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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 1

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

if N. 15,840. TRIUMPH, COOttma, Captain LONDON, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1835. lOUtll.mliiNimW Wert ti iaiv will sail frm Landias am rW rvkof Jaly 4 train rotumouth an th lit of Au car paaarr wr a a. wmiiiiii aniy arpty ta weaves.

awvarrrtav.adfO,erti Mr ahia Ini ceTemhn aad ri'HE LADY KUKA, oo torn, tape KUlibHT I Trvtl.iRnLaiMiMilirAut.n4lrtBiMlk Has Ssat este isasa.liii in Bar mi'i. mmtm a ewrewvn. met Par rrcvrht or i apply Biyadairaaltaalali BJaa. MADRAS direct, to tad (him die Thanves UiV k. "twW IW II.

KvnmwiM, (Wmi lyin ILhiWMMi ppre Captain Ovemflsy. 8. wfnuniini dmnod Ra L. wkueLsaar T0tt MADRATdirtct. to sail from Portamouth on th of tnMWr, lb OROXTES, burden tows, shay baa Bret eare areamsaodatiora f.e wrwm, nl will sad I HWl IWtl Urilttnt4avtKrAaMt, H)fU alV wa.

Market laocvnicahet unit T.V)R MADKAf. PENANU. MVHAPORETSa CHINA resell the Im at March, late Hon. Cotnaanrs 'i" rat apply mMiClitinuMto. I heir I hmni dKiirK mT, pORMAl)RA3 and OAU iTTA.

i oil on the fearembre. th Ship COROMANDEL, 5 T. WOT, Cmmnm4rt mr tu th India Porks. Tku ehia Ui.wiiyMww.j.iU,!, 6k MADRAS and CALCUTTA. to the first rvrarmth KatkarmeDork.

A li will COMMLNK ATE AGAIN with the riWllMI Mul I .1 I elicited rcspertaj Ike WulnifnlMiaiMtlmtmnt. A4 U)sT, by little SV1 el NOTE. li. atopacd rncunn. Him HnillkrihmMU ii I paia, roniaaa place, at, l)w (Unit nT rtvtW At RlARtl i.

th k. TIlV: Uto Vii ANN TUKNfcR, VWti tl.e u4 ANKTCRNCIt.UIeDnrifr.kitktbmiTrfNwTt iHon. owvIm JIM VMl)7 IMMil MtWMHktl 4io IN, Moth JwMurr rnMOTor kWM kat, kfln canal OTKUSl 1HI. Far fM4t ar lull Mn SU fiR CALXU1TA Jom. nil on the idTof tulnUL IW ZKKOnIA Im rj.

TV )wtllWlblMtM. Cif. fc eMwi t. raMo.

twwi IMlTL UOR CALCUTTA banlen ci TimcTT. rM.wii.JM ui iwc tk, traofk i i Mill iii tVO lrkw ItmihMdun jTltSilr pOR tiU'lTT fan, the firt hip. the POR I A t'iTA diwct, to uil the 4 of Auciit tS" nrt. ALrRCD iFhaPMAN; i OwunJn Tor IORCALCtlTA. with Ier tolAnatwelS tt C.

3I il fW Oimm4 Ik 1 im Md kn li win at if. Ik ikr kk tSr Im frWrata. Hi Art. nSk. TkV7S rtrJ 1 "km LwmK, rocnhUli fityik.

Fw. Ji LMdaitMll MriM blnbtiM ml MAURITfrt ami CEfLttV. trAM.ta uH iW MikaT tk Vm. uw. Tr puprnor Mvanolm JOR MADEIRA duwt.

a repilar packet TeJ, ffr tMkerjlT.B.aaairtr. rWf tkllbrt. twnto 1 a 1 JT" fka LaiM DarV mOrt Mitwailu kanwction, tat tllri ai. all IkarbiU aa4 rhtkhaa. abitara.

aaiaai Cimm Ma4 a4 rwia i Bkk all Barton a eUHftbaaaurfc aaaafrM, Barton, Daaatrr( yaoaVaa ka a.77aart pf ia aaaowt IkaraoC hafert lha nl 4r of Aufiul MiLr Daaaanra.Joiam my KhUllOKS of toe HJKlUtJl'WK KMI. ORANTk Voilaa knabr rim a aU tkoM arraona fwam inatttaaaf kanaauawxa mi Vliakim nrradlt to tKa mmr ruaar rmwraalt mklln la ikv roualrr laiin tbowajraallonor tna Kbaraom of INmaanl. Ikal lha OwrrmmaM liar kloal filrhful a ft oul la la Iti aoora. ASSIST Ika aaM K. pirofttintbaRCDlTERV of amabmaaf aOrv aio Ihmi kf Portuauaa ncranu.

In order than ikal lUf Meat KailkrUl alajaiUS Goaaramaaal Baa taka tha niiiwal I ataaa Ikr Ik pnmm. of tha aha or ran oMhr a4J ortKv lha prranaja kMaraaaxI ar ra. aaama daoti ayajlMail 11 sL Halaa ala alran Jortuuaar TolhaORtll utd INnfPtNnrVT tLKCTOHS ioTba Oniiruai il rIIIK Mrrnff htTinp offidillT announced that the nww nW oi mw my ivpuunit i ia noaouraMa ttiuanon or tout rrpmrntatlaa I kwni lo nan u. In tha aimaaaat latnw "TJSSri rawrnnnharrio harailo maaa aaarati traai arann.l rncoaii aalancc) coma forvard ao hanJaomalr honour ana ick ikaii aaaorL nTTt.r.rtnarraninrthauatT.lolaaT thtTia of rWatwa ana oattaaa kaa nrranwl anna tha aolkrat 4ar. ana la awtlaalai tiaartori and Kil'lnnrnc, which ara lotaUy at aarlana with "vrama of aaratkm.

Ta thta nua nlu ik. rjaiarallf taaanla lb acDcaltar aotaav hr lha noa alrctnr.alWa.hara. lrlkuaaaaarrrfaalaala5lfrlloa la tha rB.f auaortata ana I ara bo riaoai thioa. ikat tkia aa raia aaa aaar aa ni ntu aha framl oo gajkjifikaal.cinra aaat toaiTf aS I kaa a ao aalkrfkctartrv tn tk that Ihrra ara aw tkoirH rulrrauahaao, hart not JT aAiroai llaMn of arvaM wi rananv ar rtarina nwir naawt Inarrtad In lha rrrUlrr nf alaatan anj I han Zl frraa aoaawtna and bmantt who ara thu tlluaia I haa ihrrrf nr ViSTih? lo taka lha laaraaaarT aataa to h.r, ThHrnanwa rtrrarlca at tl anaaiiwi rnrulratlnn niuna. I BUT taiaiaowl with tha Mwniriaia of lha Iruai Uck il TE" raaraamtattra and aVaralr amaihla of mr own oaflrtanrm.

aaa of iraaliilaUM ahlrhl rbW faraoaaUf aponHuinnUcw rahU crounda alnoa that I ten lured In tolml tour 81 aaar nl lha larnaniriMi ill im i I of raamlrat that Ihnuah a maiorltt nf thoaa wh haaa pnllad al Ihu I ha. at tha Irrni or mr afcWct, eowpmniiaad no anncipla and kaaa riraa no Mar cU Mknt aomtablT and oaraarnlkaaTrr PARUAMBXTAHV 0RDa or THr dat akd xoticci which roa the wm TH orokb oot or Tnc not ii or loih. Maaaav. JvtT Sa. Ronua ChaJWnaarUaaa Mil.

1 rwond raadisf. and tk Lord. tinmrrrharrh aatfaiimin kin iniiianl Saamaa anliatmanl bB arcond raadln 'lt! lrna)kaawiatldial MU aoaanntlrr Uord Tryakara aartit ta nan n.r a return of aoaunltmantJ and foor In Anjatvanani Aat. ixaallaaia raUUaa tne Iriah rin JriiH direr bdl aacaad raadln. and lha lrda aanMaonad.

koticii or notiovi avt oRnrit or Tin hat WHICH HOW lliXB THE ORDER BOOK Of THE HOVIE or C0MMOKI TOR THE ERiriyu WEEE. T0; ii ttr Oaoaka or tat Da. I tmrchnf Iralandkni com liter J. I nljwwat aaaamrart kill further maaVralaa of araott. I ruclty tn aalnuli MI couimlttaa.

Small dabU SrtUnd btD aacond raadina 1. Mabrddifraikiaraiaw hl cowimiltca. SuaarwwroiartllantVindlhUJ arenadrradlac ShrrHrmurt. SOll.nJl h.Il annj r.l Banknifia aalaaaa Ihavtlandi ktil fwnhrcruiaMlrratlun af port Rrform nf PaiHaaaaal Ihcothnill kilV arcood raadinj rcrVaiarlicalcnnrtaaHI ar aid read Ina II Poataaa Nil third raj.lhw R. riaratfa4wnkt (Samlandl bin further ronaidrratton of raport.

IL ManhnpaJ aoraoratlBai put third raadtna 1 1 Mam, and Tat oBcra kill rrpwt 14. Uiaatiaaet. aoarlmi mat bflr trantt oarta of fwftcaiart (ratlandi (HO arennd raadtaf 17 ronlaaw.rnriHtrilraUndlHm tMrdrnulillar 11 Prnpaitain hthrnailrHandl bin third ranna II ftateaf tread kfl rmnmittrr W. IraarUonment for debt MR farrhtr conaldarallan of rraort. II Swfpaa contaullaa.

tl Wara and raaaaa aiiamawea PRICE 7(L aaTrkartor bt (re eranrtrr la wlwr woatk taUtaiea at tha haaltaf tb bouw loiharflert. lhatbdhaa aol npandad. and will fir T'realln; at hi. election, anr aom of mtwarr txerrdinc ia lhahokMi aad that hahaaaot paid, nor will he aeT by hlmlf. aiatajlr of rrwara.

ra ha. arena aa frtenda. any lae. oaay a worth. ui.ednr ron' rtrtrTlnlBtirr Qui fi mlb.

nl. lualiaa In hi ahataaar. atthrr tofiroor Ibrkaaika uaiaof in ana nau aoa una acaarn with that or December ItM. mmv conTiac tha mat meardulnul that a decided raanwo la fkeaut of aauad Cnnatlrathaaal and Oonaerratlea aarnkaa. acem iiaamaa ina raaatiluenry of Aarxhtre.

a. well tk Iimm kJ m. felt ronrtuoUtHm to aeery trua friend of I he countryTwlS, It afford. i.i!i ineaaiiTa apnn our Pmtertant inrtilutlooa b(i. uajj ZZiZjZljr7EjMV nat.hrffukli eonnnene whicn ibee at a.e.M.1 mm 'P0? ,7 "Tnu that, whether in a I bra learr one mora lo olTtt mr uacera lhaaka lo ray fnnnaa and aaaaararet.

far then warm ahd twdrn.twL in nl. li T7T Sii.t?Ll0S'l,h Andneaitfkaaaa.harh IkWi: "'V 1 ban tbt honour to raaaaia. tieaileman. 1 our moat nbrdienl humble arrrant. atwia IMC ART TVawa ai kaa baa paary lar tha nana, wtah aaar aaaarvaa a a.

arlaiiai ttea and daoa aaken I'lJ paWaeOaataln. an koaH loW "ardV tm JaaVyiahra.1. wa Eok TOWN. Dw mea Land roaaerad faat'. uaaa inun.asLAUit.ll aataaa awkana reajatar.

I ryan ta tha kanna, auaerkn a aaadaaaaaaiaaTkaOlaiii Bkhoag. Jewr Htr Aldaala. VI OTICT to SinppER TfVDTEYTiTeS: 4 J1 a Tha rt'f aupertor aeeoniwadatio, Saw5ill.n, "ndJ' lS tha EatharS J2ZF Niantf Rryaac.lratkatt.a.Oaarfa. FOR SVUNM. NewScaith H.Jehrect, toj an tSa lat af AaaaaC and can ancaa onlr a lew aaorw toaa a a aa.

arttka. karkTaSl a. .1 aTTuuSraS r. KUlt.j.w toaa karaaa. JOH PCAMiUX.

lata af aJaaaraitama.lO njar an rrtaa rath. a Ruharmet Dork, rRnwd aaartar dara, with rraaf hewhta. and aapanar inaa lainiii aw paai aana. Aaarr far fraarkt nr aaaaaa to Gordoa and kara, at Jemaakna cngea kaa i tk Caataaa ar aa kaaud aa Warkua Martin. Ia Eart lndia cham kc I ra.

VTUr YORK JACKET OrrI(, Jco 1. eaart. rarmhai ih ai eat fniaa lint of Reeular Packet, be or Tbaaa ahiaa aad pwarlaally frara I anlaa and raruaimatk aa aaPowa rm rrwn it knn.CRATJTTT)C,rat Tontl ZZT01 aasuranrxi ALir UtO Aaa tl. Seat. I da MivnrnVr wi oiTi! uo.

f.i.., livi a ai auaa.1 araakaRrtCTrtf. ROBCflN aa raaiailuiaarleraa aao OrB. Nne a. lor ea Via paw Tnthe PftnPklKTnH.ii L1T iv in. Ladwa and Inrntlaroan.

WHhV I had the honour of aildiejninjr you upon tha raault of the ballot on lha rth ofUai month, Wltoa e. ua prewar icmarea ai my aaaa, air eoaiwtttae bad Wared ri prodaa. tndeiaiaratr aaoa thecnat mui ouabt tn be purWardTind inatl ould, at waarla parkei.t.roi.raa of It. taajnaawauirT Tha embarraaaina and anarreadentad auattmn la which I am aU ia attributable ta tha mauttrienl underalandaw of tk aawkatom. htck it neeewry for ah mt PtoaMniL a nn'Y TJT 7 K.r,iL?Mw 'rVaia validity la rkatr aoma rtnm.

jindet power, ol wtdraey The forma, therefoea. wkkk wm reeirMrton.theliidarlouarwereurk?tryaaurr4to. By the KTutincen' retam, Uiaal low were admiitad IM heuw in warUIA.fdwfncnM bam. al my (arour me a major) nf at vnanunareaanaaini ol niy vatea wearraiaeti nararaa of tha fnarinora' namea In lha lAdawHa of their aoannratiui Uraxmaaath the4ran.Mai.i their beina I ai di hi. oaaown.

nawaaary ra lha form are Vs nmi Die rct oTthei, proium, lharcfura ru Umilrd to one rott only, uutead of nlaadma tathatrreater aamker which the Pmpiaiiuii would hare baetTetT mbjdtoaira had the aoMlTiu accurataly aat forth tketr laaaactiea The aanaan circumrtanen bmruw upon tha aoain at iaau kara an. rawed my nanat najoua drlibaratlan aad althaurh Ik opinion of the moatamment couaaai.hai.ra aham 1 hara laid the raaa. would warrant aa apanratkn tha Court of line, iwi TTI MM llk.t 7 .7. wrwwMai ai araauaruy afaaaa foeaaueti in application tan be m.W and tha aub rquenl deUe 0 aaaalaviarkjaa which inv re oaauon I nara DC to aapuaa taaeaactaan. Merekant aaante a raaiatratkia kail Lorda aaarnauxaau ba canldeted.

Rcc lrarooVa hnaiatamrnl k1 mannd raUIn hortcaa liiwriawa Mr MackinmiB aali rt co Mnltteeto eanaolldata turaplk Ireeta. I and ta rajae aama othat rererjue for tha roada (ban by taU alaalarl in.) iiT jrcr mivai niaiirr in rnrnpiBC rraiuw 1 Mr Orattan rbpanthaaltrnilna af lha haul to tkamnde adopted by tm of the aeilttant birnttart In Ireland In rerUWris itaea fererrtWwi. ht that coantiv i. Mr Ihrme that tha arleet committee appointed tn Inaulre Inlo inrniiure Ana lenntaryor uranaa iuioaaa, or aerret and alrluilre nrirtlr. In Iraland, and ta report thereon In the hnuee be directed to report the evidence lhf hara takwi reaaeetinatha pravalanaa anl rabrat of Ortnaa Lndnea hi tha army at ham and abroad and tn tha witlttia atafl of Ireland Ma ether with thedneuiaeaaacunimatd I her with.

a. Mr WtHiama petition from tha harai lmm waavera af Lawikaa. a. Mr II arten eetum ahowinr how the peemanenl wearry par ment, hawut Ihr dlRerrneeahetwaen tha araraaa teoaa liuaaar and rbe arerwanet inarnneafth tilkea of the tdlaahw aarkjlars nVaklll. Pwhur.t Norlhitm andilre in the county of UMi.aaatatad In aaaaa ra 1.

of the ranort of tha ennnaUaiooeM to ioouira Into the erclciaatical taronuev hju been cipmdad. a. atr rrwart waramaie aeieit eomrolltea, lo Inquire la'o la praarnt itatr at rducatloo In Scotland. 1 Mr Wallace ta more, aaaaameadmantnn Mr Stewart Ken tir motion lor arlert committre on education la lootland Ikat thrconrmkairinrr. appointed to Inquira rerardiiuilharalaiiawa inatnaa tinnnf tha people of Scotland be directed aho to Inquire Into the beenadnard ta adopt, not fhae therefo.a abao'loned th aaaeal which Cuaai af Knar Ranchs aad aa I tntcad to praaent myaalf layoaaa a candidata upon the neat racancy in tha Eaat India Dirertma.

I Kv4wrr iwr norNi u. your auanurea. aaa tne eoatiauaBrw af thai kraut aad coaadeaaa whark I aaretr laiurrm a aaaa aa. aaa ii( at ywaahaaaa. Th.

aowwrW aaaaart wkictl I nw9 ret wired, Icrtwitnualy inefflaaciaua it baa iworad. I aaanetaalatt whh prld lad rrarUuda. Thorn farhnea hara been awen rreattr aohaoced. aot anly by tha lautavaufiir rnMrf, bt aafrat haa aat abatd tnerr aral Rar mw.t brf Ke ri. eiAen of aaaiaance which hare been proftered to ma by laauiy of thaae ra my aa uar raaeat aaaaaat.

I hare the honour to be, with rant rrtpert, out aaaat aaadiant and faithful arrrant. BryaBMoa aiuare July la IC1. rilANCIS WaRDEV whoa DMhTl as.t'l)nds)Sihavethe honour lfal In annnunce fhat rhee here added tn their rrittaiTtnu aplcndutORUlPof TE.N FlCtRO al tha mmt man of the lata raenmt or eieuiniroo, iriaon, Uluchar Sey wan wii i. mmO. ii i eww fraybr ryi.raaiaapryro fka i apectir, captain, onbo rd.

to tinaaea hmuk. anliain. a. ran oaart. ranch, rek atret ta ywamvaraaat.

a. laanarraUry or Mr. John Laadicrrw, STEAM VE68BL. TaarUjeremna, at llaelork anUinp of aimoatk and tear aeeaanlnr Tfc. MFVAI.

CaMara HRP. a f'rt! TJ mml tram ba Braaa i a 7 majcaa. amrawaii, raearmna mm xewcatle nry awrdar a th. mfan arv abtamed, at tk aaa at aua, rawadXIy an, tta alanriruteeet. a ark aaaaaa ahaaaarary and arurdaye eiin THE OVLY STEAM VFeSSElTtoABERDEEV taw, TrtK WltT The Aberdeen aad LaavU.

4eam Hanra arZ anderr ae emwadaraMe laipo Jf aha koa aw Bar aelrata atatr "ama Tlkeloo, gut tarhted throurh ade mdowt. Sppecwlll S.Tr" bTO aooda paa alear. frwm A a (team Wharf mmrwiatwo nhtamed at the Sparad Earl aam.fac.4Jy ar Ikardaan Saw Waarf, l.w, aVe MATTHrw Aaent. CTEam to EXETER, calbnj otfDeal, Ryde, arni ciarrVT T. The St.

Ceaewa (team Prt TTT" "PrnR ll aail from St Eatharra. aa u. vtaawaHtaaaaxaej eiae. iimce 1X7 Leaden j. "a.i.

liitM: 13 ree.ed aW at th fct. Oeora Steam a2j "caharaadlUrlc Raa ntlrcua. r.RG:TE and RAXISOATE. at Tery low iif lr'J ro r' cwHdren 4a, Mlooa 3. ndo ZSTa dayv Tnar jay.

Salardari, at kalfpa 8 ami mrnx wi naaada ia, aad rUrr. at for aerate Sundara at ij2" Prc rrery fcalunUy at U. Rammta LEWIS GILCO i nbjiaa ckaap fare, wcanc nr rrturaioa. ara wnifr mly tTl aiteaaea.a txia4obrlt Tj.T tjoy 'T RAVESEND DUMOVl) PACKETElcu7: THI lamtr fraa I 111 i am ill If li a k. EKCI A STEAM PACKET UlMPAN r0OTHrVDandfHEER'fIia. rr atrr Jf LWHTroOT. eeery ram from Hkraalam WkarV; TT. Iramfcoaihead at I at Gran rad ad return aiiraaae jtajM caJaa i aba. ipw auaa mewV ut or ki irliiaiU Bhiaraiai an4 hack without laadiac. K.

a kbury.ealy U. int. RLE.DfV ee 1UMMERCIALSTEAM PACKETCOMPAKY. hercbr rirea, that th Direrton bare naadr a CALL aaa ra iama ana roa) o. tke aharea tin tonanr maraat tne aama la ao hea id an or kWor.

I kU ili tl Ladkaok. JLmnaota. an I. m. rT7 maarwntaf tb Direcion.

By order rT rauajtea Sacrrtarr R. Fim'ARI) FRAShV Ar FAIRS. All ai! trh Tr' VAfnon rherkTATE JtJRD tona rlytrfMon ntaadmuaf aala man, decearn ara re. e.ted "aora. wdarU n.

hieaXaed. Aad all ve v. I aa7 at Aad aU i jytrmed at lha time of kU death 1 Waa jV, aTaakW aV to a Drcree of the Hih Court of ketkkawS." nherem John Pit urn and Fliaa draaodaata. aaruall WOOD Ut. at Moorend tha ZJ7.L,"? rVT.

I who TJnw MW and prae. taaaaTaTTL mllat Maatara of tha Mid 't authamatvbiUlia. niaacery lanc. mTmrf'aai JJr" nraof.tkT wttt bt aaaiadad fka Wtarotof to Dpt of Hld, ruy, 0f atacatantai TORaT f. wartlnnon a Kh ra.

the CRE tka PAI.M KB, tarmey af Palmeraiown. ia 7 'i 4 aRuat Houat. in the county of aaeatTe? Hyae perk aac Owaoearreet. ra th Ue 'oVr HuMaaam. Rkrbmond. IkajTa VTrT T' ladaaaVdla or abnat tk month of May. ll TLnkHk eoma aa aad aeo a thaii dbta kefara Franca) ii, an bia rhimhen. ia nwartir saannri lan.l aniluaiaa arki.rt fheeaof 77e.maai tk bmrltaftkaaaul decraa. YbuiW HOLYDAYTESf IV 4.L. at the rVxrrey JCo.30: ealararna, THIS Dk Wrdnaaday.

rhe TJdof Jaly whrn Mr Oreen.Ul make huMnth and l.t balloim aarenu ftomthaiak ThaOarmaaauaeurand klrnor Amkroalnl wfli ea hiwit their annrallad performance. khouU th weather peruill, th aauteraauy on lae kar and rack dap af ta flta, aaak partial ajrenta. accompanied br Mr Green, Tha band, of the luid.trcani a rijaiaa: Guarda will at lead. JUmaunon aa aaual, an payment St.7. hosimTal, jui ihn.e SPECIAL orsfERU.

CO(RTftSa RtrUton of th Uwt wtlmeat at the la.tirtioo THIS DA at preeuelr and to morrowmorrow at half part I arecuely By order JOaCPH GtnfNISOJSec. f7 EN and AVON' CAN'LNAVK. TK )T JLV mwiabarakiitaaailuitrhaCKrfEBAL MErTIVOof Propnetonofshamuitheiaid at lha TuwhaU.u Ibacountr of kVBta, Monday, th llth lrut nt war ADJULRSlEU to Tucaday, thctludayof thu preaent July, al II aamlt tha fcccnmm al tha TawnduJI ia Marihorouah aforeaakt TMO vs MERRIMAK and SONS, pnaapal Clark MaHbornua k. July Id UO HOUbEKhU'fcR or COMPAN'ION A I intellirrnt Irmale poaareainc aeolecl maanert. aad rnaralknoldaf awful weuaatifln.

wiSea for a MTtJT10S atlberutrirel wiihaladrot lo upanolend lac dumaati ratabliah meot of a wtdowad rrntleman who may ba daalroui of merlin with lha confidential a erricct of a wejl brad petann who woald takaaa kcrlraaanrnMahouarhoUarmenanrikraJralra. Tha hot irference. taabcylrru. Adilrna. paalaaid.

lo kLa, Mr. Hnnrtoaa, cky rlaymarket ELECT (iRAMMARM HfH)L A Tntor.whoe; teuimonula from tha Head af hia CaUar inlht Lniramltyaf Oiford ara of the drat rlaa, and who at their nwn reaucal rtfrr. to krfjblenicn. church dianuatiea. aad achera, wha haaa obtajaiad dlatrn rulued honour, at the tame un Itnttt nf whme vet in hla aako 4,1 kaa IAUHIIS for TWO nr THREI PLPlls whn would be carefully and aoundly irutruated In the Greek and Lalm cla ica, the raathatnaiict, the modern laacuaaea, and aene ral literature kelutioua inatruatam.

In conformity with the prion flriodhelhurehof EarUnd. Trrma. which indud all thernra lortt uuially appropriated to parlour boardcrt, ta (Ulrica, per annum Tha ami urn a una of th moat healthy la tha kinadnm HORSE, t.Jtr, and LLARNES for SALETihe property of a centleman. To be Men al Mr iUwljnaaa a hrery atat aa. Utlta thuaaTlan.

aaar St. PaaPa. TX HOUSl robehOLl), abareain, a HA JL) HORSE, ill year. old. above 1J hand.

hih ilea bean uolkr Ih owner tha Uwt faur aurnt ha and a aaund and quiet In hamc v. To knrreat trouble, theloweet pr ai.0 Apply al llomaa aad lleroe li, kkmrae wraet, Id aeaf I clock EIC)Sirt)RY. (late Aldndgea.) St. Mrnn' JLVlane. TobahOLU by AUCTION by Mr H.

HOUGHTONn Wedue.iaay July araneey of HORSES romprUIn araamed car nare cabriolet, aad pbnetua nuraca, hunlcn. haraj.ladlct hottrrotn. "'Obe uvether or keTwrate, a very hand 1 aaraaCRAi LOB, I IIAETuN.and IIARMhh the property af a rmrlcman who haa no further urr for them. The cub ia war ranted aaund aad perfectly qaiet to lide or drier. The phaeton aeariy new wun cane Daca and lum orcr Mat rhc whol will be awe ai a rare aaw pruw uiracl to Ht an aaa, hammimaker, i the Homa, Kanninrtao.

the parochial china, and In mhre arhauie ofrrerr dearrlpthm for the inrtraetion af the mduvtrlnua elaawHi aacerralntnr th aamhrr nf arhnobeaaiara in everr bwn and paruh and thoaa aariahea which hare nn parochial arhrvua. and the rekon thereof wfrh the apaenpriation al tke karal educational fanda of thaw) aarrahaat aln. Ih yeeaent law. Md aaaaaa under whkrk perah arhool. art the ht.dma.ter.

thereof are appointed and rcrirlated and to in how far the raid lawa and uaaaea may ba beneAcially amended or altered, and lha educat aa af lha laduauioua and aoarer better prorl.led for A Mr Rkw 4n caw lha return from Ihr clerk of th peace (it the eounrt of Carnarvon eoacemjna hiatareaof th pra be aat pre rioualy mad, tn mora that he attend at lha bar of lha haaur I. Mr William Rraaaaan in cnmmittea aa trie daaSanrkiaarnent nf the hareua of stair ird, to more thai an additional member ba in reel ta Mara. la Rnea ta more aa llHtructlon to Ihrcommrtleeon the am Ihr Ik aWraarhiaeeaent nf tha horrmch nf SlaAard that the anrthraw al aardin tarn memhen tn Parliament Itantfcrraa loan th kemaurk of ktald to Ihe enantr nf Cork II sir K. pane em rnin Into mniiwite rmtafTbrd dUfrancMi ment kffl ta mora, that aadeet committee ba apr nntrd la Inquire i.tathehnherr and corruplian which hara lreralled al election, tn. reprrrenlatire.

for the bnrouab of SteCrd and la report the reeultnf taeir mqutrie.iotnenouee tnat it an inatructluo lo Ike commit tee that they do report, in the nrt aUre, Ih remit of than laqmrtrt Htnhnhrryand corruption In th late election It Mr Treror tn committee on lb Stafford ifnni'niiiiin MH. to mora, that on ofthe ataU ba tranaCrrrad lo tvktoa ea Teea. IL Colonel bthnre on eeond rcadjoarnfacclealaailcal court. MM. tnmmefnt a arlect conimlttce lo Inquire into th luria.lieiou of tha krrallratamenurrcniirU.wlthl view of aKwrtaiaio whathar hatha hnllllun nf the pecnri and prebemtal Jurud ctuma.

and th conrolt. dation of the other an aa to hare on court lnach county, or other more convenient district, lha naala of aha eoualry may not ba beat conaulled. It. Mr Fretti cld on raadin order for fun her cravaderatkin nf report on impriaonmenl for debt hill, ta mora, That It betaken into further ronh1eration nn that day alt montha." li. Mr Poulter in committee aa impnwmmcnt for debt hill to add lo ctauae A Provided alwava and be II acted a a.ii l.

lawful forth aald eonuniaamner tn aaaept nut of th aaUrmnent hereby directed to be nude, and If ant to eacrpted for the aaM trustee lo refrain from or ta Mieeend the diaaoaitlnn at maw houarhnld rftectt bdorkllnr to the defendant lat eaceeedin IW hi vaiua. uu. oa ra in. arriuu amor mt lamile nr tovne of them and th deprivatiea of which, in Ih iudurnrat Ihe aald enraiale doney ar truvtar would ocommo immediate and uraent dtatreaa and fnpermlt auch rfTect. lobe permanentlr or temp rarity rr farned br the family of the drfendaal whom the rame be ud la.

Mr ounr on motion far t.knw Int. en.ui... amendment. made by the ordv In the merchant atari) D1 in wit tkattku hooa doana aev ellbef.1lol ramendiTieni ProvuVadalwaya an.1 ba at tanker raacted. that rhla aaa anall a taaTeet.Oe aom.

iada apiralla. a. aav Bnll rTwyV T. Iri.latlr Aawmble anle i by an act lnhepad by tk Larialatare therraf It ahall hare keen Brat declared and enacted that Ihu act hub and ahall hare lb fore and efTorl of law In auch colony MLKICIPAI CORPOBATIOVI BILL Stephen Rumbold Luahinrtnn on third readinrnfthebtlL MeacUuw preurn to the freemen of Enel.nd i all thenrht.of elect inr member, of Parliament laranteed to them la the recent act for amendra Ihe nai.aiiiatmn of th people and to rente thai the ho ae be then railed over IA Sir Wllmot on the third rcadin, of Ihe bill mooth.i Sutton Cadflcld be left oat of hed ile cut ch or nrf Avn mi! ia Sir Peel thechair on rhurch of Ireland hill to more an hut rnct Ian In the rummiliar thai the bill ba divided into two billa. mine inai Mr Harvey prnvl.lim thatthi I per cent nn the I out omw lytmieed tn the I rifJlTrff corn art oftyanllnri and, far aa II re Incur tha MniWiaamt for prriury aad wken con.

vuncuoiiraatinc or bribery to forfeit kaaaraCand to be forever after dkaliOad ta ait In Parliament Proreadinra ba ukrn at any Idwa Sj "IrT lb party racsrvlrallhebnb TB0nr. Jny ttMTlrt, Br Mariana of lafcTkBL lB tnroftaapnoltmcnl Marw tomova far a committer to reylat th penaloo lut, andprkerrioiaavaacanoftheKou Inaatteaitioooflhaooumlotbrpraaent tob' Ctmi I of Chancery to Into thearate. operation, and ItStTi rr a view to th onaaUiatm and ainenlmant of la aaan. h' I'cl nd bill ta raraUt municipal crwyxiraticiriajq Ireland. Mr kl 3u.ik.i i i vmmWrn in 9 naiawi an lac anair.

nr ilTiJr Tlo, do on the table of th hoaa a IIM nf all rclrrred before then, atnc Ike dat of Ih umt report thai "mm nnia a "irnent nr durumratl Buna or aartnentin th aaUry HtT.1 Z'iTT'? Wtrtrktr willl aa accnu.t of tha mae eum re h.T. ji "TrP" Jck nmr have TILlTiT tco'nf larment mad to asm enramia. on'T: and aUo. an account of thearvrral VFlZI "S11 rvnmlan InKruttand and thai aaul com P'" by aaid eammiaaian ainca their lonricTude wn 'm wra aaid mramUaioa ar likely reLJrU jildjrjirenpiof th follo inr document. undeV concucte.1;iT?.

apartment of Ihr ahlTaTVirJ 7 of female miran. on board the ahlp kir IJU.ld Santt report ln In the chairman of lha emurr.ti.rn LTT 111 committee to the auMnntendent of female emurranra on board tha ahlplau mm mv o. nwaarMiuct in inai eapaclly oiimaltat Dat Cla.anw tmleenHlaa btW aaatind raadhw I. lMIrajriaaw. haitia alial ain eomaaltia.

(at Itorvrk) I eteam vaaattaplkataawaUl ojiuimicc Civil affair. Ilrrlandl kill around raadin; a. Landed aarurltiea Ireland Mle rommlttee Paiaar JrLr IL nrir. Mr Uw lladraa aetlte from lU.khunrt mlatinrui tithe, and lapala queataaata Ilia Makaty a Minuter sa to. hat arc their tnten ihjtu rrapmiap aa a.aaniaa time put Din vu.vv MRrn4FD's mo ro.v TO THL EllirtilTtjr THE TIME sir, In your liat of the diyi.ton on Mr Pracd'a mourn Wattii in Ibe miiaoruy.

i out obcdicnl aerTant, JiJ 1. T. JONE Mr c.1 tor of TA ,11 lircl obliged by bia crarrrrtin an otrjiaainn in the mijorilj nn Mr Praed'a motion, in which Mr Ilodkio'a name tu not tnrntiiried, Mr landlnn havior rutrd in thai maiunty. (coJ atreet, dnnd, July IS. A YRMIIHRFl FCTIOX The foUnwinif ia the atatr vt ihe poll at the acTrrxl lUtiona al iti rUxe nn the brat day rrmimt intra t.r iidrafur Majority for Majority for Plar a.

Mr Uunlup SirJlathcart Mr DiiDlop. Sitilathrart wvy e(iic ur mm Crnmoricll 30 (linran fij yj 23 MarWrte 103 'd 47 Ayr 106 7 umnnck A9 Miuchllne 118 M. tralatnn IM III straarton 187 IB IR9 Rcilh in .10 M7 Ilalry 4o ratKUbrldrlU 7. '4 KUwinaik IM 740 flit 74 lor Mr Donlop 340 rmAi itate or THr pOLt, nruiiLiDtr, jt lt 1 Pullinr otaafur Tute. trw Urea.

MtDualop. SirJ latlwan rolmonell .54 Hi (iinran 70 4i 2 Maybole .11. 73 42 Ayr. 119 H. 37 umnnck 7 110 Manchline lit 107 17 (Jll.ton .173 RJ 8H sttVirton S10 18 V2 Beitk 149 114 Hairy tw UfetKilbndelI7 i 47 Kilwinnicg 148 KI ofMBKW hem inlrreit at CK rjv or raised by ahtUvaal annaal char tn be rjteaklr aaaaaard upon amm prn pertr In Ireland which I.

hereafter to he 1 1 the propwd taa Ulieuof ear parchaw r.r ttfv ta ItaaMlaSp IIMnsrW)rMa aSia IPIa, t0iTtlf I rrvj irriftiMiwmanaaraaimrnrTortnerH ltrkiV lwUt 4w ivow rt wnrnnn ftdMumd nt ttw port of par'rM nrl dioc an nrh tola, to which ti oifPaf liAmrnl tiSry at pre ol Iwht IrrUnd." Toit 'JrtT tL Dtii or rat Hat 1 KiiMr.tonron Mutl ld ct. rec tn folM fir ronmute it 1. 1. lmhert rfttwc Wl rmiiitiii Hjn tnd wr.tnMdbtra, Real property btll mmittA Vnrirci Mrrie r. I rtioc.

rn tTRgnM tlntr rwardt and punishmtTit iq th kmiT Mr 6 wfoi e.WtTtlia? Roman vntvnln Irrland from hMTwr iuirrd lo take any oalh or oalfu pmuu lo Totlnc for mrmbwr (f rarlitTVevnrni air rtaulr Hl to be takra br roirnf other rrluimii iJ TVamlruitUan4. Mr PtimfHi mmutirwfWrrrrTe at tV trial rourt mar al of aptdun Achar tsmi, mf the H)al ArtilU ry. at Malta, ta tnr I Mr Hume That ha rwvfarth all olllm. ltaniBtirakM. nrms pmmnttnm or prTfi rm nt, whwh ihtl bfm.l MoU Eft.iTb.b ri I inttiac pol tie or CfraVf.t pp uiatrnent pliwv irom hel Mtmfrrrr4 bv the Kin resw t.riril or trfrletiavtiral whrthf atrteor in nhtnfan ofttrt ituatKm Itvirvti prtHnotton prrffrnient deri1 ii itf any pblw tourc vhapther eecVmiaTtraJ or ritnl JI iw hLI the pertaptw ar rptm tne tame luhle to all mrh limitation! or tnrulaiutiu lo the e.lamt.

dune rewenaei, and emoluRienta then tiall tie hf lart ament from tim to nme mnri Thai all peTMm. rHi.iiwr lutN (i(Br i of dtfnttr and or ln luertrr whettiereerlewia'ttrmlrrt 1l th rerrnu or emolumetiti of vHrL. ahall be ama. mnvnBmtmntm tn thr aMttwr mat tu. tate and comfort W.

be roneirr tervanu if Ctweranani oviivff the wkvoleof their tune and Ulentito the puM and IK Me to raiira on tn Patruir wm mnrr auiie apraMtitile. with w.w. amw a. rv WIITVOUC DTtTlf ent tied to anr aMitinnai rrmuneraiMia harwmd wh.t nuy cum prnuaie tne apena anuAiir mm neeruariir tneurTed thetebr or therrm. 3.

Mr WMH biUtf enable tke InhalwUntt nfbunrhi of baron to ch nmr their own maeuiratrt. 6. Mr Met wa4l asio refer tiNerarrnrt of rhetTTrtktjrTTTi.tfM. Inom weavers to enentnittee of the whole tonur 7 aptain ferheU bU to tPoend the uw to the tltWnof cer Mr rHtnctt a he v4ti eommittee to inquire into tha o. TrxHiiaVB BradaTT mi rnierlr I lanata uii ikLan.l tlilael laat.a Da anal tav a a .1.

1 I Mr II therwUBeof Ihelal Jyi deKeY he ilwtr the new houv of Parliament Mr Tula ball tu roide tut tha nariVauMkf Is fd Com pent ofeompentattem to Mr Rtirklnffham for certain to ars of propenr in imu, iwwicaen iMeiamtnce la. en Hon a leJeeff I to report their opinion thereon tu the eall (He attention of the hou tn th. kav ai, vim a new tu rmtend the time for ml tree and their report nvon the lame prtrntrd to the lloute of faetum In Scotland IOK SLEf compart CllfcTNrr COII. FHAKTOS wna turn erer ieat.and HAAXTJaH, loffether or trparaietr, tne owner Matin Lnitana. I oe eon 11 hdUMi hth.

reart old, with beauty vrmtnetrv, and powwr conMrifd whh tmt art ion warranted aound and a trial allowed. The nhartoa It painted iii ff rt lined t.ifh 4rmb elolh, 4 etipUr tpetnft, wtfety breei boar, and tn a conctitiajn evual to new Prees cob In vuix rtu, phtw ten UguitMm. hmrwa ia, i ffwnra. Ajrplf at Beiey. teommltion aotei, ii, jnrniaM9 Hrm Con, PIHETOV and HARVE4 for SALE, taretbrroraeaaralrly late the property of a lady areaaard.

The enk a II hands hiah, I years dd, with fast action, has been ridden and drier, by theksee ouacr forlhelaat I months, and an temperate fXal the most tauid or ulna petsun may drive It, arid warranted in very respect 1 he pharton aaual tu new, havirar hem used only a few unia.budlloararr rrrardleaof aisetauaakskapebodym front and tnm nver aral benrod, ta carry I persons If required with enamelled aprao. wuira. arc, and haroeas to correspond, lor partlew lars and trial apply at Heaconl Berry arables. Ml, Ok ford a reel, be i in eavs. rmZ.r3rm7,ml',mth aarfc on ap41aaeioa to siilTTr nminajraiiiatraay.

Tip iaau lo a ana "raatftl.ZTi'Mk brfcea th Ilk at Annual neat. iqaaTTt TT.PmlsWa BaV 1 iVa nd ta naceat la lowaat adar. I kl'til si in. "r2ulm rf choi I'AltffiN'GS, at CAtJL7r "watk aft.pum.bay aert Jta rmpn ta pnblUt Inana UT BT rVar ta day telrJS aa aJJCTlc. i r7 rr nsnr Basaauiknr AarnaL and aralra ba MeH i pAisI COA( HOUSES, and To be JL MILD by AUCTION by Mr ROBINSON at hU Raprajtory LutU Brktata Bear tha t.e aural PaaJ omea, an Thuratay, Jaly EL at I clock.

TEN veiy useful, ahort lcared. taat. eraaorad HnnslTV two arts af Wrnaaa, rlotka, dw, th raaula property af Mr Morann. arortln one it aaa of lha Wabearh Day and Lynn aad sold aalelyiaeanasaims af hla diaennrlnubi to burs the aaan. colours bays, krowaa, and ebaatntju aad I sbort leerad, artle fa.L seasoned Harraa, thrrrnam penpertyof Mr Elau.offcrarviWKb.aridsoideoiadyaaonaqiamaof haruduaaai Ma four horae roachea tayair Tha above wm be faond dastrrlnr ihe al trnljonof cwarn an post maatrra, swantaua araprkaknra.

aad arhrrs, May be viewed one day prior ClHARlOl and UKI I XfeKA. To be SOLD, with a nmaotha warranty. TW NEW CARRIAGES of Ink aa aenataan. 1 a attanot at na ap aar poaria, witn imaenai, aap caar, nimbi but arallkble aa a Iowa carrier. The boiaska basGiimaaakumr.aalaah.

front aasd kmdarata. are, aad bath aaa rkutM havaC tprhwu and CoUinraa Balanlttlea. Ta ba area al S. 3 art and Ban a. I.iagk aa.

aataa. lirraaVahaauara. Uvalad and her earnaraa to ke let. LA BELLE SAm AGE, UuVratavhin. Very cheap, and appmbkrd a iaaid CuACrlES a LIVER Laada.

anaawmVn. Kettmjrkam. by. rknmbw, aM alh. BrlataL Oxkard.

CttmUaOuiaj. 'kaiutrujmadan. fuiBmiialk. lraf WkTht, HaatrraryTkwmrlrlaa waWi, rwitaat, rlrrar CJjntay IX. Mr Hume ooprof the patents nf the M.te mf and of Ih Vkar Geoeral also copy of labia of fees charreablc in their IS.

Mr Crawford to move aaan amendment on theorder of Ih day, I hat en humble addiras ba prevented ta Hia MaWsty. prarina that he will brrrarlouslr plcaard to take tbedi.treu ivf I. If In In ha mi.i li I Wntttut JoiyJt Oaoaaa or inn Day 1 Pool rdief (Ireland) bill committee Poor cmplirrmrnt llirlaad) bill rcadin Royal burrhs (Scotland) bill cnmtnjttac 4 UandcttiaeiuYiaM(ln4aari) bill committer A. lrhthouMr. bill wond readinr d.

Pollaal atactioatblll erjenmrttre 7 Public Institutions bill aeaond readaiaT a. Pabllcwalkabtll Meoad readmr I Wl commiltea. la M.ueand danrinr licemea bill committee 11 Hull merchant seamen fund bill repwrt. II Letters patsett bill arcond readme 11 Marna act amendmenl bill eummitte II Weirhta and measureibtn committee li. Election eiarnses and qaMfatpnibmblJ eoramitte.

Noyirra op Morions LPi TJtTiT? f'? 1" "niform and convenient conctuct throurh tkla house of dlrorce bills, estate bills, and billa of Mtutal.sation, It iscapedient that thecnmmenceiiientof the neat, and of each aurceedinr session, a select committee roa.iaUnr i eum, should be kPaointed lo whom shall ba referred every divorce. 011 and naluraliaaUo. but, on th. am.ul reader IJVreof reeprctlrel with power to riamine witnesses, and venf) the documentary vl JackofauckbllKandtn report therann aerordintly, three af lea of the members of auch cornmitlee who shall haraattrndad Ihe aaenhutof any hilL to be areaent at aJcf la on it until report made and that, from and arte. tk.

mem Wsaea commit lea. the practice at heartnf rrjunset ariTri ntinlnr witnesses on divorce bilU at the bar of this houee.badae cardinurd, ncept arbro other aperially ordered 1 CViS on Umitailon of Bulk bilL la 'h place. rartaklnr Ihr Pll all elect ion. for knujhu of lb ahlra fur the aaatern dtywiaa of tba aamaty a. aaams.

a. Major Beauclrrk ia committer on lens, alehouses, and rirraal auch houle. hLllo edbeiero; ward all klnosol music lot th enterulniaeat af Ik public Mr Dwnitas on report of Hull rnerchant fund bULto Jvc that IhebiU ba TT Wstrmned to introduce a clause LTT.Ti dactad to pursuance of autau 4 aad A WUliam IV, a tmt Tt "I "Tr!" 'S? atLerwick, la be paid to th aallaaior or raaarrara of Ih eaamana fund appointed at Lerwick, In Shetland wm aa saw aai.aia Lard O. Baal tuck ia rammltteaoa wtaakuand Bxasaraakin. ta irweManatneridnientUclMmlihUfurijiwprovlao "TTiatfVora daaaWthl.

atiMtaata, iSkdrrTSd rut. rtidlW aold by wairhi, and not by meaeure Cl ltlaB aa rkaatlam aipmama and kkallaWajIkmoanamiambiiXtonvsvr aa Instruct ion that tanaara denn. and rarulaU tba haa aot by btaaaalLhai ata, at frlaaaa, conatat, ana uat a wiuant ay hlmarlL, a VenwdaalJjvaimvi trik kmnaa aaaami BOaaar that fca iKm aot tty or pnajaa 1,431 677 7i 71 Alaeartty tor ly Pwntna) Buvt Chebrkpih. A most Aitirwnjz "accident occurred on Tutrkday ShccroeM harbour. A younr mn, namrd Minchrnn, waa irotna; out in a boar fulilne; the dar brmir rrmartaMy hne, and the watrr remarkAbly amuoth, tu mother, who lived onboard Ih ltknheuu, waa vrry dcairoua offtuog tvtlb him.

and Mated her mhl him; he endeavoured to diatuade bcr tram gnmr but she remarked thai the areathrr beuij; to fine il would do lb children rood. hr therefore went, and look with her littl boy, about two rears old, and another about four yean. Coming down the harbour, in attcmrntr); to crou bom one ahlp to asolhcx, the tide acttinr Tery atrutur, drose the boat aaraJtut Hia Majesty' hip TranenJoua, when the mut of the boat atrnck i borirn, which niada faat aiucjr the ahipa in hsrbour. and the tilled with water The arm Jumped out on loth boom to endeavour lo ri'ht the veaael but not tbey faunf nn thr vraael for anrne time, but she dnited down the har ltour and sank, and ail four aank toarcther. The rounc man succeeded in bnnrinir up hia mother and the two children, kllal for a while kept them up, but ajrain they lank, and he aaw no more of them.

Ileawanj about for aotne minute, when boat from one of the ahipa picked Mm ap The body af tne vnunsrest cnua waa c.irht net on Vt edoeaday aud an Inqgeat held thereoo. The father of the family la a man of (rood character, and deaerredly reaperted. nothcr son, who usually aai! In the bf at. and had not iniaaen a aiy netore lor neny montha, Irappexaed thi nay to nr on oonra anouaer snip with thr father other. wiae, all I rnbablllty.

hia We would hay been alao aa. criheed. Wednesday, Mr. Hughe held an intrant at the inif no iar. tdrtnewti, on the body of Jlr.

William urin. the landlord of that houac. It anneared ia evidenoe that the drcaaard dined on Tuesday, with other binkeeper, at Mr. Turirv'i, nf the llroadheath. between 3 and 10 at niirht be returned homewardv with fire other personal when ther rot near HcnwicJi Rale, drcnard (who was intoiicated) wa in Mirancr ol the party when they rame op to him they found him amine down they jot him up, and as they were leadtna; him alone ihey percayrd that he araj bleeduvt fioro Ihr lip: upon beinaj AaVed what caused this, he asid It served him rutbt, he meant no harm, only put hia arm rouoa nrr nee.

i ma waa an tne explanation ne (rare but uawaman was area to past Munn shortly before with an urrbrella, the conjecture is trat he look koroc liberty with her, and il at she struck btm on the mouth with the end of the oiubtella. ho thr femal was is not known Aa soon as ihe deceased arrtrrd at home, Mr Chandler, lurreon, of otui waa lairu tu to mm. a us fTentlctxiaa suupit to Ihe jury that he found 3Iunn blcedinar pnafuaely from the upper lip, which waa lacerated with ereat dirEcukr. and alter much peraeyersnee, the blcedios; was stopped Whew Mr. Chandler rulted bim strain next day ihe barejdutsr re turned and lf.Mepheruui and Mr.

Oswald JteakCropetwcre esllrd In, and continued to attend with Mr. ChandleT till Munn's death. After the hlcedinf was stopped a second time, the deceased auffcrtd (rom coruiuVnhfe rxdtetiaerit of the nrrrous system, which ueouwht on Jtltnum framnu that prodiicsd eonrotHm of the bknod yenaela, and uhamately Fas i the caitae of his death, wtldi took place on Saturday Bight. Mr Chandler iDouired of Una hoar the cut waa produced, but he waa unable tat maw a rvattonal anaarrr; it was suck an Injury as be produced by a itick or any other btuse weapon. Mr.

Cliandlee utttd that the fross liabu of the deceaard, and the sute he waa in when the cut waa received, made tba ease worse, Mr. Oswald Beale Cooper stated, that when he was eaQed in to daxxased on the day alter the Injury, he waa much eiated, and bleed Hie; profusely from the hn the blerdinr had been sUyed, but broke out afsin. Mr Cooper then procrcded to de arnke the raae in nearly the same lemas as Mi. Chandler JiJ, asenbuur his deaih lo the causes staled by that gentle man. Tire Jury returned verdict of Died from a cut on hia lip, which produced dWinuaa tremttu, and caused death, but how the cut was received is to the jurors unknown." Jawnml.

On Saturday an inquest waa held at St. George's Hospital, Hyde pau iomer, brfore Mr. Hlrgs, pn the body rt Fossil, 49, who wis reported lo hare died from the effects of poison. The tlenaaed. aa appeared from the evidence adduced brtora the jury, waa housrAerpry it Miss ilson, JI 4enVbilunr, Brornrnon.

Of late ahe bad been much addicted to Making. The tamay had a)one on an excursion Into the country, aad the deceased ejTibrsced the oppawtanuy of mdulfna? ia her brownie jrro rj7' On iruverunf bst ahe rnuchased a pint ofj pin at the Swan, Brompton, earned It Wne, and drsnk it ln the jjnTsenee of the other serrnnvs, obaerrmr tk ihetn" that aSehooad they wild stop to see the lsat of her.R She was afterwards rtTnovedto (he hospital, when the died on the followinf day. The jury returtked a terdict that the djrreaaed had died from drinking eieeaatvely of fptriU. On Saturday an inquest waa hdd before Mr. Carttar, altJcdOaaaVaxra, Ldmaketh, en th body of WiliSaro Parbly, awed 34, who committed sulode lnthewtarUeiyuswof that parish on Friday rncerrlnsr, by enttliur Jua ihios.

with a rpaor lifer tuvul i in the aftrrrjjaeaa The rltceaerrl, wha had been a soldier, and hadatsairtved hi penrion to the lavnsh 4 years ifo, was subject te flta, and. had often before jilempted to destroy luinself. Vf): JcV a Tsmporsry I FndaW tltwvrP aa svJtea Tt vaea isTo SI. wpl on dutyln the road lradirur frrjcn Fnlhjarrknelds ka IsmmrrsmUh, and nearly in trosvtof the Old Oreybouad umir ooaw. ac anjB rtACKra or number nt nttnan ana ara aoarn.

TBey trarapkd bulk tin lb taVaam iirora tne Bamt, krataaln, tot, cars aatf ayatlrrtww a aurvnte wioat taMaBareMisjV tkirejarn njarustlvwa wsajn i yao doubt of hia harinf taQan ricxiin to tie ry waa conrtyed lata rjjooawinaatata)oI ibQlty JkXbm aat aha fsHawa hawa aksrw herm aaajlD Ifd I twa of threa arrrar ran ftarwrda eanrmfrrW fn two ran hat. (tUtfanaa 1.1. aul 1(1. Lyanafn HORRIBLE MURDER AT tXEXBY, NEAR iORK tFrom the yVliWi GttetU at Sartrday, Jaly ML) Uamnr the whole of owr nperience aa public jotjrviajiets it has seldom fallen to Our lot tn derail to aire ra adr. a marrfrr tfmore aursdrd amh aoon lamentable cfrrum iaBcxs.maniMlecanrwbichweijwtrboultonjTrate.

Ia det that wemirhtnnc be muled by jm niriiiciTjeu tepcarts Trhtcb were in cirrulaflan, at sent our own reporter to the scene wbert the bloody traredy was cranmittrd aad he ha with mwrh Ubour crJlceted the foUewinff raets, which may be retted upon ad aajtiararic, so far as ii was poavibl to obtaia ihcin. The unfortunate yourur man he. has been deprived af hu tne inanhomdaniauer was Mr. Thomas Robmaon, of Kexby, ramekerper lo P. B.

Thompson, fVrttA psrlx. Helrvrd wiHAhlsfather.wlbs I ad wmeriy tiled theorSeeheldky bis son, but waa now erinductine farm of above ItM) arm in eatcnt. Tha deeeaard waspsymc his addnsaes to a resreetahle youna; temalc. named Psrriwrnan, and was with her at her brother a Ivouiie on Wadncsday nihL He left about 4 o'clock ra the rnoratiir. laains; with him a dtiuble banciled (run, loaded, with the toarnnon.

an ia auppoacd. of rttomine home. Soon aiirr ne aaa Bone Jus raltrrynisn heard two shots fired, bat at such a diatamea that Ihey onuld ant bare lern from the deresAed'airaa; la suppoacd that he bad bear I these shots. awirtmuriirnua ine persou ho Imd Bird tlMrn. tin Tharsday mornuia; he slid not unit at huene as usual, and his friends became uneasy at hia aiiamr i ahnut mn thaw determined to make a search, and Mr Palfrey man, ac coropanicd by three other persons, set out ta ovaraf eklrn.

They had not proceeded far en they found the object of their search laid 00 his bark in a rahhit warren enlH and lifeless with hia throat dreadfully rut. ar laurwled. rroro ibe front to the right ear. Upon frrther examination it was found that be waa without waistcoat, coat, or hat, and then were evident marks that event nolance had orcaitsed to thru tmatwrniite victim by tnpartiraoy other Uia head had been held down by stwer, as the rroond was indented, and the bsuj wrtrre kwmaiWwasj rourpertrJy eat thicaswh and saturaaed with blood. The wnnnd, thourh apparently done with a sharp insrrament, wsa not a rles cut.

but had been hacked or chopped, and the vertebra, of the necjj. were acparairu. 1 here wen ao footsteps obaerrabte nearth spot, nor could then be, aa th rround is royrred amh line ull then was sufficient to indicaie that a vwlrnc srrufr rle had taken place between abtnaon aad his issailsnts. Footateua ornrM. oe more seue.

whm Im, A m. tt. direction from whrre the shot wm fired, to trie pUre where tne ooay was louao, and also in the direction a fsiTB houae, occupied by a peraon darned Merkey, which leads to the York and Hull road. At a rahaeniaent period of the day, the deceased's run, hat, coat, and waistcoat wan found His run he had left in a held, nrarir a oiianer of a mile from the place when he was murdered indeed, we ate lmorrnea tnnt it was his invariable auottan, when in pursuit of poachers, lo lay aside his tnvenTtiv, and actaek the parties be was pursuing; without th use of deadly weapmrs. He was remarkably strong bull tall, powerful man, srngtune about 13 stone, and hts resolate and determined disposition has lone rerulcred him a dread lo the poachers who hara infested Mr Thompson a pet act re.

The lefreased's hat was found about yards from the body hia coat about 30 yards snd his wsiairoat about IB. It ta conjmuTed that he had been in clone pursuit of the poachers, and had thrown ofl these articles of wearing apparri the betur overtake and capture them. U'e say rheov, for it evidently certam that at least three or four must have encountered Dim, as from his known braaery and rigorous, conduct, it is generally supposed that neither one nor two iservaM tould have overcome bim. Ills nrckerchief completely covered the wound, when he wsa found, so that after they had murdered hun ther must have drawn it up, to cover their borrad act. A horse snd cart was soon after procured, and the hfeleaa eorpaeof the deceased was placed in it, and carried to his parents' house a sad spectacle of the uncertainty of human lsfc and a tniser.

able example of the many virtmis to mens bad snd viaous conduct, Th news of the sad cauatropbe spread with gnat rapidity mrough Kexby and the aurroutiruDf neirribcjur. hood, and cast A gloom amongst the inhabitants, by whom he was math respected foe his srarral good charactey and amiable dupoaiuon. Tbu ia the acood son which Mr. Kabiaaon has lost sad denly; aneUlersoa, who was spprenticed lo Mr. Bana painter, of Petergate, in tbu nty, was shot aotne yean ago by a fellow apprentice, but that arcvniatance was entirely the result of accident.

COBOXEB'a IXilUKST. Mr. John Wood, enroner, smved si the house of Mr. shej. wood, innkeeper at Kexhr, about 8 o'clock in the evening, and inunediately proceeded to em panel the jury.

The ccrooee anal jury then went to ihe house af Mr. Robn. aon, the Csthey of the deceaaed. to view the body, which pew. tented a ahockiag ipectacle.

The throat nras cut from thai windpipe, which was separated, to the right ear It was rri dtnt that the arreiches who had committed the enanr had cut aryrral time at th unfortunate man's throat, which waa dreadfully haggled. The body was laid oo a shatter the parlour then wen no other marks, except that the left arm was bruised, aa il it bad rrcrrred a blow frnm a hedge stake. The right wrist wasmatked with Wood, which waa probably caused by the murderers buttling that arm whilst comrnittiDg the crime. On the return of the jury to the ina waa, dru nsd to rarajeaaalwUJs Ana aauvjaaawaatcaa at wlaaiaiaa, and vmetly eafkrv Hearr Prtsaon, of More by hall, a magistrate of the East Riding, arrived at Kexby, to assist in the exavrimatiori. The first witness called was Mr John Palfreymanv who bemgawcrn, deposed.

I resale at Kexby, I siaemer, and constable of ihe panan af Kexby I went ibis day in search of Thomas Robmawo. the deceased. 1 wss mid. about li o'clock al noao, that the deceased was misaiog. I went with Thorns ilson, John Tbompann, and a little boy, named Megaoo, to search tor htm.

We went frum my hoaae down Kexby Xrsy Uoe. The lane runs nasi uoy house when we had got about iVM)yardsweuwsaiiianhugiaidinBplareeBlled the rabbit warren, which is in the paruh of Ouajrunwton. I went alone up to it, and got oyer the bank, snd saw it was ine ooay at i nomas nouinson laid nrao, wiia ma trtroat cnL 1 returned to ihe others, and told them. We all went up together thera. and two of us, VV ljaon and mrseif.

went back iorahiaraeaaeJ csrt U'e left John Thorruiana with the body We then removed the body home 10 hi fathrt's. house. nen am louna tne Body waa tsld ea tu back with the arms extended, snd the hands haVabaC One leg was and the other rather esthered op it the knee. 1 saw the blood on the body when 1 hrrt found it when Wilson and the others came up, we examined the neck, and ascertained that it was cut, ia the same eorxhuan aa it is at present. The neckerchle was oo we saw that th shn tneefc wsa cut in two.

He hail neither hat. coat, nor waistcoat on. His wsistroal waa 10 or li yards off, neater to the common, and his coat was about Ibe name distance from the waistcoat, and eull further Irom the body. The hat was found about lis) yards from bun in the same direction sa the coat and waistcoat. We did not fand his gun we understood be had one when last sera, but sought for it without finding it.

The hat was found in Kexby Mrsy lane. I looked round, and could not find aay knife or other instrument He had nothing ia his hands. We did doc then examine his pockets. The ground when he wsa found was covered with ibortUng, and no feat marks could be discovered. Then appeared lo have been some acraiSing the lmg waa bunched up Then wen nn other appearances near: but footmarks wen discernible on the bank aide, that was 100 yards from where the body was laid.

1 could only observe the foot marks of one petson it appeared to be a small foot. They had been made by a peraon going toward when the body was laid. 1 taw other foot marks gang scrnas th other bank on the opposite side af the warren, in the direction from the body Inwards Dunmngton they wen apparently the same arse aa those I hare before described. In my opinion they were the footmarks nt the same person. In consequence of the lmg I could awe find any foet marks bom one bank to the other Th font marks on be banks appeared to be very fresh, and had been made by shoes having strongish Rails in thern.

I Can't aay they were ot a particular description Then was nothing else which attracted my aaendoo. I reside near the place; my house is about 200 or 3U0 yards from where the body waa found. I got up about a quarter before o'clock this morning 1 did not hear any noise during the morning. I heard no rim fired. By the Foreman.

There was much blood from the neck. It waa in one place, and the body did not appear to hare been I colored after the wound had been mad. The blond waa immediately wader th wound. I did not examine the craseifapodtetsataU. Br other Jurors.

Th fret roarka I have described ware shorter than the feet of the deceased. The last fset raarka I saw wen crossiBg the bank into John Morley's field. Motley house it about 41W yard from there, and they were ra that direction. They also lead towarde the Hull and York turnpike road. The first foot mirks I aaw had the appearance of haying been made by a person running fast.

The sand had been thrown ap by the toe. The next witness called tn Miss Patfnyrnaa, the sitter of the last witness, to whom th deceased had been paving bis aaareaaea, ana in wnose company ne rum spent his last nignt. It proper to observe, that in this part of the country it is the eornroon practice for young men in his station of life to Visit laetr lateaded fair anea at turn alter tne otner Drancnaw moM i erad)jbet la thwfc rnrtian to detect rfendrrs, but. deair thatthnda ai sastit rnaTTVistraarfbrayyme afavra hdweeaatf not, at prrsent, to enter bsto further stoailA. rrirait w.wwo tepawtjust aatar ram oat alWdaJiVjiwajat rr uea vouigrr, WB rTsWlCB near to the place of the murder, and at 3 o'clock yesterday meaning he was arrcstrd by Mr.

PaTOCa at his fsther's bouse hronght in rwstody ta Yet, and lodged hi the Uoiise nf Cor! rtanimrejTjtiyerTlicd' the cawnrijtt'a laaroTkt. "Thia is all the WtiTTtasnon which we ar at puauit at oaetty to gt. bat do siacefely treat thai the autbarr at an eryaH aad bloody a murder will be detected, and niaar wlU that rjaniah. meat then crime dewerre. Tin ADJOPBsTEn laturriT.

About 12 o'clock yesterday Mr. Ward, thr eoTtwier, re nsrned Kexby and at 'clack, the jarr harmr ajjam bled, he nacreded with the irrvrsflrtrion. mivirrstaawl that aaar the dnadrol atuunike waa ant bidarn, aa exef nosm nave rjeen waotasg or erio uTaTTrrertBC isnueUMun of this hrarnd dead. The first witness called waa Thorns WUaon, af Pwrtralmr. ton, auiner and tsrperUCT, who srjrted, that on Thursday mommg, about 11 o'dorky Mb Robinson tent for him, and stated that his son was musing.

He went with Mr. Robinson to Kexby, to mourn about the deceased, and afterwards returned to Rnbrrrarri'i hrrnae. Ml Robinsorr laid his ion went ut on Wednesday night, and he had not beard of him since. Witness then went Palfnyman's. After harm ome crnrrjaatJon with Martha Palirevraan, John Psirey man, John Tbrrnpanri, nd Mr Robinson' A oof.

they went ratiaieaKhcttedrreaaetl. They had not hnosernxr rhsj, rhrea mtnaiea they round th. body. Wberi they iSTrtarerrtoTltrier saw irantrJung white ln Dua nmgrnn nbblt warren, aad tncTWtrtf aee what It wsa, and found it tab the body ast Thonua Robumoa, with his trmiar cot: rjerttrchJef shirt, sod" tactt Were, rery bloody. He was qrute dead, aad appejred hav been so for some tone, be was afterwards imored to hla lav ther'i in a cart When be wad found he waa wTthnur fcta h.r jacket, )jmdwaiatfrjiwticiiwtret(rno4 tf a short distance irom nrm, in tne airectlon ol RxDy cominon.

WttD wu notrvryrfsr theforflngoftheainwjTtliehst. HetHdnot, at that time, discover any focd marks, rhe ground near the body bemr eorrred with Hng, which appeared to tare been trampled down a gnat deal. Before the body waa mnoyad Martha Patfnynun came to them. Jilt. Pretton.

here tu. rerted the poiire to being Morley, lie man whom tSey had apprehended that monnn; tnto tfu! room, in order that be mtght have the opporronity bf hfartar the depoaiiorjj of the He was scTvarrmoclAted with chair in the centre of the room, and spprsred cwaidcnoly" sirttated. lie paid marked artrndon to the eramhiarlon of the vnesara, and ha ooeor twriinasnces sTirtrrjuedqaestfoos. AlVr the Coroner had stated whta rSeirrnsticam which beWAlpiaCTiUWi ammatiooofMr Wilson wsa rrsrrmed.1 she Afpearrd to be Vnokmg for somethmr, and aha round a steel jrtrn charger for ihot it wis about 'a yanf from the af the family base gonetorras. On her entering the Inquest room, she waa conducted to a chair, aad baring been sworn, depoaed I Use at Kexby, aad am a tingle woman.

1 was acqaainred with the deceased, and be came to my brother' house yrascrday, about 4 e'doek ia the afternoon i he weat away, and came again at 1 o'clock in the evening, and re anained all about 4 this rnornuur. whew he went awar. He had a doubasbMrdlod gun, and be told ase tt wjaa loauied. I live nth my bNther. Tke oeeesoerl waa timekeeper to r.

la, Thompson. Esq of Kacncfc. Immediatriy after he left the house. 1 heard a gun ired it could not hare been hia, it ap I aemreu oe mocn lunner on i aoous auniiti ancr a aeard tha larport of smother, which spprsred to be still rorther off; the sound came from towards the warren. The deceased was 37 yean of age.

When be'lcft tne he did not say which way be waa going. The warren was not ia the direc non for his home. A Juror The report of the gun had probably induced nJm mirotowsrdstne warren. Examination continued. It wss his duty to look after noachen he waa pertrctly sober when he left my brother'A.

11 was in mr cheerful ranta. There wsa aotiing said by the dictated hast night of aay aU gTwrsaxes wimaaypsrson. (This witneaa apTJeared mucn anected, out gate ner eyiarne in a very claar and distinct saaaxoer After the rtaminstinn of thewitDesa, ht waa hjsJsTuatd that one of the krerjera eormrcted with Mr. ThaaTipaaa'a wans es ksjlishment had heard threat tiaeai aeaikBtiliia; tha nfreisirl. Hi wm erderrxl re ibe aertf for, agkd whilst tba am ngu sraa abaenL th Coroner.

Mr. lVeaxa. sad th faaTxaaa of the JatyrrtiirdtwhawaaecsaaJtaiJcav On thanr ratan bwaaatawed by tWCasTtaser that fee tha etidsrf jrtstlceit.w immriil that there ba a aas taerfdaw sTsTBiriatlon of tha dacaakad, which they had dlaWajtad should take place th followinf rnraansfV It was aow.U o'clock at night, and therefore it was thought adrlaahl ta jrajreirrarnBqajeaiaBtMiouewra TbranvjnreMacaeajdlareeedr aartbfaaakvatBcdaylatadlhCw i Th Cornrser and tit. PreftssjirtxnBuriavi aajenarvpTam sastr fak contiihaiinn, Mr. Psjdna and Mr.

ltooiiisTa.wsTaivaAlna i't wimcsv, woo put iota ae craseir wa rfcoat pocket. The body and the dcahei were then pot into the cart, and when they had grx out of the war. ito into the Stray Une, PaJtreyrnan, the ennstabte, took the teel ehargrrriat of the dVeeaiexra wthtroat pocket, and bnt it into hut own. Aritnesd waa mtam that the rharree i.i7 out of the deoueUTl pocket by the Mmtahle was the one which wai found on the Hug Tnere was quantity af loose hot and a tobacco pipe bead in the dejrMaeiJ'l pocket. Ha had rs en hi the hsmt of liaise one of rhla description sa charger for shot.

MTttiess had been a gnod deal acqaalnted with hrm, and nerrr aaw hun hare a steel rnarger In hla pos sevalon when he went out to shoot, tn the other waistcoat pocket there was "Jo, in rrnrper. and a tooJi knife. Hla watch was hi Mi fob. Martha Pal fie, man vrho mraa eramiruvt wailarif.w a fnrther rh.t wheel the Wwlv w.a fand mm lookbtg about the jilaee ahe foond a steel Chjnrn, wolcA tha aavc nr uvon anr oas since seen, it of ner brotheT, and has no doubt it ia the same. iraewj Inflie habrt of seeinr drceased frequently, but nerrr saw hitn with a chsira shnflar the erie she found.

He used a head for that ptrrpose, which she raTt Wm the week before. By Mr rVeston. he tfld not examine hfj rcccUrQcither did she And anyrMns; else lying about. By a Juror. The charger appealed to hare been Kcently dropped; not haying any rare upon it, aa If it had Ion; there.

By the Crarrxier The eliawwrr was quite brlghC By the lMsotvrr. Witness did; not tee anythbj'taat tjt deceased took from bad that Heed with Mnrlry last year, By the Crarcaer. rexaacd fold her he had taken a nn from a fad that lrred with Morley tatbedldixof laAtajteti. charger frnm him. This waalaaf year.

Jofm PaJjVyrrjM itaterL thsr he did not aee Win sister tal. tup the charger, but she aald she rtd tnatiW naa put mto me aeireaara rtotcou focttt. Ue took it out of the pocket. They were then taking away the body. It naa orrn mm MAKwnoa cvrx sincx.

AU prs mar no produced was k. John feaer, of Duunlugion, bhkejtiniith, on of the Jury was mformed by the Osreinrr. that ihJivM'abevMalitTrmaBne oeerj aauiu, lienxteurnAt nahaq Dharktmuhs JAOS at Jjaa wingtort, and that IV had brro rrirpToyetl eansaieeukuyhy the, pnaoner MorleT do his nij" wtrrk. The rhargrr which waa rienaacea oy joon rranrcyaTxn ne naa seen oeroro, Joba Morier. thepriaooer.

had taken lt to Mb shoo to aeetf he could put a spring upon which he did. The. iprtog" apnri the chargrr Is thesame sshe putnpon It He waa emit cer tain of and he waa equally rwrutaltwaathessiruiehjTrer which the prisoner brought to hint: a the Wring wise hi mm worlrrnajwhlp. Hr had some difllc lry tn rettbir the sprfn tight, so as to fasten down the lid qneend, and lat was tieaten wTta. rr rrjmpereryr ne rernernperetf tnat ther wis a Utile brase upon the loose Md, wtuctiajso appeari apon the charger prodSctd.

After he had finished "ji Morley, the prisoner, came for it, and be rm it hhn. Witnets had not seen it since till to day, when the eryaacable showed rtto the mrrnent he sar be said ThatSj ry wrarihnsn aMn." Hew not able at rrteaent to' say wben it waa that Mrarler breughf it to hhn. By Mr. Prertnn. Tt war nighrwben Morfey nracnrht die rhargrr to him.

HeeouMnotsay who waa la the shop it the lime. Uy theCcartser. Aincsu aabecnuUrworTlectlt would be near IS months since. By Mr Prrm Witness had the eAargrr aome wctsia before Morley fetched it. He could not say whether ft wsa down in his arcoom book or riot.

He had not an opport unity of seeing hia book, aa he had not been at home tince thr1 cranatable arrowed hhn the ihafgef. WiHuun Iickson, of Klvtertoii; avjryrm, deposed, that be saw the body about two noun after was found. On examining the neck, he found that the ikin, the windpipe, and the gullet wendrrtded; all the muscled on the front and tight side ot the rieek were cut through to the bone; the carotid artery and the jugubr rein were ahn aepanted. He toond several ruts in the vtrtcbw of the neck; and that the extremities ffthbotie affile tongue were oitoffj the extremitlea of the arintrpfrie wentwomrh aanrtder. Heobsertedthata quantity of blood had mn iTrerfl the rnouth andiioe; wu not from any injury done ta the movth or the nose, but had flowed from rhe thrrart In crjnaeqTjerice of the poai.

lion of the head at the time the wminds were bflicted. The deceaased had been laid on his back, as arsa erldelit from the direction in which the blood had runT on each aide of the neck. Then waa no blood art the fareasr. The blood from the nose had mn down each rid of the neeJ more particularly across the right side af the cheek. In the opinion of witness ihe wrjurids had been inflicted by a sharp ntajtrtrniant, which had been used with great force for he found that cast of the professes of therrrtebra; of the neck had been cut oft, which could only hare been done by great faece.

The boaes in the front of the neck vrere laid bare ta the extent of pro inches, the muscles rod flesh harine; been cot away by repeated in rtsions upon examining the handkerchief and ihnt of th deceaeed, he found them eat In sereral ptacea, and tha ihfrt coriar wsa liJtewise rat through. When first rxinrined the body, Ihe harrdkerchief was adll on the neck, the ends pinned to the shirt and he thought the ihte coTlar was rjurtoned. He otmsiTtal. that upon th left arm, above the wrist, there waa a mde niaeuaiyiratlon. and the akin was rather robbed eafT aa If a blow had been tateutrr (riven.

From the place an which th barwwsa innVtsd, ii appeared a if the arm had beerr raised in aa attJmd1 at defencp. On thevjther arm he found that lrn was Born Mo4 upon the wrist, which appeared to hare been grasped by a bloody hand on the fourth finger at the right hand there was srnecr eskmmbbexlnir the knuUe: urre wen a few drops blood sprinkled upon the baeka or the hands of the decesaed, but the inside of both hands were tinstalned with Mood, and tneraore tnentarx of blood obaerred on th arm could not bare been caused by th dectaatd mspmg bia own wrist, but must hare been done br Wjtne ejthrr person. orjacryed the shirt aleere of the left arm had been wet and creased, is if anrne one had been kneeling apon the left arm, and theskleanhreerrerth body. hadfTaaped the right arm I th muscles of the right arnt were eery rnweh eonoacted, as though the deceased had axed great exrrdcin to raise h. Witness had emrnad the bead, bat found notMnf remarkable: there was aa eflusioar'esa blood shore tha right temple, between the boor and the aeaJp, which appeated to witneaa ta hare beta award by blow given to the deceased, but there was no external mark cor responding with the eirution.

Witneaa had Ttry ex amoved the external part of iiSevalbawins; eottbe hav aad sharad the head, but found ao niarkof rrternalvicancapntt. Thewiirmdsentherjeck wrnqriiteayjAdeM death and he bad no doubt wbairrer but that his dearh wast aeca sioned oy them. Hr nansicari ed urterly tniposau the wvjwnasro Btrre neea iiimerea oyowaecvwaawnnnaeiX. soor after the body was fayijrui wiaieMweM an inrpreswioa on the ground where th head bad lain, tf It had been fordbry held down be ahty foTtrsd that the woCa; of the hnf near to the head were est, Bad, Judgtog frora tha aemsjrrrit pcaritjaa i the heskd, he ltof was cut with the SsaTA hsstrsniaav flictad teweaadsoaitenecBa'saM collar upon the ground ia the saOf piaywhartOaeBngwaeeut andaavaonstbeaaMdLvrtilcJs from th wairrwlsattVtrmethty mi alieat bwdyhad nertr bcenrrurrrdfreaT tjMpi'acewbrrrtheb Bnrjllt wu found by the coaajtablav TbeHivrvirnchbrekrailosni where hi fret 'were Wat, a if be ksd stntrtied vtsT tnuch. Thewararatt)waaw2xtCsamtoerfl tnoriy pdweaf byPnZAij uiaii yeavMerlsnraajjraafjri that foot raarbtowndmth awighboarhaad tf othfrna.

(At the reqweatof tlat eororae Mk Dixon earrdried tne atftlec af th peiaoner, In efdertoaxaacor wrerr aaon aWt loyoaa btjvtiv a Tory sucua ssaquax atthe.wJBwuira tdrtoU tmmW aTtaeo lZ raea JVIarW tlam deriikl whaea he afid, wB a ww ta eeaifaB; aii lutre baen ai adaw to be lo kSMIt) earn aw ff tSw aV'kwXsrj nwMiaadkakvidlk l)een SBKaaTsi his rTacav bat wiaktwS saMatarlaTIaav: (hesiiassscr lit.

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