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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE, TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1801. YIce CfcAneellor uU the eoariesed est the tharre at adntoed II I And that be Uteed to rewtict her of tlaf IbmkI rAareet ard walk Iter for inrarel pom. Bat be eeatld ae4 Itsjel ty foavttt mt upon Act charre wltbe3t i tlnx UsUt atdt arint Mr. nm tiiu tr. ttmired by the U.

Oat, feet, the Vlc CU 'ellor Uted ta bit vtnut tbt It wet anoo Ibe eberfe msds writlnx ba convicted ber. It a time wa ha tWH with ilk In for mntXJmFW, chrra eaedo Ua fetation of tha jaHftlietioa. a do A tha evidence showed that tbecharre ila tended mlrbt bare been IUW rafter! to tha eae of The teea Uwbaa at showing; that tha substiaes wb whether. In fact, tha rritoner wis tried Pi a proper charj. Dot tha rharfw made thl rata wbeo tba men im before tha mairistratei.

Tba jodrmant ssy aov Tba chirr "And Apport of that charre." fcc. Itat brra ll altered chars ws never meJe axin the ctrl. Sbe "ever told that tba chert; rslo.t bee was ttsl tba a bad What tba Court beld la tbt ease was tbsl if a ma it btfora Jattleet and a charfe it then made ar atnst him tba justices msy bear that cbarp. At to tba form of the ehare la Kemp i'vilie 'Ml dU not arise, for tba woman wet let out by tba Vice Chin cellor la a few days, and than vat no eccttlon to move for a aee ceraat or a ctrtiorari. And the warrant la that case stated a ronrirtioa on the charge of betox with members of the University for immoral parnotrs Bat here, on the contrary, tbe conviction, at the Vice Chancellor tutet in the warrant, waa only ntvoa tba charre of walking with a member of toe University.

Tbe charge maJa" may be different from that on which Ibe party wit arrested. bat then for that eery reason it most be distinctly stated before the evidence taken. Martin 1 Ellis and Ellis's reports, 7.8, and 28 iVstr 'Journal lie ports, Mafittrates' Cases, 179.) Is that esse the prisoner kcinr charged with riotous behaviour was convicted of drunkenness, and it was beld that the conviction wss bad. JCSTIC A.l.HUTn, What do yoa jtbiak the charge of walking with a member of the University really meant What do yoa. understand it to mean Simply says.

It is to bo taken in' its plain natural meaning, arid St discloses do offence. It is not allowable to asy, Decause it shows no offence it mast be understood to mean some thine cite which would be an offence." burrlj that would ba monstrous. Lokp CoLKRItor. It wonld be an easy answer to make in every case of a bad con miction. Yea, indeed and it would allow of a person bein arrested on one charge and tried and convicted on another.

In no case bat this ever been beld. On the contrary, it bat been beld again and again that it it illegal and contrary to jastire. (lie cited The Qneen v. 33 Law Jturnct Reports, Magistrates' Cases, lJG.and The Queen T. Daker." 47 Justice of tha l'eace, and Turner t.

the rottmasler Gcneral," Best and Smith's Reports.) In these casea it was beld that a prisoner must be distinctly told on" whst charge ba it being tried': and especially it this necessary when there has been a charge in writing and another is substituted for That new charge most ba distinctly made and tbe prisoner told be it being tried upon it. That was not uone in the present case, and so the trial was illegal. In every cate tbe charge 00 which the party if to be tried matt be made and especially in tbe case of a charter or local law dealing only with a particular clasa of persons. Audita rharge is made showing no offence, it cannot be eked oat and altered ty what was understood or intended." Nor does the case of Kemp v. Neville" at all interfere with this view of tbe law, for in that case the question wss whether aa action would lie against the Vice Cbaocellor.

audit was beld that it would not, be being a Judge of a Court of Record. a Here the question is different, and arises on a commitment on a supposed conviction on a certain charge stated therein. And nothing in that case answers the objections here made 4bat the proceedings were all irregular. It appears from the affidavit of tbe Vice Chancellor himself that be never at any time told tbe youug woman that she was to be tried on a rharge of being an immoral woman who bad walked with a member of the University for immoral purposes. Tbe charge wss merely walking with htm, and that charge was never altered or amended, orally or otherwise.

(Lord It would be enough to state it orally or to mike the commitment orally 7 Certainly but here the warrant itself states what it was, and the Vice Oiancellor has not in his affidavit" shown that it was ever altered lie bad never attributed to tha Vice Chancellor tbe'sending this girl to prison merely for walking with a University man. On the contrary, he bad read the evidence given, which showed that the. charge now set cp might bare been made. But it wat never made, and il a record of the proceedings were now drawn up it could not truly stabs that such a charge was made. When the evidence was being given to sustain such a charge the girl asked for an adjournment to enable ber to meet it, and it wat refused.

It was of the substance of justice that the prisoner should know tbe charge cn which be was being tried. lie submitted, therefore, that tbe proceedings were irregular and that the prisoner should 'be discharged, (lis. Jcstics A. L. Smith.

If the Vice Chancellor had said to the girl, "You are charged for walking with a member of the University for immoral purposes," would tbe proceedings bare been regular rj Yes; but that is just wbat wat taid by tbe Vice Cbancellor. In Kemp v. Neville the charge wit to stated not to brre. Ho true return could made to the writ of kabtat corpus which would not show that the cbarce had Mver been made, and that, consequently, the proceedings were irregular, and the prisoner "entitled to ner aiscnarge. Their LoKDSBirs conferred a few minutes, and then gave judgment that the prisoner must be die charged.

IXKD COLMIDOK, in giving judgment, said that. though in tbe particular case the. decision might be of small importance and probably tba form of charge sed in 'this case would never be used again yet it was. In other respects, of importance at relating to the discipline of one of our Universities and also at inrolving principles of large and wide application. There are, be said, two applications for a writ of Astros eerpat to discharge the rerson imnrisoned under the order of tbe Vice Chancellor, and a writ of certiorari to quasn ine proceedings in bis Court and these matters must be kept separate and distinct, for it might be that the Court might think it right to accede to tbe one application and not the other.

His' Lordship continued I desire to sar that not only, in. my opinion, is tbe jurisdiction of me ice vnancellor most important to be sept but that, in administering It, be was actuated simply by a desire to do bis duty. He bad a person' before him charged, at be understood, with a luiawuu vi wo uiscipiuitj wi we university. matter was fully heard by him. and be exercised bis judicial functions in the acost legitimate manner.

It it, however, another matter whether, when the Coort hat to consider tbe conduct of a functionary clothed with a great and exceptional authority, the Court can aee that be has acted within tbe legal limits' of that authority. And all tbe more it it necessary as the" authority exercised it to high tnd the character of the person exercising it so elevsted all the more important it it to see that the rules which should govern its exercise are observed. And in this case, giving tbe highest credit to tbe Viee Cbancellor for tbe spirit in which be bat acted it it necessary to consider whether be bat acted according to law. Tbe letter ot the law though not perhaps of any importance in this ease yet cosy sometimes be of its substance. And in considering an unlimited authority it it important that it should be known what are the rulet and principles upon which it is to be exercised.

Now, here, the prisoner wat brought before the Viee Cbancellor in bit Court, under the terms of a charter confirmed by Act of Parliament, and tinder which be bad to administer a disciplinary jurisdiction, which might be enforced by unlimited fine and She wss brought before) him charged in writing with having walked with a member of the University, and she wat convicted without any alteration of that charge, and tbe warTant of commitment itself to stated it that it, it ttated that the wat convicted upon that charge. Tbe Attorney General, of course, said that this wat no offence known to tbe law and that nobody could bare, supposed it was, and be taid, no doubt with truth, that that wat not the charge which the Vice Cbancellor supposed be was trying, and that, probabiv, everyone knew that. But then, unfortunately, tbe Vice Cbancellor bat told us. that this form of words walking with a member the University wss not used by accident, but that it baa been used to mesa a great deal more than the words themselves express, and that they have been used to import that tbe woman was suspected of evil and had been' consorting with members of the University for immoral purposes. That, however, doet not appear to me to be an answer to the objection.

It waa natural that tbe Vice Chancellor so nnderstanding tbe words to bare been used should nothave altered if' bave gjne on as other Vice Chan cellort have done. But when the question comet thit waa legally sufficient', I am obliged to say that it was not so. I am awsre that if a person is brought before magistrates charred with an offence which tt is competent for them to try, and hy bT him upon it and be it convicted, bow be wat 5v immaterial. Thai wat etUbliabed by "The Queen t. Uughee." which was defid2Ly iS 3elon of great authority.

And therefore if in this ease there had been a charge made which brought the prisoner within the jurisdiction of tbe ice3heneellor. upon wbat charge aho bad been originally brought before him would have, been immaterial, and if he bad then exercised hit jurisdiction, upon the charge to made a conviction upon it would bave been an answer to this application, at: all events to the application for a wnt of kaUal rerpwi. But in this rase I do not think that this answer would be truly made We mast look to tbe words of the charter which apply to persons of a certain of evil' rest sen suspectas de malo." Tbe re lore, order to justify tba proceedings of the Vice Chancellor, tbe person must hare, been charged within tha words of the charter as suspected of evil "that is, aa having walked tha atreett with a member of tha Cnirersitv for an immoral purpose. And it seems to me that caleae that it charged in substance the Vice ChancellorChancellor cannot proceed. Now here what the Vice Chancellor said was, We bave not used the words of tbe charter, and we bare, been accustomed to rue a comprehensive phrase which to our minds inc lodes all the rest." Ana so far as they are concerned this may be so, tnt It it another thing when thtjir jurisdiction 1.

vh1 wa have ta sea whether ther have acted in accordance with law. It it taid. that Kemp r. Neville show, that they have, but I It Jm. That Aia nroeaedad troon a iiffarent legal state o( things.

It wat an action eminal the Vite Chancellor fee false imprisonment, and the Mint to bo decided was woe ther be bad so acted at to render himself liable to action, and tbe Court beld thai bo bad not. because bo bad acted at edge and had acted tend Jld. to thai no action wouldle agalntt bin. It it true that the judgment dealt with a number ot ether points but the real point waa whether the aetisn would lie or whether it wat shown that the Vice Chancellor had acted within bit authority, and tbe Court held that bo bad, and that that waa an answer to the action, la other casee il baa been bald that tha right to a Aelcet cerput and a right to maintain an action for smarts are by bo meant the tame. Now, wat there ever in tbe present case a charge made against the woman which, would juatify the action of the Viee Cbancellor 7 I think there never wat.

For certain reasont tba Yiee thaneellon bave for a long time abstained from stating in terms what wat tbe charge which gave them jurisdiction. That practice hit gone on no one raited the objection but tbe question it mw raised, and the Court bave to determine it according to tbe principles of law. Now. tbe principle of law it that if a person it supposed by a tribunal to be accused of tn offence within iU jurisdiction, then if tbe words used in their natural sense import aa offence within the jurisdiction, it csn be tried. Did tbe words used in this case in their natural tense import turb a eharjre as wuld give the Vice Chsncellor jurisdiction 7 I think tbey did not.

I think that from one end of the esse to the other no such charge wat made that no charge different from thai made in writing waa ever made against the woman. If such a charge bad been made and if she bad been told. You are being tried not on the charge made in writing, but upon a very different charge a charge of having been guilty of immoral conduct "then it would have been different. But that wss never ssid. and I do not think that any Court i 17..1.

I allowed tn use words which would not give jurisdiction, and then to give itself jurisdiction by ssyiag. We the words in a sense which would give us jurisdiction Upon that ground, then, which may be important in future sense which would give us jurisdiction Upon that ground, then, which may be important I both tha rules mutt be made absolute. Mr. Jcsticx A. 11 tin delivered judgment more briefly to the same effect.

It wat then arranged, at ususl, that without a formal issue of a writ the prisoner should be discharged. Bcfort M. Jcstici DKSMsJt and a Special Jury.) caitsos't. w. n.

asd 1. coiLtsauinci. This was an action by a journalist and shortban writer againtt the protrietora and publisher! of the City Prttt, to recover damages for an alleged libel, which appeared in an issue of the defendants' paper, dated September 13, 189J. The defendants admitted publishing the artitle eomptained of, but denied that they did so maliciously. The defendsnts further pleaded that tbe article complained of was a true and correct account and report of a certain trial, snd, being a fair and accurate report of tbe proceedings published contemporaneously with such proceedings, wat privileged by reason of tbe Law of Libel Amendment Act, 1888 (il and 2 c.

61, a. 3). Mr. Willrs was for the plaintiff ltr. Klseh and Mr.

Motet for tbe Mr. Willki, in opening the plaintiff's ease, said that plaintiff hid been a shorthand writer and I'arlia mrntary reporter for over 40 jesrt. The taking of a note in shorthand was a distinct business, and wat a separate matter altogether from making a transcript of the note afterwarda. Very often a transcript wst not required, and in that ease the shorthand writer only got ms court lee. sue pium 01 toe wuoie cosiness waa the transcript.

In August, 1890, plaintiff took a note in a esse of Moloney r. Eyton," and afterwards tome discussion took plsce between II ol oner and nlaintiff at to tbe transenct. Erton't per mission being asked for plaintiff to supply Moloney with it. On September 4, 1890, plaintiff summoned Moloney at the Mansion house, and the result was that Moloney was ordered to pay the. costs.

Moloney almost tmmeuiaieiy aiterwarus iook out a summons against plaintiS, which was beard on September 10, and it was in respect of the report of these proceedings, which appeared in' defendants' paper, tbst plaintiff bad now brought this action. The article or report complained of appeared on September 13, and wat is follows Police Newt. Mansion bouse, Wednesdsr, before Alderman Sir A. Lusk. Threats.

Thomas Cannon, a journalist, waa summoned for using threatening language to Charles Francis Moloney. It was stated that some time ago defendant took the shorthand notes "of a certain action with which defendant wit. connected. Defendant asked complainant to have his notes, but he declined. Ever since then complainant bad been annoyed and threatened by Cannon.

List week both parties were before the Court when Moloney wat defendant and Cannon the complainant. Moloney was then bound over to keep tbe peace. Complainant entered the witness box and stated that he was an advertisiug agent, lie was talking to a constable in Fleet street, when defendant eame up behind him and gave him a blow in tha back, saying, You scoundrel I will get you two months'. You bave been committed for cerinrr. I will rive Tou a I'ol ice constable burton.

401, gave eorrobative evidence. Defendant denied the charge, and said be was suffering from heart. disease, so it wat not likely he should want to light. Tbe Alderman bound him, over to keep tbe peace for six months and ordered him to Piy 3s. costs." laintiff't case wat that the sentence beginning It was stated down to threatened by Cannon were remarks made by the prosecuting solicitor, which were not in any way proved, abd against which plaintiff at the time most ttronglv protested.

At a result of this tuzrettion of blackmailing by plaintiff, be bad lost the secretaryship of a company which was about to be brought out. Mb. Jcstici Dixmax. Hit it not been held that the mere publication of counsel speech wat not act iocs Me Mr. Willis.

Yet Mb. Jcstici Dismix. You do sot complain of its being stated that plaintiff had taken a shorthand note in the ease of Moloney t. Eyton." What you complain of is that the opening stitemen. at to threats, kc, might appear as being facta proved.

It does not seem to me to follow that people reading the report would take, it in that sense. It is unfortunately a Terr common and bad way of reporting cases to let fsets mentioned in counsel's speeches which may not be facts at all appear in reports as being facts proved. I may tay that all tbe Jodget agree that it it a most dangrrout practice ard that tpeechei and evidence should always be carefully reported and kept distinct. At this point, the psrtiet bavin; consulted, it wtt apreed to withdraw a iuror. Mb.

Justick Dexmsjc. I think this is a proper termination of the case. Tbe plaintiff bat brought a most userul action as far at the public it concerned, and it it jutt at well people should know bow tbe law stands. (Siitinci iJaalrertcy, Itfcrt MK. BlCIlTKAk Bnovau.AU.) lit bz xixrr.

This wat an application for tbe approval of a scheme of arrangement of tbe affairs of Adotph Kempf, carry' ing on business at a company promoter at Chesterfield' bouse. Great Tower street. The liabilities were returned in the statement of affairs at 10,888, with a surplus in assets subject to realisation Mr. E. Leadain Hough appeared as Official Receiver; and Mr.

II. Reed for tbe debtor, From the report of the Official Receiver it would teem that tbe debtor purchased about six rears seo, for 600, tbe business of a shipping and forwarding agency, which ba ultimately converted into a limited company. lie' appeared to have entirely devoted himself afterward! to the promotion and development of other companiet, and to dealingi in stocks and shsres. lie attributed his si lure to losses in connexion with some of the companies, and to his inability to realise bit stares in' others. By tbe intended scheme it wat provided that the debtor's property should vest in a trustee: lor realisation ana distribution as in bankruptcy, and that if, by March 1 next, it should not bave realized a turn sufficient to pay a dividend of 10s, in tha Bound to the unsecured creditors, then the debtor should act aside' 150 per quarter out of bit future income until tms had been done.

Jbe Official Receiver reported that the scheme appeared to be calculated to benefit tbe general body of creditors, but a question arose as to whether it provided, is required by tbe Act, reasonable security tor the pay ment of 7s. 6d. in tbe pound on the provable debts. After some discussion and evidence on this point. the application was adjourned to enable tbe debtor to adduce further evidence of the value of the shares which were returned at assets in the' statement of affairs.

15 BB LITTSIT. Tbe who petitioned the Court on October 8 last, was described as or Uhitenell court, )est minster, and of Stourton ball. Lincolnshire. claim' ing as of right to be a baronet." His liabilities were returned in the statement of affairs at 58,755, of which 14,542 are unsecured, with asseU This wis a sitting for public exsmination. Mr.

E. Leadam Hough appeared is Official Receiver; Mr. Swann for the debtor; and Messrs. Tamplin, Taylor, and Mr. Andrew, and Mr.

Mason for creditors and others interested in tbe proceedings. It wis stated that a good deal of litigation wat pending with reference to the title to certain property, and tbe Official Receiver examined the debtor only upon matters which were not in dispute. He ttated that there bad been certain pledges of jewelry, and a contest bad arisen between him and another person as to the title to the articles comprised in the first lot of pledged goods. With regard to the articles comprised In the second pledging, which consisted of jewelry and curiosities, there wss no dispute. There were a number of mechanical models at Stourton ball, and there were also some on lotn at the Kensington Museum.

Tbe greater portion of tbe models belonged to him. At Stourton hall there was also a collection of stuffed birds. He bad. been a collector to a certain extent of coins, and in April last be disposed of one collection. lis waa also examined in reference to other articles, and At the close of tba evidence the cat waa adjourned until February 29 next.

(Jitere n. Bsocoh JJC, OjXcial Jbtrtser.) IX 11 IOVIL1. first meeting of creditors wat beld tmdtr the failure of Thomaa Charles Howell, lighterman and commission agent, carrying on business in Mincing lane. The case wat noticed In TasTtsiss of Baturdav last. The debtor did not submit any proposal, and the proceedings resetted in befikrupicy, Mr.

George Browning, atcewatant, being appointed trustee of the estate. raorHTE.DIVORCE,ANDADUIRALTYDIVI8ION. (itere Mb. Jrrrtci Jxrai st gptcici Jurr 1 pcrtAJiT t. DtrrtArr (conu uiiiruua).

This wis the fifth day's bearing of tbe suit In which Margaret Florence Dupltny, in actress, passing by tba theatrical nam of Mist Florence tit. John," peti tions for the dissolution of ber marriage with C. it. Duplany, an actor, known at." Mont." Marfut," on the ground of bit cruelty and adultery. lie denies the former charge and admits the latter, but, while doing ao, pleads' that before; be committed adultery the petitioner had deserted blm, and so disentitled herself to tbe relief tbe prayt for.

He makes a further cross charge against bit wife ot adultery with Arthur Cohen, the intervener, and this both tbe anJ Co Lea deny. Sir C. Ttussell. Q.C., Mr. Inderwiek, U.C., and Mr.

Hennr Kltcb appetred for the petitioner Mr. Oilf and Mr. A. Gill for the respondent and Mr. E.

F. btudd lor the intervener. The confession by the respondent of adultery with a married woman known both as Marie Luella and Marie Baillot. ubo it an actress, wat corroborated be lore the close of tbe petitioner's esse in evidence given on commission by Nita George, another actress, and in the witness box tbe respondent admitted improper intimacy with Luella, but said that when it commenced be did not know she was a married woman. Consequently tbe Inquiry has on both tidet been almost entirely directed to tbe other charges in tha rate.

This morning me examination 01 witnesses for the respondent, which wss commenced on Wednesday and continued 'throughout yesterday, wat resumed by ue examination 01 Lisxle Hubbat. who. in answer to Mr. OlLL. said that tbe waa housemaid to tbe petitioner for about three months from the latter part of May, 1888.

On one occasion, at ball past or three quarters, past 9 in tbe evening, the petitioner told her and Sophie Franklin, tbe cook, to leave tbe knives and forks they were about to clean tnd go to bed. W'itneti had been in the habit of sleeping with the petitioner when Duplany wat away trotn boms. He wat away from home on this occasion, but petitioner told ber to go and sleep in ber own room the bedroom set apart for ber and Sophie. She asked ber mistress whether tbey were to go to bed without' washing tbe dinner things, and Mrs. Duplany replied that tbey were, and twice repeated that order.

6 he told witness the wat expecting ber brother, and she would turn out the gss and listen the ball door herself. Further, she. asked witness for clean articles of night clothing, and when sbe had put them on went down to the drawing room. Us witness going to ner kutood sue remsraea 10 Sophie that it was funny tbey should be sent to bed. Sophie made tome remark about not understanding it, on which witness said" cm.

She said ber brother was coming. 1 don't believe ber. It is that little Jew of a Cohen who is coming, 11 we knew tbe truth. Having' beard tbe ball door bell rung very slightly, witness went out on tne landing and beard the petitioner open tbe hall door very carefully, snd tome one came in. She alto heard voices in a whisper, and could swear that one of them wat that of Cohen.

Tbe persons who had been speaking went into tbe diniug room. tbe door of which was then shut very quietly. On another occasion the taw Cohen and tbe petitioner walking in the garden after 10 30 at night, Doplany being away; Tba witness spoke of suspicious cireumttaocet having occurred on anower occasion, sou aiso us siguais iwring passea between Cohen and Mrs. Duplsny as the former drove 1 the boose in which the latter and her husband lived and went to that occupied by the petitioner'! mother. She described Mrs.

JJupltny at a very tyrannical mistress, and one who used bad lsngusse but on cross examination she denied that she herself had been discharged for baring stayed out all night, though it was true, sbe said, that on the occasion of attending a wedding sbe bad slept out with a female friend. Sophie ri anil in ttated in ice course ot ber examination that the went into tbe service of the petitioner aa cook in the beginning of Msy, 18S8, snj remained with ber till December in tbat rear. The respondent behaved himself as a gentleman. Sbe remembered the night spoken of by tbe last witness when the ser vants were told to go to oeu cany, ueiore then Hubbal had been aleeping with the petitioner, but that nirht she cime to witness's room. Sbe said she did not believe it was Mrs.

Duplany't brother who was coming there. A ring eame to tne bell, and Uubhal said sbe would go and listen. Witness told ber to be careful, at it wit Dot rigbt to listen, iiubual slept in witness's room tbat night, but witness did not know whr. She thouzht it was no business of hers, and told Hubbal so. Duplany's Isnutgo wss not very dresdful or very bad.

One night about 11 o'clock she besrd voices in tbe garden. Sbe did not know whose were. After Mrs. Duplany left the bouse on the night of the SCth of 1888, tbe respondent etlled for brandy, and witness brought it to him. Next morning the petitioner told ber the respondent struck her the nigbt before.

In crost examinaticn the witness acknowledged it bcrt a letter in which the ttated that to tbe best of ber knowledge Mrs. Duplany was faithful to ber lusband during the time sbe was in ber service. Sbe did not know whether Mr. Dupltny was or wat not playing at the Opera Comique on tbe night of the conversation between herself ami Hubbat. She never taw anyaet of impropriety between Mrs.

Duplany and Mr. Cohen. Mrs. Duplany bad on other occasions: told, ter to go to bed esrfy. At the time of the occasion referred to Mrs.

Duplany used to be nursing a sick friend. In re examination of this witness Mr. OlLL suggested that she bad been in communication with witnesses for the petitioner, but sbe said aba had only met some of them in an omnibus. William Bruce, a "dresser" at theatres, stated tbat at the Uaiety, during the run of t'auit to Cite and t'aruwa tip fe Djta, be was employed at tbe Gaiety, and several times be saw Arthur Cohen go into Mrs. Duplany't dressing rocm with her at she eame off tbe stage.

Mrs. Essies, Mrs. Duplany's dressing woman, wss told to remain outside the door. When Mrs. Duplany and Cohen went in the petitioner was in ber ttsge costume, and when ther came out ahe wst in her crdjnary dress.

This used lo be a subject of conversation between Mrs. Eagles snd witness, and was spoken ot about the tleaUe. In cross examination the witness said that it was customary for leading actors and actresses to receive gentlemen in their ureising rocms, and he bad known Umi Wasters lUInt Qmt. Mr. Jaattr Casai.

asiise e. farkse Tanr OotnurlsMHlM r.Tr sU Jrs iJotrev. umnmm sorts ins masTSMuesajta 1 uJ II TakttowUs Eats' Wats (Jit v. lesklte fkMlnkfce (sstuiaws sf K. A.

rMttsrwarte atowUs sad Mjmt ttoksr (Bsssr V. ibsm Re l' Ass, UCJ TBetaUI v. IOse Walsr r'viirtir Cora tLFWiw Jtrartrm Wasttt. at 13 23 RtsrtCsom Waaler. ITacJsr Co USSclsl Harna asaf II.

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KmhsaV Pa JiVeUs and Vtrm Eail wsrCevsatTltacuearsise'ianer 'Be II max I Tresis Jsrsad's Pftteci ighs LihE Coaputf IrattKM of IL Xoraua sadsao ker) Km lraata Fn Kanw Tim ruada Ba 1 oaUai (Nov CKl) et ItX. After I'Mfpa ad I'elil KI asd atari Warn, ky unlor. slsar v. rjitrns sad la v. Walttr Ilafrtwtk Uses loct ACaa U.

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Lea 'low iiojvMl a. Binseaa. Moboa te ba asenUpaad. rtat sad lautbar a. red atino IraJes tod LsWar I ruoo.

4 another. Ad.onrsed satill at af eats, sd arls is wars swsltsrsil tlaet, Hs.te Bat snja. XJL ta Ma. Near peas eaasa cotton! XXratTOOU Dae. tX Tae saatSat reatlaaas enlat.

vfcsj a latad tarisvsattaaf Jrrajtt are eairt bat steads. ra ladiaa wars ratta i rrlaetad. faturaa asaaalwtUlaeUsrsss I Imr. bat wHA tula data last aaotbar sates, TW saarkat nids raaaaarad waaa tt li sua saatra tbaa Ike aaitaitai AsKjrleaa war et fdaced. bos tbm aa liuie tils us is.

aad altar eballaas day la tlaaavss esiH bet ate it ss Vt vs 1 past Tba talas vara awhasled as I4C0 kalaa, a trbiafc VB3 tfmMuaam tn sxrerw I Isrpsrts. XW' Ta fj" To. To ft? Taay. Ut. day.

JJ AsMneaa JJTO tt tOOl tSl'rei KcytmZlZrZ ..100 fa. UXl MUD ZZitZtZ ud an too ui thsj this tax ijtof taa ix rnmrn Tstailart LXCJ S.CWi UXOt IfiBOi A4 aSJ sassy aaa arm. if. vrjja te la uav I arise rbna la. YML se la eViTsraw.

mu. ZVitttr fcajaa ear raw saUiSaa mnm Ime, ia, t. auczaa aa. urn i mat aaawy, ss. r.

I ski tissoaaa Bsmp Mubw itd. rale Sal i aat MaaCa, AsrfrJae taUaainiU. erwwaae Mas, Jrrs rrauloa Iras aad aetlrs. Te dasi sales savaaA s. Um t.

10CO hsteswrrlsast TSTI aiTlaae la DBSOae, at U. balaa. aa ami iij ld as CM to. 2Mb. las.

mmnz. hamAmTanL i K0 telat, rtasl ta WslMosajbtr. stsassar t. Loodo ii 5Y ZT? Hiiia.eb.s,aeaa,etaaal ta VVt arsa At wlajl saettaaa UU Caa we. aaOTVSDOad sad stora mLtZZ v.

iMUfary. AteU May JS.y Jaaa Jnaa Joly Jslr Asjrsst AasWStoVpc. Damn Ia. Jaa. J.a.

KunjmotuH Ka tjaatoe sod itirnad Womias froprr Act, IIIMUani a. IajaUuna ml add Ka Buaordshlra ls aad V. Coatpioy (il 4mtMas of T. sad otharat Cusclii CutkT IlL llor H. Ji IRS a to I) Caosn Trial, wah alioisaia Sattlafukls i Imilail) sjaeds (2s ran aaaid.

ouzcrt) ircii Dmsiox. tVnan Caiir Jesncxa Covar. orsr. IWfora tb tioaocmsr Jp Tics or lis us band Hi. JriruiA.

L.Kmith, at 13 i) Cs paru Muttons ea lbUu Sidt. Opposad Motions on tbe Ut i AiUtrstlua balaem snd La tera Itmntlas Xsrlslltnu, fcaia ArMtr tiaa VlUldar ial art laUM otutual aliii.him Cumnatiy a. Bvs Csmeroo Jonaa TaaarU flUa. Vttas'a tts.

a tut st 111. Ma. Jrmn Dxusisy, st 13 JU Mtdalaaas Ait ions, Hprctal JurWa. HaMaid Lablnua Morica to Jcaoaa. Tba jururs for Court ILL a raqutrad te I Jo far lata i atsrou tiuir st su FAXKtltlrTCr.

At the Coort. LhtratsMea. Cetor a 4J4 aaoraetaaT )d. tirliai a man, a.ud kut Kia. 4.211 ka Uila.

U.JJ i4 a. KJk. 4.11V 4.15 b. a 1 4.7) a 4t 4.t. I4JT HI a TrtBatrtloM of IX bib only.

tircu. ru in ii tiM Dt iimi It rata, tsrwdd. Ispnrt. asiort. Btora, UJ43 XUU i jie 4.IJ4 14J us tan tHi.ti3 rra.s.o llowlau i bn.m tuaa ktss year X4UU UHol HJWSl America 11.150 hrait.iaa Llai triHa 2,760 VtaatlodUa 7W saat ladua I 1410 i4.Jbd 33, a H.700 SU5C0 tsn U4 ja bUX T97JZ9 UJ51X1X.

Dre. lh Tbe starlet is ntuat. aith Aewriraa fittsr Csoiaiasa IltxCtttiAW. Ia Rorn XL To prbtle. at It, four 1 1 lt eter Viwtatiotrt Madras "aoeaeBy, ood laj 3 prtittooa at It 30.

two 12. aid thr tUtmt at 3tt ol. Wn id. xl Wdd. aood.

111 Jtd.i MSSTtSba or CatDrros Ihm sra Dot aiy flret martial ttvnbm. taod lair. Jid. rooH, J1. loaaals, IT oiornnitira to uaj atwr si uirasKi uuuunxs, ruruiai swn, i TTir Tn7 wstJI.

tarrytrest, lineolas wa. 1 1 lEd. good, 3 11 lbd. toe. 4 1 ld.

OosursowUre, good fair. rROJCATE. lilt CECIV ASD ACMtCALTT MTlStOX raotAvr, Divosra. sun Aimistrv Cocar IL Bafsr is Elear Ho. ia cusatsa I rrr, rrrsHlut, itb Tn.

ity Maaurt, stU3U Laiua aim ardneam. Toa llejirlch Cnue. raociTC IiivoKcr, iss iMium cocar IVfor Ma. JutTllB SOSS. at 13 30 llTorae 'uaa.

with rprcial rary. laiuny IniiUij (Cooes iDtanasiBCl, tart bard. KoUca. hiwcial jnrors ta ssiUsf sill art be ittjuwad to but otuat sitrod oo Mcadar ttsraiBf st 16 45. LORD MAOR'tt tOUKr.

(irnCFitl, at 10 Cat Caldol. VYafd ttlroire. BUkbsrda Llata Povail Chaai' en r. rrrtt Ilullro London sad Uomtm CeanUr rrerbold Lisd Uirpursitos. Motkffis ui be heard Ulora tbe Coataxie aarjaatit st IL taoas am ba Uk.o after 2 o'clock.

Astrrxinosn jit lb Ecjal Cents of Jostle. Before the AaiiasTOB Io 10 38. Swith a. Manebruar lire Ortlca. la (Justu aca Court VL, st U30: Bekber V.

tart af tldon. Vvsik's Essen Jrsv Acttost. Na other rperUl Jory sctloa arthar tbia in tolarS list will tried florins these sisttaga. PaoiuiTa um Divoacs, Muriosa The loU iwiar ProlAM sad IMrors Motwat. tt, trill ba mH cmi Tandly ost Probata Motions, 1.

la.Lv dmual J. T. Criteblo'. d.oaaaad R. hobana, eVaa ed X.

W'tttao, iloiawd B. Ci.mui. aeoraaad M. Brbolaaeld. decalaad W.

arlar. deeraaad A. U. tSflhlov dieeasrd J. Back, dceatL Ittorca Motioos M.nia v.

Mania ilfoeea's rroctor shaanot esosal ItstWs v. IHim sod Souta uuaes Proctor shoalns eaovWieliena a. Wickans liolmaa ilnin a U'Brtaa CTariea Iliwklos Uswkia. aad lisle. Ap pllritloaa to Make Abaoluto liaeiars SL batahall BiudtoU sad Lhackf Jigo v.

Jsga JilVlvsso. ilr isnur 'sjl Is the list day for rseeirror proof ol St. intri.dd ditulaDd ia bt lun Btaaoiabip Coatpaay, at a euort, Liueolii 4oa. frsuu aUiaissnoa. The pahlie etamlaalioo la the Hftk Trrahotd Laod HocJoiy is yptiintadjue Stood aeit, at 11, at 34, liacUo'ataiHMrldi Coarisiaa IWiirtno trr) Acts.

At CJdlrra IlataL Blch riol boro. Before tbe urrictit. dihedral Buma, first Saarting td creditors st 11. ant meeting atmuibutuiiee ss 12. UaiDITCRa' USD CuSTkltl'TlisUaV MtCTUtla, The srst weet lags of creditors snd eoaintiitaries la tha Barry sod Uratol Chiaoal fta.ta aod Lafrytoe Coespaoy ire app lated for Ueceoiber li.

It tba odlce of Ua Orleill, Snn euat, CSlit. boot bam riesi XitiL ttoaxs, Tbe ar.t sna tings of creditors sad eoatribtitone. ta tba Xival Works are ippoiatad foe lauaUl 22 It tbe laaa of Court Hotel, Llaoola taahBakia, HOME JIAItKETS. Giejiix. LOXUOX (TDT BiLTIcV Die.

1L WEXAT. Eirlr In a week Talaae Tare depressed ua Aaiericia caUaa qvociog i decline, and the mark at failed to lespoed to the sol sequent recovery reported frost the Etstrs, Trio, boverer, is retailed sots sapfort free a oca sideriUe decrease La tba oa passage Sguree, eovpled with atrcager adetces fretsBarlla. Boasiaa. whtate aire maaloed steady cooea ca the gradosj ltd act on in. the eaiAltty oa offer.

For Cililontie sailers' qaulstiuos are U. te Sd. dowa ea the week, and other grades ire occasionally tbe tarn cheaper. Bed winter, hoverer, ia tally Cd. dearer for LectaiLerslaaairy loading os lnf te reserve ta the psrtef shi( pi is.

To tUytrsdenuisd qoiet, telegrsphie cossniualcitka wilb the provinces being tttors or leas in letrnptad. sod tha Aaetlcaa otening csbleo were somewhat diaap pointing, bat aeerthalrss the gmenl feeltog shows soate laiprOTe BieBt and I rices sra occa.loi.tlly betur, the market closing Aim. Xonhera sprirg, arrieed prr John Y. BoHiins, wss soU at 40a. for Bristol Ctiunal nod Chilian, per Thomas Haadia st rcpoi ted sold it 11s.

Sd. New Zealand, p. netuncst Falmouth, mould come st Ca. 3d4 ud Chill, srriiei, per Cleurlf, roe fslif orolsnt.CUers. Preember td.

is naked lad 44s. 3d. foe Ceotmbrr Jsansry Aagwt aad bVptrmber, 44s wanted. Orcgoa pruupt is still obtain, ble at 4, and WaUi Wslla, JiDoiry reLrcirj, at 43s, to 43s. 3d.

Cbillsa, retraarj Mireb. sew crop, is offered st 42l Cd. lt winter, etesaser, Uaaembemlasoary, sallara, tCa. 3d. bwjera, SSs.

sd. Asims and tJhirka, sSoat, 4Ca to 42s. 2f erthern rprlrg rsrrels are cuiet bat stesdj. sod 41a, td. has Veea maie for 'o 2,.

JaBuarj Ftlrttary shipment, and 4Cs. Sd. for No. Eaat Indian a last parcels ire a shade steadier. No.

I aabTskntta, Marca April, changed hinds st 41s. 3d. aad ApriIMsy at 40s. Id. 8abseiiiiiUy, LowrTrr, these price were re fascd.

Suit red Calcutta, Noaamhn Drtamber, made J5a. 3d. Dornbosch "mikes the lolaj quatity ifluat for Wrstera Zorepe 4. LCOOqt, against week. MjtlZZ hss had quiet market, and round sorts sre td.

to Id. lower eo the week owing to the cessitlua of tbe demand to cover eoolracta, Miied American, kowevtr.haa moved tu siminthy with csblaaJricea, sod close Cd. to W. higher on the week. Ttday trade Is slow, but mixed American I fa'rif stronj.

For the steamer Trewavis, Galatx rosialsn, cn pamii, 27i td. Is th best bid. Tor Galitz, third new, oa pasaaee. 29s. la aslted.

Mised ASBerioaa, new crop, December allers, it. Cd. barer! shout 20. Dwcembr lCUi Jmu try. 25.

3d.S bujers, 25. Decembeisiiaury, 25. 3d. Jinoary February, 25a, Pircels to London. Decemberanuary, 26a.

1 January February, 25. Sd. Dornbuath sift the nuantitf aAoat fee the TJ. K. as agsiart bat week.

BsftLxrhas been slow sod featureless this week, sod quotations slightly Irregulir, with Turkiab 3d. up sod Barbery 3d. down tha weak. Itaatend a. Xjecember 23a.

hVL. seller TurkJah. other gentlemen betidet Mr. Cohen to be in sirs. on paatige, Uaaute Black Sra Aitd; Drceler ind Duplany't room six on one occasion.

When he wss DeceniberJuuirr. Zs. Fe knurr March. 2Ss. iL lirbary.

atcsawr. having those conversations with. llr. Eagles be did Drcembr. 25s.

3X 8m yma pimru to London, 2S. Sd. to 31s. not attach anj importance to tbe matter. The! Buss have been necdrcttd ill tha week, and reaiia du.1, with respondent taw him last month and asked him i liars; what be knew about hit wife, and then be tarhary.

aailrr. Ks'montb. 3 a. It cciabrr. 34a.

U. msde a statementtof tbe visits of Mr. Cohen I Oats hive ilw ruled dun. and, compare! with Friday last, to the dressing room and tbe circumstances in Swedish sorts ere Cd. to Is.

Sd, lower. American uacbatgM. Black which ther occurred, in re examination tbe wit Swedish, se crop, NoveuUr Decemker. 22s. Sd.

tellers. Whit ness said be told the respondent that airs. Eaglet used Gothenburgs sod CddewiUa, Hi. igainst 2:. fd.

last week. Ko. 2 to cry and curse because she bad to remain outside tbe mixed American. Novemler Oeeember. 21s.

3d. per 323b. WbiU dressing room. Canadian parcda, December January, 20a. Sd.

A Drivate detective cave evidence that on certain. I Losdow Ftrrcazs ire ouiet, with February American wheal 3d occasions in Mar last tbe petitioner and Cohen drove 1 up. Fabruiry Calcntu is Sd. up and March 3d, down. Uuotatioai from the Gaiety Theatre to an oyster shop, and thence, Awrieen Fcbrusry.

41s. W. Mirch. April, 42. Cd.

Csd. alter some deisy, to a numtcr in Uxlord street, wttere the lady rented.a flat. Thence Cohen used to drive away by himself in the brougham. Evidence having been given of unsuccessful efforts to serve two persons with subprenat from the respondent, tbe case of the respondent waa elosed. Mrs.

Eagles, dresser to tbe petitioner, was then called for her, and 'are evidence tbat gentlemen were in the habit ct visiting start in tteir dressingdressing rooms. Bruce 's testimony as to the petitioner's dressing in the room with Cohen in it snd witness standing outside tbe door was utterly false. Cohen had sometimes come to tbe door when tbe petitioner wss dressing, but went 'away when told that. In cross examination the witness said Cohen bad come to the dressing room three or four nights a week. Witness did not know for what.

It was not ber business. She supposed be csme to see tnadame. He was a great, admirer of hers. Mrt. Coben, bit mother, and the Misses Coben came there once.

She would pledge ber oath tbat Cohen never bad been in tbe petitioner's dressing room alone with tbe petitioner. The witness denied that there was any truth in Brace's statement tbat the bad cried and cursed on being obliged to stand outside tbe dressing room, snd bad taid It il that Jew who it in there tgtin." Ehe alto denied a ttatement of hit that Coben't visits to the dressing room were the talk of tbe people employed about the theatre. In re examination the witnett ttated tbat at dresser tbe wit paid by tbe management of the theatre. Sbe bad done needlework for the petitioner. Mr.

Ldwardei. managing director of tbe Gaiety Theatre, bad never seen anything te could object to in tbe conduct of the petitioner towards tbe intervener. He bed known Duplany many years, and at present Duplany wat bit ttage manager. From bis Knowledge of him he said that Duplany was not an intemperate man. Witness would cot approve three or four visits a week by a gentleman to an actress's dre sting room.

The further bearing of tbe ease waa adi'cuxned till to morrow. LAW KOTICES. Die 12. BOUSE OF VjOrtra. rvrwrnem TmAMm mm Bna tit foe iodiciil bBaine to day.

The following cause is spvo ated for urMuie atviMaj ewatj a AS laeqoa WOtBt Otoe nan v. Sim mem JLDICLtX rouirTTTKiE fiW Tvrw eereT mtnrrrt. Wnrrre A14. At 10 JO Jndgueat. Miiaa Dal Cjeealia Madb Lai Abir sal annua.

rtsUoa. aaatt Becaat Kbaja Bake AU Khaa and sthars. CFEXMX CTJCUT OF JCElCAmit CorKT OF AITZAU ArrtHLOoCaT Cerara U.Sim,iilh.VMii Lra.fNa Jcsvicm Lorxs and Ksv, at 10 30 Apei from tb Woeea'a smca si.B wm. uia sas. nuen sou pel BIT V.

I Bill I II vus lice Mailing, kert (Crown Bidrl Gnea e. ivigirallll. AI rlAt. Cover liBefor Loan Jt ericsa luolst. Bowtb, and ar.

it 30 Arpael from the Chancery lJsvanoei. FiniI Lias. Be Alartoarr Settled lUtaua tn tha enunt' of WilU sad Berts ird Bettk land Acts, li 90. part heard Hodgson and Mmswoa's kesisterrd Trade Mark aad rateata. As, Ants.

113 4. aad niwtaaon v. ciwtnair, para Basra BIOB COURT OF JCSTICI. CHAJCCIiY CIVTSTOX. Qrxxjrt Bxa ea Corsv IX.

Before Ms. Jctttcb lutn (tot Mr. Justice Sairl aglet 10 an for Trial, wth Mnetil ba e., irt beard Boycott e. Boycott Ednoa sad wan L'nHad Sleetrle Llrnt Cniiase a.

lunCka aad Kexaarrb. aimif OpcstL Before Ma. JoTtca carrrr. at IB Alt take v. xrerusw tieaeet ILbaildl Ontario Ikal.

plorasnai ejnajeate deaaant as lass e.fam. JSaUD BtaTtsa. uwotie. rwKUaklne tkaenaav 4Xsa w. tlbtaaa In! a.

raraeU VkaO. e.KiricDwtQnnoraire FdCette. Ueoper awdCo. FetstVm lutiappoeid mi rce Mr. Juvbee BUrtinf Ea Fmanrt Ask no and ronadry Compnay (sctUkoa of kt, Maorek part bwaed He A sgl rnimalr 1 iron Company Aaetnlstiaa Alkali liedaetioa aad BmerMng Byadkate (Uwtted) lyevxioai P.

U. iratb UfaaglM, fraSU), sad BasibaaM Tramways Csaspaay Isati saaoota nnse v. ureuea mage saa aces tLtatcti sees Miskia Eterard MyaKraoe Lead aad (Uaiitcd) v. ltoeial aad others BMxm for ita.u Ooowar and BcnraU emlji FueMr.JaaU cut ta 4Ds. July, 3d.

Augsst, 4U. 3d. Maxk Lisa hss this wik letn depressed by bear srrtvala sad a 12m Ited deoiiad. Tc day there was moderate stteodaace sod little was dons, tut the market had a better tone. Wbeai.

both Erg lisb snd foreign, was a shade steadier.but tbe demand wis not active. and foreign lot ports are lirge. Floor ruled fairly stead it about mcreurrebcies.Miirwes la. dearer forrcjundaoUUSd.to33iScL. snd Bat wss 3d.

higher st 51. fd. to 32a 34 but the Inquiry was on limited scale. Ear icy was slow of sale, but prices are unchanged. Oat acre in letter request, with Kein 3d.

and other kinds St. le Id. dearer. XViu firm, with Egyptian Sd. tighrr.

Peavj qaict sad unaltered. Armies best (LxgUah), 2Xv. i foreign, HUX0ir. tour, 3S.U3 sacks msiie. KEv.

Inter. itr. oats, basvn. 42)ar. real.

Ufftir. UVERPO 'L, Dec 11 Wbtat. To oari markrt wa moderately attended, and Sim feeling prrveilnt on not. layers punta.ingto a modtrale extent, rsprCiiily ef ljKilin cnitAjes. at reeeat fud rrice to rer ceetai ao.ance.

iiii, nuaa evtjnns agaus d. The or 1 I nsiec recorded ia omtala. current month deliiery, st (s. KV per cental, tbe arte cloains neminallr dearer, though sligttly under the bigbeet cf the day. lafiurnred by light recetpu and the AgiKulutril bureau port on ue conaitua vi ue coming winter gram Betas cbaswana usvoursoi to tb trots.

CLouxa (JlSr.ic.l Vexsr fair Fiiict. Uttttiuu, yo. 1 nurtiisi, I'll siA i aw. BVI IU. Lee.

Jan. FeK Mar. Ard. Msy. TlUdsy fH.

MCH niS ITvv. day a a a lu a Ika Red Americsn futcrci st the opes it were i. per cental dearer fne all noaitions. snd furtlier fciideoid some bat. but, on Aeenca showing lees improve est st the oreuing tria waa aaiaeipited.

the a4vDC w. lost, veuer n.inse inaraocan enacinz a oesir to rea ua, tb market new being quiet at fudy lid. under teat, or baft lf up to ta initial price, arv cauasaacu as reuiaia, liV (a. IV.iL Januirr. bs.

Sd. lo Is. tWl. labmarv. la.

iHd. March, ta. IVrd to Sr. fad. Cbuataa 3 IS Wntir Cam Fsurxs.

Dxuvxxrxa, Sxn AJtaaicAS, ru I ai, ci, i aaa. Dee. Jaa. Feb, Mir. ApL Mty.

Th'sday itj4 ih tvi tj irs rrev.dayM ac TV a a. i a 17 Is East India future a moderate ireauyhi ea eiprrieoced re No. 1 tonibiv. JiBuarv TcUuiry ahipmrit, April Mas aanda at fa. 7L pi cental.

zbl Thev Is bo rreitieg the dews ard eouraert txit mlsd Amcncln, holder coatu.ains free selirrs, leicae abowrng a fail of IKa. lercestll ainoe jeuy, out wjxn were jnaiat4 ta trductina and turcklsed more freely Uu of lte. Earcipeea waa ibo Sd to Id. rer cental enaa r. Opun at tl trsl call wr etea 'y' with last nil ht ewreocie mainlsined, some esse ligmty vsreeuco.

susaer peicra iron nira.o Irndir.g streegth to lb TV dKirpointlw pel mad ceded spcculirora to eperit csutiouaiy. and pnee is, wy, ecp eiilly lor tbia nionth'a delivery, wlich lo er tk.a yea. serday. other aonlli losing ind. d.

with am eaUere than buyer, hairs sra eatimstcd st eeatiat, IsrewsBcr. f. Kd. loos, Wi Jannary. old.

6a. 6St 10 5a. ko. iuo new, U. d.

to te. 3Sd. is. Id. Msy.

4s. Sd. Ciosuro 13 r.w.l MAiza Caix. suexw. Csijtisjxs.

Mxxxs Altai cax, rsn 10Qi.a btTTcaa, Dec. Jan. set Feb, Msr. Apt. Msy.

Ttds day St'i t'A 51 4 It fi 41 hwe.aaV lli S.5 St lH old crop, 1 Saw crop. Txom wis Qat Vbot stesdUy teld. Bust derfwl 3d.le Sdper or. Ha sIm were IWU I er cental easier. OAT teaSad agaiaws buian, Wt Oath baa.

ruiad Quirt sad analtaswd. IVwr ZSCTa, Winter patent J4 0 cw 32 0 to33 I ..31 041 I liioe.iaa ii 22 I 11a I I Indian uwa luua. Ill .1 I 1 A meet an sailad. SS I I I a I1CH 111 a a lar'ST or GxAr. An.

re Cxstal. eThnt, Xanta. Flowr. Ftava, Today 27.K0 t.U 13J31 Tbia week 1H.11J (UtX K5.371 ThMyenr nill.TST 735.eU XTTJvo Lstw 114343 UXU esVIS UKCOIdr, Ttaa, IL Ta attewdnao was oal. 1 lair, JlHed.

gowl. 3 Iii. auraa lHU rh. good fair. rood.

3 Il lbd. toe. 4 1 Md. Ooturawattre. good fair, Jd ttna.

3 Il Eane.1. good fair, 1 100A id la. 3 Im uorta sure January 1 IvIJU bataa, aaMat IHM bala I In Ism. L'eiiveriet agalnat rales and stock oa SStarr iO IlSS bale.

lau.t iiVSt olia oa fame Hat IK MAM II EATEE. I e. IL To lay one market wean a sign of In. rroecsneot. The aWmaad foe lad a poe and foe China bwnaeas ia smad, and the price a atw ganaralty ioadiUEU.

innunf Cioth msketa swMcuvly of kyw sualdaM. are rUr easiows a Uers. sod sale da a lawea, ia aiaga tud, hleacbina good remain dull, but som. Lgbt white fabeie baee been deals la a fair eitens a. ailzhtly enair pneea.

lions, at ic as tan elotl ir quiet and bareiy aseady. lloas houe new baying a btti mora. Sad a few Maditeemaelis order bee boaa sliced 1 bet. a waat of aadmatioa gniady exist Tarn dal and puuiers acediaappuentad itn tb week a Whore aalnuf a blv yarn, rccwlv on obi eootraeta, tbey do not rvaOdf ao a pi delivery. Twist '4 Asaerxao 1 lod.

and for Eg isa euttoass almost lower, sod trsataations sr tnsnsgstui da cila Wett la la too demand and about twd, Jowre 00 tbe wees tMinuie yarn, are in moueiite wquirj ana eoeee sew tlongh lb sale rapuftad do ot ippear important. "If I I tot I ..1012 CaUocu, So. 1 I KH 1 11 (ihirkt tU. Si; Jsomwy.Febvssry.42s.Sd.

U. Id. brewa Cw.pore. to Ourrowsesilrm. Iwrsl tssttln a iyer.

Utri JnJTTlT Iwnnni low la seX Coniaay to laskk. ber. 42s. to a. 6d.

I ajratta Uin.Z cbeDee Lisslin On. Irs, epos, pip, t9. bsrMa. 1 JaiMry AJ. iaTlJ.7 M.TaUTvL Msra etdT.

1. crude. 2a kayars J. JT" lnni.tMt.23a.M.toAa.. bUvs 2v Conos Oil unchanged.

Jannare taHr 'S. tjt rrSaed. rpce. It Sd. b.

20s, xenrdns sry Aerd. 1IK JlaU, pot, 17a, aaooth, 17a. 1. Kl. td.i Mar taa.Luv; end.

Ua. "7 Afd, Cocnisr iutLBaebane d. t'ocb av. S70C. 2V.

M. tBtsarai. 25a. It. alt fa ten.

spu, 21. aad Ice Trn IJ? Jaawy earasrrijia study. Amencaa. T1 Hfc Id. Jemmri Asni, Frraoixrw steady.

AsierVaa. tpnt, 5V4. ta SM.4. Jsae. Harci.

i.d. Rmeunc, rpol. 4 to 4 ltd. JsaarUaeeavi lUa.S Amctkaa atraaoJ, II. and fa abioaveat, a td.

TaIXOW. At twdsy' suction L730 lak war old it ray last week a ratea 19 advaaae. Mauoi. ta. )Z 2s and beef.

iie.Cd. to E. Id, Th arrival for vVJ! L23 Aaslralian snd TjO aaks ea onUnd. LTVEKFOOU I've. 11 a.

Ikrs eg ea avin 3srr aaew frraiy at rathae earner peiee. fair animal bsiaiesiaaa slave4.wSd.tcwxVeluMfi the nnar kind, tlihr kcaylj IO biora Feruet a euavcrate at 11a Jd. to Lie, I nay. Bt Sat. ctoainc rl seller of I eocmber a 14a, aVL and Jaauaev.

Maeca at td and bwyav ot Aprd at 14a, USd.2 Slay sl ua. rtetai are eeeier a. I. 13a. Id.

Xa. l7 TVOOU L03fTXy.rFe.lL At tcrday aaetion bale of eenerallr good finality wee presented. tMirr tbaa bait ot wbkeh were ew houth aha pr disc. 1h ittradasoa wis good, bet romprtttsia. sllfcoush trtsk for lb latter iota, was slow lor lit fuy and low ciaaa pneotlii.

milium to Ope in sr being slow of sale end a Urg proniwvno war tak, a en. tenod Fort Fliiip and eydoey wns on wU. wbile voene aopar anourad Hw ZenianJa under nvaes and over Horse UUi lad and ever Lauder were apctail otuibt if ter. rrice ill round rtu I aitenuoa from ta basis aUS IaLad. Total oearad up to ttodes 1 10LO.

aold 1.00A leseing 27.uO0baJ for later Enrlte sn tbe day a aale of U4 halee UrU aiwl lunt Arena waa aowductevl. when, with aa average stteTsdaoc aii fair eximpetuioB, price werw aoenaacod to fid. uoerung ana to a. I s. tad mm got.

d. to fail. Isvtatia Locks and I to It to 11 I to Walca. 7V4 ta 1.479 I IS 1S 477' Auatratll LOtblXaw Zeilaml! II ioCet a haul IC 14 METALS. TjOWTJOW, Dee.

IL Cores a opened steady at about previons nut but afterward lost 2. Sd. oa deair to seilis, nod furtbor g.e way 2s. Sd. aesr ibe die Huatnee wss mainly foe tare moatLs, which aold a CS Uav to 44 la, SVL.

wbil cash ws placed a 44 17. Sd. to 44 1. there wa batter ling during lb nfter aoon, isd threw nvootti recovorad 2a. St.

oa saouerat aupport, but nothing wis on tor sear deliiery. Tbe sioae Is stedy is a Inaa of 2a. Sd. oa to day. Bale.

6u0 tgu, SetUacant pnoa. 44 17l Sd. Tin wa firm and unehsnged It the fins eaQ. witJh bunine la thro month at SL, but aubseqornlly cnah deaxd to 90 l.a. on limited ofjorings, and.

wah prvctlnent oppor, afterward sttScoed to 12a. Sd. Tb price wa agaia tad ibe ifUraooa. but the total turnover did not exceed the close being steady. tl eaah la.

td. and tarea nvoath 2. Sx beew yollent if teat Weai, rMttlernetit pnoa, CM 12s. Sd. Fl laos hss iveeivid little stteatlon, snd the tendency has rewa Inwer.etcept foe 8coUrXMiddJestrough sod bevnatit do rig lddowa inyea4rday.

cwi.mestiika ocouh. 47a 3d. MiudlMbreust, 27a bw aide, 47a Id. Lxao La ruled iuiet but without eking in prior. Bpaniah 6a.

3d. elm, 11 6a. buyer IsuUsh, lF12a. Sd. U'Lav, Lab, Kbcets.

'or hoa trano, for eXTart, 12 ISa. BrtLTsa eniM. with as 22 lus. for laeawbsjasaay aedboyaes Zuc has dVIuW 7s U.

foe SfV sad 2a, Sd. for seennrU, berl th dediae there ia oee uvruiry. hilonss, asnsl branda, arsta, 2S aacecvl, 24 17l tl AsrnxowT la tn poor request, eacoad Land eSarasg al SI wita out leading to biMines. UtncuiLvta moved slowly si aboot 7 15a. from mnunl ssla Fire hand firm at Li.

blLTCam quoted Salad fclgher. December, 43 13 ltd. Janwnry 43 15 164 ebraary, 44 Mad. March, 44 4 lSd. April, 44 lSd.

May, 44 Mod. Jub. 44 10 lSd. urnciAL Cxosiwo Corrxa a M. cash three months to QroTAnoss.

To day. Freviooa day. ad. id. s.

d. 44 17 45 45 10 0 45 17 49 tf 0 49 14 49 10 0 60 10 69 0 0 9312 8 91 2 I I 2 SI 12 I II 0 0 10 0 4 10 0 47 1 41 0 0 45 7 I 45 22 0 0 0 43 0 0 sO 0 0 0 SO 3 061 0 0 I 11a foreign. cah Uree tmarths Australian, eaah tcugitib tugou Pio liua bcotcb wsmats, cash one month iTTrelrrtmch. caa one mouth Hematite, cash CLA8COW, Dm, IL Th pig lroF warrant market has Wa eery quiet le dr. Hematite ha aeao the only rise dealt in at all rvoly, but even there ue iranaactsotie wave few.

pro aUy ao owr a doaea lots or S.U.0 tou. li ajaa a. re flat, a. k.w a .7. Id, caab sl the opsa lug.

bat th doae waa ateaiLer at 47a Sd. Only asm tkre SOUton lot of Cleveland. were sold, th cash price eein Id. dowa from laat Bigbt. Hematite aad ncotcil sr earn quoted 47.

S. aeiirrs, a tnimisloiit tomlil'inn of ttiatt wtkb I remarked on ia Lb kurt, uruTAnovj. lllshaat. Lowest, Ctona, rree.Ooaa. Scotch warrant Cash One aooth MdlaaUough Caab Ooe mouth Lleioatit Caab One moath Th stocks in public stores sr ss follow id.

d. a. d. ad. 47 1 41 3 47 3 47 1 nib rib vj ni 31 CS 0 31 31 47 7 47 47 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 I Hematite Wrst Cumberland Company no Western Company llcmatlu 8tnrg Coaspnay Furuea stadwsy Company MANCHESTER.

Dec lL Very little busiaee to uiy a mrkw tjnoe st iona rvsanio nominally Friday. Ta. Ton. SOI 24, ct0.ib7 152Jt2 lUull Thuradar.

Pre, dir. Ton. Too. 75,41 75.4 4.1,422 17.071 17.071 15.75 15.75 Beam, lt2 Lts.sei sasdVratr. Tb wa nnite Mad to tha A wiftl i.

Raa. Trade waa stow, web. aaatanal evmtajw froea lssa ww k. 3.t40lS red. 3Sst3tn.

TV, aneolr barter a aim Has. aa. to its. Xneewwaeo don at tlBeed. bus purchase caa be effected at much under miser pnoa.

Ilnished iron also ia very poor request, end tcerer i a daai of sn lara.iiing going on, but qnntslioos rauuva unaltered. MIODLrahKOI Cn.Uee.lL The market I srsl weaker, nod th feet of tbe fall in price and the snrai uncertainty of the out look ta oeoa to check IU buy Lag oryoevi what aumcwot mes prwsaing enrreot rauuiremeola. 2 Cawataod ply; as frewiyvtxuosd Is, ay both makers and merebnnta, but without antling buyer. Maldlesi rough wnrranu dosed at 37s. lOd.

eaah Layers, and jeo; 4 foundry I onered st 37a Sd. isd graj forre 3m Sd.but buyer win aot give so much. East Cuaat hematite ia Cja. seUers, MsouJsctured iron vs dull, shipnl and n.vrcaint tars 5 7a. 6d aad aagb 5 2a.

Sd. laas diacoua Bteei atedy so far abipavn.dto verict ee ir ooncerned. pUta uuf quoted at aad angia 5 Ua. FQBEIQN PRODUCE. LOSDOjr.

Drc. IL Scoai. Tt arket for reined at tjuietcr. riecae ars bareif steudr. wah a moderate demand, and ha rrxxla buaineu ia dull.

U.I sLAndar i ai una.irvoL deatrrpLijcu ar uoebag d. aa at auctsoa crystaduod JJem nr ws morw pavntuuiiy nnaveu. ana uougn prsues ruled fully 3d. lower. Miadllcg pal sad yellow old at II.

3d. to IS. 7Sh good and tn yelio. Ins. Id.

to 13a. 3d. anl a tew eery boa. ISa. 3d.

to IS. Sd. Kyrusa were aiao aaaeer rood yvliowu, 16a. 3d. vs.

4vt. Wuoeoalnad syrupa werw 3d. to td. lower dull an I ilrri t'aa were bousht la at lis. Id.

Beetroot. tb terminal mArket epeaeti snta a arm too wbkb, aowever. (La Bat las the orket Weaaia fiat and wela. with raadv aeLers lo lwL rlin hoi mnti queoily iicoverol to tbe eitent of pee cons. About too cbaegea Bnaa.compriaing tecmar st meyt; January, its Ifed.

keaa V. and SJ. ebcaarr. 14a. sd.

Wu hi. sd. et.iyL ad. Zm 7VkL with ld. eomoined March, las.

UL. uua lSVL oet, ad. md sd. pta AprJ, 15. psu li.

act. ita. lltj sad lbs. May. 15a.

Isd. la S. 1VL, and 1VL arm K. las. with Ua.

Hid. combxoed. and Ifa. net JualV. 3d.

las aad January litres st 14e.7y.,d. Uoa tracts rrristered today fo 2LSC0 bags. Tb evsih suspUcS tolitaatdiua ta il ttiffarmt mrsnrri si as" foLa raited Klsgdom, Dae. franco, o. 1 Oermney.

I Tichtl Hambarg. Dect Awns snd Hungary, See. I CUcUI HoUnnd. Oao. 1 Aac ILUcBA, Cocoa show aod owU Onta! arr oOueia senroa, Hsca ba ks anvadaaMual of boainom'toeaiag us cleaned lor eaawct at st at, prWca.

liAyixiCloolijttitlriiJy held, and 8ra oak loagbt st Ua Sd. per ewt. Ltsaxsu steo.lly iint law ras oapedally for sundry kinds, rase ladiaa aot being much auai tue now. ('ASABtlt eontiws 9 dtt sale at yevaars Vnaatad price. as lo 4Cm being and for Tnrkiaa.

TS. baa at Akaass BUIlasis sold at tea. ad. pee 3Kln. TttXOW ia BU) as freely eaered, and price ar lacbnol sgaiiot buyevt.

mtartM notably dete. FAtu silsestn are steady 90. baauU 1SJ tans at 13 L. la sua IS. FAIJt tnt, ha a Ire merle, aad Uav ia I en doing ia coeisoqwvnc eg the high pvicaa.

Lae ia atat omtaf mil ia. Of BttDOILa ilrueed i steady it SL pet rev nan. 3J. Sd. to 1 s.

and cotton. Uveepoot, lis. to Ca. Cd. Aesoncaa.

buyae. CaeTOK OIL steady uwA and vwcbanaod foe Aeaei 4a. aae ealuan. rUatlw dull La is freely adered at 25. pst.

GLASGOW, Dee, 11 Sugir mirkt wa quiet, cat a atedrnr buaioaM was duo ta Clyde emehed at rathee en lse prvee, b. root was lls 4d. ab, toeis S3 per ol. aad arur oroOaaA 12a sd, 12. lk.

15 per cene Fare iaad was stasux, PKOTISIONS. De IL Csrxast. Tbe Americas marVrt it try. s4 SSs, ha be paid for a line of choir Caaadiaa, bat lb riding agar for raoey Cansdiaa and St sr 54a.to5r. Th Isttsr sn sdsred paringlv, and aonod goode ar ararcw and wanted.

isakv area, ah Edna st SS. to 6i. snd Oola rathe aiskwrM 4k iv Bcttsb hss been reueraUy quiet. Irics'stid sold st IZm. t74a.

for tnost brand. Ia Mormamty tb com petition bps sa bee. But price war mitaiaa it im to una se as naasae aas ua to Let, for estri mdJ. Dniab la ruled stemly as Liaa, 14ia ehoan sort. Ausirsliaa creamarass have ad lr ta 122.

wat good dairy butter at Iwos. ta 116. LaKO. American i easy, but Irvth a taiataia a steady ssirku Amerieaa pad, 34a. ta3Sa.

swts, 33a, ta 34a, inaa Us til an, tea, 54. keae. 42s. so 44. Bacos has been vedaced Is.

te 2s. ea Irish. 3s, Is ta sa Danish sLtADte, and 4a. to 5a so Danish stout, sad seyers 1st operated more lievly st the dccliae, Laaa slrshl srtna. 5m.

to Sav beet brands, 56. to 57. Daaiah. 49a. le SCav ttttnit Inaa.

Cav to 50. beet brands, 54. to eia. Iksauaa, 47 a. to tea.

amv American are in air demaodi at a declio of 2i se sbsrk out, which a re now a lilng st eca. to 46s. and long cat at Xe. r4k, Inaa tad Oimberiaad ae adluag fairly at iaae retaa. CovranatB CobxbdBuvI qalat, with 21a, tin st 7l SL, Ck.

sl 24, and lih. st 52. per doteo. UTERTOOL. Dee IL Th bsraa atartet an ew feature importaaoa, botdvr again tfeing Irweir of ail aVeetvptasa ct ar leiiie.

which ar will ra pnor mpoly. while buyer par rbaae tasrly. tb Irish eat btg most ia roaasil. Uaasa steady oa th light weight of bota kjug and abort eat, bus oUarwba ealnes coBtlnoe to. rula ia favour of buyers, btealdsri ramaia Cfmec, aad freah parcels of 2iw Toek ar barely ao Bras owia to the hirrrsei I aupouee.

Lard arasar. witb aa Impreved demand for sp it parcels at about 3d. par ewt. napeovavawot. risturai aiao bold for a auauar uvanoa.

Aeareot tiiiiaa, uswatcr, 33a. 3d. January. 33a. kbruary.

33a. StLprr rev Cheese tn bos male iievand.tboh quotation new nrmiy aapportad, taw moo I nog sm3 and well held. Aalencao butter qnietlr steady a tat rata. Keesaseadv with a fair lauwrr. the em, is bLne aaootccjUAd to rw qunwawauof both Iravh aad anmlmn.

boat qmt tnu Ins teailaoiy prsra la buyaee' lavoor. Fura aatrscu hid stlsarlna. taavuga taeru ao quotaose auorauosw CT UIXT fJOOTATTCW. Beef, per Xb. s.

4. s. d. India roaws St. 7'1 0 77 I I takes ..12 ffl 0 Baeon, per llXb, Long dear 0 35 I tdtortcJear 34 1 25 0 Ihortrib 37 0 31 0 CuaioerlAod 33 I 0 baaS.

cut 0 9 0 Liania. per lLaa. ISolU. pee VIZb. d.

I (. Fisiaat, VA. sal Caaadiaa' .000 CtalCS Vine 71 I 0 Msr aria, par 1121b. wot a i 9 Medium 41 I 4J I Low 0 I Ess, par 120 Irish Dock 13 1 12 I I 4 I 111 I TsUow. par 1121a, 2 XV beet rr I a ssatauaal 0 21 I la aait.

teag 45 0 Sl 01 rbortcut a er ur 0 34' 01 Fr.per2C(4b, I Moluam 4t to Lard, per 1121b. Vailed (Hat, guedteta 33 1 Cbeaea, per 1121b. Fiaatt Htataa and Caaadiaa 54 0 St 01 latroKT or Faus isjobsi Bacon. Beef. Batter.

Chime. Bern. Fork. Laid, Tc day 7(2 244 71 3 Ttl 1C0J I.CIT L7 29X1 tM 3 let 3741 1214 L36a.454 U9.ptl 44.X1 2UTI Last 3tlH UWJe. 17SA 13.1 SaJU COEK.

Dee. IL Enrnv Tto ws a further rnersl sdrssc ta prica dy. Flrata tmprovod 3a and fine mikta, sateiuja, sad third 2a. each. There wa a drop ol 3 ta la maid ewel, tMta.

Uoa: MiU eared aupertn art in. 134a. fie mdd. ana 13:. tne avad coots, 123.

edtnry. arvts, 12a avreada, U3i; Uurdt, 74a. fourths, 74s. tiirUa. Be, foartbs, Ida, aSaba1 of firkins La marks', 241.

Tb weather is sow ha. MISCET.T.AVEOCS. LOSEOX Deo. IL COAL The supply of heuo coal to day wa rey smao, ana a scmewsas tottes dvane ba swine. oBiek remain a 2.

HaUaa. Its. 1 Lroava, 17a of 103 toe bcotcb beef. 2 Liverpool sales, a fair tappir laaa iJeptford. 2.

refrigeraWd biad Hoartoiu, LUX treeMrnaetsea. aad a abort auptJy ad Autcb and Inah ptf. Tb weather beioc beck ha uewht Improvad the trade. aU beet swat baiag add raaddr. but a stearaaca an aot.

been made of mtHiing aad safarter, uf wbtah toe aiark! Is esr suppiird. d. s.d.i id. 1 4 Beef Inferior 1 4ta2 0 Pork EngSah 3 4wl I MudUnar ..2 13 4, Irssb 1 2 2 4 Frtrn 3 1 4 4 Dwcb 3 I bouts. lose sides 4 0 4 4 turn Inferior 0 7 I sanrtsvde 4 4 4 II Middling i Lhcrpnel Dept.

I Frime 3 1 4 4 ford killed As. Bcotck 4 4 4 I tveaa 2 1 i eewa Eefng. rnrsd qrtra. Froraw Mustoa I of Ameneaa 210 1 1 1 rwZealad Do. Fore qrtra, of Anatrahaa 2 I America I 1 2 Ol fvr tnaA I 0 3 Teal EcglAta A F.

LLastk 1 Dutcbt 2 4 4 I stiUIeowniTW Fma VltlKrr. Dee. tl Short sweply ef lav Good demand. Frio Wboi.eala Balmrm, 2a per lb. Witt te la.

torbet, 12a. ta lim, per stoat sole. 1 plaice. 3a te til end. 12a to 15s.

fresh baddoctt, Itr whiting. IU. sraattJ, pef bos live eel. 2ba. dead oele.

lot. pee eraagM avacaem, lobster. 33s. pee score oratte. 4a.

to 24.. per W0; bsnatara, 3s. fe brn sicioera. Sa. par eoo ariml haddratb, la Sd, tvt.

sawdasea. im. la to jb. dried hauVsoeAii iicL la each smalt. ItLs eystera.

Cd. to3s. dates shnmpa 2a Sd. rSaAnwrti Tub Mariit. Dee.

tt Fsir sJ daasaad. Piiex Ml, ad ariaae. 4a. la lurout, a soleHOs. to I 29a, seaaU rokr.

la to I Losdow CxxtiaI. Fish Miiirr, Suirsmux P1 Pilots Mised stsse.4i. ia lurtot, aJsw hhddacki, Id. to 14. large flasav 2 1 pUice.

IS. I0 2CB, od. St. lo 12. saatr.

Hfi! vrbttiog.6. taa. rtrank; bloauss, 3a pw pea Clrrows ifiosl Europe ua use TOO, loBl IU67 111. '17 ll0.3tl 276.79 IS7.M 27.CO 23.9U0 115.X0 L4.0Q0 2cJl 27Aal sUd 7192 SX.137 2W231 2IJU0 BTLT23 4SA0 66,392 XXiM 4.7a Co rrr t. The rpot msrkst i UBchinged.

At aeetaa plaatAtiea Cry loo wa bought La. aaat ladm, aew crop, middling, lflca. hold to ICS. Sd. Mocoa, iong berry.

115s. SX: Jsaaaie. eediaare aad Pale, Us. la 92a. ad, GaayaqniL ordinary aad baud pale, Sba.

to Ha, rraviao. good mld.ll in. Uav Heard kind are all boasht lav Th terminal market opieed steady at Id, under ysstei. day price, bat baeaat sasier dariac th d.y. cloaisa bowevwr, steady at abravt opeamc rite.

Aeon 4.X0 bt Ht were odd. Jaa nary at Sal March at 57a. Isl. 7. Sd.

Bat 7s. and Mae at a sad IS. Sd. cUauae with buyer at th hvuar snc sad teUert st Sa. Id.

Contracts rgawrs te day lor 3VJU bags hUo and tVAAJta Htntna, isa ta marset rw cniaa snow tmproveateau Asvtnes Il lad. seeing pnaetinos alaaoes lorAiag 3d. Quae ftilaras Id. LeUL Sd. hvuont.

Sd. to Id. sprats. 2d. fraah baddocke.

id. bake. 3d. cod. 3a.

piaic. td. bee eeit. lt. Is.

2d. dead tela, sl aad Kd. leeaow otaa, 6d. per la. 1ff; sod mackerel.

3d. to Id. tea brtara. la. gaardlab tt rt.

Is. ta 2a. eraba. d. to la.

dried tavldoeas. Id. So Si. a Bxrt Is etni stjonc. wfth berre a as top retaa.

Qaaatfty aflaal rrswa att sans aa toaa, ains uju it yvae. ahar Puiishi February aad Jaaamrr Jfarea. sold st 1 Had. RasLLAC is staadirr, bat trad ewiet. Xwst Its.

te fXa, A Csanat, Id, so fcav; kaclo ate. aad 2. Oa so Ma. Iw sorwneq aisivary. n.

giseamai reeewary. IsntAKtTBSZIL This taarawt I mslst qwie aad thee ar stAH seUor mt fia Fara M2a.te. Bscmnsat rr far Lata nash UC toaa. At bo oag santis is the jaaaiatj aaTarad waa ass saeuw. ad a tear aamoaa ea at ataadj ss lees.

Caasaaaeaa taa aaaaS awea Tha Mntenarr ol aloxart't death, which was deJr booonred on SitartUj tSSS IU AXIOUOQ, WSS CCAeoratea lie at music bf performaneet of various degrees ef and merit. Apart from tbe presence, of tbe B7VJ name in catbedral and ebureli serviee lists. contented itself, with a concert fiven focrdir beiore the hj the boral and Pbj I6artcl Society, trnder Dr. J. Varlej Robert, the proximo of which waa at Jeast tuSeienUj viried.

consist' it did of the trmphony in Bat. Sottpia and the Beqoiem. in tbe order fives Cambritle. usual more ambitious where musie ia eoneanea. marked tbe day, first, with a eommenoritlorj per fceinanee In Trinity Collere Cbapel.

7kh' ornn arrangement of tbe li atonic Dirce. tbe taen mast ia a sonata di ebleaa In fee eexaa) ttrinn. the Ave Vemm," aad aa erjaa fiotitis minor were riven with soloitts.clwir.liia ortheatrs. under lMtuor Stiaford and, secondly, with a performance rives la tbe hall of Caiee Collect. if the orertare to Idomtnt; the piano eoneerto minor, and tbe tympbony ia D.

So. as well m. eondaeteel by Mr. Cbarlee Wood. AaaeeoanUf the diflealtiea experienced by tbe jrvmotrnin prw cvtiae tbe mosie of tbe mate it very properir prej tbe rxogrunme.

Uessrs. Kovello's edition of the weri wsaVntirely exhausted by tbe denrtaJ for waleeet, aad the orchestral parte had to be reeried tcore. since Hessrt. Breitbotf and Hartel editioa had Icexr been oat of prtnt. It is ennoae that one tbe finest of the resmne maas ef toe maaUr the bars been to completely nerleeted for to loty.

the 1ri. '''iT'S" cajoy a eerUtn atisocmt of porolinty. I bet aot, therefore, lews excellent w.y thejwttie People's Coneert Society meorta! 5 vlfU and EerraWsey est tbe 5th fff.1. msmt of one of the Sunday ecmeerts liTcV lollowuae cay at ooota piaew scheme whiei mar be rerarded at sa tdTbct tae Feople'a (Xmcert tjeelsty was aaadaj el wor ue i.

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