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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 10

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 IRELAND. 0 II, 'BimT ox Aaeetinx it. tv. Jfefeit teto forth the mwWr ioll of w. 7 7 v.

"iJiZ TiW not OH Ja? or tho Lettr, met laTk. twtt W.kjbi tfthoM 300 mi MrfUa Webelkrv thM.koe even ia are a TrV wU kmd. AI) WW! V'" a. TIr: 4 Ibi flttT IN i iiha uuu.1 THE TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1854. rerinklia of tho laity, most lira! In ft Jlna a 1 Km Tut lii IziL I do not mu to eavthet they have bee omitted or ki fcm nottov I 72mM3 the, kmbMH etaee they tht to have bio, Tb.

tm 4 omr. tvf do Mom. Umm member of th SekStT i that It a eodety kith Km far Jts iK. nmMlci unto truth of all peraoo milr, trrur. This rwvular Booiety he notolag to Jo vhh vertical, Mt eueteiy ma we rr" who should be exempt rw iwmcnllou and ancwed to ii a of tbtrwn bo rime.

it will or an IH directed eon it ehceUd he rsedr to nnort tho rixhte of a rwnoo ia maintaining tlx diet of hi Y. 1 ikk rKMVMu.nnial ha corn tor ha really believed to be traa. It for eorJeknc cwcxmo, and not far truth a truth, the aoeieiy wtaniUBM. uo BWfi tbt all tl panacutwo with which wa hTB had odaalvnoaMir tha pantomtioa, of thoaa who, brtnj kdd what aoooaira to ba daBtarooa arron, ambraoad vK i iYm trnlK It ia a BocUtT for tha protection of eonaeianaa aa oooaaanea, and not of traa ruion aa ma '4" 7" 7 i thu meWtr I hara haaa amixsad br ocsa MTMca a taoat inoonriitaiit on' tha Tory jwist on it.i is mot ooniisUnt. I am an erroatnt of mortittf to rnal Uwa ordarto bnog into to raaooMawha I bold to ba a falaa raliioa.

I bold it to ba ooaaiaUnt to ogma forward and auppart thoaa who dotAanoWaion, whatrrar that may ba, and opanly rtoto thau ooonelion in tha troth of it, aran when thraatonad vith pnetUon or eoardon to iodnoa tbam to deny their 1 tv, J.wulLn wktfh I Lava to' all Made eoeretTo wmu m.lWn of raBiioai wiM of onna Uad me to rapport tho whom 1 oooaiaar. woe ftoldiac tha trath, beoaoM I ant aa opponent totoa par of thoawbom 1 balWr, to baT. error. Tba dmokeUnee U.U thU tocMy In iu natnr. and hamter will DotU fouil a rermkoant I hope there will ot U.

SLuitLe WiC TbU if properly PPrW, HwUtamarriTa at happy and. Forif it be fonadthat rpd that aU kind of mj ou tion. eoniUtinc in rafaamf to pre eniploymant and in cIbJt. dmlizZU inaHaetual in ebtaining the aooooipBah goaB of their object, it most aooner oc laaar, ba abandoned. Bat, on the other hatal.

if the aociety be but poorly wp 1 .1.1. ImarM ftA TOfMd, ana a ariM vm wt mum 1 Lear npon the eoaTarU, no douU there will be a ouortaat ulul them aa far aa urmaau will allow. If, horerer, it be warmly aspperUd now, it will will co on refuoi( to deal with good raitomeraj or to employ actire laboureri, when, after all, they are merely iloiiuilm And not induotax thoaa mvi to re Bounce their reluciun; Ihey will netrtr give 2a. 3d. or m.Aw to Ukoonn.

ijid endeaTour to find a rafD cfent number at that rate of wagee to get in their herveet, when good men are in the market willing to work at half tioD beeauae thi eooietr kaepe tbem from aetaal atarration. I may remark, that we hare added to our operationa a men ure of kindred character. It ie the eetarjiihmoat of a chop, tcr xbthMbw roodi stradaoad erioae to eonrerta. not for hoUingout anviadiraet bribe, bat merely for tha (ale of good to lime vouM aa exciuoea irom oayag a a ita price the artielee they might waat. The abop eetohluhed aid more may follow one for no uelueit dealing it eupplki all ahka.

fry pereon gate a good article at a fair phot, and it, ia rr7 eaee wnare una uemare aeaung attempted to he iraetiaed, it ia met by a prompt eetabhih nt Jiom that will not follow any each mm. the tbcn will abandon it. Tber win not cooaeni to forrro Ui TiTott of good enatomenwheo. after all, no object ia effected It it. tat the eocicty, therefura, ba rigorouly eatabliahed and lurportod.

Let naijoni tenant endeavour to ioduee their frienda to 00 operate with it, and then I trait it will come to the moet happ termination. It will' eeeee to exist Ueaaaehwillceaae to be wanted. (Applanaa.r Thui tnxtch for hit Qnce'i motning! work. In the evening he ru a gneat at the dinner of the Royal Horticultural Society in the tame aalabrioni neighbourhood, nod, hit health ha ring been duly toasted with all the honour, the Moat Rev. Prelate re fponded tneae termi lie aared thrm ba wu at a loei for a otmaUerahU tim to know whom kia Icrdaaio waa dailmaanr ia each flatter ill term.

Be waa far from luppoaiag that ba could have uwliad what ha had aald to htm bathe could amwre them their chairman had not overrated in any degrevhia regard for and hia wiah to encourage all the iaatitutiona and aces ciationa of tha eoontry which might toad to advance and ennoble it. (Hear, hear.) He belie rad ha had long ainee keen pardoned by all of them, for the offence of being aa inearj Mt na waa not aure mat ne wouu be pardoned by hia own countrymen in Knaland for the Mai with which be had alwayi promoted andadroeatedthe iate nateasddalmiof Irtlaod.IHear.1 HabaUrrdUiai.wbaterr prandiaa exiatod in Inland with regard to tha elaiml of England, he waa aorry to my then waa hot too much of ainular feeling among the Fngliah againat tha Iriah people. He believed they ware very greatly underrated and unduly dirparaged, owing to the fault of eoma of their own people, who gave an unfavourable rapneeutatiun of them ia England but he thought, among other ttinga, that the vary rpectada they had acts that day would aatoniah a great many who bad no Idea that they had any fiowera among them better than buttercupa, or any froita raperior to thoaa which were called in England and la Inland (laughter.) 'He believed that tha ccicaoa, literature, intelligence, and general cultivation of Ireland were unknown in many parte of Kngland and to a great many of the Fngliah but he had done hia beet to do away with theee prejudicea, and, acfaraa la him lay, nothing ia England ehould ever be aenarior to what waa to be found ia Irtlaod. (Hear, bear.) Ha begged, ia conclaiion, to pro poee the health of the noble rhairman, who waa, he felt eer tain, worthy of emulation among all thoaa of hia own rank, and, indeed, among all hia countrymen. and TOT5 CHOLIRl.

There it nothing faronrable to report by the hut acoonnta from the north. Letter from Larne, dated 'XYedneaday evening, atate that the pestilence hat been making aerioua ravage there during the last few days. Borne of the most respectable inhabitantinhabitant hare died after a few hours' illness, and the people seem to be to terror stricken that there it some difficulty in getting the dead buried. In tome cases three or four have been carried off in the Mine family. In Belfast the disease hold on without any sign of abatement, and the same remark unhappily applies to Luburn, Glenarn, and ether towns in Attrim.

The following are the returns of cholera in Luburn and Knock nadona districts for the week ending the 10th of September Lisburn District. Number of cholera cases on the 3d of September, 2 new cases since that date up to the lUth of September, XI total, 41. Deaths, 11 discharged cured, 15 sent to hospital, still remaining under treatment, 9. Knocknadona District. Number of cholera caics on the 3d of September, 4 new cases, none total, A.

Deaths, 1 discharged cured, aent to hospital, none still under treatment, 1. The reports of cholera in lisburn on Wednesday are not more favourable, several new cases having occurred, with the average fatality. The heavr rain of Tiuwlav jiight was expected to have had some effect in purifying the atmosphere, through its influencn in cleansing the public sewers cf the town, and so far MfiiitiDg the progress of sanitary improvement. 21eanwnile there is no longer any doubt of the Appearance of the disease in Dublin, a few cases xanng occurred yesterday in the nonage of the atr, at its north western side. The weather providentially has taken as favour Able turn towards wiring tho progress of the disease.

Yesterday was decidedly cool, with some very Heavy snow en of rain in the afternoon, and this morning the air is keen aad wintry, with a jreu breeze irom we west warn. XHK TTTVnS. Ur 13, MA Three and a Quarter per Oast. Stock, 4 ditto, foraoooaat, October 13, 9t); Natotal BankcIfe mm, tu. iiau paia, ueneral aualac uompany of iv.

paal, 2 ickamoro Uoppar JaUning ComanvJ paid, ftc: Miaing Compairy of Iralaod, XL paid, trao count, I7j South Devon Consols, If, paid, Kk AuatralUn reehoU, 11. paid. 2a. Sd. JUilwaya Dublin and Belfast ex.

dhr. Dahlia joA Witklow, i Ji "A saaaa "Ouunern ana wastara, MM. paid, i ex. div. ditto, our par Cent, frefaraaoe, aV.

paid, 51 x. interwt ditto, paid in full, 20t, WJ, DUBLIN, SaTUBjJix JfOKfWO, tez xxiroxix btmcn. The war" being the uppennost queation in the j.ub& mind, "Young Iraland," or other, it ansaosry remnant, has again begun to talk big words, jud a suggestion is thrown out, now thai uguao g.vnaon in ireuaa ts rodaoed to less than 5,000 UM Jul soldiers," tonching the Propjiety of the scrremgn psopU keepingtli? powder dry, la order' to. be preparod to repel a ifnssisa invasion, llow extremely thooghtful force here sabeintf poed of "thin depflm. a ianlidj mfjnr aaotkeri (Tioaath litmlttmrly rranee la now enjoying tha fral koaourable and firm policy Inaaujatad by the Urpiu of famine, rpUWc, and war, the naP JJ haa notbMndlmi nlabcd and the puhlie Ueu shaken.

Thanks the wfae naolut1 Q4TtrBBlao( wallsecoaded bytkeeoauegc of the country, three ef the anesk (mji aaonrna which can afflict a nation hav aw. tabafca? am Slit) atatiooed at Oerk. The rest 1 regrvtU to the Uiaiai of paaaing difficulties. TheepUemle 1 'w TWJ I ai ijjg aXaingUlaueu we wow vm vmmu iihwnw bj bu Si1 I.PVitLI,!?IS 1 vndan harvest the war, eommenoed under happy fad. all UlataT then I i mtU tha ambitL which eraaiad iL Within a short time the nationa, faithful to their appoUlmant, will raamttale at PaHa to take part ia ttepacifUrtruggUshttweea industry aad the arts.

What aa hnmaaat nas taaea place it opinion as well aa la position 1 Al the aame time that France resumed in Europe the emiaaat rank wbicn balongaa to her, she wit an! the iiaappearaoce ef that diitrust of which the reool lectlen of the past rendered hir the object. That nation, against which every other country Thought it bad the right to cherish jealousy, has become byaa unexpected change the most solid support of European order. It is no longer towards the north that weak or taenamd States turn their attention and, what is still more astonishing, tha fsars which France Inspired have ceased by the secession of him hoa glorious name saemsii rslrnlated to awaken them. What has just taken place at Boulogne forms an Indication mora expressive than any words. To that shore, whence KaDoleon SO veers ago menaced England, and whence he rushed to the eotxjueai of Germany, have come the rrinoe, the hniWTvl ef the Queen of England, generals from all Ilka fllatl Ai feaueva ana aenotm Lusaka acenrded ia al' 'uannaerht only twr.

Alport the eaUr ef the Mrtkirt aad wtatarw mU is aaUitiyrt aaraaaa. la the sooth, wa harVhalfVdoM Uttto depeU la remoy, andth orfour ia Tern M( more, wo ia tmaesTnoi, a au Cork ell good recruiting piwrta. Rot, again. Itao peara ttal tnere ewi a at" rthern and eaeten. eoaat, in Wexford or in Waterford, from Dunne rrta wa.

hundrads lumrtrtag nuuuaaatn, ana you have whole garrison of Ireland. Kor de we UUev tha there ia one oefahk ofBcar 00 the Irhetaff, who. In east of anger, could combine and command force eo iU emsgeo. it a may he judiciously spared. But nooe 0 ns can tell the day when a Kussian privateer may swoop down upon our eoaat, and.

as a mere measure ef self defence, we throw out the nggeetloa that every man who een eugnt get a gun, pu hlatrust ia Ood, and keep his powder dry." The nccoatlty of "keeping powaerary win oe better understood by the Queen Government when they learn the astounding fact," that copies 01 aaocumcnt wrroeu ia ferent English, have been forwardecL prepaid, to some of the lriih journals, calling wm all Irishmen 10 prepare ior an uvaaiuu ui immediately upon the capture of Constantinople th Ttnaaiana. of eonrse. The proud invaders" 7... .1. are enuuea to every crea mo which prompted the post payment of the Filibus mnnvlirfiiiinn! otherwiaa it is to be feared that i 1 vl.

a consideraoie amount 01 muwo wwwa ui been impoaod upon the clerks of tne WW iwer omce, Dublin. Tt la etall thai seven new cases of cholera co a vinobu nn to 4 o'clock yesterday evening, v.ii.tbMwn no deaths. In the case of a .1:1.1 iT( mr.r,tKa and two women, aged re spectively 89 and 60 years, collapse set in after very slight, but neglected, premonitory symptoms. In the outer lour mnra inmn wwu iv. naMita hmva been attacked with virulent dy eentery, attended with retching.

In all the patienta the blue skin, dry and corrugated, cold tongue, oold aft flta. i) ream, suppreasioa 01 awtuuui, mnntma nm but too rjlainlv marked. The district was yesterday visited by Dr. Hill, Poor Law Medical Jnspectorr ana vj ur. onuj, u.

nartnn. Mr. Arkins. hlr. BHt.

and Mr. Cusack, roor Law gnardians, and Mr. Hardin ge. A minute examination of the locality was made, and prompt meaaurea resolved on. Mr.

Coaach and some other member of the dispensary committee prooeedea to the Poor Law CommUaion office, with a view of ob tainingpower from theoommiasioners to take a house In Flnglas immediately, and adapt it for a temporary averr descriDtion for the axcommodatipn and effective treatment of such as might be attacked were also forwarded rrom tne North Union Workhouse yesterday erening. In .11 Ma tlwi nromonitorr diarrhoea was painless. and such aa not to excite alarm, or even more than ordinary attention. From Belfast the reports show there does not as yet seem to be any decrease in tho malady, there having occurred since the date of the last return at 9 o'clock on Monday eveningr up to a late hour on Thursday night, no lees than 64 cases. It still continues auo to be extremely fatal, having, in one or two cases, almost cut off entire famuie.

OCTET'S COLIXGX PBOlTSSOMHirS. The following appointments have been made Mr. Bag ley, of Cork, to the Professorship of Latin, inGalway; Mr. Thomson, at present filling the chair of Natural History in Cork, to the Professor ahrn ofOeolofrT. Belfast Oollese Mr.Tait, of Cam bridge, Senior Wrangler of the year 1852, to the lessorabip of Mathematics, Deilaac THE FUNDS.

i tiM. rnt Cananla. 94 a Thraa and a Ouarler per Cent. Stock, ditto, for account, 13 jNew Three per CenU), I i National Bank of Ireland U21. 10a.

pai4 Hl i alining Company of Ireland 7tpid). 17J dituTte aoiownt, ftl J. Byv pJfajTii OomnW low, (SOL paid for aeoouat), SO ex. div. Dublin and IWfaat junction 1 1.

paid), iM ditto, for account, ia put. paia, idl. 461 On and Western Eighths, Bix par Cent, Preference (. Ce. Ill 1 1 Dundalk and EnaiaHllen (30C peidL III Uraat outhern and Western (SOL paid), 461 Great Southern paidh 1 Waterford and iLneriak (SOf.

paid), S4 ex. fur. TRIsn BANK EETURK8. 1 1 Average angai os oaae amee im vutuni held daring the Feu Weak ending Saturday, the 2d cfSeptledi. ThaBank'of Ireland The Provincial Bank of Ire I land 1 Tha Delbst Kaokmt Ckxa ijaSorthcni BanHntOom TafjblcT EanaWConV TtTXauijDal'iaoi'of IrVj Uad Tbe Carrlck on Roir Ka tknal Bank IretaM Ba CtniirafJ liational XUak oflndaod Circulation CtreoES.

tKua Oortdcate. endiat as eaJjSs acove, s.nt.ta wux tx3 va.tet W.Q1 rum wtj sun irtsi in.w JO.T57 B3.3S1 J80.833 K.0M zun UB0 M.ta 4S.B3 u.m TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Blr, The rtmarks of your conevpondent WhiUUbW" on tbe salaries of pupil teacbcrs are, I think, very Judicious, and the precautions suggested for securing a round sum at the end of tbe apprenticeahip quite necessary, otherwise tha generous provision msde by the Committee of Council on Queen's scholarships will be useleaf. The proeeeds of acholarabin mnra onlv maintenance and instruction In establishment, and the pupil teacher who has not in hand tbe money to meet tne demands lor ciouea, docks, travelling, kc, for two or three years will be fairly prevented from presenting himself ss a candidate for a scholarship, and must betake himself to any employment that oners him an immediate return. In iuatiae: however, to cuml teachers and their Daren ts.1 beg permission to state something of my own limited experience.

I have a school in my paruh, and some eon nexion with two others, from the commencement of the system of spprentieeship a portion of the salary of tha pupil teacher hat, in every rase, been deposited in tbe aayiage bank. For the bors belonrine to my own school the bank books, with cue exception, have been placed in my hands, and no sum drawn without my concurrence. The object 01 this plan to eecur money during college residence, and for ultimata nimi vu einlained to the Darentsand the bora. with an explicit statement that tha managers claimed no power over tne money, and an graieiuuy acquicacea in we proposal at first, and adhered to it throughout the apprenticeahip. The results are, that our first pupil teacher had between 201.

and 30f. at tbe expiration of hia term, and this sum, with his Queen's Bebolanhip, nearly sufBoed to carry him through three yeers'tralniog in Another, tbe one wbcee book waa not in my. keeping, is now doing well as clerk in a large estaMiahment and a third' had about 18f. at the close of his apprenticeship this, with the scholarship he now holds, will be almost sufficient for two years' training. Bis savings were so small, because the circumstances of his friends compelled them to take from him 2a.

a week towards his saaintenanee. Wa' have now three other cupil teschcrs. and the aame plan ia cheerfully eon curved in with a determination on tha part of tha parents and children to deoosit. if Doaaihle. one half of the salaries, In another aebool with which I am connected one pupil, three vean raeeirta.

haa in the bask 301.. a second aad the third something lees. The circumstances of ua parenu mate tbe difference in tne amounts, in tne third school there is one pupil teacher, and ha has now, at the end of three years, 18J. ia the bank. He has been under the ear of aa uncle and aunt In all tbe rases with which I am' acquainted I have always found the greatest readiness in the parents and friends to consult the children's interests, and to make sacrifices for their advantage.

The best way to keep clear of nsprmdlad jai selfish parenta is for tha managers to second the intentions and directions of the Committee of Council, aed, unto other eontidcratioos ought to prevail. to oner co candidates out tnosa wnoae parenta appear trust wormy. am, oar. your uiutui aawanv LLUUVVS Jar Mi MIOSIS. vital Aim knJTAur nrfrZuQENOA The Balanmodev, ft, padifle sleop, Commaadex Fries, left pithead fo the Baltic oa Saturday morning.

The Gladiator, 6, paddle steam frigate, arrived at Spit head yerarday mceniag from the Baltic; and also the lixari, steam veessl. 5le Dauntless. 2t, screw frigate, Captain Byder, is to be decked to have her defects made good. Her erew hav been berthed on board the Victorious receMag hulk, Commander Forsyth has succeeded Commander Campbell in ewnTPMid of the Ilornet, aertw steamaloop. She following ships are ready or fitting for sea at Torts.

mouth Ship's Xsme. Ouns. rower. CspUlns, the States of Oermany, and also the King of the Belgians and the King of Portugal, to visit the heir of Napoleon. Xhsy wen present aa' allies, aa frienda, at tha man ace me of an army which by its discipline and its bravary.

still mora than by tha spot where it waa encamped, recalled to recollection tha Grand Army of tha first empire. The fact is, that every on is bow aware ana uoaa vauaua soldiers only threaten the enemy of the peace of the world i that the memorable words at Bordeaux, which at Brat appeared Irreconcilable with the reality, have btoome aa; noonUaUble truth to all that no oca doubts that, with the cadets of di vision which stui axial in Aurope, wiu tue weakness of certain States and the hesitation of others. If France had not bean astisftod with'tbcre establiahmentof iU national Government, if her strength had not been con eentreied in a firm and skilful hand, the question now to he decided in the East would have become the signal for on universal eoiinagraUon. it is necause every one is convinced that a prompt and energetic war was the only way to re eelshliih peace upon a solid basia and, ia shert, that this war, entered upon not in the spirit of oonqucst but made imperative for tha honour and aafety of all, waa only fitptW. Doootut or HrUAX Behaixs.

A human akatetoa waaditcoveraicat Konday last by the men employed, at tha South Durham Iron Works, Albert hia, near Dar linrtosL. To the north of the furnaces workmen hare for some fame Men engage aa removing ua cravti lorue purpose of the branch liavs from the Btockton aad JJarlington Hailway to the iron company's works, aad while eo enitlo atd they came cpon a skeleton. Untorta nateir, from tha manner which the men took away the travel, it was nrataa aa aooa as cttarevarea. IK paras was rtmatnad were pmortloas eranaVfrowa man aoout ue ordinary aim. The heave were all perfect and the teeth quite Kttad.

jl ring, sap seel te goia, was lounq the remains, havtac amreBttv been won upon the finger. It ia not a little remarkable that the remain wera fco onh It keahea below the awrfam. Pwrhare thia UaUthartsuInstoktoaBrrdr" strange, iVul, and not to execute. Franca and England could not earink hafar that consequence. United in action as they had onlnhm.

tha two (Teat maritime i'eweri share the glory of he vigorous resolution which forms the security of the present ana tne guaranwe au iu.ut. Aaturadly, tbe relationa of good neighbourhood between Twl.rul and France do not date from Long years of tranquillity, tbe progress of enlightened viawa, and more nequena rr sed aatipathiaa but this happy change waa more rapidly affected among tbe superior classes than in tbe mass 01 tne people, auo "a thinp to the fraternal relations which so closely unit the two natifti'. The transport of our troops to the Baltic in the Eaglish fleet, and the enthusiasm which the visit of the Emperor anthe occasion excited, had already proved to Europe the intimacy of our alliance. The viait of Prince Albert to the camp 01 Boulogne, and the cordial reception he experienced from our population and our soldiers, formed, aa it were, a final and solemn eoneecrauoa 01 toes auianee. me recoras of history added still more to the significance of this great event.

Upon those very localities which had been the aeen of our former strug rles the union of the two people aeems to have been effected by a closer tie, and the forgetfulness of tbe part waa renasrea more oompieve. mast do the English Government the justice of sayUg that it spared nothing to hasten such a desirable union. From the first announcement cf the re estahliehment of the Empire, when others were undecided aa to theoouret they should adept, England did not hesitate. On hit part, the Emperor, made wise by history, and faithful to the idea of nis uncie, wno so ewqucuuj. wp m.

England and France bad created by tbeir divisions, whil their union would have been so profitable to their interests and to the cans of humanity, waa desirous to free tha second half of the century from the calamities which had desolated the commencement of it. Thanks to. the good faith which has chsractcrixed the relationa between the two Statee, tbe policy which wisdom riifts'. to them haa triumphed, without either having sacri ficed its uterests, Its independence, oritsaigniiy. uu eutf pnihiss hav suddenly 'given place to reciprocal friendship and esteem.

Tha attacks of public journals have been turned Kia nnitad sratitnde and admiration. Tbe alliance forratd not only between the Governments, but between the people, is now cemented by the blood which their soldiers aa4 tailors aked together for the triumph of tha most noble CS aansas which led to the adoption of this alliance gaannte the duration of it, and the results which it has already produced indicate with sufficient clearness the consequences which may be expected from it, MR. ALBERT SillTB. Bt, Vincent Fewtrful Colossus Dauntless Caracoa Termagant Ifalaeea Hornet Hariar Falcon Ariel Swallow Seelark Bella, Spbynx Centaur Polyphemus Geyser Oheron Myrmidon EUotq 101 81 400 Bobiaaon .33 MO Ryder 31 350 Hasting! 24 400 Stewart 17 300 Farquhar 14 100 Forsyth 14 100 Story 11 iw Not in nnTnmiarlon 14 C0 Seady Fitting out Fitting out Befitting Fitting out Befitting Befitting Befitting Fitting out receiving their en gin Craafurd Fitting out Iieut. Lowther Training brig Lieut.

Fen wick Training brig Wilmot Beady B. Hall Befitting 6 540 Mot in commission 6 300 Phillips Dismantling 6 2301 8 0 8 8 6 WO 6 2S0 Pitcher, nght draaghWof water gunboat, a Deptford, having their eeree put en heard. The Palter, Pitcher, aad the few other hght draaght of. water gunbeam are to fitted with new aval gun, of a enattruetioa which will allow' of their being each at least two ton lighter than the 95 ewt. era! gun ef 104 asr rteam deepateh gunboats of the Arrow elaat, Tna htiLmi.

Tha 4th VUJlaasv KHltLv Iietaaat Colonel rUfet.eoei. mandant, have sow been oat atdiOl far the last seven weeks Uounslow. Tbe recimeDt hariag beaa embodied, oa Satur day, oa mustering for panda, order were read eat to in men that Ibey must be prepared to move this day. the route having arrived from the. Bora Guards for the regiment to proceed to Portsmouth to do garrieoa dty.

Threaeom panste accordingly wui prooswa mubw ma wj, am net of the regiment will follow to morrow. TO, THE EDITOR OT TBE TIMES. Sir. In rcferrinr to Tour exeellent article of the 13th a to the length of the liturgy, I would aleo call your, attention to the modern system of endless hyma books. Qa tha Bahhath day, wbaa I waa a lad, the Prayer book wa all that you.

war required to carry to church, the Bible being generally left in the family pew but now days, where ia some wt 11 frequented churches there is ao regular pew resort from Babbath to Bebbeta, one a pocaett are aacsmoerM with three books, tha Bible, the Prayer book, and a hyma nook. Xow a dayt, too, every popular preacher has his peculiar selection of hymns. At Cheltenham, for fasten ne, St. Mary, Trinity. Chnst Church, and 37 John's hav each their peculiar realms or hymns.

It may so chance that a pious mbliopolut, quaint in the selection of hia hyma books, is od the point of starting for some waterisg plao which has never hitherto gladdened hi eye sot is be ec psei6mjev.sstl A MltOtO. 22a Ksntasm araotrtt. Tha unrivalled Ascent of Mont Blanc reached the and of Ua loag and pmeperons season on Saturday, when th folio wing speech was mad by Mr. Smith And now, ladies and gentlemen, as it msy be torn little time before I have the pleasure of meeting you again, I hop you will bear with ma for a few minutes longer, while I d. tain you, to offer, as your travelling servant, a few observations on matters connected with our.

journey during the thro yean I have had the honour of bung in your aervies. I should act hav intruded theee remark upon you, did I not feel that something beyond a mere expression of gratitude was due to you for the singular sue east that your support alone has enabled me to achieve. And ia rpealdng of this success, I hope you will not think me egotistical in endeavouring, in some measure, to account for it from practical observation and experience. And I will, if you please, leave myself entirely out of the question, as regards my vocal and impersonating capabili ties, and Imagine that you came here simply to see torn well executed pictures of localities in which you took an interest, with such verbal explanations as might be pleasantly given, oonveying a little in formation that might remain after the laugh had died away. For the difforion of knowledge, instead of entertainment, was getting rather tiresome in fact, there was great danger of instruction becoming a bogie to frighten people away rather than attract, them.

When I fint tcok the Egyptian hall I found it a very dirty place indeed. Th accumulated rubbish of IpUndcrs, Egyptian mummies, overland emigrants to California. Ilolv Land Bedouin. electro biologists, and Ojibbeways, had something Augean its magnitude; and the cellars below formed a perfect mausoleum of dead panoramas. I do not know how many thousand mile of countries are lying beneath your feet, I hav already explored there the whole of the Bhin from the Alps to Rotterdam the entire voyage from Uverpool to New York the Dardanelles, Constantinople, and th Boephorus the route of the Overland Mail rid Marseillee and last week olIt, with the assist, anc of a spirited corps of six men, I took Sebaatopol, and tent it off in a van to the North Western Railway, Well, ladies and gentlemen, the hall was got into soma thing like order, and then I determined on a little reform in the audience portion of the room, which, I believe, has had so small share in bringing about the result.

In th first place, I abolished everything like fees to the attendants. Had I detected one taking anything from anybody, he would have been immediately dismissed. 1 consider, at a place of public entertainment you are no more called upon Ho give anything to the person whose business it is to show you to the beat available seat, that you have to tne eeivant who gives you.a cbair wben you call upon a friend. I then thought that offering the 4 150 A court martial was held oa board Her Majesty's ship Victory, a Portsmouth, on Saturday, to try Mr. T.

Q. Julian, second master of Bet Majesty's ship Euryelus, on a charge of drunkenness, of which he waa adjudged guilty, and stnranfyd to six months' imprisonment in Winchester Gaol. Captain Arthur Parry Eerdley Willmot is appointed, to ra cosed Captain Clifford ia command of th steamaloop Sphynx, and the will proceed in a few days to the Black The Colossus, 81, sen ship, Captain' Robinson, is expected to go to Splthead thia day or to morrow. It is reported that the three decker Royal Frederick, 116, which has for several yean been occupying the stocks at Portsmouth, although ready for launching, will shortly be floated and taken into dock for conversion to a screw ship, Tbe erew of the Royal yacht will be turned over to the rigging house la Portsmouth dockyard this day, on th Royal squadron being laid up for tha The Algiers arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday (Sunday) morning. She will go into Hamper, where moorings hav been taken up for her.

Orders were several dap sine sent to Devonport dockyard to have her repairs completed with all despatch. troopship Conrad, No. 101, Captain Findlater, 49 days from Constantinople arrived in Plymouth Sound oa Saturday. She will be kept ia quarantine until Tuesday, owing to an Informality about her bill of health. Two officers belonging to the Bin Brigade are passengers.

The Russian ship Carl, prue to Her Majesty's steamer Avon, tender to the Illustrious, has been sold by auction. at Plymouth, for the benefit of her captors. She was built at Bevel in 1847, is 376 tons burden, and realised 1.62X. Orders hav been aent to the commanding officer oa tbe Cork station for a portion of the Balds fleet, on their re turn, to winter off Queenitowa, Cove of Cork. Th Admiralty hav given permission to Mr.

Frederick Cox Dowson to study naval architecture ia 8heernes dockyard under the superintendence of Mr. W. B. Robin on, assistant master shipwright of that yard. nr Majesty's ship Gladiator, Captain Brooke, arrived ia the Downs at 11.30 a.m.

on Friday, having parted company with the Julia, True Briton, Herefordshire, Clifton, and Columbia transporta, with French troops on board, part of th expeditionary army returning from the Baltic, oa the morning of th 13th lust, off th Seew, with a strong westerly breeze. The health of th French troops had slightly improved since their departure from th Aland Her Majesty's ship Heels, Captain Hall, and the Driver. Captain the Hon. A. Cochrane, which had, in com rany with the Gladiator, assisted in towing th abpve named transport from Lsdsund to tbeSeaw, returned to job th Commander in Chief in th Gulf of Finland.

All well on board. Tha Gladiator paased th Harriet Stewart schooner, off the Seaw, on tha 12th, had rough iber tine leaving Bomarruad. Her Mai estys ship Meander, 44, Captain Baillie, is now la th Clyde completing her crew, she being under orders for Ukf WackSee. She hat already entered a great many first olaa semen and petty officer from Sunderland and the Clyde. A naval rendesvous haa been opened at Glasgow with very great, success, a number of first rat hands having joined Her Majesty service.

Her Majesty's ship Inconstant has arrived off. Queen's. town from Devonport. Sh ha been moored off Hawlbow line, and ia intended for any hospital ship. Thirty English medical officers have proceeded to Varna during the past month to reinforce th medical staff of th British army: 52 mors are ready for mbarcatioa.

One hundred medical men hav also been sent from th hospital of Val Grace to the French army, and 20Engliah medi cal practitioners to th Turkish army, Th Committee of Ordnance hav had their attention drawn to a new projectile it is a shell charged with a liquid which, when released by th oncustion of tha ball, becomes sheet of liquid fire, consuming all within its influence, th 1 moke emitted also destroying human life. Tbe following appointments have been made Lieutenants Charles J. Bowley (1852), from the Hornet, 17. screw steam corvette at Portsmouth, to the Curlew, 8, screw steam sloop at Chatham Elihank H. Murray (1834), recently promoted to the Hornet, ike Rowley; Joseph Hudson (1854), recently acting mate of the Cesar, 91, screw teaniahip, and promoted this week on passing his exemi nation at the Royal If aval College at Portsmouth, to the Curlew, 8, screw stesm sloop, at Chatham Hugh T.

Bur recently serving in the Boscawen, 70, to the Swallow, 8, screw steam sloop, at rorteuouth rredenck Campbell (1854), to the Powerful, 84, at Portsmouth and William B. I'euli (1824), to tbe llarier, 16, screw steam sloop, It Portsmouth. Chaplain. The Rev. W.

Uolman to the Cu racoa, 30, screw steam frigate, at Portsmouth. Second Masters. Charles F. Tepril (1840) from the Royal William, 13), at Devonport, to the Roll brig tender, to tbe victory flagship, at Portsmouth, ri Brown, promoted to be Master Charles M. Hughts (1817) to the Royal.

William, ricsTapril. Acting Assistant Engine re of the third class. John Franco. Channow, John Taylor, and Edward Ingledew to ths Fleet, The lizard iron paddlewheel steam vessel left Woolwich on Saturday, with about 80 tons of shot and shells, for Portsmouth, to be put on board vessels at that port under orders for the Black Sea. The Janus steam vessel, having completed taking hoard about 80 tons of shot and shells for oonvey ance to Portsmouth, cam up to Woolwich dockyard again on Saturday to take on board a fine gun metal screw propeller, weighing 10 tons' 8 cwt.) and 3 than' to, to shield you from this chance, I directed that for the Algiers, 9L acrew steamship, and will, leave the programmes should be about upon the seata, so that 1 Woolwich to day for Portsmouth, to transfer the shot and shells to vessels aboufTo proceed to the Black Sea, and then proceed to Devonport with the screw for the Algiers; Th Chesapeake, of Baltimore, has arrived at Woolwich, with a cargo of timber for the use of tha dockyard.

The City of limerick, steamer, on her passage round from Ireland, called at Jersey and embarked Captain Dixon's Company, tth Battalion of the Royal Artillery, for convey anc to woolaich. Th company arrived and landed Woolwich' dockyard on Saturday afternoon, and imrna diately mtrrHfl up to tbe garrison Sir James Graham, O.C.B., Fint Lord of th Admiralty, and Captain Richards, C.B., one of the Lord of the Admi you might take tbem up yourselves sa many aa you wished for. That this waa lor your advent! von will see, when I find that ainee the entertainment com 1 meneed nearly persons nave attended it. Had one half of these taken bills, at Id. each, the profits would have beta 623.

I next set my face entirely against the extortion I can give it no milder name of charging Is. extra far a place taken beforehand. So much do I hold a contrary opinion that, before Mont Blanc commenced, I had torn thoughts of making the price of places taken in advance Od. lea than those paid for at the doors, ss one ha a book; cheaper by subscribing to it than by buj ing it at a bookseller's becaua a great deal of trouble could be saved, and room more conveniently arranged for the comfort of an audience, when it was known how manv ware exnected. Th box bookkeeper was equally your servant as mine, in common with all the other attendants, paid a salary I rally, left Whitehall on Friday, and proceeded on an official to be her for your own especial accommodation.

I visit to Deptford dockyard, where their Lordships were re Again, idles and gentlemen, I endeavoured to keep the reived by Captain Superintendent George B. Martin, C.B.. enterteinmenterfthin such limits of time that amusement 0f ths departments of the victualling and might not gradually flag into bore and I fixed the time STr, of ceminencemeat at tnbeur possibly bettersuited to the yards. Colonel O. T.

Green. Director of Biglneenng habit of 184 than of a century ago, I put a clock before Juainted witn ma views, as it is termed, 01 to went asargy. he to take his entire library of hymns, br only half a dozen on spscuJ of my old faahii I rriare. in the fond oned heart, that th music of hold and Hopkins is fast sinking into disrepute, though. perhaps, Jung jjavld might nav been sotnewnat puxuea in recognixing hi own under their version.

But. aa wa must needs abandon thee worthies, would it not be better for tome spiritually minded men to mak selections from Dr. Watte, th Olney Hymns, and other pious authors, and, having incorporated them at heretofore with our church service, save as much trouble and inconvenience Ths congregations of Christ will nsvsr drop that portion of vocal joy and praise so appropriate to th great Author of th oft recurring Sabbath. It is therefore the duty of thoaa who love th service of their Lord to think wnat paalraa aad aymna would ana tnetr way meat accept ably to lis mercy seat. a am, bit, your mtoibi, amoa erraai, A LAYMAX.

Cheltenham, Sept. 14. BVy CMWa. It, aea al as afJ stit. ew reaui, at swat, WW a aaa aee a fTmx Lira iuHauzans lvjutootj.

I aXQa sweflbwra. stater ef hfawai Wnm awsse asj OAksatasM. Ka rtXXX. cas east Meatest, swava ailU.laasaailsK a a a ea sa. IQHTS ai" tUiAIWUSTlLyXlJt CUCT, Aatl aaviaiaaiaet, A We eea ewea! ataa ar avatsss tits wis te att tsr i'lf.

aiMt xxxli Kafatts. Beset tm M.a)t wihWHm Coiam. SAM SLICE'S NssWORithe AKEBIOXNS 71' rtsasa. Carkat a the Aasaee ct "itm St." "dual tee am aasaatar aa ever a A SSaartard. Tta Xa arto c.

Hoaaa tU 'aot a a teeahw taaej a a Jala HaOtaav oa's tee teas vte' atvaCao Kat, 1 11 nTTfrtillTaTe Dew Macvas all Us abrarkja ai 1 1 rlTHE YILLaQB MILLIO.VNAIRK. By the JL Aetbov cf Tea Win seaes at We aav "ttevri )' rts riir'atiiri mantauL Tt77T7mtit at. fw. TI, a sa Tiaoroas itiai.til Sansaa has att tea fa riis 1 Umrj OJ ara. taaoy, as ad Ska Ba ta I rekv.

HE LITIS and AD VENTURE ofa CLKVXBy woaU ml TaOLLOr. Vary aamvaaat. KiaaaS S. atis. TvoDnaa aanalT ansa.

TU'l JL.wZkwa. Mn. TroCoM 1 lb Tmm of Wato Sara Iks'. 11 kl aVs'hsal aaMi lb jm has sunlaial. Xa aa aaa aaVlttki aiasdtelv Crsaa.

w. 7, ail uatr. tisllwlil tesWaal Uia Ii. wrnOt as aa tettweae. YmX a KoreL J.

ZLPHI1T. STOTl DaiTKVXrlX. It loaf ataee se 1 1 aavcataansf a ao al haa htaa aewawtet as th ssAoe. A aSakaaaasd to as aasss ssata te pevaos a we. yortaa.

iak krtna Basv "laaavhlr illiiikii foe a. an li Tail au.l ki m. a. ca)vpd as taai wa rrtas Jaen Baft, Ba at aad ataaka. "wtdittoaof SOaiOv r.

aa you, that you might be your own timekeepers and the few minutes of interval between the parte has been moet punctually observed. And I you will allow me to aay in addition, so anxious was 1 for this regularity to be ebssrved, that during 838 representations, under every cireumstaur of health and ipuite and basin en, I hav never abridged th lecture of an important sentence, nor ever been half a minute behind my time. I have now closed th season, not because my frknda had deserted me, but hcoeatly for a abort holyday. The picture were netting worn out; th Beets and carpet were getting worn out aad I waa nearly worn out myself. I tnU start immediately for ChamouaL to see what freah anhiacts of rm or interest may be cioltected oq the root, which will be entirely changed.

Instead of th Pari aad StraaUng line, I ahall convey you to Swii Sttland by Amsterdam, Holland, aad th Bhin, and thence bj Bern to Geneva and we shall stop, em ear return, at Lyons aad Paris. (Mr. Smith tor read several communications, supposed to from Mrs. Seymour, Mr. Pringb, Mr.

Parker, aad other characters of th entertainment.) And now, ladies tad rvntle nen, tmtQ th end of Kovvmbar, wishing you 8 th health and gced spirits that I hop to enioy myself, I Wd mct.rpxWJl and paJeleJly, pobye. Work. Mr. Grant, Controller of the Victualling and Transport Department, Mr. Edye, Assistant to the Surveyor of the Kavy, and Mr.

Mallalieu, Superintendent of the IL Division of th Metropolitan Police, were present with the Captain Superintendent to receive their Lordships. On entering Captain Superintendent G. B. Martin's otnees, the various books and invtstories of tha torerin th victualling and dockyard department war inspected, which occupied upwards of an hour. Th workmen were afterwards muttered and inspected, and a visit paid to the ground oa which a new baking establishment is to be built, to enable the workmen to execute the orders lor biscuit for the army, now required to a pester extent than has been known stnoe th laat war.

Prtrlioary to tliTl yard, the dockyard poic, about 40 la. aamher, aaaaatlsii, jlu wm pat thiouih their ezares tlwirppakeaetd pssoeinei ef setmiiali alVi their Ixt i Sir JaatOthama CaaUiaB ehaaisia afloat UthtCaptaia Supexintetent's gig, to viait th Baak. aerew stoaaa patch rushewt, IMtesaaUcmxssjda MEflop, toe the Tax CnoLtTU at Livxarooi. Lrvrxpoot, Sept. 13.

At the meetihg of the Health Committee yesterday, th medical officer (Dr. Duncan) reported a considerable increase la th mortality cf th borough, th death having risca from 327 ia the previous week to 383 In th week ending Saturday last, a number greater than in any week 01 tne preceding nvt years, in increase 01 mortality naa been principally in the pariah of Liverpool, in which the deaths were 303 in the out townships, 77. The deaths from cholera weie 113, the oonsecutive numbers doringthe last four weeks having been 21, 39, 83, and 113. Of th coolers oeatns lass wees 101 were in aoe panao, aisanousea thus Scotland Ward (th low Irish district). 51 Vaux ball Ward.

16 Exchange, 7 St. PauTs, 6 St, Anne's, 6 Lime street, 5 Great Ueoree strc et. ntvstreet. a Warkhonaa. 3.

In the out townahlD. 12 namelr. North Toxteth, 2 South Toxteth, 10. With the exorption of two, all these may be coasidered eptoemio cnoatra. in an eourae of torn ducutaion it was stated that representations had been made to th local medical relief committee to open hospital in the districts wnare cholera chiefly pre vailed to prevent tne Moeaaity 01 removing eat to so mat a l.t.n aa th workhouM but thee representations had not been attended to.

Th disease ia croereasini rra duauy, but sureiy la th borooga, seen wees return 01 destb almost douuing tnat 01 toe preceding wets, tunc Tuesday 21 ease have been admitted into th workhouse, chiefly from th filthy and overcrowded streets of Scotland and Van hall Wards: 10 deaths have occurred within the earn time, and 33 cases remain at th workhouse under treatment, in th early part or tne wsex to eptdove ap peared to abatins: out oa wedaeeoar mere was an evident increase, the admission on that day amounting to six, of which three terminated fatally in a few hours. 1 terdav a man died immediatelr after he had been nlaeed ia bad at tne worknouae. navtac been removed irom atotra treet and hit wife, who had bain in thehoipital since the previous evening, died shortly afterwards. Diarrho a is elao prevalent, the number of daath last wek ia Liverpool being 55. A few fatal ease of cholera hav occurred at Birkenhead and Seacombe.

On Sundav a charwoman living at the latter place, who had been waahisg some clothe be lonsina' to a eholera natiaat ia Livsrrooi. wa taken ill and died in 15 hours. Oa WWneeday a lemal emigrant waa attacked by th epidemic white oa board th Covenanter, hint ia th river. She waa taken to th hospital at Birkan bead where she died the lame afternoon. There wa eon tderahl ehann in tha weather vesterdav.

Thar wen several sopieus abowen of rain, aad the air is oonaiderahry ooolar to day. CaBSKUM AMOCUTIOX. RtJTHTjr, Friday. This sasotlitinn i now holding its irbth ataual nesting fat lUtkla, Th sssetisg epeswd cnW'ed SMadajr artaiag, and waa attended by a larrs number of aati'iuaile from both North aad South Watte. Ia th absence of Sir Joseph Bailey, M.P., th president, Mr.

F. R. West, or Rtthia Caetle, occupied ths chair. Th general noeeedingt eommenoed yesterday, th first ex cur ion embracing th town of Ruthin and th cattle, th grounds of which abound ia objects of antiquity, and which were thrown opea to tbe member by Mr. West, Th priaena, dungeon, of th fortress were also duly inspected.

The evening meeting was held ia th county hall, when th Bev. David Da vies, of Ltaawnog, read aa Interesting paper on the Roman and other resnains found ia his pariah. The Uot at avsela ef Araat, PITER i UK and BARONETAGE ct the, BUTTSB KB Mai. BvStrBIMAaOBOlXX.Caair acinss. Kew eeraaav, ssrlasl sad aurreetsd a abs fassstaa ebosa aTlREWK RISK.

ANovJ. By JOHN C. JKAT rXtSOX. a am aavai. aa ana atat wMx al aaa aaaat "i if "inniii nm luili liiiimai rat 1 aruilaat a la aai kail tKkna.

1 HIT 1 1 1 1 asl in fi ia 1 1 imii witn laaaMtai lb. torr, ralea I 1 wMaiiieiiii thea alel 111 leg I aa tk vllk a vlao aa allav ska Haw at a 4 a fi inam Ha aaA ff i.t a aaa. I taBsanOklawtm. I TkSi aav. as all aba iawi r)A MAY a Story of Thing Actual and Potaihk: By MA IT LAXODOJf.

SHa 4 Er aa KSOLaa CUBOT. MAX. rcn tax teurta. Brtce la. U.

ana auatcv.Sna.aaA rav. rlOTOGRAIP Uao Jaa rraxF. Basis Ma a easalMlai dtaaiaai ot Um aieiliaail by vartoee am. nm emili Usat map. US, Bkaii aad lorn an Bja.

I iitiii bill. mint J. Ba tauten, BW WOBKTI or True rnndahip, a WILnOH's Nil FIRST CRIME. siaMlua Sad leantT. Bdes Sc.

aow nab fcw adon. Ms.aje.nasv, tlssha avsi, sad dpaaea, rasst au TnBHVKBJS wolaalaad Batall. Jaatawlillaliat. THE BUYERS' ORDER BOOK, with a seal ej mateaietana, tveca id. to MOs.

at (, 7, UL BV IK Mi BL aad te ana. rtU Sa, A. 1 1 1 1 1 1 lis VimL to tod tk rmeskan Wllaoa. Lnadiay Thai aa ai aatalahad. ana ad.

BOW, NO CROWN tne Ch arch of England Xikortal 10 CslW ar4 lb, Vn or til a. aad ate Baak ta ike at ate aev. r. siaai, sua. Kauoa, w.

ml. Hiri.iaa Kwat. Oa aot Tanlaa. TDOTANT. Part Ii Bv EDWARD SMITII, BlaaL Betas Mo.

OirtCarel, LoadoaTwakS. Oiw JaS nakUiliad. wdaw eras tie Tt Ii LEOTTJRES for TIUVeSeRS and 81 (X rraMaona. illnaul lo tbe Oaaavteatkai ef nte Ctawak at FaiiaiKtatMai a. Pr aa CT i aVayiaa CH XBLa Baxxa TOH, at.

Loo Tbs aaa I XJTLWSorttSTbaaz an Intrtxhio. KJ tloaks la atdotltrna iMnai, C1aaSaiMi a. sM Dwufbsttoa of naaH. rVorsaab; IBawarab d. Bf J.

jUUeuVKUJt Pretaavar ef Boaaar ss Vsavetsttj lVlarf ttlbabta A.ssaUC. lata. ITHKR mdftllTKRor? Sxetcha of Traf I tot Me ef tbe AaaaKe. Br BBSniALO raairaiijlav tew. following papers were also rtad "Oa th State of the by th Rev.

11. Longuevllle Joae Dieoovtry of aa Um, at Ortedd by Jtr. W. W. E.

Wlh Wynne, M. and On Oeraiat Ah. KrWn," by th Rev. How land Williams. Th xcurtions thia day embrace Pool park, Efeaeehtyd, aad some tarry remain on th adjacent mountains.

Refobjcatoky Lwtitliio roa thx Wist or ESOLATO. Exxter, Friday. A most Important and Influential meeting was held to day at th Castle, at which the High Sheriff of Devon, Mr. B.S. Oard, presided, for th purpose of exteblishing a reformatory aehool, la compliance with tbe Juvenile Offenders Act, paaeed during the iHtwasloa.

Thi being almost the first movement ia favour of the new scheme, unusual interwt was attached to it, and several members of Parliament were present. The requisition to the Sheriff wa signed by EarlTorteaou, Lord Lieu tenant of Devon, Lord Ebrinzton, Viacount Courtenay, tbe hfayor of Exeter, and several members of Parliament and other persons cf distinction. Mr. Billifant, county magistrate, moved the first resolution, to the effect that it was desirable that a reformatory school, should. be established, which was seconded by Bix Stafford Northooto, who spot in the highest terms of the ad van.

tage likely to be derived from th Juvenile Offenders Act. Mr. Sillifant stated that the number of juvenile prisoners la theDevon CountyOoaL in 1MI. was 07, of whom 37 were totally uneducated ia 18321 there were 52, of whom 30 could not read while la 1K.VJ there were ef whom 25 were unable to read. Sir John Kennaway, next moved that the proposed new re r.n,.nr4 vhnnl ba Ineonwrated with the Devon and Exeter Refuge for Diaeharged Prisoners, which was exta blishea in lJO, ana wmcn nao wwuj Government inspector, on whose recommendation th Home Secretary had seat a juvenile offender to be confined there under the new act, the sum of 6s.

per week being paid by Government for his' support. Since the opening of the institution there had been 102 persons confined in it, of whom 80 had been placed out in ecrviee. Th motion was seconded by the Rev. Canon Rogers. Mr.

S. T. Kekiwicb, county magistrate, moved the appointment of a committee, which wa seconded by th Rev. Chancellor Harington, who gave some interesting information relative to the progrestuf education. Tbe Mayor of Exeter proposed that aa appeal hould be made for subscriptions, which wa seconded by the Hon.

W. W. Other resolution wer adopted and, on the motion of Sir T. D. Aclaod, M.P., seconded by 8ir 8.

Northoote, a vote of thanks wa accorded to the High Sheriff. Earl Porteacue was unable to be present, but forwarded a donation of and upwards of "(XV. was announced before tha clot of the pro eaadinrv. Ther la not th slightest doubt that th Inetita tion will be aitehliabed and ite advantages will not be confined to Devon hire, but be open to thejrrouadingcuatiaa. II was also Intimated daring the' meeting, that on subject which the managing committee would hav to oonaider would be a to th desirability of admitting.

juvenile into th inititution who had aommited no offaoo, hut whe wer left friend and neglected. Fibx xx ta thb Crrr KOAB. A fire, attended with a reriout deetruetion of property, broke out at a few minute before!) o'clock on Saturday night last ta a large pile of manufacturing premises, forming a oonaiderabl portion of what is term! the Pump estate, situate in Pump row, Old street road, im mediately facing St, Mark's Church, and within a hw doors of the City road. Th prt nise wtreln th joint occupatioa of Mr. Peter Hooker, aa engineer, and Mr.

ornamental musical instrument modeller; The factory was Immediately behind th front houses ia th road, and was surrounded oa every aid by either workshop or dwellings. The brigade engine from Whitcroaa etreet Jeffrry tquart, Watiiag ttrect. Farrwgdon street, aad others from more distant "stations, promptly attended, a well aa that belonging to th West of England offioe from th Waterloo road. A good supply of water having been obtained, tb ttglne were all called into operation, and, under the direction of Mr. Superintendent Braid wood, tbe brigade worked in an admirable manner and th aame may be said of the Wert of England fireman, who' wer tinder th eonunand of Mr.

Conaortoa. Ia spite, however, of their sxsrtions, the fire continued to spread, and three of ths pado is floon in the factory were entirely destroyed. It wa not unto aa advanced hour yesterday morning that th conflagration wa wholly axtlngiikhed, and not before the factory was burnt down and the machinery destroyed. The private dwtHinp are also partially deetrcyed, and the premises of Tucker, enarhmaAaT, atrioualy dsm aged by are, water, Ac Th total lot must be very cocaiterkMe, aad Mr. Hooker, who wa insured in th DatWter ftra ofaVwmic about LOOM, above th amount hew la.

surad far. Mr. Tusker wa iacared in th Photnix are, Dxath or CixDrwAt Mal The wcrld haijexpertenced a sewer kawU th death of CaruW Aagalo Mat, whioh teak Albaao. bt hit T3d JntTCtwuiaal Mai wd hiThat to the UgB neaitloti waiohahaJaoqth ed the learned verld by ids erieo datoovtary the Piliisj I aatd teostsail CtilnmiM a BadaehTaiicw TtM4af kia.b UalAa ai wWA yl aad a abata XHE FIRST VCLUME oTo'rlE By W. at TRACKIBAT.

Wnk je tan ea ttaal ea4 I by BXCBaBO DOTLB. Bvadbexy MiBvaaa, 0.vara lMPuBTaNT WORat BOklABlSJI Tkaiaav. A BCSKR BUTLER 'a AN8WER to laatC Jatf akVaWv ef eaery akaaast WrtalW ttak eTVCastr. ta a fj.a t. Caatbsklaxv XaaasSkkt Oa.

1 14 adjw. naavte Bad. I rvxytl wt 1 a iuuie. rTTHE NEW COMMON LAW PROCEDURE, wU.g. Ball Tea.

tlaa.UVIaa. THS YOUN(T Tlljtiar EIRST yRENCH BOOK, wkh a Teeabatss ef tto' tveaeh aad Boah ad Koailet and VieechefaUu words tx4 la baok. Ij 8. AUVA. Uadon, Roosaadaa.

IS, Ot eS Malbw aa. Mr. LKoa 1CS atalmaJl ibji aru AI ICE and it CLIMATE. Witn Notices of the JLl trga So ta XarOlM, nd Otawratk at ta la Pnl Bcsss oa Milafa sad tts CTtosss Loadoa. Hose aad 0a.

Cvaat atsribsreett PopuioervatIon" ot Nervous HtaSita BaVatlv Mop as bawkbws aad ftas i Bf B. 1 Oft. M.B.C ta nC ola 4ra.S fill Mil ir. It, B3vH rtoitatan. AN ESSAY on FEMALE COMPLAINTS.

wnnrauTOJ XVSXS. Wk aMlosaaal Bwibimait, ST. Eraat IteaaaUr at, owjoatt tbe DMttak Miiiii Tinliita Caw, in Ca hna ba olaeaaa, Sateaato vbo a. aad Ommmytltm. bXBlHTV.

w. a. rf TDHYblOLOaiUAL HESKAI.CIIE8 into the OAUSWof KBLAXATION predeotd ttess Ba Wdaia ta atMVmtaa. Adaaaaaw nrlaat aataw ef tm BfBBDieUS. rnvao CBl.C.

1 Ju LlUkbl, lJUl mUttom, MWBonrnDiaESTIOW, Nervonj Dkwe s.Li and momact OomplaialaLow bCj. ao4 DoMt, af Warm CUraata. th nmin fyaa sraoana. Bf OIOKUB BOBXBT BOW BU), rAbta. less 1 MbOibtd.

Id ediuua. Brto Id. tac as. M. is Wt OW to AVOID the CHOLERA IWCJ rma rveeoeal Bala the roor act Wotla liaawajw lUiai.iiain.

kaa k. tiibatad nlaltoaatf bf tb tathotttaw of Bore tbaa IW ken Unm. aaaev aaaw. Mewaadf. Xos Is.

EEAFJJES3 PRACTIOaLLY lIXClxkAAA. Bf 'Aa. TBAJUIXr. aUrtsoa she 2 "JJ ataMvant; Anteltot oB te Hav Hk tb jate Qi a Oe a Iav akw of I Oaauokiu.rraaaan Mf. VSBBAL'atMBW WOBK.

seitloa, prkw kUi tHa ateral curvatoru ttt JLl Method ef TvdWS a ta, lae earkns Base" ef a aaeaU lilaf do ftpHAtl" a aToianbill. bsbvous arriwTiasit Ja, AH EHaAX oq Betar aad Tuakav aat DahlUnd, arto bv, fa teas av ai'ElOlATORRHlEA Ite uk aa poalUoa ef la aadttaa cxjixxoi of rarticixJis, imSjm. u1ob, ajwi kas lb tveafy, earn, aad Bv a MBBB1B af tbe XOt XL. atee. Leaden.

Ailott aed Oa. AMTII Tia TSVBaTtt XNT. ra tn. kU" CACIA CHARCOAL: Preventive andWrnedw fos Ckolsr euepwwaMart ladliavSKiav Owy larlai La I aVavxBlrB arnaV. WlBstt I WatISOTOd BV Bwt 4 HABVBT ea tb UL Jat AK in I ef Aatal ami svevbata.

BfWILUAM reapiaairy bar and DISEASE; or, a HiWBiaT mt tba Bar: Lcsooa. Beseesw. Bew ead.irtcaU.iOl ha GHOLERA not a Disease of the BoI aataVf ef she Bt od, and ewtioerf SJrJ'JJgfra waa Ct.larl aakf be Alius, aad ofwm Ceied eijoar. 1 CBoa. ef tb.

Xifllof rw kuo, lJLt' J0XB8. aVtltor ef tb ausalaf Beatlb. tlU way tne iw7 sewi iv 7 ON GODT dCTwl0 Uipaaa, Jota Cat SVeoad TTOMCEOPATHIO rh.7Umr rto teiass, mtfmm aaj Tlia. Sa aadrj Thtka aB ala 1.

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