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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 11

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ttxl after teaching 106f. 27. ud 108f. 12e. left on at mi opening price, ft tim, deducting dividend, of Sc.

on Friday dosing price. Egyptian Unified Stock abovod extraordinary buoyancy, advancing lOf. guexCaoal shares opened at ljwM. and left off at 1,0051. a rue of Sf.

DOe. aiaoe Friday. South Austrian Railway tliarea closed at 316f. 26c. a rue of If.

23c DrafU at tight on London. 25f unchanged. Four o'clock Price. Four end a llall par 1081. 12c, x.d.

Redeemable, Three per 78f. 42c. Italian, WJf. 82c, rnuh External, 09 1 10 EcrpUan Uniueei. 335f.

31c; Tuiklah, 8f. SOc. OUctman Hank, 577f. 60o. Panama, 487f.

C2c. Rio Tinto. 35H. 87c The Chicago and Allan tieUailroad Company, whose failure to meet the interest just doe on ita bonded debt haa been spoken of to day, it a line under uie control oi uie iork, Lake Erie, and Western and New York. Pennsylvania, ani Ohio Uailroad Companies, and constructed under tln ir rmarantea.

It nrTA in lani TV, tvot the timber figure boinj pretty general tu the subjoined extract from the report of the Erie Com THE TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, XOSSY UARKEUniCtTYIXTELLIOSSCS. riirn3to CTi eorM. Xosday Kreaiac. The withdraw! of a Urge amount of gold from the IUnk of EnW Unlay haa caused attrrity in the loan and diebount market, and th sUsUonof the neoeaaity of. forth advance In the Dank rate this week already eery freely dia.

srwed. Th Vuk tt Uttf authonUee hare theaters realised the fact that they were not saficienUy protupt in checking the dram upon 5r nwflurce. nlwifeat from their the raarlet as active borrowers on Console. Kxperience has amrJy swn thu eaon el the year it is much easier to drain fmcin.BetKiftS thanto rttot tciencr it in the lank's stock ot bullion. The Lncv market ha nee" for three months' bank rrr homp 3J to 3J wrr afternoon.

Kwe 31 per cent but a raw is, ana is no uouoi i 'tended to be, wWtiw present, thoorh rrobaWr bosirww will done on these Urmi in a continues to learo us. There 1 1 inouirr for ehort money. In some caos Iauu were tasen ior a inoutu i wou, uui tke general rate for loans for the day were 3J to ner cent. With the sinple exception of the Foreign vl.rlat the stork markets txiar hare been flat. 0cno! were especially dejxeavd ami left off nany for the year ended September SO, sow lortn me rsiauonoi tne tnreo which itappesn that tlie Erie is responsible for the intrvt on the 1st Mortfe bonds of the Chicago and Atlantic Company.

The 1st Mortgage itsue consts of per cent, gold bonds, and the 2d Mortgage of 5,000,000 of 6 per cent. presumably currency, as they are' not stated to in sterling Tho tmljr o'Jigtion roor ka sMumrJ la the eonttmrt rrfrncd to tbo of xvinf that tha rol is eo4 te.1 out el the prw eed of nrh IwmU an.1 ubidi, or it such iroTii shall not )e to )roviJe any n. 1 iwoereas snail no; sumutni, iiraiwuj iitmrewinf to fears ctdeartr money. The roreicn i L. Market has been supported entirely by the firm ihrnton.

tho first lien ujoo its surplus earnings after IU bonus anu joining ins Ohio Kailrcs1 I'omi any in i screeJ that if the Chieaso anj Atlantic Oompmny fail to par theinteret uon ts Market has teen snpporroa enurely vj mo nrrn torn lore, the first lien upon neot Egyptian stocks, which cohttntte to rise payment of the interest npoa I in consequence of the belief which, whether right York. Pennyirania. and continoe to crow stronrer from day to dav that some th trig favourable to the holders of Egyptian bonds about to happen. American railway storks were rcry heary. owing to the default of a small line on its bonded debt.

The market for Home Gorernment Securities hat been Cat, rrioes falling I all round, owing to the exeeptionaIy high rate of interest charged for armrig orer the aooount until December 1. As Duch as 4 to 4 1 per cent, was paid to arrange loans cctil that date. Console closed at for money, sad 100 for the December account. "ew and Reduced Three per Cents, left off at 90 Jh sod 'ew Two and a lialf per Cents, at 91 02. The Metropolitan Board of Works Loans and bonds then the two first named companies shall set spart oat of the eamr.fs realiteJ by them from the business coming to or coins orer that roaJ an amount sufficient to make good any dencieoey ia the payirent of such interest." The following refers to the affairs of the Grand Trunk of Canada Railway Company Sir, One I'taae of the controversy with reference to the accounts oflhe rand Trunk Railway Comnr seems to hare been ererlooki that the action of the dim tors in pUcinc to the rrnewsl fund in order to pay the full diTidend on the First l'refcrerce Slock throws the whole cost of renewal upon the holders of what niav le called the junior' securities, the ectmd sod Third l're ferenres.

As the repayment of this amount Irom the profits of subsequent Tears will absorb roonets which would otherwise hare been avail ble for the payment of diTidemla RAILWAY AND OTHER COMPANIES. Indian stocks are doll at a fall of about Colonial upon these junior securities, holders of" the latter may, I tercrcuea naTO auo given way, couiu nsin itu Ihree and UaU per Uent. bcrlp leering on at lg premium. The Dome Railway Market has been weak and prices hare given way, except in the case of Caledonian and British stocks, 'both of which are slightly firmer at a rise of Brighton Deferred stock advanced to lOOjj doting the morning, but closed rather under Friday's quotation. Metropolitan District stock was offered at C3 being a tall of and left off without recovery.

All the heavy 'lines were dull in sympathy with the fall in the Funds, and owing to apprehensions of dearer money. Great Western closed at 135 a fall of J. Lancashire and Yorkshire fell London and Chatham Preference, Metropolitan, and South Eastern Deferred each, and Midland, Korth Eanern. and Brighton Deferred jt each. The traffic receipts of the undermentioned railways for the past week show the following changes when with thaso for the corresponding week of last year Inrrease.

London and Brighton, 419. IVerrase. South Eastern, 1.116. The Canadian Ttulwav Market opened a little Mow Friday evening's closing quotations for Grand Trunk issues, the lit Preference stock; being quoted at 73s. Subsequently, however, in sympathy with ths dulnesj in other dapartments, prices declined, but the closing quotations were not qui to tho leftover for future Tears, since their securities, like all the Grant Trunk nces (including tie so called Guaranteed), rank for dividend only ujon the proCti of each separats year.

I am, yours faithfully, J. We have receired, from a correspondent who sign himself Chartered Accountant," the following suggestion with reference to the mode of effecting a reduction of interest on the National Debt: I would sufgest that tha interest on the whole of the debt be reduced at once lor, I suppose, by 12 months' notice) by 10th per and every five years by a further 1 lClh per nntil the interest is reduced to 2j per eent. Assamlrr. in round nnmbers. the total debt to be and that the whole were converted, as lately their manacer there.

Cobnel Oulll. Le had met the Slaror. propoed.into Two and a llalf per Cent. Stock.the addition the Assistant Mayor. Her Mattstv's Consul, the Cliit to the debt would have been which would Judge of the District Court, and other leading tahabitanta.

mission was shown in the extract which The directors of the Buna Gas Company (limited) la their report for the half year eadinf June 39 reeotntrend the usual dividend on the prcfetrme shares and a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum (free of income tax) on the ordinary snares, leavinf t53 to he carried over. The half yearly report of the managers of the Oat EM ftTJUM XATloanox Company (Limited) states that they have had an approximate statement of account to June SO prepared, which shows that derpite the depression In the shipping trade the have pleasure in reporting that the re cetpta from the ordinary Australian Lusinesa of the company have not been materially less than in previous years tie eotnpaay naa, ttirs, rroni sn cany date in tuts yean been in receipt of twymrnt for the conveyance of mails. The total nccipts of tbe line fiom this source to the 30th of Jane nave eirounUtt to about of which about one btlf bclosga to the Orient Company. On the other hand, exceptional Josars and expanses. In all about 15,100, have been incurred in the first half of the year.

peaking necessarily with reserve, the conclusion they come to is that there is a balance at the credit of trout and loss account for the six month, af trr debitiuc all expenses and losses, suS cicnt to 1rvyte the lull allowance prescribed bv the articles of association for depreciation and reserve for the time dealt with at the rate of 6 per rent, annum en the rest of the steamers. fiere are no surplus procts available for the Mvment of an interim 'dividend. The ivenntinn nf tha avenge statement rennet with the Austral disaster is being pressed forward as much as pomble. The half yearly general meeting of the Onc SA 'WAnta works Company (Limited) as held yesterday at the City Tc rminua Hotel. Mir P.

S)kr presided, and, baring alluded to the rtaxustitution of the ISoard since th last meeting, he pro ceded to move the adoption ot the report. He said they would no ilouVt agree with him that increafed re eipts nJ dtminiihed ex'iscs arked two ste) in tie rifcht diiection. He was glad to cuniratulate them on this aatisfactory result, and, aa the directors had atated in their report, they did so the more readily as it was the natural outcome of the course ot business which existed before the new jKsru cnterea uiwn us dunes, mm regard to tne loss on exchange, the loss occurred in remitting from Odessa to London, there being a gain in remitting from London to Odessa. a the corresponding half of lM the one operation had balanced tho other, and the item, therefore, did not appear in the accounts for that half year. They would all prolaUy sgrvethat an account rendered for the ntire year was much more readily svalhble for com psriscn than when it was divided Into half yearly statements, ani they would also jrobaUy be of opinicn that assets ail liabilities shusVt le included in the amounts due to and owing by the company, and that they should, be bronchi into the cenerat statement.

esiciallv as the moment was now rapidly appr aching when the debt due to the municipality would he extinguished. The present Hoard and the company were much indebted to Mr. ltartlay and Mr. inn, two ot tne members oi tne former lirard. tor so readily consenting to assist them in launching their financial sclu me by consenting to act as trustees for the detenture holdrrs.

As to the scheme itself, the unification of the whole obligations of the company aud the redemp tkn of the same by a sinking fund spread over 00 years' pre the opinion of tic lUard. a question of the greatest imKrtane to the futtre well being of the rrmrany. It was therefore a nutter of great utisfactkn to them that the scheme bad been so well received. Since the publication of the directors' report debentures of the new issue hadlecn allotted to the extent of sad although he did not rare to refer to anything wbkh miitht nit occur, he might tell them that they were expecting to receive within a very short time applications frr a considerable amount of the debentures from persona out tide the loly of the shareholders. The financial scheme being launched, it apeared desirable that a visit should be trade on the lrt of the Hoard to Odessa.

He volunteered for the duty, and waa arcompaniel by Mr. Forrest. They stayed at Odessa nine days, visiting and inspecting the works, Ac and through the hospitality of Lard steady at 37i. tVLto S8a. tallow and terpentine petroleum firm.

In provisions beef very firm; i aeon a aooaraie nwmanci. RUNDEilLAND. Nor. LTbe slight laproeeiueat which was aoticed last week in the trade of BundcrW cootiaoes, though not to such a degree ytt as to alleviate the present distress to any extent worth mentioning. SailLif the present inlid weather continoe a much better state of things may be looked forward to in the shipbuilding trade 01 year than was hoped for a few months back.

A farther diminution in the number of laid ne steamers has taken place. A firm oa the Wear has got an extensive repairing job In hand, and a large number of platers, riveters, and others hate been taken oa to do their work. At the Ik ntford vard it la siineetnl th.t um. ma. struetire work wilt be proceedei with in a few days.

Aa extensive recairinr eontrset is mii ii yarus uie piautig ot as many ie self will bw proceeded with almost imnxiiatatv vug loevnug yarus au.i isieiy, onters and some ceaty oeen liver 11 FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INTELU0ZNC2. (aaxrxa'i tzlukiio.) Pxus, Iter. 3, 10 p. m. Business was done on the Petita Bowse ttus ang safc41cwxcoxWHalf jw it Cent.

iSiiVtor rHl40 Ct ItaJilna.W80e.Tla. ft iUakA W6f. 25e.7lTptian UaiSeT fTl iaar Pr Cent. Spanish. 59.

prevailed on the Fourse, and a good deal of swscuis tire bovine took olace. Th. JtT T7L.S: shares and. in Egyptn Cnified Stock exercised a favoole infioeoee in all qnsrter Exchange on higher. The retorn of the Imnerial r7 At one of the principal marine Ioe wee a enoing ine jisx TEX MAILS.

The American tine steamer PrxmirlTama, from PhUes daiphia, arrived at Queens town at II 20 p. en Smv day, and, having landed all malls and rresssiinii pnoeeded forLTrerpooa inaxawiiately aU wad. Tha Sational Line steamer Egypt, fromKew nTFdatQaeenstow a 1 40 yesterday, and, havisc leaded eswsssnrars. damalfJiM mmrfj pool Immediately all weTX. The Inmaa steamer City of Chester arrived at Queens, town yesterday, and oroceeded for Lrvrreool at 4 aj.

TEoyUMaaOmipejiy'ssteeinerMoseness from Southwarptoe yesterday, with the West India. PaeiSe, and at ex lean mails, i. km v.iu a xau cosnpiemcni 01 Increase of 88.100 other smrttiZT crtsenta an aversre lisimrs ti trh tt 1 an incrraseof L1.431'.it.O advaras s. has been a alight falling off in the shipment to heme ports. 22600 an increase of sundry Securities.

The collieries are doing remarkably weU. The following 2.184,400 an increase of 14450; suniry debtors. in a fsirly satisfactory rendition, and the sUpment ef 70MOO an coals this week presents an average tonnage allhouch there have taken about 30 years of the saving in the interest to The result cf pay off. My suggestion would give some nxtuediate relief, and avoid any increase to the debt. The result would be as follows laUnwt per Cent.

Annas! 18SS It) UHS 1 1JS 1310 ir.i isru 2 15 38 iyit 1 1MI Ml IS la it 1 9 ie tt.T50 S37.iOO I.t7.en0 Z3O.750 3, iO.i.Ou The subjoined communications refer to the letter from A Hanker which aDCtared in luidav 1 lowest of the day. The 1st Preference fell the article, ine expressed lv our corrcspor.dtnts larantoed i 1 ouui ciicni meu 01 uusmess, are juuo in 2d Preference 1, the Four per Cent, cnaranteed the 31 Preference 1, and the Ordinary J. Canadian Pacific shares fell The American. Railroad Market opened dull, in rympathy with lower quotations received from, ew York. There was not mu business transacted in the early part of the day, but tho tone Wis weak, and the prices of most issnes receded a little.

Later on private telecrams were received accordance with those wo Lave always expressed on 1 11 auujcct Stock Exchange. Oct. 2 Sir, In your City Article of to diy A linker states as one of the reasons hich prevented I ankers from conve rt irg that they ho'd Three per Cent, stocks lxanse they ktiow they have a seeuiliy more easily convertible thsn any other in case of need. Xo doubt that las Utn the use in the past, but I question whether it will so in tlie futi n. Unless we have war the reduction of the rate of interrat from Amsterdam stating that the Chicago and onlhe National 1U is inevitable, and the public knowing Company bad "passed the this.awell as the bankerx.would nut Three per Cent.

Atlantic Railroad ainaena on tiieir mcrtcsxe txnds, and iocs ihickui wu 1 wo ano a uau per ueut. a sharp fall immediately occurred, owing to the tt'U 'J lZY TZLt li market staud. iLa 11 now, tee (,1 aocelior zuu defrtrojea the publig estiira easiness which such events necessarily produce. tSon' of an investmrit. whUehe lankers The fall in the sccnnUes of the Ene line and of I have invented Two and a per Cent, steek fr Atlantis Firsts waa marked, owinxr to their i the rresent from beeominc the most marketable seen.

ralations with the defaulting company, which are F'1? h1 i cnr existed, which it would have been if, described below. Illinois Central shares were, also I ul ot rrtiDB4 T. "they could 1 remain, fcir, your obedient servant, very fiat, closing at 1104. a fall of 44 since Fridar. The Yanderbilt stocks also gave way.

purtly owing to the renewed reduction of rates to Buffalo carried out by thew 1 ork Central to meet the fresh cut" put on by the West Shore Company. Towards the AS OLD EliOKER Oetoler SO. Sir, The reason given by A Canker in his letter you of this day's which, in his opinion, has largely close the tone became stroneer, as it was stated that m8neneed the banking rommunitriu their refusal to ton w.m s.t..:. 1 ert their bo dingsof I'cnsoIffntoTwo snd Hslf rerCents. 7L ni TJ wl appeartlo msuy aitrange one.

According "toku irsrea 10 eoaren ineir reaany marketable Consols into a from Wall Street were steady, but nearly all to: which they thought would nolle so eaily bought and issues showed a fall for the day. Chiceco, Iiut the conversion scheme la 1 already trale Con Miiwaukee, and St. Paulahares were at one time as 1 itUa liJ Ur low ss 77. but left off at 7Pi. a fall of I.

Erie 2d rr rpwaiion v.j. oe i jvwBk iKwr aires maraesi, Preference 1 each, Erie Ordinary, Denrer and CrDi would at once have become a readily convertible Rio Grande, and PenhsTlvania i each and Phila. i efanty As it is. there it not now enough of them to eon dPlnhns'He. niltiZL 1 litate market.while the free rrarket for Consols.a.

I 1 p.A.U IVUUI J. After official hours prices remained dull without much alteration, except in Erie issei and Illinois Central shares, tie latter touching U5J, and Erie 2d bonds is. Jleucan Railway Ordinary stock fell and elepno Ji i ZZ. mius xuuiway oongauons t. unttea Telephone snares were higher.

Iiudson'a Bay alia res advanced J. The eeneral kne of the Foreign Market has been Cat to day, in sympathy with that of all the other aepamcenM ot the Mock Exchange, but Egyptian ware exceptionally strong. Owing to rather excited buying, a considerable rise had been esta uiisneo in Lnihod btoclc at the close. In the face cf larfTA ksIm rvn Vmmtk Te mjuiji. ado price at one snowed a recovery to the extent of the whole pf the 1 dividend which was detachfd to day, but it left oi only 1J higher than on Friday.

There waa nethtng to account for the rise beyond a general expectation that Lord Northbrook's report will be a satisfacUty one. This advance in Egyptian stocks hardened most other securities, which, however, relapsed nguin before the dose. Spanish stock was particulariy heavy, and closed without any recovery at a fall of j. Portugnese wat rather stearlier owing to some Continental demand. Turkish stocks' conUnne pretty firm.

Egyptian Unified bonds 1 Ut the IYtfcrenco 1, tho State Domain ln.Sj, and the Turkish Loan of 1871 1. The aocunties of the leading South American" States rema dull. JJar gold valtud at 100,000 was taken out cf the Hank for America. The Aoracgi, from Jfew alani, cft Madeira with 22,000 in gold. Ate erra haa arrived from New iork with 41 COO Sooorf tUGenMnic left tht Port with Br silver has declined to BO'd.

per and a raiau business was dene at that quotation, iraasacucna on Indian account could not.howevcr entered into at anything like that price, as thi ttUy and CalcutU transfer rates are both lower 1 1 1M. There haa boon no business in Mexicau Pnr'tD'i Ctin change rates are unaltered. 'JT "Per has len fatter, and closed at 81 811 twl Vi for iU Foox and a Ualf and Four per respectirely. 1 i itV alcT ElchaBCa the trade in wheat was fnt pri were cV.ier for th lower it "ruinary mailing uariey was unchanged, Oats anJ I vou irltet there was a better demand. Wixnpted UtUM M6 of 6d.

per ton Sl t'" telegraphs that on the rr" r1, "tUement of 'Mli T. 1Dd Be, to 80. for Rente" Md th ltnable tlWolSi Pred with 01 the last settlement were aa follow ssuirfwc1 nrasasrCsu. v. 1 I Ost, "uai 710 ni mm have said, ha been detoved.

In refusing the Rmrramnit sehetre lankers have injured, not preserved, the market icr xueir noioirgs. 1 am, Mr, it, u. IX." Advices' have been receired from Portugal to the effect that the floating debt is completely extin guisned, the new loan having been taken "firm. The Custom house receipts of the last eight montha snow, 11 is stated, in spito 01 quarantine obstacles, an increase of 400 contoa (about Other revenues are said to be auoincreasins.and the deficit of this year will, it is hoped, be almost nil. This last expectation is a little sanguine, wo fancy.

The results of many years of bad finance are not to be got orer all at once. We understand that, with reference to the recently announced intention on the part of tho Soutb Eastern and London, Chatham, and Dover nail way companies to reduce their hop tariff, instructions hare to day been issued to the local station master to charge only 2s. Sd. per pocket for the conveyance of Tiops from Canterbury to pressure of trafflc'havinir now ceased. This concession will doubtless be accepted by the hop growers of the county at their approaching conference, and further legal proceedings will, we may assume, be abandoned.

We have received the following notices The Stock ExchangeCommitteehave appointed Thursday the 6th special settling day in the scrip and stock of the Sew South Wales Government Three and a Iialf percent. Loan of 184(4, and have ordered the same to be quoted in the Official List. The National Ilorincial Bank of England (Limited), beg to notify that in order to prepare the dividend due on the lit of January, the I'ortsmouth Corporation Three and a Iialf per Cent. Stock, the transfer books will be doerd on the 1st and 2d of JJccember, and that the stock be transferable, without the dividend, on the 3d of December next. The Eastern Telegraph Company notifies the opening of new station on tho Island of'erim, at the month of the Ked Sea.

The rate to this place Is the same ss to Aden 3s. 9d. per wonL The partnership hitherto existing between Dclane, Magany and of Teverhatn Mills, near Norwich, having been dissolved by mutual consent, on the 11th of October 1SS4. when Mr.Maeoar retired from the nnmn news will in future be carried on by H. Walter (who has heen connected with It for many years), tinder the style of J.

II. Walter and Co. The General Steam Navigation Company state they will conduct the entire business of their Hamburg station in London at their chief office. No. 71, Lombard street, E.O.

The ights due prior to the 1st of November will be collected by Messrs. F. Stehslchtnidt and who have hitherto acted as the company's brokers and agents oa the Hamburg station. they had given from the municipal records, and he ventured to say that that public abd ofiuial sistcmcnt on' the jsrt of the municipality justified the ilireilors in believing that satisfactoty results would follow from the visit which" had been made to Odessa. He had been horrified with ti amonnt of litigation, I ut he trusted that it would te retimed with the establishment of a letter uivterstannicg between the comjwny and the peoile of ihiessa.

aue ptoie were not to naa a tcey haa oeen painted. Mr. J. liladou seconded tLe motion, and. the chairman baeirg replied to a few questions, it waa unanimously adopted.

TitArno I The rrcvlnu ef the Ollonsn Bai wsj for It week estilu Oct II rhuw a dscrrs'S of hiriDsn'i i'ssssf a KVt V3) a dscrtassot 14 ssd Nbrtbrrn I'sdSs lk ZU sa mat sm of It.eit. The tecvlrts of lie Btsrltl.ti Rut msrlrs Tckctsi Conjissr for thf rurtot KH. 31 3.18. Tb iecvila of thm Vintt nth Ooarsbj for October vere scsnst 2,115. Tt snmber of mrs.ars rinx over the lines ef thn Cut a Sub msriraTfl isfh e'cimi snr durins Octotr ws 2.5S.

eRtimsteil to rrxtnra acs tfut 2.S14 iirodudns 274' in th. tuoi.t'i of task rear. 2hm recriltto fwr sir, ssUBialcd at rt lie.1 The irsftc rvlurai rf th? rsll ji sad Mstropolitss Omnibus Couia lUmlul rtbevrik ending lit lnsi, vers 210 13a. mail currtsprtnJiuf period of UU, is s.

Tbeireetp's rf its Lntidoii Trsmvsrs fYmpanr for lat wrrk shew loat. rf 178 Lcnioa. Bristol. 37 and Calais, Those of ths North Mrt'ipotitaa Conusor ho a nr 15. Inmm of tbe Birkenuea Cumpanj aiuouuledto X24 Cakulta, iSCl sua (iotbenburj.

10. twww irvn iub er oaring pass i icw ww, ta cirematioa. week bailing vesseU. Woodbridge.ts. 3d.

1 3v7540Oan increase of bills atl pollje de Ce. 6d. Leamington, Cs. haling (tuiee) Pit'. an increase of 1501,00 sundry I We, Cs.

London, fs. Southampton, Arunrlel. creditors, lb.700 a decrease of 3,000. nearing house 6s. 9J.

London Ibnttlrst. Is Srt I ntnrn dnrinir Detnlr. tSl UO (tlce), Cd. At Seaham Harbour tha nnl. oBering are 1 lytnouth and 1 orquay and the chartering during the week has been nil.

At that port the shipment of house coals has been brisk. Tilt. CUR.V TRADE. COBN EX CHANGE, MA bK LANE, 3. There is no improvement to be no id in rrst ect of th'a trade for wheat at thia, mornag's market; sales are prian Bank for the week ending too 31st nit.

shows the THE Vims a Uufbse. Nov. 3. The tendenrv an tk. Stoek Market was favourable.

Austrian Silver and Taper vro percent, miner, iiemoerg snares advanced In. and Credit Ansudt bit Lombard shares were rather lower. An important feature was the redaction in tne snort exchange on Loudon and in bullion. The former relapsed to 121n. to.

and sovereigns to 12n. 15. The closing prices at the evening tloune co da were ss follows tour rr Cant. Hungarian (icL P. 93 60 Napoleons.

9 66. The return of the Aujtro Hoo laborious, and Lcglisb wheats, excepting the verv tnest. are eheaier to toy. Country four ftill teids downwird. and au qualities are depressed.

Maize scarce and tin. changed. Medium qualities of English mailing barleys Ss. lower otner descriptions unchanged. Oats unchanged.

Beans and Peas unaltered. Linseed quiet at last Monday's prices AWJVAU or Cobjt rs Loituox mom Oct. 25 to Oct. 3L I WksaS garlef Malt Unu ras MUs laras LtbMsd 1KM4 UUiar Mds rionr. tarrsls Flour, sacks till K.SI 7uS 1,212 IM IS, 169 10.711 600 I.7i3 49.0U art 36.IS9 LM7 Ill Z.SU 2.S 5 10.7b! J.141 ZS.341 10T4I.

AKKivaisor IxuroH rtcai Lie. 29 lew, TO OCT. 31, 1S84. ert. Wtsal I.CC1.181 1 lieani IToot I'll Mi.ji; pM i xroars cr loiui noat Lokdos raoat Oct.

23 to UCT, 31. 6m 4: J.C93 32 Besns 'ss bsiwsesd 3,491 OtlSMd Other Suds Flour, rata. L4U COWf IatroKTtD lie th wxik zyvtD Oct. 23. Com.

Grain. Steal, sad flow 9 eve cwt, 1 e. Wkeat 7C3.190iress T0.W5 Wheal Meal nsrier I "esos and H3.X2 CCSBEKT YUICU VI HB11ISB UXUU UD 11.00 Ef Msx LaJfx, l'tf ut. lsr Qr. Whsmt, white.

Daw iHk, r.l, new Fluur. Lon doa lop toun nisila whits 1 hoUMbuldl Counil). I est leuNufoik and olbet sacondl tariej, asltlaa 22 it 40 Tha reealpta of tha Lemtx rj Crsrnowiu, and 8iii Unss, from rr 10 repeemoer in Tbe reertita let Janus 17LUJ11. BapUatber last, vara to trentember last, wars an Inmu. the Itoufcaaian Lnea, from 1st January to 33toS6MaU.Xiif!laa 3133 iio etotaa 3S 3 IXIrowa "sis, Ecglisk 5r .3 XI Tares 27 im ana.

wlnur lH. lick Eng. ktaiaiaa ess, wh ta vo, asapla 3S 3i seat 11 is chuck tax Biur jisd us GalHAltTL vi beat, per sstin. s. 1 lour, per JtClb.

o. 2. new, red wioWr 32 to S3 I Odeaaa Asuar.s t.aoaJ. 37 Vslie, per4e01b. 1 r.uropasa :4 Bailer, par 4001b 32 1 l'aaubtao 22 black aa 301 ersiaa mrrnlots Cabiciraia sad Orstoa 33 Auaualiau a.

3 hew Zealand 22 I. Mwi parry JJtoSi 42 XI 31 19 30 44 as .33 34 34 31 za it 33 33 21 to 12 25 ia 41 25 30 hoaibar 31 Kanachae it) frrsisn 26 Denuia a 33 KubaSk Atiata 23 Flour, per 2801b'.nadlaii.ika 14 Do. eboica 4 (Strata 27 Barrels, 1Mb. 12 California 4 26 A ru trail an 2sw iealatd 20 36 3041b. in XiT.lh j04ib.

19 20 19 20 II 19 21 22 2S 25 18 1 21 22 16 II 32 Osta. 1 1 2S4.D. 30 i Besns. par 4801b. 1 24 1 Kuropema 26 34 asrptian 26 24 Teas, per 504.

.27 Canadian a 20 7S Lentils, par 041b. I 25 jileiids (rx bnir A2tr tx Giuxabt Linseed Cslcolta, per 4101b. boaibsr, iicb. Rsreteed, per bold sallow, mliao 10., urn. uientta 45 42 42 following Usages aa enmpnreil with the previous account increase.

uioer securities (currency), 17 notei in circuUtion. 14JJtO.OtX5.: cold reserve, it'll rivw advances, l.Sor.KXrf. Liecrease. Foreign bills (parable in 4.112.C00ii. silver reserve.

15XOM. Tux BorBsr, Nov. 3, The Bourse was very firm, especially for Austrian Bentes, and there was a very good market for Egyptian ocks in sympathy with the Madrid. Nov. 3.

lour ner Cent, tntarin. 1 9 V0 Four per Cent. Exterior, CO 20. Exchange on London '(three months), 47 60. Xiw Yoke, Nov.

3. Stocks opened irregular to day bat prices subsequently became stiong, aud continued so during tbe afternoon. The market, however closed irretrular Money easy. Cotton, sugar, and coffee steady. Patroleum firm.

Lard and corn firm and advancinr. Wheat firm but quiet. Flour dull. Iron quiet. To morrow being lection day the markets will be closed.

Cnotatma. Call Mom. U.S. GeeernnMat Concjj Ditto, Othse Eiehaaie en Londoe, SO data slrht Cable Traniters Cschansaoa Bscbaasa on Berlin Foor pee Cent. Caited Dtstae Funded ITo.

IS lHP t. 4 SO 4 S2Ti UK 122H o( 7S34t. PROD UOE MA RKETS. Tea Tbe aawaat at China Laa A.tA iwinlsd wlthrmt 2.0CO paekaaws rraea tea eoid iad l2 peleata aontract a. art at reaiaau nsoat uteleea, aotwitbataadins tha vwrr delieartta tor Delator anaeanosd to dar.

whiek areoiolli to millions, ever sti B.UUom bsiat la Jian Xi. 4.9001 isataauaenuto aas MBrssratsa. Masses. Hawaa and llerti tkat at tM Ckiaa aaeOoor tax, naekaesa at am h4 sL aad aold a.lo.lowi inpeWtrrid. mIUMI aw aa.

vo. rwan sona, so. to is. I to 1 il peiew alx a ins no Ualx. Ibe lrxtiaa slarp; bo Jrackaea, passed Batlx, Pskoet seaeeiallf sbowlnTa Hops.

Mraara. Woolloerai and WaaJdl and Bllaaaf ra a raw enUHma arKtU TTlrT. Hm ssaes unpoetaat erowlba show soss ansWtr to obtain a era thai tbet asid sbwy arould not aatanaui a abort tiM slaca. It to ouu vMawt. from the war enoannMes sawn off tha market, that tber warn asetwr swum ce pewennrs tksa wss tsoemllx taonibt and una to rrus seercaatlous pnttef Meal roreifn asarkeU are duU and ckaaawr.

Tha lei porta donar the (sseth wf Uctebee. sceoedlni te tba a Jwsrew STATE OF TRADE. BARKOW, Nov. 3. There is no improvement to notim in tne Hematite pig iron trale, and orders lemain very few in number and inextensive.

The demand for liessemrr is much better than that for forgo iron. Trices are firm, lwt uigurr tuau late quoutnons, lis. to SIS, being tne market value of mixed Bessemer at works. BELFAST. Nov.

1 market thmnehnnt Ihm i ei Mu 'uc "KUUJ uigner prices which hate been obtained are firmly supported: but while this applies chiefly to tbe spinning branch of trade the manuiacturirg end has participated lo though not to the same extrnt.and complaint is still made as to the lew ranea ol prices for many kinds of cloth. Flax. The upward tendency of thej foreign and home markets causes buyers to eauijousij, uut Loiaers axe urm, ana any sales are at late full rates, llcdinm to fine Irish fax commands a market at Prices in favour of sellers. Yarns A mndaratrl brisk demand is kept bp for most descriptions of jams, to in particular beina loucbt. Mora ahioDinz on'ara low, many holding considerable orders for forward delivery.

mere are very I irmly belJ to at tbe late advance. Linens. A good general inquiry is maintained, and a fair amount of orders have. been given to power loom manufacturers. 1'lain brown linens for bleachinc.

dvainir. and nrintine nnr. pusiea in inciiouauy aearer. low goods also tend nig bar other makes not Quota! Iv hieher. but verv firm and finished goods, damasks, and handkerrhiefs are, in steady request for home consumption, with prices stiffen ing, continental traae very qniet, nut more orders lor spring account, chiefly for the American market, are beinsr BRADFORD.

Nor. 3. The wool market to dav is Quieter iu tone, and there is lest business doinr in mint classes of wool. Tbe tendency of prices is easier, and this is especially tbe rase in short wools. Colonial wools are in rather less request, and tbe bnyer in most rases has a slight advantage in the matter of price.

Wools of tbe best quality lor coating yarns best maintain late prices. Noils are in rather better request. New business in the yarn market is restricted, thongh in same particular classes of yarns, including thick, two fold English, in mixtures and colours, and in fine coating jarna, there ia a fair amount of business doing. Spinners are well engaged for both heme and export. There is rather less activity in the deea maraei nut manufacturers continue weu employed.

CORK. Not, 3. Butter. First. 121s.

seconds. USs. thirds, 97s. fourths, 82s. fifths, 60s.

snterfaie, 13ys. fine, 118s. mild, ICS's. Kegs firsts, 121s. seconds, IlCs.

In market, 832 firkins, which were classed as follows tints, z0 seconds, 116: thirds, 131 fourths, 15 fifths, 7 superfine, 26 fine, 27 mild. un branded, u. GLASGOW. Nov. 3.

The phr iron warrant market has been fiat today with transactions on forenoon 'Change at 42a 8d. and 42s. Sid. rash, also st 42s. ltld.

one month closing sellers us ega. cssd, and 4 s. ltld. one month, buyers d. per ton less.

Ia tbe afternoon business was done at 42s. 8d. to 42s. Cjd. cash, also 42s.

to 42s. Sd. one month closing sellers 42s. Cd. cssb, and 42s.

8d. one montb. bo vers d. tier ton less. To dav tbe rric of rivna.

mite lias been advanced 30 per cent. The agreement to da so bas just been entered into between all the leading dyna mite manufacturing companies in Inrope. LIVERPOOL. NOV. 3.

In tlie cotton market to daw there has been a good business in spot, but without any quotable variations in prices. In the future department there was a reaction irom tne upward movemenajby which this mirket responded tl the New Tork one. The tone Las been dull, with declining values during the day. The estimates for this week's receipts at tbe American ports are over bales. The receipts advised to day bales) are less than on the corresponding date of last year.

American cotton on tbe spot has been in fair request, with free supplies at late quotations. Brazilian comparatively neglected. Egyptian in good demand and rates steady. ast Indian in fair request, with an export demand, and prioes were firmly maintained. To day's sales are estimated at 12,000 tales, including 1,200 American and SCO East Indian on speculation and for export.

The sales comprise St .200 bales American at 4 jd. to 7d. 200 and Ararat, at to 6d. J.C00 Eryftian, at Cd. to 81d.

and 1,00 East Indian, st Sid. to bjd. for Snrat, and xoojd. tor madras, rutures opened qtuetly and two points down, and the American telegram cause, ronre selling at a further decline. The close was dull, st four to five points decline on Saturday's prices.

The late values were IV 8 6id. for November and November December deliveries, buyers 6 32 64d. for Decern bcrJ a ktt, value 8 SWWd. for January February, 5 39 C4d. for Februarr Mareh, 5 4S C4A for March A prfl.

and 5 47 044. or Afj. slay, all buyers and 5 fd for Jlay June, Value. In general produce cane sugar qniet but steady, and a lam trade inject at 12s. which is lid lower than en Batur day, Oelfee and cocoa In small request riee steady, but any business, with stock at UJS20 tons, which 26U10 more than at tha wnttwSoOatdiDat datelait 'Tear.

white, ti irinh Rspaseed, peeqr. 4, Coriander, per cwl Canarj, par qr. Teetirepors Britisu 8 iiij a. as. a I to 11 anTeraeed.raa.par ewt 45 te 66 I tS pCAIsike.

ier IaH ''fed. Per cwt. 18 24 44 s4 Irifollnm. per est. 22 24 rreacb Fcbiigs fcniu.

Cansr. Bpsnlih. per IS to 62 a Do ter 51 73 to ftrssraaa, lunin, par 4S 2i41b. 33 3 lo. white, per cwt I aislke, per ewt.

TTentDeeed. In 3361b. 48 (0 Lucerne, rer cwt. i jiiaapeaa au tj Jisn.per 4IC 24 IS a.aauaa.11, per COBK, Nov. 1 Bsrler, 6s.

64. to ts. 3d. black osU, ta Id. to Ea.

whlU eats. 6a. 6d. to la Id. 3.

oc tha epot deprsaaed throoih bv araaa of etocks aod the email demand for frrlghu. but thera waa soi re aillee demand for future flelieerv. Indian corn firm si ts sd. rrt nawi nir lime mi aic.ara. oiarr ana VO.

SH Ft sncsco trlecrsia loisr s.vises wl eat and frei(hta eaiier, with una Duameaa rwiaiBa. vmna ui wrica, ana none 1" Sltra KlBI dom sod Conunrnt far seek enrtloi 1st tnit. equal to 44.OOOo.ra. So. wheat 1 Xm.

rer cental uio Ibe.1. frei(t jia. per Ion, Iron vassal. lvvw, use. Aieenaaoee uuitea market quiet bu bar lev, per quarter; 2aa.

to 32s. oats, 24a, roXTEFRACT. Ksv. 1 Wbest sold slowlv at rather leas monsr. irons at.


For the week ending Satnrday, last 3,320 head of fat cattle were entered at this market for consumption the corresponding week of 1833, Z.R'O 1882, 3,620 1881, 1880, loi 4.000 1878, 1877, z.iJW IBTO, 8,1 VU and is.o, Choice beasts scarce for such' the demand has been brisk at full rates second snd Inferior breeds difficult to get off. These must be written lower. At this concession the market will not dear. Top value, all prime of their class, as follows Scotch, Ss. lOd.

per 81b. 80 to 0 stone Herefords, 6s. lOd. Welsh runts, U. 8d.

to 6a. Lln colns, 6s. 4d. to Ss. fat cows, Ss.

2d, Irish. 5s. 2d. to os 4d Canadian, ordinary ur character, 4s. 8d.

In the sheep market there has been considetable slow ness, in some esses Ies money for best goods even re ported tbe general opinion, however, arrant a change in this class. Second rate goods, coarse woolled ewes, and others undoubtedly lower. A clear mar. ket will be very doubtful. Top rates, leading pens 8st.

to ftt. Downs, os. od. 10st. half breds.

6s. 10st. Kcnts, Cs. Kent ewes, 6s. 2d.

to 6s. 4i: 12st. Idneobuhires, 6s. 2d. to Ss.

4d. lOst. Irish, Ss. lOd. to fst.

ditto, 6s. Canadian, Danish, Ss, lOd. to Cs. per 81b. English calves wanted.

Choiee, 5s. to U. foreign. be. Cd.

to Ss. od. Trade bnsa. The pig market bad snd depressed. eerriT.

Brttisa, 6,660 roratr Total X.S43 1430 Bswf Motto Teal Reef Station Venl orsfiB, Hi L5S0 1BU aU Plis 10 10 arris B. War Sa, siskins ttw offal. lnfarioe. Swooad. rtrat, 4s.

Cd. is. 4d. 6a. 64.

Od. U. 5 6a. 4d. 6a M.

tc 04. 6d. ..4 td. ::5 foauox. Far tlb siskins tn offaL Second.

Tbst, Od. fcd. 04. 2d. Id.

U. 04. 6a. 04. ha.

44. os. Id. AaaivAia. from atiHaad sad Hosna orn Inland 600 I tCB FOKEIG CATTLE S1ARKET.

DEPTFORD. Not. 3. Number of animals in tbe market BeasU, 2,221 calves, 190 sheep, 8,803 pigs, 18U. rtrrwwsTTwT.

JTov. J. Tns marks to dav waa bant osl'a aa arte It tuprllsd. The trade far teasu waa rather bnprovedjalasmea Iniliiu It L.un In SOoeDt lS. DaC SSOra aa a taw nrlaa.

h.U ladittanat animals ranted down 13a. Th sheep trad continues veer peaaaed and sales dittlault. Wathen sold at trooa is. ad. U) and Win, frost ea.

id. to 4a. lCd. lee aa Calves want sp la 6a. 44.

per lib. Br sartioo fat walbrn fetched (toss Ms. So ita par bearfr ud barrens tross 43a to 4ta td. UVBkPuuL, Ksv. 1 Tbs sal pis of cattls tt4S shoat tha aaass aa laat wark.

whila thai ol ihrap 1.111) aaa ralha. Waa. Tha itaraaail toe shewn and eaMla waa keaal tha hall fmn Ua narkat Sar, MM i.if. nrima Bllaiitv. IB.

Wwek a annnlias filial AMrl been lets than a th arerioM week, aod eoos stsd of US ssttls and 3.0CO Idas ot fneS bsef. frj ssartet rasgsd trass 54. te pt lb. lot beat, aad ad. bald, for aaattan.

COAL MARKET, Not. 3. rBicxs ton at tpx exosx cr thx auxxaT.) Wallassvd Tvne TAtatreesed. lis Battaat. IBs.

fVt. mtta Lvona. Its. Ad. I East HirtlevjoeJ.Te Boeth Hartlepool, 17s.

Arrived, said, 8 gas, contracts. 29. At sea. Weitera Union Telegraph Shares aCUwoiui, Banaaa. and Texas nnarss Brls Bailee ad snares Oa, Bsonad Moetf sc Bonds Ohio and BfJaslasippi Ordinary Share, Louis, and FscUSerrr Common 8nares FhiladelphU aad Sharaa Union PaCiHe Bhaeas Central Pec: fie chares Stw York Central Sharaa Illinois nbares Delawats ssd Lskawana Shares St Loola and Ban Freociece Preferradl Lata Bhors Bail road hharas C'bicaso and N.

Weatrn, Ord. Shares Lot. FRfcrred Bbaras Canadian Bontharu Shares LouIstUIs and tea rule fioares uucago, aiuwaokee, and St. rant Denver enaras Ku tbeen I'adflc, Common Stock La. Frefarrad Canadian racUSa Kailwaj Shares klicbisaa Central Shares Ccltoa.dafs rscelpu at r.8.norts,haleai Vo daj a export to Crest Britain La, oar's export to the (Xafcaent lie, ruinna, raUaarj dsltverj Lo futurss.

Uarsb La, mlddlins uplaad Fetroieiun. erode Do. United Pips Use Do, standard white LanLWilou's La. fatorrf, fteeeoiter deLvsrj iml, raubank's rjonr. extra buu ahlppin, brande Coin, new Western Wheat, red winter, oa the Da, delivetj currant month Do, daliverr Deoeabee De.

de itarj Jaanarr Do, epnue. So. 2, Coles, fair Bio Do, food Bis Do, (ood Dao.Ttword..Dea, drtifery ua, rebeaary eVLeerv Surar, fair reHslsf museorados Prim dtr taOow Saltluti Tin. Auatrallan rrelfht for frsJa, ttaamer te liter IWS PW BUafiCI Do, to Londsa, per buabrl Do, for cot loo to Liverpool Iron. Cartihsrrla, wa PHTLADBLFniA, Fenrsjlvanla Railroad Sharaa Fetralesm.

standard white Kx dividend. BXW ich 125 10. I nr. a 62.0C0 U.UG0 10 10 a Te 6 12M 7tS 7 75 760 3 25 1 65 65H KW 68 ISO 9T5 I 60 ICS I 20 4 57X IV. tYt 9 164 Sd 3dd.

2H4 Saw. J. IK aa IS pc 4 4 S26Ts 64 122 3 LTt 10H 4T's a 4S 3S. 15 ni 1C4 66Vi 43 4 S3 HOCO U0X 17.000 19 15 10 33 K'a 72. n.

7 70 763 775 3 2J 3 45, 64 65', 14 STs IVi 950 I 63 710 113 4S7jd 9 1S 4 4144. 5ViL V.64 21H Hot. J. 5lfe Oet, H. ISaa 4 414 S26T4 64S 122 II 134 ar.

164 10H Cs 22 63 11CS 112 1C34 41 6554 64 '125 30 UK 1114 43 44 64 43,000 11.000 14.C00 1019 13 32 la 6 72 770 7 60 77S 1 23 3 45 64 B54 Nominal 64 (4 110 9 75 I 60 .775 100 4 90 9 is is Sd. SK4. 3 1M. Castle oacket Hawse malls snd paaiesgers for aiterembaUxurUUet eWr.b.r. ij .1 jerterda, for Cape Town.

hrJ.ew Zealand, amved at Cape Town Ttterda7 01? into It IXOTWL) ADELAIDK, Kor. 3. TU Mesaageries VUmaw teamer Sydney, from Marseilles, haa arrTr here. So.TC 3 KUrs, from Colombo, arrived here this momin g. f0wB.t?I2,!;1 Ua te nwlWa, forUverpool, left here at 8 ajn.

to daj wttb lnfajl Cotton, alddltnf TEE BRITISU DAIRY FARMERS' ASSOCIATION. TO THE EDITOR OF TIJE TTStTS oir, me suggesuon 01 your correspondent G. ta make the annual Dairy Shows migratorv. is worthv of careful consideration. It would, doubtless, larrelv inerewa.

the interest of dairy farmers in the sssociation snd bring luuj new memoers, out Has "U.E." considered th difficulties in the wsy The Dairy show held In Birmingham In 1881, although locally supported and fairly well manaired. resold in loss or 1,000, and unless some guarantee is given to insure the association against a similar or greater loss, the can scarcely be expected to make the experiment in a dairy district. Even the Royal Agricultural Society never enter tain a locality tor tnetr snow unless some 5,000 has been previously guaranteed by the neighbourhood. Although there are no cheese makers and very few makers of butter in the vicinity, it must he remembereA that London is the first market in the world for dairy produce, and makers of Stilton, Cheshire, and otter cheeses will do better by coming to the market fcy waiting aue iuo mnraet to come to tncm. The same remarks apply to exhibitors of Visitors front the colonies, America, and tie Continent are mere likely to make selections from dairy cattle exhibited in London than they are to visit Cheshire or Dorset for a like purpose.

But this is not all. Owners of valuable and newly calved cows would not allow them to stand exposed to the incle mency of the weather under canvas in the month of October, aad where cut of London can a building be found capable of containing the numerous exhibits cf the recent show? While if it were held earlier in the year, it would clash with the Royal or other important' shows. Cheese could not be exhibited, for it would not be ripe. The warm weather would prevent butter competing from all parte of tbe kingdom, and sent in from the neighbourhood would present the same dilapidated appearance that it does at the shows of the Roval. It is very desirah! th.e dairy workers should see these annual exhibitions and inarn to uie an intelligent interest in tbeir daily work but even these ran be moved more easily to a common centre than from one dairy district to another.

Excursion trains to too usury snow were run oy several 01 tn nil companies this year, and it is not too much to hope that auia war ciienucu at iarca murw ucarir approaching those charged for eit anions to the Health Exhibition, As regards the amount given in prizes to each breed the council must be guided by the number of entries. ShorthornsShorthorns have been liberally dealt with. A larm voted to the Jerseys, because tha large number of Tlmra have always been well filled. G. E.

cannot object to the modest sum of 38beinr divided between the Guernsey classes, for which there were no less than 35 entries. Among other twvavta offered for Norfolk polled e.VLhtUe orjVWsbt sis entries. I feel Quite sure that if O. V. lofdcW.

beiag filled. the couneTwVLrU nw matter of prtzea with any recoeniied dairy breed of cattle. My Smcs ijrou were good i enough to jniblisa irry previous letter 1 have recejved so many inquiries thsXlvow will permit me to say that the sulssSpteUs. 2 tioa O. per annum the offices an situate at 191.

Plevrn. where the secretary will be glad to iaVand erery inquiry. yvobadietaSMk, IlncBiaxt. Hamurtcad GEORGE rttpTmr CALCCTTA, KOT. 3 Tie Anchor Line stnsnaw ni pama.

Irom the Clyde, has arrived here. COLOMBO. NoT. 3. The Aostriaa Lloyd's steamew Tjtania, frota Trieste, and the Jleagen Mantintta steamer Sindh, from Marseilles, have arrived here.

COLON. OCT. 31. Tha Wt Caribbean arrived here to day. GALLEY HEAD, Nor.2.

The barren tine steamer Missouri, from Liverpool for Boston, ratswad htrm at a sun. to day. GALVESTON. Nov. 2.

Th. Went India, nitric steamer Floridian left here to GIBRALTAR, Nor. 3. The Anchor Line steamers Scandmavie snd Si lonia, both for New York, left here oa October 31. NOT.

3. The Anchor Linei ttrimer Jnetiet. from Calcutta for London, left here to day. The p. aM O.

steamer Pesos wur, from Antwerp, arrived here to dar. and left at 3 pun. for Bombay. GLASGOW. NOT.

Tha Anchor TJrr. ateatnuae 1V. from Calcutta, arrived here to day. GRAND CANARY fLAS PALmASL Now. 'TV.

African Steamship Company's steamer Nubia, from Liver pool ior Ainca, arrived nere to day. GRAVES END. Nor. 3. The Bird Linei atnamwr Cnw morant.

from Calcutta, the British India steamer anno, from Calcutta, and the Ben Line steamer lieaigloe, from Shanghai, passed here to day for the docks. GREENOCK. Nor. 3. Tha Allan Linet ttiama, laa.

trian. from Montreal, hrrn nwtanltr Nnr. a The State Line steamer State of Nebraakajrom Sitw Yak, arrived here at 3 pja. yesteriay all weU. FOX RIVER, Nor.

3. The Dominion Line it earner Brooklyn, from Liverpool for Montreal, passed here to day HALIFAX. OCT. SJ. Tha Anrhr TJnai ae.

Australia, for London, left here to day. HAVRE, Not. 3. Mews. Lamport aad Holt's steamer Horrox, from River Plate, arrived here to day.

1IULL. NOT. 3. The TViLum Jna etaawvew Rlatt. New York, arrived here yesterday.

LIVERPOOL. Nor. Tha Booth Clement. for Pars, left the Mersey to day, and not on Nor.

I. as before reported. Not. 3. The Allan Line steamer Peruvian, from MontreaL and the Warren Una Milanese, from MontreaL arrived in tha Mmui Tbe American Line steamer Pennsylvania, from Philadelphia, ani tbe Line steamer Egypt, frcn ew York, amved off Holyhead to day.

LIZARD. NOT.3 The French Transatlantic Cornrjnnw'n steamer Amerioue. from New York for Havre, naaseet hrw yesterday. The Clan Line steamer Clan Maiheson. from Calcutta for.

Lonlon. the Can Line steauaer Pelaria. u. uuuiiui aue cw a era, auo toe veuson una steamer ilartello. from Hull far eeuaeel in.

day. MADRAS. NOT. SU Tha British Trwt; KamHra. from London for Calcutta, left here to day.

MALTA. NOT. 3. The City Line steamer City ef Car. thige.

from the Clyde for Bombay, ban nrriveai hem. The 1 1 Ua Line steamer Glenogle, from Hongkong for Lao dun. has passed here. MARANHAM. OCT.

31. The Booth Una ateanwv Ambrose, for Liverpool. left here to Jaj. MARSEILLES, Nor. 1.

The Ducal Line steamer Duke, of Buccleuch, from Samarang, arrived here to day. MONTREAL, Nor. 2. The Ross line steamer Ed I King, for London, left here to day. MOVILLE.

Nor. The Anchor Line steamer EthimrU. or New Yorkv left here to dsy. NEW ORLEAN3. Nor.

The 'West IndU and PaaiS steamer Bernard Hall left here yesterday. The same tow ptny's steamer Haytian left here to day. Not. The West India and Pacife steamer Yucatan arrived hers today, NORFOLK, Oct. 31.

Messrs. "Watts. 'Ward, and steamer Fosrolia, for Liverpool, left here to day. PHILADELPHIA, Not. 3.

Tha American Line steamer Lord Cough, from Liverpool, bas arrived here. ST. VINCENT. Nor. 3.

The Paeine Comr iv's steamer Britannia, from Chill. River Plate, and Brazil. has arrived here, and left tnit afternoon for Lisbon. Bor deaux, ant urerpoci. SINGAPORE, Nor.

3. The Glen Line steamer Glen eagle, from London, and the Ocean Company's steam as? Teucer, from Liverpool, have arrived here. SUEZ CANAL, Nor. 2. The Mil burn Line steamer Port Darwin, from Calcutta for Dundee, left Port Said to day.

The Messageries Msritira steamer Djemnah, with the in warlma.Le. for Marseilles, left Port Said at 7 m. on Ostober 31. The same company's steamer Natal, with tha French mails for Japan, China, Batavia, Singapore, Colombo. Calcutta, ic, entered the Canal at daybreak yes ter Uy The Orient Line steamer Liguria.

from Anstralia for London, left Port Said at 2 a.m. to day VERA Cr.CZ, OCT. 3L The Hamburg American Company's steamer Rungsria, from Hamburg and Havre, arrived here to day. (BECTUt'S TXLZGataXS.) BARBADOS, NOT. 2.

The Harrison line steamer Architect, from Liverpool on the arrived here, to day ea roul for Trinidad. La Uuayra. Puerto Cebello, Caracas, Savsnilla, Carthagena, aal Colon. CAPE TOWN. Not.

3. The Claa line steamer Clan Lament arrived here at 9 a.m. yesterday from Liverpool. COLOMBO, Nor. 3.

Tbe Queensland Line steamer Quetta. from Brisbane, left here yesterdsy evening toy London. GIBRALTAR.Nor.3. The British India steamer India, from Calcutta, passed here 00 the 1st inst. for London.

LISBON, Not. 1. The Messageries Maritimes Com pane's steamer Orenoque, with tbe Inward French, mails from Bueno Arret on October Montevideo, 10th Rio Janeiro, 15th Bahia, 18th Pernaroboro, SOtti and Dakar, 26th. left here to day for Borr'ea ix. tbe brings 171 passengers, a general cargo, and srecie to value of 6,400.

Nor. 3. The Queensland Line stnme Chyebaasa, from Brisbane, passed Oitsvos for London oa the 1st inst. LISBON. Nor.

3. The British India steamer India. from Calcutta, passed Sagres yesterday for London. LIVERPOOL. Nov.

3. The Anchor Una itearrver Vic toria, from Bombay, arrived here to day. MADRAS. Nor. 3.

The British I rutin steamer Dacca, from London, left here to day for Calcutta. The Claa Line steamer Clan Margrecor arrived here this afternoon fmm Liverpool. SUEZ CANAL. NOT. 3.

The Clan Line steamer Clan Macintosh, from Calcutta, Madras, and Crdomha foe Itv. don, arrived st Suez this morning. Th FaJtsiiM Cunt The witter sesairm ei this dub was opened last a large number of well, known agriculturists assembled at the Inns of Court Hotel, Lineoln's inn fakJs. Amorw those present were Mr. Wells, uuib wnnon, jir.

K. miration. Maior Daahwood. Mr. Druee.

Mr. Iter tore Mr Judd. Mr. Tread well, tc. Mr.

hherbourn, of Bedfont bouse, Uounslow, presided, abd in opening the meeting said that he wished he could congratulate, the membra upon the prospects of agriculture. The outlook of tba farming interest was more gloomy than ever. There had been good crops and Cne harvest weather but even with thesa favourable helps tbe agriculturists could not obtain a profit upon their enterprise. Some asked. What ran te done Bot to this question there could be riven no ready answer but unless aomethins effective could be done sotoething serious would happen.

It was necessary for tbe benefit ef the country that ejrriraltnrw ahrmM ha in rnn.1 eooditam, for agriculture supplied the first necessity of life. The chairman then proceeded toutrodace Mr. W. Parsons, of West Straiten. Hants, who was to read a paper On the important subiect of tha Early Maturity of Liva Stock.

If the man who made two blades of 'grass grow where one grew before was a benefactor to his country, tbe man who, as Mr. Parsons proposed, could show them bow to make two stone of meat row where one crew would be entitled to thethasksofhis fellow man. Mr Parsons, iu too nm part 01 an interesting paper, poiniea oat tnat the early maturity of meat was of benefit alike to nrorrorew and consumer, and meant an increase in the supply of food which it would be impossible to estimate. The farmer had to consider the advantage of brinxdea out sheen or cattle afc the respective ages of one or two years for sheep, end two, three, and fnur years for cattle. He urged that If animajj had teen pushed onward from birth till they were ripe, there waa no doubt that the attempt to occupy further time in order to secure a greater weight would not pay.

anu tuns sueep ana came uia ripen at one ana two Jean tbe records of the SmithMd Club fully proved. Ha urged that it was quite unnecessary to spend the wet, sold months of winter in getting a weight of mast which could be easily attained in the autumn. It was to be bent la mm tha the lyitesi of early forcing would enable the feeder to out run the competing foreigner, aad it would also gjvw the occupier of poor and heavy slaj lands a chance of cotninf into the running as a producer of, meat. Early maturity meant a great saving ef time sod expense, the ahUity ta which the foreigner was licking to make meat of good quality and at an ace which suited the pnkaat taste, tha chance of increasing tho live stock, aad tke system afforded a ray of iatlve otherwise dnary 'lawsneetwhieltlaw Worath In his opmsso the time bad come wbeatha BeyUAgrsralteral SoeWty might with. sdtaeitfS pnree for raxoand ewe lambs.

A cordial voU thanks was sHvaw ta Mr. Psvanna. ami JZTj T.rT new miw eaae uawiLa Mincer I Matins lteli tboiBt;.

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