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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I THE TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1842. iujU itM to udio lac it.tosd.eJi'eiC forth th Jin Wads aloek i. vested for it TJt t)jrat" chapel from contribution I r7vTnlA'aXCOR EXCHEQUER saJd, bad Jf hoair of tb Tnic staled ehel he inbtnd "TTde rft lo nn! point wt ich had bwn re Vat s' rt gentleman UMtllM lata had objection bow rf! tht lb fd 1 j5ft law a chapel for lb puroe divin worship. iPI.Eiaid thl be rl rfijy to limit that th i boo Chancellor th Kxcheqner had doo jnttic V. rmmf.

vriahed now whether it woald extend the rP'" Scotland ELECTIOS 8OUTHAKPT0K. CLOSE OK THE TKOCEEOtSGS. Tht enrnaaitt tHunU! ytTdy th nana! hour. Mr. said, tlut MtUw eBrnitt sMiMay cum petitioner, bat had not jet am red ia town, bid aa objection to trv0ag by railway.

Under Uw cireuasatxoeea ho trusted th ecmraitte womli allow that portion of th petition wherein th UUrlisoUioa wiunl to stand otr until that gentleman arrived, which ho ml prrpuwl to km rant should be otthor to day or Monday, and aaked una v.riUVCKI.UlR it EXCHEQUER said that ho to th Hon. frr th act whUh LXw ntieg That HebeHebe I I of ih. i paid tO hi. to their resolutions, and tiaWud friend held a consul with tho greater conOdane aa caac rotnprassd under that L. tluir Ut I WJ hVWImi mm ru.f Aral i.rn awdail With la a to proceed with tho ethor petition.

Iserntiny moraortr.ha had not antimpaiod aachaa objection Mr Cocwacvi than appVied to tho eommitt to cec ar I or ha smuld hart horn mini with tho necessary endonop. tb last Section vid. i Mr. KtMlAKS. resisted tho application oa'tho froaasd that Th root waa cleared, aad on strangers being ad raitW, tho eoramittao had no powr to procood with tho ioqairj onti tho chairman aonoood that tho oommittoo had rtoolrad I tho petition had boem road tho potitioo waa tha ifoandatua That tko laat oUelion of tmj, mi to aaro in ParSia of tboir joriadinioo, and thor ooold not 4 on with an in moat for tho boraab of Southampton waa a Tout oiocuon.

qairy laaadod on a poUtion ball gooa ana nu oaa. 11 man That the eommittao had drtcraiBoil to roport ipfaauj .1 1A Hi4lAttUwibrAf Tun. I. UlOrbl 9i U1V WUUIVW tUt I iwm, i tk.l tH.l.nJ'.m.:i to ComU Calion waa hrihod with the rsta of yit, K. yAl'LE fra 4 aatiaCcdjith tho aa frrr.

ft YilR1CE 'hn tnorrd that it an (attraction to th PropT M.that thy hara power riol iTlBiroiaf a dns to ewwpt altcmi and aolicilora frxw 7 III au ji't a ta opon incon. 1 Lhi tl, qofatiori that th dauo read a fin: time, Ctirrl "IBTII0R1 rrwd bi intention cf'rerpot a lb wi rd a ftnt im. Tfc CHAN ELI.OH of tht EXCJIEQUER orpwa tto D'tec. Aftrafc worda from Mr. Wakliv and Mr.

Aldirman Mr VOKKK nnwilling to tin th hoaanjnnn troN. f't that conU not divharn the Jjjiihicb luJ prwaiog his Tbthti" 'hon dinJeJ i cr Mr. Vk motion iS AjiirjVit J3. Majority 165 v. nFVI.EY ware the in rtion of a rlae tacah '7i vuciif cdnrn.

or otlr (Knrennaeat ofRcera to relieTe fjrapj of U'nd. io certain cae, from tbe whole or any That Joorph Whhnunh waa proniaed a'Lrihcaf whole or aotne part of which waa aftorwardt paid. That Joxph Radwarda waa bnbod with Uw asm A. ba a nhotantiat, rooJ, and aaliro potition, and aach a ono aa they eonld deoi with hareaAar. Tha COMMimt.

after boaria Mr. Cock bom in reply, do cidad that the. acrlication waa a reaaoaablo one. bat intiaatod a wiah that tbe neeoaaary oridaneo ahoojd bo farthcoming aa qttteuy aa paaikM. I Mr.

CoekBtTL than atatod. that in aeeotdaBco with tho n.i i with tie mm af 31. reaolotian of tho committee, it baeatM hia datT to aoocsfy tho That (Wea 1'aaqiin waa bribwi with tho rua of Zf. Tariou caaea of bribary and trttiB to inoant to raly on. Juch of them to Tola lor Uora Urnoo ana v.

oaxtca aoM tac iar ct wnica do propeoeu That tha etidesea (riren before thia committeo reiatire to iato th ralidity of tho mtea pren for tha aitt'oK member. It rml on throtuh th meana contained charriar Mr. PiBney to be rmity, of local aaciation tho pajment of Urffi. tnnia to cnair ny iui agenta, manatera, ana partmna, 01 onoerrautt cen'andcoloormen, many of whom were cter; and tha 1 rapt practice, whereby hia aeat in tb Honao of Commoaa eipendituro of a mm of money for tho parpoaoa of tho waa forfeited. At tbe Rrt election inbaeqaent to the Reform election, amoantint to nearly and therefor1 far ex Hill Mr.

Pinney had been returned for tho boroajh of Lyme eeedin the ordinary ad regular leral rpnae, if deaerrin Keria without oppoaition, bat had had a atTera eooteat to IT, nnderro with a air. Huniviln. in 1837. before 1m waa placed That tk eommitteo feel that they bare bean prerentea ax too neaa ot um pou. ana a atm aererer uninju on i acVertainisc thaoxact mod in which thia money waa ex joecaaipa with th petitioner, Mtj Uaaaey, tha aambara at th docamenu cooneeteJ with thoo paymenta, particularly in the cae of Will ani Konae Mabton, woo, atur turn on aerred wi'lh the Speaker warrant, diipoaed.

of thoae in hia I poateuion.1 i The committ then aeparated. NEWCASTLK l'NDER LYME. (THIRD Sertral witnoaaea were called yeaterdar on the part of tho for tb parpoa of proWng onbery and treating. Th 6rrt of thaaa waa Hannah by Mr. Talbot, who depoaed that the wumiut at the Cock Ian, Newcaatle andar LTtne, at tha time af tha election, Soe aw Mr.

Jiaroin, rirt cf tb tjarrd npon them aider acbedol timn ake aUo aaw the ittinr mem may feeni jtau" the BOaaa two or three titn. Sereral Rentlemea Ttt til AN' ELLOR of the EXCHEQUEK oppoaed 'io wrrr nd be uw him and Hardinr, together there tj3v. which waa onoe ramtmhered th day when Mr. HarrU came to th money of liZ, or CV. to th elect jri of Lrma Regia on men iKxea 01 nana, wiu an tmplnXl, ina aomatime cren axprnaad, to TOte for hia at th r.axt elo nuu.

uw uefiouationa wire eamoa on by uuman and Warrinc. eolicitor. reaidinr at Lrma Kaeia. and a moat reinrkahla featara in th va, that thou loan which had been advanced to eleoton who aataally rated for Mr. liany were nerer ciQd in, bat thoa who dared to record their rot arai Mr.

Phmt were immo. diately after th eleetion e'rfted by th joit pnntahaieat for their deliniaency by ns for th. dirfrnt amonnU lent to them. A ian rntera to rat th Totn into R. fEEt idSi.

Wl mo the receruon Cr'J Z17 TrJZXl pjrron Monday, and I i wooki ate 10 9 dininr room and tie committee room. Mr. HarrU prepared io that Mtaira. Hilman an 1 Warring wer th iWnment rcpoJ with rerpect fh.y She occarionallr went into th. Sir.

wrre car flimore. When' any peraon want to the door they wer Haahoold alao prore promiaea of money and employment in I't X'M rlf. rr to more a clauie, 10 wtucn w. npj Whenerrr antbody knacktd, kom on from I conatitaency (lea than 300) th eaaea of bribery nut nee. herei.

from tbeanr. justice waicb aJwara actaa.ed tbat wrthia th om called Sileace!" Knows Leach, and aaw 1 tarile be few. itill tha nroof of Tr to tmall a number led ioo. Ocr wcoU be no objection. Hii 1 object was to place tfce ,00,0.

Moat of the cwnmitte wre hatUra'Joar tQ th inriuble condasisn that the intmtion waa fully Mr a WtK)D intimated tht be woald mor hit danaa to U)wn aha aaw nim next oj use oari iae puouc rr iect pervca frsa a chart of iaroic upon a larger i went ap aUirt to the i jnng room, wbjr the committee Jam tkaV the tel amoant of real income on th. bringing up dmed. He waa there aome time, and Harding wm with 1 him. don't know who else wai with him; met f.m on fro a Or 10.VXKJ.V GJZETTCFridaf, J. ST.

JAMESTJ FALACK, MiT i. The Oan wai tkia dar nleaoed to confer tb fcenoir of Kaighthood npon Creatweil Oaaaw.n. Eaq, on of tht Katie Her Majoaty'a Court of Common Plaaa. "JaTOTICE. If Mr.

COATiiS, cf No. IIrt wko was the first party thus questioutd, declined, ilZpZJ Frmptorily and unquiroclly, to answer tjt mch toiutHaluirtlCHkttAWAYia. bdm li idxt nn. day salt, tb lam awtaat. aad tha aaiaaae oaa ftiim aba wfij ba 1uesuon tteo aadte.aoU.bTVaJaacuoa.ala3 eandaatawtba jaat.Vr.

i p.tIPrT tkia wu eoitt satixfiCle'rV. raatea wji b. bold lyflnapoaaule for Oty laeponkwr, Barbkal. Mr. RrsexiL, the ther member for Rr aiicff, Cotaa.

from UnBk L'ght Dracooaa. to 1 Taraar. wh 1 KKkPLO wtta a leaUeaaa. a iUmf aad adwaaad ta Bla. wbo election committee.

The JKent attoavi TU ilrfiun laaxtoaitowwtuaa agaiahU gantaakm. oa wq ba caeJd iuunwu miurn.j Jiaa a'liml of Diateoa Ooarda Caortaa Georra OTaSafkaa, anrodaat art tb tooj la which a baaawi moeM, la i4omu4 10 1 iaeonaideraUe Stride toward the reTOmptlon by the) lo b. (in, by TV. he rrtjrm. i adCrw a lettar loT.OooEaka.

Waatara. Barfea. 1rnt. rt luam oar.fn half Utrt. Mebor.

n.ii" House of the old election judicature. The learned A 4 war tu eafckeat root a ey ta stoatvaaei Rati member might draw what inferences he Veued Loadoa aadBrtabkm RCt. 0 aad Fridar. tta taataau kxtka tralvs wa bck from Loadoa ta ua probably tus tnlerences would aDout perunen par lltb Ustt Draron. to Om t.

tb dtSereaoa. Tire Rock, promoted: Hear CfeaCee Msnaa, aaav, lo CormC ywm, Tioa utraar, eo retma. tth KecMat af ht Tl Gdiand JebttTaner. fraoi tb tth Drace Ouarse. Ve Lknrteaast, Tire Coiea, crawew Ueaamst Jamw ilttaa Kebarta, nam tbe 101a UfU Dra (ooai.

ta a Uniteaaat. Tire who exebaaawv ein iteenDm 01 igM iwxaooaa irmejiaai kiaa Ancrmm Hrear. ma tV Kb Liftit Drxooas. to Ueataoart; Tie RabaRa, axrhaaaea. from bait pay caaaached, to Major, nee Artiur charioi L.

It. TUALtibKCr, at the nmnt request of hu Be nad not been cognizant of the arrangement in mi 'r oTF rr. cb Vk27x own cae till after it was made. Adrertinf: to ti Ti aailmiM Wht.r with which thia wwal tk inamben. Loi Gread 8fia.

rrta Ma Firs fmate aad latrodaetioo 1 v. L.v.i Krx Tirui, Vrt Omot. htif rf Tpatlacbf t. UN trxxAi. Vocal perfcrmtra wadaio Bucael Uriaeletaw aad uucu mat iflaoaaersouuu.

moraac aaa Boa noeia neat ararvmmf. frlrau ankrx amdborw oaa ba leaded aad imlnaded at the abor hit questions. ranaar aaitkakvimab. OXaaasaaced. Br order, CHARLES B.

ACCE5ZTZ. iee. I. Aanl toort. TjOTymteteoJe.

xar a. iwx. The next party catechised was Captain Plck xiioiz, member for Penrjn. Ills answer wks, that laptaia. TVe cyne.rtaMw Tnuwod.

bo eutiaam; Lieutenact M. Btaadift. afiM Maria flaeea. aad Mr. Jota Parry.

Kalo th nix ye to 1T lb mi'tera in 1h hii Ja of Unn la be facta). rarOaea. etc. Cbeaer. bo re aeti.

tkrS? CaeaBai kora. Mr. MTor. Coadactor. Mr.

Baaedlct. I n' 10 lCe5 nu.ters in UXt 114303 01 tira; iAnfm Artanr.Laali 10 be IJealAaat. by rrvaaM, riea Bmen; Jo ttcsaseaca at bail aait o'clock. Tfcaeta aad rwerred tm't to vw a nurT Eoret noeoecx. uuui to iutu jxuj.

tarr CoTlei. le be Eeira, by tarrtiaw. I eH. loth Fool Michael Crauh Kaxietoa. fetit, ta be Kero, by tnr cbaw.

Tic rrartoe. efeee arpotatiDeat baa been raotaUed. in root jena iittxtus Crakan. to be Kaera. without re h4 Mean.

CrvDer, addjoo, aod Beaie VI, Kef ntetTeet izi I a3 tta mauc vanbeaMa. 1 Mr. RotBrnt was obliged to th ffillxnt rsctaui rbaev. Tire Fttjermld. A th.

Pm tax FoA LleuteBut Hearr (rrenoa to be porchaw. tica WeRera. hn reurvt. Eauxa Tbcmti liottea to be Ueoteaant, lr porrtuMa. Tic Orterioa; WUSam Drake Hita.

lest, to ba Eadfa. by aoRhax. eis liatlea. list Km. Captala tb Ha.

Cbarea Rlrbard Wert. fras batf aay taatiarbed. to be Caatain. Tice Wruen. bo aiebaafea.

re relTtar the dlffMrar. lUb Knot LiealesaBl IfaeeTi PinW Ia l.ruUiinliii. Tice fretton. who retirei; Iance Join Reoaden Shot to LienteaaaU Mr. Plane Mr Ilni 110 Io cenawqoenoe of the doabtful atat of tho borMigh, Mr, lor a namber yean, bad bad reeoaree by partbaw.

JSrWer; A' frad Eanra, by of eorrnption, intended to permanent i lU effect, ana parttie. bm, to an election hia waa a rerolar orranised plan, chalked cnt I Jjba WUUta. nttlna aeon faS par; LloUaiflt Aatoay long before an election, and carried on from election. elC r'ViL F. to tintaaaat.

wiA ia iU aa the od it wu t'und out iudi of FKEKCH PLAYS DEJAZKTs SECOND 1 for hij candour. Ue then addressed a searchins; APPEAR ACH Oa Uoaday ant. LEU PREMIERES) "a A RMKb DE RICHELIEU. La Dae Rirteeo. Madi3B.

beaieu Question to Sir J0H5 IlOBHOrSE. who Said that iC for wbidiaaitr arphcaaoa ti toueted. may be at .1. did not admit the right to put the luestioo, and fpt ERLN OPERA. Mr.

MITCHELL, Royal therefore should not answer it. SELl Mr. Rosbccx then interrogated Mr. IIowau Elphisstose, who stated that in his case had eaauorcbwtr. by tb.

a Ut Rcyal Library. M. Pli. mnm bst that he did not contemplate 'pUEATRK ROYAL, DHUKY LA3 Miss acceptinif the Chiltern Hundreds. h.

it nnier the chare of the tea. nwmWr brt JBCh e.ectoraon tb nm rrard to the pay Thii witneaa alo identiSed aeeeral peranns aa har answered, and that bribery to th neeaaaary abnt had been lion cf Tin Aet.all bnrensh e.ertors weie obliged to crowd ing been piwut at thia committee aa member. Saw a great practised, namely to return th member on whose bebalf the jrt Major Hererae IDam Lyaaa Mnttoa to be Ueoteaaat br aturliaw, TVw Fieetb. who reurwj; Captala DUbT I leery le be Mejer. br rnrbaea.

Tin ttm: Lieatenaat Frejertrlt ootrnrtae, tV ASea.dea.ued. etui Oohael. Arttar t.Tinn. te be Cavtala. or nonaia, Tioe unu: mil Themaa Hurliaf to Ueetaout, br purrhMe.

Tve RmjfUm: tieort Wn'laiB Maew. ta be Eavda. byparrhaea, eice Stirttax. bko 11 hkrn tnmiaw Tir Rrdsmao. wtie retires.

7lat root Kora Atthmir neaay, rroram. Kh Foot Ueoteaant feter WlUam Lanoe rtawir to bt rUin. br porcMM. Tioa Toamnva. wio ntirn; Kasca Tnonaa ljwi bTaaa la Ueutenajit.

by punaiaiw. Tlca liaeiar; ueaar, rHt IK. h. ua reet ueuceaaai iKrcai riTTy to ae vipu. orcbaa.

lire HU. pmraxd to tta ItttTeHladia Rertmeat: Ksaca ame. la ba lliiuil. niftiH. tW PWTT: Tbomaa Uew I erry; (tent to he K.iernnr prcaaae.

ncwia. rpuio. Tire Janas Mlatrr. ee eirtwni ei; Gru tenant F.twxrd itxaer to Miapuia. tr po tftae invrocn.

tmikiw; mw icar Hyaena 10 be uneiienaat, 07 purcnaw. w. huh, Fru ie Itewte'l OnmI rr K. Mrchae. vice llaHaad.

raetU berf tn he Majnr. Tire MOM, mwncted; ItnTrt Major Edward liri from tb Mst Foot, be Mvjor. by parcbaaa. rk Ora uun. who reUree: We Hate Hul ivt lieutenaat James rtti'Urbert da Tewier, frnm th 17th Pom.

in he CeMaia. tr surctve. Tf.e tite. who retire. I'naUvhed.

Unteeaat litary FaaV. trom tbe ltth Foot, to Captain, by purrhawi iirTai.rsitala Duncan Pamwk. of th 'tVT iot.10 be Majcr ia the Anof: Table: rbener. ef th Vh Fort, tn be MaJct ia tne atnr: certain jme irwip nuiea nr tfce Korai jtannee. to oe a3 veed taee.namel.the Oneen's taxes and the poor i vn rates, as a condition of registration.

AH thee Lairs, da on unA tbeh of on or before th Vth of July Serred theai herself. Mrs. Wait "gar her th liquor to noU. Th learaed coauael then proeeeJei to state the ip wc la wding. i.ouoty elector were naloojjgnj 1 py ay pT, sk also rare it to other aerranU for th ca (trst of which waa thatof amanof th oey rot or taaes as a condition of reRiatraiio.

lie tad taken m9 parpoa the hostler serred with them. Th crowd nam of Coaeens. to whom a loan of SOU had been idranced 7 ,1 v. i it i fore ta poUingT I r.ere was also a crowd on me morning 01 Just before tb polling; the crowd waa socwtimes nouy and aomctimes creased Jl ttss parmrn; annrtenery for the parpoae cf gi. Th, m.

irink W4S mmped i don't know by 1 Mansfield, who v' "1 wjtiom. Ale and I Vra. ptiions on thia poinr, and had" ascertained tnat it kbcmt an hoi; they cam twice in that day. I two years before the election, by Mr. Hilman, ander a dia oa.dtnoeay icr bomigneiect Ts tepaytnia mcoae wW haa, ThU wai th day tinet rromia to rot at th next election for Mr.

Finney. lection Consent applied to bare tne loan ana was referred by lr. Ilitmaa to a Jir. arraneed that the money should forth wnor wer gien to tne crowd, nooody coming when he ha 1 T0t4 to rrtir frara tb at TW. "in aaie ef his maialtasioe," bcUg about tobecnaia a aruleria Carina Terj.rwtiTn aaineaor Mrjond f.tntatat Karae.

01 v. 34 root, a TtaWt TaeW. art FleaMt VTHie a. rfwTiocuUT td. Tb nance of i' uaa Anuel.

of the tub Pcvb an Gtm wet tromotma of Klein DarM rttmrr I'silbT. et lb ftb Foot, to bFLMotenaat. witbeal hi t' lth FV aa stated ia The Cbrirtiu ram of AsandenV arieoa uowara, 01 loeiui 1 001, CooaetU did net rote, (iatlward, sot Henry, aa pcsTiouity wuied. i paiu 1 or tee liquor wnicn was sr.Ten away on lue uay 01 ana, tnereiore, nerer aaa in it. 10 ui 1 inMinilTV 1.

nmwm ramo nmn wr tooh uwn reIilt Joseph Oall was thT befor the crowd he wu that of Bias Hear, who raceired three separate i tinnlffAiiiltreglftts sw titi to lrjjrt it books, and th harniters I rl j0Inl 8Uirl w.nt mi door; whenh came loans, 101. in the year 1815. from Mr. Hilman; in Tire lnnv derea wenat Untenant Ilobrtt r. ppisn wk The row for Uqaor took place lit.

from the aatne penra and in lo4t, from Mr. Hemb Kini LVutv izli were act sworn to secrece undar the act th coneenaence .1 i. 1 1. I LL 1 mrrciiT aiiTwaru. mjj to mir 11 uw.

11 inan, sx ociorc la ejeruou, uottctw, we yi i niiiTcnslnru nll1 vrt) woclibe. that tker weald poseers all 1 A I nTNF.FSITTP IlSwni.v Cv iv.V. kvS: Ik. Inm. IWl .1 a.

Jir. imii! St7lnoa fWev FwdT at He irotod a clan.ete effect the obiect hefhadi t. i i ia riew. and said he sNrald tak the amse of th house on it. wfcbout.

noweTcr, shaking her testimony on this ir I wHbed the hon. gentleman would postpone I Tbomaa trailimore th elder, tarrb iraaers. Hectr s4 Hunt, I nniirni it i.m In mt liw rriinfli till Pli tbat bar BKK EFIT aawotaied tor Tswday sresdna. Mar a serlonned th aiar ofttWIPPCS. rpiia.hy Mr.alaerwaae.

be loCowJrrkWlaioeraaiLA605NA3BCLA. Coast Koaopb. ElTtao, Mr. AJi Aleeaio. Mr.

CocaaM; AnvSia. Mb Kasaat Tarasa. Ml. C. Je: Usa.

Ma Poola. Titkats aai vlacMtobabadolMissRanar. Boodeoaet, PvoadSSy: aad of air. neuer, as xa a onx Of in weaow. BUR MAIESty THEATRE.

TTIia ETByiSOwabaKoTa MlisJleTO The next parties whom Mr. Rokbcck, calle upon were Major BtREsrosD and Mr. Aitwood, members for Harwich. Mr. Attwocd was absent from London.

Mjor BEacfoitD denied Mr. Roebuck's nsht to catechise him. Let that learned member, if he thought he had a case of suspicion, bring it before a competent tribunal, and then he might answer the inquiry, though not to that learned inqu sitor. I Mr. Roebuck asked whether he was entitled now to state the case against the members before men tioned.

The SfEAKUt laid down the geneial course re Slfaor. ot nnired bv the forms of the House. iw tatfat. enticed LA rwatiLaiE. ine uis iraa i era.

selected and amnrsd br M. Naiaod. Priaeaal cbarartari by .1: wrVethew MaeT. Gar dtaebaa. Madame d.

CaiBllMsdaa. Braw. Madame 1 Mr. IvOEBCCK, alter suiuc uvu" fe'M1. Jrr he should proceed to make his statement then; brMrear ky consented, on tne prepare ox 0 several of the memMrs accusea, to proceed n.

ZZvZ cVilad tood there, ne saia, "Ty'JT laaUal.itBor Poarl bis 1st lw araaei iia ba conatrr for Nottingham, HarWiehl ren A b1!" wtam Madfh. CrrjtO la LeweS. He would first iuppOSe a Contest AsaattoBS far bnsas, staJa. and tickets to made at Jw box i lor iTOiungnaaij unc 3 TOEATiiROTAL.DBrRV Napoleon with oTerwhelmisg bribery; a peujon, Fcr benefit ot, seas P. HORToy.

disclosure a reheat of one ofjbe sitting THIS F.TEMNO. THE V. a rlown. or DTO r. memoers sun aui All these circum MhTii.TD"aarl HonV tb iaa.

Mr, c. Jo to escape the inqviry, THEATRE ROTAU COVE5HIAJIDEJI. The Innasivpea eaCtd err prcaidOTrtb orcUatra Heir Oaat. CondaOor. 'lecuou a.w U1dn enr.

SW WnTiam VendtOTe. Mr. Slrtrkiedr yUMT point. I The nex'. case was that of James Hnl.

hT receired a loan sadNVTait, Uo VTar. I Mr. Webstar Wkiiw Green, Mrs. i. iiwu.

iiui.ian, a fnraw tu, i lines a brewer. w. 1st 10. and I bk.jirlHnr. ITaprelt wwt llnwe.

ealincation. CiocIJ te poet'pored until th brirgtog ap of He aloirte i tha principle, tha there sboull be no nsr dii At th sase time, he wiahed that the elaase the report. aJraatsge on acoaont of th property tax. Mr. T.

Dl NCOM BE said his only object waa( thit borough electors should not be placed in a won accoant of this tax than tbey were in before, and thereforeTnewoald re notice that he should more a elaase to that effect en bringing ap the report. Sir R. PKEL sail the GoYernmeni woald take care to torn: lr whether snch disqn JiScatiotis would apply, and if it did, they woal i undertake to introduce sach an alteration in te bii! as woald erfet tbe object in riew. Colonel SIBTHORP then moreJ a clause ta the effect that lo.fSreiirner aidiag ia" this 000. wry, and deriving an income frtjm'aoy employont or baaineas here, should be exempted f3Uh raraeiit o' the tax.

The CHANCELLOR of th EXCHESuER id te had objected ih ex rcption of any particular riaif, and there THEATRE ROTAL, HAYMARKET, WSr. Mr: litre taa'ey: 'SzynrzZZTA pAWy girls okbtiuiero. 'b'nii Tst aTtK TtoYaL. LYCF.rM.nd EWIH1 OPRRVUOCSE of hia debt. Th required stipuWton end fXi, 1JmtI WaaflieM r.

Trcr.vt T. Mjjarrk am1 Son. I waOPEN taeoo Mmidar. would be MrTiceabla to him. He was told they would, but was ar4 to by Mr.

Finney's acrata. Agland neted. ray Matbe James Ysitm. nrrabaax. wiuina euei mime mr eu palmier, iichw ivi.tvi i ta on in wws sua uy Jnr.

iiumn ubm.oi4 iw Tyer an I awnon onon w.Twy. meraire. ceyTurie firaabr. iaen.niireM.i. llama, oa.

wiinesa reiuse o. vonyere aucu eeeeia mwt wi. i ar oni nue wu ua: 01 jvaa xim, woo wee iirou.E ese. caee. i.i'T w.

1 tad not paid it. He ibonsht the proposition juit, ard di jhoase on the of Jane. asked him if a few pounds jth payment itend to p. ace tbe borongn Ters seder any new dia stances he had heard alleged to; and if the House: 1 woull refer the matter to a committee, he believed MKaTn he could prove them. Next, he would go to IlesJ 3Sid1otT? ing and he had reason to believe that bond had been executed, obliging tne noDie memoer ior iu borough to vacate hia seat by a certain day.

There tad been charges before the eTection committee of bribery and mtimidation practised by the and in one day the whole was hashed ur. He then read the accusations contained in the. Nottingham netition and described those in the Reading petition to be nearly as strong. Next, as to Lewes his charge was, that the members were returned by Hrousham. Mrs.

TsiWrar. nd Wyiine. Him M'rban. aad Mrs. IL P.

liratua tVl. nroof of it: and nesa'a sou would rote, bat waa told hia sou waa Us own aitaation in Excia. if woald mi for Mr. Pinney b. ScSiSSS "V1 TTv.

cf fhrf nroof. master, as he ha lno cjntrolover tun. Conyera tbea went i also was lucky enough tog an action settled by 31 r. war BroiBinfcteiexhel! suvet. surseoas.

J. Park anlCo, Maachev t. conriii eifh r. prions iie. entuel Til a muurta a tait one 01 me silting 1 into the house and apote to hia son, and asked him th aam ring, and an undertaking from hi landlord that be should question as he had asked witneaa.

He asked my ton if ht lire rent free for 12 months. Mr. Rnrer, but 1 hirerrhatJa Petteiwwu ISeL ari Co Urvtrt. YerlnklT. nS owrrtianta.

ftrlihw aad Stone, rcnrnham. tiMi er.Tba Goblin of ttiCbt. ha.a retired. There sat Mr. tLrnwsTOsa du Tiere, and oh where" was his colleague? Echo I V.riv, Tnu weTS or.

Tl La MeT of Lite, pna TT l.o Tto was not denouncing Use mTseii ana rny son to go into tne garaen witn mm, ana ne Mr. nuau du untperi witn Agiana 10 raroio! jiiraii, i. Kunt, jim yitima, 7 T5 iju then rd h. woull give him four aotWgns. I 'w i ctjtof ita the system.

At Penryn, the Lie say tbia my ana waa agreeawe to vote lor mm. ue aaia ne committee. tie next cases wer me nnowa pj oei, nr? faCins hittvs rinTvfiHMi ftu.ttj.Kd 1 an. i Tencti un. ignvst.

nwnuii would vole for Hams, ant ne woald gite nim racaey.ana my aid not gst tn promised situation, aa ne waa la nnt ont run cot.v Mrina.ra 1 1 xtd Mr. Laroea ROYAL OLYMPIC THRATRB. Th LaMer of Lite IMMILYCNT. woald hare tbe maey on Monday nisht, and if he did not butler of Mr. Pinney, th father tbe tittiBg membrr, pay, my ton migkt rote lor wnom ne pteaato.

ams uaui 1 woo Had ai wars taken an aetir part in tbr election, ana in 1 more was alas agreeable as well as my son. We all lire in I that portion that comprehended the bribary and treating no i the same place. Afterward Conyers went away. Saw him I one was mor pre iaent in fact, ha boaatod that he re again on Monday. On the Satarday before he came te my taru th member fr Lyme Regis, being always aiuitt hsuae, and pulling oat a handful of soTereigas, ha aaid, Voo before aa (lection with baadfola of goldaclaring to the ciec tbU i.

liMMi, fate lie did not eree Tom anrthinr tore thai if thee wntt vnte tbe riehr war ther viae haTe an I 1:. 1 1 1 ,1 1 i luvsnrrr cen. va tin aij sner ipr pou 1. wra jrr. iie nm urj cno hi.

1 1. taiiw wc 1 I rh adWy. M. rt et. OrarVi amad.

ra nrtw. In Mar hn Young. I mMh oa.h. TirtnaTT. May XTtmi er, HeeiLne.

ilerkahtre, Aiifact r. IHNKUrPTCV SltPEItSEUKB. John Hot Lowndes, LiTerpnoL ssercliant nncntrrT(r. AitsriiKP. Jai iInrkwnnd, WakchekL York Jure, end S.

Jdklfi, New Bran. Kk, fare he did not wish any paricular ex fsreira rs. Bat the rale aa to foreigners se. Th se who came here for a short period only, arid were to hare no fixed residence cr establishment dirir.g would exempt, but if they lired here for peri jd, they would then be considered as peroa eatly rMs and would be charged with the He therefore, it was better to let the matter rest on that genera! priactpie; SlBTtfORP, said, hia only object was to 'watch emrrrVoa't apply to WTien there, Conreri told him to come back, as he should nnder thia bUl was en hare got hi rfrni He went back at 1 to Con urrender Mar IS. June 17.

DckKk. el tin, lUn rr U' Court ao yera's boaae, and Tom then said that aa had found him there, he should nit part with him until he had his money they then weut oat of Hhehouae together. They rent to a publie hous; and had som drink, and afterwards Coayera went mt at th back door and Tom with him. Conyers laid tben and, lastly, 1 tor las vote. rge Je.iers jpt June 17.

at I f. at tb rUakri. Ooon ao.iora. uaewiae semptea Dy turn wiia an ot i his unr, Teaipa r. ana rtutrr, the presence a man of the name of Somen, who, imagining Mr.

seller to be troubled witn some scrapie as to tne laaing 01 1 eesee. ret it he told" him he woald find aomthin; in the stable for Lisa. My son went, and came back instantly do naa "UCrC1 T1 band in hia peket on entering. After that we left the thecame and (a laogb) bat after csConyeri at the doer. Soon after Conyers eaD wtat tad stated by the rgtt tn.

genU maa he woa.d i(J Tora inis h. had paid him la. too much; as he av. pr ss .6 caase. forgotten to stop is.

in the morning this waa a few Mr. F. 8151 NO wished to know whether the Chancellor minutes afterward. Tem "Come in, this ia not the th f.xrVjne8bi pr pajed a clause for exempting schools place for counting money." He went in, and Tom palled asd iitervjjpstitntions out '21. 1 9.

2d. Torn gave 2L to hi wife, and kept.the rst himself, Conyers waa not in circumstance to bTe any money of his ojrn he was a poor min with a large family. mq had no money hi own tb speak "of. when he left home perhaps he had 6d He rated for Buckley ail Harris. bit of chalk, and pat down your own figure, and yec shall Wor.

Mr jmrt. hanVerr Un otfirul aaJruee sir. A'jufsr, 1 .1 IT. HimM SI17 1 H.rcrira.biee. T.

I ik, w.rfh..'i. rntlnevrreet winenMrrkast. rdar 13. at aarwrea umrt sonriior rant Towerelrewt 'tcial takorT. 17 at II.

at the rVnkra U'Oart eiic.tor. 11 at a tve. adewu. Aaetiafnan orbrkia! awjfoec, O.vem, Ha nnLa3 flMi SLlMTnaeWirT Iior dnirk Vo, yvnetnrrn erreet. reerrbai Mir at ha if part LW711, taXMat'kaaprle: rlXTEKN STR1WO JACK.

a bribe, pronoaed purchasing a knife efhisat any rrice he iJia. arnvLi uam. Mr lM ar.u.l"reia.x iii IJ. i Ton In enan.t ni.lil tbtnW SI tn foe it A feel'rre he Tine rat llrw ranal TneerhiU. wiremm luiat.

Ma I i :ia.v.,..iai!i; ik. i .1 I mMitHillmt llo'rtoiHi. Jan 17. It. at th iknipta ioTt: aila ttor, i occurrences toolcpUce, and the galUnt, member was to retire.

Why Captain Pltjmbidoe cauea out, 2. ArTvr such interests as this House represented to be nW.Atl M.naad ColM. T.j K.rvin 7 NflW. for Harwich. The HflBERTHl'KfCS.

To eoecbade witk OTRRLLO leeetin The oetitlOnS were te Act ef par laaut. OthaCo. Mr. Com lato, xa. o.

ui uuij nX: aiwuma. Mis. Daly. Ilired, and one of the! members was to retire nnriL sciirkt TnKATTtE. too.

All he wanted run mviso w. i he wnwented Lort A Wfd Hele. WHO adnttfoaal erleadear. erteeawe aa i. a treble re nrear.

and tbe fiaeet and ot hnrea. la tb arid. wtoch a eutl. chaan xn oi SZ2. lenimn IV BO.VDJlTREET.

la 1 ctnrr bV7Trc two sitting members were accused by three reUtiona Mr. Hl'Mfc. And mechanics institution too The CHANCELLOR of th EXCHEQUER aaid Lehaj! cited at sn, ary pirt of tb errning that he had not forgot tro this 3bjret," and that he had drawn op a clause, but Six: it not satiaf far the purpciae, inasmuch it did twit limit the operation the exemption to the xr iirtlar object which they were desirous to exempt. At tbe sine he did not ehaadon tbe hope of being able to pre pone each a clause a would be satisfactory, asd the hju. mmber for Ei't Sussex had offered to aasist bin in dniirg so, bat at present be wai not prepared to' give a apn The house thenre joe and the was brought ap.

Sir R. PHEL. ia answer to a qiestion from anhnretueni ter; iil that he "should proceed with the tanfl on Tuesday next. hir J. liRAHAM gave notice that in consequence of the tiri5 being Tueeday he should pcetpone the consi Law, but on Monday next he would state the day which he should proceed with it.

Sir H. CLERnTtaoTed that the hoavs at 'it ri og aljourn cutjl Monday next. Agree 1 te. The other ori rs cf the day wer then di'povtl of, and the haae aiarned a qaarler to I ntuil Monday. PARLIAMESTAHY PAKkS vne rocJt I.KMC 1YH is ia biH for enaUiiig eccixtiastical and rtai' xrprations, aggregate and sole, to grant huCdctg and rrp! of tl tr lands and houae, and leases wa.

terresr ways, and other ara nts, in, npon, aad ott rotate. It is preprd and brought in hy St J. R. ti. rraba 8..

and Mr. Nicholl, M.I, (the Hmt STeurv i' 'ate and the Judge Adrocate freteral), arid contains' 2j p. liaises. li'ifFEMS' Lri'im EILL. TVs is a till for Letter ircambenti of ecclesiasti cai bejtTres to demise the lands belonging to their bene fiow on fxrta'ng leases.

It is also prepared aal hroosht ia ty JKO. tiraham and Mr. NichjU, ani coatiias nAr ni'emHw aein, tbe want af annul of Kirhwl rww.Ti.. corn fa r. aisy at af lock.

Jme i. was .1 which if adraneed Martha (latlimore. daaxhter of the last witr.a rani bered Conrera coming to br house on Sontlsy morning, and iakinc for her hasbaad. She heard him tell her husband he might hare inoney for voting for Herri. II was to hare.

ih Her huaband received It. oa the day polling, nd'2J. next day. The witneas waa erosa' examined by Mr. Austin, who prore that her hashand had been disfranchiaed, and had been tried and convicted for some offence.

JnaenhTahemor (examine! Sriant Wranghaa) stated he lived with hi father, JohnTabernor: that on the merntng before the election, about 12 he law a person named ajer, who was a hatter. He heard Mayer aav, Yote for li arris, and be weutd arive my lamer. 111 lamer said howoald so. Marer then rare biat 2s. 6d.

to drink I le esw the sitting member some into the town. Sxw Mayer the leame.t eonne.1 tbat the tiribeTT oath mi ht hlf met II S'riorfc. oe Ilkiei, rwiiJM I tvuuii.iT, au r. Zl I f.t. ne, ana noweri teteaea enormnos pnee ai eiecucaa.

i ne next was the ease of (teorge Wood the younger, who was" offered handful of cold to obtain his father vote. The lat ln "eeth'r. Ke.wfck.1 imteriend. Uoot rcsaofcctarer. Nay SS.

Jme it. at nkW k. at th lee." Iui. Keaexk aaic Kn atr. l.

Kemrk. Jwei.h Itr.eaTanl. lUTeinraa iire. jrmmrr, i. eeinof eiwlmii Uleat, imuAW faitt.

and a inrtana ertrea ricld Btxaaiers. Tmieh Ptar. T. JAMRSX THKATRR. Kbit stTwet.

(rvond Appaaracc ot Jian m. uejsaei. ca was that of James Tritn. who was promised 2V. if he the Hr.wnrni White; tJT hTa Tlmnrrr LES would go la his waggon to Soraerton, tne aeat ol Mr.

nil aad iieiJoi row; arn ViT 'JZ li I prxMIP.RE AaMKPE ICIIKLIEC le Dnc de I. alien, ney. aeaior. in order to get himont of, the w.y.t the elee UnT krSdir 1 a itorV XU tH Pnjeu box ar al eckeat MrJ kjkMT. lion.

there being no poesTbOity of gaming a promi for Mr. KrfWr. Inrrr, XJ Old Hoad.swt. Tb. th tbeatr.

fc pea I'innev. There was, however, said rl Cockbdrc, another i.m. caa o'f briherv in carious waVi it Appear that Messrs: I enr tnck, LiTtrono pb'r eR. Li'lTi: r.wp niRsTRe Klnetraet. (rsbnme an' a Mr.

Acning wer under a contract to iir! IiiiiiTlfordrowat M. Cn sop 'aad TFilS fUrr WltT DOBLRR ill bav benonve build a wall fer the cerporation, but the work had come iiaaij'L LiTna4. taoaUie hts aorTTia perfoemaaea of JCATrRAL AQXC. Tbe inITtammenU tt ittrSSed iato tea parts. ccimsnein at ft rork Iby Mr.

IMnneythev agiwed to give him "Jf1 Jast before the election the was pyen by I Jmf aust ir. rinney, ana ice two loornri ana Anwng ac Cirding to their p'ronii. Tne learned geidlemaa thea proceeded to enumerate a list of. house which were opened for th benefit ef the elector by Iinaey' ager.U.

aa I concluded by stating that it was his ir tention to proceed first with th scrutiny, in order to plaoe hi client in majontr; which he firmlr believed his opponent wonliLnot be able ultimately to reduce. The vote Thomas Jackson waa then objected to Jjy Mr. (irtitT on the ground of removal. Amongst the witnesses called to prove this objection was John Shannon, who deposed that he went into the hnos vacated by Jackson on th 19th nf Jane, 13(1. Tb election took place on the Cross examined ry Jir.

1 ai hot. otea ior jnr. iidwj, llejuwrr. leeila ic era Tuu" pnKra.T. ami (lM "e.ilhaniPton l.lU.liaita.

4 bacfrry iana aai eiea rii wia eaa ey "vr I8 1 we i inwj .1. ui Hna.i ia vritia.m rteimftaH. Mcha ter. rotrrmii on roelii, may mu It. ats.irtnrk at tf.e 1 inner, rrm ei Mewe.

Makinaonand Hm court. nld.T.apar anotMawrs. Atktnwwi aTl Awodrra. MnncheOn la Kohett Wsln. raise.

Uvw.dilre. nuantsrfom.Uar II at It k.Jnn.7.all sttl eoBihir. Arm. ,11 Kei. KtjhW7T abire aolieitorx.

Hakma. Ill.iaai, and ce 1 losweu and Mr. Ili.I luln. nnvlbirn. Jo eeh llirLl fd ij Jtaaw at II ICtarQ Mr.

Iijb Lueuter place. tlu. lL.f..h.n lrt. wdi3l. MstTT.

A. ann RiTars. Kahara. br.wwr Isr it wtWii an.1 T. lleaVT.iimtTrniitv wholeaJestat ire a er It Itenttre.1.

UaH.iuauo a. rr' jr 1 I' Rautht. Iw tin. Nee 1. Vamen Ml: 17.

l. I low b.n.1, lloleun. ha.n ir Mar K. Oileas, ttntkiner. TlaV 11.

1 eer after the poU on puUing dar. lie came 10 our nouae, ana ana answerea wms uun man e. Tril TlTi i. 1. Witt i.

aaid. I have brot the money here the V. 1 promised qualiticaUon at th time ha ves pal on the register la lb J'fJS'mt joc." He the g5 try father the money. He flrat put it alrmatire. m.

MniU nerrtnt. May 11. Kajkmr.r aad J. nnier the uhle. but afrwards took it ap (Cd gave it my I Mr.

TaLBOI. Did voa not knnw yoa told a falaehoo.1 Irraren. WakrtiL Vurkahre. cem oiii; I ir tYitreaa waarrnaaiamined bv Mr. wtio elicited rrreealar it is an nmversalpractice not to eliatt evidence in r.

Newataad. Manrtiea irrif. imini. M.T 11. T.

fouiwrf. I CeawT tt3 o'clock. Tl.tMb!!Cat a fee aomllllMed at a onartat tc tejberdarssoesi. stll. LOS DOS.

SATURDAY, MAT 7. 1M2. In tie; HouTe of Lords last night the liiafacp of too. All he wanted now was au mj. aoaffiaW Such cases ought not to be considered as the mere r'affiirsofthecaxididates.

It wasnot fit that a candidate should buy a whole constituency as at ottmgnam, and then sell it to the petitioner against mm. as any man here so bold as to refuse him an inquiry He hoped to hare his motion seconded by the right hon. member for Nottingham, whose character" waa so Jieply He concluded by movie? for a committee of inquiry. Mr. Hexkt Ttitzrot, one of the sitting members for Lewes, seconded the motion.

lie challenged inqr iry. He had petitioned for a seat which he con isidered justly his own. and was he to Mame for i talcing possession of it when conceded to him surely was not bound to incur the expense of 4 three weeks' prosecution for the sake of the public; whea he was called on to act as public prosecutor he should" expect a large salary, lie had been party to no pecuniary, to no unworthy, compromise and in hie life he had never, directly or indirectly, sought vote iy corruption. Mr. ElrEis STONE said a few words, which were inaudible.

Ciptiin Plchsjdge solemnly protested that' he thai he was dmnken ArtiDated fellew. bat" faletd to shake one case that ia mtea led to te apV'ied to another. hi evMeiire on the kxin coiat. 1 Mr. TatbOT.

I hale a right to Sarah Fallows, Ann Faleiws, and Mary Fallows ttere then 1 to impeach the trifimony of the witneas. Celled, and prorcl divers pavmeats 01 amai; iwbim moier br Marer to electors foir their vote, but nothing far ther of any materia! was elicited, and, 4 o'clock having arrived, The coiubiktre was fcdiiorni till it o'clock lo dey. interest of the sittinr member was pr JteC ed by Mr. Austen SHraifP BEMtTE rMr.TJbot,andMr. i nis ao abatract of returns of fee reeeired by therfls i Tje tjert thecaamittee was aboit to rea 1 the petition, oepote cr tbeir substitute in each county ia Scotlaod, for Mresadsfce, the act and 3d' Victoria, cp.

II 'tjt ArIEv said, he did not require the petition to be on aceuaat of any inspection of propeiey, examuxation i bat 4n objection the face of it to one of es Ac. The retarn was trwred for by Mr. Fox ty, anecatin namely; an interlineation of the words th e. P. for Pertk, the ex Under Secretaryeof State for rost ofEce.

The precefiqg sentence set forth that persons Ifarjne it. iemrJoved in co'liciinr. th duties of tbe Excise aad other dj ie. were diaqualified, and t.en fallowed th interlineation presenfid several petitions, compUinicg of th? ereployment of very younjr ehildren of both sexes ir. the most severe dradfrery of the collier.Js a subject to which, it will remembered, we celled attentim yesterday.

IAF tiwiu.ia: depreccted anv laierferenec on tie pirtv the Ltpsldture with the right cf not paid, teat ne naa not promises to pay, anat sT. ject ihoosei hit own oecns of suba jtence, aad that he did not intend to pay, one shilling in res teet utgeTnfie i ecetsity. iT restriciion were imposed in of his late election. th case el the collUries, of extending the inquiry Mr.VYSN moved the adjournment of the debate, intt every branch of labour ic which chudren nen and was seconded by Mr. Wsrd.

Jlr. Wvra re emplayeil. commended it to the house in future to exertise more The Marqi is of LortsoNTiEatT declared that ir; sererity than heretofore against witnesses committed the districts the Tyn and Wear such Lardshifis for prevarication, who had hitherto been let ctt with as those described in th" petittjns preeented were periods of imprisonment far too brief. wholly Mr. Waklet wished the bquiry to go a great' The Xarduis tf J'oaAitY expltined that the in deal further than the few cases now mentioned.

Mar Jan at i r.Te. tven intended to inclcle the case of There were 50 auite aa Bad. vKFrS iS iSa2 tVdoeii HchUdwnloYea ittafanoriHcriftoni: ThedeUtewas then adjourned to Monday and Cambric. It is with much satisfactwn we.Iesrn, i far iidkett. Kettiu.

rorwtir, juy ii. an nocon, ana iori rawiiiiAai uiuua isv uku uiio cujapiueeon jo afartconneeWwiithe Ccme tax Bill. contended, from tite lot; wages they obtained, in On the first rule of the first case ia scheluie to be very advatagi fo tlut part of Ireland, the." iteOHiJ on.qiaade. (axwbrse iosition than fcd colliers. for assessing the profits of trades, some discussion nnuning oi tne cam one eiuaiio.

r. female 'portion rf 6' ot ttmiUs sttheirown, ts as.l!s. fia. Ka IJeJId. cKRllFtCA' tobearantad.

i'w canet ba shown ta a The committee decided that 1 question to be rat. I snewitn xuea aiiswxrw. iui 11 llniiertwi, .1. and J. Atexeuoer.

uwnei, k. bl a f.Whmt. K. HrhL IVM re t. Ktrand.

J. Jaa bv Mr. tva0Hh. Itl not remove all Im i onter. omw.

or ian 7 v. 1. i and KiBve, buffonWwte, ron iuanufacMrcr. gooda from fc previoas place of abode, an 1 paid real np to iKWimton. Oert fibne.

ratiledaajer. LYME REGIS. This comraittoe met yes'erdsy at II o'clock, to inquire iato th validity of the retarn of Mr. Pinney, Mr. B.

liawe ia tae cna o'clect at the I6A of JrJv. Jackson tad nuut ten on um preaaue wtott ii eKurCsTUTTONS. after tbe af on. rnrH Am.t. Fatkirk.

Marl. JucS, Vot bad. antruck 02 th aitting memoers. poll. Had Um Ian.

Valkirfc. nhl ed to br MrWranrharc lohn Bremner. rnxnofaclureT. If, Jaw.

i. it I ow k. ja' at lou. lairkavly. 1 i vi.V ih.

Ton of Foli Wward tik 1 1. vTVaV of person. you report cl thr Kobert syeec i lest rugbt otV fU pjous to signatare, otherwise the allegation con who were aasembled rauna a cab tbt si I tvned in thatphraae muat be atiATidoned. lae iie otjctioi. streei, nexr tne tnrapiae, "le hoku member for SJiahary aaid.

ti at there was a hf iheS ufhamiiton and I'ortariirg'nn leaning in ore corner and qaite deaf. Ce dnverot mi Tut MaRTVs' Mr.Mor.IIL. The statues of tiajsri onthbcCch there prt ttwigl whe 'he ckargea containicg the u.teri:net!in i cab tn cotejan and unit the dirv.i.o luo atf nj,,, hirh hare dee'gned and ttf Ear rnVr and the ctrncadnity wtrecf LiVral nWa'ons. Therefor if the Tetitijni not tt: 4 stable. cnevel t'e body, immediately to lAmbetl.

fih rh tf wjrk hr Mr. teek a.the sea', rtcr. arrived they lii, r. aMitior.VofyooMrvatir raagistrates. cond ron to prove' tLa" these words tfol; place ho.i.

xfterwarls Mr. Kyer, eurgeo.V Utencec. ana U3tf sad'havebeentafelv V.aced la the nict trtfK A. Fel) war of opinion they thonga." ial a aa rrn d. tH netition jt be read as if after exatnina on said, that life bad been ext.

vct aumt aaii rwcrrinn. tfrrjJL sud i'fer rschaa ad ii' ion would tend to remove aoy wi. tb, iVatotce were not ia an honr.and in hii opinion deati hdbva prodcra x.u,noss OlTLAWRT. We are a rner' recMtiiral or py aieeas oi jieajr. iwuinira.v 4d Aprs Another petition on the sa tneqution from Sit arose whether the returns should be made upon the iv i.j:a; ays.

jj a ii Lord Wimchilsea. last vear. or upon an averase of the three years prt Uisrni ra a short conversa.tion, in which the ceding it. rerus aiaoe might tab there! ui 1 yf CotKBtK. tn ii'd tkat id.

tv i.V Mrt on the corztsarative Mr proposed the last Year as the best. To arerus prx cf Brcwa or ixmm a adranti2M to the lafcesirer ot emp.vymen: agn n. i ejl jm whjiii, uetri ius. aos Cran culture anc n.vinufiUtirrs. The "fmbjeci th tridrrr wiuld rather take the averaje ef the thre drorped i years than last year aioae ana mat it ouji jis rsnui aftiru ii hit bill be les'.

to adhere to that proposed avera fee s. iwilsiinn cf l4ti)k coxmittcr of tie Mr. thought it. was due to capitaSast rented fcl vfly expliine.l that its objeci that the house ahould pt on from day to day with ie ea additional jwirs to ob tni ao i nM awleti wit! wae rner' recMciral or; py oi ti. tn state that tb ntriranh the ahere ad a potion, aul that th ler af anypmo: to tbe coatr.rj pws! ot koartf! in liiSa; Mr.

was to mat toxtxxcjni. aarwMl jerex, aw r' Hew tter.ea.a I U.otght, t0 'k r. miat that the aJd alt ret. on took Fl ron tn Ilighrreet. I.ambeth, whe stated OMrc, of tbe creditcrs of a Ai5srd eJeWna rrotection Sir R.

sail. Stfch is pioceedmj would ten ffeWfeMiiHi. ba I ire.iiasly to the ncreestnr qaarter pa a acwrlc he vvaa engaged to the who Prear. amonr tVe list of ct ltaln Tidnce, and afeo esa. rroc I bar rr to the JiabsWy J.j jTftl eabmuted to the House fVoa No.

St. JohnVwood, Vc Ao. UouJ red. hi. ro UswWj cf to the witnesses they nig, xa.

to ame, aaa Mmi aB. eMtrar fa tr Ilor.acd I Uv sever lrd 'riant hop, oat rwcailre4 io tss lirM of a jtrand street. aattalt Wwh hv i an Jr: K. irv iscnssios ensued portd if, ta.order ta rehevt the commeradl worW tig rirat three ar twiamslti Ltbere'r, Ai to replied, and submfttid that ti UJ beer, met Her mutrees gar Id. to pay ttirnpik, and 'hi'Xaedci to Blackwai aid otter ctaaeadtTanex a VCt of a2? af persioES Uons.

In the present Uncertainty no Oia knew aad wd aerxati bat th TownCoan be Coa evasion initead of an answer. In th mwrt fff the "were given that she ahoold be dmen with all ITZ 0,1 ft1t Vvehi nertoVeetfor pAayJetaenyjielr UftM thuit had beeaTeld neci; to B' untotMlZtefo Iwtha4 cast by tbe latter nobleman; the nig raagts what to buy or to selL politieal Tbe Mayor is a mtrat. w. for petilioa.r to pr.ev the word, interlined' tt dmer deacended he Jiox. and afta jj House ad Mr.

M. ATTWOOD was understood, to prefer 4, ro ar4 cuaa am.a.ratet. theexpU.tron of th iri rrlsepd wto of Sunderland turn computed on the arofiU rf tlie last Year a three Liberal, I im. Sir, year very obedient treef, May 6. W.

B. BRUDIK. 'The LotDO." TAvrjyilln explanation of the remark mad in our report of lb Jews' Orphan Anylam feAtivalfatth London Taeei ajei tb exceeding poverty of atrtauiraent, hare baea rqatttd ta State that th piupriatora of that renowned establiskmsnt wart ia no degre rpiUs th quality of tb far, aad ia ocaaeauanc of the rehgwu acrcpl cf tU Hebrews tha diancr wu for Awad. lom. cf that pCTvuaien.

The CiiiiaiiaN anaoanced the resolution of the commit v. roonael far th Dtitionr mast either aeeoaat or th words the Pot fScs," which had been iaterlind. or th committed woaid resva tM peuiitm a me wvms were not in it. Mr. CocKBCaV then aaid be W73lo give er UM Ul fact.

8om dslaj occarred, whsa Mr. CocxEtas said ha had aa spshcatioa, td max to commUtee, which, in fairtr thought thy srooU lisUn' ta tb petitiua had km vgro by a gotloxn tt the samaoi H4, tikswaa it'thaofUeof th. ajenU it tat fl no tKa aet bv hT aid. br bOXM billg Abbey road, on tho cadersUaaing that was to retarn when better iu her pockeU th na of Is. 9J.

fouadU ndai a few timing arueic. roiicw cooataoie mw qoanUy rrpaird to th AbUy road, when the raistreai ataud cdL.tLS. Kaea Ql far several aUva. hat added, that leaai Ldaa that ah was near bar trad. It wa ala aisoartainavl, thaA a Um days sine soma castor ban har by a maxiioai tatitlegan in thl nsnghboatrhaod, who that th ahoil rspfor a av7iwa Tw.

knde as a corooar's iaflaeat. WCn it tht ptx tpi tvpirt pa Ukt pbset, VdAAAd' wVa VS a ease tsaa.aJT UA UUUwV wJ tabl aV rw taaw a rivr. Soon' altar flsod tide, tb Tname from W.nolwtch Harwich: and Lew.t ctI' composition for the whslt period on the basis ef to Shad well, td great namber, of vsl no ottmgh i ewa tain lnterrosiones, amoucuag to a atmana each whether lid had been nartV to the hrwhins' Mr BiILXT bought it hard tbat a man gettinf proceedings for bribery before an election cou" Profit year should taxed on an tstimata raijtea by any amnjreinent for the towi rt'" ur J9 mj ejthaiavti t. pmerrea int wm yaarr aTtra Kcicinj, aaa vyirstf; opuuva Hiaa gtvgca.j to i warda. had th Appaabraa.ce of a thickly plantad fbrewt.

As that tide iocreaaea raei lerg tonnag mad tke appe.V aaee, and ajtofnb? acen was an ol most rxaturatiag; daacrrtioo. aad anrft ad aa not. oaai. wntaewaau I or many veanpaat. Calliaions, occaakxially, ia eonejanc th crowded statf of th rivav, lear ha rpily IiUl daman waa doo.

Thd nsmUr of va.ti that arrrred aad TtatMdt Btnung cav.

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