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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 8

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8. THE TIMES. TUESDAY. APRIL 26 8G4. FOREIGN YRANCL no oca owl onutnurDnr.

FAKIR Area A print latter haw Tuna gins sum detail the difficult petition of tb Government placed it between. tit thealtmltl of yielding th rxw ure of he party of tioo and making war or of red. Being its armaments which pass all mwnr and are ruining I finances. Th moat pnminon he at tb present most th Interest attach by the politiciu1a of Twin to Oanbaldil visit to Eng land or rather to tit projects attributed tighu or wrongly to him. Thy fear that.

wfllb. aeanMoicooiaarUe mbarr ment to tbG vernmnt by embarking In om dtentun whir may disturb its relations with its powerful weigh boon mbroil it in open hostility with the revolutionists at born. 11 said that UM Government contemplates the aaUataU property ld in mortmsin with a Tie. to relieve the finances. This would certainly rarniat rawnrcas provided that purchasers could found at any rali th Minister mnot choose between di arming or going to war.

UM circumstances mr oomapondent ails ar very serious. end require th utmost skill to carry the country through them. The editor of the neerev Commercial MBenard a ttanch advocate of trod principle hu a series of letten to Thien on thia gei Ueman4 Protectionist tendencies manifested the other day in the' LegislaUre Chamber during th debate oath sugar question. M. Benard elpmaei hii toDiaht the with the tmrnnu pio iee of late years wherever a liberal commercial tystee prevails Them lhoald till be unable to under- atandthat an industrial bas succeeded to a feudal lip rod he thinks it a curious problem that I person of so sate an intellect and of inch x- penence should be incapable of acquiring era the elementary principle of.

political economy So man can muter everything. A vet mathematician may be a wretched musician th bleat phyiciaD might mats a very poot lawyer and U. Thiete is living example tow i man who may be a good writer of history rams nudentand the wet eoonomical questions. To M. Thxrii strange ignorance in the mitten must be attributed the ludicrous blander he malt.

when- Ter talks or wm. on these subject and whet he one day flippantly deseritwd political economy a a titeaan. literature. he only skewed the ho had not learnt its alphabet M. Thien repeated the other day a recommendation of Baron Imo to him.

Never to meddle with the imposts for sooner or later they would hen to be rmmpad Now impose havbean meddled with in England they are meddled with to thie day and certain with advantage to th public. The same hi beet don in Belgium where all intelligent end courageous Minuter whom M. Thies would nwa imitate hu substituted forth octroi dotiea taxes onerous wiped end Is roinoa to the producer. M. Thine it now he was more than SO year ago the enemy of freedom of commerce freedom of reedit freedom of industry freedom of navigation freedom of the colonies and freedom of labour.

He ha ever been tie man of tegula tion would regulate by law labour association the colonies the merchant nary nienuf tore excienga credit tc. Bed the event which drove him from power not occurred and lad be re msined Minuter the tariffs of th Pet would never faro been lowered nor the salt tax. He user would hen thrown open tile oaken' and butchers' trades or granted th freedom of the theatre. He would here termed to touch the ark of th Protectionists th sliding seal He would hive raaiat th reform of the Cnitom would not aboliahed th ebirdendneabu ysem of I or agreed to the ooaveriion of ihe Benteste a new form of commercial uooaiatioG orreriaad thelawof 1806on thtrate of merest Hal U. Thies been shl the French would not ee banknote for leaf than or COW.

alarery would not hen been 1 and the electoral franehia would be a 1 before. Hi lyitera precisely what woe of his former leguea described eorrectly in these words Kothing nothing nothing il Then having manif elted a desire of oppoaing the reform of the existing maritime mtitntios of which the Avsar Commercial the eat voate U. Bend proposes to devote a few letters to prove to him how little in accordance with the requirement of the present epoch are the antiquated notion of 1854 and 1844. The aocoDDla from th manufacturing dutricts are TaTourable. There was a eonaiderabl amount of buaineai transoeted at Mullane last week.

The price of both cotton cloth and thread is arm with a alightriw. It is geuerafy at the fair of Gen that the liratooI appear the. market. This year there was not as much wool exhibited for sale et the lair as usual. The price of good ordinary quality varied from 21.

3Oc. to St. Me the pound weight 21 lOe. for lambs wool and 2 TOa. for some very fine samples.

Some bags of unwashed wool from La rime were sold at Ham at from If. 7Kc. to 21. 3Oc. the kilogramme sod Peruvian at 2f.

lOc. The stock of wool is nearly exhausted at MecellL ot now wool is beginning to appear in the market from Algeria and particularly from the province of Constantine. There was a considerable amount of business transacted at the Havre market on Saturday but prices were lets firm. Chinese cotton was sold for delivery at 2171. Ws Madras for delivery in June at 24SL and in July at 2471.

bOs The broker fixed the puce of good ordinary Egyptian cotton at 3351. Louisiana. 5561. Peruvian 3321. Brazilian 3101.

Tinnevelly 255L Sdoea cotton was quoted at Maudlin on Saturday at 2C5t Jumel u6L' Souboujeao 2OOf. Then Ie a Ibrisk demand for lead at Ham for exportation GO tow of Spanish lead were sold there at W. the 100 kilogrammes. There. was not much variation in the Paris com- lnerket last week.

Prices remain nearly the same as during the preceding week varying from 27f. to 291. GOc. the sack of 120 kiloqrammeo according to quality. The price of rye rather more firm.

parley is scarce and oats leas plenty than during the preceding week. The want of bidden for a contract to supply the cavalry of Paris Versailles Vincennrse and St. OermeR with quintals of oats caused a slight rise in that article. Farmer laving scarcely recovered from the apprehension of their crops being injured by frost are now complaining of the. want of ram.

They pretend that the weather is too lent and that the heat has arrived a full month too won. It i true that frequently at sunrise the quicksilver in the thermometer is not much above freezing point and that it rises more than 20 degree Centigrade in the court of the day. This sudden transition from cold to heat is undoubtedly very injurious to young plants. The wind blows constantly from the east without a dad to indicate an approaching shower. The Paris lour market was firm last week with a tendency to a the in prices.

Baker' flour quoted at from if to bf the sack of 1ST krlogeammes Flour of the six marks rose COo. the sack. It was sold for delivery in Mr at bN. GOc for June Kt. EOc.

for July and August Mf. The a ViBone calls the attention of far- more to a new species of potato called after its propagator the Chrdun potato of which the produce 11 on an average seven times as great as any potato hitherto cultivated. Some market gardener in the neighbourhood of Paris having observed that the Chardonu potato la very productive very healthy and of a luxuriant vegetation ven in poor land determined to cultivate it on a large scale. They consequently planted several fields. Doing convinced that they should derive' a greater profit from th propagation of th new root than from the cultivation of any other description of.

potato. In use. They did not recollect that the Chardon Is ucla. sively suited to th feeding of. cattle.

The numerous retaken of fried potatoes in' the streets of Paris found it very advantageous for their treble as it requires but little creaa but their. customers were not so well pleased. They as wen as the housekeepers who purchased it for the table found the ftavonr detestable and declared that they would not be treated as oxen or cows. The demand for wine at Berey and at the trepot on th quay St. Bernard is still conBned to th supply of tic.

Paris retailers1 Prices neverthe- kas an firm in eonscooence of the report of la- jury caused in he vineyards by tb frost on the 9th wk Tb. wine-market is likwies dull use II it erpscUd to Improve. until the lest of injury by frost which gwNely prevails at this eaoa oi jtaflJUTt pawed. Bom win grower In th lower Uedoa sold til remainder of air last yasrs crop last wwk at from to 550t Uwtnn. haiaiwtn likwis wed.

let week at Hay. and Hours at the preceding prices There is a good demand for NarboiaDe wine soles borshcad of ordinary quality wen sold at tb tab of from JOOt to tlOf. the OOS litre The flu states that th amount el Wary eaowd by the frost of th 9th last is lot fully ascertained hut. it appears to vary pat Thcdutricti of Provence and Languedee ha. se vastly Th.

almond tns mulberries and all fruit V- in bloaaom have been much injured. The crop of almonds in th district of AU ha bees reduced by on halts The hills have eacspedbeit but the damage don is tb low. rounds is very great Fortunately th vines wet not sufflewntly in vegetation to suffer much. Farmers In the south are now beginning to call for rain notwithstanding all that Wlinth winter. Asyettlx growing wheat has a healthy appearance.

The committee ed of th owners of Treed coal mine has just published some Interesting statistics from which it appear that in the yea IBM th Trench coal mines produced 6000000 tons of the ralu. of li96M903f. In th year 1863 the puce row to 10000000 ton of th value of 117I5OOOOOf. which is only- Utile more then otw eighth of the produce of the English coal minM. It Is said neverUuleas that th stock of soils in the stores in Fries is exhausted in consequence of the seven winter lid that it will necessary to look to foreign conn trie for a fresh supply When Nice was annexed four yean since to the French Empire it required great improvement the Sardinian Government having neglected it mum.

seqnenc of th expense tailed on it by the Italian wen. At present private enterprise is about to open a new era of wealth and. activity to the annexed city. Nice situated on th Mediterranean It en al distance from. Marseilles and Genoa is a capital towards which flows the traffic of the Mediterranean from Frejus to Rogabru The increasing prior of.

rent was a serious disadvantage under which Nice. Lhonred and which. lad bacon. intolerable since th population from 96000 inhabitant in 1857 to 60000 which it numbers at present. In order to remedy this inconvenience a company has been formed for improving and enlarging the city of Nice by opening new streets sinking canals for th supply of water sod for improving the port of VillafrUcit.

The work th company hiss undertaken ia not a light on It is not only necessary to construct comfortable dwellings for tie strangers who are docking to Nice but it will he expedient to transform th old quarter of th town which are unworthy of it. Regard for th health of the inhabitants renders this work obligatory. rlUD. RPOBT MONDAY Ihmtaro. TAturw.

dim to a dealer of Xn Colonetn cod Weaker tallow-market has bees doll thrcghesl tluwtek th teased ham the torn li ht and prices I r7 the beget Town tallowbrfu oibooadoll bee tended aa to Wen to docuoad for PYC 7. htan dUrey however a fair bwdw Uea hewed. From StIMenboriwMprloeliqaoUd 41 dm rublas wilt audmoney. uaann d. Today th me I quiet at 0i.

lo U. April to Jns 40 Mte Jays 41 to 41 Sd. Joly to gepuabn. 43 W. Oolober lo Dooember on th YOL Is Vfc.

3d. old ed. Itoath American very 4U 0. Aedralir beef 38 W. ton ullow 3S td.

set OHO. Ths Idswteg arthnraalnef stake sad arioe i baying been fcrcntht swirly oaoio atlMaMauoittm ittf tb apply of the vuiouoierip uMaM bens lrordod sad tram the la- aaeqaateiupiiljof good sad CM onzoa ewpled with the inn Hi that of late Ma put as fee kilos both for home eoenampUoii end sport ad- ditioDal IraiaeH he Ura Imparted to thtm wUell IibIY to UwoOnpportod The Import i iatauofeoBavn qiahlr he. led to a fortbaMdeHTipboaa. The Asset to which wan sold by pabbeuetUMdiirliftb pee wek fated to naUaiciuU Lbnrannr prleei from a fewer appncUMoa of UMJT quality what ompind with former import Tb de- Uvefea for both home oonnurptwo cad zport her eon tiDMdtolacraaHtwbleb will be Ion by th following rdaa Amonatofdaty mid to uUodoa for tb week adls April IS t9ji3ll rporl of lea Iron Loris for thw de0 If lb. total JHI8783b.

ditto lam am yew. 701 IWb. Thu rriral be. beet thiAcn fMO8 IbIIelTM M8000lb. lslmaana 05300101 and Castes lajOOhJ.

LYOLffia rUSDS. ZXOHA XonAVAran rrm. UeoMl SfessSSS" To Tea TKADI April 25. The deliveries in tondos MtilrUed tar th week were IlM7441bM bleb 1 a deeretM of 10010 oompand with the. prerisa ittemtik.

Tax lane Tame AT LISDK. The unfortunate difagnemnt between tb Ironworker led their muter I Leeds well II at Bradford sad otter nrta of th Wet of Yorkshire. Ii likely to attoodod with mush iucsmsn to the masters salt nracfa affenu tb moo. Both pros shear dremlod to maintain what they reepOctoIy doe. their rights and tb that a large umber of workmen loft their work on seterdy sigh tbe works ar now almost itoopad sad tb men ON tql a eo or to imUnot tb ores ar on bat i uuI7 caUedastnk UaviagrgivonnoUoeofadTneeofwage to equal with th workmen at earn other Wahliekmek the advance not having been granted they have left heirwork.

But he great Don of contention Is the sign- ng of a senate dVekntion to which oUuioa buprevkiviily mdin thoolamnof Tin Tout. The deWstios. which has beta put forward by the morn i II follows I do hereby bonertly dealer and agree that I am seethe now or will I doriog the continuance of my engagement with my preeent employer become a member of nor rapport soy safety or ebb which directly or indirectly be ll ales meetings or food. profuse to control or latenem with the arengemeota or rnlatiooa of this or soy other srblsteest the hears or teruu of labour the agree. mess of employer or employed or the qull Matiooe or rio4 of I do ala further declare sod agree that will notwhile Is my west employment call La question the right of coy man to follow soy fcooeet aping is which i may detr to engage or of uy employer to make what arrangement or engage what workmen he pleeaesaad upon whatever term they choose mutually to arrange.

ed I alto agree that I will give seal take one month notice to terminate soy emoe but I sin guilty of duobedience of order or nerjeet of work I may be diimlaKd it once. 0ed 18M. Witnen Big i The workmen genertldeem tb request to sign toil declaration to be en oppreedon nd they ra strongly if not very prudently d. vued bj their Wen to urt to the but attempt to were themIntoaa et which they allege would deMroy their la ependeno A large meeting of the workman hell I on Saturday. and WM attended by pDlatioaa loin the ironworker la other putt of the WI Biding nd reo olottone la favour of tb men lid for Bapporting tham la wh theyu lltheir out" CI1o.

Sofarai eedi i oosnai no other CM of operatives have yet taken nv public step to support th Ironworker Happily no dutnrbanct bar sitter taken place or been threatened. A Peer WoKAjr. A Western Canadian paper no. Otttntr Iou received on authority which it says i unquestionable a story of a ehsM in ea 011111111 dtftrict of that part of th ooantry i Ayoongmaaaad woman bore tely merited. nd wtued on anew lira.

Thu otheroven- ng tn man going to hi door saw a most beeuliful deer be steak. tug with tb neen lie once rewired scotrghbmd4g houM for ri4e giving hi wife ordn to witcbthtiniluJoloMly until bi return but so eosin bad he con than the little dog sallied out and ore abase to the buck sad be like good and fe1lhld 1 wif. obeyed tb tnjmttiose of her begs lord he la order to do so WM orapelled to her limbs Is a moaner that might sot seem genteel to om of your ty lades. Away tb her ran Ib little dog sad th pow- dim it I tbo ormer intercepted tb animal and by pCliar betweett hi legs snaidrahly impeded hi light thsdreumahnee gvoor heroin a Ibaaoe gala apoa tb sad slog ea noaDeat rsr ah aot long Ii getting within reach of him not to pal mlt his tail however but I Uk bald of ttwitEanrmgnep. Uadl i tbi extra wnght tbed-riull cootuved tie seer hilt set bn4woodb tilMta that the tail weald tmak sad Ue to kepp with tbedtr for over epdtoeeUa slab.

sad with oa JDWI mini Jed la A pfciMng hi deenaip. oad. altboogh er dlractod we looad more than 10 tot from the soMte tb tall bag he Hera iocarala dnfrlng tb sa. kar ua4. bad iwaTsm Oa half a wSTVllh her boa wbea Me mm Car aukw wk was Hnkar.

Well cythd absa4 felpad of nil TlownT Ivmxa. The English toads uw been very steady today at the improved prices of Saturday the only actions in Conuols bring at 911 to for delivery and 911 to forth account. Bank Stock Mtof at 258 to MO Rdueed and Nw Three per nts. 891 to 11 India Block 918 to MO India n. per Cats IDS to i knee Paper 103 to 106 lid 112 to 114 i InduBooasI2sto9sdisKx eheqoer-bais JtroX to 4sau.

and ditto MarchX 10. to os. t. ArrMtaltantioawasohaarvaU In tbe discount dmand at the Bank to-day the eppliations having been unimportant. In the open market th terms ware not perceptibly lower.

Tb supply of. saonwy in th Xxcbang TM good at4percent. Th. market for foreign secnritw this morning opened with a fuller tendency to animation whict was fairly maintained notwithstanding a partial check occasioned by the continued receipt dul prow from Paris wh the position of the bullion question createe distrnsL the stock in the But of Trade being unusually low for this season of the year. Mexican was firm at th commencement the market being strengthened by th news that the United State.

Senate ha. promptly a was pre- dietd would th case disowned th recent nasal- mows resolution of th Manse of Repasntetires against recognizing or no tolerating th new monarchy. Ultimately however a relapse occurred end tb final price was th same a that of Saturday 4fiJ to 48. The scrip of tbKw Loan closed atito premium showing a decline of Russian scrip was firm at an improvement the lest quotation bring to premium. Numerous transactions took place inSpaniah Pt and Spanish Certificates th former closing at 35) to a fun then dean of i and the latter at 12 to a re coven of Turkish Ctmiolides at the official duce were quoted higher at 623 to and after regular hour there was a slight additional improvement.

The Confederate Loan on the news of th fresh ris lot gold at Nw York and of the symptoms of diapoaitioa on the put of come bold wombats in Congress to bring up for the brat time the idea of acknowledging the Confederate States has advanced' 3 percent. namely to 66 to 58. The transactions comprised in th official list were Drui1ianl86O 0. 89 ditto 1865 87J to ex div. Buena Ayres 95 to 4J I Chilian Foura per Cent.

83 Egyptian lOa to 103 ditto. SeOODd Issue 10W Oreek 24 Mexican 6 to 6 New Granada 131 ditto Two per Cent. 29 Portuguese 1863 Ac. 43 to 9 to 81 Euaian1822 88 ditto. Three per Cent.

661 ditto 1882 88V to 8 Sardinian 86 to 9 i Spanish Deterred 45 ditto Passive S5t to Turkish 1854 891 to I ex div. ditto 1868 681 9 to 9 ditto 1867 71i ditto account 71 i I to I ditto Small. 72 ll to Vsnecule Three per Cent. 23 ditto Six per Cent. 68 TJ to 81 and Italian 871 to The following were th final quotations of those stroke in which no actual transactions occurred Brazilian 101 to 103 div.

Buenos Ayres. Deferred ST to 39 Chilian 6 per cent 101 to 103 ex div. Colombian 79 to 81 ex diva Danish 1863 83 to 86 ditto Scrip par to 1 pm. Fgnader 1 Jt to 1411 Ok Coupons Hi to 121 Italian' halfway 74 to 76 Moorish lit to 96 New Granada Deferred 81 to 81 Peruvian X1882) 88 to 88 Portuguee 1855 48 to49J ditto Scrip to pm. Spanish 321 to 63j ditto ertitaks 12 to 121 Turkish 4 per cent.

99 to 101 end YeneswL li peryenk 11 to 12. The last pricee from Paris mia evening was 661. 86e. showing a further decline of nearly a quarter per The sum of 60000 sorereigns wss taken from the Dank today for Egypt. The market this morning wee without re covery from the low rates of last week.

The commercial advises from New York today show thatthe fluctuations in the value of paper money have become more violent thud eves and are such a must impart a. character of utter gambling even to the most simple and ordinary transactiona of every-day bmjnesa According to the telegraphic quotations tb premium on gold appear on one occasion during. a few hours tonav undergone an alteration of 12 per cent namely Iran 89 to 764 but it ia supposed that the quotation 89 may fie a mistake for 80. The last quotation of 76J is about 5 per cent above the highest rate previously touched during the. war.

yet only afew months have lapsed sine some of th financial authorities of most repute In th United States were publishing articles and pamphlets to asure Gorman and other European investor in Federal bonds that before Midsummer pd would he down to par. The system recently adopted by th Secretary of the Treasury of fixing a rate at which th note circulation will he received in lien of gold for Customs' duties during sack en- great At on time during the put few days while the Government rate was equivalent only to 65pm. th actual market price was 80 pm. During th month of March the amount of specie gathered In from the hand of private holders in exchange for Government bonds was nearly a million itertic but about a quarter of this had already been shipped away together with 2200001. received from Cali forns This conic.

of affair wss at length inducing even the Government journala to protest against the wild luxury ohoerrable on all lid. and the purchases of foreign fusty The morel poison" Ii alleged to be spreading in all directions and the prevalent extravagance denounced as treacherous to the soldiers and a betrayal of the. country. By embarrassing gad weakening the Government it Frustrates the war. The diamonds have blood on them soil the elks and laces smell of treason.

But the Yew York Journal of Comment quietly asks supposing all this to true who la directly ra- sponsiblforitr Who issued the moral poison to th amount of seven hundred millions of dollanP it is unpatriotic to be extravagant they further ask What is it to render extravagance certain and to forbid all legitimate attempt to cure it I If it is so treasonable to wear the diamonds and silks and laces what shall their crime be Celled who hero inoculated the people with this folly have done all they could to spread the infection and ha. led the nation to the verge of ruin to furnish the weeds for its ratification Two extensive concerns have lust been transferred from the hands of private firms to those of stock companies by Moan. Chad wick. Adam- son Mlen and Co. financial agents of London and Manchester namely the extensive iron and plate works of Messrs.

Besle and Co. known a the Part-gate Works at Meabotoag Yorkshire with a subscribed capital of 3OOOOOl. and the Patent Nut and Bolt Works of Maun. Watkins end Keen of. Birmingham with a subscribed capital of 2000001.

Monday next the 21 of May being the day ar- tnted for the yearly balance at the Bank of England th transfer books of that establishment will be closed and most probably a holyday will be kept it the Stock-Exchange. A prospectus has been issued of. the Land Credit Company of Ireland with a capital of 1000000 half to he find subscribed in shares of KtljT A rospsotushs also been issued of th BOmber ron Works and Shipbuilding Company with a capital of 10000004. in shares of 301. The object a to purchase and extend the iron shipbuildinJ establishment of Messrs.

Martin Semneuon and Co. of Bull. The works are to be taken at a valuation and th goodwill is to paid for at one years purchase of the net profits. A prospectus has also been issued of the Liver pool Quebec end Montreal. Steamship Company with a capital of 10000001.

halt to be firstsno. scribed in than of 201. The fleet is proposed to consist of screw steamers of 9000 tons with large carrying capacity and of moderate but sufficient wwer. A fortnightly ice each way will adopted at first to be increased ultimately. to weekly line ceiling at Queomato1I.

The Standard Bank of British South Africa pro- Poe. to increase their capital hoes 20000001. to t00000 by an hone of 10000 new shares of which 8382 are to at a premium of. St. and th remainder on such terms as may found desirable.

RAILWAY JfiyiSOmJ OTHER tlHLBS2 YolsT Xnxnra. Th share has been wry dull today and except aa appearance of firmness in banks cord ol stuadineai In English and colonial railways and mu oellaneous share all th descriptions win mar. a UM affected with a tendency to weakness portico larly American In which th dapreeutJoa wa rn general sad to a eoosideraal extent. InZnglisli railways Midland ncovand Brighton improvod 1 and Great Eastern and Metropolitannosdwl GnatWssteraof Canada 5i per cent Bonds improved 1 staffs 6 per cent recd ditto paid shansV 1 and Scud declined 1 and Punjat i. In foreign San Paolo up declined i.

and Venetian and West Flanders 1 each. In American United States per cent declined 2 ditto 5 per cent farther 3 Atlantic and Great Western of both description 1 each both descriptions each Michigan Central con vertible 21 ditto sinking fund Michigan South and North Indiana Pennsylvania Railroad flit mortgage and New York Central sinking fund each ditto 1864 and ditto 7 per cent. sinking fund and 2 respectively and ditto shares 6 and Pennsylvania Railroad share as quoted coupons. In British mines th only transaction was in Great Wheat Vor which relapsed 1 rambler and St. Aubyn declined 1 Chiverton and Grenville each and DrakewaQs j.

In foreign mines St. John Del Rey advanced 1 and Cobra Copper n- ceded 1 and United Mexican 1. Of the banks Ottoman and South-Easter. recovered each Bank of London finned 3) London and' Westminster 2 London and Brazilian 11 New Zen land and Metropolitan and Provincial I Union of London farther 3 London Stock further and Imperial of broth descriptions a farther 1 each Standard of British South Aria relapsed and bond and ditto new declined 4 and respec tively and Otago end British and Cafifomian a further and respectively. In reisetianeoul Nova Scotia Gut improved and Contract Corporation and Italian Irrigation shares a further each Thames and Mersey Marine relapsed andhational Discount Madre Irrigation ordinary declined sold Australian Mortgage I and London Finan csl of both descriptions were steady at 13 to pm.

and 11 to pm. respectively. International at fejtopm General Credit at 5 to 6J pra. Egyp tian Tnding at 2 to 3fr pan. Land Securities at 2g to prn and Hudson's By at to ORDIHABT BHASE3 AND STOCK B.

a Mrl0tiiWoj. ff IT De 3oM 1M 101 109 i 52 nxavpM 13J 100 Kl is a a DO nsu duo stbr rtWklo IMTile Do nrti 00 StMmA 01I kx sea BKTTI3H POSSESSIONS. OiLanmlL ne 11 90 KO Porlafa I. at sheer IP. a.

fsszfinifr 1 i 10 is is it i rid I Ml. AA AS OOLOSILL oovKRjncENT sEcusirrfs. rud. Oowri m. HaH Sri Iff S-B is ta mLfLVA SSZEit i in.

turn IN lit us AxxiiiCAXOovxunrjDiT BXD08tffiS ta tttttSz tlttMLl VWL i mWewT WSM. UK sirsiaffiui gtegtjgjz tSn BSITISH 3OKE3 rui OOMP CknMu Ooa. Qnl qlb Tnlrv Hrwfwt TlaCnA 1 3 108810 Mri. Wd. CV MPri OnTCMT oalBlrir JW- SSUirint UII ZBrLOoid MlalnffOa 4 kUb nia MtaT MW R7 A r.

a a Ala. Ando I' ot Em I. kotl doa LOtI thuses Ckndlb ll lon-dC Oarpa. tlnUal NaDe fi1 HH 1 kAfi DoeH. Tmi CtaowTrleea flaaneajcna.

wr lodMJ 1 0 teUl a i 1. HI Y1908L1ANBODS. rat cosy TRADJL TUTtT-TiXZ. YOIDAT APrearoov ins Led wk Mnou. en geesafy anim.

TVe were a aural einort Of Enjluh wheat then. yj OT7 of foreign 11 65 or TaerwaenutliapplvaBMT this moraine from Kent sad onoxlite as. forthvimpnnd bythalat nawmtlievaidH qmes eels. war rtaer man reedily at tb nmfosa rate The foreign trail however. rl llemalijj dab with only.

retail teased and to ban la ja 1 tityl money meal haws bee. ekes. Of then wire 1SJ18 IMS rf forai sal basis Theiakof Nafolbi nominally th am Good Urnl avT bet went ooTwhh dUaoalty. Teen eats en- Bet ttubnuliinf append en the stonJir sad tUe Irr ample war ae oUd. Xediaai and low tn rv danbataotaendrwper.

In melt almost email doing tb chief Ueeiharinf eased to make Of oat there wore 30433 ma. via 2336qr Eiriak 1v qra Sootob 2130 or Iruh WW qn. foreign. Tbi toads mxondinlyqait coed former price with mgby mpped for tb best sorts. laferinr deMnpUoM ail fOMoatoforderwarantberuibayvrfivour Of sttb beans tberawaraCUora of.

foreign 790 in. Wkh nau ovpUei th trod firm sad prieee nuiitiisoL Of Eatian pees then were 110 of beige Bii waiUmiudaadr tei brfoi OtEueli wr S27qr export. 1451 qn. The dew eoroely apporlod for enjoins seed sad coke ia dub Tn east tide WM very slow but maiMd without alteratioa In vafa Cuary folly moora Wpsiee. Tnw doll and cbe noArULl aL Xadhn in tuo tU3t Cumaxn Perm or BomsK Outs Ate Twva ui MAKaVLAII.

MtTOPOHTJjr tTTLXJtAJLfZT TI Pli BH tt of retie rFt. TO UI. I Sn i i oi iiie lHtal latol J. 4 lube tm eue rf a MIbB Mlna MBcn tie. Bid 1 a.

onHil lHd T. ln Kt ia ror Ik. aoi loved. Mal om n. i ol5rS' awj d.

o4 I CWo aArk April tea ML- uSittai Skn sfiasalK- tv 41 a 1. U. vt3 tt rag crrL ttrnpoor. Aria. fff gt rt Wo ifcri VSSS cU Lrruroot KAaur April 2J ko.

eai has been tran et i Maley. Tb.marUttorrood.t fr eamb a UHWadt lads Sege liellimb rntt Sf iSSoJCrT1V HS Ji1. jtK II i4fO4 ii i t' i' 47 1Jf v' 26. 1864 INTELLIOENCE 15 the UN it" bet to the pnMIIft Mtioa oral tohIch un uhrumlliql prom Dlllt the thSa 1 1 1aJ. Or nth the 111" nIl be a caUM of U.

1DeAto the Go- barkl1n powerfullleiP- bn 1 th axle of all J' hold oenWlfun ah I rate tee MiD attr d. tormi" eireu deat iouad gh IICh ad Tl en dun" the de bate on lb. ougarqtioa tOmmerc al M. trod that tJ Db a te eIew 10' may. awretGh IDDll II the 7.

la. ro. a m. IIOC I1OII ta1 Ufa. wh.

Ii. th. i t1 litical- lileratat I ly cIa ever dle ha. th I eartaInIr UI. puh o.

hu n. D' 1 oc HThien De" oatt1toted for the tu. 1. 1 GII iomof eoam noe labo r. tioDIl' la.

tioa. eIt aredltte theefentswhiok trredend be. the ha. 1 or or. the trM.

the Pr iathe oIid DI1 ecale. tested the Ca oma I he hers the aboard md uael a ay OII1 tothe eII OD Bent. to collllllOlC al 01' reriled the law of 1808 OD the rate. eel oIa. eel WO restricted Hiatem oomictI DO menifestd A le the esenest theantiquated the firm slight rim.

ordinaryqnalif 0 2f. plea PeroV 21100. oearI but na ne SatardAl Were 1 I eol I J. I rice I i Peru. uof1 TiIlllOVeilIOOI1 Mane le.

Saturda So jeac I. Pariacom. near1 eCed ng week. 0 acarCo to. lapp th ocarcel 00 Dth 00 is 1 the ind CIte pno.

It. fordeliery I. an. I aly IIjUat Vwz. f.

the 1 tato. Ie OU aD1 ftt1 tation even Th. oooacquentlrllanted ral lieldo i the the Th. aieI the poCa it. tra ic grease I thel1rOUld.

co. trep the fend the ppI retaiI 1 1IeDC' of1a- I' the ected I I fnll I I i the the lelDa DdeI' the Some f. eo. ordi. the rato.

of1rom If. 10 1IO1itrae. rA iaetal8 the tof tbe9th in. at. ret ta1I bat1t a of.

1roT 0 hi. Ia. the tof hanped best the loIIIIIDda lo WIatelr the ftlcieDt1 i th beri1lJ n2 wi aIltht l1lD be a yet the gro" OOIDID ttee the 0. aee etat aw. the ooalmi rodneed aooooootoDa ofthnal the the nlne.

ooalll the fa. ensegue be fOl' countries Nice. ed I th Sardi a IIZI GoverD" in. aeq clthe ItaI IIZI oDt the qul u- IJee lb. 0 JIoq.

aerioaa. IIl1 ier aI 4I the Oooo it. Dmhenat IaooDveni Impro1' Di NJ the imptOf IIg Ori the I one. oDl 0 lIockingto lb. od9uartera he forth.

K01 1l1T Taco. x- 001. WlbetolloW.Ir1t dntbrooPoo be Ught Io. fa To. taIIoor tt td 100 tbo 1' To i hui To e140.

fOI. d. ad. J. A.

I s. 7 I. 94. UInII. saad1 110.

311II. the of 1- ram. lest UK. Ut sea I IU utm 11 toa on no lit aua Z- 1oL 14. 14.

IJtId Id. lor tilt 111 DtiI en of Ui. IIa of toIImotiDc vrios u. oCRhe APli1 ofd II. pId i.

Ida mpIIoa tothm 1 o1i. be pported of iu u1irii. pslobo castles duri. tbo reIbu qo lbeire f. porod 1mpaN.

li boIhtume oa ti to which I i the I of dty 011 hi sling prilll rwWlI toIoI. I dI 70111611 he AcTa 1ftOO82lb. IoIeIn to 0. 61rGL1311IflNDIS. IIIOOIUOUUG Jlo.

o-4 IDdo 0. Iedo IOIi 1 so c- Jt 0. LIM IC Ap I Iedi 1AliII4' J181I106 z. tII 1I lNl re 110PJIUEZT pn1 25. 1 044.104 to.

2 The iD maCod the 1 doer pnvt 1. Tu The diet aemoa bet. the II the W. be ederiD8 be at I ac1 1 eir 01 tbo her 11 ON IlA PId be Wk Is ON hello celled oIrib. taring rI- of od.

of be eq. the kmu and their work. r- ho 1Ioa ing of. iouaIy ten la tbo sdums of h. 10 deolarod duriohe tia my.

booome. of. ymty hih I prof. trol istederes he ory Ie. I Ioo.

rriod 1a i 01 oI hilt folloy houoeuiug be lOpee YIIDJ gelDete IId 1Ip du i lJ 1814. Wim-- Bip. lbework I. lIOI01c1ee. be.

them to a sat heir' depe uP IDII Ill se f. JUdi r. cod ooI tioae fa the DC i whet their 1ock- Bo f. II le 001 bell the diet lam hetlIiened A Cauadi the oalboritbich yo 10 chassis rw. in JU I his 1 I the k.

be the sheep. Ht uod 10 hie a en lch th. aulmol olorely a UI tale I JOIUIIhaa 01" eh. ck. the nj DCIio.

ah' 1etI I 1 A. he duet he he f. he Il maI a bet his his Ili II ie oar ben ia. 10 the ru was lou gecii of I the still 1iII wo ad tbroagIa IeIda ad w' obe I I toi told fuI oatT see be WI Mhliod. JldIdai a' berg able.

pp tbortwoillloe a to a 11. do be. lb. bar. uok the with llaMa.

oam. wbe. of llaII Ia fed Io. ljGr Jfln I i i- MourJlAUZT CITY 1VrBL1lQ JIo 1' Iriia eetiID f. for the aeeoDDnu1 left 011 N.

Cents. c. I IaN l2a. to lie. dies I Ex- June lie.

teedu aodditta March 1 lie. A 1- alteration 1M to-do appIi atioDe ha1' Di 110 the Jl bIt 10. The' Amr ID the 8ockk. mlleew. th WM fairi a.

tiDDad receipt" where 1IDnauaI1rlow waalirm the the omptiy u. Id be the tile 1IDIII1 the BeJ r-DtatiTee tolarat Djf the Ult matelT the the uhat day--45 the N. at 0. premi. 1.

a aD amp. Iac in ptah 0 oft 12' 1- a. t. rkIah ereqaoCad qht1di ImproV1l" De. the riae III.

N. a ofacbowle liing 8. tnUlaCt ODa the 1-Ac 894 1863 87 Due. 11 Em tiaD 1 1 I Uf I 611. 0 I 2911 1863oIia.

481 0 8f RDU III1 ditto li I 0 I 8lii 81 1M I di i l8U 91 711 I 1 0 I Tiir 22f Itto GSTi to81 t. the of 0II IIlIeIi ex di. I ferrad37 di1 di1 8 parto 1 1 ItaI IIZIRaifnl 7 761 Mo riah 961 N. I 1882) 8 I Port. to 91 tto 8cri 1 p.

53 I dittoCertiticatee 1 1011 12..1 pri" aria ftD ug. 8 c. oh wini of. 60 000 aoT81' gDi thoat 10. rot.

N. toda that. he a at 0 tnzIaKI IIa de ACI CX' DC telegraphio- DLooa the lftmiDm 0 CU 0I1 fe. ho. to have 12.

namely 7641 oThe of76t t. i Dl a f. I the the 8tat. 0 11lII Oerm rnyetn tl the the cim atioa Cutomadutiee suing rook baa created little satisfaction a it is found that the importers IDa thus he favoured to extent at. the coat of the general commuaiq f.

cia Ia rate. 65 pm. the the froDlthe DeaH alread obi awa th atr ira iIId1lC Dg thenId parch. 0 clin ctiooa ant IIttn. ha.

J. Com be direCt1 spooable for It Who the If 0 ll 1 toear oilbd be' ino ulated th. 0 beentran. ChAdwict og ndaD and MD heate I M. 1 th 1 1 da pointed the 1 StockEJ Change.

CotnpaDlof oooOOO ID ptwp CtUibaa he mbar Iron Then is ohipbni M- 1 all. 0 the be Li. Qu. capi to lint 0. CIT tT power.

be 0 wee poee oooOOOl. 3oooOOOl De' be at. 8lDd the be foomcldeairable COUlltUIr lend 1i u. 11I 1T Its IY 111. 1 11a.1oL- III iJlwodP 1 I Ila' nXvtr4 t- iOlji it iil" Ii 104 iia ii- o4 Ii 5i.

ii IN i tii 1 td III I I' tI Is a 1' 11" aA. III' u--- 1 III tOl 11 I 10 U- 10-10 1 1 UII I I I I rt it 101 101 :1 a Ii I P. I ii IItJi c. OOLOlQALOOVK SECU1mD I III UI J. III I 1 1 iio4.

lOa 111 11 eJ III till JIIlII I wo 2 1 I i i 1- 1" 10 1 1" 10 3 10 I I I 5 I J' l- I 1" I 4 11.1 I 1 I r- I I' III I 1- a. I 1 1 1 1 1 In 1 a 10 1 124- 1. t. i 11 1 R1 11 I Name 1 a 1 10 a 1 1 1 1'- N. 4 ti I-I 1" III 1 I I I 1 I I tO I' I 10 I 11 r' 11 e.

Ills I fi i I I 1 4 14 I I I a t1 tiJ L' 11 II I' I 4. III 1 1 110 1 i iu' i COR xL- onu. I. 0 EI fo 1 a 0. 0' I.

I Ip by tboale I. 1. a foa wlb nd 1. tity IIa. 1 1.

fo Z' 1 The I of Neo ezlrnly ylbe 0 ty. Te. Bt by" qn. oft. r.

Bt 1 m1 a I p. x. 1. du eO B. lrar 34 o.

3qn qn1 q1 qn n. ol qa fo he I. ap. 011' of ardor ba a 1. o.

fup 1 qn he I 10qn I fo ll sad I W. I. 1 I 141 ll 10 I 4 CJIIde mein wilb" Dl fu. a i I I I. 11 I.

I 01 I Jn lI I I I :1 r. 4 a s- a a. 1' a I a a a i I. a a. I I a.

11 a nl Ml I-I 1- 6BOP. CrrU 1Ioe 1. rr- IS. UI. nel 1 bI.

I. a. 1 tats I. I 1 1 r. f.

Al" 1 i I 14. 1 le 1- 1 1. tII 1 gU TU ii. h. 4 PR1vu JrC.

ICHUIA mGI 1 r' r- 1 J' 0 t' I 7 D. I- a. DI' I t. t' 1- 0. 1" 1 I.l.'H 1 Il' UI.

I 11. 0 i p. I. I I 1 1. lb.

II 1 CIa GLyAp2 e. r' I 1. lbem t. a a. A.

ad a af- a. 1J I w. c. roa ova aatarowolRL SA AY 1pTW dt it i paeinof the eotioa4 tddag pusll its Tb. mat.

pt ent tee att ee bythepo itidansdTurinaOsnbaldtariaitkEnt Th be 1b awe ooadt son. err aonteI SI Nu petty eel tourr oyMal Irminger cony spoadnt sJJ ous the ciu M. card prindples icon LSTblets thugeu sxj thatwithUeimmenia wogtso leek Id sucesededtoetmales ex rienoe the a a Xcz ox wL a Thor ere beooe des bd desr withtbeh beeo bet i ri eon Minmtewbom kmttatehea eodroiduUestaxsis iI ouemuI Ir1 yeanqo enrt he a oma c. tares hadbeerr noaaa the the tom no revi th people se lean I en vc Id frse chiae lie co Nothing-nothing okhinggokhing oppo ng al eporharo acoo ne room a 5rt won mnaty 3J Herreat 2130aihe slLs arly cot hetmda 335 25l. Jume344f.

us Span soh 1 earfmmst corn- laabwek. pr lay 14 000 article. a the weeks b3f6Oc JulyandA- CaeUe the us st an a slavge ereralbetter in notbe Tbedemand tbe En- the ttailenumthe jurycaase4 the ardirdsbythhe ut zpc ed ant 1 the injuryby Mthi' as04q 1 bev9 gMejL90m. tom 1 y-J f3b ebeirls senpLet netatfa5fto3bOt wen Us corn 210 the 9O litres. Tbe Ais eases.

the thk red Tbarmoedtsee Ai has escaped the ves sir ciently the fell in As lnissDroduoedd000000tool Uuyeer tons ca. aa to stores lb. toopee TNwere tree e. canons the Villafr uoYThe court ire ndthetownwhichare to tdk. mekd ae la eveer Wlob0 aladani seisdelse ktees wdsaeadfoe YCeharm beabeo Si Predeag soeid head acey.

Zu aetles nq 9 Y3d. Apr1toJses44tdto9L 41a. to41s3LJslyto6eqmbee43s64OeiobrtoDeoabe spot De Ns 04 shael sr. rci also prier emtbaelea Nall Nle 4101 at LaM Lie Lon Llr L111 naarl e. tJ IAIU rime aAr rleJ.

tMl AnrW cast IAN 41 brralas irJr aM 8De flMI dTA ear Maea vset 4Y 41 raid Hj a0s. raaI7tr watt 4YM sir cat i7feWwdr-aarallrl nr lie AANIe nrwr seas a1 Ne bra rnrb IN Me The tmpas to stns menu eanmdsgs tbr adegaate ea rueempoq toes tie has diwal9rmse betiIca cod Theeeardimpost I. buss geaat ty dmgging csehet for those datpdss tees uricgw eke qmr straeq fame tined sisresle a L' 34A. week esdmt ditcameurns To1Id0b. arlnshave benwAgr82Jb.

Imee 4J5 mDtt IICHAID Yomat Anna rs tramateeses bar 5aa laes4eaa tll lIml. easell Wae5. rAp0. epee W4 tdblm0 Jab xw er os iett tad. as tse4 see.

xw1rf eaceet JJUkUtt ea4 ldre I rest. sad 1 i4 WI Ja lot di. Tdrrrad 3apeJ Ze biUJ. IAa cad fnq 1a441. SdS de A4Mt5KJee 9dle dal aoPMAsXBrApr k--ae.

a kh rleeom- ca the eta el WerW Wda reeesist 4soh awhd M.aed-dslpima A The Ieetteodd sne ne muckuEeaog t6eaoI. ro es notteeaf asdvasee wage hue whichTheioa has previously tiredlyoriodhrtly is roles gnalihanoo. period also I i coyemployer a serets edema of sa des. W4tsa.6igsd gDsal sad vwedbythdrledr rest tte hutsodampt beanie tote they call wrs s. a des say snes aont ngdistrict dwwooy uses lad lately aedsettled enaaelearn leg the 1010 eating hay at boueforaridsglrisghswifeeedeii pose failbfniwifsbeyed lord.

as se th i the learner bygdrsf ee gaveoerledouaehaewsgetapswdeer wahdhim-odbp trlklpa tail. WtaualddMshatea Hedirdthsata deer sosaaeedheaw tub edb eb od het ailweeld 6awakksadd brekboeeHad after keep sop deerfor ties Nllas ace. aetse a. the cod sne diers be aaddes peerea Ins es laps l. gIg eaeaaI baM1sadhadsses seeifshalf is berbeiabes she asshNbsadwhoas bsbe pad jIMM19 h1lkJjIh tilPtld4 i A else A uo ar MAwre LVTXLLIQX1VVI fonds the cal very 9llto ank oA 9401 Gatti 1121114 Do 12e.

Es grist was observable itthe the tbe however 8ook Exebaage faidymamtatnednotwithatsnding checkocvsioned Uzi. 1dull qwhooaxfa theatockIs is New to 1 pane the 35 ow- 52 warns additional on the States namely Brsa lian1800 4 Egyphan101 Suno1 odIsue reek If zma4 18 03 to 8 uaaia 8b 36 89 divI 1868 71j1 7 8 Cbi iao perink Colombian Stan 1441 11 1 8 8 49 12 4 percent eoreaigcus the re- a o1 ordinary the Isis a 76 6pr few aka some of since may a 1 hdalresdy away fromC ls journal. 1Rx a legmtimakattempta tresonabie sn Qratifietiou CneandCo6nancialsgootrofandon kn namely 300 0001 atent Mean. Sock alsobenissudofthe Wor an Co 1 will Liver d. sub tons rued be i ecrunmoaed a 3 0001.

maybe daoeab e. COILMAZLXYsdq lets. Qsael 5fica r. l6brt HaIrR 6. Irw eteta aeea ih' rnar rl naa rraxa 1Y- 1 1L- a dra IMrdKIM11Y1 Waat YIXINQ.

mad Tbe ebm market xoept wee abates the a laws the depr a atio. was ver ceide able In Eaglisi I letropolitan reaeda Greet Western of 6 rd dal sanIn d. en enbggdo Vnetiai 4 Erie shares up and reference 44 sad 2 ee h2Oiy 4th and 6th mortgageS en average nos Central ehara sakMicbigm 9 Nor II i T' er the oulyra0eaetee I declined John la 3 1 es Umoe 1 newdeclined antrspeo Janian Irrigationtrdnarydeclined m. to 3 6to nties a to andHudsas 19 oaDlNABY Riewa dare Parr mYdea YopaaeaVl lR 1 te Ili 11 sent Aso tyre- at rpuW xsr. 100 a a M' avi BdMJee et MA- aver As let s- 777n eodat reraaa i1ss 4r save easaI lar aet add pibyAsa lee u.

ra4 1 131 a0aa esaaw iteiah lee of a sst wl ism a 56 ecoear Dett Dewet it4omd le a 1 ewe po 4a. 1s a a eb- Ne a NI tree 10 a 111 lie ao ta MMisatQs. Ia 01 fro uadfa4lX seatlodske ow II iINI al reed. a e. wr.

lee a a cat MrAbd esearla Is art atea. 1 I hIt are i Is Ire areelee. X-Id sat De. trn bot I 101 Is s-Im scat aM cam Is guy- M4 Ind Ilk art Dees. Is are' DeL lame Mee l1.

Yni IS a Xi MNe eladew11 tE0 ty esip m. see eabiI BWRubtke ae tsaaa Uf aW Jca Aso W-ll Mast llsr' Ib 54 seed Duo. Ion a s. Telieu a. 1 0 N- tltda r4 rd sad ddgel ace a cedhrdwmacsW 5M4555.

POSS ION9. see mesaa Psi ueshre erpams Adra5tL. AI sees Lat Oea lie a yqSefddt4H AE 51 ro Bas la.a.BeV"fy All lit-lit Ica A4l i. Ion IT tsaamat i 5rzlaca fl aa P-- 101 IN Bwe a14ePa lm as lee apoTore emt eel BRl gAP Ire saetaM l.OfY.alPals IN neeAX lased Pad. ice All 04 I 773' t.

ion Ddsmd Ail ii Its 010. a pd. bee AD II lad 101 lbIAdd1 An I 101 ed AD 41 z' pd. Ana Nara. eMmt amspa 1AiiD 4M 10 roe s.

of a ab rid Pre 701 P54 wr Csi AD 1 1 4d pt Haar o- dYaa Is DD a. aiw se ia te nUr. OIeI 4- Na ge. botYehsryr Pea 100 a4y liA4 la. proa 100 IS Ile Da pveeL.

a 90 Ii daafobsa Ax 9meska in YCrAti AD 3 1 etee. Rail. farhlpetr IN Iwt eml la Is lit tN rat DDrtalanPa a a sts Pat Ink h. lales Yost ttadimaol en a lm a POBBiGY aee B0 Pct aarn Palls doss eeot Aso PyaU 4. Maras tes 1o .11 nUX I tnievteem 0151 4 1 t- lo TeleCBSestt ie 1- 5 tii a radial Pear.

All It-is tess All 3 DaPLLaataraL Al it aa ehudhrs. AD b- te l. An 4 104 la lees Takk pest AD al I m' aun Mar a. AMm Ann i1 ate Wei A All Rdrea a RJ DusletLii 14 ii i bJa 4- Ia0 I Do P45 a pi' a0 Cal DPo1aPrP so US' a a Ara Iembesci 0 IasVror AAUU N-h s- caw. 1 I Sr.

alms. l4 PiWe All Id Ira sop tea tip OBLTOATfONC rK Bies pdt tares Peer lleradms lpe1M NM aIpw a I. Al is Ion a NIsat1a IS x. Inca I Pa. 1a PA a paarrseds AS a ip aT All fe Ie4X p.

An is loi gla. All set- i a. a is tF IpptAB e4rH COLAGOYBtt Ps. RN lees met Careens a ee Des y0 Wtr a 11 a can iBml' tp-s as D. al d6ndasatP 3Ha.

MaL. twi5 ooLOxluoovBltrNBNt6uvBlrlga laedleaed Neel oa case XiA J' a a M' lwu OaPa Ja M' r- M111 Ipatnr a xw ti are. ri lu coca ewas I a at a-1 aa se aArQe IP IwoW atPraerea0w10. Mi AMIJuCANGovB II lin4 Qe lTra dal Vasot Yids see. a ls a a rl er Aur ae utwsawelfe a atawea11a' a 10e Y11daNrLt PY i a Ditrr 4KS lr ar- DrinZa IM P4Nw.

es MI. per a 0Mlaa1 dl nalnalap1m.y a' i4. i4raaaoaraaAasY. 11 04 1 D. eIMw1 rLrere a eject liar.

Wdallal4isr.r is isle. Iw Yark CsLL a 1 lpr1y amriq is ass esesteeehenle4 8 Der LewalalsU1 Pa RaI iru led run see. Leer Ipee Meeet r-- I DDaa ay 1 p. a set 55 PWddsaRedii1t10re. a a may ten.

881 a era ra Aig ate a arN re s. mist-e cayhe. IIH LL vesrtessees I srwhw ar us edasA ri awrms0r pit 14 1o4 a a. gut a a i alp. Pant Dee.

aT a- 1 NihWbee1 1 it r4 :3aToaaeCid4.olo II Afhri u1 a 1 I1 sCb a in eau nis rm 1se Pei a 111 wh-laaas. a 31 6 wbIrntw a a winDries 1 casa Pct Carrara des. M. t' al. PMabxArRr X.l.- Sy.

Pa. I R. 4 l4 ear. ee A. Aeon baa0or tl Wd waa JD ls 4 p.

I Prn. 1 I4 1 Joba1w 15 lC iS aK ei a di li lih Ix IlL 1 a r8it dare pal1. win i In amealSee. i wts la lea IS a ea. UIw aN Ire a AleA 1 1 1.

a divM 1 Ire twduada AA a. a1 a laetdcaaw 1 I- Iyy t. 411 1eee Baatmk Yeau t47 IN dwi. I 4 11 Re peweus 1 1 4 p. r4 9 so aaa sa 4Aw.

a so Mt a MmnnW 1 P4 It sdeb 1. Aran AR awnoot ti a 1- T1L. I Ifs. A.l.eaa A8 sin Res xwrll per. tl a a radrant ts amed a Tee T4 w.

100 eoaa IS Pip DexwolI5 d- Pt p. sa dal tW ea ryMtkAratR AR aTaada5wdddwa4a lee aMa1 5 1x re. ti F. Rut le raxwu pa a pan. a TP Wesra.

ego IIt le a Ma 41t 3 p. lal es yes 1 pre 11s 1loeA te tiara. Se. eeo a awn Al tesmW a Is nH 4 rr- NN' 1. os Alert.

I pa. D. an la Wa a 1 Iwo is lest a I Is IedeMW a is IS r231 Is Mdea It p. l1nDawa8tiaep. of Y4p WK4 ameD xr pwaW Pena a iii I as YMaeaaestefti Ise 11' la 3s Pee.

Asi pred 121 lee tnxsaLA 6 10 fl14 14 a a aDe P4 M- o4K n- aelh- ss IIII Ni4 Vs sterns Al- Ir. lr p. Is Da a li a dadAaiM' All w1NMy Iro oted.Ln4 I4 ttd 11 ryq dsdlnodes. 23- ar. is fISaI La etty wPalea alma seem lee isitl a es at etrw 13 YrssI.

iw Set lea Am darer e. Is I reeks i. AS a a Is a a Faces wnar Al M- Xra. heel. ace i 11 a a IS I.

rest I co- a pdiys 1x Nat NI it ga. I ad DIPape ter In 411. IU i snot Aa. I LdLCorp r14 1 Wp 141L aNr xiwr f41 M1 ra. Ban.

ad16 Rt. Ilea. II It P- rr eras. I 14- a silo le i LaiD. Aso X-M DJra Ms IS a a PAd i pr IS Lad I 14- 1Ia.

ese 11.3 a 9 aq WC I. 1 uN IS fraiThae Er. a a. aT 1 meerollat. wL al taerlaWlr Iala.

ot srd 1 rues Mme i ii lea a' Naeea AI is-is yy D. L. IS a a p. airha a1F ab IonJJaow li a a Iawllf as. a wt and sea.

AreL a IN IC 7a Haa tea I ar a 11AabsaLrtl I aAeialrl. AR 11 a sold oar.e u. Al Yti-r ieal Ae 1X- FA p. Ise Acw efe 1. tk- Pa dYlpra7y edpaperli la -ab sow le ae iip is rtasap w.

4 ti tr. sepplir adeathe so cupola qoa 1128Sgn Then was saf elipplyp4a ma lsgfres Peex the bdsg hither bpord late teewetbere ad a a the pNe rate. raiwdsa. alt des ewety gar ssuha1 210 scabs App i la wee dew tbeagh ashy tabu vesa Of Britsh holey there weel6T1 qa rdg 7914 Stile maldeg steed the al rrplsmagldd Xeditasodlowwieeewq dunk bed ad sexed cheaper. ahiag bum haeiog make Ofosthere etsZS7sgaglgli qn.

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