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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 3

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TJIE PQs Cuqoiry btcb we Imye instituted into the noto- tf Unuati-n ouJ1Ju UUJ vrhi Soil ruplr prvof pi tbt-fxtstence unless it anctM ed on thr the Ire tbjS tUnn at ucli a' bavi. Ltd mt lrlfliu tf have undertaken. cuH cJnyenieuce imperiously requires Sic uiin i only ilpporti. LLECTED. E3riWfcffifv WHLjuletoa ir rfW vVrlHV laL.

Nfh aaSgBi 1 Sfi tt i6 SSSfefefsedk 1. Win. I o'clock. the Poll at tua cloe Air. Pierrejxmr.

WilUmMilner EJ3IUQnLD MM 570 673 Macj ill KicB lrD ln d.tlll. lf 181 UOtrrnur Atbutlinot Mr. W. Willianu SirTMHaidy I MT wtUornn 1 Mr. Patten iii State of the 781 MrOborn UrTuUcr llr.

nSt tt uf i' tit 1 ilwo. It G. Dtnnctt Air 154 152 507 07 63 77 33 numl rs LJ Ctididates resp pcti9tlJ stood thus 428 Ttiil state the poll was received by tbb multitude canie first forward to ad. Jh applauded the gepd huulour tndqu Yntwbicb thtyfnntinued to live a fair uarlogt ra Candidate and hoped it wotlld ccriti zur. Uetl clartd himself jigam delighted with tht rale CI' tie poll ti is day for it was not in to vitDrisauythiiig.

which gaye. pleasure to a great without partif that pleasure. Fr :1 tZTin1tkfltc of his canvas having lit4ecmideriug iJie vaat number leqfors still niul uncAuvat ed he expected very pebdily inteiirflnliMation in the state of tin poll. to iir whis favour that alteration was i he Sure should ive nd iizcunik. give ibJtittisficiion to II great meanly of ttose ulium Le iAJrcued lit was tisibl that bwin to the trjUte of his canvass a great nurikr frt ulikh wotold otherwise have been PJ rhitn have bi rn given to others they were wi tJid irretrievable but even if th had not ht' the llt man Jiving to ask ntiy rMn tti bi It the.

Candidates tine and all would no chivalry wes to be expecUd un a con- d. In nncient days indeed there existed chicllry in which if any knight by chance 1 td or tire weapon of his antJgolI It lrutild let-I bound in ur Rid to rcstcre it but the bi chivalry hr be lm i any influence. Upon con- lictiuns. lie hud Izaiii a great that dur. 1 few reIaiive to abuses llctIged tu the Navy by th Noble Lord uear him xs one abuse which had tong U1IhU of taturr which did nut admit of a Parlia.

but for the rtlreIl of which ht hud to apply to tb theCovrument. nur. was irttiiurer of ib N4vy whir it such a blfit in his character with his good i 1' to tlte crowd lie would acknowledge the plac- louke nc tftcrM am exd to it was by no l4.rwroir rflnhilSlluatiou laigh1tr. IJittgreat mrverwerr it necessary to nltittUe in bo- lnn riRlul rn4tI an hodti any man Oft hg PciB id eVe bai ged his principles. ttt tothe rthiises complained of by the Nod ulduwr Wm of hu io zealous cU- itf2U Kr drtss should he hay the Jzoiiour- i ueht Butthe blUl to which lwljr lludeil was ptartici of r3 MMwlr fur cttfrou conylctloI to the Kara rtjc tfr i HiaJ hifur it wa tie 7i3i illKeii Hi ttrrit.

board tht told most wf ptt praeobr tJttgracefuL NDthingco more thb fMlinfeftfefibtivefthd boneitr Jaeotlbattto such miscreants forced into theirsociety or the true bred British Tq ucb airaHra much as yother tlul of meb Lwclappleitus hi- stead of sendtog such men oh board thenavy he would ay they1 iver rfit to serve in ihe Customs" or EXCIMV or as clerk in tbeTrf asiiry as of Ptace in' the modern school or hi short jn any other capacity Itp1ight please his Majesty's ul Ministers to iiipioy them except in the British Navy littfftt bf Apyltiue Hewasure the Noble Lord wouldjoin wih him in ths wish Wat this election should be coo. rn the candidates with gentlemanly language and nutoal ct however they might differ in opinion frrmi each tiu-r. The Noble Lord yesterday was pleased to allude to his facetious spetcb and to re qUc the attention of his auditors to soineseriousebsrrj Itionl. Mr Sheridan would now in lib turn request tut attention of tie-Noble Lotc to a ow serious word Ii the SRine subject. He gave the Noble Lord credit Tor his vn firm belief of the existence or those abuse.

lo which tal1udtd but ho put it to his cmndQur whether was consistent with the magnanimity rye haraoteriiilic of a HritUh Naval Commander to at tack Ltid his back a gallant Veteran who and gtorinut servdhii country or to brlug charges' against him' of a degrading nature in his absence when lie had on zity of answering those charges lie bud an high a respect fur the character. and as strong a concern fur the feelings the comforts and the happiness of the Navy a the Noble Lend atid be had the fullest conviction that the Noble ttrd himself believed the statement. tae had made to be strictly true but he was equally convinced the Noble Lordin niauyjof them at least hall been misled. He had high Authority to say for instance that the Atuhnte frigate hart. not been lust fn the manner staled and that not an officer or man of her re had perished though the Noble Lord had tilled theta to have.

been all lost Here Lore said it was th Officers and crew of the trllx schooner hp. had mentioned. Mr. SHERIDAN continue Under a former Ail ministration and in a former Parliament an enquiry bad been instituted for examining into Naval abuses and wme charges bad been insinuated similar to those of the Noble rd against the character of the gallant Veteran. His friends on his behalf challfng ed and soIcItd an enquiry hut those who made the sl1siuuatir 8 hurl shrunk frouithtttest Whenever the Noble rd could thud an opportunity to revive be- ureParliaruent.

tsos charges against the gallant cto run and would substantiate them upon fair proofs Mr. S. notwithstanding his long established friendship and sJ1tct or that gallant Commander would be the first to support the accusation. Jllrsl of applause. But.

lie tutreated the Noble rcl would desist from such itziputauuzis until the gallant Vet era could have an opportunity to answer him. lit mint be aware that ins cp ech wcul1 find their way jistu Newspapers au(1 those again on board the fleets. Fur his vu part he lelt linusell LounJ to say that the good of this country could uevr be so II promoted as by supportirg the discipline of the Uritish Navy. Lord CociirtAKKcuinti forward an be repeated what he had said on it previous day ab' ut the sloop of war and schooner unl adrlr 1th Ins ttabOu zncutloliilig Naval abuses was to shtw the necessity of persons of his hug being reprtlItnlal in Parlsamtntoa behalf of the Navy. Hxcludcd fur 17 years front izitezoal intercourse with Ins QUIlt thuopinions he had formed were founded OR CuUSIi.

tutiutial tntiinutsa they exuiui in lH nines Ills wish was to More the Coutitutitii to jis original purity Mud le did not tIiiik the task dilllcult it" tlw ancient I aw of Parliament was revived auth lice- men atd pent i nors or. cvery description excluded. The late- nirotry uught lo have begun their rtfornz with tbs principle but insteadof doing 3 sinecure places like the Clerkship of the Pells they had increased them and by ring tie Conitnder ia Chief of the Channel fleet to-remain in Lou Ion whpfc brave oUictrs were rikiisg their lives to in- crease hi profits lucy were reducing that cuiiiiand to unrther Cleikhip of the PeUs whirti ini ht next fur aught he knew be conferred on a chld or uleol. lie concluded by saying he should consider lumelf ta9t boUnd give any aswer to the. questions asked him yesterday by a pt utterly Uetientlz his notice.

Mr. jENKtvnn said that he. should not long detain the Electors especially as the ltletnftl who preceded him hadoccupied their atttut at such length. tit thought lie might desire them to look at the poll with a just degree of triumph. as it was a triumph which had been gaiut by their exertions their virtue dull independence.

lie hoped they would rontilL the same virtuous and honest exertions until they had placed their utnitt Candidate- in his seat as the. representative of that great city. Sir Francis Burdtt haul supposed that tilt corruption of tilt pre. stint times were so greet that them was no roan lor honest uun in Parliament. lie hoped however triat the Electors of Westminster vould sliuv Sir Francis Uurdett that the at k-aat re rJetfJlIlUC41 upon having one huouet rcprtseutative.

lie tJtgfd. ever that the free and independent Electors would not rest too securely on the advantage they ha now obtained TLiir ttlcmirs the supporters of orrup. lion and the abettors of peculation wuuU it jam every rvo to prevent Weslminsler having an. uicest jHian for iu rf rrecIJlatl Ihry knew that if Sir Francis Burdrtt was returned by a decided majuri' of the Electors the Miuieter could not. avoid paying some attention to him wizen he should rise iii the House of Commons to expose their guilt aid tui sdvocate the cause of the country.

Although Ke must call upon tbra generally fur tlzrir extrtiou jet fur to-marrow he should only request that tliey would corne earjy as ha believed there would be such a crud of Ejectors Coming to to support Sir Frauds Ulirdett that untesltbfycaf ca early thert i would tot be limb to have them polled lie IIetotcluded byeipttiating on thb private virtuti and public priu- tivl ot SjrP. Lttirdett pVis ech. fds tltlycd appliuse. 1" Mr. ELLIOTT atteui eiTtn sj bnt je was irnpns sibleto hear worif Irda the lUhC1ur disapprobation.

Mr. ucrzs then cariic forward on the pattoi Mr. and txprtssid dt soriotv tlallbe Noble i lordItLjij CIirkiitt1d lUd qeitted tie huitjngi asU WNubJr JUid tbrtea hflhnrhet uujd fS Sfj 1 nsEc1 or nob He pttblic rottntlh wthiLth hfe-fint ebose tb tiUCS1to Parhtmeul tiy ccnnnjre wt of t4q i MlewlshecVbltn tiiric Jr3. cause he was.a- SJn.ibf-r of rdttcnBoftfugh wpver was merely an an tht Sleliiber fur huseat in freely if he chose. The Noble Lord at the be 0 th Ekttjfcn hail bu very facetious and ttpd of cfadugAb UjOtfj in ord to obUira- more" popularity lie thought howvv that he now sa a different' kind 01 feeling anti thuthu ortftp sremedjilittle sore.

That soreness perhaps would Lie iJittru the Noble Lord would stay oppu tKe busting afH listen to the observation. that he intended every day to make. Mr Gibbons then read a letter from Mr. tauII fxcuJpititJg him from the accusations made g101t hiniVmb respect to some pecuniary triupac. 11011' He also read another letter wherein Mrr Paull hated that it was at the persuasion of his friends thin he had gone' to' the eXPfZlce of inip torJ poll-clerks e4thct lie feared a Storm had been raised aphnt him which it was nfresj ry for him to allow sufficient tine to subside that he should no longer continue his Committee pr lils txpeUt but would leave his name on the poll until the close of it.

Mr t-iibbons having been frequently interrupted in bis speech and finding the exertion of speaking painful handed over the letter to Mr. Power who read it to the Meeting. Among other expressions it slated that the tritnds of Sir Francis wanted to build up It fabric for Sir Francis on the ruins of his cattle that he looked to the Electors for their support as rehu- meratjoi for the expences which he had incurred un the Ja election and which they ought tu have paid. Mr. POWER finished the reading of tueje-iirr asked the crowd whether they would allow him thte in.

lf pure of makings few observations lQtld cri of hear liftir He then called upon the Electors tb decide Ill on the claims pf the four Candidates who were Le. fore them Mr. PauU' letter ttmouuting to a Tesig. in)4 Sir lrarlds Uurdett had bct rt knowu Ii them as the firm and consistent friend of British Liberty fund kiuseJ Mr. Sheridan had also In tbe course of a lung polticll supported with great almost unrivalled talents the cause 9 the people in opposition to tyranny and oppression bf evi ry sort.

The other two Candidates he would a were merely the creatures of the present Ministers Knt no lrthzz many tokcs Mr. Power repeated that they were and that yesterday a number of Trra- stiry letters had been circulated in PizulLdrcquiring the Elector to vote for Lord Cochraue and Mr. Elliot I car JiCY tie should ask who was this Lord Cochraie or what claims had he Id te1T support The Noble lx rd had indulged himself day after. dB in libelling Lord St. Vtiicen who bad Ito opportunity of answering him.

lie would put it tub the Electors was it far was it hlnly or was it the part of a nrl. tisliscain-asi to brihg rJul chatges a aiust anjrm behind his back and when he held no opportunity bf answering them tLrd cries Bo. no The Noble Lord had sat for ix onth in the House erCommous and tttb brought forward no such charges. Jf he bad brought them forward there he would have at least exp ced to meet wane of Lord St. Vincent's rrhbds who would have been able to answer him' But in bringing them forward at the Hustihgl of Covent Card.

it rather appeared as if he wished to gain po' pularity than really to reform abuses of any iud. Mr. Power thought however that the Country was much indebted to Earl St. Vincent for the memorable tttltt off Cap. St.

Vincent's for the selection atid patronage of that immortal hero Lord Nelson and for many other great and signal services rendered to his Country. Mr. Pouer concluded with an eloquent panegyric on Mr. Sheridan and Sir Francis I3nrdett whom he thought it was incumbent on every friend of freedom to support. Thistpcech tas iccciitdviihgreat applause.

Mr. GIBBOUS then said a few worth to declare that he should attend on those hustings try day to put questions to Lord Co which perhaps that Noble Lord would not like to answer. COURT OF KINGS UK VH In MAT 13. 511. CI IPSIN This action was lrfuhl by hp Plaintiff a CI rk in tie home of Me StnithPanl milia and Co.

to recover Jansiiie' from tie rlrnddut a Serjeant at Mate for an Jfejult and tiilte imprusot. me nu The ATTORNEY GI ad that tile Ptirtf1 wt indebted to a Mr. Allen upon ln prratssory r- te in the suniol nod vu thr 411s ui October in tilt' tar he went to Of Icuse of Mr. Nelfoti Attorney To liheii arid paid the debt tt.gctis.- with the deniin4ji 41. tue coats among which ws enumerated 105.

04. fortbe caption fee' altisnugh the Plaintiff had uerer been rr te i. On the lubsequvht rnnruing while Mr. SHADS Ait a nllnllmg Lit ituiy in tlv counnn hiuse of his eznpLyers the Dvrleiuiant arrested hinj for the um of 101. but tid he would let :1 go if tie wouid liar UCItiTe the Plaintiff Tcomj le4.

he touk the Officer to Mr. I hit Attorney uhre alter tone altercation. to uitl briii cunTcjcd to a up Siadgate piki the demand ifking care hwetr to turn his protest mt it ftiun uloMiun and procuring the Clerk of Mr. Bacon to put into writing vtuit parsed end the fact ii his ha inR before pd list a phun. l1le l.

drned. Cuui4el bopwl thllt tl Jury would tale into their cwusidetation the injury the riaiuUif rou luTerscei cd from uti a dispraccM proceeding in the hi of 143 VfliloCIS. and trusted that. as his Learned Friend would call itne iti on the trait of the Defendant bud would rocrslj nIress tuem in as' eloquent speech till JUIT would riot consider iu asupoit oaths but re due weight to the evidence to Le. d- Iduced ju suspou of tie rlaiMtiiTs C4 e.

Witnesses Were then prod need itbb sitter provingihepenerji larts said that tile thicer had acted upon a uke out in acquainted that the dtbthad been pre Mr. Uinantr wal riwng to ute the jj Jderant1 ca e. Jtn1 Ettv BOBoucn tnterposed ira Mat that he did not think tll' P2iuiItIdCUlt must upon mote tH ritu 13 which he ttadwtiiwful paid a tile or den 10 the Delendsuit arrest the ttfiinUtr nidjiertr bteu eoumerniahded. IfClipwn had known tlut tie debt WTIS discharged hl fterwaid ireceedet to lnrl mUI uiuiify th rn indeed it Might ha tri iifa whieK HOJJ Call far tcry rifT8' damt ei. Verdict for Ac lIlUetijf 011 tne Sensu urfbinencrd Wuft If.

Jottice GROSS GRAU MJ the LURP Mirntu iitCitj Sects JYferVfir a pltvSte in the Ka Lofiduh Militia. was capitally indicted lor lululJ ptvstelj. In a fldlW1IUigb4IU3C twoeald rpu Id awl a pile oI1eathee' breeclesj the pro crt el pt. Dctaxbr 1 of the tame ri'ii tf Kutkl puljr tntl" to the aee of XH. other tJttUun any TheTunrpikes mg thrown Open oa the Strrty rtIoacOunt of the Cquuty Electiuuj is an unfQr.

uuatr circutnbtance fur the Lessreof the toU" as Kp Soil Rare's commenced yesterday from which they have always calculated uu thc reef ipl of 1009 5e tiatrreCuii ab tbt tml iwiqnJiflf Tfthtf aefct to Fjj rr. LA Iiiil liayj wKenUierL laittrVas JeltmiLajecl a xhi. or ruduu thttVTettJ sJj ta fram tT rLi tl MSwnJ rVb4 ftabuardlpr unBfadjajtdt iaWyr 4 iheiiwWttn abr 4iv medlhr Cn4Iuanecziatr x'-ii a critic. ff I Spaw ra cMwpaW tbf 1 iU thTJfit. e.

audit tmttei' rmt lUc i i3i VatteiiiiriV ailli We tiJ4 ri1uttJ hut Z1tf fUttby analutnanilt men. 7 i Amt 1 thr.CW/ iruivvewl rnu. ciulspof Ib nrjhe flu rWiuYa Attij Iraiapom arId coiiUT irn il i 11 JttuJfriciHt wtstk jay rel Jrvua iii iai C4 iJe-i mtuLaitout Lf rff- loop vfwar 7 ATned if wftrtruutlm lX irn Iti reported wrtrt I drckcr is ttiuff at Qn Iitoe Ur triit1 thip itrtie Nl jnf itu" Iiltc2 Lu Uie Uttrr Hip beg tbuu httioiraaJltyf tltirienke. ti' Arnted nliM je ty- lap rllan ftoat a crutzt and remain ill JNWs with bo1A 4 last. DI who flrealready iomiuatcd Caodidales fdr iub- he tavuur and will appear zntb liuslTng iat Covert- Garden Theatre in the rsdrseofa a slori period 1 the wonderful exertions of crttioaiHrnEdi the tlti nieroul friends that lie urwurdln or these two Candidates there remain iitilf doutJtbt what their tndejavours will be crowned witrsucce and return them fully quatied to rifttJtl pf11CJi abilities at at future season Twenty-one Capital Tmes horn JOOCitn 5001.

are yet in the WlireIrbesdes' the Prut of JLt atiind with the lull roiJd1ic11 df 20h PHxe snd ti' adance the priceolTfqkeis BiidSbafes Tbt nVxt lay of drawing will lip. SuiurdayfwbetviKe first lickrt 100001. The Lottery will- finnh ztSt bteel. i It may ii surprisihgi perhaps To jnnTPiTtrTat Lottery Scheme of 25000 num ers cnilyj should admit of so many great JVizts to rstdrLwtirurnber It ought to Le' a greater matter of surpVfce that ul- though the drawing turmiuaies next wrekevpryou of tilt gteatvr tluatiog Capitals are still in the wh nd that exclusive of. ttein vo tqCt1.

Prfzes can be devoted to the drawn numbers of Saturday and Tuesday next. Fourth day of drawing No. Hi erdrM-drawri Ticket rniitled to 200001 was sold by HichARDioN GOODLUCk atid Co. on tle liVof last nuoI4J1 it very remarkable that tht. ticket was wote.

fur frtiu Southampton arid procured jrom the Uank by llicu- ARDSOK Go iDLUCK and Cu. who ioMil selling Tickets and Shares wrtaintd undrawn tthfoitOr flees thnier bf Dank Cortthill and fucing the gate bf theKieg vs er. the truth or falsehood or Gas Ughti. PrracUm new rloctriues will make converts by' plausible tenetii Philosopher tet kdhertnts by a. well.ft- poundtnl hypbtheaisl But the Uutb of all new and grand discoveries must be tUaLlidled by trun sruieT and matters of facts zlbtt when they appear new and wonderful will create doubts.

Tbiss the caYeiti point with the grand dtjcovery of the Gas Light than which there is nothing so zbortanttd t3 the nrJ sh realm since thst of Navigation. T6Vn there are et this day still ten tbousand dijtjtlleverj et the Subscription goes oil pirll- As tVuth mu5t ever triumph over falsehood shall wonderif tie Shades in this lucrative rn hot Very sTooii ri eT as. far bt ondcalcuUtfoU as our Commercial spirit i beyond all competition. DIED. I Oh SanriTthelOih nit the Kti jearof her tRt.

5 Laws ftu. Jnnie iiuircj vi Hottcrjiitl MiH Mrs. Lejpe relict Orudtn fc rW qVt KJrnorilon tcIid4eix At Vicl i Uouimii. universally ii pecUr Mr it. Ijtut ri.

COAL. MAllKLf nJAi 13. Slip. a Market. Mt Si U.

8 tle Tt lit 42 ol. SU SiiiiderUnd frl. a M. PU1CL Of lUUk Imp. Aim.

9 J6 la I iU piev.ul duo at. Lttery Tickets. Ll3 us ior Ace. cj p. Ct.

lied. An. Ct 3p. CtCr A- p. Ct.

CO' 51" Ct. Navy. Ann. IT 12- tiitie IJositI 5 r. I Mil Prico Couiv for Money 6CI Ditto Omnium I prcrs.

SinrnlijimriniNS S. RoTat ItiFI WAIERI IIIS JYA1 iHi 45 tninntr er 6. I Aftemvcn 13mm trs aUn ij i 1 3 Inventcd Patent SlDSliOAllD cc DINING- TAULE. smiled in me jrart ri ef Futhure at tl IraiJlxar e. and ANU Calherm treet.

lrahd alto i fa PateitSofa Reds sndCJair lied Ill utlhalfn Patent 4 pott and Ttpt Hedktctdi wllb nnitui mil eddiuR cumplete the Patent- Imperial Pinn Tabs and oruble Chairs with rtT article of Jph iliief jui4 t4biaet Fuiiiture. tT the urnishing Haus. i the fr slilccf modern elegance end tule. pstroniicJ bj their Majesty' anti the no al Farty and air vast nuatber 01 lira Xbbtliij ad Gentry of tHf United hiuzirnn. NEW MKDJC1NK ACl' h.

NKWUKltV und SONS No. 4JS Paul's yed. UsdyuPrwpri tw tit Dr. Jaoe Powder and utbC1' valuabic Prep tinnj in form the Public. 4t in uence of the view Mantf Duties the prices of tisit will be in future yd.

packet or It. M. 6 per rloen. but the quntiy rf a doc i packets a bitte as ni up tr tlfc Ana aiid fa mny be had fr ii. 4i.

And us ihe xronis F. Ntwlerr St. Paul's are graved in the nb fcit pteiorord will be a sufficient ecnritj MjrsmM imi rfdts. his Kii Mte on ih labels will fcf di couttnwe i. The tolfowjiic the Price vflLcir pther Kled- cines ttnrap cln tcd hjt th wiw pnrcLp six time.

will bf allowed thtStairrn tis. JQ at a Jr Jaihesl V1ntr 2 9 DiUiinalJotuc MO Uiuu A Jeptic Pilii Ditto nlsrn Uiuo CYuh Oil Ditto Nitre Urfpj Ditto CaiccnUe UN 2 Ditto Pare 4 tJ II 29 6 6 S6 1 9 tTUcCf. DalbvsC raiaatve i 9 Dr. titls Chalybeate 111 A 4 tkfVThtctnreofHarki 0 Ditto iluxhtra 3 O. uc lJUlr MrSiKBce 6 4 icact of rel rmint I ir.

Iiagper1 lill Jt uev 6 4 icr liruttC 4 Ii S3 I Ut1mt. II Scow Pills MM BMia Mortens props. Dr. ttancJns Te4 JTcrno Khs Ttacttxrc Ditto N. D.

Asmanj pfnvnv partieulnrlj Metseiiprri ut. House of Mineral Ne bfrv. they tl iniUuece tc jo-'itouC that i the tEui JfSt. uI' If" rvm side wilt onlj rwcniictl PC the Wnl the Ool War a for DrVJtaej1 I 1 II PQsr orilC2 1 lf1LVciallt ut in t1i jlr n1is nt and 1 keI1 our. I fng tlt' dt laydtl I aed 6IS' iu nll tlu I otl Jt cit pN rXlSttnct I nc ct Vh r.

ue lilWeJl I lkCiUtJUD Lb hOugb 000ymou 1 7 Ulrr. td ttn WIS 1 Ue mOlt coufidtU Ibt 11 Le mtl uflt. Lal or yclte if hn lIu ndt I prOlrCdtiunon I' t. 1ItUt1i Jtut tcr. tth UC thrtlit.

lJ t.t p1 tri4JJIW pr It lUutin nal1Ut.I\ 1 1Jttft 1 lrJh1" be utmost KCUyttvrantJ pul 1' rii ill ciu tS Te uudertti. 1cc n1 eru a1Y tm Ulft. tJu 1ic nb Ut io 111y lup OfU. U. tlm II T.

4. lEM ft juLiJ3itf ck Adniiht EIUli flarfer. nVa fI Charla lJuacS rrt.r lku Esq I. Ri 1tJ 1 Yv ct Ua1 LiftU 1 trun. W' If ctot1.

arrirA1M.I H' Iri hcJ4 un Esq. 1NV' JkSt Jbf iWt' TJ 11hJwl Ci' 1I1 Si 1U A 1 lT w. dtl SniIJJt IAq ho JotIdI Wet I. Ed ard7J" ur. 4kCl t1.

1Juudas. 1 Lord WIL lllhKU' 1. mpcnck QaktJ rqriJII4Jtld.J I tcrPq :5 lllutc ley G. Steftrd IL1. Slcrd cLrf AdN 1 A' H1 iJ ltll GJ G.

l1t. larquc1 all hLUV1t' uLn iclwll Jnae UrllrJ 1. tJhEaq L1 tUCnOls ntJrrnat tne lO Poll of wnw. nl Lord William tu Xtw3tIt Rdil ll Mdlncl ilJC ctect at4 U1C Ithe PUltt II' r. JeltkuisAa.

trlier elt nt. rJlcUoar Stte ofthcfoJ wu dX I1F use. oC tLet. dlY Vii 39 1. M.

PLZ' rJ6 U. HWOf t- sr1L cl" as 0 Willla. tllner CroDe or th ILt. 1" 911 trre1 Lusll1nltoR. FJI I I uw Talvr.

carqu ar JV. Ir au" Ja lIIb III. tkric Itwe J.I Ar uthnot 1 If liw Sit" a r1rW. KCiM J. St T.

MJlardy J5 1rOcrld S7 cou4 Da rDwtj ml rr lr. Vhrlm II. oCthe Jrl1 rOawt 1H1q utt. a TU1 lItt of rolt 1 4h II. Urrl1tl rtf 1ttL.

i W' 11tA. 1 frJlNt nO ftbe rutH' crCl 13S.J/ Mr. k6cri1C 1ic. U. StJ Fe ulblr1Yp lIpct.

I 1 lrtkf' iory rdarsr numllp1 silf didJLtes slo Sii 1 tPtJVDwrl J. tJord ett. I 1jC9 oncL rfOt 1O Af 5iiJr l1. 31M- tiPtoJt 8 I uhai" w1. ith plase ir IrSulktn4NufUlui.

it creMP re a pIaud pd. and qu Candidateind wo Jd 1 lums lf as i ra1eatLe Olltl uwai iril1iruatult Ut1C13 bJ Ib hjc pIe ure tr11 rtkpatisigthat vle sure. hi callv htol riug lJeT of le l1 Ucdnd ry fp dily ttttnutrlctt Rllr. lhc. octl olJ rt be 1u 18) aourtb as a.

hie htdv I filcun Ob grtitnjurity Lo' Ow rttd sisiIjk ihatbwing. fJ late gt at I lh ou1 ie hitn otilt is the re LG lIlirr tf tntJlt 11 hot 1t ftt1' jre lIt tl nijuItLt S. ontRi1d oLJl luse ht fr01I1 any prruse wrTe nnw pltdgedt voib it ulrJ be of acS' rr ble to but tbi It I aa is Jrurl rncksstday I trtr 1r whil h. td li t. 1 uuld 1 hiin fli nMJ stc iliP.

QOm bud bS Jr1ttu ns. tt arti last tow day' tJuse1. aUt' gtd zlIt Nay tlr. re al tnsfrt ld t1 arrtmtthbut Jb i t41 uallation tb. GO frumtnt.

Ib n1le Po tre-J urer tbp. ttl' cnaracttrwhh nh lf IIu andtht rJ1 pd it. I 11 Ylfttmitnl in hi snuatitu lSutgr uf Lt nut cc tadtn lI hDdt lI eettltatJ ts bl rtJI Qmp1M o. eJfd tfbi1 molt Iou tjor rnrU1iirr tbuhol1our. n1 j1 rIJ Bu Lhb hir It' tnSllf IsaTtttnzf1y nlJuded.

WI11Jti igi' ctuf ha ptaditfo bl. hl Ir bf' iCe ptrKt t. Cuitf01 on tlOp It btb flll hlh IJt1 fd I el Ldlrll. thnoj YYfir tbfr ptfeti 1 tl IthJ1ftt amrut 1UJ1 tt J1 t. 1 Hat.

tr Ie rou deijrldauo1J und iuh Ii ti I to" Xiife lIiiKJi at 4RdkirU cd I ila" Irit. Ad rJl I. f1J AD y. eol 6aulva rf i 1ii. I il I UC ot DII re a UD1 Zld hO It' ve uch rt 4id bc et1' tf 4 crl Joch tlo st leodiogu bv i the bari.

wo ld' fittos iutbeCustothioT Clfte" rkllbtbeTtfas ry oj" aiJ IJ a th em or. I1Y Ol fr rJ as I I'M jfS th vyHu dltf He w. aure wuulrJ JQin tbft tbiselection 1ouIJbe duct tlemanly nlt howewrthey opin oufn1 er llurJh toaU rtt elio 1 pet tis us attt btiol ochls lolu rioubSft lr 1itrlell turn. fquet otLeNo subjf" t. I or Iisown lie ll fJlh buth itt whuher-u'-wasconsiieiit ifent harat t' nr-iti hNval r.

bddt hu1Ja Vtkrabwho. dJ0ft3 It n' hii bircbari 1 ora InJli. riug IE resp ct th oIr8cter roJg a as litl II conV ctlon stattm nt. dlin ulnyo tb in ast Lt' gh sa Itat ofber tboughthe st. CO nRANE S.

the audcrew IIERD tl. etlqu ju titutld Nilvalabus Jfthe Iltsfri tuJs hi 00 a lr. Jot cilud hil' aru th Lord lJeil lIutillht" etpra" II 1vt' mu i pttchi wul Vlpavre flte s. II t1tVtr Ye IJ support Nav Cocznuu caine audhe pr iuu5day UtJlut th war. la thal allOu fur mtUuCJtl ul ts vas ntctn I Ji i roru tlJI tile Xt tc ii th COlIst lutitin tojls ori lHal di uutlhllik takt1cuIt tI.

taw rltame re tc' ud place- ttn lIJtrs lC fgU1J th ir svrincivltLut iusltad tJlg siuecukeplace hk il1 sccJ Corrtlii tmlu in f1 ft to" rt Ulain Loiiiltsn wltJ rJ killg Ii ale I cre rtdnciugIItt 1UancJ Clelk hlp bo lld\\ th ak uucrl Lfuel r. Jof 1 NG lisid lon Electorse I Ot vr ce ed tju lr oil nglh. it I tt eir rttll" tht I etb nit iht ir hi tfpre e1aHitiVt nurd tt suppn6C Sf 1I ilulUt. nati Wcstuai stcr they. ll' a.

wtrc houe H1. etr iu Vcuditt haJ 10blalUtd. thlDanJ theabettnu. lculalltll t' ufnu pr. et tJJlitIS r.

hl1 in hCll Ian or 1 hr 11 th El ctors. th uid 1IItJUgj ouh1 txpo Jd 10 I td alc le thccountir 11 et I reqJeitthat wo ld. earyas cr Ele tors miu to. htrru I t1r eU rlYtb rt uld Mtimis voU 4' onthc ir nn iu- ol. F.

rdeu'- ti wt htldappliust' Ir nttP pkctt alt ic1S itJ to 1f po ti th vI ba6nn. th il rorw rd pl uf MrlduIlJ iUuJ et sor arl lIi tb lJlt I Jt 1i dcj i4l fl t. r. c1TDSi ocir I iii ilIII hI ftg as iti rtP fi il whi 1 iihflh Jj tt. l' 1At ctcr no ti i II btj Vi i1 h-fintehot Prli fi 1 Wgt iofMr tJ flnrut J1 tc ablinJ pla J7 ur' utuIJJi Lh' he nJlb t1f IS De erJ i eJ1tJ frlt.

b. es. the ltavYl1lc he liift rrry strongly oull lrd uiht JaYt 1tlld i tdd Bo lf tPT ISlUtrpJ i u. riqiu 1 i ll a M1 ibtr yr ug. hadpitI lot blllet tarrt D1eD mi I.

ii ph1 DJt ly 1 Lord. atthe btguuuI' nf F1 cti tiou at rrdl order Wp Jrity th ught hetw. I' eling that ir 1tdj1iJ Ib. 1' at lorttlplSperhap. W1u1dbe POZ1 ili hustln bJj tb ob frvati iutend de rea Jr.

II rom accul ti I1S iti i nlt him witb same ptC Diaty tr Qsac' 8D ther ul1 as ptr lu siouQCbi ha klefkl tb 1ieJtareda wiSSIIrestltry 110. fficienttim con iult Yo Jd bllname frf' uently ilJt rfoptcd is sppakitigpBinul i vvertbe real I ting' th jr bric SirJ. tl Ele tnrs rti rtt nll ptIICf1 ha cth Ut Pow t1ie JtoHfr th th himth" cllll 3 critl lectonJo de 111011 our it 1 r. Icu Britt uiitl cruse. J1arllilsoi life I greatalmost yf tin QPpos tlon Ill wo lcJ rt.

th th No fr ln man tortS wt' rt thr fStdd ItU rs Circul ted inPltl li. rcq irilIg 1 I ask tr 1 Lord StynCtht cI noop itll 4tn rlng 11ewould putlttu on. far. itthe ut tiS 1 nam ct dg ag i si. nt tUlb oPpoTt nJty em 1- LOllrl riis.

il ix HouleerCominouSI an broughtfor ard th ie blt I a pcad answer urd 1Ju tih c.o\ ni II I' St or iiul PIt ronage hoD Id mall aUl oer wh Thi Ptc 1 crci vith great appk usc. 1 lIes ions perhapstat 0. JAl t11t ILL' cotRTor III CZISPN. ihe Clerk ri Sl ithPa recm tf ndililr. Jblt hli rurtit.

I GtNFRt mticbtfdl tlil ruh5I1ry rte sum WI Iid lat tar Anornt' h. trIr amn thllainwr huluefef umteti hclubsequ SUADOAtE 1 Hut hiuse fIit elutant woulr1lu 13s conIJtIel I ah II attpt king hi I aCDn utUI' pa sccf I hlnUl IIr lnrned ld i have fec Ytd su disir. ful house rimdua1 callnite mer spe lilY uld er as upui give ad. oJ cc iwo cr dtnpmchceJ bO rowin the JCD rt iti Olfi tr a aunstake tsviiag I. Ui U14d5 aCluai lte debt had lr Jhaaor waisllt state th ant' cse ttuiOBOVGl1 ad JIillII cvuld inisturuu I the idl1 al to lr II ltf h3d i rer fn tJtwu CJlarg dan ntru1Ic uilu then ier 1 131 lliU lc1 I I' 1 YfItI1at Cutbluel' uf Mr ltic 5r lull Wu TOn.

al it Ci1 U8iecti. dr jlbC j1 iv3tc Wl 41 ltia. eapit lty IlIdldcdlol. d. HtllttwUJC co 11cathrlbr cl.

rto ptlJuub oltise rfl tY 918 I JU1ute 1116 ikd thr 1I Ol' Al rtl tIo aC" tmt i. li utlatrcirtum tiLlte ss of coItJ01 tlctd UnO tdpt rj 3 I F' Jt i' Ii ff. I 1- iiiCrifiij tf. 4 l1 ttHU tlY H. Hit ILi 6 rttt lit Drtl4l hI1cff.

JI1rt1t Md' idi ZI 1C11 tcd t- f' LY OU11r 1U 1 I htt readl2 ftjitr JtlJrtf. wuitiitI6jur. wJI a 1Ja. 1Ia ff UJWd I aodt cf cai' td Cl uWlJ1ft uf fp14c2Citre1t. I ltt taIruuc.

fA CN ftrt 51. 1'qL. i4 IN c1 lIJ. IC. ttt1 1 c' ht to cnan itd tfrt7J s.f.

n' I till" shL Cllflr ul OfG rniil tV JtsBr tdj Itl l. br t- J. th rd el. neJrlat co lil. tr.

f. a qt I 1 lh I ed' jj aY rs tiitI1LJrt In Itlt. lt slltir 1" ami 1t IOnrsUUlnt 1t v' 1. joIt I Ul tr. I I tkr I Pt 1' JJru" 4iaycr d.

alto I PUtSOO9 ar i. 1 II i J. SHEUU AtAt1. tbeS4tnftlh" IIIr It ttft' rtd tP. iitii iut ii blJ7t dl" Jn IfweZM I4 lJie1t1tr.

1 eu tIlubgh tva' 5911 tIV hit icrt ICP DL1IJ t.d Arn ivedbI Yllt PI lfl' an Ont crvi I tact i to Gooirt Idt ze-'ceul en makinJ' ttroug can assaoi IJj l1 i. utJ gJlt ralfur he1 tppdrtlLl1dlnlfs ttn 1T Ur Dr bet two jtgl l1clIQui. Jl1J. cr 1tIr. Y.

tni rJ tfJ ivour. vI1apprir UIUng3iJ Gar fcu Ili rs hC udtJul itrJ IJof fo ath triE-n eJuS ffinuiip ur rem iot ult. whatthtli' rs' cr wn d' iUS1Jc an relurn Ib 1 tlJyqtia i rl fut re UylJ Uat r1i srro Jg tri I ar Pn 501. Ol' tPn Sind at in i ts. uiSt I t' Jr ltgWln tutda lJtn Ht 1ollcrJtsIHiuhb t.

k. it' mayscpffi rpfi ihg rh" PS nthat 1 uer 5cbf' 23OOnun1 ii ool tl. I it 50m uy rtu 5rstdri' illi' rn ii grf ttflllaUcr rprit 7 t.1iI tftkl vrrj OU gt at UUa Br whtd4 tLc 1 I' i ttd ofSat rdlt find" rti sclay t. or dr wml 9 9 Yd trr wrl lttitldtU Ot0l wassold ltlclu aD 1 loDttJe Covntl lit. of li tnlulrj1it I' ry ickct.

lt-fo frllii ISyuh 1rnpl nand pro utal iheUa1ak1 1 cu RD OJ ia un rawn fic hrn Uauk-b ildms. tornll1U. sid' th tb KltS Thtti th of byVI uSlb1fi eu P1 i1 oph trpn' s. by. I tx undt1dbYflothrals Hutlhe.

r. tllJew gr Jid siut mait r. ra tl' yet Ct bt' PP id 1 hlsts St uI fOo. h' tbe. ald cJ rove hl rtantta th th Vig tiotJ rt rl a Ib usand ibt-1tt- tr et ubs ri tio my t.

fr triu 1ph tse WUl1dci 1fate ivrr so i -Jf tJlyondclilcul ti do i1 fpir i. Ltot 1I ptt IIFP aUfJ a Suo In Ie t. sear 0 ntr II. nt tu. w' MrJanie Surre Hf icrllille nl Nr lrI Le ew.

ftl lImon lesr rtpcd rJ. Mrs. rI r6 Jlyar Ct A1. 1 r1ccf SAiIJIlJ 7r1ra. t.e 425.

a 4 1d. 41.1 is. 1 i 11DP- un. p. Cllr' Au.

3 i i I III. hirc h. Ctl UIlI1IIIrl. I IY tts I 1. ct' CJ 1 BOllchM.

pr. IQj CoilI1. ol1r1' 6 1 JV H.J I Kl1JtI. u. Srr14 OIFIIS.

Ns. I iUtiH Anlt TU LUNVONfHU1J lcnliN nun tf't'r rtr iU It A In IH I j- fA UtE. 1Int 1 tJ Fu Iit re tit. ar UOI al tli flnstT 1 tile 1111 Sot a and CI 1f tll Pattt tmd Fuvutui lc I He 1dlt Cv lr1ft. Iw rlal u1n tr.

atJrl Port. I. hrt rih oria lc Up tdIty JIt biQet uTtuture. or ai tt sille of tft are rl it. Flrrllfand nu ber Ii Clbil l1 nlly oft.

1 FW l' ACT. I 4. St. nrI JTd i 1 ste. PrlpAainhS i th tit in.

lie ntc 11 i prl IJcr lIc III 64. lr upfh ld m1bebadftJl. I la II ftr rig. t. 1a1Ls en.

It i i I tlntrrcI SI tllIIle labclswiht Ii I diCOUttllwtft 1 1ts. 1 ptherMe1. iCtttcd blMC 11fJ il InQrc lit aU I she ta1 ti. Arks If. a.

rpder I lJaU 19 lJttl in t1JJttc 3 hJ1sCIIJbCttc naf. tk I. lt h. rretJ tn thre orUatk Tll ntibUus iits 9 ttJ nut VrSI cr Upod tlC ToniC I 9 Eiki r4C aa. 9 lfo itre r.

6 ilh hV t9 1UctO' 1" nte ln rcotlC I ce HI tU" I. lru QPCr' ltuIL. 1 t.t'I teoI o1t oo di DrJtt 1 I Mr. SI CC nttS Inh ns' 1 tJ hc 1' Uhia ues Rhellmat r1cns tare pd ry 1ltto 5 tI1Jiliiu PifJs Te 9 GJ 3' T1Dct 111' W.ttoJf\ A tDttu1 Ohl elet tlIII tM 3 I Nli As ncUf1C larr' I 3f brt1. thefltlnc rrtc oue it attbeas fSt l.

It dr- ID 1id tbefNnt tOUJ fo" I I 0 5 jipOEtOTUC I. uirvbicb wrbiiYt 1 mqntytiLnt d1aysd jtJ aiiad 1 ct whtcl hOt Iy gcnct4 1ifcU whickour Ccfl- tn th uiej1hne d4ict utIon thgb Cfl1fl3i k1ve thcl1 tZfl Ut1TCLIL1 dir eu' bu iint iuefL7 tLtet2 I se a id u1 It. Zolt wLter tiiseiist trzug H1e ornodT pro. WI 1rtIoflaI ttttst WiPterD1 t1t" Ut McuTIty and I I5ve i uWiq Ckttnee pblic apLIbAI3I wflA' WIL LtIctot1. wro' i Sntun I3itht.

Ese iisir1L AS1Ey iitLq. JAMu I L1 ri 1 a. 1ih. Nwk trtht dkup2e. lion.

LL iitin ce' tntnc. giariUnqtaM rsnczt1efl1V ne. Liq. Ste wnd Nugeut. qup rai se tthe y5 rbsnIuu 1471.

Lid the t4 ttcuitLe 1uiIMttaecIOe c. I Sttc oteyo Urnidjt dsf Maa3i1I 439 i Lopz it. H4wjtL. I eJ3 Hun. LDunds odse Wi1IlgIuLtb uJ bc fltss-Fiuai sz1Ilp c1g7 x4 UoyrnurAlbithflDt tt.

fr uJ SiT. M. 1iiu 179 icou4Dq Duit n9 1r SttC olL yr 1 rt obu 68 4 ttnd4 1tfICk UI Sgtt GWndh 5vr4cI. 9j aL ftu Uls L4w 1ftb. P11i Gr4i4ftsJs 4j3sl OdsiiGLiciis2e iirTh tIIV ps1kd.

4. I ic etrdas uf the num rt5ctivt1y flhjj t3rdODeM1L C4o1wtALror 4 d. YtJt Q11 A th ql wodJdcciiti ue. agii tI rzecvtLe1Itjiia azivLiiwbeh gaypteacure it3e 4 caisvits s. iievait Unitr eiorsat11 ui4ediuI uncaLjvaIed tui4t t1L1aLlOfl trbe isayizr heratt lkj ti 14f 6ItLo1 iurn I It I hi tel otr IJr-hirn ben LtLcl evenlithey ot L.

th tnafl k' ng nt htMl frazt bow pltdg tt v9uIrl him ibis did hop tfltkctzn 1rt iii th. sttIe bu th I4 en t4l1ct1. i tI thi nu 1Jhbe I. thkurer it cL ektiowede pac Iu te IkUIe and auue I iirrprnicnt his liti great Ia anti t1IIbht 1act hd eet cliangd mdhp aPftibOfr theirredress P4fluIueit4 gbu Lmt4t 4I tli. dhactuf ItIb4rahh biciuglft V4 Mgitritefor urh thr Vniht ttannirtcd on tidard the 1toi rt thkt uArizt 1 CCsteLvj 4 eradatzot I a S.

I' ra opci' th 4iiad LreIh tonct 4fltt WgI iiiiId tJ I' Te tbiiIarm kuc1 ui i4M boneitmbanjto have bhodeduch suehmeiroh v3f. vo fit tbeTreairy aitici schuoEoy itfghtJeaz V' OpfliOIiftCn wasptease-LI qu44tthe tioiipfbfg sofueseriousibset. hrrIr1itwID1d thtattcntiozi uttbeNubjeLotI snineiubjtft. Ileavettae th ofihose aIlant Vt teratz nd g' rinuly servd a aiicbe ti zt icly trLatehad' a los lir so meiitiotiJ in l1 thnseftIie Ihsfrieiids or zist Vcierai I lindtheirway Os and ofwarand thtt ott cuuzutiy t1n opliuions fist 1 XIst eti rv Th iustead1cIotiig away iziChief ptfi ers Cici kshlp iisilit or b5 ii 1WG tb ItIelielI att ntloii uld th and zre- tmesere Si Lherewa 2ui ill orrup ti am evpr it repxesuaatie. 1 IC If fa oul come eaty Eector3 FraueIsUdrdett havethen byepatltitioniIib ekptLotSirF 1bis iiech wuhtudapp1tuseJ 1 atteuiptcdto rimIbti twas wutil tE3I pi I 4 i fv I 1 rdLr qittedtbe husqngsasb h4IQbvti4L1atIi4dre1i 4 Wlilsed frNbUiLoidILibi hither.

bChuuJd jdgi br td uctu asz3 tIit benicI4febr gthit1 ft was wdsi oicurruptsou anug htvuttts tJIcutt hltti 4 Why IUrS1XflItitb tht as iti he lealt fftO e1b1r th9eebues Zavy which attd h4wtu T' Ik oWjLird sv1tjtwj iie asi IIi nrre LkEi a ut4i fl thugtb his seaI ubrtr buin the hi- iiscreudit hI tothe int zy Jttterfrons tQsanie aI goneto' inspictora iin alIo ofiL" re bi renu- Iat him IiPOCe car icar1. then th finwCandidaus bctii hug tb it he aLseri I rupe ted tovot ilr zr ct' shouldusk ett amvirin' IC brihgruI aaiuStnytliah theI1ustihg reformabuses mu StViucent th t. or Mrtus an pecch cccivd wi a VLDNrsu Meii. rti JNFRL ut Pt cise ti or tIs alit nding hs srfeVedh1iZi or PIaintffonpIe4. taeob' Mr.

pm gadt a as ztok 1t. ut act having ptluI Lh Couu tI. cuiidtite rast hi ariicd I1l5itssess thueiiuy I wci pro4uceJ. guerit uu preiusy pid. MrG an riiiii au' iId ihiiiskt1i uusi lhUth kid tcngful tI to hadi tn uwiieythtn.

indeedinsitt he ttiewhitk 3 tCTrTW tf 4-- 4. IJ14L14tI JasticeGnosz. iruLI GftAU1 Jct rT7bta Et oi br ece procrt' rue rlieIt frouiaLgiutgtst stctngtiLbc Nti cmijttuiifDny heTuizpikesbewg isEn Ceszre ofthe to1ls1 Iteript. I vs a 5 i a tkf 1Jgrs 4iCli 1Z1W11J PLYMot1Tit Ir3t. Apedihiraeh Artt thiia aetb.

Uni4iaag. todtd tq 24Lste bay hensbe prutd lie I it ubaiecI ued ttb4jtn it itt lie JWcc rd ithaa i iLkZ. pr1i8ead1 ktiyy si ztieL lybr 4I the tA' th1F.C.e. 1l1tbzeTIher fietd Isi i4 tit 10 CC vtset Ir I Ariie isj coitrtir qipbi h1jaisar7ielIe 4yrckd Lb ui' HER.fr4trtL a flosiDi I htu itdeNire jniitnTdse2e4a4 t1iaIaitcip ernce. DEAL Mv1t.

A rota Plyeintt1 jiqiri anJ zmfide in iai Iasl4 4. a Gootas dr mabn I canvass anong her frzeuds tb zi gtiieral cir 1he3suppdrt ihteiesti1vsi IIe twcjfavourzte i1aroa ir. ho arqsrea4stomnaieti fdzJub periudFrura XrJtOti1 ofMotcroo aid vu- couefurward lnL4poktIJr thesetw remains Iil indeasours cronedvtsucci k' I enty ln Prh nd Prizesand in prictoJ Tfck. and Sbstrs. 1 lit wi1lbe zflfiuztsls I- rhapsWnJTo4Far a cbthie numberi nit man its attr stiflin and If scr usclayz1ext.

I 94) te icktttaI wotefuifhssii ureilironlthe Uaikbt GOuIDLUCIC tflrir Ql. llankbt2ldingstor1IzzIt. nd iaciti eivs. Th PrIIdicii ctrIiie in et oundd otall ui douIi. pUirnwih discover th l' trnlklievers dr A1truth everL if iiutvrryih ri beyond a obr 0 iinrla thc iGtt iwit.

iii tti of n- iuLwi utre Legiew. Eq. it rpeiLed. L4Tut. ri' par.

i. slJ. rkcs. I 7' 4sOI. d.

JDd Iit1eLuF I ltedAn tj i6ihii :3 Ci. a fliit Cu 4 I 5 V. 9 iLig 13Gus 4 PflCCZ-COfl'j 1cJIt3 Is1UL ai Lu. Sircv14tagries. 1.La WAIglt-i'tIfs LtjNDjNRttIbu per l3Miiuius 7.

i- ANtiIiVentcd tj e3r. jice SANUERS Cathicrnatreut a1st'e i 4jott wztevty Fhiozi5teUpuiieiy H3ia3s ttoyaI a 1ht TEV iN 43. Jnes cineueiice lt fu s. madv iJ Army ld th wori er raved eiutard vgnne iii. iur PrkeuftLar tui' ie tst rietzs.

I 1HtAjfl 0 An 1JittoaIre 3sS ThiAntibIii uttItut. DrStetris Opcdhtoc Cir Ir41 2 LtrnfLticrihy 9 t' ThtwCaicnti1e iiripi Etnceorthn 1ittoIareocLiztieti fl Eceoiinrnint i ApbatsIs 3 1Jr. I EIttutCnIttoQt 11. Scces fldne a shrc Snuff- O9 jIttttjs MIIUt1 a Jites Th- 5 6 4 piIurysDin 6 IirSolandersTe Ulas i 3 3ternoitzsrincture. wiATAhIcTstiwIiLt 1 LittuTOtLOC4ige 1 1 s- einj eberv tG at 9fStPur hcip 4iese UnIyV iaifat Dr.

Tazaefs Jowd..

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