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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

C' DUGHSi- TOLDS. and AStllMATIC edSt- PL AINT fre i enl. partscolarljr at tJ" kruun 0 th Yer. art' cercrallr cured hut way relieved by the use 6f iiUlTUNi ASTHMATIC TINCHIUnE MfdieiK om rstablisheil. and the effects of which imiuedutely allay.

and do effectually re Hjt tb bU1Icli Uiat frequent CXWMM Iltpeedilv cures to admiration all those Uiwroen of the Lungs which cause ft difficulty of breathing as it clean the stwuach or 11'-1 thick and too phlegm which is usually tlw cause of such unpleasant irritations to the unhappy persons who are tiius afflicted it is very pleasant to taVe. and ttuly efficacious MU will upon trial be lound the best Wedi- cine now in use for the bore DisordcrL Sold by the Proprie tor. at Hoi tons Medicine Shop. front of UK RuJal Exchanice 5 kI. lJvttlt duty incJu half juioe Bottles con.

uiningt MIM one Aha at Mi Newberyi corner of St. 1.1 yard con' IV Oxford Wmrd 34 Jlulbom Clark J. Borough 4i Withert Temple-bar. ie of ScrophuA wt have submitted to the Pnhlic iseHreroely interesting at it must convey twiheniost prejudiced ntinds I lie importance of a mfdlaae which succeeds IQ adtnirably when the glaad are diseased iu the worst stage of Kinits Evil. PUS cue on not ltaAd ting.

ly in the lit of cum performed SlILSBURYa TATENT AS1ISCoRUU1IC DIIOPS. hen ciT i in ilui diaa e. which nrorea theuteril of Jim ulixy rbntic JO welt known as a speci lie in Scurry Coat Rheumatism Eruptive Nervous and Uilioiu mpla ts. To those ladle who wish tltasanl Co ruciic to allay tnrtinr itrilalion. blH UUIU COMPOUND ESSENCE will answer perfectly lie careful to ask for Spils- buryi Pnteiit Antiscorbutic Drops with tile words By.

the Kings Patenf expressed on the bottle kill directions and oulide wraptter the stamial the Kniits Jntj is printed in lad instead of red ink. Bottles price 5s. 10s. and 11. 2s.

uly include Dis eiuary No. lJSi ho DISlEMlEK GI and other of DOGS. The following valuable MEDICINES discovered and prepared by Mr. HIAINE Veterinary bur- eon. 5 Wells-street street are wtronised an1 used by several Branches of the Family by almost all the Noblity aud by every celebrated Svortsmau in the United Kingdom DtiTMrrn.

His Medicinal Powders for DiSttmler price Is. 6d. per picket usuafly sufficient for the cure are actually in request in every part of the globe. Mixer. HUapecific Ointment Mange the most easy and infallible remedy ever discovered price x's.

id. per box amply sulficieiit. WORMS His Worm Powders price 2i. 6d. per set destroy all the various kind yf worms without ever failing.

CicKta in the Ein. ItWd or matter within side of the ear tUC' dogs almost to madness but the complaint is readily removed Ins Canker WM price 25. Cd. bout. Foulness and Ilcliine of the Skin vre removed as well AS COQdiiitia promoted uy Ins Alterative Condition Powders price 2s fersft.

Purging Balls a safe but effective pnr te 25. M. per bo These Medicines prepared and signed by hhrmelf are old as above and lit his Wholesale A cents Mr ey Old et Barclay and Son Fleet Banks. 13. St.

Martins Uudctletlultald Jo. Dublin and all other vendors throughout ty and country. Where may be had BUinesQcnuinc Horse Medicines. DU. NUIUlISs DHOPS.

Tlie Gtnume is distinguished by the name of Tims Ncrris engraved by favour of his Majesty's Commissioners on the stamp round each bottle. 1 he venous Attention of the Public It solicited to tile above- important itifiTrniaticn it not simply concerns tile character of a mcdieille ho utues have stood the Inng experience but is nf tS con- equencr tntthe hc kn of the present Mud riling generfctitn many etili having arisen from the imposition nf II dangerous countcrieit. The following mtract of letter is olfered public observation as it places not only the ertic cy but safety ol this valuable specific in II striking point of view In the beginniii March lltttf awtarlet lever raged with great Vio lence chiefly confined to children the symploAi erv violent icknc a followed by an eruption of red spots all ocr tb body which the more they came ut increased the lever and usually terminated fatally in six or seven days. I was' applied to by he or the parish I lived in where though a small unto ten children ilk-d within a short ce knowing from experience the great meacy of Dr. orriss Drops.

had recourse them and was the happy tueans under God of saving the lives nf fife than thirty not one died under my In some ea the putrid symptoms were alarming as to require the medicn- with very little I 1. I ll l. Ii A 11. dtn of dulJrlu particularly putuJ I lime ever fouiuj it an untailing Vecitic Signed S. CIIAUNC 1 Ayott St.

Peters The Family Bottle Vis. to be hid only at the Doctors hr ni Vi wer Hrook street where orders fur exportation art' duly ex oited Miiallrr buttles lit It and 2s. 9 ld llol ae IUld retail by Me Bacon and Cu. XolJO Ox. lord' sreet WANTS A CIAS UrpfRMAtD or MAID where II.

re- ular footmnn is kept a Young Woman who can work well at her needle and ct up mail linen. he ha lived in tlmt capacity before amlcaiihnvr II jolm charncier. V. NM. 5 lane.

HV AtCriOX Jewellery Mu lin. lillCII By Mr. PHTLLIPS. At his Great RUII 67 eu trcil Tn in irrow I' AN ASSORTMENT or fram Mu liii Table Cloths the property of a CtMiijWiirtjj ulil nid pilil t1I11It1Ila. rill" pin- wAlchlS variety of eful and 111011111111111 cents illltill vturked- India luutlin dret i shawls nnd handkerchiefs several pieces' ut velvet table cloths il various patterns uul a tni IIliCtIIantuus a eiiil uf rflll articles.

May viewed tilt' il tllill ind niirniiij of le cault cues lud' a abut and the York Uolel Brill.e- Iretl IILdlriafl. at Illnril By Mrt WINsf T. and SOX At the nLd. at Uford. on WtIheIJ nc 1 1.

at 12 o'clock hy orcr uJ the Conjim i' noM in a Ciinini ioii of 11:111" ruptry anardetl and ii ied anut Mr. Tiu Mtl i rn or IAUCEI of COPV11OL1) 1 PAS. TLUE LAND 1111 Srarlc' Crolt irfherwise StowV Crilt situated 011 tlie Notili- ideoi lane. in Great Uford in the county of Es rxalHiur 6 I frmir I ndi-n lield under the Manor of Bnrkmi at a small rent and fine according to rustomof snid Manor. To be iieed and varaienl.

ha at he nell Lion at II( rd the jueeus Arm Balking the Place of Sale and of Win taiilev ami Stitt. Interest of 13131. i Cent. Jh. Mr.

I At Garraways un Vednesriay. Nov. 7 at 12 o'clock. border of the bilIltt nf Mr. JOHN SMIIII Linen-draper a Bankrupt late of ich.

rpNE 1111. INTEIilvSTof the said Mr. JOHN 1. SMITH ied abtittt il yearoi in mid Illr Dividends to Mrioe and become due and JVile Irom the Vl of January 18T in- IJVKtI. a Three jwrCent ConyilidHtH Itmk Annuities.

standing in the iiaiue of respectable Trustees pro. dudult an annuity oMl. WI' Partirularsniay be Id olMrsws Savage and Temple at liarrllr and of Mr. CusUnce 1 lane Cheapside. Pte- FrtellUld Kirm.

Mr El I DIIA VfOX At Mr. KidirneldV lute Hear Inn nllmglord Berks tm Fridar. Ucr. at i o'clock ANelifjblf FREEHOLD KMIM containing 10 Mcreiuf arable paMufr. mid mall quantity or ilcii.urch.inf.ibuiula-.itly Mtpplied with truiMrees stack and.

other ihe wccujution of Mr. John BenneU tenant will. This estate i silunti 4 in the centre of most delightful 0 country diversi cd by a vanetv of luxuriant Un tfcapes ntnl trom its continuity Iu the priiicfj Mi to IH the Conn- ties of Oxford tiitl rks renders it a desirable ullultlo ti purchaser. MayI viewed 15 daviprccvdinplhr tale by leave of the tenant arid particular hud at the Black Bear WulluiitfyVil While Hart. Venley Bear An elOxford Crown aud Thktle Abingnou Crown.

Heading Swu HUIey Sun Maidenhead White art Newlniry Castle Windsor JLo du5JushaaiCnuciiJiiuk jrGreatHt Helens and' Sl' BlaryAxc aud row AUCTION. Trceliold ind Copxlold Farm of 94 Acres sitoaie iea051ej Hairti. lly JtrsSKLVNKH DYKKi Co. At Garraways on Mtnidaf Nov. 23 at 12 o'clock by order Vrry iinpmvable HtKKllOTD and COPYHOLD lTATEuf INHERITANCE situate at Heron in the parish of Headier about" 4 miles frura the' rikid to Portsmouth only mik.

tn Liphoul 6 from Faniham and Itm. and It from Petenneld and Uoilalmin in the county of Hants consist jiX acres inclosed arable and cup" wood land. weU timbered house with out-buildings aud valuable right ol OIMIIUOII hi the occupation of Mr. John FultocL. tenant at will at a very low old rent of only 371.

per aunuui. May tie viewed by plynig to the" tenant of whom printed particulars may be lud alw at the waii lnn Alton and Alresford Anchor Li hu Bu Famhaiu Kings Anus Godalmuit Whit Hart joiIMllld of Messrs. Blake and While Solicitors street Strand at the Place of Sale ud of Messrs Skinner Dyke and Cu. street. Freehold Farmof the Mtuate nu Guildford Surry.

By Mesirs. SKIXNKU I kK. and Co. At Garraways on Monday XII" 25 at 1' o'clock by order of the Assignees AVery eligible ami improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE situate at the only 4 miles from Guildlonl and 7 trlllu Famham in the countJ of Surry called Little Jlulrd rarm tythe-rrce consisting of near Ml acre of old inclosed meadow pitturc and arable Und lying fer. conijMCt.

well timbered and watered a farm house' and useful outbuildings in. the occupation of Mr. Joseph Freak UII lease. hidl expires in eight jears at a low old rent of 51. IDs.

per ann. capable considerable increase lit the expiration of the term May be tie wed and printed particulars had of the tenant also at' theBush Farnhain Swall Alton Kings Arms Go- t4i1Iiiu White Hail iIllIMord lied Ji la shot Till. hot Kipley SWMI Ltath rhead of Messr Blake Solicitor Ls ex Strand IItllle Place of Sale and uf Nen" SIoilllllr Dike and Cu. Aldtr n. te- trtet.

he Manor and rarms Iterh. upwards uf XJU also nnd Living. By Messrs. SKIN SJ-n. DYKE mid Co.

At Gamiwayp on Mondav Nov. ii at It clxk in4 Lots andvery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATES situate at Jraveley and Little Wymondley onlymiles Irom lIilcllll1 and Stevenage in the high North llMid 4 miles from Baldock in ft fine rrlill part ofthe County I only 51 miles trom London ciiriprsing the Ma nor yiu in iley Priory and the Priory llstatc at Little Wy. iu.MidU-\ inul nmndlc Farm also the Keputed Manor of innelC Hall or Church Farm containing upwards of 600acres of rVtlJu indexed meadow pasture and arable land a small part MI tile common fields near 4i acre which are tYthe iree. Al th Great and Sniail TvtlltJ ari iiiL' from about tK Ctts Land in Little mondley the whole in the occupa tion of Mrs. Millowley and Mr.

Pallet on leases which will expire in and year the present rents amount. ing to only WWj. 1 Js. per nn At the expiration of the present leaseswiliniiiuit of II cundcrlihle increase of rent. Also the II ot the boiume nt Little yninmllcy.

May be iined by applying to Mr Rowley at Little Wymondlry whom printed particulars may bt hail UKI at the un llu. lIi-dlln and Biggleswade Swans Mcxcn- ageand. IhlfurcJ GII irHcv White Horse Baidock Falctiii Hertford Saracens HnadN are Salisbnry Arms Hilt- lit' hiic Jle bt. Allan's He Lion liana of Messrs. Majbciloy Dai iiy and Maberley Solicitors Bedford row i lie place of and of Messn.

SVinner ke and Co. Aldergiite- trer Tendon wllfre plan may boo seen. Two Freehold and Cop hold Fanns upwardyot to Acre situate between ftjegntctaul Dorlin i irry. II 1 SKIN EU. DYKK.

aniko I Garraways on Monday Nov. 2A HI' uIIck in Tots pntperty ofthelteloHNS 1111 ILDrKN I deceased- ELKIIULK and very improvable FREEHOLD. and COPYHOLD KTATEuf INHFIUTANCE equal in Ilue to FreeJmld Mtuate at igli and only II milts liotu Kyefiate 3 from lIrkinl and Irom Leatherhead in the County of hurry coii ijtiiir of i lflicc and GJUJ Lrou1c Farui containing upwards of acres uf nclocd clow pasture and arable andi with Farm and out-build ing lyinp very compact well timbered Mild 1errd with va luable right 01 conuu nin the occuialipu ot Mr. John- We iho e. lease expires at Michaelmas 1007 at a low rent of 1101.

pUlllln. At till' expiration of the lease the' estate will admit of cinsiderabje increase of rent. To bu tictted dajs jirrceding the salt. and printed par ticulars ru be had 01 the tenant also lit the Swan. ItjljZale Red UIIII.

Dorking' Swan I atherhead White Han. rd Kinds Head Kpsoirt uf Messrs. Uray Solicitors. Great Uii street. Uloonuburj at the place of sale and of Messrs.

Skinner DjLc and Co. street wftereaplan may be seen. CapiralKstates Manor mid Advnwsoti. Kssvx. Uy.

Messrs SK IN NKlti DYKE and Co. At Garraways 0" Wednesday Nov. III It in 8 Lott AVALUAIJP FRL llOLD ESlATK ad van- lagrously sittule in the parisli of Wpodhara Walter a tIrutte part of the County of Kssex 7 miles from ChlIIIlont tww Danbury and from Maldon near the navigable river liUckwater and only JO miles from London comprising the extensive Manor of Woodham Walter with annual rent fines courts royalties and immunities end the 1 A dge Oak pci urren. Place andTobitt' Farals and' Lands coiitdinin aLCfllt 1115 acres statute meayure III ex cellet meadow picture nrahle and wood Unds with Ihd ollicf' bnrns stabling and out-building let tu re- ytHhlc teiiiints from ear to year at rents Hiimunfiiii III only including tl tIIII1I value of the woods in hutid but exdu. Mte of Mniinr Si7l.

er capable of very con ilhrable increase. Also Perpetual AdvowMin to the Hcctory vf Woodham Wither. of the IIIIl of about 400l. per annum. To be viewed till the sal by ap Umg to the tenants or wloiu prnit ii plraicuiliu may had.

Particulars alto at the lute Hart Colchcsttr nlue Po ts Withau Ulflck Buy and Dell liin Chelmsford Kinds Head Maldon Spread Kagle lnjale ine Cock and 1111. Homlord of Mr. Jack- yon Printer. wich Me Collett Wiinbiirn and Col. 1111.

Suliilots lIInlnllc Messrs. Wharlon and N-iiinN TtlIIp it llu" Pbcu ol Sale and ol' tlrssrs. Skin ner Dy ke and Co. Aldergate treet. Uher a plan may seen.

Coinhild Kstile and Iteoidence. in the County III' Urhall1. By Me i MUNNFU Ihe At on Wednesday Novtr7 at lScl Kk in lJLoI. A Valuable COP VI Lt STATE. utarly equal in 1tir Freehold ituate at Hill in tkeTnn- stnp of Nrwbotlle a btaulifut sportin part of the County ol' Durham 1 mite from the witcel ilUge of le oring 7 from the City of Durham 12 from New castle upon 1 nc and' 6 from Sunderlind It much admired place.

1 lie KMrfte cnnsistJ ol I genteel residence with domestic of tice ms. stabling. ballitr messuage and Jliescomrenient ixit-buildit4gs a gtviMl garden and about acres of very rich nnJ productive meadow pa lIare. and arable land ia very high state ot cultivation being within a- ring-fence and subject only to a small modus in lien tythes. lie House which is suitable lr the residence of a respectable family is situated un II gradually rising uminence to a South aspect eoni maualin he nn delighllu iens fa picturestpie vale and surround- in country a tine stream lit' water runs through the Estate and in theueigbbMuthnod re several parks of bounds.

N13. rite Estate is subject only In II fine certain of 7s. on death or alienation and is not heritable the annual rent pay tie to tie is 05. and II. If Sd er unn.

is payable in beu of the lUks of coin and jd. oflluncofhay. I i I Luicolnshire. Freehold Laud. with Posessioo at Lady-Day next.

By Messrs. SKLNXEll. JJVKE. and Co. At III" me Inn WMieach on Saturday lJee.

7 punctually at o'clock in 4 Lots VERY dtsirahle KKEEHO1I ESTATES situ- in the pari li of Tyd St. in the county 1 Luicnlu miles trum uig button from Hoi beach and Wis- Leach and 1' from SnaMing now in the occupation Messrs WixidwarrU who will jjive possession at Lady-Day next the estimated talue about iUl per unruim. 1. About i acres nf very excellent Arable Land. with a brick barn formerly part of the common and now inclosed with Uiriviiij qua Ik-HuU situsfr adjoining the bank of the Shire In iislivrt di tbcu from the turnpike road front Wis bench tt Ixinc Suttou.

Ix yl Twelve and upwards or fertile Arable Laud alljil1ill the bank 01 the Shire Drain near Tyerl House. Nine Acres of terlilft t.blc Land lituate near Gun House. wed. ani printed particulars may be had online. rrllIl alto at ih hite Hart.

TUuf Hw- bi Didea Head 11 A gtlf Peterboroiich5 Pe cnckBostoiiof Mr. fson tinter CaroSridKe Air. Printer Stamford it ihe Place of le au of rtreet. Leasehold Estita. road.

Mid Iron rJ- treet. bore. ditefcr-Bj Mean. SKINNER. DVKK.

MM At GanawayV. oa Jwdy trbclock ni Lob. Lot i. A LKASKIIUIil niUCK DXVKLLLNC- A HOtSI and lUJUtI iHOP. Jack Pre mises situate ia Le Tditrect.

in lh vccuhi if ey un or 11' jean ttSJl. per inn. held Id tears Et It Lot 2. A Leasehold Brick HMU Xu. a.

titiut.1- in lxun rd t. in tlf ccupaik a Mr Gedug. ttluut at will. ai. ill.

1 pr nal. hdJ iur4tf ar ai51. Lot Ae teel Mhold Brick Dwelling neatly filled uji and finished with office and garden. situate ISo. 7 place ix the mad near street in thr occupation of tlx Proprietor wbi will givr immediate pvucfeMU held lor Jo years a t.

81. To be viewed 10 t.a preceding I lie ae wli nTtnted pr- tiMtlars may rj had on the Prnm ouf Mr. IK-aarain Solicitor So. Union-street. Ui hop att siritri at tie Place Site and of Menu.

Skinner. Dyke and Co. A Id en ate t. Leasehold. Kirby garden.

By Messrs. sMNNKK. DYKE. and Co. At Garraway' un Monday UtC at 12 o'clock ALrASFIIOIDsubstatttal Urck DWELLING- HOlSE No.

41 with Oilier Y-inl. and Back Ware house occupying a plot of ground IT led in Iroit and about Bi et in pth eligibly MHHI un the Veit dc of rurbv- street. IUttoiH rdcn. The premises are in ixd repair. and pcl eMon may be had at ChllIJDat uexl held toranunex- nred lerru III' 5f5 years at alow rent ul prrain.

lo he neueu 11' preceding the smle. when printed1 particular berhad oi tilt' Premiers nlxi at tire PUce i Nile mid of Mesus. kIUlIr Dike and lclr tr treei. AI ierMae- reet. By MCMM.

SKIN. NEK. and Co. At Girraways oil Monday Urc. at 12 o'clock in iJ tutti 1 urder of tile Proprietors A Very eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE situate in tile most desirable part of Alder sHTet.conM tiaj of twu substantial houses nd a Chapel now let uu leases It rents amounting to lUll.

per win. Lotl A spacious andsuhstnnlial stone and brick Dwelliiu- and Shop No. J3 and a Chapel in place. occupying a valuable and very extensive plot olgnMUid lit possession of Messrs. Thorne and Mathewf.

anil the Her. Mr. Muddn on lease for au term olo vr. at 1501. 5 per Inll.

Lot A commodious and sub DricV Dwelling No. 1 now in the SMUH of Mr. IJadman Ckee em ingcr on Iea at very low rent III olv HI. iu. per aim.

To be tiewed preceding the sal when printed par ticul ir may be had the JrtInK BM lit the Place 5 Ie and of Me rs. Skinner. Ihke. and If ReveriMiary Interest ol I 01. iier IIIIIIIU.

By lN t-n. UVK K. feid Cu. At Uarrauravs un Monday. ITec.

2 at I uVWV bjr order of the A Mgi-eei of MrTiiuMA JHNIS 4 lUnLruut. TliKabsolate IlKVFIlSIONufti It1 XKT-UKNT of 1011. arm. for term ntjiJ vear issuillt out of thue capital 1remix1 caUeil 1 louse and lJuellinglioUiC and Hi adjoining. Jiid I' in Uraftoa trret oppose jcrror trect xho on UC to Mr FlintIlabcrduiher for thcwhole term.

A 111 fif 61 yeuM entitled to thenl oe rent for her life bet' de mite I he purchaser Mill he rnttlled to the same. May be viewed nnd rlllild mnicnlars li id on the Pre mises also of Messrs. Terrant and louie Solicitors. Chan. Une at the Place of Sale and of Menu.

Liullcr Uylte and Cu. AIJcr strcct. Valuable Frerhuld Premise Ne treel Covent Wy Me sMSKlNNKll DYKE. and Vj. At Uarrnways im Uiuntdayj UeeJ at lipclock AVa able FKKKIIOU 1- TATK occupxing a of pround 2.

Icet 6 in font advan ou511 n. tuate IH Nei street CuvVnt' vfrtcn condnuatioii of 1114- el into St. vMartint lane and nmWjtcBedfbrdbfcry nt priinj ii eryconimodiou brick lw IIing-hoiwe lt yiiji irontud Shop piivulc entrance and offices inthepos sesulla of Mr. VilltnriiHutt. Hatter tenant at wilt at a ntE rtiitoi tVOl.

per aUII. Us rrdeemed. To be viewed by leave of the tenant. 10 dnvs precelJ tile sale when printed particulars may be lilld ar oat the Place uf Sale and of Messrs Skinner Dyke. and Extensive rreehtia I- tjt arms and Lftvd thth liv hcaf inn.

I ill Hnutimrdonihirc If. Mr. IIOIIINS. At Garraway Monday Utc. 16 124cloct in 5 ts A Capital and valuable FRKKHULl lAaK tumprqiiig that l4-estiblubed arci itomed Inn the heat- heaf situate at lcunbury Hill at junction of the two orthrlla with the eXlenire stahKhg and accommo dtion And an Ltcellcat farm of rich pasture arubJe and meado land KJw iwo I eligible- Freehold Farm with good hoiiva.

barns and buildiup. in excellent order part on le. c. the rem rHder lit will the whdJe tate npwarJj of 770 acres must desirably situate in the centre of a. capital sporting county surrounded by good roads Short distance irom capital markets and tomniandin rWI and iilrnsive pros pects.

Tlie Farnu KIn compact. divided by thrltill hedges and young limber a io tale of cultivation mid mo re- sjR-ctable ntnij four. a most desirable proJltrts to persons ac intus of investing their money in Imd. Alay be viewed by applying to Mr. Hotm at the hcat Sheaf Inn where particulars may be 1101 at the Udl Stilton houses Hunlinjdou und lu den Suu.

Ri lrwad White Illllt ilaldock1 Salisbury rml Hatfield lied Lion liarnet at Uarrawus of MrHikewell Surveyor Mortmer stinare and of Mr. Robins Warwick- street square where a plan of the estate may teen. Hans Town. Chel ca. ny Mr.

WH1TK. At jarrjwayS on Mundly next at 12 o'clock in tot TWO vury neat LEASKliOLD HIUCK lJWtt. LIACj-HOl'SKS desirably situate mdcor street Hans Town. Clulsca in the occupation respectable tenants at will at the innual rent Si guineas at the small rent of 41. W.

jter ami. each. Particulars may IIC had at the dojtn Arms Sliune- trecl at Ciarraways and of Mr. Wlutit. Storey Vjjnte otiuiiutcr and on the preronc which may be vltwed until tl sale.

To Brewers Distiller HJ Mr. VIirrK. At jrrnwIIYs on' Monday neit-aM o'clock. inJ Ix lsbj ordnil i fie Awpiens ut' Messrs. EDWXHO and MLS TAT- pjukrupu and convent of the Mfrtiiagecs.

htnricial and valuable LKASK of Two well-built and substantial HOUSES one of which is a known by th Catherine Wheel most dun. eoiisly situate in Little St. James's street ner Pall-mall now occupied by Messrs. Kmx Ujlwn tenant et will lit 1001. per.

unn. All the Hiujit lltfe. and. Interest of id As signees in and to the beneuCJal Agreement fur a Iya of Two uew and well-built Houses one of which is a luiu known by the Two Chairaltn in Dartmouth- treet Wi min- stervin the occupation ot of Uenn nnd Jones mi Leases at 7 1. per iinu.

The above Estates me held i for unexpircd terms of ears at moderate reserved renis. Also a ue eiliii boase and Garden in UromTey-Iane Stokwell held lor U13 ears lit the small rent or" til. per anll. The Houses to be viewed by leave of Ictiauts until the tale and printed particular had or Mr. Patten Solicitor Crms- streef garden at.

Gwawajs and of Mr. White Storey's-gate. Westniiiuter. Desirable Grocers Shop and Premises lane. lit Messrs.

PU1LKX On the Prewauet. on Tuesday Nov. so" at It OdllCk unle" previonsly disposed of by Private oatract by direction the uittlctJ of Messrs. ROBIXSOX and IBBLTSOV Grocers and Tea-deal trs iHrueficUl AGREEMENT for a LEASE and GOO1MVILL with jrooiediaie ponexslon of a very commodious HOUSE containing numerous apartments and conveniences excellent Iron ted shop and q6ud eel- larage advantacewiilj situate No. Jiy ielcral part of lane.

The Premises are established iu theabote frwe and the returns of which re very considerable. Maj boviewed Particulars of Mr. Hooper. Wholesale Iaife street Air. HuniA4iliutor.

Kinds Bench and of Mea. Pullen. Little Moorlields. Valuable Leasehold Hon Upp strret rouud- ling By Mr. BATES.

At Garrawaya ob Vedn day Ktttr Co IS o'clock COMPRISING Subslantial well HOUSE containing on the gnxiud-fluor a goodnued par lour a breakfast drh arid roora. with water yo the fint floor- twowVU ned rooias. com- nraokatins by folding door un tlae second lJt bet xd- looou and dre MBs ditto 4 excellent attics 0 he ba nient a kitchen bott kWp r' roonc boo Jan4 excellent catacomb celUrtv nd yard dt. held fur Mi pucd term of tapwltd. 90 years at a reiu of J5 plont pet inrtum.

To viewed. artKular oath PreaUes it the Plate or Sate od or Mr. Dale" Nfl. 5 WJtttftf. FltEEHJLl5 EbTAiO yard mud warkct-pwden An rland Cruwn ou the S- de 01 the taintrtct in 11" centre met bro' part of lU rot pitched marlet Srtaitie.

1e tf luoti at will at rents aeowUire to 501. uuuni isit of MI improvablei ure withutcnmccL iijoa rifilL. well. wuttLr tfce rtiMiiwi of Builders. Bi Persoifsin the Corn KrfMea TrJde.

and Ccntnaon. beer I most valuable sclte fJctri1cti. warthinuex JfT1 Vm-ters of tic Reading Mn. airy at the dsict A KeadiiiE. Stahiej.

WimUir 3 Maidenhead ha shut Hafnptut. ey. Km ilttcI iuj. arw ui alKmalC here Plan of prujecied IIMI By Mr. tHHIVHEr tithe Great Itoom.

Mali. shonlv utle i i jjwsedwf PmateXiiitMu in I ACApi uuivauaMi rt nLT. US iiute tie rent rtmd trom uzdun to Nirthn aamt3 snUottwoi i uhuni Bitssiril md tile WI pieied brauchof theljrxnd Juictuui tawaFatroin UUDtc irow olurn andodtnnii I lfldJ ni the nllh I. cocking tile Miii rof 111 urthf WH i able Timber and tllriinJ I itderw IH Farms tINKi Lou a Urn and nd 7CJ acres upriucie iral iuiincs ira nj. lure and laud.

Li IM- uccu wtiui of jwitabct uls who term expire at Lady-day ueii itd iMtlr I great iuu euci. Mr. John UillivJn. the Woodman itlilswortn i2 lll Ksttc ll 1 had of Mr. Jutrs lWn Chwhclyntar Ncwp-irt lcndl thu Printer cf XurilIIIPIIlI Mercury ct Uc Hed IJ nat MockhiFe- upr Loaf.

JJulistable the and in Pall-mall. Freehold nnd le ehiiid Elites. rrr. By Messrs. GRIFFITH he Co At Garraways un 1 ue d.i\ v.

at IS o'clock in 3 not the Assi oeei. AKHEEHUll HOfNDKINTof9l. Annum wiinjr fnmi House and PremjV in alwonh. A LeaMrhild Hume. No.

Pttf tleCt lira Jisloiongers Aim Houses. Nevnngton. a Lf seb. House and Prtmucs. in row.

Blacklriar nd letltu Mr. Haglcy. on lra at I. per ann. acid for long terms years at small rent May be viewed and particulars Lad at GsrrawajV Mnjeiim trII IHacktrwrvbrWge HI Mr.

Wilium clot street Messrs. riJitla Hopki and Co. Ulaclmm utlawark Copyhold and Leaseuwl 1 riute. Cln tchunh Surry By Me GKIffl CH. and Co.

At jarraways on Tu daj. Novfdat IS in by" directiuu iVKLVK roraiOLD HOUSES and Ue Rent wtler 1 looses situated in Srern- Arm and ix other H6n lIlIltIJ iu Smfv-rov lUaclfrMr riMdj' nloeiR ehId Ilinisei. in BUct- Toad all in lueurMh AltLttivCLurch Jmrry part let on lea and the rynui lo tenaiiU at will at rent wnout Th several. Premiss uuybe vwwed by tetifnh. of pijjticji may Ijrhadjt III.

aKmraw vs at tW fu tavern BLckirrar zUlli fMr Wdli SJ Uy.JIr. CLIFTON Outbc PrcntitIX PafrMaH br thlbrldW KZitK at iX4Tdotkby order of tUeVigiieesofjarAtxx and 4 ue uiiesr indtOttJOtutfr of a mmodious elfin substantial repair with SUIthfelo Ol5cTS.aud a vet sgacioos room attached ta Jhep. calculated brpictur tj. auction of exhibition room with a separate entrance Srora dwclfirtj SIall. lud a back cvraroVuicahjii To 89 YJewed till tne Pruned particulars may be.

had till the hi MrTaaalon Solicitor street StriJ4 Mtsjf Mayo Pearce lane hill and Mtrllftn Np i DofervitreeN Piccadilly. XviKjibteCawjli Uropetty and i ndn Flour Company' Shares Monthv SaIe. By Mr. SCOTT. At on Friday Dec.

6 aPl orloct THK TRKMVand MEKSKYi or-Grand TNnk Na igxionr two3hare in this tmineutly prosperous Concern tb Dividends have now advanced te 40l. pet and expected to continue Tbi Birmingham Canal Share in ihti very valuable vi aTioriilfeDividendj are 4SJJ. per Miarc net per ln. Ihe Coventry Canal i threv Shares in ilu valuable improving Concern cunnectiu Uw Ox ford Xavigattou with the Grand Trunk paying at the rate AH. per Sliare per aun.

and by Ihe very superior advantage Ibis important line pot. maybe expected to increase. Tte Otturd Canal a Slum iu thi eicellei Concern th Din deud. have steadily advanced to the rate of HI. pet Share per ann.

Mid expected to increase. The Grand Junction Optional Loan and Bonds beating 5 per Also. Share ud or Mr. St 5 HAVING dedicated rtlJsdf to the study aud been gratified bv the most enmiderable practice iatlut brand. which I thought praper to select I trust Thave 4 more mhenploycd my tim tiUn tl oe who in the exVnsi field of tile pruiesaion are occasionally immersed im uucrUi ty and caitnwt always attain that success which is acquired by concentrating the intellectual power to one ot nltn.

The ilisease of drbility are ili irly diiUCJsiug pr tWy bring with theni a train of concomitant symrXorav andhy df- pressJon of all vital energy existence itself becbrari ru. ejl. As a Member of the Rora1 College of bur eoo. i ground my pretensi Hisoa regularity education and p- seisin every privileg feel self entkird that confidence with wluctj I have hitherto been honoured. In the first sensations local weakness early AI- plicatiou will it jLe caLunity uf a.

debilitated traae and in all venereal Iaints it is possible topreveat pajr. danger ff oislrest- the motft complicated vase of eitbrr it is tin mcquireiueut excl isjve experience in this hac effect a safe certain cd speedy re I the advantacc of thiejperiencetrtli0se of eiiliczsTJi art' afflicted and jn all cases the terms or remuneration ire I on the first interview. Patients in the country are eipectrd to iucl strnB ak iNcte and are requested tprt11 their are and manner ot tiring jiLt Ban Member the lloyal ilU- Surgeons tn LonJca. Jin. ttrrtt Strand TJIUMA TXYLOtt.

sfreer Ion J4r liiruiifcf but ct ustice due ufyousEAKE 1PA TK iJ ilLL curomunicaie toyoii the 4l wuig evrei which has recently two performed by tnem An acouamlahce iae. who by ifc breaking out ol no old Secret CorapIamtaUemied bv a cdicu1 disorders aruuiz theretroia was reduced alaurt la skeleton and although ke bad the' best medical advice hick' could I obtained and tried a variety parent taed cs eh liwthnig could be procured whicbseenied to his to du liini any servke. be raaaiimj ia a most red pitiable situi. for two vein unable to rJlv hit pr fr sk and scarcely able to walk or even to stand MI IS left fact ltd ue who luewliua eversuppoed it ptustble at recover. lie wa ltnsed at lt to try yoxr Lekles lrir- did vi adhering strictly' directions givenwhh tie ad not taken more- Chan two boxes before be uuacl an ay- for the bettet this eocouraeed him to proceed.

by taking a few boxes inure lie found his appetite and sertvr rraduallv rvtnrn and is itow a healthy aatil st mt a know. YMI welcome. Sir. to refer any per cwnfirnurion of the above account if it shouldbe doubled. am.

Sir vour obedient hamWe strtanl. Tnoui Prao library ruJ1I1Qf1 July 1" 10US. Prepared and told by At sole Proprietor Tbomai Taylor. Member of the Royal Cfee of Surgtvou London at his JowelI N69 New trr Iowd by his apporntmeut for the conrenlence vf Itlllft at distance at the Ptrfumn' St street PaD-Mallthe Toyshop. No.

OxA rd Ditboroutr. No. 7 Mreet and" by OM pcrstw every deralJIi Jo town in Urat1Jriaain Irehad. ol ouU 2s9de ch. scaled up with fall phua Arectn whereby penonof either nay nn thwss tm wtthe speed srcurity.

and safety. ml Ar- HfOrm Biicifrwr fc nirl Nj GJI. sttlMAT.IC t1 t- i PL uth' UcJn theJetr rer na1I cu rel rd. A rI rUJtE a I.f\i llc ablithtlt rellKllbttM kluZ LIal nua. ui HII 11 I bly to adDnllcHU hacb dl a 1Jr wlP nullt Ii" I te tulyedieilclUum bnt1Jed.

IIr IOrder-50ld flt. UuhunMedicine oCI ChoDlCe cTed hr LaJ. uinea nlltoo ewbcrc tr Bcona I artl. Clark1 lid r--IU cue ph i st ly iu eatns cOI. ey tu tbe wUlt ua aDCe bid.

adIDint" laadI Kin rAT Shtl iTf' in JIfOru ofJLH Iiscnrbntie i- urrli1Goul Xe" CCtmpl. bo IIr allaylntlin SlUsUUR sE manwer JJ PllteuLAhtilCUrooltc co l1yJhe KiuJllatent lcflleill taIDlt abu 111e 1 UileuarJ I DOGS. Ott nt aMe ES diev llchlld pr Ilired lr. JSIAI il Il Itrun alanost11 ValTlxrrn Meiicin311wcJe H6d. pack t.

IIrclIctuIIJ In III eer Iote. ra Hi. olf alnvlyul1iclcu WOR III nn Gd uraou. fworllu wuh uteer ntuvd th lt nadil aI Ja Clln Itr alulltciling 11a OQdil Ja dby III per SIt. ll tebut dr ctivr Vnrlt oi I' htlR el itrt 10M" Joii YC Broad tffft FI at.

1larrt ar slaut lin tun brr Iaine' Atnuiue UIlOPS.T1J distillltui bCd It 11105. en out rhe criOl I ltfnl11 tllon. nlltt of. tIMid Itt InOll istI Oll- l1t Crtmtf1e hellV' lte nt. gener lln I1llin1ila runl ujtlrolls nlr ct IIllellf III eI1icat' aftt c' th for II tlcl tIC icLnell.

lI aJ tht' II ut in rc" tfrlulnatedfalally IIIsll ICttlIdns plor 01- Ih pac elVtritllrethe Jte r. 1 I 1Ue ns nin I tI po. nle ic ilia ny Jtluherntion ettr llIIur till. with tIC aid of dilutill lilfuor. ar li tioA Iroillc g.

duascelased I I1I. ut IlInt' telapleaure In IItt1tnl thas un ltilu fact 1111 clllbiler th In IiClliul or il as a dill tll SlICICI ill di ri partJcul arly j1led Y. 1 lu' I onl brHI IAtrBruok el. Icre tlp rtallin 1II Ir h. 29dIJ jt1tuh.

XO. TS Jular 011111 011I all nrk he utrdlf 1lacllol beSore al1ll cIl1l1111" UlfItCIItpftI Iu II. LIS lCTIO JtwfJlcr Ulill Ih' PUiiLHS 1 tul TIlllflrrnw 141 I SnT tgall ELLEH rs ullII Irup rt 1' IHH COI1l1Iln rlcl. LIII rLII Irtuc scnrtllctsm lah fll i lIIhllIe I ht" I. II ilI 111 ut tlctCllc ltt 111 IX JrN' I It.

al1Z CUIIIIIIIjlIlU in OIl arlltcIwl i A ll Murn uf U. St rIIt lira hlt ClltllIl tf frllIf1ondtn Iall. Iucllt lill cu tum nf sI 1 1tlr. a4 Ird lltr UILIII 1 1 rll" n. 4J I I I hllIno SJ' :7.

I 1' Ir. olloch rrill' sT lnST uf Jrll 1tjCd buIllia Ie d. Iari It' luI11 fr 1U Ih :11 anuar. 1800 anIfal Ill. I hrte Ilr CflIt a ll elllr 1el ctble lit 471.

lartinalu m. of m. an Slil Ir. UUJ Alle Inp idr. rnlOonnr Ir JIHINU rox.

tJ td reld' I. Uir Wllilglllrd. HlrL. n. riri dlck A eHtiblt FHl1UlHp l.AI'I.containing Ierc iN illl" 11" ca- tw IIlf.

ju. t. I UIJI I thl' nnluc of urel lIrlu UI uhh uf orlbSlllk. RIal ciUII It Ux- rdlI HI 4mil 1D Jlllor rd film' I du' ih tW J' mlho cnIJ dl rrll lr. I brc.

tcbhIL IU. de. Cr larl IIIIAIII Jjhe1 Ih fUt' ht5 Iad Alds tl. ICUItll 1JuhJ Urlttr tCIr. jl i OliteJth i4 tulh" il ctllre a NUs d.

Illul uD iC III Iuriant a i pnb cO IU UII. the IIICI Il I utr II nsN rhr. 0111 tufr an11krb. ICIII. ttl rbur.

It1 bietd 1 daf' pcCin thl' Itfv" Ir tenatt riclian. ac th I. r. Wlli il WLc nar fenJ HtKri Illae AtgelU wll a bili Ir nadil SWld. 1ile.

SnMaldt bea Whit Jlir. aMIr 1tainu at aIiIIJ Culll. d4JJ. CnicluJ' jret 81 anel Mi jomm jJSall11 bc f. I S.

ST' AtJ T10N. :1 ftd tu tt a SKIN fR Kt' Id I Garra. 1 AVfry imprun Jlt :1I0r.D T. sit ale in onl mOt Fana1a rom ofllallll tIIJt 11f uf lclu a vUIbu Jdlll nl. ble ul iullie 1r.

U. ler 10 oonlJ' alipliug prillt pflrttCUlarunaybe aU Lilluelk Duh Kin 1 GJlm llt I- rs. Sulie tlr turs r1 ri 1J rlU of Guildford. SIiI ll. arrawlIys j.

I wJlIce ery alU nU Jlo tuatc juil lorI allll1 mam called hirm. 1 lIn 1y II wCIIlilnbercd lul lIul bllildinp. llu ellrs rf' anncllpublc 111' 11. IlIon Ja beiellled l1lllr nted aillleBusll hili. Hi i le trCtt II ltattIftI nll' tOO dies Llvll1 KI Ci riaa 1.

1 ca k. in4Joh. and er dt sira1al Fnl' HOlD jrvtle olllr mie. I urlh rulH Uaillockin lilt- CUI rljJl1g Iii. 1 yUUOltltY 1rior a llllh lale nt' t.l\ 1.

tnI acrrs illcl. ed tllnlUll 41XI eref Jth ill l1d ill I. lllt' IUl ll ly inlhe Ih nvlc1 illI Jallrtt olllcac hichilI il :1. I tlrthe in CAIsltT IUItm udu hlIInrllll v. ited aplI III' Jr.

lry mfllldl iI of ul Iih ni ltwI Ie Mild. IIl1r l. SaracllIsltllud nre SIibtlr I. 1n rlj l1-allll Be iordrow Ihahl e. i mi DJke.

AIcIr g4te.trtfl L1t Jon. Twnrr Jlotd hld pwar4 tJf HtJoItc unci UurLuarrur Kl N1H. YIiJ- aIlTC. jarbw u' 1 orlhe tAte I1H SSM JhIUG Itf IUi UHI- I anal.clW\ IU STAT uf IX II rntTA CE 1 JAigh 1 frulII1 Goont tlrrJ iSlin lAih lIacc rrlllcuntJuMin I mr.a- Jlwp re nd itll arll hCIII III wrllilmbtred er vai. iu tlleoccup.

tt' huelt uc JlrhaellllulU01. ufit. lusediectate wlhdanil CIldrblt nl nc ed da 1 vtlI IiIl par Dllrl. in Je n' hile I lIl1f tms. Bra allhe Ila 1Jjeaud u.

ct wrlfre pLn n. fClpihllJtatr un. IJy 1t UY jarrawft i ctllI dll- or. 7 8Lott. A Y4I.LAU141 nt1At 1 11 arha Irh ftlil COllnl 1 lIav' IILle mer Ulack tttr rom llIlId u.

fin Iudge Ia" cu llId Tol U1I I cuuta llilll' acr x. liI tlln' IIII Iblin Im oUIbl1ildill frolUtar CIIfAt alllulJ ill tlu illl. tud joer iI1Crtil c. Heclor ofil lll1l I. il dl ll 1.

applylU prilllll h. ltlkhc lcr 1I hills. Kin's Ea It' tIIl on. lch IllLufll. Iiitur U.

r. Jh II lilt tbcuuSal DJkl" II. I tr lItttrt t. hrrf le en. Cp hl III' Ht irtrn NJ CCI.

Garraw4i1II1 tclntt uv. 1 cJI L. A arly lIlu tll ihlillelt tke botllt rtin I SyriuJ XtcIl5tle Jne. SUlHh' lillld 1Uu IIathin plec The clI05i 1S lit" nce. dOI sl luclSua r.

IIJherlll1 nient IIrllClI Cr I arablelancl. hi la llIf rin fenee an sul tci tua lUallllloctu5 1 lIlIf Thl' Ho te ffolrtbc idencc rt' ri ill tn drlig Uu II sllrr und. lilt IIIlh ueubIJlludultld deathlr itLe rell1pa 6IlJe iJ d. Iter is IJIIIt' 1111111. ullhCl ur hay.

TII be vietllanal trinttd Iarticnlars maJ" be hd on Ihe Prrmics IIII of Mr. MaYllard. Slicitur 1 urlm Mr. nlillerIrillwrl eclItle i Ir. lelCICL Irinter York ul Mu rs.

Jlldes olici1un. eldcowrt il.lI 11 tlol- JJucc ul al and 01" J. m. S1 1Der. Jle and Cu.

Alders- ttt reet. ld ad1J ers SKl XEn. nS lle tllc ch. clo In" FH 1laI HO II A TE5situ. inlh parithllf IUlcn J.

1lrom Holbellch 1alrl lIow dwar lao wi I sscssion lallld abt ua jKUjler llt II fl nlrh inclo tllrivinqil clI tuate- JiiII rt st lcU turDp ke ad rom lit lnn SUUII I. Tw lv tCf lnct er lt ban thehire near1er Itl. la IJ Cer Uo" T. a 1 prl cJ flarde lan ybead Ihl II art. Spaldlll' I.

cI ljla1 tI Ptt ur ih' t. CflCkl oai Pllr. IIfJtllUlI I bI lbrnnter ttheJlaceo Nean. Ski le C. ldenptc 7.

5 ii N. it uehold Ciart Jttr t. Itit Jj iul Gan. cMaAleed a' in SI 111U 110I' A 1' nai LroIUITJ1Iftet. int 1hli lr le etIf I e.

dt1l 46jrrs Jeatel Ddlin lIu II. IJ I. lcunaJItd tit tlltCCUp 11uu 2r. GtcJu 11 Ilk. lOr Ja al 1.

IjLotJ. ttlt Jutebold JhU l1ousc. uutJ Ith t1iCt rdtu ailllate u. SusauD laI1ace hllbe 111 II trup rIOf1N yt luedi eiil' vi 1ltillttd r. ma birhad Ih 1 1J anlll SulicilurKi UihopJlh 1rc llh 01 1J.

r. Ic1t. Kh str t. Hu IJen 11 hU. KI- CI.

Garrawa Jonda I i A' UOlIJsubitalttial UW LlI lfoesJliu 41wilh IIU I in trultt. fkl dplh tlig bl. We in oilln tor II uucx. llrret 5 a luA i ut I. al i ld It.

Aul1l 1Y had a al1lat IIf bl. A IdetiI e. 1 Ic m. SKI U. Ganal 1 4I1 Ay trtligi le sitUhl Mtr lal tfeet.

con htin I II al 01111 II luoUlI1 iug Us. 10t I. iiud. uhtli1 ia le 3J. Ter utm i rlllIf rlff po e.

ulI lc snTb l1e It. ollleac ur It fr nri JwellLn uSC' II. illihe Io vtt lnlltl er. ut I in dayl Ih tlcillar. ulillae also IIfSle leun.

lduat lrlt" lit" IlIr Mt" SKl. UJt GarraII MOllllalIlc1 igl ttlr JrTnll JII Tli I. a1J Jl te nSIOX IIf1 JlltJ lHr uf Ylilr Ibo cnpilallflIIIIJ hJp all in fto Ilrid ho. 1m HabcrcllIher. 1f11 ar 1 i.

tlIl tleJ lie. Iur haftr ill IIn ItMl ulars IlIIf McISrlTerrlIlt ale I tr I ewtiect MtN4.I\ IXN It Hllur ai a le Ifln IIOLU JrATI QCCUP ing 11. ruun lcet6 illfnmt. a tall 1 slr tl Cornlrd KU1 Iruli1Iinl ppc' nr ulII Olliuu VHinlh lue. lUj Ll Il vale.

andufficr" in illllll" nun. wittlat flolll 611' I I. liilldturrdeelned Iravfuftbt d. nl alc Cut ldm 0 ltIUtIV lJfckrJJtal i lc f1buryriII. HI ting rc.

1tOHl s. Gllrraa iin Iond U24cI 5JIt ACapital 8hdYaluublelREBH 11 coalprit lltllat 114 lablbhed apdwtU- s8me htalSheal urlh ruas lh snsh i1g ail ht richllature faWeallll el blt IIlII arlllLu lehc i11 Jtate it becentrega dl lallcr andhlniwe hlJ tilU roqd mu IIlIIallts dl iuc lin Ih ir nlll cy 1r. heat- ilia Ujlilt njl Ir. HilL II lr. RODillsWrwiek Itrl ttt lte Jefn TvnChehca HIT.1- lY neUe I I IV aL L1 jH SJoS.

It GcorjZettreet if" tU It' re rellt1 su 1I11 I J4ftI ltliirS I ad Ca otan SI ne. IIlIdul IlIlot hfey'- te lUll tile H.ilr. urn nt' Iliat It o' lod ill' 101. br ord rlll A Jne WAR Juus Jult 19rt aen. 1111 andvaluatJle nd one Pllbl JalU II Oc plrd al lt WI1ttllI will.

I 1111. 1li I lie ft. alldlnrerest 5I1 I Igne rTwo bulh 11 lic-huu lUill sltr in Jun J. asC tales httdtflJt orj Jears modefatereened rtUI lIeat lJrJl fn ui olran. rcllt lIu' pan culilb 1r.

Sturc ate. Groc rs PV X. direCf Qn flf le. s. ROlt 1 dcatn.

rr111- ltf' cial AGREE IE or GOOUWILLwith ilD ledi 1e Stjon. OraTtry DJDI ioi ro od' I. lara e. dnnl lQaI NoJII JJeJCJJIIIt reaUselue I lac aw Ma beYie Groce" UingIue Ulln 1i tor. walk.

Temple IIonac UJ pcr 8AT Garraa Wedncsd Nf rr CO JSJNG USE. puacJ. duun pat. fullr bre iut ditt dr thcant tworftJpt poniunM dtia iColu I bJfold drttaillJ lto tSC fnt. Jhc base- tJd bOQsek JIer" wth bCMlleD4t ncl atdialilae ba 9Urun ofJ be I1amcl fit and Ir.

YIbe ktrrc a Iti I 7tES iTir ro 1 iim nA OihmFfitfi 1 a Sdtt' tarehoinu i IJddJ i.r tr CJJ lSTlE. Gsnaw au1Landa ut. 1CI1 A. IJt1i llp T. ort eUut al af an mptota I natlU e.

3IrssIJlJt1 dlht a lutlftqlr IftOWD 1htJnvflhe thlhttn 1 bvilduJ I rd. ttlat nppitc IQt 1 and crvwnouth t1I.t in Cent 1. alltlent Ma 1dffll I tI 1 at nl ft I auIU. a 1IIPK. tJIc fltate wlth tcnjc on e11 rlte lIu l1tiou fI Urnr I th I.r Tr dr- ai warchl" liffl x1ud vi" the 1) h' fthe eJlieIn a I Slibll s.

in I''r' fDlltufi. cllert in Jw. CUrJ1tlehanej. NtIM 14IrkLII 0" anct. lu lJ.

Pj ltWt16 Uecfc5r ny lr. rlt rtatltlJOW. 1 11 1lhIrtly lt" I. 1. du t-J Jttnt I I Jflt A apttal JlftHOl tul 1 IUAe 1 lml1 rnna' un tl.

It1r. itS aialJu bUill Jt htl1Ji llu dand til. bruach of Ih Gra1d UCl uill. truln frlJQj anll6 frlllll th C' cOn in hJlr IIf wrt 1. r1 ilh lid aU WI fluildin 111 tv wc IlldinIJtt ucout' titu ldb tUllld llre loot.

jJ tI Jrc illlCQC16t. iI11c. IIae AId Irtinl IIf1IJ be hadf Ckiulv nut Irl ercur I 1 tJ u. at III Rambu CumhU III Fr h. tcl lId tal" rf1" 11 fllub 3LtJ.

irectR 01 sr I Ul' n.nE- uf 91 iuin nln. If lr taM 1 Iwonh. hllid u. hn. isII lulIJcrs' tWll1lZlon.

a JJ III au let 1J Itlle pc afa eld Ju Icr Itt nicnb" at.1- 1 IUliiri hridgt' cntle Ir Hclburu A plnsr Hopluu le dwlUth crntclumh Surry. 1 jlUtfIrM Tllndg. al 1 I. dii tiu eXi iiee. i I HOlT llj 1r tafS alk hrCell JJrt a opJhuM rublic-b" Kisoc' II lfr 4 i 1Irtr JU 1trWr rUilei j' III 1.

tb rJ U6JU d. 111 tllN' tt. lUa 1. tiiarJ dalJ jrtl ear rit ur. ry ouJe IU1 de to tc amo t.

11:11. rl-annuttl. 1 1. 1 aettralPre1uiMlU bcT ed ort tmm1 hirJI It at Crllra at. fCf1IBrar ItWU1Iua.

titnr. Ca. tlfnth aR jriJlid. If liah dCp. a trcetat tH bfcrtdi3CSiltu 1a llh IHoom1 Ir.

tf Ila Parr n. 0" ft. 4 dt Ly We' uees. oJr. ALU.u- 1 CU 9 111.

iiilWiblp cL JensiYt am" 1 I SIMl" Wf. ijJ i. tLJwtu te mthe JlarlJf I1Itf.and tonsinlJr DwIJi hug. Of paar.wntt- aud iu tI 1I C1Iat sf urr- titltl as. enl ce the.

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