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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ataxia BTt) baaorB aaa giirntoi at BrnaT tote 1 apna a Ktv York tamw aaaa PT'w Dr. aad WTHIa fVrJl Tl! iSmfl far tzkl tt AaiM, a4UU tekafc gait nywtujw, maw aw. each aad two bw taW Meh. JUttittia.4 taeCvBrt inlinhJ Coroyr aoriUd aa amp: lH, lady, JTAM Dr. Baeehy, and WBlk Berry, local IMKt to tfa cotat.

wereetarrwd with ionia aoW laotauNu lb, juarcy had Mr. Boucher! rauna aa oaa of tha baaa ia her toaae, Dr. ttheahy signed the eertlV atU. without ooamonirafang with Mr, Boucher. ffcUiaatliaiw etaied that ha fcawwaaahiaf about hk fafe hariag, beea.iaeured tBtfl raaatvad Miatantm traai OaUia that a Warn a a hk pcJiay.

Mrl Moftmj awora way. and wrote to tha effect to the local ipaa abaMdalaaaawith 4. itochert nam a ft. the BBtgatfratee daanaaad tha eaargae against Ub. Morony aad 11'AaUU, but took LeZrm.

boo axaiaM Dr. Sheeny aad la uother ainlr, weretakea ainst Dr. jlaaaaa, Itoaww DwUax, aad Patrick Carroll. A ertetiag of Of Tijlort aopportm 1 vd kit Breams ia tha Tewa halL luthmir. jfc iktaadar Parkar, JJM occupied tha chaiaad laws wbb "TT elector.

ir. ftttar tpoka earnestly la hvoaraf Colonel Taylor, aad Um eoune of hk apcaah obaarrl thai than Berawa. tiesajeaaa there was rwaaerneed iwiaunn wan us numi 10 tha coo Ifaaet ol tBajparpk npoa doia what ni right be ua a was nawwa not oecanae Wat popular. jh. Maaaaaw vxprMcnur oonn fcajtaCUooalTTfcr lU cmtrattad nnn.

afki Ua to caoiidataa, aad rtmartedY with Maat la Beaaa ehaj aterwoald be baat aaalf hadaaatibadtba prepoaad IriihFarlia tMBtaa aiarnexpaaaaoai aaa uabua Corporation, mfaaiTto frfa. rjoatrol of i Cardiaal Gulka. Ka, Seyle, f.r.. aba note ia of tha reeo ktka. iftar had paaaad, (iior T.tIot Ha rarkwed tha progrsaune ataajorreaant.aad ahaamd that with regard to iaa aa aa a imam ng.

aaa aaan avasaatad fanaB tbt DftWb Twuat TirW Oah. which propoaad to latndaaa lata thk' aaaaky tea awat amkiaa adttioai which had Paaaa th' Ulatar Outonfi rat aha, tatfoo of baaafatriJ atkad iwaa tha fapaiater, tha ocvautw ta 0aV asMaaaliao aad ha did aaa how aar awpoator ceaid awroTi that. At to Horn llaaxwhkwMth'bk; caaar'Udaaoaaaad it laXfawar. JMaaroaaaadttataaiBtaf IrkhCtri. naaai aaoo tha aw aa thoatiaKatdukL aad.

rakrag to tha aooaaak vhioh hara haaa ataaa ayaa tha laiiaaatratiiiaiaathaa that Kx. Daraah had haaa bkoad byaaraatwrtpanen lor tat offioa. aad takdkd. aadtft jokal teoUoankil nan majumj, (KrxaxaoaiMj aadoaural hara haaa taada rajtarding ti cooapoacyteaVraadtha Maw York Iifo Ia wnaoa Cbmpaar hy tha iacarinr of liraa of Parma ratidiBt; in tha Ooaatr Ltkaariek withoat ttair fcttoaladt. Hi; Barm tha local aaa a warrant utaa Man tanao.

Ukakaataiad that paraoaa who obtaiaad poUaka oathalilaofawaa kaowB laadowoar wara aftar Ptaaaat at aad took part ta pabik awatk Which ht ta hk anl tioa and ha waa matlr ahmad whaa hoard It priratahr ruaoaiad that nan rara Dausr dona awiv vitk. li tkt of tha aanona whoaa wara loaarad wara aaat wiu atiatra aad aurfcata by paopk who mada thaa aaa uu boom ai taaci aava aiaaa dtacL MXTBOPOHTAX BOAHD or WORKS. atutaoaain jn n. auarat nx. Uii MiwulbMi.

mNttad krtaOMMriMUanaf taaClty Loatoa, ukU tk BMfd tanuk um laproraaHau aau winamtta aad aa aaaaoa loraottiaar aoi fttoair oaa who had haaa apscdatad. Tha Baa, Parid Pteakat apoka at ansa laarfhla aappart of tha ekJsat of Gbloaal laykeT Ba MtaaaawaaratTiatinaa totaa rataarha which had aaai aadt aboajt hk rakakea to tha QotanauaL tad aud that tha caaaral aoopUiattht thara van too law. Iriitiman In thaaamni arft t. tkaha eoeaarrad, bat that ohjaetioa ahoaldaotba hk aja.hoaoarabk otfoa at ha waa. aoa'taa aaawl iCha ahaaaad adak litml.

nn r. act to to hlaTBaawhathar aaaa aaa baat) irMtaaU Horn sambas af tha Iruh Gaaaarrattaa party oraoL waa aot for tha aaka taaapea that thay wara kah Ooaaarratrras, Thaw vara OmaamtfMa Wnaai i thay fciM.tad tha craat priBolplaa of tha tahaai timaai thaw Aaakad ta protact what ra. aaaaa ta tbata ctrfl aad ralkiooa fmdoaa; Ha niiilil tha aidalm ha had an ta iHoarjof thalrkh ClTii aarraak, ad ttatad that aaf gnaftaaa ta hut krhkaarriaaa ea hahah! taawd trka aa aroohto Ookoat aajaw. far waa ltnaathar awfaaj to hk paraaaal nartiaiaaotofathafekTTOhadbaaa Ba ateoaaty In. l.apoa.

tha Onl ia i aik tha adraataga af a wpaaaaalaUfa who waa flaayltr in i itaAakaialyhowMaiaaiabar at all wamaal waiah waa faroarahk ta thaaa. la 1 it ainTad a taaolatina ai laaaaiiiii haa at tta thtiat at OalaaalarTwd argad lh akaaaa to aaaaaa hk Ntan. Tha laatlaooa aawaaad by' Ml.QvrtxJ aai Vpaited k'to Mrnlapbaa kat aiaat at 'aha Bic Oca pahlkhaaaa. a taryliaaltad attatufanoa. Isaafea ataaVlid.

Saaaohaa WJ Mr. JU aailiraa aad othata, aad a wa aaawd a4as4k( Mr. Paral tbatr lliwililL'aaW'Tdwariok Oorpor jaatarday vhkh ahowa tha' flnctoatow gyyVTd addraaaoa Waajiii, to tha DA of JLharaoraioaihk. aairal tjIiaatoaaaVaad atatod thaTtha taotioa Ji Jaaaa wkhaat aawraaaad tn mm. nrJitu.

toi Jaiiiii I iiltoak.iaflaianW hatJU Pahba Oatpotaaka lutd aatjahi 5 fc.iaaWad taTSaatiag thatTtha a a a.aatoora waa aaJjkhxaan. aad that faw "L'a1awaf atraaoa tha iataraata of tha Ba. had aa doaht that hk Oraea woold niiniaaul to iaprora tha Madkka af 7T waaa, iaaaa, ataia aha tJS? awraaaatba aakahV faB aatokgaa af ataaaarat for tha aawTkaw to ki. id mora ia aot baaa ktar. ESaalfaioadffKp aaa to taa aaaaetar of tha Dnka Ma.

thoat it wu tUht' thay 5 pnintaaat af a Lord Iiaatanaat who had tpwrar ajtfit hara proeoia. JtMra aaata ha had aPPat aaaaattoato roaaatnr hald thai offioa to tha parly whoa hk Mk of ihaiaom rapmaatad, but that pwiaaa aua pato a trtimto to a waa wu daaply laiifartiJ fat tha proarx aoUa daapJyialaiwtoJia tha prbaparity of aht troa btoraata of tha ia. aa adanaata at Hnaaa Hal. aMf pw, tha TorrOorara fWa paiaral atW aatfca la Inkad. diaawlid to tha XkaV' Jzpraw.

3y: artMfcaaat aaid thayaad iS.aato lattaw aay aaaa, aMt. Aaahroaa haaaaafaaaraa4aaokrad hawonid SStS ha aapaad tha ha waald aot ha dk aaa a UlS0u that ha waa pvtolaf aahaajad oi uTSfj" Baajaiaaaal, 3twai okxraeafal, to hara faitteJTn Bt. MArr am Ua OUt LawiM. ur. iaaua mU chMia lik to kao la waa Mitha UmJW4 itood with nfmaw to th OeamlaOMmoT wan tka OUv af Tk ru.

Wty a Uwdoa aad tkairrrprtaanUtiTM at tha Baard, aad ajojjan efSawwa HaatoakraUa aa aaonaoutiajM of awoay aaieh axkt to Uk mn tttt Ura waa vaUditT la tha MrHotun r. Sarra. tka aatWtor.aUd tha Am mSwSu jka rrtau io aj body that nirht naka aratitaSsa. Tha inamatUI wu tW nfimd to thaWerka aad i.naiawnaa, tbi avuimo Acra, la miMuuitflu i ft njt i mA vi tlw aooualttoa. tu Worka Parnaaa Oaav atittaa.taaeamaad that 1K nv.l...

irulj aeaa far wtth aaMaoaMata, Ua BaOdiax lykfaaata tha laatrepolb, or rajalattar tha i famf aawwn aaa Mm at ua BamapaUa, Ht. flrvroa aaarai taa adopttoaaf tha npotV which iiwiawnj ami ia tzx aoTAL auaauox Mr. XrwTOV Mid ha tod mat alaaroia awriac rzauala7alaa4daafal addraai ka ar aiaHail to Htt oatOiaakaalfakatr tka CaaH. ygai i of thja Board aa tha aowalia of ttoaarriata af (kuvt af tto Soml TTltbaaa tha Daka of aid, It la tha datr.aa wall aa aha i Bo toaaaiiataktaUa Qaaaa aa taa aatakku ikaaMtoaurrUMaf ta a daacatar of thaSaral Earn af Baaaa. ISi I ahuSai 5 Har lUjmtft aaUaak aatartoia a liralr ktarart ia what.

aoacarat taa aaapiawaaf tha JUnl faadly, ad aa ktaraatiaitothaaaaWvlua tha TTTarl niailllil af aaa af lai 1 n.k.i yaaaraUy aaawtatoat that tola aaiaa Ma 'aamto m. aMaWaad atraactaaa tha toada afaaa btt twaaa aad, aJUoaa wa dTaatnu a trimoclUV rta nT'wffl aortha aattUaaabyaf azaaas, aa wa aartaauy hopa. thU tail aaiaa but aarra to aahdaaan koataaa faaQac aad Iaa. aaa. aai totally atadlaata.

Zr.Tw auy ha aa aaaHia that waatoa mU MBniiHiNunn prorata aoi a aaat aava lad to harharU waa taa aVml aaaFraaa aaiaa a.l.i.. i I aipptaaaa thtaatoat whoU af thatr Uraa. which wt umnu aopa aur iana Ua Uwi. KMA' "aiif tha attaa aad aaU that a aaawmj had aaaa aa tha aaaaakM af tha aur riara of tha Frlaaa af VTalaa. Pt aad earrkd aaaah aU bvto ihaa fanaaOr awrad taaaaatoiaraaaaM ahornM ba ta tha Ikka aad DwAaaVaf TSS aw iibuili aaa afraaa aa larftaaa waa thaa aanaiaW la tv.

thjyiwawatod taa aaaw ta taaahaaaaaaf tto raparura, aad It wu latiautad aabaa aaatlrthat Ua teat af til BOTUi raoaraa. Tha flail LiUailiaa Arahlnal Ofx. Vallkai a report. Uwhkh ha atatod that, aaanliaaaa with tat Beard toair lut Btaathic utiau todhaaa 1 Trtai ill rarniai aaaaajla. aaa that aOtaalrhato uaa war Pm rt aaamd.

aad that aa aaeMtat aaatarar had aaaarrad fram taair kaaaara oaaflUaa. ABoraaa atCaariaana. kZTlJS ww ma aaaaiaarMaa ar miuauai aha m.iLHm kid dava, wakh had a aaad affoat aaaa athar Banaaa waa kaBBiadaaautoaw afthab tokiakiaa tSTSZSZ aaaV aa aadjaawml Ihara UL.ZZZ?. J5 frarfk aaatoriakanatod aaar Nauaaa Oakaia Tnidiar.aqaara. wUah had ariaa wj, aad an Bra laa tapert war thaataaatradV TOLrnmia mm a rp frm thafiraW ak faaimtttaa aa tha rnhjaat of anlaataa, lraaaaa hafaz raaaituaraar anajailHaa haaa to iwaart thai tha BBaaaaai caa mv owa aoo oaamaaa Of taa LaaMtoa Balraaa raMhy.tha Board aa Ua eth teTofV maa aaa aaara ta bum lanlaaaat.

rabtira aaa pr maa am ac aaaalaorlaad paneaa draaaad Ijrr2a tUXm ttot aoafaaSca aaaatd by vataataar IranMm ar' athaa aaanlhwlaal a ana la a aaifarm amBari aa that af taa aatrapolttaa Ttoa Biitada ar af taa Laadoa aoanuittaa asd fram tha abiof afaaaroftho hrlcaaa thahahaa oftaa taaaaraauaaa tmtU "aaiy ta kaaaaa ordar that ia futsra aa rolaatoar tiaMa will to allawai aHtaia apaaaaai wmnni tt Drat taay aara aar htaat koa thair halatata. It tDaan to aa aanmlttla tl.t Ua Satan Oarca aninlilna Van aamlttaa hava aa. aardodbwitodthMtoaa iaiamad af tha ardor which aaUOaTaaaMtlM SlnZk! aaaitoraf aralaataarlra bricada. wu waariaa tha Wi. atea ha had aa right to tova, abb rrport waa laaatvaa aanadoptaa.

rn xaxurxxTjrr itd ctsxb rutua woau, Wartata ruuiii 8Utlo fraadatkaa far tha Ptlaaiaai aaiiaa haaja aad ahlataraat ara aaalta aMaUa trtarwerk af taa Utter broart to tha Uratef thanofaeao Uaneoadaad UaTaf Uaaaxiaa. hoaat ta witkia twa tmt too aarfaaa. Ttoaxaarattaa aaa art aua asapJata. Tto ithla ifL af tha tha pMad. Tto laaia patta of tha two aatUa paada aad Ua aoal, h.

ttoraa. ara oaamplato 'TtoraSworK of tha oar a ttacta far tha warkaraa ta alto aalahad, aad tha raafa ara hi lliar Ma Ahaat Tftaft af tha aartiaa af Ua iaw iaaal aawrr 14ft. Ota, ta aUaMaterl to to MaaUaalad aoaaaziea with tha works af aaaplata. Taa total attiaulad ralaa af thaohak af thaaa aarka iaprMttactha frotauda tha pact aiaat av taaatuakarthaf U39 faat aad a af tha araaaaatal uXw1i tai awwaja aaaBa'W taVtaTwa)11 MarlaVa IM VaVf IBM nfal THIS TDECES, SATURDAY, ItTAROK 14, 1674. tOBD OBST OH TJUt GOLD COAST 1 0air eoloan la' caaa of farmioo.

la armad forea PMYMrrmrtirr 9f Qui (kacrhHlon would ba naeftil not ml fr tha daaerirHkn woold ba naaM aot ua. ooiodco aaa unproremant 01 tna Rotaetorata, but i n. aIoaj aa iaatnuaeBt for (rradoally traiaiaz anddri toaka of thartrcr td aa Baraaa tar ridao bw. Thara to efficient aa thar oarht to hara haan trU. af "aaraaj yu iadllMoa, ww oa wawaawin WimiW.

UB irw WlLfl ta oat Kxaaty, Lara been aometimta dnraa by tha Zlr 7, Ufo tadiam of thair Brat into habik of kjacw boti kiUt and immorality. Thk haa ia formor tiavaa nvtaa. 7ZZ aa, aeacao4 ar as, J. U. riallr iatorferJd with tha affidancr of tK CVbn.h!" thay atartod rtaaJilr rfr wbUaitalaoacooaakforaart.

at rf tK auBatou farat CraT a wC aaaa aad morUlitr amon? than, taga wbart Uwj aaaad. Thay thaw atortod acals, aad SUaarr ouata tmieruUy aaooa tha barbarooa I aUnbatad axduafralT to tha dimafa. That th aaauj an aaui thay raacaaj Ua tjlW, a ft tribatof ainea. It akTeryof a my different rril bu fonaerlr exuted ia rwtoriorit. aorcaatha haf1 HamamtaUth hridta.

Ttoy I tl i ii i i raaiac ia bat tar tiau th.a I i ftaacaa ia which thay war. plaead. Tha hart way of .7." mind rwdiifagaiortit niBBawrorv woold bo to pro 1 jf tiaaad thair rida tham with plenty of actira aad tuaful amiAoT 1 aa tar tha bottom of Chiawkk ment. A. amaU force of tail doacriptioB would bo 7 aUr f.w aua.t.' qiutaaamcioattoeaabla tboUhiaraaad thatr unl i laeraaaKi paea of atraka IV1T laakijaa! aratlBBMBbaBBBha iiwiii tha baaV 'a had arrrwlrwitod itatawaiawafaakaf aaaaat atoaatwaa whe lrrMrrnniilla tniilum iailiaiBBTirhioaa rarrintiara.

ttXhtoat! aaW aav'araaffi aaMrlraaaaaawp. i wad, itiarfikiid thaim: adaaaaaBvsBa aaid akriag i aaa vaaaa, aat twaaQwaaWahaw laahat Baf Mafaaty aaavwaotaaaaawd aaaCayBaaakBaaBof too aaBBBBBB aTaaBBaBB aaaaaaaaaafL. 1 BWLal waaaav' aVVV wTaraaaaaa oaaaTJ aV lH ftNMharawaratl BC 0 aaaataV flail li ftS laaaaaal Zan; ahafBBBaBBaBBaa if 'nfffwfcaaai aaahantaBaa Ua tmait la rw BVtftkX.raa (raaita aajb, LtoBfttaaaaaaL nmiiS pbatad. woaaaaai wavajtacAzaoBa. Uater.fraat taBaaa fajaa, abitfy that taa Boak lataan traai lariahaiB lartrlat Baud, aaataf at tfaaaa toaaraar af aha Mry Uoaaaaf atoilaf aottodaaaaat a ooatoatoaa obbbwb wiahto arttabwlf tad aT at ha aaiawk MkUn atatla ttoa aBahdaJlU la Miiisaaa aau any ara af optaiaB tto owaen of ttMkttat ttoartWaa aad wahaVaf TatoTkiJK MVaaaaai PVtMCy wajk.ottaat whtoh tha CiaaifiilniM aw aahaaj, aad raaaaaaBaT'ttot aaat' af Ua wawaatad to aawar wth atat aaft tkw af aaaakf to aaaa aaaaaaaaa Iaaaaa.

awttarfn iwaktaat: efaa. atoj Jaaaatad. ta toriiiiiil waa a UiiiaTit'of aBtoaaBMaAaaakaB 4wawl aaBBaBaVaBaaa aCtto TO THX XDITOB Off TBX TDtR Tha firttjaad moat importaat qneatkm to ba daUrmiaad with rafaraaca to tha Gold Cbaat at to tha aatara aad oxteat of tha aothority thk ooootry to axareka ia tha Protactoraia. Oa thkpoiatl adhara to tha opinion I hara alraady exprBaaBdlthat it weald aot bo axpadkat to inolatlo tLa toxritory ia tha British Empire, aad that tha actual domi nioa of tha Crown wghi to ba limited to tha forts aad tha jroaad aroaod then comaraadod by their aaaa. For thk thara ara aererat reasons, of which tha principal oaa that to include tbo whok territory ia tha British Empire would cresU difficulties oa toe saajeet of aiarery lor whicb aaa no eolation.

deecriptioa from that which formerly existed ia all toe European ootoaiea, la tropical America and in tha United 8tetee it mach mora like that which, at kast from the time of Abrahau, haa pre. railed amoa all natiooa ia the oanioat atarea of thair csnlisslioa, aad of which the ra maiat ware atitl to ba found arnon; ounetrea at no Tory remote period. It a kind at akvary which haa many mitigations, and erea aoioe saca important adrantofaa that it may almoat ba doubted whether, in certain eircufat unoea, it not a Daces eary atop ia the progress by which urigaa are raoaad iroot barbarisai. rjtill, eren thk milder kind of slaery eaunot by kw aad oobt aot to bo tolerated ia the dominioot of tha ueen if, therefora. the whok Protectorate were to be formaUr iocludad in tha Britkh Empire, tUrary ia any form moat be abolished thrwhout ik arteat Bat thk would intolvs bo total a change ia the whole organization of African eockty, and would be ao contrary to tha ouawma ana leaangi oi ue people, tail to promal rate aad eaforea auch a kw woold impose a task beyond their aa erorth anon tha niffiuirilr limltad number af Kiropeaaa who aaa be esi ployed by ue utbwb in ui uoraTanuui, ot taa Uoid Ooaat.

If wa were to insist boob at oaaa and completely aholitMug skrary ia tha Protoedoraie, wa matt ahaadoa all hope of baring tht wDliag aaiiiianaa oa too coiata ana rem in an.nnn it. and whhont thk I boliere it to bo afsmlv hnnrvti. aabk'to gorarn it at aU, Haaoa iTaMuTbaa wiser policy to toterato or a tima aa aa aril wa eaaaosuaaaoaiatoly pim af the mtunuaos of aUrary tha ProtectoraU, aad to coataot oar. aiTee with gradually introdocinf amendmenk ia tha cooditioa of tha alara. till tha luair aaoaia taaeaauriy eliaappear, aait did ia oar own ooawry Datwata taa Konaaa Uxxraaat 'aad tha ttauaof Oatoarto.

ixidependoaUy of other reasons with which I need aot troabla yoa, seem to me eondaiira agaiatt tha formal iaocTporatioa of tha' Oold Ooaat ia tha British Empira bat I hold it to be equally dear ought TirtaaHy (q usama tha go. raraataat of tha tribaa to whisk wa nut protoctioo. This opinion I dM aot diaiTiiaa ia ray ionnar ktten iodaed, the aaoarsiry of exarekiag authority ore all tha tribaa wa protected waa oaa of the potnU oa which I moat iasktad, sad I aUrhuy akatcbad the means by which thk abject mSchtVa aaMfflpUtbed. I wjli now add a aonie kat fallarjiaaanptioa of the anaafaataat I had in What I would propoee that tha notion long ainaa aaUrUiaad of farauriga oonfaoaraey of tha Ghkfj withia, tha ltactorak should be adopted, and tha confederacy formally proclaimed aa a 8tate, under Bar Majeata protaotioa. Ik lautioa to tha Orowa woold ba tha aame aa that ia which tha loaiaa iurmari atood ta it.

Pfto aa it well kaowa, wara aarerhald ym iMm mm oohu nnmmiofia, ant yet wara under taa oouiDlete control of tha Bntixh finrmJ Tha OooJederacT baias thaa formallreonatitotod. tha protection and farour of tha Croaa should be aoaaiataiy oaaua to aU Uiueis aad tribaa that daeliaad to becoma mambera of the new State. aw. ww. IMIIIH WW NHWIIT IB UO tanuaaaL which aboold ba totrnstad; ta a amsll council of chiefs aDDointed with tha mi zbboboi.

mb proiecaarj rower, latwa should bo maoe taa asms i uu uaaacii aad by ik authority: but ia fact would hare to ba guided by the Brttkh officer intrusted with the BOTarnraant rJ tha fork, and ripreaeuting the Queen as protector of pswaaaracj. aa yjuatt aia at preaaQ( totaUy incapable of rarrrnu oa erea a tolerahLa nmn. aaatfothanulm: aad it woold vorar thaa dk to eat up a mock rariiamaut. of aarroea. It could aot ba atada iM 'dtiacUy that uuoo.oa iua tniun protecuoo would ba "naated''oold ba thai lha.fWnail totmatod with th power raakiog kwi lor tha aanfadaraey ahoold act andar.

the 9T fwT cf appoiatod by tier Maksty. An ahk officer placed mthiaaitaa tioa would hara no difficulty iapractically earryiag tha.Ghlefa with him i ia hat measures, aad thatr tuoseat would depand upoa.bk doiag aoj for, it mm mmn WW HWWIH II IS aBOBStaiT to raauira from tha Chiefs thai thaw ahanld fiw ht gBidsoce of the Pritish Oorernor, that thair con curreaoa ia ak raeasoxaa could ba' dispenaed with. In order to obtaia' lt 'thokwa toNastablishedia tha aoakderacy ia tha first iaataaea, to ba aa faw and u'timple as rcaribW'ThaT should hara toe thatr objeeta to rake a raranua. to ereata aa armed force, to prohibit attacks' upon' each other, by the ahkfs aad tribaa, to proride for the raf a transit of paaowai traoera aaa taetr goods, and for, opaaing. ana graauairy unprorag roads for their use.

Other Bieaimui ior anoinningme moat paxfrarona Of tha praTaiuag custom, and for adoan: laiiW tha popuUttoa to a higher racial ocaditkm, especially aa regards would follow; aa tha new autho nty oacama mora nrauy aauuisned, but thu could oaly. be aafaly attomptod by rautious oagraaa. la tribe aad of the district ocounkdhrt ahmiLt h. left, at laaaant, to tha Chief or hang bat two aaioKBsraa acainss toe souse of taetr maw iIimM be adopted. Ia tha first plsca, the power of dis pkeiag a bad Chief, which I balkra haa alrasdy WW HHiVN If tnUMU UOTBIUOtB IB WW BX trama caaaa.

should ba brought into, mora fraanant aaa by aaakiag it' a Uw af iha oafederation that tha Counca (Tirtualrr.tba OoTeroor) should hara tha power of depoaiar aar Chief arainst whom a fisrge of aerious wrongdoiag shcd beeatabhsbed by hkaabjack Aad.iawediy, itahould aiso oa proTtaaa taat ua anas taruoted byChiefsoa wuauuon, inaioau va (mug ukuo tBBtr OWa poOKBtS, ahoold ba paid into tha cheat of the Probaatorata. thaChiei raceiring fixed salaries instead of the laea; thay, are aow too' apt to impose unjustly? Tha aawwtj a mw viuais wyuto uut oeutue inter farad with ao Ions aa a Droner use was made of It. To secure thk than' conduct would require 1 to be watched by the. Ooraraor, to whom ahoold beloaa: tha duty of anforctns obedience 'to tha lawi of tha OcnfedcTacyand of exercising tha axecutira poWr wiuw u. aa on a mo aua in penorm taat outy aa would require the aid of a few Britkh offieara ia ciril capacift'at.

aad it would ba aacataary to rake and place uaderj hk' orders a disciplined aatira forea. The titk of Ueaaral of tha Oooadaracy paigat ba eiraa to Itim, with, tha' raiUtary aommaaa taa uasau jaaa of Utetr armed followart, snd tha; right of "calling them out whaa their 'aerrioaa wera required for the da feaoe of that txxTatry. Thai Tery first akp rshwa ought to ba.fe ereto rha propoaoaxa tuiaea aaata forea. out tt nooa not be a large ooe. The aeeroat ara tamilaT raadr to submit ta tha aaUtora of whita.

vm It JudkaaaaV used they feel their aaedof oar protoctioB aad attiittuaa and taa wueqaoa uetr louowars woma, in gaaertLbe both ahk aad aithnt' to anforoa oadieaoa tntha ordwrafytapBritkhrfrOT sup. pun oi a.amaa vut wau yaoimno lorca wouia oe aeeeaaary; for tha purpoamboth cJinterasipcJica aad of protooBon frcaiIforaiga.aDeauea.. Thara Botraatof materisk for the fonoatkatof auah a toroa jmaay; aawplai' proTt that negroes ara earaUJa of beoomiaff brsra aad axeaBeBt 'anldiara under good whik oaceri, JBat'thd aaccaaa of auempt to create a bbutb loroa wouia aepraa upon rhaaiaaar' of earfdactirjg if, "Ji. would ba a raistaaa a forat a oorpa oc roore aot "ao dutkav' of drill. aad of tWhaag when raqakedi they 1 cW with" thslr ttricaT bW datka tacas of pulieamitn aad of ptoBaort, aad ba kept ia rmniiaut; ara employment in matokaung order aaa aad: ta aitlrtin ia tha c6tadTiettaa af aaaSoeaaa leetoaarke ia tha' lcinoaa.

ahouhiUBa paidand aahatad caly for short tow of.aafTice at iha end of ha awtakd wfllt' fa by aabVova labour oe, rather, "they followers, prtialiy crganued beforehand, acting under tha direction uf Eagusk efScers, and backed by the ordinary garrisons of the forts, to set at defiance any fresh attacks oa the rTotactorata by ik barbarous neighbours. But though the proposed force need not be more thaa a small ooo, mil to maintain it aad to proride for the neoeaaary expenses of the Gorernment mutt con money, which, my opinion, ought to be raised in the Protectorate, not drawn from the unusa ireasury. Altar taa loatet of the war the inhabitant could not, indtad, without aid, proride at brat for tha whok expense of establishing aa improved system of gorernment, and soma pecuniary aimmieo wouut jot a tune La indispensable. But thk ought aot to be Ionic wasted, and, aaaam ing that the forts themselTea would be held aa heretofore by garrisons ia Britkh pay, I cannot doubt that a rerenue sufficient for til needful pur aa mau ia too iaa acqui sition of tha Dutch aad Danish fork has aow reraorea wnat wu lormeri aa fatarla to laiaing rack a rerenue by Customs' do ties, aad there ao raaaoa for auppoaiag that any serious difficulty would arise in impoaing aad coUactisg nviderato uuuea huob imporm, aaa espeeaujy on tha tmpor "mvT powoBr, aaa xmuea upon theea srtidea would yield a rarr cuuidarabla nraatu, and irould ba a moat unobjoctionsblo fomi of taxatioa. In addition to Customs' dutioa, the uaM wuea now lona a oonaiiarabht part ot tha income of the Chief might be made an item of raTanue, ana, ra aomo form or other, direct taxation to a moderate amount ought' ako to ba Imposed.

I am aware it has been aaid that an attexaptto kry a direct tax ha already been made and prored a failora. Butif tha'sDaaa I gw Tninn aaa ior ia your eoiamns would allow of ray entering iato tha question, it would not be difficult to show that tha alleged failure of the armor attompt to lerr a corset tax is aaailr to ha accounted for, that toch taxes hara been rucoess faQy krkd elaawkera from a rude population under greater difflrtiltiee thaa would be mat with oa the Oold Coast, aad that it safe to assume thata (rOYernraeni of the Protectorate, wisely directed by wiuw (uuoen, wouia nara ao aimcuity la raia ing a zwraana sufficient for it neceaaarr ax. penae. A rareaua of thk aort, aad a small disciplined KatiTe forea to support ik an thortty, woold afford aQ tha means such a Gorsro maot woaid need to maintain order throurhoot the tamtory, with security for Ufa and property. With order and security firmly established we may rest aseured that industry aad.

trade would aot. fad graauauy to increase and to become tha best iartrn. aaeak for the emlixatioa of, thapeople. At the aame time br eautioua lUps the OoTemment would ba able tradusllT to put dowa tha most bataaraaa of the axktlntf Custom of tha inhsHtanta ot tha Coast and to promote the aducatioa of their ehil aaa tt aucbt orobablr ba found inaxnadiAnt the OoTerameat to toterfere to cromoU it. axeaot by anabliaii tha mlttiontriaa to pursna thair lahnnra iaaafety.

lamawarehat in attempting to latro dnce auch a ayateatiof goreramaat on tha Oold Coast as I hara Just deecribed wa must expect to meet wita far more aanous diSeultiea than we should hara had to encounter before the wsr. StOl I see no reason for belie ring that thaaa "Vi)tiTi would prora inturmountabk, if a really abb officer wera employed aad wara armed with a large diacre ticaarypowe of aatingaanordina inhianam tnApwmw, on the apot, nor aaa I aaa what other course could bo taken which would ba mora likely to succeed. Before I conclude I would add a few words ra tpectlnr our ratura aetUement with tha Athaatoar. From the latest despatches of 8ir O. Wokeky I ra rret to taara taat taa downfall ot tha flih nttt afoaarchr likely to' ensue from the war.

If so, Ido Bothaaitato tosay 'that to my opinion it will oa no hisuh misiononsv xnouga taa uorsrn ment of tha Kla2 of the Ashanteea a cruel aad barbarous oaa, it yet batter thaa ao Ooreraaaeat at aaora mora hopa for the future im. prorement of the people subject to it. There erideaoa that, with all ik faults, thk Corarnmeat ahk to accomplish tome of the meat iarportaat purpoaaaof all Garerameak, and that' those who lire unaer it aara made mere progress towards ereaiing an' organised and orderly society thaa tha majority of African tribe. Judging from tha ap pairs TBa of tha towaa and rillagee oa tha two aidea of tha Prea. the inhabitants of the AshsnUe territory must hsTe baaa ia advance of thoaeof the Prwtactorato; la theie mode of liriag and in the coramoa ark of life.

Bat. if the OoToramaat which ha succeeded to thu extant should be OTerthrowa. the whok territory now ruled by the of the AahanUsa would pro oaoiy isu ism a iLate oi anarcny ana coniu aioa. Thk would be a Terr lamaatahk eon. aaqueaoaof tha war aad most embarrassing to our aelrea.

It was well shown by Sir Bartlo Frere, in hit "admirabk lecture a Kdinburgh, that wa should hara ao right 'to leare tha pooulstioa to UHunwaiuaai uu aamaug authority would bring upon tham. But it would ba impraeticabk whaa once tha Ashantee Monarchy had bean overthrown, and ik power orer the minda of the peopk dastroyed, to set it up again aa a really ma pendent uorernment, aua to stand, br its own etreagtiu The only moans we ahoold hare of prerent iag utter coafosioa ia tha dominions of the fallen King would bo to aadartaka to ruk tham ouraalraa, citlkr direetlr. i by. British officers, or indirectly. throorh aome natire OoTerameat reitinsr anoo our aupcortj aad of which wa must therefore assume tha complak control, since wa could not accept tha re apoamotuty ior wnas it migns oa leu to act ae cordiaa to.ik owa diacretion, I agree with 81r carua rrere in belie Tins our OTerurowins taa Aahaataa Monarchy wooid impose upon us thk duty, but I look to the probability of our being called apoa to undertake it with far greater apprehension than he seem to entertain.

The burden af rulina ao large a territory ia a daageroaa all. mate with targa aottua popuktioa would, I fear, prora too heavy far thk country lonar to aupnoft.and to call upon it to do ao would probably ea totaaeoUapaa of tha whok ayaiem of African lor wmca: i aara contanaea. to form a ati re Stato of atodarato dimanaions. rirtoalhr ruled aa. arall aa.

protected, by thk country, is, 1 am eonrinoed, panoctly oractieabk inl the actual circanutanceeof the Oold Coast, and a task impoaed upon ua by thaaa drcumstsacea, and by tha raaponrihtttty wa hara iaeuxradby what we hara dona. Such a Stota. wisetr iaht laatlr exoeot to beecaie a. centre from wi oruxaoa aaa uaaauatry wouh graauauy spread through Africa; nor need wa coma to any roaoiutioa against tht future axkntfoa of ik authority, a wall as jta fa flue nop, beyond ita origiaal limits. Bat if thkk tooomoat alLitourht to ba oalr after oar power ia a raora tattrfcted ana.

ahould aara baaa caoaoudaaL JI t7 a was) aad Tigorooa saauaiatra. tloa peace aad protpefity ahoold Ta eeenred to tha Prctoctortk, it would nstaraUy by degrees axtead ita dominion orer tha barbarous tabaa around it. They would aot ba uawuuag to be iaciaded ia it ia caller to partaka in tha; adraataM' thay saw ita ia aabitaata eajoying, aad with tha osaargeatoai of a tanitory there would follow a oairesponding trirTiaaa ia taa laaoarcaa of the Ooraraataat, aad in taa aomber of men caMbk 'fzom trainiar aad axpe. rkocaotaatlatiBg tothaworkof aarryn To axtead aar powar orer too large a dktnc4 atoaca womq Da to ntaxa mtara prowioia. xat' cocotaxtou to hadrawB front theea consideraiiona that if tha Athtntoa Mnnarchy.

siiU staadtoz wa ahould ba careful to take ao atop by which ita authority may ba ahakaa, and ahould, abaraforr faaoklly bawara adBaajkadaaaaaaaBBteifatar BnwwaWnrahu a ooaBaant aarraat, abora Banaa raawsy brithje. Tbrra tbej taraad, aad. orutiag cows, prraaml to raw hard to HaMaanauth. Tk7 aUrtad mj ail at S4 rtraba, par miaate. aad rod ia (aad fane aad Ua dowa Ua ant reach, bat baceaw a httW abort, owlaa, parhapa, to tbo iaeraaaa Ua nabjrtf atrakaa parouaatsaaUaywaroUartdoiacal Tharawuacaad oaa.

af ipaaaanaf, aMro oa the atraho aide thaa oa Ua bow ceased by eao or two of the craw earryiag back tbo kfadea of UairaaraaafaaUarad. IWi( Ua Wwar oad of Chia. wioh tjpt they iarprored, sad kropiaa a aoed esano reached UiaiaonratU bridfo wall toiathor aad lewiaff rarj stroar. Uriag am the diaaaaoo is (oad tiMa. Thar than aaaad for a fe arfaaUa, aad eootiaead thaw toarary to Pataar at ihrraunar pad, bat ihtre waa, aarartho mbs, aoaaaM raalo aaBaaas af aplaahiac.

alU aak aotM a ae whoa thay wore rowiac baidar. At Ua aaathoaia thoy iBkaBed ap to rtakaa par bUbbh, aad rowed bowb aa taa xaaaosat at thaa aaaa, their baat anmlhag raayfaat. Ihia waa the baat Biaeo of iwaiac that Ua hara rat sdowb. Xbay may he exBactad eat the faroaoaa hadar. hat praoaorr aw ao aay work ta tbo af toraeoB.

OZTOBn Xiao, 11 Oxford hu baaa rUted by bat tar waaUar tda. and eoasoocnee taara wu a lam crowd of aadargradaaUa nwiinuui UBirernty aaat. The eraw hara baaa SBbjeetes to yat anker ehtace. Ifeawa Darhiihlra sad kUtoMioa hara both rrthti fraa tha boat, aad thaa place aaoo nppuaa ey Mr.aaarwood, of Christ Chares, aad aar. MBsaa, oc ualrenity CoOacs.

Mr. fOjcnrood rowed a talutyesra erar, sad Mr. Banket hutoea rowinala the fMirri four aearly all the tarn. Taa ktkrr raaOamaa wu at No. 4 to day.

sad ffflad that Bkaa rarr waTL Itouk to toahtatar weight thaa thoaa wke aara baaa there to. loreana. Oa the aaeoad jouraay le dart thay rawed us fraas Ifflay to the Barrae at a sharp Uraly atraka, sad aa ry fairly. thoBth aoar the aad oaa ar twa af tha raw looked though a mlU aoum weald he BMrata thair aatte tasa a Iar caUa row erar the Pstaay watan. The wrww antiairaa or toe I ODOWlsg Bow.

H.W. BoMoa. an ma I i.J. J. a.

aaaaaw, OrJat S. H. WITWaaa. Oaiaa. Baakaa, Vatawattf.

LAWS RELATING TO LABOUR. I WJtaVwaaatcaaMChojah awahaJLli.Was.aiiiiiii O. laalart, Waeaaay aaa. TO TES KDITOR Off TBI TTaTM. Sir.

8ome of your ooaUmDorariee a. an intention on the part of. the to refer questions to a navoysl fvmitaiftn. If thk ba really tha ease, it k'tfbad beginning for a aaw Adauaistration. It wiU ba gsjdad as a mere excuse for delay a mode of ersding many pledgee aad, altar alL a sun of weaknoaa.

It oary tae otaar aay taat a tfoyal Oocamiasion, nominated by the party bow ia power, erery quettion of law sad of fact rslsting to employers ana employed, punusaed a maaa of eyideaoc ia II Blue books, aad finally, dioariag amoag thcmsalTes, prodaoad three or four aaparata aad ekborato Ba Porta. If thk pro Its to" ha raraW ft true the aattkmant of theea quaatioaa aiay Jba ad. Joaxaad for aoava yean, but tha Coaaarratire Oo temment WIU OB COnTlCtad of atranaparant tp'ft 7 aaata, uu wbjbb, WSS forstTsn to a weak Oorernmont, will hardly add to tha reputation of a strong one. What thara tor a Commission to dot Tha ouaa erf awidaaaaant kcted by the late Tradea Dnioa Comntktioa ara still trash aad oaly jut aatimihtad by tha euricu lorers of Hue book. The Master and Serrants Act of 1867 waa praoeded by a roost elaborate inquiry before a Parliamentary Committee.

The Law of Oonrpirmcy a matter of kw, not of fact, one which a few competent lawyers could dear, up ia a week, aad a matter oa which tha lata House of Commons aasaed a Bill with. out opposition. The whole of these matters ara afiain of rjahlia nalia and i on which a Oorammant of any character bound to hara a definite opinion aad aa Browed nolier. WhateTsr matter of fact remain to ba aaeartainad about the workiar of the kw ara alraadr in m. aaaaiwi ua uutua CBO 08 estljy OOUinod.

Of eouno. lf the now Oorwrnment or Ha fnllAwara eo deeply pledged aa many of them are, ara aot quite at one upon thaaa Butters, a new Royal Com Buauoa aoorua a oonreaienteacape from a dilemma. Bat it an eacape a little too obrioos. aad cava which for ao strong a party a strsnge sign of waakneaa. If tha new Gorernmeat intend to resist all attempt toimprore the existing defects of tha kw, thay ahould aaaooaea iropanly, aad aot lido off with tha dilatory plea of a Boyal Com.

NT ISO ATF0LVTMIST3. OCUTA axaoBoeBB. Bsa VaJTSTra raav. ami rtara. HawtaaraaCI XaaiMroj a.aU raawWahia naai "ai w.ttwm Xsms aU.

TaoAa. aC Xa aWt taad. Blurt iB ta. Biao a aU at. aiiniaia.aaaf Tf iniaitooiM aaiiw II.

WArsaxr Jh ha Tnlial Tmt Tltal IT ixatjaaro. JTav, Cbrttaa i IW, WW Iaa. WoriaU Tiara, Ttoa, Ywm. I Wat llirrli H. jtA.

BAloTa. a. Batsraia: Jmmu ti ttaan lhri, Barnaa. BrtarKT ll. Baacroei'a Paha at faa.

eali (Orawa oaMWr knttaliaB ll af, TJaalili tiaai irl aaaa, Xorth WimHl L. AJanu. U. BasauL araa. mii; Wat.

taRaraaj JVi. rfliidl UI XL Bauaataa. Ota aaa. Ctonay An. rnttard; IH.

ikd. u. Baaaa, aunia. afav. Illiiaum nlin; atCBarsa.

linna aiaaana; Tmmx. aUfauM TaObor: nat.GBOMs: a. waawrtta wltaia ai IV" BLAcaaana i wmWiCam; Tmmx. Ifailaat. anJaa; fWa.

Tto Tuaila; fn HaUaa raaa4 U. BUVCirtr. Slaa, tfalfwar Bnaaa Xvt a4 Wat, 'Caaa. aaa taara, uaaa au aat. akuatipa tX Ba JiAJI Baoa.

atalJ oai Bat. ftraaclaB I frU WhBtaiftaaa CaaaaiMB.Biss. Baa. Wwaaai Ttoa. Wataaaj frC Tad Ifylia li.

CArrtaroca. ha, raaRT Cta ta FK. IX CBxaaiaa a Twtmltm r. CtrM4 Tton. Wraatwr: rl, Caota oalalrr: Aat.

Ttfpnrhy Taa a Mil lU CurttASBaaa. ClaW fart 1 rUra. Biaadira XL Oanaoao Baa, CnihUki rwa. aiiiii: M. Waifiaaa Oerranaaa sra toalia I.TI? fn.

BanaTnrtao aO JVL. raaH'iMn faala. a. Sirtarltiwi IX. Coramrx Sart at Twm.

Baa a VarMrft Backlaj; Taara. riaiawj auajaa, Mm ngl iw Jai OBAaoe ra, Wt TtariaaiBI tan. BiaaaliM flai i CUBa 1 Sat. rastoaaa Baa Tar ai 3CL Cbatcbv aiaa. WaaaaaD Tmmx.

Uldmwkma IData af BMfWb HaialiftrawWirlaan Wat. lHni i Brtca aQaa aat. aaa. aaawllaci UU GSAWtST aad'BoaaaAH. Jfaa.

Baw Boat: taat. tUntaa: CraSUta. lW. Bailntnl H. Mattiia iMa t3 XL Dsrox.

BocTB. Bay OwWxt aoal Thara. DMaaiMio a U. Dcasat. lArrtfai ton; rat, htaaoty AVto fH.HasV Pgy xa.

VwmLM. i itiU, i Wml WmM BamaaM t. PaaBAJt SacTB. Jtaa.WiiifaiM, raf, Orlailna JVC WaaV taa 10 aV ''T TV. toa a WI i mn Wat.

WBBaaata: SaU in aad ayrtytJC aTaa. Wotr8 Waf, TlWiipfai WMN flosMt rt. Baaaa. I 1W, taiatougtrakoat JH. lairh Hit i ia QaxwatH.

tart. jr. Owartaa TW. Iiaflmh urt 1 TWa. awJaaTarBBBBap aaaaa M99X liSLwwtZJ OaArrowaD Ba of.

Baa. ft OM Waf, Bartaal7V. H. taaaUa ByMaM tVaa. Onaiinfa, iaiw1h; ncMMthm.

IfcuiBkM I Wat, BfaaWvaJ ToB Waf.Tlaiiliilti It 1 Bat. Ortailaa hatail 1 aaaa jaaoaa iaa. BoeTa Waa, atiaVlia may Ji'Biai Wat.TMijTt.saa;aai. Hotaaaaa. Br.

ratal Twrn, Oaa ar til, aaartor! flat. Alttaaraaft; JX. W.rf miMa Ilia i rt. rjBa teal arai sBwoaaaJtoa. Xatahlaa sat, CaataoaM atoV lata oa wtoax raa.

aaaak I a iaaua a. Joajraaraaw Bianarrao, TWy, Biaaat JH.Ti illn LbaWs, Ma. aa BwaVwaa4 Thara, Waratartaalalaa. BV tBoenmauX Wa TW. tore.T.

aaA.Oijaaaaraaaa tbt Joffl iH, sUsV tSajtA aiaa, Ti ja Waa. TaaoawaTat Jrt, i twsaaw rw. 1 Li 1W Tafwi iai Mar. rtr Ma. Tw.caiaj.Bi liajil Jrt.

Oi mail BaaaV rra" B. limn iBte TW, Taara, atatto 1 Sat. Bllltitaii It Ttora. Law atUrAf7 Vig u7''', abiia llUBat. 'ttZEi0 WoarivBassaAJTB aai Baaoa eseraa.

TW. IfTTTlai liniMni way fwitaaiiB, rw.tMneiiitit.ria,iMi II ta. CVmm KM. waaasotua, at aar alar Jrt, Mom tcIi Nbaat Wat, Baaaa Lmi Jaf, One word aa to tha opinion which working men. anwni'tk oraoa uaioaist.

skilled or tmkilfd a ill form on the proposal. I cannot doubt that they will look oa it aa a store eraaioa. It true that louowars of ue prssont Uorerament didracerro support from aectiona of working men ia rarious parts of tha country. But if they received aup pqrt, they gara pledges, aad thk hardly wa war mar wars exDeczea to radaara tham. The other day yoa quoted ma aa admitting how much of tha CoaeerTatire ekment may be found ia certain el tiara of tha workmen.

I cannot accept your reading of my words, for it teemed to me that you oreriooked tha qualifications 1 had made of time, place, aad manner. But aot to dispute with "you on thk, I venture to say that tha Proposal of a aaw Commission a rarr fair afan to open the oyea of tha Ooeaerratire working man. Ue will aaa ia it a aaw way to pay old debts and will fiad hktaelf treated aa ha waa treated bw athar nar. ties who had used him. The new Commission will aa oa tuet at ita constitution, aad will inspire no conadeocs in any one, unleat it contains member! thoroughly repreeeatrag tha workman, aad anises the workman am aaa aetiralv ta Ma inquiries thay ill be perfectly ahortire.

I will aa oanaxe to aay taat taara is small chaaca of either. Tha working men. Liberal or (Tooaarratira, akHled aad anakilled, hare aaked for oortiiii altaaatioaa ia the kw. If tha new OoTcrnment refusa this, thar Will know what to think of it. Thar hara ana adjournment of all raforat for year daring tha rambling inquiries of a hetarogeneoua Commission which will aerer agree to anythiaa: ia tha aad.

So ona who has thai one. hdanoe will tit on auch a Ctmintiatioc, Or if a weak kneed brother wara aattorad into doisa ao. ha would loeotaekoyilVlaacBtoawoeaLaatry.taayw look oa tha Oaaaaaaaioa aa aatara Baaaaara of oppev ptkm aad Will simply Ignrm, fta a rttnM, Ja short. Sir, tha aaw Cocnatiauorvf Goamaaaoa thara to be, wmbea fareaa fsroaasturtleooogh to tha adrott chiefs of a atruaKnr Partr. hat littla eraditabk to a Psrty which hope to hare a future, aad fitted to dkafnata what fl aaaintaiat ia OotBrarratkm afaayaaetioo of worn wiwsmeu, rejapzauo I raaotaa aaa, ataraa ix I HAMWOX.

LOST MOMASTZO CSMSIOtMS TO THX XOITOB or THX Tnraa. fa TaalBairta latter te dsr arakka kairrfar tha iBjatat of fark Imoo. Hay I seeks a ataaaw bwatrr for the aj ettan OaathridaB IPriTw. it JWaaVhBakhwMkttoaoaBM. taaaflaaaeBarrawtolCeO! Xstrsoas fzaaa tt earn to the garfaa (Va fieaa, OL T.

BXO stX. Taa aBrrrnr Ji 1 1 1 Mi Hawkins. CL. haa haaa rotataed to akdaTaraet ateatiaa pabUaa, with a leBdakg fee each aata af eWgsaBaa, aad gskeaa lahaahae eaBty day. ata ClBata, QXL, hoiia ole aa ax.

ovjaaaa aatoaBSBB asaa, aaa jar. JL JL fteea ahk hfarant Bt It waaht aapeai ewggeeTl ah toe mur. rw. ABBara ar Wat, I Hull JVC aaat Haaaaotaai. Anta.

laia ua i Ofa. WaraiMrilL Jf a. OrikuWr UI TWa. OaT BABCtrrrra Ma, aaw lartca Thara. liaa ah, hB II.

aaraa amlj Wml. ntatiwaaf 73Szf2r Iaanfaia, awjawasaaraaa, WaDaaf fw. Taaalaa IS at, aaaaawwas. Baara iaa. If aaaoi tiff; Waf, n' jlmj Tlf.

oraV TW, faWba firawi nib stasia BtArrianaaiaa abviav raa, fill 1 JK. Baak slaash tS. Akmlur BaUaBaaa WBlat OMSX. BASa TW. aMIaaaaaa I tn.

aWla "SSUSx WraajSM. TSB ai a. Baa, aiaalMB Wat Wiaam Tt Tarataa aaiai rMaaaaoi tl7 3a Tscxasa, TW. taaaaCaatla; H. BaaabaaaaBwa SL aaroaBaa, BJdaaoaaa 1 TWa.

Oaa itnl 1 TT. "2JjJf BaataUaa Bat Biai iUi Balrai TWa. Vrm rACB. TW. TWaj fw.

rars CaaCi art la. finibiiiiM Tu1 Tmm, rw.m haa Wat. Badlaa aaa Ba, Waliaitaa. Wat, Baaaaaaaa In wqmi tl BL atrasav TW, tawaabaad i JVt, BaMavtrhtaa BL WeaAiia IW.eiii lie Paaaa rrim Woa '1 IBara, BlaOii tiliUl 1 l.aaiailia, CarU WgTCflr i I Bat Uaa. Baat MrVL2LZ5.lrMimt JH.aii.

Tiaaaaaairs, BaB afaaa. fcatlar ft WaC Maac lira ftaamli ML im wwm ajarrr. aa llaL Bit hioji I sooTUxn. aoaaeoBaa, BaaoKaAauaa. Kaara.

Sa. li tt ri i.Tiaan tt' 1rrlmtfnaTm' Mmm rnra aa. latunaa Mi Bonn HIBai am aaaaaa pf u. '9H2'n Xr Banwaa aarajWalh tra, tiMiti ai a ii ai mi rry. aaiatibuM u.

Laatasaaraa aad BrrraaTaamrB TW Banaaa aaaa. vms LatiA a.ata; TWa, WaB CMfcJJaB, JaaaBaUXta TTTT.tTa. W4B Mar aBM 'Yw rW. Oarv Oaatr araaj PaWAttaw jmt, raf, laptraax a Owra aaiWAT Cwbbt. Baa.

CwSaTlaa TWa, Jahl all aat, Xfl. '''y" ainaataajiet aat. aJraa. BBa, BafcaoBaBtlWit Waf. Brraitil; Jtf, Trrmnr Ccsra Taa.rbihaa aii tt.i aaia.

Waf.CaBaal Jrt. fflna ia It, BTaaaw. Ba. Qaaaa Wa TW. Iaawwr TWa.

BaaV art; Bay. CM il iBaHjaw U. Wraaaax rw. Oras i m. thml a at, Qaaaa I Ml riaal OOBBTX.

TW, BaaaB B) Sara, CBa aw Ba, aiaraaaaa U. Catsajra CawsTTpBVa, IBiaiaB; ar m.m.i,..

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