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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, I860. tt tfrLVxr yi xnw citt intelligence. Wednesday Kmtbt. i frtbT Urge amount ot goM haa Un with frtm the Bank ot England v'? total Iom during r1 monUl Soo wnuin. rc.nd drcutntUnce thaeitnation nravioa ujxt inrb th Uiutfon previous JitiM of th Ban Court tomorrow.

n. rUion b.ii L7' la Bullion hatln been tax filTereek Midir to day, th itock lUndi at about AYitfO Th advance tneae uy uatiE "rrr, 7 vpor Trtt bruk for some UtU. turdop month bbo, Thn th. import thy have WUrtt.the'T10 den nip, to th. lflIrri.d to 3 cent, Th mtrU ol i tC ik.

(lowing for bOTlt 100,000 ol Scotch wfciCh has, com. tck Ltlv show a further heavy reduction to mhich will in tht c. lv itateotn. tain cWr 12,000,000 regards th reserve of wivate dpoit ar nearly at th wrst point thv touched thi tw, owing, JLaV1t. tady reduction in th.

bankers' rwi. Tbe director of th IUnk ar well aware tfcittb the great prosperity IXM.OOO.OOa IUth.r cn out lor MH.btb.dwlf. th Iwim atajcrityeC' sreiel roes romlty. StrelT, Blr, thee of eTrtettl iactraatag B(tM ea4 looking to Dm Meeeslty ot giving try pcaiibl iaisratatioa all leoa liltrnM, of Uk. utmost Isb portaae that vry filJty ehowld awarded with tkU viw, and I (ad it 1 ceafeca, to twUrtUwi why uf Lords af th Treaeary (wpfoially thon U)Mfn Liberal OtTwanaat) abevVl italra to abeUak a moit axful eUriUkl fai, fttxl Ukwp frM U.

eotiwcUl tmUk imfomitUa (ra m4 filti la lb. aaadaat af thcit bosiacaa. Iaa, Bit, roar abedirat Mrraat, "Vr. J. B.

COTTON, M.P. far tb. Otyaf Tha Trad and NaTijation Rctorna tor Nortta br, itaucd to day, aurport. in a mora ttrikbg mann.r man at nrtt aiDt appaara tu auppoatuoo nioTJ for th. paat two taara, har.

yZ'm teii'j drawing paid from and th. TuBta roitd point to a continunc of the inin if thavalu. of money ia not raited on thla aii It ha ben anticipated that th. maUlllo retToy, which haa hitharto returned from th. Hrttm State when th.

work for which itwaa ttcsiredw completed, would do aothiayear; witia now aaicfcthat th. power of abaorbine oaarer circulating medium haa ao incraaaed Sat it doubtful if the gold will return t. the ctctrta at all at in former years. Aa regard the Oottinect, we can place no reliance on getting a rtPtJy from there in cae of need and, thia being i pcitica.thr would acem to b. no choice a to tisfCCCTM which ahould be puraued to morrow.

Uvt for acme time paat haa been abaorbed A akbr jmproring trade, and through th. kuc itstlil icating of a variety of new enterpriea. If tba acthoritiaa of the liank of Franca are afraid to 1TTjT the drtic maaaurea which, we fear, can Jca enable them to keep it from drifting into a tither undignified position, we hop. no auch con (iiarations aa are aaid to har. exercised aome in (atoce onth.

other aide of the Channel will be to affect the decision that must be taken lere to wcrrow. Ott hara fallen for money, and 1 16 for the account, ao that th price are now to 931 ad 99 reapectirely. 2f.w and IWucefl Xirf per Cnu. are likewise down There is ao fenter change in India Stocks, but Indian Gcarasteei RaiJay Stocks are all higher. Bom.

Cft.ttial iatue ar. a little down, but on th. whole tbe tendency continue, good for thia claaa of afccritT. The "Horn Railway Market opened, dull, and daring the morning prices declined, in spit, of ner farourable tnc returns. Continued with draaals of gold make tha market grow uneasy, sad the tendency at such times i to sell.

Very bkelr, if the Bank directors put up their rate to twrrcr, the market will at one harden again. The clcaixLC pricea were about th. lowest of the dir. and Brighton A stock fell aa much as 2 pf rent. In United States Railway Stock the tendency was likewia.

dull, especially for Philadelphia and Reading which left off flat. Erie and Illinois share recovered In tha afternoon part of the fall of th. morning. Canadian description opened good, but cloaea weaker. Telegraph Sucks were rather firmer.

There was nothing of iBportance doing in minor stocks. Tt following are tha oomcaratire chance in th. traffic receipta of th. under mentioned railway for the past week creuea Loodoa aad NortWV'ntara, 1 0.6S5 North Xutere. 9.163; Oraat Kertlwra.

7,341 1 kidUsd, Lcmdoa and Soatb Wattera, C5JSH Oraat Mff.m. S.MT Calfdceian, 4,299 Laaaaahlre aad Tkihire. 3.195 1 Loodon and Chathaa. 2.03: North Eritah. SXJSt; lancbester and Sbeffleld, 1,744 North SiaSordsUra, ureal Konn oc eoouaoa, uum; VrpliUa Diatrict, S57l MetropoliUa, 557 Karth LMUoD, tva isaos, iuoqtj, ana ooauesa, irai bUklaad, 17.

IkKimaa. CWmbriaa. 141. Tb mora spaculatir. stock in th.

Foraira market were rather depressed to day by the further heavy withdrawal of gold, but most of tb. investment and dividend pavine claases of securities war. Keady. Mexican, Peruvian, and Turkish left off neiow xne oesi pnees si vca omj, ana Argentine bonds w.r. advenelv affected, but Brazilian bonds, Hungarian and Italian Rente, and Prusaian Con eola wer all nrm ana in aome request.

Aioney was dearer on the Stock Exchange to day than it hu been for several week past. Our Paria Correepondent telegraph that the Bourse waa firm, but there was little doing. There Lire been no withdrawal of gold from th Bank this week, and td morrow'a return will even probably ahow an increase in the gold stock. Five per CEt. began at 119f.

15c, and, after touching U9f. 25c; and 119f. 10c left off at llOf. 20c a ria of Sc. on yesterday's closing price.

Draft at sight on Loodon, 25f. 304c a rise of lc Four o'clock Pricea. Five per llM. 12c; Turkish Five per 12f. 67c; Spanish External, 21 3 18 Austrian Gold Rant, 75 Hungarian, 96j Ottoman Bank, b51f.

25c; Egyptian Unified, S0f. 62c The sum of 421,000 in gMd haa been withdrawn frcta the Bank, of which 221,000 is said to ba for the United State. Th Keckar, from New Tork, haa brought 34,000. Th. Nepaul, due at RoutLampton on th.

16th, bring 83,172 In bar gold from Bar silver is quoted 61 13 and Mexican dollars Four and a Half par Cent. Rupee Paper, to 69 Four per 82. The Calcutta quotation are 110 and lOOj respectively, owing to the succeaa of the new loan. The tender for in bills on India were received to day at the Bank of England. Th.

amount allotted ware To Calcutta, 182,700, at an average rate of la.7 to Bombay ,150,000, at an average rate of la. and to Madraa, 17,300, at an average rate of Is. 7 823d. Tender cn all Preaidendea. at la.

7fL will receive about 6 per above that' price in full. There is thus a alight fall from the price obtained last tk. On next Wednesday a further 35 lac will be offered. In the Corn Market the trade waa dull and un altered from Monday. At th Coal Market to day price were unaltered.

Tlegrams har been received her to day announcing acme large failures among the speculator in coffee in the United State. Two ot them, including the largest, have taken place at New York and one at Boston, resulting in a panic in the coffee market. Business ia Mincing lane so far seem to te The following latter refers to the proposed alterations in the form of th London Custom Bill of Entry 47, 8t Mat? Axe, London, E.O., Dec 8. "Sir, for soma years put takes a part of some litue promiueoca in trying to preaarra tbe Customs Bills of utry tfec tUpe in which tbev bare been iaaoed for more tUa tvoccatariea and far tbe chariUUa parpoaes (the Custom Annuity and BestTolest Fund) to which th profits sp to the preMtit baea applied, mutt yon to alio me your Talaabla eaiistanc in endeavouring to dit siude the Larda of tha Treaaury rora tha propoiad alterations la the form ot ixuing the Coitoms Bill and from the cootetBpUted absorption of the fond in question. "Tbe Bills of Entry in their eiirtinf form and style be been in naa since 1660 I bare ene tbe first copies a HIT DOMeitiaa mjA I bwl tha honour in 1870 af tveeaat ta tha aothoritiei a memorial praying for It aoatinn a oa tbe put of 292 firms, including tbe leading mer UaU cuonatted with the Customs, to whom a faithful iily register of eiporU and import is of vital importance HciouiT, ua a iorvoT peuuon oa iw Mt to the 1 reasurr, containing tbe signature of 238 firms, all af them of muI tsno'ins' with tha farmer memorialists most of horn, indeed, ao great waa their feeling In the iw, 14 aigaed a aeeoncl time.

1 aeea nareij ladittom tio.if,t tk. k. lrim of tha Trtsasurv weuld Urt perseercal ia tbe contemplated alteration of 'the BUI siier tbese las porta nt rrpreaentations. me tuild lat. 1m, nm.

(o m. nn onnsiderabla extent. As it Js dow the ere af th Treasury's cWsjon la the sasttcr, I bop that, with tbe powarful aid af public opinlaa aud af th mercbanU, traderajsad manufacturers Interested, their tnMt.hi. Us.a tha fond tO which ta BUI af Entr oontrikntM ta ba (till applied to Its eaatit.Ua nurooM. to llasr tba Bill continue aa is at present puUiabed.

I Motan Is aa ta whether the names of tU importers and exporters should continue to giren la Bill wbiah, my opinio and that of tb iguatories to tb memorials, is of Immense lmlortne, arlng In mind that, even under the present twlatjona, the nam of any person entering good mltted oa bis request ia writiBg, but that no entry caa be wholly Th worUnrof this ml shows that the requests to suppraasUsebcea ae small as ameuat virtually to around our ahorea but th lot is sow mora than made good. Tb import show an Increaee oi nearly 13 per cent, on those (or November last year, and thi is th more remarkable, inasmuch aa they in their turn akowed th larr increase of 331 per cent, over th. figures for 1878. In other word, the total ralua of th import for tha month just closed how an increaee, ol about 404 per cent, on tne ngure tor November, 1878. Thu i doubtless to aome extent tha result of tha retarding influence at workduring October, but the result i from any point of view u'Eciently remarkable.

The figure in detail ar in some respects more satisfactory than thoso for November last year, inasmuch a the increase are to a entailer extent due to food import. Wheat show a considerable decrease in quantity and a still larger in value compared with a year ago, and tha falling off in tha import of potatoes i upward of a half. So too in the caa of oat and barley, currant and raisins, decreases cf greater or lea amount have cirred. On th other hand! there haa been a lam increase in tha Quantity and ralua of beevea imported and in Indian corn, wheat meal, tea, sugar, tobacco, rice, and win but tbe total in thee case are, a a rule, (mailer, ao that on tha whole tha increase for th. month on tha whole trad, of th.

country is less exclusively dua tb food requirements. In wheat alona the fall in value is 1,340,000. Among raw produce and in manufactures, cotton show the most important increase measured by tha totals, but the Mroentaee of increase ar ereater for corner. jute, and wood. Wool ha come in to a smaller extent oy per but ua value snow a itgnt increase.

There is, however, a sharp falling off in woollen yam, while tha compensation of batter price haa not been in their caa ao effective. As regard th xport figure, which give an increase of about 11 per cent, on those of November last year, there is not much to ba said, unlesa attention be directed to the fact that iron andateel again show a serious reduction in the quantity ex ported, although in higher prices ruling mate tha value (how an increase. It is ohviou that these higher price now injuriously affecting our market abroad. Cotton yarn, woollen, and worsted yarn, and worsted all show decreases mora or less important but in mort other respect the record oi our export business look healthily progressive. Th increase in cotton piece good is very large, and hardware, machinery and mill work, refined surar.

habvrdaaherr. and one or two other leadingarticle all ahow a very satisfactory expansion. The bullion movements of th month snow a net export oi in goia, as against a net export of 3,600,000 in November, 1879. Subjoined are our usual tables for the month I. ixroars ot Foaxxa ass coloxux MiacHiirnrin.

(tsaaUtias. Mactpal 1 aaassala Oxsaaadl IadlsaOaraM Waeatnoar Oettoa. raw Oamale ru ilUas, 'drr sad wT Tanned, ae. Jet (eds TUx aad tlnsaat ana. aaaas.

rsSasil Saw Tsflew and Biasrlnc Tea Tobaeao, aBSsaaBfassarsd Wlae Woo4 bewa aad aawa WeoL saasp aad Isaabs WeeOea Tare 's. im. im im ae S0.N1 Owl K7.0M tUVM iisaiM 10L0SI U2.4ST u.a Toe S.SU UlU Owl, (.111.962 I.XU.K2 i.huos LKira LSU.SH 1.047.SC1 uavua sjsi.7u L1711S1 lt3t.Hl (OUSS luus uatu una njx uuas Lb. vn.m owt. m.iii uuu tUiM UUMl 1M.3SI tZS03 ti7.SU Qra X3S.U3 IS9.TDS La.

2XS 2S7.92S Cwt. 1U.H1 eun i.6oc,5C3 1XS lS0.i5J La, unices atano va.M IU1W Loads 439.121 U1.SS0 La. u.vajn toiua no.rn Decrsasa, Talaa. eompared wlih urn. aatssals Oiaa aad BuDa X1S7.71I Ehsay n4 Lanhs OoCes Ooccar Ors sad Xefulua fSriWk a IndlaaOora Waestrkw Ootaoa.

raw 0rrsaia Flax Bams atlaaa, air aad wet Taoaed, aa JbU Potatoes Saeds rias aad I.lnssr. aofar, nossd Baw Tallow aad (ssartae Tea TebaoDO, aamaaalacturM Wise Wood, bewa aad sawn WeoL abas sad lambs' WaoUaa Tara 442.291 K2.4IS razsi Hi.W 1M.3U 11SS.I71 I7S.0M 154.M0 471. US (50.111 1R.UI muT 2M.125 172.MT.. XM.09 rozjoi (2S.Si ns.iM X2LUT (S4.20I 13 4.30 S91.7SS 162.717 U.1S1 1H.H9 V7.501 (17. CSS Kt.Ut inethet Aruslai UliUTJ 180.

Z417.1J7 1S2.2U U3XI20 M.M0 msof 2S0.IW 1S48.139 731.U5 SUMS L00S.M7 L061.SM 5.413.111 151757 1S5.0SI 141 125.117 123 1 ZS4.US 4X XS4.MI 341 K1.405 "SH 244.115. M1 157.0U 106. 113 7M.W2 12UI1 474.700 LULKS LS12.I0S XA.ICS ..141 (35.101 U6S.720 4I1 (32.487 IIS 101,291 UI7 ll.17a.3M tt. 'ti Ml MOs I 41 4 124 0 191 1417 4 nj i t5 17 1 tl( til i S91 tl TO tut S14 mi "SOI "11 ill 132 till ta i .1131 li ta i 12J1 i "IT SS7 f42t 110 4 IJ71 41 S1 tn hi W4 1 tu nri FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. (KXCTtlt TXXXORaH.) PARIS.

LVo. 8. 10 30 cm. Business was aona an Ike Petite Bourse thia cranial la tbe Five oer Cast Bent at UM.10& Trb Bibxir Bocbsb, Dee. S.

Tbe Bourse waa Quiet to dav. Austrian Rrntes were less nrm, while Italian and Lombard railway abarrs allowed a marked iniprovemant. American funds were strong at a alight rise. Frit ate die eount adraaced ta 31 per cent. There waa hardly any cbang irl tbe ratoa (or forclcn bills.

Tbb TlEXSA Bocsar, Dec. 8. Owinx to the holidar the Bourse was eloaed. Itirste transactions were fairly active at rsteruaj quotationa. Aaclo Anstriaa liana shares wer firmer.

Qold eoia waa la bettor rliiassiid at aome advance. Niw York. Dee. 8. Cloainc Prices.

Xxckasn ea London, It Fire per Cent Funded Loan, 188L 101; Four and a Half perOeat. Funded Loan, 187, Ul 1 oar per uenk unaed Loan, ib. 11 union raaac, lOtU: Central PacUe'Bailwav Bonds. 1141: New Tork Central, 144 Blinoia. 1211 Erie, 6J.

Cotton, middling upland, UJc ditto, UarcL delirery, 1319a. Petroleoaa, 9 jo. Flour, (4 "5o. to St 83c eons, 60c red winter wheat. $1 22c Western Onion Telegraph shares, 89i.

Lard. Wilcox. 9 16c Call tnonev. 4 Per cent To day's receipts of cotton at all United States ports hare been Sf.OOO bale exporU to Great Britain, 24,000 bales I and to the Continent, 12,000. Total aK14U8S aaS.429.lal XX ExroKTS or Bbitish abd Irish Pbodccb axd aiAB uracTv bx QaaallUss, Cwt, Lb.

Toas Crt. Lb. Caadles. all aorta Ooal, Ooka, ke. Oooper.

all slads CottoaTarn and Twist neeeOoods Iraa aad Blast JaM Tarn Flees Goods Xiao rieoeOoods Otis (sad Biuret, refined Cwt, Weot, abeep aad U. WeaUea ead Worsted Tara Clotba Worsted Staffs Woollen Oar? a lITt (1.001 1S.021 42S.25I 1.360.SM 71.M7 X2t.U4.23S Toes Lb. Lb. Yards L1712D3 14.S2X.S03 L5CS.230 10.11700 1,029.491 1E2.4S4 23,117 S.3SS.203 3.695.1M I1.071.C00 422.000 1SU. KS.694 31.541 495.10S 1.475.7M 12,079 20.719,(30 4A 491.130 1,171,700 17.U4.S30 1.504.200 (,225,000 1X2.171 mm n4o 751.430 2.128,190 3,143.000 10.S44.200 662.700 Increase or Decree wtUKer, 1379.

rMsctpal Articles. irg Alkali 195.704 arsaralaadaief 32UM Bear ead Ale 1S4.C37 CaDdlet. ell sorts 11051 ObeialBsl Products Ooal, 196.441 Cower, ell kinds (57.579 CMaoaTaraeedTwIal U4C.74I risos Ooods 1013.371 Other aUaofaataras K7.7W Karlbea ead Calaa 152.13 Kaberdaabar 14S.IM Hardware aad OaUssy 254.S11 IroaaadBtsel 1.IUM1 JateTarai U.4 neseOeeda 13.C1S LtaeaYera 17.411 rises Ooods lssblzierr sad Kill wort 657A37 OCe Bead 111.731 2k KaaafarVuas 12S.H0 Soracredaad S3.U1.. Weot. abas end lasses' WaoUaa aad Worsted Tara S5.irS CSetae I417.MS Warsttd Btaaa 437.457 WooDe Carpet tiOJl AHetberArtlcioi 4,127.155 11..

I mi 171 2tl 151 'a 1IS0. tjesaUtr. Veins. StlSa.uS It to I 324.963 1(4. (21 11731 113.137 (59.50 S03.4K 1.096.

739 UT5.420 426.779 UI.I27 lOUOt 312.357 U.rM. (0457 304, 12 (U4M 113.7S 17A4S7 (5.133 (3.121. (7.4U KU33' in 277 t41 107 22 22 '31 to 11 11 It 4J4 tl 431 no 351 ..155 tU1 t571 136 271 flit 0t. 171 tot. tt, t4ti 441.2J4 3t 1171 tUt 17.75 HI 391 4.007.03..

121 11SH700M not Bank (limited) report that tha sat nouta for Lb year 30th Bptambr last were 84,469, including 3,474 brought forward. Of this 10,000 added to tha merv. maldng it 150,000, and 10,000 1 written oB th coet of tha bank' pr misa abroad. Out af th balance a dividend of 10 Mr cent. It paid for th vear.includiot th bUrlm parment mad In Juna last.

For th Iut half year th dividend will 4 par and a bonus of 2 per cant, ooraplet th 10 per cent, for th year. Th following letter velars to th remark on Portuguese finance in Tuesday's article Rir, My attention has been called te your remarks upon tb projected Portaguese loea, and baring aome knowledge of what ha brea (oiag forward with respect to this loan, it ia bnt fair to state that about 4 10tha of tb sum te be raised baa btea taken firm bj sundry Porto gueas banks. Farther, that there exists aa iaBoeatial party ia the country desirous that tbe entire issue should be mad in Portugal, there being no want of capital to meet th sum askrd: It is understood, however, teat the Oorernmf at la desirous of not pressing too eerily upon the resources of the country, preferring to issne tbe loan both bere aaJ ia Paria. There can be no doubt, however, that the sum which will be applied for In Portagel when tbe loan ia Issued will grratlv exoced the 4 lOtha already subscribed. Y.

COAL MARKET, Dtc 8. (Pxjcxs or Coils nx Ton at tkx Clou or IfABKXT.I East Wrlam. IE, fid. Raranawarth Waat (Tutlav. 14s.

9d. Wallsend Iletton, 17s. 6d.t Hettoa Lyons, Lambten. 17a. Oririnal HartleDooL ITs.

d.i Wear. 16a. Ship at market, 15 soli, 12 contracts, gas, at sea, 20. PRODUCE MARKETS. WasraaAT XVBITV.

(coxa Mnutas dolL end sear sal ear tmslaees done. Oris saartet rataar aeUre at 3d. adraaea. Coma. Tbe tsarstt bas baea farther ham tiled by the BretQ bsws.

192 satka 44 barrels aad bass alaatatloa Oarloa sold at re lalar aad rather lower reiea fas srer af sU crop, traas 75a to 17a Oolorr aaw realised 19a. tellOa. id. lor adddUnf to bold. 711 bats sUstlndla ware ebleBr aooshl U.

Ill barrel, Ml baa Jamaica, email part sold at Sot. to (la per ewt. SrrcsaL At the pvbUs sales white popper eold rather dearer. I4S ma. At the pvbUs sales white pepper eold rather de Minis pnra at td.

to eTsd. 117 bas rrrf (ra I Mtdal4U ead lit bass good boaibt la at id, risaaete ilea, aad oalr a part "of 430 bait ws placed. BIX eases Feoeaf brooiht 2s. (Sd. to la.

(d. roar casks Amboraa wlthdrawa 131 berrals stssas sold at Ksdto 4d. 140 paakasas aatesess weel et SalOd. to 3s. 10d.

tor BTs te (l's, nouldr sorts setB Id, uadet leu rasas. 43 peckacce Feaaai maos. about aall sold et Is. 4d. te Is.

(d. per. lb. tot ordlaarj to fair ted 463 boxes brekea Cassia licaaa bradf hi Is. to ta.

adreoo at 30s. (d. te 31s, aad 160 pacaafe Cassia bads partlr sow as sua so. per cwt, eeia aiso sower, uufar eaaiiarea. peckeces 43oahla bdobuj bousBt la 19a pekaes part sold Ma.

to aadsod teaaeUa lallOt. par Baao aacbaecad. Tbe ireatar part ot 2.861 bars boofbl la at Its. te IM. en.

rot staau, ana ua lor a lot or two larf LssJ I tapioca weal rather Mater at 2Sd. to 2Sd. par ih. aad el peer! a lot or two kellet sort sold et IBs. td.

par ewt. bass (eke I Ml bass Jew. A ssodaretebnilnsas pesslni at prsrloas rates. Bastr. MaaUla bjr eactloa sset a fair' ooi petition.

OoTToa. Rather mors hastate oa tbe spot, but Americas futures eootlaa week. Kalo. about 1.I0J bas. loclodlu Wastera al 4d.

te a iao voawMS as rm, aa oansai as au. to sa. par IB. wsrdMellferr, Amerlcaa, Jaaaerr Anru, 1 11 ltd. ta 2M2d.

pe tor sstddllarLss. OoLoataX. Wool, The sbtpotrots bcooabt forward la this eeee lac Doaulofess were es under BrdBer, 1.631 bales I Port RJllla, 1.113 bales Adsleide, (25 bale Kw Eaalaad, 72) bales 1 Cap bales: bales total et I. (M bates. Ibe brisker tooe aouceaoie conns tbe lest few oars was acala well BBaieteuiea, ana tor eereru aesonpuoas rataar arm at rates 8pakia( fsearallr.e tall soaai te 10 pal eeaa badia be sekeiltied to, aad wbee, a week latsr, rerj eooalderable stocks were asala brout bt xorwaro, aw lor pnoue aate.

ao upprersasens eoara Be ootaiaeo. eoa larga galbertas of burets draw frees all part of tbe euaatrf Tbe MS DC aau aecuae ia vaiuo are dos tar ia ease, aa xaff es tae idoa markst was eeoeeraad there waa asoiot la tea proause ox a saon ssppir. i jusuij ue ireas aaraace la tae seal Brines falUea test, II was serious that tbe rise eoeld not be ialaad." 'ur soms time It bed bera erldeat that all the predlaUoa a cartallmant af eiwpl wers oaos ssor to be felaUed I alao that suartet wsre to be brousbt lee eaooik to sua bis tbe trade to eee pete tansetrolls for fall share of the conn try dam tod It ssar be hoped that the bw lersl of pries Is redaeed for that purpose, ead that tbe dock deurerlss welch bare rtseeU fallea below those of 1171 ssar aew be restored te the arset rate of teat rear. htrriia Offlolal report of the Loadea UrUl Xichaara. Copper fl.O B.

Chut bars. Aal te 61 5a seea. afil 10a to tl fsrwaM. Tla suaar jew im. te ii spot, xi bs.

ugoas, aas. wo pis mw, aia. le sis. 91 5a. te 412 forward.

Xasllaa Cva. per salioa spot. STOCKS RAU.WA Tmni 0TE2R SEARW. lOlTTTlVaVXOTasrwO Wedatesder Ivealag. Tha next aelUament in Conaol la Axed for th 5th of January, and tha fortnightly aeUle anant In

v.lU.. A 1 oa DaBhr 14 and etui on DcBibr 18. Th following ar th 4 30 twice In Oonsols, Indian and Colonial Funds, in th landing cgliah Railway and Rtnrk. and in arjch other aecuritiea as ars subject to frequent fluctuation i Ia the markel for Xjailia Qorxuaxn EsxLsUIlXX.

Oonsols eloaed at J8f fet delirery end V9 for the aceetint, aad New Thre per CeaU. at SSI la CoLosut Box IX, Canada (Four per Ccbt) BOU i to 1031 1031, bat Oep (Fotir aaiU ltalf par Cent) rau. to 101 103), and Queenalaad (Feur per Cent.) te WJ W. Ia la has Bailwat Stocxj, aa aovabcb of 2 in East Indian (Deferred) to 131 13J 1 each ia Bombay and Baroda to 131 133, Xastera fengal (a 1U 147, Ureal Indian Peninsula to 131 133, Madras to 120 128. ditto four en Tbiweiarters per Cent) to lit 120, ditto OWend a ueu per veat.i ta 112 114, Ooda aad RohUlaad to ll laa, Beinde, Punjab, and Delhi to 126 128, and South Indian to 12V 128 aad ia East India (A Annuity) to 23 23).

Bbitish Kajxwatx. A till of 1 ia London and Brighton (Deferred) to 1491 Ml I each in CaMoataa to 111 "4f and Oraat Northern (A) to 130 130 ia North xntiaatoiiiii tn laaraaolr and letkapix te LUt 1351 each in Ureat Gastara to C5 tllanebaatarhei Sekf, and Lincoln (Ordinary) to 982 971, ditto (Deferred) to KiU. Midland to 139 139J, Nortb lieatern to 173f 174, and bouth Eastern (Deferredl to 131 i 131 i ia London and North Western to 160) 1C0J and i each in Great Western to 128 128J, aad and Dover (Or dinary)t3131. Ubitsd Statxs. CoLOtnaL.

and Fobsios Bailwavs. (4 16 p.m. 1 "rices). A bisb af each in Grand Trunk (1st i reiertace; to lUii lt, and ditto (Zd lrcferenoa) to hi 931 in llliaois to 124 1 125) aad in Kris (Ordinary) to 47 48. A VAIL of each (a Grand Trunk (Ordinary) to 25 251r and ditto (3d Freference) to ibj ana to ureal vr astern of Uanada to Uj U.

3 p.m. umeiai meeai. a bisb ot 0 la union rsxins sl. r. i fT 79, and Chicago.

Milwaukee, and SU Paul to 122 124 2 ia Grand Trunk (Perpetual Debentures) to 114 US If ia ditto (Scrip, 40 paad) to 4) 6 1) each ia Midland of Canada to 6, aod Great Weatera ef Canada (Perpetual Debentures) to 111 112 1 each ia ditto (Prefer cnee) to 100 102, Uraod Trunk (Scrip, all paid) to 110 112, and New Totk Central and Undaan Hirer (Shares) and ditto (parable ia London) to 14 150 each in Central Faeifie of California (Shares) to 86 87, and Baltimore and Ohio (1927) to 1084 108 and i each ia Buenos Ayr and Easenad Port ta 74. Mexican to 121 131. ditto i2d Pre ference) to 181 and Biga aad DOsaburg to 15 16J. A VAU, ex ia use argeatine to is is 1 eacn in vvntrai Argentina to 194 20, Lima to 51 6, and Kan Paulo (Barren per Cent, to S4 35 and la Varna to 4) 4. Tobbion Raixwat Oauomosa.

Ottoman 'Aasent ing) B08B 1 to 59 62 BratiUaa Imperial Central Babia to 104) 105) and North Western of Montevideo to 30 33. Tama (Three per Cent.) XX LL to 5 6). ToBxiax OovBBBstxjrr 8xc cJunxa. An advahcb of each in Austrian Bentes (Silver) to 63) 64), ditto (Paper) to 61) 62), Uruguay to 371 381, and United Btata (lour per uent.l to lie list eacn is gyptian uninea; to be 69, and ditto (Khedire, New) V4 894 tl (1863) to 95 90, Baano Am (1870) to 86 88. ditto a873) ia MM.

Chilian n86fi) to 102 104. ditto (1867) to 92 94. ditto (1873) to 7 78, ditto (1876) to 76 78 eaah ia Turkish 3t, uno vtaoo; aaJ 1 1 each la Egyptlaa to 10. (1858) to 191 201, ditto (1862) to 151 161, ditto (1865) to 13 94 ditto lit ana Ul to zis u. (eacn in Domains) to B44 VS.

Jdaxleaa to 101 IBs. rerunan (1870) to 18) 19, and ditto (1872) to 15) 15) and 1 16 la 141. and ditto IB and Cl to 211 (SUto Domains) to 94) 95, Maxle Spanish (Thre per Cent.) to 21 21L Pabib IWtJaAX. Toiler 310 n.m. fwiesa aroeampared with those et .3 10

restadaT Baa tea. Thrae par Osat for mooey, 5f. ditto, for the aeeeoat. 85f. 65.

a fau or Tie. ditto, new, avi. we. a ieu or mo. ditto.

Five per for mooey, 118f. 85 a all of 15c; ditto, for the account, 119f. sue. a fall ef 8s. Italian, Five per Cant, 88f.

10c a rise ef 20c; Lombards, 212f iOc a rise of 6f. 25c Austrian BaUweyi, 607f. 60c a fall ef Sf. 75. Baas Canal, IJiil.

75c uttotnaa Bash, 60c a rise of 8f. 13c Turkish, Five per Cant 12f. 85c Aottrtea Oold, 75f. a rise of 22c. Spanish, Three per ZU.

Egyptian (rraferrad), lire par Cent 472f. 60c ditto (UnUedi, Six per Can 350f 62c a rise of 2f 60c TxLXOBAVHa. A bub ef each la Anglo Am erican (Preferred) to93) 94, and ditto l(Df erred) to 35) 38 ia ditto (Ordinary) to 04) 65 aad la Braailiaa to9J 10). Tha following ar other change reoorded In th Offieial List nn to n.m. Ib Babkb, aa advabcb af 1 la Hongkong aad Shanghai to 89 41 1 in London Joint Stock to 46 47; aad )tn Coinmercial oi Aiexanana to it anKusin wa in National Provincial to 40) 41), ditto (12 paid) to.

46) xi xi; 474, and ditto (1880) to i aod i eaah ia Bank of Africa faWv.4 ttOToaL tfractos, and XUm PUU Thi Isstttutx or CrviL E.voiwxixa. Ai tb meeting oh Tuesday Mr. W. H. Barlow, F3.8., Freaident, in tna eoair, it was annoanoad that the council had recently transferred Henry Tecallaoa to the class of memlers, and had admitted 29 geatlemea as students.

The first. monthly ballot of the session resulted in tbe election of 12 members Stealer Do Vor Hastings Alexander, Public Works Department, Ksw Zealand Louis Frederie 0 us tan Bouscaren, chief engineer of the Cincinnati 8outbera Bail way, United State of America I William Wood Culcbeth, late Publis Works Department, India William Joseph Fahie, Public Work JJepartruent.inai; t.eorge eiigtneer Of the Mexican Kailway Holt Samuel liallatt, Publla Works Department, India; Arthur Lake, Charing cross Antcole Oome deMattos, Bio Janeiro; Wilmot Jame Boee, Cape Government Railways Norman Selfe, Sydney, New South Wales David Lee bimpaon, oonsuiting engineer to tbe Otago liar boor Board, New Zealand and Francis John Weighell, Brighton and of 61 associate members. Oeorg Mattbey, F.K.S., F.C.S., was made aa associate. Fatal Football Accidxxt. Yesterday an Inquest was held st the Southampton Guildhall, before Mr.

William Coxwell, the borough coroner, on the body of Mr. Stanley Brneurt Uibbs, 19, who died on Tuesday morning from the effects of injuries received on tbe afternoon of Saturday, tb 27th ult, whilst playing at football. Hugh Frederick Gibba, a brother of the deceased, deposed to the feet of the latter being brought to his lodgings on tha evening of th accident ou a stretcher, lie was tbea unable to apeak. Medical men were called In. After his brothar was put to bed he (witness) aaw him, but he eould mak no communication to him.

The following day be told him that whilst playing football in Porter's Meadow' he slipped down in the scrimmage, and some of the players on bis own tide fell over him. lie said he felt something snap, and thought he was dead. It waa a pure accident. Tbe witness was not playing himself, but was sent for when tbe accident occurred, ilia brother died about 6 o'clock oa Toes dsv morninK. George William Cepptr stated that be was playing ia the match with tbe deceased.

After a aorimmaee Lad broken op he saw tbe deceased on tbe ground unable to rise, and it was thought he waa out of breath. Tbe necessary steps were taken to recover him. and he waa afterwards carried into the club dressing room and laid upon the tabic He made no complaint, but aaid be bad no feeling below tbe cheat. The match was being played on tbe Bugby Union rule. In tbe witness's opinion tbe Association game was the most dangerouc If tbey thought a man was oalr out of breath he would be allowed to lie oa the ground till be could get on bis lege Leonard liarfield, another player, aaid he vent into the scrimmage at the stme time as the deceased, and the ball was then on the ground between the two teams.

They were not allowed to touch the ball in a scrimmage, and they were putmng one against anotner. ine witness did not eee tb deceased fall. He knew be bad fallea by missiDg him from his aide. The witness beard a cry a man down," They loosened tbe scrimmage to enable him to ret sd. but be could not.

There waa no "hackina" at all to tbe witness's knowledge. Several ethers ef tbe players fell, but not on tbe deceased aa far aa the witness knew. He beard the deceased say when on the pound, I have no feeling ia my leg." He agreed in Mr. Capper's opinion that there was less danger under the Bugby Union than the Association rules. He was sure that the deceased was not on the ground a quarter of an hour be waa nicked up in two or three minute.

Dr. George King stated that he was called to see the deceased about 7 o'clock en the evening of (be accident. Ha carefully examined him, and found him completely paralyzed ia the lower limb and th greater part of tb trunk, with partial paralysis of tbe anna. Such symptoms indicated sever Injury to the spinel cord, on a level with the sixth and seventh cervical verts bra, over which pert there waa a bruise, indicating sever pressure from small body, aad which might have been caused by the beel of a boot.Tbe young man died from congestion of tbe lungs, which always followed from such casec His recovery hopele from the first. This being tbe whole of tbe evidence, the Coroner briefly explained to tbe jury the law tif tbe ease, by which.

If bar was any unfair play ay bjl a kick from malice all joining in th affair would be. guilty of laanslanghtev, but happily there was an entire (beenc of any auch feeling ta si nrasaat case. Ha Boccd. however, the effect ef thia ssd accident would be a rrt'C'n to a lea cUngervaj mod of rjaying what formerly was a healthy and manly gam. Th JoryTin returning a verdict ef Accidental death, expressed tbe opinion that thejrule of she faaa might be se modlted as to give satisfaction to alljWjtnri rninineaforOj BBaesawisiin, )Mt ffWL, to 14, 15, nd Loodon and San Francisco to 6 6.

In if ix ia. a six I of 1 In South Cowd arrow to 10) 11) i In Kichmond to 154 15 Jj aod eash in Derek Mover to2J 21, Dea Pedro to Glanrock to 1) 1 1. to I and South east Wynaad to li St A ALL of Lib in South Wheal Fraaose to 9) 11), aad Wheal GrenvUIe to 10 11 eacn ia ksw oecraaa to eg FaauleUl to 6) 6, and United Mexican to 2 2) aad 1 each la Uiarstoa Down Consols to 1 1), and Colorado to 2 2. Ia Watxbwobxj, Southwaxk and Tauxhall BOB 1 to US 223. Tn nit Tmnarial Continental ttOSB 3 to 1S7 192.

Ia MlscBLLASBOCa, aa ADVAjrca of 1 eaah ia Beaton City (1899) to 107 109, ditto (1902) to 1U USCity ef Pro vidence IV aiW, euu (Deferred) to 114 117, Rhytsaey Iron to 28, and West K.v Ins and Steal to 12 10 die I each in Boston City (1893) to 108 110. City of Montreal, ditto (1874), aad ditto (BOnCi; to SU 1 vg, ami 101 102), and Hughe Looomotiv aad Tramway Begin iv JU. t.lli aswd i eaah in Land and MnrtcaeTO ef BerPt to pr Trust aad Loan of Canada to I ditto (Nw) toll) and London Street Tramways to 11)12 A DXCUXX of ia Natal Land aod Colonisation to 134 141 1 i each ia Bristol Tramways to 3 3) twenty BrUtonAuariua to 51 6j. end Native Guano tojo) and eaah in ditto (New) to 1) 1), aad Beyal Aquarian to iiif In th subjoined official record of business don transactions marked reiat toarnaji dodo. and tbot dutinpilehed thu to an exceptional amount at special price." Btocka and aharea marked thu bar paid no dividend for th last two half year and upwards i bxitisk rciro, a.

J. a Xam. HU. India aa. Thrae ear Oeala, Wi uAsav Bu aUUS.

fKTi stA OOVXRBKXliT SXOUBITIXa. Qaetiee.4& it la Parlaljd. by aaj draw, la 33 tsiuaaslaad, ltaia, Wk htih Boata uetrallaa. 1SS4 U11, Id S.rr.VlWH.4A. TSL Jal, LUM.

4 B.C vJiCo.laeaa. VlctorU. JttW. 1M BlakTruBd. 103 4V, 4 U.

JJWV I a.a stama, lOtH Di (Doaita'oa utU loa ea, laat, Btk, tree of BM.1UM... Caps as O. Heae, lie. 4 aa. WIN.

ateumiua. tw, JT ,1904, UM TORXIOH Swadish 4K a. 1174. UWi 4 1171, IH'i n. ltao ssv tiuSnHSKJ.

Sa.Oc U71, unuiaa. ami, 1173. IMH ISM. IS L.idt.Batu. TwklcYptUaTrllx.n Ba Arr s.

1171. Br," It U'Cd li 'iVv. V. 14 lo 1HL. KsTPl.

Tribute, T2S 3a, 1HL. XfTPt. Tribute, TS JOo ua UJA xSjtW BaKad Debt, ..2 Dot, ralaop Scrip. WT Da. Slats Dooiale, (4 d.

l)o ISM. PC, is a AxfaaOae Hard Doliars, lltt Tt, 13 IS 1U Js 70 9V Aastrlaallllver Baatea, at lOfh. I Kei Mw 0 arv ivSJfe tParasaar. lvtllV, trareviaa. rertoiaest Eoaua! Nl.

BaO. UH Do, ino, sjr ORUntABT (BABES AND STOCIS. Dec ure 7e aa. ItSi: 11S 14d svvt.1 It a BvatBrWestere. Oeev East Undo.

KM i ot b7m a ta Unas Kortbara. Ooa, Oct, US DCv, Ureas Loodoo. iiovj. and aauthend. Coaa.

Ill ssaoehaetsr. SheWeld. Tinsels 133 Sw Ob Or, UW VpSCo2U 1311 afatroa. District. Ord.

1114 Mldl d. Ooasca, Ord, 13314 lJZ Briaktaa. ead Ocaaa. Wertt iawara, Ooaawla. Ufa ta Btafteseaana.

Oaa. Ord, ILeodoa, Cbaia aa, ArOr, ia LeaAaertVWse Bhrosaair. Lalo. lSOtlWHVsH taueterssl and Dorset, ft, 13lM4Kia KS. lot xi? Lea.

Wit i e. 4 US tlfawlKtrtaavw.4Ba.114t Ida, Baaf, U4 Oraat Wasters 4 a aTLtf Meowpobtaa. 4 fce. 111 Da, I a 133 De, aa, lBi I MUlsed, 4s, 1141 BBirrra rosnxaxioxA Boat bar. Barada.

Oaacral Iadss, Oreat Wnliie ef Caaad Xaares, a aa, ui I aa. 123 CUom aad OreaaVTreak, I 1st tsort. ueaa. Bda. So.

Daf. Aaaeitr CanltaL na OraaaTrea? el Oaaada, Oaa. asses, Da, aVraJB. Mort. Bda, 134 Do, 1st, 102v, i.

usa, ion ewa. tQ Jan. a Dv. SU, UTi 1st BTrt, Lit Da, Para. Dea.

(B10fHX.A Madras, fa.te,tn S.S, ill Madras lrrteatioi aod Oaaal. (. a a be tadlaa Ut of Canada, Blertur let OaaasadBaallki 177 13 13 BocU Iadkva. r. ta.

IHH at. xawreae a utzarvt p. cats. lat aiort Booda. SSV V.

ti afaia La a 1. Dm. a 'aainasls e.Iaa lsx.lSitibtt miiTsi tobxiqw tiirwin Baals aad Baa Traadsea (LL fae. B.a, tnt 7s Baaeoe Arras Greet (setawa Q.L ilfi Tk Debsav Bteek. 1M4 atoek.

Ul lA 1 3. 3a 7e 7S U7a 3 rjoTscrlp. Sa.a, Us US, 49 aaid. 44 34 444(1 Vt anal ladlaa faainasli. dLl 14.11 Ooade dKa ILL S.

1 a.a tBaat ariaatlae 0 1 ftavT MasiaaVa? il lTt IH Dawlst If. ee ZV.sS 3f4H IDo, Id fraiTsK. 1Mb Do, p. Feraee. Dea, Stock.

lUViUlTHllViS tOttemaa (Battraa Aldtal 4 IKoral awed. ll Baa aalotBrexfliae) f. pa. UHl sap saa.1 iVeraa. baae, 14 laassan Caere I ins lat a sa TOBXIOJf RAJXWAV OBLXQATIOXA BnxIIIaaIsi.CaLBaklaP),lMti Otteowa (SBrraata Oaatral Arseotlaa.

111V seBttaz. SuH Cuarkef Asot. a. by UK Do. i Deb.

(crip, tl aaid. Bast arfeetlae. 1st JSorv xea, Vi pet. rrevtBdat Orel Titebak. by MoaoovJaroalaw, g.

by Bassla, Kuaala, S3 tOK BoVB Anstrlw, 1. Moscow Kourik. 132) Da. 1171 oJenes XL 144 Korto WMUrs ef MoaWrldeoOl Vsrea, 3 s14 a.Bf w.lta,rs AJaJE BICAM BONDS AND SHAKES, ccaaxacv aoaoe its tAtlaana GtWattra, 3d Mort. 3s Tork Lat Erta, ft Wan era.

Trass se th js ipt rr, aiw aaarsa, 3d Mora, XTaateas' Oarts, Da, 3d Com. Stars. Beads. Mt U'S JW7SS.O. Atlsatle.Mlssleslnpf, tOhJo.Cosa.

Bw Tust, rsanrrUaad OUa. lat of Bond. Certs, 111 Mart. Bonds, ltd 4Ht Ceetrsl ef Xsw Jersey, Coavllert. Oretoa aad Cautorala.

Iraacf art uses. Jtaets, a eoaa, ss PsaasTlvsalaiSOaaatt, rnnsoainnie aa ju AaseBtaaa, 1144 fk Osatral BacUe of Caliiarala, (100 Bbarsa. KS1 Caioaso, (t. Faol, 1st ML. B.

W. xnv, lit Caleac ft Tonah (roa. by Ckla. A mi W.L Scrip, pm. StXoolaA rraaxsaoovld Mort, XUW aaareai rniaoisCratral.

StXSH Blver (100 aaarea, dir. par rhras'B. 1304, able fa Wat 4s. lSd, (onU KaO. ef CalUamia, 1W iKrlaBWa Ul 'A evaaxxi Bonn avd sassrs.

Alabeaia Oreat BoalharstU.1. Cairo and VboanBas Baatxaalaa. imnaarr, cm uana. w. hub nmpia AQar beer Valley, rua.

bf raaaal. nnaots Ceatral cttak. rd, 10SH Sau. 124 larkloss, Serfp las. for tanas AUaa.

A Ot. Wot, Wsss. Xaten, eoapa. TJ to XQ, (3 a.A ttM Ptitlartelnhla dlaaos, 1st Laaaad Llaas Xanl erovori.Mt, Trust. Usa.

Bta, eva Ale, uea. si til Mori. 7 eoe SS lussote aad Oats. 1310, 11H 1D foe Do, lin. i aTli STrt( auutaab Kaadtn Iaa 4, sax def.

lorV. irt, i AntioAustrtaa. 11 13 i Loodoasad Hirer Patse Ik 11)4. Aaflo aeTVUaa wlt (LLBia landeo aad Baa Irterlsoo. XUS ASia).

IM XaaiJ. ai.ltabawor (U R4 Sc Sa Do. ifew. aorta. 37V 44 Bant sf aobtb Wales, UK Locdoa Oiartarsd of AostraUa, Bsis of Booth Aastrslia, 43 XI Caartaredat ladle, leadoa Tjatai ateek, 4SH Calaa, 3144 tMsresatlls Beak ef toe Bin Chartered afaraaetU af Iadla, Plate 0 3 toBdoa.

and Calaa. tt Wesleaal ftevtaelsl et Bestead Oltru.1,11 iLbSupaia. sjvm Loadoa aadCoIlr 74 IK i Ueianet Loadea, TxxjKUurBa. 1 ead AMata II B. AJr! (LL 4H Bastar ttl 1 WM ua, rvet, sj vs.

test era Xttaaaloa, AVBStrelasIa nafeiaeje, ead Oblae LUKi Oraat BorUiara, 13 aa Dabeetursa, ispaxabl teadoa Platiao Braiillaa O.L 171 afora.J3aa 101V4 De aariefeieeua DM u. sidrl uoo, pj. 1st rret, KXaalB PrUaal Beet ead West ladle, 117 to 130 Loodoo ft Bs. Basbartaa. Tl to (9 Do, a Dea.

ntr, rania auuwau, alum Da. 4 as. Ca Ut ts U7 De, I aa. Verp. rret, 133 te 133 aouUuuBPtea.

(1 I t3 Do, Iaa lara. Deb, 1341131 ua.aaK,ixaieiu aarrer ueataaertsas, im tea too. aod 4.lOTel BKITIBH IXTXXa. Derea Oraet Consols al. USb Oraat Laasr 13H Ba TtatalLk.

(pitart, Daa, Do, Beads as Better. It arntst uraaaau 34 DettlarroTidaalOoldMlalnf (Ll. Baby aad Daaderbera laaa 1U. Kewrsea Meade raaaloulouoi IdMlam ladlaa Oold.llLlalag Cbtlate, OraadJi lawali Bomber 0.x Vi CoaUBeokal TJaloa CL Wi Oa XAfbt aad Coa. O.

Do, H. 1 Fa atax, 133 bo: winiwnxrx Beaabwark ead TasnuVtlUQ I) Utt, uu rssrjBAJrcis. Affisaee Brlnak aad Vorelsa, koodoo. W4 1 paSalTlre.ia ,0.1. 45T tniTaraal Marios (Lb U4J 0Atstpartal tatttasatal, UtH I p.a Valbtle MadlWieaaea (LL'I Bio dsJaaatre 0.133 Batk BtatropoUbao, Bs IM sotrDB.

loajtb. ajtd TKrjrrs. Cttref XerlMeodOolalOv. Ireet OtwSSLailaH City of Toronto, a. BtetLCeav aTew rfrmoutb Haroa Board, I trt3X Dlre Baalak BsitDe.

Trart B.L KtZVi 11 I vTi sUdeem. at sea. Do, Bbedlve Delre CLasaaSpe Hoaslan. 5)4 a Lead MorVrafa, jl) rwaa iWo. SOU id Bectsa, I3H coax ajtd ntoir.

Xbtiw Vale (teal. IroM Coal 0 Jsrbodda Coal Iron (UL Vi USU, avarasoar aroo u.fc aa COMMXBCIAX. TTWAjrclAL. AJTD IBDUfflBXAX, MorTLaad Xlaaoos XeVleaal Dtseoeat UbUHM Uli. V.

aoalb WaUa Mart. Loaa aod BXATX: 0T Aaaaer Cesx at, Ad Xkbard Brasby aad Boa (Ll t4 s.a. satoUXaa Stetk.ini rorastrest Warehoose 0.1 (OH Buxbes' Lseo. a Treat. Kaflae Xlsbls't XU tract at Most OA TJalted BUxTFUfO.

(point, 33H Ualoa teess Balf (L), Bt dXsU ViVll De.Bsw. lWi raaiosular Orlsetal ataaat, 5TV4 TXA TBJLMWATBw BtraM Tramwsrs, IH I. (treat Trawwyt. 1114 ji.h.,k Kim Tnmnn. IK Mortb Mevenantea.

14H av Uwpool Calud Trass, a Onset ILondea, ipla Deb. Bteek. 103 Woirhampto tH MISCXIXAXXOU8. Lleo Brewery. Vrm, (4 Pol Ajarlat 01, Morar Coflis uloU.

IXSO, 4 a ValeeTrerere Aapaatte PaTla tlaUreOsaaa, 5sw (LLlt 3adooa Coanpaai (U, 13 14 14 KlodeJeavUtrlsspts. (LL3SX TORSION AND COLONIAL MAILS. DfCl TU ytf Iroa trade though auiet ao( eaowa much ehanfe a tlx waelr. Price were sun wkat Braaer tw or three daye anvre, wlm tla stack returas wad bat a ssaall iai iseie ef CJU2 tone for Norexaber. Testerday, aowever.

aa amended return noted an err which made tae net increase 13,197 ton. Prior Vara ao heea quit so Ira tardoul the district fa consaqasac, aad He. 3 is etoted abewt 39. aVL, td K. 4 forsw 39.

d. for dalirarr, kuTCT naar. No. warnanta era aboa 41s. There is stlu sons taae of iroa la store.

Eaor sbou craaatitie of Bif iron eon tin ne te be seat to Scotlaed from the Tee. Laat week about 9,080 tons wer delimed la BcaUbj ports, mak with ta pravieas week dv Uveries, 20.000 toas sotity ia excaa of aay prwviows period. The prrsent week also proeaise ilk res alts, a ttooday tetwtea 5,000 aad 6,000 ton wrr snipped ft ftuA Tb stocks of pis; troo ia tb district at ta end of last tnoata ia makers' hand and la stores amounted to rather ever toes. Tb aaanafaeturrd irwa trad contiao trm im price, and there are Isrv acdars in mo ease in bead. There i aa epward tendency la th pctee coals aad coke, especially far aaxt year's dctivvry.

COBK, tnt Butter. Firsts, seeoods, 114a.) thirds, fourtba. Six. fine mild. 111.

Tirkina ia markst, 1,125. LZICE3TEK, rB The wool market cannot rtportod as ia a more satisfactorr state owins; to tbe very markrJ discrepancy as to tb vaihe of th raw Btaterial. Thenaest and the coarsest qualities, ft is true, aell a littler freely at Bra pnees, but deep frowa lastre aad oams lmstre wool ar exceedingly difficult to sell, aad cansnarers positively decline to bay nnleas sellers agree to very Mnsiderable concession ia pricea. The vara market is ia a most unsatisfactory condition, and tb position of 'spinners is aa tremely trying one, as they Aad it utterly isapoesibl to realize price at all ie ouneipoad with the rates for tbe raw arterial. Export buyera operate en a very small scale, and tbe price tbay offer ar so low that they mast result ia loaa.

A' fair amouat ef buaineaa ia doing ia tb borne trade. Tbe hosiery trad is Sat, tbe orders received being merely to sort ap itocka Tbe boot and shoe trade is very depressed, and production ia leiag largely diminished. LI VEKPOOL. BTK. The demand for cotton oa the spot has been oa a reduced scale to day, and with liberal supply of American ascriptions, pricea ar 1 16A.

lower since Monday. Middling upland aud Jjfobtl are quoted 6 11 16J Tolddliag Texas and middling Orleaa a reduction of 16d. being made la all American cot tea. Other long staples and Sunt are quite steady. Tbe sale ar 8,000 bales, comprising 5,900 American, TOO Egyptian, 600.

Peruvian, and 800 Surat, and including 1,000 oa speculation and for export, fature are weak at a general decline tot 1 1 6L, in response to tbe decline at New Tork. At tb close the market is qui! at the desliae. The quotations are 6 21 32d. for December delivery, 6 21 324. for DecemberDecember January, 8 Il 16d.

for January February, 6 2J 3M. for Fabniary Marcn, 8 23 32L for Jlareh April, 8 13 Id. for April AUy, and 8 27 3Sd. for Hay JaB delivary. Tb sugar market remaiaa dull and inactive, tbe only sale being 950 bags Peruvian at 16.

6VL for cotter t. 20. for Syrups, and 24a. 9i. to 22.

id. tar grainy. Hotline; don in rice. OLVERILAIIPTOX. TH.

Tc daTJx mxrkat was steady, aad a fair namber of were gfvea out for finished iron. Unmarked ben, common abeeU, hoops, aad paddled ban wen ia most reqacst, aad aom large order wen placed for stamping sheets. Vcre sceeftWuen wer offered for "heavy plat a. Prices raled trm. Thar wer sou good inquiries for pig iroa.

Fori Iron we lea estiva than foundry aorta. Coke and irons too wr fairly aalc hi, aad thiak eoal orders were larger. THE CORN TRADE, uxtxiAs 0023 acajLsax. wanxxxiuT. cte Tb wsifbioattawasvaiyasMaadesa.

TWosbbBs eCbutsi iea rata ere vary naif, aad aooatst alateet eaxtrely srliv whlU beaa abroad we baa awed arrival ef wbaat, barlay. aad eeia, AXtbai dar'i surtat taare was a lata sttsnilina sad ta trad raled vary dull, the teodsacy ratber la barart farour tar mrTtklac Ua seed we very ealet sod rsfansd Inactive. Ta atarteS foretrfoas of beat was dalL barara boidlo baa at pre lest. Mats eaeseatB) rstbss eaaior. while (oatlax It steedr.

AxatVAia. Ka. (eotsk. Irtsa. ToVsa.

1 Zac. Ssoeca, Irasa, Tor'ra. raaa Vf Turn, seeks 1133 179 1 OOBX, Sea, Bad ebeaLts, to (t. 44. 1 carter.

(t. Mask eat. Is. ad. Tan white eaia, la Id.

to la 3d. par ewt. CLABOOW, ta. The ssarket as been dliiliml all tbeweek. Ft 1 it 1 i Ta foUowtna are tbe lisil' oaotaltoa Waaat, walla fanarlsi ead AjDorloaa.

par 34C1V, 23a. ta 24a: CaatornUa7l3a td. to oldrad dUaSixaXtiTai toli Ha 1 bprlaa A astata, Sta Id, ta Sal barley.eotea, par COIb, tU to eala. aMob aad Irak aaw aad oldTpat 2b, lJa. (d.

I 32a. (d. EXJLXrOXD, Itk A3 small market ae dsT. aad wbaat Id. ta iTairJ or.

efto eaataad. bet wttaewt alterattoa ta patse. 46s. to Ua: red ditto, 43. jertadlaa la altto, 33a.

as 0a Saa ditto, Ua. A.rar IdTbaatsT. ISliVb r. (, Waat.MMks LlVXTiPOOL, tab. Hardly aay aaataad fa wkeet.

ead prises wttBOWX Seanra. saaiaaseveqaan, aa aa. xa, pa 11 a Meesra etarraaa ua saaBSaaawaviiiisiiai WbaetawJe at aaeaaaai aoatiaally farataed to day adi vary (res. sbaw Ba saarria for erporv Wlwes S3 0sv te tit to 73a a tow I dlaaa loadlos, eaaaUla 4BX Id. to 4s.

Sd. tad enntsnnes, yiebl Vr loaal istail stiff ead 11 (344a. jeer eeatal UJC lat ass sea lrrWOAWTLB. Tlkv Tbere we ea (nswraneat la tt Jae4et settle treat aoroad. teller, espavteaosd etaedr ttsskaa.

Be ijisi lA TbeSeaat deatrrptlea ef Id mater ebevloa waalasf traatr. QX5XJL1X Povr Omcx, Dee. 8. atraUanaaata aad esaala.aod Mortal fcasu, Maatevtdeo. ft BraxH Baaoos Arras aad MeatarVlos I Date ead I Dae.

Caaarp Islaadt Valalaad lalaads 1 aac. st Das 13.X rw in Uaa. xz, at 13, aad New Braaswtca. fteva 1 in, a rrtao Edward lslaad Mswfouadlaedl I SoalA Walas aad Br Zaalaod baa. 30, Pevtucal Dea (7m 1 14, qaesaslsod iDea 17, at, Ualeoa aad lit seal ne s.

Vaited States 'M Dee. I Wast Coast af Africa Waat ladlaa aad Peeli Caa. 17. Baaastae Dee, U. ga.TlaS?).:a UartLJasaloa, ead eTbeeta Dee.

Is. if, bf mac 14 loverdee IDaclI uvaroue Dea 11 Dee. 13,11 Dee. Dec 13 Malta. Maarltiat Bstal DeatU Daall pea.

3 Da. 11 tDa. 19 Dea 11 Dea 31 IDac 30 Dea It bee. iDaaTtM Dea II Beata Orwvt Wrrti tarsa. MJdlaajl.

Oaa, Ivat. rWlIX slrblaailt omseatea lb prodts af saab smrate raaaj oSSolSLTam.rnL.M. a avaawSawOm.1 OtyCoa.4jaaxW, Ut3LlZ2uJ M. ao. Kerala 1 S.KvwJa.

'Oerterpeefsfise far Barbadoa, Trinidad, Jaaaalea, SL Taaawaa. aad Caracao, tyaadad tor I 1 1 at sit Liiwoaa, Btast bear spocaU addrsss a laat Tae Beaks af tb mkol Dseesabst wfj not es" a PosVaarfrtaaa, Aw, bat sisiasposlieit for Beptt. JaataAse, sad at, Taawssa wUI forwarded brenststlaeslealJiiipsMlea toallta. Ttoaaoket lor Btata Marta. Bu wO It Uvera tetk mt Dsoestber, lastead ef est la 3ita.

ee oswel, aad tb ba saads ta Leadoa ea tbe sr.elna of aba Od. I laformatiea ha bee leeslied trees Maaro, AJlas that tb BatdlaJaa, seChi ea tbe Stb. sa iielselnia, dtaa ktaOa, wtUaaB at (a, Jaa VwxwMWOXXxAwpATJ3rs srombew ef ssetrspsllfsa paupar (exslaax i laaatie ia atrrlunt aaal vagraaUl am is lass oav ex tae let wka i raortweak of ltvaamW, Ltwil, HJt ettk tStrmmmmulglUWtjmi oerta wsc of bar, I7A UJUi tartk wwak wf Tafraata ivaaevw bx ba m. oearta ws or laaewav fl43o. far stia a eoas as nap pars alt ITirX.

TUL Bwrv of waaat edaret I a taw laokad eaaral BSStBtaaaed lest lawdays pnaae, bet eossssest oasUrtfa seajd said eripttoo wsr aaallared. Ortadlns penal a slew ease sad voLTXBSAlsTTOir, ttX Waeet af lb anew) ktad was Bawl fee ta let rats, bat talartar sort were Irswhwaa, ab awataf snos was soae at sanar ana iu 1 THE CATTLE TRADE. vyiHTl Baa. A tors eewatT wf sear aad (tl eabCa. hZ fair dartat battaaks seed bis

aad iters was tea diaCraaLbataaa etew sale at redawsd priest. Baas ail I final SU3 liaU Ail at. aod aaaap. Ma. Ua see.

wrrLL Daa. faaaall akow ef tow aad ibis, aal he tag awaawaMprlees. IJUCXBT3tJt. Stb. Tbavwasstebwwaf daBassT ef hal rw tab? ao dav tbaa be baea kaawa for severel rears.

Tb enlatala easse ta bead bs spaaadld soadtooa. aad tbar war bar frost all sarw of tbe aoaatrr. TX saaal lots et soilaeks wave eatlve aaaiaaa as rau pncea, soae ef as lower rata. Mliab eewe ssade ABO la AOS. toiloasswerela eaataad es BIT far AlnXaula as dla.

3Btst3Spsebsel. lib w. ui i a 41a ioS H.e. brad bollocks stada AUS to Avlf I Walt. 414 be It i runts.

3 AMI 10 sod reerllafa, JU Vo JO. ble3sar fat sleek startet taare we a sosdeVeuvsay ef beeata ead trade ralod al aU fall saotalioaa Beat bwliwks saads sd to ld. par Dl 1 1. par la. 1 aod taird rata, IA toPaa.

Pr 0. WJWt wBU lw eat, Sd. par Ib. Most otaec kladaseld krl a about labs sate, were easat easse obtelaed. FU shea) waat freely at oirORn.

Stb. Atteadaa very atatt. Tat steak plaattM, aad sood Brleee were ta eveat eaaee oetaiae. ras snore fraes 70s. SCa gtore steed I slow Ssssseit, ead lees steaep bad a take.

BaaCKstd. to Is. audi BS petal oaa WOLVZRHAXrrOX. ItA Beasts wars a sssella awnty. A Ow af vary seode.aality wr la batur sVeataad at Uabet Brleee.

(. aa erstas euaaUtr. Prleas araaar ead trade brlasar. Ojdvsa. eevsj supePrlooo asts Sd.

po, lb. sauttoa. Tied, te Wd. elb4advl.SAW(d.arlb. Trr.

LiicTKXawcrr or Loxrxjjr. Yrtrday th new eomralaaioa of lieuteoansy for Ih dty ef Londoo su opened at tbe Uansioo boua in th presence of tbe Lord favor and a large nam bar of tb members ef tb aommis slo. Tbe arras issoed under tb Koyal aifn raanoal was rad by Ur. Henry Ore Smith, tbe alerk. Tbo liatera ante include the Lord Mayor, Ahlermea, Kceordor, Towa RonnoB rWieant.

aad Deputies, bv virtae of their offices tlie Governor, Deputy Governor, aad Court of Di rectors er th xtaaa of Jtagiana ana tne 01a ua xnaiatom paay, and all the who. having held one or other ef tbea positions, hat now retired aad a larg naataxv of geatlemea nominated year by jear by th chief tnagistnto for tbe time. Among tb City lieoteaajita an field Uarsbsl fjord Strathnairn, Lord Wolvertoa, Mr. BeringL IIP Sir. Freahntld, M.P..

Mr. Walter, M.P., tbe Right Boa. O. J. Goacben, M.P..

tbe Ri(bt Hon. J. O. Hubbard, U.P., Sir John Lubbock. M.P., Mr.

Matbeeoa, M.P., Sir D. a Mar fori banks, M.P., Sir Alow XosttaSore. Mr. aw Jdoriey, LP Coional Makina. M.P., Sir Laorenee Peel, Geor ral Sir Henry Bawlinaon, Sir Bothachild, M.P., Mr.

Ciustoo, M.P.,CeneraI Sir Robert Vivian, the Hoo, Pasco Glyn. The commissi on was first issued In th 13th rrifn cf King Char las IL Tbe aew raaabers of toe commission ia cluded for tb first time ia tb Royal Warrant are Mr. Reginald Hanson (alderman), Mr. James Bell Mr. Philip H.

Waterlow, Mr. E. II. Byaa, Mr. F.

Steward, Mr. O. Wyatt Truacett, Mr. Charlee VToollotoD, Mr. Ed mund K.

Bayley, Mr. John Cnwfard, Mr. U. M. Msjor, Mr.

J. C. An os. Mr. O.

H. Bobarts. Mr. Lionel L. Co bee, and Mr.

8. Kmeat Palmer. Avotooitkaaks to tb Lord Mayor closed tb proceed iaj a. f'lxx ExTUcnoic Tn comparative exparimenta which it waa suggested bv Captain Shaw aheeld mad with Herr Wiadsperger't fire extisguishing solution and with water wen carried out on Tuesday afbersooa ea tbe vacant plot of greond adjoining tho Bavey, wher th prwloo periment with the solution only was coadocted, rtsestUy reported ia TU Ttstss. Upon the preseat wea4a) wo pile Uterlacad timbers eaah 9ft.

long, 7ft. klrhnd if t. deep, aad Uving the thtentiec filkd la with straw, wrr prepared. They wen well saturated with ajtreaa and beaxin equal propertl, and tbea igaitod. After btirning 0 tv pniautes erjentioa wwn cosaxsameed by throwing tb olatio of aUicat ef aodium oa to on, and water on to th athar.

a hand pam ch etsaaed. Uthoursao( aboat 00 mmul ta fc treated with th solotioo wa xtinruiebad, whBe that trratad with water did not gin ta tor abwat four tuJnuta. Tbs)hir waa a daoislr vlitory raiawd by th eolutioo. Cgsn th enstatitia tbtwwaitwaa fouad that 13 niton eg tb scsoand23gxJloaj watae bad beawC. Itwwuld.

soar toas in acrvtrrreew rieisarn tsar aaw auta will axtiaraisb ftre tsitaatajowxly raA BetaUlwaaaljkltoBWsebM Twartor'aaalaly lisaturls for its aoafnlaaa jasaN ot Aweb. (MB wnen isxaaadiately apeSed. Cndex tsjeaa sirsax 1 rv tne ild ex ta cxuaniueaa ea i7 1 iTsm eaef .1 lelsalliei few bat sm use Cbafa 8ww waa.

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