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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 12

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

la THE TIMES, 'SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1894. TUB MOSEY MARKET. FWPAT ETBXIKO. The Money Jtaxk.t it tWdtntly being affected by the erjweehor the holiday, and lmiii I xtrr quiet. Money was vsxr ey per cent, for day to day loam, and I per cent, for ahort fixture.

The renewal export of gold from New York and the or wetlon of the demand for bullion in London ha distinctly weakened the discount merket, eepocially billt are still very ecarce. ltusinees in fine bill eonld be done at per i fnr A) dars. 41 to 1 per cent, for three months', I per cent, for four months', and lt per rot. for ix month' paper. We subjoin our usual tablo ol quotation 1 rXeeoai taak 1IU.I ot Kx)m4 Rata lesana.

I RiIleL I Dwiaal i. 1l I K. 1 wta 1 J. Z2 I fyd. Rupee paper adranced to 65.

Go, but the price in India fell A to IU.103I. 1H inula wounoii ciay oiu iu.o,w.wm on Calcutta and IU.2.00.000 on UomUy, all in bills. at Is. Id. per rupoe.

Toe following exchange on ixtnoon lor ue dates mentioned were received by telegraph, and prerious quotations are added fur comparison rrit, Bcrlia, 8 day, llsjnUirg.Smo.' Viet as, sight Rome, sight Madrid, sight, Lisbon, sight Cttw, sight 8t. Petersburg. three months Bombay, T.T. Calcutta, T.T. Hongkong, four months On the Stock Exchakoe there was Tcry little etiivitv and markets were crnerellr dull, while Australian Oovernment Securities were very fiat.

I Home Railway stocks mored irfcecularly, and 5haohl, T.T American shares ralliedslightly after showirgcon 1 Rio Janeirt tiderable eakne. routh African snares remain rath, doll. In the Kore'gn department Italian and Spanish stocks wtrecduapicuously strong, and the tone generally wa firm except for South A in Mire issues. The French are still large buyers of those Gold and Nitrate shares to which they have, lately turned their attention. Home Government Securities hare been quiet all day, with little business doing.

Coxsota were last quoted at 102 lor both money and the account. Indian Government Securities were a shade lower. ho Three per Cents; at 102 103 and the Three and a llalf per Cents, at 112). In Australian Government Securities there was a considerable fall, Victoria Three and a IIalf per Cents, declining to tof, (Queensland toSXJJ, and Kew South Wales to 100J. The Home Raixwat Market has been steady, fmt business remained very quiet.

The Hoard of Trade returns were considered fairly rati factory but did not affect prices. Caledonian Ordinary has risen to. 127j Caledonian Deferred at 41, Metropolitan District at 28, and North Eastern Consols at 163J aro each i higher. On the other hand. Great Western at 165J, London and North Western at 177J, North British Ordinary at 38J, and ditto Preferred at T7i are each I lower.

Great Northern new stock is lower at to premium. To morrow it ih lut dar for nannr the call on this stock. consequently those allottees who hare been waiting in the hope of obtaining a large premium for their.allotment are now taking what they can rot. Lancashire and Yorkshire new shares are noted at 8s. 9s.

premium. Midland has de clined i to 1521. The South Eastern revenue statement for the four weeks ending November 17 shows increases of 6,041 in gross traffic, 500 in steamboats, and 190 in rent and sundries and a decrease of 150 in harbours, uinr of in workinp eroenses. msVirg a pet increase of on the four weeks and oiiiw. iwon tnenair jear up to oau.

The savinr in exnenses is satisfactory, and it is, lsibly, the result of more amicable arrangement with the Chatham company. South Kattern Deferred row from to 8Bj on tho publication of the statement, but closed finally at WJ, an advance of I on the day. Tho AviMCiX IUlliioiD Msrkct, after being dull hile left to local support, taiiaequenlly hardened entirely upon a renewal of Wall itroet bovine, which ha been continued on the aup. nrwel favourable rroefecta of the Interstate Commerce Amendment 1U11, which our liila tletph'ia Correspondent believe will be voted upon in the llone of Itepresentatives on Monday. Spcculatire and other selling, in view of tomorrow's gold shipments, having in the mean time ccasea, a recoTerj irvui hub uiuimiif took nlace in the afternoon, although prices still closed moderately lower for the day.

balance there is a fall of in lakb Mi ore to ist in EitaaM lia a Salt. P. s. IX.T. SM.

131. I5f. ISie. I lif. 13jt.

2Cm. 4Cpf. 5ipf. 20m. 30pf.

34pr. 20m. 33 jpf. 20m. 33pf.

124 11.60 124JU0 Ufl.07 llfl.tT 1211.071 26 lire 90 26 lire 90 26 lire 27r 0 27p 0 27pa.5 43d. Sld. 4Jd. 4CJr.l0 46dr.l0 46dr.l0 2r.30 Wr.25 Mr.25 1. Olid: Is.OHd.

la. 0d. Is. 0d. Is.

0d. Is. 0)id. 2a. 0d.

2s. Old. 2. 0d 2. Sd.

2. I. 2. Od. Hid.

10cu 13Jd. 131d. 274 p.e. 276 p.e. 12'74d.

12C6d. rrta lml ArtMa. pt Uwa WkMt WtMl neat bMtor Oau ladlaaCora aaifaetaff Cna ll ai UkIm, in aad vt J.u LniMr HMnaanrim. rtd atlxnilaa MaUs. lMk Km Cx aa4 llaamt atu.

bar, rGc4 T.Uav u4 toarlM Tla lbca. aaataaofa. tuna WlM Wood, awa aad raw ooi, mtp aaq uaiaff WmM (taS, Allwtaar nwla iiiiMictDiami par whhi iah UU. rrlaetpal Aitldaa. AlkaU harraad Ah Caiaflit Cuuoa Vara aol Twill llacwUouda Iroa and HL1 Jmla Vara riaoaGoolU Um Vara Valiraito, VOl days' conu.

Buenoa Arrra. fold rtmiam rarer do! Wo are informed, that tho Grand Trunk Railway Company have day concluded financial arrangement by which the interest duo on all the Leased Line bond and Debenture stocks daring the ensuing year will be paid at their duo dates. This announcement will have a reassuring vtfect upon the proprietors, who have not unnaturally been alarmed at the results of the working ot the company during the past year. Our 1'aris Correspondent telegraphs that the Kussian Thrce and a llalf per Cent. Loan, which will lie subscribed for on Wednesday, has been quoted on the Bourse to day at 2 to 2j premium.

I Anitralun uuim ami Jinrtmrn uom pany (Limited) is the new undertaking referred I to in ednesday article. Ita capital consists of il.UUU.WU in Urdinary shares ol rti each, 500,000 Second Mortgage Debenture Jtf, Sioca, mil jui, ubi iuongace ucutuvuro stock. The company offers, through Messrs. J. Henry Schroder and the JS1.W.UJU our and a IIalf per Cent.

First Debenture Vvva auk luusuuwii av j. auo redeemable at the option of the company by drawing at. 110 on giving not less than three months notice, or by purchase in the market under 110. The trustees for the the Law Debenture Corporation Limit etO The company has been formed tor oi. (.

the purpose acquinng properties (including i CwUOO Yaraa4Twia the stock thereonj and mortgages on projwrties I in New South Wales and Queensland, which tlie I tun Union Mortgage Company of Australia (Limited) chi ha creed sell aiid transfer to this company. iiaterdubVr issue snail do appucu vu clearing uu oiianu encumbrances. The Salisbury Reef Gold Mining Company (Limited), with a share capita! of MimV 4M aVar.a Inr anl.arii.tion Thn oomitanv is formed to arnulre a lTorortv situautl i ati on the Salisbury Gold Masl.onalsnd, tocether with thre freehold larm adjoining it. aw. riia4 llio Trale Kettirn tot the past inciith aro again 4 Wurii fairly satisfactory.

no number working day is the iinii aa In Norembor, and, while the import are little less, tho export aro more. The tmttort are valued at a ilvrrcae ot fn.Vll, eniial to 15 per and tho cxiwt a V. I M. nut, ik ins SUJM in.ia iU.a MLK4 laLM ro.sss LjtlaU aaun S.0M.0M i9.ri JT. 1KU1 li.M0 1JS.1S2 114.111 JJ.14I 125J1J KM 4.11 1K.M W.Ul 171 SSI i.S0l.i4t til.511 (1171 l.laM30 lTl tt U7.91.4 1.M.1M a aatlt, Vafcaa.

csaott ts.rn tWl va.031 Jiusi 114.SU M.V2 Ui.4ot 1K.U1 HUM aw.Ha 3Si.aU l6rs tM 4U.U4 a.ri l.HJCe 7t.M 141.441 Ul.t72 1SS171 48 rw ljsa.34 1.736.M 3TJ.I74 13.SU.rT4 ai TO 16 311 avt taV 11 Hi tTTt tri tin a ta MS Ml CI bS IIS 151 11 54 HI IT 35 4 1J 44 1 (112 SO tir4 ii 4 9 HI sr r.i 11 1 tavi tl71 til tie 3 171 fan 15D 41 IIS US 44 1 II 'II 71 41 19 ftri 2 ri 70 9 frl in in HD 41 171 151 4 7 ANTI TOX10 SERUM AND DIPHTHERIA. vn MnrtF. 1 KXPEXSBfar HTAUIM a4 CHILDKK5. rXRTSU' PTJKGIHa, U5.Z34.790 tl.jKl.Kl Xatirraaa. II.

Kiroara or British axi Irish Prodco SJID llAHCrACTCaX. (juaatiuaa. Pairall Tool cu Lh. Yarta Tnna Ft CDoea ,1 Cu halil. rait aad narrow Wnfatad Tiaanaa, haary aad tl4lil, br Ja4 aavd ..1 Wawltea Caxiu rrtodpal ArUeUa.

417.UI1 42.1 tai.4j 74.077 J0.ttl.wo 4JT, 961.501 1M.I. Lai.4:o 2S.i.7?0 L.U44.1X 4.741 H.Tli 3C7.41 M.le9 4.61..M) ISM. 46.S74 X.2ti 441 1.011 21.444.X0 44S.1U0C tiia.7ao K.I 1.2i)J0C li.96V.OJ l.i7 4.4 Tj.b71 L2I1 4fca.n i.a24,:oo Dnver Preferred to 34 J. each in Illinois Centrat to 01 and Northern Pacific Preferred to i l. aii is; ana vacn in itauuuwmi, Wahash Preferred to Ul.

Union Pacific to 12J, Denver Common to 11J, and Philadelphia and Tkdin! to (after beinc 73) but there is a rise of in St. Paul to 693 (after being 581). and ji each in Central Pacific to 15 and Atchison to 6. in tne usually active oonua lurra ta ian oi 1 in Philadelphia and Reading First 4' Incomes" to 271. I in ditto Fours to 77, in Atchison Second Mortgage A to 19, and in Wabash debentures to 21.

Cay xpiix Picinc shares were weak, falling to GO. The Grand Trunk issues also declined all round tho Guaranteed and First Preference fell i each at 46 and 361, and the Second and Thirl Preference issue each at 24 and 13J. An important announcement respecting this company is made below. Mexican Central Bonds tell to but the Mexican Railway stock were practically unaltered. Among SorTH Americas Railway iue Argentine securities have been dull all day.

Buenos Ayres and Roiario at 64 i 2 lower Bucno Ayrc Great outlern at 103 and Central Argentine at CkU are each 1 lower, and liuenoa Ayres and lU'sario Funchalra share at 13 are lower but lluvno Ayres Northern Ordinary at and dittoHlrelerfnoB at are each 3 higher. In liraillinn ltailway securitie. Han Paulo Five and a llalf per Cent, at llel and ditto Five jer Cvnti. at 109 aro 1 higher, but ditto hares at Uruguay northern debenture of British and Irish produce at an increase of equal to 2 4 per cent. The exports of foreign and colonial merchandise ate valued at 4.425,326, comparel with 4,044,602.

A regard the IvroiTS, tho classes of goods of which the value is greater arc animals, oils, sundry raw materials, manufactured articles, and article imported by means of tho parcl post, the greatest increase being found in manufactured articles. Those classes whose values are lower are articles of food and drink, metals, ch'emirals, textile raw materials, and miscellaneous articles, and of these the decrease in the value of textile raw materials is most marked, and is due to the lower prices of raw cotton. Canada and the United States have sent more of oxen and sheep, especially of the latter. The articles classed as sundry raw materials are neariv all in excess, as to manufactured articles, silk and woollens are those inwbich the increased value are most noticeable. Amongst the articles of food and drink there are aome which show higher values, such a wheat, Hour, beef, mutton, butter, fresh fruit, rice, and refined snrar.

The import of wheat from Russia and the Argentine Republic again form nearly half the total quantity of this class ot grain, lhe effect; ol the low IXQUEST. the past month by a decrease of only in quantity, but of in value. As rerard the KxroRT of British and Irish produce. three only of the ten classc. into which the I coroner article are divided are less in value, and these Jf ate articles of food and drink, yarn, and textile death efJoHirl.i A 1 1, was told laat iHUIIta, auu uw uui metal and raw material show the largest increase.

Of food ami driuk tho heaviest item of decrease i found in sugar. Coat i lower in rico than last year, and though the increase in quantity I 20 per that in valuo i only 6 8 per cent. Coal shi jed for steamers' iise again snow a targe increase, me quantity ueuig compared with tvwi.uiy ton In lm. This fact is explained by tho large increase which i shown in the tonnage of shipping cleared. Tho low prici' of raw cotton is rertocted in tho export of Iron 8Ut JaU Vara I'm )wa Uaa Vara iSaua UoaU Ma.IUu.rr aa4 MU1.

matt alaauraa. rkaaloal I'U. BmI Wnnllan Tta.aa,naa aa4 aad al llkUarra tai Wm.llaa CarpH ail 4kar atlKlM T.4H.400 6U.tO0 laciaa or lci aaaa pet cent. eaaMral 1131. I im.

fiuatity. CIM.tIO Sll 'V r37.2S 3110 Ml MIJJ. 1J4.17I Ml I HvrfO 42.101 1 1714 in 'it 1M.4I 1SI.9US iro ll Uh.lM 74.011 11 nil 4.011.7a IM.I.S W1.K1 14 1.S3 174.771 M.190 17.S10 III! 1U.W1 St 1,44011 r7i isi 10.711 M.M1 lt 4 2 7 SII.MI tll.lli '11 cl 7.7iS 71.UI Ji i WSU 1AM 111 l.iM.m iw.Mi Mi.jai mi iH a U.m 10H.1M Ml 7 C. Ila.4jo tfi iit.Tu ixm Mil ui XK1 Hll jj 1 ui.tu hi trt 110.0U 900.IM tin tn 457.500 4W.171 M.U1 W.J i tt 4 4.1L.4M tlt.ail.751 Cla.0al.CI7 1 4 Wo havo received a copy of The Melbourne rjiusTablcaof Australasian Jlails for It is in theformbf a small book suitable for thopocket. consisting of 28 pages, and gives complete official British and foreign mail service to and from Australia and New Zealand, rate of passage, postage, and cable charges.

A coloured track chart of the world showing distances from port to port and differences in time is added, with other matter. Copies of this useful little publication may bo obtained gratis at the London offices of tho Arjftu, 80, Fleet street, or by enclosing a penny stamp to cover postage. We have received the following notices Meatrs. Uljn, 3iifU, Currie, sod Co. notify that they will be prepared to deliver scrip io exebaope lor luv auoiroeai tellers oi lua Citicrnai on per feat.

Leas of 1833, on and after December 10, at their bankmr houae. 67, Lombard street. K.C. Letters of allotment for the issue of First Mortgage Debentures in Kuston, l'roctor, and Co. Limited hare been poated, tha applications beinj in excess oi tue amount ouereu.

9U in 1 lower iyi 1 but Central Unictisv at 100 i MO.W). ton is 1 lower: and Midland Uruguay (hate at 31 aro Xovemlwr, 18KI, lower. In the Forcioj Marktt the principal feature ha leen the buoyancy of Spanish Four tr Cent off Three "Viix There has also been an advance of Mexican Internal bonds to 20, and of V4 Ottoman Bank share to C'and" to 28 the Greek bond of 1831 to 3li and ditto countries incrtase.1 their demand. The Mononolv loan to 321. and of tV in Turkish I of woollen of all orts how no sign of Group to 441.

In South American de At the St. rancrss Coroner's Court, on Thursday, Dr. V. J. Collins fcttended before Pr.

Georce Eanlord Tbunys, tbe coroner for Central London, for the pur puutio iiaieroeDa wiui reierenre to ou.sp, upon wboao body an ioqueat A report of this inmieat appeared in Tiwrj of DoceinUr 1. Mr. 1. T. Ularkwell.

lrrntr, watrhed tbe for the London Teniprranre Hospital. Tue coronrr (aid. tha dsreaaed man uat len au iu patiout at tbe TrtnperitRce Hospital, sih! was rtroived Irniit that inatiwnon to tba work bouae. TUrie lo be soma diflerfni cf oplqlon aa lo what dl.raa be was snUtrlni Iroin. Wun be arrive I st tbe workbouaa tbe wellfsl offlrrf (lr.

Dualon) rams to tbe ronrlualwi tbst lie was suffering frvm Ueilrlum rauaed by pllnrmta.or blood polaouin, It oaffd. bowevar, thai tb umliral offl ers of tbe Trmpcrani' llorpltal took a dilferrnt view of tbe ra. It was "all iiiat uoiioi went io uupi uu. sun rrinf from nlrer Of tb it, hd that be was altenled tliera by doctors, who raiua to tbe corxlualon that be was a At the Ziaminatioo bafl, Tieteria embeakiBeat, Tsaterdsy afters oun. Dr.

G. Bims Woodbead, Director of the Research Laboratories of the Boyal CoDefes ef FByneians aad onrgtoes, fare before a large sndience lecture on tbe asti toxie aerum treatment of diphtheria. Tte lector was gives under tbe auspices of the Bntiah Institute of Futile Health, and the lecturer wsa introduced by Dr. W. R.

Smith, Dreaident oi uw icniuic. mere were also prcarai Lord riaylslr. Dr. Tborne Thoroe, of the Local Government board. Sir John Tilley.

Sir Joseph Ferrer. Dr. C. A. Jamea.

secretsry oi the Institute, ana a large Bomber of medical officers of health. Dr. W. It. Smith took the chair, and read letters of regret for inability to attend from Lord Rofebery, the rreaident of tbe Local Government Board, and Lord 1 George Hamilton.

He observed that tbe notification return of the Metropolitan. Asylums Board ducloaed a rapid advance of diphtheria which was sttended br a rrrst mortality. In thVeecireumstaneet Dr. tVoodbead's 1 lecture would te found especially valuable and oppor Hue. (sneers.

Dr. tVootiHiAD, in ti course of his lecture, which was ct piously illustrate I en tbe screen, observed that tbe mortality from diphtheria, especially among children, was so great that acytbtcg which could even in a small degree reduce tbst mortaLly must have a marked effect bu tbe general death rate After an elaborate analysis of the pursued, sod tbe results alta ned. by It bui, Loe filer, Uuifer, and others, he pointed out that tb a method of treatment had really nothiiig in common with either vaccination against smallpox or with the tuberculin treatment of tuberculosis. Tbe results of the scrum trtstment obtaiued iu Paris, Ceriio, aod Budapest were muat striking sod its introduction bad been followed by diminutions in caemorUJity one instance from 617 per cent, to 24'5 in otber from 34'7 to S3 6 from 23 to 20 from 46'5 to 33'3 and from 638 te 331 per cent. He thus summarized the con elusions, st which he had arrived The necessity for carefully carryiug on this treatment and improving tbe method if possible is proved Erst, by the rritults I obtained from clinical examination.

Fevondly, from I tbe atartliot; results obtained by experiment on small rodents, which can be readily protrrted against enormous doses ot most active diphtheria toxin. Thirdly, from the remarkable property possessed by this anti toiio serum of neutralising tbe diphtheria toxines, even hea tha process is camei out in an ordinary test tube. Fourthly, from the' fact that in diphtheria i the disesse is essentially the result of the manufacture of poison practieallr outside the so that if a can attack tbe disease at its source and ran at tho same time neutralise the poisons that are diffused into the body, we have tba control of the disease aod as the disease runs such a rapid course it is possible to ascertain whether the ease is improving orrgoing backwards almost immediately, or within tbe course of 26 hours. When the disease, is onra rot ruler, wn have little or bo fear of any return.

Filthly, it is not even a process of vaccination, though it is quite possible, from what has been seen in experiments on animals, that a temporary protrctivn may be obtained I which will carry tba child over tha period of danger in an infected house or district. The auti toxic serum is a direct therapeutic afrnt, and need only be used in ratienta actually suffering from tbe disease where benefit may he expected ta accrue Sixth, cautious i observers, both amongst pathologists and physicians who bsve bad aa opportunity of observing a number of rases treated, bave acknowledged that they have been surprised at tb results obtained, and Virchow, who almost from tbe first deprecated tho extravagant claims that were put forward for Koch's tuberculin, baa stated that, in view of the remarkable results obtained in rare fully observed esses of is tbe duty of every i physician to employ tbe antitoxic serum remedy, iu spite of tha fait that a certain number of stteuiant i drawbacks have been doarrtbed. A vood deal of nun I sense has bcou written about tbe danger of injecting organic fjnid Into the ldy, eecilly organic fluids taken from animals suffering from disease such a glanders sod tulnulosn. Tbe obvious answer to such objections is (1) that serum Is never tsksn from sn animal so sps.mi. maiivio it, me proaacts ot tb glsiidsi from v.

hub living bacilli bsve aUwlutely removed is tnjrrCed Into tb subcutaneous tismies of a healthy briw there Is ss little disturbance, either local or grnrral, as if a similar Susnwy oi neutral salt solution bsd itco lajrcted, nut the animal has glanders when this rrateriafii injected, we have a local manifestation st once a iwrllipg at tbe point of injection, the temperature of the animal rises, aou una so rrguisriy tost any one aeeusiometi lo tbe uie of malleia as a diarnoritie agent can determine within 12 hours whether the horse is suffering from glanders or not. By tbe use ot tuberculin in a similar fashion the freedom of tbe animal from tuberculosis can be determined. So that the bore may very readily be proved to be in good health as fsr as these two diarase. (which are tbe only two dangerous to man about which lucre is very muchdiCiculty ot diagnosis) are concerned. It bsa also been asserted tbst tbe bono is suffering from diphtheria anal that only the poison which is accumu jatcu me iuoou is mjrciru uuo we uuroan patient.

Arainst this mar be placed the fact that the toxin will certainly not neutralise its own action, and if we are aeaiing simply witn toxin we should bave a ruminative and not an antidotal effect. Many of those here have aeen rases of diphtheria, at first apparently mild, gradually develop the most distressing symptoms, and nothrae hss been more nitiaUe or Tmintul in mr ex perience than to see the distress of the little auSerers as' the disease has become more fully developed sod one has felt one's utter helplessness to relieve more than temporarily the dreadful suffering one has had to witness, and I for one and I am sure that in this my feelings are shared not only by tnedieal men but also by those who have bad to watch aad wait whilst suen scenes were going on feel that any remedy that promise results even far less favourable than those claimed lor this method of treatment, should be placed at the disposal of those who have to do battle with this terrible disease. We must improve the sanitary conditiona and the general surroundings uf those who are most liable to the dikase. in order to prevent the disease or to keen it at aa low a limit as possible, but we have a duty to perform to tbose who are actually smitten down. In conclusion, 1 shuoU like to draw attetitiou to the munificence of tbe Worshipful Goldsmiths' Company appreciating bow much there is still to be done, bare placed at ton disposal of the ltoval College of lhysic.ans and Surzeons the sum of 11.000.

to be devoted, in the first the defraying of tho cost of investigations directed to tbe eiaclUatlim ol some oi these obscure points, and, in' tha second plac. to the preparation of i sntidoife serum for the treatment ef tbe ior in the IlUst of London. I should. lso Ilk to drew attention to tbe puUto spirit that has, at I believe, actuated tbe nimhrrs el tbe Mirooiiian Asylum Hoard, who. in dioe.

xaavoua utauir. butSD autaT.aavl atCAXTtt lt4aTUUJJ lit BV BAUKY'S DELiaOUS BEVALENTA. ARABIC A. wkteb ewm at 4iawrWn Sto.c a4 ltt.tslhlatlaAllMNmLsan.UiW. ttlaaVaar.

itrsn. VMoav sad aVaalfc awn aa OaatlswCasw. ITP'S lt4t arslaoa. lawaiastrToa. vtmtrmmm.

i.i.iJ. Unsea. AetdUr. llrtbara, tbtrrm. iTarmasoer, Bnath.

yarraua. LUiaxav ralsmarf. UjaJtW. JTJdsMr, and Lisas Cmap'aitK, OtrUlNf Coosk. Aasaasa.

MasVS, laatra aaitfaa. M. yvhrUi, IssBwrUass LAUBEST PZRKIETt CIV. sAa rct. LAUBEXT PEnBnnt cie.

Aj( auaiL LATJBEJfT PZliniKn. CIE. A ICCsU. AUBEST FEItm ETt ft CIE. XJ ss sreat.

LATJBE5T PEBBIER CIE. "SAa accjss. LAXJKEJfT PXRRI Fit CIE. "UM CCH. ii aad Taaalllaw mltjt Eaua.

rtU rA, w7.Tu aubest.pekrjer cie. ASavaa aa4 lavldsa. 4 fwar IsssiiasaVs aa raa wis a4 JLi SA.N SUCaC aubest perrier CIE. el Cuss, sir H. St.

BUalar. the Aiitcaa itsr, IM XJ "BASS SUCU. Sr.Jri. AURK5T.PEKRIEB CIE. A alta aaalsaau S.SUWS atatt lafstaM I ooOa.

DU BARRY'S EEVALKXTA AKABICA the Bm. has carat sasaj aatas aaa cAildna aJBt4 la Autstir wt Slarkai ltUlPj." Ur. tlmnlx. rrtUn Iroaa ta Ianal 11 wtal at Haaa 1H Laaort. sars BarTT i ratal Trur.a tu ws(3 la (oU." roortlssae arwrt sosniLlil Uaa Bwat.

aai aaaisallaUrf abaa aj caasr tao4 1s tejartaj aa a 60 tlajaj us at la saalia. 1 rasra alao a aorrtafnllr la tarat tfaUsala cbiUrrw. rattablr twkl lar 'all cllasalra. Bells la nua as U. Is.

Id. 2Uav. fa. i Ula. or aLoul XL per awai.

Also TJ DARBY'S TOXIC BEVALESTA BISCUITS rmm rraos PaUUr aod pWp.aasarsa. la Uaa. Ja. so. aaa as.

AU rsas camaaa Iras sat rsceiyc r.u iA. TV BARRY and Co. (Limited). Jfo. 77.

Becent XJ senat. LatiOfHi. W. aat a aU (Kara. Crocars.

aaaCaa roiau' aTanrwIwr. EXTRACTS from 104.COO arnnal core of cases wbkh baa raalai all cAbrr imurxat. "1URE of DYSPEPSIA and LIVER COM rtAIm. rota. Us Kistl noa.rabs tba Lara Stuart ca Prucoaaa.

a conrtf alcTTora mrtl Iruas iKOas. lehwa, 'T Eeiss. Be ty Rs 'jEeisss, 'J Beiag, Reiiiw. rfiehas. Bwwr Keiat.

BowSTltelsjjv GtAn ra bkct bas rcsi vm. OSA5D TO SHOT BANS fCCKE Usa GOAirO TCI BHCT BAS3 BCCKX Taa oalrHaUral Bnrt ChaasSMaa sT ta laaa.a(hawt aa a4 tl racar or saaai. tmTS aWKknas Sasaar. Dakt ill 1st a adl Ci? llol.a. Kawaaraatr, aM at a.1 Win.

xTUkJ?" U. OaaartratHCKT: a at TOU WOWOOtts gassss platay LsaaasilSall llraal, LssKlaa. 0KA5D VIS BECT "BASA aCCaK un. CEAf TU BtttiT BASS tVCXt lxn. CKAXO TUT BRCT BAXS SrCXB UJL LAURENT PERR1ER A CIE.


la bm at UU aASVa OOlx owan a i XJ "aA4 Bt'CBA." BARRY'S FOOD and LAUBEST PBBBIER 4: CIE. BASS 8CCBE. TYSPEPSIA. nU XJ TONIC BI rfXITH. A aaCMf rons Ulaaas harlas ln mr AUREXT rERRIER CIE.

SuaUwar SHlaiatskts aauasila'a ardiaarr (oai at aa I va I aa ssv Dra ervaUaa so Da 1'a TT KeraJnta Food at biscuiu. oa afeueA I sab aiatrai fr aiaaUia. nnarsi a alitor stti of sunoaeli. aad r.r(ta aal ssasrl. ta ta aaiaaualimM ot rraau.

atr taaoicas aui Wau Bank. lWliao. Joa IN ATOXIC DYSPEPSIA aaf DEBILITY, after enteric tr. 1 Kst ptwObal D0 BAKRVS ronllwith ssarkal Mmu when mierylhtnl a wsa acted. T.

U. Morris, Asbsald bause. Ijlbrs sowa. soar FootjpcidJ. 6.

Waias. PCLJIOXARY COMPLAINT. Bern. Madame H. la a boDrlcas aaw of jrulmooary eoaatnBptioa.

took tb REYALsvNTA AUABICa lr auno( her pSraiciaa. So rapl and a ourabl was th cbaas is wodoonl Id ker aralutbastk riaatarous period at arrexolaameat; which pkjnaaa llad prk tad tnokl lalaL paaaal one aith ous didicalis. tbousb tb bat mghad Ifib. aod bar bua a id caaaos sprma t4o h'ch oT tbuescUaaA tood. apots wbfcb Hb Us wile and child! an mom llviac Satrao ot phthisis us either.

IDNEY DISEASE." It has cured me cf talcer diarase. from which I had raffered leartaiij roc won jean, and eh ten had resiaud Bass careful awderal iraauiica. aoa now, aa io vi a aaa aarieiuj discs. Cor larar. Orvsat.

fraoes. COXSTIPATIOX. Asthma, ke. Core No. ol S) rears' IBdasaribaM ay roes desprnata.

IiTToasims, VT' YEABS CONSTIPATION." It has XI carat sa of ale rears' eooa'ipuioe. darlsnJbeyotKl our ay sn baa pbysseiaa. ae i sseeft mtm aew uaa, aai I hapytaesa. A. acadaro, Mantaat.

Alassadna. E7Pt. TEBBIBLE 8UFFEBIXdS. "DU BARRY'S ytjOIl has parlaetly raral many years' I palas I lh sa aiach savl taleaairiea. aavl euaaainaat slroplaaaoeas.

attb I avraual aerfovt umabiliif. tar wawk say ail has rub aiiuad Its vela aiediual tresUiKBS. Muibao, Cat. a. CUBE of NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS.

"With araOtad. Itaatty llb ST.rae 1UBSBI1TB I(M1 i raa i aa I taaiaeirif Mrvoiuasas aad asaSasss. 14rs K. UreUaa, Lppw iafl. laalhaia." CUBE of CONtlESTIOX of tbe BRAIN and 1 MONTH ttlMaTANr aUEEI LataaN Km, PyaratM.

labt lly. so all laar tarrliiaaeiiarkra. by OU HAKRV rHib TM4.kard 4 ban llaniilar auLa. sad KJ ptt Marvr at M.rsA yiaaoa. II TU BARHY'S FOOD has cured my wife ef 20 I yer taral fearfal Irma ereeoa aal tUlaas aa Ura.

ralpnUa lbSri.sad saattlnl i eeer. slap (ecaaeaa. and sethas A ntanari ds Harbara. atsrac st tra. paril, SloHj." ASTHMA.

DU BARRY'S FOOD. Asthma. Ii la ored MH t) raars aatkai. whsrh obilcal frt ap luor or Ire tiate eeery alsbt te raliee mf cbsat Itosa a pr arara wbkb tareslenad soSjaaUaav ltoiuat. ranals 1 rtest, Aeraiatuia, rrmoea.

TNSOMNIA and NEURALGIA." It 1 a remedy 1 which 1 could aloiOBt rail dietne. It has perfectly mat air near sister juua or mar years aearaisia ta neau waica i MlAilAIl IDIEX. neeu Mr tml ajrmy. aou leu Der aCSSKtluwsl rSW I A UUltltl JBtnT MrrjOI. BEias.

Booxy E.ia,. rj Eriaa. 1 Beiau. Boury Kriv. Ewixy Eeias.

AL50 coCa toxic cnAMrAcn ttaaraat rerriar). The only Coea wrina prepirat by artssl Wi, Growers, withoas aadttia! sar rr alooSrA Kn4 erTwbere 4ra par doa. aalt bocCea or bibu par doa. soanrr bottle. Sal Cona( aee EXTZ aad.OlXlNUW(.OU..

Boasts pleo. i street. Loadas. and Hallan iMmtet, wnicn nnaiiy leu iii adlsbiB tlut be should be removed to son.i each higher at 73! and tVI, hiletrench a te tsken rsrr. of.

sod where tr Cent. Rente at 102 and Mexican I of sny swldeu outbreak Cents, of 16S3 at have each risen Jrd.bu TIue 17 r'7' rV 1 'h mso.a and violent. Tbe jury had added a rider to their i Calx.ast 1 miles, turkey, lirazu, tne Ar ctine erdict. baaed upon tbe sworn testimony of tbe medical in 1 in I Republic, and Austraia na nave eacn taKen larger I or.iter oi ice worKLoune. wdo ueposeu JtO in Lm.i.

fir lin.n i r.w of delirium that not uwiaUr InJ 1 A drclini pi good, tho tfniteri Stites took 6,807,000 llM 'tT 7ft ri Ktfjl with 4.100,000. and several other I TKtTlrA'1' ecription there has been a rise of i each in Donas to the Duenue Ayrea Water and Drainage bond K.tJ, the National Cedubxs li "and series to ait and and the liuenos Ayres and i scrjes both to 5. The Itrarilian locns were steady. The debenture of tho Peruvian however, 'declined to 41J, and Urnguayan Threc and a Half per Cents. to 48J.

In the Mixisia Market there was not quite much ding. Waihi i to 4J, but Broken Hill I Toprietary and St. John del Key were each slightly easier at 37. and 23. respectively.

In West Australian share the only change was in Exploration, which fell tV to li. In tho Bourn AralCAic Markot Diamond and Gold hate were general! tcady, but Land hare were doll, the principal decline being in Char teied, which fell 1. Od, to V. Od. i while Oceana tell ft to 2 2,.

In Diamond ihare Do Ikers wero ft hiher at 1811 1811, but Jscers. fontein were unchanged at I7iliJ, In flold share New Miinwa fell ft to $ff 2, Gelden. tiuis tobrV 6 Uoodeponrt United MalnKeef ft to 3J 3l, and Wemmer i tn 6. but Mod deriotitfln ruae i to and Nisei ft to 4, 41. Aliifti Deep lesvel shsrn Clismp d'Hr Deep (e It.

to If), but OonsoliiItwl Dten roso 11 to HJ 9t ami Itand Is. to Kit. 34. Sid. In the (0wrpt?) Detwnturs) iUk ailuncwl to IWJ.

llaticnck l'relronee ihare declined to til Manchester Ordinary to 121. Atnoncst AtnerU tan Drawer share City ot Chicago Preference and City ol lUlllmore rreierenc fell each to and 7 respectively, and Bt. Louii Ordlnarv to 21. Elmore Coiper har relaptied to and Klmore Wire to 1. Jncandeacent Uaa Ordinary ahare, after advancing to 3, closed at 2J.

a rie of 1 since Yesterday. Dorman.Lone roa 4 to 21. Western and Brazilian Telegraph Ordinary shares fell to 11). Armstrong rose 2 to 183. NitraU prodocing shares bare been steady, the only leavure Deing a mruisr cate shares to 171.

The Bank received 8.000 in sovereirns from Germany. Tha Lucania. hat arrived from New YorkVith 1, WO in sfjeci. The Buvia Market was steady, and bart "rr till quoted at 28 per with a firm tendency. The China rate of exchanre were Id.

to Id. hieher, and Calcutta telecraphio transfers rose improvement, as, although tho United State are talcing more, otner countries aro taxing less. The shipments of iron show the substantial "in crease of 271 per cent, in quantity and 151 per cent, in value, and tho increase i very general, those in pig, railroad, tin plates, and uuwrought steol being most marked. Machinery, too, ha been hipped more freely, textile machinery having been most in demand. There is a large increase in the ahipments of alkali and bleaching materials, tbe American demand being large.

Thi alio applies to earthenware, the shipments to the United Status being valued at 82,000, compared with 64,000 in oveniber, 1(593. Hie clearance for home consumption of tea, raisins, wine, and tobacco were greater than in of last year but those of cocoa, currant, coffee, and foreign spirits were less, particularly the lattt r.the quantity being 812,000 (allons, compared with 120,000, lhe increase of wine is clearly traceable to the late Durnay tale of port, the quantity of wine of Vortugueio origin cleared being 441,000 gallon, compared with 1135,000. or r0l0' Onioaui. A1SM1HSSPIS. that it was a come under the irur rested to the msktug provision so that patients might be treated otherwise than as pauper lunatics.

Dr. Collins said Bound was admitted into the hospital on November 8 suffering from ulcers of tbe ley. On the evening of NoremUr 15 be bersme melancholic, refused bis food, would not answer when rpoken to, and was violent and noisy at night. Ou November 16 bia wife was informed of his mental condition and asked whether shr would take Lira home or prefer that the relieving officer of the parish should lie communicated with. the made up her mini that the IstUr course should be adopted.

Tbe patient was therefore rrmove.l un.lvr tbe cere of tbe relieving Officer. In tbe opinion of five medical men wbo saw the rase it was one of acute melancholia arising in debilitated subject, not one of delirium due to accidental cause or blood poisoning. Cases of tbe latter class "were treated in separate wsrds provided within the huemital for such purpose. The coroner having: asked Dr.j Dunlop whether he would like to say anjtiuuK, the Utter replied that be was not anxious to make any further statement. He still thought that Bound waa suffering from delirium caused by septicsrmia.

lie certainlyi did not agree tbst tba ease was one of melancholia. The reroner said the matter bad better rest there. It only showed the difficulty ot diag. nosing case in their earlier stages. BASF THESE EACTS I WHT DEIXaT JXrXEIOR TEA WHTSOTBri TOCR TEA flB Vr HASD' IX.

aowrrw. aatiactl to oantiaaa dr.akin indiSrrent aad ecaaoe Te aad food la that cea then I sataiaf be said bat it yott wish to eajry lh buory raaly dclscaoo cap ef Tea. aad It joa stwty srasnssy la li joathold espeaditar. yvu can. ry arrtlag ta USITED KISUOOM TEA C0M1 A5T.

tiakal. ZL MbK lairUaa. Loaaan, abtaia Ik BEST TEA II' THE WORLD. oT uaply deUoCas Q.ity. riX3T HAXD' dlraet frara tha Hinnni lana laatn Tra Mariat, at Impnr ers' jrine, (aad aoc Lassaaral anh kalf a dasea BiMdlemaa's pesSIsk Ta.

la, 54, la and 2s. a lb, all aauslat st the letpav tie There la ao tra iU abaxeeer la ss SBUr, joa has aaerely ta send roar Oelar aod laa Ttaa are pranatly DaCewal at your wit Done, aoy wbrr la It aTIacdota. CARKIAGE, rAQb 7, 14. 31 lb. pa tad ia hiaied tld Caaistan 40, H.

ar lOClb. to Cbaats. all withaal str aharsa. Tastor Chrittiaas dis iibntl sat np la S. Ub.

Bass frea. ThaosaaJa of Ta. ssfs ten I mi i2t. tT5tTXD KI NQOUM I a. A COMIfA Tf araTea Menhaa by atpelatoMtit ta II R.

II. lb rBISCI rd LEA. la 11 R.II.lh DCEKefCONXACOHT.UU nf.CH ot COMMOT ITNITKD ELNODOM TEA COMTAJirS Tsa are la all lb COE009 hs IIOTtUan4IESTtntAfTtf all tb prlay4l ftAILWAT COarA.fllA. 1. t.000rtbar IHITEfA IMSTITmof sal be UOT4 I ClaTOMESAa.ei ber.

nTeTrsas relaUoiae.l. sad aid fast biaal pries t.erly as. plo.UKl. I'KITEU KIMOIOM TEA lOMMjrr, Tsa seal Abroad I sny pan ef UwWwkt der Daa4 free at Kasbsk Duty as syarlal (aee wtk UaluJ all tkart toy ra llet, wH'u sitp. pta.

laaaranea, faeaKa tai'r. aad amass is UaaUsaUaa. "rrla rtle List Feat free. USITED KINGDOM TEA COMPACT, UU4 OCBcas. O.

taClXO LASE, L05D05. EC Writ foe Sample, seat frea. aad taet sad fads far reareW ea. rju MAR I5DIEX GBILLOX. OR COSSTIfATIO r.

I YEABS JIISERY. DU BABBY'S FOOD JLO baa cured of Bifbtly lrTll4 rltatlaa al tha TYPHOID. DU BABRY'S FOOn. Dr. W.

Wallaos Elmsli. tram Military Hnapital, aoSa. declare Is worth lis waifht ta ftM la typboas aad aiarraratk. YEABS' NEURALGIA and DYSPEPSIA. DU BARKY a FtXID has acta! wonierfaUy nt: bi streocth lsaa.lag back, aad a aew lit, lib thac af yoatii.

arum a' 40 mAMAK IXDIEX. EErR EMU NO sml MOrTT AQErXiBLX TAH fTTAMAR IXDira. Bile Headscb. rpAMAB ntDIES. Hsmmholds.

rpAMAR rjTAMAR rjlAilAR ISVIES. Loss of Appetite. IaDIEX. GASTKIu and TSTZ3 TLN Af. IKOCBLE.

rpAMAB I5DIEX. SOLD by t3 CHEU13T3. fXlAMAR ETDIESr. JL 47. Bowtbe arkalreet.

B.E. I XT' EATISG'S AXY YEARS' BAD DIGESTIOX. Disease IV ATX tb Hears. Kidneys, aod Bladrla with Bereoas irrtatloa ATIXfi'S IEATISG'S COXSUMPTIOK. Thirty three years diseased.1 T7" EATING'S tnars.

spiitiac of Lined, liver deraa retail, deaneaa, eincin g4 breath, aad Hish hare been rsxaoaed by DU SAKKT'S de TT EATTKG'S Udeus OOD. My laaga, Jeer, aloaac, heal, aad ears are AV. rls perfeec JAMEa SOUEKTa, Tissbev i KATnlO'S AV EATI0'S EATING'S JEATIXO'S EATING'S A.X. all rubs aiy bearUs perfeec JAMES Merchaat. 1 April 2ad, 11 4.

the iuterrsts of their patlruts, bar been tb iooei rs snienrst thetnibile todies la this coontrv Id lostttutlu l'iclnoloilcl stsininatioos ef their esses ef dlihtberia with a view to clearing up th dlsgiiosis in soma, st say rate, or in untiutiui esses, lucir ennrts aro siiirrllr.l by the lAl oratoriaa Commltte. who will. 1 am eonvlnred, give all the help that is In their fewer to make these luvesllgntlons nselal as regards taeir patient aui helpful to those on whose shoulders rests the serious responsibility of disgnosis. (Cheers.) Loiin I'LATrstR, as the Senior fallow of tie College ot fhyslrians, moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Woodbead for his lecture.

lie was. be observed, probably the" oulv surririoif member of the Boyal Commission on Public Health of If 4 f. When that Commission made Its Inquiries its main object was in the direction uf rreventire medicine. There was then no knowledge of bacteria or similar organisms. The principal idea wss that disease wss coimaeted wr.n nun, sna tnat much of it disappear if the people couUl be induced to wash and be clean, uut since tnen our snowinixa oi the origin of disease had been greatly enlarged.

It i TNF. was satisfactorv to know that tbe system advocated by the lecturer was not auenaea oy any oi tue suneriog oi PARALYSIS, Constipation. From whch I saRered yeara. base eotinlj yieJJal la LiD BARRY HKID. sat 1 aa.

an, a th a. t4 O. hralth. Kias's I allege, Onabrid. (JoClO.

U4S. Wul.aas Uaat, Barrvs ar ACATABBU on the BLADPEB. with iu eicru la'ln tuery, bad reaiia4 tajrrett med.eal skill Marine lbt Ions years, bat 1U HARaY rtnm RkVALETA ntD eared la aa ha radlbiy ahan tissa. I'ari, ApvJ 1A. lU.ld.

1 releasor al Cbaatasiry. IVEK COMPLAINT and DIABBIKEA. XJ from wkleh I bat Battered fta fuliy tr year. aVset tba beat seeda al ireaia, rlaee ywHeg la 1)U A BUY A Sloe. last root, W.

EUas. MJ al A. t'a Uaeaed. DIABETK.S. which had brought Mr.

Rlchr to a nAEAT tVOU la a lew aas. iSar Saint Laasbart VroaM ArMsls. ska aadlAhil ffak ftm tbees ter eH kaa retal'e Usra "sea, a Wheal riOHf Harley a a ladlaa Dora Cettoa, ra US lleea Illdaa, try aad wt Jabt "kaat, eeaassts. piisinill Maiura. trash Mtrau of Rios aeads as Bad llaillt BUS.

raw aasar, relasd Tallow aad stasrta Tobaosa, aaasaafsctnred e. eiia aorL stts aad sawa Want, sharp a laasla' e. Cwt Lb. Oaav 1 i.JT4 iuff 141 lltl.Ml L119.117J IKI ts ra tl.ljl 4MIJ9 MX XX6.04 IXAKI tl'OS X.0SU.4ST nA t.a.iiT I Jt5 i mew 1.CW.1W 4.K4 tni 17.6S1 U.C44 tn.iu uu CA.6S4 USJ14 4A.C11 LTOIJtl 1.4' llllOf 1.744.IH I.4CS.I70 Ul.SM M14eeU COUGH LOZENGES. COUGH; LOZENGES.


LOZENGES." LOZENGES. Cough COUGH COUCH COUGH 14. Csns areaaJ rsad. rfca. M.

"Tbasf Slr. laataBuar baad a ssMs ar MI I abasia lis utha ym. Tear lais woaders la re.ieyiM iembla aaa. Waal ball a eperaiMB ol sraua wl (lb Me a tb ii.rn OABY SAVED by DU BABBY'S CURATIVE JLM Sin hi. sty mvt iri las ftarrB a rnud SwW Sal.

baa bee t. healiaw D. Uaara. KeCwr vt ALAiiury, v'o. Cert, itti Datt, lial "lEBTiriCATE from Miss CALDWELL.

fVrtl. eaierl Mo ilbly Dar Trained elck ra, t. trpe llill sw wl. Kiolliuuad. K.W.

1 Isse used roar lEVlLLVrA ror years, ana esse iwaavi it ot greas vaiu In snaay ear had raara. A aaaileniaa arrHae. leen. i A atr. aka.

asel' enlarxameai of tb iiecr. waa ciratsatr by tare doctor tb SViaeiu aaeed Sua. I alms lo a la. tnrtr.e iroej both ot til heart oiUui p. aal ia aueat two tana rb was stole tea .1 oat.

Anotber Udy 90 urd bid reeueai by It. bae fuuad lynriia ta at aad Ibelr tabs, set aa woadertally well witA tu lea saay task say bh you (ilaaas ot Lbia UsUasort al. Jt. f. Alniu.

ANTS' PROSPERITY. My elueat ehilJ wa ntinlT rear. I rm Pu BARRY'S atooas lC'D, aal a ta del of perfaot health' A. which vivisectionists were charged with being to reck im waua Bars lasw vsoaear. su, jiy.

less. All the pain caused to animals in iu application was less than that of a single lash of the whip. TNFANT SAVED. Dr. T.

W. Benelce. I'ro (Cbeers.) In America be had found the scieotise spirit very aettre in me aireciion ot wii new remeny, and would le shame oa ns if we were left tehitd. There was to te a great deputation to the Hetrv' oliUn I Asylums Board against tha employment of money from i the rates for these purposes. He hoped the newspapers would enlighten the publio as to the real merits of the esse.

(Cheers.) I Dr. TnomiE Thobjci seconded tbe motion, which was neartny carnea auu orieuj I SWiNE FEVER AND CATTLE DISEASE. lessor af Medici la Ordinary t.t th Coieer atr. wr.les intb Beriin COtuca. Weeluy af Am.

A 1 aaear foo. set tbit 1 aw ii pmrreatloo of ao of my ahudreu ta th ieesiBa Arald a. TB chill, an fr saons ol.L eufferal from eotuplat easnaiwa. with oaataa. ejroitl.

waieh reel rial all ejatisai eeeB ta sre. ear of two was nana. I tried DU UARKY REV AXaLNTA wtaa th nsoss aebunlshiar aacoa. The amiiiB4. oead iae diauty: and afiar Ueia on this fl ax as as.

tba baby was mural to tie moat ntar.shi.ic twa'lii "Oil YEARS' DYSPEPSIA. Oppreasion reV eivoa, ew. r. ajJJ UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED.


4 BE UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. ARE ARE BE oarinotoTBew nueuu. wwe vr in trs.ief le tba us of tbes Loartu. so Ita rm iMaiehale rHiel. IrssB lh a vf th oaa ab lAroat brntatian at ialaraa.

NE or two talien at 1 ed time will alltyM tatioa ia lh tarjaS. aal srmst ta uaa lb patient durlM tn aUW arel ao aiaa r. ra toe Uy. wwm lb ovusb is tevuruaea e. wul affontf lalief.

Freo.n.1 and r4J la tine. 1. llid, Sa. Sd s. WU.

by Clw atee. aa irs dntsal ts sad parent toertS iii iors ia tbe worA. np ia bostlas. pjIEBATICA Whas islt TJ IERATICA It is tbe best Not Paper J.JL oay amiaee irm al in eea tl aliabtans ff rL bar basa curat bs DU tl af tb frisaiav Tin JirANEix sub thkIUuht or BEiitcu. 6sr Yokohama Corrsapondeot writes under data Kovember 0 1 7" There has Usn a eonsideiable smount piiitement iroin ner snq f.6i'e awui tn af the Jspanaee Oovemmenl in forpjbly setting tbe (iaelie, mail siesmsr, from Msn Krsnsisso to Hang.

konif, wniit in tun nsrt uur, ami uung his ssiim 10 is Mmim itftmsbip jdoer wbil in t) uf Keh. In holh iBsUaff 1 ID tbjt wst lw sesrrh fur roHtralHiiMi td v. sr. A4 tb llssll wsi Knslxh iteamsr rhsrlsrial by an Anierltsa rtirfipsay Leiwct.n Auitrka llmiiktm, al dues aol touch at lar Chin imft iu bf veys ihr 1 a duiiU wbeiber, by ilru(loiial law, she ws lull le be serfbt for eomracaisi. ine jspanese sens aiongswe viaene two wbleh pfotruded tofpedoei trot their tube Id Her direction, anchored an arm eft trsbstHHa at her stem, and surrounded her with steam I Bunches.

An armed tarty, from the torppdo bosts snd t'smport. boarded the usene ana aetnsnaea searcn the sblp.for contraband of war. CapUla Prarti protested against Sueh search, sts ting that he bad no contraband on board. Nothing was found on board, and the Gselta wa Sallowed to proceed oa her voyage to Thej selsure of the French mail steamer Sydney is perhaps of a graver nature, because although a search in this tnstsaee wa justifiable, as the Sydney was to yet the arrest of thr rjasseneers fnim the bteamar. which claims tha Itatut of a trsn of wsr', may gire rise to grave complications with the Trench Government.

"The' JCeU atnld of November 8 says that an armed force ef hloeiacket from that eervette Tsukuba kaa boarded tb Sydney la faee of tb Brm protests of Captain DelseroU aad M. P. da L. Waaaarian. Consnl for rranee at this sort, and forcibly arrested Messrs.

J. Browne, Cting rsn Mow, and G. Bowie. M. A.

Oonll. the acent at Kobe ef the Measagerie Ataritimas Company, has pretested against tee arrest. The Board ef Agriculture issued yesterday so order, which comes into force st midnight to morrow, removing the restrictions as to the sale of fat and store swine. These restrictions have been ia forre for a period of some ten months. Though tha sale of fst sod store swin thus besomes uurestrktad throughout the country, tbe regulations ss to removal remain "(or tte tirsseut subject to the restrictions wbib bar nct atly 1 teeo ift ftrr.

At In reuaei.usnc ef utbreais ef feo.n..nietith illisa in ftume ef tba teni diatrirts, lies Heard ef Agruultuf issued erlfr en November 30 sad 31 Pft.blbiung tbe er rswiavsl of rsttl from VsnikfldsesLire, tsi, Vt anulk, Loadeu, lien. hi KvhIi ud iiiitittiM vsnhiitf irUtrii six! lhstxiitB in me sbikim srrai wnn is viw et slaitirltia euttheitse. lhe precautiet ttkeu have had sura sstlslsrlory resulls tusl, Mrepting lit two small br removin arrant of the ceuBtry, eireptleg a small aittrirt in Linton, la Cambrldgeablre, ana tttototr near eittrngrsoura, in Kent, cattle may be frwely moved or sold ea al after Monday. Tbe Board's prompt and vigorous action has thus, ss the oBcisls hoped it would, effectively sup Messed the disease as tne very outset, ana pre ran tea the mterfereoce with Christmas stock sale aad markets which would ia all probability have been caused but for the energetie course adopted. Schedule to the order issued yesterday clearly the areas till regarded a infected.

Beth are very small indeed, so the revocatioa is practically a general 00. A I A. It ha cured my danchter of rerie XA. ral de bully, aa IrnuUoty. repieiineeK.

hysteria, sad total sihauMia, Bad steva br health. aal euarurh. wiub hard asaesj aad sluarf slssts. U. Iw Moa Cans and NERVOUSNESS Al ItAKBTa IIXIU Curf tb Uaerkas DYSrEPSU.

DU oa BrSItaa ot HIEBATICA It debrbtful to wr Quire Coortlarelopr. la yer HIERATICA It is to to baa im I Qntrat la ad. Cowit I. a fct I HIERATICA It Is sniubU 'or SermCBS, RaMarr aia. gtr HIEBATICA It al mad Ttonfof WW Let ses.

1 abeau aadj aesbrp. nadsf 7 YPHU ad BILIOUH FKVEIW CURED by st a etavatA.1 4A Aaapiua sir. bhw.wis "It baa iiBsai tai rati neMav Ibalardarai 14 la Sa. 14 la a sayiaf baa am, it has ousted n.l..a.,l fa irpba lie fee WIUMI Me. Saett, seil all sabe.U MJeaaala l.

lata.ilulel. aeeaipa 4 la Mesaleeia I al lata lite, aua le, aad He a Heat ks.e ihI II lafsrt.wy S'laassiat, IS sseat fear srws HIEBATICA If difflcoltr ia aua.psb.laa eras. si. Cl gss QUTICCBA HOAr. HJTICUIU BOAP.

retained yat.eet kealta rSSM y. lewatUei Fealal la Xf.eatCfTItl itlAl' eetlHHMs taiaa, aad H'4lwa at I apsre. ltfTItylrltA alWAi dalles IIS ea. lLaVUUtkhll. leWli.

eU a ea JteW lets. iytWa areas, toe resifrctioas srs no longer eooii.iri fftiTK mr mirfW heaJta of DU saary, and the IlealM wttrday Issued aa order BARRYw IXJJ bet been a narUwsie iiaf tarf thai them hCcOM mgly. This Mef also Is to hate 1 1 4.terw, wltiiaits it. st.s r. a f.Mea.

fie tnUnlht Iriltri.rrow so that in alt berta rf lb. Us a. 11. Jar. raara, IM laasawbar.

ina The Sbxtwucxxo JlAanrrx' Bocrxrr. A mealing of thi society eras held yesterday et th board room. Great Oecrgtta eet, Westminster, under the neaddescv ef Admiral K. 8. Adeane.

The eperatioo for the mocth comprised shipwrecked and distreased mariners and fishermen ef all grades, aid 394 widows, orphans, tbe number of vessels concerned being 79, PRICES of DU BARRY'S REVALENTA ARA PICA COll Isekabiy seated lar II eOeaMl, nUTICUBA BOAP. pUTICUllA BOAP QUTICCBA BOAP. OLD EVERYWHERE, fries I TH etcsvr tmea mix fwimsM niimrns TV I seated lar .11 eDejaarel 1.M.SIB, (aTTalbL. 4b lata.Ua. 1411a, fca.

Taa baa ar sral irr ot aairssa a II iaas sad tat rraaos oo reeaisS fuw la say pan at the tlnri aad ad rraaos aao ror ju. BABBYT5 REVALENTA TONIC BISCUITS aaa enaaa I e.J a.a ia om a ia eaalyeafeeoatd. la tan. Ub, la. U.

IAMOND RINGS antt OltNAMENTS. ptlAMOND RINGS and ORNAMENTS. DIAMOND RINGS aad OtWA "wa Et IAMOND RINGS and ORNAMEJ XJ an aad BOX. We vv WlUabUs BARRY and Co. (Limited, strere, le adaa.

w. sasas saaea. ai. ta TmU. Humt r.

aeue'i N'awaeee'a eeariea's aaa hi bar. r'win f. I .11 Vilniae saT fs SI I1 1 at af Taa tlaata Bad tha Mas Satav I nr rnrziwr. wZi7 eea 'T eaears a sows, V1T III II IS a. IXXB GoadaU aad BarAhoaute.

W. R. Mass aVR. a7.i. ej 1 1 xeeavlClai.l aadCbaeaists brol nfesaita.

aor. Aa. Aa. ljn..

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