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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 16

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

16 vx. fnwte frsi Bw.WgVi. Middlesex XHINNOCrl arid OAL8WOKTHY will SELL I btcjwtisNOKTOIi. HOGOAKT, and TRI8T I Vv auction. fw" ma THE TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 24.

1856. hmlm of Ajfcrchtw NORTON, HlXHJ ART, tad TRIST mi MrMMkofv fee lALXaSSae Mart, aa Jm Uh Ux KINOBMOKTH KflTATE, Ii ill nil Mk the HMa Uwntt, I aaMcaburat, Wnkim aoa Oriestmu ebowl tw, anise leal hn sad uareoruj town of Aafcferd. mltae af kr A about lea Mt dsaeoc. from the Aetif w. main i and ma land, wtal farra eraWagea.

and npdacaa, at 1' AM per arswaav'Tb enseal eras! of the UnlW Waw Lot Tbe Km oC Wl ttiaaiMM Sart Laac rna aod Magj. 1UH Fares, buaraded ewd Mmtod ear scads, tae n.l nua laid ears ta Matara, aad drained, wtth as old srmbouer, eM un ami ot arable, snssdrrs. aad iieetiue Uod. Farm, etas, so KleajsnorUi lliurcb. and adjoining lot Mek inaWial fenn aooa.

and (aha txaudiags, and imnl MrVwsrres of exeertmgly "7 oo. ia In th cecasnatKal ol Ml. Hawk, farm, a wj eocaparl Ettla pro iiielllTH saauasj aad enatasnlrai naaDaat ai ig. Mar as vt. 1.

11 aujry. Kar Yehaabl. JtnsMsal for a Lease, vram asv to parchaai at a CHINNOCK and GAUBYTOB'hY will SELL by AUCTIOX. upoe la. IV taa.

or rlaj. Jmv at IX wor aunt to a Decree of the JH Owl CxMoeery. mads fa tha above esvae. the ahaaHaAORXKMDrT. IXAbA of ervwa year, of taa anrOot KUUSBta ak Hu'.

rahaa. MlddW. aaMad ta tha CTUt et CTaaal yart aaa ouada, la a farinnnahai ind aaaUbfal kvaUtf The tmm nwrti kuprnor aoeoauaodataoa. and a la vaj kiaptad luc taa taiaaam ol a aatlnmaa'i taiallj. A laft ouUar bat ora mada In tba Valdta of a maaul it, (et Ion, ans IneWd Wacai and Co.

who bara tntrodaoad all thca maim hot water afaantoa, aad aiestad appllaDeai (or cutnlatlnf air a pro EHi atui Tha groondi an nttatn inrl UMrfagj aid oat, frail cardna. Ac. woll aVxacd. Tha acnamant (ta kaae aontaini at a filed turn, and aiu bv told, taclodtnf all tha ivtf to nuaaaav at a filed turn, and (mprovrnmU and ootiaf Blade by the nnarnt vrnen. wortB7, aalolkm.

11 Jtd Jrvrr chambm turt, ll, LincuUtVtnn brax aaU fcrBe, aoa mwamj Ma (am aoaaa. tarm boiVlnar and vwyml Bl'liaiiiia nrabi aoT aia land, euatalntnc vflh the Hrot meatlova. ftna. lr 17n la tha necorattoo r4 Mr. Jnha hartea and Mr.

W. 4. Thna MraSoM Enclnnm of Vanb I.vtJ' Kaow a Oodfwoa! and JadTa hlM firMa. rvtaining tla. Sr.

tn thaocvpaUrau Mr. tVa maa. 1x4 5 Tark Panawnh (ana ort iara and taraubaiMlnfa, and arrvcal rncinaarva of arable and Bxadnv Ua.1 emtatiuaf avrthrr IHa.1r.23o. In the nerupabon of Mwv Lavraaoa and othan. L4 a.

rcanV im ram. wtth (araimuiv, aailillma. and amval andoeurra of arahW and vtradner land, ountain. lac VaWherllla. Jr.

So. In the omraUua 4 Mr. Gonlatn. Ul. tkn Aak Fana.

with darpctU Lower, with Um, (arm bolfctaa. and ahout Cda. Or. v4 araUc and meadow Un aba oanqatloa of Meawv G. and J.

Wu alaate. Lett, ruur Kiu i. anreaof Arable Land, reorntlj dramed. and unpmred part of a.ti laada era tain txtf turrthrr Or. LV.

In the 00m ratine af bTwawrc jrU t. 11 11. 11 aui wiQ oieawt of rarton aronrnmudtUiri of Arable. Meadow, and Wood Land, containing lap. XaaKThe Mactwof Cnltt Ik aprirtnaro Mflnew.l, aad narlicular aad at the Rarat'rn'ahrad.

Aahf ord of Meara Sraitii ana Juhfton, Waraford eoort. Tirripnnrtoo trrt at the Mart url of Mean. Xonoo, Baoart. and Trut. O.

Old Broadlmrt, ral The 5tZt rruaaiUtliw to and rrwtaal Adnrwaoa o( the KoctorO. Klnetnortb. "TifESSKS. NORTON. HOOGAnT.and TRIST hT? J.T racatvrd tnarortiW In offrr KAI.

ml the Mart, in Frt lar. Jane JJ, the NEXT I'RWEXTATIoSto and rERPCTCAU AI TOWUUS of the RZCTIIKY of KISOSXOKTa. aituate al Hit two aalba from the town of Ajhfcrd. in the ononty of Kent, eiwiautiti af a nrf atnafortable recfcjrj Lou la the Tillaea of Klncaiorth, ekae to the church, with gardene and clcbe land, ouotaiaine ahunt S3 acra alao tha Uthra of the pariah. wbKfa In the jrar lMt were onrnraated at per annam.

The are of the Dreamt tncnmlwt a aboat M. Mar ra nrwed by prnnlaaon of the Innxmhrtit and parumlan had vt Mcaai. pmith and Allatoo. mltcltors. aamfordonrt, TbjoeinorVa) atreet at the Mart and of Mown.

Korton. Hotxarv and Trat. a. OM BroademeV Boral Isahanre Yahuible rYrebold Kandeaca. wtth Pleawin Orfwmda.

Oardma. frrheea. and Land. MESSRS. NORTON, HOUO.ART.

taA TRIST harareoaleed batractku to Oder (or KAI.Klry ATCTIOX. al aba Mart, on rnday. Jane Tl, a Taluahie rRttllOLD rBk riKTY. dettchtrolll atsate. al Clay bilL VUddlnwx.

only two Bllea tron the atoAeld MaUon, about three nillea from Waltham Bta taga on the rnlim Ooostlea Railway, and 11 mil (mm Lou. loo. II Of a nbjtarmaUT txutt KatOeocn, enotalnlnt rrrrr aheraabouta. In tha oooupattnn of a mrwt reapeetahle trnant, at a waodrrate rental of jDto per arnam. May be rtewrd by cardi only, by lnaw.1 11 af the tenant, and nartienlan had at the Inns at lfriftaM, Vahhaa Abbry.

and bdmontiai of Mean. Uatry aad Howard, auu ratcra, 1 Ancel oourt, ThmcmorUwi.rtreet at the Mart and of Meaaa. Kortoa. Borjart. and Trat.

fi. '1 Broad ob eet. Uoyal Eiehanre. Tha Ptrpetnal AdTtvwaon and Kelt rrracntation to tha Rectory of Uild Hirham. the eennty of Xarthamrton.

ESSRS. NORTON, and TRIST bare marred lnatraotiwtf to oCTer forS AI.C FriUr. Jnnet7. the ram'AL ADVOWSllN and NEXT PRES KXTATION to the BECTORTafCULD HICHAM In the county of Xurthaiunton and Srpi and arrea of and. of the Talneofat kaat M0 nrr annum.

The xtent of the parah a about 1.7U0 aerea. the population only 400. and the ate of the reearnt meumbent aS. Paroeulan mav be had of Mean Currw. Woodcata, and Williama.

Si UncolnVinn netdi at tha Mart; and of Mean. Korton, Hooart. and Trut, 61 Uld llroad utat. Koyal dcaanfa. IV aAlnloa.

TtfESSRS. NORTON, HOGG ART, And TRIST XTX nara letarea tiatractnia 10 offer lor hale, at the Mart. 00 Frtday. una at In one lot, raluabla FRKKHOLD rSTATEH, artnata ta tha ialand uf Dominica. adtUnina the lea eomtwUane the Landooaerry UiU.

nmitalnlm about TS7 aerra. and the Pairoartla aateta, aontalnlm about Km aerea, of wUcBIT? aem are in cane cul tl ration, toaathar wtth tha whole of the dwaUinl bouam. mill boum diatiUery. plant, lira and dead rtock. and oomj.lcte art of worki.

The vrwin jeart7 crop a toe iwini ror uie law, ricni yran nar oooruie'i cf Docaheada of tufar, puncheon of rum. and puncheoni of Timlatara Partaculan and eruditions of aale 'mar had of Mmrarm. law. Horary, and Hulbert, tolidtorv 10, rwiuar. UncotnVuin of Mr.

WUliam Andrrwa, 14, Xew Uty abambrrt. Biabrninae rtreet: a the Mart and of Maars. IlortuQ, Uorrart, and Trat, 61 Old Broad atreet. Koyal raccanca. DurhanjL Valuable IVeehold Ertatea, oontalnlaf tofrther upward! or 71a aorea, ana 01 Taiae or cm prr ESSRS.

NORTON, HOGGART, nd TRIST haea mtraa uatrueuora to oner (or BALE, at the Mart, on 3, Jane Tt. at 11 o'clock. In two Iota, Innleai the whole ahould he arrrvwrfy cbercard of by prlrate emtrart.1 rry raoaUe FKEEHOLB ESTATES (tithe free and prinnpaTy land Lax redeemed, aituate In the tnwnahfp of Kewaham aad panah of Kqrlranliffa. In the eountr Of TJurhajn. about arrro mike from arrea (rnm Wcvaall.

from Durhnctoo. and wrtldn a abort datanoa of Yarm. where tarn a a railway ataUoD 00 the Btocthn and OarlinOon Railway, and bounded 00 one Ada by the nrrr Tree, the whole oomnruanc 108a. Or. 6p.

of htzhly produotira land, which will be rubdinded Into rwo iota, ar rouowa Lot 1. neeizuun llaa ana Aewaham Urance Farma. torether wtth an undlndrd motrtf of the Manor of Kewiham. and tha ntrbta, mem ban, aad rrirtenanoEa therrto belonttiif aituate la the panah of EtfflrariifTe. with (arm bousrA.

(armarda, barna, and ttfneultnriJ boildincV three roUaffra, gardens and orchard, and numerooa wrhaua of aralia, paatura, meadow and wood land, lytnff well tncataer, In a bih rtate of eultiTatlon. and oontallt tnc iSOm. lr. ltn. In tha occupation of Mr.

E. Braithwaile and Mr. Bell, annual tenanta, and taertber of the eetimaudrajueof jCOOorr annum. There a a beautiful me on the 'rwaham liall Farm. orcrkiokln the rrrrr Trea, well adaptrd (or the rreotion of a reatdtsnoe.

Lot 1 White Bonaa Tana and part of Nrwvham Hall Farm, alao in the panah or upeaaine. ana aajauilBf lot 1. onrawnrtf of a aarm eoctare. yanu. and (arm buildlnaa, and ereral rnoloaurea of prlndpally araue LuvL In a rood (tale of oaltiration, and eontarniin toe ether Ilia.

2r. JOn. to the of Mr. GarburU and Mr. E.

Braithwatte, yrarly tenanta, and of tha animated value of 230 per annum. The aetata my be ramd by application to the tenanta. and particular, with plana, had 11 day prrrioui to the aale. at the nutria at Yarm, (Stockton, Darfarton. Ki eialla, and Durham of Meaan.

Flumtrea and Ilrjdnct, aolicitrra. LambVouiloinci, Temple of R. liarry, rark hin. near Whitby. Vortahlra at tla Mart; and of Meaan.

yoreon. noarart. and Trat. U. t)tl Broad etrect.

Royal Kxehanra. 5a. 1L Liord atreeL Pentonrille. (or Occutiatlon or Inrestment. MR.

ELUOOl) wUl SELL, the Mart, en Wednev dar. July by ordrr at the Truster of the ill erf the Rer. T.R. Welch, dacraaul. a handnonir and rolatantial detactied KtMDE N'CK mod wailed rarden.

0. 1 lJoyd atrrrt. Uoyd a ruarr, 63 (ert in (rout pj Uv feet In depth, hartnf a portioo rntrauee, (our rood lilting room all on tha Tvtneroal floor, and errm or rbrht bed mmli kitchens, ab latio the Ser. Ceorn (Morn till Uinstuiaa at a low rent of GO ruiocaa raw and held of the freeholder (or 5 rrart at a ground rent of SI rumraa. May be riewad by tiekrts uue work pnor to the aale.

and parueulan naa at toe aswi. iiunctun at the Mart of Mram. ftry, Warren and Hardinx. 57, Great Buaaellatrect and of Mr. Uroud, rmpoaretrees.

In CbaDOcry. "fVTR. ELGOOD ill SELL. At the Mm on Wednw XT J. day.

July 14. at 11 a valuable FREEHOLD rKOPERTy, eiltaUy situate on the ntrth side of Linooln'a inn uelds formerly occupied by tha lata Dr. Moore, and latterly as pruftaaional chem'uers at a rentof above 300 a year. It baa a food elevation, with routh aspect and verandah, overlooking the extensive and beautiful xardens of the aouare, and tha value will be rjoriaderably increased in the event of the cxntemnlatrd erection of the new law courts In thk snuare. Msv lie viewed by leave of the tenants, and particulars had at the 11 art of the toliaVxv Mr.

(ieorge rridham. Plrmcutb Mr. KennoU. 1, Linouln's tnn neias Meesrs. rirtrgs, ana Mr.

Hnoulliet, Lincoln sinn fields Mr. Walker. 1ST ot BiUun'alaiie and the auctioneer, Mr. soriion, unposu smet. ResideTior and Effects.

5. I'lstcr terrace. Kecent'stuu k. MR. ELGOOD will SELL, on Tutdny next, July 1, a small HOUBE of modern FCRXiTfKF.

the j.nprrv ot a gmueman rusng aoruaa occoieuing arucirs lor tnearawiiir ana Old KenWoad. FThold Ground Rents, amminting to 34 M.M r.r annum arudng from 64 Houaii. at llatcham Vew town, and a Pair or neat nonage Krsaencrt, proauang a m.u ur a year. fVtR. V.

J. COLLIER Iju received directions from 13 the Morttafeea, 108LXLI7 AUCTION at Uia Uut, on Too dar, JuItS. at 11 18 lota. FREEHOLD Ll UEh'TS amouut Inc to 234 2a. 6d per acnuui.

securtd upon C4 rnll dwelling Lous, and premiers, situate tn Hatcbam strett, Croaratnwt. and Hatchanv road Old Aent ruad. The prois rty a of recent erection, and let cn leases, (or terms having about 90 yean to run. The ground rente a visas about 3 15a. per house, snd the property will be raid ia lots BMxaraing we arasre aao a pair 01 at rrsiuences, called Alpha cottarra, situate in Ilatcham strrct, pnludng a rental of 34 a year, Czieahlra.

Valuable rreeh'jld Manorial Estate, a oompsct Farm, contalnlrj 173 acres, with superinr Kendmceand Il3tneewal a subrtantial Water corn Mill, wtth Dwelling house, and nearly 18 acres of land and a small Farm of 25 acres, with suitable Resiilenc' and Buildings, the whole being di llght(uny situate within a mile o( the maket town of Audiem, about five miles from Kaiitwich, and nine from the Import sot Railway Matron of Crewe, rrtidenng It of ewer sua, man woe metropolis ana uie principal towns northarn and midland dian tcu. TVC, V. J. COLLIER bn received directions from ITJL the Mortgageea to SELL at the Crewe Annt Hoel. at Crewe, un Wedneadsv the 511 of Jnlv nert at 4 in rw.

lor. the MAJfOR, or reputed Manor, of IIAXHELOW. and an ficeeiliigly ratable freehold estate, containing 11 acres of vrry fertile and pro isewme lauu, wiui a superior rooocrn resiscDOs and ana larm duiioiuss. 01 an anusuauy raintanual Oescrlptlau. a newly ssjected bnek and tiled water os mUl.

drtvirig (our pairs of stone artth miners dwelling, stabling cow bouse, aifi out lmi'dlngi. Tie farm, Ineludiiig 173 acres of the land, is in the occupation of MrTTh.o. sun. a most ivnuaasmc yearly tenant, at the low annual rent of 30n and the saiU and tha rexaatnder of the land are lt to u.n tram year to year, at the very moderate rent of 130 per annum, the lansnta partus' the land tax and all other oute oinrs. The 1.

will comprise a compact little (arm, contifuout to the above, containing about 25) acres of productive land, chiefiy mceUrv and pasture, with a neat dwellinr bouse and appropriate buildings. In the occupation of Mr. L. lAsle, an tmprorklg syl cxceUent yearly tcnatit, at the low rent of 45 per annum. The above valuable property iaadrantagoul situate on the excellent turnpike road leading from Nantwich to saaraea sjrarton, lormg aoous eum custaot rrom eacn town.1 in i capital norUng diatnet, regularly hunted by three packs ot hounls the river Weaver, which forms the boundary of the estate on one aVSardi neellent nsbing, and dlvldee toe estate from the prism ea of the Rev.

Dr. mith and Monk. Eao hence the satate offers erea attractions to a ffmtietnan destrout of combining the pursuits of a aprevasnaa wtth a rrofi table afrlcultural oorsination. as a small outlay is Oeci ration would render the rvaidanee ruttable (or the leeupation of tastily of high rrapectability the estate alao rreseota an tmexcep Jionshte investment Three pews in Andlem Church appertain to 1 The property may be viewed by prrmiauoo of the refiaietive tenants, and nrUculars may caiord Vlx. n.

IWUrse, Eso, aoliator. Auletn at the Lamb Inn. Xantwkh at the Crrw. Arms "Ota. Uwe Mean.

Bearefl, Fox, and SewrU. sotidtors. Ores TJisaat, Old Broad street, London at the Mart and of Mr. Moorrate atiest. London.

Xxvt Fraehcad Mssiortal Xstasa of Bordle CuS, near lrminsion. Hamp ahira, acmprauig an axaalknt Rraatnoca, sM 6d0a creattiUie T. ESSRS. GREEN f2S. Old Bnd treti have JJJL cetved taatracticca to SELL by AUCTION, at Qsmnri, orrow.

Jwy at 11 tardea. fn the meantlm. iaipoasdofiriba eeakal nuCEHOLD MAJfORf AL ESTATE, eSattogot' the rarjixenaa. know, aa Hordl. Hcsa? wTihlSiSdeni' tedaaaaasssswssUwesswaM by the late Dr.

Chaaut rs, vrttoapitei a ia, i iej ta, sotssaaa, and about 00 acres of sand, within Iraxiaana.M TheaartcsteS the satass aormeua an extent of aa SSlj Castia. Tbi, rS y'lJ', agadhiiittmii wtth aa ednurable aoustry ud BNknM TkaJa of CUIbe iBun Wtth Ma BOWv, mauaVoa, rich waOad part, and capital faraa. rounded by tne river nart. ejose vo toe sown ta Tjy, York and llarrogata, a highly plttiiiesuae ar of the nly seven aUlsa frisa Ktarrvborouch, and 11 frj. Leads, snar ranch of the saeeai of ssasnlpaeas of isavss.

fESSRS DANIEL SMITH And SOT. will (orJes, jjl anarawaaavabsJlW aiiissasb; saaAja) aabaaS to puhfia nSMFsTmOJIaltha Mart. THIS DAT. Jwea Latll the show moat vahsabie and daagnsrol sTTXHOLtoasat iHj lliee tias KeTATst, nsiiutatng a essvksl sen aiarloUB avawarss. sihi swery sawaasnaga a rasaliy of extraction, aupaoar aaaxssra, siasuaasa.

iiasiai ahlrxa.ludwea. aa. all ta eager, survoupdrd by a nch mbaswd nark aoclosrd a wall, aad skirted by the river for a iarahla ax vrtrt, together with several grat rate arwav wtth snMahle sad most aabatairm) raiinta, the aaods of good isapirsrlbie tssasrta. at vary low rents, ajaoswther about 1060 acres. In a rlrst enea, aad la the midst of a neighbourhood of the highest last a I sbtlrtr sa the heart ot the Brasahses Hunt, and wlthm saay reach of tha York and Axosty and other bounds, and with a ana rVturss sad Wtwkl of Art of the Wheat class MESSRS.

CHRISTIE ANSON mpectullr notice IhM ll tarsanl aiLLrXTIOX of rMCTURX3 1 akhsatdaas. toJnZagths teal Kamhow Laardaoape, by seeJsaora. Isiasss anlna, esrvtnga hi wooo, miaanias aaosas TL7r IS lvwd from notae asasatoa la the TarVao. on rrTu their great Room, and 10 bs BOLD on A Frsehcid Bo Itabesa IlaH. TllMI mm Tif B.

ROBINS wiU 8KLL by AUCTION, tt th XIJL MsHt, OQ Tar Osj, 5RS CHB18TIE and MAN SON nmethOj tttf Mm wm BELL AUyilw mm mw, mmamtOiiM 1 wtth mil pMit at Um Th iifr tt ArtrraAeb jd faf tiwArinin, lodti ittttaaU ITOD (M Tway moa wwzu rciwN km VsUKm, upon tb wrricc 1 pUte. Jmk i ftnd nrlnlf dntten And OafnTixigs, mad tbf fsWUtatmUrt collettoo oi Mm? riewwl Xhrm timjt yrtexdlnt, tad laflnnf bmA. tmtm qiiaviJtT Wctui jwiiw ud woodM hew. Th Und to of fixrW If tf ,9 noUo 4haU tbry will 8XLL by Al'CTK ml thctr crct btr vrt rich Tnnm mod mUwi tetrmmA with Kii tit St JmiomX oo Wvriitdr. JuJy Ui im thn lnf wonrllitwto.

and ft gxdrr4 IvytkTC JowtoJ iUyxiu 1 pattwl. by order of the Elxixrutori, tb bodon TurunAod, I ofjcuxnUtioo Ucd to tb lorn, liinittnc hich mti mod mS9 penu aaQa AtUlIUL Kjlid' 1 rv thvrrwtt. lr rrJtJ H.lf Oisa 1 ewrt.rr, ex Hct mod tiowmui, UiKrtnV trinM cf th mmtmXm. Ftvikmlan wtth pUcs Buy obumfd at Bt Dt ta.rvt21.cctt liw fTiinnnrh mod tilwarthy, S8, Rul tUtvt, xhm ehMf boteto Watberby. Kiwvmbnrotjck.

mcto; at th Auction Mart oi Mr. W. Jf Btaod uaUy ytraitoir rbnraUJ China, OeUr Ti2vi4a CMflNN(HK ani tJALSWORTHY wiU SELL by AUCTlUN. uo tha IWrt aa mbor. oo Tuctkfay, July and 1114 ilAK puntiui to a ixravm uc ux 114Q nw.

01 qaoctt. bAewtUi tn th niit of Kay t. all tins ekvant and oustly WFECTrt of Cjc MA5UN. lnfiudiiic a drawing mom went ta naf llaiTvd tauii, manitrWi iuiwru ana 0Dtici, etvr va i 1 nr Aiuctac, poc dm atti uui tarn chsxvtn the dioir nx m. hrixira, nurauid ruttt am uniiah i in a cjrTTvuodai itjW, and Udulo iaf vtii mmU walnut trw exlartvlULj OUaiXaX taOilrft.

12 Oitto cnair. irrV kUxanl Burtooutitrl by large pUu I imam, mot aeon mcaa oxmciM t. ML tMcff and tnaa fcall Acnn i riAmrtiu, kc Ttt oualcsU uf Uie iiecuni a(rutrtiu miiinae a lauderta cand ok caurT brdrtratj llh fLfvml latit. furrutur. i.maUitrt.tsaJ trvsi twuaiU.

bawla rmr dwarf aim wui(ea waMnbr mstfUe WauJs taU.dx. UiilartaL aiil rhaoalt urtn udaaft a. Thn wlne mtt tht pt rlvM atl rry chftc. acrd outuut of Kart In lia Hhrmr ani Matletra. 4d ISrt.

LIitte CUrvta. Ac The camv rr nrnttruc a Dewly Uiill cart, an oi nul ixi aaUl plitioij Lini( ampL. fhwmca.ti.m for family of wvnk and faTttiM, wtth by 1 Vte rs a asuaUsa, mud a twxlairni built UvnicLaiu. The honr aiv Kixlggocn mAhnnriT and tonne vtAlrraar tLaahtcany dtiora. fte.

Tbe wcthy tle attrtiUoo of DO4rrxtrn and rtlc Xbcn. May be ncwiad two wirn ditiniiihxl aa Bt, PrWtaod Ht. PauJX outnvnm the chaKl. 1 (VrniiVwu Wctore rnso, thMtrra, AtKU, n4rctiT.a, but LDLfbt I be eaatiy rroioTrd. Tbrre are capital rtaivUiug and farrn tiuiidlni with Otskcnoa oracrtv exctciitji ana rumanuc pi9s may rematn on ba obtainnl aft La.

UedaTViwk. and Har ravar. lktetd. Milford FrtnhftrkL aolidtun. New Baak brnkliDn and of Maavvalatael (vaiui and Boo.

tana in atcr ioo pimot, who fairy aot vwt tn tr a fur diapoeal reerinua to tba auctJoo. The Pnnr park Eatata, lUtiueoiBprtittif a DoUa, ipteodad, and vpackjua Htone Manatao, wtth tU cstenaiT tnudero wii, cinnrr4cd by archt tvctural amda and otjcrviori, lately oecupted aa the Great UuauhO Catholic CjJt afT with Tanuua other ADradaye dclAxhtfuIly lituata on oue of tha pmud tanincnota oreriUiis the fine city of Bath, and a tiimandiriff grand eirauM of uatcnifioeiit keenly, but orDtVd tn prn.t ground of porvvuig and rmrved beauty. ESSH8. DANIEL HM1TH and SON are commli ITX Hoard to prepare for qUm CVMPETITKiX. at the Mart, near tha hank, of taiglaud, THIS DAY, tha 34th Jane, at 13 o'clock ttuiiesan aoerUbleofler ihall be prrrlfxaUj made by prlTate bratyl tnr in a few aubdiruiijcia rrraratint ehoiw tit far buildicg) the above ry imtnrtant and ar fanwsd KfrATE, within and onuar ratrntly pna ayaaiiAg ainndtTalite taflueDce In the bnrugh of Bath.

It eumpriewa aeaiiy2tX) a rtragfjtotvUlbe chicfir wxind pactureland. tcly andulatrd and richly woodtgd. and ernbelhahrd with ornaaieiital plar.tatl.nia, and bndgra. The inantaon tfomw rly the wtt ienoa of Lord Hawanlen) to ot tha btwt Bath irtone, abd In a perfect Rate, rrrsrtitirifi a dom tpweiiiMra or arciiiwcture. wiu a pasa ptrtico to each prtocitl front r.f kAy OunnthiatA columna, and 000 Tba BvTiee of PUie.

rurriiturti. and Effects of stvr AdBiil the JUaht HOB. LrOra masaxT nwum, immf vrnw m. TtfESSRS. CHRISTIE and MAN SON refptfaliy pr 1 tt.

Kmiw Hnhi nuTiiturts. tiraametital Durcrl objecta of arta and rrrtu. glaf m. lion, wine. anl bouki erf the Late Ilear AdiuinJ Lord Adolphu IMicIaimoe, 1.C rrroottd froea hii Uwdahip'! late ilooe.

A mtaa ari oonrt. Bt. Jamea'i ralace. The plate eompttara a haodjnse and comp)t te terrwr, made by ttwwr and MortiBv alao aotue buUful pecea of anew nt nnuamental eUrer and gilt, Tbe oniamenUl otlcta oompriaf hndome Frruch clocks and rndelabra, Diraden and Bexiin purct la.n, niulTbotea. mtiuturr.

and yisfra.sri riAM, and auae bijnutcne. The IwukkulI furutura nwrjirTTi. and in the beat taate alavo a errxe of gLaa aisd luxm. hanti ftime sUrtjadf and deaaert irmm, eome booka. and a ftniaU etdlar of Further notiee will be gtyrn, dtvyt pirrUiia'.

and catkcviv rach) had upon the prvauAca uf Hrrt J. aui W. Oalmirthy. avliaUTm, 11 uld Jewry chain Uv w. Tnriuuil, ri rr iv r.

ix ux Jrwry cnamtstre Mnn. Iluckortt and AUjin, Kiltctora, 17. laiWi'n'auiw teld of Meagre. Hrtt and Bowrnan. lJteeclnVinn Ditte and of Meaaa.

ChiPDorA and llr rnrthy, atx tionarra. gt, atreet. WaWko plcc. rreehold Buidiiig Hitea, Weet hill. nrar Wandrworth.

CHINNOCK and OAUSWOKTHY will SELL by Al tAt th ate. on Thar lar. at 11 PUITH of FKKKllfiLD BUILDINO comtrnjung torUin of the WeaVhill Katate. adjoUiiiigthe Wlmllln pir. dfrtnaht, uccupying wnne of tha highest puund in the naghbiirtaonil, din banding eiteoaire riewa or ncuir uTT rvuiru wuumj, tivrmuux va bfbtnhMm aid the Humry HilU.

The pluU rary froc a tjuartt of an mat Bpwarda, and will ba anld with the usaal Ratrictk na, ahich hare brrn wo eotMlurtre to the general adrantsca to partita buytng plota on On. Mt attL Tbe utea are anrriched 00 all aVlra by good ruaU. the toil la grarelly, and the Btuation wtthia 10 mtnutra'of a railway rtaUuu 00 the Rjchinond line, and cocitigtiou to the iioble arenue akirting wimhic pari. mm 01 a moarrate oiaxactcr on um eeute uuxx with tminriliate tmrrriMtTi and rrmdy orxuikkr. ivndcTirjf the Drotiertf eligible fur a eafe and profitable tnTtatxnent.

Slant and pakkniUr may be crbtalned of Mown. Batty and WhJtbote. 2 OisVkv etrret of C. F. iundy.

olkntor, (uitmsaiainUTt, 8, Krjt tFri ana uc tne aucumer, 3, iunt atrttt. Flntlaai City rrr hoJda Lower Thamea treH, clo to Fth artnrt hiil liround Kent or tw prr annum, rcurrd hy a nrwly erecte 1 lr pTty nf great Talue Two capital lioiuira, wtth large Khnp and a ralnaUe Warrtitmiae of thre etenra. In Pudding lane, adanuu loiliiciii( Wvrther 30 per aiipum very eligible uiri taULwnU tor trtat mncM rs C1HINNOCK and OALSWORTHY are instructed to StLL be AUCTKiy. at tha Mart, on Thundar. Jul 1 at 12.

valuable FKKEHOLD KaSTAT eomr Tiaing the newtynted range of warrboaaea and sabopa, stoata and tng Horn. 121. 123, and 12.1, Ixrwer Thamea atrrrt, with the wuvhouae ptrmutca In the ar. lt at tl kw ctouim! rit of XQ per auttum, iLm rack aiaiuad value betiig alan two aqlatantial hfMiaea, with large h'T. vaulta, and bunl Dnw prcDsUtc.

being Aim. ivu ai.a lr. iwef ixniijwi, ana a valuable warehnuai i4 four ftortt raulta. kc, aituate tn Pudding lane, adjotning, partly let 01. laiv and produciisg 440 per annum.

The Uit CHINNOCK and GALSWORTHY will SELL by At'tTION. at the Mart. cnThurday. July 3. at tn two lota, the rretixKirtaut FREKIlOLB MAR INK ESTATE.

ampnu)g2t5a of Lavt.l of a bLchlv urwlulatiiigt character, cor reed with clautaUona of larch. piiie, and iitbrr dectduooa fonat trvea, oorupytng a mort omm andiug rwtion. aituate only 1 niilc from BiKirnrmcMith, 34 mil from Chn. it church, aud 7 trm ronle. The property it bound! by nhsutsUl retatcatf Sir P.

B. Sn lly, Admiral and Wadham LKe, Eai. The Tlewi from the uitate are delightful yood aacTTr tit n. eiU Lding from Hur Ctle to Oorfe Cartle anl the I lirbnck hJia, 1 uc ling the Needlea, and a largf portioo of the Isl of Wight. Ikrurnernouth of Oeeke, arrhitcct, Bourneniouth of Mfmra.

Uiiuiick aud UJxwurUiy, watenwpiaoe. VY imUedou corn two, (park Bd. Important Hale of Frt hold BuiU tnffSitea, of from one and a half to four acrea. CHINNCR'K and GALSWORTHY iU SELL by the Mart, on Thmwday, July at IX numr vrry elHtnble FREEHOLD BUILaOIKU PLuTH. eapeciaUy adapW fin the erecUoo of 6rrt clewa vUlaa, which let and aril tn this locality Lmme diatrly or Uy they ar finished.

The land forming this sale cim pnw the lurham hlll portion of the beautiful dnuii of Wimbled park, enunentiy duluiguiahfjd aa tbe most healthful neighbourhood tn the envtrona af Lradoa, eairy of aoceaa, ocing otaijipx mllea from Uyde ia Dear the WlmUedon, PutziCT, and Wands worth Batilway hUlaOtia. Tha estate Is well supplied with pur water from an Ajttfnaa well, lighted on its outaklrta by gaa. and UAiaaiaed for tts picturt jue KeiAir and delightful dritee. Three rlota may be approached dirtK. tly fnm the common I7 the New road, the gruunds of Btdxnont hniae.

by the ratnutoo Dear the Wimbklun Htwatiota, alai try the ldce drive at Ijtzjry hevth. through the plantation, which leads to tbe bruw of the hill, commanding the natural amphitheatre formed by thw very eligible bulldinc sttea. XK arnMiva ptvrticulari and pLant. tray be oi sure giuunda, with terrace and other walks and ndea of unusual variety ana eitetit. Tbe wdom aor iLoajng witn speingv 01 ue puma water.

Alao aii rriieunental eotuge retreat known a the rVkjry a complete gymnjatium and several neat etitrance lodges, an obaxerratnry, and very rahiable stnue iriiarnea. Icnitive paiticulara, with rlans, may be tad (price Us. each, to admit four perattil at tha chief tibranea In Bath of wrm. Wtta and PtAgrave, aulienora. rULh and at tha Auction Mart; if Meaan.

DangrrTVeld and Fraaer. vltcttun, SC. Caveri fftret, Channg artM ana of lltan. DcUiicl fiauth and 000, lind agents, in Watloo aLace. Pall mall 1,500 Vols, of valtiable Books.

Colourtd EDgTanngs (framed aid Luedl, a powerful ioed tH octave Punoforte, Funuturr, ail other tffecta removed for erovtueoee of sale. MR. J. J. CLEM MANS will fSELL by AUCTION, Upon the PremUra.

1 HpitaJ sntir. Buhnpagat itreet. To m. row, Jane 25, at 11, 1,500 tola, of BtKJKS. ijraisUng of andeat and modern htatorira.

illustrated daavical and poetical works, travel. pLays, ranances. and various other subctsv of eminent uUun the lura. tar? com prises mahocany btteada, ftather beds, and tddlXsg, olKata of drawetw, two niahogany bookcasaa. dining tablea, carpets, and other effect.

May ba viewed the day prnoedirg aixl mom Ing of sale, and catalogues had 00 the prcixiiAee and of Ur. J. Oemmiu. auctioneer, turveyor, Ac. Hotrwell row, Flnsbtiry vV.UAre.

ifoxton. eSafe and eligible small Investment in Leasehold Weekly iTTrpeny. J. J. CLEMMANS has received instructions SELL bv At'CTION.

at Mr. KiUon's, Birch Tree Tavern, Great Jamea street, Hoitoo.THIrt DAY, June 24. at the evtniing. tn two lota. SIX nearly new trtck built MESVAUES, utoaU No.

1. 1 3. 23, 54. and 15. Turner anuare, Boihm, let to good weekly tenants, at rents amounting to 11 per year leae al JUt 33 yean, at sCil lta.

per year lor the wnoie. May ie viewea try eauatrut 01 ue tenanta, and particulars and eonditions of sale had at the tavern of Wm. aolicitor, 133, Tyen place. Kingalaod Toad and at the omc of the aiictkmeer, HolyeU row, Ftnsbnry. CaiJixihury park.

Valuable leasehold Villa B9aidences, prvrducuig a the aty of Undoa. annstsnri for boslna parTimlars will be green. rrsdsj, Jar 17, at It, a FUXBULD ttoUdl, la betas: XeTlet Fera atraat, trlapWal. a earstal s. lakVy anrwrasd fry a tailor and oatcuar.

Furtber bwasSTL.a:'"" ROBINS ciiretod to 8ELL by AUCTIOir, iTl at tbe Mart, oa Thsaadag, Jaly II. Nil I daarabla OOrY finTb rvVESThlEST. betaar Xos. 5 and A Brltarasia row. Lower.

road. letmgtoB. aaaly taoroogaly by Ur. Kasaon. the tenant, and ai for a long taras at tM aer aasraaa.

The proprrty a equal to freenoal, no na, the quit rent iri1 Farther psruculars will be Important Kerrravn to the Boxa of 11.000 money, oa the death ot a Isdy aged CA. TtCR. ROBIK8 ia imtrocted to SELL by ATJC JLTX TIOX, at the Mart, on Thursday July 17. at IX a BE VXKSI03; to a certain BUM of Xa.00. and to a 8am of about jfXOOO.

navaole nnon the ilsmass of a lady and 6S yaan. eonttngvnt upon one of fcaxr yonnger bra. aurTrrtnf her. The ahova smna are secured upon proper i of great valoe. I landing tn tha names of Uuslaia.

and offer a most desirable node of investment where Immediate income la not require i. Farther yarneqlara will be given. kerissnaVa part. Xotting hill. Most important and ehglble Plots of Freehold Building Land.

In this admired sxalitj, the roeia and srwera formed. "si R. ROBINS ii intrartdtoSELL byAUCTIoy. oaacrtption. intended to form both stdra of the Sussex road, leading In the Ladbrote road.

also a oontinttatioo of Clarendon fed norta and Bomerset tcrraoe. at Kerisington perk. Xotting hill. The great 5rw Qaahse straev. fa we i a lis in.

A Hoess sad BhnsL ks MR. ROBERT RKIDirill HKhU, GarrATraVa dirsetloaaf the AdasUaUasur at Mr Klefavd oZL? ersa. est Tewrwdar. jsh 1 a LrAxrwiiir, 4a sr SHOT. Xe.

14. Hew nneapirvd. at a rowwi Bmre. um gar ssssmsv QauTmS vVZZLte aMTsaOarrawar and efMr. toaari sUsd, roSfC nla mtiaaaifhsonrL wiU iTborsdsw.

Jaly Aat IXraslxlola, a MR. ROBERT REII en Tharelav. Jahr A at 11 somprkina su aooaas. wtth sbota. tassa Ilea.

A A sonri. and Was. I and OeeWssrt, Oxford stiuat, i row, uwaveM, 2 EoUTtsVad5 Lower road, Deytfard. lxsig 'tl Inveainanta. TK.

ROBERT REID will SELL, at 0rrwAy 1T1 bv order of the VivUvm Thwradaw 7nl. TV? TV! LKASEUOLD HOUKlri, eompriang af: U. ti 3 2. Btanle4errarsv rMitford Lowsr road. tr JiJ Ti hh nad S.a.

14. 15. and 14, Ruao iaca, to Jhl rS5? Ii! 7, A 13, 14, and li. lb4nsor4rraea lrt at rents fSl) nee annnm. and said for krju rl tt, .7.

1TX at the Man. on Tbandav, July 14, at IX tn sereral lots, FREE I ground rents. The hooasa may ba viewed by permaaon 22" HOLD BUILDLNO LAXD. ol aa extremely sttraetive and Important tenants. Perticnlara may he had at tha led Liun.

Lowrr rnad2? inru uie utropa, notnernrue aao of exessn. Fslrfa WrisTZT CAeth. assavws. 13 and Uement'ainn. Mtrand al flarrawsj? plan for a bulliling operation, which ii now rapidly edrancmg tower Is useful rimrletion.

the moch admlred new church, now nearly anished, being in the vicinity. Krsidarjors of a rapenor character have bren erected, and are in coarse of being finished. A glance at the nUn will at once snow the intimate connexion of the land now ofireI for ade with the most hreatiful part of the estste. and tbe adTsnUtfea to be derived from sauting to carry oat the oririaal scheme. The land will be offered in kits' of moderate aUe and value, capable of being sub dirided with aJvantaga and profit, and the building public are mmed to inspect the plana and co operate.

The roads and sewers are a' ready formed at great expense. May ba viewed, and partiaulars. with plaija, are now ready, and may be had at the Clarrndci Howl cUee to the' land of Messrs. H. snd 0.

Lake and Kendal solicitors. 10. LioeoluV inn tiuarc at the Mart and at Mr. Robins', offices. Criynit r.irden.

light wcesahops. and drying room over. The staMmt, coch ana one worxsnop are at at aui per annum the Mhrr snrksaon 3R. WuiarlKule house, Oil hill. Nonr jd.

FH. LKIKrHILD respectfully announcefi that the lfJL above dwurablo RrIDRCK and LAN It has lren DIlUiD OK try I rtvato CVmtract. C3, MoorgaUMrt rt et, June 31, 19U. Ci)ital Ffthold Brrkarence, with about SO acres of superior Meadow Isanti, at llaretield, Middlesex. MR LKTFCHILDm instructs by the IVoprietor toHtXLby at 11 f.T 1.

in one or two lota, a very valuable and tmnortant KHKtHOLD UsTATE, plfaantly aituate on an elevaWd gravt Uy site, crimnandlrig leasing aiii exteiAMve view, ta the parish of Hareneld, and county ff MiddU'eex. This dVtraHe pnrperty cmpnsea a staaous family rt Klrt ce. i erfi ct rejakur and ctxliUon, containing entranoe halL hbrarr. dininr num. arawing nroni.

and aARservatorr. 13 iriudjsal and mvcolxImtj niius, 3 waUritrtii, Uie uaual liox and coach houw. enclt ed yard ud ouUuildinga. kitchen garden and (wcharil. The huse stautls on a large lawn, sloping to the south, with pterrea.

winding witiWa, and oniauiectal SaArubheriea and (ilanutlruus, and it overlooks nururr ius encloaurea of rich i ture Und, a hkh are well timbered, and rurplied with a fine siTicgof water that risea near the house. The rotate, which ia freehold and tithe free, contains 41 acres arid perches, and the orJy Crutpitngs are 7 pee annum for the land tax and 9s. M. for a freehold iwt rrct to the niautw of llarefltdd. 'earlr 14 acrea of fine pasture land are held tn addition to the above, and the purchaser shaU take them at the rent paid by the vender.

This property is about 30 mihta from l.on don, iur (rtm Uilcidge, three from UckiTiariswoTth. and five from the railway sUtion at atford and while it luseases peat attracUnng as a genUetiiau'i reeidcnoa, it is equally eligible and valuaMc fur building Tiutiniian and oothlitions of sale, with a plan of tha iTOjarrty, will' shortly be ued, and may be had at the usual inru al tlairtWld, Uxhndgtt, lUckTnansworth, and Watford at (iarraway1! of Meatara. Tnnder and Eyre, wlieitorm, 1, John treet, Bedfurd row and at Mr. Leifchilds land and timber echoes, t3, Mocrgatatreelclty. To TurnroUne and Tar IistiUera.

aixl otlera. ESSRS. FULLKK And HORSEY kvre inatructod HX. to H1JX by AUCTIO. without reaerre, of the Late Mr.

Gartoo, Kotherhithe. Cttndjr, ma, apKirtrw fcr and Galsworthy, 28, park. Improved Uround KenU, amounUng 1 1 13 2s. per annrrm. amply arxured br a property producing 3, 1 per anoum, CHINNOCK and (JASWOKTHY will SELL by At'CTION.

at the Mart, od Monday. July 7. valuable well secured Improved liROUNL) amouoUng to a net UsCome of 71 3s. per annuzu, ansuig fram four private lMntaea, being 7, 8, and 11. Bentinck terrace, EegentVpark.

a bouse and ahou. Johntreet, adjoining, and a coach bouae with stavbling, the whole produciiig a rental of about 371 per annum, ParUctilar may be obtained of Jaa, iVacfaey. aoUaUir. 17. Halisbury aiuare of Mr.

Miller, 4, Wei Ungttm road. bt, John awood ana of Meecn. Cuiinock and Gala worthy, 45, at street. ater too place. producing a Rental ojt332 per annum.

Bafe aatdiold Investment. CHINNOCK And GALSWORTHY will SELL hy AUCTION, on Mouday, July 7. at 12, at the Mart, TWO excej nt UaAhElioLD HOt'HfcaS, being Not. 67 aud 81. Oxfoid temce.

Hyde iaara. near busaex tardena. No. 57 oontaici rooms an I usual seanuVmcea, and Is let to a respectable tenant for a term, at 37 per aiinum. No.

al ctaina seven bed rooms, two drawing ixtomt, three rooms oo the ground flour, and an eceiltit range of domestic apart menu let to a good tenant, at U5 per annum. Held for terms of about 80 years unexpired, at moderate ground rents. May be viewed py permi9Rfn ana particulars naa oi j. mtenouse, aHiator, BftiUDck terrace, OTerlokingBecent's park. Eight Private Heaadeoore and Six Ranges of HUbling, chiefly in the occupation of highly respectable tenants, and being of tbe value of 7 45 per aunuiu, a very eltip4e property either for tuTestront or crTipation.

GlHINNOCK and GALSWORTIIY will SELL by 1 AUCTION, at the Mart, city, oa Monday. July 7, at 1L In lots, KiGUTdeairable PRIVATE RESIDENCES, forming Uie chief part uf Uue noUe terrace known as ltentmck Wrrace, on the north aide of the Regent's park. The houses occupy a delightful position, cooimand Ing a tue view over the park, and having an oriaantcntal WrTacc screen in frotit, well planned mUrrualiy and ewtaining every acummodtioa a family remdenc' aim six ranges of stabling In the rear of aiuse. The whole when fully occupied will produce a rental ot 7 15 nr annum, and they will be sold in lota, subject to leases for terms of yean, from at very low ground rest. May te newrl by penms SMMi of the tcnaiita.

the reaideuoM In at acy time, and raruculari had of Jaa. Peachy, soUator, 17, SliariAU7 square Mr. Miller, 4. WeUingtocs road, St. John's woo.1 at the Auction Mart and of lesen.

Oilmiock and Galsworthy, its, RetrenV street, WaU rloo placu. b.uth&ll. Middleeex. Compact Freehold rrBtlernanly tn.lence. ptvrt like Grotinds, IVacure and Kitchen Ganleni, Farm yanl, and 17 acres of nch Meadow Ind, close to the railway station, a portion of wnn tuuirmoiy nu.

vta ior uuiiuuig aoaeuua, witn imiiie Ua.te favouj NNOCK And GALSWORTHY hare boon favoured wita to KKLL bv AUCTION" on Tinrk. iy i. at 12. at the Mart (unlrai ireTKmJT dunie.l of br tsnT tte treaty), the Important FRliKHoLl (andsmall part Copyhold) KHTATE. Ute the redenea of Mrs.

berjeant Lawns, aituate near the high mad, at bouthali.oompns.iig a good aquare built family bouae, ruble, double cvh htiUflF, delightful pleasure and kitchen gardens, tLnh pond, parklike grounds well timbered, and 17 acree of superior meaitow land in gh cultivation the whole lyttig in a ring fence. Tbe estate haruig very eliginle fnmtagea to the main road, tt is particularly deeerrtnz the attetittou of buiident. PailwiUn, with plana, may be obtained of Thomas Biiwriing. aJiator. 1, Hatton cotirt, Threa.Ln el.

street of George W'alea, surveyor. Great St, Helen's and at the auctioneer's oflicea, 36, HegeietHtreet. aierU plce Islington. Leasehold House. rpOPLIS, SON, and HARDING will SELL by the lemisefl IV at 11.

inl.rta. Uie PL.i.T of a TURI'KNTLVE and TAR I)1TILLU1V. utcluding two a ir melting nana, capable of melting 113 Is each four coppt turpentine stilla, Au) to 70o galiouit, with crj.jrr Btrad four copper morms aitd backs, one copper taritiU, to work 16 tsarxela with a'pper htaad and pewter worm and tub four casaV iron rvsigj oil pana, seven cast iron pans, four hore power steam engine and boiler, sereral rods uf bnckwurk. furnace work, and smcke apparatus, four Urge kad turpentine and oil cisterns. In cuea, aru turpenune punimeons.

ii on onunu ou ouvtvs, witn It ass cocks, scale, bt ams, and weights, two honea, two waggons, two caxU, haxtn na, TtuTotas uteiisils, and a uuartity of Initlilng materiais in pan tiling, raftera, 4c. To lie viewe! on Tuesday previous to the aale. when uttaVgues may be had ou the premises and of Messrs. Fuller and Horary, BiUiter stiuet. dty.

Wtnea." MESSRaS. FULLER And HORSEY will SELL by AUCTION, at tbe Mart, on Thursday. June 1.0U0 doreu uf trtt claas WIM ii, tndmllng sume very vaJtiaUe IXJRT WINE of Vuarlea, Uarns, and Sons' shipping of vmtagea of and 1S1 from fire to 10 yean in bottle, together about 230 dozen. This wine ta scarce and can Ik atruugly reoLwniendud for Its high character, Several bins of choice old crusted Tort, from four years to seven yean ui buttle Thompaon and Croft's, Burmeater'B. bandeman'a.

Ft rrxter'i. and other sluj rt rt three pipes of Pwrt wine, recently bottkd. khlpped by Harris, and Hons 300 dozen of superior Sherry, 'bailing some old brown Convent Sherry 40 dozen of Medoc I "lire mw dozen Buct llaA Haniple may Iw had at any time by payment. The wines are lying In crLiui, 35, Tukenhfyuse yard, in the auie curtody of tl.e auctiotieert, who arc thus cubied to pledfe themaelres that the wines shall te deliTrrHt rtri ty in arwrdairee with the sauries shown. To be viewed and tai tre cdlajn ot.

itvvious to tbe sale. Caulf8uea may be Wi at the Mart; snd of Measrs. Fuller and H. nty. BtaUtver "treet.

citf FkiiT. Itf ESSRH. FULLER Mil HORSEY arc instructed ITl to SELL AUCTION, at the Cwtle Tavern, Mark lane, on sMoudav, June 30. at 2 for 3 prvciatly, in lots, L6o0 UutvIs A ERICVN FLOUR, sundry maris, ex Kouthampton. from New York, lying at Measrs.

Addin and tn Fireman a wharf and 'Eat Lue. Ta be viewetl in bulk till the sale, and samples seen at the aurtioDet iV ofllcen, 13. Biiliter street. Catal rue may be had at tbe a harfs at the Castle and at Meran. Fuller and Honey's, BilhteTr stivet.

nty. Re S. Rvderw Bairaptcy. and PLANT of a PAPER ST AI LR, cotoaisting of about 1X000 pieces of paper hangings in favourite dottgiis, quantity cnauotj and other flck, white lead, colours, long eleihact, pnntin; blocks, and various eflertrv. On view day pnor and morning of sale, when catalogues may be bad on the rrremiaea of C.

Lee, c4hcial aasignee, in. Alder man bury of Measn. Ajihley and Tee, soUciton, Lord Mayor's Court, ofhee. Old Jewry at the auctioneer's, 170, Bigpsgate vrtrcct with Klerant Furniture. Mil.

EDWIN WHITE will peremptorily SELL by AVITIOH. without reserve, at his Rooms, 170, lttshnpasal. strtet without, on Thursday, June M. at 1 for 1 punctually, to cover an advance. fsshiouaUe HliLoEHdLD FURITURE.

including 3 very el. gant rosewood and walnut drawing roomauitea. tastefully uphiilstrred In nch crimson andgrecn velvrtaad Freach cballis, a fine Knees octave cottage pianoforte. In walnut ease by Allison and Allison, noble chim ni glasses. Brussels, tapestry, and velvet pile carpets, other drawing and dining room epilntmeut, mahogany wing and othir wardrobes, an iron bookcase, usual chamber items, and effects.

View day prior and morning of sale, when catalogues may la had. NorUMifaiaie. Two Days' Kale of Furniture. MR. EIIWIN WHITE is instructed to SELL by Al'CTIOK.

on the Premises. No. 31, on Monday June 30, and Tuesday, July 1. at 13 f. 1 punctually each day, the geuulne STOCK of au PUOL8TERE11 aisl CABLVCT xlAlCEll cor tlstwg of four pedestal and other sideboards, chimney and toilet glsascs, an antique ledum lieautifully csrved in oak.

three Indian rabmeta, tables, etiairs, buukcaate, elieffonlers. earTx ts, ward, rubes, bedsteads, chert of drawers, unmanufactured stork, maaagany. vi neers. girf in the a bit, aud Items. View Saturday before and nj'Tiiingl of sale, when catalogues rsay laj had on the prrmires, and at the auctioneer's, 170.

Hlshopsgatr strret without. minirtrsbr of a rt nU.tnsa deceased. Mil. EDWIN K(JX will SELL by AUCTION, rn tae I rrmisrs, No. S3, Park mad.

Moke Newington. THIS 1A at ll. neat and UUI'BEIIOLS FUKiilTURk. comprising the requisite apprndaeea for the bed chambers, dining and drawing room apfMUitmests, handsome needlework chain and scm books, engrsrlsrs. and mucsllaDlis.

Hay be viewed, and catalogues had. On rieturlay next Maamllcently Oarrel Sideboard, reprrainting the Anglo French and Turkish Alliance, unioae In design, elaborata in tiecuUon. aud uacqualled as a specimen of the art of wood carving also various other specimens fur which the tSodrty of Arts an the Manchester Society respectively awarded their gi'M and silver medals. MR. EDWIN F(JX is directed to SELL by ALMJ TION.

at Robinson's Rooms. Jl. Old Ilond rtreet, oo Baturday Lext June JS, at 15, ralual.le SPECIMENS of WOOD CAr.VI.Viem iTacing a lutjfttl sideboard of solid oak. feel tn length, with carted panels of lime tree comprehending the union of the aUha. eauestrlau mi ilalllons of the BovereUns.

portrait of their most oistuiguiahed gi ncrals, represcutaUotj of the army and nary, and finely wrought allegorical and emUematlcal devices. At a rpecinirn of wood carving it is rjronoanced unequalled, while as a work of art, its elabteate execution, lQtv ot design, and correctness of detail, render it perfectly unMe. Tbe other earring, are In number, and lnclmle tbe Battle JL AUCTION', at the Mart, on Thursday, July 3, at 1 punctually. Uranlcut i Leila and the Swan Nymphs Bathing. Ac alar be viewed order cf the Kxrcutnr of the late Mr.

J. Mouse, a LKASEIKILD at the place of aale pnvalrly, by orders only, on the 36th, and BuhlicS HOVBU being No. 17, Rlchardetreet, Liverpool road, of the value on the JTth aixi morning of sale, and catalogues had at the ruucLsTsnd 2i per annum held for 14 jeers at fi per annum. Msybe newp.1, at Mr, Edwtn Fox's oillcea, tl. Coleman Bank.

On Thursday next. In tbe eountr of York. rknafl Freehold Fara.t and valuahleOral TTU. EDWIN FOX is directed by the surviving Trux UJf UiM AUCTION, at the Tslhot Inn. Bradford on Thuratlsv i w.t 'ARMS, situate mthe parish of iirad.J.

Iowa, Tlr2t011, nd ot York, eeoulnlng respectively 131 acres. inrestment. TOrLIK. SON, nd HARDINO wiU SELL by At'fTKlS'. al the Mart, on Thursday.

July S. at 1 punctually, by onlrr of the i. cuW of tlie Iste Mr. J. Waring, Stamford, a LEASE MllLXI aetacnea leans 11.

IJm KTK.Ui:M i 1 t.r a sToun.1 rxnt, ticulars may be had of Mean. Hughes. Kearsrr. Msstfrmaj; and of the annual value of 50, and held for tli years at May be viewed, and particulan had on the prrmisra of Messrs. Fisher and Son.

aUlcitors. 1C2. Aldenaat atrrrt at the v.rt 1 Toplia, Son, and Harding, bt Paul churchjard. Now on View. Roeriampton.

The very elegant and superior modem Furniture (manufactured by Messrs, llowbigicui aul Suites of expensive Curtains, noble Glasses, ami eratly decorative Appes daces of a Gentleman'. Mansion the whole In beautiful eooditiou. Tl ESSRS. RUSHWORTH And JARVIS Are XTX Instructed to SELL by AUCTION, oa the Premises, Lower vis House, Roeh upton lane, near Bameacommon. To morrow, uue JSjisud followin' days, the very excellent and tastef ully designeil Fl'RNITUBE, including, in the drawing rooms, carved and gilt briole chairs, sofa, ottomans, and Indulgent chairs tables in ebony, boule.

and marqtKtcrie coaunodesaodcabirieu wiuior moulu enneh metita, noble coaaole and chimney glaseea. glrandolta. or moulu cande labra, mantel clocka Ureaden and other china, gilt screens, jardinieres, tc oak dining room anendacra. brautifullv carved oak cahineta. chrfforuers and erjooigDeuri of 1'ansiso manufacture, Sparush mi hogany library fittings, a oockamaroo board, a few valuable pictures, bronzes, a regulator by Payne, barometer, hall lantern, oak tables, chairs, kc suites of curtains and portieres In rich Hit damask, figured table china and cut aad engraved glass.

To be viewed two days pre vioia land catalogue (Cd. each) bedon the premises of Holland and 8eos, 23, Mount street; and at the offices of Messrs. Eoahworth and Jams, BariUc row, Rrcrntstrert and 19, Ctiange aOeT, OorahllL asaito UwwmSum7 SSIS, aaUaa. i awraaaaag No. 31.

HID street. Berkelry eonare. The Furniture of a spadoui Mansion. Including valuable Boule and Maraueteric CaUsnets. Table 1.

and macjrotlier Approdares of an omamantal character, and leTC ral large Pier and Chimney Olaaaea. ESSRS. KU8H WORTH And JARVIS will SELL XT A by AUCTION, on the lYexuaea, on Mooday, Jims SO, and fes Cwtaf day, the leas, having been disposed of, the capital FURJU TVHX romnrtalng. In tb. bad roosns, 17 Iron, bass, and otnar bedsteads and bedding, with approrriate chamber raraaites of every de scriptlon.

suites of silk tabarvA nn talns in tba rrand salon and drswtnr rooms, with rut Frsoch chairs, sofas, sad oooches. In tbe styls of Loua ottomans and bytnlrrnt chairs, a great variety of table, ta chrace 7 oil boule and marqueterl eccnmode (od cabrnets, (lit Fraoch pier tables and glaaaes, noble rhlini a ilaaaia, enVfaai rhamWWr. or roouiu arswawafTraT Isjnps, large est pia, Braaaa, and other rarpets, dlntnf room csrUtra ta crimaon dAmaak. a setof oak ctranlar erpacdlng tables, mahogany ridaslal sideboard, ad vabsas. llbrarv tables, sets of chairs ta leather, oak ln.iliasse.

a small Iron aafa ball tablea and chairs, clock; yard and half wide stair Oaraetmr ar oaa ananas table, oak pr cannery MsafUf, besyjaoiue aarrlces of flail manga, ecrjner et aad glasa, and caber twafol x. Tobe viewed cn Friday aad bad on toe iiaalni laeaars. jaMd Jura, UHann, Swtniiit, mi CtaraT. i 'rl "Sir at tne place oi aale and at Mr. sa.

voirnismtreex. otoke Newington green and tUvrjatock hiff TwoprettyOotUie Kou MHSXA UoOH! investment oocuiti.m. R. SPEARMAN will SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, on Monday. June 30, at 13, In lot.

TWu new and imusually well built and nnlshed OUTTAGftS, containing (even room each, woh long gardens, pleasantly situate, Nos. 3 and 4, Shakeepeare. road, Albion road, stoke ewmgtoo frean and a genteel Reaidenor with garden, reputably situate. No. 6 a.

Maradeo terrace, MaaW road. HavOTtock hiU. near the RrgentVpark. Hampstead heath. and North London Railway Station, containing nine rooms, and with rajon held for and years respectivelr, at moderate ground rente.

May be viewed, and particulan had of Meerrs. Hird and 8vd. Great Klchneld street, Marylebone at the Mother Red Cap. Camden town Adelaide Tavern. Haverrtock h.uU the Mart and of Mr.

Spearman, auctioneer. 45, rledford row. becure Leasehold Investment, three handsome Villa litsi annum. Kerauigton park. fR.

SPEARMAN will SELL bjAUCTlON. tt XTX the Mart, on Monday. Jane SO, at It in one lot. THREE elrxant setni detaebed 1LLA ItExlliKVi'KK T. "i Wnslve pleasure aToasdi ia tbe rear, desirably situate, a short distance from rnstiirtoo fardeiis.

and bring Nos. S3. H. and S. Uavend road Villa norta, CUretidabroad, KeraangVici park the oceura, of first claas tenants, at 3ttj 3a.

per annum, and held by three lease for S3 years urjexptred. at moderate eroend rents. may remain on mortgage. May be viewed remission of tbe tenant, and Verulam btuldiriga, Orar lnn attbe Oarendon Hotel, near tow property the Hoop, Bajreater: Royal Oak. Padaington York and Albany.

ReerMVpark Axuret, laltngloo Mart ando? Mr. Spesraan. land agent, 45. Bedford row. u.

Uphreslrry and Aousetmaaera' Stock. IncorjequeDc of a Disauia Uon of Partoershic, MR. CHARLES J. BAKER hAi been Instructed by Meaan. WUHa and Cochran to SELL by AUCTION, at the Ma Hr7' axMojeaex ucsxaiai, THIS DAT, at 13 for becsaraqtierjceof adsaoluuonof partnership and rs arranra mant of the firm, tae ltlnirirwuKrnrn7xrfu llTIrrfr to, ojprlahM bon mahngsjiy, Arsbtsa French, and (oar Boat bedstead and furnitures, mabtacy and birch too waanine and dreasteg kablea.

kAlet andSevaf gla iTbealaoa taahnginy. Meat, aad other wardrobes, tare Bets of suBing rawvs nam BBOswoao, a eeet a rtflT Mdeatal a sswaW loo, card, and nnrvaai.iil tablsa, walnut anastonaar. wcrk aifaj atlkaadlacsatij, two drawuateooes asrkea aUk, rosewood aad wahtut drawtng roost ehetra. arawtng room aaar ehalraVasaaea: fxaidaa. A and cAntr rlatea.

atw to Tste ra prloruarS from the i to BELL Yj AI'CTION. at i.arrawar'i. Wlrv.UT JuIt In fire Lota, at 11 FIVE suUtantial well built. iMMlcrn VILLA R8IDE'CE8, sitU Xoa. 1.

2. aU 3. Tor out villas, arul S'os. 1 ami Hnraoe niiaA. Ht.

IViraroad. Canonbury park. within fire minutea1 walk ot the Xlichbury Railway BtaUoo to hifhljr nxpectahle teaiits. May riewetl by penuiasioo of tba tenants, and particulars had of aft Mrs. Jtiiluiisoo, Hwrtitig.

and Jen kinson. sohatorv (IrtDtsnt'aUne, Lxnbaj twtrect and at the auction and rstate otbors, Hol7wtul row, Finsbury. KeniitngtonFark. For InTcsUurnt or Orcupation. rJlEiblt; Lcmav noi'i rvoavf.

prorroanf pt jt kt yran. R. J. J. CLEMMANS will SKLL ly AUCTIOK; at GarrawaT't on WtlielaT.

J. at 12, in thrve lots. TUKEX drairabie brtck liuilt R8I1EN ES. with fortwurt and derp gardens behind. situat N'oa.

MX. 39A. and 40 A. Iiol.liDfft.iri crote, Ht. Mary's, let to rtrctble yt arly utianta.

May bf riewed by permlMkm of the and particuUra IlvI Messrs. Jrnkinsoo. HwretixLf, aol Jenkinsnn. alwr.tfir. ClrmentV lant Lum.ard Etrr at the Rfyal (erj Xew strfet, Kranuaetoo rot4; at Garraway; mr of Mr.

J. J. cVmuianii, auctioneer and surrryor. Holywell row, Kinsbtiry a'uarg. Church ct All Saints Iwring in the cectrt; of the iTwitr.

MR. ROHINS ct annoum tht he instmcteti to offer for SALE by AVCTIOX. at the Mart, ta tbe month of August irinleM acorptaUe offers be pKriously mde for the whole or portlocis of tbe land by private contracts riiularly eligible anl important FRKEHoLD Bt'ILDIN; LAND, OPn.priUi ruaUiy acrv. known as part of tbe Talbot Instate, at Kensington, which, under the direction of an eminent hajiecn laid out in a attrac tire aiTauaicnt fora building operation, offering nwldeuees suitable for this adniired locality, which, naa, in a niearare. been crmineocxfl.

and an enormoufl outlay iriciirml for the formation uf the roails aol trwen. The beautiful church of All SatnU. a fine Fjeoinen Gothic eh i torture, rapully advanciag tnvards cMmpleUon, bfir. the n'j of the estate, and the approaches from Pdriuiftor i rui l. Capital bta inclined to purchase portioos of the Und, ami carry out the proposed scheme, are inrited to inspect tbe plans and elTa.tons.

which may be sren daily, at the offices of Mtwra R.ry (iartwrght, soUci ta rs, Lothbury aud at Mr. Robins', PWxa. Ctirent ganlen. of Mr. Rfbert Rrld.

ta. Girert Msribtmrnnerh txiH. Furtian maws, Berwick tper twU iLum TLfR. ROBERT REllTirSi SELL, tt Oamiry. Ill by rder of tbe Trustee tinder the Will of th Ut, ZTtI on Thursday.

July 3, at IJ, araroable FRFrHMU) PRrftrw ituate 'o. Ijrtlai4 mewi, Bvrwtck itnet. ri. trxr htlll oompnsu.g two thirn stall sUbiea, two coack iMMigkna. two mLnoBj Pa3 maybe eWwed.

Particulan may be had of TIhto, mi 17. Berreraetrcet, i iford sU out at Garraway's: and of Mr Beid, 41 Great Marninronch etnrt. flo In Cliarjoi ry. Bird r. liJiSo rm A well atcurrd tnnstment, let on kaae.

at jC per ua, TiZL1 for 16 year. imespirtvL Sir. rohkrt reid wm sell, 11 (pnrruant to a Decree of the High Court of tlaiwrry naU a. the above cause, and with the approbation ol the i.l. boarinaS the above cause a sttacbrdl, on Thursday, Ju 1 st 11 a LAsHLD EVIDENCE, being No.

10. kitaaiei man square, most pleasantly ntuate. the back iw the spacious gardens In tbe rear of Moutan Hw Uie trm i.i of Lord Eokebjl. let oo lease InTbonias Carry k. I', f.r a lrrTiI? years, from ChnstmaaJay.

IMS, at a rent of 50 smmhiSilJ for an term of 11 years at a ground rm: of l'u. Tt num. Tbe resinrnee may bs viewed, by prruussi.u A the Hunt ticular, may he bad of Worthingana Evana, fr (Sit so street, dty; cf Measrs. Htileman ad ate. a 4i ra" rw It York mad.

Lambeth: al Cerrawaj'i and of Vr lu rt ureal Marlborougn strret. rt Rnd, SI, M1 Xalalon. To UniaU (apitaliata, Buil luiz Hocietira. aud othen Xtn raet larehord Kstate. prodncing S3 per year for 47 yean.

MR. J. J. CLEMMANS ha been instructed by the Execiiton SELL by AUCTION, at Garraway's, on day. July 2, at 12, TWO suVstaitlal brick built DWELLING llOCUEti, Noa.

23 and 33, Foret row, DsaUtyin. 1ft to good tenants. May be iewtad by ooosent of the reqctie Wuanta, and particulan had at the Lamb, Ktugnland at GturawM of W. Xsns, Charles wiuare. Hoxton and at Mr.

J. J. Clemmans's auctaim aaa estate oftiorw, well row, FVnsbury. Li acre. leiing Leasehold Shop and Dwelling house, let at 36 per MR.

J. J. CLEmSiAXS1 GiTreoeiTed instructions from the intirtgagee to HELL by AUCTK LV. at Cam war's, on leaday. July I at 11 a bnck built DWELLINT, HOL'aK and BtiOP, with seven moms and other conveniences, aituate 3A, Little Bbort's gardens, Kndeli strect, Long scre, let to an old tenant.

STTL RICH J. at the Marl TATE, of 15 i To Small Cap. lalita. Twenty fire Cottages, at titreatiiAm cominori. RICHARD MOSS will SELL by AUCTION, Man, on iruiar, jane at ii.

in two iota, a compact 25 outtatfra. lurmins GivThoujxl iux. humthatelT behind the Greyhound Iun, at SuthaniiQiiiion. about six miles from Lnoln. on tlie road to Croydon aisn, a Iwrivhop, doing a good trade.

The wh(e is held oul ease, at a moilerate gruuiul rent, and re turis arery eriaUileratle income fora small uiTt rtmeut of capital. May riewed, and partioiLan had at tbe tiiynounu. mrvUham. the Grey ind, tYoy loo of A. T.

Hewitt, Evj 6, 'i, bola lsln city at the Jt and of Mr. Richard Mom, 11 King William tjt. city. i Railwar Station, with DoasesKion if oeatred. MR.

RICHARD MOSS hs received instructions from the Mortgageea, under ft power of a to SKLL by Al'O TH at the Mart, on Friday, June 27, at 12, in one rot, the capital LN.X or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of the FminUiii, oocnrrutg a prominent poitin otpotute the ara, and clone to the KL Lat onards Lai inn of the Month Coaat ami 8tuth LAStarrn Railways, being one of the most Improving eUUiaUotis in this fahi' able wateiinc plaee. Tba boune rxtttains bar. bar parUnir. atooking room, kitchen, dub room, and eight bed room, with cellar in the Imip ment good yard, with stalled stabling ft sis horara, coach hooiw, loft, and men's rooms also a cottage adjoining, with a Uackamith's shop liehlixl. The wholr has been circted within a few yean, and preseuU an unusually favouraUe opportuiiity to an acti man fur establiitiiing a flourishing aud lucraUre businrsa, as TwwarMriou may le li wl If required.

May be newed lj penniftsioa of the oocuihvt, mod portiauUn had on tbe pnmiiiws of Mt n. IIoirr, Grveue, and Hunt, at Lewes at the HLar aud Garter H' Ut. l4ighUm an.l in Iaoitdon nf H. Lowiflias, New inn, awud 4 tha Mart and of Mr. Ritthanl, 12, Klua wiiiLam ttivet, ety.

Mxlrn Furniture, rianofurtes, and Effects. MR. GEO. KOlllNSON wiU SELL, it his Koorn, 51. Old Bond street, on Thursday next, June SX.

at 12. FCR K1TUK1C, whkh ciauprlses the for the various apartment china and glass, and effects. May be viewed the day prior, and cata losues hs.1. Tneatre RoyaU Oovent larden. To Theatrical I Mansers.

All the gllsh Music in 8core. and numerous riays au eirly iriud, PUy Bills, large In Repsntory, tc TES.SIW. KOMNS Are instrucU.l to SELL ly XTJ. AI'CTION. at their Konms.

Fiaua. Cuvent sarden. Tikalay. July St 12. lU the MUSIC Boer of tlie niimeroui Oprrss an Plays pnluoed at the Theatre Koyal CVrrent Oiinlen, fru the yew 18W to about the rear IMA, Inclading those of Dr.

Arm shielt. Kit Jen. Attwouil. Davy. Sir lleurv B.

BuihoD. and C. M. Vno Weber. and the adojitcd tipt ra of Mozart.

Spohr. Eossiiii, ao.l In Cbanorrv bird v. PowelL' rxfird rtr rt ti tt ir rXada. Valuable rWairmrrexxdsea, let oo lease at AVtt 1 anmuu sndsaal direct fmea Ti Pretxnan. K.

ROBERT REID trill SELL, at 1'A. oo Thursday, July 3, al 15, pursuant to a rv rr tha HaS Court of Chanrery, made the above cause, I pnroba. Pproba. 'acCd, l.pnvale. ti ai of the Judge to whose Oourt tbe abwve ca; vsluaUe LH.kSK.HDLD PROPERTY.

comreKina a dwelling, being No, 21a. Oxford street, on the nirUi fleuf equalled buruieaa thonraghfare. aad three doors fn Pirtma etresb let on lease to Mr. Robert roster, for a term ot 21 vejrt Inn mss day. 1S53, at a rent of 300 per annum, ami iie.d uirrrt Lord Portman for an unexpired term of 74 yean, at a ground rent of 3 and the aootitoi or atozan, U'aKiiii, ao.l "jr 1 a rrouna rent of a otlier eminent compoam, also of the mekidramas an.1 psj tomimes.

fc rrenuses i'r4 tv wrrala the tecsnt. with the various plsrv prompt books, snd play Mils, from an early rarticuirt may be had af Worth tagVm Kvsus lor, TV some of which are great curiosities, from a variety of aaaoaa. Iweman street, city of Messrs. Htileman aud ete. Vm numenjos mauuscnt a ramas, capital large iron repoAttwy, a iW ditto, and sinulrT artuture, May Utfprcted three day rioui to the sale, and catalogues had at the auction rooms, in Oient gard n.

UTClaari street, lrtman srruare of Messrs. J. ton. I. ors roati, LamtwtA at Uarrae Reid.

i Great MaHbtjrvaatfeet, Wravrrl tkrtiw. vLrd of Mr. Bajbert Han nakers. Cabin tma rrn, andothen. MESSRS.

OXENHAM ud SONS will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rwrna 353. Ox ford street, near tSe Pn Uieon. on Knday next, at 3 punctually, TWO rery superior WAVED MOULDING MACHINES, complete, with cutting irons, caum May be riewed on Thunday and morning of sale, aixl eaUloartu ha. I. Opital modtirn Furniture, two Winged WardroNt, Plain fnrt? by eminent makers, a few lots of riate and Jewellery, 11 Watche.

Flated Artki, FainUngn, and numerous Useful an 1 LaU Miseellanieri. MESSRS. OXENHAM Mid SONS will SELL bv AUCTION', at their Room. JS3, Oif.wd rtreet. near the Pan.

Uxim. rm Krvlsy neit. at 11 for 13 punctually, the capital mo trm FURNITURE coonMing of four put, Arabian, and other bedsteads and hanging, wivh Ikediluig oompicte, a haiHlsome ft et mah.i gaiiy wingeil, a 6 fuet ditto, with looking lam panel, drawers, wash etands, drwing tables, kc. walnut tree, romwood. anl mahogany chain, stifas.

oouchea, acxl easy chain. Uble of erery deecription. cnnimodea. sidebnapla. cortaina, chimney gUmea, pianofortes by eminent makers, bookcaaea.

kc. a few lota of plate aod plated article). Jewellery. Z3 watchea. and numerooa useful and fiiumT'ital miaoel Unlea, May be viewed on Thunday and morriing of sale, and cat MESSRS.

OXENHAM and SONS will SfcLL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, Oif. rd itrrrt. near the Paii tlieon. on Tueaday next, at 12 for 1 puiictTially. the HTiKlK of a We end UrilOlXTEIiEIt, cotuurting of about 6.000 yards of ttlret pile, patent UpestryliruiHels and KiddermimWr carpets, heart hruff.

pieert uf damask and Utrtcht relret of various enlonn, very elegant damas', chintz, muaUn.and I ce cnrtauATournay Telret and othT UUe eoren, tc. May be Tiewed on MucikUy and tznung of ale, aod caUlocjes had. Bu wex. near to Eaut Grinrteaft in the parishes of West Hoathly and East Grinstead." A valuable Farm, with oomfcwtAbla Rwdehoe: also a Dwelling ha use, with Meadow Load, In tbe village of West Hoathly. MR.

SMITH has received inrtnictioiw from the Trustee under the Will of the late Mr. Roberts to otTer for SALE by AUlTION. in two lotn. at the Fublio I m. Et Grinatead.

on Friday, July 11. at 1 a raloable ESTATE, pan Frreh ld ant part CVpyhoid, known as Ties Croas, eTceedingly wtU atnaie. ab itting on tbe road from East to West Hoathly, and coutaimig abutit T7 acrea. with ontrtfortible fann boiiiie arvi the nstial farm build tngm, foor miles from the market town of Eat Grtnjrtead. and one mile from the rillage of est Hoathly, in the occupation of Mr.

Joseph Tow lea, as yearly trnant also a neat substantial built Reatvtlenoe, ntuate in the Tmage or est uoauuy, wiu goon raroen, ana abnnt 3 ares of capital meadow land, in the ooenpatio i Hunter. FaWj. Tbe properties Hale of Furniture, kc. HENRY HAINES and SON hasten to atate that the HALE of FURNITURE, nitures, and Lea of No. II.

uwiniil street. Finsbory square, postpotted from Friday lafit, will take place TUta DAV.atllfnr lprecirtely. May he viewed, ami catstiugutss had. aod must be cleared Imniediately afterward, A ttoiavgtawa' ottlcea. 3K.

Moorgatetrect. dty. 1, CartadiJi rjad. Waodswortb road. lhe genuine HUjce ilv Trade, exoelleot Fixtures, Fittings, and Effects of a Oroet Cliecrikeesioiiger.

and OUmau. Absolute Hale, by ord of the Proprietor, who is tin fittishtn; the bu inetts on aocoont of ill health. MESSRS. OREEN and SON will SELL by AUCTION, on tlie Pnmlse. as above, on Thuriday.

June at 13 for 1 rreciscly, 311 lots of the pniune well sheeted 8To'K. together wi'h the superior fixtures and nulngs of a groex, dieeaemmigrr, aud oilman. May be viewed the day prior and morning of sale, anl rati locueahadon the iftuiiflea at the auctioneers' office. 13, 11 at too garden and at their Male Rooms, 44, Famngdon street, city. Near Harlow, Kwi.

Valuable Freehold Entate, land tax redeemed. High La rer and Magdalen Urer. Ky R. FRANKLIN and SON, at theChequen Inn, Biahcp'i Htorlfnril, on Thunday, July 3, at ALL that very desirable Freehold Farm, ckUed Tyle a newly erected and comfortable Residence, Tr, '1iTig tn a pleat ant situation, with complete Homeetall. all In good rxrpair, and 136 acres of exoelleot Arable and Paetnre Lnd.

situate and lying by the roadside leading from Harlow to Ongar, now occupied by the proprietor. The above liea well for coem atiou. elng Intersected try good TomdA ail green lanea, and is tn a goa locality for markets and spurting, and only four miles from Harlow Railway titation. Ma be riewed ny applytmg on tbe premisre. and posseasifm to be had at Mlchaehnas next.

Particulan, with conditions of sale and Uthosraphte plans, mar be had on the premieea at the netghlHiuring inns; place of sale of T. Kernedy. Jd, CTiauccry Une and uf the auctioneen, Thai ted. Etvex. Announoemeut of Sale by Auctiouof and sUup.e meats in Trate of a wholesale maiiafarturing confectioner.

MESSRS. PUUH and Co. are instructed by Mr. Robson. of CitDorer atreet, Houthwark.

to SELL by public AUCTION, on tbe Premiaea, early in July, tlie whole of his reoiaiuing in conseuuence of his nirament from busuueM compruiitg large quantities of gxun arabic, "gb juice, jams, kc The plact con Bute of eight hore steam engine, horse boiler, large Iron tank, steam pipes, kisenge rackx, tnn marble slaha. benches, comfit pans, shafting gearing, juice pans with eoirearpocMling gearing, stamper, stiting ana drop machinri, and all the other custotnary re iQifuU of an exp irt and wholeaale oonffcUoner. The cnnv nitat mai.ufartunug premiaea. msv be viewed rm 8ppaicatn to ths respective thmaiita. Partlvealan ana conditio! of sale, wtth plans, may be had (10 dan prior, at the JounkAU ot Aarti.ns office, Sartex trtreet, Strand.

Londoa of Mesart. Hastie and Son. soUcitors and Metan. Peerten aod Head, sutictton aod at the offioe of the auctiooeer. East Grinstea GnnsteaaL MR.

SMITH is initnicUd to offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the Public Room, in the town of East Grinstead, on Friday. July 1 1, at 1, direction of the Trustees under th Will of the late Mri Suxanna Wickena. the following FREEHOLD aod COPYHOLD ESTATES, In three lota. viz. Cook ham Farm.

saiitly situate, commanding most extensive viewa, 4 miles from the market town of East Grinstead. aod aUrut half a mile from the village of West Hoathly, adjoining the nd leading from East GHmtead to West Hoathlv, oontalulng about 90 acrea, with farm bouse and neree sarr fsrm btuldlncs. in the occntim of Mr. Foster, as yearly tenant a Brick yard, with all neeeaaary buildings thereon, now tn full trale and several erwdosure of excellent Aocommodatkm Grass Land, tn the whole about 12 acrea. adjacent to the railway station and the town of East Ghnafead.

held by Mr. George Lynn and Mr. John Thomas. May be viewed on application to the iiTectrve nanta. Particulan ami conditions of sale, with plana, may be had, tan day prior to the sale, at the Journal of Auctions office, Essex street, Htrand of Mt wvt.

IVarlesi and Uad. Ubton, aod at the Unce of the auctiooear. East Grinatead. lu liisolvency. Re John Chard.

Small LeaaebiCd IvtULCLtaoda Rerertion. MR. ROBERT REID will SELL, at by order of the Official AsaigTiee, on ThiirftUy, Julj 1 11 LEAoEHiLD PROPERTY. Noa. 30.

31. and 3 CpnJy street, Fortmsn maxket. Nca. 2U, 30, aod 31 are uitilrrlet lur tks whole term, at ground rents axnounUng to X13 10s. tternnnra, mmi No.

33 to a yearly tetaant at 2S per aiu.uni. Tbe iLile lvilafcf yean aaUxTrtrrd. at a ground rent of 15 liin. fi aimum. Afeoths Remaioder, expectant upon the death of Mlm Mary Keen, ia tks ttouie and rretniava No.

6, Tavwuta plaee, Yrrk irrt, lAiruaaa. square, of toe estimated annual value of XJ0. ard ul yean o. expired, at a ground rent of Sa. per annum.

Tbe hoMt may viewed by permisnon of the respective trnant. Par'jeulan mayst Useful lisle and Article of Jewellery of a geutlemvt, deceawd. ft. U. WAKTOS will SKLL by AUCTION.

I the afart. To morrow. Jane SSth. at 1 fur 2 o'eavs l'LATK ami JEWELLERY in tea ana coif re ermee. prescntatioa aalver, several bracelets.tmaH hes.

bnUiaot sail other naxs. fi Krmoved from Thfravlneeille atreeC The Land tax irf XI chargeable nnon the Oompaera EsUte. Broad street, lcU9 and a 1 hhare in the Rsrkmrnxai. MR. C.

WARTOX directed by the Trustoei ta SKLLliTAVmo.V.alth. Vtart. To SSii. a tbe LAND TAX of 1 3a .1. per annum.

ahumlanCy bkwmI rn aeveral honara In Hmaietwl Rataliff. ant y. ra tioertr of tbe rTorahlpfhl Ooinpany of Onnrs 1L a 1W fO in the stoaa trom narxi tbe Hart of Messrs. Poontner Une and of street tremoved from 3a, Thwasliwamlls 4. bice Road from Barking to Tilbury Fort.

FarticuLn may b. L. tne start oc Messrs. nanon ana nsuirjors, Lstnwa roantner tane and of Mr C. Wartou.

7, UUuo court. OU (naa. CopyhoU and Lrasoholrl Inrrrtmmts, al Htereirr, ll 'iton, abadetll ami Ltmehonse, tjrodoring 1K fev sim ini. MR. C.

WARTOJT directed by the Trustee, ta SELL by AUCTION, at tbe Mart, To ui.wruw. JunsEtA it 11. in Ave lota A substantial CurYUDLD FAMILY OWOXr LNO, IS, Wepney caiixewav, let to Mr. rurrell. aolicitor.

al lbs lew aaa) of XZIperannoin. 1 A Lraarbold Dwalling aiHui. and rreauass li, Itrldpocv place, New North mad. In the orcupaWn 'f Mr. Mrrwrri al 4 per annum.

1 A Leasehold House, lis, Il 'gti sa rrt, Bhadwall, let to Mr. Baurstenon. si jCJ3 per annum. A A Leva, float Hoass. 1, lei to Mr.

tsattersoy, at tib it, par May ne viewea. arw parueuiars naa as uie Man: sns stun ej the Britannia, Ismehouse C. J. Heaita. solicitor.

Kins1! Arasv yard Measra, Wsrton and oauaders. aolkitors. A Laurence faatnev Ian and ot Mr. Wartoo. 7, Union court, Uld Broad etna, em.

tooveq nom inreanneecj arress). Borne, Surrey. Valuable rreabold Building Land. In extent apwarl, of 13 acres, in tbe district now pormlarljr knowu. and In mnrh rernite, as Emnghaffl park, within about three mllea of the Horley or Three Bridges Stations on tbe Brighton Railway.

MR. WM. THORNTON is instructed to rabmit to pulJie WJMrKTTTIOX. at tbe Duke's Head Inn. Oonthorne.

ou Friday, July 1L at 5 for 4. In one lot, a valuable area of BUILDINO C. BOUND, roost favourably situate, adjoining tbe high road lea long from Burstow to Three Bridges, to which it has a very extensive frontage, at also to the new road leading from thence to East Orto tead. UDdenialjIy the preferable part ot this district. The situation is otj rising groumU commanding angularly picturesque views, and the neighbourhood is preverbially heaJtliy.

aay detached villa have been already erected In the immediate vicinity of the property, and a plan ha been prepared, and may be Inspected, at the office of tbe auctioneer, for rendering It available for erecting detached riHaa. with gardens, for which it is exceedingly eliribk a bnek yard being situate within a 'luarter of a mile from the spot, and tbe approach by mada. Ctaiuitions of sale will be produced and read in the sale room, aod may seen previously at tbe office of the auctioneer, who will application readily give any further InformaUoa that may be desire! Auction aM seeix offices. Relgate. iiitr IlelgaW, in the parish of Notnell.

and within about two ratios of the Jauction Hallway at He. thill. Attractive little fleaaure Farm, of about 15 arrea. with magnitcent Site for a Residence, beauUfally timbereil. and Four omnpact Labourers' (Xlaee, the whole free from land tax ami eligible Building nronod.

In tbe parish of Ilurstow MR. WM. THORNTON instructed by the Devisees In "rust of the Ute Mr. James Kuea ll to SELL by AlCTIUN. at the Mart.

London, on Wednealay. July 16. at li a euairvcu iur any iraue requiring puuucity or pouiion. aitn great acca. noujoiar, ujj io as Bbility.

tigether with the residence, may be had at a low rent, aud the I 777owhl5 MTATK, delightfully situate, at MaanoVlevUe, Sled plaat taken at a valuation. rarticuUn of Measra rn'ng a good road, and within an easy distance of either the Re auctioneer. 6. Blackman street, Southwark. RtKitl.

It comprise a bomestea.1, with variou sgrtcul nua icncv, aoou, acres oi souna aralile unond, Surrey, Anaeut and Modern Srulptnre in Statuary Marble, arnl meadow land, presenting on tbe south aide an Invltiua root for the aeveral fine Bmnzea. I 111 Paiotlnaa I FrrtiMi nT mnntr, mUmm, f. TT H.11REW lias lieen fT0Uml with instructions from tmn? preserred. and in a remaAeMy healthy and nlctureaiiue the Rxeeuton of tbe late Mr. Thos.

Long to SELL by AU'V 1 HaTr "hin ooe hour1, ride of the rtty to TION. on tbe Premises, Sretof teirv. To morrow, Jane 55. at 11 "refold garden and orchard. adKanizur tbe road leading for lprectsaly.

the choice CXJlXECTIONnf rK ULITURri ccmrraing I 'rsm utflell to and freehold ootw an3 garden, aituate finely executed statue, busts, and medallion in list nary an lk. on "ST1 dijtanee only from the last mentioned property, in the same marble, aud cunoua ancient figures in stone, various ligurea aud vaes 1 fH10 I srticulars may be obtained at the Auction Mart of Mr. In terra out ta and comicaiUon, and the remaining household furniture, i ifon 40(1 Mr Morrison, solicitor and of Mr. Wm. which consists ef the usual assemblage of chamber appendages, dining oouxs.

emus. To Liveryetable keepers and others. Ten Subli s' and Ckatch huustl Prmhndre Villas. WMtimmMMM "fR. KEELING has received instructions to SELL jS TXby AJTl TION, at Harraway on Fri.lay.

July 4, at for 1. In Thornton, land agent, auctioneer, aad valuer, Reigate. tV2V Aactiou Mart, in the city of Londor. person, appotnled to asUTiLmer A Valuable Freehold Bit to, situaU in the perish of jLM. a empslora, in the county of Glocester.

shut 11 miles from consisting ot a ncn ana complete dairy and cberes farm. kits, TEX STA11LES and (JUAtH IlOl SEB. situate hi Pemhrtdje taio" as lkj Fsrm. eMtairdng 71a. frl3p.

of etceUent pasture ViUaa, Barswater five on each aid of tbe mews, containing uree ij0 "J1 inXm by the river Coin, with a iub atalla, ooach houae, aud three rooms ovtr. clostt, drained, and Eti' bui' eUing houae aod eonvenimt ootiaUdinrs and farm water can be Uld on to each stable, the main mpply pipe running down the centre lease about yean five held at a rrouud rent of ii per annum each, and fir at 6 rjer annum each. Panirnla ii Jon of salemay be had at Uarraway'i Messrs. Neve and Wllwn's, JoMfMo. The estate I ttthe tre land Wx roles Ml.

and Is uueuiuaeu. a uixniy respecsaias tenant, for a term which uay oj aurcn. ism. si an annual rant of S120. Ky sou Bwmiuwa oi sale may ne ootalnea, Lonior, solicitors, Cranbrock and tbe Royal (Sal and Prince of Wales Hotels, i M.j c14 01a Jrwry chamben of Mr.

K. IL in the locality and at Mr. Keeling'! office, Connaugnterace I SjA 7. rmilraUr lnn of Mr. R.

W. Jobxiaon. anicltor. Edgeware roal wuauguvierace, fyvjm, Jr Jame Crowdy aoUdtor, 17. Herteants lnn! I flieltenham.

Glocestershire ORD and SON will BELL by AUCTION, at the i' Pbelteciam on Tueaday, July 1 1 for in six lots, toefoLowing valuable and tnuy destraUe 6jPiH(jLD PRO T.S11 FoBI "eU budt private Residences, being Nos. 9. 10. snd IL MontrsiUer street. a fashionable part of tbe town of Cheltenham.

Al a comfortable DweUiag houa. aud Premise. No. KPnory terracei a respectable and improving nelidibourhood and a couvei jent Dwell lng houae and Premises. No.

30. Great Norwood atreet. Tbe whole let at 175 per annum. Particulars and condlUoos of sale may be had at the Aortloo MarvLondou; of Messra. Urch aod 'Jf0" rJelieoh''mV "rUce of aak of J.

D. Francis. fiijTaSI dtct CUaham 11 D. Francis, Eaj 4, Mooumetit rard, Loadoo and of the auctioneers, Chesham, Bucks. Wl0ooa0rr'e.

EJgeware road. TtfR. GEORGE LKWlTbegTS anncethat he Ajl 8DJL by AUCTION tbe EoslT of liouSS HOUSE, as mriously advertised In Th Time, at 11 o'cio, kra on account of the number of lot. Catalogues may be had oolb en mlava.andoftrMancttcseer. 13.

Fore streei; dtr Cltr Under an Ewnttpn tram the Saeriff. Two Howes of Brtttc, numrswa useful snd oruameT.Ul Effects. 1 announce he is directed to IT A SELL by ACCnOS. at tbe Wsreroorss. 63, oJeZCtiwo frco KwOaiiite dty.) wberTth; pe llTbeerfr walnut tree aad rosewood.

SiSfJ? Uo kxd. and other fancy uhlrsTaeTS aaa raas, swu nruiiant lcaaast scasara of proof prmta, elegant chimney tad caoauie lounge ana easy cnaan eoverad In morocco, sets of rtrrffsrl rawarsri ami n4 caaSoMier, aurwSraSiir i nnr car rea nuiar XCMr eraS uwt u7SmSfSlmiulS.i ratoirtahM, tan aad nil ivsyalSarrigigiyg scsaaaarwrta ai aolicstor, Ti Suit, atrand of taatetStaV lairallew oecraLaracU. Hrvaey wtbar xsugaUj. vleftaw Fleti stltet and In th (mnCrv rj Mr feV 1 Jl i Maidenhead of Mr. a Henderson, nijrttor.

Reading of Mr U. T. Brown, aolicitor. Ashbv de la Zouca and of the "i Measrs. Weeks and rammnoa.

Wolm. Berks. Berkshire. A very raluabla Freehold EsUte. of upwards of HO acre of very superior Land, with Uomeatead, adapted for a first class Model Farm, or easily convertible Into a beautiful Park.

Purauact to Deere, of tbe High Oourt of Chancery, made in a cause of Simmons versus Rose, with the amobatlon nf the Right Bon. tbe Master of the Rolj, si th. Aucticei Msrt. on Thursday, the 10th da of July, at IX, one lot, by Meawv WEKKB and SIMMONU, tbe wjus spswuM so sou same. Very desirable Freehold Manor and Estate called Lowlmoai aituala la the narlah of raws bmt VdnW ka.

mnaMtinr of tha manor or rerjotad mseee of tawivnoka Jk a farm rmtalning 32a. Or. lip. af nch corn aod stock Und. lying together, and bounded by the road Issitlng from VnriT.

to White Waltbam, wtth a dwelllnf boua aod hornestead In tba antra ot tbe farm, aod newlv erected farm brrildtnn of tba meat anmnieaa ler, aommodlouslr arranged round tbe everal yards. The estate bag an abundant supply of waaar. aod Is aoderaarlyUbered.andtaaroml Mate of eniavataic. ran i. an be had on coeapartlo.

of the purchase. Puted particulan aod rrsalrtiaral of sal. may be obtained tl uara wiu. hu. aaea.

10 laira.w, jsr. St. llisa. Dilator Old Jewrv shsinbers of Mr. R.

IL Qhaad. sollcttor 1. v5ton 3 Mr. rwTjoiaiaao. aolicitor, CsrSTiodof MrSimesaSu? jolkltor.

17. Sertaxybraii. FUetstraet UU aoeSoVMr' Bobart Arthur Ward, soocixor. MaidanWl lT. Kf5Jp O.

r. Erown. lobdtor. Aabby la Zoucrr; gjj sssa mmmma, was ngnam. rehold aawstte, siaaaji, WeUrarAaA.

Berks. ONS will offer for "fES8RS. WEEKS and SIMMON Abte r1 awgesoor arabl sad L'HBZ sjcaasy, wnaa ora, of tbe WoairarhaaB, snd Wokme wa aa sxasocaii mma is six axuaa ream the rwyxbrd Btsriosi Ls5 mil aad a half oa taa urea Waster, Wautagto, OoOate at His JTTTTl v. v.a rnl1nMisifiW SnZfn J. a drrr, of Vtrrtnia Water.

Wmdaw cari. ac TtfR. O. WARTON directed by" the MortogK m. rwrempwivur sau, oy svutiiu.v, si tne Man.

lo a una lMii aa 1 1 fnnlaaa ai, mmUII, W. MW, n.mmodlous FREKHOLD TlLLiTsi Statnea, known issBbnt adaryted fur a rouna famihr. and cctaluine aeven eed aaj A rooms, rising and drawing rooeas, library, outer aod inaev aaH, bb wm, oua puiaiiiura srsiHms, aoa lour acrrs of sieadow as. oneinacs, ana atsiuirja on sne aisn raaai so MMirtwiL. nisni ai i may b.

lad alth Bush MuleL Staines lb CastU, Windsor; Ainfrl j. wlch a Messrs. Cbapla and aUdtors. 5, tWaWaiiaa iff i Oeorg llensman. Fast, solid Vw, CbUeslim; ss the Anclloa Marl anl of sir.

Wartoo, arjettorjeer and astau sgent, 7, rjniisi aailj 1 Old Brcsd atraet trexaoved trom a kalfl traod. To Publicans, Brokers, r.xturedealers. an I uUsea, IMCssI ia rasas uuaiudi wui onuu or AVilT if A TION. oo tbe Premiaea the Milfcad Arms Milforl lana nraaLl Til Id DAY, June al tar the excellent BAR FITriXOS ef al six modori sua uuu E. metal top counter, inaivigan; bar cabas" aota wniay uiai.

simii aoa saraiei casxs. ga oitinga, tore ouaaMasB show lamps, uteraulaUi trade, slate jed bagatelle ubia, bnahold tw K17n oiuira, aoa a rarmy or vnects. May os viewed, anaealalaraa aastawa Mr. Edward Lttmley's suction offices. t7, Uhaoeery Uoe.

tr St. Jarners suTiara. Ftoery sarvedOak Chamber and Urns, FaraJsj, av joo vol, ot Boots, rrut. Tt TR. EDWARD LUMLEY will SELL by ACC lJSg To tnorrow Vun a ilfcrl.

tbe wbols of Vis sioatlrat HOUtt Ft 9 HOLD aod OFFICE FURNITURE of arveral miles of caaMttws trVtajy, kSM I BS Utawg Mn AUssstrr lafw. MUU niM, riAaial Ualtrv aesaV mmmm dim mad ttrelroiit, luiiM ol outaina, nitea of oak office fmttar rm wTUiii tnapea. a of oiaaar, opea b(aa. a ooMyca oid Kncliah oak aideboard, ditto etteffaaMr. dinrierwanno, be riewed.

aod cValoirnea had on tha nejiiiM aud al Um mtrkrw 9mm ottlce, 67, Qiaynoery lane. Ht. JohnVwoul Oak linuttire. Aa. TiTR KDWARD LUMLEY will SELL by ACCl 11 1 TIOX.

on tha IViiiIm. WalhnAiad. Ht Jra Verial atK Thunday. June tt, at for 1. tha OUNTEXTS of this HO CSX of room fittuici, in wafrxia, Ur), BSS auu otaer eavrpeu.

rhimnrr iiiari eur aiaa. futuOen ana uiuiev haDOJOixe oak ehamber ltttinrj, doowatlo aod kitchen reisttea a vanom err eeta. li, Marykbonu iUix. Bemtetreet. Thu Evenuu.

June 11, HlrtrvH dsely. Uousehold Fumlturs ami Meets. WIVJ lVlriSSKa. W. and C.

BON HAM will SELL XIA AUCTION, at their Urge Rooms. 13, Marylcbona iaeet. Ks street, THIS KVKVINU, at 7 precisely, superior modern HOI nuiar ju lit. isc in maAogany, roaewoci, ana mut egcw of chain In haircloth, velvet, arid damask a maguiacenl drawing suite rosewoui, covered in nch enmaoa vvet msnugsay. ai Iron, fourpost, and other bedsteads, be.

Is an 1 IvsMmg. KncBM ndeboarda, Diaoofortes. carpets, fenders, window ctirtaiu aad dage. for domestic and other officea. Ou' view and eatalogaal be had.

'mTzsi atd lnra.J TtfESSRM. W. and p. a UONHAM fr "mgial ATX they win SELL by AUCTION, si their Qalkry. I'll atari street, Warwick street.

ReawnVetreet. on Thuralay erenir i eaely. a OJLI.rX.TIll5 of about 130 very rpeculstir. sodsnl moocrn rAinriMiit, by the favonnie trusti, sun ncu tc On new Wedneauay aod wawainr of tale, aud catalog) had at the rooms. To morrow Evening, al to the minute.

The runuwrsaDd Sect oc three bouses, removeu trom Batiema, sc. lorsasfc.wMMaajj TLf ES3RS. JONES and BONHAM wUl 3XLL HOLD FLRNITLR and EFflT8. rj. ArablsB.

7er beddUig, sets of chain, sofa, coaches, various tali, chadoaisrt, Tm)7jia cases, chests of drawers, earpeta, gl.av l. waahetanda, sutwans. asMaE runs easfittlnr. chamber aod kitchen reomsia. waa a.

1 sawrtment of miacellaneou items. On view, and catalogues MAawre at tne ronana. Thuradav evenine. al 6 to tha minnta. Kicrileut ui aiern umitun.

Hate, naoofurtes, and Effect of jtnUuua removeu rrom reaKlmee, at Hsmrnersmitu, lSSB MESSRS. JONES and BONHAM wiU SELL AUCTION, at their rreat Booms. It and 11 LOrrvW tC Thursday evening, at eicaUenl modern UOUSEHOLD Jl VaT "9 TURK, puts, aod eflret of a gwntlaman deeeased, Araaaaa isred goose feather bada. hair and wvas maUluasus I robes, ebeeta of drawees and dreann taMea. I loo, pembeoks, card, eonanla, and lliliai nin tram, uiiliag tabke.

a rai seia ox luageuua, maoogatiy, sou caoe easl cnair and easy chairs, pier, chimney. ooasole, and drearmg flaaaa, aas enmoolen, txxikcaaea, jco ounces of pule, iron en en, fortes. Brussels sod other csrjeta. eurtsina, ooUeraou of fraaaa. risssd ancravmgs, clocks, creacaeota china.

gUat, cotlsry, ijwaa Wtth hed elmnav an.1 kileKM, Mrniiattae in ahundaDCC. ISlVanVsaj neanay, aoa rarawTfues to De aaq a toe roums. oetsoa Rooasa, miMiik tt ITVa. far the Bale of cvvvt Prcertvvix. Htjoehold Furnrmrs, Orilleotione of IVtaria.

rs wasw XWvdr. ImIUm rVt fllaM. Musical IJirlrv2SBva Books, Plata, Jeweilary, Ckuna, OUss, Musical Ii mlsxsauaxanos Effecas ka awoaral. rrerr Wedneadsy. llcUTSwefirssatrlrTaxt esH MISSEST JONES and BONHAM be fW the Dobillty, gsntrv.

sxscotors. trada and rabot 3 ara the BOLD UTBCTB, slocks la krada, sod sjtsole rSJ'OTwala aad aalaa a4teaedHFiv to an aaoant halanrea paid tha mada tor axaenton and ripimoia uraoa ana riosoio rau ulssuiss. doubU aftaon Harps br bard, HarmostaaielAssas, tltv of Wmd Inatruwiects. Wtar tba Block in Trad, cf eae fi ES8R3. KELLY and Oo.

will Hijuu raa i I aliaal rvraniiiy. rz June tti at for 1 o'clock, upward oi JJBiTZ, rORTXa. kodudlng a fufl oompasal raswwoodpiccolosM wer SMetleaeerm. T. High Mind, Aa avTassfaswitaware.

Gtasl stoat fttnts. IRS. LOCKWOOD will SKLL. By At IA rsill ll eLTwreue mw; MaybsvWwwd the dee weesdtag tba sA tsw II iiiiimIiii fi IT7 Hyde taw, aad Vfft 1 rzrrim Six ctxS.

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