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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 27

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ilt ITS K. i OLDCOCM. tfidW JtfK wWaos WiUJJLal) i vBatbUageead HiaaaasbMst toUnMMd wlMr. leV axVsd lb prf. TwaAt OmH eeMrM from 10 o'Wioek la the rVMNJiXtt aboci twwywtttuthar4sc4mfea Vw taTalbat rtrert, IHhti, where they iw living tadwif hi lb Mm Blooernea, which It "TT Ux real um of the nasi prisoawr.

Theywvre miT here fin ia their bowse, fail which hnrwwJ Umw by Um proeeeaticti being wilful, Umtum eompaay la tTi Vt, being the full amount of the property dae TbT tare) nm to KB laed. tearing their servant, wCMia Dublin, la Um month of Jane of laetyeer ttWtwAEM Cm xupaata bows No. 6S, Brevcr 71 ther anM oa Um battana of ZZttl Jer ut they h4 lunsl their bum from Saebr rs, which va theiaaidro usm of Um fe imir, The busiaeei wm ehieSj conducted br Um after two toeActaal attempts at other ire oik, 'lA (toowtal in Jotting aa tasuraaee with Um Impc written Mary Caaty, their eerraet, booj they WkAta XHilia.M'wrw;! to oarae Jo England. 6b araia became their swrvtat. Oa Um evmiag of 5tat Jeawary last, rtKk oa Suaday, Um Art oa Lj dtia ra rat ia Um Inaparul Insurance (teowlay by Um fern! UU whkh moi.

ator MADf rati to Um pruoiMnL nraaaat ai Uw ITCrfjH lot Um (BKMIbU UtT li, uuTr to kja adftU IVit it appaaroi VvT. Sfari.T fuc art fnul rriMtMr Mat Wr'rrut, "7 ajaia DaUia. toUinf Imt lUI br ct homo aha to writ to bcr atoacr. CUt aowrJlnilr wmu to Um nul primwr in7rfUrlMi oaa ot hiH aha aU that, valau arr aeat to her. aha (Um fuula rriaooerl caaaat aBrrriMni at Mint har asaia ia LnoUoav.

At Jul tifMra xajx aunpi wxr hvt, IWb ilrr Cr, aCrag that her coaaeMoot nU Dot i nL vniae to tha tinliaa chania tha famala utriff vith hatia; ac fir to Lrr hooaa. A oommuutoa L. Tiiafcttw mm luliot WUw linperUl iMoraaoe Uum iauaWiaufr bmU to lfeUia for llarr Caaar. and. aiit alo bar tMhnxwy ohiaSr that Um aharjc afaiatt ic pMooari aa maUa to rcsi, wa (iva it aoaMwhat Jjarrfhtrr it aha vaa tha wift of Tbnraaa Caarjr, aaj VU iih Um rrUoacr ia IaUio, vhara Umv waa hoM Taltmi atKFtv U'llM aanM of baonaoMn.

fait ia Uarah. liyt. fhart wtn Bothins left aUinliuj l2tii but Um walla. Sha baanl Ukw aar that tafTNirl VV, from tha iBraranoa aoronaay, 81m auu a tth Uwm ia linimrtraal, BrtcMraoarB, Bra bm4U hrfdra Um LaraeBo Uiora. a4 aha left Uiant oq tat iatarlir afvr Ut lira.

TUty iht jrv4 nrulef Ut aaa4 SwUiiifaj Ttir PHUa wil at 4n Qit b1 altfiil Ut tlWtVU Vf WM ftp ft I aUM W4 hW 14 j4Wt TMVJMt UMftja, layMf .10 HmrW a.r, TM 1HW WfH(U4 Vtifal.UMif MlldH at MaiMkl fcjf her lmutitl hf Pa KM rHW4 htW'f Wkfl (ftfi ibl V'W1HkM, fi tUif llilfrt tfitl Hi ThM 1W IMW tf 1 kttilM fl pMlVowlsa li'MM hf he i4l ft1ha CM It trfl th Wt Iba itinU ftlMW lti BUS ith lildt liUfc Wt, atx) hit fcrfa W3H trr.1KtNnf to IM tbtitt thai ha MkM, Th autirw thr iWcHbl art 0em4 M.M Ik fnnk 4f ni Um Tatolat MhL, af let lirt htl1tHl Wt to art Br Wi Um bow bt hicnoa of (i liftit Ulh aiaiol aVaatol amtrt faititba iB Uu lack lUAm oa tat bat thai not rmwdlBf. tha on tha.futiovi lirM b1 lTf Ore 1b tht roam, 8t (ilaoml before ant Erea. Ilrr tufrtrr aod vitaoat Lft the boat tarrthrr about 11 o'clock, but oo that oora aina abo the fire faHeJ to take affect, ahhoarh teretsl mift ta mora vert burnt. Oa the fenuu primnrr trnxf that aiht the aiid. It iW not take." The raraaat Ilea afast bp frooi We.lBenlj tlfht till Satvlajr airlL Oa the tirht tho fduale pruoocr kept as lirp a rt aa the eosi coke ia prate.

She ripped up the Bttttma aad took oat the aharia; and them, brfcrt tbeCre and left them there; tbc alaotpiit nptho aurel of bntier tab anI plaoed them before tho crate. Sat viabed Um aitneq to tie dova oa Um beJ, but lha wat abui to do to. The room vat Terr narrov, aal the be4 vat dote to the fire. The booat wzj tsca that Bp, and ktarr Cmrj 1 her raistrisa vest anr aad alept at the hotve of Xn. St JVtT, in Uprer nncbterreet.

CUlevIooUa. vat a enter ot the female pntoaer. They rrtarnaj Brever atreet HtVtea and 7 the next morning, ahen tbnfncBd that Ute boat; nvl been oa fire, but Cut the fire kaibNoextiagciihed. Oa the SatarJar laomio; after the tie the vaa teat bask home to IubUa, ber niatrea Jariar ber fare, ani aseomraajin; her to the rail var atatiaa. She wrote to the police because tha re Jt4 to tell of her Bitre 1m'bji her cm ricaee bna at the rasM time tttnbled.

The reawa the aal sat tell tha police before the left aaa.l vat thit, bar; a ttnserria thia owntrr, the vat afraii! that ber "Lijt would her tome iajaT', which tha beCered her awHe capable of doing. Other witaettst were then 'called to corroborate the eri deaee of Mary Cater. It vat proved that do oae vat the baca: at the tirr Um fire was discovered, aad that the ia Jrr dose br the fire vaa alrawt eaUrelj con fined to Ue lack bedrooai. Several pawnbrokm' atntUnb were called at pnre that Uarj Caae; did oa Tarioot oecaaoat imme preriass to the Sre plejfe the artidet prmlaeed ia enat, tad which had beea reprearated br the prisoner to haw beea borot. Darid.

Stollerr. the brother in Uv the female prisoner, tutel that be fetched awar the teepictara froa Brever ttreet ahortlr before the fire, aad taok them to tU ova boate aad the wife of RtoErrr totied to eereral thini harioj hern bnmfht to ber btnae aboct the tame time br ber brother in law, the male rrer. Georpa Stonemae, brothir of the male priaoner, at tht reraeat of the female priaoner redeemed the pictarct tt day afw the fire, and be retained them in hit pot oa rati after the prisoners were ia esitody, trhea bt htaied thea over to the police. Eridecea wat eireu br ftttleaiea employed by tha insurance eompttiet to "pesnati taat taey cvl tai reyed tne Jiroperty of tlie freri aad had seen the two'pietarca in jn'ion. The tijeeu were "The Dmdnocght" au 1 4 Tb En.thaaiast." female pritcnrr'tfdd on of these wituroe that ahe ra neea cctred lor th pictura, et, i a hit jndjmeat.

"ina wiin lae iramet tBclooeJ. vta not more ka orinala. Then, wl th mpect to tile rnoreusntt of Hodiy prericna the fire, it vat prored by John Carter, a onTvehoca kerer at Stratford. 'Eex. tiat tie two pnaraert came to ht bonte oa the C3th of Ibtr, aad bic there and Uwt thd pnuoer mnuocl there a month, the female priaoner tom eecaamnaUy aud aleepin with him at hit wile, riwleneknilann.ioinnetorof the 8 dirialon.

"al 1 that tUth of March Uttte tnrt tb twa priaooert ia the djuiaa nvi, when he allied them, iclliastheat who that appmheni them oa tha charjo namnf na jumial rire lO'tranot lnpBT of VM. fliOirrJi.1. 1 Oh very writ, rrrr well )f tl.oo Frwlerick etrwt. where they were Mtfnj. "yrttae the ntac bt fmi I a ouaiitity of hm.

banon. vnit bmll to hint 47 Uiaa. He i rJ' t'pper Winclretlarttmt, Jwiaaj, wl.ert Mn. Btotlrrr, tht femib tirinutr rt liyH. WwwulO, cke taid he alto went to Upper Win 1 went Into abtek room ot th tint floor "th female prieoorr an titter.

Mr, fctnllcry, where 'il tweboit eonlainio; a qauitity of lei. aaroa aableof baeon, tit chaci, and tnb of batler. inale priaoner laid they tobr. He then the ataUoo. If a afterw.rl.

reeetred from fVwe rtsnua the two lietarai that bad burn prolueed thai court. writtra claim wat then rnt la eellenee. br 'wbleh It Uat tht feaule primner had claimed lot tht two Vi. i i Um family Uihla, which wa abnpro ia eoart. 1.

i aad for Um awiaj chut, IS. Thee wtn laclartej lo GV. wuicu tu paid by tha la tJrtc auaiaay to the pritonert. ctanl the cae fur Um laxuoetiUon. McrcaLXS addmaed tha Jury on behalf of the raert, tubtaiwlinrtbai there wat no evi'lewia Uiat the "Kr fclriwil or act that lad to tha "uvtre to the boute.

He livl tba pUot arnwal Wure the fir broka wit, wl at to bl ug eigwad tha W4 doM lutrvly with tha dealre 'friMa4iika, who rafuaod to pay tha money hi ttfaaUiw, they btrinc atWulttd tht th rM aM Mtarftol. liWt.1t the inurMi wm rPwl In AIIfHTennf ili Mnwrat a IIm fHltt' lJ pmntinK out tint itroitr MM ietHW priaftlier, lMlll orhrlhiOed If aM by nmaattla.ra, hi abWujIritbeiurV to aire th aauhU'iL and that tmitlttded tf Mwrf ''nrlamtaN th liHanl Mbt that MiLt tUitlBUilrtyltt.llM to their hjMt tt'iLUtt. ntamadBith ert lnae, mh, la wS 1 rtHreil TTry, mm tha 9 ia UaUhi, aabl that, It wm not tttf. uktb wat any Ira it that IrabaaoUnn, yrt it that tha receipt tba money had laeltM "Ttftwbtet ta that roola of (ettlaff mane, and that to JJrtwjioioa arialnj from their bariaj eorearoUy UkTlr pUBBtd that the lnraoea abottld uoi la tba najnt of tba maa; but In tba Oama of fZTT4 At the taao It wat clear ha STi? rWDoead aomaof tht jcilt from thai be left tha boate Jatt immadlaWly UCZtM if? tny titlrfaetory explina Uv. oire With rwrard to the vomaa, tP.y fTi" eptrfrUy Ki tbay arm not aekedf to aoariat Um woman 5.

I ort'any of Mary Oatey. ZlTt than wast tninatalr ibmrb thaartWuI L. Jla tL.a" it. JwBrfdaak tbajory taUradto eootidar ewofmlty that if job had eowTlcted a. vary few JrartBeo both yocriiret voald mott mAfraetUooahly have beea fcrfailed and It ta bow nwjeeaary, not only for Um TfoteatiM of tha rira OflScea, bat ahn.for tba protaotion of lha paUU, that Um eriraa voa bare eomxiitUd tbouU be beoaaaa, for Macbi yoa know, tha Art UuU rott kladM ml bar aad caaaad not merely waewajiiwoi mnea propmy, cut Voa laaiot aamaa life.

Tha atntoaca, UMrWora, aa aaehof yoa thatyw botoptUtanUaarritaxUfartUaBmeUyaara. TbaOoart wm then ajjoaxoatt till Koaday, Ibo 8ta of SZ00KD 00UKT. (Btfort Str. tro" CiLUtxxuJ 1 Tba Vwcthenod trial of Antony Eiadalti, charrwl paa kaabarof laIletDMaa viUt def nadiac bla emlitora by of pjodtla London whieh be bad obtaiiwd from Faria, wat to day broorlit to a termloaUoo, aftat barbc oocaried tha attention of tba Omit aadjarjfoc no fever than four daya. Tba tana aottnael aa bafora appairad for UMproaecaUoo and defence.

Ilia LoRBearrr, at Iba atlUnsof tba Cbnrt, proosededto tarn np the oata, and la doing to oocopied nearly aa boar aad a ball. lit commenced by obecrruu that Um lnvcaU pUoa of thit Moat important ante, UtareaUnf la the blgbcat desrea to au partMa anraied la commercial traoaacttaaa. bad bow entered upon ite fourth day. and. that ariting otft it wort Very many legal and other polnta of almoat nnanrpaawd importanoa.

Tha' bdictaent eon tained eereral eoaata. Th fint of Uxve eharnd that the priaoner, baring bats adjajjed a bankrupt, did, with latent to iWraad hit ercditort, aalawfally diipoaa of divert good, ralae 1381. Tha aoeood abarged aim with nltwfany oooerdring together with oo Bttodict Brand ert aodothert to cheat aod Uefraod Oeorr Roata Dyaoaaf divert cooda of great ralae. The third charged bint with ambexxliag and oooaeaUag bis eatata. Tba fourth abarged him with obtaining tba goods from Dyson withla three month of hit bank.

rnptey with intent todafraod. Tha ramainlngeoanU charged hint with aoootaUag books, papers, aad wriUagt, with mak ing away with and eooumberiag bit with pawn ing aa piatigtng divert goodt of great value, which bad been obtained on credit, with intent to dafnnd. It wa aeceaaary to inform tha Jury that the law with irrard to lankraptey had of late yean undenjooe a very considerable chatfe, and that a cua was now slewed to petition him self to be made a bankrapt but then, at it became impor tost that protedioa should bo given to creditors, it wat provided that the transactions of tha bankrupt within a limited ubm ot bis mint at petition ma wat to say, wttnin tnree moatht should be submitted la certain eaaea to tha eonai deration of a Jury, iu order to see whether say fraud bad beea committed. In tha present easo tha iirUooer bad filed hit ora deelaratioo of insolvrnoT. Upon that occasion the petitioning creditor had come ovtr from Franca, to whom the prisoner laid that ha wat Innocent, and that tilt entire blame wat attributable to ilraadere.

There wat one par UouUr taction of tha Act of Varliametit 'under which thit prnteeuUnn wat laid, It wa tha which provided thtt goods mutt bare been obtained a 1MB credit, upon a fa eoWir or pretence of Mrryirtg on tmaines In tha wiltnary jur of tra la, and within Utrea nvmtht prior to tha nlitjr of the MiUoa af ajudiattUa, a parti 4i4 all theihiujt vitft tit iaunt to lummU fri4, tim wm chMfUr gufltj of oTna ajtimt th Uw. Tlit iurt iliould wsr i wind tht lhr wtrt nf a.mnU (fit lirwMlBdlJUuJHliie eiaa tar nbuinina. and th tlaat Jf dlmiM, rWCfal iwiat of hvl law FMtM IH til iHifTMf pf lb whieh iniarHt iMuihly FWf4 let Hm ftert. Vfmin A(Htt in Umwh ihm II. wfvthM with IIk tl hf wtmkt haI lnml.1!, llrrtla.llrlf tlM a il willed lb Afl Vtf lUWrMt hritl (ratni tile trailiM Mitt pfiltrtfiiH cpuiwrs weui buuii avin ne wavetii in lite rrverai mm lh ftKoU had tt) tWalb.l slmijsl whotfy III Frafieel thd ware aataraA bialia toe in coon.

i traww agaun tout km a voa aniitBtt 4 isktat bvakatorv.n "vtQmvuj. 2Ua it cdag of oo ptat jobtu whrtlier ibern vaa attjr lmi ftt busiHta carried KH, hf Uraudertted tht prisoner ia l'arls, of whether thejr hful any naeeaaera outer nana varenoite or inagatjtM aani' Ilrr to ot assitltB tht bittln In lyih.lntl In nthet WnTil. bad they had an iAdetwndeBt bosiaess In mnee It appeared to tb Court to be Wyln and not a telling bat Inest ln Palis, a inert baying for the pnrposa ot grtUng tha goodt iamcdlately fonrarded to Loadoa I bat the jury vera ua to express tuetr optaion nnon uut sunjeet, luentuera vaa another qnettkm upon which their antwer wat solicited. The act of bankruptcy ajainvt the prisoner wstclear, beeAuta there waa bit own deelaratiaa in Innlvencr. It wat taid that Ttraadcri aboald have been Included ia that deelsrsUon.

That being to, ware the Jury that Ilraoders left hit place of business ia londoa a day or two before the bank mptcr with the intent to defraad hi creditors It waa worthy of remark her that the bills of exchange oron tha bukropt were drawn to at to beooaw do la the middle and at cad of tne mootb tuat ta toa correspoodenea constant reference waj malcto the 15th aad 18th, the da Jl between theae date beinr the three dsn of eraoe aad that Branders's principal pUos of business wat Paris, it being only oocataonauy taal be viatcd lxmdon, and tnaa only when tha bills were cominj to maturity. It bad beea tag gettad thai goods obtained in Paris, and the credit for which vat firca in that city, were not matten which could be broathtwithtn the Jwrisd ictionof the Central Criminal Court of London. Now, upon this point it was necessary to say, ia the first place, that, aluaough no offence eoold arise from merely obtaining goodt within three months of a bankruptcy, and the could only be completed by there beinjaa intent to def rand, yet it wat an iagredieat in inch easel that tba property thnuld ha obtained upon credit. If by any contrivance tha house in Paris bad succeeded ia obtaining gooda oa credit, and sending them to London and if, oa their arrival here, they were taken possession of, aad held, aad disposed of, asd all thit was done with intent to defraud, then there vas an offence aulSieut to constitute liability to the present indictment, and to bring Um cata within the Jurisdiction of the Court. Although there waa a marked distinction la law between obtaining goods aad disposing of them, yet were th re maay points upon which both sections of the statute were alike.

Here the goods came to England. They were the of the firm and, bad the firm not become insolvent, they would have been. aold. As it was, they were pawned or pledged. The disposal, was a disposal in England.

It was not denied that Brandert bad rendered himself liable to iaatetraent, bat then alleged by tba learned counsel for was a want of nroof to fir the the cnilt of Brandert. And. undoubteulriSt'watSiiT the Dritooer was a tnrtner in the firm that wittabiiT; answerable for the missoadaet of ilrandcrt, but, to if wait tiranders did ni done anut bis consent, eouerreneo, and sanction, ha must be held lishla. It appeared tbVwo books were kent at the Loudon establishment in BraA street, Cheapside. One of these was called a day tained a great number of invoices, most of were ia ise nung othrr book wat called a i whit remarkable that this Ixuk contained whatever of the disposition of the goods, donbt, came into Luudou in immensa quantitietja; ana were pawaeu as AiieuDoruau s.

iul wa vtysl fur by alleging that there were many other books were taken away by liraoden, and did not come luto tlie posaassioa of the aats for the prosecution. But, In addition, there wtra the letters which wert written by Hran lers, aarl it wat contended that tlics woat far to fix complicity between him arid the prisoner. It wat alleged on the part of th defenoe that there was a great deal of diSculty in ascertaining to whom these Ullert were addressed. There were 1 of theae eommoulealions in all. One of these asked "Hare the grots bam sold lu our nsme? I tall vou asnia we mut be cautious." Aaother laid, Wo must keep up Um of wtrrliauta.

We art turrouaded by rcgnUr tplrt." A third contained thit remirk, tf you draw, do not overdraw." A fourth eomiDeneetl, 'Isrtr friend and parlnvr.1' Ia a letter dated tha 0th of Oot rfwr it wat aalL "Tho msloritr of Um houses here (ia I 'aria) are onoo to us. lt member we are a Paris hou M. litt mo know what wa to buy." Having referred at some lougin lo other paruf i ourretpomkiMe, btslionlship pmoeoilod to observe UUtS ig of the dury aad it wfSOSii: ara dispoaod to ooneur ia Um ivaaroaieodatlra lha jury kavainada, ana um grounds upon wucn ut meraticahavpT0Ot(tod. TmklBg tba rtav of 0m oadejj vhich mar tnmetlaMi be tumsssd to be dlflhrant from that of tba Jury, it la to my nUad satiaftotory to be aba to on aw la that reooamondatioa, ooa, moreover, ta vhieh Um ieamaa aonsei ior um prosecution nave Mr. OrrBramtv Permit a to remind your Lordship that the prieooat ba bean three BMotbt alraady gaaL Hit LoRraMTf I am awart of that.

I Shall past upua oav aadar th eircnmriinett. a very dUcrant santaaoa to what 1 otherwise should hart felt it my duty to do. believe you art young and lnarerienoed, and that yoa bar beea a great degree the dap of a saaa not now la euttodr, I do aot forgvt tba rliraimtinna to vhick your leaned eowaatl baa laat aalled my tttantion that yoat havo bean jiatpti. teoeu siaot Febraary last. Taking, then, tho rwoocnnModt tioa of tha Jury and Um impritoamcat yoo.

have undergona into midTauon, I than pan upoo tou i leabnt assUnoQ, which be impriaooM and kept at bard labour for ttx taWnrltr moaUtt and but for the racomaseodaUoo of tba jury that sentence would undoubtedly be a very different oae. There art point of law arising eat of Um ease which mar require some attention hereafter. Binco hat sight tba facts nave been principally oceuplngmy attention, aad now I think that after th finding of the Jvry vill not be atcatnry to reserve any eaat for the coniideraUaa of Um Court of Criminal Appeal John Underwood, 3, butcber, was imtieted for unlav fellr tending to Newgale market 3001b. weight of beef, well knowing tho tamo to bo unfit for human food. Mr.

Poland aad Mr. Sleigh proaaeutod tha prisoner va andeended. It appeared Uwt thit prosecution waa iasUtuted by the Ooramiisiooers of Sewers of tha city of London, part of whose duty it it to ana that no meat it oCerad foe tale In the publie markeU which might generate disease. Tba eir ansstancca of the case wrrt these A armor named Roderick Law, who Uvea at North Leigh, near Oxford, bad a eow on hit farm ia the but stage of consumption. A farrier named Qreen waa called in to see tha animal, and be prooouoead it perfectly hopcleat to adopt any remedies.

Tha prisoner, who wat a Journeyman butclicr Bring Boar th farm, killed the cow oo the fkh of April, at Law's request. II then toklLawtbat he should like to have the animal, be eould make a few shiUingt of it, and aooordiogtr it wm agreed that ha should have the careaas for 30a, Iiriling the carcass into four quarters, packed tbeni In hampers, and forwarded them by railway to a muat talesman In Newgate market, where they vere laspeeteil by a sanitary offioor, aat also by Dr. Latheby, who pronounced them unfit for human food. Th joiy found the prisoner 7 We. His IiRDMIltr, in passing seutenee, taid thit vat an offence of a serious character, and one very mueh upon the Increase.

A numerously aigned petition had been preaentod on the prisoner' behalf, sotting forth that be waa a man of good character, and that be wm Um means of supporting hit aged parents, lie had already been in prwoo a month. Still, no false impression must lie entertained that this wit a crime which would be lightly dealt with. Tba prisoner was then seoUoood to be imprisoned and kept at bard labour for thre ealeudar montha, THIRD COUBT, Btfurt (JU Bcuqhdkb.) Jtmet Crowther and tiainael Qoodburu again surrendered to take their trial on an indictment tHargtog them with a aniiilraer to ehest an defraud Maura. Laing aud Campbell, toliwial brokers, their master! ni tniMoyera, TUsre wtra further annul tha indietatenl sharjlna the triiiiiert to tltfra! the Koyat UttiMnge JnsMr nMfmsiny. TU, wbUlt bIfmIj iaHipisl tli IXtml fur wi lUrt, wm twain thii fw mm phi tnte of tit SURIaiUu un of tha lsaraud llaoonlaf.

Mr, WwaffUwivt, Mr. t'lrk, mc! Mr tfflWW Mel a bmuimm fit pmatiMHH Sir, SliHIfcafd UifNr.1 Hii Mr, tki Th JHFf HltlRf HIBlrnl bl tlWlf HSHlML the JlBtflntlfeR ee.trl tuni ttt Uh rtMeflct tn lh lit si HSHsl BeeUore etrrfaur HiaH Wttlhl )lt ltu la his Iniwer (fwaiatljr wl Mr, Mttetlft, ii: 111 IflsMe'r iitMlnirSi Hit Mf, llUHllHr (il NUineiil sijlrsFlllfl Mf. Hlelli, Ul, iitijismij fuf ihf pfwiitwr l'rt)wtiri hi llielf Hstlim, infr. The icarau'it ludd taid that iIhiw lha klittufUMiutl ON tht prtrloul hltlli aUliU beenli'H4blvi to thftNiitn lha rvi.ietieemore carnally than wttim nt Wa in Uit tuiwe if lie bad nttw.rd hi Call tbo attention of tlie lufr to th fact and elKUmstsueet by which the eat wst turrortndnd When the easer both tide hid been hrotia ht to a close. Id truth be had beea very aaxiout to have th opportunity of looking through th evidence, tad especially th Inaat of lettcn ami entries which in the course of tb tritl hal been read to th Jury.

They were aware that tho Indictment enatalned two separate auddistiuet chfrgrs. The first fir coantt charged the prisooeri with eonspiring together to defrtvd Metirs, Laisg and their liyasterr arxl em plirrrs, and the but four eouaU charged th) prisoners with a conspiracy to defraud the llnyal ExcliangelDnurauej Company, and these counts were totally distinct from tho other charges. The second class of charges bad nothing to do with Um first act of averment, and be aboald endeavour to separate them, and so to avoid any ineraaM ia the difficulties of dealing with the two questions 1 and with that view be proposed to invite their sitestioa to the evidence which related to Um two charges quite distinctly. Now the first charge was that of oonajiiraey to dieat and de fraud their matters and employer, and in support of that eharr there had been called" throe witnesses Mr. Loing, Mr.

Merridew, and Mr. Barber. With respect to the first of these witnesses, there could be no doubt that Mr. Lsing wm a person of very decided views, and no doubt enter tained very ttrong feeling that he had been deeply injured, and therefore he had no very friendly feeling towards either of the aod it would be for the jury to aay whether or sot that genucmaa bad been led away by any bias acting upon hit r.dnd agatntt either of the prisoners, and thus to exaggerate and eolocr Um evidence be had girex With respect to Um witness Menilew, bit evidence eeitaioly went very much to confirm that of Mr. Laing but with respect to the testimony given by the witness Barber, ho (the Recorder) confessed that it teemed to him that the cite forth prosecution applied with crnalforee to him a it did to the two prisoners now on their trial.

It appeared clear that Barber had derived equal benefit and advantage from the transact iona ia uuestioa with the two prisoners at the bar and therefore tlie jury would look at hit testimony with extreme care snd sera, tiny. He (the Bocorder) did not think be could tall upon Um Jury to act oa Barber's evidence alone aod it would ba for tliera to tay whether, to their eatlrfactioa. Barber wm confirmed by tha documentary cvidcuce, to that they could act upon it with and tafety. Xbp' more material evidence wai that dirirel from 1 and entries, in tho boolts of aecocnt which jsduccd and proved in evidence. Tlie letters, be si, were ia taa tundwnuug ox tu ptisooer id the entries in the books were in the hand tnV6T tlie itHsagr Goodbom Asd tor.

what wsa history of moirfjM by OwwtbaY to Batbkftt aad waa folio vt dear Birv I aa arraU I tboteaoar ywar sane so sne soa iod Have Known me mv fyr a charter of orotery, aad IJ7wx, I ak very plain Ufa beeanae I I ought to able to doto.aaJalUugblbaggtdof yoat towrita along tetter, and I have begun on to yoo, it is, I bm of a aaOsreat ehtracter, aad arise partly oat of a friendly ooooexioe, and not a besiaes 000. Now, although doubtlcea more plaatant generally with tnooey to pay sixpence is iliaehatxeof a abminc aod get receipt In full, ttiU when the cosasioa which asrvad tha acroramodation of Use ahilliog trsdit it of such aatar that theposi tieaiof UMr accommodating party la life ia imperilled it beeotaei, in my oWaloe, another matier aod, to an hoooarable mind, any ttrUT, however aad boworer dirBouh would be borne aad I thould I do eau imsro you preapnausi any ftcp wnaea vould tubject my friend Ooodburu to lUagrace which may end ia ruin, brought about really by a mistaken idea of terring you. I know bira better than yon do, and ba it rreaUy to be blamed la the matter of your account BtiH, hMartligtou claim upon you to stand by him at a matter of hooour till you can stand no looser. I write to you a friend, and you will do great injustice to the spirit wbiehdietatca It if you do not aprweciato it in tha tame 1 Ren, thea, came the letter of the 19tb of Janaarr, 18C2, th effect of which, it bad beea eontoodeiL veto show that there had been a itmiied endeavour oa the irt of Crowther to conceal from tha knowledge of Um partners of the firm the fact of those advances. Bat, supposing the Jurr were convinced on that poiat.itllI It brought them but a abort way ia establishing the gnilt of the prisoaert oa thit charge, ho doubt two confidential clerks bad no right to conceal trautactioo of thi tort from Umit employers, but tb charge wm that they Lad unlawfully conspired together to defraad their employers, and it would be for Um junr to tay whether Um concealment arose from carelea'tneH or from a mistaken view oa the part of tho two 'prisoners.

It appeared that Crowther bad personal transaction with Barber, and, oa the faith of a commission of 21 per cent, on all sales aad purchaaca, and W. on every bag of aaltpetia, bad undertaken the liability to take up tome dishonoured billt of a person named Cook. That such an agreement had been made between Crowther and Barber wm proved by the Utters aod, bat for them, be would not advise the Jury to act upon Um erideaeeof Barber himself. Now, evidence, as it aeted the prisoner Gvodbam, wm by no meant to ttrong as thatagilnst Crowther, bet still there were letter! thawing that he bad a knowledge' of these conceal men t. The first fact that affected him wm Um transfers no of th account of Corderr to Laing and Co.

The books bad been produced, with entries Tn the band writing of Good burn, ami those ealric It. wm tootewbat difficult to explain. He bad now goo through Um evidenee as It bore on the fint five eoonti of tho indictment, charging fraud on the employer of the priaoner, and be now came to Um four last count, imputing to them a conspiracy to defraud the Bayal Exchange Insurance Company, It appeared that there were certain goods lying at Cottons wharf, Too1ay belonged to Barber, but which stood in the name of Lung and who bad a floating policy, and tftcr a lira which bad taken place at the wlltrf a claim wm made for for tlie Ion of a quantity of saltpetre, That claim wm mads out by titndburn, 4 k. 11.. 1 ...1 .1.1 i.

W4 mv IH 1 MH in ttoMt of the slaim IfiOt, b4 bttnmid to th pritontrt, hl 4ii4tl it iq lira rnoisti, The it rlto4 to tba intqrsn poiMinny, wm much stronger IjiM lint Pf IP futumrw so (nV4t Ming I INI IH wiiia iiwwr new in htn js nf th jury, who wphII iImi lih it immmi ta their nmmIirw thi wtln tnir hw takta. I'll' iurf retired at niVrKf 4 I d'rjotki (ml F4)rnei 1 fnnm a with 1 vmtiel i4 Unlit wain! Idh t'l (ifll'illbrt in III Ht far flftlrfFMjr Wl ilrfFWd lllf tfl Wfallr HIIHIMIIJ'i iWl fif iVW Umllf ta KFlll tbl BFtt nvr runnum ne iwiiemmiti Ms. itkal fct. mm Uttiail ul Ms. aai I li wm dasi Wit Ml WinllrlelldlHi Uie prlWultf lifssllrtr tl lil Were df I'M (JiHirL UUetfttf; that lit had beeh eeuttght luto Hit unit by the ihtititiee bl urneth atsly aftorwardt toll)aflJ'tay removed froea tb mltklwinrhooil Theprssoaert barinf bet fwtJ7i, were each tentencadto aaoatba impriaoaBtaet.

i Joha Orova, clerk, and Chariet XambU, 22, ta' bourar, were radieted for atcaling three riogi, vabM fiL, the praptrtyof John Blaak, la hie dwetUnglawiM. Mr. IAngford appeared for. the protecnltoa, aadMeaxrs. Fainter an4 Dickie for thepriaaoerav It appeared from the tvileoee that tHt wat one of those eaaea where thierst of good outward awsaraace reoest sd to tee any apartment which were to be let.

aad dan eg the insvaetaaB. on anane fieatonoa as eabet sjot the pereow ahow log them neb aparuoeott to leave tbem tor a short spaa of tiia during whkhUiyttde whatever eanM.wiU their reach. Toey vert both found ustUa, tad, were wrre eusr Indictsoetits a(aint rth for fdoaU of the tame eUsa, The Coxuos SEBJLUrr atoieaoad Utm each to toax yeara panal aarvitnile. Henry Bedford, 13, derk, vu bdieted for tteauag a watch Tal ia ISt, aad other artielea, Um prorwrty of 8tephea Walter Tamer, in bit dwellinghouae. Mr.

Cooper prosecuted. This wm the eate where the prisoner represented hiraself as a nephew of the Dak of Bcsufort, and on the faith o( bit representation! obtained goodt from numerous tradea meo, ia a Uitlon to eotnmiUiag the robbery of the watch from lhesproeeutor, who wm formerly a fnead of his. The jary fotuul Lira OuUlf, and be wm sentenced to tu years' penal tcrvitude. i The prisoner wm a mean; dirty looktag obieet, and it was surprising tlut anybody eould have beea deceived by his rv pieswitstiVim. POLICE.

mitt by the ihtitttiee br urttetheh Till ftWflltlifcn Mill It WM with the rWpMt bttrl that lie wm railed upon to pm letttene rlpnu hwti Who hail ir thnisly bothe the hiiliest ehsraelet, TIM venllet of the inty liail, litppily, aequitied them of Um most serious part of the charge thai of conspiring to cheat and defraud their employers. They had, however, been convicted of a deliberate fraud oa the Insurance eompaay by whom they had been personally benefited. Tba Court saw Uwt there wss a distinction to be drawn between the two prisooera, and the sentence upon Crowther wm that be be Imprisoned sit, and upon Ooodhurn Uiat he be Imprisoned th Me calen dar moatos, wiin haw labour in tne House ot Uorrecuon. FOURTH COUBT. Before Ou CoMMOXxnJKXTT.l Sanrael Howlett, 30, carpenter, wm Indicted for feloei Bamuel IO.W.

ilooioualr aidins and asauune in tne aaia nrax. Mr. Palmer appeared for the prosecution Mr. Daly for llowlett and Mr. JJst aad SU.

Kemp lor toe Hammoadt and Lewis. It will be recollected that the deceased and the prisoner Howlett worked In the tame carpenter'! shop, aod it waa clearly shown by the evidence, that at different timet tha deceased had challenged the whole of his shopmates to nguL, it wm at leogtu aoedtliat a ngntanouid una nlaoe 00 Easter Uoodar in the Hadmev marsbes. and. after a severe and protracted encounter, in which Howlett wm severely punished, and had, up to the last three rounds, the worst of the fi ht, Um deceased man, Bivett, appeared to to be senoosly burt, but was, nevertheless, broorht apagata br his seconds (who are at present out of the way). Howlett, ia a blind ami bruised wat then again placed before him, and the evidence vu not clear at to whether be used grcst force ia knocking tha de ceased down In tbe last round, or whetber be rell with only a slight push but oa tbe deeeaaedY seconds going to raise aim lie wm found to be sense lea, and, after lying in tbe field for the space of 2) minutes or nair an nour, wat cooveyeu 10 tue nearest publichouae, and when anutaaee arrived wm found to I dead.

Tlie prisoner Lewis, it appoared, bad acteil Howleu't second, and the two Hammonds, who were the tons of a respectable licensed victualler in the prove the elder Hammond, the stakeholder. Tbe two seconds of the deceased bad absconded, warrant having been issued for their aporehenaioa. Mr. Daly made an appoal to the Jury on behalf 'of Howlett, he said, bad only. acted as any Englishman might be eximctod to do after receiving repeated challenges tight.

tie. said tnax 11 wm acknowledged ny all the oaimiei novien, au, carpeaier, wh inaicun ior reio outly, in a price fight, killing aad alayinjr one 8am Rivett. James Lowis, bootmaker, 2, and W.andO. Hammond were also indicted for feloniously aiding a VI i fc. wk 7n unit iv.

was a lair n.Tus, svi usi men vu no ofiSeKl5 SlFSSS' 'or a conrid rahle time after tha fijbt BtT theu ad Irested tht Jury for the other priimert, SJV'llSSSrS isLaImrwdne BSin the iarv the fart that Ida elientahad don. theV wSwBjagaimit the bw; except rng present at the fijbt, il liwitb Um. sortition of Umtt who didTor Hewlett what 1 Jaauary, ae aeco jHi "and it did not Uie statute did not make it an otfenoo that a trader thouV! Pawn. ilod2e. or otherwise disnote of eoodt.

NoiUierwnui lire seffinK of goods under cost price constitute au uSe netn thcif, boueht at a certain ta fe. and sold thorttv afterwards at a lesser one, then, looking at all the dreamt tan cea, xtwrnvwM4 rfaDaiV.iiiiatfn 'elrfiuhiitauoct wrrrfrcllv unknown to JiTji.1 sne raw, mm jury ougut so aM iffenee mizht be eonititutcd. Tho first tlx the iresent iwlietmeut related to th hMxgi Vit. Mveral others to tbe pawning. As to CiQ'ixrJt vo au were dealing with each aenaraUIy.

HU Irrtafi vliakSISEHs Uiill dlii' to th Inrv a 1 i.l In wpIMikt or lfO. I I i i i I 1 1 .7 i 1 i ns vDHf. simp iTi.i.ipr i tlons abovti opao whk! ba tawtwar In lilt IUtuthe kr an r. smg WM not IqlTieJtaull nf hK A ror lixjulre whether, In eate of th eanvUtlTljdjqt IrotUil uUrJjr. thjgttaMinCns qt taken by the firm i nai nrst tue tv stated that In teoount of Barber.

11? rmoiidsey lliat wilu llmltm ma vaucet uixmi warraTr ni opiectioa to al ranees acre niid at Uie che Jct were jsecmriliea. Kow, gson which It was tfliarlier thould Mh.i Sifiancee which were then it Inerew.Wao )mrt of which W.V. vWCftrtfo rtiuvfl Uie first nueitioiT tii it; originally tjfr Crt7l i HHItU't Wiuyiff.i I ion toil. Jnotj who bad igggX llmt in WVf fetish wonrt rruvla, yanart I Um iritis the twissStr (iikaltinrn hail lha efiarji the sniHybox beitz In lilt IUtuthe kr ine rlialag was aware (hat larfe alranos'Uaa tne iot toavv tlnn Willi WftM.Uiat aorjuHud of th ilsonsr, th Prsnsb erttUtori ol ajslixf btni a aeooad Um. Jggf7 Hi tVinTMinr itjiiiii thit tills Uiuinr ont mn which he ihutili aol JrV.Tii jury rvwmi, bbv rgymn telling piirjsiatt, wefw did leavt hlifttf mlsoj In lfv likrupUfwllhlh Inttnt Ufe8wVrl that the prlsoiwr dljl pawn, pledge, utltSifyggivl and make awar with I In Lil4rSii.

The. Jury then reoonincn ted merey, on the groatet thtt he wm a wry yoatngiam. dUpaoi Ufawtera. I la thrtl wordets" Ahn.s,4 us mHIh Kati HI Irf brin; arji Klt)t hit heed MM lWU of K' Hi i rniwii uw uau ucti, uapfv turn uvpvoi uiwam I la tnFta eWtrll AhMtt'4 Mr.Berioant IUlLiTls, on thii part of the prtwroaJ bltte enclorodlj ft. hi mendatioa of the Jury, aod or th same reasons, hoping that th French creditor would be fort long hart an optiortrrnily of bringing Um ebief eOtadcr, iiranders, to UMbar ot Jot tie.

If It Loawmrr passed sentence wnen tbe niaonar In th, following termj Antony Raodnlta, after a very long trial and, apon the part of the Jury, a moat careful consideration, reu have hoen found guilty oa tb nrreral eoanta eontalned la the Indictmeat which hare reference to the pawainr and nlwUa with latent to defraad. ThV have aeoultted tou awWmydlreetioaoo the first tlx eounta, vbiea raUted to thebuyiag. Having taken the epraieacil tb Jury wpoa eertaia facta eMBectod with thepreaaiiM UPasU, Uklaot nitiitary bow that I ahonLl aaiber rtf ar tb fint ttx eowata, I ant booad to lay Uta Intljriooew ta the nedtotof thejwry. ewvictodcf Itartag aswaaearty to aecattrtraaee by whUh Jarge txeejdt hat bt iiaialeaj biiiw jei Bllbati ary aaMem tnat aatoXiOBeec toi tTlaot Ba sgAaaTxayaaaaBasjL A. I.IL ltU.

0T.i;itl Vi they tbould bo viattsd with eeeerttyM psmiahmeati aad tytaTityca! yaalrhtaant data 4 mm tafflrrirrrflrte mn iniiua ILcrtlMM'. auMilnsrF fli.QiMslrrt Bl ners iirii(isi B5sga: i 11114 i tliKulburuxA rrli Xlnl rti Lilt tMUItortt limn si wiiiB tnuM wmiui aniMnuinur lIlaTtoBjaiMFrOi a 1 0 'l 'V iii.ITTT ajfiulNAin that aeauC tirtiwlM ItxrU HI. aoawajSLaiivr rina iitpjsne ir nil Meitltintwtf WiiMb firUfM rMWi tntre eoua enf fiie tahraweefrtf to diiVad row. HPnaiVSfsirTJWI to ni glvritMaTIBWtir mlghtaroaiiri bore dale the ah irf. lllO. lUlfjliMTa, 44 Yoo mat Bow bMMeufu iaa4 jbm year at PalnMeyswavntai waroe ia Pasnci aad to miktjlii.a4taWH avavMweaaiartavt 1WV.11M. iaerteaed awtT4tt Cm at it wwJ tbaeaadtt af fieri Theae letter! 'WeeATba CrowtiMr. bat awuiaUiaU'l IMMettallttA Mlhavt aad over tor hM I taw waekabad aadap uut waaa toaaa." caW6abaaeat, ItQa BaaTOa wm ef UMoeetferm, at aWriat.a to bTabeaB. aravoex lesu. ono of the jary mizht.

as a humane man, do. lowlett I Jeediur, and a sponge beias pbced in hi band, ehiditftlily ua j.1 It by wuuing fie blood from his face. Among tlM witneme called to tue character or the Hammonds wm the' Kishon of Boad street" and manr men of great renpectability, who had knows them from their cnikllHiod. The tM.Mn SEantANT bavioz tummol nn. The Jury foiind tbem all OjUtu, with a reoommemlatloa to mercy, and they were eaen lentenewi to two inoniin im urisoonienl.

and IxuTrd.ovcr in Uiir own rreteniaaneet in tlie sum of Hll. to Urafvgood beharbmr for tbe apace of 1' W'MI lilt, Ilerb rt Dawtoffbvl, aged SL wb lwen CbnrirtW rnniuir ami utterini sliree Mil of tselianie. saau lor S.0U0 nipoct, and oae ehfek furthepajmentnf 'XL. with inUtHltodnfraifrtthtHllidoitan, China, and Japan Banka, wss thtn iJao.Latthfhar. The (ViMlbKrsrtKT, in patting tentenee, alluilod to in tucoesa iih prwarr ua i met wiiii inptMing nimarii ou a trillion of.JMr JVedtriek Blal.

and by that inoans eao eeedeil in t.ittlnif lira sufn of a nut ami elvek book from a tank. "Afl thl lie had don under the name of Major KU.le.who wm at prcmnf tn 1 IM pntouer nail tnown sneli aldroas in thetioonmtJithintut of a rrrst criminal cToneethat lie could Dot uuo uimn hltn a let lenient tan ten ce than sit yours: penal torvitade. Charles Js net Clare, 27, clerk, pleaded "Guilty" to an indietoient charging him with fciaatously forging a Post oCBce' order for with intent to defraud 1 also to two charges of feloniously forgitj other rost o3ioe orders with intent to defraud. The CoHaloyjEJUEJkXT, la passing tentcuce, uld tbe nrlsoner's crime wasif Ji'vervdstLreroui elsiO.

havimr itolsn Iiy some ineauj stT oiaoe npier nnox, ne nvi made bit ealealstlons thsfchiSuJfht reoeirs goods on the rUturdny for wbith lie gari(irget orders at a time wben they eould net be prestgtii or that he might obtain time ta illipnte of th? frRi frtnUUntly obtained. Th ten. tenet ef Mil dart oiy be ill yttn' pstuj KrrUmU, Alfnd fnt. 17. but who annaarud to ha alinut 14 voaie af age, who nwi wn ss nwnoe.1 aq tit moniuT imrtntdnmeni and thiwa yean la wfinnfry for auisUng ia a burglary, braucut into court.

'Z The (kiMtiuSi HgttJiAXt hI1 he NkTettaJ thai an aaaaiiui 'Jif tli ptiouer" a he WuU hut UitUf put tint teolcMe ea blm. izlr Tbe ttriamirr ttt him to do to, bt wlihed to tsoap iwn hi evil owninltiiia, TlltUIHAIrleyiUllTasid WOBIi glV 141M eppOf. ttthlly by sentaiieitfi him to 11 mouth. Imprlsostntat. QitftehnltiMi AlASan, 10, WlUiim BrdhW, 13, UM Cbulei Ouopcr, 18, three eterkt, wen found gulltf of fetoelno.lf fortffnr and uttarln an ordtf fof the tmrtnent of Mf.

C. with blent to defraud tilt Jobs. Villieri BheUty and gthrrs. It will be rreolleetail Uist lLuon wm a eterk ia a Building and Investment Company, and, taking advantage of toeh a position, itote 3) blank. shekl from the sotiety1! heek book.

anme of which be destrored. but the one In qwestioa be forged the ntmes of the director to, and got the euMr pnsooers to nu in ncny or um torcx and present Tbe mooty wm paid on lupreavntatlon, aad the whole air eaaattaneca found out the arrest of a boy named Fleck, who wm partly conocrnod la, or ongnlnnt of, tbe whole pw Th SnraTM JxXJXtrr aaatmeed Vatcm to tfi year aad Bndtw aiid Coarae to fonr TaMi penal atrTi Jaaaat Frtaah. and ThcimM Tjarit BeD smaMtntl tie tbelrbaaec. aa ladiotmaat fee eetaeolriric toeWrWJEd. irard Ueary 14 veaa of toe aoa of Si.

oa, aa Mr.Beary Natter', who efneavtlaw tora door, aad res ateWi MaW I'vaVeTtMB the uiueetator to part with bit gotde. Wtakaatbe aoaaat araera tba aaodt ware aai rttiredrwv Pawtet tjf tlW wia orJtfw. Boa MAX TOX.ttorjwi.Jbn Lewfa, a reapeetaaly drcase 1 bvl of 19, wm placed at the bar before Alderman air itobert Cariien, charted with forging an order ft a banker' checkbook, aad also a cheek for ISA, with iataot to defraad the chairman and dlrertort of the Bank of loodos. Mr. Jlulloss, aolicitor to tbe Iteakera' Protectioa Atsocia tioa, conducted the examination.

Oa Friday the prisoner met a Utile boy named BuThuny. employed In aa attorney'e o9ce ia Cannon street, and asked him to take an envelope, with atece of PPr inclosed, into the Bank of London, in ThrtadneedWireet, aad present it to a eaahier, Mr. Farquharsoa, whom he pointed out to bim through the half open door, and wait for an antwer. Tbe boy taid be wm in a harry and eould not go, bat the prisoner overcame bia scrapie and he went into tbe bank. The envelope wm adilressed to the cashier, aad Um piece of paper it contained wm a rerjnett purporting to be signed by Mr.

Martin, a biUbroker, of boutharepton buildings, Chaneery Une, a customer of tbe bant, tor a amall tuul elieck book. The bov aeoompanied the eaahier, at hit request. Into tbe street, and pointed out the prisoner, who wm waiting there. On aeeing them the prisoner ran away, but wm followed audi brought to the bank, where, ia an interview with the manager, Mr. Marshall, be eoafrased to the forgery, for tueh it was, mkling Uiat be wm a font.

On the tth of April a forged eheck for l5Li" in Um muua of Mr, Martin, wm prrsented at the bank, but by whom Was not known, and paid in ol'U ThatnlMck wmoitw proved to be lathe prlsouor's haadwritin slighlly Waned, lit had lawn in Mr, Mtrtiii terrioe for tou timsiiout to the beginBlnj of April wha ha was 4tliargs4 f.s; Win i heen detaltJd in th act of ttttllUff fl Pi rtetan from an attoreJ'l oKi Ql tt'f frWT ba gii into th wnVsly pf tVnreant lrK, 4Wti fwUff nlMWi a mtworjR lmn P'siif mm wmu ww, ie whbw was wmUu lha fnna of au ntiUt an III iVnidoA aad llHIHir HmIi fur Ifl hih wm ipifi4 mm tiittwM Tli if1wr mvU.M iWeMw, iM Wr, Umi fJt HM hint fdf IFUI tl IHe UeniFM UHWI8 II IWHFt. fjBHliHll.l.AliFt iliMwhwiaa, wtd tttlr MFfioil OB ImtiBrM at a iehiiit it Na. 4. MinwtairM. IrtluMhl Hil fir fills) eisBilMllfn beft FU AUef UlaH AhhlM, stiaffed tlllt; eollSpfrlSi wlltl hit HHf.kj, III tithl III Haiti' lm, ta utrtaln itntL red efedlt with, intent to hll ererlitrirt, It wtUj othef vStbcel JaftWtWstwld (JntlrUidedHry iff, IfrtWbj fcrbJtJetoit the prosecution, on behalf of the Mrfgneet Meatrs.

John' Itont, Cootwf, and Pintle were the aoeotiuUnti to tbe estate ami Uh bankrupt wm defemlcd by ilTi Bltlgu lie Itraetedliy Messrs. Harrisoo and Lij wis). Tlu. r.f nllliliiauliiM bmn almil SwnnrteiL Mr. RIl b.iU.l hlmaalf of tha mint raned tn the caM of Antony Uandnitx, which occupieil Uie altentura of the Jndgn tt the Central Criminal Court bt wttk, and called upon the magistrate to diseharge the bankrapt.

Alderman Abbim did not consider that a man thouU be protected from the eonswrueacee of fraudaleat trading bw cause IM naa aa etxaouannicBs as raria or xsaraourg aa well In London. The goods were obtained in London, although disposed of abroad, aad be thould therefore send to cat to a jury uecioe. The pritoncr was aocordingry committed for trial. Mr. Beard taid a bbbt days ao had oocasioa to make an anrJieation ta Ur.

AUermarHmnnhcrr at thit court for a warrant arainst ltiehard Ox ley, who held himself forth is his advertisements a a merchant of 7. Earl atreet, Blaek friar. The complaint ia that tnatanee wat that he had de fraodeit six or seven persona ot turn! varytngrrom u. to out. eaeh, under the pretence of (living them employment clerki in hit office.

At no legitimate busioeM wat carried on there, the persons Imposed upon applied to Oxley for the return of their deposit money, and lu two instances heels for the amoaote were given to them. These were eneraved foe timi't imitations of regular bankers' cheeka, and were drawn on Messrs. and Co. of the Borough road, Soothwark. It wm tra Mr.

Morris lived at Uie address named on tho eheck, but, to far from authorizing sach an BawarrantaUe use of bia aarae, be wm Dot in England at the time these people were deluded. He wm in Oxley't employ for about fire weeks, bat Uie whole of Uiat time be was transacting business abroad for bim, and wm not even aware Uiat Oxley waa drawing checks upon him, or using his name tn aay war Improperly. Mr. Beard produced a number documents in eorro! oration of hit statement, tho win? Uwt Mr. Morris wm at Bc'r deaax and otner parts of tne Unntinent at tue time tpoicen of, and in eonclusioa said that the publication of Morris's name in connexion with that of Oxley, in reference to such doubtful dealings, bad caused him considerable injury, he honed the nress would do hun we justice to rave UM tame amount of publicity to bia explanation.

Alderman aaia n' vu quite sure um request would be attended to. ilanLEORoranirarrT. David Blao6. of refretbmcat rooms. known Kate Hamilton tp peared before Mr.

Kxox oa an adjourned summons for permitting prostitutes to assemble in his bouse. ne eoasm uesweeo tne ueienuant anu uM louse naa ocen going ou lor a lengta ot ume, um uxiaa oaving uuaru failed to ocooinnliih the Durnoao ther had in view. Aenat deal of evidence wm brought forward, the eject of which wm to show that Belatoo rented the premises of Mr. Del fosse, and that the tax collector eccatioaaliy reeeived taxes from bim. To rebut thi an aneement to sublet the premise, to a per son named Fryer wm put in by Belaaca Mr.

Kxox reviewed the evidenee, which was corapHoalod and of eonsidarahle length, and taid be eould couie to no other conclusion than that the agreement put in by the de. fendant.wM'a tham to enable Lira to evade the law. He mutt decitle that BeUaoo WM the, ml keeaer of the plaae. and iaflict tbe fine of 6t Notice of appeal wm then formally given. Sotrrnw AltK, Henry Barrett, pdice rrgeaBt IS William Jonea.

151 L. tad Htnry Yonng. 81 well known deteetlv offleert of maay years' standing, were brought before Mr. Benelux, by order "of Sir IUerd Mat no. Chief OomniiasioBer of PDlioe.

aharzftl with txtort lug Hi, frnui Mr. John i Murray, a llcensod victualW, formerly Keeping uie vwtom javern, wawrno roau, ua ier Uie pba of gifting his licence tnasferrtd: aUo with attempt uie Ww oi nu iKnn krauptorrvui aj iw i.w lng to wbtaln a further tnra of fif. from him by threats. r. Ltwis, Jan or Kiy pitea, prosoeui.i i and ar.

uue.r, acted by Mr. IMtoa. from the oflce of Mr. Clilptwr fiehi, dofeiHlcd the prisoners. Mr.

Webb, the lapcriaitn. lent of the ti division, wm present to watch the cats oa behalf ef Uie Commissioner of Police. The prosesu'or, oo being sworn, said that he wat a lletnsed victualler, and raided at No. fit, Upper marth, Limbelb. lit formarly kept tb Victoria Tarera, la th Waarrloo road.

On the 23d of Leembr lost he was fined at thtt Court Sf. for harboariaz tblerc. Ncilhcr of th pritonert wm a witness on that ocdisioa. About a week after that conviction, between 8 aad 0 o'clock in the eveoluff. the three prisoners earns to the Victoria Tavern and called him on one tide.

Youag told blm that City bail been appointed to watch hit bouse by their supiriors, and Uiat upon their report it woald depend whether be got his liaanaa renewed or transferred. This occurred ta the lobby, Young then vbbxl, are your frbndt and thai! want bit of coin, we know your game it to work the house up and Vl It," The wltnest told Um be did Bat with to Mt ihabbilr towards them, but that lueh wit not bit intention, Thay then went twar, About week after' wtrlt Jtmet tail Yuai; ctiW or him khogt tbi umi time, BB'l Miry wrm mB wirari wrvrnvT, we are hard up ta flUbt, and If yon UoVl rtl a bit ef the ItflXatcV. kiifadeyabBo wm living at the Boildcra Arm boerhooae, itcthstav aad Barrett and Jcmew tme terkiai there. a oV It wm about 7 o'clock ia the tTenicg. 'They taid tbey! weoU tUck to blm 'aboertV hhT Beenee, ao a to traaafar Uio sletoria Tavern to Mr.

Goldhy. Oa, Use 21st of Mtrah," after Um. trxnsfer, all thxce prisooet eame agxia to the Bejldera Arm, wbJeeeaatobiai, We are eotae abooa Use ftL yosi promieed aav 1 WltbetaV. Too. have reearedlt, Mr.

6olihyhMiei4yotlB fit Jonea replied. "It oast all that to aqoare 03. Ety, aad we are not satisfied, aad if vou are ia towa on ndayerTaeaday go to th Vletnrie Tsvera, and tt shall boivtarswdtoyoa. The witoesa hare lof orated Um raayj trato that prior to that interview be bad sees llr. CoUby.

wh toU him be had paid the prisoaert tbe of, tf. 10. ef which he paid bim Wk hi ahare. Th witoesa hl never had his motr retsraed to bat, ia eoaavaeac of th priaoocrs threatening to poxiue tin in. his besj aaet, be wrote to Sir Itichard Mayoe, who directed the present proceedings to be taken.

JLhoot two week witness met tha pritoaera ie roat of the Sorrey Theatra, 13 Um Jones tlid that they ought to bare another tiU Barrett taid be aadentoo 1 it arat to have beea IOC WitawaatoU tbem be shoull not satisfy them with, ear more, but be should take tbe ease elsewhere. In crots examiaatiea byMr. LilleT, witness raid be bad kept five lisratea bouses, end knew bow to gw ahoat them. He knew a great deal depen led on the and Uiat thiev received gratuities iocaetiaies. At Uie tioa be took the Victoria Tavern be knew gsmUiwg waa about tbe streets, aa 1 most likely thieve eaiue to the beote, but be did not know tbem.

lie knew that tie ptisouers were, ordered to visit the boase on that occaeron. Mr. WiUIaaa Oallby eoafirmed the statsnaeat ef taelas witneea to of U. to the prisourt, and tha repayment to bim of Sf. 10a.

Jane Murray, Uie wife of the prosecutor, stated that the had seen thepritoner at her busUad' boon. Mr. Lewi here said thai was Uie eate for the prosecitiM Mr. HraCHlM taid that had the ease wWy reste.1 on the eTideoce of array, he should have bad to doabta abooa convicting them but the evidence ef Mr. wa cob elusive.

He convicted tha pritonert of a vioUdoo of duty polire crmf tables, so acntecced etch to be kept at hard labour la Um lio jse of Correction for one uKilh. Qaiuwttsi.B.'ihrrt Jonea, aje.ix, deseribedM aa en gtne fitter, of 17, Wlliioo etreet, Deptford, ta barg4 with at Mlting and robhinga the Louisa Anne Tharloe, wf 13, Crom Vhillirove. Oreeowteh. Tbe proseeutrix tial that oa itoodxy morning last, be tween 11 and 12 o'clock, tbe wm pnrsi licz towanU Kthinf from Blackheath. When la fields she ttjpred: to pick some wild flowers, sad was cadeavoaring to reach a.

piece of May with ber parasol, whoa tne prisoner cum wp aod offered to reach the May for her if sho would lend lira the parasol. Sha did si, aid tho prisoner obtain! the mar aod pre iltohtr, at Uie tame time returning th paraeoL. Inaa inataaTVterward the prisoner seisod'ber by tba neck, threw her on the ground, jLoxl one bant over ber mouth, and held ber by the throat with the ether hand at the tame Ubm. She struggled with tbe prisoner foe nearly a quarter of an hour, aod, feeling hi finders tigbUx prossoil into her throat, she be nd tbst bt would but uiur acrher. The prisoner then pat hit btwl into iwe of her pocket tad took aat a pune containiug soum sUrer mooey.

and sfuraar.U took frm Uer au eyt gUsi tad portioa ot a gold thala, whish be broke from ber atck. He theu rta Yhi vtal4 Kute, IWV'R, taid that frent itoMriptfoa, turn til Ifyswitn he applet! hi iwia.Hj.fw liitforiVbroilwty rn ltl Wbtl CJ naxure pf the thsr. iglt Mw iirisar bi4 pw iJy, tad nn witasst Mt drswrterw jrVtVa tin Jlrsia clio.1 uua.lluUS to tha WlW tin? vwiicr weviiei ismrej iT Mr, riniwrfHlW feiit fifty he lMtllf lh fto fwTatWSf HlliClt lJ It Wll.fl titJf elltrfM Wuld iifS iilr.l bM, The maaiitrat rm rw twl lite ir f.if wealu LA Jt ttfmMtMb eot'ttf Of Ht1ttird1f. WL JBeirealr.Owriawei trtstl JauBksN rtlrM at IT, Meards rstsast aTlL OJkarUs Mwlllll. W.

ILDora teteswatlL Mr, Oumnawiooet fast tb Oraniafior of UM Jar. Mr. tUaMrar MlitU Is lb oT wv W. MCrXOPOttTAX WiCUTT COCUTt. PC tang daT, Urnhhl lof toy WatlBIMia.

as, atavt'i UaaL alanUr. aUr Tawda. ttt Tbaralar. tl. Ktooissacar.

fa Csodeoad. Mai9) Tawrsdaav I rruar. a. XaXTLXaosx.Urrlobjoe roaL Tatsta. Mar It WJadar.

Tburwiar, Q. CisuktwiU, DuBcasierrace. Moatar, May It Tantij. I Jrklay.JX. tatMianrrrw, OU uet roal Taadar.

i'ir 11 Tbaraiar. XL Bow. Bmoal llondaj. Ma IS I IrUa. Wirrrsnoirax.

Craatruaa Hit js. ITsdaalay, Maf S3: Ta ar ar. rrkau aornrwAXX. SssMtrasv Mooiv. Ma7 Iti Taassdsr.S;rsW daj.Jl Laxaara, CiaaibsrwsJ asro4.

Twolny, Xaf It, Crrr M33dar.atar IltTacataa, Wdassaar. ML SUIP SKWS. Amved. Tne Baanwsa. xrwa mai si viir ei is.o u.

mee ta Tarlw. Cm Xwvi Yuck the TrfcmrrX trum 8. Jaaa'a XwlVaswkk thl(4aStaa' Upuno tn Eleiaa. fnwi tUbaa th gkawna SleUmeal traw Vifl unako Ilis tsaia'Kii i. TbUrwS EMtera.

far 3Tew lU Bats th Auk WOBa aK (or MaraataUB ta Waitbwt far Kadna ea. Albatrgsq, fjr It.itu l.m to ita far fianm th toe filritti ia tjrCwaraowfl Lowtor, afar 1 Whvl ai noon. Bebl lasa wtlh ahewsm auuyrst. star MWtad, l. hshl rsia.

AirtMd, tu 9L kV' KJB out. tram Ike tUnrlUoa tballi inaia troo. Trlaliawl Un a. Hodman, (naa Ve rcrk th Shiotait Bur, tne M. Johaa Xtwi Tli Itt frees Ibran th Paouat aTAvrfm.

from! Tsscalra th Jt atariravaat, trum Saatx SU Hsih. traaw LU 'xjq th Aotilo, from One tie Oacar, Irani C1mow. feateLtaw AjUaa.teUfw7raiL Hay IT. wTad. a.

naVM. rata. Amvwa, th. (ittW (raaaXnodoo. Bailed, the IB awaa, Um tfawwiH llL WOohardi aad the Yksoris.

both for Qwslae ttM A.Tow Bert, taw Oasra. the Ft Taooava and th Jewess, aB toe CasdiaV Csaaoca, Mauls teleCTam tram iMabaaa, dated Xarah SV; ii ri, iSa! ihwafvtefi. fi om Lf.eiuouL wtth Uessraaiimt waiaatsJ laabeeasstauywnrktloauwwndaod. 5iUnlo. RraoATOBa.

April lUf U. from Card A for Hwytona. oaK ha asrwae a kak dariof ld weather wa raa asbora la ViSmm titnav January I. aad ahaatwnd. Part of the erww aneEsdsd to Xtooeaoaem a

anananai wn aann a naunaaw th i sold at Bail tor Taw wood I.lamt, Dwamtue ML dSATERKXIX. Mar la. Or ataaiano TataaaansJ ifioj UorTu ln TS. Kha C3aM am awawkvw taw AAam trass TrhaU lha If vr Jana, frasa Paisaolo IS Volcntr. truwi St.

Ubm ta Aauoa. mea usn7 uhwkx, irmm jimnia iim aw brae, tram BTaaaiiua the lHaaa. frota Datatimra. aay Wind. V.

tfcUtwe aenia'BOed wealaar. In. Arriiad. The Moaatl. froea th racther.

nwat Bjefataav ilwVwavbomlU Iroca Anar, tram. Aalixna Mahay froes WhaMpoa the gamy. froaaCSIgntta tae 1 b.wi. WUM. w.

nara wacevi wwaiaw, aiaa, 7 Arifwt Th Dai rwira. from Valaotia lbe Kaahsl (rem Otsrw mrr the Id aKw, rrom Aavuaait utt A. u. ttotaat. rroea orsa Uus uW aVnh "KiM, Irwa Rowaa llw COatt.

tma Gvnnrr th Orotine lrna, from ram4 la LorttraoforU. iVaaOatrBtsy. ytoJ, T. tstajt aat' ebh I wsallMT. easy Xearrivasi.

WB.ra. Arrlnd, n.m. Wtod, S.W. tkh, Viw water wsaihar, fa. nd, Ta DUu.

from Owhla ta Ttltiwra, tmcias. KRts ania. NinobAv shall hart. to eo aloag the waUr tlW WIIumi then girt Youag hill a MvrU'a, taa they wsnl wiy gni nbllog, Tlwy toped ahnat a iurtr of an hour, and p4 tome braaily aai AUsut II MUM BUBI FtrWIOl jiarrtti taint IBM IB Ui be bimttir: and ltd blm to btUef thtt the to other pritoflefi Wtr He aeeAfJingly gave him tovrrrigtt, atylnj, "Tlut wUl ttiaki liiUferrign for each of yea." Jkboat fortnight tftir that ill three of thetn taineto the VltlorU Tnveni.Malii, when Yeang laid, Oovertwf. are hard up todiUht want a til of two td torn lumwrf WUh.1; 'rbewita atWdtbenl they aui MlilM.

Imm M.lui taa 1 1 in (isand th UarliAldL fiuu Uaiealta Ibt TaBeta, tma Para the (Maalk, from tVirU tbr IWO af tb PJrat, trwa Owvoutl lae iraa javM ta iaj. vraBa, i Dlsa and Uar. trass Ik ataantlaa HnJunB lUriWn, for lwrtx, BaUel TB iwwuaiie, IJr uniM usao, tor I mm Uorj Oxi. atixiVjal m. mt W.s lUa 8r tvW.

rth wrtW. Im. rats iA wwleh. (mwi KntUrlra UM Sara, tram lwt tlx MatBMtM, Ins CcawMsea lh Kalatnw, fioea CMi the amagiuJtao. frja.

ttctUa tlw IIiIostm Io tnas. Iron ftle Janetra, twsaVt Ta UlsabUh, from 1Mb arat tb rahem bwat Aa. wrrp Otm Cm. (raA ndflcUUJ tlM Ikm, (ram Itarliaew Ika' rlaawt, frwa Iliioh trs fid yiteha, tram lii.etit lb mn r.SiiM th W. W.

1th. Ireaa ShaiieW'io Utloo. th J.ta. aad thajaa aad athre: a3 front Owwnwr IB Saa boat Irou port Aazastsr lheUw atiWl Th Fit, foe Ow iT ths ara. for J1W KJat fwnoulame tb IswdJ.

KaawR, for iMnkbk tb CaH I Aadt Uod. (VauttarUas the Hams I or Uaaabate lh IJIJ wf BaakwB, (or lkuatcr. fur Kailwrtiw lh OJia. toe gnoleihtrg tos flaroo Our, frir Aatrsry tja AarortoraXstsrabr ntUL, Mar II rwawdT TtrttaaTa Triaalad for fawdaa 4b Daalaa, ltlhBte atara Utf. from th wM rw the rrnr Ih Llrawt, hwUtaen.

and Ise.aUrr Uartr. IWJ1om. Wsh QwMiiL from aUwUod aloaAti the wUUaia had PV1 t1w(vtahL If," Wait ft) tf AMa tUTMraa fw rreej 1121 Tto 0111 IwT5L ef mMiMitn, ti HJia the Bast Um WJrkW.awtkwaia few 15 5irsWa tf" ted th a. ef mm utiea, met TIM tti ef Oonl 1Ui.Um Cvaafi Ikta Wlnl WllUM anlrl. and sVnrwl fl "iItjA.

frra Ixnoaa tl KM. MrL Tae aWtti Tawtsa, Inn. far ta AWalf frost NTUwn I tout tor Itmlkm tma Marls Msr.M LoonT rWrth WsMbuys gina Um ru H. KH too'hlthhiw. ihow.t.r,too3 wdtTi.

(VL from hU poektt andhandtl It to uying, Iter all rn i tb (n WrniTiVJ As ii4 1 iL ty tl ti silver I hare got, and I am hot going lata tar to albw rVrrrtS.t CS 'U J. lo vtv .1 less wl. lot nMarsM. haeman to aM that take tnoaer odt to zive to Tou. Barrett repUad," Don't take that peltry tun pot it on the ttalri and leave it," Jone said.

Xevcr mlad, enme along." Tb witaeat toVi theta, if pot me on thettaJrt be thould take It and rrpiaie It la hi pocket, and they thould bare nothing at au. Jooca took the anoaey tben, aad tbey all' west awar About a wk or A. tt was itandinf oa tbe MTamaat out VI. Wwa 8 and fl la tbe whan tha pritotMrj earoeap to hlia. iad Yenagtaid, Oood evwlag.

astoUeta eaiwwhriw.Wltaga Toaaalf oTrelsa. Yovag took the hatf torartign JLa it uui a simp ua i waaa au at WIIimm gasw blm and ttJ veaa tvtr.Iaw wtaeat aayitbMbajfd waaaaeat rtiii tohelatr etat. exeaumad, Baff thM totarwtefBi aWaat a sssak after thai. eaa bejeoi fTkean. wyoea aaitilasT" Tbe wiraaai aai wtUowav at If thing, go eat light I aaalWtswn3WIepwll arfritda aryotw lha wit.

Vat If tMaei go oa riatlatjUWK toM." 5k. Alfrbgli, vni2k tbey Latray. Taeawaat Jetirf imt ta IfcOoMkyem TMItUlntD'TIl The OkahuwtVr. freos LlorBuol lot 8haai Tin mnaw. et itoeMtTbom Matnu to lasart, as aai.

a Hwraafgr I lUwasotJI trite, tree VerACftV rrlsBta Oaraatta nMilrltt. trees BaiawW. AtrB 1 1 UT. t. i Ua, bwat Owkwaha hrlMwaaa, at W.

rcr i mm TIH MIT 1T i sal xarai aTSXat WATaas'Af aATWaaUlaaTM.aX a loT I va a. farvhrketheri LUa aairitttaeMwiaUSLforywav ltUybA.

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