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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wnmeAa. X. OM OM aeubt U. real iyaaatay ta odd UM Mtry win. tkat MerJ Ma ii Man to UM that yr tatt-4t ii.

aiaMBt Lphl for tin. Woe. Mfer IkmewWwon Ion. aa 4 d. I tkiaktaxewMupO Ikal BUM to tvaiy aa eoNBiry to ox prow far ooatributioo otuVlde an WfliBoftMiiattoB.

Betltieto UtWmdtkuat kateo Mt tk ttmpatk of Ik sat7 wuof oe. Mr wh11 to I that to oommuaity sail tBdlnetedtoUM erof Wm WM pored aw UMperlia a fatkxr. the matter you WM Ike faitkful oouaUor of tkaSovaroigm WW4 wa Ts. vr. tralla to tk eh.

ttnccd heart aDd at. to UM i of tad win thin WM general db by i MlriuU a to thaw a nee of tin. quliu. aay felt tW It equally a jots of the Tirtaee with tk uwlhs aid WM ham met rest fit al cuhnnrtioa which. olUwufh Leeeat ally wen aelanUy dedicated to to wwot or utility for arid wkiek Ik eubteriBtioM robed T.

MiaoxpU my pram wins hid a lsarelJol ashore. for haajvUl or founding a echooI op- fnrtuiitr rwnl eympalky ad ad upo 4 ta of tin. Priae wkoui hat toot BUU in nifal anneal for faa wkiek they would not tk mee kan obuiaoj Hear bear. That I. La wky the putiU routnbutimi sure not to ra and why with Jrlei4 object hell brfon UM okaerraUrta of th evuatry.

to putlie tri1oo" wen JM of a amouat mew to carry out Lb. ibcot MW dIL Bat time drew on Lb. toothing laflmeM of 7 tority n. poi 0. opiaiou of UM euty 4 tk oaalr benam.

oaenmu it kal loot not awnly a of virto snI bouifnaat eboracter who had dad tkequaliun Le la UM dsatapd of UM wmaniy of win ke woo a prominent wsb but fell It kt1 toil a mil of a very cil ad ckarartor who a real influooe pea tke rte 004 wt. it loft tins Jrael to dill ere nr Ts. rtIr of Prince Albert wu oM peculiar I. uio rt cl that be cwnWsd qualiUr. wktck an gueraUy cuaaiJered to 1 lnoapatibk JJ.

uaiuj ia a pw degree to faculty of enatoav pwfu. oat the laltnt of action and cnabia whsdity thought wtth pn mpiilude of nrganUatioa. Hear all to quahttet Ik wictw. of tin. keart Bad 11- will en 1.

Ike 111. tit. WM twrlabl a 1 iaaaeMe our e. nlry i MMoer. The toA Uh U.

lriw pr aM to klaiarlf orM to lead UK tlltirdp do the WVy and wlrg tk rywifatkie. ail aneivnl II' lie wt la ifW nth or tiwuikt ad a Mptt filthy Sa 4aB of iU amid 4 are ell- fofly a dkl la fwl llx of wkteh we kaQ 1. Buck Lb. great Ilia go Hear Mar. hub Wing UM pr i id UM iota-bat ban pN tmpey tmUbte and 1.

Prta at of shah wkWS UBueo. Ik rd JJ UM nn tile a and tile of Nat pt9nI1. a sash to 1004 UM it 1 Lb. empire. Hi bus I Wt deain very general tkenfon OvortBMol tab.

a ount wLleh Ik country Ii aly pertertly pnprod for sat et ad 1lear sir for my a part I sale with member far IMgktoa 0 w7 II well worthy of tad AIM UM lr UM ulu that the It owatriWUoa to 11. It laUed ors pmt jj of thy Hear Mar. TIN to Ue to a ftOMMOj. rd aarrowHnJoded rnrI Rear beet A at tufty ttwa you ran Mnt7 or wan. LulUlag wkUk Bay ruliar MkN la U.

rLare11 bf. SaI a ektl nr1 to Ha. Ik oslg dslrq ftId Wof a II dooLl rtambi. UM of Ik rteee UM beauty ad bar. lit p.

UM fIIINLetI of or amal well ii S. Jig aatun. Hoar. It apply to UM seer rl rUmeai of Lb. outtry tad shook tpraw far a.

artaaa la harM ad an. of UM a mn rerMK oily the lord band be aold msueet which ray no for tbs. laetructioa ad wngLL bald be tomoUiiag tignifi it 011. reed hoiM indirect or limited by any mndd pptisap. of ttilty or referring merely to kynW7 a.

he rriaeeilif IL bead above 6" tuck that thaw wko com. nay any type ad trtimay1 of a tubhrn. Ef and a ban. BMB dat caner low tkey wen reoapl8 by a grateful ad admiring people. Cheera, OEXOOK that a a- ad wu red rabaittod to tk Hale la an' Sutao.

away draw hut a impnteiou tkould MV boa created bat bet a deoeieoey a tke ubaonptuma there- hid a lack of public teal de to Prisco. Al a lrW1 roemW ertais that th vote would Well record i his So aocarately balanced he mind of tk mm nc to just wu he In hit tll" a la all ki cticaa that Joe never uCt his whole career mad mm of a to give off no to aay man to 11004 whatever politiq or whatever religion. Herr ar. He uore rrjoieed that the Govern meet had to aid it wsdfng a moonmrot ad he hoped it would of such a character a. too do to Ik aory of tk great Rine who to.

they deplored. ear. Mr. WIDEn. ids uure1 that tk Boo.

would readily at th mow for a moaumeDt provided tbry wen uti. ie that it would be worthy of the object it to mmeeonta uuoaeb a Qeaaor WM very wal Me vi rdiw1 dimeneiooa it Ma doubtful Low it would look a of 700 feet kick. Mr. TTTE mid to wa. to 150 feet Yr.

Fort kimeelf did sot dcain pain Mr. UUDELL hoped at tat tk Governmeet Bnuld lubrut tkfuUte to tk Roma Hear bus. Yr. alau truitej tat the Government would rrsast Ui hose with the exact deign of tk mods- anenl wkiek proponed. Lord PAUtZRSTOX rid.

pbeaipthee. wen Kid to duUact usdenleoding UM styli sod character of Lb. monument shuU be left entirely to Her vty. Bus boor. It obviona that cols tk to meet for the purpoae of determining ibould be Lb.

form of tke memorial their opinion va tle rabjeet ould sot be taken. It i DOW propoeal to add to Lb. load on pweeiry th tarn oooditioa OM 0. wkiek it wu originally raiL an tendering Uat grant to Her Msjny a totes of our nn tiy Pith her is hoar bereavement sod mo order to saiet her to gratify her nstntd feeling. We ccbt oat tkrrefor to impose our wtio opus hr Mr jrty bcton ittoleaveittokeneU claw wbatabooay dma cioit tuiuU Cheers.

t-jt Y. ItT not conceive aytbIsg more heaatiful ai rfrute tlui an Elena cnil ut doul lej whether tukJ executed in a nhr tune. for IIOOU 1. ri that monument would be earned out ia a fnioner worthy of the Muni and of th. country.

A Imirxl UUXXMUP. that tin pranl would be uucnuditiou 1. acrd siid that should It happen that IitotH. in uftcMat to enmplete Ik deign then UI no difhculty la oliiaimn the aIIt UM IIoQM luppLiucLUry grant. II.

list. hrti 1 Hit atfrred that the HOUM ought not to ltl rf with the mole in which UM grant Ma. to be ax- I i. kkis thk. be never knew any path.

work ri oh iinkr the direction or to lieu. which turned out eel JeeiJ7 Ilea list. The tnl way to Intun th rerft nwmsmat wu by UariB it. erection to chi H' i rd Munwns Hear kur 8 said that ka-1 not wltked to lour. f5 in any wiy wi tk wlntw Her X.jI1 a hail l'- aivlenton thus wu Jimiwsg ad eritidang Utimi of UK pmmiriuas Ucor Tli vote tins opal to.

THE KEttTCH AW YENIEALE PRIZE MONEY. 1 I 0. riet Bit to risks WLrr motiua of which I be give mot. Tl II uM will rccolleel thol then WM MBilderaMe iieniM has ru u. pbjiut of DM LIh tad Uil piua money sod that rat papJLY wen tnk of U.

delay Uek kJ lobs Je do- ag wkrU UI uc Moa akvuU paAtoa ipa itt rtmipU sal In wha prporUoo Tlr quotUtw area at of UM tribiactluM uf lasS. A juinl i 41Uoi at Ynuth al KV tnp aad iM look pnaaeaolaeiof rW a I IU Mg to La of Aaoff ed li led UU ittallone whlH wen aftorwardt fKlvrieJaiUililffiorof IkalMa. Agnaldoalof niiU pn erty wu Ukea IU of kbul rOXtX a anaU tnaeklnery nf great valtia glue an1 atom at UwUtrlpU. Tk er reel UM HrilUh eat rash iki of nearly la eiUal ropwrtin Ting me kia ry IpjUed to U. writ.

of lb. Drll ik gat WO. rrtnt UM la Ik Mare if UM niitUtai wkUk to UM uU I7 tk Man wkkk that machinery pry Bj in repair ipna tb spot UM fleet employed UM Uck Ue Pact of tkat tuacUaery aow at Gibraltar. 1 owd aad ivaUahl fer Ik publi Th vale in wkich saptirM a eaUmatod at shoat laahdiaj I that Lb. OOM.

or TO OOt wkUk wu tb Mtimit tabs. of Ik gala But oaW of the. Wee mastoid by tk Frs1 07 tkeir ape 1044 la ealcuUting tk nm wklck peeeeatiea lUkU to diatrtbuted UM BBanra aad aaUian of tk two aorTb 11100. Kw. ikon i Ik TnafuryaaJlke urtTis ra al nto wnS of Uw bat.

ma fortkar i mlsUa with Ik vTt5Z2SZuZ law JUMyV WJ mm. WVMU PV MB Jfia MM wky tk Uatdeat to a. aapoal to a to UM nlaof wk won 4 IT 1 TMikal. aid applied to public atrvU rd ti ntpMtef which UM www and troop owgugud kad a UU to wcarMoOMu. to say.

tha Navy iupneoUj two- ttinbof lb. expedition aad tk mUiIry Tao and. t1 pMt I. that tk W60M. which I am BOwaakiBw the HOUM to Toit tkaU be divided ta that ketwuea two tervitea.

Uaarkaar steal DUXXX happy to Ind that tab poll would It WM saw yuan aaee UM sap4ss took ISjfJ Ul MUk that I. an of prii moaey each delay takouldooour. to that the pertoaj onUlU1 oft. Jl ra want ud ay Won Ik my dLtiaW leer hoar. la Ik pveeeat letas.

booed that UM erdaary rule wkiek pidW UM diddbattos of prtB 7 wvulj aot be departed from. Ts. veto v. tins agreed to. IICUEQUEL BONDS.

Os the twalo. of Mr. Y. Plxt It WM rolnt that a turn Bet esceeJiag lOOaoxX be gold to Her Majorty to pay offaad dioekarg Xxakoqaer bpd. psych ea to 8th Chair.

WM thus nerd to sport ptotraaa tad UMHoueeneumed. THE STJOAR DUTIES. Wt. UKUSATaaUWkaipUoedM UM paperaaottue with rpect to Ik saga. Jot.

but had io objection to tk wt 1. wk 4 thought It would man oavonieal it hi robed Lb. queotioa eaojaaitu TILE TAX. ilr. ROEBUCK my ho.

frioad. I haw BO objeo- lioa to U. nod- a whole I bolin it vary good for UM eoue11 1 but a I wool to walls a goad pro- pntibou I mu do afro you. Sir leai. th chair.

ml principle whkh I web tkb HOUM to affirm I. Ihb that renewal of Ik Ul a lower charge uhoW be Improd OB pnaanuiu thu that plaeej permanent laoumea. Thi what. UJug lie In to San" a tpac Ikal I tball to Urn. 1 tb Ileuee for sal mlula I mass.

UM geaeral pr l- UoN that UittlM ought to Urled an erery ma uonrdlBf to he ahtttly pay it. That I Vwow I. a goaeral propo. 111400 whleh It Mbbel to teveral larpUoat The elk of UM Xthgow mar. however toy Your pro- pualUoa.

II I fair oa kiss Ikon an MM aawJl. la the Impadtka 01 u. lnnmU thl If yo p. Ow oily on II tae you do very UlU pod amt I thick you had bettor hoer UM Batter 0111. Now lei me lHue rat my coo IwlUMpouoaa nulabout mil to a partieukr pai gat ikal a paraoH ufoo JrLio which rH aot BM it perfectly tnlght rth.

aborted maJpuMible If II Bald to him. Why to yo ewk to dl. Lb. tad yo eeda4 mak II dils" his kacww uugkl to be I uad mat It tJgb but I sae arpntlma. to ant.

itralfhtBOM ad tray permit a to sSd Ik mitratoS I was. to direct th MtaUo. of the heir to th cU. of psis. whom Ik ChMeeDnr of I.

hgww pUeee peal buriU fit he Isis. This UM paad at snomw of moll laonm Th gnat of the totalto of Lb. wua. It sat Jen red tram your mUltnaaim ur of Uwutaada kul from ynur men of kvadnd rorlb imaeal I wUldlreet my em iralto to your MM of m. year A of tbb e.

to uMtoii hi ha. to bring ip lilt and to provide Of Uwmn I. oat of Mi iWth If derive 1111 SOUL a year from nermaae it remalMi bat I to a au wish I peek with raali. arW troat se. I a you to ier tb of Ism wllug III Issue by the Wm.

nth. of kb 111. or lilt hell. An kl MM th Uletllgeat nlad th pity ha. of that Ban may be rsabrl i werlea.

II. tai thp Jo Bothliai ad from hater a merely a Item. eater. Hear hi Tka man with pmwanl ha tlaght a E. mid tIMre It a probability or a pouibillty of 1110 family being redaead to wool I but that a thought wkkk tram morning to Bight aid illicit' to morning wwka the mid of tae wUk a 01 SOW.

a year from prcar6ru eourert. Tkenan -Mod onroutrymeia that saloon. Tomeettuak wash I ukUMCkaaoallorof Ik Eiehequartodo whuacoOeagrM of II BOW deed Mr. Justee WUeoti MMoaad-aanoly to divide laonmni Into tkn. elae derived from taI eem dv derived Brad whirl both capital lad ability an need oat thirdly.

tapes fled frou men uboar dtW of Ik ltolud or tk kind. It ace jilt to to Wes. dike. Doppoae sir of a lawyer. pore through a lubwiw Ilus fur a great period of his life uy up to th ag of 50.

That ma Ijbis again tk world for hit very rxbtonee tad a. unvee at th are wbn fortune ms. mile po lie toms. on a high Lid. of tat alter a few yean of protperitv.

it uddealy ricken down and then ii. It a bard. to talll rd kb hildren an aaprovideJ Of Hoar hear. Ilmav be laid that the altratlo. I pwopos.

would to sway with the rarplat. I do My It would at I hare ooh moM. to tk ability of UM right hot. ktnlleima that I I. took rue.

an equal of moo. I a much 1. unjutt mono. I ilk him to do but which Ia Is hit power ad cot odd to Ik of th mil who lay hit labour intelli rjoa 10000 oat larrity Was from a prrcarioui par. s.

Income for the eorpporl of kb family llear hew. With thou few word. I beg to move That is UM opinion of Uii. How th tax Impred on prrcviOlll income tkould lower thou that Imax on permanent Tk CHANCELLOR of UM Sir Sir I en dearo. to know whether ay boo.

mwhr wibd topak a UM motion of my ho. sod learned Me a. I xiou to rower any ohseTTLiote Lot might hi add to the IIowe to npport of tb propoaitiou with which the boo. sod learned CU I hen IWeaod with au to he speech of my hoe. sad learned friend who ha.

boa. th argot of upnioa of sling that burn long prevailed Is oouatry that prevail at UM prot moment and that I holier. wm coo. tits to prevail long a. UM tax remain in xit- Whether that tax win dwaya remain It sot now the qustio.

but I think from lit Baton a amount of ten' io tot only to a. a matter of fad but It so Baton to uweahlh that may look upon It at practicably Ineeprdou from UM odor. of th Ux With respect to mytclf I foe that I at 1J 1 from acceding to to motion of UM boo. sadism. gentleman I could not toneeUy a pity to tuck a mu I could sat undertake to Ii.

it feet Partly tom tk I. of tk olbc. which I DO" nil and partly ram other cinuawtaaoe it has been my lot to gin ma sunlit. to the objection apiraet tk mode of levying tk too thaw al any tar toember of this Immediately before the Urn I med the office which I sow MI proportion soh the on rode lay UM boo. and learned gentlemen tad bra mat under such high authority a.

with push peculiar dec. tage that tb Government of whoeh I WMB member fill this duty of to decline such pro. pneiUoa un they hat oootloend tbemaelvei by a prooru of Uloa that to ob method WM practicable. Thenon I am not pnpaml to Ii" effect to pan a propnshoe a. that tow Wore UM Hoa or a.

hat which kukota mad. by my bo frl 4 the member for Buckingham Mr. nbbard but the 0 neeo why web uotioni tkoulj ale brought ntdrr UM sesddrsUoaot Ik HOUM. Ilea. Ky bob.

and eared Wend ha. anticipated what hi to be lay kniwr namely tat than an many stomal In Itnpodtloo of tk Isms Ut would BO worth will. to on That It moil Ingpkn hII' it le not my oh. jetloe. My la that by ramoriag CM or two urmuN a shall 11.

tkn or fvor tai lire or four aoomalb would Je lit a won. pwtlon after cur trwll than won afore To AM tomewkat pedantic nprnio I ale the vln of in it rferoe to Ih Ux The Uj It okJeeUooaU. boar It i direct It Is bjgdfwebl heave II It InquWtoral. II. mid lMiitor 1.

ft grwat deal at la a to rider It a. kale tMiUtnrtal and It oblualoI II lei Uib 4414 It bat sump vila tUnot Ban not all to MT nU luam Ui II. a UM a tea lit migar. TklworUndtia tJy as he mm. footlag.

and DM BMB up afpft to wk TN au is euJeeUoaalU I' liaJ. tolraw1 whhh I in mm to tap. iprritaM eatlump tagaggin 111 nwH and tI'- I. with dl tattora lib anus all tU rtioibk Tsl Tftallty of U. rat.

of taxatU is a pr1alpU7MdUMfarlUitllkM i U. aqaal bW a rntaI pM WIg This rnuality of UM toe us pool is Fri for tk of tautku an. If depart true It moat ill to td p.m. other. what other polo.

clpIa MI tax I MbaorlW coq I do c4 thlak than argtakaa Ie lay MgdaB or dvili ia laa that tuneu. u- THE TIMES FRIDAY APRIL 24 18G3. rddiibaUekanttsr. If 2 iit7. I of tatowMatr I BfhrlMt pUuolhUlly to reJmmeaJIbelf I.

ike dg Ml mo. My be frtiajt Frial I to be tkat shioM pay pnporttoaM they aouUkOev tIw MM Ik too tIIaIr ainowtoa MooaU pistols raIatIOIIIj to MthrjatlhcUM 0 on. A woka attempt WM mat MM 10 11 yean lip hold sod Uto MM WM us et linen froB Mr dimeultUa to ruts. III riMlpIt Into MiWd al BtUa. fit the value MM ma.

WffenalkiaAef property were to he oa 1 kind. 1 all- diffenat healtkTdiSereut are. won to be paraoI. A sepris to a drew Iwoeu. diffenal ketwoea mmboata.

as. profcouoat between elergTBU act aao r. oa BulitarynaaaaJaaoUMr. Allwen too bendaoejbyaa Ura" oaleaUliau to tometkiag is the Baton of an kmUto sdoM Tk fat of that plot bawevar. WM unhappy MM.

It did ail Wan UM committee rd it ho. aw bees take up hr aey of liter Ita Ux nfarmen. TV plea of DM Mil leaned gtto l1aw I. caw dejT to th plan of DM. mentor or Bokingho thou.

Ih trot pnoesiouiiaenoM. ae Bertoialygeo Bumbom to Lb. focliacilhalknlMf of lodrkml iaeauM who. what quay tdtnl iMomcaan. WawmalltoucW.

lawMn.byUMUlaalra- tioa which my km. and leers. trio. med. Hear.

hint. Tkoiigk mat feel comparatively sdLlld that my hen. aid learned trims. Hill retain loll plea with a rwarkabu rotor. his term.

vigour bear hear w. mod dill deeply Tl that UieaU ah a. 101. tkouU ban met with toy oketecU ia the of their aU uJ bright develop- mnt. Hew kMr.

to a- to th rob. iiu i 1-- we at take trot UK a pro- fMW i mw. It i Lb. ttnofOTt. nttin iMKkiac.

la praufota tot a. much ur tk top of 0. if pear la their trot tnzfeh oWif to li' to their U- Ma i TMM7oattkM list. boa. I ii Us.

mliol prnfniai for tow grit imit rnmUo tk Binber of Tan through which do. WT had to ImUpMiUat rwmran of heir own bet. thy obtained from orafaKiu. tk CUM till. i tree tk law II II.

that par- wish owl for lv are" MI tlo for he purpoM of KUou. pa that IDT ken. sad Uined It liag la MMBM nmn by nrofoMaul to. 4 tw ht ti to tk 4 lM Bat a. mi suer Wj to apply hi.

pnari' it would bn down fur bow would Jets. prohswnl met Ii clerk profnuan ma It toobMp ror ur to go- Iional mat. Bunnx yo. that he tl 7au MtoMratWdUBwItroatkioUmwl Ua iu tk inouiuM of lMi nui unokrUu. Yea moat araiik with tIOa lens i protoaa1 said I that leak I not onlr 4mretl but JIbIa Lot tab.

soother MM. For tk pun of tku rn Ml 4 pro retom Mr oij1da Ito Uo Then i of tam OM oUtot II 411' wan tk misers truurti sod tat. M. HnUr tilt IthfHt a rU. ll tuso The pre.

at tl tlM Ii ulu la tk Dtliluf dUlrtrt rkliuhU rowi. ran tact lktr Altkmik tk ir laic UM II 4rk dMtiutM i Milnl7 Meordlni to Ik ta MI rt of tlnniititUMM wbl li II nn un In ImwiLa Ii IMH pnpreint with rich IMRM mi lalo ret heUer tll1 Ui lt 4 UM rata i hi. gronertyaaj him fpd a mltrd beneath hi MtoU TV UgblaU In that raw would to ltroI a MW ltH utlllr and rLI won. than DOT which ii pr nl rust. Hut let inonmpanlwomnh IwgrrctaM of Ih Ian UfxM proprietor ad tk.

Jw of monhaaU Ii. tmlen. Lot II say that A II. LOGO a rum lull and II haul a year frost In. I am told Uut ft him put a income teww which way Ilthlh tlhintW bet that A reniero a rm seal inoiim Tn irrwint I this I aknald tkarafen fir a reraleilow of uUnu to II I which spar to Uofuai Uiai order to roller.

I ihuiId put a U4iU. sight spot A. list ar. Wk rr. Ik arorut neU of a ma with 10001.

a Tar la lanl a eMii with hat of a ma with lOUX a rear him trod. 11. MM all Ure aeeanllnf to 10. I war lt bt aril vipMbiUaM. It wloi to of th a A ur of be tattiin I jot au' 14 at II with rofrrviw to he pU I wldy to Ih claim.

of kn frta lL ssgblru. an fimlly to th Mpeil Ure wal tk taw ublifed to to I Ik ipw lll bill IKMIT. I ha. hmtMmfl In nrlng. II ha Ik WIoa to of a loss with Ia I xar from let It Is hr cam.

mil of rttrj four tall. dIllmoi frnrn that of a man with lCK a year lumi. The tnoW omill il to iw a mach i It Out to an lo Mi a Uitf il of 111 th r. It on wt to 1 1 a twIlel In th trailing oro mturrUI pramuntty to a min who he ltn a I Und you win Sat It 1917 among tk morn wk her. 0001.

JOOW. 40001. a rear from trail Hear beer. tUBmbrr that a load lawn a. a 1 ere I ufIIItrIWIl whit.

a Paean. rbod from trade th reverie On0n000tlf ar ar bare mostly ad ldto till Mora of tk sentry do at from tk lore of knar sod sap. from OM mm UM we-or Inns to iiiri ml wealth of oar laded ra. Tb pert of ad I rejoic think of tkMeumuUUowof Knl oIaetty ad applied to trod. Hear bear.

Lon i eae What do 704 aar to tk of ho property an a Urf I wholly depid nl po tmaU howl ootUym Comb treeta hi town aod at pr they tile who taeonte-laz. I tai Ittooro prrcariou or oi I ken a high of 11. uIlity ad IDODRiI of he hot and member Of Sk ffiaU. hot think be would tad It el dimwit to deal with to qu tion la what tegy tknnld a- haw property. Al ch re inset tiTnln that in iaitarial Invedigoti.

which ka hitherto toned of toe priMipal tion. to the tee. Ts. propnrtio. of my hoe.

and leaned Meal would obli to fir a ion to owner of hon property who an at pneent taxed In a proportinn titremelr bardeneam and that remierioawoald m. through an almuet ts ltw TS. lifwiUntioi Un se of trod. It rnoah though it uaally work in to. of S.

taxpayer bat the ae of haw property then could ibooWy so acap whatever. Uur heir. After all Who. to th root of the matter And that proposition. Ilk tk on.

baton really mat gradual. tee. That their true develop- at Tb whole ttnotk of tk orgoaeel was yoa pure. it to it Ii" Un enU dped upon tbia then i a relative poverty anx men which you are bound to snider and to which yon must adjust the Incidence of jour sea list hear. Then I oot61eg is that i wicked is Us.

prirapl III as abstract pUoeipl it a hi show. that a tca1e of tax. tion at be ootAWio1 which withia Uludenle Iouudo shall tubs rich pay a larger rate Uiat the poor. I tl age nothing no jnrt in inch a position Bat I oak two qaertiona rervdiar it Fint wbetker it wai practica- bl and .11 whether it wai aat. I belier.

it would aotoaiy ImprwticW bat ner Uy dr trnctir in it. operation to tk who primes of proporl to the trio. apt. of accumulation at nigh that principle. to in.

dotty ltealt. and therefore to interest. of both poor ad tick. The objection to rnJuted taxation are Montiim tkeontical but they are altogether practical. la Mr.

lIu time and down till quite rrosUy the wai graduated. There wai no dan Is that oodxatic could not be practiced under the form of a tax. But when you apply principle of graduation to a tax on insane. ept la the limited eaa La which we are able to do it" for. tilled by tradition in retard to income.

buluw or In. ware by tk I. of tradition it coo kept within sif. when I lay you adopt it the general rule of your legialatlon it mar merry unirrnal war a oetvsnal ocrambl. among all every ate endraroanac to re lien himaelf at Ik xpen of hs teighboer end being put to all IOdal peace oat to ay common priaoipl on which tk burdens of tk sto can be adjusted.

It i in line mischief. that th ppa rrnty proporlUon of my hon. and learn I friend wall Und This pen won I led III along a rod which ha. that. sod nothing than that.

tar it trpia Ii. lie my fairly disclaim that at ki Intention I but rr ha kl jJaa or a 1 of thus plane anameil yam of a sohim. of Uiation propoundod by nU vrmmrat or a rwponnr inkier. It It all well or gotenwa to sinus their Lagoa Jtr by drawing out ahm a a last of pop. LowWg how wy dA ultie mar renom They an bat Ago fag tk air.

It onlr whis a VlnUter uad rUk to poet. a plan wnhy at the box. end woo rrery add SlneUd to lifting matter thoroughly holt. tog It th and working It out to uB Ita onclnaloM that dllllllllln and rdage of tack a project are fully l. At tb tarn tliwa I do not ay that other patlujea may oat their wig through tkra dlffloiUlee with which I am wholly tnd.

to gr pr4 tntlraly allow that thin Ii a quraUon which to hon. and leered Jfttla entitled to raise and llou. to deal with. I sly pre ttnvgly tk deli bra osletics at which I kaf i sod tram which I In jwUAol la dtparUug ad a. a ome4Uy rv i ibl or UM Buaueei of tk country I cot.

Dot tall 10. I 000" to I wprou popular d. IUIW near. 4 MrMAUNMaaldtk u. of the sod lsrsod nntlemaa mmnired Ik prlMipl at rretualeo1 tau.

UM. a wyn ri at to that 1. to tk Ux. II might n7 to pptW to ill Mr ether dl and I Why. for example ibnatd a mat with a prewriov Inoume pay th tons.

pa. of a1 1111. a. mss with a peniianettl Mxwf The otUf If rtranM ooln1cxn It the prtal II gndnaUM vajjuil a spy wiy the to coat It to tk 040000001. Jl a.

th n.axx. Tb tot wit UM wkoU thlm WM lapratilajtUa and UM more limtintod Jh lk mop. Lh7 wr Mlk poaii itltol tarnlig sat that tioe of prrfMt ajtltonW at Wtwera dlCmet UM I. tktr 1K. 1 oWaiacl it and or pnlmioa amU owfr Bunt wk1.

the Jw Ue frflevla fiai Jw 1 Mg her jf tax It. of I wow la LILY bah a. gad a. that of I wi he fee Imp. ad a laded a t4e U.

fcewerw. a gradaateJ tax pub a. wee would both rd fair Ikaltk. Ch Jlor of lie Lzhqur at to embark i amwfo tWtr al rt toj th Ha UaT which eu kt prlaaipalIJ to BARS said has Me stwdd that WM. tk UIMI abooIaIeI1 soot ro-fjrfcal an! but It to Ud this lrQ ppaMTlaJoaUM MM fcu prop lOQOt a SO W- or 90 yaan" lUkad keardfarlh.

tkyTOr a a 1 UxliaUxl Law. a a- eual ollk I tker hat to maiatola. 54 IIU a It uilk rankers I U. aamral aftoa and win. ttf axaetod freei lUlalaatoftk.

oaoMnailr. thought UI' wwaM w11rvpIltom a. fit tie sod Ito. WM upn tradiUoo Mildly thought Ux had xbt weigh to UUsl claim I tra4iUaal eulllby which foW all kaagc. Hoar hearj It saw no otIlllftlll a.

to mine as aeeosL la uaonrtaia of mineral priy bees. I. the racing of ad UaHt a die. WM day sit. fever of th fonaar for that very route II.

wool gig to tin a BUM of cal not mars the two or three UM. which would be see. titaetnry to to ratepayer a. pmdacmnnrrve iBetotkeEtchqBer. Hair The ameajaieat wu has wlhdnwo On the quto that tk Speaker lee.

UM chair Mr. HUBBAlUaaatk HcukaJoaanuiayooc faM granted him iU Ladd jtac that bewever I th situ. to joie le th ke did sot rdfspnrd to trpa their kinds. Naha vary plan oniaettlM adjustment tin. aa1 kaviag nol a.

believed a iu5ciutl rejmuder to pleat a had soiling more to My pow feet hi. belief that the Km would ears when kb view would lid is th Hiun. Heat hew. thought that might without ipprisy user semi rwMrk spa Lb. tU I em eat the ell11ur of the EteVu r.

I utiaC that statement to the Hsu. Lb. right hon. gentlemen owiieMed with trot troika. that the a ain fstun of hit plea did wt claim the aril of orIct1.

awl were only th au of public expectation. The. ward. far from detracting eahaaeed the merit of the right ho. qotums for it aythisg.

could he tItf to be How it mast hi. to teal that toy could, seai4ne. i lb. diarsawt tile Miabtor of UM Crow to roll anticipation which tb public el de- oaa He hard without aatoaiakmeul sat with great Lb. aacuaeeni of tin.

OOOCOMMM wlib the right boo. graUen a prupomd to mob. The tiiiait of Si. la lb. peed as U.

lax WM a gift which would hi tanafy accepted and for which lb. rit" boo. geuUemaa would be generally thanked. list hoar. TM radius.

of iii. in the lit. on tea vu a rift ea a umma diy which ill aSold tb tort Unyibl sad ready moss relief. Thou O1t on wkieh merokaat had been nrinr not without plal had to Ian. led.

and thu coded thou feature. of Budget which were tk object of boa. Punlog to thor which were not eipcte 1 he cost eiprcM kb ing nlinquiahed a commercial grievance to right hon. gtoiemo. bad tkoufkt I' worth whit.

to indict a mew Maya. la smell a rater a. I let for ho. to wise. ad pirits I Ila.

II. uerdnnd the nth hoe. tIe to that tot order to pot dab on ka equality with wens klenoueea I heel. with which they pro. Tate MmpettUn II Pooh a diaVnat view of the purpaee and nature rot 1114.

They woe. twit plei when spdni and win wen salt a. mailer of huts. for II" ad of WM 1.17 by far poll they IJ to too La tllUn with we and hotpU. A.

tub WM th at rdshthmm 4 Lb. who won Its tt- Th win. dream it I luh wee drunk then la- slow of ii hum II wee wit which ka1 keen pistil fir by Ms ni nil and the bill woe tnerely an ra of dr. trlkUa harx or Ib future replrnlhuel of the lock II vnl to think that then vu aRIPr hnt. a luh and pWlehaw.

hi ttetol th nitneellnr of th luh1. would that rtu of kit pen remmhrln that the InUrevt on the money paid Into Ih 111 by elIIo duly the wisea fu Ui tmeunl of the Ite peril inenl to plum" Ihem. list hear. Tile Impwial fulro rot Lb. Diilgel is th BMnt of the tat an Income Mwee It an If he hat ever had elienU la the effort which lie hat Bade to tensors mm of tilt lnetnlitiM the let they won pr.

who would be by arYIftromo which lb. Chancellor nf tb. Exchequer sew pmpnee1 in. IL wu that had propneed a pees re1f UIMIUI. In now atkadth lions.

to ain i If- beer. US however Iua1 hi sight to ld his own with tuned out I that rspr1 he WM far front veaUriag to wIa lk th right Son. nU tiiaa taking thai itep pu the rriefpl spa which he It U. While 0. right gtallemaa.

had eedv MiMdpat. Ins Ltmlf rotn kiiupluilty with III. had klmwlf to turn tiWal to the riatlrl- a led tat aginetwheh I iJft eiMileaJeO. Tubing tk a moles we lt meet grateful fur It bacon. II sfrtsl on out of 4011000 under Hchednl is.

7 theme mwur nf re Ii" be ughl to obtain for the The Chancellor of th Rthriir hat now removed from an who won Uie-l up to 9KV. a pies. of onrnpUlal and all pretest for fraud bar- wkal would oil. Of with latome. Ian The laduceuMnl to al nfy would felt with toubM fore llmall la- nor wean lot thins.

la which rat kad bum wd flagrant. Th cow to which fraud as. tnianpmentatioa rusted In th most aggravated degree Vnf Ui. MMi oneoerdy kigW. la th teal report of tke Cab.

BMwa of bland Reveane I stemeot WM made wkhh would Rill tk mat melancholy showing tk di r-ep ney between certain titans made. by penoue -Ito tin tox sat the rum at which thy wen ulti mutely seal by island llama omen. would read to Lb. low earn of mil marked of them. tnW Schedule ow pono.

who returned 4001. wu and paid as LSOOL without appeal Mother who returned TOOL pal. on 150011 Mother returned 8001. and paid on soothes rotornd 101. sod paid Jnlt.

another returned 21001. and da 1 on 5ppC Ianber relined 60001. sad paid on without app Hrs. Tlait wee a melancholy hiIllUn of Us. Fred and ropwestUoo which pnvailed with referent.

to Lb. higher yet the. won the very income which win now Wt without ay Inducement being give. for a nor trutkful etmwt attain ho objected to that port of th Inacid rhea which twitted to the oon. of siring book mooeyi Into tenainable anuitleo Whet to portion of tk Port Saving Baks wee under die- ho bid pencil time udoavonred to rise an opror.

city of apesinp hi opinion ft. this point but Bill seal os for d. at put o'clock whoa DO would be either hoard or report A laugh. But U. right hon.

ntlemaa now propowd to take larger powwn with rigor. to tk lands of wl backs In general. Mr. AYSTON roe. to order.

The Savings Banks Bill among tkeordcn of tk day and could not now a. Mr. HUBBARD the hoods of Lb. Hoar but be staid sot well den tk Budget without touching on this rtion affecting the entin amount of lb. savings banks' dock.

It might be taken that deposits tram Yiorabub would loeuse ad that lbs. would be to neceeetty for annual tispaitio of seritia Nothing could be emtlvthan buying eat oeUlIoI funded reuntie and erpetoally or La Oovernmeat which serer went into the nyraarket except at a disadvantage had lorlavd that saaritiec could of hi sold out the right hot geotleman declared that terminable wen roost eia1 for to State to hold. Tp the of tk tox tornHnaU annnitie wen in demand but lion 1842 tk of that anuitiw for term of years be. came almoet nominal. Annoitie for lit.

had bras diipooed of to a maD extent 5001. or 60W butt aosai tie for term of yean which formerly old to tke extent of miQiona wwnAaow entirely netieeted. la leWtkey wm sal. to lb. extent of la lKo8 18001 La L2UV.

is 10 25X. in ISul SOX. in 1 iStS1IL TII. much for the inttituUon Of the redaction of U. Vational Debt.

Then as to tioa. ioU. lord at th he. of tk Government proposed to U. by wv of VermioahU Rilioa The Chancellor of Lb.

Euhgcr iXTIU A Bill introduced to authonu UM of TOOXJ. terminable unoiUco at 31 per cent- which Mr. Itbbartl said never saki be colt. II. had of ermne etpeeted that thus teenriUe.

would offered in the open market but hi ooviwJ they 11 sot he told thtn a. a tiger would likely a object of porch. in eourt a. a tormlnaUe aay. Tk swuritiss wen all JiIJ of but to the right hon.

gnUrna UM Chancellor of th Exchequer or UM Saving took. aorwunt hail been very nock struck with a natark of the Chancellor of Lb. Exneuuer about tradition ad historical had Iooliei this th doctrine or graduation hat become exploded hot I in aura Ik right boo. gentleman WM wining to refer to uwl age wbea 11 happened to rIiaabIe to th making sal bid on former mans livnked Ik shad. of Mr.

Pith to sad bwes him and torn thnatralag 11. of low whim. of taxation. Whet wu Mr. Pitt' Mthonly spas this pbjt In UM Mr Pill lotrodoo.

cognate mews to the pmtat sad appealed too UM Ho. when it beam. law not pa ay panel to miter II. pale hi nor. ImpnaWv.

thu that for Ik ualnteoaan of to liakiu fund which two yean afterward found to I. a diution. This tot however kph I. bold UM pnW. mind Tor yean and a tat.

a. 13 Ifs. of Common voted IxOfU or that year. I a 1535 th annual void WM rdud to 10UlOnV. bat following year Ik vote WM opt away alto- reI.

in. it wu rfrmIaat to apply only lie I sir. tila of rtvNM to tin. reJueUo of the NuUonmi Debt. la HttJwh Ih Government propuMj a wan of nriv.

I fat. of U. pica WM a embtagfait at 100001 ifwM cw UM wm TIM uy tru MBMVT 99 WM boo ad ewbn or lIdullI Air I. XaUtI. a 4 U.

moon of UM drha. Mr. klwnle dewxixnl UM wi. of AMB hUk ettablKhed tales alRklLffttaJ Ii. iktMtf tonaltakl tamltiea Tb.

meat Hi a. I tall. of UM Xuhigaw III" racosad UM ea mlUaa. trade rlreumeUneM bops In dxaorUur of tile KihMr would Nt. la awklai the Bower of eea.

tri. oOOnOUOt of salagalk moaty tile tormUaU MktJUet WM tonowttl turprbad altHau OritMM with which UM right hoi. MUtaM How. BO to lamp kb ran WI Is. UM motlo.

fit which Us. Loa masher or DudWy ha glees hr Ik teditlos of th in iaa raaM duty u4 tai saw he he rUjii bum gwUsa1 MtMty. II ttnogly ovlanl Dl iMhaoUo. tad trprdUaey of a ha of dtfr lf ombaloa of the from th Balgao Boor. HWM ppowd to tloa roawval fit th iettos trio Uxatloa which ehariUbU hnd.

had hilkorto Mioyod. Thidwip UM which UM right ko ntlkmaa had rive of tke vaally of sloe. who mad. ckarttllebequreUdeilrtaf Mil. their pout.

bit lettori la ellbnw lb. ItnIon who I UM user of aft" WM act at of II- Koaowbt tkanwvneeaM who wwnaMU kyahBolivwbai MawhoUUM IM at this lorety won fouoded ad a Vr also. an. keaevolent mw. r.

bear. hcowa the Banc would withhold It In. Qua propodtioo wm to taMatk wWwlMtW todnet UM relief of Up ssaarhosrprmU1 In aiaalahlaill Ikafaada Hear beer. U. bees tt bglaahg ewe of tk auditor eftkefaarMi Try rd II to yo4 uttoUeHeueetkefcetwkiektU ie evalf aia too would ke us tkatoaOtatiaa.

AttiaaiBtlM MM tk tied WM7XO3X. a year ad tWoaawMV ere to tk scot Tke whole fit tkea Bn Uv oMigatiov of UM ooxmkaaowrn had his arraagouaa tkat tkeyakeuU WoxaMtyuMt kj tk U. tk of tk Ckia a of tk won agreed tai a fit OOt a Up. lb. trrirbi.

andtims to Lb. thus WcmL wish lake. uteepeetirvty UM of a aupf ay CtkoaiiiBi ruto esd. How a aViaetroua re Find a well UM I namnl tooe a a prp a aa bar of It to lie Tke IH of Lb. fufcl met toll tk Queea is their that lb.

ioeUtatie. which aae loch. latent 54 over which tk lat. Trios. Comet.

and watch. with oar. and wdafty a bean milct nv her ChaInf of UM Eich qor to Lb. xt of trltXXL as. Ibis they mar eoae UaCy from tie cut off widuwi Iron pna1.

or ask lb. a to an- oubwnptuai to rimmeceal aids her pat. tat tk purueee of reeUriag the a atret from fund. He hail sow sutral most of tile point la tk dsrsst of tke Ckaaoellor of the gar all a wen to drew a abash coyAhal with rpet to UM lama I th oouatry. Utey had here toe apt to u04Jee that Lb.

Jret Uej to lie I wu intricacy wodrfd al uolriTaace a. to tU practical waking of which it wool-1 be lilleolt for the most a to drew aythLag like a rtiu eo elao1otl. nil idea. however. was that ewe.

of mil aueaor wu 0" wuich I. the rroatcd umpHcrty In handling and a Chancellor of th CicbquT bnw ver ad isjeta if hi loan. bit flu let on tatrieit trimmers ad upon a complicate irit wouVI In i be hat to deal a tbs. nhjeet with other. ma.

bowing thus kimeelf ad that ia Lb. w. a would be IIiaaaalt la by hb operation Wkat waaUd from tk Finse Minieterwutratk and a which ooweosld The Ckancellnr to Exchequer hi pow ki mMcuil djwtt of UM iaiewn Hi La rncvd to actor booms. a dmnbl. foukknou far a U4 artaar of adjuetmeut but U1 bops How 1 at dpdn Lb.

xiatlog tax of say of it pfiaivu oa which wee Lb. rmnoo of tkatax oackaritua. Mr. touagbl that Lb. CkaneetW of Lb.

loch. goer wee xtremeli ortata I. out able too eesoon a rirploe wiuw tb. direr. exvtie le the country tke of three bed laroot aid tin.

atop put to trade with ta Southern of Amass I reference to taxation what Lb. Chancellor of tke Kxekequcr to oiJ to pt the aioil mooey lalo the Treaty with tb lest borate. to Lb. Tliia tile umpleat world i but the fiat wee that lilted to lad iaudioualy a would rather Kr igbtoosps it kowiaj ft the one owing it. The hang ma le la renrd UM tM oueird to uM decide.

boned or the aid duty of p. maobetarod eorraUd altntlhar a. I prohibitory duty to lb. wwhlsg clam. With regard to Ih pmlrlii la th duller.

UM of lb. xutltial Uly ih tag I Ywkshln Ubuanr wlUaihlUnowu lrpraJlitoakhiHitl7. 4LLIathytr Urlng ahuul 3IK la that err wool. tan hum Ik 1.1 dulvuf A. a pound Jtul la.

a. I mr tad hr t.I.\.t mall Mtlng to Ih. Ubu rli ma lie rot the to terrible. a venue Atltnx. TII.

tame Wmnp nBtumod our tk year tOntb af flour slid If the duly per quarter oa Mr wen aliilUlMd would con la I I h. year Ux by rwBlMlio th TaseUnr of is Klnequr would I iMrln WnnoOf. Tha fur tatreeU' the poor Boa UM hoIIn of tk duly pill smlatg is onr small wee. would a map. Impwtass this In reduction proaoeej In lat.

Hly As to Lb. laenme lax they won of sans all vrtUf ul for Ih I I. Ik pound which WM to ale off but I. with the his righl hon. ri.

hat tried to auk a eoUblbkiag a dMtioNe between meet la which loam. WM prodaeod with or without ask to lb. capital t. It. WM glad to an th 1111.

of the trumpery to. bin. at UdlBg. for tat Imp Ihou mull WM truukl MOB mad trouhl meal Urn ad mwy la hit upisi lb. nnall Prima of ooIorIiH we.

I wiper iqkteetef tolitlo bat shod that kb right be treat bad let fro Much would be gut fewa I lh won mostly poor net an4 la the sLr1 they kept un a wholMnm. rftI" wilk Ik railways vryune of penult. la windle might wall BOB- uUt Mnolve po Mr proaperliy wag mat- ptritg It with that of flp muatrU. Thai UM hard- lieajwl gun Ku uMd Mr Maok-Kubang mud tpo tile foreign II 7 at while Krtae wee al may at nails. won lush end Am riM WM gnu a pea their hook Wham.

then the rraa' spiry AutnIi mud fold kit bred allixUd to tb Sinus vtng but they would mot nunt for It. OurMporUtolk AattraliaaaaUatMwen now rather non I 100000006 a year ahowtag a is. err of TAXtlX10L with. Lb. lees 10 yean but hat but a small port of lb.

la ru of oar ipnrl a whole. la HIT our export wn Mly M000OOOL. lh wen tow inlxaOaOL bat the InnrtaM our export tradt VoAnttralia WM only about l-1k of Mr weorflnd lake together. But this yam said to Ian" tomethlng to do with our pmperlty. that gold hitherto had hid 6tt prieomad that X.

a with WM well Mnvaintod II' broom. a ua rt lo that fir Bio Tho rear MUM of all our proeperilv to foal la order end hwhdq both of which had sip sod oared by fret trad. Tk CHANCELLOR of UM IICHEQiEH cold with regard to th remark which bad bee male in the ooun of th debate upon minor pros. be believed It would bettor to put off making MT reply to Una aatfl UM Lions themselves sea. a for Woeueoioo la eoenmiUee.

But with to war bMaida UM tubjeet -in. annultiM thought it would I kit power at tb proper time that they a Lb. objeeib4 ritiou of Lb. original sinking had which to It objection that it or ad the sum. Urn you bouzkt Stock rd 1 it.

With regard to tk abject of th proposal of tk Oeverarooat WM not yet on tk 11. baa it was Joe would venture to say that It could shown that the cu of tk Patriotic Fund WM totally bid. general It sir wu then ay pnrsfd to It La UM bol rug of to ekaritb of UM country. Onto. SYEF3 0414 UM attention of UM right hot pntlaa to th roe of captain sod of LM army ad aovr Ustenatte wboM Income rarely It.

JX orJOOL a year sat who wen brought Within lb. roll operation of UM Ux The sir of tae gentlemen entitled to Ik most oooeidontioa of the nor of Exehgoer regretted that Tight hoe goll prpod to fix UM tbarItita of UM 1. Tba motioG Of ping Into Us I to. Lord CECIL Lb. charitable outs.

would Isolated iatb so. tax Bill The CHANCELLOR of UM EtCBEQUU mid tkey 11 bkmgid to tax A THE TEA DCTTES. Ts. rvselntloe for to nduetiou of Us. dntyoa to.

la. U. to la to take effect from he sash of April 1963 to Lb. lat of A. 1864.

II. put. Sir S. XORTUCOTE wished toknow whether tk attention of the CkaneaOnr of UM Exchequer bed bosh sailed to tk complaint eertaia tea rtulen. wt.

alleged that tke tight ho ptimao tad i torn formic pca laid down tk pridp4 that would hi vokt for Ik tea duties to rue from Jeyib July. They rJerol thattuOeient notice had not beto give. to then that they had pprd from Ibis of Ik right boo. gontUmoa that WM to to dieuaiek sleek. that they wire taken lay argils by her S--- rapid proeoadiag.

did nolxpreataayapiaiou oat tk aubj et kimaalf. hot hi wish. to know wbotbr UM tight on. goatloaua tJmittod the. had boa ay twitch of filth his ran I.

tk matter. 'I'M CHANCELLOR of tk EXCHEQUER Mid that mad and uniform omen had followed. repudiated any imputation of having given a pledg as this rabject hoeing be a eng ol at tie very time la th n. of a multitude of Casa. dutiea to take effect tin.

mediately. To gin imp drawback too tk toa-dealen would to prejudice UM claim of Ik ad tk rnoa wllJaoo say adequte ne XI' GREOSONk that th Ask. of dean la wen never to low a. at moment. The dishes bad prepared I for tk proposal Mr.

orurmu WM IOIfT1 to ax tb rwoItIoa tk ltaUaatyww MMMUA guBtUbt He dill not MW that ay of llxhgaw would pro. uetoroaaktolk klch duty hit II limit to torn It would Man tk door opt a. to allow Ik Chaaoonnr cilia. Zlii1sr to ktomptodUioaM eeeumJ to tampw tk kick duly. TI.

CUAXCCLLOR of UM tr duty a. a dad tUmal. a to iBMa. of ikbiMrtino. ton.

of Aigvt WM bee ix MtkpcriuaforaoMUriaf wk tine bpi. lie kept a Maul day. Ta It- might the the dty to la eooaexto with that a Pt Tic rwoIaIoo WM agreed to. TILE Ih naulatioa tiHIac tk tabUif Mgr willed tlleratino. anti A.

Mr. UKMAToiMipUlBadaf U. mod. sbwg4ng th pi duliex which ale WM oxaeKllngly aonpliealej Uadtrg to ami tl altttMiba. WM Mm iii.

S. higher UaMIMm victims that If BBHUIB auir a au augan l15 would tew a- ry. wU taMgr prudwn all pills at Ik world kawTartUk. would be wi app Mow 1. Hamburg.

week auk to aid star tuanox which would aajMBttoaMBtBwwwaki innllilii Lk kaUaw AaW ad U6A fgotaja iZZySLZ a a iinnitkat tken appaandtoklatoWM valid egolst relotef to VeaaVallW as DM rwaad or alkali BTIIIII a at Uareae Mn 4lM WrUladUh1ert. as nJ tnMtRliaMi MoraAMttaad kto UM Briaoi Mr. DATA ha WbapdSkit ha aabSaauaa at they wovUhan ula stMsapr Al to ITaatta a oJ lkrafan npraaaallat very Urn Bomber of wa wan he aMotlta. aa uU. of ojr Is.

kwtlacaaMMitf kaR4ao4 tk tte ItaMOkeikari ftor DovloO. kg for MOM Mtvav Man at rIa tk war iuty. 1 UwgU II no ill Iliad Ik Tory Urgo hacks to. VioA ui aaMuoJoftko tax iiitrtlawa lap pietist al of lb. tawttw TBliftT to which Let iuralit a Zttr tm to eilerlioriT a 11 Ika taWartBM a Mat wt UM CuaaiaMl la uoj raw fee Chat.

aaxMM to rote. a preJactiv a dat Lid ha WM ky BO MM his UM leaen for yr tkoudiWtkouch they hardy it ban-lag. a ynitoaa throw. over tee I. tar of paper.

He beer. Est a hi hot fried tb. BMikr a rWth1UaJUa tkyaght proper to brinj tke sill attack UM report of the Must wnmitt. of Uet year it mknt be deed in klmwao took aaaetinpirtiaUat inquiry and medially to that report to say a fn wads ia repjy. tluugk mil.

to do Jaotiea to a wit. a cet oat OMeelitCo Ill saw TN viol that Jut sonic. tic e. friend Se MB her fur U. city who rprati tk iitaemti bath won ililej with UM peat HBina of augar acrid fur a milt.

iivair isle th who nhi- 0. UM part at tk Writ lads Joe nppowtino. The nitte rrulN. ay hit hp. friend hat satunfy tb.

ehU is iii prnumed il might be taken to hav been unfavanhy emtitnlJ rnnrd to O. o. Ft. ha. al a who might to aid to nevo bees com Butted to ki view of to antiou.

Tin. oonmittee tat av tbsa two math wkr ado tit. KU and alter a l1a whisk be WM son km ham. riaw would boo tae trot to KknowUJ-i ram" with tke greatest folio. and patina by chairman a ummittoe reports.

by a Urn mnjoriy at la femur of an ex of UM e1ttoi4oatioa. Host her Tke question had bees td" to r. tk n. On. of tk witrnew.

hn 1 hi under. tact to kava peculiar teJlt resiiliaf ki efao- Ins up tk pro. sat La ether man unnl tke bee ill" with JT i nianue in attaekisg tire report cal by parting forward the ruesms owM wfthboMia that on other be mmm impnwon. Hew th crop ptitins which bad a pt late the bogs at tk the value which lad tnoMwnat impaired by tk aSgBiftw slsrsk ttacbtJ to tam tke oe of tinna. hewing that thigh fnea nmoU tin.

kiurdom Uoey wen all euqai alike. A Uuxu1 This igitati aaxurally provoked retort tile anon of pamphlet au bosh aul JlnweJ. turn taewwc aIIiy don frwa whisk he had la kit ana. meek for lie had lb. epsast with nr which le aaJuuB Ur with ah4p auMlMa What wu it ka ho.

ftal sil4snl off II. said that Ike pnooal emu Uvvig WM sa4ary to ta principle. at fr. tr thit IS gave a prnsuwns to bid agar tketefon ed tile wiur to pus up with a won trtitl line. wont otaerwiM hers tat It prslda rwJuor afatael another a 4 a.

A gi4 IHM of tit. error for' Mh kolivH it to ua rrl TlhnMwkee irtat toJ ris Mao It wad al Stern 151 to a i pad wgr higher the. bad lid rd hut Mgr wen apra wrMer pephut ealiod It awn or leer 111101 mawhatmeJthat WM a ketler ueatriptwa kulMiU II did oat wvey Ik Mtaal heel which that a great oca which wee on a Blyaalled sip woe 4 at that wa. aearly of ula a I mime war or to to ha tonal alik The only Intoao toys properly to wu pun white tufir Krorytklag eU wee Mgtr us. inmelhiag.

beelile au. thauh II miglit be which hi oil. ant admit oualrary to r. tr1a to Ut two eels of ar wr11 it onuld oat to to let wp. UffrrvnOy front ingot un onmM with oar.

thug whoh Bat Hear. Ttilt prlaeipU WM adopted without sip too jeettoii in th it lb. wis. and tpirit datiea. I wkeb trrtain stntg4h of tedd ea tad th artlali wu in.

I tar' a II WM lore amt mw. uol. In ugdi oar la ka WM sieve lightly Ut that un withal the huh and stalks. water ail eat la Wise. wore the other day is a Un to which hi 1 tk msnhr for this city to anti deemed tntltlod to a rtU Ik dry oil lit dig le r.

T. awl 4l la awaily I thy wen not naMn 4 wish fonln tunttaaeaa lllfns of dly ash mm wnuM beW mlw mwkMi tkal Mgar wt not ouvertiWNiy or 1 wish UM trot If Ii Ma. trio. ornnpUle wAertUa. Tan Wt" Hut is WM bib.

Mkr nuabtloi at Tk nmmfttf fou that la qtatitM 101 a Ilea. lalaMl la boil the. Jlv lit pwapunbn to Lh. real po IhekUaer ad that la uea s4 m.WU taerimr I Ih auMWM nmkM few Us. markcwof IkMMaalr kr Oiedaly.

They thenfonrveomaifOteIUut the aetrikeulj monfairty to ores to mug la vary kiM of rndoo Tk IrMBrtooipUof a Jaly. MnabaacUeJ to place aU uroUaeen he BUM rtUlieu to tM tLIIar tkenwuBodatyalalLlHeM. Surely tile wall mot be done by taxing UM Ugxurr of KJU which taI about pus cent of Ua lie predaee of tk ala. boor Of ea. We.d pertna 99 per coot liar Mar.

This spiwlrid eh. ryot of 11. It. to free mar of Jonah. who oloand a tow of JirerU or firms sod Ms.

oqgtr nlt it mockery. towJxto kni she anna char. ad vawaa MM If shot. WM duty Mgar he would Lair Mi MT to a great enlist with the rod. prodaco which kb ha.

iriwd would prohibit all Yb. price of toga puyiag kt kr duttot amply nrapeaoiUil for tk who tried togaia every adraalare by gin a. Lisa a. a aueUie aaJ aajerej hearfly. The tk voyage ad other might throw theaieut their eebuloleei Ajaia Ik 1 of the who thus reuaiag ia Of taattae- dM sat pay.

Bight whet i at tk not wu not la tk duty but ia belt IIObiliv to eooipeU with kmd Backiaery. tc of to KDcUoII rvflnar. Dude. UM voyage oo1 tMlr ppr aid mad. suer Ie oomparboa with rdwro' produce wbJth weal Immediately lato aeaeamptiao.

Ts. poarMMe of diffenot of tugartent wt tk tner who soul. imltai My etIov or litv preferred had and throw a Urge quantity of what ko quafty psoeId WM 7 magi out of direct ooowarptiom give ritt to that then WM km good- sugar baa formerly. Ik fuel bring that what set to hi told to peen WM BOW sold to raisers Her. Then WM rgmwt fssr of two dutiea i.

re trod unrvaaed eagar tkat WM mat oqaaOy tiwa I. favour of eo ouly lb. fit which a that woos but rwflaed wgsr would hi to trade of tk ZIWa robs. would hi detroyoJlao pew. of isgir I-- Lb.

realpuu 7111. a hi. fall off the mess islet. It tk el wen BO tk ply far alternative duty at all or rnbi10c la hood. hid tleteia tented a petition trots tmprtots ad wart.

of NIW ton. of ngarU favour of oIratioa He believed it to hi the faint moth. it worked well and tka i of Jitleal" and lseovei wen 1 oideftW. Tho fit thus to autkan the Bir Robert Peel. Mr.

Wiha sad Use CI-oar tka Kickenwar. and Lb. dais it INS the poonkiUty of any pest. tioaboiagiaanded. aadkoooaLl sat Lb.

aloe with tk ward of the mini CkaaorUor of to Eeheau poke km to la Wt bees nnrlliB a auk to tie Then wwndiffieultin to eaoauatond butt they wen nothing with too laaiaal- Md iaroetio. which would dos lay nfaaiag to admit eIMoileatioa. ice. XT. CRAWFORD would very much to th-i tr1.

sot a. I qucetioa. bat a matter by Bear hoar. With to the eooiteta of the en mittee to Which reference had been mil. he basil to tat DO' II.

had tots. UM pus to Mann a sutee of all tk Ulenau and a. in which he felt wu only one of tiieee it wu It must ban bee la a minority Lb. committee. Mr.

CAVE that hat toot Lalsaol to imps. My fair pracuc to UM hats mober. Xr. CRAWTORD la ostipafis that wu not Uua hi bus with Ik truth of th principi. fi which eonUexieJ or ei bgmfd wub regard to I.

ultimate At had ai eeiL a. a sect of prvIII. a MOOB at two kutU all Buwa it- hid failed. TV. oaly In priwpi a which UM iu dutieu ash 4 WM a otagl day to ultimately Mr.

CRUX wnw that as uaifena rut. of duly MeumpMlod by ret a lag bits. wok as net hMMltolMCMMBMT. Mr. ORI010N she tdneatod a 01.

rata of day TV. CIIAXCZLLOR of to EXCURQ RR gad to tad Ibis tk general npUto at Ik Committee WM ths Lb. had eel. witty I mat wising lato tk dboaaifai I vsrtoee rat of ecru dates at 1 Um. e1 tMooJ a MBBit toy actual rnra to Partu- brat Wlthnt torHBinclBkoaollMopiaUaof UM committee yr fit mil UM WI" Ih Uag sad la UM IrvU FOB an Daravwu ql rvtaiag is tl of tUltolaUaUfcrr wenaeprivW.

Of oeuiMlt a to keeofterlf to molls Mill tk alto. do rfUUua liveetlgatiia a WM oat prepared to 1515 Lb. spla. run 1 la th auotetiea fret cpeeek of kbwkioaMkMr4kylak aM aMrv Mw At to a Mb 14 ddy. mew laUI nAeetl irwkraa Mho awU wfa wish.

h. It MM UtwU BI loiei wiverde al tat Mlle. to is sol prMiwUlyM alaiMdalkdwl uiJ lUar bar II sold that Ih mMol III waatHgan at an ell Ik of Ikf II wen tru WM It Jdn siuleel Ik pens spat. but Ike I. Mr.

Co had itotUntkit to quantity WM oarto matter toaUiaeJ Is augw a II. Uaariajm WM mils kiUy vies tk naMv of UM WM Mr Lb. whet It WM high. near. IM that WM snot Vera 11 WM sat trw Ibis a pro- BfoBWMglre tk IBM al.

fit Ufarter at ratMt tM aw nr Hw- vor that might tk I witoMUtat a VaM Bnffiya4 IYfar torfly i IMa W. pa.ait7 II. hla4t" 1o Ins. sat Uib Sat It asMraJ it. 1'- w.

it all U. bed be. raw. lrikLoooa 11 11 for NI I booori taJ it era 01 iM Ie a I aMo t1Y It wo teI hi. taa hllcet Lb.

liWe ait 1 CO boor. Ikool Jur uww. hill greet aJ. be 11. 1oKb.

II 1 ooI1e dl I inJ 11 rIi AU Ibo I. 1.1 ie1 I. I. or L. 1 I 1.1 Law gtttad 11 Isypae1 111 JtI0.

mot 1 11 II r1 01" IriNol tile. na1. II. It. 0.

Lk he I 11 Nt nrt 11 1" riM 11. 011011 Mlle. aIIat 0ald CR ellalil Ibis rh. u.u.-.riaI 11 lb. wr.

.2 4 We rl Jari 111 arJ1I1M nIU. ral. 1Ut that a 1wII1 re 1 a of lit. n. all II1t to lit.

Cc- XOREOORY PJ scab had mad. ut 5 Met. ba I. tterbad Lb. 11 be I.

rye ft to jd Ilia it 01. ur--i 711ta111. 1IIaIe enr H. anoWI Itt. be Lb.

tin. who. IHow. 1 II I tin. I tin or ftlt.

tbry. i womb Ioa 150wa brUl tin CE LI tt GC. WI 01 I. wU a 01 PAP ON T. bpt d.

a aC I a 0 I' le catr CM. h1 I obY" fr cm. fo ou I. t. I i D.

a r' chi a i nr ri Ws a hd mt Hr 1ajl" 01. ra i1 Lb. ho a cb I nta lDp no tr. ir 1. 1 jl l.

i la ml ot C1 rTO I eM' ythir btul 1rIILa a c. wt dl Mi ecl rh aan 10. 1. tI 1. ou 10 oe o' 1.

1. a. l. ont. Imi II'S UF 1 11 n' 1 iJ I I.a tt inoueiat I' 1 dlnl I 11 G.

1 rn 1 r. i1 I 1. 1 It. k. LlI r.

h. lb I. hih te I. 11 T. I.

w. In. f.o 11 1 Jio I. wa 1. 0 I.

1 MfOSISIUW Ilo h. b1 IW Int. wish JI. bl 1 tb' I. w.

a tLGuu" Lb. 0 i Un TiE IITI TJSIKU. PRIE 1 r. Klr. lk wbib I.

I. 1. i toI1 th. 111. i I.

upr U. IJ 0 Ke" a Ih Ju ha r. 0 Lr ol 11 tak. I 1. U1 Ir a be I 1 p.

TIa t. I I J. UI. 1 1 srb 1 AII t11 U. 1 a.

fIv 1 1 1 0 a olt. trl I1 P. a. 0 Ta I. nrli I II.

1a r. cl. rt. ct U. Iou 11 01.

a 1 il tin 0. II I 0o. lr tJ 8 L' Ia IJ-Ie OIIt 1 yU bi T. a. tt a II 1.0 I.

la. wl t. 1 r. o. la n.

w1 1b ott a t. a 1 J. I. .1 wA i. I.

1 IW u. Wa 1. I 9 I' lw B. o. La a.

1 l. 11 lb. be IH II 1. fIll. fit I R.

t. I I he. I a Ji a. pw I a w. t.

t. I l. 1. u. pL 1 a what I 1 i k1 a Cn.

beer. 1 I 1 a d. o1 he. Ut I aada Wo. lt 1.

lb. wl11 a a ucu uu ms 0 u. Iu r1 tt ial.0m I H. MJt a M11 la tU Dt 0 U)1 I p. wl I ej B1 1 au TiE iNC1ETAL 1.

r.IBUC-L. h. 1 bi. I 0' pera rt Ilt Ir. l.

a. ir 1 1' a. a la IIta a al 1" o. I. 1.

t. a a 1 I 1. t. 11 1. I Il rl h.

I p. I It. I M. Y. a t.

I 1 UW a IUI. l. 1 I. No. I 1t 1- 11 a.

wlh re t. I. II. WI alt la hnt tb at. 1 ba I C1 Mr t.

I J- 1 T. ta. re rr IILa 1r t. 1 4. oIri I.

tl a. Ip he rrtIIO 1 11 I1er Ilwi 1 1 be fllllit 411. he lb. Iac Iend ID I nr be JDONI rn Tho. 1 11 a II.

1. Ira Than oca I. ilk CIoaaaaI. 01. tin whate fItIo 1 I 1r.

MiYed thIntJ he la B. 111 the Lb. uriY the at hi taddl proY It 101 lb. abih' la hi tile. the Wr.

lnlUeeah riom 10. 1 UIwv f. bee' MU lb. 10. Sir.I au bar peak the wl ob ml.

ho lb. that. aiIt baIicYiII loDe. aI. 1ID' onI beud look pnat caLl the diahhd be part It elfrri Par1J to ct ti mllot Lb.

chi an IlIIlI chi IIU. proroaIUonb m. Lb. Go I. dot 11-- Ifoay -ab.

Mead nober I II be Oll to I brP ID namely a. maa aDoJn II. 1 ta td on. III 0 alIta rv 04Ir all. lea.

0' Ioa. I ret lb. 1. II II ebJM l1aJ a hi laqielMria1. ali ret" oil I U.

1" Imaus0lt vl The. IIII II. oIoj. I. dig 7 he diMIU au is Os pri.

Itr prtMI 6. It 11 Whim fw a. eat IItaII tIaa. I ol1 I. tal that Ie laDa.

u4 toMi Uaa11. that dlms1V It taial though II. Lb. adooIo. oW tab I.

he right a- Act It lie whhh 0. 11 ay diradty 1erobLl IIIItr I aM to meebieeq 7. gat the tIae lI1 u. not pIa II trpaIII I 11041 tMjoidf' fit priMJpIa tile a oI u. A.

1 I I. oIIIIeotJ sMh kJa4a fit oIifernt.r..rr- a ad sothir. All be tl ar ta 111. ohJ bel 1 lb. her fur 11 1.

the tal to he I. liaru LIIliJ hat 1 Wi won all 1. re I. a ad 0I1aa ot Ie U. lb.

at 1.1 1. nu la are et. s4w I 11 1 1. Iieal al ciao. Lm.

1 1. It he are r-Ifor populist 11. pu splAtiOtl 1 1-- er. be pa -kb. a h.

1 It. Ioookkwrata I Ut pt talc thtrimlllh he stile. the 1 th dhltitMtrrl Lb. 0III4fIInI 11. tile leaded tria I Than.

11 who. U. tan itAll hraI I. itluasod I 1IaJ. 4 1 mist.

that I. Iala r. d. hI In It. 1.

I nrSy tlrtlllIILa which III. It. 1III9JrI. I. rot II.

1- th. 1M he III 101I11 twl 1 till. Ih eo" 1 111101111. 0' m1Y to It I. the 1o1eo1fPrl be I.

r. I11.WI/ trad. 101 a or alt. ol- I. Tb.

It tht Ioa oe wiUI 11I10. i ho IIU. In r.1 ma U. I. 11II1 hit tl" the I 14" I.

ref. plow Ii 1. 1 11 iM al aw. vbbb h. f.

is la lIt 11IIoi I i tin. ill. lUi. three ot lomir 1.1..1. 11ad epoed lb.

d. hnloa a I. cr AI Al Lb. 111 Of hIJI1t la 011 1 the h. t1nIf1.

reels. IaN1 I. It hile 1 to WMa. year I 4104 to rdrdo. aItrz1 or Tbe.

thl. MCIUnu of EnCl. a I tb. 1M1. nU' of boll Io JIll It t.

Shm I hi ohao itqeiator1) bat hiu. prfsi TIatIoa oblip. Lb. 0. JfOJIeftbot tuI bard- to would I.

b. 1. tIaa rho pa pert tel hi ape II bee r. we co the pro tloae to I TheboIe Lb. ite lwnte is amor m.

10 ii pie 1' Ja at Ihoult 1IOI.hiDi Jut 1111 Fint. wac" hie and 11011I1 belm dtna ti. op ratioca theboIa pie oca Jatioa fOIl 1 at il aI lher luI 1 and. ftCIttal1 Led Theno danger pneUoIoWr boa. x.

JYIII txeer4 0' traditiut- the be when it. nel It na the a 1 to. priIIO the the io the lio. 1ea1 oalolload othlnl1oa its lftpIiaa. falrl lalll IaIa aeol OllptOpOllndooJ pal dwln ib.

diMeoltta be AP la 1. I Ilhi. tJi Itso tll. IIOlMlno1. 111 the reU w.

1. bol lfarrla. ntllYl al" de 1. HI 1. 11.

we arriwe4. fl J. 1 dt rvepraibh chi I. be 11. Heir beer.

II A wW U. I rilh' a Uw 1taa tie of direst 111 Wh 101 rlo. 1 the 1111 1 In-- 1111U 10. lb. 01.

prIalloIa mol II U. Tb. I I. la till' Ipo 1 r. jodin I.

0111' which It It. dihtfy hartu jllllea II higher 0. with Wa h. end. td pure.

a aI hi rejoined iIaat a bad sad oat. bark b. JTDdal melodies Jtu- Rill' I. 1 aatioaaI U. BASS' 111I tu Ia rb1 nlfIt IabIWa proper WWt1111DX.

be. a. Lb. fuel tile put tile 1 11. ftIoIbe dofudd 1L1.

1" JIWIIIIai he UItt arrln at appn1uUoe jsels tar ww.1i ad. A. lb. llteriM1. Zu dioarIoaI.

ItI fa tile 1- I. I tile fOll 1oaNI 1 a hooar It. 1M YaI I racI cIi f. the IJIIW creel. I wd the ratepe on the Etchgter.

01. 11Iad. 111 Lb. RI he 11 to It. tile Lb.

Jioeuoioa feee d. trw H. I 1M CIotYttIc otletaJl" he cia hlC 1 i the CU. He I. It.

0. III 10 po tlem fruh I 1 lbs duausgha LIIIr1oI 4 011. dioeen roo- the tIaooa iJ I Ii I ws ptltI Wa rod di' tha noIieI Th ato lb. PIa tb nrr-bIt 10" potl1 m. ta ill i 4 rilo is aI.

h' I. tina di' potr 1 Th. pI. J. 1 al that th.

I a I. 4 lb. r. The 1. Iuh nk lM II.

hl I nmbm .1 14 10. ho 1aIIt II. an lh. 11 1 nitn hIroot to Ihl 1 0' 1 boo Lb. 1 1m DIIt roiluswnl In hoot.

1 11. 1. r. of 1 th. 1 houIJ 1 till he attar In lb.

I. vijht 1111I. ftIema 101 LI. 11 slept. U.

baa is MrIa LAN lb. 111 loin pleol Is pat plal' he nuIIIIII ut. 1Ih Lb. 1. Irt.

fool' 1 It itt It the i ra 01. tl a Kuh. 1 nt. Iola hrI1oet lei hi luo I lir a I Tb. the rated lot a ta Lb.

melboirun ohowlo dl. 101 I Ho1 0. th. oll rot. nred II I a.

lallehol lII tation 1. 1 1aMIa. bein I Of tal the be to SaYi. tAll orieo 1101 hi. reportel 11 rlJbtlota.

Intle Lb. th. YTO the orders the dayaad hi lb. bl allec ac Ib' in. it 0' ritiea.

l1v uu Griti. Oo mt n. ItIV b' nllmII tieo Lb. I i he aw Anawtior d1 Ofrotxn i bat I II teN ex 1911 1. Thcll10 Int lie Lb.

00 boriat I 2O lOCOl h. HlIt heap. Yid th. be likel ait ol. I' Uor U.

11. 1110 n. Lb. In I lb. wtnIn be M.

lI1 iDjI U. WWwMIIUlNuftnthItJlnlil Me 14 Im U. be Jll1oI1 for 1 11 Com In I I La S1X1 lb. OI 1. I ttJea N.

al 111M Qoor. 0I1an rial. at oIt1oa jet4 ttf. 14Ip4I" her I hate r. a 1I Iobt4.

11I11. had I Pf II taa Xulloq 11. tI" UM Chap 11. I. te 01.

aC 1. 1101 U. lIu he NIl boatItt a. not with wll lor 101. U.

I II. I aI. II I He al lb. ar II t. WrItaWe bgeeMhdedrtu IooI Ia N.

thus 111. to to try aI U. H. h. tile 1Oea.

lb. feeds. tie if Ie Lb. which te It fit GI. aM TM.

lb. tIIa an tIoa 1700. oa u. preepoo 0I11 pIItiac this tuJ. 1M toM.

iawa 0. the hat he EeII silent his -Iu. pe It Italw I Lb. ana Uat pod loa IoItry L' i. iatrie.

tri. la a eo I hndti U. ale. 0 trinn lot de 0. nbJ lb.

WhatteoI 1M ra. Milllel wutroth. 1" III it adjut. 1- IraWe farther lie is I lb. tai I1Mf.

ac tie n. I. IYC iuboq i. the Thitw I iIkt ed 1 sat ooJ' wI tbaa. Shilling kowg datiee be eflt oat 0.

kl ho lb. cwl showwl 1111. 11I11. Iu 1. 11.

It La dll" ol all ltIC LIte loLusrlg 1. Nmr 1 tIC II 20. In the lie rtA TIa. u10I be aD. Id tilt rod.

d. be tot. 1M 1 10' bull. wehrd hlerlr' rieoI. bllob 1.

I. 1Ia M. ital I U. to Lb. Iodi.

I. trough tI Ioteet 01. he Iftot tit. mea It rot'- Iq. 11 p.

II try tM k. 1101 I ala O. be wh. 101. 1 tree.

1eaJIa Kubaapa as. I1a y. 11I. 1 A tIaa Or uporta to U. IM howls I 1M.

u1at 101" npnrt. I it. 000 01. they 10 trLa onI 1t trade B. pri loa I sea hi II wit the Ie Lb.

au be ta akin aD tho mlu. be I. po ti obj kllI Wi1 U. tb. tJae beI lb.

be la OO bole 8Y KES un to 0. 1 ru1 3001. aadho faDift I tin. U. be tb.

CHA. CELLOR h. X- chi nay De b. of Lb. the IItb ho.

tJcmau Ie uprl laid. Us. ld In S. lal en chi He tot to to aJntI Lb. CfU LLOR the EtC EqLU tII.

baYi" ri. hori" etlCCf1 anlrabaek Lb. be lb. to 1M OR EOS the he. Lb.

tai the 1. Ia 4111104. 11 too u1l1cIa lb. 01 Ebao be tempte4. m.

to a. I to riooJ f. I aal4I I misty. tea' sals Iroa DUTIrA I 0. lb.

1. he If LUi lL pWM4 fit 01. al W. INpwIafe' ct JDI kI1t tM at the agarww the at I. to a 1aIt I.

Ic out Ed 1114. U. oift. fit CwwttI. my 01.

1. II- 4t all 1IIIf a IM till reblat fit to loiIudtr ft I. II. na. wile I.

vest 1ItrtI1M9I iii ree 01 It Lk Wo He 1aIa v1lo 1I 11 I 1M Ii ttIieI aD W. W. AI.wr- Rid Tads 1 6" aw if tile er ID 1aoJof lUll. I' Lb. IIA tIoa u.

oIlhe It. ka CIo bot M. 1 18- io fn rlIe M. bri IIiwk al lttea 11oia. ac 1011.

that 1 a 10 lilt at Joe Lb. a ad nail" to. he 11. la eot DO atunII ehloo illkctieo ad he. nova otit1aaJ In.

I. his illft 0. I I pat ad oaIUeoo jorit the ho he. fatali 1 lie roo a I I Warorvd IIit. witJlboJtiC the tala 1 loa oip.

bewi IA 10. MhraII I at Iate awdr to. 11 I III it. ft I at ho Ie tr. la nai lush.

a It lie Hlo III" 10. 1tfDl men 1M was aaI ttlW. raI 1 IaI 1 alibi. eryUaI. thlac tUa ta to toga In hID 1111 eI Mj the I.

u1ae4ar 01 the I l. 01 host l1chtl7 hllllli 1. oIaI lIto II" ot Lb. 4rloat Ui an4. 1 lii they.

MtIe I ortItII IItd' 1IellleIIlW. WII' 101 a I Tho a I btlta 'I'M mlttte" 011 Mt. otaaIahat 1 1M kaI 1. oJ. 1 lIt aD.

leer. 11 all. I SraI done" J' 1ia of Uaa tal. IHear. Ithe FJeilfIt 1 a oIat pro dnr laicbor 1.

ee .11 to 01 olatl. Taw Mai1 tile I et A iD1i haw I. I 1Utaa 01 be to the wI tb. be reI 7IICI1pI spana I. on.

tnaliioaat the urmorI a iac 1 Iotd. ar. 01 4. aad. fat IaaIIJ I U' bed to Ibo sit.

chi 1 ai u. tad ieDee aatWn. or. 4 trip laodd as. tJot de lb.

Raoboq. repWsq aw dilliftltIN tIoa. It la be I XrC1t. wroM I 111 Wlupee tloa. the.

m. b. III hart. iaoril hi lteoo1e1lo 1 ca ClU WFOao Unatittoatat1 M. la thi eiole I 1.

LIL. n1 truNeo. dut hi cIa 7. we nail. yoaalM 1ouWw pa C11L.

cnLOR UctJ QPrR the Ioa COUO" ittI It he std It aaaa1 a I to 1. tad tM fit an. tIaJI. hat ioe they 1 01 tile dM1- dc. La lie na-ll.

II. Mol dat 1otIeoIoaAv pnIpm IW. 11 CUN I. tIoa ex 1 at W. wgrd tile Mal.

It. Iafw 7. U- tW. to we ta117. iaIW -bar! X.

LJtQtmd that u4 that lot o1 1M aItWI. lie Baa I raj wi at. Ii 111. tf. 1W.

1 Xae I i7 A 117 groat n17M si peer. 41. i eir adgti ly vl www LA I. 4 th. wpst dill dtrletpgrMr sfbuhsptdq t1.

U. I. abwad tlal u. dhwc wiT seer dbMd kuetr1 a tin. psr ftbe iaitMrmfotf was lee r.

i 4 Ippr sip w1 plbNrributtoati dgR7 earraitr i th. i I briptioan fa ft. 4O l. l. frboor cat wosf a1 tudkieb tlerwir LIvbaLt wo1 owtIt don Lb.

U4 tnotriatiaua arty. a mtmicd Lbpiaioa dlbgbrIaosetmrIb4itbillk4oats o7 a as bpi uoI a4pr 1Ura It iglu tpemenenL Mat tsrl gk4nlicb gswa 1y I 1w 11afid a. toni 1tatjbtfthrartitd4inegalutio. lb. qo t.

hra4 EIs ad amnlr7 tar 1e.iJ aayapthb1 eer i Jftb IiW iofl lb. hhbw loll 4 Lisa stg sujw st tin. la ts eat at7s lb. mwttn JrrIet pnmoldtbmfnUs punLkl nl ay i plus era irt b. 1.

fl wtribstloatU per1 Psi. tsnow pr1u pd. wale wbtobq uI I orld eat a a34 be. fhw0 iaJsr1r. dMpU ar1 II.

trla. rJl If py Mfr tw pvpw shra. f. rwtioe bb 14 djnl6rtdie1 sa o. misdd ii lit a a IL I moOCIpi addLrfntpp1 Cb.

rGREGORYnptW thatapre MludJet lb. Lb. sat a preriohold a and wto ipww 1. Rioco thar bta taeiosl aCtao sn. what.

brl Oerrmeel LIlDE1 maomlbM tb etor JsI b1501st de. anmnt geoidsbmft paw. ai U. Mwlbieh ere eb reto wazdm tat AUesi prop rd I tLoer i ml oct bit on ht kayo it. brillU to what Lb.

ioay deelsmitoitaU 44 4STMlmu. crt dohk4 ft e1 rsth Ile prat U. would hop prat co ore inwd ci at la aW ol4a roue e. a I Rgm Iluuu Serf. a v1 Lb.

1141. levitg Ii. Lbhs i. twenmtn4tkwj 1 i. sic to AN I4 PALMfl I en.

h. onaldw ea U. Taukal. Lm WWh lde tlingWilr prisewa7b jviut4p4 etst whstpmpwtf qu Uu. arear uiml pUt1 nuh ship.

ad o4ag P. i 4l mf wuda Lamm Illy svrlJa the Imtrr4e at lal A pest d1 at pmprt7 wnhWg1 abwliO U. uth4o1 toaLlnn74greet JohgailyIndstops water 4 eripthuL Trl by. is pi i. Shch a.

vM if La ILpssUe fc6WI larmiwl4mdUwra4 uv57 brgw. meld pmdilq ch t4lnpenj a b. Istap4yd LIMIt 8. a gelti4dsUlWofwthpuWrk. Tbe 1 does I1SmXJoliet QOOOI OOOOL whI U.

l. to Cl lr Wilms phleb to as aI in Ui. iw al. Nand th. amotat i abit X.

aI4 diso bates tla Traaar7 and Adak ib vltl pgsrd is tlalsptkh 1ws lay fir a vit1 of ibis U. aaappopdtam Is 11. aka. vN1w for hhus tr. lb.

a4 ttplfad Ia h5s a thogti U. Thai lb. road. fuws iMis a. rea th opus forth eW atk.

teea1 I Osusl a main oa that Lb. Tae that vvald b. land sos law a. that a. p.

1- 4at taw d. aloid Ilrew. aMt lbI tlla Uo hr. dcrld thaee1on prep. i Ewtw I at.

111. Hoq r4 to ewe wW ps0aag mteed boo swine. 04 1f I Twibh aavta ree adhoopop dhat awempwcoUp Fw rtie what. Iwo ervieeu wret 4 obsa two a w-t1a1 b. vuskd lb.

1 lb. othIrJ llwaor. prop tb. 8S 00 sow hiq He. ba1.

a p. sa U. more toe yw Us. Wa boots oeesrrmm its prot4Is Jil lb. bo JeWian tlea.

whbrhg jshi am SMu 4uig am May It. Tlr Haw rosail 0. math. gxdng bb soppy UMIXSAT as so lapsper a sodsee tbo a lb. BsIgt what.

bo eNve dal qee Ltlc IY01MS TAZ. T.OEBUCL-Illy wbj lit. ltVt a I tio. mast 0 i Blh lee la pialtub lit. Uut ws riu.

Us. tb. It. pwa prelid tout bb avey mawily TL41 pa. i puwp III Ih aa7 a.

Uluatst 1IU app i Ai. will male. th. mad tmIM pus 7. bh aal ktae U.

Ia Lb. Lb. tb. 11 11. ompsd m.

Lhi ultrrd mw F. lb. vU threes sreW e. car mad a7w. tar la reWe sod.

W. Mrl1. apwnuglarq leer. aaw fUapuelag froo I a smabr la. a ha.

Nsc Whg es mldw jow moth Irv hers a a. toil. that thoathtbteh morale gN a with AL to. oar sash lb. to sjlga pupid emit' h.oma wdt.

seawllrm a 6pprl. say age S. ag app hi oft pddpytrick muy col hi to mi. rahoor. lfw iomhold hi Iw wish utema.

a pro rr uim a pus romoeliog Por by tfod are imLanao prrhapsay moleered a a tb wale pwrwl ha. b. mdby i a Ion. Ly U. Lb.

Imyc dtos Lb. tot p.m. Ierloga a. tom trait a a er Iname a Loewe. obi.

ou Ile I alv. v. spl haaa rpmi be UoaId. N1 1amandi4Wpa a4tharm U4117 Ta w.liad ueU7 fit mm meta a pasat 14 I1gvk7 a1 eeds1yuh Ii IgalltI sS tees shill hrtMd at df raid wile LI. I.

Lb. mtda dd I mass Mrdw4 wh d. i U1 I00. Imly is 1 itadf ad a onus vs a aioaa abjdics a sat a Usa lb. J.

pall 14M rgo1 IUlalam whirrprar po usistmr7 this awtry which at taam Lal pmt 7 Itaplrtdlyrtadp paaht7 kww MkooNbtprSaUsbtd n04 frl max smtot Isar a4 pl rlna lplI adw lsal lhIi pa Sb. tldr rI mu. eh ad pain S. sash jilt ma a. bdr 1Ttsan d.

Las I opety rl la dtt na dear bear diirraat difr wto dlf toM Gedh hit. enmiriymss ma oq wire hi a lets bowe 0. a Lb. iwotu de ca b. ha.

dmaLap reed eelIaly pr sir. haw Usr that lb. roll. Incas. an.

touched I pre U1utri hi. pit rears ub it tout fuU aJbright b. wi tab. ii. a ma Leg 7 5 the ws sp art wfilpratrwies Hof a a.

gaol a ptrp andwa wtbpurpaof tioL rot ter. oamnr ad hi. thMJw 5005 pflseipJ. a wpo foionel a a a wrato a fr miontl giant. sett Lissy lbother busLlooumn oft e.

sli swo1wwoarias finish. pew of calprofwla is eoy a Uluwga moS vu lame. I eepaanUy ageuILmrol Tbeptr lb. 414 lad rduhlsammo. aail end halo a mesasS IalsueseniLagyeeodLs I cal.

a uwnmw. as a ladnl mf. slrleer be 41x1 a IntrgSlewmthrthmawhhaclmpdyayrialltnl a. hi. I.

a4 a. no. rat thou us mmprIwo mush claim ayear from wrm. bwldtherefore gl Wits. at heat Wbsh boerer lb.

in ktlis antrnl a7eet salt Iwk of pal. msh Ib. trals eel Mal Lb. sMfrue upalhv ayi IIUL Tadmr sNstpUsd h. amps dtQnlii elw atn ethe.

told mamma 1111K Ter i W. ageeR1 QtI a tin the arm slwgymw pa. rrjoo to Yes Usb a ml. atothwse. asy swoon depqia4dt aria pea 1 ao1t el tm iaOLa sad at ae present 17 teas precerioaa pilus Iago wt' la Sb.

tell a q0. A which on adlered oblige res. jig. boom 1 prrssbard arflvaf at moat bl. scar pro us ilk.

Th. who Then. scale a richpa7 gteelioore7wedtng hissad o0dlywhetherUwaeta Ibelieitwould of only hi nUj dreLreotiv. thc toin. Item lhi grdabdtaalonweUnj all let' Lb.

Las. is a. nU war ten sib a Ins cog upw sac 0 Isnoo of mall has ay soon. Lb. odd she etstvOo rspon.

eery tsderll len dew4 the boll h. bra" pit lb. prfP UrnI dimwttlIth bgnrp4to low she a hve 4 I Mr. saw laUan ho. ppt nas h.

gww disat 4 were Ladple la goBy tdlrd aspic iaumly diiy 5 his sot lp mi pdla4 say 10Ii MIhJ I. Ialky and om lXr4 atgrr1 wJ del ad mat I. lb. a herb 4pa. wool.

lb. Impo. Wtlt7 of pirrf aj apt Yua Mol aswwdrrallu mm. I lni hod Ialt 04i4 Aoldr hi l. og A rJ eat Truss at IswIlut ma beer.

gt drtod low afair buts. ip mid a far bie sjt I fe gc wy pnllis Latox gpetrk oh wee thy Id y1 mm a. ppecty 700f B. aroet won lb. 1 tb0.

pus os hie1syy It a. acrdY hwlJbkh ac ssmid fr. that sties la Be IwrJgw Ilc al lb. 7 mwW aIppre AA Lat which ps.atj A a tssb or diaedrllsledMln heaCoi if lower b1 sod hw cold Ibis dioilr be tom uiwl eg vahs pre rt bee. lea wit fa.

ere IIl thendeph a twry awvm to mead UBBA s. Ileor hid. men sea kanl.erylparY. 4a aqorwt a. p1.

eeh el sin Pa H. with st per oaff rd mule i Lally st 4 Is e. ewe geniemsnpd right read trio whin la gwsr antxaewl es Idargnttbat hiring rclin sished nm aial 1d right I. vine. plot col.

Ir ni4. est. orld ii of mm. unto mole Uharg lbe tuts inch tarsal the s. at to pinion hi upon the La im hi.

Tbeto most h. tae. Inca Ial ltY snelen mu Ingnali twaw l4ithnrawhowouWMnUrslbytasrragmal prop w. reamf in. mole con.

busgiteeun Li hon. gstnaa Sing thantp epud prla pl. Us. amp My hams ettt ti thprIlia ps iwyltoabl Mbdln IJU YX Opt toproL. hatamghitonblein liwwm.

a lb. 11dyi La 4 As47tWW. 11 on. lu ro brt shun pt incar tae Lb. H.

mark app. 7i L. return. Ly IY x. mi priest it.

aoaylototrminnble tdmsdcavead aoppar o1 rnloea Lb. half pat tent Bola bury diem. I I louchlsjs savings book. neoe dy rqr Jolly Ii. lb.

mat dtoamollestnt 5QIXLorGgd0Csyear termed were told hi wtiret Lb. 1A418001 500 frtheintitaUfortbredaeti l. th. IQuIDtOLby way nuabuanuiti athor4Uiau. sail eypetedthat lld a QpI dip.

a ut. von. Ex htur al. homplcJc4 Lta tob. proposal 1e Mr a 1T aeej thiperal Pious.

4. eppos r. sill fu vhl tI. tin. sat Lb.

dais rd IIIS wboa Ooveanatproprd Id mLh. ems ml iwwtdtbpj timid1y rMmasvebgth 7 ail U. MlaMpt. Ouse. oblqh a Inking thhap1 him of prgoIUo.

a Uu1 Zhq ale mum la a cot Ii arpdrh Ib bi7W hi ee lbayys atu M7 rata tb. p414 Us. al. a earlW4faoMbdbibabssjyd thlighL hogIUrlalgin oUMrily I. ban a.

a. vad 1. bsbt ware aw won schist by Mlv bs s. a. wA d.

mosqh dad bum rrU if who lb. wsb 4. isst 0lbt Ueoeil1 ptsan hap for Al point paw lb. 730003 prdi I. 11.

aril. teoowwI rob. dsaw EI sqboww sin. S. Ions bat giag rwell rspas Grehwlsawr cBL 50 4 pee aasisappw ssherd co sdiWrweps I rope In.

be mulctl Erchatwr oaageisly raL risg U. 1. practical e. pesee1 list rvgorrw mmpt city Gehn set. aenr was.

imyhbepention. WbMwwtdfrntbofins. Miniderw troth. prop. aeeaaag fora a sit wins MAR I wswitb nug taowns tlwtb rn bat.

weekbw U. ampi ss La tuidius ly vu. main rd hi eban ha as now toheopnW ilojothw Ia 5. nwpsa rtily with vhiWns wullpp Ia IosahwtlT4aa Lb. year Iitlughul a a7re lad7 umallrlsg ii.

Chucolkw I lilt. dungta7st gwnerwore drdWiaiha orgh Ric wgocr wpldsly swldrbtigldThh tarlbhteddtlwpnmrtlbit ors prop. gntetulfnrlhlliitbeposadwhtohwatohiWsoedl ad asksw ape is ing impel tats menu 1 ha sot. pd Icy is vk am. LM lb.

we or span a prep ly 1 Ii oh es Iulamge Anrlee udl aenl A Mr 1La U. a row IBIS Towne 1 5 11otz0 here out trd bg thr. leer. go sn nr hats sirpwopers it. a pro at a ee ode omit is trade.

U. pat41 at Soe say be. sold. tramsb hi opt. ob ectian no4a I.

lb. haft whwtsaaee enbroakt th. os tics ogre is Act Ap I18q to keow tai. teoddnh pt that wf6eiest tAry boosLomas tdhiat npe. 157 odmat him.

gist matt. CHANCt as form ha. H. saypatiooof adogsire spc I ro miat4 with deg th. war7 chi duty August.

b. pbqo 4la 11. tobtomptdUsoerpeyosartto a gntiie 1 st4 hi. law a. pith whether rn tee sir.

do d. UNLEAT sampled chi hi sea CMo1Insad mt sat I. pals. 4 Uea Ipwt pees. lad7emr fn.

UN 1 lU from 15 to la 0on1 igparws I that Si LLnui0o. alb. mlpd ilrw1 LI hia a wirer. dady us hbso wai7 roan lb. oppy vi.

sop I. 4 pnass bat art era a wasLi lagaabapd weM as palvifMlmaiad to fat. wt Tba peer wee I. Mw bad Iherdn bare us adawp add Ibissa hat eel. say 1a Ha f.

hi tit sisal a a she loam It. 64 bl. HMlrmbadthetss bsnUd bjetiss Mt. yu Jt1 topw B. wee wdd shutb NIsoIJaWave sb leaiwplwsd an has.

19aotu a. prbsta arpadd aw ti al wtshwi.1d oab HWan pr.hrlbs-lisa iwpis bat sir apPUsSHoR Mrj rMllaM Lastthyvatlldbare a4gdMwp Mla Qlm bath. rdoood shi rldbmme peIto thardSbaRMtrCIoGM L1 tll tta at i al. a aeat. dp a.

f. a glees. GIdwatius Aannsw sow hills goal i fl eAi Le fo I rid Brghn be ds nt as hit 8dTta Lialr5) prop hire asbj. t. ye sr aht a pit La ie Ll gh sat to js subject lit Ht.

he. to elocosts. Wwjr hie iioiro sO ra oVcr seine grate. Tiro. tbhb be s.

rrg. 4 sire bc mmitsd ism el frillvol tocknowtIg a the a prryLUpg hbpia. awpl peeeanc is ks on end. fmpev i. rhtnIsy ii 1.

C. tai a 1 tbmshfeg ft. rem. tIi iba wtur lly rgo fr. saner paw dwbrUg Wppint qun i.

e. sg rsiwi 1 ferwh ii rw Imm. fern. attrr wl. to and Mt wnUp wtt wasabatter dleriptiuSiLMU Utol dos MUsl sal I which asdl dryll- ist wybail thin.

Ilrl mtout cumhlsnthn matsugar. pis seek ebjwtoaa asdpirit an mix. xd lb. tINtb pin wio. ih Mc Pant.

Le Jltn 4 qmd 71 as sly vHhid whihtWwosgr tIl Madmdaia smmklw psi wgrtaiud lh hggher lAal. a dwld bat thImpid UwweidaIiI Lb. duty. 1thmfurereimeaaUultadd a mars a sllphwJwnLli brs nWia rr Ol at fqpr dlsJL mat 4S wh bidprsdsd toJan Cuhwrh sb perlaph her. Wh on p.

Mgr w. pmt psi rrplynwpoMd 41frwf topirwyiee the pomb4aUw a. wtrdvlly wat lb. i hl is d. aoa lair.

mchi ft. 1 eb appimuIn wb.h ima diatedy pti. hat snenwalmpvwio pa don to oea ei dedn7n loan. sot te be sat tosdrigor lhwoorddrittia work IbsRwoa seer Wen Pe. Ys prvdmbwlp Loa bang hi flpe.1 penal US cs tees brosatrm weera tlotMegoaprd ilsorma a adasjaUd eu.

prhwthis RdgeSqowWN mitt reps- witecot oiart a lb. for be era we a bet a earpeowua 1 4 ad a vhoid Mping oak. lb. sot wbllwadul re. With regard redoing 71.

tire. pWa La 115jnww I Ire. vs. eta MM A wee duty pr U. mmtbsys haaalIwes1 ad.rwtlg.wM sips' chi pNdt.

IYhb red by km. mealppr1. A tadJwgr apwarda vs. ha praatogy ppoliNd at a dot cgnr pAo loss la bNma1 dire a pssop Ladbmesf ldse.r Sri. UWI I.

Ph. boa mash. dmt4 i pd b. Ilea mkt adi 4al i4 sap rnA thewSsryHowwr n' Ibis a mw. of7 and dbpdpsid rdbrdr nrked both mgr a.

prdppmlbra Ii CAIDWIIL rid baic sI Asa a. awl4bpLNMq rS4IIWath ariadur ho. peeaib. a JId rasa tla a tires Ir MMAa 1r11..

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