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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 6

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


GERMAN WARSHIPS IN RIGA GULF. The War 4th Year 33rd Day. London was raided by German IItroplanlS shortly before midnight last night. Lord French report that enemy machines in considerable numbers crossed the South Cwt and dropped bombs at II number of places. The bright moonlight of Monday pare airmen a great opportunity of offensive action.

Doth side. took advantage of it. About. ix Ger. man Mrolianes visited the Sheerness- Chatham district.

causing heavy casualties to naval ratings. The Admiralty report that 107 were killed and 86 wounded. Civilian casualties ere small. On the other tide of the Channel enemy airmen visited Dunkirk and Calais aid the Nancy district. Trench airmen dropped 33 tons of bombs on military objectives widely.

scattered. Italian airmen concentrated on an attack on Tola where they dropped nine tons of bombs on military works and If the Austrian fleet. The feature of all this air work was the immunity of attacking machines. On the previous night British naval airmen visited Bruges and bombed docks submarine shelters and railway sidings. Another squadron attacked an aerodrome west of the city.

RFC machines haw also hod a busy time. During Monday and the following night they dropped five tons of bombs behind the enemy lint'S. In fighting in which enemy aircraft were aggressive. 12 German machines were brought down and seven driven down out of control. We lost seven machines.

Russian troops evacuated Rigs on' Monday morning. having blown up the fortifications at the mouth of the and the bridges over the river. The town is on fire at many points. It was heavily shelled by German guns. The Berlin report of the' fighting claims that many thousands of soldiers were made prisoners and that more than 150 guns have been.

tan The failure of the Russian troops to hold the line of the Jaegel and so to the retreat from Riga along the great road to Petrograd contributed greatly to these losses. The enemy have now readied this road. which Tuns north-east from the city. The loss of Riga is not the. full extent of the 4 disaster.

German warships have broken into thl gull and villages on the. Livonian coast trith of Femau Kabli Ilainsach Koshkul and Pidde are being shelled. In a British raid north of Lens on Monday night we captured four machine-guns in addition to a number of. prisoners. On the Ypres front.

where guns are again very active our line north-east of St. Julien has been advanced slightly. A raid in force was tarried through successfully by the French In Champagne on Monday. cross the Semitic Souain road German trenches were penetrated on a front of half a mile. A great many gas tanks were blown up and outs destroyed and the French re turned with4O prisoners.

Another raid near Sspigncul west of Reirns. also gave good results. A further German attack near Ilurtebise was smashed. During August 21 Norwegian ships were lost. The Trades Union Congress have adopted the recommendation of the ladiamentary Committee that a conference at Stockholm at the present time could not lie successful but that every effort should lie made to secure a general agreement of aims among the working classes.

Casualties to ISS oflicers are officially reported to-day and in addition we announce the death of seven officers. The War OOice has also issued of 3280 casualties in the ranks. CHANCELLORS DEPUTY HEADQUARTERS. AT .4 Sept. 4.

Tli I per report that the Wa1tT tla received St Min Uatlquartrs the tnder of State Karon von ein. 1w II rrprvtcnling the Imperial Chancellor at head. qu i Ti Ifr. IJRITISII AIRMEN'S GOOD DAY. ENEMY NIGHT RAIDS.

Tltt Zwiny tiltfjrafftic lfltrhu wtrc re- etirtd from Utmral Htad fuarttr in Front ttttrJay 101 Ji Tr0 ou successful raid' last nJ ht immediately north of uns in which our troops killed a number of Germans andeaptured several prisoners. A hostile raiding patty was driven 011 south. we of l. ilAr oti. The rriemya artillery showed great activity during the night north-east of Ylres.

Ue advanced our line slightly north-cast of St. Julien. 90 lM In tile raid carried out- by us last night north of Lens our troops cap. tured four machine-guns in addition to a number of prisoners. There has been considerable artillery activity on both sides on tile Ypres front.

The enemy's artillery has also shown tome activity in the Nieuport sector. There has been some botnLii by the enemy of various places behind our lines during the last two nights. At some of the points attacked a casualties occurred amongst soldiers and civilians and some damage WI done to private property. No damage of military importance was caused. Last night one of the enemy's machines employed on these operations was brought down by our lire.

The improvement in the weather led to great activity in the air yesterday on both sides. Much successful work was done in cooperation with our artillery and many photographs were taken. In the course of the day and night over live tons of bombs were dropped by our aeroplanes on the enemy's railway stations billets and aerodromes. Enemy aircraft were aggressive in air fighting. Twelve German machines were brought down.

and five others were driven down put of control. Seven of our aeroplanes are missing. ENEMY VERSION. OFIIVAN official reports Sept. 4 FROST OF CBOW Piusca Iti rrn rnT.

During the afternoon the artillery activity in Flanders on the 0111 and Ix llangcutarck and Warneton Ind to great intensity. in the Yires Ix minor engagements developed on the field of our positions during which some Enghshi prisoner were taken. At night the enemy attacked west of Lens and temporarily penetrated into our lint" frm which. however. lie was jmmediate ejected by a counterattack.

UVKSLNO. In the wet there has been revived fighting activity. Adatiratty tr Winlet Prtu. CANADIAN RAIDS AT LENS. WAB EAPQIABTERS Sept.

4. About njidnight the Canadians once again bit in upon the outer shell of Lens. In the brilliant- moonlight tire raiding party went over from our front opposite Cite Ste. Elisabeth. While the enemy was busy dealing with this incursion another party moved out farther.

south and. along a front of about 600 yards succeeded in establishing posts 250 yards forward of their front lines. A few prisoners of the 2nd Prussian Guard Reserve Regiment were brought back. Tim raiders found the Germans mainly in shell- holes. into which they had been driven by our artillery fire.

To the north of Lens there is now in some places less than 300 yards of open ground Le- twetn the Canadian positions and the buildings of the city proper. Iltutcr. THE MINING OF A CITY LINER. WIRELESS WARNING DISREGARDED. CAPE TOWNAug 2X At the Court of Inquiry held.

in connexion with the sinking of the City of Athens by a mine the Marconi operator on board the vessel was closely examined regarding the wireless messages received from shore before the disaster. lie said lie heard some messages but did not take any note of them. because they were the same he lied received on the pie- 5 voyage. lie did not receive any war warnings from the shore. lie that his attendance in the operating room was only three unconsecutive hours a day.

There was no means of knowing of any message in during his absent' The nautical or asked tile wit. ness if it did not strike him that a certain message was worth listening to seeing that it 18 a warning. The witness replied in. the affirmative but said ho could nut hear it distinctly. Captain naut stated that lie instructed the wireless operator specially to In opt for Govern mtnt war messages which were expected.

Nevertheless ho received none. lie carried out the instructions he had received from the Admiralty last May in approaching Table Hay. The chart showed ho was well outside a certain line whit the explosion occurred. lie was of opinion that the boats were not overcrowded. arid should have lived in the prevailing weather.

Other statements how th tthcre was no panic on board after tile explosion. the women being assembled on the boat let while preparations were mal to lower the boats. Songs and hymns i were- rung and th splendid pluck of- the children is noted. The captain was the last to leave the ship. Sharks followed one of the I for a considerable distance.

Among those lost in the did officers at when it for the fourth time was a Miss lbbinson. who insisted that help tiunild be given to two other ladies rather than to ur. lliutr. VThe flnrlinz the Court of Inquiry WI pub- lislied ill The Times of yifterday. The Court hl sail nllIt e6rres ondent that the ptain was guilty of crave rrror of judzment in navUatinz the vewel contrary to the Admiralty's advices anj it recommended that hi certificate 1180011 for six month The Court also found hilt the vireless I rator appeared to have een guilty of gross neglect duty.

21 NORWEGIAN SHIPS SUNK IN AUGUST. The Norwegian Legation in London states Uit during the month Augut 21 Norwegian merchant shire of a toitiiAfiv' of 41305 tons were lot i In the snow juri 3 rw2iall amen were killed ant tin' were reported misfing. KrHfrr. THE LOSS OF RIGA. Riga it now in the hands of the mcmJl.

To the UI tie troopt who crossed tie 4 at Utxkitll overcame WI rtfittance of the RUUiafU on the Joegel end readied the Thgo.Ictrogro4 toad. The German claim in thit movement to hove taken many thousand. of prisoner DIG FRENCH RAID IN CHAMPAGNE. GAS TANKS BLOWN UP. PENETRATION HALF A MILE DEEP.

Tit following French tuommuniqul were ulUd yucrdoll AVTEUXOOX. lit the region- of the lIurteLise Farm our fire up an attack carried out by enemy detaduruenta which sustained heavy witliout achieving any result. I ut of tjapigneul between Cronno and. llciuu our reconnaissance. enetrated yesterday by surprise into II salient of the enemy's line.

A I lively engagement occurred in the course of I which the members of the German garrison were. killed or captured. In Champagne yesterday wards tho end of the day we out an important raid on both tides of the uainSornmo Py road. Our detachments whose objective wit to bring back prisoners and to destroy the' goo installations penetrated into the enemy trenches on a front of 800 metres mile and to tho whole depth of the enemy's front position. After having destroyed a great many gas tanks and blown up some outs our troops returned to their lint's bringing back about 40 prisoners four machine-guns a trench gun.

arid a largo amount of material. In the Argonne another raid north of Vknne le Chateau enabled us to take some prisoners. On the left bank of the Meuso we stopped dead three enemy attempts against our small posts north of Caurircs Wood. The night was calm everywhere else. EVENING.

There has been no infantry action. There was great artillery activity in the region of the LlTllux Mill between Cerny and Allies and on both banks of the Meue TENSE BOMBARDMENT AT VERDUN. GrBiiax official report Sept. 4 P005 or TUB GERKLI CHOWS PBIKCTL In Champagne the French attacked alter a spell of drumfire on the Sonisne Ty-sSouain road. Our counterattack ejected them from a trench which had previously teen evacuated by us.

TIl artillery duel before Verdun assumed great intensity during the evening. Throughout the night also the artillery on the cut bank vi the Meuw lay under tire. Irzosy or ARCIIWQ ALBSKCTIT. Wert of the Mowlle sonic rich priooncra were brought in th result of a powerful reconnaissance hear llemenauville. Admiralty rr MirtUu jrfM.

FRENCH AIRMEN BUSY. 15 TONS OP BOMBS DROPPED. Yesterday afternoons French communique contained the following Last night German machines dropped bombs in the region of Dunkirk and Calais. At the Litter point there were several killed and wounded. The region north of Nancy and the nijhLourhoo of Luneville were visited by enemy roplao The material deme tloue as I uilicaiit.

There were no ualtiCL Our bombing machines dropped numerous projectiles on different aerodromes railway station. and ouars in the enemy zone north of Soissoris. Another expe litiou' resulted in two Urea skin out in the railway station of le riiul tat of Is' latAJet ilureovir we bombarded the railway stations of Roulera and LkhtcrnII in lielgiutn the aen of llal ini. Frt and tolmnsr and the railway ttatious of Cunflans Cumbrui Thionville Metz vVoippy where a violent lire broke out. Ac.

During these expeditions 15500 kitogranirnes about 15 tons of projoctilo were dropped by our iwuarons on the enemy objectives which sustained important damage. Yesterday our baser nlrorlanMi brought own 13 German machine molt of which were destroyed. GERMAN CLAIMS. GEKMAN omd report Sept. 4 On the uisht of Strttmtwr 3 our airmen dropped bomihs on talais uud Dunkirk.

The flits cauacti wuv visible throughout the holt day. Yesterday 19 enemy airmen and two I balloons were shot down. lliron von liiehtliofi achieved liii lst aerial victory. whilst LitutIIwl Miiller who on I of his services was rereritlv promoted from a vzre-serenrit brought down hu TtL opponent. mtro.Ify per WirtUts Iress BRUGES AGAIN BOMBED' A- TO FIGHT.

The Secretary of the Admiralty yesterday ixsudi the latloicimj aniMUiutincnt A bombing raid by naval aircraft was carried out at niidnighit on 2nd inst. on do ks submarine shelters. and railway sidings at liruges. Bombs were observed to explode over objee- tiveg and a tire was caused adjacent to the luck gates of tlic Kclusc Canal. A raid UOM also tnado in the early morning of 3rd int.

on Varssenaere aerudrorne south st of Hruges bombs were- seen to explode amongst the dc. One or ur machines waj attacked by six hostile iiircrult and tueceedoil in shooting down one roinpicUly out of control. In an rngagrmcnt which took place between one of our aircraft patrols and enemy machines there wire three- decisive combats one of iii machines failed to return. RUMANIA'S FIGHT AGAINST HEAVY ODDS. NO SURRENDER.

FROM Otll fOUREXl OXDKNT WSTH THE RUMAMAN ARMY. OLTOz FRONT. At 29. The enemy still holds the initiative on the Rumanian front hut at the Jreserit moment lie confines himself to local actions or to rectifications of the front as yesterday vhcn a couple of villages west of laiciti were taken. Up to iniw all the Gennan main efforts have fiuieil a iin the stuhb rii ii ht put up by the Rumanians who have tern able to hold their own.

After the first failure to break through at Marasesti. the enemy's ellort on the Uitoa trout red the same fate. This sectoralready last autumn had Ix tlie tomb of tuusmJs of the enemy. Ten days arid nights lie liammcred at the. wall by the Rumanians and hut little ground was irnined quite disproportionate to his enormous losses.

Ki ht Uennan divisions were txhiausted in fruitless nass atUickj. The enemy's ienmn5nd regardless of loss sent repeatedly from four to six waves whit broke in front of this splendid army which is dudin Targu Ot-nn. muds coveted by the tnemyf it unhrnand4 the rnilway line supplying Kumania with oil. nit and coal. ViUi ton spiruous gallantry and inpt for the lire of the enemy's artillery and puns the Uuruanian tnxps who had sworn not to I made prisoners counter-attacked the tustro Oennan fun throwing the enemy back from this important position.

The enemy's efforts now seem one more to be directed towards uIjiid in the hope of rutting the Rumanian Army in two by the capture of that railway junction. The splendid resistance of the Knmnnians at Msrascsti and now at Oitoz hows that the. Arzii3 is doing all that is humanly sible. All who witness the struggle for liberty of this little nation are unanimous that the valour and self. sacrifice of these troops who liars now to rely mainly on their own reduced resources in men against a much superior enemy are beyond all praise.


BLACKPOOL. T. 4. The Trades Union Congress at Illackpool to-day adopted by an overwhelming majority a special report presented unanimously by the Parliamentary Conunittee declaring against an International Conference at Stockholm at the present moment hut affirming that- an International Labour Conference subject to specified conditions is a necessary preliminary to the con elusion of a listing and democratic peace. The conditions laid down are important.

First and fundamental is the attainment of general agreement of aim aroongie working classes of the Allied nations a state of things which the Parliamentary Committee is instructed to attempt in every possible way. to brina about second. and not less vital is the stipulation that no minority in any national delegation shall have ore than its proportionate share of voting power. The report with which was coupled a protest against the refusal of passports by the Government. was to the Congress as a compromise by men so widely apart on the Stock.

holm issue as Mr. Smillie and Mr. Thoruc A motion by Mr. llavelock Wilson hostile to the report was swept aside by a large majority. The report was adopted by a still larger majority" the' being For the Report 2849000 Against 91000 Majority 2758000 Mr.

Smillie in a tactful speech. frankly based the case for the report on the urgent need for' restoring unity in a derided party. lietold the Congress that its own inertia in internationalism was to blame for the representation claimed by the more energetic but smaller. Socialist tiodies. anti lie finally rallied the whole- of the.

delegates by denouncing the Government for its refusal of pa. sj ort- and congratulating Mr. hIerderson sin his withdrawal from office. Mr. Will Thorns was quick to point the meaning of the cheers which were given for Mr.

Hendersons resignation. If they truant anything ht" said they meant that all the other Labour Ministers should follow his example. This WM not loudly cheered. The rest of the discussion lost much of its interest owing to the certainty of the decision. It was mainly notable for a speech compounded of irony and.

human emotion from Mr. Ilavebock Wilson the seamen's leader and a vicproiis re minder from Mr. Clynes to Mr. Smillie that a plea afeainst passion came ill from one who. a few days before.

had denounced one of the mo loyal of the leaders of trade unionism 011 black lit lscauuo lie took Mr. Hendersons place in the War Cabinet. A full report of the meeting appears in page 4. AMERICAN LABOUR SOLID FOR THE WAR. READY FOR ANY SACRIFICE.

FROM OCR CORRESPONDENT. NEW YORK SEPT. 4. The feature of th Labour Hay lebratioTi throughout tho country was the practically unanimous affirmation of organized lahour of its determination to support the Government to the uttermost in its prosecution of the. war-In ringing speech at Brooklyn.

beforo one of the largest gatherings of working un ever hell in the tro ulitaa area Mr. Wilson Secretary of Labour declared that tlw an working man. whether farmer or wa earner had sacrificed too much in establishing and maintaining democracy in this country to l011.t autocracy in Germany to iiposc its will un us. I have. he sail three on who have already volunteered for in this war and another who may he called under the Draft.

I love then. as Vou I love your boys I would be willing to tale their place in the trenches and it. may conic to that before it is over but I would rather that they should perish at the of a brief lire. and rather that I shoull ps-HsI until them than that our racy should pert Ninety-Hire per tent. or the workers of.

America will me in the trench or on the Ibid ra her than permit lb. Kaiser to establish hi rule over the United Mattes. Vf have no quarrel with the people of tiermary nor with the petiple or any other country for thai nit vept this--that wtaiesernny people allow the 1 of an form of tft ieminent witli it tt-rrit try which nsenees he jedom arid pro. of tilher peoples tlitt Otti eoplr have the right to say haugc your form of government or we will dotroy it1 Mr. Wilson pointed out that the- Industrial Workers of the World were losing all inJurnce Levauie thu American working nuvn refuel to deal with any orguniiat of wage-earners with-hi withheld its wholehearted support from the Administration.

MINNEAPOLIS Sept. 4. Th oi-cariiiej our of America has urran ixl a three days' convention here with tlie double purpiJie of pledging its suifeut to the i raiuiiie and of boundiVttf a wirninj to pacifists nr i pr rman pmpaKaudiJts le. iies the lil ur leaders iiuiny prouanerit la haM- arrived. Mr.

iumprrs wit le the chi. sttker ut to 0 ht' he i n. fr. WASHINGTON WAR PARADE. MARCH LED UV BYPAESIDENT WILSON.

WASHINGTON. Sept. 4. I lot President Wilson uiieinbers of Congress anti high Jovern- ruirOt ollicials. a thousand solhiers and marines nd runny civic organizatiran paraded as a tribute to tlie men entering the National Array i hit MTVICO La the Amtrican Kapouitioiuiry Forces.

limnense crowds greeted tQ" column with tremendous enthusiasm u. it mtrelied tbs tiri lvunia to thu Whiiu Hou- here the Iritidont entered flit wing stand. btin joiniii by maiy tntxTs of this Diplomatic Corps. Mr. Willard Sau tln rind Mr.

Champ Clark the House of jire 4. uzare wljour1 t-orly'in I unlr to take jxtrt in the' demonstration For tho lii limo Veterans of the Civil War man by stile with Spanish- noriean War veteran. All Government departments and rnosi business e. e4tabhishznoutt wvn eleassi in order to permit largo heleat uu to join the parade. i GERMAN ANGER WITH MR.

WILSON. DEMONSTRATIONS OF HAMBURG AND i BREMEN MERCHANTS. AxiffTEnDAM Sept 3. A message jroyn Hcrlin ttatat that in corueiion with lresiktt Viljcn' reply to the tapitl Nit great patriotic demoDitra tiori' lave UAen ce on the tin and liarctiurg Kii s. At the latter place the unsocial elerieiit proteirt I against Ui.

pasfagc in rresi i- nt YYilaon Not rferfln to Germany arid repudiated any iuter- rence in krioan internal clttacal affairs by ah my ct A resolution sat pu ed stating that the Uvrman jH ople was firmly rwuUtd to fight to a victorious cut the nauce and con- sulidatiou of the Gn Lnipire arid for th abolition i the arbitrary rule oser tie fn oi which En had itIeaUy assunied7 At liremen the President cf the Chamber of Com. a sllrtssiiir the iucrchinU tif in strong orb hi Indignation ct President Wilson' attempted interference with internal German urn. A 1 cram was sent to the J- sthrrntng the usual confidence in a victorious issue to this juat defenjiv war. Ktutcr. Three more members of the Industrial Worker.

of the World society at Sydney and 34 at Broken lliil hue been sentenced to six month imprisonment lot belonging to an unlawful association. NINE TOSS OP BOMBS ON POLA. AUSTRIAN FLEET ATTACKED. The nZZoing Italian ojiciol nmuisqu4 vat usucd ycsterday From the Stelvio to Jit Rombon the entire Trentino front the usual parol On the Julian treat more intense artillery duels and considerable activity on the part of our aeroplanes. Last night in favourable pkeria condi thorn 30 of our aeroplanes flew over Iola and bombarded the military works of this naval port and the enemy fleet at anchor in the harbour and in the Fuana Canal between the mainland and the islands of Sao Nicole and Urioni.

north of Pola Nine tons of bomb were dropped on the targets causing destruction and big conflagrations. Our machines though attacked by seaplanes and shelled by anti-aircraft batteries returned safely to their bases. On the night of the 2nd instant enemy aircraft carried out a bombing raid on scans locality in th plain between the lower Isonzo and the Tagliamento. causing casultiesj among the civil population and soldiers in hospitals. KAISERS TELEGRAMS TO.

TILE TSAR. TWO EARLIER MESSAGES. R13. S-pt 3 rThe correspondence between the Tsar and the German Emperor. published to-day by the York licnsIJ was conducted in English.

The expressions used ore often stilted but the tone id most intimate. The first telegram quoted is from the Kaiser dited Berlin. October 19. 1904 I hat inforv tk ti from a rood souse. that tit former Japanese Minister at St.

retemburj Kurino ha. reappeared in Europe and la in Pan and etn to be authorized to try to get France and EnrUnd the Entcnt Cordiale to mediate la favour of Japan or peace. It amnu ssO it hines as being pushed forward by Japan to offer to mediate on her behalf. This how that Japan nearing- th limits of her strength in men ant money and DOW that the Japanese hue rained hantltslonr th Manehurian Array. they fancy they un top and try to reap tb fruits of their efforts by enticing other Powers to arrange th matter and pt at.

Manchuria by a peace conference. As I know your ideas on the further development of ths war. and that alter sorer revcr YOU will of course never lend a hand to such a pr4eediog. I thought It. my' duty to inform you of what.

seems to pin on behind the scenes. I think th strings or all th doings lead across the Channel. The Tsar replied from rad on October 23 Many thanks for your information bout Japan' activity in ensue European countries. I heard about it. at but cannot Quite make out whether the strings of these dugs tad acrora the diannel or perhaps the Atlantic.

You may ur that Iu- ia will Itght this war to an end until the Usf Japanese la driven out- of Manchnria. Only' then can. wine talk about we uieothations. and that solely Ix the two belligerents. MyOod help us thank.

for your loyal trienship which I trust beyond anything. Reuttr The rest of the telegrams published by the New York JltnzU on Monday ana those published yesterday appeared in TM Times yrsterrfay. RESTRICTED COTTON AREA IN EGYPT. RlTISII UnCHASE OF SEED CROP. saos ova CORRnsrONDET.

Szrr. 4. No decision has been reached as yet with regard to tho cotton area to be sown for 1918 I but it is ucdorfttKxl that the restriction will be one of Try exi tins holding. 1 oltol1llHtl oitril 11311 has rn eontitatd here for the purpuw carrying through en half of U. liritislt liovtm mnt th purchase and ship.

mfnt of the 8 ct tton eeil crop. Th price. at I which the linusli UoverniiM nt will buy the crop delivered at xJri" are a follows lOtf fur fair average quality per sich 1 V. JJ. er UH bushels hr rajuml and trptol pt.

92 piaxtrRi for oc Awila. U4I1. and bba.oi and pia trea for SaLtllariies with allowance for UAliti. above or low thnw standards. neal crushers ii rw ed to put.

ctia und lice to meet ypuan oil require- Jo thre a pntviinility that the lritiab nt dl tuchsie any surplus output oil from thf crushers. The control of istriiutinn or wefl for wing the ISIS crop will remain with the Egyptian iovrrn- rnt whirls hv carri it in t-ie P- extensive tributioiu on credit tu the fIi i NEW BRITISH SHIPPING. Two supplements to Lloyd Register of Shipping for the period from June 8 to July and July 3 to July 17 have lately been published and show that within a ptrio of titan six weeks jnore than luO sttam la vo n. added to the of hit tt were UtitL-li MR. MOREL HKNT TO.

PRISON. Mr. lmun1 ilerie Morel. journalist an I author. of Cherry rolt Kit i Langisi- llerte and roly of the Union of rtic I ntr cn arre Ud tu fh- a the lIooCe" th Itealin et lasting to an attempt to as a pamphlet frotu the lrut KiugJro ili tl nl witi ut uiuu ion Irons the urlriti before Mr.

tiirrett- at How y. lie iuiIty and was aentrne il to sit imprisonment its th division on mcti I. charges ti. ntene i run concurrently. ly.

The mjg trate drl.1 Mnrela offence a telit rrAt attempt to urauxgle literature into neutral country. THEATRES. VDrXTHI. 1. 0 met' OB irVKDAY NEST.

pt. PI ii S. rpas II' Ii it It ELUUV NtOu Tirlor. 1 1 IUIM CarXui. tnd Ca Ij ft.

MBAirtAl TO-DAY. at 1101 8 li. Wi2. WUjh. a Bili at JO TItEL uno III THE TUitE.

IIUvUTJoIt OF d. DUlOVT 4 A fco lr la to. as tutn uw uu. THE Ti or AIL MV MtYS I aa r. Tom P.

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and At j' Mul us. i in i G' AJETY. Ma Uir IXrvtir Mr. an I lien NuiilTLY i Mr. GEOSGIS MUTI Sir.

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KKAITlr UTE ltaxv 1 Alt I iris MAJESTY TH TRE. CtiCAK A CBE awl LILY r.un..o\-g tJoI' TODAY. US and 5. MATs7 lKj. saJ SITS.

cue dlix SSU KISOSWAY. fK it wr Ttt DAY and SLITS. WIT- AT Urt. 1 fiOOaV A New Iy mir Jtnua. a nxn QAWJOTTtl.

Bart arf a. Oat. YORTOS TTi Urt I Vflr. 18 to Manlttmit 7lMJ Vatatmm. A IW ID the.

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ts 3 kiti Vram It lkRK ll K- HAEIF I. vnTtt eru Msrx II. A. K. ivnj

at UMKK li 5 I 1111 wita hueS. i. If Jfnn. hdrs. 1110 irMUn Cr T.

Ml mr VUl i TwrJhufv tTTVMJUAilsT Ujf. tiw A rain II' FICJOIL1 ules. M' rTIULJ1 VKlt SITS EOall VARIETIES. ic. ATATLSCB at 213.

TO a Jtuniui3. nilj i 1 ii i vrj. jt if itJ ESS-A'KSr s' 6 YSEPEI ER EON DON. qo Sf GER IAN as miini rt mad nlll Ii South st drop ber aideatook sing ratin were thechanriei antY airtTtndfOppe I titary objcc' ron ntrated on' an orkwas hval nru a south. west ha' ni ht fi tirlt enemy re fire.

ll avily figh ng tho retfflIt at Ontribu fod llach hic tast ga broken 1ian th I machine- ns inforre ythe at many wtre dug lII htd lo Con res. adopt Id endation e5uccfsslul. re to The p. lndr rfUr at' qurteraRnl4r. nUITISII AIInn NS I 1t ll l4-inlT frl47 phic rl'l itVtJ lro Uatua anct I 1 0 12 We tarried out a II tro aru1.

caltur 1 I Uiding dr tn OU li.1 Ct I. lIlII activitl ui lIof tAllt re i litn. I 1) 0 In ou i ht ap i nachint'- ru I pr loncll1. Loth euem i i l11 somt the. tnem attac ual dama im lcm at activit da ni ht re Gem1anmachints out miS5i IY omcIe1 pt' 4- rtnM nT.Dur1nr cre- po oDS pr 1T I' In acti activity.

Jltr d. I. n' An 11 About th ards pri ers some ards proper. I I WAHNI ED. Tows Aug.

At i j' Ie I ivOO oa war.n- in th Ie un 1. tCut I mts IItrikehim I to. i I a I tintt I rnNSil xpectnll It- carri I I la Table II I hoa d. that tht' preva linl wl athl r. I tha 01bl1 at w.

the I. htIJhould hr. i The Ioy 1. lINlI lain lIai atinf 1 mn" II Ins tjrrilk i Ii rator ha 11. dut I A.

ut I 1I merd1 nt Milt' ri 3 rttod r. Il ga in hand601 a lre liuk ll 0 Ril Pdroflrad eloi 0 ltI NOH ll AGNE. I IEN ETUATION I jrcTlcl I EltXOX. I Sluaelt auILi1g i losses ut East Itciinaj JeCQnn lisaIlcellenetrated IUrlr lle ChaUlpajnetskrday i da i I I an to po ltion. I having-destroyed as bringingback I nk Meu nst Cauri ft'S efwbere 4- In I Iyi ou I altatkjectd I Iowl I durin enin I tI eu I I AROII Wet I i lr IOOn.

pre the Ii. reronnl anO i Hemtnau dm 1 lI d. t. I I I communqu I rnad utll dror pointthfre ou an 1 II. pre II" my Thelll.

rial a oijCl. caLol i bing mad ntl jtx lel aerodro 1 0 SO exptli ou. llC1InoIGruld tr Hltloohi an. I rai" 0 lhion Alit i I I I squadrons down GER 11 Ort. th 3 causcu da em hIn 6ht aHi llr fI i rlIlIt brout own h.

t. tdirly r. 1' AGAN FIHT. I SerlaJ ftrirl Jeslc suc. louil ahOIKOlIWi bmbini rad navl airraft wa" midniht nd inst doh wer obsr1 ulloe objN- tiV8.

WJ tau aJaccnt luk gat. tu. Ecu Canal I a als th. morinl ilL Varssenaer acrodrom. Hru sJ sl explu.

aonst tll Wai atok. I airtrlt. Ind tutkd il sh in If contrl I pn nnt plac btWt ltrol mahins I tmI dNi ive bats maClints fail1 I RU IANIAS FIGIr I AVY onnElmmtST RDI. OlOZ enel hol rnt. Jrtset momtnt eun1nes loal nCtile tlC frolt.

a estcrda dll couplof it ts lalciu takel. I nu. al Gerlln efort flid aglintthc stubbiyr-n I tigh 1 th llllanians m. Aftr tirt fail rc bnaI thrugh Irlsfsti tl. tJort 01 su1ed tl bt.

tlr already autuln tHen el lill. int tl euomlU I scs tenI8n djisiofs fruitles as. aU olufand relrlts flnt npellttly frm slenid ami lgu Onl co llnl lulan therliway lnt' SUlp- alt. 1011 Wi 1 alantr hta lir nm artier lns Iumllnian tfI be mal Ie tOunter ustr th. bak Iositin fnemY1 tforts Ptem on dirtl towars Arjud.

th Ann junction rtsistanN olth Maras sti andJow howsthat th. Arm 1 ho witnt librty ltle llf. latritre thee troo ho I rldut roUrt mt ainst suprior ar a prai e. ALLIEDL OUR. STOCKnOLI An.

DO LD. Ar CONGRESS ot" 8lL CrIOXc LACPL S. Tradt tnon Conl. Uackpl i tay aopkd ovenhemi jrit. II' ial Jtprt uaous i lalament Cott dcrinjt I Intrtionl fertce Stklm" at te I Pfr moent.

aig tt. Intr ntona Cof llnce ubjetw pt condition nelr pfflm 1 cu ion latg a demortic pa dOWUL" iprt Frat fundentl i attajnent tner agment aif aonge ca' Ale ntion st tnl I Iarlatntry Committ intrtOO pible vy brn aut nt it i an nationaldelelation san or proprtionate shar rtg llfu papor te Gm nt. wa Cnlu c. apr Stok. a Ir.

Smile Ir. Thore At Ir. Havelok Wiln hO le rport i larg Te i reprt adopt stil lar bing- I te Repor. 2890 I' Majort I Ir. Smiie.

tatul sptCh ba. ca' th Jtpr th urlnt ne 1 cidtd rrty. le' told Concl 1 inlrtia intemdionalsm caiml ener tic. Ima In1 fnally raled nouncin it pa srh congatulating Ir. on ft of fr.

Wi Tome as pint te in fvn Ilndefns ricltion I inltt an 11 Llbour lnist folow rt lot it intacl drcsion. I mainl Fph rmpundc iron Jmmln Ir Haelok Wilon. oron. frol Ir. Clyts Ir.

Smiie ainst pqion tae i da fol. most Itactu tract as 1 tk Ir Hendern' ahintt rtpor mttins appars I SOLD I TIE A SACRICE FROl I SE millr this Lbou 1brnti thughout countr WI tho. pretilaly lnimous alnlin itl eenninaliorl uppor GO i ulrmot I In rUI Oltoh lrkyn. Iloro th. larjt gthtrinl work 1111 mrlulita Ir.

rlsn I ntlry Labou deddm thnleman wcrkn lan. fartr m.r. riliml luth i tabJ hing I maintainig 11Ml it lulorcj il ip wil I ai Ih ono ho ollnl.1 or rirt il nJ arolbr wh. 111 t. tbfm ou lo iing pf th.

lrellb a1 ma rm. Iro. 0" Fhoul th. rlr I. rt htr Irl rb th.

8houh r-h iltI th. mrea i i il Ih. I. 11 rahlr Kair tablih h. rle lIIt1 1ta" I.

qrll th. pl" rra Ih tr thai If pl rhal al. I. Ilal tr forl artrmen i rrit.r hid ln. IrI aJlf Il tho.

ot 11 be 1t I. OU 01 gOHrtlnl wil Jtry il Ir. WilfR lointfl th Inhotril rl Wef 11 intufnco Vtl Alerian workiugnln rru 1 11 orlnim WtW-tnrU'N wholehart JUrp rt I A minitrion 1 EUOr pt Th. oJuiu tur mr3 ulrD IhN di. onut b.

I h. rl lIlgb1 it UIII I. tho ar I'- amm 1 untw rr laili8 rmauIJpaallI I iI' l.l.rir r. Ulyrrular ilist ha Ir. 1'II'r wil I.

lt touwrow LK R' II" I i ASIIXGTO WAI LHCl laEIE 1 WILO WASUSIOS. IAI ln. wO1 lon Gowr- I llnt oteiIIK. thoull IIrs wi tivi lnilIOn parad. n.

a triol 10' I Ihealonal my I rjeo i JJpt onrj- rs I erowJ. t1 cohu Irlrwbu enthu iar us Jurdl I t. ti. hil. 1' IJnt tntr r.

ing bill netl nia mrbf te Ir MulsIJr IJ tl ruof 111 Ir til t.ntali\o. hal ayn il dmorlrari lirt Niran1 i JrmI1 sid" sidE ntra GO lt dtpurratnl mnl mint eotahlshrcut I lrnt lar dltgat 1. i parade. :11. I DEIO STRA TI OIA URG I lHEIE XTS.

I bl 1nnr NPt 3- Jrm' rln tt ol1ion lfiJ It Jinl Ii" la 1 1t Itritk lotra tOI. Ia ten IJt lrInn lamtu ElhI III' 3 tr tlf' Inmd31 tnt 1ft. ti" l'h't'nt Wio' rrin\ rtI rua itema aain an GontUlnt I puj sttll wa frmly ht bt to for mautnante lolilt ou llh Lmpir nJ atlfon IrLitnry rle ff' 4 aUy. Ule I BID lrtlut tl mhr II1r. Ilrtiu t.

luerclt exr" Irng I bi in urat on Ptdtnt lens atmpt1 intrrlIle ilh inlral ennm aar tdram nt Kar Jrrin tleuua i rn JtlIr ue jUt dcen I utt. nl 1 fmb Indutal WorlPf lity a Bokn IJ I bo anlna sx mnthl' imprilnet btonjng a uaww alon BOM POL. ATACKD Tle IGIwn Itai ogu tm 1 icd Jundy Fr It. te Trnl uu Irl act. te Jui frnt mr it ae" duet cderale activit tp 0 or aeropa Lt nht i uala atperio C.

tna 3 ou aerplae ew rb a bbd te mit work 0 tL naya I a th tee Bet ahr i a Cl tweQ te mm4 I wad IOlo a rio nr PolaXw bbwer dpp tet caug detcon a bg On Btn Ou mache touh attW saplane a wie antarat btterio aey th ir b. nt te 2n inat enmy arran bbi rd loait plan btwftn lo IS ad Talaent. eung cautit ang cv popation Itdie i hOpta I TSAR i JESAGE. I is. Te OrdetC btW I exTsUad Ge Epr.

pb. to tl 1oJ Hc1. w. Jductt i Egi Te xprn u' olte stitt ton mot itit. Te tlt i fm dte Iri 19 I bn Infoatin I tt t1 roer Jap.

ter St IettbWKI rpPaN a Pa. ad autbJt a End. Entnte i fno ap fo I 0 i Cn arebeiq hp to. arin the. pinfltlll the tl1 the th the i I I rn t- will.

pr be the thw i I I I any I trio the-Channel trlJ 00. sure 11Cuia i dr I I rl IIIf i. our fr I Reuler. I I Thet ofjhe I and i ycost I I I COTT I i or i rt' ontl rJ xilill 1. tcn purl" 1 0 IIriliblionmmnt the 11.1 The i i in 1at as th i tt IIld.

per I Faun II pul at 1Uti. aho I. I CrllO cb 1 tan luir- i ty iJI of Irom three cru h. t.1 It. 1 1' It.

111 rrId tn Jtri ul it I SlllljIi G. JuneS 310 11M" I blibffi I. ix have ktlr fl Cn h. SE a 1 langl a 11111. ste 1 artit rg uuLir ths.

1 1II1C pa rb f. to SwI101 per mLjon apl' I at. ye Uuilt stntenerd 1" month. the nJ or nt t. ISlrat If alt ll1pt I EtraaJT ES.

eu I AY pt. I. fa L. Il UuJ lI T. i.e.- isXiirp iw r.

Silo. I. A riA.t IIt Wl I hr 1" TIt lIllO 1 11 L. Lesret oN II 1VLW. T1EtkiTi7T AI Sj M.y- II" 1 I Un.

II .12 3w 11n I- 1. r. Jt 2r 2' lfEIII81. fn I it St5IJUt.I1 tcra IW fd IIhJkt LY w. Y.

1. 1WI" priipJ R' II sJij5a I. un 055 :1" ms. Jvs JJJ The h. 5 wIn 11 rrll' I' Un 7Tfll1 ltHCT.

S. IA II. MAIM. Joyj t. Mat.

I. JJUL. 01 it ft lt SVlt 11 Dtl i nRh' n. at En' hi. A301.

15. GUT II1C D1 ii ALTJW I I UTII 1 JDWLC Ul. YuJLlUI a TaIOOOJU AM v. I to d--1 t. A Ia Ihro MATLmEg a aiie I' I is.

I l' TKt whJQ Lo rt. s.l 1 L' Hrat j. lo WIIE II t1D. 11. lit.

PilASkt Lto01 i of is L5tIt51E. IlnupKIT Tf. IHtsa SU Ja- rH Ii lrodfo' I I tsr4r tarlJT LTI Mii1nj.1J 1VI1 Ioun 1:0 ldd JL I II5 TnL CllE Jha4 1anJ. II LU1Ts. nt.

Am nm 0 LtItD114. oTDiUJ rnu GlWT 0- Tdr 130. A COOL. 15 e. TH EA TTcnx4ITDDur ffill bbtr.

tt Ia" Ia LU1C. if. u--rw. 1014 UU ETny TLU. OUi un BA8IL mm DORIS nrrcnxs TO no3U.

1 tilLavas. Woior tM oC iCr1JIoa. nnai I Inn mL 4Y" AI" ThELWNY 07 TRK. WttU. y'- nr1ID8TD.

aM WS IA TUTltTJhW I 1i OXJ01ID TIt TUr. CUlt TlU rtIt nnrtIlor Old t. PILia lP 11" 1CIGH U1L I. I a aa4C- A. u.

:11 EaaIIo I I x. BLA. fImaJaru Ii. I. TIle Ie.

PKU at. 1IWIa. lUSTE1 noonn TW1CS D1II. I 1'- W. sataus.

IM InoLDL a It at I---- 101001 I JIarIaet S' IJ Slo.r. 371. T10LIT I eI ntS on rTh.s 11. II. A boll U.

whirll lOLLT LBittUJ will TL1iJ lbolII ria Ltn. I. Ron 0. seasa P. 11.

at Utl. UN. TlItu UlS. UI. ISl UT E.

f. M1waN. nnrceo 1 wwp I CII1' I XET nl d. at lDK7II. Ilorb JU111.

TII PtCUIsTs 1 Ia Jl.1 Jut1 PW JUFltIrs kiT. OTY I uun ARTUtK nl Jv1LI. un ui U.Jo IIJUaLU arm nlt. IUTLaL UTCJW4T us. 10 10 Tti.

0. I sr. Tuunr. Wc JIM oJrJ I it I ii II If. II.

om tV To Y. at 3hM tad T11Y m1QII. im I' 1101 IT. A 1tal Ba U. un rdDrr vJnure v.

i ny CmfiIU SCAI TUYtTRE lUll. us lei TILC ur 1 ntln tlr II 1 a IUS SITU Uti GRAI iU iI 1 rIf Jo IItJt Ero1Pi rtv two I CEO KGE LttCU I rrto aI I. Eft. Aaitnt. ll i MIII I i I I' I 1.

I 1111 IHIt rom I vii I. 1 HE AL' 5111. nt1tC3. IT" woo I Jo V. w.

I. 111' I 10 11" I. notrnri 1' It to. I. Is TlSr.F..IUT.

att ToIo usa. vi LUWJt Won" rUEE Lt 1 n. Sc is fl1 iIiUt ii. RnIUI 11il ln IIll I II III I UII I ii ml' I rll I TlIII UI lbl' Il TtlIr U. atn 1 IL 310 1 ern.

LUIUtI2 tv to Y. r. IAIo r.ul-I.r i1nI. sow PIt oIL I lot OU II. 1.

1 1 VARI TIES 1' lnu SA vu.D 5111 u. JJ I Jn 6Ia" Itl I LII I' J. I TUE J. LnlM II MIl by Lr iIb Ik' Io1Io ill rt IOon.

oIc.o\ A TL I us OIa r' Won UIIL fur.t1t blt 00. uS' lU lL am ALBEiL IIJUIU UJoi rTf tnu WJD nnK t1fu rKL 11 r. I t1I.u 1ODoI. t. thO lo I 1r1 JUlILU 111.

i Ju 2 1 dED 1. tUtRT II. Oi r.o I. II vlJU xrolrl LaasPi 11L au. IIZIK1 Dr I IioJ ItO ItW IICI JU a UT Yo U-1.

ItE. 110 uiiftt lisara Xis JwJ Ira. a. ruo UnJOtlt iii' 2 II 1 lvr1 I1J EIlUtl JIoL ofsrr. fiWL j.L' tJ or :0 IS 1 Ii I I.

1 Ac r1. I oo" wt o-i Js I. lu ILa1 Jrsjj 1" rlfU. ul tot S. OU Llcf 01 II eat 1 U.

1AJt ---Lur ltw. U' leV I iao wro IIhnk1M. rJ 11 II oz. 1 us 111ot GlUt. I CD lLltf j1O" Hb- I.

I JjJJ I 1. ilI hp IUOJ :1. JUlIo 1 jt li U. IIWb 0. UJlI I IiW UI iilN D.

IuuIifnSft R' trtrn lhU CnLPU III ULlIE rU" I1LT II 1100 61- it 1. 3WIW 1- lid 1 I I 1 i t- i 7 of Aboutix ta zlava de militaryobjccivM artnen dr ppd iii1it ry 1 I 2 thetflghting prisoners-and beent4ken. whicixuns thoLivoaian are renchn re- ic papers tndr-eeretsry s1o BIuirIs1I 1 Ve nIght scest lhssSe. In icuport in It pCHICI(5I I I in- grourulbe- I 5 overn- ar ere they thathere on niomig linat tli 1 enrresienlent cr0 i irt I of Pt i y. ThGUEF op KT7 1 f.JaSef1T- z1i I Lake LE.9OhzetdeQr c' frJ teA 4 1 Sh1o s43 IJ SsSaIensoI A kemmrn IAAocj 1G Pa wzrsem 08ebrbck s.

I Cdin I ti. 5jfdn I iak r- 1 i. Ajzu i i i1t s' L- srrea ScJe CFVIes. Taqnenfeid' I' 7 ol 2223 roors wio sn tlii rrFltxt aaulLiiig penetrated Ch teau as Itemenauvihle-Adm pr 1rcss. Luii ixigniuIcenL expedition tattletJ MctzVoippy labout EnJs on itr I ii I rnmnotcd tis opponent.

dks tli as adi if S. AEMYI lie hen eriami hi l-il againd. tight eeii Iai1re thi th th Eight lOSS5 5 risritrs is con- bn rorc th iame the voting He Pslsirts I re- a T1IEWAII. th metropolitan thexrier can wage an rather his 001 any- wit lia I lir I a- OUt ill it. workiuirjnsn ari' wit kI 4 rrangod ii ith he ri iir jngrsttiIue au unLi achIist irid I.

his is ctie seti.n.-Jiiikr. 4. ixiy tl I as bitt. 1 I dtnt being Saulslurt led hal arly in ort fr ttrt itt I tin lirst nta uris ITJI BIhE3IENMEIICIIANTS. flrli ply ilice prtscteI nt in statjn tlrml enrin the of free amas eipresd his telgram Kidsr wr 1lii frontj atznsspherrEcond oftLLi in iartaut bomwere the I The Xew I a atioa th.

I I Paris. asents nLcnte for the I of. reveries ber23- be liussia coduntil ca peace I I I eusting It toiernntnt lO quafstis lire. thane ass. th.

is hcus. 1 7 if lsirs weekainort te re 1 aol sri-ri tarv kid tda.rg.-s of sittenA lr. two na sentences to as a 5. FX Ii I Meic Lie. rt.

uItarietieL lswrtasijjrae. St MBS.SSAIMR- 239 513. t. s.a. 2.

LNia. sI in usuohy 4 teh gie I srei To at tav 3tasIs. INiIt LLii tai iMatiuaa fei4etietat. iOri. 3tui lisel.

t.s. it 5. eaaa 4 I St 1' l- t51Jtti jn. SitS. son iarinaa35i.

J. S. 4 tt reii iet. liuirsina uiirds ii ThiE IJ F95jIS imein a ti I 55hiim. Ttrte Er 5ii is 551 I ULiitr' fgaij l.

rcEIutMA E. tLT iTiE Os vna4s. vu a I JJ 3. LvEiLs Sm. iiaiaai riVa 1- t- 51aaiag IS.

srear mILODOi 1. 5s oov itr4. Lita r.i tt35Ka I iant tie itw nsa. s.L tirr In tha Li 1. Ji SZS t.

U. it iriii rae a aran Ue-eia tsorse ttis.rn saC Yax ISkL ri rutv. LI 1e. in'S F-1sTb maianctioa sith esr r4rrk lart SsLta Oet. A 0.

the 5 ewe we. is. Sat. 30. LILI 55.

ItKAITiTtStitE hi 5ts I' iai.i. flUi kkiNerL fll3sTnE. is yiiiuis 3tTrt3lYT5AZD PSflT. 5AK Sail rti. a.

nsi C. J1 5 30. 3A1. o.J.- a I nsi ThEATRE3 1COnthudt 1 CtcX.4gTr uwp 51530 i O3LtyCL. vw Os Ttmty xtxi.

Th 111 iAy 1soem. 1s. A. Oint.ts. Ass 5 0 Ld br a TE1" 1.

iim w. use. aias iebssrarewup at1r this rwrCs nAa9972 Is' ciialilalwMk I. TT0L2I1 i at5jej a. UtI5a 0usiiiiu 5.

at tta4 ie hstt 554 Odi a is i4 ei. 37 fl t-gT 1 fs. POWEkss 5-3 I owIT. e' JAMi4s bu 1 I4 trrctst S. I star liittjs au4 inrtnttjaj rig SlId.

5. TUR sMsssTae.b r1kt savizca it u1Iet JuH5 ii 1aw 1. irxxea iT. wvt-s us. I aitt Sins.

ti. as a as. iur. I i. nsa s4 I 1.

mire 3. 1. I 14 AeiaPy I Uo cAms 55. 144 i IIJ sums AKR i ssa kIi FL1I1. a isa 541i T53 ki tii sa ibis MAtTLr4544 i.

55. ge he. ETiFEI5i a. LiIi4 DC AStI u. sLS E.

aa 5 Fsir. Ai I iaiia it lfrsiTr. cra a I U015. Jiaa Ilsos I SI1ha3U1itRIL4 JHsIigiajTyL IirrT tIa I ateI T. 54 lsi J.

I. 4 eUj 2IiS4 55 ri. i. s3 11551 hr ts a. OFES Li I a 1rcs 4 aTtLOii v-I.

C. I Tuivau1oas4i5F.T Iruata 5 ht iiinsi at iisiIit I. i. frP s. ii ItII tptUT it STS Ii.

11 SCI I. el is Ii in rs I' uuum ifi I I II I. Ii Lti iiuLL aul 1 a2 ti ii. 1. r.

a ii Isi flt1 Ia c. I 01. i' 5. 114- 0 rF5. ruaa 5.

c. Seas. 5 that. i T4a. ZtaiI54S ie ra ii orjiI FIns LS St 5hUhiirj 5311 iaia.

sdui MtSattrlaV st t3 ljtwBEt. 1 S4 A i I CIOeeMIi 11 A 2JSI Roth Tn AS tail 5. I. g- iu3 151 C. lon lO1C5luF ILiLEIt i3ir p.

a ae Sf 1i. uro Jar. bthits- i5iL I A I 1utu i. 4 a. uuA.Ai.i- i I Iars 541 a at Is Iq4amaC aus 1A5.

SI 5' 1ta. a. I O5 tt2. ac. I X3.

sget1 aW' I- 5 Ms. I Saul iL5 I.e. iPi thi Maai iIntat5e. wflVL aa a A easCt r1CL ijiL uL i- i.e. I.

s.e.a.-- 355. airi1 sai1siii 1.1. I i- eOS a ii3u Il ru. tA' A siS 4. ui5 a.

ii a a 5. aa1' I Iii IMll 14 a mist 5ssmr aai. .5 5 LeiS Sr 4 rtr 1 La 4MLt In Lrn iue 1te' US fiuiSYAuuA 5. Ii A. siLsasoI 5 iiI 3 5 t1ui I lu' iLtJ iL aAIa uai sues Ir- 1' a.

I. iF- I 5' StaLk51 Nw. u. I 514iiA 055 i.4:4 fit ri TjhIk.I. I i5ui 1.

5. a Se.

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