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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 11

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMESi TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1896. 11 POLITICAL NOTES. rtttrr that aa tctinwtioc las vn conveyed tamWn that Government have to withdrew Clause of th Iruh I and IU1 "pta of rrocrdar for fixing judicial rtmt and for th rlos ttmiwntUl tUrt to, and iih th new clause irojwiwd (a lien of lY. lv lx resolv imt to pro. to Clause unlet the stiv ef the teoaots are willing accept he nr'4lPctaUy alter the situation, sad there i now rcrct irxt? TO DAYS ARRANGEMENTS.

Tb BiaUy Rlfl Meeting. London Counly Council Meeting, Special Funeral Kervle for Bit Augustus Pegt at Ht flehl Pariah Church, SO (train Imim Kmg's cros 2 30). International Cocfcrcne to consider Proposals for an International Catalngu of hcievitifle Lrteratore. Op.n ing of Confer nc at llurlingtou hooaa. Dinner to the Delegates ly the Royal Society at Hotel M.tro ioi, r.

The National Tnut for Place of Historia Interest. Ann'tal llteticg at Gttwveuor house. Tb Duke of at tie licyal Institution, Albemarle street. 4 rmiN, Lambeth ralace, 11 30 the measur itt paw wituia to Wcatminwhrr in the ehslr. I 30 Palestine L'xplcrat on Puad Annual General Meeting Jit to rrsponsiWlity Tor V' 1 Canterbury Diocesan Confe rerark atlriNitcd to him in cctawx.on tm, 2 of Conservative UM sports cumN rrr.1.1 Flnt liars Show for to.

fV Saturday. According to th Otnrr, tha taonom and ThursJar alto). jrcllemaa said that "many ot his polittcal yr Vanghsn Wtlliims distributes rrlres at ioMBuabJ that if era to Jrrot Oharinc croao llmKUl MoJIcal cbooj. 4. tim foif aai noc to tha trxmtioa i uUic rrt urh Nat'ouai V.v IWou 0 Courwl, th Prroch of tl oatioh taicbt in a mom i Ambaador, iwiw tbo Fmibh Colony in LooJuu, A to, be 1 rrea ''r itiaj untie aa the oc t4 the fcooour jj jX ttal aftruo tbo (lOtrausrut majority, Sir WCliam Harrourt aa aJmiiUvl to be JVfirBUj oiiftt roach buj po aUouh ritU hoa.

fMt.m nlcrnj are aurl tbat not one worJ of tau wa ur Half cor. Wo may aJ4 that net ono word w.rVoamlM Tk Ttm rrrt of Mr. Hatfour' iKCt nbtfh iaaod in lh noisbbocrhood dr alraaorJ. tbc rccreU rn ajj cUwr bo the ita caa ir Fraivia Eran. M.l) ani Jireotor.

of the Coijoy to rrvl from liolybeaa ta iat ta ffh LoaJoa tntil wwrlay tc nice tour after tbo rcoranue If tb i bad rem on a of boura later li TtI ecali bar rrocvexJeJ k1o1j up Ctacoa ith iusrr ret the ecjiUcci? of the eUy Ulra tacerUin jaOTemrot and in tbo jBtfaace there wai notbin; for it bat to lie to until tMt yiiX could be obs.iwsl. Seeral Bmlr of tbf rar bai nrjeat ecfaffjumia in tbo for niay fraoon and they tad iatruted tbcmwlvc JTir lrati Erana a keeping iu the Wlief that 40 s2J be the Miiaa aaoouat of time requu rd fj tr.p ia Jixr oi. that they nouli ivturn to ttrj en rU on Monday nlf bt. all on aiTd tha? delay ma. the on'y jundent course.

Ih, rarbanentry contingent bich joined the Scot HcIybeaJ on SaJariay 'n included tho wOer. 1L Herbert Gladftoce. Sir Uaard CUrke. Walter Tor r. Sir John OoloaiS, tittKtal Laurie, E.

Kcbertaoc. Mr. Aird. Oayr, ilr. Woodall, OttCoc, and 6a William tfun.

Amoncst other oe iri Mr. Bimi Gully, Sir David Xontant, Sir Mtaj Onananey. Sit F. rdainc. Lord Ciaud llaadWB.

Colonel U. W. Campbell, Mr. A. E.

Uueat, bir waiiam Dr. K.rrier, Dr. Ord. Dr. frseaTbacpwo.

Mr. Cbarlea Ilotrard (AaaUtantom DiM ffxr MetropolHaa Police), Sir W. Howard KusaJl, fir Sioud Black, and Mr. W. L.

Cocrtuey. Aaaistirg ftf Iraneia Ktac. on behalf of the Union Company. Mr. W.

M. Farmer (depaty ciuinaan), Ocnoral ManbaXMr. U. W. MayBard, Mr.

W. S. Nicholaon. aaJ MrTVolf. XUP.

(diwetori). aiJ Mr. E. A. Hart (atcntary).

The fin Imea of the Soot bar been in to way impaired by the draatie treatment which haa received attht banda cf Mettra. Harland and A. Since her lat tct to tha Cap ahe baa been cot in two that Mft. ndjet added to bet lecfth. with the reault that bet cargo eapaeity baa been Tartly eclarfed and ber obm accommodation baa been improved.

The dimes awn of tha eeaeel tew are Lfrjth over all, 566ft. twtwesB prrpendicnlar. Mil Lreadth. Mft. depth.

Sift. and croaa tonoa, T.815. Whether the lenU ea mf of the atrp will aSeet ber aeawoRhiscu remaini to area expert, however, have oo fear on the pout. Eleven BiSi bar Uen dealt with by ttandicg com. Colleje for Wcrtine atret i Summer r'cUTl, Mr.

Itryca the ebair, 8. lloyal Horticultural Society' Svcial Rom Show, Drill: i' all, jAmra atreet. Wefm rutrr, 1 5. The Itcv. J.

Ill IVinbertoa on New Uoe," 3. Sbaftcftbury Institute Mi: Sir Horace Farqnbar prtaidrt at tho Annual Mrrting at Stafford houne.i 30. 1'copte'i Palace Exhibition ef Kait London Injuatriai. Sir HcT.rr and Idy Trucmau WoihI's Keciption. Healthv and Artitl Urea Union Annual Iteoeral Meeting, CavrndUb'rOoma.

Mortimer rtrret, t. Rritifli Ortiban Aivlum Election at Cannon itrect Hotel at 12 o'clock. Cocrt Theatre PrtHlui tian of The IloneurahU iltmbcr, 2 30. Comjany Meetinen Cre.tit Index. Caunan rtreet Hotel, 2.

Ent)li Crown Sielter, ueen itreet place, 3. llhrrmiey Iron, Caunon trret Hotel, 12. United liiter Plate Telejhone, incbratcr boui, 12. Lnnu TcanU Cliampionahip, A.E.L.T.C., Wimbledon, 3 43, Newmarket Second July Meeting (first day). PAllLIAMENTAHY NOTICES.

HOUSE OF LORDS. JCLT 14. STiJCPIKO COMUITTTS. At a quarter patt 5 o'clock. rihoric Acta Amendment Bill.

Trut (ScoUand) Hill. JSOTIC11 AND ORM3U Of THI SAT. At half patt o'clock. Vexatious Action Kill, Second reading. Chairmau of District Council Uitl, Sorocd reading.

Ind Charge 1 '4 11 Third reading. Agricultural Land Rating Hill, Committee. Liverpool Court of Passage Hill, Report of amendments. Lord Stanley of Aldorley, To ask a qneation with reference to the Fubcriptioiu of municipal corporation to the Awociation'of Municipal Corporations. Yiacvunt do Vcaci, To ak the l'ontmastor Ocneral a to the arrangement for the cew Irh mail contract ia April, lb.1", for expeJhing the night mail and pawnger train between London (Eu.ton Station) and Kuigstown and from Kingstown to London (Euston Lord Orertotm.

To aak tbo Socretarr of State for Scotland whether it ia tha intention of the (lovemment to introduce during the prvent Seaaion a Hill for the atsimilstion of the Scotch and English Police Penaion Acta. HOUSE OF COMMONS, July 14. Kills OF TH PAT. Agricultural Rate (ScoUand) Bill, Seoood reading. Finance Bill, Report.


niTiOTO. A Renter telegram announce that M. IHtroro, tha Russian Minister to Japan, died suddenly yeaterday at Peteraburg from an aneurism. In recent year the name of M. nitrovo ha been rarely mentioned In tha Pre si, but there wa a time, and not very long ago, wben he played a not inconsiderable part la the diplo macT and politic of South Eaatem Europe.

He wa (Ireland) fwl, by the Committee on Law. One measure is awaiting consideration the Mine Bill Trade). Eighty vote have still to be disposed cf in Com EiGe cf Supply, baring been agrenl to oat of a total cf 174. VJE rthe.Ccllir: i lru probably in the. thirti.

for he looked a man of twnTJtrade Dispute) BO, and the Boards of Concilia I about 60 year of aga, and thoagh hi dark hair and tion (No. 2 Bui, by the Committee on Trade and the beard had Tecently become aim oat white he still seemed FeneSoe BUI, the foor Law fccferannuauon fa tb, Dt Ue.and longed for a position of greater TBLle S'LsS ty that of Rujian MU. at Tokto That poai wa, UMiefiu, Tncu uj uuu, mm wm u. a a' kind of honourable exile, to which he bad been condemned in consequence of (too indiscreet and too unscrupulous activity nearer home. During the earlier part of hi career, (peat for the most part in the Consu 1st service, he did not specially distinguish himself, being regarded a a man of considerable intellectual power and cultivated tastes, but indolent and sybaritic, and very deficient in what wa should call regular busi nes habit.

In the laVer part of the Turkish campaign of 1877 76 he wa attached to tha Headquarters Stafl in a semi diplonutia capacity, and resided for some time at San Stefano after the preliminary treaty bad been signed at that place. With retreat of the Russian army from the neighbourhood of Constantinople after the Congress of Berlin, hi connexion with the Headquarters Staff came to an end, but be continued to watch very closely, a Consul General at Salonika, the development of event. In the Balkan Peninsula, and be was soon enabled to take part in them by being appointed Consul General and Diplomatic Agent at Sofia. This was at the tima when Alexander of Battenberg wa preparing hi little coup which resulted in a temporary suspension of the Constitution of the Principality. M.

Hitrovo did not approve of the line of policy adopted by the Prinos', but he supported in consequence of instructions received from St. Petersburg, and there Is no doubt that to this support the success of the Prinoe in carrying hi point was largely due. Tho service thus rendered nau Tsi Coal Tudc A demonstration, attended ty oer 20,030 miners, took place at Chesterfield yesterday Booluticns were adopted declaring adhesion to tie principles of the Miners n. a living wage, and ajaast the continuation of the Conciliation Board, theM principle mere maintained independent of sky Vairssn. The meeting furtbrr protested against ur Employers' Liability Act that does cot aV lish the perrussive clauses of the It? Act appealed for an eiftt tours day from bask to bank, sxa a new Mines Lw on tha lines laid down by Mr.

Pickard and pro tevd against ne beiag made legal. Mr. Haaiam, pnerai secreury, said the Derbyshire union had a LJan: the back cf 29,000. hich wa a gain of Xv.M on the year. They had solid the heart of Iertyshire with them in the action thiy were taking on th question, thoagh he did not think they would Lw to fght.

Mr. T. V. Bolton, said they did set waat to limit employers' liability, but wanted to sir ecployers. tied with fair nponaiuiity.

and those a.cyed to easily obtain' redress wh entitled to it. Ur. Thomas Bayley, M.P.. and a large collierv ro Ptof, id they were in troubled times, bat that he stua.d keep his lands cl aa so as to ad visa either side to peace and faa plav, bat if he were a miner he soa.o the Miners' Union and loyally carry out the tnsrat laid down the Miners' Federation. Mr.

It. 1 JU M.P., said coalowner might have lost on one eatViTrrmoT by.uomU.ion to the will of the Rua.Ua lci merely paid tut made immense uovernmeus uu iia uuij k. from this time may be oaiea us commencement ei uu Jfssu, and. hat was more to the point, thci were csg profit to day. Sa PntB Eolis's The General fptt, Committee of the Loui Couttv Council tat ia cocuexicn with the resolution of the lac JJie 40 that a prnsion of a year be granted to Sir Peter Edlin on his resigning Lis chairrran of the Loudon Court of Quarter ws.

a letter has been received from the Home wry stating that Sir Peter Edlin Lad iatin ated to ffittntim to resign his efSre. and his iLss discharge the du'ies of Cm pi until bis should be appointed and was prered to take The Home Secretarv also stated that lm Perjaed it would be in accordance with the wishes of ocacii abd would trod to the public tiat hir Peter EAlin .1 jrrsijtiLeotj or the vacancy were complete. Home Secretary called attentiou to the tf tS4 cUon 42 of the Local Govtrnojent Act with rtrferince to the power of Uu Council to fusion her Majesty the Queen on tho subj ct of the HMntnEt of a raid chairman, and of. a ijufy chair 0f dejy chajjmec as the case might be, of the siais, nd to the power vested in the Ixindon Conacil by section 42 (7 to submit to the of State a schema for regulating the holding "uru of quarter sessions In London. Tl.e com t't they are considenng the point raised in Jrwr letttr, and hope shortly to report to the BnrcAiiAjr SIu.tKjrjriaL ExniEmojr.

The Mayor presided yesterday at the Manrioo bousa a meeting of the London eommittre of th Hcn fw MOxnial Exhibition. A letter was rwad from Hsyter Chubb, a member of the committee, 7 just returned from Budajet. rtating that be wa ni'jst favourably impresaed, cot nlv with the xtmt cf the exhibition, but alc with tho ex of the txiibiU, tn tho various IjJ. baildings in the ground. Thee were of ex JijAfy tnterest to foreign visiter.

Having seen rT the jreat cxhiUtions of the present generation. CviTl00 Station in aaying that that at Budapest 0t suffer in Ul. Tr Felt, rmxna (the hon. sUted that nearly two JT uitors Lad already sn the exhibitkMi. Mr.

one of the directorate of the exhihition at Uuda fci2. Prvtnt, nd who was made an hon. iJJi'y of the committee, took occasion to thank tho 1JJJ'V extent aa tht rmpils of the Enrlish, would 'jfS with tbrf gretcst pleasure and i JT. 11 from tbis country. The srere that a ball in ceicbrat on of the miil.n iT would take place to night at Prince eaX.

wds of which would be given to the Js Huaganan Aid Society. Mr. John Barker was a member of the committee. "ICA I'ATEjfrs. Messrs.

ITorn, Son, and ijzZ! 10 from the Itritish and Voreign Patent Manufactun rs and shipper who rUdi Mexican paUnts for inventions will bo Uat ucntions patented in Mexico arc to rwjUred to be rrjLiufactured ia aat country. We Jot rcie4 official laforroatioa that by Act of approwl on the 2nd 'tnt Law of 1850 requiring patents 5 within five years cf issue, has been re eM tnderate renewal fee, tayUe every five Weali tiluted. The fell term of the Woia, 7to pitcMs which Lave already witti ImT It no 1 aving Uen worked Wt reri.II ltx if Prompt atepa are taken, now sssiiul od vaUd again ly payment of the Mral fee before HestemsWr 6 ae." TU nieuheun, cruiser, Cpt. E. 8.

Po, left Chatham yesterday af ternoun to join the Channel Squadron. During the time she ha been at Chatham the damage she sustained through striking a sunken wreck In the BalUu has bean made good, and the vessel Las also undergone her annual refit. She will, therefore, not have to retain to Chatham at the close of the maneuvres. The Arethusa, cruiner, Capt. O.

C. Langley, is to be paid off at Chatham the 22nd and paraed into the Division of tho Fleet Reserve to undergo a thorough overhaul. Tie Crescent, cruiser, Capt. P. Powtll, flagship of Viee Adiniral J.

E. Erskine the Intrepid, cruiser, Capt. A. W. E.

Frotbero and the Tartar, cruiser, Comrnsnder P. G. Stopford, arrived on Sunday at Quebec and will leave for Halifax on Saturday. The iTliice battleship, Capt.H. It.

Robinson, wa yesterdi of the Fleet Kcierve by Octoljer 31 the Lauds have been directed to work 26 per cent, overtime till further orders. Capt. It. F. llammick yesterday handed over the command of the cruiser Nelson at Portsmouth to Capt.

S. A. Johnson, and to d.iy Capt. llammick leaves for Chsthsji to assume coromawl of the Fleet Reserve, (Fbox Liotd', Ad.) THE MAILS. Tha P.

and O. s. Himalata, from London for Australia, left DrindlTat midnight on Sunday with the London mail of tie 10th and the Oakoes arrived at Bombay on Sunday morning with the London mail of June C. The ClTbC, from Venice for Port Said, left Briadisi at 2 a.m. yesterday.

Tb Malta, from Calcutta for London, arrived at Colombo yesterday afternoon. The Maxaoos, from Japan for Bombay, left Ilcog kong on Sunday afternoon. The FonnosA, from Ixiodon for Japan, arrived af IVnang on Sunday after noin. London for Sydney, arrived at Adelaide at 7 a.m. yesterday with the Australian mall.

The JIlEZirrinr. from lUimha, for China, and the Rome, from Lon lon for Sydney, left Colomboyester wiui uie lduu idi Australian maiia re mectivelv. Tha ItHITlvvtl firm pltrfnev. tensed strsmed' alorig.ide 0w dockyard at Portsmouth trfe' lJ. tor V'7tlt rt Dut5t; T1" SfattA, from Calcutta, arrivol at Colombo yesterday, rday.

In order to complete her for the A Division from 1Io' riltd at on I fidsy evening. Toe Orient Line s. Orcba, from Sydney for Loo Jon, left Albany at 5 p.m. on Saturday. The AcsTUAl.trom Lcndoo, srrivrd at Sydney at 7 a.m.

on Sunday. The Onxrz left Gibraltar at noon yesterday, and due at Plymouth at 4 p.m. on Thursdsy. The Royal Mail s. CLYDE left Buenos Avres for Southampton at 6 p.m.

oh Friday. Tho Das CUE, from The Adaiuelty yacht ueb.ntrea, Staff.Commander 1' 1U it" i i.i 2 i at 3 p.m. on Sunday. The Paju, from Southampton, P. W.

Oulcss. is orJerel to be at Cowes during the at Iiarlados at 8 a.m. yesterday. Tho ilxi yachting week. Ycitcr lsy the naval authorities at Portsmouth were requested to send ajisistance to the Indrsil, ConimanJer R.

E. Berkeley, as in tho, collision with the Siren ber fore roxpartment was stove io, and she was saved from sinking wily by Iht walertight lulkhead. The tugs Dromrdary aud Camel were at once ordered to Portland, an.i ia.i 1 apt. vow ana r. Lnn.lon for New Zealand oorts.left Hobart ve.t.rdav.

with 30 shipwright and riggers snd three fliwnglors, Tie I iritish aDd Africau Company's s. Bom A left Grand were directed to accompany tne lugs dsry had railed with tb. prrscnncf inlelligruct' was received at Portsmouth that thi Land' WAT left Barbados for Plrmouth at ti.m. on Satur day Messrs. Donald Currie and s.

Dqpsc Castlk left Palmas for London at tt p.m. en Saturday. The Wakwh CadTLF, from LonJuu, arritcd at Capo Town at 2 a.m. yesterday. Tbo New Zealand Company's s.

Tosoakieo, from New Zesl.ind ports for London, left Lyttelton on Saturday with tfttie. Tbo Kisictaka, from directed to accompany the tugs. After the Drome Canary on Saturday for Liverpool. had railed with tb. prrscnnef and two fire engines The.

Canard Line a. Sctthia, from Boston for Liver pool, srrive i at Queenstown at 4 p.m. yesterday. The I), ill nion Line s. VancouveL', from Quebcs for Liverpocl, arrived at Moville at 2 35 p.m.

yesterday. The Pacillc Company's s. OiU. UA, from Chile for Liverpool, left ICio de Janeiro oo Friday, and the ORCANA arrivo.1 in the Mersey ycterday. Tha Canadian Australian s.

MiowEKA left Vancouver, B.C., for Sydney, N.S.W., on Friday. The Csnaiiin l'aciflc Railway Company's s. Empress cr INDIA, from llong kong for Vancouver, left Yokohama on Friday afternoon. The Messugeries Maritime s. Yakg TSE, from Mauritius for Marseilles.

let Zanuhar at a.m. yesterday. The North Ucnnun Llojd s. from Australia for Soutliampton, arrived at Colombo yeterday. The Austrisn Lloyd s.

McijCsa, from Trieste, has arrlrel at Bombay. QUARANTINE NOTICE. Lisbon, Jalr 11 Ports of liong kong. M.cao, and all tb port of tb. proline of anton tree (rem bnbonfo from Jolr 4.

WRECKS, CASUALTIES, ic. CAaMBS. Archsng.l for London (oatsj, rut uhoc. UotaLatw 6pit fenterdsr moraing darluc tog. MAoehcster.WAOHiKV, sod BracavA.

seoULUd fiatardsy at rsrtlnstoo fonner bad tvo piatrs port Low sod btUwaxk tbnwt anchor laUer uodajBafoJ. Ctm.aiA, a (bofor raportnd In leavin; port). Is stfsat r.nsacols J.UiKnrd car.o to It of sbouc Uot. Rosooiier Emma. tor London; hi, teun tossd 1st Gr.t Tsrmoutb bsrtour.

toskr. CoaTAVZA, Cardiff for Genoa (coals nd eok.l. srrlwl st Fal. month y.iterdy with for full of water, vwm! bavin rocks L.r Bcillj on Bundaj mornlnf. July 11PtaAhioaw.

MaDcbuiar for KoUardasA. towed lj lag Whit Rom, near renxanos Harbour Bgia room full warsr, bsvlng struck oo tb. coast. Tug Bklls or the VsK sank st ter mooring rsstardsy BooraiDg In But. Dock.

Csrdiff. Els inbr. Julj 13. lirig Ticroa Is sabsr and full of watar. North Kref.

Asstrtanc Is with bar. Koanax. a. G.1.U for KotUrdam. sronBdd la ths DaauLa, ba rcBostwd after lightening SCO Ions, and bss arrived at Bulls a.

OtasSAL Cbaxsv, s. (which (Toondad nasr Floro), got off with asaUtanee from German msn.ofwar Gefloo. Oporto, Jul 13. A report reoeind her stat. JctXAjr, a from Il.rf.tnr.

ff.tier.lj. has been wrsckd and'toiallr lost at fao, Duf Esporanda. All on board Mtwd; Charlotucown, r.E 1.. July 11 Barajti Tiosa stmok on a rook, Ctb Inst off Capa 'orth. but go.

off and proewcoad, VESSELS SPOEEN. friction between Prince' Alexander and his which culminated in the former being first kidnapped and then compelled to abdicate. When these events and subsequent disorders In the Principality occurred, M. Hitrovo was no longer in Sofia, but it wa an open secret that he directed from hi new post in Bucharest the agitation and intrigue which long disturbed the tranquillity of Bulgaria, and when the Russian Government determined to refrain from further disturbing the Principality It considered it necessary to transfer M. Hitrovo to Lisbon.

From that moment his publie activity wai virtually at an end. As a diplomatist be was a pupil of Ignatief, but even more unscrupulous than his master, and carried hi cynicism so far a occasionally to boast of his clandestine relation with brigand and other disreputable characters. At the same time he was a man of considerable tultur and a most agreeable companion in private lifa Lixtrrx ast Colo xxl Javxs SrRATT died In Sweden on the 10th hist. He entered the Army In 1846 as ensign in the 36th Royal Sussex Regiment, and on ob laming nis captaiuc; r. Durham Light Infantry.

He served in the New Zealand war, 1864 66, and was present at the attack on Gate Pah (medal). Subsequently be served with the regimeot in India. He there met with a severe accident, his horse, falling with him at a field day at Poona. The injuries be received were so serious as to necessitate his retirement, and he never completely recovered from their effects. He waa 69 years of age.

Our Brussels Correspondent telegraphs that M. Saegueu, the counsel of Major Lothaire in the trial of the latter, at Bo ma, for the murder of Mr. Stokes, has died at Meerhout, near Gheel. A Reutcr telegram from Bonn, dated yesterday, says Him Fbiedkich Auocstcs Kekvte tow Stbadomtz. who had held the post of Professor of vheroistry at the Univeraity her since 1865, died today at the age of 6C." Coksctexcb Mojtet.

Tho Chancellor of tho Exchequer acknowledges the receipt of. halves of Bank of England notes amounting to 25 from B. D. K. Hcmanitt Rewarded.

The Board of Trade have received through the Foreign Office three silver watches which hat Iwen awarded by the German Government to Ur. Koran ur. Walter Bates (mate), and Mr. Hurt Howard iseamani cf the steamship Walrus, of Boston, in recognition of their services to the barque Diligentia. of Barsscl, in December, 194: a gold watch and a binocular glass awarded by the German Government, the former to Mr.

William Abbott (master) and the latter to Mr. G. R. Cox (mate) of the steamship Colorado, of null, in recognition of their services to the crew of the barque Norma, of Hamburg, in February, 1895, and a sum of it. re FVtkson.

Mever. Hansen. Keltinz. and Freer (seamen), and 2 10s. each for O.

'Oson steward) and It. Nelson (cook), cf the Colorado, in recognition of their services on We occasion reierrea to three binocular glasaes awarded by the Lnited States Government to Mr. P. M. I'rquhart.

master of the barque 8trathiala. of Maitland, Nova 8coti. Mr. P. O.

Davie, of the ship Cambrian Prince, of Liverpool, and Mr. Robert Bartlett, of tb steamship Sedgemore, of Uverpool. recognition of their humane services to the American ships William O. Davis and IceUrg, and the American ship Melvin and bttcnlsr glasj. which ba been awarded by the President of the United SUtes to Mr.

Peter Black, master of the ship Curton, of Liverpool, ia recognition of hi serrloa the Amenoan shts Iceberg on Vevasnbnr 19 lata. rail required only a convoy, and. the fire engine that bad been placed on board the) Camel mas unshipped. The Landrail, which waa expected at Portsmouth during the night, is to bo docked aa I repaired at ence. The Admiralty have decided to accept tho Swordflsh, torpedo boat destroyer, from the Sir William Armstrong, Mitchell, and ber coal consumption trials having proved successful.

On her official steam trials the rpcod did not quite reach the standard guaranteed, although the horse power developed wa about 300 in excess of the contract; The amount paid in wages at Chatham Dockyard last week exceeded 11, COO, which is the largest sum ever disbursed in connexion with this establishments The cause of the increase wss due to a large extent to the amount of overtime, fully 4,000 men being engaged on extra hours, York lltrakt telegrams last night from Pans state that the French training i.hip Iphigenie has arrived at Havre from Boulogne and that the Austrian man of war Donan Las arrived at Corfu. A lleuter telegram from Sculy says that the North ampton, recruiting ship, Capt. II. F. S.

Niblett, left there yesterday morning for Fensanoe. Our Cairo Correspondent telegraphs that the Mellta, sloop. Commander E. A. Simons, arrived on Sunday at Port Said from Suakin to relieve the Frarles, cruiser.

Commander C. E. Gladstone, which is to proceed to day to Sues to await orders. The Navy League have resolved to organise a national celebration cf the victory of Trafalgar, to be held throughout the Empire' on October 21 next. The following appointments were made at tho Admiralty yesterday Commander.

Sauinarei D. Lacy, to the Melampus, for coastguard at Carri'kfergus' to date August 5. Staff Commander. Walter Uawkea Strugnety to the Phaeton, lent for the manrxuvres, to date July 8. Lieutenant.

J. D. Daintree to the Pembroke for the Minerva (N), to date July 13. Engineers. D.

Thomsett, to the Vivid, additional for the Opossum and Thomas R. Reynolds, to the Victory, for the Charger, to date July 11. The 1st Battalion of the Royal Scots, under the command of Lieut. Col. T.

F. Roas, left Chatham Garrison at o'clock yesterday morning to march to Aldershot, where they will take part in the summer manoeuvres. They will afterwards proceed to Edinburgh. The. Royal Scot were very popular at Chatham, and the Officer were entertained at a farewell banquet by the The vacant quarters at Chatham are to be filled by the 2ml Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, at present stationed at Sialsot.

lunjab. Surgeoa Col. William Nash, Army Medical Staff, obtains promotion to the rank of Surgeon major general in oonsoiuence of the retirement of Dr. II. F.

Psterson. Capt. the Hon. Usl ert V.U.A.Lumley, 11th Husssrs, aide de camp to Major Gen. Thynne, rommandlng North Eastcrn District, obtains his majority in conse Sueoce of the recent promotion of Major E.

R. ourtenay to the command of the regiment. Major George It. Hobbs, Army Ordnsnce Department, completed yesterday five years' service in his prctent grade, and he will accordingly be promoted Ordnance officer, second class, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Lieut.

Frederick B. Maurice, Derbyshire Regiment, I about to le seconded, from June 11, for service a aide de camp to Major Gen. Maurice, commanding the Woolwich THE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. An order bss Uen issued from the War Offloe which direct thatl tlic? training of regiments of Yeomanry Cavalry shall lie mainly directed to the duties of light cavalry. The Yeomanry will adopt the system laid down in Cavalry Drill, special attention being paid to the whole of section 13 of Part VoL II." Tn Import ATiox of Ragb ihto Russia.

The London Chamber of Commerce has received official notification (with a request that its contents may be made generally known) of the following Circular relating to the importation of rags into Russia issued by the Customs Department of that country i The Dtpsrt ment of Customs haa ascertained that the various Custom houses, on the occasions wben rsgs are imported from abroad accompanied by a certificate of disinfection of the said merchandise, also demand a certificate showing that the locality where the rags originally came from is not infected. According to section of the Circular of the Medical Department of September 5. 1833. No. 1,475, rags can be imtorted from abroad without any impediment only when they have been disinfected, and in proof thereof it Is necessary to pro luce aa official certificate from the authorities of the nlace of exnurt to the effect that the disinfection really took place; if otherwise then the rsgs must be sent tor aisiucction to loose iruuiier poiuu wurro there are in existence means for such disinfection.

Exception to this rule is allowed only in soch cases where the factories or stores receiving the rags are situated near the frontier, and possess means for disinfection. Therefore the Department of Customs informs the Custom houses, for due execution thereof, that at the time of clearing the rags lt is necessary to guide themselves by the above mentioned ortier oi tne Ministry of the Interior, and that the demand for a certificate of the nou infection of the locality of the origin of the rags, besides the certificate of their disinfection, cannot be allowed because the Ministry of the Interior always informs all concerned of every country which ia infected with any infection, disease, by mean of a notice in the Government Mettrngcr. All previous orders relating to rags importation not in accord with this Circular are to be considered as camelled." Tub Stoke Newixgtox Charities. At tho vestry offices. Stoke Newington, vesterday, Mr.

Walter A. Wigram held an inquiry on behalf of the Charity Commissioners into tho number, extent, and mode of administration of the charities of the parish of St. Mary, Stoke Newington. Mr. H.

H. Richardson (a vestryman) said that the vestry had recently passed a resolution sating the Local Government Board to confer oo the vestry the powers of a parish council, so that the vestry coul tske over tho administration of the non ecclesiaatisal charities; The Commissioner said he did not think that an application to take over the whole administration of the charities could be granted under the Loeal Government Act. The various charities' were then taken itriatim. On the investigation of the details of the Thomas Stojk houses in Church street lelt in ltti lor me cnurcn anu uie poor, was siaieu that part of the proceeds was now given tn the shape of imall pensions to persons who were in receipt of Poor Law relief. The Commissioner asked what amount wa given to each person.

The Rector (Prebendary Sbel ford). Ono shilling a week, payable monthly. The Commissioner suggested that it would be desirable to confine the charities to persons who were not in receipt of relief from the rates. The pensions might thu be increased while the pensioners would decrease. The rector replied that that matter had been carefully considered and a conclusion against the Commissioner's view had been arrived at.

The pensioners were mostly persons between 80 and 0 years of age, and to them the lg. a week extra was' a very great boon. All the charities in his hand for the benefit of the poor, were administered without any inquiry as to denomination or The most important charity in the parish is known as the Palatine Estate. The origin of this charity is unknown. The earliest mention of it is in the records of an inqui.ition held in the 14th year of the reign of King Charles in which it was stated that the estate consisted of the graTcl pitfielda and contained over four acres.

From the earliest record it appeared that the revenues of the estate ha) always been devoted to the repair of the parish chlreh (except when they were seised by Sir F. Fopbam, former lord of the manor in the 17th century), but Vince the development of the estate the four district eh drche each received 75 a year for the cbureh expenses, and the parish church had taken the bs lance, vfhich last year amounted to 135 2s. 8d. When the present lea fall in the estate will be worth at least 4,000 a rear. The present total value of the oharitia of etoka kawinrten i 460.

Lbtjoa trass Para. I. Tartar trwa BJwr rUia JasUa. i Para. lsv a.

UHn mvi ui.ipiwi. MADHAH, Ith. Cl. Urnmf. a.

KLW TultK. ttth. 0eu lTit. Bndia, llUu MaiMiinw mis. a.

LotvltB. iZ B. Cathtart. a. Antwerp Usrwt.

a Uhtr Enjotwr. Hair. ri.VAiil, lib. barter, Cetembu and Loadoe. PEK.N AUVVVO, 12Lh.

U.Llso, Saw York. rtRT BAlH. lOti. MaadaUr. s.

JwUahask. llthv Talatsoe. a. sad nater. Leedoa.

ink. Kalghl of Be. Oaors a. Uaaoa. ta.

Kvffom Hau, s. Jf stmIIVs sod Uvsrpoot from Karacal. RIO HE AN EIRuTtla. Urrward. AdstavU.

HT. JOIIX'S, LSh. ritatttv Lrrp.t BT. MTl t.t. 13th.

o. York. (IT rtTTEIUIHl'RO. IXk. Oulaads a.

lsmtoa. BAN mASC MCD, lllh. Brea.oa. Cans Alsuadr. lar.

fTDCKHOLMjih. HI. E. Wood. a.

UapsraMK TWILLI.NOAtE. S.P, llth. Ladt. BrtsieL CLKABORO. ljth.

Coontj ef Lnsrbaia. WUbscb. HOME ARRIVALS. BTXPASTT. Ik.

WordAwrth. Buila BTiM. la. aui. fas I'ajro.

LK1TI. Ilh. Tl al.naoo. 'ALMOUTU. Ifch.

Hindoo, F.r. Lilerw. GtfLE, sih. Jsmuca. fch.

Grovsrsch. HajU Itttth. ae.taa. OKAVEHEM. Jthv Kssn, ftriaa M.DDTo IV tl.

Aatwrrp JrK Huabarg Oiial. oawl lor II Cltr of KptMla KruMaU. llth. Oanr li.oksv IotH W.I.D UtUU. Treport H.W Kunna.

a. tsouloga tvCW C'snp ador. Iiarnlons for F.W i.rpwlon h.nih.l for K.A.U. luu rn. a.

Amrt d.m imtmiH l'r M.l. Vitus Antwerp few L4. Hm I'noi. r.U tor IV. ID Lord Wuifele a.

Ilochl. td Saw I4asnr Koedo a Bknt.tsr l.mmnra. a. Arebaarel for K.ojUJkL N.ouj for W.I.D. Tigra.

Hu ellles K.A.D HfW rcaittar tor Kf.Ii Lord lenofsoti. iloetJid a. H.mbnre. GIIEEXCK. IIth.

lnarkinh. s. HUtxio naatander, I2th. Drawond. Dunkirk fbcra.

BltAO s. MsaehMter Barrow A ueklsad. ndoa Citj of VUim. X.w Vock 13th ior.v Titn.a. s.Psa.

esgoula Scolii. London Dooaos. Bilhao CaJadoala. Naw.Virk. IIl'LL.

I2th. I t'k, Euooos Arrrs Isco, Odessa. 12th. Mnnllo. Xw LIMERICK, l.lh.

Ilon. BJamere MaWen Cttf, BL J.ha. SB LIVEfirfMiL llth. Ms'sthon. Genoa, lib Tsian, Port RcyJ Kirkda.

Hlow Itlaimoat. Tta MejBla. (ardiil lauienna. s. bordtaux Mtnhd.

s. unorto tiolf of i a l.uL' at Tarxu. CUow ll.rold Uothrai urg Pi. CbriJtrbcr. KuatswaJ Rheutli.a.

Itueif Iy nJwn Msrrr sor. Wst.r oo. li.rrow Ielai.d Clerei.nd. tnehee. 13 tjueen, a.

II. r. Forincur. Bilbao Courant. Quonc yO'iec Kulstad.

rifcaiia U.ibnui. rrvdnkstailt HenM lUee, btien! Afrwt Baxceiim. hn'. L)NIJNUyHKY. IJih.

kowtor, a. Lalumarw Bntii Amcrka. St. Joljn's B. MASCUMTER.

llth iah. tl.errool. Corl Bittern. Rotterdam Kleocowe, anl Macg Wsrrinroo. London Oao.

C'hristiaDbv I.te of Fr a e. OeS F.Ji gat. Klja Bea mor. tkohU.ff rriooM lloa itouan Black Iloc AruroMM Soihis, Llsoar.a.

hrli.rila. PI'aitTII. I4h. DeUiosBax.

PLVMOI'Tlt. lib. for ltndon rfolffienkollen. Heraosand I'wacaleniok. Ctr of Kocurdara.

a. Hamburg. PokT TALBfrT, lCth Atrrura. Penssools. yVEEaTOW.V, 12ttv Hanoah Bjinchsrd.

for Cork Caledoala. Laguaa. 13th. Xcnlstjeroen. Vtti Crua Uuatruao, Portland, r.

Thomas A oderson. Philadelphia for Cork. HHAP.r.M.lJ, lath. Siooiino, Arr dofl 1L Chatham.

Nil Wit rlIAMrTfX. 13th. Scot. BlDtKLAND l.h Cr.t.'n BoL t'eniicola, liWAXSiA. llh lib.

Oakdal, TUt WAI KRKiRl. 11th Co. ham, Rowla. VU11IEUAVKX. llth.

1'ec ooous. LiaUiouila. HOME SAILINGS. BARRY, 11th. Knight Errant, a.

Jara Win, a. Port FM. 12tb. Ctrl. s.

Rio Janeiro PmnaL Ifsw York higgfu. Rto do Janeiro. 12th. Hot. Uraierara.

CARDIFF. Ilth. klowergAte. a. Lu Pilnu Pp.kul.tioo.

La liUdrra CaMailla, La Plava Eoterprlza. a. Boesos Ajtm EalL Coosiantitopie ttelisburr, a. Genoa Elizabeth lurle. ton.

DARTMOI'Tll. lJlh. I'atonla. a Oott.nbtl. from Mananopla.

KAI.M'iUTH. IOh. St Mirreo. llamnurg li ner. London (loole County ef Cardigan.

Uitcoi Chlenaln, Urstgs mou'h Fl th or T.j. rhllds. GItAVK ENl. litli. HamUnd.

Lllaa Jason. tOcahorg i'li r. Grotha, Kraaro Anna, eundswall Cxtriatt, 11th. LeiU BUbao Minerva, a. Oporto Tret.

Buenos Arror Vsuland. ilotbenburg Crfartbfa. Cardtif. laii.CoogreM, IViucth. 13th.

Uiluin, Liverpool and Kio d. J.n.iro Wbetstona. Liverpool Buenos Arroa. QKIM8HY. llth.

Caoadis.S,Uarsl West Indlea LIVEMroOL, 11th. Ara. lao. l. Altiandra Moorhen, a.

Antwerp Twilight, Litau KuUa. a. lit. urs IIrai. d.

Ki.forii (luoguer. Laumg Ida. Porrb Kico Whit Crou. Cardiff OjiOfto. La.

tjdin. Copenhagen Crinthia, Bansor. Ma. iaacsa rlan, bctoo Ping tuey. a.

ISh. Juno. a. Bordeaux. klANCil ESTER.

Ilth Uih. Bsrwiik. Tr pcrt CMrloch. a. Lon dmPtannig.n.

Rotterdam WLtshtre, London cfrio. Bristol Baar. London heal. CUagow Ibis, Antw.rp W.tfnen. Hamburg.

KEWfORT. llth. Langbank, a. Bombsj. 13th.

Irwo Morris, (iirroti. PLYMOUTH. 13th. Msgrl. Brao.wick.

Ga. trUEENeTOWM. 13th ouoteM of Kotim, Latth. i MLi.OTH, I3tb lto. Mtramiehi.

hi NDF.UljLND. 10th. onn.o Iiles, a. X.w York. bWAN'wfclA, ULh.

Abuks, L. TUt Cova. 12lh. Iuaagaa. Dat houaio.

HIGH WATER AT LONDON BRIDGE THIS DA7. Uorulng lOmla. put 4 I Evening 22mla. past 4 BANKRUPTCIES IN 1803. Caowoav. for Bio da Jaorfro, 11 mUas a.W. of Prawls Point Hioblasd QLv. Calcutta for rwmerara. Juno is, so Oj it. a.

Mot atrrVAKT. Taloabuano lor Cardlfl. Jun. 19. 1 K.

a W. PASSINGS HOME AND FOREIGN. BEACITY HEAD, IZJi. Venango, Baltlmr for Rottar lam. 13tb.

Clui U.n. d. If for LDndou Frlns Eagoot Lal poiu. Printy (or a 4ilnrrla, Kobe for Loodoa. lttoW 1IEA1I.

13tn. LT.4a. MoutrMl for London Lancastrian, a. Llwptiol for Boston iilbors, lira York for MsaclMMtar Lrngtwr, H.lifas for tow.r. CAPE 8TAR1EU I2ih.

Psr.rnar. s. TuaUn for Alglm V.uoria. ircm unoa aligaal Mow Orlaui for Hart, ion a. CONSTANTINOPLE, llth.

Enskw. s. M.sloo, a. from Odesu Uoutlu '11 ill. from Bro Lexll.

a Anad a from Odasia James a. from O.IS.S. Baron Cawdor, a. Batum for J.T. Or.nilJe.

from, s. Poawith. Tsnrog for E. talia. from iUrail Lrdia, cnlt chMk for llibraltar Hurdon.

from Batom. 12tb. M.nd ta, from Kerkh Airrto, a RIobsrd KoImU. from slsrianoplor Ounl. a Jun.

Oro, from Vsraa ciarab RadoUlIa s. irom Odes RamlUei. fjum Thvodcsia 1'lrmoUiUa, from KunendjL DtlU 12tb. B.rcor., Iqutqo fer Antwerp. IX'VEK.

12tb Lwoptidvilla, Wait Coatt st Africa for Antwerp KATiuk. U.o.burg aad Antwerp for Arvoa innobab, 11am burg for vet oart of Brduwl. San Fr.oouooi'or Hull Irlns Frednk Hen drl k. Paramaribo for AmMsrUsm Hsaodard, PbUadairhla for lmhiue kakuoal. Toco pill, for Antwerp lk.r. for 13.h. UiwUo. B.UImor. lor Branion Benan. Cakuoa fur liamburs Th kl.

Bohlr. Hwakopmund lor Hamburg lAtnnrsa. baa Pranolsoo for Hull imA. i AnujfttirMta for Rotterdam. I)UGK.

M. I.tb. lo. (spOMdl. Prr Bautos for Antwerp.

Cardiff tor Colombo Bhamo, and Mertey for Rangoon lmm I in.j. a. uierpuoi lor i.u... muwiqu, i Jsoetro tor Oenoa. 13h CTv of Bombs, u.

Ujo and Starscf fortaleutia Fwroola, a C'ardU for Haison. IAS PALUAH. 11th a. Bluff.

or LIZARD. 12th. York for Lrnu. IMi. Workwo daia.

Roturdam for iirw York Chrlstianla. u. Montnal fo MALTA? 12th. Iinrsald. a.

Bsit for Port Bald. 13th. Quaotook, Ilmlo for Gibndiar. rr.XICHE. 12lh Uvsrpool for Para.

PERIM. Uth. Kotgbt TemtUr, Sh Karachi for Antwerp. 17th. Kaoiioon o.i vokhddw iw, w.

itww, UwpoU Khroiabira. London and Lirarpaol aad alarsoillas for Ph'wXE PUISTI2ih. Gat 17.0. Fhilalphla for Fluihlog I Slsroob, KingAun, Ja fur LooOoo. uto.

Brazilian, aun trsal for London Afrikander. London for Buaaerah Dwrnara, lxrndon for ric John, N.ll. t.jlon. Yokohama for London Veedatn, a. X.w York for RoU.nUm.

8AGRKM, llth. Laoonia. a. Aletsndrla for Llrpool Burgor meiMar d. T.x.

B.tatia for Amsterdam. 12. Im.uni. a. ww; purt tor BomUj Fulda, Kww Yor for Oonoa Vlotoria.

a. for Malta iho Cal. BT. AkB'8 HEAD, litb. Midlathlaa.

Alaxandrla for Llvwr btToATHERINE rblNT. 12th. Ethialda.s, Krw York and New i irlean. for Bremen. 13th.

Eioelsior. On York for Slashing Salter, BalUmor for Bremen. TOR HKAI'. 12th Glea gubo fee Dublin.

TOKY IHLAND, llth. OUta of N.bnwka. Cljd tor Jew York. UbHANT, 12th. Caoa, Uuajatjuill lor Usvr sad Llrsrpoel.

FOREIGN ARRIVALS. ADEN. 12th. YsroslsvL Kassiakl for Oleit. Blma fama.

nog for Boston Orsi Odaau. for VladinMrtok London for Ho mbay. BALTIMORE. 10th. Aralea, a.

Bona Aihbj. Bum, llth. Viola Beniiaf. 13th. Rosmnore, sv.

LiTwrpooL BAItUAIKm. llth. Naparuns. lirdiff Aron. London.

BOSTON 12th. Ostl7. KoMTio British Empu a. Lonilow. BUt NOS AYltEt.

l2th. Lorton. Columbia liit. 1'ALOtTTTA. 12th.

Clan Ross, s. Tsaialos, S. Cardiff. COXHTANZA. llth.

Duchws of Cornwall, a. Paoarth. OPENHAOEN.12th. ejouwain. ork.

1IF.LAUOA BAY, 12tb. Cn LlnJr. Tort N.taL ELItJi 12th. WMhloron. New York larl Wosrmsnn.

Kotanow Alnwick, Moulmew. GEOA. Utb.DoroUr, Barry. GIBRALTAR. 13ih.

eu Jercmo. a HAMMERFEiiT. 12th. Viewwia, s. HAVRE, 12th.

ano, Uusyaquu uiaiu, Ttupaa. HIIMXi. lab. OieoLrg. London.

11UF.LVA. 10th. Hajelmers. s. Malaga.

IBRAIL. 10tb. IJ.of Kept. a. "ullna.

KARACHI. I2th. Ra. Uba. a.

kldlasbraega. KtJTKA. liib. Royal Standard, s. LA 1'ALLICE.

lltb. York.hlrs. Colombo. LAK PALMAS. 13th.

Umons. Nsul for Loodoa. LlGHOkN llth. Aleppo, Genoa. Ur5lu llth Arl Miti.

(Cawdst 13th. Malaga, a. Loo don lor Malaga. 12tb. Hud.Uaod Hamburg.

MADRAS, 10th. Graffoa, sw bMualds. MALTA, lii. RudMhalmar. Hamborf aad Antwerp tor Cal cutta NATAK12th.

UmtalUs, Loutiau. MOBILE 12th. BlackbMth, RIB da Juulro. MOIXt.VIX), Ilth. Cocksrmouth.

Port OambU. NEW ORLEAN8. 12th. Eonla. Cepsnhaa Cwbaa, waa EW YORK.

lOth. Cundalh Hoal'a. 12th. CearanM, Cwar Eri'snTa. Autwerp I.Ui d.

et.ttui Ev.lrn. a. Htwlva Fslls or Im, liio Jaoalro Manitoba, Londua. 13th. Geergle.

Liverpool. OPORTO. 10th Iiue Pmnook. a. BhWda.

OKAN, llth. Mmu a Tarragona. PAU1LLAC. I2lh. ttirena.

MMtinlqu. PENBA'OIA. 10th. Blrmah. Icuhjua PERN AMBl ca 10th.

As atie Princs, s. New Tork. eoowflUa, a. Penan Aarrrtsa. adya and Unrpool.

lJth. Belg.uUnd. LlvorpooL PORT BALD, 12th. Aglaia, a. Uamburg Margarat Jonas, a.

Car QUk BlC llth. Ottomsn. IJnrpsol. 12th. Parkmora, s.

Li.erpeol Oreylsndn. a. HarttapooL RAXG'KJN. Wa. Giskwar.s.

i skuas. RIO DE JANEIRO. Bth. J. W.

Taylor, UvwrpooX. m. Nsw York. llth. Ktjbr.

Pfsscola Isoal. ROTTEKDAM. 13ih. Hssham. Lulaa.

SAN FRAMlsCU, Ut Carloton. Nowoastl. H.8.W. 12th. Doris, BINUApOKfc'iyJt GIfnfruln.

a. London Tarrss, MarseuTw Kuni ArorcsMn. wub iubk'u. mwnw 8TJEZ. 13th Clty of Vienna.

Calcutta lor Ltadou clasr Mackaj. a. Mrsa forTvondon Clam. a. Shanghai for Londoar PHiia aa Oranle.

Fatsna for Anuterdam. SWINEMl'NDK. llth. Pnuka, Shlald. SYDNEY.

Ilth.AuatrtJarfan. London, rroirvrr nth l' fvd. n. VLADIVOSTOK. Eth.

Crown ef Arragoa. s. laodon. YOKOHAMA. 12lh.

Ching Wa. Clfd Oeaaaa, a. HMlbUTt Ornias Li'srpooL FOREIGN SAILINGS. ALBANY. 12th. Caps, lwawrufa, sad lasios. AEt HANOtU llth. Isabl.s. UvsrposL BANCO it.

ME, 12th. 6. bun. Hau. BARI.

l.h. Bollls, s. Patrss. BENI8Ar.12lh. Bt.

Jaromas.ihlelda. LLKUEN. llth. Csronn, London from TTwaaaja. liCF.NOrt AYRS3.

llth. Mbndga, a. Aatwarp. CAPIZ. Undoes, Lonaoo.

CASTHAENA.lJt Leren. New York. COLOMBO, 13th Chy of Ehlos. Caloutta from tlisspuut. CHJNTAM'1NPLE, 12th.

Fsessora. a. Yarn. itruttfiPl Itv), Vt Lnndaa. ecoumso.

UvstjooL GIBRALTAR, tab. Penis, sl. Lir.rpool kleMa Almadrkt taJU. alalua Manotls. onstsntlsnl a PUlaaa s.

KswcastJ, n.W. HAUFAX. N.a lltlu Hallrax atr. a. KEN.

10th. cyras. iwp, The annual report of the Board of Trade on the working of the Uankroptcy Acta has been published. This shows that the total number of cases of bankruptcy and deeds of arrangement in 1895 wa 7,858 a decrease of 798 on the result for 18t'4. The total liabilities were I a decrease of 1,85,693 the assets.

a decrease of 924,927 and the estimated loss to creditors, 8,38.254 a decrees of 1,367.235. It will be observed that the number of failures during the past year shows a reduction that of 194 amounting to about 9 per the liabilities show a reduction of nearly 15 per oent. The estimated loss' to creditors is the lowest since 1S90. snd shows a reduction of over 23 per cent, as compared with 1S93. These figures seem to be the result of the improved condition ot business.

There sre seven trade In which the liabilities exceed half a million sterling namely, merchants, 069 farmers, 730,030 grocers and provision dealers. 710,841 solicitors, 673.322 beer, wine, snd spirit trades, 611.828 metal trades, 571,687 snd building trades. 631,840. The most conspicuous increase is io the case of solicitors, whose liabilities have risen from 303,936 in 1894 to 673.322 in le95. The largest reduction is in the case of wool manufacturers, whose failure have diminished from 51, with liabilities of 564,383.

to 28, with liabilities of 169,208. Upon the great increase in the bankruptcies of solicitors, the report comments ss folio ws It is noteworthy that, out of the group of 39 cases, each involving liabilities of or more, there are five cases of solicitors who are responsible for over half a million of liabilities. Relow the limit of 20,000 there' were 37 other solicitors against whom receiving orders were made, making 42 in all. with liabilities amounting to the enormous sum of 645,643. This shows a great irvTcase aa compared with the previous years, but the failure of solicitors have been heavy for some years past.

If it be true that private arrangement are only practicable in the better class of cases where the debtors conduct is not open to serious' objection, it is somewhat significant that while 42 solicitors, with liabilities for 645,643, came under the Bankruptcy Act last year, only fire, with liabilities for wound up their affairs by mean of deed of arrangement. In two case in particular the firms were of hign standing, they were not content with the ordinary work of legal practitioners, but carried on banking or money broking businesses, in tbe'eourse of which they received snd lost large sum of money deposited with them by their clients. The investigations disclose a deplorable want of system on the part of the debtors, which wa bound to disaster sooner or later. A solicitor may, of course, be a competent financier, but his professional training is no preparation for such a career. On the contrary, the bank ruptcy records tend to show that in departing from hi legitimate work he is not unlikely to imperil the interests both or himself and ot his clients, it appears to be a matter for consideration whether some steps should not be taken to discourage solicitors from engsging in pursuits so slien to their vocation and special either by action on the part of the professional bodies themselves or by legislation for tb protection of the classes chiefly affected by breaches of trust, and who, being mainly women and children, are aa a rale unable to saiegturd their own interests." Upon the subject of the alleged eogtlines of bankruptcy proceedings, tb report says vonmiiuimtiuiii appear occuiuuauj ku uo puutie Press a to the excessive cost of administermz particular estates, snd conclusions are drawn unfavourable to the system under which such cost can be incurred, Irat, apart Irom tee lac I that is not right to judge a system ny isolated cases, it should be borne tn mind first, that there are case, in which a trustee ha only done his duty in incurring heavy law costs, and cannot be held responsible for the fsct that hi litigation ha been unsuccessful and that the costs have absorbed all the available asset second, that the system of otScial administration can only be judged by the result of case officially administered, and not by cases in which the creditors have elected their own trustee and eommittew of inspection." In his general introduction to the report.

Sir Coorte nay Boyle calls' attention to the decrease in trading insolvency in the following terms The decrease in the number aod financial importance of trading failures during recent years is certainly a fsct of some economic importance, and the analysis of fsHores in various trades maj prov interesting, not only to those engaged in these trades, but to the general student of commercial sociology. Violent fluctuations of prosperity and adversity appear to mark some occupations, while others seem to show steady tendencies in a uniform direction. The Information in regard to the failures of farmers during the past five years points to a deep snd eontinuons pressure of adverse circumstance affect in? acTicnltural interests, too' much in accord with other well known fact relating to that important indntry. The decrease in the insolvency of the textile trades, taken as a whole, appear to indicate an important improvement in the conditions under which these trades are carried en and there may be traced a continuous growth of liabilities of insolvent solicitors during the same period. On the whole, it appears to be the fact that the annual amount of trading insolvency, so far at least as private traders and part nerships sre concerned, is steadily diminishing, and that it has during the last few years attained a considerably lower level than at any time during the present generation.

This is a fsct which should not be lost sizht of in any review of the position of English commerce. It would be a mistake to treat this fact as bearing conclusively upon the question of the prosperity of trade, but it appears to indicate clearly that, so far as the system of credit is concerted, trad rest on a sound loandauon. A French Steamer Ashoei. A Eeuter telegram from Berlin yesterday says i A despatch Irom Laertlalsc ortn'itL Sogn Fjord. Norway, nates that while the German Imperial yacht Honenxollun, with the Emperor William on board, and the German cruiser Gefion were lying at anchor at Marif jaeren.

on the Lyiter Fjord, on batunlay last, news arrived of the stranding of the French steamer General Chanty off Floro. Hi llajetty therwupoa ordered the Genoa to go to to assistance ox ui xranoa srswiaarrnllrr atat to day." GAIETY TUB A TRE. The variety rices into which the one SouHihlsg smuscmefit of comie opera Las degenerated seem now to Lave reached a turning point none too soon, and tha success of ijr Oirf, produced last night, may have the happy result of jopularixlog a more sane type of pleee with fashionable andieorr. The new production, by Mr. J.

T. Tanner, called a domestic mtutral play," and may be described as an attempt to combine domestM comedy of a very oM faihioned kind with the mnsiail entertainment now in vogue. Tha result of (ha amalgamation is sot altogether happy from either a dramatic or musics! joint of vieWjJjsTejej thing have a Leginn ng. snd later ex(Vrmients rv succeed better in respect of construction. The well tojdo vie xr, with his pretty daughter and a son In the Guards, comes from a number of eminently respectable melodramas and er medics, and his sudden mla through the breakitg of bank strike a familiar cote.

Of equal standing as regard antiquity are th aristocratic cousin who love and are beloved by the vicar's children. And while the parvena specnlator and money lender and hi smart daughter foresha low tho inevitable variety show of the second scere. the comie rtoek jobbcr, whose beneficent machinations put right the pecuniary mischief wrought by his tpondam partner, is another eoncewion to the lovers of good old Adtlphi plays. At one' moment in the first set there seemed to be sn intention vf transferring the action of the second act, according to the new canon of dramatic art, to no less distant a country than South Africa, bet we are taken no further than from a Somerset 'village to a south coast watering place, and the variety element does not set in for good till about a quarter to 11. There will probably be new features ictrodcord into the scene during the run of the piece, bet at pre sett the programme eon tains but two perfornur.ces, a pas it tmt consisting of high kicking by ladies reprenting the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Vale, and a witch "Oog and dance executed by a genuine negro (Sir.

VT. Dowries), whose impersonation of an African Prince awl subsequent detection by one of the two young men of the piece, who have spent the coir' arts in South Africa, bring the plot to some sort of end. The lyrics," in which Mr. Ross ha urpaxsed himself in out of the way rhythms, are for the most part above the average, and Dr. Osmond Carr's music is always snd sometimes fresh.

A pretty chorus, railed a mlrigl," in act 1 and some of the comio scngs are the best things, snd two of the latter are as good a anything of their kind in existence. The stockjobber (Mr. John le ilay) is represented as a Jew who adopt, with the name of Margrrgcr, a very artificial Scotch accent, and his first song, with a gtiasi bagpipo accompaniment, is really admirable. Miss Connie Edis, a the niayorea of the watering place, has a capital song, the main hit of the piece, Lady Tom," and, though her part is a small one, makes the most of it. Mr.

Colin Coon a tha mayor has scarcely the opportunitia that tha former piece afforded him. Mis Fllaline Terriss ia quite excellent a the vicar' daughter, who, receiving a timely hint, invest in a gold mine a few hundred left her by an aunt, thereby restoring her father ani brother to affluence a soon aj tho. second act begin to get a little long. Misae E. Haydon and M.

Montrose succeed well in the part of the other girls, and Mis Katie Seymour and Mr. Leslie Holland, a a couple of servants, have some lively duet and dances. Mr. Eyler plays the vicar with manly dignity, and it ia pleasant to record that no trace of ridicule is cast npoo hi profession Messrs. Paul Arthur and L.

D'Orsay are an efficient pair of lovers Mr. 17. II. Rawlins properly melodramatio a the rascally speculator who, on beooming a country gentleman, come ont is' pink in June, and agree to go ont snipe fishing and in the smaller eomlo part Messrs. P.

Kayo and W. Warde are decidedly good. The piece haa been rehearsed with all due care, and the scenery and dresses are admirable. The effect of a groap of yachting eostumea, all in navy blue and white, but each of a different design. Is as roccessful as it is new.

The piece was received with the utmost favour, and encore were numerous. Vrini, the late Beade' adaptation of L'Assomrnoir," by M. Emila Zola, was revived last night at the Princess's Theatre, with Mr. Charles VTarner in the part of Coupeaa. Mr.

Warner's exhibition of the horrors of dsfirias (rr stern created a sensation 17 year ago, and it would be hard to say that hi impersonation has lost any of its original force or picturesqueness. for II years nis ijoupeaa ns it impress upon the minds of playgoers, and the present revival would seem destined to do the same for a younger generation. That Mr. Warner's Coupeaa is an agreeable object it would be idle to say, but at least it is a fascinating one, while on tha score of morality we should imagine that it most be a deterrent to tha incipient drunkard a any tract ever issued under teetotal auspice. The Westminsteb Aqcaeixx.

It was announced that a man would be hanged at tha Westminster Aquarium at 4 p.m. yesterday, and a good many people assembled to witness this elevating spectacle, which I understood to have been imported from Pans. They did not see the man hanged, bat when they were admitted to the chamber of horrors they found him already hanging from the roof by a rope wfiich passes through the ceiling. He Was dressed tn a rnnch working man serge sun, ana wore a voiiuuiuuua red silk scarf round his neck which completely concealed the disposition Of the rope. Tha official eiplatation of the performance is that the weight rests on the jaw not on the soft part of the neck.

It may be so, but, so far as the very d'm light that Ulumiaes tha chamber of norrors enable one to juage, mo rope uom over the jaw, and an attentive attudy of the man's attitude lead to a strong suspicion that it really passes, under hi arm or somewhere round the body. At any rate, the pressure does not come upon the throat, and ih.refnmM Itarand i tn no dacirer of his life, nor does he truly counterfeit death by hanging, which wa cobehly meant to be the enier. attraction oi tua hjubi ion in Paris. At the same time it must be admitted that he presents a sufficiently ghastly spectacle to satisfy even the gayest of Parisians. Whether by nature or by art, his face I livid, his lips black, his feet hang rigid and motionless, not the slightest respiratory movement is visible, and but for an occasional coumlsiro twitching of the hand he might be taken for a corpse or a dummy.

Ho seems to bs tn a more or less cataiepua state, such ss is common with hypnotia and hysterical subjects. He is supposed to hang for a week, but there is no reason why he should not go on for a month if ha chooses, without requiring tha services of the medical committee understood to be watching htm. The per formance Dosscsses no scientific interest whatever. Apart from tbis morbid and silly Importation the Aquarium has a capital programme, tnolniiirig the realty reourkabla feat in mental aritbmetia of Herr 7. A.

Heichau. Tonic Sol fa College. At tha inaugural toirt of the 21st annual holiday course for teacher last night Mr. Curwen read letters of congratulation received from the Queen and from mora than 50 leaders in public life. Tea (Jneen, witcout pronouncing ma opinion on the system, fully appreciated the good work dona and excellent results achieved.

The Duke of Saxa Coburg expressed his interest; Mr. A. J. BaUoor, M.i". said that few branches of popular education have had more beneficial effect.

Among tha public men who sent to congratulate the college on the work done wera Six R. Webster, the Eishop of Wakefield, Dean Hole, aad Cardinal Vaoghan. The moderator of the Arwbyterian Churches in Scotland and the president of the Nonooa formist Church in England joined in congratulation, and other letters, equally cordial, were read from Bis W. Recant, Dr. Clifford, Sir George Williams, Sit Lewis Morris, Sir J.

O. Pitch, 6 ir W. B. Richardson, Ume. Antoinette Sterling, the Rev.

H. K. Haweis, Six George Kekewich, Professors Stanford and lSieck. Mr. Randegger, and Mr.

Ben Davies. Winchester College. The following ara tb first 20 candidates in order of merit in the recent ex miration for scholarship and exhibitions Maxwell B. Leigh, Charle U. Malan, Arundel G.

Clarke, Robert H. Moberly. Christopher W. Bushell, Maurice G. Hallett, Archibald P.

Waveli, Paul J. Verrall, Arthur S. Carr, John B. Payne, Duncan G. Mackenzie, John V.

Toye, Clarence J. T. Sewell, William H. Tribe, Vincent A. S.

Stow, Edward M. Macnoch. Walter S. C. Griffith, Bernard M.

Hallward, Johnde L. Simondj.Alhan B. Howell. There are at present 14 vacancies for scholarship. E.

M. Mannoeh and W. S. C. Griffith wen elected to exhibition.

SuAxxxEas nf the DzXd Letth Optice. A correspondent, write under the above healing As one ha often to complain cf. the carelessness oi official in public departments. I think it only right to publicly acknowledge what appears to me to be very smart work in the Dead Letter Office Department of th General Pest Office. A few day since my wife, who was io Germany.

sent over a letter, with only heTOwrmaa addres on it, for me to address and post to a lady thortlands. in Kent. A I could not remember th name of tha lady house, I though fchortds would be sufficient (a she wa well known there) but this proved not to be the ease. On arrival at my office town a few mornings afterward 1 found a aeaa letter addressed to my wife, ear of myself, at my office address, and it was her letter returned marked insufficient There wa nothing my wife letter to indicate tha she wa my wife, and tha only cine the officials could bave were my nutials, whiahl appended to a postscript I added to the letter hot my name is not an nneoenmon one, and there wa nothing to snow that I tad aa office London. I do not raude there.

I think this was smart work worthy of recognition." Paecbl Post eetwee Oeeat Beit a in A3td Italt. A Ranter telegram from Rome state that tha Dnka of Scrmoneta and Sir Clara Ford yesterday signed a eonveatiea for the pareal post service between Great Britain and Italy. Tha oavotioa wiU spans Btto force) A..

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