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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ting wit questiou ck as thon tugexied ti the to xiialB Mta th ptwent (tag of lb inquiry that if It wax la regard to tW pimtr'i lU't cf mind, evidenc of it moat adduced thai a very grot ted violent attack had been mad on Um comidainant, and that il mail proved that tvex aaaaiiant. nm to the condttrao ol hit mind, wta not, Rpcmaibis or LU actiOQf, otherwise th cm mint tx treated all uch charge that daeriptioa, and Mat for a Tn ra tsooeVi legal adviser taid then he bad so quettlrm, so inci 01 to assets 01 mini wauki tie tetitise iorily proved, and that ia order I obtain the necsaarr wtt nesaa to establish tie drrumatanee. he recraeoted that be might be rnaaJeJ ia lb toeaoUme hi trusted tlx magi. mi would accept of bail lor tut apre anace. Tbe oanUiiiant'l awliestor atsrnted to tho armliettinn 10 far at hif client wu concerned, and bM that If the allegations wim rrtprrt to tit prisoner itati of mind were proved, of cueire further againet him would abandoned but for the safety of the puttie, aai to prevent a icauiieuee of toeH an outrage that committed on hi client, the proof mutt Le ad laced before tlx proatculioa would be given up.

Mr. THILL said that be'ehmtld reman 1 the priaoney for trial but wool accwat of Kail far Kil aTiTt a ranre mln. Suable df ripion. and worth mar than 3iY, but wu told i blraself in Wi. and two rareliet of 2.V.

each, to antwer the to lIauoy inse uie iriew Bti iutwj; luif i iot buu cnarge. tV' th" away. I In the eouref the Icqnlrylt wii rtated that thepriaoner T'" xvn declined onertng anvthing in de'eneo, and I did not ll'l a mercantile situation, described in the firmer wa lu.ii KMiraiiu iot inu ujn sais, iw imw marge, elimination. Nit tliat he lire on otn property Of ail own, a luM ew. a quantity of valuable rain, and a caa of Mi vh'al innrumeats, the farov erty of Mr.

Kit hard King I'( i a Mrgeon at Margate. The prwarvutor became acquainted with the prisoner about vr wear a and in July las had chambVn at No. 1, Oilj lJce. Temple bar. tn M'ednrwlay, the 10th of that Bkiih, he 'und a fra the prainT at hi eaambera, kf rmiic him tSat he ahocld call upon him in the ewraitw, aai at 8 oVVict he punctually fame and (toppel till mid ti, St The neat mo tdngi he called and aa witwai iui ain attend a lecture be atked the prixwier 1 1 aocom bun, but pnowr declined, and ukrd leave to itop and to.

Vf a near till be cane back. WitreM ccnvnlc.1, li him a he plcrd, anj, that he niht mane hinurlf ta a.h!y cmnlartaMe, irlt him to rj, hating prertoutiy thepruvwMTCwMptHCTtherby the Great Weaterm Railway, and, arririnti ia town, they look the aeedi ft of tho train, Jid placiM them la a Cab, drove, by the ariauner'f rcooaa enrnditioo, a thlie bM) eaEed the Eaet Henwat, la Charie tireet, WeatrahnUr, wV.ere the aeeJ were oepoaitod tn4 rmalnod till the 3d ol April. On the cy preriou to that date the prio.wer wu la the habit of taking the loan tJ wilneat! watch, worth about flee ruin, aa he, aald atade it a' point to be panctaal to hU encaccneaUl lent it him. and the rriaoacr rt turned it to him on each of tt oeswaiona, until the atoning of the 3d of Apnl. hen.

baemg agaia borrowed It, the pnanner and he walWrd about the lwa together until the came to Carry ml Liaouln'a iaa ftekU. where the imajoer led him perfnee of calling upon hli nother'i aoiicilor for the mMiey, but reutd wiuwat wait for him fur ball aa hour, hra abould return and diacharxe, hit account. VCitnrm u4 Jt waited for ball an hour, but eeeeral hourt n. ai.n, bot neecr aw any more of either the watch or lb. pTiaur, until he fouud tte latter in cuatody at thit court the reVMi cbark When be found the priaoner did n.4 rrtam.

he uepe td aaraethlnjr wrong, and went to the 4itV hi'ae whrre he had left hit aeeda, which were of a TO TBS MDITOH Of TBS TIMJtS. and wat not engaged in any employment. LA ir X0TICkS.1 nil bade a apikintntent with him fur I Vcluck in theafter txv at another plaon, dinaer. The phnoer did nut keep tpotfitnwwt, and witmea went hsme, eipectmg to Ini him Uiere but the rirr having left, witnen wai about i aW when hia ere acviJ nUilf retted on liiidrreauu table. frtit wbch heTaied a giddbreatt pin he recoUecttd id bar.

irtt ih re, and, thinking it tiogular, he went to hit tl rwm. and lound that a quantity of ct'ina, acrung upon a n'ar, 1. aku be bad Uced hit drawera, were alto one i hr then ararrfcM further, and dieooerred that the cthrr arti clet had been )ileiw taken, the priioner, ery fortunately I. uitaraa, ut rtaratniug anilhrr drawer, in wtach there wat rtore'tban Wiuteat had nerer tern the pritonertince, heard hit being in curt Wf at thit court. Mr.

T. W. Puke, a a. licit niw in practice at 35, Nor iAl MU in lhc Siraud, but at the time the latt rbbery wt cofuni'ttrd nailing in a.ijauuug chamDen. to ihoee oc cu)ed by Mt.

Peirce, here came f.irward to prefer another charge. 'The'witnrM canw hotueon the 11th of July, Jutt at the Um wat etaoimiug into hit rvbbrry, and, thiuk he mighf at wrli tee if be had not Veea to' bed too, be aarvaed hit apartments and ditoctered that the priaoaer had Uo Carried ff tome property MongiLg to him, confining thrve gnld fiuger ring, a breattpin, a rat x. cotub, portaMe thint; brutba pearl' handled knife, and tilrer tobafljotopper; s' Samuel Hul. aatatant to Mr. Crocket, pawnbroker, 93, Ilurh Hdiborn, rroilaced the eurgical inttnuneutt and three fid nnga, pled.ed ftilhellth of July for '21 and John CUrjd tnt aa tW pawnbroker in liolborn, pro duord the dux iancrt uiae, "tbacco atPer, and two brraat rant, ai.

plrded on the nrne dtj, by the prianer, for IJa. AH tae articlrt were identified ry their rctrettiTe owner. John nnett, fiwtmaa ia the textice of Captain Chapel, 17, Varea turret, Majlair, with whom the pruoncr wat on tuuuig rem, prorcl that pn Monday, the llh while paaoig the cf ilertljrd atreet, Mayfair, he met the rriaiaarr, ho LaJ dad him a email packtt, hi ch he rejueau him to uke rareofiorhim till, be wat able to tee hit nitrther, and wksett ronaented to do to. The packet contained nine dttaUcaCrf re'atin to the preceding and other property, whka Le reUirx until cbliged to deliver them up to tfer prant frTt. 5.

The rificer oflered 84 defence tJ theJj thirjct, and wai alta coBuaitted op: them. Mr. Juet reirce, rvaidingin liolborn, and trctker to the abr witnew of that na ne, here came forward and ttated, that aboct the time of bit brother 't robbery the pritoner Called at hit hou.e while ht wat out, and, inquiring lor him, rtHBeUd peruutaioa to write a nate, at hit butinett wat ardent, lie wat thown in by the tervant girl, and ahortly after left, and when witnect returned borne he found that he lad be.n robbed of a guld teal and pencircaae. A fwubr Arr't luan produced thcte articlrt, but could not fwtar that the pntoner wat tbe prrtpn who pledged them, and thit charge, tbertlcre, wat not proceeded with. A centieman, whote name did not tanpire, but who.

ttatea himae'f to be a profetaional man, rraiding at Canterbury, now took hit tarn in the witneat box, and raid that the pritoner Lad robbtd.him to a tome hat cortiderable extent, and be had come to town at great per tonal incon Teaiencr to rro eute but. as he found that there were nuh i combrr of charge tgaictt the pritoi'tr alr ady, and ke kal very Important prdfrtsivnal avocationt to attend to, it wuld be utcleat for List proceed in the matter any farther. The depeitiBt pi the witnettet were then taken, and the rnoxier, who wat mnra uepretaej, but notwiinttana ing dirtdawd great jrtitu le. although without legal advice, wat fully commi tcd to ewgat iot trial npon all the chargra. Before 1 wat removed he drew an unhealed letter from bit breatt pockrt, and handing it to Mr.

Vine, the "chief clerk, in a melanc ioly tone requetted him to hand it to the Mr. Vine, ttuoecling there wat aometbing in it that might be to tbe pritoner'i told him hit tutpi caont, ana aerrea Lim counuvr vi tu a rwun vigaeu. and replying, ''It ni matter now, tuu reauettea it migtt be handed up, which wat accordingly done. The letter wat written in a neat gentlemanly hand, and wat couched in forcible and rather elegant language. In it, at tuspected, be pleaded guilty to two cf the charjet, and denied the third by offering an exente for it He complained that he had ieen thrown aside and neglected by tit family, and that te had resolved npon commif.iru; tome desperate act.

that Lit relatives might induced to come lorwarj ana give Ida that atuttance the tarre time that to the fact that he had carefully abstained fmm n'nndering stranger and had confined hit robberiei purpotely to hit can immediate frienit aad ccnnexioBt, that, from their being fufieren, they might feel a more acute in terett in his. Jsraur, and exert thenuelvet to replace him in that position ia society he had been formerly accustomed to: raov in. K0OSPmJ COChT. TvrTtt at 11 MafrhaU IXlar. inn 41.vM.rH aaj aaether v.

1'ift aauttxe v. Ttfxsa rVurlev Variiart eratth v. Jim BAJEturPTCY COPRT. Bitraaaaitearasav. Mr.

CVimmtawnaer Kvaa 11. M. fthaa Ile of WUrht. Wllrr u4 eaaramatloa at 11. T.

O. la MarcottUe, renebaroh nraat. men hut lart eiani auaiallt W. K. WiwnJ, KrifHt w.

drtnt. ht eiaralintianat 1. II. Herer. MarprettTirrt final nnlar al 1 1.

J. AhVit, Vaaan ma tiaal orhr at II Kef.e nr. (1mrd4er Hot aiva. William Li CM, RaieanM.huildrr OTruandaatZ. Mr.

CmraMflMr Jam Aatm v. Wa'eM, 1W1. aial arJ at halt pant 3. War, rVavtM flaal oen at half pa X. v.

lhumal rrera anal mar at half 4 1 prf r. (itmnrMnocMe a W. Wert. rhvaaar aal orr at 11. 1 Caia.

Crrrwra enl Nv as 11. J. BartMrd. famitao. Ket e.nal rler at II.

J. haisf. IVtU.tJ anal rr at II. J. VaUa, iml orW at 11.

DISASTROUS FIRE AT MCnilOSn. Sir, Yon kindly permit! od to cersinent npoa tone atatemenu mado by Captaia rechcU ia th Uouaa of Cotu moni I will now proceed, ith ynr permitaion, to jaaka a few obaervationt apon Str 0. Napier's reports ol Interview! between kit andtryatb'. aad oimveraationa thereat, to widely away from what actually occurred, that eaqoaly aitrib it th TarlaUanf to for.tfalaeM or entifution cf laii.d en the gaUaal eoaunodor part. All tho world kn wa that Couv taodore Napier it apt to take credit to himself for havug by hit single arm won svery victory In which ho has taken part, bat Bp to the period of hi speech in llooae of Otanwant I thought him a frank and fair man.

Sir Charie ttated in the noaae, that Captain Warner had told him that he uld bhi to pieves all the aaiit ia Port'miiUta harbour, frvin the back of the Ile of Wuht." I can unlv aocoaat for thit etrorJi nary miareprctrntaiion, to calculated to excite the laughter of a popular a.atintly, and uttered no dout fr that pur poae, to Mr lharic having mixed in Wis tnn utile re (otts Blade ray omtiant calumniator, Capuin Tecliell, who it reiMtted to hare aaid that I ha I boasted being able 4o fire through the Isle of Wight, ami sink all the thip In rorltmoutn harbour an assertion tjuite tt true tt Vaptaio rechell't other statement in the llmi of Coiumout, that 1 had said I could blow up tbe rk of Gibraltar. What really paasej brtwecn Sir Sspier and mvarlf upon the occasion to which he refers It at follows and beg to prefix ta my report that I am ia a con iitin nfirui it subaUntially by t0 witnesses. Sir C. Xj( iero'rvei, that the c.mUnt cotaplaint aninst me was. that I ul nrvrr com to the int, hut always receded (rum any tangible protoaition.

I asked Sir Charles, tor nuke time peiwl and he ruade the fllwiag the Governmiht furuith a line of baltle ship and anchor her at the back of the Godwin tind, out of the hi( track, which I was to destroy by a projectile from a distance of five mile. 1 cipreoed my readiness tn accept this t'Rer il Government w.uld sutraatee rae if I aevmplislied the deed. Mr Charles riclaimed tkttif he could do at much he would have that I should Se a great if I arte.1 without a cutrautee, for I should certainly lie rubbed if I did, at till invent rt had been before toe. I said sati fy tuytrlf. The above proposition was put 'into writing signed by mjsrlf, and eniphaticajly pronouncctl by Sir Cbatles to something like bu iue Thit wai carried by 5ir Charles to Sir R.

I'eel, w'ao referred hiw to Sir 0. Cock burn, who, at utjal, threw cold wt unm it. and exDrrt ed. acc.rlimr to Sir C. Na piert ri'tort bi myseV, timeth'mg very much like an intention ol keei ing uie in tho bickr mud an in'eutiou trhicti I hope, i th powrriul.aid of the areM, to fruntrate Sir Charles stated il the Hihiw of Commons, in hi ueual fashion of playiut Grai tl.lle.

that At had offered mira'ship to be aochorel tr Soulhaea Castle, and ht had offered to insure me a hanJor remnnerj'ion in th eveut al tucceit, bat that I hsd t.acoeuted his ffef. Nut a word about the wnttcn oBer carried to Sir 11. IVel and tir O. Cockburn. In th Sir Cuatlet joined the ranks of ieM ingettres opponent and nJiculel, in ua eeuIy lan gmge, that noble lord, for whoe disintcrrtttd couduct in adf.afating atvl rusuining my cause I can find no wt rds lufficiemly exprrssiva of my.

gntilude but he did not re 1 eat the icrui iu which he spike of Sir It. Peel and Sir 0. Cockburn, neither will 1 cucu'uler yoor columns with inem. nut I will here, In the face of the worll for what pnu usneu oy me press ol Migland reaJ by the whole wotlJ and that there way 1 no further mistake, misonderstand ing, or iniaapiirchet.tititi alx ut the matter, reneat tlie offer I inftructed Sir (i Naoier. ill teroit ol hit own dictation, to submit ller Msjeety't Oovern nenl lAe Goitrnmnt aw antuar a tute uf 'alllt thip at Vie liackoftlt Uoudri saavb out of ikt tloftrack.

to fcfaf a barn la ptUyiHu I viUnm on boml another ihip 'Ustrvg krr at a tff iie of re nilrt. I am vilUug It tale 6wtrf tht rcs7 rn A oi rnUt ijenrmt Sir lit; ye Munag, Ctptai IjtI V.Kjut fnitjtrt. It, i'aain Ihclinrm, US at Ciii HtmUrton, skull have rrrry j.Tjorraair my oie of ami tatu fvwj ihciuohrt that on thu 1 use a vnkCtite. The diM'f tiriititii of ng fiytn'U tnailtt me to es'ulit mis crytrtment without a kiwj the Umrnnntl for athlli'ij toirar ir. ij I am lit rtrcire avi'At but ri ticuJe fit W.icA hart re eitt'l yttiic cwiik natUfy ay rta km'Jc man alnalg.

tint irtnenuJij I require a QHTmntee fram ller Mititstift llommuient forttt picrcltax vf trcrrf for lit SPORTISO IJTTXLLIOSJICX, Pawa. i rrs rr 1 W.rr I 1" S4nfcrM.lrrs 11 pay iaa.aach. A xarrsataa roa rut Ovist Toaasatst Htaaicar. UuUAa. To be uiaruiiJaU vr, ai 18 ScncoL aooM WAin, Vuitr 11 ttea aaeaawa, arts 1 M.

3m or ALosHia eHoen, trrv 10 1 Kauhtof th 1 I Tna 7. 1 res A UrUish Vtuaun, I yrt 113 neuuaeria. 4 Tn Johanj. seed Franchise, in rtcalaaa.t jrs ParthUa. I rrs TV Caer.

I ira Mnla.4rt WhlaUillmHa.Trs IlwliDCtnn. ITS va iiaa nanw, yrs 4 jrs Uals Potij aged I til lu 14 Dr. Ala. Srr AH.rjatrv,aesd Th Artful Walter, yrs Soldier. I rrs trervav.

I rrs Kavaaww.aHvlyrs lleiap.Srrs Branca, trrs Mlrlejr.IjTS Mihi lrrs Ontlfrer. yrs AahteavlP.lrrs UUaarf trrs A mSi n. 1 yrt ixkSjh ee.jyri AJ.K irra urn li mil rtrh I li ia an a wu thttttag ta.nss. at. aad Utah, la a hiaaasns Oothst essay Wit lit ft IHiisaiw.

i. ru'si I sswa asl rafUcuUrs had rt Mr. LrwaV, U. tWwae ttrart saana, 1 aw 'na. 1 FOR SALE, a PIAN0F0K.TK, made by Gunthtr 1 A ssagUstthasMtawtvrf a laJv wl.

Is aiaaa sa W. Ea rS? JT atua mararj, aaar oaarca aai aaa. Selfswars rsaia, 1 UL.a XaMJ.V, mvm ZO, lO Wait Oil LUSY. BO taBle ktrat raveneasa. saw aawaa la.

fmwt aarea. wnwiraa, rM4 saaarriala. ha oirarf wuh foe nu mors thaa halt lu' 4 UoCXEKSiriK to a irentlrtsn nrtrartM. IJ. JtJy tw wr aKw I rsctall ssd ptfitw.

DirKltoZ. TafV ttUPKUIUR PIANOFORTES, lecd hand A t. aM fu3 lonaj raietrt, raakl. hortiontaj Ma yvlr BrJwoaJ AS HoniKKtriK to a jingle rRntlrtDAn. Or iuo hv av makses.

(tartar. fA JmJllZf. "Taae.saioaio erava, i vat ra, wut mrvt paaaa, ratD tSi taaaaaaraa.aal attUoUses: iwrn aa4 UO.S, racaurr. it, Bataaotorw. Kaasad squa sTal tfll7ftRTI? A r.f.;e.e.,l 1.

I e. II wis auwls to hK sirrsatcirteeatsMsf th tt estai hVinmtA. I i j. CooK and llocSEKEirga. or lltiruekif rare to a for Jltaaea cl toai.

ari a art. alecaei mta. aad io aUi.ti A JZjJzJ.i uWMKttftr to a Srs.KyCl ro. wnh aiu.a run asu aaars Ckotaet. ASeaa.

IT. noae ail la ca 4 eiiittoaw Al 1 roncE of CoNsriEsct A few days 150 a merchant of Perth, retired from business some years, wax waited npoii by one of his old apprentice. The young man waa rerrive.i wi marked iirrine, ar.l, on tax Lig leave, eeine.l greatly embarrassed, but plucking up courage he aaid, Mr. I do not know what to say I am in "In my debtr wis the antwer; "I do not know how that can be, I am not awar of it." I know you are not," resumed the young man but the fact is. when in your rmpiwy i was, lite many other jonng men, foolish, and appropriated what wat not mine to myself.

My chief object lty in ealliar wat to confess, and make what retti tutl in I was able. My conscience hat often aerated me incf, oiying wnicn. he uu down before the tstonished gentleman several pounds, adding, "Thit it all I am able 10 give at present, but I will toon repay you the whole." lie then ttv hit leave, saving, That he felt mnch eatier le ing much or an honest maa. Glatjvx tuner. rAderttemen.l Extract from the Annual Rennet foe ll t.i'f

of Cruelty Animala "ur Citomlttee, arer anilous to eficouraw aoj mats sotivra aay in ventiana oe tinpravemetita tenuiex to kwea or prevent animal stiffens or to afford inereaar 1 power I lbs rarfortnanee cf th laHour requlrn i vim, ueriui anilllHI. IVf. I li UUlI IlcY at, retWllUV Yeaterdsy morning, shortly after 2 o'clock, a fire of a very serious characte, and which was not extinguished until a vast amount of valuable property was e.1, broke out in ih Cricketers'Tavem, situate at 25, tJreenside, Kichiiottd. The premise were three storirt about feet deep, and a cre bounded on each tide by private dwelling ho ises. A police constable in going hit ro indt rerceite'd trnoke is ing through the crevice of the' window shutters.

II gave the alarm, but rich wat the progm of the fire, that tn lets than tea minutes alter its first discovery it had laid hold of every pwt ol the bar, tn bejng ed by a larg q'lantity cf sirits, the ltamet rushed up the slairas a in iramenae volumes, thereby cutting off all escape by the regular meant. At this critical period a Udder was brourht, and placed in (rout of the burairg building, but the dense ass of tmoke and the great (beet, of Came that burst through the windowt prevented any one from eilhi a ceti liug or descrudiiig by it I'ortunately the inmates at toetlect theireacape by the back of the premises, and, strange to tay, without receiving any personal injury, liy this time the pariah en fine hal arrived, and set to work, but it soon became evident that the fire wmld yield ta it power. Kxpreeaet were therefore despatched to Ialeworth, Kingston, Chit wick, Barnes, and London additinaal assistance. Tbe engine of tbe four neighbouring stations were, with all expedition, the spot, and were ttt to work.prindpally under the direction of Mr. Selfey the engineer, of Kiiwttou but before the enginet jvere et into full workimr order the flames ka.l ttrojing in itt progress whole ol the valual.le ttxk in aent a' Urping the four oftre trad and furniture.

The adjoining house on the wi tern 1 B'a'' teaiiWifjr ami pmcticaf.ilit'j oj my tide, accu; lea ry Janson, a noor higher than the tavern. eat f.ll a v. 1.. 11 element, he had barely timt throw their fur niture Into the street for protection before the building wu on fire from the basement to the roof. The scene at that period became awfully grand; the flames.

were ascending high into the air, aad large flakes were teen flying in almoe. every, direction. Tke light thrown out by thit con fiagation wat so great, that the engine keeper in town had forestalled the information' tent to them. Garwood, of the County engine, wat called by a stranger from Knightt endge, and nr. Umnorton, of the nest of Kngtand Company, received intedigence from a man who taw the fire in the distance whilst passing over Ulacltfriara bridge, and after driving about with tbe engine for tome time at length ascertained the exact teat of the fire.

hen tbe two last named engine reached Richmond the flamea hal farther evtenied to Xo. "3. oeeuoied bv Mr. arrrn, and had consumed a portion ol the upper part of Lastly. I Howard Dounta.

Si Ilvam Martin. Sir CKkburn. Colonel Chaliuer. lt.A and Cim aianJe Cofm, II.N., to Attend in auothr vetel and watch in proceedings. I am.

Sir, yaar very obedient tervant, Londjn, August JO. 8. A. WARSER. SHIP XX ITS.

Putlm Waterf jti rrsneh TlamNirsh Waat lfldiea lahou awl Qilmlur utc (teuitaea, aa toe were auuacatug aue roon 01 several The ateamer vat W.a'em. Uvernonl far New Tort, was ouer nonsea. i nc strongett appreneniioni were uertiore treses cudj entertained tt a row of troall cottaget in Peniionsrt' court should also DC destroyed. The brigade engine Irom South wark bridge road alto arrived, under the command of Henderson, the foreman of the district, and thi whole firemen act work mo 1 vigorously. The West of England engine wat placed in front of the still burning premitet, sxtd the firemen were enabled to distribute; by meant of a patent spreader, a great deal of water about the fire.

Whilst they were thus engaged th front wall fell down.and tcveral of the men narrowly escaped being cruihed to death. At length, owing to the axertiont ef the firemen, the flame were entirely extinguished by 6 o'clock. The damage done, at a rough estimate, must amount ta a few thousand pounds. ir. i.

jiicst, oi ine currey ineatre, wno, witn ms wue. Is i visit at Richmond, took a teraDOrarv lodaHnir at the Cricketers on Monday, but from tome caute be neglected to sleep there, which was very fortunate, at, being a stranger to tbe house, he might have rerithed in the flamea. Up to the present ti re it is not at all known how the fire originated. The inmates of the Cricketers retired to rest at about 11 ('clock, when the lights aad firet wire properly "Viv "4 remarkable fact connected with that circum thxtbe to lUnce a not bwn uiM thlt pirt 0( the premitet lor weeks pat. The proprietor, and hit aervint were the only pertont in the house at the time of the fire and the in escaping, met with a tad accident in consequence of jumping out of window.

Mr. Vellum state that he lowereal nimteii from oneol the back indent i on to the root when he should reform tlta ot chouse, and, on looking after hi terrant, he saw that be had temporarily derived them of. He bad jutt re in mum be but lhe' tamed from France, he taid, with the cUtermination not to under, tand and eventuallv iutaVed out. falun leave lui mother, who ought and cctud pron lor turn, to on uae mf grx riol nce. lie carried her to an peace, catd the should give him tumaent tneani to carry ning home, perfectly insensible, thu ofc ret lato eflect and that he wat actually asleep on I mtit by Mr.

Brlid to the etef td hCT.door. where be kal been waiting for hounl tbe Jrvi(Mi iojllnce rompiue in the metropoli. the fear paui extent of the hre and the htvo it occatioDed will be ob Tbe letter coocluded with a request for l0. erred, together with the probable amount of ltts Insndi i while tnt Ufore hui triJ; which Mr. BwontM, 3 clljed a mmntti aatured Lira te wodd hive full liberty to do at all reaton tn raging atRichmond.

It wu found Me heun, and tS. pnaoner expresosd himtelf conltnL blTe from ome unknown cause, In the cellar Hewatttenremov tothecellt. belonging to the Cricketert public house, on Richmond In the coune of the proceedingt it wu ttated 7 in the occunation of Mr. Henry VoUum. lic.nted ric oae cr the wanette Intimate with the pntoaer ana rut tU4lIcr Tbt wtn totally consumed, and contenU family, that tome few yean ago ke had.

gone overto Egypt, I with ttock in trade dettroyed. The building wu the pro in cottte juence 01 neiag lurouneo witn tirong recommeu 1 rt of Mr CoUin tbe brewer at Kichmond. (It wu three ire.ia uuunguuuea memoers 01 sue Mnoj, ttorirt bi)rbt (ronUge 0f kbout 25 lest an rj aqaara. cnnr cf nhatroet. Eertl trr, p3 v.

ataoaMrraa, nnmaa it a fail Ti WLm in. Vl VTT.T eeaaif.y. a4 u4 her 4mirj. aaVtUk'. hern ta as moalha.

and wSl SOU) a veri l.w nrie. riri I iIZ Uu th saictK tDtancv. So v.rv suDenue. nawtraaavLard haaavL seldrfu.tba met with. To tasrvca at Mr.

PaoaX hat mas ifacturee, Klrbenaxaia STwet Wlthfcl. CTPtl 1 Tatera. Caa laaraiwatloa. et aa Wntal Rtr mp 4. A 3 iiocsiKtitrtiitoa smirte enUfreuaii.

arCank wkerw ta u.l. a Til AM) FORTES for SALE, or HIKE. CLAUK "Vi" sat BOOTFIBT, aiaaafaeturen ef eailnet. Mj. Si'fSlte Mr.

Tsvktari. aat fitoemA ataonfonca. hart now a of JKW sad fseaud haivl I i ea salk. at vary raoae pne. a on'v a rowweaal eottaee.

ru.raaa others a hul aard from I aiao new an 1 ae a iad raitai "PIAXOKORTKS. An eitcnsiTe STOCK Zj; iji. S'fr tTa kept, middle fa tory. Cabintu to treat TarWy. of ettrraly lU sal neh t.n.

w.Ui 0 Tas eaaep. us rnoaeeoi naewowl ai epanwn maaocuiy at acvsTca, a.avi 1 1 aarv toil aaa tsw tut. a TV aa adninrt euttares. 6S aad ail oetavaa. in olain aa.1 aaaraat vf which hav area a few montne in w.

from is niaeas nurh aema. a ontfatss r.f ovary tVarriptloa. aaj reaad squire Metarl aad ft a P. COoK 1 horaaa twrtirnnrovotnentainharaeoa one, fur the euro and preventioo of ahottllaa. haa hea auereaafuny tried in Pevrtta4iiTe.

i.D of th 1 whieh has larnetA tantl rir.aefi with ita ehat a.l ale.uMa mneh railed. Tha other la la the cooaarueouo of wie rtoinx smidie, I' aa.cttne norae ia mm raitevoil, and enaWad to perf.rm b.a w.irk with mora eaas aad trwaier tToadom thsa with lh eotonoa avl Uc. atpoeiiueiia of thee ran anew at th so ew ome. ann ymir snmittM teas reeon aMid tken to th n'Slca i taa i them, i AdvertisemenujFrom John Sawyer, of Haywood KHito. neultat diued In the month of 11X1.

to mat a trial of your IaviatUa r.n I ict although at ray alvaaoad ac at that urn part rny 77th rear 1 had no hop of obtajauit aay rshef, Iramadialaly I 1 applied them 1 omtld hear tha teneral eaavoraation and 1 am happv to Infom yon. thit hy thenuatant nse of them, my bearing baa haoom so much. Imprave.1, that I ran now hear acutely without their aid. Yiaar anorta )a I find euaany toM.

and a(faM ma all th eumfiart and relief, hy lav an.loaadUJitnt.that I could dewro. 1 ana. eentletnea. your tnnrt ohnjistit rvant, J. gawvsa.

JanelXWl. Aehroraae tie tehaenpot. nperailaaaea, mtcroaeorwai. ae. Caatlon Jfot in any way connected with a penmn of th asm nara in tbair tmmodial aassh hfoihoral.

To prevent mistakes. he eautiints and ohaarve. only to nvi at aire marie, aueet, iecadmy, npaoatta in ort iioobl ment ahootifitoosua." which eorapriss every pooaihle roquiait I a hooay, easd octaraa a'so a a umber ol eoavl haa I pianos, aturaa, eamncva. a hated li. craa.

f4)uareavy Hroadwood an ntakti taiaeas on. a. St. Kant "r'mSST at. W.

who ea. t.v. aa aa seoraLi; Aa TONES'S i is. I.KVRR WATCH KS, threes So St. II ii.

8onH' A Sgootl Ooos, a rearjectable i wobmiea. ara iewoUad in four holoa and wareanaail aaannmiwa than aaj! a minute par ok. aad to end ura lector thva th aataral aaan aa iuaa tn taotraao ot ano aoaeo oeretn'siou wopieneo aaraeloea, aai ynhti haaao answer to th falsa eaiumay whtohirostjopkauay man, etherwia reaneetahla. hava reanrts as a 'meat ef coagpeUtwa rather than th roduetUa nt thotv laordiaala areSta. KVIvertisenifnt.i Snorting gentlemen are requested to mass inspection uf Mnona sad Son's suaarlar and aitenaire tsori fvhlenalile.

siiat rentiotnen can not fail uiss the utmost auiafae The Joseph Pert v.lroin rtej.ha's. haa arrirad at thit pott, tailed Tno lantho waa to sail hi about a woe for uvarnoult Jnlv ia iat 4i lone fi. aroks th Waahlotton. Liverpool Aueuat It laiaaod aijuaamj of deala appareciUy Bt I the water. Too TreMTU wr.

pawn amaara. Dsa arriaeo sp tnis port, aane WJ IX Aatuet tat. TjI. lose, spot th Fiaucatiia, irom Livrrnooi for I hiletolphla. tt.

ruenivaneat. rrom aw tirieana tn alert, rmra rrora sjuoore i St. rctarahunh, clouds. 7 in Ucht teres at N.w and clouds. rtvod.

th Uverpoi4. frsa llai'iral tb Arraina Pan, fraon Rimouakl. raulod. Oio Cjroat for Piet lhli a tbe MaryTaylr, for Iehthoe tha Aima, it nirtton at droas tut oi wear. Ths prVvt at which they ars ati.1 are as reaaonahl aa th article, aw fitod.

Th teneral aba of E. Moana and tfon It of a dav seriptton too superior to need much reeftmuteodation. Il to rwrt'culartv allth most recent fashloot of th day. Coats, trouaers. vralstcoats.

act an Immense 'Ilection of boyi ars at present on sale, at prior amaed to svorv station In sn Bapeettiai at Jt. Mlnorli an.1 tat. Atdtate. ppnoalt th Church. Water and Orease.

fan au off. th suit effortual renndT. of th tw aetieUa. an. pile auernatoiy tn txanie water to cwwiwa tn roots rrom seun and aa a attmniaat.

and ths bear stbm as a nouruher. if aav fuither erl denea was requirvd or the virtues of bears aranas forranovatLu and pra' aemnt in nair. r. taums aceount ot tna qaaauty used, aad to ianfth of hair ohialnod. hy som of th North Atnarieaa Indiaat, would a ouraeieni answer, naas and Bona, us aad ljj, Batnoeavrais straiit, who flrrt Introducaal tb us of hoar's treaas in this eouotry.aod who fat and kill th animals, recommend th public to surohaas tone other hut ith their names aaj address printed oa tha pot, or th chases ars their oMainuif a spurious arucle.

A vaoUU out sooussts tha hal' ars woeaa than asalaaa. I AdvertitetneaLl Cure of Corns. Buaniont. Callosities, t. withont enttlnt ov eatwhii th slichtest pain, hy aa erpwIavMoal author of Praetteal Ksposraoaj on th Human Pooi." nr.

tnsennert may ht eonsuitod dairy rrom 10 uu aloes, at hi aideneavll.rwfanarwrtroeCeorBarof Pall iualL Cordos of Toattaaonlala rrom the Moat Mob! th Msrquta of Mafford.1 Mr. Etanbart hat cttraetMl two coma from my loot arith trcat akin, snd vary aatlstacaorUy. eT arena n. bmiae, Jf.r. l.

im." Front Dr. Loewx van testify that you eSact thorn with treat ability, vers sapdltaiuarr. ana wiLnnui rain i osneoauy nouo an ens oi i to ine till of a talent! Piaetttloner. an lcaU man. Vnurs.

la, Ilvvav Umont. M.D. Upwards of 10AX) teatunoniais rmuar ton aoovamayp osaa nrtvounag amsnths at Ms reetdajoe. 1 1. tVyajmnrt m.

t. enrner el PenaiL Advertisement The Turn of Life. Cure Extraordinary bv nonftwavs PIIK A reaTwctahlt woman, ated 17. nasoad Oraham. ro sidtct tn Hootlaaifroad.

Llvsrpool, was tn the most eritieal and daarer pua aut r.w nine moeths. botog aim jttroaa almeat choked wtta pa barm. with ihortnoa, of breath. palNtatton of th heart, toeetter with a ra neral drratitement and debility of th whole syatam. liar Hf was th rreateat dsneer.wlHui sho onmmancod th um of these nilia which reatorr4hvv the hUrhett stat of health mlnwtaka They ara tha flneat medicine In th world forfernaleoof all acoaSokl oJaa noDowayt titormenu at i roreaaor iioiiowaya Estatmanmavit.

xti, nnaa (wnor aavlevmay bohad rraaao. and by alns.vt all rspcaahi vendarsol aieuo tnrougnout atvutasa wona. CooueUo. ft. llalena tho Wi.llais and Aatltua, awl lb and dal had obtained art excellent appointment under Mehemet Ali, but which he toon afterwardt lost throngh hit own mit oondurt and that the next time he wu heard of wu at Eomtaiy, at "which puce he had levied extenaive contnbo tion.

on the representation that a vttsej 01 wtach he had had a w.u themrnidJtotheXUhJgonedownwiththwhc4eolhit Mr. (Sectt, leaving lim dcnitate. He then returned ta thlt i in the Koval Kvchanire Fire office andthet Tnoaiaa, JalyS. Th Kieo. from TrihlJvl to Pominfca, rut la country, wherrtaving ingratiated himself into the confidence "ii rire omce, and the he.n th lSih Inst, with Jo of msinaust ana foretopmsM.

hannt Cl a geLUeman connecxeu witn ms tauuij, nc was tnvivcu oy and between 30 and 40 feet in depth.) the content are insured by Mr. Vollum in the Sim hre office for GOW and the buildipg by Mr. Collint in the Union Fire office for about bCOL 'o. Sd, Richmond green, the delling house of Mrs. tho Anriea and th Launeaatnn.

Ksat Hv llssn. Aut. Il tin. in inion, irons uania, IVtaTawot th, Aux Ii. Wind, N.vr.

Armed, the Tud'W. from LonJ for Calcutta tL Northumbtrlau from hJon foe th Cap aad Madras. Hoi th arroa, Aut. Arrired, the Frlenla. and th A an, th eteatuer laaa, from th West Indies, left Pemerara Ju'y ainaiea th llarbadoo th 71U, OrenaJa th Zith.

ul Ht Thonasa. th Nuth th blueher. frm ILanluy. so Arrlsod, th at earner Montrraw, frn Qlra'tar. he with th IVninaular mails.

Wkvsmmth, Au. 19 Off. th Kaeahia, front Uahia. Dastwoith, Aut. IS.

On, th, and th Lady Comhermara, front Voebee. Coaraa, Aug. 1J Th Nancv. from fitorlholm (or New York, which sal ia her veaterdav. it not leaks at reported her rudder la suppoaod to bo dainagnd, and part of her caryo is shifted, aad vrtll hars to land a.

Wukinctom, Aux. 1' Th ravnrite, from Perry foe this port, struck a Wank near Rohis B'u on the liUhtnaaand sank erow saved. BsiouaoToa, Aug. 11. Arrivsd.

th Charlotte, with loss of oowaprit, sails, he. Hn.i.. Aux. 19. Arrived, th WaCac.

from Mlntmlchi tb Bu John's, from Quaber. Csaoipr, Aut. 17. Th Fanner Inereaae. frot Oloovter for Lon don, stnttx on oavernoes rnim yesterday and sans crew saved.

PaiLMSU. Aus.17. Hartof thooarroof the PUut. Irnra Llrerpwil for Aberystwtth, aahors near her, has been saved In a damaged aLala. Qslwav.

Aux. H. Tbe Oonddanoe, la leav'mt th south sou ad of A eras, struck oa th rietuiKh rect, tut cam oi, ana wss assuua tn her Plvwh'Tk, Aux. Wind, variahla. Th Faith, ashore on tha Ratten, has teen ft off th strand, aad makes much water.

Ha ssats. Aug. 11 th Cuhaiia, and Ih Alderman Thump sea, l. i una. tn refmir.

Iltrss, Aug. In. It hu Woama heavy cal at N. W. for stveral ilaea raua.

Tha leanerr and Jan, from Wark worth, and the Bnra. from Newcartls, in runsint tut th harbour for shelter, were struck by a sua aleeast ths pier bead, and drivan on shnr on a sand bank. The Hpray dmvs areait a aill. striking heavily all th way, and vrntually sank, th crew pared but has el nee teen rot sA asl. and towed into port, where ths Innnxliately went down shs ill to diacharysd at low water, but ia in a vary leaky and donated condition.

Tho Ororto and Jan was tot off, and towed inti tho harbour about thro hours after striking. and baa euatalned tait little oamat. on tbe lwn tb lady oi rredrtct wuiam Kirny, aiotaoa aquaro, ot a oanxnier. MABBIV n. Anne, etdaat oautbter oi lata tticnaxa Atxinsua, li or uiet Krante, id too aain eoanry, 1M.P..! laalailla.

onlr dstxhtaraad helrosaol Sir Thomas of Newtown Aooer, npporary. Oa Tuesdav. th 3ith at SL Oeom's. nanovevtauara. Mr.

J. Welaby. suryoon, of Prescot, Loncaahlre, to Miss Mary BlrchaQ, of nnowsiey, in toe sam county. rtovtn, Kaq th Middl femple," to Maria, lioiton, of uneom a tun, and oi 14a, On Tueedsy, the 30th at Newlnrton Church, hy th Sev.

J. 11 Bode.atudent ef Christ Church, nth rd. rraderick IRal Nieholl, third son of Iltid SkhoU, of Portland place, to Una Louisa, dauihtar of William Mode. of Htokt Newmxtoh. On tha loth at rt.

James's Church, hy the Ksv. rraderick tan Birch, Bohert Pryor. of Lloewla'almi. harrtater at law. to Elixa Iwth Carotin, dauxhter of Wyrl7 Birth, of Wretham haO, Norfolk, Ei.

On Tudsy, th 3nth insU, at West Ham, Cattx. Mr. W. 0. finch, oi BlihopNcitesueet.

Loadon. to Harah. fourth dauxhter ot ths hu Mr. WlUUm Paga.of Llttl Berkhsmstead, Herts. JUS IIortEKixrnt, a ptrv.n who in ave art wse terpnVeahia elaraerae Ir re aaaca aad sruaU set aieot ta Here, hy I 4 ,3 COOK and Ilocslaxirtn.

nr IW'TiZXrZZL'XXi I'''. a a.1 asiihwawuwd la, ra dark aa! 11 ila, HrjT 3 tottnoaaay. Una to 0. ChailSw i "twi, unawaoraitiiii, a a ar ta ssperwy carved Xll litTltZu A 8 Co0K' 5 etentlemans JanvUy, a prsoii ctSt M4'v i I a aaca u. ij, Jia teaWB a tfaat.

.4 mod tV rsiatly. when a in a sen tit man's or traattnua'a maa aarvaat is kept. a rsefieetahasyaaacf oaaracu tresa.inw tady aa 3ATKNT IMPHOVEMKNTS in CIIROSO MtrrKK Wateh ninvii.i hittm 1 33. (Vvtrpuj etreet. watch and dork malar hy appotatmant th sWeea and fits Royal Hixhneaa fMnc AJerrheri lear ta aoquaint lhapuhli that tb man of act are of hat cltroaimetrs.watrhea,' aid docks it aararod una saparaM aaumts, reapeeavery rranled tn itw.

and lair, lver lever watches, jswslled ia four bobevg. (a. oachi tn sold eaawarenra gl to ID extra. Oold hosiloatal watchea. with laid diak fmm ti aa la glllV each.

mUK liEST ENGLISH WATCiiES. A. B. JL 8AY0B.T and SO'i watchmskr, CornhiU, Lon.lcn, eppoatu tha Baak, request tb attention of purchasers tbaar stock of Loadoa mad PAThVMT LKVCB WATvfltH. which an CanafacWad hy tnwaaniTea in Laeir own aoua.

in liirar caaoa, in otaoioaenape meat uvl is wailed, th prioasar fonraad a hail xvtnaaa, six. aad tht nuwaasach, or in told eaaoa. 10, IX, It. and 14 ruiaeaa each. Thavery bam stock offered tn oaloctioa mduiles every taaacnptioB.

enahOnxa oajit.aneT to olaet thai which lltnoe parbciaJt? a4apu ta hlaoww a whiv staall daryaadhaklMlf rasasraO. and aaeo two Rood Cook ia a jrenfjetnan'f family where a haaal I kept, ot ha SBanhaal's fawiiry. a aeaaMetahlw awrana. WATCHES by WEBSTKll and SON, Chrono meter makers to tha lards of tha Amlralt TI rtnrnhm Webster sod Hon's maaufactory for chronometers, watches, and docks is th oldest tn London, havuui eoataued In Corahil tsariy a century and a halt, the whole of their stock heiu manatactu vd under their hn msdtau iespeetloa hy th Inert workmen In th trad, thereby avoiding utermadlau pronto, which enable than to offer th baaa eieouted wort al th lowest poanbl prices eoasiaaeBt with security for such week oeiax tarsal to support mat reputation toatr sttttiiantaenl hat mata taiaed so mans years AflxtennivsaoekuivTy department.

Compen sstad. duplex, and lever watchea apoa th pnsclpl of their chrono. atcrs. wtucn uovsrameat awaneu in pntea tare years ia leoossioa alsa ant flat detached Vvrer and hnriiocitat walehaa and tentlenea, martaeAasd pxt dironoaaeters, ornamented ha 'ano lever carrlac. muncaj, an 1 evry deseription ot cUea work, re ilatxes apon th most approved prtndple.

w. aad Boa hav purehassd th whole of th ex Wnei re ato, of Mr. Harris, chroaomstar msker tt th Bast Inula Company, latt Uattoa and Harris, upon his raiireiaenl from after fears' reaklenon ia OornhDL Th stock eait. at awe ehsraoter of superior muutacture. which they hav taken at a con.ler ahla reduction, and svery artid has beta sabaoq oatly sxamiawl hy thtta, and I sew offered to th puho at aa squtvaleat aamAoe.

e.rarj arvu warracteu. i a most Bupsnor wortoMaa ar smpiwyad oa th prenlst la th rerairhu otaatrtmecL both for Eacliah and rorwurn rcanufacture. Th utmost valus aUoerad for eld wasshes ta xeaang., with th equation of urn fot 1 Ml, will snot Ire aa tn receipt of two stamps caver tn post. AS Rood Cook in a nobleman's or Rcntlcnun's family.

whr a lltchearra il at kept, la Iowa or euont y. a spbl womaw. sgi. wlo wlU usd rtsi Ih Jt feoan her east ptact. Inrwit tokf D.

nolbom. AS (food Cook in a tmall family, or Cook and n.t keeper to a sintl reatlewaa. se ta tak th eh.rr(a hat aa aaeteeat aao a ehara. llHiraUyiS' AS good Cook, a rwapectable tniddle iged rerson, ef PlekSat, r.ervin. all kind el amp, mad diahea, aad la nuaaaeaaat a dura If a kiathamaid 7.

iVTL fVL raapairea aaj noaeswiwt taaaa. Pirsc to A. al 5, Iha ks atreet, KaVatianaaqtaarr, KawaiaUtoa. AS good Cook in a pntiernaa'i familT, where thevaaiajrlstaaeaeteaa b.thal..h tan. ia th ointri.

a resoeetahl paraoa. wh aaderrtaad dairy and baktocl eaa hav a toed character of oa year aad a saner 'frJshjjhasluss Uft, Dtrart tor.U,Mr.WslIard s.takar.s7. DRESS COATS Snpertine cloth, 30s. and 35. sttra auality.

4o. to W. froet ditto, with atlkfaamrs, 15s. to aa. auso, wtta sua ram eouar tna sua tactnga, aav wsterproor cna Itrasld.

Codrlnrton. aad travallmi eoata. Us. At. laxla thovs' and youths' doth llawar ruita.Ha.

to SO. shaoting lackatt. lus.ta.ta 1 a od. waistaoats, 5. 6a.

to la. td. nch salia.sUk. aad eaatmaT, 8s. no.

to 13a td. trousers, ts. d. to 10a. td.

i doeskin aad karsry Biera.lls.aX. and 21a. a suit of ouiasrflaa Mac. doah.gllas.: stra quality, ti I'M to li ia AI FISIltB aad taUors, U. Kiag iiaaur aareca.ciaj.

tu uoora irom ienaaaar Drvaro. 1ABINET. TjDholxterT. and ltoddinir. at the real man ofrc liti eti.

famous for titannisw ona 'ltr. and durahulf aa other house ra Loodoa hetag ahl to maaafoctur at their price, oarr Sr pat eenL batnc put on th cost prios. aad all goods warranted aad they arnesOy solicit a tnal as the onlr criterion by which tbm wits aad decided advantar of their establishment nan hurty estimated. uaMnecmalan' Dodaty, eorar of lnvlanftsll strset. opsowu Aldxat A Cook, a person, ago 23, who has no obiec fa eot'trT.

and eaa has a toad taarseier frxa latt pTae. Ptraet to A. A Cook, or Servant of All work in a trades maa'i i'7' 1rtl reosf wo aa. Wat not so maeh aa aJet aa a aomfavtahla hem, ra ha aw a tvi. TT Chtcheator piac.

Orar'aina eoad. AS Cook, or Houackeeper, a respectable person. ''hois ec.nsua.ait to saaaat th oatahlaxhaMnl af a or Udl hunirr. lAract to S.S.. a.

alanaall alraea. Cook, or Servant of Alt work, (a single lady or eWasmaa a small family prrrrd, a asialllaatod ax.maa.waa wttaads eankiat savl hooaatauU wart, aad haa IV from that plaos ah has Just Isft, tnrect UM, Mr. Pliiw Cook, Servant of All work, a Jaaa" eaararaar rrom nee taet plae. ASgood fsjwrsoa wae Wracs j.X.1,1, A Sjrood Piaiji Cook, a respectable tohdz woman, iJa. sra IHreel to A.

Mr. Pratt taadaaUar. laateaatowV A trood Plaix Cook, in a small family, a person WhO Can haV aVS nwaatha Loam ehajaweae. Sa, a V. JHreet to A.

Mr. ttaarat's, dalrytaaB. 8, Aoes etnoa. Ursek etrsM. aloauaaqaar.

C1ARPETS, under peculiar ciraimstrances. BRDHSEL8, Venotian, and Klddormisater CARPET ai whnlwila prVaa, onrntns from ta iarraat ntaoufa able thava to tee? ttewr oumeroau worlnnaa la ampley, hich purpo they hav appointed th CabiMtmaXars' Bocssty, 71, 1 wade halt street. FLOOR CLOTH, of good tasodod quality, re maraahlj ehaap. Aa sxtaativ muufaeturtr. Bear Ixodoa.

having manafaoturad so lam a stock of very dnaaaana wuhm tbeaw few yaars past, is tetermiaad So sail off aQ at seat price, tad with that laUn tton has appouitad th Cablatmakrs Baelety.71. LaaOeahad sraaa, sols atenta. where, ia addtttoa to which may vwwsd, tha iarraat at.ick of cahiaes, aphoaalery. and haddlnt la London. 48 rood Cook, in a tmill fimilr.

where ansavsorvaal is kpt. younc parsiat with a aaoat bb xosatioBaha rnaracvar from tb aiao ah I ioet te 1 ar. Direct to ri.P..Mr. Klchardsoas. W.

Witmoswatreet. tvaythw sqara. Rood Pla Cook, in a respectable family, eaa hare a aharaeter rrom Bar last nLaoa. Imwet in a tiia. streak tfraasasqaai.

AS good pLAi.t Cook in a merchant 'a farnilr, or Coot tad Htswtkawtaw to a stall tsatlsms a mlddlaswal EXCELLENT second hand FURNITTJRE, just rseeivsd from tb houa of a neblamaa. to HOLD cheap A sat vi patent dinint tablat i foot by fet, ditto i fast by IS, a wardrobe with barrelled wlats, a avdahoard. ipanadal aolld rosewood sseretan aad honkraas. plato ilaas tront, tost Ml ruiaeaa. to ta sold for drawers, chairs, sofa, glass, carpet, rut, work labia.

haWts, to sold cheap, for ready asoaev. At th IWilnstmskars' BocaatyTn. usatonhall atraca. A quantity of cheap paearhaaxiats from fl. per yard.

A good Plaui Cook, where; man trvant it kept, Ja praoowheaa hav few yaara' raaracasv rram be laet aitaav uon. IHreel to A.H, th Arabiaa Coasawaraasusa, So. Beraars KreaC, Ox 'ord si el. AS good Plaim Cook, in a family, whae a foatinaa oe aartuanaaid i kept, a reepeeaahi peesoat. with aa xeelienl eharaeaor freva has last also.

3 oeteerxa to Ik WANT PLACES. All letters to be poet paid. AS Wit Npbsk, a youne widow, with a zood breast of mUx. Ptraet to A. rlS, Leather tan, Ilolhorw.

A Wrr Ncrsx, a respectable married JL can (in A 8 Wrr Ncrse, a respectable youn woman, age AjL J). with bar flret child, tad wall recnmtnan.WI Pmct to firs. Beal. JJhn atreea. t'ppar olio way.

DIED. On thlah at Croydon, on his birthday, Eobcrt Stock Boocoe, tged 3S. and lata ol Woodfade, Fltichleyommon. On th at Biahirp gtortford. in th iHh year of his ax.

Mr. Saraual p. Heath, stnonrety Umontad hy a numerous eircla of friends. On th ltk Orwell haias. Devon, ths rstdeae of Htr B.

aad Lady Plaakat, after a few hours' ttlnees, of sn attack of apoplsiy, Mary MuTi.rn.n si Kh hal been for 16 Jean th faithful and attar bed nnree of the family. On Sunday cvanlst, th ISth at rHrmerantlJ parh. after a ahort inneat, Letitia, tht youngest dauxhter of th late tSr Henry John MUdmay. Bart. square, Theresa, th beloved fe of Mr.

Edward J. ttmlth, after a short tun, aged a). On tn lxh intt, universally regretted by hit relatives and friends. Mr. Thomas Ford, fruiterer, of lieorye atreet.

Richmond, Hurrey. in his 7dth year. On Mondav. th 19th at his residence. Fccest nte.

West Ham. In the county of Eases, Oeort Pamea, in tha frith year of his younir, married bi as of mux, and eaa a inrsct to a.b zx, rley A Wr Ncrse, a respectable, woroaa. with hr firat child and a rood or wail roroeoaoenoed by hr BMuleal aatondaat. Pi street. Potey plest, Marji6on.

A UrriR Ncast, in a nobleman's or ffentleman'i a raeoectahla rroone wocnaa 'are X7 wfta t. ejavaat taking a baby Irom th month, aad can hishry raoommaavaad by th ladyth has luatML Ihract lo s. Oil a Porv laao poaoa. GRAVE3EXD. A total 19.

liuuuing ia ue AUat OLuCc. A touu iota. been struck by a aiuall off Dominica. Mb has been repaired, and will uixa to accomraany bun on a continental tour, but tbat vLule I yrned, and part of the floor beneath dettroved other partt Aug. U.

The neaaant, if which goto ftating at I'eril he not on etofd with the grntieman't i J.i7 VVrt.rTaf nta aieeJ without apparent danar. Th wi. Tt tta doff with bin a eonxiderable ouinUty rf VT' i.amin wntena aaved, learroofth. Ant. which aankonthe in.

has been duchartej, and anif, hvt alto carneaon wiiu ioj a RjjijTiiraoie vntb much Injury. Not insured. the veaws has been rot afloat without treat damat. idvitrtj In contYvjuetKe of "Wen gn ana culpable 03 Aajajjin. k0UM ia the occupation of Mr.

I rsi.notTH. Aug. lsArrlvod. the Wasaacumoao, from navaanah conduct, almoet all the member of hu familj had turned WarreB. private mott part cf the rool burnt oil, "smburrh tb Iltielrtgy.

from Mlramlchi. nilod for hauth thrij baslt! upon Lim, and determined to leave bun to hu Uneilth partiall, dettroyed the remainder the Aug. n. Th.Khoiv,rrrrre.. of Plymouth.

ellen, 'ht I preraitei greatly damaged by witter and hasty removal of the 1 bound to Messina, and th schooner Robert and Ann, Ktockton, coal Toxwi, Poucr Yesterday James Briggs wtl charged 'uraitore and the contents. Mr. warren 11 not insured. with iajunag tttavigation tbe river Tbamet, bj dit Joe btuldin. ii covered by an insurance effected in the Sun chargiug tnul from tbe barye Sarah, below bigh water mark.

riffmoS; On tbe prevtiKii nigfet, a little before 10 a oonttaMe.4 4 27. dwelhng houM. tenanted by leTeral familiet Vo. i the ThaSe lajlice, saw the pritoner and several part of the roof burnt off, and much damage to the premitet. othert Jitcbargitig mud from the barge with depwocdtn pot 'urtd.

tioTtlt.calW"tlotagl 28. premuet of Mr. Uarvey, fnuturer and taiaavTteai; would effect itt ditcharge ia an Inconceivably chandler roof partly peatl, danaged They tad taken their poetion on a point which it ywaUr. Intured in the orwlch union Fire office," would tnatJ' tbetn to turvey the tiTer, and watch the more 1 Betide the above, the reiort mentions several houset menu of the rwlic. The constable, in approaching tbe Krrauj injureu ana water uwtiai cnurt, a aito Urge had to wa le through the mod np to the waistband of in Peiunonerf cotirt, the occupiert nnfortunttely of whom ti triutert, wUch not only dettroyed hit clothet.

but to im art of the Ubourinir cUu. and are not insured. rJtii Progrett, that il the party eacaped except the I tip to a UU bxur latt night, a great body of lire itiU raged rjriiontr beneath the ruins, but there were no apprebenxiont.of itt do Erirei denied the oflence, and taid that, instead of mud, fog any further mischief. The young woman who jumped lb' were diw harging gravel, with the view making a out of window it, we regTet to tay, ia a dangerous ttxte. good hUwa for the UrgWto rest on.

It was, however tbr wif tbat tl ft lli'iii Tides. On Sunday evenins there was a whsciitne iroaucuono. tue vu 1 very lofty toring le. The Fulham Lammas land" wu UDTr .1 flooded, and at th waterside, Wandtworth, the tide poured Mr. wafttr eommending ehdartof the con Ch.nnen't bouses, putting the batement floor, of Wable, a.l th.

wa. a Tery bad caae Jofl encer wone aweilins in tome insttneet. neatly 2 feet whKfrtbevWuUoni tr eaty of detec The Waidle overflowed iu bankt, and the cscsjd for one who wat diacovcred. If the fc which it tituate on the T.ewiitKppeain "vtT" farther tide oftheplain. At Tutney towing A.r.' iwod hive ttaatplac to ll.mmer.tnith wat impauable eacadead.

bat tbe laartiei path from horses, and wu wiLh ,1 i tbe Lightning steam iaoat, witu ncr cntmney uown, was wiu hly wu the navigatton great i.fliculiy got through Putney bridge. It is time that aruet "tlloymg the this and tbe other clumty ttweture, Battertea bridge, were practice, IheactimtKaiea a Ptnaityw noimoretoau uk s. for more live have been and more acd ra let than to. II r. Iodenp) had nitnerw awu dtuU curred tw0 than all the othen a.i eTa auj.

together, it bat, we un icrtttno, ueen octermintd hy I taetdociairrly. aodVtbe prisoner mutt pay a penalty of SJL, or be irhpritont fir a month. Tbe prisoner wu locked trp in default. L'sios iiiLt YeatcrdaT VTilliara PostletkwaiU, charged 0 1 tbe rreoedir.g day with 'iaraaulting Mr. ir Aagntta TownaenJ, withiapnt to violate ber penrm, vu brought up on remand oa tbat charge.

A gentleman, wh attended a the legal adviser cf the pri auiarr, ttated that he withed to put a lew ueationi to Mr. Tosmtend, merely with th view of showing how be had Conducted himself ia her mother' house i reviously to the. comrpdstion of the alleged offence that moat of bit (riendt, who were connected with the House of Co nunc at, were unfortunately out of town at prearnt, otherwise evidence would btf produced of Nthe state of bit mind, which had been af eded for tome time part that he, hit legal advtier, was aware such iru the fact, for the accused iiid been con tned about rt ryoriTtrago at Chicbcrtcr )aTlatic. itx. could th purpoK el put tbe lkttertea bridge prcprictort to throw the five centre archetof that bridge into three, and the alteration it to commence immediately.

Periodical Meteors. An unusually splendid dii ly of these extraordiaary phenomena wu observed at Krnire. in under, on me nuratt 01 nuii uu caiuruay latt. The 10th cf August hat long been known to be the dy on which these, meteor appear. Thit year they began i the lfth.

when 17 were witnessed between 9 and 11 o'clock, but the principal apparition of them wuon the 10th, when Dr. Forrtr who had made previout arrangementt for having them counted, wu enabled to estimate their average number, which appeared to oe aoout ro.per nour, 01 wucu above 75 had a demotittrable point of convergence In tome part of the heavens, not far from Antare in Scorpio. Betide these a rait number of fine white lines, like narrow ditchargej of the electrical rpatkppeared alolt, and had the tart.e cVftction towarci rjeorpio, ail teodlnjc to the W.S: W. li0n and the Crosby, from llamburth lbs wilbslm. from An dam lb Ostcan, from Klors th Aurora, from Kiel th rjophia Iairothea, from Hfettui tb Lady Hondas, from ftralnune the Carl IImrtck.

from Wolxaat th Hugo and th Ann, KoBhraherg the Merkla, ths Vthan. and th Hannah, from Memel tha UWty, tha laabella, and th Elvira, from Ruta th Branch, frum 81. Pinmbunrbth Mano, from liananoim tn uaxniie, me in uainc. in and the Halem, frm Bira. Si.

Tke A'ls, from Lsuacteton. rsxyoil. ma vmona, tor new sort. crsTOM noUUK. Aforst SI.

VtssBt EvTsasn Iewsana. at.Mi fr.en entelea tha Kenan and tha William IntS. from HavannA the Tyrooe, rrom sew weans in siarxnni aoi turn, irom vuotwc i.ary IM, Irom Maha th Krotnier, Irm ftevui tna napoleon, fheelanire the Two 0hrtaalr sal th Vrte jdsrhaD from Worrum the Man, from Ilamburrh tb Aurora, from Kiel ta Ostnan, from Kief ths Lady Sondes, from Stralsund ths WUbelm, from Anctam the rVnhla iKirothea, from etettin tha Vthan. from Meal the tllTira from Rica ths Hratich. from tt Peterabursh tb Orioff.

from th City af Reche ter. th Laing. th rWlctn, the Ouelle, and theHnncbo, rrom Arensnret in uooa latest, rrom Caen ths Msrids, from Msmol ths cart iieiancn, rrum, olcast. V.u.L. ETTSatD OlTWASCS.

Th Portland. ft St. John's ths European, for Xsw Orleans the Rob Roy, for Klslnora the Factor, for Cherbourg th (Sty of London lor ll.eil.arne th Neptune, for.Kti)tirt the Catharine, fne th reo (land Hone th ffhlst ateamer for narre tha Dia mond, for TnnUad th Loopard. for Dunkirk th hritol, fcr th Cap of Uool nope the ravran. ler n.

s. (ll rWASM WllH Caroo. The Jahn and Jam, for Cberbourr the Wrestler, for Almoin th flondirae. for Jimaltn th Columbln 'steanwr bs Rottardam th Countoas Loosiial suamor. lor iiamourxn is cur aawwd uuti It

Visssu Crossx IT ith. a llv.rr.J foe ItliladelShl I.l lore. 3 bv the Treaeurar. arrived at Liverpool. The Vraonunt Handon.

frara Liverpool for China, on th lXk ult, ia let. 1 leer. Ill W. th Wa.blntton. of Uverpoot, on th feth lat.

I'HX TO, by in amet i nrterarnrvai at uiwpen. lb I'U'ntriea, iruan atfTOTiaaH vf wwa. ia. in aaa. t.

nx w. ths Oriental, from Havre for IU Janeiro, ca th lth, in 1st 11. tou. li by tb Commercial, arrived at Cork. Tb Rosalana, from Liverpool for Quebec, on lb 5th it in tat.

44, loec. rr.ty lb uerrj.amvau at unwnea. Ths bvk Atlantic, of London, I lat. 4T, long. 9, by Ih Susannah, ar rred in the Oaek.

Th Poais One, from London for Quebec, la lat. lost. tb Mar aret, arrlid In th Downs. Tb Leadhitlar, from Uvsrponl for St. Andr.v Druainrkk hs John Richards, from BalrahaLB for Qaaboc.

a th 6th Inst, In hvL M. kx. SJ th (icvern, from Liverpool for th DratUa, oa th lTth, la lu hi l. tha Ilaiel. arrived off ralvwuth.

Tbs Antelot, frora Ouerawy for Cado, oa th llUtnst, off Cape lintaterr. oy tn Aapsa, amveo on aaujvuao, Tb ariner, from aieosstsc for QtsshM, (A vht MkattnUloag.l IT by tu Joto Wioa. nlv4 Bldtfttu, couxsa or uchakqb, acocst so. Msdrl. thre noatht, J7J VI I LawnoTB, amo, susa Ametardaai.

short. II It to mtao, mootas, it iu Rotterdam, dltae, II Ij to 1 ditto, IS .5 to TT I Aatwera. ttrajweis, Cfltao, 30 is to rUmbarca, ditto, IM nria, short. lllTf to fi( Pttto, thre moaths. IS to Ti Harseffla.

ditto, XSIJ rrajtaxon. aiiao, iv Vtaatna. ditto. IM to TrVosta, ditto, Oadtx. ditto, rienoalitto, II 7 to 75 I Rome, ditto.

Is. I Naples, dttto. JM Palermo, altto, 119t Mearna. ditto, lln LlaboQ.cXl days' dale, Ut Oporto, ditto, ai roreirs fold in bars, li. ITa M.

i New boflart, is. Wed. 1tw, bars, suodard. lljd. OroCR Ti asnav.

Ara. U. 1 rrom th eflotal list one attaint th huataaaa aotoaily traasasttd i EjioLian rusM. Bank Btoek, 199 Long AanuMea, yean sxpirinx per Reduced Ansultlos, Jaa. LaoV, 13 3 11 1 niiitii inaia esont a oca so per Cents.

Ooasolt Caaada Ouaraatood Debt, 1 ptr Ooaeoat for Aect9II ricaaouer billa. .060. ltd. 13s. II per nana.

Bad need Annuitant, 71a. am. lfet I beheauavhilla, aWO, lid, TT. New a net ramta. 191 i I i 1 T3a Its.

pm. tiouth Sew Anns, yTI Iiobeoaiw eaUa, Btnsl, 1J 73. boat Annum laxptrmg jm. rOREIQX rUSDS opania par taiBaa, aaota sr XUSl Klf I Veaexueia.

2 per Cents, 11 1 Veaeauala, Marred, 111 Dneh per Ceoaa, Cf I 1 1 Dutch per Ceata. Asct, Aug Brstilian. KM 41 tfrastiiaa new nonus. tax. ana OolomWt Tsttezoela, 1M i Msxloaa i per Oeata.

Acct Au XUatW. 06S I I Pomixaet per (1 1 Porttiruee Oosverted. 44 nlsh per ueats. 1 Sovemner.lMOi.SI Dntch saa OaalaulCvi I I Sianish per Cents, idiv. from D's I peg Daats 3w Loan.

Ditto, Si i SHARES. Tn Qaotaaont gtv th actual price, without refereoc 10 premluia or Birmirrham and Olucestu RaU Uadon Swuh Wastara RaQwaj Way. UZ1 13 I a 1 rata, Blnnmitiam and Olorter, New, London and Croydon. Uf iLarOad al Tl Jl MaaCheatOt Bttd LaedS. ltl I Bnstoland rlieter.

TJl S4 Maacksstar and Leeds, share. Kiwtnl and Olocetter. Mi' Onleilin iian. I ra.kiiT JrV.v.v, i Haaclxwaer Birmlarham. Hi I ljtern Counties.

ex dir. 1 Manchester and Brminxntm. Eaateru aiafl. Ktw BerOtefed. hares, I ai lietdl' utachaster tad Leeds I tharat.

Mldlaad lid fl luaatern Oeinrtts. Perpetual, Xe.l Midltwtlhnnmtlum, and Derby, I pm. Edinburgh and Olastsw, 66 1 Edinburgh and Qlasxow, shan. 1ft Oroat North of Esjtland. 1U ilreal Weateru, lMtX div.

Oreat Weevera. Halves. Sl el dir. Oraat Wsara, sftha, S4 tx div. North Hrixlth, 11 1 Northern and Eastern.

Sol otwkb and ttraadoa. 11 liouia lie roa, Hull and golby. St 6 Loadon and 4 ex ar. Loodoa and Birmingham, Thir4t.eM.ei dir. i Botb hasten and Dover.SM I eou aeAHx aad Oovw, Jir 'issued tl 1X Trent Tailev.ll Mew Vsrmouthand 5orwich, I aad Nona Miaitaad.

log LoadiaTacd Wackwair, Tl I fork and Sotth tharat lccoa aad btighloa, tf 1 tx div, ol itxiew. Orleans. Tdti. and rkedaaax.ll London aod BrUhto Loan Sot. Pans and Lyons, 111 Pans aad Wean.

Tl ef taodoo and Oratntrk. farl. aad soerrn ProTtacialct shLLiH lasaauraoHaiarif I man atr at loxdox sitiivn this sat. A sea. aTSatd AJartioa 5 tarn, afttt A3 KoodPiAiw Cook in a gentleman's or trades maa 1 fajhllr.

a aCieerVei a of ta. asew 1 respeettola yeunt woenaa. sgs 90. wh eaa kavU moaih unsiiwui ia. characaav from tlMlaiy what Mwmtowa.

Dhac A. it a ppaw autaaaiaua, HIJSBSIOB Sre. AS Ncrsr to one or two children, or Second aims ia a aoblemaa'l or reatlatnaa'. tatntty. a hithrr ipcahl aroenaa ax).

witha food character rres her last plac. Direct v.a, Mr. trnxsausr, tl. MarUH 1 traad. A Ncrse, in a Protestant family, a respectable CjL youag perwn.

ax 17, who It eapahl of taking th child from th moat, and caa. aav rw rear. ToUingtoB nuratry, Ilorassy road. AS Xii'rsemaid in a fimily visiting the sea coast, or Kart la a smalt familr. a youax femala.

ax IT. of rDcbable parants. are. not much eaaaaderauoa as a scanf eraabl yiaoa. Ds rect Ma.

1, tAaamerqa pace. veauiaavwai roaq sasa. AS Nursemaid, or to wait on an elderly lady, a vetrjectahl young woman, waa eaa hars a rood character from 1 av aa. aa. jv.

wu uurarr. a. opnaaj awawa, A' Ladt's maid and Upper UorsutAiD, a respect aoi younf personf woo usoarvaaaits aairursasuix, ac iiuaet a Lady's maid, or to wait on young ladies, a re spectahl young persun. wh nadentanJa hah'dreaainx aad ttraaa. makinc.and eaa hava a food sharaetor from tb lady aha lutUrsd wtth.

tnrecs to a. 1 nr. rt'Oai 1 1 eg eueei. ttecani wist AS Ladt's maid to a lady or young ladies, a highly respectabl yung person, who eaa hav aa ueaUcil eaa wware. girsea at u.

warvaw narary. I nadna atraaa. rimifaj. good Plais Cook, a retrpecUble persena tag 11, who can hav a Jnad caaractar rrom her last place, taw no objtettoa to where thar a a dairy. Wax from zis la gs as yaar.

ebjeeikoa to th aoutry. Ctraat ta L. Itallaa war hnwaa, SJ, Oaertaatreaa. rortojan laeaje. A good Piaix Cook in a gentleman's family, fa, whet a footmaa I tee, or GeTi Serraal a riat kvv ar iplaoa.

laderetaade a dairy aad making bread. 3s eetloi ae 1 auatry. Dtnet to E.O. Mr. baUefs buloher.

1, rkaley onaar. A Piaix Cook and IiocsExxzra to a single gen 1 a i In 1 1 tr nrr irwllli with lkl rears' rod eWarasv froaa a mead of haw In mil taastay J.r.. ix.Bw 8waa alraea. Dsvsr t.wl. llimk A PiACf Cook, or LauridrTmaid, a steady respect' fV aMsaaeana.

Dtrect as R. 1. Orevwread. Hatamiiwiiuh. AS Punt Cook, in a small gentlrman'i family, I rsvjrx lavnala.

Daaaet to A. Me. narfa raatm .1 aaada aJpara lT Plais Cook, or Uouscrnaid, a mpectabl vemas, wa eaa a aigacy rssntsmtvuaa. yirsct r. aa JX AS Plai" Cook, in a small family, a person, ag betweea MaadaXarha aaa hasa taaa aawea ekaraeSav.

Dweaatl a. su.aar. waiaera. trosar.ta. isiiasss all lat.

taty. haliu Plais Cook, in a genteel family, a respectahJ vouas womaa. wa eaa aav a tPd tbaraetav rmra ust kft. Ptraet tB.W, Mr. raywtt, 10.

MiUstrta. Ilsasvav A Plais Cook, in a gerjlenun's or tradyiwiSTi TL. family, a issptntskl 1 arse a. a wae saa tare is saoath 1 eaaracsar free ta avfy ah has jaa Art. Teera preferred.

Dwwot a. a Mr. assa. 1. Lttttt Owauad i.war.

Blssaasha AS Urrax IIocsemaid, or Ileusemiid where foocmaa I apt, a ymng wtwsaa from la assmtry. at 9. feod character. Direct kltlsU, OilhssVrstrsat, alJawvwtor aaa Urrr Hocjxkaid, cr Ilousemaid in asms familr. a rtwraiotahttyvavag woenaa.

was taortwxhlr in lirttti )tnd eaa aav iww yaar go, ssavrataav rrosa as tw ass Mr. Wmnnid laii i netware. UrriR Uocsemaid in a gentleman's family, lit lady ah aa )us left. Dtreoi to M. Mr.

Dvamtlua. hal 11. asaa nreaa. ronaaawyaisa, A Urrrjt IIocsemaid, or Needlew oman, a ytt a uaui saatuy vs aay eath vu sua cuci ij laui tit dauae ef See aquatton, aad caa hare aa unetcetHWeiafae cttaragaar frqcw'T. a A mi I 'en ene' 1.l; to A craeei.

a va I V. psrsoa. wa eaa work wn at her aoadla. So abieotloa to AS Ladt maid, or xoung ladier maid, or would aet eflect to 1 wo cr three Ctrl, act under six rears ag an. a parson wh uatdetstaadt hairdtt eiat.

dfitaiinlifit. and mlaerv. Every satisfactloB eaa he rvsa ss to abiUlj and character. Direct la M.U., lleacs and la. tauian wareaotass, jot avuaasyareea.

uroaTwaoe aq. AS Ladt 8 maid, or to wait on yeong ladies, a re speetahl young Ms son. wh iiialeiTU is halrdre int. aad th sA unkn hnen.aadcanbe hat I rscomniaaiiad bvta lady sh has Jus. ten, with whom sh head upwards of two years.

Direct to B.B.., it, soma streea, vunrea inae, nwwnapw. Lady's maid, or Needlewoman, a respectable peraoo. are XU who brfstly andV vtaadsmiHTnery.dreasrnakbie, and tottia as an liaan, aad caa well ranmasanded bv baly an AS Ladt's maid, a respectable young person, who nerfsct'T uaderttaadt hairdreaaiu. dravra ax. mniaerr.

and xotuag up anttmea, aad can hav a most ancxeepaonahl chanctsr from th lady ah has juat iecV orjacliua th country or lo jo ahmad. Dtratt to Mr. a aatrdraasr.4. Eea grtetreet. A Ladt's maid, or Young Ldvdies' rrnid, a re Xla, ajawtaoi youax taa waw aaw avi vac eaeurav i aiiaua understands hairdreaaiBg sou drefanaait 5o itjectv.

to the enarn or lo In ret taa tir moat tespaeutoM raieratu a. lerect to not. tuaro A Ladt's maid, or to wait on young ladies, an Laotiv steady person, age who unJerataada sajiaaw7.arwimak utx. and halrdnsjisx. So factica ta asatst hi th Bousa, Caa has apwards of two years' gool eharaevrrtfrem her last plac.

rjetta ltrtvL Direct te ti. Mr. Bums a. ataatoawr. a.

Psrhamact straet. A Ladt's maid, a respectable younif' person, who XjL aoaderstands mlUbaary. Ireawawlirg. bTilrawmt. aa.

and eaa weorsoutnmeoded by th Ualy ah ha urad with th kaat Tears, and has reoentir left. Pu ct UM.P andsVat LUJpt war. totats, x. asw atf sat, ueaant taras a Uxder Ladt 8 maid, or Needkwornan, or to V. taka chart of od or two hole (iris, ta a ranUauaa raailT, ta Iowa or oooaa sr te abroad, a young peraoo, and at.

aaw See Sena two year ia th ill twmis I it bawaoeea, Caa be kixhly rewiwnovl, Pireet to A tt, Mrs. Leery aeeet apes ogoa, Dnks aBaos eh. Jaasasa, AS Parlourmaid, or to wait on a lady and do eaandlewwrt a rearatctara vmuu wesran. saa tt whsaaa hava moatht' rood character trocs her kst ptaoe. Pusct to A.

Carr'a la. aaacxjora fvv, waswuaies ivau. anactaha vwaa woanaa. an 1. vka iiiiiIib staniia drsasaaak aavlrstauii ap SB ttnen.

Direct to J. Cl str ttt sal. Mtaa ag Dinact bs A.a. Mr. Hatfaaafa, Batsr.

Dswa ilusA. rtccad! A IIocsemaid, where a footman is kept, a sin F. youBg woman, sn 17, who eaa harts good II ayoBaha caara Direct to M. 7. gpnax aavwa.

avfordatreet, PnTUaao asaar A IIorsxMAiD'in a private a ladies aoaasTy. a weary i ThswtaaldSMd. AS IIocsemaid, a steady young person, of Ma febtta. who eaa civ aa aaWXeeMaoaahl lafuisuus iruirad. Direct to A llamtttoa row.

aboitxe walla read. A IIorsEMAin, a Torng woman, age 23, who iTHa. waa at tan n' retuua aa aa augur to j. err Rafaal atreet. A 9 LUorsEMAirj In a gentleman's family, whet r.

fStmaa It kept, a reopectaca yvmix watsaa, waa saa aav a rtaracasr rrom tn piao sn ta rast tan. vouawy sot ablarua I mrecs E.Q., Mr. Jacasoaa, tUaS street. Maaheeteceeaar. A IIorsEMAro, in a gentleman's family, a rear si ij.

aoas youaz wesn aa, www eaa weu rveeauaasxata ay tn aw haist leri. aJecuoa to trtaci Direct to MV 014 1 i tou street, Sefca. wr. AS IIocsxmald in a Kntkmiin's family whe feetnua It ksxd, se radar Hoosamakl ia a aoHwasa tax restasttahet aarsoa. who aas Ba.abttcnua to ta tsaarry.

LU IL J. Jtewart a XToeat. Chapaa etreea. BelaTaewaquara. QorsEMAii), a respectable young woman, eaa hav ta anexcwotainaM ckaractar tare rear, tn atuauoa ah has iust taft.

Dates to T. Cii. aiohaVaaaa. AS IIoriiMAiD where a footman or par lo aria krr a reeoeetahl soaax weavaa. ae JL wh saa axeit ts rood aad rwerecaaoaa rarersace.

iTTrect kc a. Bveaapaoa A IIocsmiD, in an hotel or commer a7a.rsraaiaahtoyoamcraaaUaa oaa Weil 1 rrou ta Maa a so aas just aut. inrectto k. cadUty. AS Hoes em aid, where a botman kept, asattahai young vratnaa, wh thorouxhly eUalsvataad ks assa, sad saa has a goaal eBaracta from tha kdy th haa aft.

to E. Mr WOafa. atattaaQ.n. Sear read, eoew ai Oaw ana A Hoes em aid, in town or country, a respet 4 fcj OL Tag woman. wtU Sreysaw' tad aiacsfrea avla rt Dtrect ta 0.

ttersesrh ad gaja. Ssw Cavawhah wis 11.

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