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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II I' if fi ii Mrttf Jatay statt, la Kkr wod. wh 0t wm telklBC lSW. thu bevor wwiU Uktn ta jyr (joteWD affray) lik Chi, wotJdknist be kin wMthka. 4. VlTxatm tad mom otbrr person wm present when bj Iv Oat PriMMT M'tOMM Mttt bfttd lb prisons Motif tasks uv tucs catomrlons.

Jlr. W. PartW, chief pdlcemcer, twk, depoted, that tot Mn which It tbm frodrtd be lottnd la a drawer in brass lb ptitsnar an Friday moraine when be wm tppre rutiM It UwIm( Hastd wptwt tWs bttati ih ttrtwet sltiik tuuttlnttl irar thirl it not Inekoli. and tbe prisoner oavdV tw bjtctloB to the Koum betnc tearched. Witness aatat bun hew tbt blood cane apoa the shirt, and he replied thai he trot it In a tiaut at Daawafton, ca Monday asitrm.

Tb ibm evident brine gat throujrh, tad witnett wh haS been (ml (or not htvinf trrrvtd, tat fiinhrr IsvcttJEt. rvaa iao thai nelaDcholy ginwiwi wat postponed untd Wcilnnliy enataf nest, it 6 'dock. 11TUT rAaTICCLAM Kexbv. Fridtv aicht. 8 o'clock.

Shortly after tat bMil had beta tdmnird, the witness abort alladtd arriTcd la a pott chaise. and underwent a private amiutfas before Ueswy Preatan, kto, The pri soner Morky rrsOTed to ork Castle, under titrate' rammianent, where be will be key la safe ruatody auull the asrvrt atttina aaf eh cavalier's court. Every exertion cootinwe to be by Jlr Preston, ttaafiatfate. and by our dty poller, who act under his direr Ine the atleroeasre eaf the rnUtr Parties. Ilwill be Pb terred, fnan but advettiainjt colutnnt, thai a reward of lj0 gaiacaa la oaerea lor tne appreaeauoa ana numtu ofitnden.

The fttut uudety prrralU la Kesby aad the aetfaeowraooa. IKFI.AXD (raoM oca ow coaaxtrownEifT.) i DUBLIN, Fbioat, JctT 17. THE aoTXT AXIVtSAtT. The mafwtrate of Belfast are tul encased la ail inquiry rrfardlng the riot la that towa on the 12th lnatam. It pmnfjrtaf tofiad, bow that account hare been rrcrurd from aQ part of the coaBtrY, that there onlj one excepuon to the (encral trmttillltT on that day.

1 aubjoin aoroe extract! from the proflarial wuraala recciTed thii moralac; TwitrTB or JfLT. Thia anaitrnary relebratrd here with a decree of decorum and wd aerue crrdiubk to the leading Orangemen of the country, and the nitmben uf tbc iartitutioo generally. They had no public promuon, bat tbt greater potddB of them, decorated with aome emblem, pnndpally of a aimple nature, attended dlrlne wenhip at their diffiirent pariah churchea, and many of the lodge dined together on Monday. A tew peraooa in thia town, rootnrr to the with of the authontiea, attempted to erect an arch acroat the Eart bridrr, bat were prerented by William Oabbet, J.P. The church tteeple and luarket houae tower were aarmoontrdwlth onngt flan, and joy bell rang at Intcrrala throughout the dar There waa ne noiae in tbeatrteu during the nlghta of aturday and Monday, but wt hare not beara of aay noting either bere or In any part ol the country.

Anunlim Ckromclt Daoaomc, July 12. A conaiderable number ot bodte of Oiangemea attended diriac aerricr in our Cathedral Church thiaday, to whom the Ker. Mr Lealie preached a ery ia prejalre aermon. They entered In a rery becoming manner, each body followed a few minute after the other, ao that our Ttrrer had tune to ace them all to conTrnieat teat without the kaat eanftuion. There waa ererr obedience paid to the law that cither friendi or enemlet could require there were neither Sag nor drama, nor erm an Orange lily to be aero moag them, but one leaf or two that peeped out at tbc end of a young man Bible, a be waa diligently encaged in ful iowtag tne minuter tnroagn tne leaaona tor me nay loumi wt parttculariy pleaaiag to obaerte ao many Bible in the hand of the Orangemen la the houae of Uod: from thi, I conclude, that many of them were orthodox Probyterun.

who make their Bible their companion in their houae of worthip. When dinne aerrice wt concluded, the Orange. mca diaappeared immediately. Thut paaaed our 12th in returning thank to ()od, who haa thought meet to cm to all denomination of Chntuana a much longer tune of peace and Eberty of eonadence under Orange or Proteatant pnnaplcs (wbica are the aarae) than our country errr prrnoualy enjoyed. Ttlegnpk.

IvwxiTleATlo at Kiadt An inquiry wa held at Keady, la the county of Aimaxh, on the Uh July, and to following dart, before CounaeQor M'Donneu, who wa appointed by fioTenunent to inrntigate certain proceauon of Romas Catholic, winch took place in that dutnet, bordering on tbt county of Monaghan, on the nigbt of the 23d anj Sikh Janet aad alao an oun age, committed on the lt of Julr, at a bonfire, where a number of Proteatant were aaaembled. The report, with the eridence, ha, of course, been for warded to the Oorernment, anil will probably be laid before Parliament. S'ortkm fTlug PoaTADOWtr, July 15. The pneat exhibited their up tan gnatnea in a way the moat Indecent and diaguatlne One of them had the audacity, with watch in hand, to mark the time daring which the Orange arch wa permitted by the magistrate to remain, after hi rercrence had authoritatively required it to be palled down. A number of the mauer of tbt different lodge hare resigned, in consequence of the mem ben of then lodge refilling to take the advice of the Orand Lodge, aad their wtrmeuuend and lupponcn; infactthote who attempted to march in procesuon through the town were of the lowest grade of society.

A nem Ttlamp Bavashcb RomakCatbolic PaocntioK. A correspondent inform a that the ton of a respectable shop fenf Basagber. fjthe head of a mob with green banner aad the Roman Catnalit chipd band of music, proceeded an Sunday hurt to the facU of that town, which dieuU ih. Kings CaMy aud tax tt Oalway. where they embarked in boats, aayinar that the 12th of July wa hitherto a da? of rejoicing to Protestant, aad that henceforth it should be a day of joy to them.

They indulged in their aquatic recursion for some time, playing party tunes and flounng the an with their flags for torn ume but beiuir informed that a magistrate waa on his wsy to prevent a breach of the peace, and to stop the violation of the law, they di persed before be arrived. Our informant ask i ill the Government prosecute these loyal Romans for violating the statute which Lord ulgrave aanctioned and joined la violating on hi arrival in Ireland as Viceroy We ansa cr emphaticaDj Jo And we confidently add, by way cf foretelling, that the Government wilL whenever they can, scrupulously avoid the prosecution of Roman Catholic violators of the law, and la every case, where they may with a fur prospect of success, prosecute the Protestants ol this country. It needs not foresight to enable ut to pronounce, that those who would rob us of our religion and our rdigiout establishment would also, if they could, rob us of our liberties. Oar protection is the sympathy of the Protestants ol FnUnd but for that, we micbt prepare for immolation tt the shrine of those who pander to the will and hold office at the pleasure of the damooot discord, named UameiU Lonnell Duikn Paektt Movachav. July W.

Owing to a prevailing rumour that a pronation of Urangemcn would taxe place nere on the 12th Instant, company of the 25th Regiment, and mm of the Queen's Bars, were ordered to thia town. tad have been since the evening of the Utb underarms. No procession, however, took place on that day. On the same evening a man named M'Keon, a Protestant, who bad been examined on tbc Investigation before Counsellor Curry, as in the attack on the Orangemen In the shamble square, was bred on at hi own door, about II o'clock m. there were three persons together tt the tune the shot wu fired, one ef whom ha been tine arretted, and fully committed for trial.

M'kleon fortunately observed the teilow present tne pistol, ana drew KV mml slurs entered the door, both tbove and below where he wood. The disposition of the butchers, who were the principal actors in the not on the 1st instant, is to hend like, that a respectable person cannot pan that part of the town without bong grossly Insulted and on the 2d instant hole rid. also a Protestant, who had rone to the shamble pump for water, wat taxed by one of the butchers, and held under the pump until completely ducked and on the nigbt of Monday last, the garden Mr. Samud Richardson (one of the persons who had been on the jury who sat on the inquest of Hughes, the man who wat killed on the 1st mstaat) was entered, tnd the greater portion of the vegetables, beans, cabbages, ice, torn UP. On this day.

(Tuesday,) Dacre Hamilton and A. O. Lewis, two magistrates of this county, were occupied the entire day in taking informations sgainst the persons engaged in the noting on the 1st instant. About i persona, chiefly butchers, htvc been identified, and held to bail to take trial at the approaching assliea. Thireare cases of murder for trial at the approaching assise in tins county gaoL SmvntUri't A'rm Letlrr Ovi iidid LlliaALlTr.

Our readers cannot have forgotten a trial at our late quarter for abduction, the parties prosecuted bang ranci M'amara, John Connor, aad Patrick Campbell. The act of abduction was that of forcibly carrying off an elector, named John M'Namara, ho, it wat tupposad. Intended to vote against Mr. Brady, and lor Mr T. Maples, at the last election In thu borough.

The evidence on the trial was, it will be remembered, to straightforward tnd aadeviatiag nay, ao aggravated did the case appear that the law agent of the prisoners did not attempt to bnng forward tingle witness to disprove a single lot of the accusation, nur did be even dart to aay a word in mitigation of punishment. The consequence was, that the jury (tome of whom bad been active partisans of the successful csndidsie) unanimously, tnd without a moment' hesitation, brought in the pntonen guiltr of all the counts in the indictment The barrister, after addressing them in one of the most forcible and Impressive taeechet we htve ever heard tu a court of justice, seraenccd tbc two first named to eight and tbt third to six months', imprisonment in the county gaol rrom (he paculiar drcumsiana of the use ooe anight hare supposed it la a great degree unlikely that a commutation of the sentence would htve been taught for, aad ttUI more to that It could have been obUincd. et tuch, we have now inform the public, are, as we lje just learned, the actual unexAggcniea facta. A memorial, pray lng bit LxceUcacy the Lord Lieutenant to release the pntonen from conhaement (on what ground its prayer was urged wt have not bad an opportunity of hearing) was got up and signed with the utmost privtcy. The memorial thus ccveoaed wu forwarded in due course to the Castle, aad, to the honour of Lord Mulgrtve be it recorded, the prayer ws ranled! The men art now at large, enjoying the reward of eh4r deanerate achlrraroenL.

aad rlorviiir. no doubt, in the impunity with which tfVKJng' subjects may be robbed of their dearest right and prirUegts. Comment an conduct like thi ii eminently supernuout vflrrarrjf Telegraph. arCETIaTC Or TBC CLtt.CT. THC TITHE BILL.

Tat dergr of tbt arcbdioceta of Dublin assembled in this cirr yt4Tuy, and entered into 'resolution tgainst Lord XlitTetB'fTitaeBiU. At a meeting of the clergy of Kutnore on Thursday, the Lard Bishop of that dioces in the chtk, it wat resolved that I UsmIi'i bin la ealoilated to effect a total deatraetim ftbt lUtahlithed Chorea In Ireland, aad (mult wa there fore the taperatm fluty et IM clergy to petition now nouses of PatVameni aaaustt tbt tanendiax calamity. iVrtndr nuirrf" 1 jt thiEita Mh rtmtfh in this diaceat tank place at th cathedral, the jtrehhUhoa la tat ehai, when ratolutiont were adopted sjjsKLcriMarptthtiUitmitwtrLandpetiiioeMmParUa. yr BadcnUDd, that it it lntendad to convent a meeting of tat unenrra clergy oi uancr at ictt an uweitH in itaiMpfni AtoiamaiAxrai aM rViTw on tbt natim nf thhumatiin, and of declaring tnelr own aenomems tm iron, ptiass vi tbc latc aiiHor or rcaa. Thh tUmuMii ttuMBonal remains of thi mat and roo i matt vert deposited la the vailt of Trinitv College, of which Uidversity Irr.

tvoingtoa nan oecn ao uiaunguianeu a mm tT. lotigWfnrehewaselevstedMtbesltustionof Provost. On the tmval of the body at the College gate, a proreastot was ready to receive the same, consisting of the Provost Vice Provost, enWlT tnd Junior Fellows, Ac The cohVi wst borne round the court by the Porters, and followed by ll i supporters and chief mourners, preparatory to lit brine brought into the chapeL A trestle wat placed in the centre of the tile, and in front of the reading desk. The funeral service waa read by the Rev. Mr.

Todd, and a Lttm oration pronounced by the Rev. Dr.M'Doroell, Pmfeaaor of Oratorv. The funeral waa attended bv the Bishop of Kttdare, and a vast body of the clergy and severs! prtvtte gentlemen fo' lowed the coffin, anxloua to pay thia the last tribute of respect it departed excellence tnd worth. THE ACHlHOr Or TtTAM. A Mayo Correspondent of the raeasaa's Jouraai bears the following testimony to the chanuhle conduct of the nto Rev.

Dr. Trench About a month bark, when the exist ence of limine on this roast wst much doubted, tnd public sympathy not sufficiently abroad, I learned that hi ira had already granted Ml. lot the auftrriag people of tbt ialanJ of Boffin. Recollecting hit teal and activity during the former seasons ot aisorst, i reaotven to appeal to nun la favour of the inhabitants of the island of Inmtturk, who suffering were nearly past endurance, one of its people having already fallen a victim to famine. I consequently addrtsani his Once, urging the necessity of instant relief Mj applt cation reached him on a Wcdnesdty evening the followinx moraine, about II o'clock, he arrived at catport from hi residence, a distance of 54 Insh milt, he repaired to the re sidence of George Clcnduung, bso, tnd on assuring himself of the state of distress, he at one granted, through Mr Irodining, Mat.

worth of meal for Ionisturk, 50 for Clare island, and aW. for Kilgiver EAIL MULGBATE. The Sovereign of Athlone hat refused calling a meeting to address the Lord lieutenant, aa there was no precedent for tuch a course. Maliciois Bl avian On Thursdsy night, tbnut tl hour of 11 o'clock, constable Perry, of Newcastle perreivn! the loi cover of Yl Uuam nyan, ksq ot luiams iori Rathaa ally, to be on fire, and instantly repaired to the pi with his men, who succeeded in getting it under There no doubt of it being a malicious act, as it was lighting in three several places. Ckmmtl Airrrturr On Tuesday last the house of bdwtrd Pennefathcr, 1 sq of Marlow, near Caahel, wu attacked In the noon day by i lany of men Mr Pennefathcr, bring a magistrate, wu at the time attending the Cuhd Qasrtet Vwalons.

Anndpatin( this visit, in consequence of a previous attack, precaution wu taken tottuttrste the design of these ssaailanta. Ibtd. At 12 o'clock on Sunday night, constable Oraham and the Drumretny police aurpnsed a partr of 26 mm drinking at Dillon's public bouse, at the budge. Ihllon la lummonn' to the next sessions to account for having hit house open at an unaeasontblc hour, are also the Jrt men to explain the eauv of their aaaemblage, they were from ditiemit parts of th, country, and several of them strangers to tbc police. A Mont Imifprndfnl.

Aa account ia in town this day of a most barbarous out rage on the person of married man In the vicinity of Llton in thia county. The parorulara are too revolting for publidtt but we trust the savage perpetrators of this monstrous act will be punished. Ltmenck Ckrvnu lt Michad Lyaaght, In the execution ot a civil bill decree against a person of the name of Madden, at I anningstewn, in thu countr, last Monday, wu ao desperately beaten that hi life is In danger from fracture of the head. Information of the outrage are preferred. ffkl hxici'Tlox roa Mianca On Wednesday.

Michte! Donohoc. convicted of the murder of Bndert I usack. at Bal Ivmoms, on the 8th of January, wu executed In Knni The deceased youngwoman wu a asirv Manistcr, in the county of Limerick, and after living In aerricr sue) with Mrs. rroet, of Ballymoms, Vrft to return to her friends bavins: received before her journey W. ft wages.

he never seen alive afterwarda, and there ia no doubt that the little money in her possession wu the only inducement whicl could hsve prompted the pttsoner to so atrodou a murder In a few days after, her body wu wuhed ashore, near Cratloe, adjacent to the fatal scene, the head cloven in twi place, if with a spade, and ex hibitinr a horrid spectacle A few shillings were found in one of the pockets, tied up in a small purse, which probablv escaped the murderer a hutv starch. Death raoat HviiaorHoaiA A most afflicting cast of death from the above named awtul disease hu just occurred in this uwn. A man named David illisms, a native Swansea, who worked a aawyrr in Archer and Leared dock yard, wu bitten in the lip by a small dog whilv plaving with it about a month since The dog had then symptoms ot madness, but after a couple ot days it became perfectly rabid, and bit two or three other dogs, upon which it wu shot, we believe were also the dogs which it attacked The matter attracted no notice, and William had rompletelv forgotten the scratch but "he had received the fatal virus Inn his system, and surely though slowly did It work upon htm He became gradually dull and thoughtful, and did not wish tt mix ao much with his companions previously, appearing abstracted, and if in deep thought. grew worse even day, aad on Thursday complained of a pain in his head and great drowsiness, and remained in bed until Saturday evening when be came out, and went, at the solicitation of some of hi companions, to public house near the dock vard, where he took a small quantity of punch (half a glass) Immediately on taking It he fell asleep for a short period, and upon awaking began to stare wildly around him On Sunday rooming be wu so bad that Dr ardifT wu sent for Dr Cardiff soon suspected what his Illness was. and orderetl htm nil whey, probably to tee if be had th fats, vmptom, the hydrophobia wbn th ilirrasul saw the whey being hued from jug into tumbler he seised with violent spasms motioned the liquid to be removed, and expressed great horror of it.

Up to this peno. the dog had not been thought of, and when Dr ardirl uked if he had been bitten or cut by anvthing, he answered in the negative, but his wife recollected the slight scratch rum this period to his death the distressing spasms continued to increase, and, about clock vcatrrday morning, he jumped out of bed, the persons in the room ran nut to seek usistance in order to secure him, and when they returned thev had the consolation (for it must hsve been a consolation) find him a corpse. Wtsford rrrmon. THE ST if on or LITIS. On ednesdty a deputation from the General Synod Ulster (which tu hdd in Belfast on the 10th instant, anil composed of 187 ministers and 13 elders) presented a congratulatory address to hia Kxcdlency hart Mulgrtve, it the Viceret al Lodee.

The following passage in the address refer to the agita tion for a repeal of tne Union "We beg to repeat to your Lxcellencr an assurance which we have already given to one ot your predecessors, that we lhall steadily resist every attempt to weaken the ties which bind this country to Great Britain, convinced that the more closely are united the differ en pant of the empire, the more effectually will their common Interests be promoted am' secured. To thi portion of the address his Lxcrllencythus replied 1 htve heard with much aatisfsction your reiterated assur ance that rou would steadily resist any attempt to weaken the ties whicn bind tins country to tireat llntain. AH effort shall be unceasingly directed, by promoting the cultivation of mutual goodwill and the Interchange of reciprocal benefits, to strengthen the Inseparable connexion between these two portions of the empire, and I thankfully extract from the fervsat upirations with hich you conclude, that comfort and sapport, which. In any difficult undertaking, must be derived from the earnest prayer of good men fur a successful VI hat will the Rqetlert ur to this ATIOSAL PROPERTY Ut PORTfOAL m. nm 52 ix8, ii 11 trrfi 'IrSiM iffirMff.

sir i ir? 'in i Iff tllv iff frff B'EI 43 1 I I 5 i 1 1 1 1 tttii ttt Is? lt hi i i lit ill ti ill i Mi WMM I 5B'ato sSVSW a ttSEfS rt I ft i i 8t i 8 3l Si I I I I I fr. I I I I Ii I I I I I lift J. III Jill 3M 7 i 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti i 7 "fi 8 "i 1 1 ssSJ 5 ss ossss es. I i. iii 1 ki 2.51 "7 ys o.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ji 2 c5 i 2. 1 i 5 e. S. I I I I I I I Rlt pit i i 1 i i i i tr 2 a 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I a I I I I I I I I rl 5 i I I I fl i ill I i ll Sl 2 TIZ ZZZ nil i lit iilli ii iiii ill mil itv I 5 1 r.xg 3 i us nil i isii iii inn Hi'Ji I i I i i i i i ill I "I 9999 99 i if PORTSMOUTH, July 18. (rrom the Hampthtrt Telegraph The London Merchant, steamer, Icaane Into harbour this rooming, from San Sebastian, which port she left on Wed neaday last, having conveyed to pain, with the Koyal Tar, steamer, which arnved here on Thursday, W( men who have volunteered for the service of the young Queen of psin, un der the command of lolonel hichestcr, and ho were com fortably lodged barracka clcse to the town.

These men appear, by a letter from Colonel I hichestrr, to have been enthusiuttcally received, but by the accounta of the crew, of the steamers arc at once placed in jeopardy, the force being described to be in considerable numbers within two or three miles of the town. The above two steamers are wailing for order, and will must probably to London for a second supply of volunteers none being ready here for embarkation, recruiting being but dull work in thu quarter Indeed, we apprehend that less than HM muster daily at dinner, and leu than that number would probably be found when the bugle sound to march." The Pique, lion. Captain Rous, will sail on Tuesday, with the Commissioners, to Canada. Mr Gippt, and Mr IJliot, the Secretary, arc already arnved at the George Inn Lord Goaford and Mi C. Grey will be here on Monday.

The Larl of Roden, steam vessel, arnved on Thursday from the nver, with 1(M men for th auxiliary Spanish Legion. The Montreal, aptain hamplin. one of the New York packets, arnved this morning bbe left that dtr on the JUth ulu, and spoke the (onsutulion, American frigate, from Havre, with Mr Livingstone on board, three days after The Montreal hu been retarded by light winds dunng her whole voyage. Specie had begun again to be exported from New ork and Boston. In the month of My dollar tnd upward were shipped tad remitted to Lurope.

The Malabar, Captain i ucker, left Gravrsend on the Ifith instant, and will embark puaengers early next week for Bombay The Marquis ii Hastings, Captain Clarkson, it duly i Dertcd tt bullhead, alto to embark paasencers for Bombay The estaiinster, of KftU tons, one ot the regular line of iwonaon ana wew iora facaexa, icii irravcscnu ynunisr, and will embark passengers at npilhcad, on Monday, tor New ork. Tbc London, Captain imble, having embarked passenger and stock, sailed yesterday for Bengal. The London, for Bengal, arnved on Wednesday from tbc River, aad baring embarked her passengers, proceeded on her voyage. The Madras, Captain Beach, from Madras, passed by to day for Londoo. It is reported that the Rodney will be commissioned by (aptain Hyde Parker the Vanguard, by Captain Serle, and the Cleopatra, by Captain Hon.

Grey. At Spithead. Pique. In Harbour Victory, Royal George, Excellent, Mdville, and Magidenne. Lieut.

Stovin. Late In the command of the Algerine brig, will be tried by court martial on Tuesday next, on board the Victory ia this harbour, on charge of repeated act of drunkenness. It will he recollected that Lieutenant Storm, on hu paaaage to the Cape of Good Hope, wu displaced in tht command of hit bng, and put under arrest by Mr Cardew. tht mate, and third in aeniontv in the vessel who. having assumed tht command, carried her into the Cape of Good Hop.

Thu novel proceeding in tut wntitn navy created roach dimcaltr La tbt Last Indie, that sir John Gore took ererr person out of her. and brought them to kngiand nor did wren a court martial tact place which naa been ordered at Bombay on Lieutenant Stovin, on tht aam thtrgt which ht ft bow tt be tried for. Tht proceeding cannot but at Interesting. lit. CUppeatooand Mr.

Sparrow (tht wire the rwtratlemen atill In NewrtUon accountof tbt latt Ipswich tlcoo)bdatudienaIirdJohnIUeilthUonv. aflte ttTu ftT aaagf. frpHE KIN'G'. THEATRE XtAaaabdU av awi? UH IMUItlSjSMUWrVIUqUMl Mt w. ttttsat taatT aamam Tamrasay awst, tM XM asavwi tsito awd t)ii nil Optra trria, at acta, rstttWd A5SCDIO DICORIMTOL Taw pnaeipai ifrsrwis wt Mnv IUaai.taraorlrsahoCs itTMcTambarnu.

After wasra ill kt tvswasssTa tsvawtt BALLET AmuswOom fcr Wses. statla. aW beasts aw saw ttsWwsa fkr Crsa. Rami cr tiotf Mt s.smi Oa.raiae. Hsysserset THU KITKTt THUrg.

TO MORROW IV NINO wdl b. prfcn.1 Open stria, la I arts, tstitanl OTCLU) TW pmeiaal easrseters bv MiiIiiiiIhIIi Crari. MadasM Cavkrlu. alnoe IvanbntT.

titwer TambwrtaL aa hwaoe Lablatht After wKieh will rr rot tht favourite Ballet of LA aOMNAMBLLC The rrtw Hsal ekaraeurt by Ma eBssssrll Clare, MaoenoswIW A sto, MaW msMSU Vim, sfansmr Couksv tad MooMal Prrrot ApH" luailir botes, stasa tickets It a anas t. ecwm.Otva utac. Haywurtet. rHaUTjt KvYjlL, DZLHr LAHK. IU utswl tor One Mieht only.

L'n tW PsMonao ot tkrtr Reysl Hili i sil. ss and rrti of CaaiBndec. ForlS BtNtriT of Mr RISSTLL. vuia cwMiam Ttiw unsruftirr Master Walivr Mr kbertdsa tfnowles Helra. Mn.

Nubrtt trfv. tne yueen I I neut. LEVENTII Dt Mrs. Lone Sinirtoo. Madam vettna.

Toeonrhwiewnk THE MAYOR or GtRRATT Jerry Snest. Mr Rm tlL Su Slssoa Slack, Mr rsneni Rati) Mr Vuu Uua PhUUss Mrs. Rattle. Mrs. W.Llil'ard.

MrsTCe rrsI Dsrt south, Mrs. Clover. After which llt timel drama, ia acts, by Mrs. Cort, eallr. THE MtlOOF LROISlE or, Theresa Vw To which will bts dsd THE SCHOLAR.

To eooehuit with JOHN JONES. On Wednesday it is the IMrnum of Her Msaty to honour the theatre amh her tsost trsciam pres nee JfglT THtATRtHUYAL GLJSM OPKRA HOViR. TH1! EVENING DER VMPR Baai tianra Ml ChlbtM Couat Mavrecotdo. Mr Phllll: Hortaa L11 After which. THE OUtRTETTE To eonetude with new isree, call led I AND Mi DOIBLE.

ted LV which the mueb adnured tieee UN rnt alVCtSfJ MOURIR. ArtlK Uonsfor tickets to be l. sir Last, st the boseBcw from It to AtTLMY HO A A UP ITU MAT K. THU ETENINO wdl be sreaeated THE SIEGE Or JERU SALEM, or, the Can? tf the Wilderness. After which the ter rwuitewtof Mnwiir Lauieai rsoeoiu nona Disocne, wnien nw l.i.uinririill Paris, Scenes ia the rtrci Mr Duerow asswu ra errand sate ttt of the olden, called the Royal rai eraaere, or th tllver Toptd Hawk ef Vueen Aim.

Abe ss the Gleet hoidier.oahiersstd stead. Tvennelwde with a rrsnd leerts ele, called KARL ZEITTER AND HIS BRIDE, or. The Devil the Rider Pnneipal eharaetrrs by Messrs. Dsvidir Dillen, Merriwjer R. Ha lo conclude wiin it 11 i THI EVENING will he presetted an entirely new melodrama called THE CORSAIRS REVENUE, Alcnsa.Mr nor.

Bland and smith Mrs. stletaey sod Mm Wtuon. After WnlCn, JU1AIIIA1 DltlUIUHU 111 COnClUOC W1U1 111 II' RINE. To momw, the Welch Ctrt Julia. Madame Vert rta.

With Midas. Apollo, Madame Vest rta. ROYAL riCTOklA THKA1RK. REVENGE. Masai Ilinda.

Mrs. Mlby i Zeds. Mlas Byron. After which, the ind Mh scuof A NEW' WAV TU PAY OLD DEBT sir Giles Overreach, Mr Ellao. Lady Allworth.

Mrs. elby, Msrrsret, Mrs.Crsmer Te which will he sdded the new dodrams, called THE ECHO Or WfhTMINUTER BRIDGE. To cooclude with THE UTTLE JOCKEY VUIIV THKATKK. TH1 IVENINO win he treamtrdsn sllerorically tiseiesl ev trsvsrarua, called CUPID IN LONDON or, some Psataees in the Life of Lots. Capid, Mr John Reeve After which, the seme comedy, railed CAPERS AND CORONETS To which will be added farce, called THE PLEXIBLE MAN To cwnchide with new petite dwordy, called LATCHING AN HEIRESS.

RorL PArtUOSTHKATRK. THIS FVENINO willbepr entedth. erand dramatic poem of MANPRED Count Manfred. Mr DenvU ibis avwiaai character) The Witch of the Alps, Mkat Grove After which, the admired drama of CLARL Rolamo, Ml Freer, LlarL Miaa Grove To conclude with the melodramatic spectacle of WALLACE. Wallace Mr Cofeham Lady Mart its Grave I.K of NATIONAL i'KOPMU in Portugal By authority nf hU ruellenry the Minister of rinanc la Por tutal nntice herebv rvenj Tor the inrnf mslwrn of the Brttuta public thai s.Ls ihe NATIONAL PROPERTv are proceed tne srrordina ln the tub)aned llrt.

Three salea will proceed refularly aymetit the said property will be received in the bonds of the 2 per em Stock at par or at per cent In money, sod the remain ln Ntrer cent by inatalmcnu of 3 per cent per annum durum jests, the deferred paymenta brin subject lo an inteml of per cent per annum. The Government will continue to subluh the futare series ss their srrsnfrecncnts for tales arc completed wrnce mintr inaneiel fur rortuesL Ij3 Department of Nstionsl rroeeTtT of the Carta de Lei of the litS April last. It St. followtne Natkmal Property "ill be Espeaed Ih nf July forward before Ihe Cwnm atton forminir fulfilment of nounred that the followtne National Propertr will be Esseaed irnq iwin jmr lUTwaru, Detor IOC COtomiaUon IOI the Junta of Public Credit, with the view to the ahaolute tale at I tne dart named, and biddrnts which mar br ill be I clerk i offered areordintr to the conditioni of the said arts de Lei. ammawiaieiy TTCelrea.

l.l.t the Id. On the I lth Aueuat neit Property of the Houae of Eaptnto hsnto, of the ConsTctation do Oratorio, in Lisbon. vslustloaa noattim naa oc an rauio, nos. Ill loirs, ranaUttnf of nnpa, soon ana esrrett tare on tne nnrtn by Has do hope, 4 toon and earreta. fared on the north by Roi IcrresnaLnn the east by the property of the heirs of As Property of the Convent of Our arly of Grace dos rremitseCslcarki of si Aeuatinho, in Liaboo llouacs in the Larfs ds Graf a.

Noa. I to cooautinf of shop sod ftret 11 am 3 Ditto, Nos. to 11, ditto IJS.0 iiitto, noa. it to it ditto Ditto, Voa. 13 to title Ditto, Noa.

I to 5 ditto Ditto Noa. Jl to ditte Ditto, Nos. Mlult, ditto Ditto, Noa. ti to ditto Ditto, Noa. 11 to 51, ditto Ditto, Nee.

1) to 12, slau fronts st Travnu dowonte st No. 1, ditto Ditto in Traaeaaa do ante Vna. tt I ditto Ditto In the same Traveaea. Noa. i to 7, ditte Ditto In alrada do Monte Noa.

13 to coulitinaTof shops, Ut and Sd floors, with two asroena Ditto In the same alrada, Nos. I to cortaiatlnt of MOM Sjsjsio Man tjtnr 30wa Haw ahoss. 7 fioora and earreta. and with amal tm. Ditto in Rua Dirriu da Grara.

Nos. Jj lo cusuislin; of ahopa and lat flnnr Ditto in the aame atrset, Nov HUM and 1 doors wtth out numoers, ontisutLnt of floor, and (srrets Ditto in the aame Beco. Noa. to cooautnu of ahopa and lat flour for two inhabitanta Ditto In the same Been, Noa 7 to eoraustine of shots and. I.t flu Ditto in Rus de St Msroede, rontVrunvs to Largo dns thlaa.

Noa 7 and cooaiatin of warehouse, fat snd Sd floors, snd esrrct 1 00 cum loa.duu Km on, KOOia On the 19th of Aueuii nf Property of th Monastery of St. Mary of the Order of SL Bernardo st Alroosrs. A water mill ronsutlraf of four rncince. sad a dwelling mac rn the centre of the town of Atcobara SOOOton Property of the tmvent of Our Lady ol Ctrmo das Cannditai Csl esdoa st Lubim. Houaca in Rus de Joao do Onteiro, in the psnah of toe corrw "ana.

elMl conainirur ot aroea arM two a auiall eardro Ulttoin Huadiai layallnroa, Noa ta 7J. conaMtim of ROYAL rAVXHALL. Underthe EapecialPatruatt of Ilia Maleatv THIS EVENINO GHtND GALA wdl take place. embrscint the uninterrupted ucariaion of Entertainment from the hour ef rim which have met with the moat tuaeuauaed approbatum uf viaatrra canatatrrur of the Concert, unrivalled effects of the Du ramta of Dover and Calais. Amsterdam.

Destruction of tbc Houses of Parliament, Napoleon, the famous Abdul Mass and the resl Birda Ballnnns, Ajc. conchidinf with aupetb Firrworki awf Fete of Ver asilles, which srv every nicht ao swthutisatically cheered Doors own st The books snd bills sold ia the streets snd outside the pen every Evcnme Amuaementa of this aplendld aaUbliahmcnt do not depend upon the Westher rirvt Appesrsnce of Memecrs Keaa, Rosso, Krau and Rain, the Huntarian Brothers Mast Ts) lor Miaa Koalna I Infant Violinist. rorouttujf THIS EVENING, brilliamlv Illuminated ttLOV Drs NA TtiiU. Ii.m ri. mM.

n. tint Rtom of Mirror, supported by crystal erdumnsaiad Ined with leaitirat arlsas, osetiint mto spaenOM nalona oes usmes Illununsted Terraces, on which will take star Eahibittnau from the Antiqur I hlloaowhlcel Rccrestlooa, Glass Hsrmonics, Fairy Dreama, GaaUl loque. apacodid dlaplay of Hydraulics, Philosophietl Pyrotechnlo ri ina natter vwren. uwn open aamie iira.F TO CORRESPONDENTS We havt beenaaked by several correspondent for the ad. dress of tbc correspondent who surrrsied the formation of a aocict fund for tnercavntlle and other clerks.

A PaitoKER ix the KiMu'a Uexcii" will see bv the Parliamentary debates that the Atlorney Oeneral haa undertaken to forward hit bill as soon a the business of the House will let him. It is, in fact, one of the orders for this dav icero" had better instruct some member of the House ef Commons on the subject of the bill to which he object. 9 clock on Sstur LO.VDO.V, MOS'DAY, JULY 20, 1834. shopa for three tensnta. snd four floors Ditto in HuadoaCalafatna Nos.

snd ennalstirui of anops (aronuora sna earrcl 100 Am 1,000 ufl, IJSS'wi llauarain Beco do Alerret. Nos. It and 11, conaiitinn of ahop two floors, and a rsrret lliiooo Ditto 10 Bcru dus Surrrulorcs, Nos, to conaistiiiaT of sis ahopa sod nine bouara 400 Oil Property of the Convent of our Lady of Penh a de Frsnra ana Frcmitas alrados de st Aerwtinho, st LlaUin. Houara aituate at the north aide if tbc church, Noa. II to II, lunula towarda the Laracol coroutine of ahnp lat floor, tarrrta, and small tsrdcn Property of the Convent of St.

Csetsno of the pneaU of Divin Providence at Liabon. Houses in Rua dos Cartaons, No. 7 and in Trsvrass do leu de Data. Nos, II lo IS. eonaumn of shops and lat floor Plt' Ditto, NoLtsiutt, canslatirif of ahops snd lat floor ISai Ditto, In Trsveaaa dot FWa de Deua, Noa.

snd 3, no statiat of ahop and lat floor WD WU Property of th tonvsnt of KL Anne of Ihe Carmelites Cslfsdoa tMOon eOOJMV ro. oanal 9 eonalatlrav of shots sod 1st floor Ditto in the aame street. No, T7. with sntranc by th court yard called Carmelites, eonsutinf of shops, sobr lo), and lat floor Huu at the eatrrmity of th said court yard, th entranc brio bv th aam door aj 000 rropenroi tne Looveru ot asonnors ot in Heturmeta of SL Afos llouacaln Ru ine of shots, lat floor, and earreta llutainthctame afreet. No.

I. and in Rua do Mcio, No. sl 800 Property of th Monastery ef Vicente Without, of the Canons Raarular of St. Acoatinho at Lisbon. Houae In the Largo do de Vicrale.

No. a. Deus. No. consiatint of too vasrsast Ltahoti.

Ilouarain Rua de SL Bento. Noa. 131 to 134, coaaaaatiae of ahopa, lat snd Id floor snd court yard, with I rooms 1JMJM Property of the Convent oT th Trimly at Lisbon. Houses In the Travcaetde Joan de Dens, eomevaliciidine Neat tot conautinaT of ahopa lat sod Id Boort MOM Property of th Cutkariat Church of oocepOeo. of the Ordef of Chrlat.

in Rut DirtiUd AUandeara. Houaca In Rua dos Crmreitetros, Nos, to It. ronalatlrar 1 to 7. txansistm of snots, noot ana garrets Ditto adjoining th shore, Nos. to 11, conaUtlng of floors, tnd arret IHttoadlotninet he above, Nos.

to taaaaitinf of 4 ahopa, 1 aobra Iota, I floors, andrsnrt Ditto adjointat the ahovt, Nos. to M. rrssiLstuae of wbrvlola lfltors, and garret XJiajW) ll shwys below the churchyard. ale M. Prosel on th dsy aperiflsd, and which for that ith frontaar to th Rut I now agate put ap for tatetttitatB.) Protrtyoftbbouwof Batta JohtthEvsnusitalh aviburbsofLiahon.

Houses ia tat Cakadtof TteDtkt of Larbes. s.swasaatlacoff tJ 1st aoov.aaidesrrets. IptTtToftiilataaeofoLadyoflarUrf Hotntt ta Bats PlrwRa slot AaKWoTn to toawjttlaa WataasLlataeoe, aadftnsts 1ITM Data toTravawaa da Bias, Not. I ta Istwtaatai( af saoss, 1st toot, tnd small etrata EtLMt Ditto, Not. A and li coiauttlnf of anew sjtd 1st late eMJtg CaatwaltstefccBttJVtrwJtwuvf riWW Credit, Jury IQlt dOAafVIM OK 0R0NU4 rUTAL.

In one sense, doubtless, it i an obrton truth that the? Reform Bill wa not a final, but on! a prdiminary and preparatory measure, inasmuch a nothing can be more certain than the insutficienc of a mere apparatus of any kind for the production of public benefit or happiness, if such apparatus be never put in movement, but remain to be looked at by the curious reaaoner, a i piece of mere ipeculative and cunous, but idle, excel lence. We admit, in the moat ample manner, that the Ileform Kill was supported throughout the country, and by noin more eagerly or zealously than oursches, a a meant to the accomplishment of various great national objects, one and all embraced wnJun the general term, and conducive to the practical realization, of good goyemmeoL" But there anotht sense in which the Reform Bill wa never contemplated by the well meaning part of its lupportors as a preliminary measure, or in which it was so represented by those who framed and introduced lL No such proposiuon was heard from that quarter, at Ihe time, as that the nature of the reform apparatus itself should be exposed to further and indefinite alterations, or that the principles of its action should be made the subjects of still renewed, uncantbd, and almost fraudulent practice. It was at least understood by the country, that whatetur change in the direction of our rational affairs were thereafter to be worked out through the Reform Bill, such as re dress of grievances and correction of abuses, should be wrought by means of that system of political mecha nism which the Reform Bdl itself created, and of which it may be said to have consisted. Nobody could have assumed that the relations between the constituent and representauve Indies, or that the composition of either, were to undergo further experiments, of the necessity for which no proof could be drawn from any test of more poutive and enlarged experience than had been within the reach of Parliament at the time when the Reform Bill wa pasted. Nobody, without imagining the deepest affront to the reforming Miniitry of that period, and to the noble Lord who introduced the bill, could admit the possibility of their concurring, only two yean afterwards, in a scheme, of which the sure, though indirect, and therefore self condemned result must be, to destroy one eonaiderable portion of the constituency, of which the undisturbed existence had beta respected anil guaranteed by that organic measure of reform.

The freemen of towns hare, in their most numerous denomination, represented a venerable right in this kingdom, and a most important moral power. Those who had acquired their franchise by tpprenuceship to rjajucnlar trades, took their political title in virtue of acknowledged industry and intelligence. Are these qualification for an enlightened or generous Legislature to look down upon, and to say that they shall not be encouraged i True it that the great bulk of tuch constttuenciea are cotnpoaed of poor people who live by the sweat of their brow. Is that, again, a disqualuica tion of men who in other respects faQ nowise below the average of their fellow citixen? It has become the fjohion to say that numbers of the old freemen hsve taken bribes. What then? Ha there been ooe jot lea bribery among the new household electors Doe the evidence before cotnmittees, or the inormataon re crived through other channel, go to affix om particle rnore of the crime of corruption upon the metre mdi gent aUtlttM aad iadivitlaalt who live by maaaal HT1 or labour, than on the dot above ft them? We believe the reverse.

We have heard frequendy that the rxioreat carder the eoasrjjDency of Westminster and London have evinced more sturdy bsoaaty and independence than tbt richer data of tradesmen. Are there any among the former capable o( more base and vile rabawarvieney tlian that of which the troop of cousins, cotaTiexaons, dependents, cVc, of a noble Duke, who with hi family boast of bong the head and front of the reform interest in Great Britain, mutt commit, if they fulfil the conditions and execute the tervieei for which they have been to anda oously packed and regimented certain bcaroughs lorded over by the boose of Rcstxtx? So the freemen in right of birth combined with resi dence represent in another form the moral interest of the Industrvou classes, by deriving under parent wno have lived wraflock and resided in the midst of the rotnmnnitv. amongst whom they have exeraaed their own pohncal privilege, in itaelf tome pledge lor general character and good conduct. All thu compound branch of the ccflstitriency ejectors by tervinide, and electors by birth are now, unless some remedrof'the mischief can be applied before the Corporation Bill paste the House of Conuaeat, to be wept away with ealeulatmg cruelty, to serve the tupposetl mteresta of Whig Radical innovation. Mr.

Pslaed motion to preserve the right of freemen aatney were left by the Reform Bill wa lost on a division last Thursday evening, nomthstanding a powerful argument by Sir. R. Peel, and in spite, likewise, we do consaentioualy declare, of the very weakest, most shuffling, most unprincipled, and most unfeeling view of a high political question ever taken in Parliament, as an excuse for this outrage upon the lights of an immense body of our poor industnoua coantrymen, presented to the House ry Lord J. Ris sell. lit LortUhip asked, wa there anything "to peculiar in the nature of those bodies (of dectors), or of the right which they rjosseased, that we should be induced to retain them?" We answer since his LortUhip sense of public justice and honour will not enable him to suggest a fit reply to such a question that these bodies have been for ages the re poaatane of a momentous and sacred right that they are composed almost exclusively of industrious, intelligent, and useful, though not affluent Englishmen that 'heir industrious habits have grown np, and flourished, in partnership with their polincal privilege that the anomaly of their character aa electors, so much complained of by the noble Lord, has been in the judgment of wiser men than Lord J.

Rt ssr ll, one of the choicest recommendation of then independent enjoyment of the nght now to be wrested from them. But it seems that our superb Whig potentates will allow no one redeeming quality to the poor that the tod of the fingers and lweatof the brow shall not be merely a punishment in theroseJves, but shall be daemed worthy to entail upon him who endures them a number of accessory disgraces and of extraneous sufferings. Sir Robeht Peel' exposurepf the feebleness, inconsistency, and olMquUy of the coarse pursued by Lord John dwell was terrible. It waa the smashing of a little dog by a boa constrictor. A pretty confession it was truly, for Lord John Rissell, that he and hi party had held out false hope in favour of the freemen' franchise; to indue the House of Lord to pas the Reform Bill and a fine encouragement to the Lord to co operate in the present instance with the Ministers in die violation of those rights which three years ago it was promised them to perpetuate 1 Rightly had Sr Ro bert Peel predicted some three months ago that the first muulaoona of the Reform Bill would proceed from its own concoctors the moment they found that any of its provisions bore hard upon then own faction's in terest.

The notonou case of Stafford, where the hcnaehoIdeT were bribed by hundred together the flagrant ease of Liverpool, where reared brewers, milia Captain, and other most respectable gentlemen," received large bribes, and sulked because they did not get more these are examples which it might have been no leas modest than impartial in Lord John RittsL to remem her, did not affect the poor freemen whom he make his victims, but did affect in the most emphatic manner those virtuous snd respectable'" bodies of voters on whom he makes it hi boast to rely. We agree with an hon. member who spoke afterwards, that when Sir R. Pefl' speech goes forth to the country, the Ministers will fare the worse for it. They have proved themselves deadly haters of the poor man rights, and whether the right in question apper tained to nch or poor, it was guaranteed by the Bill of Parliamentary Reform.

tatfbatttawj wdstesTaltofcorgani? Botrrealf ihebt shotildaake to know what England wul gain by the It titu pay conceation of the Porte, so as to cotmtet bslanee the loss of national dignity which the very means resorted to impbe By the arrival off Portsroouth of the ship Canada, from New York, we have received files of American papers to the 30th nit. Mr. LiviwesTOt srrived at New York on the 2tth in the American frigate Con uturion from Havre, ire waa cotthaUy wetorned by hu countrymen. The aty.of New York wm the scene of desperate riots dunng the three days of the 91st, 22d, and 83d nlr. They originated in a street squabble, and soon aasnmed the character of one of those rows" in which the low Inth sre to well known to excel There it teems, a whole colony of natives of the emeralal isle at New York Then presence became especially manifest on the occasion.

Fists, Uodgton, stones, and bnck bata, were flourished and exchanged in abundance. A great number of persons were se nously injured, snd a respeetahle physician ws killed. Great were the exrrtiona used to restore peace, which. was at length re establiahed. Some of thewe paper bnng accounts from Tampico to the 19th of May we find in them the particular of the fall of the city of Zacateca mto the hand of General Santa Awwa, after a severe scrion, which lasted five hour.

The revolt against Santa A.xna autho nty was nevertheles said to be still spreading. We have no room for extracts, but we beg the at tention of our readers to a letter on American affairs in another column. The mails which arnved yesterday from Holland and Beigrara brought lettersrand journals of Saturday rooming. The details concerning their respective armies form at present the most prominent topics of intelligence in both countries. The Brussels papers speak of military inspections about to take place, nd the columns of the Dutch are chiefly occupied by accounts of reviews, by the Kixa, of the troops encamped at Ryen and Kempe.

These military spectacles were of the most brilliant kiniL and the troops sre said to have proved, by the facility of their evolutions and the precision of all their movements, that the degree of discipline to which the Dutch army has attained of the hight kind. The Krre returned to the Hague on Thursday. Amsterdam ts perfectly tranquil, but it a nevertheless thought necessary to retain a considerable body of Schurtery within the aty. Moreover, we understand that orders have been received for repairing some old barracks, snd that the preparations which have been commenced indicate the intennon of providing avrcorn modation for a strong garrison. We have no Kmnrt of any further mala.

Dutch Fcbd. AtfSTEaDAX, Jaly 17 Acat t.SyTorTior and a Half per Cent, 94 Wt Ditto, Three and a Halt Loan of Cky, 1833 snd 18B, JTlv, pet Cent, 101 103; CommcTntl Cawnpany, Ftnnd a Half tea Cant, 18 108) New mttrj, 191J "SrajrisH FoDa Cortes (payable at Amsterdam), Five per Ditto, tCttw, Thrw per Centv, 27; Lota, Landau, 1833, Five per Cent, 38J 37; Cteta Coupon, 231 2S Cortes Deferred Debt, I7j 17 Eachanrt on Loodon, 12 33 Two month, 13 13L" DteA tmytru JulflS. a It will be teen that Mr. Dajiiel O'Cosixzix, with Lord Boot oh am and a few others, have had a field day, and sham battle against the villains," and liars," and miscreants" of Tie Timet. Our rejiort of Daw's discourse given in mother column.

We have no tune unul to morrow, or next day, to go into any detail upon the matter of the ipech, or on the ostensible object of the meeting. With regard to the first, we shall at present merely observe, that for a shrewd and clever fellow in his line, a denomination which none wul think of refusing to thu Milesian savage, we never yet heard from the lips of man so much arrant Uockheadism, hashed up with the same amount of pure blackguardism, as from the learned Daniel in the instance now before us. He charges us with the lust of power." What power, in the name of Heaven, have we ever obtained or sought for What patronage have we exercised hat wortlly aggrandizement have we achieved To what political party have we ever bound ourselves? hat consideration of any sort or degree have we, or ha any one connected with us, ever dreamed of asking or receiving for any part we have taktn on any question, or respecting any political interest in the Bnush empire, or beyond it Dawiel may call us as many names as he likes, but they will go for nothing, until he satisfies the country that we have done ought to deserve them. The fact ts, that just at present the man's throat inflamed with rage, and relieves itself by these dirty secretions. He cannot stand the part which our duty has forced upon us, in exposing, as we have done, more than once of late, the real dangers with which the cause of the Proteatant rdi gion and of cavil liberty i threatened, by the daily encroachments of tuch a power as the Popish priesthood, backed by the seif descruon of a Protestant Gavern ment and Legislature.

Our efforts in this good cause we know have told, and in quarters where their opera turn wdl be useful to the public interests. We are well sansned, therefore, that our services to Protestant Eng land should be set down elsewhere as a mortal sax." We have received by express the French papers of oswnuy, lugrmer wtm a tetter nan our fana cor respondent, dated Saturday afternoon, and one from Madrid of the 10th instant. In the sitting of the Court of Peers ofi Friday, the law officers of the Crown brought then speeches tt evidence to a dose, and one of the cotmseJ for the prisoners commenced hu sddress to the Court, The MtnUevrin its official part pabhabeaa Royal carduuacr appomtmg Marshal Outsat. Gtenavx General of the French possession in the north of Africa. The same journal contains the following particulars, retxrved by rovernment, relative to the late disturbances at Sara gosta On the night of the 3th an unsucesful attempt was made by an officer of the ith Rcpmenc of the Line to prevail upon the men of his ltaliar to proclaim the consntntjon of 1818.

On thi tt tempt becoming known to the puhGe the next. morning, crowd of the rpulace aaaembled, and after maltreating some persons suspected of Carbarn, they proceeded to attack the convents, Ave or six of which were broken into, pillagaHl, awl itherwise urjurtd Vj being partially set flr to. 12 monks and a lay son perished before the satbonues were enabled to suppress the tumult. Two of the mob, seized in the act of pDlagmg, had been tried by a miouy conv mission and executed. A memorial from the Urban Mflioa.raHmg for the ihmrsaal of some rf their chiefly had been forwarded by the authorities The Cotuhtutwmel publishes accounts from Bayoooe Of the I3th, which state, on the faith of private letttra from St, Sebastian, that a severe erigigenient took placav on the 8th inst near Mondragon, between thaheadof 14,000 of tJve CEEVstroops.alArre Larlist force commandetl by MoEo.fNo details were known beyond that of both sides eiainusg.

tne victory. ine (Janata contmned to assert. that General SaAauriELD had gone over wkSl two picked companies to Don Cajuos. Accordae; to the tame accounts, Valdez, after having been hfcd five tunes, had died at Miranda de Elw. The Mrttager gives a letter from Bayonne, in whs it is stated that the convention between tbebelligrreat paroes negotiated by Lord Euot has been brolai through, for, that General Ibiaste ordered 13 oat of SO Cariista whom be had taken at Tafalla be shot; and that the Carhsts, on hearing of this arcumsiarxr, put to death 36 of their prisoners, officers of theJ Qleex troop.

Account from Toulon state, that from thr 9th tj the 10th insL there were new cases of cholera ri rt ueauis irotn tne lutn to tne 1 ltn, 9o cases ana deaths total from comroeneement 757 cases, 47J deaths. The disease haa also re appeared at Marseilles, where on the 11th insC there were 46 cases asd II deaths. It has likewise made its appearance at Monrpeher. Want of room prevents as from inserting the prints letters that we have received by this express. In the one from Madrid it is stated that appreJHiiawo exist of political convuLnons.

The party in favour ef dtr contututJon of 1812 waa sxipposed to be at work 6x tht purpose of bnngmg about its revivaL There wa tw intention of making any change the preacnt dynastyr but it was proponed that the QrxE.w Dowaecu rfaouli be deprived of the regency, and Don Fatiwafco declared Regent. remained undisturbed. The Ministerial papers undertook some days ago to show that no tuch thing had occurred aa a refusal on the part of the Turkish Government to allow the Pluto, Government steam vessel, to proceed to Trebixond with Mr. Ellis, our newly appointed Ambassador to the Court of Persia, There could have been no refusal," said one of them, inasmuch a do appli cation was ever made." The aprJirarion, however, aw made, and the refusal was soch oar eotrfspcodent in Constantinople stated. After the lame eoatrtdxtica which appeared in the Ministerial prints, who eonld have RTppcajed that they had nothing to aaabout the announcement that the saidt steam vessel has jut been coovttied Into a yacht, and that her guns have been taken out, for the sole urpose of meeting the Pcsm't objectkn to her being a thipnfwar? Is she tea a Knra' rfup fat being jailed, a pukttf uA taring Ctssrt PaBI, Jaly 17.

CtatTs, lOBf. Sic Me. 90c We. SOe. Iwt I08t tie.

1W 19cj Three per Cents, JSf. lie. tit. Us. 90c Bank 73c 1 XanU UNpK 97L Jc He.

14c Roman Five per Centtv, III jXente tfD, Fir pet Cents, 33x Jn af EfP TaMpar. Cesrnv, it Roy. Spanish Lou, 44 4 2emtTa pemen 41 1 Bdgto Loat, Wltf 1SI Festsneat Five pa Cents, 8 Ftwtwft Tar per Ceata, twj jt Patcfi Two tnd 45c Haytiaa Loan, 38JC Exchmp Van. metsth, mooey, tit 4711 thrss months, paper, X5t 4, nooer.JJf.38ie. Csw aUwlfBav FAais, JulyIl FlvperCrjae UK SOe.

He We. Mc Fourfeet Cots, Nt li Tkr Casta, TKfOe.1 Bitik Action, UHtLlMU. Jsaawi Nsatas, l7Clwcae.t Koraaa par Ct, ll I aw tZtV. Ftve' Cents, 391 'Throe per Castas JI.KoyUtnJsha av.

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