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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 1

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

N. 22,878. BIRTHS. if JkarSto.Sf ksaa el an wtaet Dr. On), Xletate TL alitor the 15U mm, th wife of the Re.

Gerard Mart c7lhaih hat, nyaeaih, th. wtf. of Copt Co rUge, BjXM, Wad Caanttka wits ef Wat Stan lkF. lax, TM hat, at U. ranra, BaiitliM.

Mn. Onqt "tthi.l(MWttBaiMirBSbak,ltain!iyi aBBaeR (TuTt owtos, eaaJtutenalr, th win ef Mr. a ixnaa WetA at arm. uSTrf rhwaosr rtrrepnth. Ebb, sob, i ikt xu urywfctt.

th n. at th rt. aria, at TtnBdy Rom, Mr aVas, Hrrafordsba the j(EdMBd Jo, tTlD, sea. tto Stth el lit. WaskhnaiMtorreoi north, lb wit of Sraedrmrhar.

battna. (a aasrdy. tk Mik taA. QwwtiarWnaa Plmbeo, tk vtf llwlW W.of a toachar. 0, yah mat, Ovnta Hoaa, analiarVm road.

Mn.C. n. la. SU md, 14, eta. of Sr.

WUliai lWj of i4uU, O.tytarA.thawtncg JoaaKiOTlea. Eat, Mcorgaas atreet, tl aaaoftw. Oaae 3Mt nt. a BB bilon ha. tbawln at Rowley Richardson, y.

of daughter. shades. Ik 33 hnt, Ik wlf of Um Rev. Alfred J. Carnr.

84, Aj5o3. at 4MfMt. 0 rh tost, st Vnlu Bom. St JchnVwood. lb wU of iMklwfi.bL,! aeoa.r4ilIbetB.

OBtaaday. Ik Stt Ik rMM Hrnwdek. to ibe oaarby rwU. Iheinf the Be. JaanaaeBoraa.

B1.A oca Seagal sr. ooks eu pork. the wife ot Mi. Bear, Watte. asiahler.

prcBooBonry. On the 33th to V. t. On aft nt, Mi, rhflip PVydefl Bcernrtr, ef At avxf lerrace, CJApham port. Xn.

William tV ford. of a n. T. Je citterai Lovidrea qne dan JaiHst. A a.

iJfrrkk kh. mo J. M. a KorOod i iilm tnm MkaptiiMk, Tn. wke RKTUHN.

orWnu iT. MXHY H08PITAU Tb Uovcmon tender LOST, 0O ScturdkT Honthrrk hrlds tad knla. UACX LXATHtB. BOOkt. aoa.

tkteinf Bank MMl kktf Boksl nna Morradl. a4 A RXWIXO of mr roCXIM 4li pud a. ntatau Mr. I By. wrmm Mt.

Ik Phrt ItCTto. OST. In Edfcvar rod omnibua, about 6 o'clock on rrkW. 3 1M to, OOLO RING. wK piU niok kt4aal.kkKkl altar uiMi mim.

ud in ul km Will ucbd lo H. Mii it 1Vin EEFT. on aa omnlboa, on Wednevdajr, the 21tt int, wUdi pot oowa la M. PinTicharrhriM. at T9 atlaaM to I oUoek a ai.

a WH1TI LXATHEE PURTMA.XTKAU. ttk tk lattiaki "r.H.L cote top. Wtomt vlll uk lh atnn aad tw tontmki to 1 A. iiklpht taTTaa, ahaH ban to RKWAKO of TEf M11LLIXCM. fYSK POITITD RKWAKD.

LEFT, in a Hanaom oak, vhfch bronfbt a Udr and roUeosaa tram tk Onat BaOvw Btatka t. Mnrtlnur Oaxnduk viaar. a Msidv.tUMUbvA.allOo'okxkB.B.a BLACK MILK MAMTIX TkahOTimrdwtUDiraoBttaVlBlrnalt. M.rumrr aMC FIVE POUNDS REWARD. LOST, on Saturday mnisf tnwiud to ban hmmo dnrpad from a rhato.

W4m ih ruuiiDa' tiwn and BHilmL a KK4IWN PAfrjt PAftm. soatainlnc a box unlnaliMi a Uw Hot by BadaU aad lac Wbo rtl wm fx aiu aaiajOTd to lb aaaan. 100, Kw Bond pWO POUNDS REAVAKD. LKKT. in a cab, on A ALU MUWUJU BJJL.

KA a rw una wnn a aaaia aoa fart attaonrt. 1 anil hrawki and a aaaU kair bnoaM. likrvta a fufcl brart brooah FUND, in the nrirhboariiood of Bermondwr, a 5 BAXK of ENaLAXb NOTE. Tb omntt ni ncont tU an bj cWllBf Boaibar aad paihif Um upbum ot thl adfrtk d. ppu at w.

'ppar MARRIAGES. Or TIM bwC. at Alfrrtoa, bj lb Rrr. John Cfcark Ran Daaaoa, mi tatVuar. CbarW Luaob Oowapt.

t4. Hoatk fmr, Kotkar waOTortikav. Plaaoa Jaat, aldaat daaklar of flmia Oaaf JTr fci AJtrtoa. IXTtaralura. n.A.m at 8l IVaBai.

Umr flantnn br tka Rr. C. J. BataViM. A HTMolta, Ko ot tk.

aao plao. to anOj, kwtk tZffra at U. A. Karc. t.

8aialoro hli laat at Man Wn Cburca. freak. BcalHbraaa. In. of TWnEiil Qua! KVaax.

to Man Anas, Mund daarbti el lai aw Mr. Hamr rtrat. of Lamdoa. Eajex. Ob tb.

BM at 81. Jaaaai Paddlaftoa. Ooant HrrpoUt Vlctar AjuaodrT ven Brabaier, to MlaaiaT laud daofbter of 7oba Toaac Jj.of Eldbbmr parl. Clalbt Htk BC at 81 Jaawrt Chareh. Wattbuaiu laiiaua.

brlh I lY.lii i M.A.racuot Ban. 8ama. Jaatea WUttaaa Jrioc, Eav. at BcrVaTiaara. Brtfbtoo.

to Maria Bad, tUniaaBaawral tb.Ut.Joka HiUoralos, ba, of BarBO. Oa tb. pttk bvC atTnraMkam Cborea. by tk Br. Joba Horo, II Kd.

Bookkr. MJL, tb Bar. Juaapb BatkVr. XA, pk of Bopaortb. Tloar of tWIminWm, aad rhtplain a Ha Ona ta Dak of BcaalarV to Baasak Daabaood, aid it atarkarr Poaald Uoroa.

kav. of LaBraaU. KJL DEATHS. Ob IktWof Aja. at Pmaaibaoo, of fallow lm, Joaa Joarph Jabaaoa.

luartk aai of Hainaal Jobaataa. tiacard. In latUta jawof ttaar. Oa Ox SI aH. at e.

en board lb hp BKhaibaalh. from Mai bm to LooAjb, Captain F. Montafa Booilnca, of B.M. Mh Oa Tbanda. tb Uth haA.

at Brorkbam rtnoaaf. naar Biata, attaraaartUtaeav bu letb Tsar. Lionel, tb aeartj lond and third arrinar of Oaorr W. MaVlarwy, EJ of rarUxj. Luveobabira.

itixiak hao at Pcckaaax. Jaow Lavford. bi. fomarlr ot Iba (axk Eackan. and Eutar.

Dnon, ard M. Oatt I.Mol th Slh tnav. at Cbter. laabdla Alio, rettet of Riebard Drwr. Ex.

okoel ol tb I3d Baciaxnt, and asoond daacbaar of tb laa. latA i Ijlet, of Wbatagorbonaa, ta tb ouuntj of Xortbaiabar Oa lb Hit baa. at Rrda. IaW ot Wlxbt, Thorn. WorlUnrkm tn of abaralon MaD.

Cbaablr. aad M. Ob Ibt ill taav. at Booth tn bct 11th year, Ettatbrlh. ontyrtanrtlar at tb.

bw Capua B. O. Van Bomnab, i3k Bayinvnt, Bcncnl ab lnfaDtt7. Oa tat BJ bmL, at Oaarra, Jobs Towsaaad, Eat. atxth aorrMat of tb teki Con Townaaad.Eav, of, Bonlaftuaall, Warwick tun.

On tb 3d bao at 0T iuIl ariaaa, Hjda park, Ann, raUct of Ibr Imc EOaard Wine. Eao, Oa tb tJd iaat at tb laailam at Q. 8. Para. Raata, Ana.

tenet of tbe lata Tboma Darta, ao, of 1 ua. nannTWran. rnwwri. Oa lb. taxC, Zmfan, Bt WrUiam Edward Bona TL 1 Bari.afdao.

On tb Ud tnaV. at IDinlhiii. Sony. Borah, lb bdond wlf ot Bcrpbea Wilaav, la tb nth year of bar at. Oa tb J3d tnav, at Worthing.

Boawx, Maria Loaiav lb balond faajkierof WUuam BUk. Eao, On On tb Bd iaat, at Toraaay. Eluabeth. tb wiftof WilUam Wybarzh Bow. Eq.

ot BarwaO. Sbn.aliim. aid OntbaSd CWorf HodtHiarm. olidair, tb CSth year of ha ace. On tb 1Mb but at CrpnT Oaptev, raddanty, Ja lain am of Mr.

JaaM Lloyd. awd 10 nmatba. Oa SatarUj, IbeJUh tnav, at FoMM. of John CiSa, of Bdf ord row. Load ByiVeihani.

Elin. tb wlf On tb 34th lnav. attt ITnin II square, tb bonaa of hi ht Dr. Birkctt, E. Baltay, Eai, lata of Iba Oron, nackbaatb.

aralH. Ootkcltth tnat, at Barrow4B ttw Bm. Wmiaaa Fraaar, Ea, of wraoa, acaan. On tb VHh tnaV. at OalWnham.

afW a hrm dAn marm ornl SS Chartna I3Ua, Ike hekmd widow of tb let Jams nxanaoa, Ev of lanrada, naar Ouarow. Ob tba ih ttwo, at tb natdane ot bar eon. Oanrfa Morgan, or no. 3a. Mwaon piaae, rjayvwaxcr.

kaiLiut.4V4onl John Da Morgan, E.LCS, do tb Bth Bwt, at 1L Panlon fow, Walworth, John KuanO, aged I yam aoo a uaa cnua ot ax, jona totbS5thtaav. at of TerabamC TCKCROPOLIS. Eetabliihed by Parliament A WOKIXO CEMETEBT. ln Oonpany act alas a. Cndar.

Waan. rUEKAL8 PROVIDED Kaxplete. Including prlmta gran. pan i try wort, and rry ezpenaa, a rouow: Fnt Uaak Beonad Ctaav Third Oaav Foarlh Ctmm. filnaOd.

US Oa Od. ZltOatd. AltAtd. ajd ajainkn wttboct Btatnary work rtfthUaav DUtnOaa, lit Oa Od, a bv Od. Aralr aereonaB.

or br Wtaar to lb aWretary. 1 TanaMlarrt aoDi or any agent of tb Company, either of wboai nil! wait on Ibt lama, and nndarUke aO tb arrangamenta Tbe train tbe "OUmm bution naUy at UJ8, aenaraa waiting rooma. 17COAOM1C CEMETERY FUNERAL) AJ BL18HMEXT, Edgrwan nad. Hyde IVa daal funeraL wtth keane and nioornlnc eoac boraai aaobBBM, lead aoffia, Ae, aniiilti trWnoc't wrlh iw.rai and pair, aod ooeb ood pair. ESTA' )UND, on Prirnroee hin, a PURSE; containinc agaay.

Tuowwaraa ban It Vw gh ing a dnrrli.oVei at it)W or tnu adnrtiarmenL Apply by letter to Mr. Ralph. tL Cnnnon CVUND, in the IMncmt'i Theatre, a BANK of ambtng tb aaeoont aad Bom her of tb note. Addree. A.

BL t. iuaggrwon. iningtnn. S.CKED UP in the CRIME A. aft the Kettle of JL Inkermatra.

a BIa with tbeereMof "afUagHead awaant front a DUOOI GtWOaeO." Aae mm WiftKiM Infnmftlinn mm iMh Im tb Stag Otterr of PenaiccMwa riarraota Drptford. t. 557 yam 83mit a jit t. erta, rrT SHOTJ3 irrmJX Xlim a Aoauavawa Jkva. LONDON, TUESDAY, MAY TLTR.

AXBERT oMrnr MONT BLANC HolW, T3 bcs eva ry aa, bal.eea aad wttaoa any extra aaaaaaia: I area, ma; gaiMry, la. Tka Mining Banaaiaiiluui take a nail waaany. Tail lie. ad aaaida, atteoksk. OX) MM AND ol the QUEEN.

A GRAND fajiui Anwi a uwriae mmniai tn aoyoi attaay or wtdok Bar Ma)ahaa iiliaaV atgnlaad bar hilinHa at lUlfai ban, 1 1RTH for the MULTITUDE. THIS EVEN IN ilXat tl fli au liH. itinq bto. ITrMKBALD; tb i only bTtogliimaiiiii of tbe grant, fci bJaOaateHlil cf Ufc aad Caataeaer. aad laiiiai.iaailliaaaUaaadlnary.

Iibubaliai aadla. Ta i i ii ii lata. pEOPLEof the EAST. Oriental Gallery. KllAT Waawulag wtth bar prwjeaee.

koaaw, oa Friday. Jaa UX Laa at tka laaaai Faara oaa be aaaaasea, at a ana at la mi mm ajiari pal BaaW wareboaani: aad at Ih IVoyel Aaadainy of Meet. Aram. of lb hUanenatallaannaTaf tnexaav aa laoraauc ana ncttwlal Toor ot Parapa, rroai mglaad ta tk Crbnea and bock the Model of tb brtk tb Bier of am. loppi.

ctiaraim. ta. rJattte. and Beailna. With ffinatratrr Lastniea.

Opr tront It aja, to II aav litwaalna to lb whoaj bnildag, ebtldraatactaiol.hatfprlaa, SACKED HARMONIC SOCIETY, Exetrr hall. taater, ab. OQBTTA Oa Friday. Jns I. ELIJAH.

Toeabata: i n.ia m.nii Vawloa Mra Locke Mr. tbas Bum, and Baa fiawi, Tbe nrcaaatra wU oanalat of nearly Tts panoranwa. Tlrma, oenwaarao, aamntiaa aaata, Ina. each at tb Bocattgofflogya t. In lUeteekalL ON DON SACRED HARMONIC 80C1ETY7 MUST CHANGE of PIECES.

LOVE LUCU BJLaTlOjra Bew Motettn Oiitiaan Www ud Original MaaW I TTrl kin Mr. BUEMAJTi A5XTJAL MGRT. on Monday ti; loauivaati uraeono, uta w.wnwA pre S. Hacttogt TbaniailTlBg Antbeni tor Peao. Ceodaokw.

nan Ftxmder of tba Ezrter ball OrotonooL TViketa. no. and to. at tb omoa ot tbarkaaaty. t.

Eietarkall. nzdta at I taurct Batnrdarl Waraaan. fttala M. area. ii.

aaXlan. Bryal library, J3, Old Botdauaaf; and i aaauday at Fuvno Man ana react, at auaaneu tb no office. Baaanl tfiaillaal. Wieiiil USICAL UNION, TO DAY, May 27, Willi 1TA Xoant. half paat J.

Qoartpt tn JL, So. Btrthoren FTatada. Berobende. Boanea, and Otgnej Piano Boloa, B. Bach Cfaartat, Mmar.

on. 44. Mandakaona; Oiand a i afh Hm uawawuaa ww. nni. ram, Ltoa.u.

WOODIN'i OLIO of ODDITIES TO rTIOHT. aadenry a A Marti log perl! TT aWtntTT eaailiiM ratardayatt. Boa oneeT atrom'lltilla. Frmte noaeq ant Barpar. Planlat, UaA nckata (haif galnet each) ton.

hadof Uraaier and On, Cliapoeli, and OUtrkw, Hcbnatann wUl naty at the Hlith Matinee. Jam 10th. J. ELLA. Duwetor lJOaatMl aaOTTal aHdVl wlaVaaV, Mown Lrrle, enttUad OB by tb octal.

niriirillieahre la Tb anon En4eftaranant neal aad vwaaL Inrhpllng a new Lneu Jooo Train, si M' ao TET.l Bobbing Around and "Polly USICAL UNION. Notice. The performance THIS DAT will commence with MaTrDFXRSiiHir. otjak. Member an to abow then tcara at tbe room, tn the oav cm anennanoa, wnoaa awica onjen or.

io an that lb uth rraorataga ot me i oaunioe eoaannea wun. Any of I llneai OY COMMAND. Mr. GORDON CUMMlMOi JLTTSmXTAlXUXXT, on ibe atornlug of Tbunday. ina earn ox mug J.

ELLA. Dtreeww. Ua 1 of aUy.bator nl llf.liiieai BaaardayVat 1 Moraiag Mr. Oo3oa ftiajmliig Bl Boyal Blgbaeaj tbe Prlngeut Waaav aad Alfred, win iieeietul enry noin nry naili, all aaawlhe. Ibe bn fall dliwami, wmlah aataai befon tbe beholder tbe boa konarA tarlHn aniunaaii with tb atnneartnat, anrloaa, and baaottfal anlnuatwhaia roaailh rclaty anlftaoa.

gaarkamottatt ante, a. MoOa which may a. token without litre dvarre froot 11 to 4 doily, kv Cbildren balf prle to i tan nd aata tn. rSanadilly. A ayeriai mwtnn itptuautaMon on innreaqy.

atay o. at a peine. ORCHESTRAL UNION, Hanover Kiuare Room a la BEOOXS OOXCEKT of tb eearoa win btka alee, oa Tbaratay morning, Jaa Ynrala MlM Jenny Boner, aolenw fcraen Mk ArabaQ Ooddard aad M. aaaataa. Onareekw Mj.

alrradMaDaa. CI. ilARTINt HALL. Orchestral Concertt, under IO tb dJrirKeaef Mr. JOHN BT7LLAB.

Tb FIBST OO XlxaT oftbe BjCOOTrDlEEXEB oa Monday. Jan atlCMnaa. Fanner porrlml.r la a tew dan. TARENOH EXHIBITION. TheTH I KD ANNUAL EXHlBmoN of FAlimHOflby MODEKN ARTUTS ot tb FKE1ICB BCBOOLM XOW OPE at lb Gallery, ill, PaO maH.

anrniraance ta, Danaon iKoeta, at. aai.inra eo. B7VBOD8BAM. MubV ERR BERN HARD MOL1QUE beg to announce aanar and at Ibe principal mi onqua, I iMIfer Urn. riHE PORTLAND GALLERY, 316, Regent i OfBTl ISS ANN DALE.

If the GENTLEMAN who taroired tor thl lady two month, ago. In the neighbourhood 7 toft rlroaaraon. In lofi. t'Uta to wane nienUt hr he hi. win APTLY to Mr.

Baaea. etationer. 14, Upper Ghrnter ria a. aiineV otn money naACbeleav be win HEAR of RXR. DANIEL THOMAS.

Any pernor, thing of DAMEL THOMAS, of Motbny. I who lately died tn the M. rhomat't lloctloi. and knowing any Caermartbcrabire. and who for tbe laat 11 yean baa been In a rrlre a fbotaoan and butler la or near Ismdon, la requaated to OOMMTOICATE with W.

eon of W. Hill. If. OraoBebunhrtJMtt; or to hia brother, Morgan Tbomae, Mothny, Carnnartbewalra, be kt reqaealed to APPLY to Meawa Jforrui and Bone, nUcttora7l, 11 ring in Cork In 1830, and In Dublin ta tb yean 1SI. 1S3.

and U31 Ko war PORTA NT ESTATES of DECEASED ABBIIAO. WANTED, BXLATIVES of JAM BBEEN, Ciobtan. wuiiaat Ulbano. waring. Charlotte Franeai Bbeee.

Arpiy by wttcr to M. oocla an, Miarle Jon Cbsnar. TVraaa OottraQ. ante re Camwdna, Ann Oibeoa (widow of J. J.

Glbeunl Dark! Olaaa, PMer Kllgnar. Urat.bL Bui ton Mala MarweB. Alexander Melrin. William Andrew Price, ELIZABETH BO WEN, widow, deceased (maiden nam EranaV Tb KEXT of KIN of ELIZABETH BOWEX iwno Gma on tb jbui of Apru laat, at I'pcott. ta tb pariah of Abseary.

la tb eoua of Hereford, and who waa tb widow of Waller rwwen, lot of the aun porua. aeoaaeeai, are requeued to COMMUNICATE Ibrthwrtb with Mr. Bumfrya, nlldtar. Hereford. Tb etld EUrabrth Bowan Rhea EUxabeth Eranel wo.

married hi Landae. tb year Id, to tb avid Walter Bowrn. both of them barmg a TonalyUnd ra tbe are nee of tb lata Karl of Satrboroegfa after her aurnage aua. sowen una in aerrie at uowsger i of perooen. a.

eooq. rue eeneai yeorq MILY of CLAY LAND. Some :0 yean rince an dnrtiasment anueeed a neeeuonee ebeuUksl bi Via. aw king tor tnrbrniatlnn of tb reprnentotlTt ot tbe family tndlTidaal who aeot an agent from CWnutnd to Xew York to mak nraa on inat i ring, or ibonld taoutrk on Ink eab)ect. or reend each admUcaienttobetnariA i artng, or iboaid any no.

em he TIOS can be AFFORDED thra one ewe mteneted tbe nuna. DC FORMA LDED them nnon eretUeatkm iwraretotrr a. tter, to Mr. Tomlina, tdbeUot. 10.

Lkonln'alna Oeldo, London or to Thornton Fanwlc, ailietVv. Btorktna on Trea. May 23, 1856. Notice hereby iriTen, that, ta enmpHario. with a raaxameodetion hanaed la to lb Cranmitte nameronaty algned by tb anVacrlbm to thai eeLeWtMlaient, lb ROOMS of LLOYTri will hm CUltHm on ThtnU Uv.

SO tbe day appointed for the orlebration of By order of the OonuuiMea OKI). A HALRTED. Sea 1 LLUMINATION RRFLrXTORa CHAPPUlS A. rTetliiV ILLUMINATION OAS DEVICES. At F.

EDWARDS, SOS, and Co V. 4X Poland aweet, Oxford eereet. TLLUMINATION LAMPS. At PELLATT and JL UO.X raioon Ulaai wort. MnuandaUaet.

BlaekTriara, LLUMINATIONS. Largest STOCK of LAMPS and DEVICES tn London. Order, raeeind till the Bth. I ililieai aieawa uua ua, uesu rnrtiaao euaet. rmianovniac.

ILLUMINATIONS. PankUbanon Iron Works, 68, In il. rnwativrmarq W. MASSEYandOo. araup pamTto EXECUTE ORD ta go.

or oil, to any extent. ILLUMINATION, Derby, and Oaks. CARRIAGES to be LET for either day. terma reaaonabla, at J. aiartan, I ana maii aiei.

aaevware roaa. ILLUMINATIONS GAS STARS, a mat variety of which may be obtained at rery low prior, of J. CARVER, JJ, One Mutt. Hattco gardrn. TLLUMINATION LAMPS, varioai colours, 2a.

A nsKAjtniss street, SISTH ursTrruTios of una Crom I tui anar, Aomaaton la Cauiogn BCUj tan m. i CRAND MORNING CONCERT for the WAR WICK SCHOOLS, at the HiivnuKu. im w. JL. needay.

Janet, at 1 Cdoer. Vooaliata Mde. Clara SoreUn, Mde. rnnun rnroottearcia, aoue. jrut nam, joue.

uoavnoiu raloonl. Mim laereiwa, aua ranny HBOOan narr Beiebardt, Herr T. Puehelc, Herr Rokttaialy, Herr Uarl Forme. Herr Ernst Irlolinl, Herr Ignore lainaai rniano), auie. TDrnr arg msteL Urrr Leopold Gang and Uerr Morttx Gang, ooncert mi Mi to tb King of Priama, will ptfuiiu a dao ooocertante for Twtia and rtraorjceUo wltbont te 'TKAX to DUNXnUC.

Lm. sad Pari, Thd From PMllit, Tbandor. MoT BL 1 Ooa wday, May H. Uaarkt. a.

ISA Taw aahla, Ta Lille: rall, ua ion iiiat arkl Berew Insssli Hisiti FrnmLMdna. I Tbaraaay, May 3s, 7 amramg. I lUnrday, May tl. 1J aigntT I FatnnanTBFomDgnk fct: salnm rae oaaaataxaaeaaMiaa, mi. aaq arnatteaTa fan aabta aad m.naTihai raO.

Sa. Paaamgan beutn Oawy and Bon, Mitt l.n lit .1 lln ITaliMml iiiBib TOMBAY, toochinr at the Cape of Good Horn. JL Tb eeWeaad A iTDaada. lalh cBnaer A VALA.VcYlT, JAMES BTOTT, CommaniVr, to new taat loading ta tb at. AataZ a DnaU, and will ami a ndaipalineJ.

Etcoatbo, Brotbert, a. OMBAY direct, to sail the 5th of Jane, tba la Iblllah lllliyei befit emp KABL OF WTSbe OB, AL ragaawtXton. JAJaSTHEXRY CROWE Oraani.a lir xng fa. the Wert LadiaDocl. This akb i has Jnst nre olrttd bar lm rayat.

baetog made tb p.aair kwha Caecaaiau Mdays, lb faMaat kbit 1 1. me Ha.exeanenteiiita.iiirii1.ll hi fori km a and a Mora aabta stm rnga d.lwwldch early ar4ioation Mnqotteu. Come. aoahv sad only a atltad eaaatrty of dead weight Forfaab Mar I apply lo Jama Tkuaaim aad Biitgr tonara TOR BOMBAY, ealUng on the Malabar coast. JL1 Meawa Oraanr ttn ship SERTSaPATAM.

1.000 ton. Captain KJ.GIMBXJrnwIllaaatrnaOnnaBndeatbelOth July. Annlrto Meawa. i mdaf endGo OnrnhiU. or Bt MarUanlooa Choring aroet or te T.

Oreeaoad at. ComhlH. TjHJR BOMBAY direct, will be despatched 12th Jone, th epkmdid BrM daaa. teak BMy BOMBAY, LCF7 ton ragteter. THC 8.

FLAM AX K. rrreierW; lying ta Ih Ea India Dock. Ha exeeDeat amt.iiiand.lln for utaeamrt, and will carry an eij erieDned so rgeon. For treigbl or pi re apply to o. Toang, Saaroourt, CnrahUl or to Grienon and tti l.tlt.

Orkcit.l pi. Sna th smpton. and Cow ferVooort, OornhUL XT OTICK to SHIPPERS. For KURRACHEE and, BOMBAY, to aaB oa tbe let Jena. ha.

room for a few ton. of brbt gooda, tb phmdld HiM ilam ettpner ahtp EA8TERS CITT, LSTiona. ALEX, CROMBLE. OrwewaanVw loadlat ta tb Victoria uocoo, xna sn up an a rail poop, won apw wiM off art a soluble i or raaatge apply to Frigjaland Co.ri. Bt E3R MADRAS and CALCUTTA Messrs, Green's Ina ship NILE, LS0 too.

Capt P. NtSBET, lying bt tb India Docks, wUl eatl from Granaend on the 10th Jane, and env inaiiiniii il TiiiIb Ih Apply to Miaari. Qrlndlay and OA. tXCanhUL or t. Bt Moroni Mrs.

Chortngcrom or to I.Ua and U. Cornhia. UOOIETY of PAINTERS In WATER COLOURS. kJJ The FiyTT eKOUWD AHMUAL EJUIBmUX to aow open gauerr, nn man earn ma ee to xraiami aiaaiai, noai nu Adaanaaaaa, la. aaaah arna Id.

JOnMTH J.JXSKtm BiiiiiIbu. fHBNEW SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER Vf ISS LASCELLES wUl SING Laajrton WiUiAms' rOallerT. atk. Admlart KR fl I DELA Jb KXHIB tf Mr. ROOJ Mr.

Robartoc CRIMEAN PHOTOGRAPHS. Th EXH IBmUS of 1M FHCrroaBAFriS, lakan In th Crimes, Roberamn. after tba tall of SebaaVoooL to OPEN dail. at tba Enoa A earner bAJeiiMaVrk aelk MR. BRINLEY RICHARDS, Hipnor PiattL M.

GorMa. and Herr MolWae will prrform THIS EVEN1SQ, at Roornt MOZARTt OUARTETT in tl Minor, and tba Sonata for Vluiin and Piano in A Major. Hia nor Plata and Herr Mollona win each play a solo. Mini Meaect and the txrw has rooahM, Mr. TiilLorri, wui atng w.

jucnaror one now Beautirui tgnt Beeerrrd aaata, 10. Id. single tkdwta, 7s. at Cbappeil't and the maMomUer URKORD'i FALL aad INTERIOR of SEHAS TO POL to bow OPES ta Uilwrna araara. taken from tbe showing tn mm it on in ataiaitnon" ona euan, and tbe me arr, a.

aeea na uiwiisariy aner im ran. bc i rtertlxu th Onaarralory. hi lost opened, and tb Bernear Alna a on view. Admlanon la. to each paaaranta.

Open front 10 till duot LLE. ANNIE DE LARA begs to annoance her ATA CONCERT will tab pioce THIS EfcX: lllryne. Jul nentoliata notrotiore. Lara Learellra, Jw Aguuar. TOYAL PANOPTICON.

Peace Oommemoratioo. XV Thnnday. May XS. GRAKD MORS ISO PERFORMANCE. eil anoj YooaUrla Mllea KmUie KralL tan AThVrlm and Veroni.

Inatro CoUina G. Lake, and Mka Madors IMrlee, and U. Laka. A i Lara'a Torrlng ton a nrtolng Ibe Walpole lil.ndm. Dkeoma of (antral America.

Ppontah MuMtrrla. wtth th tuuol Lectam sod LUuetroUona and lOYAL Gj JLV rerpeettully MLsicAuatTbT ooenmeno. on Wi GALLERY of ILLUSTRATION. It is ineniua ed that a abort SERIES of MATINEES the oalsbratad yoothf ol BBOSSIL FAMILY, will arliMBil.r Jon 4. Full narticolan tn be hadof Cramer, Beam, sad and at tbeOalleryoi llhamtton, 14, Regent sireet tsaaua, nq malt, ax.

aja r. nonoa uteruinment as aanai. MADAME CLARA SCHUMANN beg. to an notmc that bar PIASOFORTE RECITAL will toka nloee the I at th BsuiTar Tnar Rooms, THIS DAY. May th 17th.

to rnmrno at otoca ptauaaiy, on wuca orrwuei toe wui peifutm sdectlons trom th otlehnted works ot Bastboren, Bach, Mare tbanrm. uon. ua mtn, an, Btoua, joa. an. bum, to, io oa had or so.

Snhnatana. 90. Uoner Glcaattar nlaee. T.miI a of Leader and Cock. U.

Krw Bond stree, corner of Brook otreet and at the principal mti.lnsallrra. iti vrni iu i i iiprxTiartiTuri XT at Btoford'a, Ilntis lunar, taken from the Otaerralory ana shewing lb Pile AdaurartT. aad other public beildlnga of thia mogniricect dty. The Fail and Interior of Hebaavopnt taken from Mtlagboff, wltt Iba aaaanrt fauai Alp an on tmv, tram 10 tuTdaak. Mouth Organ, JJtX TnjDfS St Lft mcwocaax.

Also, play th ax rmatle orStter. All the ISS STABBACH has the honour to annoance that barASSVAL OOaTCERT wui tak plae THIS EYXS Tnaadarl. at tb Banofe aioan Rooma at 8 o'clock Voeobeta Madome Vtordot. Mto Btobbach, Herr Reichardt and Mr. Watos.

Inatramenl.het. Miet Arabella UoUud. kUana Deichman. Ptyne, Regoooi. and UberthOr.

Oondnnlcn Mnara Fraak Mori and Frarjorasa Berger. Sambend stalk, 10a Id. nan ml testa a to be hod of the principal anatosaUert and of Miet Btohbaoh. 11, Eoe wara roao, uyae pan. OYAL POLYTECHN IC Hceos rival.

Herr EIROM, wui PERFORM aa the EM MELTS EA. or Chlldl iottth Orgoo, nry Taaaiay, Xaasaday, and Habmloy morntng i at am ancom iuiow eaon eg an nruuanl day and boars. Mde. Mtandle wUl dt. of tk Tyroha nasS rament ceiled th Cither three dieanst aM.

of Dtaeolrux Viewx and sad aanonis riag pnea. 13 OYAL GARDENS, VAUXHALL. To morrow May II and 10. thm foil and aOcienl Baoda Doable diwjUy of rire works from In Trtnmpnel Araa, a. ana, oraer that large lumbar Ol panona may ran the OercV as on them Orand Ball and Gala nlgbta, 111 nhngirf arlmaairni.

which has bitherwj been 10a, will redneed lo aao erowa. uoon open at narr peat a caec. VfTR. WILLING, Orsanigt to the Forindlintr Hot 1TX pital ban to announce ha OUKCZKT at the Muatc HoO. Store street, oa Monday moing, Jane 1 on which nri eeliai tbe errtoes ot the celebrated Sardinian Minstral Pleeo ban been seenred.

VccaltoU Mime Biich. Mabbaca, and Priile, an, Loekey Meawa. Tbmald, sung, llnon, uowaro, i. wuiianra, ana Lawwr. yioim, ax.

nam bend nawtal 7a prinA end Mr. OYAL GARDENS, CREMORNE, OPEN daily. Ewary iimiIsi. araad Ballet DtiatlieeeiMit. mwodnclug In prbnapal sImrmBm danma by Mif1smhrt OaroOae ISrreaTTmard, Lartna, Batiifl.

Uera arae. aaa auvgaa; Bignor Ban RIcnarde. wtth Grotaaoa Chinee. Pa da Tram. lif ISS P.

HORTON'i POPULAR ILLUSTRA AXTIOSB. Mr. and Mrs. T. GERMAS REED will gin thaw nowESTERTALSMEST, eoramtlnc of mn neal and characteram Olaatntlons, In trodnorng afrariety of aartaxng and Ink lowing eana from real life, wtth Fnaieb.

and Italian arjca. rry emune lexcept natordayV at the Royal Gallery of Ilraatntton, 14, Regent tweet, lyrrnmnning at I o'clock, and terminating at a quarter poet 10. Prices of ad manor, ta and stalls, q. which can be aecured at the Gallery daring the day. A Morning Irwrlarmane enry Bator tn oUoak, wbea th bat wiB So pari.

FDR MADRAS direct, with Immediate despatch, the anlendid eBrirevabrli BEAPARX. A t3S tnris rerlster. This snip to noted for hrrfatt mlTrng qtisllttoa, and no. snperb aooommodo UoB for eabia paaaangara. For term, of freight or pan apply lo W.

O. Toting. Son eoart Cornhfil or to Grienon and Tweeddala, 111, frrtmtal 1 lace, tlotrtbompton. and 1 CcerpetVoiiort CtwnhUl. WJ HiT HOXSX XsTjTB Of AUBTRiTalAsT 'toja Pitaimiiiy aabta, tgamaa nl la.

flajawlasita Fry sad Parana. Ml Fismmik itoiit w. tf HiTR HdRSE UNe xVatidklAISb puds KVITT and MOORED AUSTRALIAN LINjiotf, 1 i iii ijmi i troiiat. bee net arrtnd Brcea the Ootear. aad will seaara aaaaawwAt war.

baa raatarrtnd raged. tk weU kaowa dtpaar bailt ahra TOAMES. AL (balcaaBrte Mawrt. D. Danker sad bobbV On ngl In.

ALEXAJtBtm' MtriFlS.rrnmilM?:hraagtathInalaa DBeks. TmtoSaabia) haaafnll poop, wtth HI tan aiataammlallim for aaaaanyan. Fay rm. of tntghl or pawag apply to Mr. OaBaliy, wtlb eama, Meawa D.

Dnabst aadfaol, Tan stoaaV, I Imsriniai ay la DTlttB4 Moon. S. BUBtm UeL EVITT and MOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE of PACKET SHIP. For HOBART TOWS, aUnet, a regamr tredo.hMaeoDskVrableparl ot hay carfo rouged, sad will a patcbad nmoolrtb fraraas batlt aMpDCKWES Tw ATCR, ALU ywara, rtpenr CO toatj UCHARD WRASKMORE, Qaaaaaadart; Ijlrmta London Dona. Ihto ml ka faB poop? with srns dinpajati mi let; to Derta and Moon, BULwa etietL TAETITT and MOOREs AUSTRALIAN L1nEo? A rayaai anur.

jw busait tows rc, a ngalay Ir.aar, ka. ttro tkbdaot aeraarroenawAaadaoom te il mmI ill W'o GREY. Cccnmeader; tytal nt th Londoa Dacka TotolW eoiawaV baUtander thfcaaMclaa of th wnera exprawty tor tbe bada, aaT ellteeyeMieid I I fon h. VU igiiiijgtwm at xaacAaadalewkTawwawlMMaTSaach. fimhar raatlssfcal OflytoDeTlttaad Moon, BUaa.

eueet DEVnTand MOORE AUSTRALIAN LINE ot FACXXZ SHIP For LAUSCXSTOS direct, a aaralag kaatax. ruce. ol aarcarri aemg gut nnel ha. aeea built axm aaxj lu the paanngar trad, aad ka aonomaioiUbjOBB ranly oafld. For freight or peatag apnry to tb r.Mr.T.

B. Walkar, If Bt BalaaVcJao or toDvraaaad Moon. Biiatar Mreet XTOTICE to 8HIPPERS and PASSENGERS for MADRAS. Tb MISERY A Captain JOHS8TOS. wOI re ncm rands on board tn the East India Duct.sp to I o'clock on Irlday.

th3Wh. ti kTLeod, AUport and Co IM, Fur freight or ps am apply EOH CALCUTTA direct, Messrs. Green's fine ship MONARCH, L4S0 tons. Capt a WILTSHIRE will Mil from wand on the Sth of Jnly. Apply to Meawa.

Ortmriey and Oa. EVITT and MOORgg AUSTRALIAN LINK oi PACKET RHir. For LACSCESTON dh an. a rnlwfcrada. beaaeonalderabniierBoaof hn oonn eneaeod.

and will hoea cpoUCKoJeiiend aew dipper ahlpSTAK OFTASMASIA. A ragttter tana. Irjoikler'l HM.iiiiaiml 77 kmaV SAM EL tying to the London Docka Thie keaattfal Ml lie I W. Han and Bo rt premry for the Lnuiwatau trado and to expected lo be oa? taw tsMeat anips out at toe part ox imnon. so an paaooskad aasgaat srr aimnl.1 Taf nfilrf anl ir nl mils i.aeaiiui For term, eg Dwwnt or paawg apw memes.

aeea ana nowley, s. wienasm rauiMi Miet. )R CALCUTTA, calling at Madras to land pas angari only, Memrs. Grasn'snn ship BAR HAM. l.

man. in a. i wui eau trom uearetena on tn S9U Hue embark rsmBgrs at FDrtamoath. Apply to Meawa. Orlndlar Co, Cornblfl.

or Bt atartmVplaoa, Cborlng erom or to F. ea and (4. OornhUL LiXJR PORT PHILLIP direct, to follow the Btats JC fill II be Amarloaa shta JACOB nUIXiXE. eTKARLEB, COaanaadea. Pds A 1.

X.000 lone rextoter aow kadten la th East India Daahs! A1. xaOO lone rat Till, hesaliriil letml ear Sua lala chifahtB.MJCJ aaeo, asansd ssksa E3B. Apply 7t Corahin. the 1 fce F)R CALCUTTA direct, will be despatch BXh Jans, Ih nlendid SnUlam ship OCTAViA A nan. tons larijter.

W. J. DALE. Commander lrine tn the Xaat India Docks, Has a fall poop and xeelleut amanmodatton for ampkm, and 1 Qua um auort, Cornhia. liOR PORT PHILLIP direct, to follow the John X1 TaaxDerwr.

wtth awlck dawatoh. tb la. fiamWrar British frigoie lxiilt ehlp CORISOA, A 1 yean. Mg ton. rrgaaer, KESXT WAULER, Cnaamaramr.

Into hb has ailmllil araomaodaskm for' eobia i.Miiiiiiii. For frrlghl or psajsgs apply to Hccnkia. Mobka, aad Prewaa, aaa) India chambrri, laodheJrWeet; ortoTaatpe. arn, tawier, aaa xmraa. remain uu Mjeeq day 4th Jane, the tons register, P.

BKEL jTlALCUTTA direct, last shi TOS. qairmandn loading In th Wast India Docks. Tkto reaml ka full poop, ona excellent srrnrnmm.rmti tor poeaenrert ror rretgni to Jar, aoaiaatii. at x. ana w.

bxbjua Koyai Ax abangallnings. OVERLAND ROUTE. STEAM to INDIA and CHINA 4a. vat Egypt Tb. Panmaalar and Oriental Steam Sarigatkm Onsnpanf book paaarngen aad reooln gooda and tut the Mediterranean, Egypt, Aden, Bombay.

Ceylon, Madras, and Oalsuttn. by their mail tuiikim, leering tothamptoa on tb atk and SUh of enry month: and to China and th bvalta by thorn of tb4thot th. month. For farther partkntlan apply at the Coss MaiMS. in.

TssrlMilMllstiial, Londoa, and OrientaHlaea, tsaaeaa. JOR PORT PHILLIP direct, th splendid dipper 1 SrrOMi baUt baeoae TIME and TRUTH, A 171 tone raraaw, J. )DD. (VnaiimW trine la St Ealhorlne. Docka TbMnmel ka LiXlR PORT PHILLIP ROUTE to INDIA.

STEAMERS of tba Aaatriaa Lkwdi Ccaaaany lean TrieM (or ALEXANDRIA wntUlJSAaralXTtkotaaak ananth. aonaiii 1aara wtth the Pwnla olor and Ortontol COetpany. slum in laaeing So lot llnraaa. a ta sal aaa eta at enry awarm. I wjarMtampaoa lasilMiliall ran direct, has ereat cart of X1 nt earn (ogajnd, the ipM MARIA ron 1JW Ion ye, reglMer, aopeend aad 1x7.

IiailMilian Btoisl, In. Ina at HICXTE. BORMAS. aad Agnrm. 70B MAURITIUS direct, for freight, paseriras, X1 and mi ai.

Tb Wortermerittoned las lllMilam nmlswfflaMl from the WeM Indie Dopq. I aailly ea tba day siaiid la.Mgt.T.A BLYTB. T. B. HALE, 711 ttma, Joay XL EUPRROSYSE eTJ.

GREEN, 4l7 ton. Jane 14. Ooodsaaanot be remind later than sbn dan prKaoTllag. Tw freigtet or aaamgajgply to Massav BL IX aad Jaq Blyth and ii ia mm fottMied. H.

MIDDLXTOS. Commonder lylne la tbe Eeak LMlDocks. Has beaatifnl IhTt tOT nsrssal mm a.a an.ers. aaa will tomd mnet iteanlito uw wWBiilj tet si us. TjXJR PORT PHILLIP direct, to sail from thW A.

rrnr SOU Joty, aaQmg at Fljm.ath to mbart imii.ii of Aagms, UM tlaHlit. sew, frajam hnlt teak ahri COPES HAG EN, A lying nt tb 1 tralfM or liaag GaOatly. wtth th owners. GrMnoa and Tweeddala, weumwanari, uctaaoii. new ynrgaon Alkajortoal BeUet antiUed the island of aVwos, or War, ISece, and Plenty AaViandlng EqansMaa DiapUri la tb Oulowl Oriental Qrqne.

algblj trained Mssds Vooal and Inatramenml Con Mr. O. Tbompeou, the Brother BafeUneon. Mr. Hrudenon In their varied naaaial FiisaUliinniBi riifusiliM Dogs lUamlnaaons.

and PjinliiJiiilu Damlays. WedneeaoT nest May tt, (the Derby day.) grand Oolo. Tbmday next. May 29, NaUonol Dor and Sight Faetlrai kt honeae ef I ea mil iliaiieMiiim at 11 o'clock. MiAdar Mornlee Ow emto sod Farmrmaaen lath Tbeatn and Ctnrae tn the mning.

a suiuus llwplay ot Fireworks, designed expreauy for tba ccnaoHi iby vsarrauar jsororam. Detrlm and Bon on a slum im aali.i all nJ tbefrnsnn UekeU, be admitted to witoem and partake of the great nolle Day Ft on payment of la, lo be returned la refreshment. si, (xn uaas oay.i grana uaia. in. nanos will play on at tui Tf deaira of a great number of ladies and medical MJ men, Madam CAPLIS SAINVILLEs PROMENADE CON BALL.

la ntaarillliei. of Iba brilliant roam retllilllU eeMeli.1 .1 lea, iieae.1 1.1 fee Muka Modaata BATSYILLE has tba boaonr to aanna a 8XCQNS PRUMENADE CONCERT and BALL at the rVneenrs Emm. Csslls Mint. Oxfcrdetreet. on Tnasday, tb hi of Jan Madam eatn nil hot angagaa nt into aruetic in amral eminent arUM.

and the tor famed Great Coioxne Choral Comnanr. eoccnooed of 100 voobIb. and will eodearoor to merit Ih dletiriginehed tali.aag. wnicn net irMmaa, lav rmnaa, ana ana treat to mrrerr with, which ah ban gralafally to aexwnhida. So ad I FBI ILLUMINATE.

Th best and cheapest STARS in jl ismaon. urarn totes in I Rd. Griffith, 10, Hataon wan. 1 ILLUMINATIONS. OIL LAMPS are ooe foorth Alea 500.000 lomf for feMiweilin.

GAS STARS for SALE 3 feet, 35a. 5 feet, 5. A sod L. BISHOP, gaaatten and amlths, 107, Fetter Una, Madame CAPLTS has REOPENED her AN ATtiMlriAT. BIOLOOICAL GALLERY, for ladles only.

Cards of ad naa a application, oy many eaon weak, at as. day, from 1 to I o'etoao. IrtATRAOKIIlNABY PARISIAN AUTOMATA, Li Egyptioa baU. Piotadilly. The GRAKD MUSEUM MECHANICAL FIOTJRES to SOW COMPLETE, tbe Proieielon dng patron ti Mrf tb siasiiv Open daily, trom Is, half price.

A MaeHeolleotlon ot norel and elegant Mechanical Toys wUl shortly b. exhibited for ak AD AMR JENNY GOLDSCHMIDT arewaU Ooncerta Exeter haS. Mr. MltebaC raspeeafolly i tba LAST CONCERTO which will be siren be Madame OoUMCHMIDT la this eoantrT Wadaeeday ennlnLjane 1L Grand Mlocauaoeoat Ooncert, with tall band and eborss; Wedneeday tTeo treaaoa ana sfty rronlng, icerk with fall band and chorea oa which oaraaton Mme. Gcedeobjnidt win mak.

ber btt and farewell sp xwaranoe in iau eotuiwr. iaat 1 1111 ana namoerea xt la ilently acoomrno Mitcbou, Royal PEACE ILLUMINATION To be SOLD, a great bargain, a eery bandeome GAS ILLUMINATION. on stoslng ot a Brmarwiek star wtth V. B. in tb centn coat oilgmoDy JO giUTjeea.

apply at ruefimoou oamiingt. i iien trect. rjono. FUNERALS. SHILLIBEER'i comprehensive 8T8TES1 farniahe.

every faneral reoan eraent and the bereend vd tw their wtohi aoonntaically proeuad for by a tariff of lied bargei adapted to every eUm. So extra charge witbis 10 mllea Uty mad. near rnabsnVmars, sod KorUi strarl gaadrant, Brighton. Ralaahed 1ML MONUMENTAL BRASSES. Messim.

WALLER bin REMOVED to tt, Cpi Xortoo elrert, Portand plaoa. MONUMENTAL BRASSES, in medieval and AJA 111 URAL TABLETS. Several very beauuful speci A a. men. of thl.

dam ot tcolptan, by an eminent artist an now ortiALE. and can be riewed at 7. Regnitauwt A GENTLEMAN, having nearly new and handsome Fl RSITUREfor an 11 roomed honee. wtohea to meet with a nrpmble parti reqniring a (amiabed laeaaa, and who might aelect hie own Unhij within mile, west ot Cnartng ernm.

Addram M. a' w. tew jy at Wuliom atnet AThany strert, Regeptpark. lINE ARTS. BROOK MAN and LANGDON Ja.

a tK tn.M.i V.IV., rJ 1 jne md. and petraniead by tb Royal Family, and the most eminent atto Menafaclory, ft, Great RaeeMl strert British Mmeaua. LABELS To Large Consumers. LABELS PRINTED and CUT by machinery, ready tor on. One bach nan, Ivt 000.

is qaantfties ot ant las. than S4.000 larger nut in prurtiou in coloured ink. aioolly BvuVrole. Designs mad ad anunam (irworded. J.

CROfiS and SOX, njachin printan, fnrnten. btlwanoben. end statlonen. It Hothorn. Eetotillshed 1811 Ti FANCY SOAP MAKERS.

WANTED, to Pl'RCUAKE. a tHrwt STEAM SOAP PAS. Two Por tlands Wonted, need lo capping, fmishing. esernoM, Ac Ap aaa ua, fancy soap ananofactory, su, mapntng.n T) he SOLD, for 15. (cost 40), a GENTLE A MAS.

GOLD LfXVER WATCH, by Denman. of tba Sneat con wncuon ana smsn. enamelled dial and yewelled moeement A written wn ot Wales sod 1 PATTERNS. WANTED, by a fringe manufacturer, A far Ike msry ass ef meaebmg. a of PATTERNS of SILK.

"fn. onaBeag DRESSES. Spring and Anttuno Gooda nionparU TUr byltoAdnrtln fV 1 SOLD, by private tiargaln, the whole FUK A XITURE of aa elghWocsaed bonaa, genteelly fnmithed. In me sahtwo years. Tobe aeen oa Moodan and Tkartdaya, tram 11 Ull 1, Btt Lanaloei tuiaoa Earl'seoart roed.

Kensington. ifAMILY FLOUR MILL WANTED, second hanZ to be worked by band or small engine. A Gons 10 gmneo Gol Anparsto. for Bole cheap, nearlj ntw. Apply Alma, Msronry wa britua.

SLARENDON PANTECHNICON, 18, North AtaUry elrert, Ornerrnor eonore, Waroboaen for Fumltore, Plate, n. aad enry denption of ni noble Property. Mr. JAMES FOb'BFORn aad BON tnpectfally mm tba attention of the nobility, s'mtrf sad lb pabnc, dretrnps of worehooaug propel ty. ta their dry see oATenit ston rooms, at moderate chargea EeUmotee ramiahed 'rjbig.

Ac. tn of charge. fLMSHEB't DRESSING CASES, Btrand. LLUMINATION LAMPS About 1,500 GLASS LAMPS, wtth chain and cottons, together with arnral drTiees, trays, tighten, Ac, lo BOLD. Apply to Mr, J.

Chew, Littl ItocreTda, dty. YTtOR SALE, a very handsome TRANSPARENCY X7 for ILLUMINATION an alleenmcel nprneulstiiei of Peaea I st Mr. Roughx, CRYSTAL ILLUMINATION GAS DEVICES. Mean. JAMKB JOSES and K.

and SO. Bowtnet ban to LET th ROYAL ARMS of ENGLAND, with laonls and crown tbe whose crystal aad stained gloat, pridoclng an naeqaallad erleot. at a very email oauay tor gag ijaagn. to Be earn ot anore. in HYDE PARK.

BEATS and A FIREWORKS in the GREEN PARK. SUITES of ROOMS and SEATS to be LET. tactng tbe Onrn park. on tbe craning of the zmh. Apply to auawa ranim ona vnaicnaa, ssa.

Ksgent street ana FIREWORKS, on Primrose hill. SEATS to be had for the SUb. la a resilience on tb bill. tnmanding a complete riew. A prirat party can be aoootnroodated with an entin room.

St Etlmnnd'ataiisuL. Prunroee hlll if by letter to A. II C. EACE REJOICINGS. ROOMS and SEATS.

eornmaaatbal th beet view of tbe Fireworks, facing Buckingham Appcy so air. aeeraca, ewsie aswnq g. fKxmtxuij. TEj I con Palace. jTIRAND EXHIBITION of FIREWORKS in the jTIREEN PARK FIREWORKS.

TICKETS for jT PLACES to VIEW, wtth drawing rooms and balcony. Apply to Metera Smith and Chapman, id, Picoadilly, or Wg, Riytit ttrert T5EACE REJ I I GS. ITES of ROOMS and SEATS to be LET, facing the Green park, on tbe evening of tbe Sth. Ticketa, two and tjire gnineaa. Apply to Memra Smith and tiarenan.

aoe, steseit ewi. rUCKINGHAM PALACE FIREWORKS. BB BXX1MS. Wtndows, sod Bet Is. emnroanding a fine riew of th treworks taclnf th Palace.

Apply at 14, Jamn street, Buckingham PRIMROSE HILL FIREWORKS. To be LET. a BEOOSD and THIRD FLOOR WINDOWS, com it. bast newt of tb firework, on tbe hill Terms 10 aad Ii guineas each. For cards of address apply at tb poM ofttca, Pork street.

CaadB4own. fTTHE FIREWORKS at VICTORIA PARK. SEATS, tremedtotely taetng thia grand notional display ot an usiaiogasB pom ntq Bad i II ih mx CASES. Bl woodor aaabj ftla toilnnlnn'rhag. rrtaaamly oaa HOD BE WITHOUT a DRESSING CASE CALTOS Resent tot sat raadaiilliMmxCAaES.Ia liiliaonl say aad ate aadla IE.

5 5s. TRAVELLING TOILETTE BAGS. A oad eater radala for ladtoe la meroeca, baed eSk and or saana at timmiTI I ik. obe aaaaat a 111, naistlin Trava BELLAMY aAVORT ssUs salirlias to his boan I rr ln1 iTTTing 1 irT taney waoosaa a lieu OBJ rkboxas. BtpiarTinbl loda a Jeng iTnT isaWsidiliih, satlsry.

amw reoto Sist ifi54.saaf JaVER POUITKD HOUSE to RAITKR llltaa.1,,1 ii 1 nTl 1 spleU APPARATUS, aad the art l.agtit rarradai. FLEMIS(7a manaraitian Beef LWieaeM, Sew Oxfutsaint Author fapgld, by i iXr1. MS tXJSBpteT) MtA A jajDM fTM.bL1'11 Ua. ehratlcal. aad th art laa 1 5L M.S1 At OIl.BgET FUarurO a maaa OxfudsUeet frkaU.

by MarassaUl REJOICINGS for the PEACE. Elegant AWNINGS for entries, ht loony, and to mil any lonofity. to be bad on the abort notice of J. VIRTUE, arjholotu or, Ac. tt.

Sew aim Mi est Oxfmd atioat Ttiitliiias wtth th trad on Uberol termq TaKAnR RK.lhlCINGS JOHN CHEEK reroect folly mfora tb pnbUe that hi ESTABLISHMENT will ffifBiwrT oa Tbanday. th 39th. 133 a. OxJbrd atrnt Tb British Ana mrs laatrnawt aaa vaiomgns ca rnswe war sen an may, gnsm TRRSON8 WHO WI8H to SEE the FIREWORKS, kOSEHILL, either from fim floor or parlour. For terms, Ac, apply to A.

kv. a uennsBM anal, st John's woon. 3 aar part of tbe eotnrtiy 0, Tazsadsavwa aat, Hay SOLOMON'S Wrrtfcaale American. English. aad wj tbb rrtiiiujuAJrrxiuaa uriUAi.

a aa, and liea free oa arptUowoa. mo COUNTRY PHOTOGRAPHERS To bs A bOLDu a FVJaTTABUE taTuJaBB lTMnAlT MGajM. SSraal wwaaatastorttSBaddbew Aayry or wrlto tor gMwiamn to Wirtauliai i toii, JohaW. Bi LaiaV HCAYALLb PHOTOGRAPHiO GALLERY. 224.

jaiii. Ikdil. si Ittslj IstolMil Oallary of BisilaiaBl oa rarw, fn. atTatayaabaas lli nan Sbat ka ha paaad a yernM maHl l.aag bat on annatea Bl aotomt. aad I aassiBi Baiplna aad I tin thaa Sa paaa ay agawda.

XawaanqatKigMl awiil. ROYAL BOTANIC SOCIETY, Regent's park. The Snt EXHIBITION thl. teaaon of PLANrs nd niwi JIJl win be bald la the uaroens of to Booiety, To Burrow (Wedneaday), atay zb. xtcaets to ne ontoinea st we uaroens onry oy oroen Fallows or Mimben ot Ih Society, prle Bdayis, or to sa 7a Id.

eanh Tbe gales oem at i o'ctca MISS MESSENTand Mr. BRINLEY RICHARDS' CONCERT. THIS EVENING (Tneadoy). May 37, at WTTH. a Bt J.mafl, at q.

Tb toBowtng aminant artim. wUJ aaaat Madam Clara SonOo, MM Moment Mas Sophie Periet, and Mtos Dolby Herr Von Oeteen. Mr. Eliot Galer, Mr. BodxU, and the new bee.

rocohM, Mr. TUltord, who will Mnr for the first tim Mr. Brmley Richards' Doett Hoe leanttfnl to Sight wtth Mlm Moment Herr MoUane, Slgnor PlaUl, M. Ooflrie, sod My. Brmley aUchardt Oon uoc4crt M7mmedict Mori, and W.

Gonx Mto Maatmt and Madam Sonlio aill alng anm new comxiraittona by Belt and Macxarron. Mr. Brmley Richard, will ploy selection from MosnrVs works and aorn of bl owb bw Amr trTia, "aVmnoir a Bellini" and La Bain," psavrsi in a major, mmrvm amots iia. ax, sngto ucoett 7s, si Mr. ChoppolTt Bond sUuut and th mtalesenerq sO RAN EXHIBITION of AMERICAN PLAN fa.

Mason, wATaaoB sod uouyavai, ox us aXMP aill Sanarr, Wokdas, Saney, ban tb banonr to armoanr that they ban mode Porticnlon tn fnton adnr "jyCR. GEORGE BUCKLAND has Um honour to rrrningt and on Thursday and Batawday atteraoons, la thia week, he aPERA. The BOXES, Stalls, and I'll TickcU are VF ER THEATRE. Sole dty agent STALLS, Oodia of Mr. Geort Bocklond win aint two new arm.

"Cohbaal Umwji eomcceed or J. w. liobta and proaprro's Fon Tn aosn mrntwttl oondede with Bebeanalot a Adrntostna. la and at ma stana, 3a. Erenlngt al anernooo.

at X. me Booking omce lo now opm. I Btanety and dreamt eBUreiy aew. The nlertam wlthsbaso song, Ulnatratad pan4onum, MTb JOHN ALVEY TURNER. 19.

Pooin t. BOXES and leat pootlioca on moderate terma pit tickets, ta Id. ER MAJESTTi THEATRE. Hammond's Mnetcel Uhrary. I.

Sew Bond street opposiu the aanodoa oleL BOXEB and STALLS fax the beat altnatkma on auiderata term, to ucxees, at. aa. anen. "DOYAL ITALIAN OPERA City Agency, 48, tAeaptaae. Buxin a ana guineas pit, zia ana nu ucaeta, ax.

may be tecurea nr annucatiot Prowaa. and Co. The new Ellintkl Onen labvaea from ay. aT enelis antnnrtaeq uisntu ot au xne operas, is. so.


ana sin uek REED beg to annoane they will gin their ESTERTAIS NT at 3 o'clock on Mar 39. mataal of In the rrsalnr. at tb Gal lery of Iiluetration, 14, Regret ttrset I ULL.IEN and Co. have PRIVATE BOXES. Pit and Amphttbaaan BtoDA ot the Royal Italian Open and Her Maleatys Tbeatn, is tn nets aw erlenatedenipticalopi jPvRYSTAL PALACE.

Grand Opera Concerto. I Tba THIRD GRAND CONCERT, be the Artiste, of the Ron! Italian Ocrra will tak. place on Friday next May 30. Tb eanobilrties ol tbe balkurar harm now been nsleiently teeted. the Direct rt ban dttennlned to mm a limited Bomber of ticketa ot admission for this conrert, al 7a.

Id. each. The tickets may be obtained at 73, Lom baid atrert at tbe Brighton Railway Station, Loeslon hridg of th Tariona agents of tb Company and at tbe Cryttal Poloos, on or nron tbe oay of in ooncert nest, seals tn toe new gauene PERA GLASSES, by HARRIS and SON, with Vy thear maaaj may be nraged at 3a Id. each. A strong destn baring been expressed br tome of the hoMm or tl exchanted for two roinen deliiiiiiiial to allow each axehonm, on psymrnt of on guinea add! to the Royal family, opposlto th British Maeram established 1730 OPERA GLASSES.

The enormous size of tne open gUasas bl renerol aa frequently render, them troutenora rmparonna; tnantt to monern eaenoe tnat nimmity i. now ountire th barudaUton ot th tmprored Docfarfoin. Them lnetromenta ea, tn Douinoniy onetneband boll long. tional for each ticket, on application, personally tecntary. at th Ci jM.l Palaor, Byorder.

Crystal Polaoa, stay 33, Mat. Q. Gl tickets, tb Directors ban of on guinea aaai ar In writing, to lbs GROVE, flecieUiy. I ER MAJESTY! THEATRE. Subecri ben ars XX Invited to aaleet tbetr OPERA GLASSES from tba ebolo.

aaautt Bieut al CALLAGHASX optician, Bt, Sew BondsUmt eurner ot CoodniV etreet not. agent for th. celebrated amsil ond powarful open Boa rac grian nrnotea ana maae try i nt usnorT, rienna. CRYSTAL PALACE. 8aturdav Shilling Dsv.

In order to afford sn opportunity of riamng the Crystal Palae at Sydenham to tb nBAoeroos exconratota now In Ltmdon, at well at lo i nrsinaT on tnat aar. tne Tbe doors of tb Palta will tb Palace. Tb Peace Trophy and Beater! Monument tiH remain tn tbe brnldmg. Trains will ran at froquent mterrals throughout the oay. trom to uaMon onag lenuans.

May 34. lgfls. Byorder. Patents Ertraorrlr BnoU OPERA aad RACE Y30YAL ITALIAN OPERA, ilesir. rn fid 13 rnannrT anon OP1 WMcbing only three ounces, go into a watch pocket Tby an) gin) i mat tin tor ladin to Ming round the neck the ouue at an rre giaas win abow diattnrtly a penoo'.

roonntenaac at 31 and 3 satVes, and an ohiect rrota to anssi Blatant Tbey can baa at torn nd all Ban, wtth menacing power, at Meawa. 8. and BOLOMOSa, lrSjM. as, AJtewearw suit tnoroniiry. orieearia to rnr niotat.

jMRYSTAL PALACE. Week ending 31st May. moBoay, xwaaoay, neanasoay, ana Tnmrwaay win ryiiinrar l. Frsl.T Ih flrann frnimtlr IVrnorrt the tilmrailon tn wtilrh sill bt trr two guinea Ocketo, or by ticketo (7. Id.

each), of which a limited Bumber only wui be Issued, and which may be obtained at tb London aad Brighton Railway Terrain oa London bridge, and at 43, Rageno, etrans. Baaorday, Stat May, to mad specially a ihillmg day. order lo enoble rietaon from the oounwyto ban mry opportunitr of risiting Lnretaa brldg Tarmhrs, May 30, ltSA. 17IPSOM RACES. RACE GLASSES and TELE XlU SCOPES, portable and weaawliig tbe most recent to be had of F.

PAST0RELL1 and Biaiiiifartnren to lb Adas rally. 308, rvgaaiuy, near ittwetitarcus. TLt GUINEA SEASON TICKET admits to aU GLASSES. The best and most powerful DOUBLE GLASSES or th ran ooun. tb aaa tide, and tb oira.

from 30a. to guinea. also the riegont 13 fi Opera, wtth ex ana smou sua at 4. a. a It ft a IIP qufintw, T)ACE AI1 mm.

Iraordiaary power and amoll tin. At K'i Winiem net London hrtdge. TIEDERBY. CALLAGHAN's RACE GLASSES win bo lu nu ilth best They may be hod, of enry raze and de Bnptioaot Bxaxatang. at Collagnan'a A Sew Bot etrorA oorner of C'onduit street Remond from oppotile the British Mrssram.

3J, BoMsgwnt (or tn araiinriiiii amauaa powerrui and rose gl. an hrntrted aad mad by Yotgliondar. Vtonn ADAME TUSSAUD and 80Na Kir of Prussia, AIJL Bjngof Baramat, XrOS. CS USmorVlg in IT. ii ii if I Xassnma Cboi Asm anna at kofSaraiBia.

Aiexonder IL. Gen. CanrobreV Ehig of Den aisMjat of ataaaa, aa, arnaao. ausa mark. Duke of Combrtdge.

Fret irnr aad Fmjiem of th Fnneh. En. perre ana biis.m oi bmmo. eato Qatar rsaaa, iwinaiB, aa. 10 flatm Must ka.

Open from 1 Maoa ronass. Id, CJINGAPORE direct, with immediate tU spatch, 10 boring the part af anearro la.igijtne wwB knnwaCasa brriood built alrpnn baroaa ASS SEliOS. A 1 13 yean. 404 ton 11 i IM TflllTtflllT fTiaasBiBilil lilnl In 111 III 3T al Ii Billl a TTii i a Hot good sssoamaodanoa tor tiMBitiii. For freight or p.

apply to Jtesee Tbnmam and Co, kllltareaiian; st to Doagk and Milla, 33. BUBtar Mr tet F)R 8HANGHAE direct, having th principal part ot aar or engaged, wfll ben lasmedieZ. lam.tck. Ibe Baogala rymg tm tn ke BarinBad far bar for few chief eebtn pae F)RT ADELAIDE. AU nodi for the BLUN D33XsramUtoWMladtoDefbyW For Wemairf fnigiit qpe to Loehls as ad Mae IacA oT Coralua.

DSLAIDB. The IRENE, A 1, 700 tons bardeo. lAanartoaB attppershtp EAO LEV 1, ttoh lartotar, JOBS B. FARRAN. a Laadoa Docka This bseeafal st British torlolet fast aaaatrre, and bo.

superb Oroat 8. Helea'a OTICB to SHIPPERS to SHANGHAI. Th SDAar a ajtoeradahn win naern roods hi tba a IaaialJoeaarawllirrKBWBaxt ma josn nam, ana arooeea aeeaa th tollowtng day. Fortannsot freight ier paamg apply to Plflapp. Bhow, ana lawiner, A atayai aranaag reaaiirars CJTEAM direct to CAPE of GOOD HOPE, taking 1 1 mm roeneeL and arami kv Caa Towb and Akrea Bay.

TVs Bdidaawdltsry anw raeamet VICTOR EMANUEL, UOsH orrr1 ly1 nine si in i.i. iwtao. toaHy for tbe akon port oa tbe Mk of Jury axt ambartmg gen at Osaneendoa tbe 7th. This Mumiw baa only room for a marked being tttaotnaxpnady tat liM dam t.mMigit. pi i iito aUecaroble upvielaiitty fat parttea waatng to eombtae economy wtth aoatfort Cayrtos so SAiastauoag ro.

Bbe will be la a few dan ready for of whkm dm lint In. wffl be ertea. Fce sty to Ih. ownen, avassm. iTraries Joyce ana ua, bl.

auior andtstfnaxbi tothabsnkart JaaatoTnOBWasmCn, t. TjtORT NATAL. The LADY of the LAKE will A neein goods an day on Maxelay, th 3Etb mat ann Im he rrJrwmed tbat tbe aroat ha an hoard on WartnawlBt bv 13 ocAai Gnrnd. at Istost, A few berths djeengsgwd. Apply to B.

EllcrtoB Sn in hank, oa board or to Fry aad InTtona, SO, Fa TJX)R SIERRA LEONE (under eytgagaoant with X1 Her MoJoeVl'l Ooearaasan and gaarauteed asm aaipt laa sow A1 Her Molntl'l Gn.aniniMil and gaarauteed ami ahipt I mlllngrir riit U1HSUUUKI, A l' tnoj. Jul sons par I brms to ta wan lama axpon mra, emuwewi Tttrtii. anri, LI intennediate; New York, 3 aeoond cootn. ti brMaamtnlpa a la Sew Zlad, and NewYorr, OcecllodolphmTMorjtreai. Boston, sod St, WaS TTHTRALIAS ROYAL MAILS.

WHITE, i STAR USI at LTrxXPOOI. and AUaTBil.f AN ROTAL Si FAQS ElB To Ban. Tb celebrated arabaonilMwTjlBOwB slipper Golden En wlllb Royal mnpackMot30UJaaa. fn Melboarna, carrrtog liiiis oan tor Sydney, sdelslrte, and Von Inemm't Land. Tale aup to anrtniMd for the oxaaUenoa of bat jniiiiinr aOTtiniiidacioa on nry lorga and moat enmlene lh.

Carrla a waass. PUkingtoa and OorahCLor Bt Mark tor all limn Tbaoobinsan nrytorg Bh bass poop seek Pi bob endhhnaw. Acorrlotb or Orindlof and Ca, i eves ronfortohly ItteA A nSTRALIAH ROYAL MAILS. BLACK BALIi Lm cf SXrriHH aad AUBTBA1.1AN uxorTBa 'ACKXXSr Mornbsg Lighl CeeaaCW 13 Ta sail. Elddie Mh Jaa.

chJana Mk Jaty. Beet adfaeseataaln ailMinnai for Ik a.nsjtam of an aeoUr aotia a with th tVonenssent to ill at ln I i baaxasa. Apply to Joha JastaoyoadCa, Ona St HakmX Ixastoa I Si to Jamas aniaat aad Co, t. Cask rb abon ttn to (he ksryeM th wceM, aodBnMaadwtthgnatanla msan. abnf eabia I fVllil I Clark aaa 177Tm, that, sat, aal E3R SYDNEY direct, the fine, fast sailing.

British rftoreer ahis HASN AH FOWSES, A I. ton naW. JOITS ship has i BiiinmBinrMiinri ror cactn tiamiiiiin, at a nan. Foe rrMghi or poena, apply to HotaJMobaa and Xast Tisllt ahsBilMM leariaak.I1 Mi.M; or to Tamperieyt, and Darks. 10, FaBohsiLh Mint EVITT and MOORITi AUSTRALIAN LINE of PACEET SHIP.

To ssB aar.itn.Tly tromth rrnrth3ptb ealBac at FTyatowth to embark iiamiiBin oa th. 1 Jshr or 8YDSET einct th spsawlht aew trigote bant snip the uj ct rxajx, Al tor ner7olanrtnt to Ml I). Iranbar and Sonet. son rrraoer, JAMES GREEN, toes of the VbDeero. Oommondor lying in the Eon India Docka Thai In ship oaa been Built for the hones wade: absknsa raa poop, wna sravnta aikshabls UH'tVniltyror bsttwaan sacks being lofty and airy a tew tntermeoiote I Mwaeoa.

For term, ef tnarht aad pasng apply loo oa board to Mr. GaUeily, with the ownen. Ma dloaa, 1 i "PVXVITT and MOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE of TAR.KAHN'ieeJabraiexlANATOMICAL MUSEUM jqgor gBrrllBMtooamabsrariBmt UftUi asry. EPSOM RACES, WEST and Cos opticians to Her IsAtoatyJS Ben, on making tk Btort prrwerTal RACE GLASS enr redoeed, fn foV ad. To be hod only of tbe makan, Waal and Co S3 aad H.

Ftost rnet aad 4L strona. naar uaarnarejna. Be sben baroanien ot tls. id. alee 1.000 good thermt uiilMi at la each.

Ihto and ether uusalilra, hi amy ball kBsasbaans ssaflj BBaliartol IbU.bmII Iiii a iiandearnred I a 1 1 sad kalttaZt, by Da aWxam FJLOA: BadsBwa k) 4arraydIfca MlJIlllkS, Aamaawoa at 4, Oawaaary aawat IaaasBawaawA OIK)RTSMEN, Gentlemen, Oaroekeeriera, and TeaBisla FAT3T tnry smau) TajincOFES, saaass Ions, Wwhich aparaoax ecemtenaan may to deorty aen at 14 mileq ond on ebyac a to 14 mitosctotaat and wtth on extra sail rsii aalnal ey. sma glam IEACE REJOICING. CaldwrTTs Assembly Roorns wiObe opea tnas IT o'clock wosfl far a GBAS0 BUIXXa, ,1733. I twins an. nan; as ako agtialarly aman Ig3aa scansxwoiars, la nwii, TT IiMtliiilliljli wfll go faato a waacheeaat, wakjakaf sasr S'lAasrhMi thay show Miar aad otolto'l a awrsoa1 iiasdi KLolt.aototor Pasmdillx, toth.

Hntot 1 gTlASINO do KaCm'sastk VEN1SE, High Holbora. Her hay and tb Faae aViaomga Mr. W. to iili.i.Hrmaflhahwes AUKATT Brxtr. vnr rvsi fnn iiiii usrer nreiar tradar.

tb niawsivl BritaavboiH ebpter ship INDEMSlTY, A luxaBar Wf toas, PHILIP BAYERS. Ctaamoeder lymg at tbe JcVUeXa Inm This nn I. expr My ltoed for the arodo and to one of to fastoat saltan eat ef th port of London aba has a Jbi i I auBMnni biiiiiI anaaianil.llnin mr.tmca er Ptaage sen. For ton IWUtoi saiM for aabta ll in appty lo Derm and Moors, 3, rhEYTrT and MOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINK of XXpACEET SHIP. For OEELOSO, Port Pbillry dawot, (delmr to the vrhsstj a nnlv cxiaMsdwassaasiwtto i Hill II, tbwfl tawwa SSZTLiZL.

VA wriywR. a 1. JOSEPH rT TTrfr la Mac kx ka Bt tualbarta bosks. Hasex nad SMrawatirar" 1 Fartaasaf fntghlar ntoTJwrMaad Moeee.s.rglrBM eaiil, A NNTJAL PACKET SHIP APZIJalDE. rot1 A.

MTT irnrm it. isi ihbh tti tssiti 1 timDmSm BaaTjat7ra wwasn 1 jar, Ja. kry. to Til awkah BBillaafiat absADlXAIDR, A 1 lor Upraro, 4H toas isiklii. E.

IxTJjmjETTci la. Msah at bar asrga to abBaaSBnalBwtBttlBU aa wiB a asstdsd. Appto 'to ithei swa ausars. BdCa, 4, Caatoa awaat I or to lrtt sad kfaon, a ONDON 8TKHEO8OOPIC rtneawfii TiiIubmi tAaoilatoantat, Ahrp)mismmrccBMt)mi8iim COMPANY, 54, mieroos laaBorax, aatftatate rXWaaaara Caua Mrftl Mai a. JEJt TB siIIm i fTTHR 8TAGK.

Mr. TREDERICK WEBSTER TJEFORK YOU HAVE "'S Waaa, at Gaaaav tar T1LACXSTAR IUN ga! IoTVILK la mm FACXXZ TVaTOaVAlXLawM fen latotB fTtfCtsrVrxaT, caaaeeaaba aaaafl MoyXl 3 day. Apply to Jam a 33. xwanrJaafhfkaaxwest UiapBidi ssMMl, eta. PORT PHILLIP be de JL' ansnhala, tbe WgSBMexOI shto.ADMLRAI, A 1 7wtOOA B.

flCTECr, Clams lnmg at loim Dooao. TbleaUpaa a peep, wtth apenicea i ail.llia fcti 1 1 gl aad being Board lot hay as pi earn, otran a reparooa oypoiiaaixy lor Miippen otajuu eg aci iliaj.lsk. Aoaty to Imaafax, Llringsla. aad On, B. aaaat Bt, i for aabtn aba tath asooad Aaiaaaa to hnBatm.aadwm aoba For tnlchl or paamg acyey to aaa a OowparVeoart, Oa shIB.

to Cantata Oosnvy. ea board to Mr. BL lk ananar aaa noa i at a taV. Trn isaTTCE. I wilt son ids arm waas toraTaaarbjaamtoyed maader, Is now lyiaf to Ik Is to Jaty.

Tkto waOanita tad at the toed, aad bee aurrrolleaa has paaaaaaa to bar apaaVa poop, wkarA tosatodaau. nl aad nnafortobai sryW Tib natoiil is fsaaasi aajlj ta board tag to IW Tafls It aUaa, BaaCsZUe i tolMamMetogs to Ooraani tim A DSLAIDE, Sooth Anjcralia, direct, to follow the A. Ctomng sriodTand ssa aboag she 33th of Jan, th rlvtosaOt ffiprerttp ORIEST, 133 toas labia, ALEXANDER IAW. tUXCX Oato of tb Cbarlotto Jaaei, Comaaaada looding to tka Onto of tb Cnariotto Janet, Coaraasadar I rnadinc to tka Inaks. Thto Mm.

kaa abaaTBha waa toas ill I aeea ntwtr aaaqyed to tb toiaapwl ssrvaaa whan gas ems sassatadand a ad oaeWah faaaat il ill Baapoaa, wtth il IB ii I I I I I srarasatorattma rorakka! abto a I gars wffl aha taps toaJtod aambar ef gssasd exhav Carrtoa aa saewraaiaat aii ia, ajad will A NNUAL PACKET psarlmalttrj tb nearly aw Btlllaklajfl paSsTSl las larata, A CV FORSa. Coal is atreedyeagaged ewaen. Maaas, B. I. Wknlaaat I Mti.s 1 BtmiM akiiat SHIP VICTORLA For, day Uth Jam, aad rfaa wna 59 'toata.

Oa, Calhaa alnet i ar to Srrat AUNCXSTON direct Nptios to Sliipper. Afl I poods nil 1 1 Hor tb ACAtrfUS. A 400 toaq BOQARTH. 7 thelotoioa Itock Dalui saw asst. thsIlMBaA Apply toTabaln, Ltrtngataa, aad as.

Urea BX. Maaait, laaacaaaae awena. SEW rAALAND. FrederickYoting and Co.aLtrs. tofeflowlkalaaatraaAad all tb ttthof Jassu Fs Wa' OTOa enao.

acai CASTERSUXY, tk wou knowa. baA had Baa aaaat has vary aagsSol I I lltloa lot tk taaen at III I Tnaiia fn lYTtaa'kMT rANDERBILT EUROPEAN LINE of STEAM SHIPS bat. iaa BOUTHAMPTQS aad SEW TORJC Tha Mialliaid Sas Btltg TtfT rT rV I I I I will haw SMBlliaaglito toy SEW TO; IL Tba North Bear to idiwslal sat waler tlgbt lamsiiM, I then BtoaaMts at aa tow her apses, ka ax sona panBaaaas las sag atayanitiiTiBi at aani nw naaney aarltsM ta iiaarito, rsiian an ka bsaa takes to imaii ikMBxawy aaa Bant a paanaawn. Fsm, haradlBg atevaaoaa, sat.adl to. Bs.

Flia Jaa, XMLaal CVtTmTminTx aO Bad a3A aeerjrsiag to lm imi lln at maderate loan. Apply to Ih gain! aaawCrakey oad Ca, arsMhaajTaa, sad CTTSaliihiBB. Mult Loadoa ey to tassy tak. aeeaw.drtndlayaMl6a,aa.MalBrs ptoaaCsaito aia, OTEAM to AMERICA The Uverpool andPM oRtlstciaTnaAal affi rrrr BIT I mill I TTubiailn Tisil I 'IT ml PLALTTMOR3L as CITY el BALTIMORE, aa Wijsi.s.y, Joryl O. IT i Ii leitHie mihk tbMnnf Ibe Mate noaa; sfl kaelaa; the isssi tilnssassBl as totathar and ssaslia eg liaasgai toFhllHOpklB and Sew Tort at I rataaas each.

Fw fartha partanaw nvsav fOTEAM COMMUNICATION between UVJUt aTrOOL and CAKADA. TW Montoaol Oeeaa BtoatoaaivOaa ITBrVll 9CXKW aTTrLlMEBS PBaaeS soBOraMWIta. sxeVatstoays ProVmemlOui aaaMil tor the Mini ijaai. oflhaaUml aawadsd to as aaTMrail iangBiTyrr xnrpma aBaaawy JLNQliSaAXONj Witaiilir, 4. SORTH AMERfrAS, Wil usiy.

Jaa It CANADIAN. Wedsreadar.JolyE U1IIH. WI1S awist. jary Hu CJTKAM to NEW YORK, frosa BovtaaarptxtoV Tho OutdtedtoiiMMinmiasbrparlSBSrtor It latin I a i i Tumm m1 iwvfEmnmmmmni asla, stowoaCl Isss, 4h7an7iarFaran. as dia a3)jal TJ to tkaliaraaaaa aad Wakytoa.

aaa asst aaaa saaxa, aaVhwa. "jSlV totWit sad Oa, taV aassari sia, Caaaal mm ar CfaairETBatCa, Bawet Lead Praia i lliMiwf ssasasaasto Palaas UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS 1W NEW YORJLTbn stossass an a Mritltt "ISA AagtsBaxat OxRtilS Untaasl HaOgBOjr, Wsdneaday. Mat tt, ATIA1TTW, Witt nil. Jaa BAI.TIO, BBMaillug I atk Bans id aatfl tbe paamg a nan to Baas, ATexyinYtd swan to itolwil toaaababn. Fratotnn Lrnat lad toSa.

Tark. mam ll si it ghsgasd SB asg. MMMreJgjawS xadBM half aatoaasanaMBA, laad Ca, artoi r. aad Ca Ll i loeA waBantali.gtoos,Oa r.aaslatl kal 'CtSnVl XpOB QUEBEC atkd MONTREAL yert paz VALPARAISO wtowtt, to teotow tlm Ijmmmwilwr aTaavJato real sad ll I I til b7jIIb.b1 AjUB3a taat'rj mi. CaBBBaBwxamaal tosha lawatoa Deaaa.

TsuLMloi fiiil isaarawB KaaTHIHP1 rasn wbarf. for BABWIO, i sag. owh. sat fiat ssl.

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