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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 5

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 181(3. LATEST INTELLIGEN CE. TflK BPANISII BOURBONS." (Bt Taxsosurir.) raoa oc trtaxL 1 IMBIS, FaxST. corneal current here of a reconciliation vjwn the Due d. Montpensier and ex Qeen iuii burf opon an arratigememt that Prince shall aurry th daushter of the Date, Regency doTolnnS on the pacde Montpnr hi.U.

It even aucrtcd Uut thii understanding wu effects on s2ar, nd i. edded that the intervention of DaeenChritinaaadher strenuous co operation hare Stribatei greatly the result, but this rumoor. PARIS, Fib. J7. Fire rr Cent.

Loan, 1872, atOOf. 77c, or 3c lower than yesterday. DENMARK. COPENHAGEN, Fa. 27.

The Committee of the Folksthing on tno Scandinavian Coinage Convention has unanimously re sol red to recommend iU It is therefore probable that the Contention trill be approved by the Riksdag. THE GREEK PARLIAMENT. ATHENS, Feb. tt. The New Chamber of Deputies was opened dav by the King in person.

His Majesty in the Speech from the! throne announced that good relations were maintained with Foreign Powers. He: stated that measures would be introduced for enectinjt various internal reforms, and promised that the revenue and expenditure should be balanced, and that the construction of railways should" be prosecuted. His Majesty also declared that brigandage had been suppressed throughout Greece, and that a conven lia tne ououme i nf IAbtrU that Prince Alphonso I tion would shortly be concluded Hinected here Is beKeved to be unfounded. Porte on this subject The Speech madeno allu ZrJ St Vienna to be present at the Car aion to the Uurium Mines. nival at Lin, iPoctod 10 retum 10 Vienn very soon.


Evxjrtyo. Marshal. Serrano jnd Concha and the greater part iS THE CREDIT MOBILIER SCANDAL. (3t Cable.) (from ocb owk corkesroscxst.) PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27.

The Credit Mobilier debate closed to day. A motion to lav the whole subject on the table was Generals reaidinj: in Madrid have visited the Minister a MT P' trod the service of the Republic je3or Orense arrived hero this morning. SenorCastelar has drawn np a memorandum to communicated to all loreign rowers, demon itrsting that the csUbh'shmeutof the. Republic is inm arther consideration bf the subject. tU necessary result of the atxiicaton or Jvmg was 115 to 110.

Instead of the Committee resolutions for expel ling Ames and Brooks, the House adopted a substituted, resolution declaring that the acts charged occurred five years ago, four years before the election to the present' Congress of the implicated members that doubts exist of the right to expel members for acta committed before their election, and that the Committee therefore be discharged The vote (RII TEKS 1ELKGKAM.V) THE MAILS, GALLE, Fex 2fi. The Golconda left this port for Suet, with the mails from China, on the IMth inst. 'lheBaroda, from Australia (which had sustained some damage to her machinery on the voyage), arrived to day. Her mails will bo forwarded by the French steamer, and may be expected in London on Monday, the 24th March. The Australian gold, amounting to DID, may be expected at Southampton by the Pekiu, about the 7th April.

BORDEAUX, Fib. 27. The Messageries Maritimes Company's steamer Mendoza, with the inward French mails, from Buenos Ayr, 2Uh Montevideo, 27th of January; Rio de Janeiro, 3d; Bahia, 8th I'ernambuco, 10th Dakur, ICth; Lisbon, 23d of February, arrived at Pauillae yesterday, the 2oth, at 3 p.m. The mails left at midnight for Paris and London. QUEEXSTOKN, Fct.

27. The Inman Royal Mail steamer City of New York, from New Yorkwith passengers and $162,000 in specie on freight, arrived otf Queenstown at 6 10 a.m. to day. Having landed passengers and despatches, she proceeded for Liverpool immediately. The National Steamship Company's steamer Italy arrived here to day from Liverpool, and having embarked passengers the proceeded immediately for New York.

LIVERPOOL, Feb. 27. The British and African Steam Navigation Com pany's Royal Mail steamer Liberia, Captain Lowry, arrived in the Mersey yesterday from the West Coast of Africa, Tenerife, and Madeira. Her news and dates have been anticipated. SOUTHAMPTON "Feb.

.27. The North German Lloyd Royal Mail steamer America, Captain Bussius, from hew York, arrived here on Thursday evening, with a full cargo, GO cassenzers. and the Germsn and English mails. She resumed her voyage for Bremen at 10 30 p.m. The House next adopted a resolution condemna tory of Ames' conduct in seeking to procure Congressional attention to a corporation in' which he was interested, by inducing' members to invest in stock of the said corporation.

A resolution censuring Mr. Ames on this account was adopted by 181 votes, against 36. A resolution censuring Brooks was then adopted by 174 to tea against 32. (RIOTER'S TEXEOBAStS.) AMERICA. (Br Cable.) WA8HINGTON.

Feb. 26. Mr. Secretary Bontweli has decided to call in for redemption on the 1st of March of Five Twenty (1862) Bonds, instead of, as was previously intended, $100,000,000 on the 1st of June. The subscriptions for Fire per Cent.

Bonds of the Funded Loan embracing a larger proportion than tmadeua. He says, Foreign Governments having rtco nised the public powers proceeding from the revolution of now refuse to recognize 0 definitive regime which is tho logical consequence of thai Re volution.1 The memorandum further ob Ktves that experience has proved it would have been the best policy to proclaim a Republic in 1868. Sriior Castelar continues, "Our Republic cannot be brand of discord in Europe, because our transformation i a purely internal matter and has no coonexion with the political and international problems interesting Europe. We have a right to hope ,11 rowers will recognise us. Let not foreign nations demand energyrom us if they deny their moral jspport, which is all we ask from them." THE CARLISTS.

SOME, FEB. 27, LVXfnsO. 1 rt Fiv Twanlv Bonds. The Spanish Minister in this city has received Syndicate shall be at liberty to settle and' class iesstch from Seuor Castelar, denying certain off Five Twenty Bouds for all subscriptions in rnmenrsol a want oi consiaerauon navmg uwa txcesi wo ciu uiiuimu hviu. I r.

3 4. Dill y. i Ik. ine oenaie Kruaj um uw ua powers of the Federal, Courts in Utah for the execution of the laws. Mr.

Alexander Stephenson, formerly Vice PresidentPresident of the Confederate States, has been elected to Congress for Georgia. Febbcart 27. The Senate has passed the Fisheries Bill unanimously. EvEniyc. The Houso of Benresentatives resumed to day ih consideration of the report of Judce Poland's Committee with reference to the connoxion of the members of the House, Messrs.

Ames and Brooks, with the Credit Mobilier. On a vote being taken, ih euiftiuat of Mr. Ames was condemned by 181 against 30, and that of Mr. Brooks by 174 ageinst 32. Thfl House refused to discharge the Poland Committee, and mere censures are pending.

The conflict in Louisiana is assuming a serious aspect, and the Bill of the Senate urging immediate The White Star United States' mail steamship Atlantic arrived here yesterday. To dsv's receipts bf cotton at all. United States porta have been 11,000 bales. Count Andreas Bernstorff starts for England today in the Cimbria. The: Cunard steamer Alzena and the Guion mv Idaho arrived out at 6 a.m.

to day. rrM'Enerr. the contesting Uoveroor ol iioui has issued a nroclamauon caUinz out the iililitiato reinsUte "the Judges appoiuted by the Liberal Fusion party In opposition to those, ap WiintiKl hv the Kellotnr Dartv. I The Hamburg American steamship Silesia ar rived out at 7 p.m. yesterday, i Cuxuxa Pbices.

I Gold ciosod 'at 1143 the highest iuotatiou during the day was 114, the lowest 114f. exchan? on London. loSi. United StateV Bonds. 1885.1161 tS llog; rive per venu unaea ijoui, tbows to King Amadeus on his departure irom Madrid and during Ka journey to Portugal.

BAYONNE, Feb. 27. Advices from the frontier state that great alarm las prevailed at Iran since tho visit of the band of Martinet to the aubarb. The Government is sboat to send a amaU garrison tolrun and orUfy it. The band of Olio, 2,000 strong, is proceeding to wsrds Navarre, pawing through Lecurnberri.

Dorre gsry has ordered the Municipalities of the district Baisan to sand all the young men to join the Csrlists. General Pavu is marching towards Pampe hoa, where a CarUst attack is expected. TRP. FRENCH TREATHS OF COMMERCE. FRENCH TREATIES (Bt TxxEOEAro.) (nOX OCX SrBCIalr OOBXtB8FOXOE3rT.) PARIS, Feb.

27. The Comtnission to examine the new Com stisi Treaty with. England was to have been appointed to day, bat the greater number of th Bereaoz were deserted, the Deputies being in atteadaaee at meeting to discuss the course to be taken by them in the discussion of to day. The selecoa of the members of the Commission has been postponed until Tuesday, when it probable the Comaisaioaers to consider the Franco Belgian Treaty wffl also be afpoated. (RXUTER'B IHE COMMISSION AND THE ASSEMBLY.

VEBSAILLES, Feb. 27, Evxyisa Thk being tho day fixeft for the discussion of the CoBsritutional meuore proposed by the Committee of Thirty, the Duke de Broglie, as the Reporter of the Committee, demanded at the opening of the litting of the National Assembly that the Bill should bs declared ursent. Thk motion was adopted, only i hi vs. Lire: the Extreme Left and aome memoeri or me rugns it. M.

Dufaure, the Minister of Justice, announced that the Government unreservedly accepted the Bill of th Committee. 3d. Marcere tnen addressed the Assembly. He declared that the counby asked for a cessation of the present provisional state of thing, and he ex fresaed his opinion the measure before the House was an application of the programme put for wsrf in the Presidential message. H.Dahirel urged that the Aasembly should pro chum either a Monarchy or a Republic The Marquis de Castellan reproached the Committee with not having made sufficient use of its Constituent powers.

Ha added The Assembly ought to do to day what it will sot be in a position to do in a few months' time. If we wait for the liberation of the territory we shall hare commotion in the country. With the present Provisional Government France is isolated. His impossible for her to contract alliances because foreign Powers dread ber as a botbed of dema poBtsm. The Aasembly should at once proclaim a Consututional Monarchy, state upon what conditions the country wishes for that form of Government, sod then impose the necessary sacrifices upon1 all French Princes without exception.

the Assembly 'does not now take a bold resolution the country will bs exposed to fresh dangers." in speecn was receivea wua cnecn uj mo Eight. M. Haentjess read from the tribune a declaration of a Bonapartist character, in which be said he would rote for the Bui from motives of conciliation, 4 the same lime criticiaing several of its ttatiag that he preferred the amendment of M. Yeatavcu, which would leave M. Thiers in the' position he hu hitherto occupied, allow him to peak "whenever he thought necessary, and render Cw Ministers responsible to the Assembly.

M. Haentjeas defended universal suffrage, and d. ttsaded that the nation should be directly consulted open the question of Republic, Royalty.or Empire. 14 When the proper moment lie said, 'we eall uphold' oar doctrines with energy." The closed, PARIS, Feb. 27, Eves wo.

PassporU between France and Switzerland havo been abolished. Mr. James Orr, the new United States' Minister has arrived here en rouie for SL retert LEA DENU ALL MARKET. YetUrdav a iceetinj of tho Court of Common Council iu held it GuildUlI, for tbe ilMpsteh of bcsincM, the Lord Miyor tirerMiog. Mr.

Badkin, cbsirmso bl the MsrkeU Committea of tbs Corpontion, presentdl a report from that body omitting plans aod a raorttl for tbe conitructioa of a'poaltry market upon the sin of Lesdenhall met ioarki. at the estimated cot of 2 V.00W., aod reoommendiDg'ibat upon tbe expiration ot the existing leaiei of tbe boniea twloniDs to tbe Corporation which abut upon tbe site of tbe proposed new market, tbe Committee bould be empowered to eonitract a rout over tbe. passages between trie bouses ana me niarkst at a further rost of 2.000L In moving the doptiod of tbe rort lie dwelt npoo tbe (treat public oooreoience of hariog a ionltry market near tUh niarket" like that of Cillingsgste. si proved by Ion; experience, and stated that if the report of the Committee were adopted, there would be 40 Urge and commodious shops in all for etrryine on the poultry trade, which would be great boon to that part of i tbe City. Adverting to a proposal of tbe Corporation to expend 150.00W.

in eiecticg a new Meat and Foultr'y Mar ket, at the wetrn end of tb new Meat Market ia Smith heU. be axeued tbat it would be failure, icasmucb as he was ante that tbe poultry salesmen of Leaden ball market would never migrate to Smithfield. Mr. J. T.

Bedford submitted tbat the Court bavin? already decided to erect a new Meat and Poultry Mar ket iu it bad no option but to carry out its own resolution. Mr. M'Oebrge, the chairman of the City Lands Committee, opposed the report of tbe Committee on financial grounds chiefly, and aUo on the difficulties of aoceu there would to the proposed new market at Leaden. halL He slo siid he was anxious to ascertain the value of the Corporation property there before the Court embarked oo tbe contemplated expenditure of Tbat befog appealed to the Court to bold its hand for tbe present, and he moved a aa amendment in effect that it be referred toa onuinittee to roosMer the whole subject. Aldcrmin SJlr David Salomons.

M.I'., on tbe other baod, dwelt upon tbe pressing necessity there was for making room for merchant traders in that central part bf tbe City. For 70 years, be said, he had known Leaden ball market he was born in London wltbm tfce soon a oi Bow bells, and he hoped before he died to see the market removed aod merchant princes holding their Court on its site. It laying out ita money let the Corporation do it on enlightened principles, and not take a retrograde step tbat because there had long been a market there tbe place was always to be used as a market. Mr. Deputy Jones, who had lived 60 years in the neighbourhood ot tbe market, spoke in favour of its continuance sod improvement from hit knowledge of ita great public convenience, which was etbauccd, be said, by its proximity to tbe fish market at Billingsgate, and he reminded the Court tbat there was a tradition tha an ancient market 'vas just as immoveable as a river.

Mr. Medwin, having retard to what be believed tbe immense value of tbe Corporation property in and near the market, deprecated Court arriving at a hasty and irrevocable decision on the subject. Mr. Deputy Lowman Taylor, long a leading member of the Court, observed that it had to provide market sooommodatioa fir three and a half millions of MopUvthat themarkrt at LeoUU had been lonr eelUaOtha THE QUEEN'S COURT. The Queen held a Court at Backinzham Palace yesterday afternoon.

The Court was in mourning for tier late jlajesty the x.mpresS'Dowager ot Austria. Their Itotal Hichnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, attended by the Countess Of Morton, the: lion. Mrs. btonor. the 3Iarnuis of Uamuton, Lord Col villa of Culross, General the Right Hon, bir William Knollys, the Hon.

C. L. Wood, aud lieu tenant Colonel Ellis, and escorted by a detachment of the 1st Life. Guards, arrived at the, Garden entmnco of the Palace. His Royal the Duke of Edinburgh ar rived from Clarence house, attended by Colouel.the tion.

J. Oolvule and Colonel Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian ot'SchleswiK HoIstein arrived from Froj more attended by Lady S. Melville. His Royal Highness the Dnke of Cambridge, arrived from Gloucester house, attended by Colonel the Hon. J.

Macdontld. His Serene Highness tbe Duke and her Royal Highness the Duchess bf Teck arrived from Kensington Palace, attended by Lady Caroline Cuit and Colonel Airey. His Serene BigHneea Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar was present at the Court. His Uighness the Maharajah Dnleep Sing and the Maharanee arrived at the Palace attended by Colonel Oliphant. Her 3Iajesty's Body Guard of the Hon.

Corps of Gentlemen at Arms was on duty iu the atate Saloons under the command of Earl Cowper, K.G., the Captain. The following officers were present on duty with the 1 ieutenant Colonel Sir William Topham, the Lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel W. M'Call, the Standard Bearer Major W. O'B. Taylor, the Adjutant and Clerk, of tha Cheque and Captain 2.

U. Philips, the Sub OUicer. The Rovai Bodv Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard was on duty, under the command of th Duke of Albans, the Captain. Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Need, the Lieutenant and Lieu teuant Colonel C. D.

Patterson, the Exon in Wait ing, were present on duty with the Corps. A Guard of Honour of. the 1st Battalion Scots Fusilier Guards was mounted in 1 the Court of the Palace. The Queen sccompanied by the Prince and Princess of Wales and th other members of the Royal Family, entered the Throne Room shortly after clocks In attendance upon Her Majesty were Tbe Dachets of tbetlsnd (Counteos of Cromartie), (Mistress ot the BobesJ, the Duchess of Eoxburghe (Lady tbe Bedchamber in Waiting), the Hon. Mrs.

Camp bell (Woman of the Bedchamber in Waiting), the Hon. Caroline Cavendish sod the Hon. Flora Macdonald Maids Honour in Waiting), the Earl of Bessborough (Lord Steward). Ylscoaat Sydney (Lord Chamberlain), tbe Mar quia of Aiksbury (Master of the Horse); Lord Pol ti more fTreaiurer of the Household), Lord Otho FitsOerald (Controller of tbe Household), Lord Bichard Groa venor (Vice Chamberlain), the Earl of Cork (Master of the Buckhoundi), Colonel H. F.

Fonsonby (private secretary), Major Oooeral Sir Tboa. M. Biddnlph (Keeper of tbe Privy Parse), the Karl of Morley (Lord in Waiting), tbe Hoo. Algernon GrevHIe (Groom in Waiting), Major General Hon. A Hardinge and Colonel T.

Da Plat (Eqneries in Waiting), Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Cowell (Master of tbe UooMhold). Mr. H. D. Erskioe bf Cardroas (Groom of tbeltobes), Mr.

A. H. Harding aod Mr. V. A.

F. Biddulph (Pages of Honour in Waiting), the Hoo. Speocer Poosonby (Controller of tbs Lord Chamber lain's Department), "Mr. C. lieneage, tbe Hon.

C. G. C. Eliot, Commander G. Nehon, K.N., Mr.

Algernon West and Mr. F. Knollys (Gentlemen Ushers in Waiting), Earl Cowper (Captain of tbe Gen'tlemen et Arms), tbe Duke of St Albans (Captain of the Yeo jieo of the Guard), Lieu tenant Colonel Bateaon (Silver Stick Waiting), Colonel Lord Abioger (Field Oilcer in Brigade Waiting), Colonel' G. G. Gordon Captain of the Queen Guard), Colonel the Hon.

W. Faoe Keane, C.B., CspUin Heo.1, K.K., and Colonel tbe Bight Hon. J. Wilson Fatten, M.P. (Aides de Camp in Waitiog).

General Lord Strathnairn (Gold buck) was nn avoidably prevented from attending the The ljueen wore a oiacs suk areas, witn a train trimmed with crape, and a head dress, with a lone veil of white tulle and black crape' lisse, surmounted by a coronet of jet. Her Majesty also woro jet ornaments, the Riband and the Star of the Order of the Garter, the Orders of Victoria and Albert and Louise of Prussia, and the Saxe Coburg and to Her Boyal Hhsew the Priea ef Wales, by General jfo CATHOLIC VyiOX ef GREAT EiUXAJJX. wuuam K.oollyi..S.l.B. Mr. E.

Uamtree, by tls SecreUry or Bute Coloniea. A depuUtioa of tae Cathohc Union of Great Britain Mrs. Diintr? bv the Coentes. of Kiaerley. yrl uruinue; ai i aiiu.

rvJljiV! SirJattesFejrua.ouappJtnt aentaiGoverocToew Taelylsst. ex pre, the ube Lnca Jaou 7ia tv. Mta. th. that Her tHr ro.n?ct si use tiekl Jiaraaal trivuoua Gom xnent as Cooatahle of the Tower Ueuteeaos Generai Hon.

A. H. Gordoa. on aproiitiseat Grrportioss la Toe. The depwUtioa iaelded to th Coionly of the Reim at.

by Tield 3Iarhxl the 4f. 01 uf bis Koval UubeeM Couman iiar in Ctief. uenoua. xjto nor. sr.

a jnor, Captain Kobm Hail, on as N'aval Secrttarv jlaxwall. Uoa. Coassnale Mas eli, aa George V.7?t toih. AUwiradty, by fc First Locd the Admiralty. j.

Mr. ii.XattAws. M.K4.ra Unse Adixtiral Sir James Hope, oo aopoiatineot as fTtnapal mas wim rscari xczua. oc. T.

Jfavii AideHle Camp to ta Queen, by the First Loni of the luliia tiorernl had itva saraees.ttrnga isttA. the Admiralty. Fajrt. tha tie pro? 1 jt d4 not aieet uutttanors of 1tt Central Pacifiaf Railway Bonds. 104 Dlihois Shares; 121 EnVSharea, 65J.

Cotton Middling Uplandj 2DJc Petroleum; standard white, 19 Flour, extra State, $7 60c to 7 80c Com, old mixed, fXc Red ripring wheat, $1 75c BOSTON, Ftt. 27. A destructive fire has here. Three persons were killed and seven injured, and it is feared a number are buried in the ruins. INDIA.

CALCUTTA, Fn. 27. The Viceroy has appointed Mr. Shaw to the post of Commissioner in Ladakh. AUSTRALIA.

MELBOURNE, FdES 26. Sir. Michie been appointed AgentiGeneral in London for the colony of Victoria. 2 'The Governor, Sir Georje Bowenf' leaves for England on the 28th inst. The results of the Intercolonial Conference in reference to postal arrangements are considered satisfactory by the Western Colonies.

The ucstion of subsidizing the Australian cable ia not yet finally decided. SYDNEY, Fxb. 24. The Parliament of New South Wales has resolved to send an address to Her Majesty protesting against the choice of Melbourne as the terminus of the mail a it via uaiie. WEST IN DIA AND PACIFIC MAILS.

(Bv Telegraph.) fntOM OCR OXfK OORREXI0rrEKT.) PLYMOUTH, Feb. CT. The Royal Mail Company's steamship Elbe, Captain Moir, With the homeward West India, PaciSr. and mails, arrived here at 5 a.m., I V. with lull carso.

inauame ircasurs vaiuea at brated: and beiag, nwreonr, central in its' situation asfd biiblv convenient, to the inhabitants of tbe eastern parts of the metropolis, he felt sure tbe Court would not npoo light grounds remove it. At the same time it was the duty "of the Corporation to render it convenient of access and commodious in itself. He doubted, kddmsinir himself to tbe financial cart of tbe Droiect. that the Corporation would be recouped tbe proposed ex(n il. I i.

i f. uliure oi ipe vodhpiiik mj prmreu lomuu ii would by the aooual rent of 15 shops at UC0 guineas each. Not a single shilliog, be said, was put down for the land, every ioeh of which was of great value. Besides, if tbey were coins to construct a narket, they should not do it bv piecemeal, but ones and for alL There were no sti proacbea provided fur In tbettimate. It was so important element iu connexion with public market that it should be easily accessible, and in this case there ought to be a road war 40ft.

wide. He thought, tinder all the circumstance. it would be better for the Court to pause before it entered on the proposed expenditure of 27, (XXV. the mora so as it had already determined to m.rlr ttm wlAra ...1 rt tVim New Meat Market ia Smithneld. Mr.

DetAity FV re minded the Court that it had previously decided toenlarte the poultry markct on its prevent site, and that tbe only. question was tee pnm now proposed lor tbe enlargement was a proper.voeJ Meplying to bit David Salo mons, Mr. ry suhautted it was ot the last importance that a puUio mar Ket ne iu a central posi tion, ratner than one in which few people would kno'w where to una It. ill. flicker supported the motion.

Mr. Kadkio. in re pi v. observed tbat the proposed expendi was in all, and tbat tbe net at present was 2.10UT. a vear.

He anticipated that oo the i nproTe ment teinc earriet out tbe value of the surrounding pro petty would Urgely increase and be more than sufficient to .1 r. i recoup me present ouuay. mevaiueoi tae laoo, wmcn waa at present unproductive, might be fairly estimated at 15 aod if tbat sum waa added to tbe cost of th im provement, tne tout expeoaiture upon it wouia ee TsJaoff the revenue at ita present condition it would still give interest on tnat ex emuture oi 4 per cent, up to loTX, wbeu anumber of the surrounding premises could be utilized. The Court divided, and Mr. M'George'a amend ment was carried by a majority of 5.

Upon tbat lioi put aa a snnstautive reMiution, iu. JJepnty Jotts niovea tuat tne report anouiu do reierrea dsck to the Markets Committee for reconsideration, and that they should confer with the City Lands Committee on tne suoject oi tne vaiue ot tne tana suirotiniiinginmarKei with a view to taking tbe best meaos of utilizirig it This waa seconded by Mt. Uudkin. supported by Mr. Deputy liivmin Tavlor.

and eventually carried. Jlr. Kudldn pre sented a further report from the Markets Committee submitting plans and. specifications for tbe re construction of JWIliBgngate market, at aa estimated expense ot He explained that the Court bad already sanctioned an out lay not exceeding l.W.OUY; for tbat reconstruction, and the Committee now formally subwdtted tbe plans. JThe report was carried unanimously, with tbe sinzle exoejttion of tbe vote of Mr.

KicbunK Mr. White broogbt' np a report from the Police' Conraittee, ecelcxiog a written opinion, given in answer foa request from the Court, by Cclooel Fraser, the City t'ommiseiooer of Folice.whd ei pressed his stronit belief that irresictive of all other coosiWatioot tbe serious additional oo.tacle wcicn the intfo luctioo ot amons; whom are the Marquis and Marchioness de Bassano, from uarannan tn jromeiot unuiennrst Seuor Don Augosto Dreyfus and lady, from lima; and Alfred Da Costa, from Jamaica, The dates of the Elbe are' Tamptoo, February 1: Vera Cnir, 2d Colon, 5th; Haranuah, Jamaica, 10th and St, Thomas, 14th. She experienced fine weather aud smooth sea from the 14th to 17th from 18tli to 19th a strong wind from Wi to N.N. increasing to a hard gale, with heavy squalls and high sea, until the night of tho 20th. when it moderated, and since then stronz S.W.

wiuda and thick, rainy weather. There is uo news of importance from Mexico or the Spanish Main. The Peruvian Government and financiers in Lima are confident of a creat rue the value of Peruvian securities when it becomes established that the monopoly is held by Go vernment for the, exportation ot nitrase. which is a formidable competitor with fiuano. It is believed the exDort of nitrate will be restricted to fire million quintals per annum, so aa to maintain the pre sent vain ot guano.

A treaty oi a xaronraoie cna racter as reearda boundary lands has; been con bsnof BsOv4a UsaraM sffiiosw the oeats. eluded, at La paa between Chili add ihenivA eC the Bank of France for tno weeiM wnuasHi mvaua, auu, w1Mi I r. mat miM nn nf fnih nnar 1 'l i 1 I IA 1 Deacn at uesaiKm. iu uwuw uwu, Lord Cochrane's statue naa arrived In Chili, and will be placed in the Plasa Intendencia. The health of the West India Islands was very good, and the weather continued uvouraoie to tne, crops.

The German mnz sauadron, conauung ot tried rien Cari. Vinata. Elirabeth, Albatross, and Gazelle, waa at Jamaica, rout for Havannah. Tha Elba landed 87 passeatrers and the mails at Plymouth, and proceeded at 7 45 for Cher Mr. White, who has been appointed United Minister lo the Argentina Ilepublic, ia also hen, rW to his Legation.

The BimTullic of thia evemag announces that KTbienwiU goto Anzin in April, risutiivjlsills en tae war. i evening at the mem A dWer and reeeption are given thk reaideeooof the All I hows the following wsd wish thai of last week Fraaes. 15.148,000 si 14.000.000 KotssksMaa 3,009,090 areas ui i batetwe u. A miss oc she dwpestt of Iwtllion 388.C00 The Swm has inn. Thm per Cent at MC.

Ne. oc fc. $1,241,119, 07 sacks of nulls; and oj passengers, ramwayswouldrroluciotbeah'eadyovercrowdelstreetsof tbe City, rendered tbat introduction in the highest derree objectionable. A discussion ensued, iu which it was gathered tbat tbe City Comiuisioner of Sewers, who were instituted the local authority in the City down to 1871. were now considering a proposal by a tramway company to brinff under as old Act their line into the City in two diree tlont, wnile tne hlmi.

naa ueciri them si tbe local authority, had refused to sanction the latroductiom of tramwajs into the City at all. Tbe matter gave rise to a good deal ot dispute as to tha respective duties tbe Corporation and the in the matter, and ia the end tbe report. which was merely a lornui one. was auopteti. zn r.

naxter proposed tbat it should be refined to. the Library Com Ullttee tO CuDSIucr luu I cjivt iw wfl tieabUity of appropriating a portion of the new library to the purposes of a' law hhrary of ref ereuoa for the legal pro ftaafon and general public iu tbe Ulty. lie sUteU that there were more than 'LOGO in tbe City that the superior Courts sat for some weeks during the year at CJuildhalL and tbe Mayor's1 Court aod tbat there was no law library within tbe City with the exception of tbe private libraries of the Inns of Court and the Law Tnititatiaa Mr. W. Cover seconded, and Dr.

Saaodera and Mr. Innea supportel tbe resolution, but it'wsa lost by a very narrow majority. The Uourt then adjourned. Attmfted Pakkicide. A vouna: man named Serin was convicted last week at the Assise Court of the Seioe et Maroe of attempttcig to murder nis xatner.

is ap peared from tbe evidence that tne prisoner creu upon nia father while eesmeed in wood cuttieg in a forest, and, find tK was not fatal. SITUCK mm wiui wf jran until tha butt was broken after which be inflicted with a binnook. leavtoe tne eia for dead. Keooveriag after a time, the father' managed to crawl home, bat did not denounce his son ustu tbe next A.r rMT4n lot he ahonld complete his mardeross work. Upon being questioned by tbe Court, tbs prisoner admitted tha ahnv facta, and nrt as a reason for the crime tbat he wiahad to kill hia father in order to qualify himself for axamotlon from military service aa the son cf a widow.

Tha inrv hayin returned a rardiet of Mcuilty." andznakia; no nwntloa el axteoaatios eircumsutcsja, tha Court can. tWswtd the prlsoasr to bt assented a Kslaa. Her Jloval Hizhneas the Princess of Wales wore a dress of black yol.t 4 bouillons of tulle, tunic of black lace, ornamented with garlands of black clierries, train black poult rfc scne, trimmed ith blaclc satin and lace. Ornaments pearls and diamonds. Head dress a tiara of pearls and dia monds, feathers and veil.

Orders Victoria and Albert, Catherine of Russia, aud the Dauish Order. Her IkOval Hichness Princess Ciiristian of Schlcswig Holstein wore a black satin petticoat, handsomely trimmed with Brussels lacs, and a blsc satin train. Head dress a tiara of diamonds. Ornaments diamonds. Orders Victoria and Albert, St.

Isabel of Portugal, and the baxe Coburg snd Uotha family uruer. The Diplomatic circle was attended by The Kassiao Ambassador, tbe Countess de Brunnow, M. M. Ttsrtoloaiei. M.

A. de Beloukna h.okhaoowsky, M. u. Jiord. M.

AwsaiMsre de Iters', the Count and Coanteas Kenttyssow, and Captain Kapitoff tbe Austro riuntariaa Amhassador, Count WcJkenstein.M. Ernrtt. de Flener, Hf.tVde Bernuth. tbe Count de Montgelas anil Count Dubeky the rencli AmbaisaUor, tbe uouote and siaue. d'llareourt, M.

Cbarlea Gavard, M. PautDutritl. M. F. de.

the Viscount de Vauvmeus. Count and Uoanteaa Vannlaa. de Kergotlay, Count de Langier Villars, Count de la Baume, Baron de JlanOal de tirancey ana m. AUguste V'erou the Uooduras Minister and Madame Gutierres, the Salvador Minister. Madame Necrete, aod Captain F.

Parrera: the Danish Minister. Madame tie Dulow, M. Paul de LovenSrn. and and Madame uosca tne nwauisn n.l Xorwesian Minister, tbe Baroneaa Hvchschild. Count SUenbock, M.

D'Adelborg, M. de Xordenfeit, and CapUlrf Peyroh: the Greek the Mademoiselles Brallas a. 1 1 Armenu aaicdiid, iwu 9. G.

ConUo the Italian Minister, M. Cbarle C. de PmaoerL il. T. CataUni.

and Al. I1s tbe rtrtuguese Mini.ter. the Duchess of iUldanba. M. IL Teieira de Himuto.

SI. Luiz de Ouillioan. Viscoaul de S. Tomuato, Chevalier George Manders, and Chevalier G. Xayier de Prito: tbe Netherlands Minister, tbe Countess tie Hyiandt, and the Chevalier K.

Von Testel: the United States ii: ik. Mr Rnimln Mnnn. and Colouel W. H. Cbeesbrough tbe Persi.n Miniater.Geoera tf kt.i i in dlouamea Aga, Jiirta au, jursa jwiuniniiici au Hussein Khan tbe Bolivian Minister, Madame and Mdlle.

Campero, M. Nicatior Delia Eocca, M. Elias Udaiti, and M. Carlos Watson the Uuatrmala MieiUer, Don Kamon ralarioa. Don J.

L. de Fnociseo Martin and Don Rntierrez Ponce the Japanese Minister. Motooo Morimichi. Okada MaakL and Suzuki Kinso tbe T.t Madame ijenitee ana M. jom Tomaa Sosa: the Belsian Minuter, M.

Artaur anda VM. M. fieorre Devux. and the Prince A. Ix de, croil th Turkish Charge d'Afiaire, Ali Mouhsyn Bey and Captain Ahmed Bev the Brazilian Charge d'Affaires and the Chevalier do CarraiUt.

Moreir tte rirarao Losipi d'Aflairet, Madame Almonte, M. E. rord jsortn, it. G. A.

Goozales Otbecoss. M. J. F. Maepherron and M.

Torchato Derteano M. Huso Von Krause. rvint Bernard tVartentlebrn. M. Herman "Wilke.

and Majorvon (Councillor, fcecrelary, ana Attacces of the German Embassy) EmI Gtanrille (Her Majesty a Principal Secretary ot Slate for Fcreicn Affairs) and Oonnteas Gnnville and Geeetal the Uon. Sir JEdward Cut (Her Majesty's Master of the Ceremonies). The German Ambassador, with the Countess tie Bernstorff and the Countess Therese de Bernstortf, were unable to attend the Court in conseiuence ot the serious illness of tne Ambassador. The Argentine Minister and Madame Bulcarre were unavoidably absent from the Court. The Baron and Baroness de bant Anna were iinnKta ia attend.

In the Diplomatic Circle the following ladiet and tentl of 1 ein Kv Bv the lady oLthe Foreizu Jeeretsrt of StateMadame de Sezrete, wife of the Minister for j.ala. 15 Madame ua xtaiow. sirs. J. ji.

tuuisiy. wue ot ins Naval Attacl ft of the United By bis ivicelleacy tae Uaaauto Aiusaikr. Ls C'pi taine de. Vaiwetu hlapitoa, jvsval AtUstK to tbe ut iiy tbe rortuguese x.nvey. ognera Moares.

Bv tha United State Kovoy. Oolooel WUliaiii lLCheeae brough (Asaistaat SeerrUry cf Legation), asdCommaader fraacis an xiamsay isavai Astacae xo xoe LAganosi. By the Japanese Envoy. ilotono Moriaiki, Okada Slaakie, and Suzuka Kinso (Secretaries to the Legation) Voabida Kisjoeari (Vice Miauter of the Finance Depart ment) and Utort netssolne (Chief Minuter of the rinance Department). by the Turkish Charge d'Affaires.

All Moahsyn Bey (Second Secretary cf Enbatry) and Captain Ahmed Bey (CapitaiBe de Frigate aodJJaval Attaehe). Presentations were made to Her Majesty at this Court as under: Miss CaroUne Bruce, bv her mother. Mis. A. Bruce.

Sir George Cartkr, by the Secretary of Ststa for the Colonies. Lady Cartier, by the Coanteas Eimberley. Miss Cartier, by her mother, Lady Carticr. Misa Hertenss Cartier. by her aether.

Ladv Cartier. Lord CoItIII of Calross, cappotatasat as Chsmhtrlsia .1. s. Mmi. in tit IJ.ViJi, OO appoint I "i.u sue isauus 4 of LijTuhxc bv the First on consiue ce to inUsa Uatcoac intaresu wrawaw i jjl i pwhaeBC respeetcir Misa uiiy Jackson, by Mrs.

Tait, i i i on tnmi mpn nr riiitmplmn hul tn lioooun wofru rr ti. i iitni. jr nwu juwi Jladame uaiierrez. Jta uiA. ii'iia rntccaru.

.1.... Tee Countess of Kea by the Ousters of Bess boroajh. Ladv tmur on arroistctest as Ladr of the bedchamber to ber Koval Hizhceas the Prmusa oi Wales. by the Coaates of Morton. Mr.

J. IL Lonzden, C.M.G., on appointment as Governor of Trinidad, by tbe Earl of Kaiibeiley. 3lrv J. ULi ixuigdrn, by ta Uontess ot M3i Verier. sir Jasies MCoilocb.

by the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Lady M'CiUloeb. by tbe Coanteas of Kimberiey. Admiral Sir Alezander Milne, on appoint tneut aa First a vat Lord, br be First Lord of the Admiralty. The Ktght Hon.

Christopher Psllea, on appoistmeot aa Attorney Oeaenl for Ireland, by the Marquis of Hars i ingtoa. Mrs. Palies, by Laiy O'ltajran. Hon. S.

Wdfreda Palmer, by her mother. Lady Selborae. Ladr Selborne. bv Visooonteai Halifax, in ths abac coo of her sUter iaJaw, Visaoaateas Cbewtoo. Sir Jamea atracney.

hCa.L. by tne Secretary of Stata for India, La ly Strachey, by Lady Colrile. Miss Alice Van de Werer. bv her moUier. Ma lame Van daWeyer.

The following persona of distinction had the honour of receiving notifications to attend the Court: His Hishaeu the Kab Xazim of BeoeaL Prince' Ali Kudr Hnsaan Ali Bahadoor, and Prince Suleiman Kndrr Vahid Ali Babadoor the Dornberz, the Count and Countess Uleichen. tae Arenbishop of Canterbury and Mrs. Tit, tho ArihiAshop of York and Mrs. Tbonsoo, tbe Archbishop of the Archbuhop of Dublin, the Hoo. Mrs.

and the Misses trench, the Lord Chan cellor aod tee Hon. Miss the Lord Lieu tenant of Ireland and the Couateaa Spencer, the Duke and D.ichess of Argyll and Lady Elizabeth Campbell, the Duke of Norfolk, toe Dake of Sutherland, the Dowager Duchess of A thole, the Dnke of Rozburghe, the Marquis aod Marthiocesaof Ripon, the Marquis of Ifarting ton. the Mamnis and Marehumeas of Laasnlaiane tXa V.r. chionesi of Auesbury, the Marehiosess of Ely, the Marquis and Marchioness of Hnotly. the Marrjuis and Harehiooesa of Hamilton, Earl and Coiotess Granville, the Earl and Couoteas ot Kl ley and Lady Constance ode bouse.

Earl of Carapenlown. Counters of Bessoroarh. Earl and Countess of Cork, Conntesa Cowper, the Countess of Caledon and Ltvir Jane Alexander, Earl and Coun teas of Erroll, aunt ess of Mayo, Dowager Counter of Gainsborouzh, Dowager Coanteas of Mount Edgeumbe, and Lady Ernestine Edgeumbe. tbe Earl of Keamare, tbe Earl of Morley, Earl and Countess of Lauderdale, Earl and Countess of Mount Edgeumbe, Ewl aad Counteea of Macclesfield and the Ladies Parker. Earl and Coanteas of Mor ton, Viscount and Viscountess Halifax and the Hon.

Mrs. Wood, Viscount and ViacuuLte Sydney, Viscounteaa Jocelya, VuxMiotea Chfden. Viscountess Cbewton, Visoouotesa Forbes aod Mias VaujEhan, Viscouot Stratballan and tne Hon. Frances aad the Hon. Alice Druramond, Viscount and Viscountess Torringtoa, the zilsaop ot lxMiJoa and Mrs.

and Htis Jackson, the Bishop of Worcester and Mrs. PhilpotL the Bishop of Winchester, Lord and Lady Aveland, Lord aodLady O'llagao, lady PWtimore, Lady FitzGerald and the Jion.Albertina Denison. Lord and Lady Alfred aod Miss PateVLord and Lady Churchill, Ladr aterpark and the Hon. Susan Cavendish, Lady Caroline Barrington. Lady Caroline and the Hoo.

Mary and Miss B. Lasosllea, Lord and Lady Camoys and the Hon. Miss btonor. Lord and Lady Lurgan and. the Hon.

Miss Brownlow, Lord and Lady Mcthcen, Lord and Lsly Wrottealej, Lady Violet Greville, Lady tioratia Erskioe. Lord aad Lady 3a2ieU, Lviy Colville of Cairo, the Hon. Lady Biddulph, Lsdy Co we 1 1, the Hon. Lady Cut, Lady Gomm, the Kignt Hoo. W.

aod the Misses Gladstone, the Eight Hon. IL and Miss Bruce, the lUght Hon. E. and Mrs. Card well, the Right Hon.

K. an iMn, Lowe, the Kight Hon. G. J. and Mrs.

Goschen, the Bight Hon. C. Fortescue and I ranees Countess ol aldszrave, the iltght lloo. J. aod Mrs.

Stansfeld, the Bight Hon. W. E. aad Mrs. Footer, the Right Boo.

IL T. aod Mr. Cbilders, tbe Right Hon. A. 3.

Ayrton, the Right Hon. W. and Mrs. UonselL tbs Right lion. and Misses Right Hon.

Sir A.Cockbaro,tbe Right Hon. Sir Miss BovilLthe Right Hon.Sir FiUroy Kelly.the Rightllon.Sir'VV.and Lady James, the Right Hon; Sir G. Melluh, the Right Hon. Sir J. aod Lady Colvile, the Right Hon.

Sir M. EL Smith, tbe Kiiht Uon, Sir a. lAdj. and JUas Collier, the Right Hon. John Inglis, the Right Hon.

Sir James, Lady, and the Misee Monerieff, the Right Hon. George an 1 Mrs. Youn, the. Speaker and the Hon. Mrs.

Brand, the Hon. G. U. and' Mrs. Glyn, the Hon.

Adolphaa and the Muses LiddelL'Hon. J. Vivian, the Hon. Mrs. H.

F. Poosonby, lion. Mrs. Kobert Bruce. Uon.

Mrs. A. Gordon, Hon. Mrs. and Mis Grey, Hoo.

Mrs. A. Hardiag the Hon. Emily and the Misses Cat heart, the Hon. Lady aod the Hon.

Uoratia Phipps, the Hon. Mary E. Pitt, the Horstia Stopford, the Hon. Mortimer Saekville West, ir J. Lady, and Mi Coleridge, Sir George and Lady JesselL air Chsrlea Cowper, Sir Joseph and Lady Charlotte Copley, tbe Dean of Woalminstcr and Lady Angusta Stanley, tbe Dean of Windsor aad tbe Hon.

Mrs. Wetlesley, Mr. W. P. and Mrs.

Adam, 3Ir. W. H. Gladstone, Mr. W.E., and Wise Bsster, Mr.

R. W. and Mrs. Liogeo. Mr.

G. Shaw Leevrs Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Lushington, Mr. and Mrs. Kaatebbull Uueasen, Mr.

R. G. W. Herbert, Mr. IL tVinterbotham, Mr.

and Mrs. Grant Duff, Jlr. aud Mr. Ilermaa Merivale, Mr. amp bU Bannerman, Mr.

aod Mrs. J. T. HibberT Mr. Henry Fleming, Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Peel. Mif T. H. tarrab, Mr.

I. U. and Hiss ret hers ton, Jlr. Francis a. and Kiss Duttoo.

Mr. Robert, and 3Iis Bunch, Mrs. Pratt, M.4 Madame, asd Miss Van de Weter, M. and Madame iforet, Admiral Sir George. Lady, and the Miaaea Sartorios, Admiral Sir Fairfax Moresby, Admiral Sir' Houston Stewart, Admiral Sir Lady, and the Misses Milne, Rear.Aamiral J.

W. and Mrs. Tarleion. Resr Admiral F. B.

G. Seymour. Admiral Lord Frederick Lady, aod the Misses Kerr. General Sir William and Lady Codnngton, General the Hon. IL Caveoduh, General the Right lion.

Sir Lsdy sod the Miases Knollys, Lieutoeaat General the Right Hon. Sir IL Storks, Lieutenaat Generat the Hon. Sir. James, Lady Sarah, and the.Missea Liodajy, Major General Caledoa Egxrton, Major Geoeral Sir Richard ao.1 the Hoa. Lady Airey.

JLaior trenexal C. aod Mr. Lllvce. MatorAieae ral iiir F. and Lady Seymour.

Major Groeral the Viscount aod tha Viscountess Bridport aad the Hon. Misses flood. Colooel Hon. II. W.

J. and Mrst Byng. Colonel Hon. Augustus and Mrs. liddeu, Colonel Lord James andLaly Murray, Colooel Hon.

Djdley, Lady Elizabeth, aod Miss F. Uoa Colonel Lord CharU FiURor. Colonel L. and Mre. Gardiner, Lieutenant Colonel Y.

IL, Ladv Emily, and' the Misses Cavendish, Lieutenant Colonel N. Kins eote. Major O. and tbe Hon. Mrs.

Berne, Major W. Mining. Of the foregoing the under uamel were prevented by various causes from obeying tier Majesty's cum mand: His Highness the XawabVixam of Bengal ad the Princes Ali and Suhman Baba loor, the Co xnteas of Dornberg, Couotess Gkichen, the Archbishop of Armagh, the Lord lieutenant of Ireland aud tbe Counteea peoe tb Ducbeis of Argyll, the Dowager Dncbeta of Athol. tae Marchionesa oi Kipon, the MxiqaUof Lanaduwne, the Cuunteasof Cork, the Earl and Countess of Errol, the Dowcer Countes of Mount Edgeumt an i Ls iy Ernestine Edgeumbe, tbe Countess of aixi Lady Jane Alexander, the Countess of the Countess of Mayo, the Cointes of Mount cumbr, the Countess of Mactleefield, Viscount and Vitcounteas Torrington, Viscountess Cnewtoa, Viscountess Forbes aad Miss aughan. Mseoantesa Clifdro, Viscountess Jucelyn, Viscount btrathaliac aod the Hon.

Misses Drammosd.Lady O. Iltaerald. Lady Augusta Stanley. Lady Knellvs, LorJ and Lady Alfred aod Misa Paaet, ijtdy Carolino LMcelles, lordand La ly Iirgan. and the Hon.

Miss Brownlow, Lady Metbuen, Lurl Churchill. Lady James Lord and Lady SulHeld, Lady aod alias Coleridge. th Speaker, the Ili. bt Hoo. W.

E. Mrs. Forster a Id 31us F. Arnold, the Right Hon. Sir William Bovill, the Reat Hon.

John Ioglit, the llisit Hon. Ceors and Mr. Voun, the Right Hon. Sir Jaiues, Lady, and the Misae Mcacrie the Hon. Lady Cost, tho Hon.

J. C. Viyiaa, te Hoa. Mr. Bruce, the Hon.

Mrs. A. Hsrdiage, the Hon. Mrs. Uwrn Borne, tbe Itun.

Mr, and Miss tfrey. tbe Hoo. Luly Phipp, the Hon. MaryE. Pitt, the Hoo.

HoraUa St.rford, Sir Charlc, Ladv, and Misa Cowper, M. Van de Weyer, M. and Madame Motet, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Pailpott, Mrs.

Monsell. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lnshiozton. Mr.

ani Mrs. KnawLbcll lIugewn, 3Ir. Adam', Mr. and Mr. Herman Merivule, Mr.

IL Baonerman, Mrs. and Miss Boaeh, Mrs. Pratt, Admiral Mir Fairfax Moresby, Admiral Sir Iloustou Stewart, Lsdy and the Misses Milne. General Sir William and Lady i Codriogtoo, Lieutetiaut Generai tbe Hon. Sir Jcma.

Luiv. and tbe MiUss Lindsay, General the Hon. H. Carenduh. Mawr.

tne viseounteM un i tort and. tae General SirF. and LadySev Aamstas aau Mis. Lt.tdell. tbe Lady Ehzabeth.

and MUsK. Kus, Lutrnstt ('oloueI this Ho. W. U. Iuly Lmi.y.

abd the Miaaet and Major Walter G. Stirling. satiafactorv the exeirUoa must eziend ta the prcperty to the Cuiiocrs. as well aa to tie eduio toec aelvvs. riut the aaeieat and irecriptiv ajoyseat by the tnJUh, Scotch, and Inah of the benefit of these iaitutioas wocid be liettroy eI if the property ta them had to be eompalsoriiy sobL asd the proceeds ia tetM in ltalias Stock.

Ia bespeakieg tbe good oSore oi Her Mjetys Government for tbesw ancient aattooal io stitntioaa, his Grace poiatei out that tho suppression of th Collegio Hoouao wooid iaiict the gravest injury oa th2. Tbe Coliesp Rouxsco Is tbe Ubrrerssty front thestndenU of tbe Eagiua. Scotch, sad Irish Colleges derive their education, having been founded for tbeir benent existiat for their sail. With rezard to the geaeraiateti ot the religious orders in Rome, tae Duke pointed out bow the interests ot us Catholics ot tnu country woCia os ad ected by their sapprrssuju, aod, adrerttoz to the special measures directed against the Society Jesus, declared that, in the judgment of the deputation, no Order had greater elims on the regard an! gratitude ot tAiua la thoUcs, cor would aov servico be more a'pereeiated by: tbe latter than a few wottfe of calm reasoo addrewml to the Italian Government ia deprecation of exceptional kiaja. tion against that order.

Mr. Henry Matthews, C.C. M.P., called Lord Graa villa atteatioa to the fact that even now, by tbe exteoaioa to the Itwtnoe of Rpe of certaia la previously pasae for the rest ot Italy, certain property belonsing to the Eoliah College bad'alrvady liable to be sold compnlsocily. Lurd Granville, ia reply, sail that Sir.Auruatos Paget bad conveyed to him tbe distinct assurance of tbe Italian. Government that the English, Scotch, asd Irish Colleces were not affected by tho proposed law, and be? tlieved that repnaeatatioa would prove correct.

With regard the repiesesUttocs made by the oeputatioa. Her Majesty GoWrnnat had froia the tirat been unremitting ia their atteatiou to the protection of the property and interests of British subjects ia Italy. land would maintain tha same atteatioa unremittingly, it must, bowever. be reaiembered tost in hu conduct in these matters he mast be directed by the advice of the lav oiEcers of the Crown, and could oaiy do what he might be told by them waa lawful So far had the British. Government been from neglecting the interests involved that it had been mentioned to them that no other Government had thought proper, to inters fere aa tbey had dots. aauat borne ia avind that the Government of the Kin: of Italy had to deal with a Parliament, that strong feelings, existed on these questions in Italy, and that tne violent language used by some gentlemen an. behalf of tho Colleges language to be found printed in tae papers laid before Parliames.1 bad oof conduced to make it mors easy for the Italian Government to yield to diDlooiAtie pressure. He would continue to da all that duty allowed to protect tbe interests of British subjects, bat that duty would only allow him la do what war. IawfaL R0MAX CATHOLIC CHILDREN IX H'ORlCHOUSS. A ICOTAL ACADEMICIAX AT TUB ASIITODIS.

The UtltAjHru Iryiuof the2dof January sar a "This port ha beta visited by the Linda, a schooner yacht of 126 too ber dea. to the Royal Yacht Sauacirwo. The Linda is owited by Mr. F. K.

Lee, K. more than one of whose pio tnres bays preoedea aim nere. aoa are Lsnzing on tne wans oi the picture gallery at the PuhHa library. The present cruise of tbe Linda commenced on the 23d of July, when she left Plymouth, aad after a pleasant time of it an called at Madeira oo tbe ita ot August, aad rracnsvl toe lape ot Hood Hepe on the 27th of September, remaiaisg there for three weeks. The schooner then shaped a course fur Amsterdam bat it waa found in possible to effect FanJrng," is rontequtnca of the heavy surf.

While close to this island strange sounds were beard, as pro ceeding front a tog corn or speaamg tranipst. Hz. Lee rives it as his opinioti that then were doopU oo the iilin but all bis sflort to discover them or bring them withitt ooservaticw were without rstnlt. Mr. Lm ass been sstTer leg frctn sevrrt rbsamatis attack, ad bU suy beta iil be regulated by his hsalth.

Bs kseplag a disry of hi niJse, whish may bs gtvta a contnbutioa to liters tors at no dutaat date. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir, After the ample comments oa my Pastoral in you article of this morning. I feel, aasored that you will have the justice and oourteey to publish this, reply on one only poiaU; The Statute Law of Eagisnd requires that Soma Catholie children jjworkhoases shall be either duly sducatad. in their rsligion within the walls of schools apder the Poor Law, or shall be trsnafarred to schools of their own religion.

I deny taat either tbe one or the other of these obligations Is at this moment justly adequately iulfilled. An i I respectfully aak cf tha Christian, justice of Englishmen, either that the Romaa Catholic children in those workhouse schools shall receive a due aod aduate eduea tioa in tbeir religion, or that they shall be transferred, according to the Statute La schools of their own religion. I beg to clear away at ooce tbe assertion, which well expresses, the misapprehension studiously propagated at this time, that Roman Catholics deem BoUxiug gained unless the whole control of ed 33a tioa is handed over to them. To til I reply Tbat, if the Guardians ef the Poor shall elect, of the two statutory obligations imposed upon them, to provide a toad jCds Roman Catbolio eduoatiou for the children of that religion la their existing schools, aad. shall, la the judgment of the Local Government Board, loud fulfil tliat engagemeat, I aak no eontrol whatsoever over them or the public money entrusted to their administration.

It is because this obligation is notoriously not falhUed at moment that I have never ceased, and until It be fulfilled 1 snail never cease, to ask, as an Englishman, of the jus lias of my countrymen, the dealing which the laws of E3glani'tiaire towards the poor fathers, mothers, aad children of tbe Irish population resident ia this country. Let 'me here make publicly known that I have stall times refused to fix the amount of payment to be made by the Gaardians for the maintenance of the children transferred to onr schjols, Tbe rate of payment has bean tn all eases fixed either by the Guardians themselves or the Local Government Board. The treatment of the Protestant minority ia Ireland by the great Catholic majority i i.tbst ia prisons and workhouses, is. just and NUitahla. Let it never be said, to our rebuke, that tha Catholic minority of the Irish poor ia this eoontry cannot obtaio justice st the bauds of.

Eagliahaiea, beeaase Englishmen have hrre the power of the majority. 2. Secondly, I mast aid that the fallowing reasons cos noes me, as I know tney tis time coovuccinaay honourable and experienced gentlemen not of tae Rontaa Catholie religion, who have acted as Guardian and 'as members of the School Committea of the Boar is, that the attempt to form a doable edasitida, Protestant aod Catholic, within the walls of the same school, would be unwise, inexpedient, and highly iajurioua ta bota classes of theehildrta. as welt as embarrassing to th unity of the general adminutratioo. Aud, fcrUer, that where a small minority of Calhoun etuldrsn is satroua.lad by a great majority of Protestant eh Jdreo, a i lu a case before my mini woatbprportiais eihtor eiue,it is SJ iinpossJile to eaiieste that small uinoriiy as Catholic as is wo aid bo impossible to ediuate 100 PrvtUat childiea among IXX) Catholie childraa.

The power of assiuiUatiua casiot voauolled by printed or Poor Law ottiers. It is sdently lrres.stial. 3. Being, therefore, coorioced that tuca combined fbca. tioa Is AOt out iaiipoasible, but ItuTlfiil to Prutcalaut and CatholiM alike, au 1 that it uian always iuvotreph Uoardtaos in embarrassing and dipiaaljgqantiou, I sure believed the uiost Vo Mful sad effectual aare wis ta elect the other branch of (a alteruakv giru iij the statute Lsw ot iio uaa CUtolM cuiUreu lroax Poor Law sztouli to cwiuded school of theirowu teli.ioa.

It is true, Sir, aa you remind we, that tlx eilort to pruvid edaestiois for these poor children bss iapoa! upuu us a vast burden but tire gladly bora it, aa wul Uoly bear the eo rather than that tae helpless children saould be tubbed of tneir faith. I ask no farther controL Our ach.4s ars open' to the doabte iaectia ePth Local Go em neat Board ani of all tne Boards of" Goariians bs have transferred ctuldren our care. We iaviu this iospeetioa with gladne, aa i arj thankful for their counsel and help, whica cave boo alisoss ia all cases just aad kindly. I leirot froj Tie Tisut el yesterday that oo Board of uuaroaas is ol opinion tbat tte oiuca tion Catholic children is belter. in the Poor Law schools thaa ia our t.

Whea tit report is in iuy hands and .1 have no doubt? the courtesy of the Guardians sritt forward it tn ma I shall be ready to give toy leasous for a tontrary judgment. But Into this point I will not enter low. 4. Lastly. Sir.

allow cc to add a few words oh the rse. of the child Andrews, lately befwre the Hot's Court. I to show the promptness wiUi which the public opiaioa of thi country iU rouse itself to ob tain what is belisred to be right of one poor child aad" of its motser. I only invok the same pnunpt and phlie justice on behalf of athousaar! poor Calhotia cildres. The fathers aad tho mothers of dose chit ire hate rghts oder tbe oatsral and the statutory La add they invoke a just recognition at thoe rights.

Wnen I see iLta re cognized with aa much ay itipaCiy aa ia the Aadts case. I shall feel that equal, justice is dealt out to U. foot. wDttber they, be Protestant or Roman Catholic, Eagliaa or Irish. I studiously refralo, Sir, from all coameot on a multi tads of other points ia which your article teems to be vul norable.

I will only remind you that the warmtj which you seem, te peroeire in the last letter you had the courtesy to publish for me waa not kindled, as you say to day, by aa it pchseat of bigotry," but of graver itaucr. Ia tie ouiiesc that you will oblige mo by paUiaLiag this letter lo eaorrow, I ant. Sir, your faithful servant, Fb.r. HENRY EDWARD, Archhisao Tax Lxrx Da.GcTHXlz. The Queen has directed: Catel Pousoaby to convwy, throaxh Adruiral Sailli Ham3aa, to Dr.

Gtrthrie's family the expression of Her Mtya artfjRcandoncs in their sSlicioo, ntyzzar Rxrrxrs. A supplement to the Lem4ntGttot Taey publishes a copy of he BaAacrV zUtarsa mada la porscaac ef the Act 7 aad Victoria, cap. SEC It aetas tae casts of the various baatin aisat. th saaM, rveuUsce. sad occu (anions of th persons ol waeas tssj ecsBsasTV or tssrtnsrsalp ooixsista, aad tnei rlsm rjsrs bsriisss Is rrrM.

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