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The Times du lieu suivant : London, Greater London, England • Page 5

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

THE TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1842. rw tvo t.a. mXen, wbelhrr tb are rf maaiu. cBarjr I uu, nut irom ocuoiry irinM gara or one eM. cm; wpK tT taemselm, wi iier ther wa.

r.v.v woUd.aae lto or eoraixan; oi vT acreeaeai DT wuicu euucr i a zz aVT. vllvm nVn i to retire mm th Ml which iwow holaV thy hav been wttodrawn, and toat tisrslor. I wanin to useo. muw mnatwoa. i i iMwai ij.tcu.i raj sy corrupt tea Tfc, eUue wa.

then aereed to. I ei Ui 1 i i i nf ttfutntp miu Hns i tne of tn noa anal rmilant nwcir fin in aunit ax torn rnr him 4kit1iii dnnr I mean ditmnvt to ttw rtaa avl i i He wrt d.ri, there wicb. lPv vL cMmiiAtit of Vnv aereemeiit Jrr Don. inemn r. ia lo retir irota tu sea by aeeepting the Cbilterw Hundreds, for the purpose 1 NKW WISUSOR KLtrTION PETITION.

Mr. UYNU presented a retitio. from Hammersmith end iu uuibiwiliuoi. want vf spiritual instruction (for Komaa army, the navy, and ia woraaoueee. tine another person into tb house, and by thou menu i i rr.c oounlmUa ol bnbrry beiore im eomuuy Major BERE SFORD.

ia one i Prlinrt hT appointed lor Um cotuddwaaon of laeb. tir hot. wiU that tho bouM, wit tbo power Uapate a Mtuu foood roiltr before it this nlaoe. ta owa immediate eocuizaaeo. leeet to Penrra queetwo.

in ttu hotue nepecUpc rmaw which far more certain than that ef any of the ir.bmnaia caae tho taraben rariumenl coiaxaitteea are ia cam being real, Gorframent weald not intbtOat Roman CaihoJica of of boo. txnt, and, therefore. I JecidoJlj deeUne la 1 711 ill k.t of oomcUiswc of tKe'aoewrr the oaeetioa. Howem. if tho hoc and learned ia tihotc in the member ha any pnma fodt ca afectinj me, or affecting flrctim bat, aceorduT aj una., let mm rtruyij "TC. croeeciOd before thoao tribonaU TIT RNKR a tWtition from Cornwall wainat Unt Inbunal. and mere lanau ce preparea ie oonTietion. Uttoobronoi mr.Mr with i thi ma.ikMMl tnfi f.TT LfriM r.p iKm hnn an 4 He wiabad tA It ad eondoct oqjst not to be penaittea in. learned member, whoee eery word I use.

(Hear, hear.) tao mat ban. genuoman stake any alteration latSt I think I hare made ont my ca with re rtfea nt to the effect liat 1 hare diedlr or inlrectT reepeet 1 and Fahwuh. No for Harwieh.f la this made ise of eormpt or improper ta obtain ny teat I The CH Alf CELLO of the EXCHEQUER aii kt. riwere charged with treatim, and deflate aj a fool he. (Choen.) Pernaca I may be aUowed, hoarf" rawu opinions upreaaed on this noint.

plZT I (Hear, near.) By tne act ccrrnpuon. mere were taree pettiiona, one proceiin a tte noa.aa4 learned member Baa rJ a lat or ooieeuoos ia whoae tradea tfeoreaoon had eeiated di K. i. ripnii 1 V.rrh..f now Urarf 1 Sir V.w.., I A.r. 'last TUr.

to the practice, any party le Marchant (a lioxh), the other from Sir Denis le Jtwchvat point. Ia the fin place. I mast depreeale tho eooree aorraej hare the amnmt JLf Um can withdraw, and wo and certain and tbethtrd from Mr. J. Btohawe.

by the non. and learned Deraber.bocaaie I thinktt calculated who thoght thai depression had txuiod a their Unat ration point oat the tr. Bagahawe sad Sir la a le Mareiiant were candidates at rrrir among tho eoastitnenti all tho heat of past tests. bnsineasea daring the last throe years were aaiiatjf ruon. uetore aaitmnc naoBenei in tne With met the an iv.

wr m4 ta nm 1 1 ue nwnpMiwnu. pruineanes aanar me last Ul tun .1 tbe propoted reoocuoa el toe Uiity we itopenauon aasw iaee prooeeoingi tnai saajtaxe pce snoor sacaaeye ice num. "TV vT npeoeu in we tin respect us Dots, tnoae wen 1 merely msae to raise ssseeament shonld bo taken on the term of three T7 copper ore. brooght ajatnst me I decline tem. Sappoes thoro is a general election, and thai tte fern committee a sodden bgbt broke 10 npon toe wrong membepi.

a legal point to ascertain whether the betting Is, or a botU considered tho fairest eoarsa was to adhereto 2 Mr. AliLIONBY prnfi a pet.ticm fr.m Ceciennouth i'SAcin'll. Nottingham is about to bo oo tesfd a Mrt ci Farlia The thre. edition, were withdrawn, and ''i0 j' of wine, or on a caadidato would diMsalify a voter. ii practice, and to.

estimate tho profiu of the rlrr5. far the aobatitatien of affrmationsfor oaths. bmu i.TrV!, me fI nent7 Sspjleon (a Uagh) determines to conoaer the town. that one of thoe ton. members ia to retire, ta order to let in respect to the number inetuded uaJer all the beads of objec the srerage of the three preceding years.

60 I a SlfT or, in the Uoguare ef the historian, to jump on it with Sir" DenU le Marchaat. (Hear, hear.) The accriaatioa eoti 111 weU known tUt a scruta N.MBE t'T' I'lHrn. which I hare rargtd, and te payreet rushes down oTthe seerytainl ia the peutioaawere bribery, treati.g, and eorrap fiiied 07 with a maay pramoTsgs Twhom M'" MP! to tie (xorernmen bh Oi, and ShefteJdinfarxr ol. repeal of thelVor Law .4 I Zl" i maa. fnghte.hU orp oent ont ef the towaad retnmeJ t.oa.

The petitW. are retired, andl'member tir. The there I net in flSS? 'PP Dent Act. 1 fr0 tb. liars e' lVr.

hen 10 arliinent a. member for the place. The oprng eaa i hoa. ni gallant member f.r flar ich me I ra.y to proceed. Aj far as concerns the DnW of per lf.

lrd WORSLKY presented a petition from Cireact PdU cast upon it thear, bear), and hano roen a petition against hU retara. Say that the com draw wtaterer cencladoa I please from his silence. I draw, rs accused of being bribed on oar kaowth.t mine LT. 1 again.tthei,.eo. ts.

l' V.w tt oendosion that either he or hi. colleasne' "Mr. CUNNKLL car notice, that after Wthti. he nif fiJ IWor. in s7ed trbT Uat when bo bfore I now that one of bwaisv, of acting ia'sjcl.

amaansr, nd I fear it wm from nnworUi. r.0t ahould the la motion with regard to. He inreatigati.n of tir Why! And J'7 forth to lr friethi. of niaation of jnsuce Ireland, and reep4tig the stst. ol Shich hJ to', proceeds "i k.

dasie. to escape from that trikonJ. Sir DeaU Marchant Wh, do th say, We hare gor a spologie, for eeenpying the time'of the hoiee Wg bat I rJn 'fv? ttato untry. h.r. the 7 J' What then d.

the laceeeafol psrti de Why, they enter fw Harwich 1" Became a comprmw and aa aree rewa! I aerer hare been, and Berer will be. cornilant of ZZJ COMrROH RgmaCONTKOVKRTEU btnotHngtoth. ZZ i 1 1 1 LT v. committee ana xunner pieip uHawm 10 auow ut more careiiuiy reeerrea tueirs. i ue ocectien iw ei we si.tmg pui a u4tv orar 01 ire oay lor mw mraee iiu otutd candidate name at tne lime i nwi 01 inner uuu.

mntre on toe Income lax UUi. walk orer the conrae. (Hear, bear.) 'members was I Now V.earinr of these thirgt, put a question to the. right withdrawn bat Mr. W.

ELLIS said there was scarcely a town Vpen that motion I think I am enti 1 hen. baronet the member for Nottingham, who must be list the names ion of the bouse to the notice which I cognizant of these facts, if true, aad now I ak the house offeriag bribe VI L'l PI II V'tfTWP iv 1 pmemea. ana men it was attempted to be muuuu, uia3. uruti a ia wwen iraae was not ixa stats of errwri iat it was too late and I 8ad in tha obi ctien i 1 oeuoT? that the result of the icqairy rj be that no impa gloom and depreeaioa atrl be believed IhtU hop. wsi of 83 roters for rt ceiring bribes, aad of 17 for will attach either to niy hon.

colleague or myself. I tained of a speedy mum of prosperous tines. Ue rai to whom also it is soy intention to pat the questions of which 1 ROKBL'CK' tsTegiTennouce. 'led to call the attention of the house to the notice which I 'cognizant of these facU, if true, aad bow I ak the house offsnag Dnbea. (Hear, tear.) Thia on one side ,7 1 conaeciw wa me nowerer, prepared tosayuat uus Oeprewon wojUn now iu thrnr places, 1 shall procd without further preUa; I resecting the appointment of a select com 1 what would hare been the conduct of each and all of those: Tho objection list of the other siie, of the winning side.

Lees There wsre four candidate at the election in part remortd when the Legialatur had coni a to put my questions te thm.j In taking this course, I feel ud which is in tb words A committee to in hon. members to whom I pat the samo question, if they which, has been so potent as to drite the hon. and gallant yeU and my Ute coJeague, aad two other grntlem n. Ira en the measures of UoremmenV. (Kear.bear.) UwJlZ tkat I am joitifted by sorae extraordinary circonuUKM prmctiees conaected with the trial of bad a ot been cognizant of such transactions.

Sappeee aay member or Ma ooeague from the repweenfation, luano: mediately; after our retnra a petition was presented against doubtsdly the ease, that daring the Ust year seTerwL which hare recently tatn place in town of Keadu. It prwD ed to this house sxainrt the return of cer hon, member had come forward and accused me of a similar been presented. I want know how many voters were ob V14 00 tng inquiry into the eae, it appeared that the were sustained by commercial men and it has been state! that the hoa, members oppu.iu hare entered itlraemimn not a gross breach of iu priTileges. I transaction what does the house suppose would hare Veen iected to in that list. I believe a eves' many more were ob Partisans on loth sides had been guilty.of bribery and.treal conviction, that daring that period few eommercil tamii into a compromise respectag th coutr veried righ.

to in 4ra bound to brine forward this question with as my answer I Should I have sheltered myself under such a jected to in than list than in the Bat of the aiitrngmembers; 'ar investigation, and ha" it pro rsceecded in. covering their expenses. The urui caitl the seau which they at present howl in this house. delav as possible: and 1 think also that I am entitled to I shield as that "the hon. and learned member for Bath has and if a committee is gran ed to me, I will show how eaany the probabuity is this neither of the four partiei wooli ptjned in cctamercial houses was to Ui.

Cor have hrard alo that they sre eoiniiaat of. aad parties JTTv. 1 I sir I'mhauU hare nvor. hurt 1 will th. be now a member of the house.

(Hear.) A'compromiee was it was termed, at Chritms and (Mum.tT? to, some auch arrangement. Nuw, if they are ot so, I in, TmTions this house ia con (been clad to answer. I should' have been thankful to i house to the case of Lewes. There were ohited to on th 1 eomeioby the legal advisers but no personal imputation sessment under this kill would be n. I will naUmllv be aniiotie to lose no time in dearinx tiv 1 v.

v. a 1 u. I 1 r. 1 retel on tha arte beine irtnm rie rlie torn ltt" 7 nexion witn election peuiions. inose nanus; iue non.

mroon rvuSu 01 pun mi, 7 iraje.waj theialves from such an iimpuTati and as I drsirs at all times' to do everv ruutieu. and I shonld at onee have declared, in the face of bavins made beta oa the result of the elecion. and thereby 1 Perfectly ready to confess last this is the reason why rably good during 1839 and 1840. but in 7 Ol UK rjOOR. US WQUe CDUUT sVUU VI UUI WW.

WUU iruiosruM KUtunilK ucwusVJ IHIarmk Ul He, V14 (TlDC COT Uin th poritj of tlU boo aJ lb unity of our I it tttT 1,1 i Sa matter of pi ivilege. I have SBecuns the traaaarltuu in question. 1 hate heard, and II e.t.i. 6(XTrrerBoriawer InrJiided in Ur. mmiu, to brimr the matter under con lives, that the whole statement was a foul lie and a calumny.

1 rupte4. making a total of voters ubtected ta on the part wojeioii. 11 was mienuea uu a scruuny saoue. anticipaane any revival, it would Be oprressne .1. i 1 .1 T.V.

1 Iumma, tKI. I ll.i hai iinikann.Uili. .1 .1. .1 I 1 Lake place and I cut it to the house whether. Mruiilarinr tV k.vereato believe, thai the elertiou commiuee ia the consideration ef the heard statements affecting the trary, one of the members returned for Nottingham already voter house, and I now demand of the done that which I shonld have anticipated bad I put the 135 i question and I also respect I question to him IHd he not, 4 o'clock vesterdsy, betti: i i.

1 i fully requeat frcm the chair a decision upon tnis point, 1 accept me stewarosnip oi me uuitern hsve hrard imruutioas upon the characters ot members el Isr we purposes ol tnat very contract wnicn ry tie part of one both of the lurmVrs sent to ihu houe i Mm ft, atntion I proposed to bring under the notice of as repreeeuutives tat boron arao oe.ra aaa t0 lUt. th. nature of the accusations, and to house But I am met by a statement which bears npt Ur.reaah tobeie.ethat a bond has been 'fejjed into with ta oy. riJice, and I ask frem you. Sir, if I am i with great force.

It ia said, but suppose that nod. their kie Wge, if not their name, to tBeerTect that one 110ntitlJ (orwd that as a matter of privilege circumstance, a sitting member so situated finds it to to Tweln duly eltrd. 'should or! Th, SlKER. the hon. and learn membe, for PlT '7.

go mTcTf ur7 vacau his st bv the scr.p!auce ot tbe autern nan. i OM. I have heard, and I have reason to believe, and honse rrsnts me a core nut tee uunit i saau do mere warco i voters were charged with bribery. 3 with attempts to brir, incompetent the elect Km committees are to with being bribed, 72 with being pud agents. with 0 points oi jaw, it wouia not nave been a Sir R.

PF.EI. aiid dnrin the ihri with tmtlne nil Hi f. procee.iiBC to ran It ml of a acrutmv. On i w. "UPtnt llundredi 5 nr er, objected to by ws.

determined that one of u. 'riiould Lll Xl 4 sw.w.w. bis SMaVf. I will Tint rharff it nmn that iui msrmm the! Section for Lewes The hiehnnmr foe Mr" opeo ite (Captain Kitirav) or his noble Wlearue at' the hue LUt 'H? derjew satiBenus the sitting members had ob ts'j bat most uadoubtedly there existed groas bribery and hreceivei he rdlrred it preferable ear.) F. Mr.

Unbmtone, aa siae ounng tne eiecion. rent on theaverate proflt. three appointed to trv the merits of the i etition in their case, and thus committing a. viola'ion of the priyilekes of thi house. With the most perfect rrnpect, the noble lord oppo site.

I beg to inquire ef him whether he i cogiizant of or party to any arrangement by which it has been agreed that he is to accept the stewardship of the Chiltern Ilaadreds, iu order ti vacate his notwithstanding, he nd beende theee) iected to 0t voters. (II too ex voted; for the Hon. Mr. Kittroy, 4U7, and fa Lord CaatUu'pe, mat so tnat tne nnmoer voted lor atiy on eandiaate did tnan'not amount to the nam her of voters ohieete 1 ii ine equalled. ad4iac tne oKiect oas on both sides enabled to (Cheers.) Now, think of tbe corruption here pr.puptnnp i nmft of ii.

j.i.. "a to take is to raove that those hon. members do attend in their 1 places that being agreed to, and the hon, heme present, then if it appeared that he breach of privilege, he oht to mot. that the matter be re I of semelhing as an inducement the treaty. It i.

not com to the case of P.nryn and Falmouth. What was th. or ferred to i committee of privilege. but if he merely now nnb to bear the expense of th con course pursued there The committee was struck, snd st intends to move for a select committee to inquire whether or I lt aJ: .73.: y.h imrileee" has been committed bv Potion Uys to my ccarge, ana i am pieparsu give some au a lawyers witn wLom i nave happeeed tohav T' rx ,7 im. i i.nher.

of ihU hnnu I ennfeu I An nnt think tht 1 thing to escape from inquiry. (Hear.) Now 1 am prepared versed on the subject of the proceedings of this eo; the menu ot the imwm presented to this houe. against me house Iconf ,1 do no nUkttd toTy. and I do ssy, thi 1 W. heard eae thin all es'daimeJ, "How very unlucky vTSs rtXJ Mr.

KOhBLl k. I am prepared now upstate the accu 1 toatj ihe ajrents ia those transactions, I will get out possible to withdraw the case from the the hon, member for Bath himself. It waa mv i would thus be obtained by those who compound' hTT to all ay friends before the election that I ahoold not however, thst he could not express anvsrr pend one farthing, and I firmly adhered to it. 1 have not "pectatiens with respect to a reyjval of trais. He vnl aid for even a single bit of riband, aad I will not.

I have bound to say that the arrival of spring had disappoint! ij one were he: and what is the obirvati.a ZS, VJETS i rtlemen accused I Pr0T'i that a sum of money has either been premised or paid to contemplate it and I am told that in tbe last two elections as I undertook to' show dMrn orJer that tbe party might escape the investigation fer Notangham above persons receiced bribes. Hive pfcdse to liirh amountod to a tJ'ore the election committee. Now, this was a case of pay me a committee and I will prove this. (Hear, hear.) Inow gpid out wnaiwas tne struck, and at not Ihe observatioa to have con rtl! lrJ jj 4 (ntleman, as a member of this hon. i cheering indicate his committee house, that I neither promised to pay, nor did pay, one single Althoughit was uely; it they nT 03f for 4 Tott I beg to fonhtr that I had go far enough, he rcer.t Lord CHELSEA.

As the hon. aai lesmed member for which I mean to prefer; they amount to a fo I the truth of my atatemett. Is the house prepared to aayiof the Although prrpry might fix me with that crime, I ttat tnat seaaonwoua have been accompanied Ij.oott uiuuwia im proepeniy man cal yt aprearsd. auauiiei tsat cea I sum were in prerres which jr ere likalv ta Mr. WYN.Vaa!d.

that the ouesticn before Jie "17'" (Hear, hear. Wtat did they mean concerning as it did the honour of its members, was ene of the ceding threV years, or of cornpoimdmr. for thTtULSff' meant, tnat nad tne caw only lasted utraost importacee, no one could for a moment doubt. Ue years on tke iveraee of the last three vean. If Bath has pat ferward my ratne firet in the list of Jhos to breach of privilege on those sutemenls, so made, I think I th4t tb.

fM.u i alleged are not a breach of its privi Iby saying this! They whom he intends to eat ncM imi. I am nrenared to be the am JusuneA moving ir a ceauaitlee oi inquiry. i. tB, hniue vrenared to aav. that coiasr down to fire minutes loner, tn.

iranar.n 1 1 Jm. zr. 7.: tnorrecedinr vearaionewas adopted as th. crs r.t.i ii.i.3 1 ii my non. ana learned in me bnDeawnoie town lor me pnrpoeeoi in eiecueu is eearea eo piain, it would nave impewiNe lor bun.

mem so important a desenpuon to bebrourdt forward upon mere I sessment. he thournt freadissais7ctiAnworTrK. asfarastheshorrreplywhirhlsriallgivewrrstify.thetpi. merob for Btth has any charge to make against me, I hope not a gross breach of iu privileges I If tie house will say bers on their oaths to have allowed it to eacpe investigation. eontaoa fame.

The hon. member, for Bath spoke as if he 1 It was impossible to Vve'perso'ns Ttre.1 to TtMV. ffc.m k.r. w. I I .1 at once, in order that it may at once be dis Jhat, then I have no answer to make, and Ihat.don.

Bat (Cheers.) I say these are thirgs requiring examination. I vd tbe charges, and o2ered to.proie them befire a I whether theywould be smuiriraniipuiraj pwum. iiear. ii in DoiH Kiiiia uw im:" un iu i on mon. i a lor an inquiry, sum as will aon.

out were to him. New, tbesubiect rare of three rears, 5 uiey oum lo on a former occasion the average of three years vu lior j. to be referred M. v. mucn im a cootm on this occasion.

examine into it. u. win i.t.. adionrneJ fill "on. oaroset Dad afirSTM) adjourned UU th.

lntiapationi he had' formed respecargi iraae nad been aisappcuntod. He (Mr. Waalejithmjjsii, ritof investigation bywLichne as I do, a strong opinion aa to the unrea a to any hon. member reiatrn solely to his private con to decline anv answer wh the hon. and l.amed member has me.

Lend cheers. I hiie and learned member will allow me to esrres which I feel that anv circumstance ''ioul him to depart from exercise of thst sound which on xniuy occasions he has hown. no doubt, that if he coul cbange places with tne be woujd; m.nt Uh to bring undr the notice of the hone what I name him in order to distinguiah him from the other mem and the great buuneM of follow precisely the same roune which I have' pr rrib to 5 hrech of its what is cer ber no, I will call him the noble member for Reading, is sidered in the matter and i 1lr uur.iin.iw laaaresing me rreaaeri. am noiquiie oj niaiurc cvusiurra.iou 1 act and I am boin4 TOU bMrJ what I said. Mv voire ia weak, and believe tbe accusation reads to be true, and that I am pre tifying those accusations wiB U' ground far further Wis cons'Jr whether it w.s a question that ourht the Qaeation which i v.

I I psred. if the house will rive me the means, to prove its Iative interference, (( heers.1 And what is the 1 to a committee, or whether it n.r n. of uw'iui pn'rr i puro i ia mHi imimi mi ininit m. mui. Iliear.l HUH umi wicuim, mm uv, nm un uiMnernm A aK lor cv.

ajtnetmnf LUac sall enanla nonaiiCe as to renurre tnar In ahAMlo tru.t that the hon. and Thnu n.rf,k.r .11 1 house denv me the committee I aak fjr! (Hear.) I now thi bouse to censider an election Petition something nore'll. would, therefore, move thr tn. t. v.

tr great regret h. for i Bat aJ qation indrri InaUv te nearly the whole come to the Heading oaae, and i lay taat nave nearu, and taaa a ngBt between A and (Ch ets.) At present, the I day. 1 have in4nrl of TLey bing at this moment present, I am ready in I nave every reason to believe, that a bond has been entered return to a seat ia this boa is considered a a mere, nrettrr Hr RD "Jfdt'Cjth ir presence, and before them, to stste what I have heard, 1 into for a purpose which I wU presently stale. I ssy that between A and B. If A gains, his party is pleased and if tV inemW ffm.i.,iu.

wL i I Ma w. I.M I one oi LHP non. memoers ivr nrviuix wu uuikum wo msi. ms Hnr i. nieiuea rier i K.t ki i i no reason why his ton.

and learned friend depression of trade might be attributed in agWder Bath should not once accede to the (.. n. v. iiciwcu nuu iruu lue measly thui are toullv nacon of tte pre hnv anil mI1 jnysell. ure i am tnat it A toe catechit aad ainlv a brea of the common law of this realm And.

Sir. about to accept the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds, of this country as it they were of ciwninrn ne would oimcujy in prodecing escel iMttjtt; as 1 do my belief that what I shall bring before the under a penalty in which either he or his friends are bound Look at the case of Nottingham. The right hori baronet on i accede lo tne motion al iea. reason, jor rejusing io nj er my lu bow to a breach of its privileges, I believe I so to vacate Lis seat by a certain day. (Hear.) Ii such this aide of the house Sir J.

C. Hobkousel. a I said bfore, W)U begged to be allowed to Mr. ROHBtCK. I noir mrMd with tS.uni.

rnvrt Ir i or 'rr in mgricr fnr ilu iWntinnf mm. (IK as this a reach of the prinleces of this house bouzht th whole conatituencv. and I aav. Mr. Walter rion.hf 1 fore the question was put.

The once. say one word better for n.ti, tb pat similar Questions to the hon. reatleman otipooite the' of nririieres to injuire into facts which I state. or is it not! Of what is hon. member for Ralitur ac theia of him.

Peruana the rieht hen. Kar.n.t mm. h.v. he could prove that bnberv had been eommirtet. mti.

colleague of the noble lord. The hon. member for Bath (Hear, eusd Of bribery, intimidation, corruption, and treating. theught he had male a bad mav therefore, have rTn As chairman of tbe committee in' that case he then repeated the suViUaee of the qu.stions above given, The PEVKER. Certainlv if the hon.

and learned 'An1 Mon things can be tried indeed, after the, sold the constituency for than he gave far them. Never ibe i to say that even the counsel' for th. petitioner stated which he had previously put to the noble lord. ber 'orBair. ststes the fac he proposes to brins before tke'' rommit" lwl aitting only ene day the whole affair is theless, he has sold them.

(Near, hear.) These are the trans i that he oid not believe one word which the witness hai said, Mr. C. RCSSELL.1 altogether deny the right ef the home of bis own belief, I consider that he would be in order Ttnrn. members as the sit 1 actions 1 wish to inquire into, ia order to them to the the committee folly concurred with him. The committee boa.

and learn member fcr Bath to ask whther I have But at present the house is in this poaition A motion has ting members, and, if I had not mtr.erei what would Uve I peaple of this eou aav intention either to retain or to va'ate tbe seat which I i been made, that the order rf the day for the committer on knowledge of the affair is tioas to one side of the house or to the other. (Cheers.) I of Lords 10 yean ago. have now the honour to fill. in this house by he Prepertv Ux Bill be now read, aai it will not becrmpe mwB1' the "okU for Heading would have rnade pe question of this. (Cheers.) IdosUndi Mr.

WYNX raid, committees and the house ought to act perfect a right as that which entitles him te the presen i tent to the hon and learned member to make his motion '1 1 P.vnf ltm dreds up for the purity of this fc uee, and. (fid willitwt, we will with great severity in th. paniahmeat of thoaewho xav Utionof the city of Bath. I sent here by a large majo 'less that motion be first withdrawn. that pleasure or some oerltuake it pure, (Cheers.) Vv cannot, howev r.

do so. if we; false testimony beforelhem. He did not believe that it would rity of a numerous coMtituincy. If there existed; any! Mr R'jFBL'CK I dj nt wish. I am sure fcronimo.

employment attracted him elsewhere and 1 so allow snch things to pan by without preheusion. (Hear. beadvantasreous to wait nntfl an indictment for perirrTCould doubt with rerpect tmy couduct'a. a candidate, or any rea inw wllh ct the coursef the (Tov.T A 5 1 JdleM iJ' the house to the he prsferrX which might not be for tw? Sn.1 son to question the propriety of my conduct a I mesuLr of the Tiitht baronet a Tw( Her i ehr m. k4 190 retrttm whoIe lfwT0 the protectors of the g.u.

Ujpower which was vested in theeommfttee onrtt ToEtx this house, then I tg lo s.y kit the subject would be iiadreo that a of ltllh tte and ral weat (Hear bear.) I to enable me to by Ue. li and tbe part, guiltyjmght be oncVcmi. ted. matter for inquiry bythe comLij ee appointed to try tU ffilTaCT d. th.

cii. (Iheer. from Op tranctu committee. Not ene you He was of thi godaftured feeUnr wLkh ired in menu of the petition, and not fr an investigation to oppow it. V' that wl 1 know not w.

theious which led them to entertain every motion for the would accrue to oe conancieti oy uie non. ana leered laeuiner lor lin. i 7 i ttm 1 uucnarge oi a prisoner, alter ne cad been imprisoned for two I except in cases of extreme necaasitr ta interfere wJi )(Hear. hear.) If we are thus to be ctJii ed by the Wh.iMt.BEM.Mioos.pon. th.

charges and ausation. of the peuuon. ing to rest this eveemg Hoover this n.n may be, lor th deten, whst hon. metaber of this house wH feel 'him Sir R. PEEU I ws, quite prepared to t5 th, deci The t' tfW 1 in i the ofttaj told the truth." (Hear hear) Who win, believe that aaHcient punishmen't to deter others from committing thi 1 cmA l.a hJudiTat self safe from beir pa the question at any nn of the chair.

Oa the one hand. I thirl, it is most Vf i. r'iVlLw I.jre, for nothing ra crim. had narrowly watched th pr Keedins of 1 th. week to the corderTof the neslur.

rmi th. ohJ. .1 i if lh.1 wh.n n.mW liobhow, and (icorge de Hochepied Larpent. It is impossibl. to suppose ao.

(Hear, (Jir 'm. A v. i virrr. 1 ijT ViTZvI" measures, rspups house ahould ranction a procedini; of this nature, I desire to vil he should have every privilege and precedence v. hich Sir Oeorge Uerard de Uochepied Larpent (a Uugh.

a. committee, then, and let prove what I say. wit hortt feeling great rain at noticing the manner in which know where it is to end 1 do not hesitate to say, that if thi the uVect maods and to which h. is entitled but, oa the bon Earned tnember lai i "apbasis on the Sir Jlr. FlTi; R0 Y.

I will vote for it. freat cheering witneavs fenced with their oaths. It was time that a rreater bouse ahould be so HI aimed as to endure anything of the i other hand, I think it would be estahlishing a very in 're at the last ection for the town of Notting. ROKBUCK Tha is 'rut s'w I hai. d'gree of verity should b.

used, in order to ston tho eviL 1 1 .1 r. A' and that whortlv after the noU bad eomnweneed th Mmillon abroad, and Wl that th house should besin immediatelv to devnr. tioa to this bill, and to the tariff, to the ex'uluiea of Kac business for it was impossible, while the. presest xsur Uinty with rsgard to measures existed, that asy ftri val of trade could take place. He believed tha) if, si' Monday next, tbe right hon.

baronet appealed to the Lkc to adopt the course he had suggested, the proposal mai meet a willing concurrence. Mr. S. WORTLEY was not pipared to say whetler'ta house should or should not adopt the suggestion of th eentlemsn but it was true, that intense anxiety prevaCet throughout tho country with regard to the measures 1 wWi the ban. member had referred.

The right hr. baronet Sr. R. Peel) had proposed a few nights' since that a lafger portion of the time of tho house should he devoted to the coaa derstion of thelacoiae tax Bill and the tarif ud to tiaf irrsjigement liohoajsnad given its conseut. R.

PEEL said, if the honse applied itseH tot a foRnirJ: to the consideration of ibo measures alladed'to great prs greas would, Vmdoobtedly, be made, aad great alrastui when the publi over which he had presided greas would be mad. with them. Mr. MUNTZ supported the luggesti.nof th her for Finsbury. After a few.

words from Mr. M. AitwooB, which Wct audible in th gallery, Th. CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER tail lis til 1j Z. w.

j. 7' ceawd. and the said Sir John Cam llohhon and (ieorra waam niace, are you. prepared in Beriury oi lae wixnexa at to report i v': "1 i Tk I ll L. Oerard de Hochepied Urpeat were returned.

Bat the peU. hnnk ttor wQ'c! Worn, necessary When tothe house (Hear, hear.) gave penon. im option oi compounding lorth whole eratnqTisen'e TrtTS' TtoZ)' WWU conVlnT. fiSSf principle adopted giving np the jurislirtion 'ved tne order of the day wfll not insisied on by thra Toi 'owpeT uli 0 t1" Mr, AOLIONBY the hon. member for Bath had Mm that ttTwarag, oughtVot oba feSSI to which I have alluded, and aiding the coarie of which I "Jed it appear, that the hon.

and 'earned gentleman a Pk, term to meut which, a. ex Ur. nr Toioh hi riht hon the question h. intended to pst. He wodd i years.

ttehoure sensto arprd. ,1 beg leave clear right bring on this leetioa of prtvilegi in iu prevnt P'lnJ bT m7jt har.Mt the mernWr for tinehsn? (VhTr, ant 1 10 wh' committee had n.t reported thewitaTssf Mr said. Ihatinmanv case, th.inenn.sWa dD. answering the qu tions put to ta by the hon. form.

Wrr he free to bring it forWrS Mon iayiti. Urg. numbera of doctor, wre np aad tudden in ifjgf TTTrSj IL. in. n.hl i concurred mSe motion for a nd learned member lUth lo cbeers) and I protest i quite clear that.

I should gain no great advantage byWport further ppers that there existed such a 5 lotion, and he trusted that on against th. right of any one to draw any inference frcm sh ponenimt. W. at tte same tine I must say llu motion iTone m4M ril ceTtf ItTZniTJZfrC a eircumstance. He ha.

no righC or H.rliament.rv, of a. unusual a character tha.t 1 will not ny more than that nrh t0 W' df 'on my moSji I will MKta teutperate division of these grave charges. one to put uch a qntion to me hear) andtheaghl a.y' it app ars i that it would be frr th nnVic a rT7UOM of VF l. He Li I a much delighted at th mSner in chtte ti.Ji that the house ha. po right to draw any iuf nce from my that there should some del.y.

If the hon. and leirned compelled wsy. Sachare the Mr ar tul? by th gatUna oScer opposite, and by ClTJBJLWr having put the amendment, refusal to answer, yet I leiveth hon. Warned interro gitln to make a coV5e I caonot telf tingh.m case, ai they appear from tU ration. 02jZJ.

I ir fSf WanJ learned gVitlemaa and the gsknt captaki on Mr. J.BAILEY adrocated the pri.ripl.of the i gatortodraw whatever fc, thinks proper. ud I what the facts would he that w.U.t.v I that At Keshiig not quite the aam, tntpg tiok pjaeewbot i'" hi, side of trn lkmw. II felt much being aeaeed on one year inatei of threi Trad tal' have doubt that bu inf renr wi be quit, pertiW. as.

I not think i' would be a ir.b! thing that the'liore to lhl ZTl 1 1 imp.cV.el h4 nofel: that they couli gettinjS won or ti. lift th6 yeari. and it worJJ be xv hU queation. (Much cheering.) AwM to a inclusion at once merely on tearing that th hons. I ask.S.r.

if these thing, are 7con.U,tt t. i 1 fcve th wane, Heir, H. begged to to mae a man pay Iat on an. mcom. wtich.h.

did ih, ni jgFL "ceiv which wi formed on an average of three pri. I nowprocWl to car), forrrard Uh the "'J Pt her pightnot wS? teeS pJX Urr Ati "ember the. fmiEf mUvr llor a eom' to other member, whose r.amee 1 have mrrUionei the examina BttMnf lki at the SXyi' vangtl73 1 5tt" yof rj ry wasdae.notonlytothecountry.buttQthe Mr. RCNDLE did not see wbv the coopnau ixi tX rW tnth? rnvlwWci 1,7 rt' 1 wre no to give not ice for privileges of Parliament (Hear.) Now I put to the hoiu and Iriined ntvr, tail au lUanlifi: profen, aojt know tiat there was great dif gallery, ieTl nrooeed to ih. "l' aight have th InterVal fodder rwAnstu cora I we caae.

I hope the hon, gentleman oppo th. house for this dL, pWd without ai Wn conviction oa one's mind and a suScient Mr Jlfl'ME hoped the cornrait'e would Penrvi iffcTwts aartv n1n adopLt the Mme time, tb hon. and ntlesn no 1 iPt anthing diho postponement to Monday, because that of Wh I was "fjr P'cabon. The. que.

of perjury never arose of MdraenU I ferfnr r'T" of mr 2 rjwis. Wh yvak cf sssgs 1 the validity of ht. elrtio it ing notorious that act. of Mr. ROKBCCK said; if the house should think, under aU It a question which dwrved con argument agamst the iawme being ni on tif briberywe'reproved.

tWtbi. cognizant of any such acta an! not to day, was qnter.adyto ae, but hefori tiW lloSi My hon. and IeXed I guHty of a breachof the of the htaid re tlJf i thoottb. Captain PLUMKIDGr. The au.werwliichl vjroMse to'! prepared to go on oo.

m. J. tb. did and I a him to hV "i (tive tVe hon. ineiaoer'shaa be as brief ai9 4 on Several hott Mr.MBER (io on; go on.

'there had been a and he has not said that it as attached to m. any br ach of th. privCeg of "th iZwU ni1' (11 43 derxtand that a hsv been entered, into with re Captain FITZROY Djes tlie hon. and raraber not what I declared it tobe a compromise forth purpose of house for. having te the hon.

xnd Ietrued pretel thvi XttJl 1 mA i. rpect to the petition ag.m.t the retprn for Penryn; batlwas Jor Bath melwn to inclide me. in rigid inq iition! (Hear. mher's speech with grrat attentwo, Ii bar. f.iW 1, w.

krwwntS Mr. M. ATT WOOD said, suppose the irA traJ. not cogmtant of tha; cejaEromiee till after it was oaU hear.) I If ere is a case where the facts are admitted where I cannot to discover how he connect, me wih aurii a charK. ri (Tr Vh iaT' W1 if1 eontinu.

in iu present suto cf dprsiou for lis so: fT i (Loui laughter.) I btTnwyV'' ill jwd to finish this pari Mr KOFBfCK I do illeari be accrued of rashly ruahing in. Whatis the charge ia th (Hear, hear.) I wa setrtwier for a seat whfch I lkiir nimbleltath 1, would tn7 impose an ineoau taz ef the statement, iiy I of it ti.l af: it Vitw.v w. of the member, for Lew. It is, that they went to lieved wi. justly and fairly own.

aad tha! seai in coa WouU er to Sre nV Ik. 1 WU moa'T foan on theprofc. of tte ntre.I and I km leff with the i Vftatn hi TRO i.i I uist say, for one, that it is i lwes with money in their hands which was to be emptoyed ceded to me by the hon. member agasn womui 1 pre 0.f ia! 1 tlCr. Jr.

Jn 7f ti I If a man made ao proSt he ought oat (Hear, bear.) )Ve Are aljt.y, 7iCht th: wb we it our onlT h' ccu.atiou S7MalJ be awde as pp edily and for the parrMse of bribery, and that they were returned in 'seated a petition. How then am I cnli of a breach fcti He trasted. bMlfjp. thought that in a case, into tb baaisy laW. we 'auat confide wbiBr in1 1 it consequence of that bribery.

That point is clearly ia I of the privilege of the house by poasi. of sea' nislTnV Trn Tll mbrac. an country, arid that there wroU be their advice, and a in all rerU to Usir fr the bon. and ieraed.ralnn to fix th twrtition, and. it seems that th.

petitioner, had in their so conceded Cheers.) I want to know wtlethrl wto torrJ'eioiV Pn edjw.ter th Ust mciw. of income to the Exchequer: Dal 1 raV i tlait 1 lh eompromis pH.i,iu! i u.w i. raij iu i hands such proof, as enabled them to to tbn.ittmg mem 1 act the part of a public prosecutor i (Chee Has I. te Mr. FIELUEN iaid.

it appeared to bio that Si inthacuer I not knw know a a. what are tSe su.picions ber, I you don't give np, you what th coneqn nce will cause I had accused an bin. member of that of de "ttdini.ttll agree with bis hon. fnend. Ul.WkrmVVtS.tu warfjr that I can more folly answ tte quer.ion which the twn.

knd smt in. I trtu therefore, the right hon. be." And the sitting member, being a prudent man, and priving me, by the means of bnb ry and orrupti uy flT uiry.Iet it confined to JemV. tod to take tbaareraee of A learrd uernb has pat. (He.r.Lear.l at tLehead of lie.

wjl allow connected a. th. parties were tocether. be retires, and the! riehtfal aev be Subjected, after obtaining nosaeasien o7. f'1 s7 word'to tb.

hori. mem obtaintae Doseessien of io ji. non, memner cefnr ruri hr th. nnwJinr i rns waici would "ST S'iJ i Jlr.MUNTZ aaid. it inadel 'oa ertal re3atSoif rihiT Mr.

P.OF.HCf'K v.v the accused to be accused at once, and pabliclr. ton. and r.lUot m. in M. member for Penryn my be.t thank, candid aad Msjor BERKsKOR aaid, the hen.

and learn! member "ear, hear.) I am not accusing tbe men, I am accusing have lasted, probably, tl.ree wivkn. for no poaiibV purpose Jfru.mfnt to rharg a man guUty of perjury, honourabh? manner in, w)ch he Us answered mv option for 11 tad included the members for Harwich in his accu the system. I say, the lion, and rallant genthnoian is concerning nivself (Cbeers.) If th Common. ta prove the case cralouui There it nothing by wkich he could do greater honour to nly wiah 1 to state thai one of tlne raemVr, censequenre of the system, and it is the avstem fall on me to be a public prioecutor. they c.n wt do les than uln? ls sncb a manner.

una orrrci.r gra' advan'ate upon the country, thaa gone out ol toa yesterday to hi. wnicn. i want to expose, i care not lor the men. allow sue a large aalary frthedaty to be performed. debate Xii taan adjourned.

rys i. ui repiy wnica me hoiiu ba.jut hard. Iitbeaue' as taat'by which i ihe'hoHse country place Wlore any notice of hi. motion hI been given There' sit. the hon.

and gallant member (pointing to i aad laughter.) I nji hich 1 wa b.T A. 'rnvd member for Bath. He merely men Captain Fitiroy), and here aits my hon. and learned fnend mir i is to be ralle maiuiain that th. jmproinise if compro i come wax, io cave it nxedonue pronu oiu pe" vfcfl sieaaoi on xue tnree preceding years, rerun X.xk' would rathecuke the aversge.

en th three yeanaii position. There was no doubt that the preseit country must improve. The cocnay was in its ptrwu PROPF.RTY.TAY mr I a i conseouence or cad lenaianon. tnj i nreai near 7K ormerca now prooeed le put a similar, iuw. nav souie weigtt in innuencing ipomungio jir.

upnin.tene). ivnere, and wnere is tm league aaving laueo, oy a tectinicai emr. on one Lead of his motion oi to HXcsxionor tr.e t.xffntCEa the ZJT auction respecting the borough of Nottingham, s'u cj. the nature of his observations. colleague Laughter.) Echo answers, Where (Re 1 it became impossible for hita to obtain hi, at ho'1, 1 eJ iao comoisttee ra tte Prorty Ux Bill.

waibe Larpent not ia the houae; bat i se jt right hon. barouet Tlie bxin. Member for Bath dil not immeJUte'y rise and 1 He gone 1 (Laughter.) Now we will and. however long the icqu ry might hsve been pr tractrd, i Clauses up frorrvK to 3 were ee i vj I conuaitUe then divided, when tiea the other member for the town of Noltingh.m iahi. pUee.

there was a neral crvof (io os, goon." come to the case Penryn and Falmouth. The hon. and erejld neither have servel him nor my psxty.b. procedicy. 1 jpeared I wis to aak luin whether be batbeen' party tow rrnuaat The CHAVCFLLOR of th.

KXniFOfFR w5.M Uaat gentleman (Captain Plumridge) has acknowledged (Hear, heir.) We presented a petition, got a of.or whether. beiEg gnix.nt ol it, he has token any ad hi. rnirtioB Mr. J. BRIEN ggd to ask whether: the right bon.

valrlag of an agreement or about to Uk ad vantage of vj qnenee. this any breach of privilege (Cheers.) It wntlrman had considered the case of and scientific Majority kgreeB.ent,cf the following description th.t a of Mr.RuKIrCKrranltii the cht hon.harone, a. Csptain PLUMRIDUra. No, not angry only direleased P. to th 1 Ral 2 pf dans was then agreed uItL' hea 1 of roVen.menl had he A Lkuh ore 1 The CHANCELLOR cf th EXCHEQUE Witi re conversation in which Mr.

OltvMnTwW. r. rarrf. Iftl' 1 P' tol ZLtln is it ritual Mr. ROEBCCK.

I exaggerated tbe phrase and am rerv to a e.tablish.d spect tothe had no heaiutlon in aaving that he I Sir R. fm, and the CHascEfXO of the Ud Wwf ieh if.wfwfr thf lTi'r ewith.lhenc.hthan. tha ry 1 rry for it. The commilt e. boW T.Jvl'Tt't t' buJdmg, Uceused, according to; it being aaderstood thai Air.

Gill Sfifc rwalk'e! t0 kr. I think btfort I lit down witoe was brought tVrwird. He swore to ret arts of with it. tc prove slie f. rl obs.rvir.c and ae no other pnrpe.

the report, propose an amendment rajW. nowid of tfcKi I 7 thai th. evrciiavtancWler wbich I brib, rv. Tbe thfng beam. ie an 'P i TP er of tne.

anewx. fc nad fci tion of ihe comuoaers as to 3owjg "rnie, waavtoing bsv.aet l.f eatnrdinarr. Eatr wJinary eeUtaV arrargraent been rSht Fi iT tj; vtraLuiry rem 1 have, no doubf. derittVd Parties, the counsel comes inandtlLT 1 de? car" F4 wl r. henef sf exemptioa to Hterar, and The remaining Ue.

of th daiM cider rjr lK tU" aJ from heoHinary 0f ".5, that the tiUon ra wiw SST; aiTlaT' V''' wltboct Oninl the o. to rauch case, were "gred toT, is riaaS nut tte right of the hon. and arnd rentl ma tc tia ich "ccv io ha I think I he V. ro .1..

i "Ar.d ih.Virr. to a law titionara a pro fvii id There wer diicultiw in a question to any piearrof iL.i b'. it. I not answ the qustion I say no i tutr 1. i ior.

near, nr. 1 Mr. ROEBUCK. I quite a re wHbtfc right et, that ncthieg more ca! for. Sir 'i Jrir.

trereiore, i sis reajon, jer upitionw a reg.rda tte two a they treat the witatst we l. tu siv that we den a I hon. who now tor tb. town of blte one vd wbjcb the witness has swii." (A hon. Member.

or. i uanl ii. one h.yu. ti That is to far. Jtloeeh tK.

una oi one v.neM.uM iy provrd it, yet withdraw i hjib but as this is lift lax it I liic agn mat i stand tree iroa ai.y guilty of a breach of privilege talt of a seat, eonreded to ae cc teco jf ne anwor or m. v.V a on I3J pirt.i n.t5 Vy BUt hid r.vt ahxaijced the her rsa Ms Ht'ME said, ia the country many of ih chapel who slsaal foro rpurpoe 1:1.. In churches had ') rou.d. iJa Mr. FREN'CH reposed aa atnevirient, f'r' the Uxnch aaniiitie and yeariy mtervst of (rreat Br.tiis or on bebaJ ot y.

Sr reiBdeu: is IreZacd." The' hen. member i im i.or, n.nns rfftien1. I .1.1 I wlfEi led vnrl.1 n.r no 11 I a. I fl J. I no? EWJ WTU orursr.

IL1LW I tnj. n. .1, a See a rata lal m. I u. S.

V. riir onrv w. .1 M. .1. i.

i.v HANCELLOftbeEXCH queatioa which I have jmt adjrewd to dlher mer.bers of I two hon. memhen who now sit for Keadintr, and trj this, and tb bon. member' will retire in July." Is the i rijff ki iv! i oun character. Or. cTaawe jamendxatnt, aad afw a ihort oonv raatwa it wlTchT tsbould tob drawn from reprnut.v.

of a. people ly mean ofth na of corrup He is in health, be strong, and quit equaTto hiTpar Oa claue 183, enacting that Vact' urtbnrnr 17 Mr F1 PUTVOW1VP a onuerwaiKl that a cotaBromis TalLT l71 o. tbe other ade lTaT aireciiy nor indirectly Use I Jeo a party lo any ajTaagemnt of the sort, aor bar I istention cf accepting th ChUtsrn Uundrldi. lBOEBLTlCAl wtarn my beat thaaks to tb boa, fwtWo, bay now to ask tb bon, tMaba for liar. has resigned the seat which be held for tb same town the saOM tlaag.

1 am her. to cbarg tb aitting member, far HarwUb with briberr. I am brr to tha sittfne mem ber for Penryn and Falmouth with being eogniisnt of add a participator in bribery. I am her to cbarg. th members for Heading with bain eocnixant of and nartieinuera in briberr.

and I am here to chars' tbe members far latwea ia th sum wav (hev, bear) and wbv do I Jak. tbie mod pf sir. esntinn Mm tb people of England whether this is tb language which ooght to be used in reference te such a oaae 1 (Hear.) A bad bargaia Do we buy and tall tbe repreeenlation I (CbtMBt) Jf com tfllhis honse fairle and tW.1 to felJow coiintryci, to wateh ovsr thdr iatat MU, taae oara of all that is dear to tbsa and. manmlwrn. i.

tha Von glltnbvtob.ptrrrirtajjbU bad bv my sot accept a seat practices. (Cheers.) trouM tbe boot but that it a tb part of eewrl werV'obS I 'eTogthrou rh toSS of aTto 1 rictlng the duration of thsUx to oo. at I. rare tha boas. wOl feel, Tbs CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER was under srv hoVJeat man to state the r.l..

L.l. candidly and tb bouse will wa, to bring all persons under tb schedule into tbe ot lama 1 nav ostraoea too mncn en its natieno. 4 temptg to elw my dlartcter. a. my ioletnn ddar exemorio i existed, parties would obtain rep.mat from the preatsce.

of yon all, ct clear it. cf any feu! asper the Receiver of Bump. would be impossible allow 152 Tb elaua waa tbn rdered to sttsd part ef vm 1 1 uinri' I A V.f tb.

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