh. fine mild. 114s. mild.

112s. Firkins in market. 1.313. LIViRrOOL, 7th. A large general business has been done in cotton on the spot, at an advance of 16d.

in American descriptions, for which the official quotations are ac cordingly raised other long staples are firm, witn an aetive demand, are tending, in favour of sellers, though not quotably dearer. The safes are 12,000 bales, compris ing 'JfioO liw Urazil, 4UU i ygptian, Mi Peruvian, and 1,500 Surats, and including, 2, Ow on specu lation and lor; export, utures nave oeen strong, at 3 32J to Id. advance, and close at a slight reaction from the highest prices, on the IS'ew York market being re ported easier. Ibe sucar market continues quiet, tae recent active demand havinc; subsided, but prices are steady. The sales include 2,200 bags Peruvian, at llh.

for concrete, 21s. fid. for svrurs. 22. to 23s.

6d. for erainr L00O bags Central American yellow at 22s. to 23s. 3d. and 4lX) tons to arrive, nearly due, at 15s.

3d. ex quay. IS'otbing doing in nee. FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. TEE WEATEER.

KZTZOROLOGICAL HiTOBTS. Waurkot Chart, 3Io3 oat, Jnrr 7, 8 r.ul ttosxaan 0 Coudy kurxxk. 4 fV 7N 4 5S' 54' r5tnM Goi.oCn J34 gala CCieay tt 2 sxa Bar. XCEXJUTS I rating a little so I Ova. I mtt.M PLt gf raiiinc i Rlgktlx I noon SqnaEi YaUng oradT 1 telegrams Paris.

June 7. 10 p.m Business was done on the Boulevards this evening in the Five per Cent. Rentes at Hot. UUo. Tun Berlin Bourse.

June The Bourse was ouiet to day. Austrian Paper and Silver Rentes continued the upward movement. The Hungarian uoM Kentes also ad vahted, Lombards, on the other hand, receded materially Exchange on St. Petersburg (three months) was higher at 13m. Opt.

THE IENNA 1IOCR3E, June Ins otoclc Aiarket was firm tc daT. With the exception of the Gold Rente, which was'Iower, and the Hungarian Gold which remained stationary, all prices advanced, notably Lombards and Anglo Austrian Hank Shires. on London (three months; receded to 113. iokr. New Qable).

Closing Prices. Exchange on London, $4 86c. Five ber Cent. Funded Loan, Four and a Half per Cent. ditto, 1876, I09i Four per Cent, 1377, 1091.

Union Pacific, cH Central Pacific. 1131 New York Central. 127 Illinois. 10 Krie. 342.

Cotton, middling upland, lllc. September deliverv. 12.17c. Petroleum. Sic: 40c to 54 Corn.

55c. Red winter wheat, 81 32c. Western Union Telegraph Lard Wilcox, ij'c. Call money, 3 per cent, xo days receipts oi cotton as au tiniiea states porta have been 5,000 bales exports to Britain 8.000 bales and toi tha Continent, i.000 bales. The week's receipts of cotton at all United States ports have been bales ditto, since Sept.

1, 4,774,000 bales shipments' to England, 53,000 bales ditto, to Continent and Channel, 17,000 bales total ditto, since Sept. 1, 3,502,000 bales. Stock at all ports, 390,000 bales. xiptsot TRAFFIC RECEIPTS. Tha reealDta'oI the London and Brighton Ktuway ComBanv for the fast week show a decrease ot 3.831.

and tiouth Eaatern jLLsai. The reeeinta ef the Detroit. Grand Ilaren. and Milwaukee Railway Company for tbe week ended June i snow aa Liereaae of jE34l Great Western of Canada, June 4. an Increase of 4.300 Oule and Bohil kund.

April ia a decrease of 454 ditto, April 17. a decrease of ii53 Keelfa and Sao Francisco. April 13. an Increaae of JC1.14L Those ot the Wellington, Grey, and Bruce Company for April show an Increase of Th weekly earninrs of th Nottingham and District Tramways Company show a decrease of 2S. and Bristol Those of th Barcelona Company for May amounted to 2,643, against 3,541, an Increase ot The Coal Trade.

The following is a statement of coal shipped at Grimsby Docks during the month of May, 1S80 Sweden, S.OiTtons Russia, 8,070 Germany, 4,948 France, 4,364 Egypt, 1,759 Holland, 979 Belgium, 760; Denmark, 430; coa wise. 2.557 total. 32,300 tons. In 3iar last year the quantity shipped was 43,379 tons. The Irox Trade.

Notices to terminate all con tracts, within one month have been rested at the Briton Ferry ironworks and the Worcester tin plate works, Swan sea. Xnis will torow out oi employment a com men. The Tiit Trade. Tho Cornish smelters yester day reduced the tin standards by 4 per ton. The standards now are superior common, superior fine, 69s.

per cwt. The Mackebei.7 Fishery. The West Cornwall mackerel fishery was very unsuccessful during tbe past week. The fish hare varied considerably in size, aad prices hare ruled high, from' 20s. up to 34s.

per six score. Coral. A letter from Rome announces that aa extensive coral bank has been lately discovered about ten miles south from Sciarrav on the coast. Judging from the quantity and quality of the material already nsned up, tus new nu rtoii ncucr anu more imoortant than tbe one discovered about five years ago not far from the same spot. The sew Italia fisheries law secures to tha discoverer of a coral bank for two years the exclusive right of fishing upon it.

Bat this enactment cas not vet come into operation, ana severu Btumg veaseus from Tone del Greco have already flocked to the scene ia the hope of wwaMtif a rich harvest. A similar fate haa happened to tbe coral bank discovered last April ia the waters of Porto Ferrajo. Explanation of the Chart In the aborg chart ths dotted "lines are laoban or line of eooat barometrical pressure, the values which they indicate being siren ia figures at tte. end. thus 30 4.

The shade temperature is riven in Bgure for sereral places on the coast, and the weather Is recorded In words. The arrow fly with the wind, the fores of which is shown by th number of barU and feathers, thus hght fmhcrsLrocg; agale: 4, a violent ga: (3 stralSea calm. The state ot the sea is noted ia cacital letters. The denote th various station. Remarks.

The large depression noticed in the north last evening is. still shown over Scotland, the Jforth Sea, and south 'of Scandinavia but the barometer, even at its eentrev is rising, while over the whole of England a brisk increase of pressure is in progress, being a recovery in the rear of a small subsidiary disturbance which passed over as during to day and occasioned our squally, unsettled weather. s.t alentia, however, the mercury is now falling again. Ths highest pressures being reported from the south west of France aad tbe lowest from the North Sea, gradients for north westerly winds prevail generally winds from that quarter or from west are experienced oa "nearly all our coasts. Ia tho Shetlands and Hebrides, however, the triad is northerly, while at Aberdeen it is southerly.

It blows freshly or strongly at all but oof northern aad eastern stations, where it is light or moderate, and reaches the) force of a gale in the western half of the Channel. The. weather is at present fine all over the more eastern parts of England, but is cloudy, dull, or misty elsewhere, with. rain at Aberdeen, Maliaghmore, and in the Straits of Dover. During the day the weather has been very ihowtry and unsettled, rain has fallen in nearly all places and hail at a few stations, while at Yarmouth a heavy thunderstorm occurred at about 1 to day.

Temperature is lower In nearly all places than it was at the same hour yesterday the greatest change (5deg.) being in. the east of England and of year, ranging from 47deg. in the north east of Scotland to 60deg. in London. The maxima to day hare only ex i r.

i 1 1 cnucu wucg. at, 4aLu vaiwo tutu uvuuuu, isu been between 50deg. and 5Gdeg. in most districts. Sea is rough on our south aad west coasts.

Sunshine. The record shows no sunshine before noon to day, but from that time up to 6 p.m. the sou shone brightly with interval of about half aa hour. Continent. Strong westerly winds prevailed over the hole of France, the Netherlands, ami Denmark this mora.

Log; with dull, cloudy weather and low temperatures, read. Logs ranging between 52deg. at the Helder and 5Sdeg at westerly, asd in the north north easterly and easterly. Temperature had, however, risen a little ia most places, readinn raneicgtetweea42dez. and the weather was moderately fair.

Forecasts roR Tcesdat, Juse 8 issced at 8 T.n. OS THE IT. EV1 CUTS DATL District. Forecast. Scotland, N.

breezes, moderate or fresh Scotland, E. Moderate north westerly to westerly 9. N.E. hrM weather fair and hrllht at 3. England, E.

first, then unsettled. 4. Mid. Counties breezes, moderate; fair to showery. i 1 iorin wesiciiy anu westerly orwezea, 6.EngUncS.(Lon lti ht fnsh don and Channel)! 6.

Scotland, W. 7. England. KW. to north westerly winds, (and Wales) fresh unsettled, showery.

8. England, y.HV'. Strong westerly winds, perhaps a (aad S. Wales; gale showery, unsettled. South westerly and north westerly 9.

Ireland, I. winj fre chwlj xd 10. Ireland, S. r. i i il Tl ocnerau.

vuiu, uncijbicu wukiicc a auic4auj9: with, perhaps, thunderstorms. Warnings. None issued. it By order. KOBERT II.

SCOTT, Secretary. LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (From Lloyd's.) i wrecks asd casualties. The Aberfoyle. British biraae.

from Cheribon Sot Falmouth, pot Into Port Elizabeth. Jose 5. with a list to port. On Jane daring strong gale from the north west, hatches; were stove la. aad a quao.

tlty of water was shipped, which got Into the bold. Cargo damaged. hut the extent has not yet been The cargo wul hate to be discharged. The Annie." schooner, of Padstow, laden Iron from Middle iwmih fn, lvinu cttuiti ,1.1 on th. HiKimKir Testerdar monlsf while proceeding to aea, and remain.

The Bristow. from Panarockan. laden with sugar, arrived at Tal moulh. June 6. Durlnx a hurrleaae.

March S. in lat. 35 33 22 4 lost nine "stanchions and bulwarks on starboard side had three lmtiflnffhH.1.uii entwixer imAihed cabin skrUzht stove, alaa lost tails and everything movable oU the deck. Vessel is leaking. The Eagle.

British vessel, whilst loading at Leghorn yesterday, had to be run ashore at A venza to prevent her slaking. She will probably be got pa alter discharging carpx. The Isabella, schooner, of Inverness, laden with coal, from Mary. port for Donegal Bay. when oU the Mull of GaUoway sprung a leak: far Rif it Louzh.

and wa beached on. WhitehaTen bank. The Norma, at. from laden with coals and empty pack age. in nnlln.

in He tl.lltf,'. If arhnn, nn nil this lower projecting link of on ct the warping chains. "vlri'g a hole above her on the port side, aad filled with' water. Tha.L'na. it.

belonging to Messrs. Bailey anil Trtham. of Hull. laden with hemD and linseed. Is reDorted to have straadad ootaida Uelsingfors.

She ia a steamer ot I.3C7ton groas and 'of iron coo struction is on a voyage from Cronr Duakirk. VESSEL dPOKEX. Th Melbourne, for reported by cable to have bea spoken "XoTember 11" la Ut. 25 Iqng. 52W, partially dia masted.

IIO ME AliKI AL3. GaaVESEXD. Jane and 7. Loch Cannock. Sleltouae Malaga.

tt, Vigo Mikado and Dam, Melbourne Berar. Demertra AncoL lirine. Llsboo fern. ISaaaau Amber Svmch. Dominica.

Jon l.Vi lnalow. Hongkong euaanna CBinsman. Anna. Holnuud John Byera, Penang Maratal. Malmo Xlzam.

Trom.oe Royal Ueorge, Chittagong Artyte. sc. Konlsrg lcgn.port Xatal Cutterworth. Wellington, Sew Zea. land Star of the south.

Sinxaeore Millie Bain. Jamaica Mercur. Abo Lteham Attey. Calcutta. LivrapooL, June Paedrene Micde, Iceland Pascal.

st Ant wero Ladv DuUerin. Moulmein lrcf Devon. Denurara Maria and Amy Dora, Iceland Elena, sk, Bilbao Cyrae Itterdam Gothland, Theree. Lacuna Vnnce Rudolph. New Orleans IbLaiuba 31athIoa.

Jacan Rotuera, Paraiba Indellna JacoDS, Tambrona Cararello, St. Nazaire Oporto, st Oporto Wiusloe. st. Pomaron bntish Queen, sv. Uaere Achillea, Sua Maria.

Frey Bentoe Addie Caod Sleepner, (Uru Mercedes. Tuie bverree. re.ierick JWlt Ennco, Bumios Ayres Conqueror. St. Valery Boa.

Iceland Cypnan. Venice for Balti more Jane Slade. Paysandu Atlantla, Pern Wandering Jew ant Etdenhope, ban 'rancico Levant. Ria Edith Hough. Oraa ICifkwoud.

Baenoa Ajrea Surra Murena, Eaiwoo a Jupiter. Galiestoa tValdemar, IceUnd etazitta, Tooasco Cladya, Callaa. Jnne 6 and7 Brltuh Pnacea. Loboa IsUad Okeia, Java Chiswick. "ew Or.eacs.

HIGll WATER AT LO'DO" BRIDGE. THIS DAT. 15 mla. alter 2 Aliernoon .30 nun. after 2 Peocp ess ix Utilizatiox or Solas Heat.

Since 3Iay Last year, M. Mouchot Las been carrying oa ex perimest near Algiers with his solar receivers. The smiller mirrors (O'SOnu diameter) have been nsed successfully for various operations in glass, not requiring more than tOOdeg. to500deg. Among tcese are the fusion aad calcination of preparation of benzoic acid, purificatioo of linseed oil, concentration of sirups, sublimation of snlphtir, distillation of sulphuric acid, and carbooizatibn of woodia closed vessels.

The larse solar receiver (with mirror ol 3 "30m.) has been improved by addition of a ccient vapour chamber and of an interior arrangement which keeps the liquid to be vapourized constantly in contact with tbe whole surface of heating. apparatus oa 18 last year raised litres ol cold water to toe boiling point in 80 minutes, and an hour asd a half later showed a Dressmre of eight atmospheres. On December 24 IL Mouchot with it distilled directly 23 litres of wioe in 85 minutes, producing four litres of brandy. Steam distillation was sUsa successfully done. Bat perhaps the most interesting results are thoee relating to mechanical utilization of solar beat.

Sine Marcn the receiver aas been working a nonxontal ecginj (without expansion or condensation) at the rate) of 190 revolutions a minute, tinder a coos tast pre ore of 35 at, motpbert. Tbe disposable work has uea ctfiaad drivlns; a pump which yields six litres a minata at 3 fiflm, or J200 htres an hour at and ia throwing a water jet 12m, This result, whieh M. Hoocbot says ooold bs esas improved, is obtained ia a eooataat taaxirH frm A tan, asoucr sarons; wines nor Ssctizif it.

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