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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ATTACK. ON TANGIER. fraa oat. owi ooatrsr otr.l!rr.) GIBRALTAR, rpir, Ar. in Br tlie Ltrt communication yW would have re crivtd the wwrrcied account of the attack on Tan per on Tuesday, thefith; the solution' of which a declared on the following day bf the Prince to the French Consul here, in i letter, a copy of which mv forwarded.

Afc'ml Orea (who is stw 8, and ooaUnued, with occadonal InterrapUoni, until 1 about. The Vesuvius, with Mr. Hay on board, from Rabat, where the 6ultan it, entered Tangier during tie attack, at about half past but the firing did not cease on Mr. Hay's arrival, llaring been on board the Vesuvius thU morning, the following ii the statement there A tteamer waa tent aome dart ago by the Prince (at I think I stated in my letter of the 2d, by mail, steamer) with a communication to the Sultan, to know whe ther he had anything further to state to the Priace, and the answer of the Sultan, returned early on 1 monu was ii. 1 iL should Lere with the FomidaUt and Caledonia), was, that anrthin further occur to Vim.

he would not fail to account from Marshal Bugeaud. received a day forward a despatch, the Sultan no two before, ahowed further anrressions on the doubt, that what had been prcriously forwarded, pjrt of Abd et Kadcr, who was acting on the I and which a gentleman who had been with Mr. Hay Mrish territory in dose combination with tells me amounted to an aoquiescence to all demands, cae of thf KmperorV sons (Mulai Mamon), or'on condition of no territorial aggressions near rather hi emirin, as is statedin these parts to Ouchda, had been definitive, fce while at the same time, notwithstanding all we I The Moors' batterica answered the French fire had Uvn ivn to understand as to matters baring promptly, and more cleverly than could possibly terminated according to the wishes of the French have been expected. Nothing could have, been less Ooverntneul. the last communication from the Km effective thaa ihe French fire, but few shot telling feror, wh at Rabat, to the Prince was of a tout of the many fired the shot usually' fell short.

nrur tfl! wlude went to re The Ik He Poule, which drew up opposite (though cuiring the dismissal of General Uugeaud. The not near enough) to two small batteries on the eastern This ni tht most statural aa4 prmlUo wppoattloei. Bat Judge th uaqaaQaed aad ualveraal surpritato tee, shortly sfter7,ta steamers with the sups la arraogieg them la aottlla portion before tha towa of Tangier, and alio various ether forts la tha bay I Although the Moors vers at their (oas, both la the citadel aad various defences, still lacy did mot offer aay interruption to their opponent la taklag up tbair position for attack, which alio th French did a very leisurely taanner. Ilia the Hor opened tn whilst la th abort predicaratil, ther seems bat little doubt that the tuns from the batterie would Lire been most de tractive upon the hip; more particularly as the ships Uy for a eooeiderwble Use a raking position. At the nrj outset, therefore, la this early stage ot the the was loadJr eerjarel BaJa a.

jadgmeat. However, to corse at once I the business, at 10 minute past 8 id. the French thins, being in portion, simultaneously by bgual, opened fire upon tht fortification! ot the town and other adjacent batteries, castle, ku Toe Su3rtn and Gemappe were occupied till 2 p.m. la a'leneing the citadel and batteries of the town; and it malt not 'e forgotten thmt tbooe formidable liners received daring the Utter part ot the above period the alb ututuce of the Belie ale, whilit the other armed tftli were sngafriac the variooi' detached lorti in other parti oftle bay. At the firit onset the Moon smirtl replied to their aatirfoniiU, but did not maintaia the oppm tion roach more thaa half an hour, excepting from one nun at the CMtie, and another solitary (un lower down.

Thii latter rrinee will, no doubt, na ere this given an official and satisfactory, account of a step which first iwwd sv "(range to alt in these parts. He stated that wa Vrry deriro is of avoiding injury to the Iowa, fir which humane consideration history will to diubt girrhim credit. All the consular houses, with eiception of (American and Sardinian) rif.ered damage, but not to any very serious extent. The consular houses bring the only large buildings in tif flirt1, were natursllr the most exposed to in jory casual shots. "Tlie house of our Consul, being the wry nearrt received fire shots, two only which did damage of importance.

The French Consulate did not escape. Some shells aad rockets ere in the first instance dUeharjed from the steamers but being found to fall short, or from some other caus. the attsck was afterward by cannonade from the large ships and the IWlle I'oule. and directed towards the batteries cnly. which were stated to have iecn quite destroyed.

The Vesuvius however, which has made two trips to Tangier since the dsy of attack, and had officers shore on the lat vLit, brings.more certain information, by which it appears that the damage is not to very grtat a had lcca rcpjxwed, and that but cac run in the main lattery had been dismounted. The Scfltra. ca ioard cf which the Prince was, Jarinc beer. tSe closest ia, received the most da mage. A.

ctstleman who had been at Cadiz with the French sjuidron lately, has written to say that that vessel received 1, shot 40 had been previously Ftitcd Thf Bill Poiilc was "said to have been greatly injure 1,1 ut the mUchief Xo her has len but trijing as far a can ascertained. From the distance at which, the squadron was olAiged by circumtances to tale their anchirage, or from some other 'Ca'isc, the six hocr" firisg was certainly fallowed by rer Its very iierett from what might have lcn expect The loss of tites on ahore, including wretched Jews, has not exceeded seven or eight We io not know with any certainty how far the French may have lost men or officer these matters being always so vaguely stated. The Prince has admitted that Moorish garrison behaved very we" Iloaotir be to the gallant General (Ben Abon Abd e'. Melachi whs behaved so well, as formerly in preventing the Kabjles from catering tht f.wa ani causing total destruction. The Moors stood to their guns to the last moment.

It d.e mm to havelii ea a question of making a breach, jt. tie pirajets are seriously damaged at set TK int i pjrtieular, and the landing of the 200 men timber staUd by the DibaU as tetas oa 'erd, eiiH naturally not have been vca tai i ii tb fac of ttemany thcusand Kabyles xlvse at iaai. Th? wrtle squadron left Tangier on Thurs iy, ha iag reasiatd quiet ca Wedaesday, and steered west The' Scflrea, with the Frinee. cn toard, not being able to weatLer Cape Spartel. returned in the cvesiag to Taaritr.

and the Moors were about firing at her, but submitted recommendations thev received, aai things remained quiet until he was towed all were out tf sight on Fridiy. Ac accounts received at Tangier, they did tvme mischief tmce at the small town cf Arzill, some Els, mdes djwn coaftcatlie Atlantic side It is sul that signal venceance will be inflicted on thi aft. but esjccially at Mogadtr but from what i po it our neighbourhood, humanity jpe that cripplmz forts ill 1 considered tc At rach' aal Ralat, as u.ll as at Mogador, unfavourable to operations by large t.s.' aai the stalls are so iry CTeat near Moga tvit mm at tbis vason it is not conridered Ei5 t4 the jit. A gentleman who his been lit ni mj that the fortifications are cMitcmptibleii imagined. They liive some gi "as; S' aj, a prestiit from Holland some years aough) I side of the bay, made no impression, and it is stated that she received so mo damage.

The firing was chiefly against the forts and batteries. One fhot is said to have struck our Consul's house, but wc are quite at a loss for other details. We are as much at a loss for the. reason of the cessation "of the fire, and for its not having commenced again this morning, as we are for ita commencement yesterday. No report up to 10 o'clock from oar signal house as to firing this morning.

'o troops landed yesterday. C7R0M A NATAL OFFICER.) Uer Maieitj'i ihip Warpite, Bay of Tatper, AuputT.lSU. To the otter artoniahmrnt cf ererj one here, morninf itpleaaedhURijal iliV.nen the Prince Joihriile, Rear Admiral, commanding the French naval expedition on the coart of Morocco, to commence hostilities on the' part of France lorabar Jioj the weafclj defended and unoflenjing town of Tangier. A measure uore precipitate, more unpro voked, or more icarcely be paralleled, atleait in th present ace, when the rarioui nations of Earope appear to ewajed by a proper, a cirilized temper. a becoming twrit of forbearance, which inrpirea to ahow the moral repocaibiutj of ns.j iniiitlng cn, much taore in proroking, the neceuily of retorting to the violent acta of war.

Nor jtUi truly laudable Chrutitn spirit conilned to statea incapable of mitting any iniult or aggrrasioD, real or Imaginary, cr for want of means in maintaining thir juit aad honourable rights. But, oa ths contrary, it influence th conduct ai well aj goTemi tLe actions of the moit power ful and warlike kingdoms ia their mutual intercourse. An exception, however, Lai teti unfortunately committed on the part of the French nation to tioUtbn of the ab ife itated hoaocrable principle, a willte aeta ia the iaitauce now brought to general and hich cusi soon be sub mitted to the verdict el puVUc opinion. That of laU there hare been eiiitiag diieren.cei between France and Morocco a matter of notoriety, and that thoie difference hare ariaea out cf cirecmttaaeei intimrteiy con nected with subjects relative to the French occupation cf the. Fgency of Algeria, it a matter of ejual publicity.

Cut whether the diipute crigisated upon the israaioa of each other's frontier, or it involve the independent right of the Emperor of Morocco, as a sovereign ia hli owa kingdom, upon which France might attempt ambitioui tres pass theie are uettbru which liave here no warranty sufficient to eipreat judgment. Au that now it iniiated if, that th; attention all urore ha been drawn to the ronibilitv of a rur tare between! tion that the gunt of the frigate ciuld not reach thebeacb. France aad Morocco. There ii no iirt cf desire, even wrre I much lM prove effective aa' nut the nVject of assnu'l. ier ol steam.

rs aad alo two brigs bccidei then there were (Ai 'I'tuxtitjtd, tht Saltan eldest son, and se 'taticc is Fcr when his father resides at Mo cwjs.WvliSt aatLcntic accounts, at Taza. He had rteri frc a tr it! a large force to the Algc r.i rr 'tier, fcr the parj ose of quelling thc ardour ta( M'or; baton the receipt by the Emperor a he callrd them, oa the part i tnch the Jtaa directed him to remain at farthtr Mt lai Sulieman, one of rAt. arrived withia the last two days 1 Tvgier with i'jree. 1 haasaed JV a K'brew, the Prinw Minister, a gcatlemaa wh i iatd saw Lim at Mo iid Hal it, to be a very dewr man. with a an highly cf intellect.

'tcrdi a goad deal of Jiring was heard from 1 wi ynd by the arrival cf the Vesuvius it ccarioaed by th Moors firing off their wiac had ttca bided trro cr three days be wa vigoroual rlied till near noon. AUhoueH the Moon nKlc hiM but ftilf. thou ths firing wm great. relinju'jheJ their cun. vet tkr irur aflorded a everyV r.w and then tou s3101 obstiaate rcaittancr, which cauatd the French to cjntick I burtir from the enbrasure of the ort ini itlPnZ a proiraciea cmonmaoe, waica wa reiarki to Lave tirumuuo.

une ior: oa a run aanoyea very irregular and deiukory, and without preciiiaa. Indeed, rtaVh, but a little time, when the French kaeir at the termination of the above attack, from a diatant observation, it did nat appear that either the cattle or batterie generally had lustain'd very ma terial damaje. Very few guu are di ibled. The wall, from being in a weak decnysd and on litin, are of courje greatly haltered in a few pluce but, if thorn very batteries were in the poeaaion of tkilful artillerymen, they are, notwilh taading, in their prteent atate, stall capable of a formidable defence agalna such Upon tha whole, it ap peared the uuivernl impreuion thai the Prince, with his two linen and frigate, had r.ot displayed a good exhibition in gunnery; and, ia two particular instances that occurred during the day, th Imprenion ai to the total deficiency of tae rrench in tos art of gunnery received most remarkable confirmation. The f.rstcaw which thill be a'duced wa exhibit! by the Triton, of 82 gua, A raall fort, mounting about n'ne guua, standing a mils and a half from Tangier north writ along the coast, had by reputedly firing aa occasional gun attracted the notice of the belligerents accordingly, abiut oon, the said ship was ordered to rroceed to iilenee it, towed by a iteemer.

Ai the Triton neared her object threa or four random and distant shot were discharged at her( and before the ship got al reast of th Jrt the Moors aban doned the gun, for they offered no resistance. The hip, hewever.mottundauntedlypersistcdia firing fiie or six round during two hour! Thegallant crew then for half an hour took rest, after which, as a parting aalvo, they chargedat the fort two round more ef hct, and then magnanimously moved aff. taken again In tow by the tamer But how great wa the aitoaUhmeut of every. one to perceive, ai the smoke cleared away, such very little injury done. The embrasures indeed were hardly touched, perhaps not more thaa six hot left any imprei6n, notwithstanding the' ship lay not mire than three nrter cf a mile distant The lecond presented to oUervation, the tame inefficiency with reipect to gunnery, wa exemplified by the Belle Poule, a heavy new GO gun frigate.

About 1 p. the Belle Poule was ordered to weijh aad proceed immediately silence a round fort, on the castcra side of the bay, right op petite the town. The fruate forthwith proceede 1 Ou, til Dre miserable nttrmpt or a more ccLtemptible failure erhtp wai never nitnov and doei cot cease to call jrth the ridicule and jeers 6f all who were spectator of the transaction. Ai the Belle Poule approached her stition toward he fort iudefendcrs fired by way of challenge several distant shot these, from their dUtant range, gave undeniable evidence of ifce h.avy caHbre of the guns, and induced the Pretchnan to shorten siil very loon, and creeping up timidly uror anchor at such a diitaht post. to th world: and ts3, aad not till thew, will thcrs peac la Europe.

(FROM ANOTHER OFHCER.) Tangier Bay, Aagut 6, This morning, between 3 and i o'clock, we obsemd more tacnts amongst the Freaeh squadron, steamer lighting their fire, and the Ha of Vattle ships, taking poaition dote is shore, anchored head aad stern, for tha purpose of gettiag their broadside to bear oa tbe town. ThU appeared to us rather a cirioi piece of proceeding, a they had not declared hostilities consequently tha Moon allowed them to take up the prominent position, while, if tha Moors had opened a lira ca them when taking it op, they would have 5K1TSHAM, MosaiT, Atrx 13. Tha Biihop of Olocestcr aad Bristol csnacaael bit triennial visitatioa to day la this town. Therw wa a narna rou attenluca of th ctergy of the diatxict. aad afWr dirta serric bad baea cckbratod, and the oaual eoclMli6caJ bw iatm tranaacted, the Lord Biahop deliTtredhi charge, of which tha tauowtag i th wbatanca Tha Loaa BixHOr.

My rev. brethren, Tht raenrttaee of this periodical meetiat natcrDy scgartta, ia first I mutual casagratnjaiioot aad Uiaakfulact at tha Lmprevtd aapact which tht frtnaet of oar church hav taromxi. aad la th iaereaaed and increasing attachment exhibited toward her doctrines and aid have I ministrations by th ile: bfcl while we exprtil gra Aaaigaty they west rather a lubberly wiy to work, and I may say rather a cowardly one too the (teamen being all under weigh, th tk a pesitiso oatiid the ship amongst as that were remaining aeatral. At 0 minute past 8, the French liae of battle ship opened on the fort with three broadside with a very bad direction, which we were rather mrprised at, considering they had all toe morning to consider, and that they were oo'y 800 yard c5. The fort returned th salute with ipirit, and tha bombardment then became general.

A the amoke cleared away siw the poor unfortunate fortl crnmbUng into dait. As ther were ia a dilapidated tat before the action commenced, it war impossible tht they should tand againii. the broadiioVs of ths French Une of fe station of divine ought to faei toUcitost that our conduct may be in keeping with oar advantages, aad that ia particular we snay feel how great th responsibility is which rests upon a it ministers, wave custody th ark of sal ration ha bean committed. At a nwetin: like tha preent it might ba proper and benelcial to eater npea tha diarusaioa of topic of a speculative character, but the many year that 1 have been among you have made well acquainted with th general character of my diocete, aad hav enabled my clergy also tn understand the view and principles of their diocetan, and I trust therefore that the time at our command be mart naefullv erar leved in caEnr jiir attention to matter of practical importance, to that das of aubj ctt which comes home to the ferlin. and judgment all Churchman ftft tKU tmrwrf irrinfl of the church.

The firat ubiect. then, to which I ball advert it that of church extension. It may be recoIltd that three year ago I ugeted the adoption of systematic me wire for the building and enlarging of church, where tteewty for doing existed, throughout the diocete. Aeeordiagly, a careful invesitgation wa mad by the rural deans, each asited by three or four minUtert, into tht spintual wnt of their respective' districts. The result ha been the collection of a bodr of ttUtic.

a reiV.L which I hsv? that It is abviows that smi thk varttft ieasraase prrvtlsj aa ta Ua advaatagea. It do tartilnly Mtta ai7ata4jsAitxatiatat Ut taa biectaftaa traiainxt chaol to treaar TtMtag aua lot (aaaJd not taceriy sought after fry parents; for It It dtiBemlt la poiat out aay Kn of fif la wkka tha certaiaty af rising to higher md ia life, as tat reward good trndBet, it to great, scojt, therefore, rely upoa ta good afloat ywu, say nr. bntarrB, ta taakt knowm tht aaiart aad chay racter aad advantage of th tratalstr school. Ia saoat riah schools soma boy taay bt poiated esxt fitted by ability aad coaduct for aeiac sswt ta this training school aad certaialy dificdt to say what way aay such yeung saaa can bt more peatly benefited than by seadiaf httn to tht iatitti I hare meatiooed. It give sock sadrfactloa to aaaoeact that aC arrangement bat beaC eotvciatbd by which tot two beards Ul bs Baited, aad the sciooav SoCiatc i iata ose at Bristol, learn kowevtr aa isiM tioc fer truainj at Oloccvter, aa taslUta twa which mast lareetr ccotribut to tht religioas da aric cf tha riaicf geaention.

To tht diocsaaa board of tdncst uou we art injected lor much Kctutictl Iniormauoa oa the subject of education, dictated aad prepared by th ablt. secret of tht toari. Frora the that orw curel it may tvprue sums to learn that much, ha been accomplished by the cburch aad tai lead to lha plain deduction, that ii tha am diligenea had been displayed la the time which i panel, wa might with oar preswat nurcr btv effected much more. Another ddactioa it. that education prevail more in imaU thaa la Urge paritae.

which cf luelf afford aa argument la favour of the principle ot (null parochUl district. I have beea recently by the pnmate to addns ay clergy ia behalf Society fcr the Trojitutatba of the Oopcl ia Foreign Part, and this daty I caadischarge at a better opportunity ttun the prexot. It i7I am rare. naarctMary for ta to drtaia you by any disptay of the merit of the society wbich I have named. (Hi I rdihip then proceeded to advert the fiaaacial difficulti ia which tha ociy is plare and strung ly the clergy to their diligence ia the wty of stircuUtinj tbe UberaUty of their conretratioD ia behalf of the it' fuadaV Ever sinea I ha3 held nreaext ai tun tion.

I has Ll:" the had nothing lofexr rrom th! en4V. fire, their direction toT fW'Waliax ttat try a ,1 cmoere'i wai maae tn tie bop that tn new uoose cr beeatr. very good, and asoa lihnced the forts. The' lignal wa mad from the Silffren, with the flag! of the Prince Joinville, ceas firing, which wa ins'antly obeyed but then the frrt would not give in, and fired a few shots, which, of course, made the Frenchuua open fire again, aad did sad havoc on th Moorish tosm, an 1 nidoaMiUughtered a great mxny of the irhabitant. At 10 o'clock there wa only occasional firing, the fort having ceaaed.

I understand they have not much ammunition. I am conSJent that a frigate could take the place, and they are quite ignorant of the present destructive war fir of European nations. So the French have cot had much to contend with, and have only enjoyed a littl target practice at the expense of ths unfortunate Moon. There are a few fort along shore annoy the steamers ftheuth th keep clone to all tha ships that are neutral on the occasion). The Priace ha sent the Belle Poule frigate dewn to qaiet them, but herliring i so wretchedly bad that from all appearance sie has given it up altogether.

I forgot to mention the itexmer fired a few rockets, which had Try little effect. 12 o'clock. No firing, except now aad then a shot from a small misked fort, but everything is The Vesuvius, war steamer, ha just mile her number, with Mr. Drum raoni If ay on board, from Mogadire. S) we shall tee what will cone next, aa there wa not the slightest idea that the French were going to take this active measure The hip.

have hauled off from the town, and tha fortl still have 'he red flags flying; so what is going to take place we hare njt the slightrat idea of. Perhaps he has ouly fired on the town to punish ths Moor for their howing on the frontiers at all events, they have not much to boast of, a thfir firingmd man ruvrinj were far from good; and, con sidering there was a tnaa of war from all nations looking on. it will not speak well for their good gunnery order. I myself am delighttd to have bad the chance of seeing a French t'ilroa under fire, ant for the future shall loo on the boastinr journal of France with a laugh on my face. I must si one.

tMn more, though I am not a boaster, but MU' from Oibriltar, and a hundred Artillerymen nanr.icg thew; forts, wjul have sent Joinville aad his gang to Dxvj' locker. FROM ANOTHER OFFICER.) Warspite, Tngier Bay, Tueday, August G. I bejia my lettir at the tarn time a the warlike PrinM jit Joiavill opens hi fire upon this defence less (com ps rati rely speaking) place. At o'clock thii morn hii uvlroa of three line of battle ships and i large frigate of 61) guns wer? taken ia taw by the like cum of aliot ia the direction of the frt fjr full two hours, but with airauchcffect as though aimed at the rck of Oibral tr After this achievement a steamer took the frigate ia tow tut the fart, ia scoraful defiance, gave her ths last and farewell shot In the iestahce Ht stated, the Moors stood by thtir guns t) the islt, atil tUe vS.t reason that the F. nch frigate escaped a moU severo chastisement is entirely attri btttble to the want cf guacery cijnr on the part thr Moor, for the fort wa anae! with ordnance of formiiib! character, and unljubtcilly woull, if properly directed, have ceDsatted terrible eteoiti fc the ihot f.

paje right over the Belle Poule. Thui ended the Trench i pi.rt.ouj for the iiy, tie wiioid judron hriling outside the ty Piringthe whole cf th? action. the numerous steamers wjre idly Iwkin the mean at hand, to attach upon Power the (jrigiril pretence for qurrel a more icSuential witnett wilt depoe upoa that particular. All thri now is attempted ia thus writing is confined to uotice th: taaantr by which France has conducted bererlf in this Mauritania cont tt, that is, how France; as a powerful aad civilized catioit, hu behaved, and alp how the Freaeh ia thKrcavx! expedition hiv hell character a a maritime power. Certain it is, common rumour vu rife ths ctancei that there would be formal hostilities between France tad Morocco.

Frsncs herself wai the first ta proclaim ta the world that tuch a contiateucy was to occur, by arming an expedition conaiitiug of tLre larg Jiips of the line, the Suffren, Geraippes, aad Triton a first trass frigate, the Belle Poule Castaie, Kipu, and VolagSr brigs in addition to whica eight wu steamer accsripanied, and the whole ardent future but, on the fact fr ome At this juncture, Great Britain, tiTls; peatly rsdtietd ter aijuirsd the esiecf th who' observ ed and noted their naval force ia the Mediterranean, aal that tJo widely proceedings, in sU ft, Ihert scv'Ci tjlebut one and ss appeared inla teriaus ts.ia;ijv wh ia the 1 ntral opioi t. that the tricj! h.u rithtr Wa Vlis aenceof saeh a tVa4te, guns, tUr hoaaarsi throughout the aliair. TJie French hive evinced only hip at Gibraltar for acoatVleriy. The Oovsra osi this occasou lAh a diigitc fu! want of gallantry sr.d ment at home job sawthenereasity ofpramptiy rHaft incaptcity ic! The Priace has the Mediterranean' nuadron by forthwith despatchiiig the tcade.a very sorry cftttf asasaval commander, and, if this Caledonia, 19, aa 1 Albion, fr which spee lily arrived belcrej should tks fatnre of tha French In the mean time, the French were lying at navy, France ousht to. vvsZjoius his'rejigaation, for t'ua Cadit. Priace Joicvjlle bt at tr.airjtai.ned the honour of wai embraced on the part of Great Lntairj, with tt v.e to titicna'. ig, aad this in tus presence of. maiv bring about, if practicable," pacific arntE.exsat cf txistb; forrijraasg difference letwen the two jreat duputsats, Iran; aI It was that, t'rri ia a ttanr four more steamer, making la allll Fren'h pendant. The shis cf the line and frigite were towed to a short gua ahot distance from th devoted forts, if they may hs cxlled s. Th? brigs anchored off the beach fire at ths dache4 firts.

The steamers are now cruising round us, out of gvashot. They are till at it. I was ipeikirji with a lieuUnmt, who gave it as hi opiak all would be amicably aettleL Just ash sul the words, broid Comds wou 'd view tSe qaettion of church, extension more lavouij tban iu rrMeceauv, ana grant lome aU frtO the national revenue, tae opinion being that no adequate provuiort ejuld be made without ome tufitaace from the public pune. In the session of 1W2 oar hopes ca thi head experienced disappointment am! The fa barraxment ia tha national finance, arising fmra me ex rnditure bavirir for ewl nr exceeded the inoome, is dUpoaed the house to make any grtut. But in the last rt sion ot raritament we dia obtain an laporuni aoon, wuico, although it cost nothing to the will nevenheie exercise a powerful influence In meeting the spiritual watt of the population and dipoinr the mawe to rid round mr church.

I speak of th Endowment Act, by which, in anticipation of cathedral preferment falling in, stipends arj provided for a certain number of clergymen who ar to labour in the ne district, and it ii to be pmuned that no great length of 'time will elapae ere these district shall, by their own exertions, and bv th ai stance of priva'e parties, have procure! tns mean of erecting a chorea. Ih pnnciplaot this measure ba met with apprubatinn wherever it is understood wherever a district i constituted in th manner prescribed, the appointment of a clergyman is the immediate conscience, anil a Urge population hitherto destitute will enjoy the undivided a'tentien of a minister living among them anaexercising pastoral superintendence unong tha tick a well a tbe whole, in compliance with the apostolic precept. rne next rale ot exten ting a knowledge of tbe truta is by the institution of Sunday and daily schools, thus affording aa opportunity to the peorer elusea of obtaining the benefit of education, which, if based on the rriocirl of morality aad religion, it axorg the greatest of human blet in'i but, if levered from these principle, it may prove, like th fntit tree of knowledge, the forerunner of rpiri'oal ruin. Ia the district to which I hav alluded the service of tha Lord's day will be celebrated in the Khnol hofte. till the spiritual feeling of th race afflceat of the population.

or the reeling or common decency iteelr, shall cause a chorea to be erected. The limited extent of th fund, ia question ha caused the dispenser cf it to confine the new parishe to neighbourhood having at least 2,000 soul. In agricultural district liks our own such district can only be found in Urge towns cr rcnairb, which are chiefly inhabited by the middle or lower cUsses, ncfortunately the least abl to contribute toward the erection of a house for the service of the Lord. Thii consideration has led me to think that no thing can adraoee these great obiect in our diocete more thaa the providing ot means fer the speedy rection of churches in the new and pocr district about to be provide with a pastor and for this object ipeciaj ami tcouu it crcatcj, ioceiu. il uivinon tu such dUtrict as may be considered proper oTiect for extraordinary awirtaace.

It is my wish to draw your attention to this labtect, the hope or exciting an la tereat ia the minds ef the afSuect towards contributing to the special fund, and I hare to request that on Palm Sunday or some other Lord's day which may be deemed more convergent, yoq will address your puishtceri on behalf ef thi specUl fund and if the effort bs blessed with heavenly favour, the result wilt be rne which, a short time ago, would have been deemed visionary large and detitute populit'ons will be oroiided both with a pastor and with rhurch of a suitable character ani dimensim. Bv the creation cf thi stowed cpon heaven Father in deUvertnf us ipecial fuad, another great advaatas will beg.lned the 'fom tt perw whi. Lotion; ag threatened as frotaevery together, to consider the itite of their parUhea aad to civr and receive coastal on matter of inter, cr difSanltae ia hort. upoa all such mattersal concern the right dtoaarg mo luuckoaioi a clergyman, ii nca meeting late plaea under the auTice of the rural deans, it will afford rou aa opportunity of coramunicatiar with your diooetaa aa ilucHtout iuu may arise, i not Oifii I rum yoa. that cae cause which itvducea me to recommend to you neb.

meeting i the hope that they may be the mean bring ag tosether ia friently atmciatioo person whom difference of sentiment or party have kept asunder, aad much asperity of feeling beea iraoibed ia "consequence. Were those individuals sometimes in lie of tsetting oa common ground, an i for the purpose alvaacing cbj ct ia which they could concur, aad (xu which no ef testt Mat exated, a greas anJ important obiect would gained. Ii otoa a I oadertUad. the ancient "ynodicul'meetinir hat hfft rerired. wh SS.

tliti oftwcho nr hislifv. tn are. no aware tha history of tibaaa snaetiags. from a book wnica i earnest! ret rituenrfM my clergy, eautloi Urns Dtcmtr Ili'i ci Whether uci tvlema meetings caa be adopted with adsantire tinder the mini eirraauianee of tai diocete, I.m not prepared to decide. But ia thU cate.

a ia th9 other. I deiri to connlt tS fiieliag ef my cicrj aa i. Doaix it meet your approMara. I taa ae happy to give my nrtn. bit with the disrinet naderttaod ing that of a cotrereniai nature Kalt never bt agiUte.1.

HI Lcrdaaip then proceeded to reoatii. that twa points connected with the ciurca (ertlce ha stubbed to briim under notice, namely, the propriety of administering mora frequently the Lord' sspper, aad ef exercising great cautita in the matter 'f mamagra. A ta tha first, be waa eya cemed to Had that ia many of tha ehurchee ths MraaaeBS of the Lord ropper mis only administered fur time a yitar wo wuooni auow taa ajmt memoer ot a lamiiy to communicate "threa time ia tha year at the least," eiag that it wa not to ba expected that ait the member cf "a fanily could comaiaaicate at taa same tixe. As to marriage, hi Lordihip inculcated th greatest caatioa oa tha part of th clergymaa la satisfying himte from perwnal inquiry, a to whether the partiea wen actually reMing ia the locaiifie they speeded. Ilia Lard iip next proce.ded to condemn In the sirongest language the practice which still continued to prevail to some extent in the diocese, tf clergymen rtaptcyUg curate without hi knowledge, or without taking care that their letter of orders' and testimonial were regular aad complete.

Frora not attending to hi injunction ia thi retpect great pain and much inconvenience were caated to hire. It not anfrequently happened that a curate sra introduced ia thi cUadettine manner, who rendered himself rueful in tha narish and imikI the goid opinion it many Of the parishioners, bat who coaM not produce the necessary certificate to justify hit retention. When the law of the cue was put in. force, it not uafre qnectly happened that representations ot the itrongert kisd were made to hira ia, behalf of the curate, aad this had placed him ia many instance in the moat painful dilemma. These, my rev.

friend (continued hi Lordship), are matter to which I have judged it right ta advert, thinking it best, a Ii hav already lu'ed. aa. most enadasRve iu rmvement. to trett of nraetical mtt'rra nthrr than it an. cukttive points.

I cinnot, however. overlook the preaeat oe caiion of adverting to the groat favour to manifestly be dioceaan aociation fund will be relieved from a taak wiica i tide. Hi LordsVp hsre adverted at considerable iTeVgta woull nave reauirea.a'J its fut Ji, ani left it he'rlees ia the I to toe toon waica luenters, ana tahiiais, ana ceptict, wayofpromstingandsecaringthe object for which it wa I and latltudinarians kul rra 'a to orerthrow' the charca, established the building and enUrg og cf churcheaia di bat ia which effort they had (igaaL'y failed.) Biag trict 1 noiiuloct bifl more widlv iteciAl. am! tv tKia o.r avoiding tosic of Irritating nature, wc hope a tirr.iUr plan forz anting endosrmntj will prubaWy have abstained from all allusicn to our be established ere long. In connexion with the meat by owa iaternai disreaaions, had ther not baea a danger that which the endowment fuad was crMted tha I fri.ra ay ti'saci a wtcng iafereztce aright be drawat flaviag in cf cathedral preferments, it waa asserted, that nothin; threa vearOgoain it ray duty to declare my condemsa could be expected from tte state till the cuurca had don? tioa of cartaia recent ptiblintioa coming from the reputed aimeihin? for hersvlf.

Ths La vir.iT now mad an i leaders if aectba in th church. I have now to itatethat ai les froiii all th? ships were paured into the puce, and In, gret beyond anti ipation, and e3etuiu beyocd the i uiy aeuUiita hrj mndrjoa no chaags waaUTtr aiace. iUntty returned byth's forts from a few suns. It is bow fwo ainee the tiring th Frcnchmrn keeping up a.contiaue 1 Wsje, and far one hour iibt a s'aot hu been fired by ths km. They have all the time been' firing from; I should think, a dzn guas, and no more.

The place is, becorsiag a raasa of ruins, so far a we can but I uiiun, me numerous neamer were niy looxin; cn ta ij nothing more than exercise lor their men they msyicor nng to the numser cf tue popaUticn. In fact, oTi of thi force wa place! under tu? comnaal or an services ware cenbned taiLat ortoaitg the other bip had j1T. tw or three men, but certainty not more, ip Te allowance vi laa aad ambitiou. Priace of France. The object andjtheUking ttelter the neutral srasseli In the ar.1 Mt a rope or.pxr ha.

beea away la "any of tbem. Jg" tttVrt destination of tail straag force wers not coEcealed, raear. tirae.atout liejf 12 p.ra., the Vemvius ar A stealer hss just pawed us, and hu one tliothole just I thU fund. Net will thots whom I am sj.lrfiag look lig ill the contrary, were attended with full publitity, ty I rived vriih Mr. Iiay, the British Consul.

Whatever the the w.ter line, and two lave truck her in' the tern. on a meature which hi secured to "i parUUc gtiriad of Of i'J hovering aboit the afkalearho of Taagier French tCiytlKnselves think of Heir exploit iaass'auUingtbe Phe lunkerintc round a fort a long way off, aad they nTe Bta.toaw, aaa w.aca Delars were less weeks put. eld defended of Tangier, they hav net lerved her with a The grand natka" lave nothing I Af nrni the Emperor of Morocco. aileacirgtitote nen batteries of Tangier, the French The t'rench Government, oa it part, so fir reccgai4 tae wsuid hate lanjed a id taksB psssesttoa of tire work I and medUtion of Great Britain, ai to order the Prince de J. iaViile to deUy proceedings cf a hoatile nature, hiUt the Oritish ti bsaat of: they took the best pesitionj with xa overpiwerin force against a savage and birba people, whos: only force lie in tha madness of fanati cim.

I av tl.em still firing. The Vesuvius (from Mo gador hM just hove in sight, so I shall, keep this open till the p'tco it Uiia, or as the case may he. I am obliged to clov, as the steamer it oil. It it now 5 o'clock, and the French ihipi b.nre haulel out of hariri way I may say given it up, not game to hnd. The.

town is very much a' out. Such a display of lubberly conduct a tbe ave slow a to lay is beyond belief their steamer mnaiii fml of different shipl Trfrom bid management the Un efd sttle ships presenting their bows and sterns to be raked, and their bad gunnery has raadi ut lua jh. Little do tbey know the against them among cur men could tV'T be let iMi; the would rue thi. J.iy We de ipise t'um for their coaduct to day, in hr.n at a defence i t)o, ai.m tcliis wj UusV at their lubberly way of ing wri. niral Governor of Guernsey, bs made a kind arnt'.

the raiflrli of the island in the following It wa spoken at a review cniiwKin honour ct ta rrmce. hop. of it mot ardent supporters, it it act aach expect Oa the contrary everything ha tended Vi confirm my opt that the date will now lei.d ht atsistaacs t. compete lis laion that thetecdocy of thos writings toRomiaitra. If and in this way repair the cf st age.

A jUrainfutt my feetegj now, a on a former occasion, tJ surxi, trilling as compared with what i expends in the I have to uttir a remark which I know will air (otaaclargj atuinment of other objects, am! which no riht f. eiiag men poic. tor whjae worth, and character 1 have. nosers would grodge, would be suJicient, Th Ecclesiastical Cum estetu; baf, whiten mj r. al (rntimentj are, tack aad musicaert'aave m.l permanent provision for pastors to a 1 tech only mutt I declare.

It would be of littl ralo to J7i considerable araaunt a year, retilatiag the allowance ac 1 to cores aiJ meet yocr dicceann and listen to hU coanael a l. JJtacoiiiiJelWii ta iHinogothJOiraunbiaJsed julg mcat aad mature cccvictioa. Tha party that public Oflaion cociilers tte leader, the movement, I atafar fran think iog neerve the aapC: 5 censure wtk ha been heaped oa them neither I deny tha the church owes then an obligation. It i much, to be wiahed that every one ef thii: opinions wa toCt'iTcrrd en itt own merits, and that the gs ceral adoption cf sa part a are cooiatt with tha precepts rd practice of the Reformer, would take place, for it weald more to rut aa eqd strife aad aiaxasua aad ill f. elm thaa all the JeanncUtiocj hrsr la such abem dmce.

Th rapid alvaue of such a party, at am reftrrio to seems the rocscenea ef a teadeney natural to man run, calcr suca atance I am speaking of, tha oppoait extreme. After a short account of, tha rue cf ths hi LorlsVp prxeeded to aay. A. ceremonic, I ctaact dj better than rscomm od yoajo attentively ptrusa the prefa to theFraysr book. It is so fraught withaChrittUa spirit that 1: can hardly fail to procure the assent cf all candid miad, to whate Tst part.

ahey uay iaclioe. What nay be taa rsult it msviTueat wh ch ha existed la tho church foe 10 year it wouij Le presumptuous in me to attempt to foreteil; but tar Owa anticipation is favourable, aad I jreutursto hope that the sua kind Providence which ha hitherto wjtJhei! over aal protected ths church will coa tinae to do to xito it ead. I caaaot for a moment eater tain tae tJea tiat ropery wait ever be dominant agaiaia woff prolabb tolaviih it) physical as well is intellectoaL Thj But there i. another benefit rtowirc froia th fakl at the command cf the Ecclesiastical Coua'Jsioaen, to which I an disposed to attach still reaU'r ixportarce I' mean, the assistance they ar enabled i aff ird tewarfs th" erection of parsonage hemf to clergymen whoso living clo net exceed 200. a yar.

It wtll that a Urgs portion of aon rejidonce in parishes by th clergy men arises from the wantof house to reside i la towes hraie caa be hired, but in rural districts nltabl a' ytnaio lation can seldom be found, and in our own djocss aush deficiency exists. It I well known that ever since I javs en ytur diocetan, I have unifurnJy and stre moujly urged erection ot pasonige houses, and have had the utitfactirn cf ein that in ich good was effected ia consequence. Maav parUhe who uted to see little of their miaiiter, ice; at hi weekly visit, now posters the advantage aal en oymjat ofLts constant pretence and it is uy happiiieij to a It. that maav of thoae clergymen have proved themselves by th ir 'ieal aid" devotion to be a devjted Ubo irersin theviaTar I of the Lord as others who poaaetsrd greater a.lviaUgea." Thjr; remain, however, a great numberct residoac. be ft Tided fr, is the smaller living in the rural district r.A I wish to draw your attention on the present occasion the i HI emlrac those Lmg discarded rapentitiia.

Parliament can acrtunt fcr jj few appli' atieiiiticj ma that it Kems to me that nothing but igncraic of the of Periodica! a from which 1 used to rrcsivt ray iale as to ths seatissnts aal mOtemsat of taa fafortunat ly, the ffials of the island ach tr plan than island i supplied by the incumbent, they uaderttks all ths risk aie who cantiace thiir zsal tir Romaaista, aa who di anu troui'ie, ana aauitionai exp of a tuit.ble charaete if net the town, nnd thai Ime cornpletjd the dsy'sfrjctelng but in not doing this the Priace Vt CoasuI Ocneral at Tangier was despatched on a dialtautic trayed tairs ugatity. IK Roya! Highness wt, it may mission to the Court of hat Imperial tharjil itit conce; i d. very to th extent of dtscemfitare he instructions for the expreis purpoie of tht re'irt bsl a aingjt t.otwithttanlia; t' liavjc to any hostilities of France against th? Moorish 'temtoriea til nts upon the The success of a storeiias. At tfaistaissioa of Mr. bmtaiatiad Hay vroull aecessarily 'party was' aeiticaabla, nfi he therefore acted occupy torn time, it could not be at all uartaicnaVi that i an 'that aaxirs waatiog ia energy aa 1 any delay for such an important and grave end tav auras.

deed, the 1 rench expretttd no taaaner wbjtctios, Vat, oa ttattd tint there was one circutastatice ta thi traaaita ijtwtr the contrary, they at once evinced a lint await lie i wK ar.d a ac'st ttriking raur.nir give, th i exrres'y' stating that troops were tent to rciui vi conceding amp the of July, .,1. tv, i. r. nf a fiA I r.ri,it,lr kjt wnn will exist in obtaining a istmce frora the Mtmai' haw.e.. the 'wi hbourhood oi Tanrier 'Le 1 ils 7 i vtdav but I am a jude of what a td soldier is, desirabla it leay coasvW to bare ths pastor Kw tua ta Sit the wighbourhood ol Tangier.

of naval eftclsncy tttweer. French and the ourselves. Be kr be. I am gUrto meet you on this ay, ti the tnid of his flock. Tbe at will thus be wra Graham's words in the House.of Cmmoii, ofrrowea, a senou reUuction require to be rnde fromthoit its lov; of dtiartioo, to tha urlueace of in airea iy smau income ol tse clergysian wasrta, the wntrc.

pertup unknown to toemirive, tie coa aue a.rai.a iu.aa.uu. at me utu mast un (Wioft to th wi.oie itntith airon ))1r'ncr The ouly dilScnlty to raise the cr a scm fre lrated. To you. ray nr. brethren, tft me advi, that whit w.s gc neraJy thaught would.

bsv; iieeu present at it. r.arce7, tin conspituom deficiency rf the Itorat Miiit'ia. 1 shall soeak at loud and at 'lucntly beyond the me of any one who inciras doe rt whaver Tr teaUxeats cay oa any partkalar poiat. 1e time for Mr. I.

Hay't with the fins! terms'of 1 nvtrine in their Yesteriay. in everr iint dittioctls a I jn. t'iat all vniy hear, and as slow as I can, Where the patronirs privat ths moa rxrssj tasn with, toat awdentivn wnich the ArottUsT loorish Government, Thii perhd thpie 1 on tbe Cth did the French dearir aa'l indubitatlr prove tlisaia lres I tWali ua lerituul what 1 have to say, and that i tad pra about which lime ithe I 'reach Cousular Ag'ut haule i tsta'Jy iuwSiiesUs cope witU the Eritiih nivr. ThU fait ui by tUcm tlut'do. Ko you hear me oa the rut tua rcjuirel ti txtire the 'ereetioa of.

a piriong'. wul coctribute ta the traaiiiiuty, thspurity, aad amularlyanimaUlandimiingapeannce, ealivcncIb7 'cr board thix ihip, perhaps act a man, but would hive the presence cf vewel of war under no'less thaa tvea aif givtn 'jur rival s. eiit ani character for far mors profet' ferent national flag Untiaii, fc pirma, Uahisa, twedish, sioaXlbiiitT thaa toy thetaielrc diiplaved. W. kit a at Tanjicr noliCed to the neutral tw jays iu, that th land, as there w.

l'np iay danger. The town was.quite jer4ay roorsin; the com waftiL jtllaiin? cf the Portuguese Consul's 'he ptf left in having abandoned i Th i Mr Haj o.r Consul's lady at Tan wa 5,7 her VIndaess tow ards the poor ct that wi tjtiij rear, has pained the aflectin of the rrt rtid fj htr Louse two days ao, a Mr Hty was aW nt hcre on urgent business, J. ai htrcfASdeaw; in the people. lt arrival frun Tanker arc up lo within closir. the rr.ail iiere.

hen it was stated at tzfit. place as GIEIULTAK, Ate 7. tih'tiaia all our hopes of peace in this (, art ani ttouh apc cial courier was yesterday ta rait 4attatcbed, i Madrid, to say that by let ttrs Wr Consul tn Morocco, Mr. Hay, all had bet" HaUsfsetonly arranged, wc were astounded by fseeitei by the Vesuvius, which arrived ia the wkirse of the night from Tangier, to find that he txth acidron, rhicSi took up a position early iwjterday monizg, began to fire at about half patt rulliiiied 1)7 mca infamous in heart. UM thnt I wax the e'nemy of Guernsey ta; eaeciy ol lc militia.

It is falK. You have beea '7 eeuS rrotectea by me axraraae agaias: thei Sir, ia ta Utur iey that I wa uaiiy oi nis premature ssceare. tact jiits Oit ixrrs, i wtici I am nit, and 1 1 the expediepcy of the inccmbeit doing utsios: aasUt i YJst, tie Kiag of DlART AXU CAPTAIX COSOZr. TO THE EMTOR OF TOE wiisa Dr. vi ola was forced to xt had tbe goodaeat ta insert it ari prwuura to toe wori taat ioy taeiajeive uispajei.

i aevtr wa voar enemy. Why should 1 be your enemy I idk iue turn in qusnoe, ana a'51 to te aopr tait ta Stoiiart aad Captain CvaollT ia tis Q.r.t;n;.n T.ini.ian Tht. a n. ll 1 1 t. I.

I i I U'l. 4 il c. i will IAITI. anVan.d I I. I rJ XT.

TV I 'ill ii. I i.j.i Ituv be lUe' fa ifuril iL rr fitim tU r.t...i. r. IV IT'. L.f..

L. fir i Her af. 1 4 a a tiaa aal I am still of that opinion. I told you bnolWce arsons hr may be irrfueaced bv Pr time Mr.lI.y wuanxiousIy looked fcr.t Her. Mtjesty tlu aaair wfo Ta igitr, they undertook aal attempted wm good aoMiers, and I thought I could teach you to come forward ia aVdotthe gvj work.

(Tb date. I ws wmag; tha carrot daU ahotaU be July (Cat team vestl hutiu. 1 rasrs tban tbey ba1 ability rr lxred to perform. Fact as I soautbicg more from my long experience in, war. And LordBishr.p here passed a high euliurn on the chanctercf r), IH3.

It thref appears tiatfd: th tiaxs I propcseit the 4th, when the French I they cr4 Wa laid down. Nothic is her wiit T0U tTer7 review, on ever parade, the Rev. Ir. AVarneford, who had coos forward a the an to Uer Majesty's toifccWl at my own jt Admiral manifest his deimj bv re laestiai all the tltat aH vi, 1 ca very shim light, I found you still better' than you niheent fnend of church 1 er.ibwment, aad 'as 1 es Qt6w respeanitrlitr to Dikhai atb attempt the rs imi.ral maoiiestea Mf ceaign by 1aestia.i tae tif ou. at vcii .1 Utsred to be fiba.aa.iady correct.

ri fore and more willing to do your every ether good wk, act speadinjhis f.t n.Mr ereai ships to move further out in the Lay, lit order to witUut i Wtfi. tiv mv, at obieC. bat cantioaf Ir and 'a airieatslr. nit sec wrr artaaUf 'aStw. the range of the shore batteriei and forts, Still no one gotag, it tUengly Istaoastrate that the above opinion is tppreuenae laat nosuutie wouia ensuevai uon in ici were all jiowiible appreheniion allayed, ifirre hal been any, whea early on the morning of the tth the ISriti'h Commodore Ixkytr, in Her Majeity' ship AIUon, made the Goo 1 news peace will not I disturbe la fuct informauua had beta ieceirc 1, oaicially, that Mr.

Ilay baa happily succeeded in the object ofj hi ndirion, ani that he at't srasadi I ru Ss? attliaae sfcttments ivf eatijital iea licsTrrcsp ice, tut is 'iinJel iipn the evidence cf plain uccxtenaatedfaet. has Less tiis ipirit too much indulge! in of late sfirit tare alajsys deprecated, as ia every way improper, and atteade 1 with no beneficial tendency), to mais odioiacira ariscr i between the $cal efficiency of the two might behourlyexpecteJ.beingon his return in the Vesuvius. grat naval I'cw rj. Ilii Rayxl Highness the Prince it Join ime liicjeii is net ire irqai panamng taispeiiy spirit, out hu stalked 03 1 er 13 such a formidable aspect a wtll nigh tofiigUocr gracdnictliersnl nurses ia England. Cutlet them calra their fears.

The tuyd sailor is by no mear.1 io dreadful ash would appear?" "Much as war i to be abhorred by every wU reg Jated mind abjve all, much as a collision with Frsaee 11 to be avoide, i. cevert'aeljst, with luch a jealous, troublesome race th French, unfortunately fjr the rsnoi; of Europchave ihotra tie imelvej, perhap the remanent, rubitantial, aad ccrdial trmi'iillity of the two i'owen Ecglaal xnd France, cainot be attained without rtsort ti aroj, without a temporary sacrifice of peace. SaouII 4uch a take place, we entertain do appre'hen tioa sj to the result. Aad then would the great ditparity hetwsea ths two grett aabons be again decidedly maaifeited The French Prince wa fully apprised cf the above intelli gence, Commodore Lockyer going on board the riuflren that very morning. In consequence of thi intelligence, in trery way atifctory and welcome to the Uriu.h, tio jess to all the other congregated here, an early dirt mion of the different thiptwat confidently anticipated.

But, alas! early yeiterday morning how did these pleating dreamiof peace prove only visionary and evanescent, the se juel will thow. At daylight, oa the Gih of August, an uaiuiul tCr aad activify wa apparent in tbe French squadron, the whale of the steam force getting up their ths other ship shortening in eaUe, and altogether ther: wtn enc quivocal indication of a general moveoeat. Whit ire the French about to do Are they preparing to depart i lain to 'runt thi ik you ttiiui: 1 am a devil, prowling about, leek I resinning u.s ocec 01 uia ooumy 1111 alter ni waea iraif as wm aav ing tbe i. eds ct diacord everywhere I You i nf C0WJ 110 longer enjoy it hirearli. Wit autn utusg it dsnag tai teea till, al, that I stopped your parade.

Thi i a ti "ad to arranjring hi benefactions in some cues that I hrt tiiLcaour tobe your obedient lermt, fV sehood. I never did. I had neither act nor pxrt ih th Jbs benefit thould be enjoyed in perpMn ty. Aad sow, iil 'HX GROVER. Captain UrAtUchrf.

matter. I never wished it, neither did I expect it; nor did I (hi Lcrduiip, when thU goo man shall have grits to mtethU Arvy aal 2aXV7 OuK. A uznsx 20. know it wi to be so, till I saw Her Majtstv' order. You 1 to rsnder an licount of the talents intrusted his 1 ive beet that I sent for the avldier.

That is another 1 nrf. Us liberality wij itiU appear in srrrplving wish ai! the FaTat CalZ Of Aaither of 0 fjehool. I cevtr did I never knew that they were com 'caatmnsdlj increasing number of amal! itvin Bat Imsst Semes, uahtrpilT jut toa eomrao of ht it wk. l. i einioa 01 suit is resorted to as a aas cf veageasee occurred ct which nituj ns6tiia, Salariay tight ia the parish ofortM FhiEp.

ing tiU the were ia the harbour. In this manner have bate been circulated aud I am glad to be able at last to tee you together, to remove them from your mind. Nor do I believe that you are my enemies, though I have been tuli sj. Hut, whether you are cr not, I am cot your enemy. We thill now proceed to the busines of the Queen, if you pleas." (Loud and long continued cheering, in which tis Excellency jiined heartily.) After the cheering had subsided the Lieutenant Governor aid, This prove to that you are the pwrls I always thought you to be." (Cheers) A HorEFVL Family.

At the last Wells a most Botoribus character named George Culliford, of II; Chester, wai tried on four indictments, three far burglary and one fr and transported for the term of his natural life', having only been liberated from gasl about five day, during which period he ct mtuttted all these oneness. The julgs, ia passing sentence, told him if the lav had not beta altered, hi wculd most asiuredly have left him fr ex ccaticrt, which would have been carried uto effect. Thi makes seven this family ia a short period that have been tent ct tt Government expense. II rvtni Flfinp Poft. tratiora el th a von no.

Francis, ha bsea rut oif in the ti oi now nas to the consid cation here a subject since it so happen that wherertr there is a district with a Soratrsef. ai fcy th rer 't church cr a j43tor, a parochisl school mxarixbty falls mas, r.aaie 1 Charles FraaciLh ilu axiv. neve a.1 performing it duty as the 1 believe we are all agreed, and 13 1'onr Jl ia tat court cf wmca tHe rrUoaer was haockid down tovsrU CCpt JPj timss. gaiaiag oi th "bftSden oh szua.

aad timet into ti mutate. self denying support gtven to the fuad for the.rprsad of elu after some few mia ptunit 4 to cation artcngst the manufacturing and .1 ill.i. 71 7: Bat it it the Position of thi dtoceae. in rejrt to I a. iV.lTaV:V.

1 which more iminedutely concerns ui at preseat. The pecs wai tecax d. aa I whea dianred with uSfSrf liar circumstance of thU dioce to haTirV two ctCheiraU merely aJiV hi xlew ns hU dTaV't, ZL iiTJ3.J.cbjlptc'' n' t3 hVe Hi a i org Hillier. a gaMeaeTby Sde.xl itZ SlTr Thcie is trauuag.tis sppea aace cf a wild aU Jirsips ZTfcZ lwHle? la cn t6s heU on Monday aSrrtSolarat tht flZi Zl ff PLi I Xortoa. te'ors MTVphTc1ner to? tradetmen.

the eatabtUbment af all which bai beea et aa 1 a VeT ikt of ifaarAitr ts. tremely adnaujeou, tha: great city. I I 1 i.

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