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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 22

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i. LATEST INTELLtQENOS THE BUOOTAN WAR. Tito following telegram from Sir BarUtTrerti 'td Satttra, Sonmatt 14, 2 1ft p.nv, to Sir Aanct Wood, ra received rtstcrdar it the Indis MCtfotrl Brace signed ft treaty of rssaew with. ClpoUain puUicduiW ecrtiea ef th foUewiai appeared CtUtouef resleralay? 'kectbr. TutOKAm.) FRANCE.

PARIS, Not. 13. The JUonilrur of tbia uTh Pari journal Kara published detaile of jTjctel reductions in th strength of the army which are completely erroneous. In order to hoir l.ejw littl foundation there for this sufficient to state that, if the Emperor has deter uined in principle vpoa the reduction of the war eiperKHtare, ui means oy wnicn tnia resincuon will he aocomptiahed hare not yet been decided upon." The Franrt of this evening asserts that an Imperial decree win be published to morrow appoint iruj IL Dolsngle lYoeurator Creueral of pie Court of Cassation. 330 r.n.

The Bourse has been flat. closed at CSf. or about the same as yesterday. TOULON, Xor.M. The French aquadron of evolution entered this port yesterday, baring experienced stormy weather.

bound for Civita Vecchia, has been compelled to put into this port. MARSEILLES, Nov. 15. Sir Henry Bulwer has arrired here from Con tautiropW THE NEW AUSTRIAN LOAX. PAPJS, Nor.

15. The Paris papers announce that the conditions for the new Austrian loan hare been ratified. The principal contractors are the Austrian Credit Fon ier at Paris and M. Pinard, as the repreaentatiro of a large body of bankers, of whom the, following are the most important Messrs. Fould, Fremy, Iiottinguer, Mallet, LTentsch, Konigswarter, Marennard, tc, and the principal bankers of Amsterdam and FrauVfort.

J.ELGHDI. PAKIS, Nov. 15. The Honitrur of this eTening says The disquieting rumours which hare been pre Talent respecting the health of the Kins, of the Belgians are devoid of foundation. No alteration has taken place in the health of His Majesty." BKTJSSELS, Nor.

13. A Royal decree has been published, dated yesterday, appointing M. Teach, formerly Minister of Justice, to bo Minuter of State, SPAIN. 5IADEID, Sot. 15.

A meeting of the directors of the Bank of Spain took place yesterday at the residence of the Minister of Finance. The Minister stated that the payment of the interest on the home and. foreign debt was provided for without the necessity of having recourse to a new loan, or of negotiating fresh bonds. The notes baaed upon the sale of the national domains would amount in tho next Budget to 400 million reals, of which the Government is authorized by a recent law to negotiate 203 millions with the Bank of Spain. The directors of the Bank declared that the present depreciation of Spanish securities waa due solely to the embarrassment of private firms, and was of a transitory character.

General Espartero and Seiior Olozaga having resigned their positions as members of the Pro gresista Committee, a new election has taken place, 'resulting in the return of General Espartero a President of the Committee. Seiior Olozaga was not re elected. Seiior Madoz has announced that he does not approve the polity of abstention, and will present himself as a candidate for the Chamber of Deputies. CIIP.ISTUNIA, Nov. 14, Etxmso.

The Norwegian Storthing has adopted the treaty of commerce with France without any alterations. AMERICA. QCEENSTOWN, Nov. 15. The Inmsn steamer City of New York, from New "ork on the 4th arrired here at 6 p.m.

today, with 2U7 passengers and (22,200 in specie. Sho landed S3 passengers, and proceeded at 6 15 p.m. for Liverpool. CALCUTTA, CHINA, AND AUSTRALIAN MAILS. SOUTHAMPTON.

Kov. 15. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Pera. with the heavy portion of the above mails. has arrived.

She brings 134 passenger and 24 packages of specie, value not stated, and a general cargo, including packages ot raw suk, value 60,000. She experienced fine weather throughout the voyage. The Poonah arrired at Gibraltar on the 9th inst. The iDtrcliauti of Gibraltar hare presented Sir William Codrington with a piece of plate, and expressed deep retrret at his Excellency's departure. General Sir Richard Airey was sworn in as Governor and Commander in Chief of Gibraltar on the 10th inst.

Heavy rains have fallen at Seville, purifying the atmosphere. At Cadiz five days' quarantine is still imposed. Exchanges unchanged. Mat that there wss seaeiJrreU distress. among the labour, lag Uroaghout the soloey.

Asermbly hsd reted a temporary Wa ef 60,0001 to be exiweJed works, slrvedr aaactieeed Vy Us rarUaaieBt, lb Legislative Council bad sot agreed to tee ret. A veto 0t bad beea earrUd for tbe eoapWUoa af th Kewt Harbour. Th prvpeeed exteatiott of Ik electrl telegraph te KU1 had bee ilroffed for lb prtMal TrJ wis stilt dolk but was expected' to Inpror rllli tbcemiat; fmmrr mmh, m4 br er fsir prespMls ofakountifaJbu rct. TbcTTinrfMr Castta Iwd STrired oat ilh tb ptb rimf oi, u4 prooetd! to 4ti ly. Th sr rirl tb Eraowa tb9U of Octcbw caused (TtattseiU eti Ibfeoleayoa seeouotof naMObsfrosseboUrabaTisc occarrwl aboard.

8b was net to Baldsaba Uy; wbere in trvop rr to oe aa IsUad toaadrco et UKwtVsetitrtaUB. TbUst death, that of tb Urnoi eftbttbip. took pIsM Sdars btfora bwsrriral, and la odicr of lb troops tioofht tb qoarsatia una eeauriljr WTre. Tb empUla of tb Rmwb, la a Utter to tb SomA Africa AJrtrtinr ewf XaC, sUltd bb Mart, tion tbat ba tb dmmstaooM bream known ta EojUnd pabli srmpalby woaU dirsetod towards tb rofiatat ratber tbaa tb colony. Es Attorar Gterml Porter bad sttld SOOT, per aaaoia oat of bis protioQ as aa dueUasl toJowmtal for tb ooloay.

MILITARY AXV if AVAL INTELLIGENCE. By a War Department order tranimitUd to Woolwlcb, tb bead of aVpartoxnts at tb Kojtl Anensl ar instructed to rceetr sad despatch by tb rctuliest ooarryuo to HrrViJesty troop la Jamaica a large rapplr of me.ll ciocs, sod bospiUl and snisical stores, supplied by Messrs. Sarory and Moor and other coatrsetors, ammunition, fnwt, 4c, togctber with a complete battery of Royal Artillery cms, ambulaao wasxons, ke. A Urj proportioD of tb stores wss yesterday transmitted to Southampton by Pickford's rans, and will forwarded theno by th mail packet to sail to morrow, tb 17th last. Two officers, four sergeants, sad 18 privates of lb 4tb depH battalion bar proceeded from tb camp at Col chester to Laadfuard Fort, Harwich, for target practice, and two officers, on sergeaot, and 30 private of tb 8th baits oa bar boen withdraws from Lsadgnard Fort.

Tb first diriiion of tb Depit Brigade Itoral ArUUcnr, nnder tb command of IJeat, Col. C. WaddelL consisting of fire batteries, baa commenced tb srstem of weekly marche into th eoaotry by th officers and men. Tb order directing the marching out authorize esch march to extend orer a period rsrying from two to foar boars. Oa each occasion a tketch of tb country trsrerted is to mad by one of the oSccrs of th diriiion, while th troops will occasionally be xerciaed in throwing forward advanced and recalling rear guards, with such other moremeats connected with route marching as the nature of th ooustiy will admit of.

Instructions bare been reeeired at th shipwright da. partment at Chatham dockyard from tb Admiralty as to th vessels to completed, repaired, and fitted, together with th programme of works generally to be undertaken at that establiahoient during th remainder Of in Unsocial year. To chief of la will be the copimenoe. ment ot the two new reeaels ordered to be built from Mr. E.

3, Brad's designs th Hercules and th Blanche, the former being aa entirely new kind of ironclad, to be coated with armour plates of great thickness, and th latter an Improved rigate(unanaourd) of th Amasoa intended tooaiTyahatieryof a few guns of th hearieit calibre. The drawings and plans of both ressels sr now in th bands of the draoghtamea employed la th designing department of th dockyard for tha preparation of th sectional drawings sad moulds for esch ship. The Hercules will be constructed with a thickness of iron running along her broadside of 11 1 inches, of which her armour plate alon will be of tho enormous thickness or exactly double th thickness of th armour plates of th Warrior, which is only protected for some 200ft. amidships. The recent experiments made at Shoeburyness ea th Hercules target, constructed with exactly th same weight of iron and timber per square foot as is intended to be employed in the resael prored incontestably that Do gun hitherto in Tented will be able te propel a shot through tb sides.

On the oocaaion of th experiments alluded to three of tL Armstrong 12 tea 300 pouader shunt guns were fired at a distaoos of onlj 200 yards, with charge raryiag from i51b. to COb. of powder. Although a atoel shot of 3001b. weight and 10J inches in diameter struck the centre ef the "Inch armour plate with a velocity of rather mors than per second, yet th blow wa barely sufficient to break through th armour, and did not injure th backing.

Sir Wflliara Armitrong, in hi latter to Tkt Tinus, sabaenoentlr confessed his doabts whether erea the fOO pounder gun would bar succeeded in peietrating th target unless even th enormous 601b. charges were greatly increased, whereas no rifled gua yet constructed has ever been tried at Woolwich withchargea exceeding of powder. The Blanche i to be i laid down on th slip from which th Lord Warden is to uanuieu, uu uww taten in naaa aa soon aa tue wotk THE TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1G, 18G5. 7 MA i aWaJ mm mmmm'm stt sV. ltJ.wV rsT TT nmt tttftr TV colsr of Africa.

ma TbeBayUUaasUauMrStbtop arrired the Versey yestonlay inoralag from th West Coast Africa. 8h brln330ogold dHsa4U00tto speoia. Her date ar Beoia, Bep. 3 1 Feraaada Po, Oct. 3 1 Cassereoa Fept, 29 Old Calabar, Oct.

2 Brass Sim. Oct 5 Cap Coast Csstl. Oct. 12 1 Cap Fabnas. OeC 14 1 Sirra Ie Oct.

51 Batburst, Oet. 25 Teaerific, Kr. 1 aad afadsirs, Nor. 4. At Baaia, CanoroMM, sod OM Calabar trade was doll, without ebsag.

At Fernando To trad waa briak, aad tb bland was healthy. Bonny was dull, owiag to tb Internal distarbuer of theaatires. Tb ship DU of tb Oosaa wss totallr lost so Boaay Bar on th 11th of September; crew aarwL At Bras Birr tradjras greatly Im prored, whiJ at Lago comssaaieatloa with th iatorior wa still clewed, aad trad wa la cMiMqoenc daU. At Accra trad was tolerably briak. At Cap Coast Cacti trad was still iUH, but It was hoped that aom srrangeneat would shortly be effected with tb Asbaatees.

A soldier ef tb 4th West India Eni' meal had beentrUd and atntoaeed to banged for th morder of a aatir. At Cap Falmaa a moderat amount of business was being dose. At Bitrra Leoo eeri oua eolliaioos betweas th aatir tribe wer saticipsted.aod it wa reported that a fore ot 0CU rnca bad left Magbali to attaak a neighbouring tribe tb UiUueesirrie. As tl disturbsaees wer eoufiaed to lb aatir torritory no astir measures bad been take for their sspprcsaioo. Much an easiness wss fait, bowerer, ss to tb safety of the disturbed districts.

Trsde wa dull. At Batbarst business was alack, pending thacommenoement of tb grouod nst aeaaoa At Teneriff trade wa moderat. At Uadeira a good rin crop bad been gathered. Tit rainy season along the west coast wss nearly orer. TO TBS EDITOR OF THE TIMES.

Sir, In your Usu of Monday, tb 13th in a leading article, I find tb following words i In ths old dsrs of slarery th Jamaica negro was noted among bis race for his dangerous character, and be reae against bis masters, ander th guidance ef the Baptists, on the rtry ere of 1 cannot, Sir, allow this rery grar accusation sgsinst the body to which I hr tb honour to belong to pea without a word of comment The Baptist of this country bar long taken a deep interest la tb welfare of th negro, aad eoo tributod by their exertions to seur th abolitioo of slarery throughout the dominions of Great Britain. Batyoumuit fully aware tbat their principle and proosdur bar been and sr utterly arena to tb encouragement of insurrection against lawful authority, and you moat bar forgotten the fasts, which completely disprove th statement made in the paaaag I bar quoted above. It is perfectly tree that aa attempt waa mad to fasten upon Baptist missionaries the guilt of the star insurrection of 1831 Bat in rry Instance tb ease broke down, although th basest efforts were msd by suborning falsa testimony to scour th conviction of tb accused "missionaries. I cannot adduce bettor evidence of this than th following extract from the editorial columns of Tto Timet of th 15th of September, 1832. Tour predeceasor says No instance of I nsabordinatioa or outrage has vr occurred throughout thee colonies since the abolition of th slar trail, whence prompt occasion was not taken to chart th guilt of it upon the unfortunate missionaries, In th fat insurrection of Jamaica torn miaeiooariee wer subjected to trial under similar charge but, notwithstanding th clamour raised against them, and th excitement then prevailing in the island, no misconduct was substantiated against any on of them not on conviction could be obtained, howercr ardently it was wished for and diligently sought." Tha bitterness and dissppointmrat ot the planting interest vented ltaelf, ss you will remember, in tha destruction of numerous chapels and dwellingbonses outrages de.

dared by Earl Bclmore In his proclamation to be disgraceful to th colony, subrsrsir of order, aad a dangerous ex ample." Tb British Oorsrnment paid to th Baptist Missionary Society, for their restoration, th large aom of 11.703.: thai, ss It was ofSeially stated, tho negro population might not be deprived of th services ef those aibU and sealous missionaries, who wer oompsllad by violence to quit th colony." I might refer you, with the perfect assurance that th evidence will establish th sxtrems inaccuracy of your ss 'ertion, to th Parliamentary Bloebooks of 1832 but will satisfy myself with two brief quotations from replies of Sir Iiooel Smith, Governor of Jamaica, to addresses from the Baptiat rniaaionaries, and the society In 1839. He aays Even with the aid of a rieious aad well mud Dress, both In Cnguna sna Jamaica, and, 11 may praeumod, soma habitual oooldenoe in Jamaica uric, th enemies of your relipon have never dared to go to the proof of their audacious accusations against you. The admirable eondoct of th peasantry in such a ensis has constituted a proud triumph to th causa of religion, and thoe who contributed to enlighten them in their mora duties, through persecutions, insult, snd dangers, have deserved the regart and esteem of the good snd just in all Christian countries." To the society said Sir Lionel Smith Tb ministers of voor society in Jamaica bars not onlr deserved well of the oppressed negroes, bat hare been of tbe strongest support to Her Majesty's Government in that colony, by giving effect to thoa measures of amelioration DETENTION' OF' TUB fTEST INDIA SD PACIFIC MAIL Th following inflaentiallr signed memorial waa yesterday forwarded from Liverpool to tha PostmasterPostmaster General: MTo Biosrr Hox. Loud gTAiacY or Amour, roe rat astxu 0 ix ixal, Lostdo. Kj Lord, We, tb undersigned merchants, shipowners, aad others iatmstod la tb trsd aad oamre of tb Wt Coast ef Swtth America, baring beard with great slam ef tb blocker! by Spaia of tb ports of Chili, sad th threatened bombardment of ralparsbw, wvaM reepect laliy aooett roar lroehip to asak arrangement forpoev poaiag the departure of the eutgoisg West Coast msU, so as to admit of our eocamunioailng with th British Govern meato lb subject after receipt ef our detailed adriesa now overdo, aad thereby enabling ua to mor allr Instruct our eorrsspoodents on th West Coast la th critical pwi tion ta which British interests bar been so uacxprcVidry pUosd, bare tbe honour to be, my Lord, your lordship's most obedient, bumble servants, CHARira Tux aa.

Chairman of th Fadft Stoam Nari Tttioa Company Oibbs. BaiCHT, axs WitxiSJC RUU. Maoagiag Director of the PaciAsStsaja Narij. tion Company 0ahai, Rowx, axd Oa; Balvocb, WlLUAMSOS, A.VD FftKbEJUCK HCTH ASD CO. Joaxra Oaxis asd Co.

Hathboiie, Martii), axo Batw, STOKca, A5D Bxvjamix C. Kicaou Chairman of tbe Uverpool Shipowacrs'Aasoeistie; W. H. JoTtn, Depaty Chsirmau of tha Lirerpool TTmlerwriters' Aseoeiatiou W. J.

UrtftS, So ASD ARTRCK B. Forwoor, Managing Director of the West India sad Pacific Steam Shipping Company (Limited) D05CAX, Fox. AXD Co. Alcxastdir Dtraxtt aits Co. i Lohgtox axo Looaioo; Roar.

W. O. Jonxso; Ridlxv, Sox, axd Tho. axt Wx. Patox axd St a.

Maria axt Co. Otrxirrox, Wiisox, ax Ca; Walter Bpchawax Ed. JoHvrrox, Sox. axd Ca Samczi. Stills Cox; Brothcrs; James Lxwts; CtmswoRTR, Ltxr, axd Samcil Bakxr O.

B. Kervord Tho. B. Rotvix W. N.

Watsox; William MorrAT; Jastes Poole axo Oa Stood art. Brothers, axd Co. Tho. Ltrxn axd Brotheiu Lcxo axd Verxox T. IL Ism at axd Ca Imrie, Toxuxrok axd Ca; J.

M. Haxxat Wit Potter Samu JoHssroXAXDCa; Jas. Laidlaw iBcshbt Atkix Nxwtox. Kxath, axd Co. W.

IL Holt J. Powe axd Johx Oltxx axd Co. F. H. Ward Jackkox Nrwrox Samuelkox, F.C.8.

i CHArrLR. LXrrrox, axd Co. A. Bahxam axd Co. Shalcrom axd Hioham Rowx axd Co.

i Le Malvtre axd Co. Kexdall Brothers v. J. Vis brack ex II. E.

Mom Thos. T. Rxmox Jar. II. Nottaix W.

P. GorLBORXE P. H. Deax axd Ca Rorr. Barker W.

II. Fish Alex. Stewart Leech, Uarruox, axd Forwood." which ultimately terminated in freedom. Tbe calumnies sa now In progress will admit. The Reindeer, originally laid I industrioualy circulated by the planters against the minis down ss a 17 gun screw corvette, but since altered so ss to TOUr rea rooa ui vi Li snd in guiding th negroes in their enable ber to mount a few heavy guns, is to be completed moral and religious improvement, The abuae of such men and made ready for launching forthwith.

The order also is quite barmWas, and wiH ncrcr, I hope, deter the friends directs the fine screw unsrmoured wooden frigate Ariadne, of the neoes in this eoontry from watching orer their in 20, SOO bors power (nominal), to bo thoroughly re UntU paired at an estimated cost of 16,0001, which will In another column of your paper occurs th following pas probably reach 30,000. before ahe is complete in fitments, furnished with new boilers, and rendy (or eom. (the rebeU) hrf left for the Bartutehanel to bar, a prayer meeting, and to thank God for their success. After mission ss the order directs. In sdditioo to ths other half Jn hoor ipeVt in walm ainging by these blood stained vessels ordered to be refitted and repaired at Chatham, the wretches, one of their leaders sddressed them, pointing to screw gun vessel Wanderer, 4, 200 horse power, is to be the favour which the Almighty had shown in delivering their brought forward for commission, together with two other enemies into weir osnos.

The Pcninmlar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company have received the following telegram SUEZ, Nor. "The Bengal, with the above mails, anchored here at 10 p.tu. to day (TuesJay)." TUE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. PLYMOUTH, Nov. 15.

The Union Company's steamer Briton srrived here to ni ht, from the Cape of Good Hope on the 14th of October, I Helena. 23.1 Ascension, 27th aad Madeira on the I itii iuit. She brings 74 paaenger. The ar between tbe Free State and the Basutoscnn. tinned.

The attempt of the Boers to capture Thaba Bo si, the irmuntain stronghold of Moaheth, waa still nnsue ceasf uL The fire of the Uorrs during eight dsys hsd killed only on Basato. Mosheth bad large qoantities of pro visions and gunpowder on the mountain, which waa not well inmtod by the Boera, and be bad been reinforced by COO fresh Bsvstos in one night. Tbe Free State Presid3t bad returned to Btoeinfnnteia to raise new levies of troops to eo cperat with tbe Trsosraal Boers, who had slso leviod army to assist sgsinst Moaheah. The Trans raal army bad adra ioed to Uarrismith. In reply to th Gorernor of ths Cape Colony, Mosbcah answered that he bad met the demand of the Natal Govern, ment for invading their frontier.

also urged bis Excellency to take poaaession of bis country and people, alleging that they were desirous of becoming British subjects. Tbe Coventor declined to take steps at the present juncture and doubted tb sincerity of Moaheah but lamented th wu.t which, he said, if continued much longer, would caate great misery and destitution amongthe Basutos and largely increase their cattle thieving. The Cap Parliament has been prorogued from October 10 to December 12. An Act had been passed to prerent tb Introduction of th cattle diacaa into tb colony. It was to be published immediately ia tbe tendon Qasttit.

and eontinee in force for 12 months. It forbids the la porta tion or landin; of any horned cattl at aay port of th colony, under a penalty of 400L During the ensuing two mouths sey horned cattle arriving out that had been shipped for tbe colony before tb promulgation of tb Act th Government were authorised to seixe and indemnify the owner or agent by payment ef tb first cost, freight, assurance, aad ether charges upon them. Tb railway works, lacluding thee at SuIUgh Kloof, srer for tb present suspended. Representations had beea mad to the Colonial Govern vessels, names not mentioned, which are to be seat to Chat' ham to be refitted and repaired. The programme of work does not include the ordinary repairs and refit to the har bour craft, steamers, ships in ordinary, to.

One of the heavy Woolwich guns, made on the Duke of Somerset's principle, weighing 12) tons, and intended to fire a 3001b. shot, wss yesterdsy removed from the Royal Gun Factories in Woolwich Arsenal to the gnn ahed crane. to be mounted on one of the iron gun carriages mads on CoL Shsw's method. In the course of a few dsys the gun and carriage will be proved at th Woolwich butt, and after undergoing a severe test they will be shipped on board the four gun Iron cased cupola ship Prince Albert, Cspi. A.

WQmshurst, now In basin at Woolwich, and ordered to be completed by the 30tL of December next The whole of the battery equipment, it sppesrs, is ordered to be eom posed of wrought Iron, yet, notwithstanding tbe orders to that effect, it is stated that lingering regard for their favourite bobby has Induced the carriage department authorities to supply the slides and platforms of wood. Thee latter having been made before the final orders were issued for tbe substitution of iron, hare not since been recalled, but on an official investigation, shortly to take place, it is expected thst the anomaly will bo pointed out aad will be remedied before the ship goes out on trial. Spanish frigate Ceroua, 50, Capt Benito Escalera, 48 hours from Ferrol, arrived in Plymouth Sound on Tuesday for tha purpose of conveying their Royal Highnesses tbe Duke and Duchess of Montpensier to Spain. The screw steam frigate Topasa, 39, is being rigged at Devonport for tbe first division of tbe Stoam Reserre. Tbe screw steam frigate Doris, 30, has been overhauled in Derooport, and prepared for actire service.

It is expected that she will be put into commission shortly. Her Msjesty's Iron paddlewheel vessel Bloodhound, 378 tons burden, having been stripped of ber engines, tc, was yesterdsy hauled out of basin at Woolwich; and was taken up to the Admiralty yard at Charlton to be broken up. The following appointments have been made ia the Royal Naval Reserre To be Sub Lieut. Edwin Dares to be Hon. Lieut.

Peter Campbell. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir, A paragraph in The IVsvr of November 0 states the death, by bis own hand, of Csptain Davenport, of tho CM Regiment, at Tregantle Fort, near Plymouth. This is, unhappily, true, bat other publie Journals enter into detaila which are untrue, and which are likely to give rise to surmises respecting the causes that led to 'the raah act that would be prejudicial to th character of the do May therefore, a bis father, trust to your consideration to allow me to ssr, in as few words as possible, that ha waa severely wounded in the Crimea injithe attack on the Redan on th Sth of September by a rifle ballet, crushing through the upper part of th nose, clos to the eyes, and that medical men express th most confident opinion that fits of great depression, from which be had suffered ocea ianally for some time past, snd th fearful act itself, ar attributable to tb effect on th brain of this wound, which bad lately caused bim renewed inconvenience. He wss a man of most moderate habits, never betted nor gambled, and bad on the eight ot his death retired to hi own room about 11 o'clock, after spending tb rnisg quietly with bis two subalterns th only officers In the fort with him.

Msy I add that he was specially mentioned In General Orders for his conduct in the attack when be rsotired bis wound, aad tbat I bar assurance from all sides tbat be was highly esteemed la tbe regiment, both af aa officer aad a friend I am. Sir, yours very obedieatlr. DAVENTORT. Davenport, Bear Bridgnorth, Salop, Nov. 14, With regard to this statement, I have only to ssy tbst there is no Baptist chapel, or eongrrgatioo, connected with the Baptist raissionsries of the Uland, or the society in this country, in Morant Bay, or within 18 or 20 miles of it.

I remain. Sir, vour obedient servsnt, S. MORTON PETO, Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society. CTiipstead plsce, Sevcnoaks, Nor. 14.

Wa wish to know whether Koibb was, or was not, a Baptist minister The Blacks or Jamaica. At tho last census of Jamaica, in Mar, 1SG1, the white population was 1:1,816 io Dumber, being in the proportion of one white to 32 black or coloured. Since thst time some thousands of Indian coolies bar been introduced Id to ths island as labourers. The total population in 18C1 was ft The number of children in schools wss returned at 20,167 in 1803 the return for 1801 hsd shown tbe exceptionally large Dumber of 40,670, but that waa the census year, and it is supposed thst returns wer taken in that year which included Sunday schools. Tbe present is the fourth negro rebellion ia the an oats of Jamaica.

On the 211 of February, 1745, about 000 negro slaves in a conspirscy to destroy all the white inhabitants of tbe island. In 1795 the Maroons, a community of fugitire staves who had obtained permisaiou to settle in the northern part of the ialamt, rerolted, and were not reduced to subjection until March 11, 1798. Th most alarming outbreak, however, took place on tha 22d of December, 1831, when the island waa placed under martial law, and most stringent measures and numerous executions followed. PBorEftsna Masmon ox Eddtbukoh Literature. On Mondar last ths newlr inducted Professor of Khetorio arid English Literature in Edinburgh University delivered an opening address to the students.

He concluded by ssy log I cannot forget thst th office to which I hare been spininted honourable in itself is doubly honourable as 1 I. 1 tm k. celebrated capital of Scotland. Celebrated, not only for its cepted that greatest city, which gathers all snd erolree snch majestlo forms and specialities of noblenesss out of its rerr multitudinonsness, what eitr within these islands hsre tbe British muses mora loved, or more habitually dwelt in than this wbere I am now National and local attachments are feelings in which I am not deficient, and of which I see no reason to be ashamed. My walks henceforth are to be in these streets, long ago familiar and dear to me, and now after 18 years spent in the tumult of a greater society, and latterly in office there in a college which has made ita mark oa our time, and my connexion with which I shall srer remember with pride once mora my own, and dear to me again.

Wherever I walk whether in th older spots that remind me of tha generation of Home, Adam Smith, Robertson, and the rest of that cluster, or along the open space of gardens where Sir Walter appropriately sits under bis monument io tbe whole city's centre, and near. at band is tbe statu of Christopher North I bar borne in upon me the memories of a rich literarypast. And is tb literarr glory of Edinburgh gone No. The mutual relations of different part of the country may be changed and London, sow within a few hours of us, and by telegraph within a few aeconds, exerts a more tremendous attraction than aver, and drags towards it the ceutros of most interests. Bat then sr certain interests that inhere in the spots where the fit men reaiJa.

Th commerce of British literature mar be centra lising itself mora and mors in London but not necessarily Rritub literature itself. And ar not the conditions' bsr still suitable for a continuation of tbat resident literary activity (all tb better, perhaps, because not exclusively prof oaaional) which has constituted so much of tb past reputation of tbs city 1 the schools) unjuiax ixjxjussiox. A meeting was beld at Vietoria strset on the 14th inst, wheo tber wer present lord Tauatoa (the chairman). Lord Lytteltoo, Sir Stafford H. Northeote, M.P., Rer.

Dr. Temple, Ber. A. W.Tborold, M.A., Mr. AcUnd, M.P., Kr.

K. Baioes, MJ Mr. Erie, Q.GL, Dr. Storrar, aad tbe secretary. The wi examieen wer vn ten.

u. a. Hamilton, Arcn The PaorosiD Meat market at SstrrnrtEU). Tb proloogod delay of th Corporation of Loodon ia erecting the proposed Meat aad Poultry Msrket on the sit of old Smithfield, for which they obtained an Act of Parliament a few yesr ago, hss long eaosed great diaaaliafaetiou among many of tb neighbouring inhabitants, who complain of the injury to thr various businessc arising from tb waste condition ia which the site of the old msrket is kept Tber lately bald what msy be called aa indignation meeting" oo the subject, and passed a rery stronar rssolutioa reflecting oa the corporate authorities. Yesterday a de Eitatioo appointed at tbe meeting bad an interview oo matter with Sir George Grey at tbs Home office.

The Rer. John Jaokson and others pointed out to th Secretary of Stat th many inconveniences to which tb neighbour ing lDhsbitants wer subjected by tb proersstiostioa of tb dvia authorities la building th proposed market. In the result Sir George Orer suggested, ta effect, tbat tber should embody their grievances ia writing, so that ho nugnt correctly intormetl upon in subject, aM would then eommunieatawitb the Lord Mayor in rslatioo to it. Fever nr JIaxchestzr. The Manchester pub lie were somewhat startled on Tuesday by the discbMur of sets connected with tbe sanitary condition of that lare and popoloas portion of lb dtr embraced ua tbe Uborltoa Union, for which a great portion of them were entirely un rreuared.

Tbe una towusniM ol lluime. moriton. snd Ardwtck are all within the city, and the greater part of Holme, In which thsr sr more than 89,000 inhabitants, has been built within th but 30 years. The diacloeure referred to were made at a special meeting of the Cborltou Board of Guardians with a view to bringing them to the notice of the Corporation, snd, if necesssry, of Sir George Grsr. th Home Secretary.

Th chairman (Mr. Clowe,) having mentioned the object of tbe meeting, the consultinr medical otucer in ue worsnouse ureavea; rea i a report showing an alarming increase of fever esses reeentlr. He said a manr as 14 persons have beeo admitted Into th workhouaa in one dar. and at on time the number la boapital amounted to 52. Th number on the lat of July waa 5, and 113 other eases were admitted to the 31st of October.

Of these 20 died. 63 were cured, aad 45 remained uuder treatment. Daring tb last four months considerably more than 100 caaea of yphne or typhoid fever, many of them of the most intensely malignant type, had been under treatment ia the Union Hospital. Fifty mo deaths from fever bsd been registered in the urban townships of Holme, Cborltou, and Ardwick. If to the were sdded tb 20 ia hospital there had two a total of 72, moat of which wer prvrcotible, and ought sot to bare occurred and they bad baeu deaths, too, of those members of society which could be loaat spared, because children did not often die of typhus, and the old rarely take it.

He bad come to the ooocluaion that the ceases of these caea of fever were dae to the palpable neglect of the most ordinary laws of health, and that they wer to a great extent removaMe. He pointed out among other source of pestilence ths Cora brook, the rivsr Medlock, sod th Bridgewater Canal, which were made th receptacles of the greater part of the sewage from the districts through which they ran. Another cause ted to backhouses, houses having no back doers, cellar dwellings, pigities, cess pool long unemptied, ana Imperfect drainage, lie pointed out some of the wont localities of this character by name. Barrack court, close to tbe caralry barracks, hsd itself fur nished 13 cases of fever. Other medical officers of the Union corroborated tbs statements of Mr.

Greaves as to the bad sanitary condition of the cottage propertv in the townships referred to. snd attributed blame to the Corporation in not causing better sttention to be paid to tbe bouses of the rery poor, snd not canaing their ah pits and pririe to A WORD WITH MAUPw0WIJO5E3 ASD CLEAVERd. fKM rr.) ssaatle.1 with lrtial blow. Arrayed a ckOdrea of th sky Bay, lair are aoe who ea but you. What sakra tbe price meat so high Thou, Batcher, with a elmUe grace, WbeUiag bright blade oa treaty steel 1 Now let! toe bow yeas ea, wHh face, Aak fiftceu prece a peuad foe veal The Steak that shares a becaety aaas ParOaaMat reaewaed ef yere, Caast thou, without a seas ef shame.

Fat eoollr Jowu at ee aad four I Tbat humbler aleak, named siaspty best. Leas soft of sufastsace aad asare (teas. Wilt thou impm ea our relief As fairly worth a dessa pesos! Tbe price ef Mat free, woolly lock. TVel grased opoa tbe Soathera hOls, Coarelaee us with fesrf shock Whene'er we sea oar weekly bills. For Mutton's nt eaaet taea preteod To state a reasonable groead Otheu that legs aadloias dost reed igh a eo shimae; both per pod I No scarcity of sheep aad kin.

No naurraia bath so ready mad Tb hieroglyphic bills of thine, Thaak importation through Free Trad 1 Besides, beneath thy poleaxe fall Heads which thou smitest but to save. Behold abundance large ia all Tbe abatable shall I say thou knars Best shorthorns beef," by wboleaale boaxbt. Doth but fir shillings cost the stone, Tb offal snok Batcher ought To thrive full well that aloee. Namely, burns, tallow, bide, aad skis, Who ye derive a profit clear Bat though you get the offal ia. The meat sell is awf el dear.

Ab I shout not, What d'y buy, buy, buy Until vour charge you abate. Soon will oar answer to your cry. Be Nothing at tb present rate." Bat now eat in, adreataroas BLute, Thy war to arr out fortune's ptala As honest Butcher start ia trade Much suatom will Insure great gain. TO THE EDITOR OF TUX TIMES. Sir, Win you do me tb justice to sHow me a short space in your next tmprssaiou to state that tb Utter which appeared ia Tht Timet of the 10th lost, oa the questioa of the old church si Todmordeu, and to which my name is iflxsd, did not emanate from me aod not being aware of aay Thomas Fielden resident at Dobroyd, aayevlf excepted.

I repudiate and disclaim all knowledge of the letter ia question neither was I aware of its existence until It was pointed out to In th Jfaacacstrr'sbisitacraaif Timtt of to day by a gentleman ia Todmordeu. I remain. Sir, yours obediently. THOMAS FIELDEN. Dobroyd, Todmorden, Nor.

IL TO 7iT EDITOR OF IBS TIMES. Will' JX. JteeTlSr ass. Xawa At ilin tTt beat trt Aj JMR Oi Xt 0 TaheAks UiisiiI J0T7 sirsies te 14 swat Ira ITMaes 13 liilrful Xt fTjsnaia, MS ara 3B Ltn T14 TrinS XN taihMrt OTS ut arsatsess. esn XSXjrZATBZE, i xaraoiuibTCiCAi, cju okv I wxw.


X.W., X. JtW. WJt.W. WJI.W. I RAW.

I 4 Xf XW. I W.W. I fcbi sUULfa IT. ttvWl punr.VVewJ. AtiakWj U.avUuV?a Wxw.Wk'e kkVaft ra.tx(1 tAW.j, u.w;, i tv' wI AWT.W..'RW Uw.

ss XT as aasteMe IM) aaawaeeeawiSMesaet, a. tSSawlef nrUaal alnetlaa awaJaettae. aad sacfetr ab i T. Tleaiwun assosa te eaaa W. STtaA.

EsEsawaM lane skwe kwS reaerV P. DwisMae at X. ewaa. UmiS.) L.Sm ws kaai(r. sr haa flaairlta,) welt.

taeaAse. rtsert, a. i iWiSeilniieqasI. AV Cae. TtoentanlntaeBaltle aad rastaraar asaie aiheai awrlf wlada, aad Mca Wi uenu la tm 'IT 1 liiiessinlj.g SoaW.eeawrenuaaalaataelVeaahaMia.aa4iee U3 it aja I i r' ec wiad.

aaa teen alaaoas eainnaL. IM4 a aais nenlj VwMdaasHla.dwtec the eeaabar. taMn the brawe. aqaailrlns IraiaeTaturas. Probable.

TYmlar. Oa 5enara Ubwta. IrUav. JLW.te J. rreshwita SMMlMr.ieX aial W.

le ssV rasa. I lata tee paareHx. Westara. A W. to jr.

ftreng 10 a 1 As ator. dsnse; lae tmwnAj. I I Soavwre. As eat akwsa. aad to XC telXW.

places. I (veeiaU UMrra. E.W. to H.W. aad XX.fnaa; Aseeslalawe.

mafcaaoaMlsoM. sfwtkaraarSr4Jaoil WMtrra tnlamL WIaa aad l. SnutaaniaEncUWi Cbaaeri aad Kaj ot Xwmj. rulers i1H1 aelaa4aaiyortiilUa. SHIP SEWS.

toXC.aaitoax.aa4. raUSae. Mrcsist. Erora aonuaaa Sja s.a IWM IM Menese. tnjca KJi the St, liusa m.

rrf Isrlck. ts Asa, ta Knuait. aH. a3 from 3an UV. Riama, a.

Lrvraroou xv. WnwtX.W. ffqas Bajgajas i tls Ttibtto, trm Xasa. tha (tsneatno. traa Xre (rtru Aryra.

fraa LwaaCVT TfcUr. trass RjaGrassle tbal dtiaa. ha BonUsal TaJJ LsoenM rraods. trea WRji A srla aad Maria, the JaM M. KJaa.

aad tbe tamssa AJexauaia the CUnulna, five, Locrwtlie llaieidal. Uts X. 1 Ua U. wUhalss. th Jmbe.

lha ail turn EaekuaV 8aUsJ. TW Frwlaa. for Nee Iris. as tha Atfpsdoa, Mass kaa the AatJsua, Aolraa Mssleaa. fur the Was UxJ tharansrlTsiiiaaadtheUrrf EaKnaora.

koth Bes'oeoa aw Billwe tbe Waehaass. toe tsjaa Ue Jsneeaks OS the rort TVs tVaubna. tVs Ana. tb CaVCaa. ths Oiii Kssoads.tatrKls.ailtBOokHaLW!ia AlTtasdaa the

Tha GfasS Brttala. tWal Quatas ta S. baa, fnaa as. Jean. Xw DianraWS.

bsum a ue IK, is ina. nr uws Twrnia Pe O. Be xaelaa1.forKara4ns Th aVUe of the Oraaa waa vrseksdMi Debar Bar aa tha Ox BeoMntnar: ett aarsd. iiiaa nsitls ware ajee en CsfriXort Bf rrrn risae. aapsssattr an AsMiican.

aad a Urje renal soa af fisma ti 4, at tha Vans Cras. fraas Uaraaaah oa the tica of UctuOse. esxh ant arrlasd at Xw York. Th Dramarx. Im Daatce.

aan( ta ta riser this sssmsc s)Wr eolluann with th stnBWa lurks. Tn Thnosss. rrcsa uuosna ass arnvaa as Jra lots eia aWh Iced throae caarnasre. The Aihesiaa. freai tat port, as amrax as Xadaba, aad hats? Lf rm oa th 1 of Noasabrr.

Tbs Hector, foe Irteauna, ass put bsct, after hela aaVea. both fraas S.ulss las Lbs, frees Aateen UhjU earn Caan the Baa FasSeat, the L'EasUe 1 JfatU.leks Xansss. riumCTS, Xj. 11 Arrlrat tb TsrsaL fnea Push ale raaarBoUsr. frees Msne lhe sfilCsMlke.

rnma yraa si a. So. It wlad. WJktr. BsiktL the ttiaere.

tor A Unas atoAaaa. Fll Vf Fitxar. Sat. It Tie Trhr. tna Xraei tor Hal ena tax.

toj tsas a sutsi atscs erw ssrsq. Joiia 01 er Str, A letter appears ia your issue of Friday last signed Thomas Fieldon," Dobroyd. It is from Todmordeu, aad professes to givs some information ia regard to the acclesi astieal and social eoudition oi' our town. It contains statements of a most extraordinary character, aod sack as bar naturally excited some little surprise among our neighbours, and not a little indignation among ourselves. Seeing that, throoi the Kediani of voor columns, these statements have beea circulated all over our country, may ss aa inhabitant of Todmorden, and as one who take seme little interest in its affairs, be allowed to say a word ia regard to them Tour correspondent says thai toaruuf Todmordeu contain 16,000 souls, that it haa bad its pariah church cloesd for 30 years, that all this time the people bare gene astrsr like lost sheep, thai numbers have growu up aabaptised, that many lire together without marriage, that tbe Established Church is nearly forrotten here, and that Dissent, (hielly Unitariaaiam, ia the chief religion of th ptaea." Now, Sir, after reading this statement you will be sorne whst startled to bear that these 16.0U0 souls, who, for lack of a Church parson, bare been growing up all these years unmarried aod anbaptixed, and not knowing so much a whether there be an Established Church, possess ia connexion with that Church not fewer than Sr fabrics, and not fewer than ftre parsons, aod this, not including those churchwardens who, for lack of a parson, are doisg duty preaching themselves, no man making them afraid siid yet thia is tbs simpl fact.

The matter ia thus: Todmordeu is not so mneh the name of a town as of a district. This district is ander th gorernment of a local board. On. portiou of it fcriiT lies in the parish of Rochdale, in Lancashire, and the otbw TSalTHsaA faea. tMltoTS? portiou lies IU in pansu 01 naiuax.

10 1 orcsauc mi ae 1 I 1 1 ,1 19 Sa sermon in onesr rish church erery Sunday, se churches (or I i'iTeV chapels of easel under perpeteal curate bare long existed gtttdo lh Furs', met aniongus. Of these. In tbe Yorkshire portion of the dis 8aild. Tt thatlotle, for bt, Taa ae kceaas, tor Xs triet ot Todmorden, there exist for beneut of Uk JO 16,000 souU wbo "are gone astray Ilk lost sheep' no' leas than two sharches 00.

th church at Cross Stone, I AirlTat, tseAsvtsiaaCae and the other the ehurca at foTh. former witbto SSS I of Ah a one mile of tbe old church of St. Mary's, and the other I DatoeTibr CoorBhsira Ti. for Emfa3 within two miles of it while in the Lancashire portion of srs. for OoriU theCttx of lUashm x.

tor Hane she fctoaaxlaT lk. 1. IK. .1 iM.h nt ft. II I.

(X, asnlsns sf wham amir I URAt, Xer. li m. .1. ku.wu v.v.wv mtTesTiondent sneaks have been accustomed darinr the I pi lsst year or two to preach, no man," as be says, making doa tta Darasstvster, ef Ssacsstia, Cross tbe weal for la aarl. li: llSS1 llsTlwIlSrS.

a ee caarca is wie ssarai iwwu a iw wiw. wu. OBATE9EXIX Xov. IX. (Br Tstsoaaru.1 irrass Uord's.) am.

sThsL tksa thud hsws ton! 2 sChar. rsl. ArTlsed. ThaWhilraiL frnas Calcasta tL Tasu. trrna Tsa.

ttor Lax fmea Poms the Cntsrse seJ Us Ratsstar. hnts Saa tea vT Of saijv aa macs aVfsi sal sa Cass, hack tram Aaseerp tlsi Cssharlea. fraes Urnawa lteLaV built about 30 years with the express object ef taking bos ea, Kitf fur the place of the eld church of St. Marys St. Mary 's being it 1.

i.u it. Aacbeeai The SOO inUU SOU SOW 1WWIHU1UUWU. IUW W. www v. M.V raDidlr increasinr Population.

Of course, when thia new ehureh tu opened tb ineumbent, with bis curate, with DUfra. of LimpooL trasa the west for the aorta the Xssnaa, LOIMOOV XW nvxlerste AncboraX Tba Jody. of Ei trr. trass the west fbe ta aiwri. drew to it.

and there they have held their service ver sinee. Owing to many circumstances which I cannot her I 1 sprang up a division in th rank of tb SI. .1 1 churches an old and a new enureti 1 rMMk tpna tQt jjabors the Mshody. ea. Laria Aae.

stone's throw of one another, and while Maria, foe the Sf soriUe th Beaufort, tr AJne Bsi sad Bristol, for Pssxsnoa, all from Lssslba th UUartu. free Caw. tor London Ha tnwt, SWlLa Tlia Wn. ST W.mimmS rlainstn miiiT eiremnatances which I cannot here I ie im explain there has sprung up a division in th ranks of" tbe Anchored. The Etortead the Hsre.

both from the west Is a Church party and It baa come sooul was as loumonien there are te almost within a the ineumbent and his curate are conducting the service st Eiae Maria, lorXaotrrtiso, aa trace Loedco. Ynrtx KroxTjr Wrr. Th Calm, from Africa for Liserpoui.U dajs set, Oct It, SI. (ram Londoa for BaUrt Towa, Oct ill, ThaMarlcr. from lVhr fortirrriiool.

Oct 5,3 W. Tbe rorUtod. frata MBCaper for London. man watzs at lox dox bridgi this Dr. Uarnis( SS ssn srvr Afiamnrm sua.

sAtT I ha amntiadmArafnnnantle. kfr Rl'll tn tf. TIninn I the DCW church, those churchwardens OT their frietK, the said he bsd a return of 236 fever eases in tbe Union since Ber. E. A.

Verity, of nabergham, are conducting a service Msy. It wss the roost extraordinary state of things within I at the old ehnreh, no man making them afraid." his recollection. Mr. Oreaves thought it desirable that' Thomas Fielden, of Dobroyd, is an honest man, who power should be given to compel tbe removal of poor per follows tha business of a saddler is the clerk of tb eld sons to the hospital in eases of ferer, and to close booses in 1 church. I hare called upon bim to know if be wrote the which feVer esses bad occurred for a period afterwards.

letter which appeared in your columns of rnday, er After some disenssioa by tbe meeting, a deputation was ap I rather if be had set his name 'to it, for our Todmordeu pointed to wait upon the Mayor and Corporation with a people are not great adepts at the pen, and cannot write view of indocina them to remov the nuisance pointed letters to the newipspers. He assured sue that be had never out, wbere they had power, and to obtain additional powers set his name to That letter, and that wheo His friends where necessary. The interview took plao in the evenine informed him of th letter which appeared in your with the Mayor and some members of the Corporation, aad eolumns under his signature, be thur honest clerk had the deputstion were assured that prompt steps should be been deeplr griered, and, as he toll me, so upset that be taken to remove the nauances complained of. naascarcejy eeeaaota wmiiuuuu Dreadful Machinery Accidestt. An inquest iwi(Mr.

was opened yesterday at Sheffield on the body of Mr. David Todmorden, Nor. Is. LINDSgT TAFLIN. having their works st Blsst ieoe, in Shefield.

Theareum i The Bcs3UX AmesICAX TELrORArO. By tho aelf iaooeof theeavities of tbe brsia. There is est te stsnees unaer wnicn tea nnionanat gentleman came to His dstk raioetto just amrea a oan raocx, iram a sorer augniess irace aa to sw ue ia ar a death were as follows A large fan, one of Schicle's patent. Bay on the coast of Asia, we learn that Colonel Bulkley and was 5ft, 4 Jin. in height, rood fsatures, light whiskers st had been fixed in the works to supply the blast for a fur party arrired at Flover Bar in September, baring sounded moustache, wore a white bat, blue necktie, bght evaatj usee, and on Monday niht Mr.

Davy was wstchingit at across Bearing Strait. The bottom of tb Strait was dark blue frock coat, dark trousers and waistcoat. Itsls work, when it mddedly broke in pieces, some of the found quite ss favourable as anticipated for th laying of 30s. ia bis pocket, also a silver watch. I hsre take chess.

fragments striking him on tbe bead and buns and the cable. Colonel Bulkley reports that tbe river laid down graphs of the body, which, with bis clothe aad a tea killing him. A workman named Uanael Wing was on tha maps the xUncnpack is identical witu in Ton struck and dreadfully mangled at the same time, Kon. and aarigable for small steamers as far as English and one of bis legs has beeo amputated. At the in 1 Fork.

Mr. Kennicutt, with tbe party sent tofexptore the SUICIDE. TO THE EDITOE OF THE TIME3. Sir, The body of a gentleman wss dueovered ea Fribr l.rf I. iaiUlal srat snr tail hurl.

On SI irillrWe it was found had committed suicide baring shot hinsslf I through th roof of tb mouth with a breech loadiag pisau, I knlUe naariaa thrnairh the soft Balate sad STssUSss. I striking the interior of tbe skull, rebounded aadloJrsdsv quest, vesterdsy, Mr. Vernon Blackburn, barrister, ap Yon Kon to New Westminster, British Columbia, was left prsred Tor the "surviving members of tbe firm. The jury st Fort St. Michael's.

They will ro up the Yon Kon and having been sworn, the coroner said an application bad KInchpack in a small steamer, the Lisas Homer, which is Laving Deen sworn, tne coroner earn an application Had runcnpacK in a smau steamer, tne unit uomer, wnicn boen msde by Mr. Blackburn to have the inquur adjourned, but 35ft. long. They will proceed to the head of navigation end of lis. 3d.

in tbe pouwl. wdl be reeoaesjss by an unanimous vote ef a large soestisg of tors at tbe Town ball ia Birmingham it rated to take the admuUtretioo of the estate sat in order thst the construction of the fan. the breakinir 1 andthenacross.withreindeeroronfoot,overtheieesndsnow, of which bad caused Davy's death, might be inquired until they strikethesettlementsia British Columbia. Colonel into. Mr.

Alfred Davy, engineer, wa then sworn, and Bulkley's party found tha earth oa the American side said tha deceased, whose body the jurors had viewed, thawed to an average depth of ten inches, but frozen solid waa his father, and he waa 59 years of age. He died at his below to an unknown depth, on their arriral in September, bouse on the 13th inst. The coroner informed the jury that The eoaotry on the American shore was rolling and broken, on the present occasion be intended to pursue the Inquiry but not high, aod wss destitute of timber. Grantby liar no farther. To facilitate the subsequent inquiries of the 1 hour was found to be the bst for Isnding the cable 00 the jury, they afterwards went to view the place where the American tide it is a safe harbour, with good mud bottom, accident occurred.

Tbe fan, which wa one of Sehiele's From thia point soundings were made across to th entrance patent, and supplied from the Moorhead Foundry. Oldham, I of BU Lawrence Bay. The bottom was found to be very wss put down about 12 months ago. It wss worked for some i favTrorable for the laying ot tbe telegraphie eable aajt is lime at 700 revolutions per minute. The blast created wss I shallow, and exposed to the south east gales.

Maehigne Bay found to be insufficient, snd the makers were written to on the wss found fall of ioe. Pintnun Bay wa found to be a subject, in repivtrjey instructed Messrs. Davy to tnoreasetbe 1 good harbour, welt salted for landing in eaote. in revolutions to 900 per minute. This was dona, but still the Atiatis coast wss found entirely destitute of limber, blast was not so great as required, and when tha makers 1 snd more mountainous than the Anjenean.

Tbe ground were applied to a second time they directed the fan to be wss found thawed to a depth of nearly 30 inches, and worked st L300 revolutions per minute. The instructicos frozen solid below that. When the Palmetto left ice was were acted upon, but tbe fan bad scarcely been worked a forming constantly. The north west wind wa bitterly cold, minute at this extraordinary velocity before tbe accident and winter was last approaching. Th party found tbe occurred.

Tbe Immediate cause of the breakage hss not Indians on both sides of the Straits well dispoeed, aad been ascertained. It is supposed, however, that the support capable of being made useful to tbe enterprise. The scenery of the fsn spindle gsr way th driving strap would then in many places visited wss magniScent, and roach that was pull the spindle from the centre, aod smith ths facing of the strange and new was witnessed by the party. The Hosting fan, several of the piece of which struck the deceased and ioe coming through Behnngs Straits wss alive with walrus. the fan has been requested to be present at the ad journed south west.

Colons! Bulkeley. in dosing bis oScial report court for the SjJ I ef it strong arm in ease ef seed tts inouirr. to give any explanation as to the cause of the aeci to the officars of ths company, concludes as follows Tli beeu eoutended for. L.Ja tka Mnjia I thought by inserting this ia your paper it miht tnUw his idenuacation. Yours obediently.

J. STMONitt, Kto4TSjei. Byde, Isle of Wight, Sfooser ajtd Attwoodi Baxk. It ia tt that tbe affairs of the late bank ef AttwooJs, ScomcL Marshall, and of Birmingham, which stopped r'aas 00 the 10th of March, with liabilities wry little sborltf irnimnf h.M sithm tKa ta moatii base tassf ctosed, the creditors baring reeeired a first sod to dirideixlof lis. 3d.

In tbe pouwL It wut i reeou that by i creditors of bankruptcy, under section 110 of th last 8jak roptey Act, Tbe aesignees almost immediately sBe wards made a very sdranUgeous sale of the asset of bank to tbe Birmingham Joint Stock Bank (luatuaa consideration of the latter paying the creditors slJj tbe pound. The pavmenl ef the dtvidead ecmsMsosdai June, only thre moeths after th stoppage, and of th creditors nearly 5,000 ia noruber reeeired Oes diridanda before tbe end of September, with the saerptaej ef a few case where, from sbseaee or otherwise, pay rat unavoidably tlelayed. it stated also that atihoegs uwin'ss fA tha RsjisruTitg iTnart SssJsf sectioa 136, in ea of diJerenee er difficulty, after tb ministration had been taken out of court, not a sing! idication has been made to tbe court, and, ia fsst, th large estate has been atlministered without any btcaaes. I. a wmiI iTlnatvaiian af tba arArlria ssf esVStSSfSS administration out of court, but with power torreartetbf on educed next.

Qtjezx 's College, Loxdox. The friends of this institution, and others wbo are interested ia raising the standard of female education, will be glad to hear of a munificent donation which haa recently been offered to it, Mrs. Arnott, wif of Dr. Ned Arnott, has signified her wish to ptae I.WUC. at toe disposal of the conned and committee, for th twofoU purpose of encouraging th study of natural philosophy ss part of a girl's sdueationnd perpetuating tbe memory and influence of ber husband's writings.

It is proposed to spply tOOf. of this sum to th foundation of a scholarship, rinni a free edncatioa in th college for one year, and the right of free sHendsisce at tb classes in natural philosophy for life. Physical science will form th main subject matter of the examination, and the scholarship will be open to all candidates under the age of 18. Tb interest of tb remaining 00f. will be applied in purehssiog spparatns, and augmenting tbe stipend of the Proesoorof Natural Philosophy.

A Eke liberal gift has, we believe, beea offered to the Ladies CoHeg. ia Bedford square. Fire. At half past 9 o'clock on Tuesday evening a fir broke out on tbe premises occupied by Mr. H.Q.

Gtimbley. grocer, Hawkharst street, Anerley. It was ex UnsrwJshed be tw privsto essrines. but sot until a stabs deacon of Ltodisfsro, andthBv. E.

Thrisg, bead master sad byOlft. inarea, was buret out totb of Uppinjhsm OrammsrSchooL roof. On borso was lajured. dent that may In his power. The inquiry will be resumed I telegraph can aad wSl be built nothing in this highest latitude to prevent, nor are the difficulties so great sup.

posed." Alfa CaUoma. Trade or the South Waix3 Posts. During the month of October th xports of coal from Newport reached 27,122 against 30,043 tons in September, and 26330 tons in the oorrespoodior month of last year. Tbeship meats eoastwisc were was, aa aaspMiu sua tusa ton in tb prerioas monthnd 5LJ30 tons in October, 1361. As the returns snow, tber was a small rncreaee in both the foreign and coasting trades, tbe shipments to tbe null packet coaling stations abroad being abor tb average, and the West of England aad Irish demand foe house qualities wa good.

Swansea rtd 442 toils, eest SOJO too in September, aad 24T5 ton ia the eutieepuodiaa; month of lsat year and the shipment coastwise were 23,043 tons ss compared with 21,013 ton In tb prrrioos mouth, and 38,313 ton in October, 1864. Tbe export fromLlaoellr were 12,177 tons, agaiast 10,624 ton in September, and ton in tbe eusiesponding week of last years aad the roastisg shiptoenis wer 21,457 tons, a compared with 27,994 toes In tbe prrrioos month, aad 26,161 tons la Oeto wr. 1364. Newport also exported 5,123 tons of iron, against .065 toes ia the isstiuue month, and of this a less tbaa ATM tons were cleared for Dordt aad Crooatadt. tbe lane shipments being attributable to tbe effort of shippers to complete their Haiti contract before tb ports there ar dosed.

Tlrirw now FlTnitnTiosm. 3fr. HerforJ. trt corooer, held aa inquest oa Mosdsy tb body of Jsta O'Connor. Portugatstreet, sged It years.

Th deotssed bitten by a dog about nine weeks ago, and was ami Roys! Infirmary In order tbat tbe wound might to tM mined. Ho was attended to by the surgeons, sad Bar some time had elapsed be seeraed to bare iisise th offsets of the bite. A few dsys siace. however. caue ill, aad on Friday be snowed a dread af water.

wa taken that day to the Manchester Werttosn, after exhibitief symptota of bydropbobta, dW sariy next moning. Tb lade ben be wa taken to toe Beys Isflrmary geeo aaerely pat a Jilsster eel tb wcvad, ctaterta tt, an sxatea trots in srw i biting by thessm iog tbe same time tb neraros eutirely mowered. miat to a ekutory jury iurued a verdict of Death from kyr'ito. raid tby were eeialou tbat tti Crmary, knowing tb wound to be tbe tfk rvea e) was) on sold It wa th bite of a burnt it. Tb ecswner said tbat if th srga pwsent sMWwald, Kscesrptaiatbad be thoogbt tb surgeon waa a snaftrr for lae) 1 bered to tb epiaiea they bad UswnswsVJws MbUrm.

no ato to sxpiain beea asade tot now, aad la ta ahevtU ssanris. 1 Ta rSrv sa ft.

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