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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THIS TIMlffl, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1882., iv. mlteaaaa. reriv. i I authority. Lard Aberdeen, uttted he wat with la the rila aad horror with which hi rw I MeasUhip BBdretloa.

and briag roared af mt la rT. irMtaMt of Um Jewa la KUMt, but captained eo av vvaiuiweses isararamenu, MMIM great nrTLirtmiitU it would ta the Jrws themselves it favour er.le.vour Ihrowgh tb Austriaa OmuMtl to Hv Hwrnmcat were III diploma til lire frtcBviiy nct 10 Bit refaonatnaee and ttetemruti I Ob Um cam are tin Lord Una and knU entirely failed, think, la thai purpo, tir; Nt tw d.mcelty of interference, lloua of t'croavma iMrer dkl I nr om word la thlc tv i.nuaiiT a. airuaataisa uunmw. am eWJ make ne Mvtnlse even of irtvate tn. Iteua a th aabjeet but It wa made entirely to Um ZJmm yJ (iranvuis was louowed it ion cent mrougn uwmauium of in 11, t2T7b iUI Un tbnugbl ihalth boo, mew.

her th rrWi rf tich oa thia oecasloa th boo. gentleman Er'ora hsv paiJ mm defers Mi acknowledged. 1 apologia for mixing wp my oadiMt iU esiawa 04 aUleamaa, who we now at the la that cat with Impurteat a nutter at tbe preaent, for Tt srtUKKR la tb Ilosis ftf Lords, named lb peer wh JUieereJit 11 la dearly out of oiWr. (llcer, hear.) Vi M.UJKANT 81M0N saiJ lUull I wrry lo lev. of Um rwU.

llous. ord wr, iffi i Ha net nam r7 i unt lh4 mUmaaa (M llsar, auj rkiwaMitnf a tba Mkct, aaU qutla vr 0 TAUH)T Tt ta anW 11 Iwia, vUr 11 tathaliai tram a tjxwrh iWirrJ vr KlKJl'ANT MMO.V 4 fltlnj IV iUt. Tilr mU rl that nrtl n.l fto oiwirll JmnacHj iaT ef thta Vln I t.W)iMfMl laala brait Ui ttty la ntaral ta mmm that loekod in thit Jorfrtv nvat a iTipauaua( vita Ua wrrulan ofUwtasoat' BorhKurfaOoTtrnmrB a 01 ballatalliat aafiT lbm rmllt for trjr (Wira Input doaa Mxl prwa vluct hkii It adiafraca toeivilua the Kouiaii (laranunaot will ralh ha ratiuracl tha auuranra of our tymratbr to an. touro Ttaoia fforti for tb MrtMof Hurta tltat o4, Hueh ii tU aourw I halUalt wlo at lw7 luf ua tu wmta, 1 do not fmuft wytrlf tha twtim nf rt(lit I will Mt My Itaw far atrlrt ri(hU af human aalura mlibt warrant ui In foin, If rmt nu hj Um utft rifhta tha nhl ij rort tr.Unjr atkl of atirraalr( in.tlputin at alnt ImlU Wdi hut I aajr f.atl mMakm If aa plant tfca tlttratiaa on Ih sroul atrirt rlht. Tliat whlrfc 1 wlali In lwk la Hint la whlfh my hon, ami laarnnt frlon.1 haa aJ.lraaw.1 hlmaalf, Can aa by a motion ot thla klnJ il font (oil vtari for a ham a aiah la mur hctiaat not, on tha anotrary, run tba ntoat pf 1011a riak.ltijr, alnwwt incur tba certainty of dctin miacal rrratiag a raactipn nnfatonrahla to them That la tin (rounl on abich 1 ralrfat tha hoa.

mtlrman aul tha Ituuanto rltve art aln mt (Irclino to Uroma tiartiea to any lira it 'ih' a. townhm ofpnala tUI wrt rouMrr WtaJlin tttanllhry cnur if ha kmalMl 4ifaoa a I Ivy haJ hllaaiht. Han, kr thaofkt, tl rrry 15, ol onr inlamalional jloM tkal ror itoWprmlrnl rrantry ahouU not InUrfrra y'Vt HTrata ahich b4 ro citl. ha Teutons! lo ha lloua of Commota for auch a porpaa. On of coiitraairtion.

that tbirf aa I J1 to which rrfrrenr haa bran made, immtiMt Y.i.i.m lord OranTille ami myaolf haTe Lean rarafnl to mint out Ki ai thia Ha .11 tba Ilouw Uie cojy In whick brlieml cm faTonrable ojnwr VjLil woJ.r that oa a aabrrt Uiia Und hia 1 iaJ mif Uh rMard ZuZm nlilJod to anroe vllaar. hnr i murr.1 rf thl Antthinj beyond that wlU tend ta hecaaaa diaa)roTa flLl otiUUa lb Hoow. On Uh roo PurI'' Uoa not aTrorathira with tba rU.tu.a in th JriJi rommunity to ua we unJcrralo IU but ooxht ta ha attarhM did not WlJi wjndjewut aL wlU tend thaaatwet to ha aronrht foraaN, anwroua a(iura twta aaj twa inW ta Ittni a.

lit OeairabtlitT of (rtttn a riaM a. rs atiaj tha membrr nH I rinl 1 tbr mnr he liad lie that tha gr hanr rrcard cbly ta thenlleratlna ti isel h4 allaJ4. bat to hat baUTel waatha trmi rB'' af thr Jaih anauuaulty IB thia eootitry, anil be aorrd ta Uie ttaUoo, Mr 1 in tba aiate of opai iik preraJa, eciUy ataonf Uia nnl en of tha (wmaianlv 'kit "uar, and in the rj difficult abifh we Ttai ourwHe. flat ad, I i. onrtunity atatirf the view, of the 0w trLBxt And, Sir.

itiyre(rd to ti Um, fectletn.n ciMtt, 1 aarc kirn that 1 entirtJj acuit himindceJ, aoa BJ any acquittal of heinf actatted by that frcusf whiek be haa diKlaimad. Uear, bear.) jtt. ord of ka apeech waa conceived in a mannerwhicb, ahttbar I aifbt refret its Liricf been delivered cr not, fttgrei, I that it Coaed direct from hi. heart. (Cieer.

On tha other band, I noat uyUiat I think there it Terr (teat force is what baa been laid by my hon. ui learned friend the member Ijt Dewbury. It ia not for the Ilooaa ariaely or BaefuHy to adopt a BtKioB of Uua kuid. Oa the eostraiy, I go the kae lesftk of my bon. and learned friend, aad I a hslj eocritieed tkat ita adoption would be iz jinoea ta tba intereat of thoe ia whorc behalf it ia kresftt fcrward.

Bat, on the other hand, tha nc iz or tie withdrawal of inch a motion doea place ua, aa cy boa. and learned fnend baa a poaition which pay I cissnierttood. M'brn Ue reault only ia known without Ut ducuasioo and the explanation, that have, taken place, it dee a at in the poution of being liable to what ajaii certainly be frosa misapprehenaion namely, that we 00 aot feel deeply upon the aubject introduced by tha oeBber. The km. gentleman aaya that Um eonsular rrpeoa are, in bia riew, no evidence.

I aa sot aurpriaed abaolutely to drfe.t it. that 1 Iwjw that thia motion will not be moJ to a iliruiun, Lbra.) hlil S. NORT1ICOTK. I think the Unguar of tba lYima XllnlaUf la In conformity that which wa ahould eiiTct from him. iso one ran doubt, after what txi baa that ha and bia colleague aharw completely In the feeling, which all KngliahnMU moat' liar aa to tha terrible atoriea which hare come ta ua reapcctlng the auller In.

and Uie rraecution of Uw Jewa In Kuuia. (Cfieara.) I mut aay I regretted to eu auth language aa waa ums! ly the bon. and learned gentleman orjwait (Mr. Herant SimonV When I reflect upon tha many occaaioua on which Ui hon. ami learned gentleman In the coune of the tart 1'arliament preued nivn tho lata Government the olalma of the Jewiah population in Itoomania, for inatanee, and uael ta urge upon ua the duty and the Beceaaity of taking atrong meaaurra for the purpona of procuring their protection, 1 own I did not expect ta hare beard the languaf which the hon.

and learned gentleman applied to my hon. friend behind me. Whether my bon. friend ia or ia not taking the best coune for the purpote of obtaining that which be dcairea, aome interposition which may diminuh the auSeringi ot hia oo rligionltts, at least anybody would ailmit that it ia with the purest feelings of humanity, and with the moat natural feelings, which we must all respect, that he haa brought forward this case, aad that he has; done so with absolute freedom from anything like party spirit. Yet my hon.

and learned friend tells us we must not make a comparison with Um language uaed in the case of Um Bulgarian atrocitiea because it waa a political question. Mr. SERJEANT SIMOX. I said I regretted that Um bon. renUeman bad referred ta them because they had ainee become a subject of party conflict.

SIB S. NORTIICOTE. My hon. friend referred ta the Bulgarian case for the purpose ot justifying himself in what he was doing by the authority ot the Prime Minister. actual ifanta.

vma nunlii. irv. i iv. imma 0rTrnt of the day. The fart eocaldenOua, tkerw JtLTt.

ottttmM iu um pmest, yi omciaj rrmonnraaea aucn as inat now suggested on baUlf af ika rlf Jtwa. Wd ral fuUted to benaBt or ta; UJur thoM whom it waa Intended licU "atory daspaleh IntlnatUg tUt Um nrltlah OarerBment waa at tlmea more addicted ta trMbiaf utaa ta nraaUslag til the command AenU. "f'i wat borne la mind that popular fiUV WM dimtej almaet ttrongly af ainst ti Tentanle rarebe tboaght Iter Ualealy narernmest ought to iMalUt out ef regard for the luterettt of the Russian Jewt aloea ta assume the rart of their apodal rottart. Jsot only might they sijxm. theaWlrea la a ahar la vff dairatch from tba Rawian Chancery with no practical alUmative quietly ta eket the affront, but llwo liMreaaetheuipulantyof the JewUb race in be covered, by tbeagbof Kngland.

A moral ramoBatrano op behalf of the Row I an J.w. from the Ubsral p.rrmmeot would bare no back bona IwlOnd it and be alrongly au.tld that en Ifcttaarratir. Ministry would lllek twiaa before plating a with Unaaia In such a nut tar. That question baring, howum, been raised the mim it wiuM be mrlualim If the llotM rUr'. 'walBad fmm eite.alng any npinkm upon It or r.

jaeted tha motion of tlia Imb, mernlar for llraenwlah. II wild make una aoggMtlon. la Um lianda of the J.wl.h raaa tlwra wt a llw jnw.r of the ikiv. un ewa weuhl make um or It Uiey couMmiom lit an and lo tko oulraires. YVt tmnht ha rarerulofUklr.ganr.talet bon tw permid alepwalta follow.

Iltit If the llovrmmetit ta lemoBalrtle, 1 r'lw' 'h tha htm. member for Uresm wlch It iilacln on tka tourti.l. nf ih iinn tpresalon of aymptthy with the prraeeut! Jtwa iud of alAcwmoeot the cruelty wiU whtcb they bad bean treated. (Dear.) Mr. COILKN said that there were two quesUotu whicb Uiey bad to consider.

The question was, thai, wlieUier Um cour which hia bon. friend had inrlted the Ilouae ta take wa. likely to rondure to the beneot of the Jewa In Russia. But there was also another queation in.truurv in consistent wlttt precedents, with International law, and with Uw usage, and also the dignity of tba House. With gard to the first question it was ta be obaum that bia hon.

friend did not bring forward bia motion with tha aanction of tba JeaUh Cora mltt, iH'ar.) Ilia hon. friend brought It forward la 0noalllon to the wiahea of errry member ot Uw Jewl.h rauaslon ia the Ilouae, with Um etoeptioa of himaelf. Itey hcljered that tha SiLptloq of thia motbn would aerioualy emlangar the pialtkm of lUlr co retlgionlata In Ruaaia. IVJIo meetUgs bad been bald all over Uw country, In which men pt all elaaaea, creada, ant parties loinnl. lie would especially exiirraa hia gratitude XZ Unirrraittea of Oiford and Cam They bad tbelr abomination of tlioae outragrt, am! declanx! that If Ru.aia atahed to retain Um respect of Kngland ahe muat perform the primary duty of einlLiaUoe afford protection to all her eitUens.

alike without distinction ot race or treed, lie and hia hon. friend believed that nothing which could take place within Um walla of Parliament could add to the effect iodueed by that manifestation of pubtio feeling and opinion. (Hear.) Bot aa an Englishman and a member of Parliament be declined to regard the question altogether from that point of riew. Thit waa not one of the cases in which UoTemment or Parliament had any right to protest againat the conduct of a foreign Uorernmeat to ita own subjects. If Koc land had btnue a nartr ta a lnh which guaranteed the rights of nationalities, subject to a Btanley of thoaa at rta.

TW Octital Lowe of tboe tl Vies Contul WtnUfl of tkoet at Jfknlalaff, aeeuwBani iaw.wae otva teen oar loa consul at bi. Petersburg, bad been tent all over PodoUa, wber Um wsrit outrages bad been eotnmltted. Tbsy had, tberafors, lb trideoce of four of our t'oraols Oanrral or Vms OoosuU woo bad keen eyv wltne.a tba outrages, (llaar, hear.) anemow, toarerora, vat noi rastuied la taytec that the report, wen an trust worthy. Nat only bad Uat Majrrtr'a Government rectlred Colonel MaodVt report, but Its members bad Uso bad Um orport unity of iprakieg to him aereral timet os the subject. With regard to the aUtameat of the boa.

member that all persona la tkat liouta aere of tkt tarn opinion ta the character of Iheat ha wLbsd to point out that tb Prim Minister la reply to tha boo. tnd learned member for Dewabury, oa February 10, had aald, Mr boo. friend baa called my attentl.m to 1 aubject to which no maa of ordinary feeling can rvfer without aentimentt of the ottaeat pain and horror (hear, bear), wbila that Tning tba right bon. gentleman bad rsf erred to the outrage aa deeds which are terrible and atrocious," and at deed whicb are a disgraas ta Christianity and humanity," (llaar, hear.) Ua enUrsly agreed with Um ohserrttloa Uitt had fallen from tha bun. and Uamal mmUr for Pew.bary that anything Ilk arrlooa rmewaantatloBa on siutk a anb.

jert aj thaa outrag.a to a foreign UortrnmeBt would do more narm man gmai. 11 had rertalnly loan rattier tur liriied to lietr tha hni. tuemle Mnoaila 1L Iihiim. our Ihterftrtin In I rases cf Rouniaula and af imagine ta img in lnl, bectUM they ware totally dit tlhtt fmm the present rate, In the formr ra wrr about to rotifer certain eonunerrUl jirltllegei uton Um eouttrr. and in tha latter wahad treats rUht.

did bot tiat In th tmnt raa. Bat with regard to th general principle whick tbould actuate a Ooremment In making represents tiotia lo a foreign Power Jie would merely mer iw view taaen py um LttBj wnea na new tne ofBca of ('onserTttlre. hecrsUry of Blabs for foreign Afrelra. 11 had tben said I must not auppna that in a day ran arercoma (he rooted trejudicea of yeara. Tor my own part, I har great confidence, not so much In dlplomaUe repreaenta tiona, aa in the prcaaure of general turopran opinion, which aa nstioot oomn more and more into contact with each other la brought to bear on trry community and tieopla." (tiear, bear.) He need not endorse the eloquent words of the hjn.

member for Manchester with regard to the poaitiun of the Jewa in thia country, tnd the opinion he bad formed at to the beneficial enVtt of a pulley of toleration in developing the full Intellectual power, of tha Jewiah race. (Ilear.hrar Her Mtjesty't Uo verumrnt had ajwtyt eiprraaod those vlawa In the face of Europe 1 but there waa a great difference between holding tltose view, tud Interfering in the Internal affairs of a foreign country, (Hear, hear.) II truated that tb hon, member opMite would willing toMoept th awarancat which had been given oa behalf of tier Mtjetr't Uovet ment that lilglit, which aupearnl to have Obtained approval of all the riresenUtivae of th Jswiah oommunlty in Uiat House, and would withdraw bia amendment. (Hear, hear.) BARON IL DE WORMS truated that wlthio tb Unas bad been laid down Her Majesty's Ooremment would make tuck reprtaentationa as lay in their power ia fa) our of the Jewa in Ruaaia, aad he farther hoped that the opiniona which had been ax pressed In that House that night would da tome good, lie begged to withdraw hi. motion. Mr.

ASIIMEAD BABTLETT could not accept Um reasons which had been adduced for not pressing this motion upon the Government. The argument that tha resolution would lead to harm to the Jewt them if on aa occasion ot this kind, which appeal very direcUy i wbo he "'ain keliere, and who, as be aUted to tt tkt feelings ot all men, and most of all to those con House, called attention to the Bulgarian atrocitiea BWMd with Um particular religion of the aufferers I un not at all in a party spirit, but becaise be believed it was rarprisd if some exaggeratioa should here aad there duty owrd 10 nnmaaity. The Prime Miniater now af in. I aa not prepared to enter into details, but I fnJora thl T'ew. has entirely ju.tified my hon.

kav bo reaaoo ta believe that these eonsular reports, in 'P1" ia WDico ref'rred to that case, eada ty responsible men nf character and ability, deeerre i Kiaititr distinguiabtt between tbe taa cases, i r.i .1 and it may or may not bn a just diatinction which be tVepthetaapplMJtaUiem. I am not prepared, drsws, but certainly the spirit in which the hon. member not tkmk it teeeeaery to enter into Um qnesUon of Uieir for Grrenwich has brought this subject forward ia one accuracy. This I am toned to say tkat I am not prepared 1 holly distinct from party bias. I (eel, and I think the to tuart or to Impute eounivanr to tbe Russian Govern House must feel the very great delicacy of the position in Btt On the contrary .1 am bound to belieTe.

and I know 7 ihe, rJw4 1 shsres wiv iss T1 in tbe feeling, of horror and disgust at the stories wheb of no resaoa which would disincline me ta believe, that the hare rfscb ua. and which. I am afraid it ia hardly pol Lmperor of Rnsna and his GotemnMnt regard thee out tie to doubt, are tonvct and nt with Um asm feelinga as we euntemplste Utem our de.ire, if it ta tioaaible, to relieve in some wsy tlie JvT. Wbetber or not, aa tteted by my boa. friend, th I qutioa la now San .1 i i.u.mJi.i.

wJTl. tep to accomplLh that object. I wsa aorfy ottbeubord4nU and Intermediate agents between tlbrt prSeJ to lir something VaU In opi.ittoo the tapMne Geremmmt at the aeat of power and the to the projarly wordrd auege.tion of the Prime Mini.ter nSerers.wbo ought to be the active agenta of authority la we are auured by tbe "rime Mini.ter we all feel coo outesge, haa slackeBHl or even la certain rases vineed It mut be th.t tbe Russian Ooventmn eoald tarnea Hitoeonnivaec tnd aatiafsctloo, that a matter I 'K? for. 1 enukl have axi other feeling than that of indignant anger "huh I do not think it would be adrantsfeou. for me lt lhp la som pnrtioo.

of their lo niter There can be no doubt that theae terrible dominion. But it ia aid that there are place, in which atrocities ktve been committed on a scale which, wbetber the Uovernment may be powrrlex to stop that which is tt'ke a larr as supposed by aome.ttill eonatitutea a dread which tbe Bfrnte ot tho (loTernment a terrain the bi.aryof any country or of OTCuetioB TUt ia quite enough to aay so far a the state itself. If tnat tbe case does it not seem awcu of tbe hon. g. aUemsa are concerned, but I may be reasonable that any Information Her Majeaty'a Uovern foreign CJoTernment, ahe would be entitled to interfere.

selves was a false one, tbe Government be That wa the only gramd on which Lord J. Ruasell was 1 tiered Uiat the Cxar tnd his Ministers were to justified in his tamou but unsueoessf ul protest on behalf of wicked aa deliberately to make use of the resolution in the Then Kngland might be bound by tbe order to inflame the populace for otherwise the people provisions of a treaty or by regard to her own Interest 1 would remain ignorant of that reaolutioo.because the atata to uphold the independence of a foreign country, in of the country wa such that they only learnt what they that case she might be justified in protesting sgainst were allowed to hear by the will and authorizaUon of tbe cross misgorernment. But this" was not such a caw. I Russian GoTerament. lie hoped his boo.

friend would There waa no evidence which would justify the assumption press bit motion to a division. For his own part ha could that the Russian Government either instigated or en not see what objection there was to it. It did not propose couraged the outrage. The Russian officials might have to censure Kouia. merely asked that the Co.

eminent been remiss or negligent, and aome of them might have ahould use ita goud office to endeavour to get the outrages coanired at the crimes committed but there was no put down. (Hear, hear.) The conduct of the Government evidence that tho Russian Government either instigated waa probably due to the fact that Russia waa a atrong or encouraged them. For his part, he had every confidence Tower. 1 ha Government of that country might reply that in the Prime Miniater and Lord Granville doing all they Her Ms jetty's Government were unable to protect life aad could, without danger or risk to the interests of England, property within 600 mile of their capital, and might ask to induce the Russian Government to afford greater pro bow they could take up any such position as they did with tection and security to the Jev. a in Russia in the enjoy 4 such a state of thiaga eiiating so much nearer home.

It mem ei uiur ngnu ana privileges, and, not tninking that appeared that reforms had been presiMd 00 tbe Porte with fH wnwtl pstHt Haio wished la ksav wkal Mm wa iwoaired In faaa from sultan fa tba eaurt. At praaaat a suitor paid 1. for Wt origin ting natioa, and for thai got thi rani Axed, bit tea, and wythlnf. rm law did not txist any athai part tb tiriliasd world. also wanted to aak th Gov trn meet about the work of Ike bead sOce of tka Land Commission.

Did Um Used Com rnlarlqcar kaep a letter book If would Um Utter book diaeloae ail communications sent out Boo at 000 of Um Assistant aaid 00 00 occasion be bad received instructions from Ik scad omca a to want a waa 10 oa ia a certain cavw were winnwH ua writui. aw man ine teller book disclose them II also noticed that Um thief valuer to tha 8ub Commiaaioo waa a geatletnaa named Gray, How but valuer were were 1 lie nan ocaru 11 aiated that the Ltad Commiaaioaart ia Dublin bad daaired ta aotnint some ot th beat valuers of th day to assiat thm In their labours, but Um Treasary bad refused ta par their salariao. Ltttert bad beea written oa the subject Balling attention scandal resulting from tbe refusal to supply the enmmleaioa with th inatrumaatt ntaarr far tb nrner admiai.tratloa of tb Art. Tb Coramiasionart required the beat valosra tbay could get, and, as was aaH, bad applied certain gtetlemm ta do tb work I but tb Trsuury had refused to aanrtion tb profoeed talanet of tbot gentlscMu ami ethsrt had. been tpMotel.

11m Commusioo thus failed to secure tb asrvkac of tba men witmn tliT lltosibl tb most aompstsot. and be now wisimu aa anew ana ltai neea cnoern in tlMir tsai, trvi abether lb Commlaaio lia.1 hot wlabed to ilr blsber aalarle than thus actually paid. WlU rsfsrvnos te otM oilier Item la th climate, could Um noble UaSaay whether be Was correct in hJl belief that ef lb SI rrt eUaa rlerki tppolnted la Um office ef th Commission tba mtjortty were entirely tew appointment, anil. If that were to, la what wty were tkeyqualioed for Uir duties. Mr.

COWEX aakad whether tha Talneea had been at. pointed permanently or war they manly charged with uuty. LORD F. CAVEXDian laid that the right boo. gentle man would aoon have an estimate of the expenses of th Commission for tb coming year, and would find tha amount waa between 90,000 and Tbe right bon.

ran tiers as wtt quite right in saying that la moat cases I of tbe Commissioner, was ia reality vetted in tbe GoTertv but on fee of a ahilling wa paid for tbe Initial proceed i BeD' AAdtl Um Ccissionert were so totally inde. l. Th th. i .1. nendeol In tb matter, and acted on their own re.

oo tlepentleil entirely on the number of tb application and "Wily, why was it that tba Chief Secretary for Ireland be eould not. Uerefore, state what tbe total wat likely to '0'. thal qtMStion be. The right hon. atlemaa bad implied that It was too hould be oat to Mr.

Fottreli ia ordr Uul he ahould small a aum ta be charged with Uiaae expeaae. but if tbe i erimlnat bimaelf, ftt wrr ralal tber would constant complaint that' TATTOIlXin' OcreRALforlBELiyDaatl there was a peeuaury obstacle was iaternMed between a niton and no order nor anything tantamoaat to aa order, Tb matter tb court. Tb auLpoaltioa of ths right bon. gentlemen became a matter of publij notoriety ami publi InTeatlga was correct that Mr. Gray wtt tbe chief valuer lo Um Uob.

The pamphlet oat Issued with the Royal Am upon court, but It wat not tb cat that any objection bad been i it. Involving tbe and, tarordingly, t.Vre mad to tb aalariet propoaed. It waa a question bow far wtt do alternative but for tbe Chief Secret try for re land iuo wor. inouw neanarsii oeiween BUoH.ocnmitoeeT. requeat ice gouges to mate inquiry into tna muter a a and the valuers, and th decision com to by the ho apprehended would bare bean doe la a likecasetn Eng Government wa that tbe Chief Corrmlsalonera, being land or elsewbsra.

th luul dclln'i lo do unahl prrMoally to ritit the different farrsa, tbould so, ba did not aee what power tba Chitf HaereUry would have Uie astistanca of a valuer, but that no such bar bad to compel them, tbeaaia Una, If ba war a officer about ba attached te tbe Bub Commission. I jmlg blmaslf which be wa not likly to ba (a langh Tbe queation wtt not settled by money eonaidarstloM, ahould (eel that there ought to Inquiry la mcb a ta. and tbe Trratory bad not refused topsy tha aalariet re Th bon. member aaid that the judge bad acted uv commended. Aa to tbe 20 first claas clerks, a very large willingly la Um matter.

No doubt Utey had evBryoo propuruoo ei wem oaa oeen taken irom UM tten OI tiM uu ma nopwatui acs uwuuagiy. vnuren cvommission, but at Um Sub Commissioot muiu plied, a number of new appointments tad been made. With respect to the question of Ih hon. member for Newcastle, he bad to say that Mr. Gray had been appointed for on year.

Mr, QEALT wished to know what wa tie state of tha case as regarded the solicitor to Um Land Court. Tbe noble lord muat not mind being aakid theae questions aa to Uie moltiUi cation of officers. He remembera) when the Contervativea were In office, atrong objections being agan, in theexereiee of a wiae discretion, wa keeping tba raised a to Um mode in which advertitemeutt for Govern aale back, because, it Um land wa told, justice would be ment stores were issued. For instance, aurposing irnn done neither to tbe owners nor the mortgagees. Tba ether was wanted in Ireland, advertisements were uvrtaf in dar the Judt waa eeliinc a Liuueitv for SO ner eent.

of aotne ConaerratiTe newspaper in Cornwall, where, perhaps, what he wa. olfrr a jcar ago, ami bo aaid ba bad dona no iron was to be found. The aame complaint was to be hit best to keep it back, but he supposed tbe I reprint Um puaUrt Uuii to 52reST. 'SZZt waithitrttoirt kt. lprtt.

Mr. FottreU wts fattwa Bright tUoate, bad 72iIZilL 5 fO; CemmltsioeMM, tnd tb that they could look Wk epon Um matter with tela nets. hsTdoS te Uemetlva. tpcaTwkat Uary Th ATTORNETJ EJt EBAX for rRHlAWT) thai the Act vested tba appointment mtheCommlt tionert tuDjec. to tna approval of tba Lord LUutenant and Um Commiaaionen acted on their own rtipaoaililitr as ta independent judicial body.

Thar eouid be ao question a to tba ftneat Mr. FottrtU fa Uieeffico be wa reooaim by the, Trd Ctueeallor tb lata Adminiitration. When thi let ten wert rspnhllihal ths i.ra thlst wat found asefal In tb offle beetaaethey rave prtaw tlsej infDrmstlon ss to tb working of th Uriibt vUuae and they were given la a few peraont who nude Imieiry, Mr, laitrtU. tlrrmrpna lurgMtaJ to th Hecretery that a wpply ahontl be obtalr 1 for diatrlbutioB by tb Commit. atoB.

T)m Herretary. Mr. actlag Impulse at the figgestloB of Mr tVttrMI, it enee miw to laeii tb tamphUt oa tb ttthoriiy of tb Utvl Com ml. ln an.1 In doin ao dsl aot eommanisst the fart to Land Commlaloa, which Wat at Ballast at tie time, It wtsfoand thtt as nutter of cheapness. It could mmr.lytTial.ltji.Iwrihatai!lntht form.

Arer rd. Ingly, It was pnnteil. an. then It wu found that thrre wer tjime; objeetionaUe taae, which, In a Government pnb llcttlon, diil seem nnfertuaata. Tbey were til eery wise after tba event.

Tb aeeretary wa rerrt mended la ttront! term by tba Commi lonra, but, at th sata time, they did not think that tbe part be bad taken is tb matter, required kit removal. It wat Suggested tkat Mr. FottreU had been dealt with differenUy from Mr. Uodley Waa of kis political opinions but tb fart waa thtt political open iocs bad bad nothing to do with those things. Mr.

ORAT said that the aooolntment of tha solicitor a the Ltad Commlasioo, although nominally in tbe hand Mr. MOORE asked what iter bad been taken to ear re into effe tt tb purchase da cues of tha Land Act I Tba power, giteo tba Land Commission for tba purpose wer threefold, first, to advance money to the tenant! ta enable them to purchase their holdings secondly, to buy whole state with th object of reselling them in small portion and, thirdly, to negotiate tale between landlord and tenant. It wat a matter of notoriety that a large amount of land was passing into tba Land Court, and Judge Flao reference to Armenia. That doubt, because the Porte wat a weak Power. That wat hardly the way in which tbe Gorernment of this counter should nroceed in such a matter.

The speech of a certain distinguished this motion would promote Um object ia view, be oould uo rapjwn ll. Mr. BOCRKE thought that this was a subject which tt u. IK. Ilnu 1.1 V.

tmamrmtya. poa.ib... Th. rno unanimou. they were ZJ: 'Z on Uiat occasion the more powerful would be the retult cf of th coble lord were made ia irony when to WiWWlu.

UlKUHHJH U1VJ fcUHI OMU WlAfc eVeUJClg. He wat quite certain that when the remarks, of hit boa. friend wer publiahed and known throughout thit country andthewwfd they would carry with them universal tyuipiUiy. (Hear, hear.) Practically, ha thought Uiat Uie House wss unanimous upon Uit merit of thia question. It oould therefore a most deplorable tiling if for any re'tsoa Uie value of Uiat unanimity iluiuld be Ilia hon.

friend had Inrlted the IMverument to tty a litUe more than fell from the I'rime Minister, and hopd thtttk hon. baronet Um Cnder rWretai for Affair would able to go a little further thaa Uie Prime Miniater. At all event! he might of made with regard to the Land Commisuon. Forexampl.v, the innocenta must at last begin. Hear, bear from the schedule of voluntary agreemeott between landlord aome Irian, mem ben.

I lim did not aee why the tale of and tenant in Ireland wat published, Bot in an Iriih property at half its lajat tbould ba matter of rejoicing to newspaper, but In Th Timet of London, tbe Pvtlin ieroi hon. gentlemen, as it must entail great suffering. Con Adrrrtiter, which wat the property of the hoa. member for aidering th peat interest taken by Um Mouse, tba Glaagow (Dr. Cameron), and the jcofnus.

(Laughter.) I country, and Uie people at borne in the purchase clauses. There was great sensitiveness among Uie Irish people upon he thought they ought to hav tome explanation aa to Um this point. He eouid aak the noble lord to give bis atten steps tkat had been taken to carry those clauses into effect, tionto thit matter, for it was Uie wish of tbe Prime I SIB G. CAMPBELL taid it wa provided by tbe Act Minister that tbe landlords and tenant of Ireland should, that proprrtiet ahould be purchased from triah landlord if possible, enter into voluntary airreemeota independently by tbe Commission only when it could be dooe without of Um courts. Tbe right bon.

gentleman Um member for lost. Tb bon. member seemed to. want the British Uie Univenity of Dublin had referred to the question of Treasury to come forward and girt a pric for Um land valuer, a. uw most iiitimi question um entire act.

wnun noooay else would givs. the importunity with which the present Prime Minister praised bis motion lor an interference in the at! am I oi um forte with regard to Um Bulgarian reform. There wtt good reason why th Ruaaian Govenimot i ahould eonniv tt these ootrsge. Tbey were anxious I to divert the disooutent of the populace from tbem i aivet to those unfortunate Jwa. (Hear, hear.) 1 The treatment which unfortunate Mussulmans received In 1 Bulgaria and Roumelia under the tyeaof the highest Russian eeuerai.

wtt ao infamous tnat tne mind could not grasp it. General Hkobeleff looked on.or rather gave the order for tb destruction of a raat encampment of human beings, eonalattBC chiefly of women and children, in midwinter. I Horn ixri.bed from froet and famine. Tber were of similar barbarity during th late war Th noble lord, who had ahown remarkable ability in mastering the details connected with Uie Act, bad stated that Uie Hub Commiaaiooen were not able tbemaelre to vi it Um farms, and, therefore, relied upon Um valuers. LORD i GAYETvDUUi, I aaid Uie Commissioners.

The CHAIRMAN reminded the Committee that they were drifting into a discussion as to tba general aSatt af the Land Act. (Hear, bear.) Mr. MOORE said be had never suggested, eren In th clear up something which wa a litUe obscure In tb huZ'raCof STbar frid wVuld think "Sat hi. objrnad K. tfiJFr tainsd.

and would be willing to withdraw hia Bartkrnif the Wn Jo bon. baronet eould inform the House thatH hTtubji of "nofT" tb. Jew. would Heir Uie tttention of Kigli.h iplo ui TJ Sorrt1bl ttef owltl. matUt.

abroad, and that tb.a. who represented England Zl'TlV I'i in foreign countriet would bring it to thinotice of the Go Prime MlnUter to endea IDe usar. slott or tbe recent ith tbe full knowlrtfge of tbe ine ronmvaooe of Kussian In foreign countnea would bring it to Uie notice of the Go A. I a vernmente to which tbey were re ectlvriy secredited. ll.ent 'f He did not ask tbe Governmtnt to msks any promise all or he askal tb.ra to do was lo lay down the tUt this wts a lubjvet which English dirJomatiitt culd brini "TT Oovment, vntk Mr.

UEALY. Well, th. Commisaionen bad to rely fl! KJiJ'J upon tbe verdict of tbe valuer. Uonsequently.the question 1 i olTaluen wat a matter of even morelm portage, than that of tbe Commiasionera themselves. Accordingly, it wU not TfV11 quite Bttig that Mr.

Gray, who, no doubt: bad aa LORD F. CAV IN DISH taid Uiat the Land Comml.tlon traoMly accurate knowUdg of Eng liab land, tbould hav appointed a land agent, and it wa hi duty to promote been imported into Ireland, and that upon bia rerdicta Um i tu fiDla working of Um purehaee clauses, deal. ions of the Commisaionen shouli rest. Mr. GIBSON observed that Um head valuator had only Irish agriculture differed from English and moreover Mr.

la tenure of offle of 12 month. That seemed to him rtry Gray'itpvolntmeBtwt of a temporary cbaracter being lo. WM impcMibU that tbey could gt tba only for one year, ll eouid not ipposM that a man whose interwt la Uie country was of ao Umpnrary a kind tet ma euci terms, tt wa laid th Land Com. would bring the same amount of thought into his work as mUsioa had desired the aarvicea of Jlr. Murpby a well the man who hl lassed all bis life In tbe cooatry, and fml fMtmui mi aa tisi.taiit valuator, and that Mr.

hal had of knowing aomrtbing Um I Mny "Ut f. P'1 real valu of Und there. (Her7 bear.) 1IT bad I faWy as tb. bead valuator, but UutUMTrea.us7rwf.awl ftrred last Bight to tb ppoiatmeot to the offia of tofr Ue arrangement, and so lost Um atrricas of valuer of grnUeman each at Sir. John Barrett, who wat i u' 7' U.tU 9H known aa'na ot tb most bitter enrm.e of th Ucant.

rfnd' Ml JT ll rf ts. ri.hikA. 1 vi. iL Commiaaionen. also, there as mad to be an insuflicisot men musi uepnv teem ot all The original 13 held office for terauttad to add what I think wa muat all fael.

that if ment mirht bbtain from tlir Consula. and whitih mirht ia tkim lUcm, almost universally professing Christitnity rffr et, Uiat would otherwise 1. 1 r. he Vent from the knowledge of the Lmt. nal Gorernment.

a eke are Cbn.tiant UImvi, as w. do, ha been jgtfu emmujucud Ro WOoreriiiJctluci; part th ofhr tppoibtad ta Chrutianity te asUblisb if thus ms.1 tain of what is going on, might taka tew aad far k(ber ataisiard of ciriliution and humanity, nasuret to restrtin if sot, trot it aeutt jt teems to tisa wa aUa faIUt, aa far as tAay 1 tt jasijkt Very be of advantage to tltose who ei an 1 mte 11 is wy mnij vv sai a mi mj Hy a um 1 hi ry huh, ifimm! aam Mf wi.h lu mi fm pjt My pbthi ef IbMt dUJ Rf t'itl IIsjI ll is Mlj utf tbluttf kWaifM 4n Welet, I hit MM ililt I i(s Bhy, at.JF MHesalot) jf wh 11 Witt te aay UM la be, AtW lb. fcU JjpSfiTw fflTl ttfeUThel wbleh my btrk. ef Huia. thtt 1 I.

alttwler tt. Ibe lmlTb So 'r Vl aeceti Ibe Bxrlkra earned ta anticipate, lief Veftittierit 1 ran btftlly le ller that arJ argUmetit Majfy I UoefBfflht ia bot in twaeMien af full lnfrm. Wn lh pwH'otl lb which Momrver, it i. bot pmwible Ibal Ibey JZ. ia 11 i which In Uorernment 01 tbil country hat more or lest aoaii be i.

poeteo auch fall information. Tbey have eaUed attention la, or taken ttept to endetveur to net that interna! ionai title whicb alone could warrant mitigate the lufferingt or the people ol other eountriet. them in enployinr arectt for the purpose of obtaining a I We are told it dends a good deal upon our actual rela eonsnrient knowivlge aai command of facta. I agree with Hon a oar claim to tpeak in consequence of treaty right. tek gentleman opposite that there are cases lor which I scarcely know bow that wat possible in Uie caw of tna tipalations ot international law do not adequately Roumania I am not aware that there was any treaty pmde I can easily "appreciate the viewt of thcew who right in that case.

In the case of Naples, we are told, that taitk that when great ontrtgea are committed under tbe 1 though nothing was done in the House, yet aome kind of imjulse of popular fury, tuch a case has arisen as can friendly inUusor was used to brio; about a mitigation of be regarded according to Uie atrict view, of in Um aufferings of ths people. In regard to this case let me tenaticcii law. I can agree with my hon. friend again in I nut a point that may be. worthy of eonriderstiDn.

In the tw coaLiiDeut be Las paii to the Press pn this orcasion. Treaty ot Berlin there is an article which empower, tbe mrtior. of the pr et is to awaken public opinion with 1 parties to it to intervene for tbe protection tnd improve aji t)firit responsibility It is quite evident that those ment of the Roumanian aubject. of Turkey. What would wuimtLe iTeas la rktd enjoy immense advantsgea be the position in which Russia might be placed if it should at.

xcaaun of lk.a kind, necause there is achanee. or at i be retorted to her. when you are for the benefit of lead Lope, tkat their representations may be judged ao the Roumanians. Ton are not considering what ia taking eorimg to their and may escape the odious impute I place in your own country You may aeaken the value u. ucuh ik national jealousy and a desire lor un 01 tne remonstrance you may nave aaoressea to uw rorte i warrantable ii.terferece.

But the hon. member must, I on the subject of Roumania by tbe fact Uiat one of the I ttank. 0wrv tSukt there is no possible form in which this 1 Powen wbo is a party to it' may be open to such remarks, siouae eouid make an addrs to the Crown upon a subject I cannot help thinking that without asking for anythinj in I JZ fot 'ad to mischief It is tne I the nature of official interference or anything in the way of that the worda good oCees are eaiable of a wide signi remonstrances that wonld rive offence, it might he tsible cation, it it quire true, also, that tbe judicious repre add if possible it would certainly be moat desirable for aentatioc of representatives ol the Britub Crown may be Her Majetty't tSovernmcnt to take tome ttep which would of this kind but they must he entirely eerre to miUgate the condition of theee unfortunate I cetacked from dspton aticaiid Parliamrntary action. Tbe tuff eren. (Hear, hear.) The right bon.

gentleman says use caiinct T3ore in tkiafcatttr without a aerious risk of there ia great inconvenience in any course ahicb msy be I J1 miaciief I.oe outrages which have occurred are tuggeated with tlut object. There may be inconvenience, I tiH rJ and you must leave in fact the eituation is one ao terrible that it ia almost fJ gorernon of tbe country to deal with it as impossible to touch it without meeting something in the 7'jC0 'i''OB, Ue intervention of a Government nature of inconvenience. But what I am quite sure of is baaed upon try international title. The fact of our i this, that my hon. friend has brought the matter forward IwJty Uie case would be certain to cause a with no kind of object of embarrssMn Her Majesty's 2 rrtl7n' tot merely in tie minds of those wbo have Government in the slightest degree, but with the sole and Maamittnd the outrages, but likewise' on the part of a i simple end of endeavouring to do good to those whoae muchlargft number, who, while, perhaps, not evmpe cause he was pleading he has acted aa he told ut in "itiag with Uie outrage U.emadve, yet are jeaWtly the beginning of hia apeech under very considerable bvtlte anything that may He an in vaaioo of national aense of resj onsibility but he entirely subordinated the rprsiiJence.

ho you run the risk of bringing into the tuorle of prccx eding to the great oh ect hat he had in view 7'? Tt tboae wliom natural place ia not to be and if he receives Irom the Government any approven of these misdeeds, ihe hon. gentle ment to believe that thia matter it one on which they will dune me Uie honour to refer to conduct of mine be prepared to do whatever upon reflection seems to them "anoUr tontingeney, which be thinks more or less re to be possible, be would, I am sure, be the last man to Uiit. My conduct in Uie case of Bulgaria, I believe desire "to bring about the appearance of discord in this 1 Bot based upon party spirit, tor st the time I House by pressing such a motion to a division. But it prordingt commenced I really did aot believe there thoold bo divtincUy undentood that Um GoTernment ay mffjsreno of feeling between tbe two parties in entirely reot gnise the spirit in wheh Uie motion haa been Jfr7 00 Um aubjvet. It may have been right or it brought forward, and are pre pared aa far aa may be been wrong, but it wat baaed upon a conviction possible, ami in such a war aa they may find by their own in hich my non.

IrienJ ties introduced tms subject and I emesUy trust that it may I found with the object ahicb he bis in view, to prevent anythirg in Uie nature of a hostile vote. (Cheers.) Mr. ODON'NELL felt perfectly certain at a Catholic that be expressed the sentiments of tbe entire Catholic community when be assured the bon. member for Greenwich that bit object in forward Uiat motion had their warmest trmrtthr. In Um first nart of the resolution ef the lion, member which declared that the House deeply before tbe aotioe of foreip Government.

If that were T. so, UMir diplomati.ts would no doubt take the opportunity "I JTt wbe." tha "n1 nf hrtmrma the tn ik. nt i an honest maa. Ba far from these oulr.t bavin mrnta. He truated ibal tb.

hon. baronet would go that f.S Untb length, which wat not further. than nakle lard bad gon. l' J' iBsaoUier plaM. if tb bon.

baronet would gir som fTf 7, oom popular, but that waa impossible ao long aa raluera I 01 I of that cists were appointed. What would be aaid if, under montb a circum.tanc wb th. k. 'ZV feeliog of independence. 1 wno waa cordially naied by the workman war chosB a 1 A 7 inspector Yet, Barrett was a man of that Und.

Ha wat "'T 'f a nlan wba even in th. moat peaceful timet, to bad hef 'P9? if4 wtt hi. character, ventured to go eiaut unarmed and he f1 40 nMt'T. guardsJ by the poUci fur tb. last tiro year.

21 Bh Commiion.n re'srred to a and ala wbaa H. bad Un the hatitof raluing ftrmt fo? Lord tha l94 Ktnmar and' othtr. without trer Urmi mn th.rn.lnd tb. tenure of aft., dused this nation li4 not bn ibU Ui rafef to thsai, Bsstit been from im (a liMM thg thnwa arwig IA I itoUll, ttuaaj.

far aur U.iarnmtnl I mtk reuiuL Mb all waiters rsUMug (4 fra.ha: n4 tb intsste of I atr.w ta llwit, with nUm IM tumafcily inl HMMlfcg fww lb uajms! tmimarif iM Wftveffwianl h4 la wkiiU tt nrm rae In hia "wti ifFM ef th sf ftfs Moa.l mm WHhlSH lb IfeateH objset Wl HUiMwl If lh ifawiil illaetiMiefi wn lb sfM.iP nf lbs brf luuWl1jy fmi.l" ttvtH' eHnle of the It eifehl'y mt thla Mibieet, lis bnpVtt Ibal tU Prime Miniater might find hlm elf thl etrh itetuy wiib ih limitillona hkh be had a. that (leHhHJ IBil Atfi Wefe btik Ihtt Jfthtw uMiiiisrsBt, tiHi liaiy imff won bmu to ileatia, Mr, WAIITON atid ba w.i H.emfcer fnr lib whom tfrniafhlsert, tad hcrt heard (h etirt and iii last three apreehi art ahgeroeht which bad been wlreirahd laid dob lo tbl Ih motion I com to. 1 1 a. I he bred It) the House be wauid hardly have iudieioaa action of British rtteanttlve abroad. Ile taa le abet might bj called a general speech on lb aubleet irn.lMtlh.thnM.fllt In Ik.

Ihl.ri. nl Nn nne I ri.ll tl. Jew. would follow from lb debate, aiid thai the feeling friend, who was president of the Artglo Jtwith Asaocia aitriDuiea oy me 1 nme snniner to tne traperor of nusiiia I (ion, to nnng um aunject neiore tne House, and yet be had might insure a enrdial reception to those delicate and prudent tuggeationa which be hoped would be made. In one reenect Um Jewa occupied a Dodtion which rave them a direct claim upon the aympatby and good office, of Eng been tomewhat unfairly treated by the member, of bis owe creed in thtt House.

At Christians, they all owed the greatest debt to Uie Jewa, who bad, among other remark a Die preserved tne sacred Scriptures, and he wat land. Tb Jewt were scattered thro us hoot the world, ax! clad to observe the kindlv feeline shown th. hn. bad no government of their own to represent them and I baronet tbe Under Secretary for Foreign wbo pfcaie. at wat tms.

lust we oaa, dt in risMa war tat n. i.r.V; r7Jin 1 Turkey of the benefits which previously they were "WalUttjict and to claim from tbe intervention of "jaw cm their betalf, that right of Russia to intervene laurded upon a preriou. treaty between ua and it for the take of the general peace of Enrop. 1 always contended, from Um time J' of Paris, and at tbe time oi tbe peace of Paris ralnxmton admitted, that we could not possibly ouraalrea of the responsibility which had previously tb, resp nsiUlity bf, tnd that, in conaequence "rmni, we became responsible to fcurope. iveeemnt, we became responsible to Europe, deplored the rrwl outrtget and trecntion to whicb the 'BalWMlha VMtl kl.k 1 .1.

1. 1 1 rnrtei 1 have been right or it mar have en rurrol but when tbe bon. gentleman aoggeated in tha 1 auereu sue pan mat tne t.ortrnurxt abouia enKr int. a eoune of remon.tranm with Um Govrrnment of Ru.aia for th protection of tbe Jewa in that country, he llttt did rft tkitk tbel Wtt WlUcIl IB th tharsster uf th British Government autitla it to any sjaisl iisrtl rwct tt tha btixia of tlie Oorrni meet in card to Um ill tr, of uouulttlant. llirr.

waa arrey disability InflUted on lb Jrwa in wrenr It 1. 1. 1 lathecaaeof Poland there wm something MUi of Rurop.B tills to Intervene and rrmo it nound la aay that our renvavlraueet, ottr I'owera of Europe, wer a Yri abaolata fallKr. What amoui.t of harm thar 4A iLTufl i b7 ia the aul. 1.

i.n.,i, men was net luinvie,) on aunietl I I ler in "lUtil "iHMI WtissHiMtotliiillirtiMjaaii part otbsruf tb Untfah Emtare laud ta timet rwalaial VtrlU wliMhlefi whlrhtl hadlFii wli.a Iblau.lei biMly Inferior la tboa fi. klg4'a htije. 1 but mi II tl trate Iba Jewa tf Itu l.tvl been wiemi(le. la 1 tWhlwl trttr apial a IvIiUm Janiab. la ladle, aai la Irelatvl by betaoM wbe, bot tpetk in their name.

They had right to expect thtt Eng usuais.ji ueeu luremoss in i oe cause 01 ireeaom in every country, thould irpecislly speak on their behalf. He trusted thst this debate would have tbe effect of placing before the public of Europe a temperate expression of sympathy with Uie Jewish people in UMir affliction, without importing into tbe subject any party feeling. (Hear, beer.) SIR O. DILKE aaid that he could no longer defer rising to make an answer to the appeal that btd been made to him by hon. members opposite.

It. was quite impossible for Her Majesty's Government to go beyond Uie ground Uiat they had taken up in reference to tbil tubject on former occasions. As the right hon. gentleman bad referred to Uie words which had been used on behalf of the Government ia another place in relation ti thit question, be now begged to repeat them. for Uie Information of the Houe.

They were at follow. We cannot apply one rule to ourselves and another to foreign countries and' if we bad the right, the inexpediency of the step is self evident. It either irritates tbe foreign Government or it weakens it as regards its subjects in dealing with the question. This has been so much felt that it has been private and unofficial action which has generally been asked for rather than diplomatic interference. I apprehend that aay Minister would think it right, when matters occur affecting either the good of mtn Vi.l tk t.

to them privately and confidentially when suitable opportunities occur to enable a Minister to do ao with effect, although they may not be proper subjects for diplomatic representations. (Hear, bear.) But for a Minister publicly either to promise to do ao or to boast of having done ao would absolutely change Uie character of unofficial and private communications, which aometimea, though not alwtyt, are of great value." (Hear, hear.) lbose were the views whicb were expressed on this subject on behalf of Her Majesty's Government in another place on a former occasion, tnd Her Mtjesty't Government saw no reason for departing from them now. He trusted Uiat Uiat language would commend itself to those who' supported thit motion, because it bad fully satisfied Uie representative of Uie same party another place. (Hrsr, hear.) Having made those remarks, be thould not have further trespasted upon tbe attention of the House had it not been for the fact that in the course of the very able speech of the mover of tbe amecdment there were tome reflections tntde upon the character of Uie consul. reports which might have been omitted.

Tbe bon. member spoke of those reports as being worthiest papers, thtt the information they contained was untrustworthy, having been founded upon hearsay evidence piekud up at Bt. Petersburg. Those were very atrong ex presiona for Um boo. member to have used with regard to the reiortt.

and La oould aature the Ilouae that tb ehargea tbey contained, were not well founded. It waa lrfeetly true that tl. outrtget were only referred to In the very brief telegram that had bean received from our Ooliiuler agents in Russia, but (lie detailed report a did not rtacb thia country until aware month afterwards, Thia delay in th forwarding of tha remrtl wtt Itsvitable, Inasmuch at had no miular rpr. sentttlvri In th" 4 whsr th wart iiutrtf oeeurrwl, ll hn th hen, member aald thai lb information aunUliied in tho rrta wtl utterly tiMruMwortby and wu tc.nd! utwu beamy tridst th lad up in at IVterabtirif, Im mutt tay lUt he wtt mi taken. (Hear, hear,) Thui C'olifiel Ml btl an crfwibva.

mi IU MifagM at WaiatWi Caacul Usaeral 7 was tba sort af maa who bail boas anmii dasir wm that th taaant thould reap the fail tdysoteVi Ml" AV, Wfsi ittrratt. a aobirioua rtk i Ulf4 KsfifSMS, hclBs lit (llr, bsf fit AlWIfUl titolart of th brCommiaianrt for information raspast af th nm to wtistp.i II lasludial Item, for vvy a Mfl was vary tew tf rnm war breathed the lamruaea of Lvrd Derbv HsMnnki Uie Gorernment Would taka tome opportunity of making unofficial remonstrances, and, if remonstrances failed, there was something ia tbe English character which would make itself felt that something which led tbe usurper Cromwell, although a tyrant In Ireland and a rebel in England, to act with spirit Ln Um management of foreign affairs. (Hear, bear.) Mr. E. COLLINS aaid, at one who bad resided for mtny yean in Russia, and wbo bad mixed in Russian society from the highest almost to Uie lowest, be had listened with astonishment to the speech which the member for Eye bad, be would say, dared to address to tbe House.

What had the hon. member said He had told them that tbe Czar was a slaughterer and an assassin Uiat ha lent himself to the murder of his subjects. Mr. ASUMEAD BARTLETT said be bad used no tuch language. What he bad stated waa Uiat the Cxar wat more or lest acquainted with Uie statements of the Jews (A laugh.) Mr.

COLLINS said the member for Eye btd associated indirectly, if not directly, the Czar with Uie slaughter of hia subjects (hear, hear), and he had told tbem that the Government of Russia was a savage and a barbarous Go vernment. (Jlr. Asnmeaa iiartiett. Hear, The member for Eye further said thit tbe Gorernment of Russia bad lent themselves, if uie Cxar had Lot done it, to the incitement of (Ilr. Athmead Bartlett.

Hear, hear. It would be interesting to know whence the member for Eye bad derired hit information. The information of one who had retided in Russia and knew the Russians might be place 1 against that of tbe bon. member. He would venture, therefore, to suggest to the non.

member mat it aouii a graceful act on his part if. at the termination of the discussion be bad initiated in so proper a spirit, be would withdraw Uie imputations ne nan piacea upon tne uovernmeni 01 itussia. Une waa to tbe effect that Russia had connived at theee proceedings against the Jewt. On another occasion be taid that these infamous outrage were done with' the eonniTance of the Russian Gorernment. Ha thought the hon.

member would withdraw such imputations, and that tuch a with drawal would be to Um advantage of himself and hit coreligionists. Mr. ALDERMAN FOWLER reminded Uie House Uiat if tome Jewt in Ru uia bad fallen into tbe lowest oceuna tiont in life, at Uie hon. member for Greenwich admitted, they bad to contend with great persecution. Their degradation wat ths result of that persecution, and wnererer, as in uigiano, uey were admitted to tbe privilege ot the country in which they lived, they wer alwtyt to be found among the best and most useful citizen in the State.

The amendment wat then withdrawn. SUPPLY, Th nous then went Into Committee ef Eopply, On tha rote of 34,919 for th salary and txpsuse th effieart of tb Irish Land Commission, Mr, GIBSON said thit th rot before th nous wat a vary Important on, raising the entire quatlloa of th whol administration of tb land Act, A raat tmouit of rrltlelam agrted Itself upon rvtry Item, add ia vlw of that fact it rrgrtiteJ tb aUue of tb Cklsf Ucrttary, thourh Im vac anil wllllir la maks hit aritloi.m.. wonld augrsat that torn I art of lb vet abould brwt. prmad until bis rstum. II first Inquiry wouUj be wUl lb a.rtal amettbl wat at which the Utif rrnmett pal th uat tutl aorklng tb Land Ait.

11 liai beard th tujonoatu af kllti.lM BMtUutMU. Wa thai tU un art and' other without tver baring teen them, and tfv bad raised saJuet from 60 to llijper tent, t4.lJi?VP tb tort of maa who had bua vainer, lilt AlbifnsvlMiMal rat Iralaiut 1 Wba IMtJiHlsvi ittrTttt and aa af hf. lkla. I UtFfrit Bta a IsifrHkhefal tiaaf I tUitttk Mia It this Ri IM therif aiirHlfl, Thi ATTuHNKY'UKNKIlAL ff IMLAXD aaidk U'11" OAVKJlDttJl aM Ikai eald Ml ffrt tn kbw BcHhlRtf boel the Hal lie, iha fklttteH wM IpWeted, Ut VwUkl Ml, 1IJ4ALY did hot eipeel Ibe) habU JoH would be Mt lP'J dd I the fp With fttjari ta iU tnaetf the jue.titm, but when tbey bad two Uw officer aufa af the AWeUbt Crmlstiott, It Wt traJla IfM of Um t'fown la that House be teally thought that rj a th' eontemblated It might ba aeeateary ta matter of Ihit kind they were entitled torn informa nuin tbir set rice for seiaf ai year i kal, at tha tm tion.

(Ues, heaf.) He asked the right boo. gentleman 1 Um, it wat deemed advlsabl to litill their engagemeart th plain question whether Barrett wa am ployed for 13 40 7' ln ease tbould turn out ibey wart) aot req aired months only er. longer. for a longer period. The travelling expeaae wer at tha Th ATTORNEY GENERAL for IRELAND aaid tb 01 aT'f day 7TW matte, wa not ia any wty in hi.

department, and, there irSetfen fore, he could not glrj the information asked for. He ad Mr.WJIJSMITH panted out that tbe noble lord hadcsjmtted milted, however, that the hon. member had a right to de ji information tetiM instructions th wer rjran te mand it, and, therefore, he woold Uk care to make him the valuator, to guide them in Baking their valuation, telf master of the details in order to satisfy tba bon. mem The right bon. gentleman tba Chief Secretary had riven bnt'Tr.

Vl 1 an explt undertaking XtllxLTlJrJ tJ but Mr. Gray, who had been appmnteda vainer by rf tie ofEcen wbosnouid tdminitter tha Ait would ba jSJ" who, inougn eommuBJoated to Parliament a early a rottible. Tho of English extraction fc had 30 years' experience of right hoa. genUemta taid it wat not'iMcaasarr to tttro ftnnuig ut the oount, of MexfoexJ, and was eooaidered iL a rianSto that effect, becania baSdTee TtbS Tit throughout the country to be a thoroughly competent man. nnt 11, 1" withMr.

John i formation. It wa alto of tba highest toportae that tha Barrett at all. but he would make inquiries on the tubject tennre of the rvemiisdaurs JiZ. rn2.7 before the reoort of Sunolv s.mJTr Oommiaai oners ihauld be known. (Hear, aw.j CONNOR remarked that la Ireland, wherever "rTi iT7 H01" ible to provide a fresh, berth forleivU aervant.

Jt mitt rf t4mitted that ji tIV it wa a disadvantage, but it woold be beet to wait a few Iti. arul rWnmlMinn 1 1 Land Court, a bad been stated, but from the urch GLADSTONE thought tho right hoa. gentleman Temportlitiea Comouisaion, and thia waa advantageous to I ka meant that it wat tha duty of the Government that Uie public, as Uie tuperannuation allowance, of theae 1 tbe 36 gentlemen administering Um Land Act thould ba gentlemen would be saved for seven yean. That would be a moat improper Mr. CALLAN complained Uiat certain official tdvertite I course.

quit agreed that it wa th duty of tha Co Uh regard to Eduiburgh Scotsman. I tenure. But the original appointment wer rrperi Mr. A. it wt post xf.i..

ii month until they had been able to ascertain what amount civil a rvantt in England, and particularly to Um Custom, f'i" PrsnlnMat rnvolred. He hoped to giro eierks.who were about to be discharged in Urge number, i Ujeorse of the beasion. The There seemed to be different terns porsueS witb TsTslrJ Attorney General fcr Ireland had stated that there was to different officer in the matter of pay and wiiisiozT as "ifv.0' ojapotai ot tha se. 11 would to which be deaired aome explanation. 1 promise that the Chief becretary would give every infor LORD F.

CJAVEKDISH aaid th reneral rule wa that tTfTcH 7' ofEcen should not draw jnsion and salary together, but' CKOhd aaid that Um Act had been patted an there wire occasionally special circumstance. jB which Uiat nndentanding thai th CHaf Cornmissioacra would lay rule wa not followed. The Government bad found it eery down Uie line an which the Sub Commissioner were to h1 fT eij.rienced officer. proceed. The Gorernment had not rtated what neral who had been retired instead of raw recruits.

They were principle, had been given by tbem to the Cotrmussiooer Te' on their appointment, on which they were to ct. He occur, and to Uiat end they had described the arr in I i.Kl tV.v i v. i connexion with the Commission as temporary," to that laid down by the Commissioner, for Um guiilanea of th it should not ef itself confer Um right to a pension. Mr. HEALY wished to know where credit was taken for Uie money paid by Um tenant in respect of Um 70,000 originating notice which had been issued, and when the pott vacated by Mr.

Fottreli wat likely to be filled up. LORD F. CAVENDISH ea plained Uiat Um receipt In connexion with the originating notices were chiefly covered by stamp. The appointment of aaolicitor wat one requiring Soi CotnmiatioBr, and, it to, wbetber thoaa general principle, were in writing or not. Ha aiao wished to know tho tenure of Um Sab Commitaionar.

Tha ATTORNEY GENERAL for IRELAND taid the Ooremment had no authority, and, therefor. Maid not hav given any instruction whatever to tha Land Comxuit aionen, the Assist ant Comnussiooers or the valuers. Th great care, and hon. member! would not grmW a few the 43d section, ia authorizing tha Land Co reworks' delay ia order that Um best w.n, mTt he 4p 1 miaaton to form fk Coinmiaaiont, provided that the Land atatute, delegate tush of their power a tbay thought pointed. Mr.

GRAY inquired he thar Um official i whota aalariet tbey war about to rote were independent officers, or whether tbey were under tbe control of th Chief Secretary. Wa it not a fact that th appointment of Mr. FottreU wa regarded with unusual satisfaction as being one ot the beat appointments made in Ireland He might bar been guilty on tba occasion which led to his resignation of eioeu of zeal and it was to feared that in resigning bad acted under toraatning Marl; approaching ta tha direct order of the Government, lie bad been punished with evasive ae rarity, wbil ttbtrt, who abired kit re (pocsibility hal neaped, beetuse thir known Oonserra tism had ahisbiad thsai from attack whih wm etwem. trttedoaMr, Jottrell witbtbr1w ef admlnl.irttton of um Land Act. Mr, vottrU wulba tiknowlaitgSiUuct'ef th Ut tan which tppstred ta tba trrrwunt'i Jntl, and war reyblithd la tha ptmntv let.

II wt. (Mod eonvmisnt to lira coptea ta mtoai klf for Information aad thai ted th itgMtloa that a lumber tho Id tbttmad far tba wirt. U. fctlBJUltlr, torn on la th BUIIonary DeparlAeat aatei Uia a aalaMA ctOaiialiaa, blah aiWwiliteTit pedient, and might from time to time revoke, modify alter any powen to drlecated to a Sub Commission. That dar.

te answer to tb hon. member for King' Lynn, tba Government undertook to lay en Um table a copy of theee delegation. As to tb tenure of Um Bub CorjcuBistraoare, by rales made, ha believed, ia October, th tenure af Iba Sab. Oomaissioeeri was for seven yaars. The rata ware en the tarda, aai.

If aot yst printed, Im oressmad they would ba printed. At to th valuation of rente, tka redactioq made ia rent ranged from 1 to ao par tent. Tba latest return thowad thsl nearly half Um art In tiispat bad ben Mttlai owl cr" toart, tad tkse wm ground for koetag tbat tbaaambwof tp ttUl greattt tb future. II wouM, tbsrefara, wwlaa to iMraaa. tba tteff fHbmlaaiaaat.

OBtil a BCwMlr fT doing ibould tbsolatsly 1wb to rilil, Uiddn, would Um OrrrtfMaiiat mum to kwak Bwharav Hew retara I saaatWa.

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