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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

if ha Rlv lee. 11 penal ea That da. nnf that I hops wtJ wow so. tore- it It CC. for to more effretoally ieewiaay.

to Jarbam for soy eoonty city brotb I nivcrsUr ct pj c6 wi. Ibis AM relate sod who 1 o. sash sad she POB ea tbeb ol hIch fa so forMtorea. psoihsosobe waiUes sad 1 cnmaal praecatioa. Ueh be rmay haitI.

or robject at the soil or soy otter a we. sbaU exceed from him by soot pat to h' ea oMnmurioarn I of acy vilc or th ground that the. wl3 lend tooftsotot mb an smomonra 10 cntcm scm it a foil and fair diWivcry of owledeetb7shsJ belo- eonaeqoenee that might that are Kit to lie. jZ. which I.

ontaay niect of realm vnr ore sot to .4 to ref. to a ou oa ti onad that th assuor might toioate Thy cornet do what 50. meanest wits. be soy of the eo rta of oialnal jarUUctlon tea do they. eanolfty I drabs to ornof that qaes oti botnae my rJ soy ft so to ertoosol prestteo Tbe aswcr woaVl be No wont If TM teU the truth as to what yoa know yes re toIrsoibM by clans is the At of IVlliUDcnC Tb.

qwstKS may I not that saS de idol can there be any room toe a tI. vabut titass raJ 7 no only room- Lot a nrMvcntloo vuf from the wrt seetiaa which that. in order to mate th todeotity perf et. Is order to entice thom to pl it beforetbe eoarU are to to. ft iv the hoods of the consol! I pnIe that the meaning or that woe e.

arlv this that the omomladoorri who took the ends. StoolS jod whether the witness who be vioViM cad mad a tall sod fair discovery of eveijthiAX sritbia bl ksowIdfe before they gore the err. cat Us 4. Vow what baa hoipescd Us the at WakeSeld election Two gent who did at that rhaeon wore iftd at Test length and in RT at detail before the com. I have looked only at the re port of their cxaouaatioca bat it doe seem to me that acCHs appears upon the faeeef th proeeed which yteld teobi.

or an readznc the evid aoe to soy that the estions priri it had not sod. a fill sod fair disclosure to bad of th ir knowledge The teotsolofoners may liar. taooj ii diPrrrstly themanlt have not bees rives to those jentleineB he. op propsoilios title I do sot the u. to limit the power of the.

combos. en to fin or refusing three errtitobw hot I do that poD the face of th proowdiBgi at reported by the ooosmlalone sad laid before as. a per to ho. mode. ft foil ol.

but no tiSnt has boss to lit. the Boss. shall not make toell potty to his rrr tbo witboat reqvlriar the emu dSCOacni a' C7 3 7 rooBra vo 51 IUEB mo cmi Hear hf In this cane be otiado. have I- their xvport. sod hove tMiftaA so whatever or uog these certiactoi Xbey ban.

not said No mail. What mop tppcar npoa the eviden. the air sod BSaeref th witnesses we sseb as to load to the belief that they Lad got made a troe discovery to its best of their kaokdje tosotlst the apes whtd they were osaolDod. idol the oommusioaen made such a report to BsKajeitvlbave so doubt that tb would bees tU with It and woa tin. gloss them credit for Itancg formal a too Todjrmeiit.

Bat what I say Is. that It ifess. of Comotia before it directs or unb of three gentlemen to hero mod. in mote why it was that they wt-re de! of that lar promise sod indnercumt whica so. WI sOt to the on ootiidon that they answered tnly and to th it of their kco ed e.

Uear Jort ob- rve to pod Jca is vbt thrse vcttnaca are plated. Thy go to any court of appeal frost the mIaI ad lay We osehi to re had certificates bet have not got thesi noroood they beforeg rinj their evidence. demand ooatdotoL tno the Act otfocilsossot Yos aanottaTeseerun a nulyoabaveEtvrn your etiorace. nm iii. to tile Mole of ttiogt.

TtwcosiaLidanen the cetlcates without I soy sod tIoo ho' appeal ho. zo means or insisting Jpoi those mEOUOI giveato there. Thoyhor. dos. all they They hors vea all the evidence which they doss.

to give ha it sot hers for Act of art coo loft to pTvtCT oa wtlca this Otto tooter I-B tOss might those of rep n- sod friend sad 1 pot it oat oicy to the U. hot also ilJioash I know that Is title mtar LA to a lag moo what to to the with of the Boss. than soy opinion or jrdrorst of Isle own wh taer tie a. of sss it it eaooorogeo or on this octon may sot to dome au of the iod Hsar4 it oy ho that there was a Rood reason for. these rtiBcajp bat ho oomsheicooo hors asrgnH none and I 1 that frost oil that appears upon their report we mart prosme tb wttocvtv TB their antlers spas lb.

rAlIII of tin sotIrt-ot sod that they sore hfatryaodtnihUly oM I do not fled tt the com- eensnre them for grnot tm of a different kind. II that it so So sot. for goodness' let as ititctlrg admire to paui sod so bribery sod ecrrnption hch I have so ioabt we 1 do not lot as. sixply sse we can lay err tuters upon two Indis nre a proartutton against to. at all mists without kndwt" why Is it thu tii 1 fca tot go5 the ore- ecti which tie Ad of T.v-Jamf promised thtre Heir fear Hr.

MALTA'S cxpTc sed tot-sorest. i alinon. word whi fc en his boo. BT ned bleed. and a tdd thee he bat informed be Vr 3 Pi ott th easier ortslion6 nyoe tb VT keeld 7 th It tioooht that Mr.

Le oroht to tel U. ntt3 te trot that it a- fn to ersoisrere of the site. two ooonctmoavre weo. cad i iip belog of' a diorrnO op nlon Wiethe tile senior jiniar orretIod. were Tht.

there benadoabtibat Memrs. ansi Chorltwerth goof their wieree roe the I of a Farli men contract that Thev ma a fa I discto of all the facto wtthiathevkBOvledsethev oold be a 2 pomi tomeqore. sod II there woo ft doubt as to wbe: they tad pr-formed ibis pert of the ssiact. they. its kH B- cu rvHii oo ht to t6000sive the benefit of that 0034.

Wit. bitbectmrse of the debate upon the nvalfif of the litrotok Com. ionbe referred to what had taken piate sb Wkritol he by so ans boded to oryp nr th Gowmipmt that they should Uidertalu a prevention wbieH. if IOOttObOd at ill. orgIt to ave been laistote dtreabr ifc facts brosoet knows.

Tire Hihswrtanof rart Prstirr rerention ct that sit proceedings under it should be 000- Sithis a year after the comWlo of tire but oil thaw- ttsrteattiont occurred- to April cod tVref re the year bad already expired. kttheGoTerDacnt woald not be io tined tiotl whew erewasa Hi idob the molt would be fsrortrabla. tot open tie d- dod7 of opinion that no further proceed- tD iofild be against ladividoals is the protest case. Kr. LLO2 tboa ht that an election esmolorien was to bfT nn a intrnmeat for the prosecution aaa for bribery tot ft body to ascertain the which oorrtjtbos ulght prevail is a purtlcalw itfc a view to.

lenitive action. He therefore hit It woe 1 attended with tire grteei danger the of such comml if the strictest faith was lotttpt with thsptrtie who cme before the ersombeloorri free erlit ie In tt pyomert ease he wit at a to open what proond a rtineate wasrefosed to Mr. Waia. Tie Corrapt scuces mmtttee had om- edd ttt for the otto- wires vxVa ve bribery bad en found to pvtfl 55 a i the writ shootS be me. boded Ion a nod of Gv yc ra without prejodioe- to the of the Hooae to take skrunger mratbflt by way of hoot His chief last hitherto the House had not disfranchised be borough viere extanslva hnbery hid prevailed- tr af mn the fMl to some other place eat.

it a ev ntx he hoped kg Is tb pr ent instance th Attaray aera woolS totoosly consider whether ho soulS with propriety uwttta icasecatlons ag cst Individ oali. Mr JAUES bI tbo aohorl7 or Mr. Ser ant tbatin his opinion certificates ought to ha. 4ft vaoled upon tie ground that. when th was opmed the porn.

were oorforreed that It by came forward nd made a fall jelo ur the cootmi ea Lad power nodes the Act of Parliament to ant AL 6. of istroosity. There woolS spool S- 7 before a ja in WootmleMenbl Ire convict. cy cm to whom It had bee bold oat that if be ft fall a certificate of indemnify would it. Ii a ma rtrate went tots the of a priooDer lm that if be made ft of crtoe hiss he would receive a corlitirelo in.

Ee on the beech would allow a tU ment so recorded sgiinat the prisoner on a II. AT OE ET Tte ftddressci to which II. has listened with soSoncb. attention ve placed me IA ft psttrpflcooneoL I ibid I Stilt to you in manner wKhb most appear sa Bfl5m fcfter the pp eebes you base beard from and learned frirtnU. They bar.

told yaa things highly creditable to their humanity to their geti mea to their kind eoasldenUm of dieaasi of the case but undoubtedly not credit- to their wpaUtlonftiUwyers. lftag I have bs rf a m-jie argument which would be listened te for ert ecstb of law. bat at the sore. tlroemany son- ta been urged which so soesobip of fi sy he doeoed worthy of attmctloo. Hear hear remember hawcverthat I am placed In ft fel ddres which do not mod Is a resolatwnu ii vi beard S.

soScient toln2aence7ondpclara one that. vndVr the eirearartance. I Is the oals so 050 Is tt Us will more joy. that cooclDsion thaa I shall bat tit I stat be ftdetinatelf dis- owroni b1caU a by th delivery bam nltT kiadsoom sod forbearance however yfleesl sod humane forward with a rveob. two' Tvmsrka.

Methiog be soon to dspeantod thea that pee thesiS sosotocot. yosradom a teeM of appeal from sap MriptUNef jediStal satbity sad I extremely sorry that the loudly feeling of tbe bosu and learned member Ire Belfsst sflooM ho. iadoepd turn to forg th lawyer Sc th man. rmnm vadottbtodlr elscUo5 eommlsslooen are armed with JodLnal power. IMT- also that Mr.

Serjeant Fleet has sod. tb oemmuBiaatfea which baa ex. plaisad to no by the boo. sad ravl sietebor for style boR lie was bound by everycansU nottoiffipeaeh in ooDcIostcv at wbkh a rby of bis ibmftu mv d. and an unadvIsed sod sober comotomcatKni of that kind ooght net to oar ban slated to the Bosom Mr.

AMES. I bad Us authority for lobog so. The I I it the mow btw was in a minority of those jndpw. sad be was boood to uphold the judicial dosiefos which the majority bad proaomaoBd sod not to Impara SI. ar hear.

Bet I repeat. TOO. sliotold not eatutt. yosoreelom teems of ftppM frooi those to whom pen have ootd ft jodldal duty If yos do so who is tots. WL i befoandwIILaictoandertaketbatdaty 3 or.

I sobmil. tea you properly-call apoath eomnJMionen to cUte tt trro3ods 4tbelra cwc Yo mlsbt well calnonatho Coast of Qnsas Bench to explain th reason of their judg- tnmt Is A twvfitiAnTkr rua ad imi rjt to mdemese so 1 the eomausHoners. They coo oViernloe what is cominitttd to them by law can odge of lb. dibStIty of a wits. sot I only by.

tire toss. to whica ha conch. his answers hot to derote5000 sppeara. bofore thorn. 04 yoa haw not the an e.

dddtn so to th manner la whlob they dlKbarza their Soty. What tie. Act of r4ament dose i this the or tldds of lb. wioBers the only evidence which toe I law permits to be offered that a witness has given ac- tory answer to the qoostloss sot to him. a witnessdoes sot obtain tbt rUtcrte the law isboand toconciada that tbjudgment of tb tososoisdonero lb.

witsees was not eatxtlM to the Indemnity thouch tb Lob of- ParLa- tirrut preneebe Ms ertdenoo being a lftcaln Ms. There. yon do hla no tnjory. oa do not give him the in demnity bob at tire same time what be ha. said is soot to be toad telad mu The boa sad learned member for Miyebone spoke of the senior mer reading Act of Parliament to tbe wttse a that md difference.

float bear Why. the At of Parliament t. known to every one. sod it makes so didrsoace whethot the corumied000r read it or sot. r.

Another tie- meet of cMudderaUon has been oo bt forward namely a doubt has been sajcrs wh tacr tire tune for proaotutioso has not expired. Of three were soy doot oa thrf polat- hi my own mind or ia tb mind of those to whoa I irene resorted for anlstaae I shoald be meet glad to. give the ceased persons all tb adraatac of it boo I bevy Dot tie slightest death with respect 50 it. Tha limitation of time has no applttahioo to a criminal prosecution for mwdttmeaooor. and th ton.

and learned member ft. hoot mi53aieraood what I stated the other lbt. What I then soil woo that I ttenid prosaeato for mudemMftoar under the Utaie It I bad a dovU of the propriety bat mode of proceeding. I shoald not hesitate to rnrt to the common Uw bat I no donbi. sad therefon tb prov atloa will be nadcr th statato.

If I am Wrong. though I th ok I sot not the aroused will hi. the tonsIl of the meter and wi 1 be pro. 5054 by the Ad of PotIlaent. The boo.

and learned member alto spoke of ib proseoatioa a if it bad bea directed by the Baste. Sir II. Cairns was understood to plala that he said that lb was ur ed it ordered by th Uanse. I was Indeed orgod by the Lions. on a Tariey of oecattotts anlessthisHouehMbeaff iItTof the most solemn tfwwkap twl hi.

um fT i TB 1 ft tsr. 4 bymsnugthestatate. pr Is that Act to be a real tola or ft piece of hypozruy id imposition on the petRol Uear boar. It has bras urged ftK-dn se-I stain. and by so one more mat than by the hoe.

and learned member for WaUIngford bear who threeS the overomeat for eonini 4ons wilt were rrodative of noffoodfttaU. vbear And why. were they pro eaOKe when St. time come icr doctor of no good action tire House of Common shrinks fr- roforetot the tatate and hhrsw to no one kre who wtU throw Oh. tool stone.

Hew and laughter If that i tn tb r4odpla on which you act sonisso aad be sonobteat but wtEeyonr Acts of Parliament remain on tire ttate-boofc sod a ma of evidence ptortng corruption Is te scst mst motto. five sod roort xoggerato manner. Is Cullt fced and trmght to the notice or the Atonvr4T aeraT lb. nod mbte Iy the question whether your Arts of farianooot were pasted for a real purpose will be tried eel. you oom to the reseiK of it.

ocumd ad by resolution tote from the Attor General a duty which as an loiivideel he would be a ttookfol to be toured into. The coarse I so ooot to take not an agreeable one but it forced npoa by the conviction that oni- a th whole thing to to b- cirn a a for and a pier of hypucony ii my bososdon doty. I IUBJE tbe Bitasdtni I do atid havinc a oeTtaued that I re all the terub JT a sontQoe to oforre the law ear hear It jtea Terr box ep sod I think 1. was as refp MO. Lttht0 hot if yna et to ex erplion to the judpntent of corembotloniri rs In that can tow can yot toll that there not i-eit tan- of toeplios with respect to the other persons hirer ar Lave sele ed ei ht tie gross eiJjjrit not to use dece I bore token them wi oat any or four on one side end oar on thob r.

ve he matios. prepared sod shell onsemit the prose lon of the oar belonging to one side to gentlemen at who are penerally supposed to bail the opposite oplmoa In politic. laa hte and I shU a wi i the the tPM ho Tfoor Renewed Tbis the step blob so wr I hll Ube thoseh of ooarw oboeld wUlmcly ai to ex doolarstlte oa the part of the liouse. Mr. I shall not slit.

the Ho wwHb or- spec to any partiealar can but. ademandiO this matter was coming forward. I looked. 11. the e.

asd eon. red the Art of PI1t asS the result of re ins to not hat the I departing from kis doty to what he proposes to do hot tb if these pro- secationsbe two consequences moth follow one he perpetration of a great act or tijartioe sod the ether Le rich of he tbe objects of tie Act of ParJAtncafc. rill siate my for these two con Iusoas. I disk hot the GezieTftl lot not accuracy roorreented the Art of Parliament la one rticuor. If I ccdntaod tte Act rigbdy.

there an to no 111. to nooy prosectwoa or bribery Instituted igainot persons ho nave glees i. before the commissioners uP piesfleg tie rt5 pirea by tire oomisIIo for the to dl iactly 7S that where soy person to ezaoloel Kfv- the oemtooioners saHi witness thai not be isilctnnl Bed the At Tiiil he receives om the ol0. rs ooi6tate la writlcg er their bash. th be le a trae disclosure toucirmot things be.

was examined Therefore. any ods-Jotios which a tce a. med. against himself will be ed arlet bi uol he the indemnity sheared by the rti The Attorney. seemed to think that under be 9th I.

of toe hot the is protected from ill the con5qa ic of apainsi Ill. 0055 WCUDt1 oecianrg coos toe 611 he free from all penalties settee. lodelores licabilraes andc Entaalpiweentians It only to-1 re rromthtsm. oosordint to the rani- tiooif en am n- ioa hemk touedieeloseeot fact sod the only sod. of testing that point by tt oeru cate of tb commis 0005.

Hoar hoar. If tb ceristoate to withbt-Ll a Ion may be inxutafeed sod a man may be convcted by sions mode by If. althoo he is fanand llama fors the ooomo. to answer rootwtthstnding that th assorts may I to octotloate himself. Hear hear If tires be the of to sta ate only nucl.

what you are boo to do. You not only induce wit. to come forward to ditties bribery cud orrap- ties beat you aloe say tho. those wits. shall not ho en ailed to use ordinary protection which every per.

son IS thUeeoniry boa of not answering a quMion tending to toerirelnate himself Con that be a proprr CO" ithee for the How or tae General to ports If Ton mean to make use of the Ad lot the fm top- nng eorropticm but not for prosoostiog indlvido witb coin. seventy on of admissions which they 001. not have mode If they bad not thought titemelom led prot tum Rear hoar. I quit spree a witneas ore the OOtOObelOitcre bad not med. a true disclosure host proc and kept bock the truth.

then potctlon ledtohim bat la the report of the cossiisoioeTl with respect to this particular ease there is not so. of evidence to tire. that ea persons free whom rertibostee wr withheld hti SOPTari or hataiDod from dueloeintt tie truth. they have perfo- ed their part of the faruametitary oOleot sod we are boomS to pc-cform on. iso.

I have read sit. evidence of Mr. LeaJiaai. I cannot say thai or. cording to the ride Mr I atham has behaved with discretion or with pradeos and anybody may well mcppose that be was led into th commission of arts for.

wbi he most now blmoe1f be wiry. near. Bat I cannot fend one wordinthee ideacetoshowthatMr Le ih kept ny tacit which It was Important for the commissioners to Hear. If be has given a truthful relation of facts you infty snake use of thorn and den train them ia deabngwi4i tic. ear OS WakeSeM has assaaiing tbtwr trath I think Mr.

entitled to ft of Indemnity Rear bee See wish the cjmequsnces o'er a pti will be as re the statnte sod the to wklch the xtatate a If yonprtwd pets. from wham a certificate is withheld. the BT to Oh. of isaniog given nn A what witnpasas wilt you ever tet to tome sac onmmit Ions for the future srt hear i oar hands will hteesforth be tied the whole object of the Art of Parliament will be yo will tore nomeansof certauimffwbethereorrapioneTis ornotU ye iitstitctosachT roBecatlaas. Hh The Attorney I General uyo very properly.

that be ought not to be pat In a position whet. he may be reproached not profie- eutflg. when in point of fast. he is willing to Jtschvse that duty. Is this I qolte with Urn sad think be woald be quite justified la going on with th prfnecatioo until at all to good reasons wore aSSes.

in this Boot. to satisfy him that an j. Id be perpetrated If it were silos-ed to eontlnos. Hear boor. 1 believe that an iojsetioe would be cammit by a conviction obtained through evidence gives in tie belief that lbs portico ocoanned wonji rooein a certificate of lodcreobty and believing that.

I will oat be a party to ouch ft 1 bet will join with those who ho. nrg tb Atvomey General not to proooad nay farther to tat. If bUrne to ftttsch to ftoyhody let it stattaob not totb AttorBeyX5 ralcTtbG ernment bot tons who seigOest the sosom The Los. learned um bas hit doty so far and tomk he wUlnoiless diseharg. trio dotr If.

sot of hnmanitr bat or jocfaos ad soond polity. withdraws from these- sccatioa Hear lies. Mr. I bare SOB dlecIty Is ssrln on this matte so tb Mona. knows an of lbs Is ft nest relative of ohs.

At wh time there he sores points which heft bees laid bot th Hens bat which are fomIIior to from my osiOD with' him. The has which I h4 sofatit. THE TIMES SATURDAY MAY 26 1860. of ft grad lawyer. no Jo' I hn so an la all poIa' ud oorapUlB lb IJ tevMtoMbmtz bnKiiUrmdtlMliBb Dot UU quite pcMibblhat mjihlac sold tn be trtt and 166 at th MM ttm everything which hoe be.

kid la tfl HOOK to fades. him BO to. prosd with the. tt Is I it I. that Mr.

rti tail Mr. Loath. la whom I BUT to. tak somewhat warmer rot ha. bee.

uamiMd by the sad lav craved A r- Ideate that th toads which they ha. supplied have ban expended la bribery nJ that they are open to ft pn MQUon by the Atton7 MT l. It I vltljui la few sv tin eve so It prwoi tt to my Us. of tUnM Mr. LwibJua.

yes lika- bolo. the 1 He ii told of. tb Act of Parliament. 0. the opening of the.

lMi the Ac Ii read la ptlbll. oowtaad witoanv ratoU If TO ak ft foil dueloon on ill the matt hotel which yo we xatilB a sti of indemnity will be. glees yoo MrLwthAtn lire la the ngbborlsood ha attended UM toast seemed hot he was only one ex; Not ft tyllaUa a. uld by anyoiwof thee's. miaal n-n doting the exaiaiafttioa or after it.

to iho they Ha might been examined soy day Hawutbw ready to ftcwcr any quetlon which rni h. hare bees gcst by the evident. of other wits. Eot nettloer when ha woe ud fMnnln rtnnt nor at the oooolsoiloo It nor at th bee of he inaairr aor at soy tune WM thee so fa Intimation to him hi the sligbhet word or look that the oommtmoncn wee. i1tmrf fiiii1 with hi.

evil. UtbrybadBaldtoblaMrhcnapp art3 ho IA point Cast yon ole. thorn no he woialdh a been meet ready do ha wlda- Ed nAhtsg or the Sat WM Soon. oat uNt ho lei. tier ort with the perfect a that he bad done an which the commissioner expected from huDrthat the eontraet would be fultalied.

sad that In doe room of time rerti4te we-old be sons to him. lie had made a full disclosure. I epoch knowing the facto as completely I al Mr. eatham knows thom basset e1 then. the report coo.

ott. ho Oslo tint without stat mcBt made without 7 reason Ten wi iuat vny felt fiord hla certificate is wIthheld. inmediat ly pphe by letter to the Uome- and tle stepe to awerNtin whether It WM poenble him by the re-opening of the eamni oioo by to anf of sp. or by asp other mode to mate a farther rtt ivnt If anybody to ok him soythbso farther. in order that he cj ht ti tire oertifiote sod remove the lmltotIOD that bl endenje given on soils had not been tatWactorr the OOTO1sSIOOOrI host a right to expert.

I won soy that tie Is not right in his law bnt I think the Boose will foe St oooe that this ft hardship hoot boar and I think tile bon. and gtIe odmIU. it. soy dl. Ho ue Is not a court of appeal.

Bat tie Ad rites not sag court of appeal there still it one namely. tire sonmisacee and Sole- of jnrtiee which prevail I Il nnlvcra llT moo otcadmi of ttua Roue is aiattcrs The did not tan for ft mot to dispute the tho of tab B-- On the colvJ if it czpreMaK Us Haioa I a once toft. Mr I I soy again that I do net find fault with anything which the boo. learned cntl oan said. Ho made on oheosesidon respecting tire oltict lions.

I bare COOWB htm for some ye ff. and ft very good yet and an excellent sod JoODOUab own Bear hear. Tire scTal ay that he went a little be- voadtha ordinary tIbboan of office. Sew the Act of Parlumeat doe not allow ne of two perom. to slcB the erticai aad at Mr.

Serjoant Iott loanS tbatacrlerou hardship ole boo to be comltttd he tlatimated that to for he was omrorns-l Mr. Loath. had- ma a foil disclosure cad woo therefore log to the At ostitloet to his eerttfieate. And more- ov be the boo. and loomed ncmben Mr.

JaidandXr. Halu to make ho statement here. There 14 one pole. which I ohaId like to pot to the Attorney- Goner rr Ut the notion that the time for hot. tobeaa.

Ant woe bribery treating. sod sSoe inSaene oh oloolione of meiab of mcnt by the ase of which it Ix declared that so pen shall be IlftUe to i naity or forfeiture hfreby enacted orlmpr icdT cnl as soon prosecution action. or nut for the afoot. commi ted shaU be mooci snob pecan within the space of one year next oft ence aiint this Ad shall be oomtsiiced. I am qoiM wining ree with tire Attorney that this claaM don sot apply to the mod Ito which be proposes to proceed best seeing Stoat tile It the very loot bat of Pselia- sons on sabjwt of bribery.

asS heat it is a oonoolldatto. Act I think St fair to infer that the Hoax at that time to tended when moctthobad elan short an effene of thtf natore. that 6opro ecaaoashood take place Hear terse That may be so or not bt It jtrlk a my mind. I rely ho. eTer.

on tire oth mint. I or wb a a has a toil dlcl. nd receives no intimation of his having given tnemnp1 4 or vnaatWaetory evidence when a chief vOmmladufar declare his beU that to withhold cue riS is uatrarr to on Ad of Parliament-I I very oc1 soimk. the eharwier of the House of Commons an I title. I hare too.

tire character of the iv tomsey0000tl If nnder sir. dreainHtaners. it would be potibl to coDtuse th 0 prostrations. Ii. or I mlt jJl oh.

At General has sold. I see hi difiiUT Boot think at. Oh. obereatiosa which hoe beta mode ton ttbefactsb incndW noose fully bf tie floss. he sit to that thoa duly pcllad his to' an- menoe a proeenden it.

will not io01. nt with hi deity to proceed on farther with II. Ui best. I shall soy no more near related a I an. to ft guiUeman CKioernea in this matter except ti declare tliat IE I was of opinion that that ntleroan had acted in a manner which locn edft pruoecU beinglotetltuted 111.

although be were my on brother so roach do I abhor oomapO which obu at elections I stoolS ho the lost per- sonin tie wo Id stood op In thelloose of Coamwaaaod ihkld iris. ftsis the arja of the la. bloat' hear. Yr. WHTTESTBE.

I would aay having boon ft law ulcer or toe Crawa It was stated to so. that of tire. coototteotonero mug at tie prorielma of this Art one an of' Qpimoa that a particular witness as entitled to- a certificate sod that the otter. differed from I. him La tat respect I oboald never venture to com- meace ft prosecution rotor etch cirnumotaooee.

Hear hose. You may prostrate any or these persons tot baring given false noe sad tho tact that you do not prosecute them for giving fat. evidence Is some proof that they hav tot. evidence. This Act of rlio says any vicg juoe evidence shad be liable to the poise and of ptjtcy there is no proeseuthn for Is this ewe bat re wa proweptioa fotbnbry I think my tight boo.

friend the member for tire University i I Kof ticro of iii- Act and I gtre thu wamiB to my hoa. and leocte-i fn the npy that a prosecution in a crizQ uI cotttt la whollr lilt Chancery suit boor hear 164 juries ho will wwas into consider uon matiy other thin ciJ the evidence Is tb ease. Tie VTTORNEY nnt rp3siL pe In this HOB ton tfistUnea. ALjfto Mr. WHITESIDE Th chow great ge WB en the pat and whit juryman ill be luienotitle to a speech of 1117 hon.

learned friend A laugh. ttougci front whet sty to. and learned tead said on ft form orosoico that toe nd nee ha had wt. evidence wlii he bad oHtemed try sources ths the to. caLuaoa self.

I uadx tan. my hon sod learnt friend to mmnthnt aithosb i he won evidence that A B. gave a iinst himself that ho will tv bits evidence which orE-F I Bet thai is jartdoloS the very tnme in iodi-1T tht yet OI1zt 00 to do directly. I Shitcolt for tOb Ito. to Jiercise juri-itotion ef the three commissioner.

and teeny that th ought to have a ri6. where they hose not PT" one but we hv this foot before ns that these goD' temen diSkred Is opinion at to whether ft Scats oa ht to have been granted the tenSor oomminioner holding one view spun that point. and the yo others entertaining other and I think that not a tan la which the Alter- oer-Gmiiral should proneette. Hear Mr. IlLLWiV vsk the SecrcUrr or Stale for the Home I tms.t who-thee it woe the intention or the Government to pros the Onsns Bill in its present form as rogacris the mode of a oar.

loing toe religioss prohacbon of tiiepopolitioa whether thy prapo al to iter the Sill ia tit anti. Ii 10 in what manner II. IEWT3. Before I to the question just put ore I may be petalhted fc that bane remarked on proTiOOl the great lhnceriaooo of opinion in those cat with respect to tire polIcy of avfaaj on tie to of comnteieni Issaed to re into orraptprcticej oh elections hear boot sod ctrta ily the dobats this evening ha not served to contradict that Impression for there have been very eonSlctana opinion. expre.

ed with ut to tire policy of acting. and those opinions have been in Lrect with thoso uproesed on oncer oma- A. to sty recollection of tie I debate tthe in the case of Bcjanck the charge sgalod the Government was that they were snptneln instituting proceedings founded jj on ties ts of. these hootohaloss that through their was incumbent on the HOOK and the Executive Govern disclosed by the comnt oaerv ropers. On that yoproocl were directed the- Government for net Jj YiD2 prerionily founded ppa wntions spes the reports or tie GI.

cud Wrpte1d inlsnfla. but nlarly open ths of WkoteIS la which it pole' on oat with. oonoidratte commendation that omi5. Atn not been lE 11 to oil th aim. In a eonsetfa nce or what pasied on that oecuoioos my hon.

and itlS tio The liter. has heard the explanations whtch loon. and learned friend tote afforded nothing tea be more vrr ssinBth dolUOb. which lies token ytsot hear hoar. with regard to theeecdnctof the EzeenttTe Goveniaent cord- of my hon.

end loomed friend who 1 charged with th management or criminal pro- etioee We are lest too todi iroBecatioia. andwb ntiiefii lvsp ftretkafoTthattmTpoMft debate is raised In bit Moose founded on no iTiVterrt roool1ltioo. projndiaM are created and unantintJoa. are moot. ice no from Mr.

Bright well I wont say taruuuiaBL Prro' however ore sad adreceitlona are indirectly conveyed to my boo. sod learned Iriead bat us. pooiti. fart is laid before the Mona. by which th conduct of the Go- errant en guided.

Hear hear I wish to state op own opinion that it lott Isepososhla for the Exeeotive Govtsninwnttorerduiyo thom oNnmlsrioia wise than In a judicial pcictof vi Hear beat. Thaecoa mlirionen ire appointed coder ft ipedal Act of Parlias 1 oad if Gov ii Ubt byfl. ag. atb tobatiiaQriaaof I that rim tweed tsdcz so to the torn sod th being named in the UT ta on th rt rf the EuctstiTe Gorin whother the oorenIedou0i woe. eltitog so hrl essoioSod their woe frMtm' would YioIatioD of their do to use A mouonal WM promoted far Hr.

attlidurf aranijtew was or opinion thttWM til to hi cnttfiote. I have so ran to doubt tint Luthmm bad nfflocut tresorie for taJay that statomeat be' the 517 oScuI wl tmU bra was to refer St to soy bob trios4 the ttorney cacnL in order th he might hone It. ad to the wmmi-lawr to draur xpiasatisn there sco-moet. Uca. bear.

I most my ioweier bat euuut lathii Hose. while i ate tntenlated to omboor. toward. the executive OovjmiaSBt woald be for some tertatvtoK forward a gj Bot his Hots either to sOot th III isssllrlll I I As 4A AI a go forward m. In sitter teas there would be a distinct groosd on which the execnUv otald sot.

Hear hoar Iherijht hon. entieoian lobo moocher for. tanteIdgo Pninratr did not. I think suflofestly between two oUSereot mi of the Act. It la when a oertifice Is gIves the reemnai lb li held botmiad aolut orimmnal proceedin hot ill.

Ekes-bee true th where no sorb esrtlSento larirra hi viS II not is uud hire In soy erlalul preoeedinc. the Boos. Ill refer totheprorUoafof thetib ertie they see that no arise ea that poist for tin that no answer say except In the of perjury bat be sdiotigo llaio the giving erld in any eau or criminal Sir s. That part of Oh. UdemnUy.

SIT G. LEWIS. It ie 2 to m- to be dutlnct from the indemnity and to bear the construction which I hare pot upon It nor woe I is-ace that any pmoai competent to gin. on opinion had odillorerot new of it tAt on. Hear The ohargea to which the Gorernment cc.

exposed with rerpeet totheezccitlon of the Act oome fromiUwmt quaoIrn Some members impute to the Gonrament an decree of lealtTta tn ir treatment of these two boroachi of Gleee teraadWakeneld The hon. member for- Flnibory WiIb the nupennoa of the wrtti doting the Portia most an nsneeomsrlly sod he sake why th writs shoald not ho teiaed wDOdiaWT er bee on the other ban" say that the of the writs during this Parliament is a weak Issofisiost eonne nd that the horoocbo ouht to be diaf rasehued for a longer tune The boo. member or Hr. GrtMth4 soil that the lob. by Is reorsoendiog a suspension of the writs fur this i only was a proof of their Insincerity.

No. nobody tea dlpnte chat toe of the wnts durlD the present Parliament is a eonstoerabla deprivation. sod a penal moasote of some- OsgitsIe. Hear hear The usae of these writs is in the power or Boos. bat If any member tUacs th a longer dote of deprrration is re, It ii pat for aim to the pronstoas of the Corrupt Practices Act to bring taBUlfor that tire period ofsureesston is to os.

the fenffi of the present Pselianoo that an only be done by moms of BIn. tllaLf- 1i Kr The A mmAnft Itav not thoecht it d4ra le to tale that ooorse became with a 3111 under the consideration of the Hoe. for a reform of thenare- evolattos of it. people which will I ernddrreby to the oonstitnenolea of tllooasterand Wchast4 was not thooeht P8 to IOIpOD. the writs for a 1 period than daring the present Parliament.

Hear ow with regard to the qnpetln pot on the subject of toe censns member Mr. Dilwyn I do not think it a eoare iageaeralto tjoIpa the to on a Bill which bin progress toroagh the Boo. I hope therefore I shall not be od as acting towards the HOOK It I dwline to sober tots a dUensstoaof that qsesii.n.- I win only soy that the proposal with reference to the Ten I. rotors. to be ehtaiaed at the an.

was deliberately made. sari that I do a see icy practical difficulty la the ay of Its bung carried sot boo it the Hoase shoald be opinion that it be so Infraction of hear bear to inpoao a penalty on it. to sooner the qeestioss with regard to the religions dSsIsatiOn of ladiviriasie and it to should be wished to make a tics between that particular sad the other pvtlcDJoro to he at the aos I would not be awlllbcsgZo make thatdutlnction. II. hear.

Mr. GRIFFITHS disclaimed baring made an juoIea charge of WIDouItT against lie Grsrnsoenit Mr. BASS did aotbeliere the wool. think tie lions in earnest Is potting down bribery nil. some measure woe taken to punka the otIdeza tie pr so.

IRISH nT TOE THE PAPAL ThiODOSOaHUEiartM tocaU Utatloa a pro- oIm1. ttly snei hr the Gorernnient in Ireland. salt that when the coarse panned by the Irish was contrasted with that which the Goremmeat bad adopted in. England It most be described so oat only otoaoed1saoy but sojodlOabbo. Within the last ew dyi the Goronant of Ireland had issued a pro.

clamatno stoned by the Commlaaioaer of Polio jabset foreign enllatownt in setter to prerent Inahmea fro A taking an In the of the Pope. ow England was not at war with the Pope nor was the Pops likoie. to be at war with any aUyef England. Why time shoulnShe Corn ment arMtrarOr interpose to those who sypathiod with the Sop. from taking write i Jo my At the very some moment the Government to nrf were coostroootlsg and he believed actIYOIT the of subscription for GaribeidI which badbeen ironoune i by lawyer.

on both sit. toe Hoer. to be The oTOrhelumlDg majority of the people of relaod were Boson Gatholt. sod sympathized' with he Pope owl they were on doubt anxious to aid iris Is its distress. The GoTt however had no sympathy with the rope.

sod so the pWamatlon had been issued and circulated to tooo so unpressloa that Irishmen who enlisted in the Papal army would be visited wtth severe penalties. Only a day or two after the dlscossion in which beaubsenptionsforGanbaldl were declared to be illegal a baronet who signed his name soot a letter to a ones-log onrnal enclosing Ml. in all of lbs fund being raised for the gallant Garibaldi sod Ma Sledia. patriots. A public meeting had I called.

In London to owInl rom which it appeared that oh. ardent admirers of Garib dl who srmpatUied with the overthrow of logI. tima tithotlty. looked forward to day IB which they woolS nd themselves engaged Is a similar operation is this country to we. that that as those sisceiption bad been itlecal the Government pursued one noon is England and another Is Ireland.

Theyseemedto say to the people of Ireland your actions coincide with our prejudices you may violate the law with impunity but if yon do year dT as Irishmen and and endnoar to sustain the Pope we will strain every pool to crash the manifestation or yosr Rest boar rom Mr Bowyer. Us would me that this was oppressive sod tyrannical was not joffttned reoedeat nod looted like a triumph glees to the feeling of the ousntoy at the expense or the Roman CoStello feolig or Ireland. They road in th papers that eers or the service of Oh. pope. were plaf to Borne rom Franca Austria.

Spain sod the minor States of Italy. snob noblemen soot peotboes subscribed money tot the Pope and he tad not heard that many of it. ms he bid named tbe Governments had It proclamations ogaiuo these persons. Irishmen believed has the rope' was attacked by conspirators who aimed at he of Ultimate authority all over the world. The Government evidently wished them success sod they accordingly determined to crush the msoilsitMia of Irlsa 5051.

ThIs was tryansy In its meet odious loom. On a occasion the noble lord J. EnasellJ misted at the poooIbilliJ of a omaa Catholic inM jF that nay ott. lute to tie. Pope or any assault upon hi.

temporal power could be sacrilegious yet Mr. Pitt to 1800 Se. clared that soy- acts of Insult to the PostiE. considering Us 555 sod position surly approached to sacrilege. The proclamation wculdTlike ill things of the kind bring forth a crop of informers transform every policeman in the ootstry tote a spy sod subject every man who wished to eave Ireland no matter who.

might be hit to the IntOlOenbIO nuisance of haciag his movements watched. 0 uuere sappento to be a bigoted magistrates or no oCelot in a berry too be promoted a story would. be tramped s-p and forwarded to Dahlia Cue Then there would be tie old story of Stole pro- tioIo over again and is that venerable tnscUutioa packed Jury" would ad doubt be sceaisd to the renltwooUbethecoavictlonottheaeeiisedeenoas. Sup- poculg it was contrary to the law for British sabject. to om the service of the Pope why was it that the Law was rat In force in that cue sod sot also in the case of the Illegal subscriptions la aid of the Siifuiaa Insurgents whom.

helawwasnotleeidiatinet Tile Government ought either to sorry Out the law in this 0050507 or withdraw thepro. ctaoallon they had stood in Ireland. Best bear. That pruoloi would be deemed an insult by very Irishman not blinded by preudt. or Interest sad would tend more than aSPthIflf which had vesurred for many years bosh to convince the people of Ireland la mitten or tJWo name.

twe mold not expect Impartial justice at the hands toe Snfeah Government. Yr. OASDWEIJ I am very sorry that the hon. some. toe for Tlpperary should think tb oondwst at the IzIsh Government extraordinary.

Theteodoct that Government- right or wrong has been simply IMi rilmli irrn to tbelaw. Hoar near. The boa supposes Lave based a proclamation witch be pronounces tyrannical sat oppressive. Eat In th first place the fad Is that we have fan so proclamation at all safe Is the second place when I state what we bans he I think it appear. that oar motives sod conduct were anything I tyrannical sod There is a law of the United Kingdom which Tenders It penal for soy subject of Her Majesty without Her Majesty's permission to talc set under a foreign Sovereign.

That statute to clear sod unsdetskasbls and the provisions of that it Ii the nty of the Government both England and Ireand to carry into doc Knowing tb we. car duty so. did not dean to bring into the mseha. of the law persons who aiicht have offended aoalnct tbe statute is ignorance of its prortaooa asS who bad they knows- them might un bees reedy sad willing to obey. We therefore dlrectvi a notice on- taiaog the term of that la clear sad no' nitv u.

language to printed and ebeclaM in that It might brought to the bow- Led" of those persons what the law was to which they were bound hi conform. It was our plots duty a. as Parliament kept th statute on the statute bosh to enforce ta prwrldoes it was a coon act of sad oppres- to sion but of common prudence and propriety that to order that the people otisviaad might receive dwvoiI1g of the state of the law. Hose. Thebes gentleman said that tbe theGererewent England sad so entirely difreest that there was no equality of had coarse i Ireland sod between ttswe pork' of the United The hoc 561 then hoe bee.

Eoclaed. aeroa that my ytgbt hr. frteidtb. Horn Secretary wUb tea I havaWn Is communication on this subject said have issued Is London lie some sables we have Sedhitoland. It was said also by.

the boa. gentleman that we hoe. been parties to Oh. escostegwsoest on on lUae esbewipsi for it. pot of galling up rovolidotary mUrbrene.

ia Only. liter bear On the part of It. Government I en' UrolT oen hat we Save been parses is ytbIq of the sort. If the boo. gentleman pne iff moj evideooe that we have done so let him produce ii.

and sabaZantiaie the aocaaa- tion be bHags go us. Eat I am not sow going to renew tie dis uSBion which took plate the other night about the dU calties that attend the tnoeUon of the law wUh regard to conspiracy. MT object St the prestat moment to simply to stats that the Irish Government bio desirous to give eSxt to a statota which Parliament continues thought It sit. equItable nod right to Inn. a notice en the attention of than who would be likely whit.

ex pose themselves to punishment to the terms provisions of that stanii- Is order that it might be obeyed. The Govenuinat have no 00- eher in England or Ireland for this reason I suppose In both countries and I are oerinln to tIcs- la. no grounds that would jostify aysub proovedioci with to so toforepeenent of the law The boa. grunismus anticipate. very an Iron tic issue of this I ho.

wt that the hot. gentleman So mistaken with regard to the conduct of the Irish Government Is the Tout. I to to soy that with re yard to. the faire. be will.

be found 4 he. mb. takes. I believe thot it 10 fm to Ii' people due of the law to which they are nqoired to conform that the publication of the tate. by the Government was dictated by reason aad propriety.

that hoe already bees a. with the most trrpfifiii roust. Hear boss. Mr. MOYSELL put it to the Ross.

whether Oh. statement of his right boo. frbndwas really an answer to the charge made by tire boo member for TipperrJ Some Leer Sr 50 nights ago the noble lord the Secretary of State for Forel a in mode a speech in which after admitting the opinion given by every legal gOntisean who optic the subject In this Hooje. that the sxtseceiptoo tae prouolicj the lrroctfClO SicIly was Illegal went OD to compare GoribaIdi to- Willis. ILL sod stated dltlaoily wc woo the object and intention of the.

speecn Was not to eseoangethat subscription' Hoar. bear Such we the Stilted. assumed by the noble lord reor-atlllg the Govern mint Is England while at the very see. moment a notice was We" so Ireland waning the people at. enlisting undo General Lornorici iow was.

It eoaalbaa i to tog. In the one country as act declared to be Illegal and at tire same time te prohibit at of kindred character in the other country The to. en foreign rolistotost was clear sob distinct hot it should be rmemee IrS that that Act was gamed I. a special pupoea II. bear According to the ancient custom which prevailed In this try there was no prohibition against foreign en.

llotmout until the reign of George when it was srcording to Sir James Mackintosh la order- to prevent a JoonbmIs army from being loomed abroad. Is 113 on Act was Introduced by the Go. vernment the day to repeal the Act of George IL au. to enact the pneent Fret Enlistment Art. Th fi fil nn 010 A vn tIo Mit George II4 met with general snirnl but the other portion ef it enaetmj be present law ww cnceed by toe ie I.

of the Whig party banding I Donreon Sir Jauo Mackink a7Loni and Lard John The then General In Introducing the Bill stated that it. object was to prevent British object from enlisting in the army of any State- which was at war. with another State to molly with ourselves. Me sew with regret the different measure that was drill to them sad to the Mop of who entertained opposite views Bear hear. If there lad been no steps it oil taken by lie Goveremeat on sober aids therOotIS have been no ground or complaint or It warnings bad been published in land so well so la Inland there would hors been no in.

justice ner boor but to adopt one ODe country and a ft one Is- regard to tie ether must create as unfortunate feeing Bear bear. The Government were brand to hold the btlaBM restly between oil parties but he thought the course they had pursued Ix regard to foroirs- aOatrs for several months past the support they had gives to nnitedutollaamooaxobyagoiosirtb. Italian patriots for a confederation of States was in opposition to that luSt' aonaeeane which was to have bees expected. The conduct of the Government in those matters ring the demotes. Obese between dl crent trios to he ken SSxoogb.

oooeoteztng one State to unite itself with another the sanction of a Eoropeau Conines had lot to the s-ni. to France of Savoy andMoe. HcarLear Itaadalnfed to the agitation aow going on in the East reepectiagtheChns- teas provinces of Turkey and he only hoped it might not Isad tea similar agitation la respect of Seldom sad tie henlsh provinces. Whoa a Government professed sos- tnlitvitwashoendtocarrvitcvtfalrlv. sad not to allow.

portion of the Inhabitants of the country to pin a triumph over the other. He that the Government of expressing its opinions open it. Mr. BOWYER to to eon attention to a ouSt or. rdmary despatch Item for Majesty's representative at Sapl.

dated Mitch 23 That despatch had been written with the foil odie. that would probably be mod. public. ond yet In the despatch lie ftcsd a passage which woo almost unparalleled In diplomatic oeOeepoadno be could sot soy oais. for tile House had seen metals lespntohs from the noble- lord the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs which resembled tattoo speeches to a Jasebin Club than documents addressed to a resident Is a friendly Stats Mr.

ElId MIn the pro-eat excited state of Italy it. announcement that political refugees could find a safe asylum on board aer Majesty ships would probably nearly suSee to produce an outbreak but on the other hand. It most be recollected this 611. a Government sad I agents ass pi larliridnat. ia defiance both of law and jostlce ho.

hear a person charged by the poll. may fairly be considered so somewhat In the position of Ito. who see escaping home theTnchlawof a ob Hose. Hoatr. Bowyer eooldot grnanyopbuoaoa the merits of the NeapoHtaa Government bsoane ii coo- oeJved we tad no en to meddle with the not traits of other countries hub meat say that a Minister accredited to a foreign Government woo allowed to expros himself IB such gross term of insult towards that Govern soot was as suing against all the usages of diplomacy ant a TiolatlOt of tim decencies of oiriluoed We.

ob opinions had' been xproaaad So prioalo'- letters nothing- wool. ho. tom soil about theta hot tier bad bees set forth in a despatch which had Lw made pubEe and which the liter mast have knows would probably hi ptlbll Would such a thing ho. ban Sea. toward.

Prance Ld Cowley would senor have dreamt of sob a thing. Such inset. wore only offered to minor States. To large Statecthen WOO nothing ho. eulogium sometimes smosotireg to almost it.

adulation but the minors. were bellied to the prejudices of this try He old net that the noble lord la LI. heart eater- tslaed them nHmeate of totters-ma which ha declared is his oIoopa- but was pandering to on feel. Dg existing III this country grounded partially upon a hatred taCathoUcSovereensbythebigcUedr PIO6tOOIsaItIsOOgtsbO did not believe PtoteaIs setertolned sach feelings. He wiahedtosmowwl ttheGcYernn BBttntecjodto do shoe publbhintr a despatch so to she King of Naples.

How could a Minister whc had used ouch gross language hi allowed to continue at a Court which hi had so grleveoaly Insulted He always that the oiOD of a minister or tTnSssffnrlfrr was one of pose sod that the to. presentative of tea mushy was bound to respect ties laws and institutions et the country to which be was soot 54 especially to- the person of the Sovereiga to whoa wso accredited sad why so. a du fererob rule to apply la the we of Napiso A. good Soil bad be. said with regard to the expediency of lirtllw.

TTnld A ht MHnlJ nn help congratulating the Holy See ot baviag as ag Minister resident at Rome. He hollered that If there were woald be making political capital for tb noble lord sod nil hinfotesdon the Treasury Beach by writing dosobes of aafaoaDy oBensivc character GsbM the practice was put a stop to the diplomacy of it. omsbey odd be viewed so a nuisance to Europe sod an encouragement of every kind of politIcal agitation. Be wanted to know any representation would be- mode to Mr. Elliot of tb.

impropriety of his language in order Oak. saUafactioa to the King of Saples for the Insult offered to him. and to give the diplomacy of visaS thitrwpect- abHlty which it must lose by such a ceepetch as that to which he had called the attention of tire House. With re gud bribe answer of the Secretary for Ireland be thought it most unsatisfactory The warning was very lob. a thrust Posts.

wh. were disposed to enlist in the wIse of the Pope were threatened that they wore liable to penalties. It was SOt a kind and obliging piece Of advice. It meant that if the Government found them out tbeylatcndcd to prosecute. S- best.

He wanted to know wiry the same thing was act done In England with regard to the sob- smigitoss to Gsib1dI. There was nedonU that for a sub pci to do anything. by or otherwise to some. rage rebellion against a Sovereign who was in with thaCnwawala gross trom against the law of nations. There wee no doubt that the sot of which Garthoill bad nittY was an sot of piiacy and that those ho formed oisoicteo or paid were sllll of to do so act of piracy.

He hottod that there wtuld beau opportunity alisojue futon period of discuedcs our fore relations and the conduct 01 Her Mojeotys Govenmeat. He thought titer. would be no ity hi stowing that In policv them was so im' and very curious neutrality. Her Mojesly' Go. vernmeat always got.

every moral support which they could to yebetltso against Sovereigns whose pnneiplee they dia- IJV ad disoosreged In Lelaod everything which was doss to support the authority which tb disapproved. The BcU. lord sold that the English enpoos with grad pro refused to send boats to take pcaessioa ct lb. ships which Gatiboldi had. ab aottd7b ho woo last-acted to observe perfect Impartiality sad neutrality.

He did ct nndentand that kind of senmaihty wbica was kept between a bond of prates attaching a andaretnenl2 Government wt had 51 Hewavand If when he for assistance to. hall a daseaaaembersca tbeoJicf sM of the street the said not lutsrfenj we mess to keep a strict sjentraBty what would tie aiblj lord think gttbeat Tho eaWwere exactly for every peso. la arm. Boat oetbo 6. a lawful belgejeBtciaplrate SuchdcctrinMetiia iatttaUtyaad lie ncUcedth-m their arcs peed.

tk gmsssstpo ufasUss. TbeywcaldreprodMeInotMt tbitaacf thlp wblch sotoad bewan a to all kIo sublets far bid laia. EuTopssa TO ta III It mast to si a revolutionary pwitII which should JUK ta 1t3appfeaad ha to rappl woars whocu policy hood made that Power so thong. render it jnjly difficult to sop. with it.

best. by MrTElSot had bn lord Taso afraid Tesnona satisfy th wish of the hon and learned PDI1emaI1 by Uorxlng lit. that. Her Mejoatys Government ho. express any disapproval of tie despatch which Ilea sot with Ii.

censure. Hoc The chief ciarsctciida Of that despatch it that stabs tie Ins dIeen sad? that It is the duty of Her Xajettys dipUnatw ageobi broad the truthhowever sjretaile tothe apuwLiA tity bon to eomnujata. Ear hew Til. was sot. Toiuteerad ommmilc tJaa Lou.

Mr. It me from. dlmrioa tool plaos ken so to It nppoerfeoBBtof ravel oS In rafopto. SicEtt ftefcj pen on shore. Ti order.

wUi Lm been urea oa see n- co the other rf tile tremwtKi tire kern. an ad ha fad th the mat by the lead of the ei a ae. and code Met 2 Tj IS sating PM. whore to rimplj li when any en. anp train strulcr from thoeocdKuiitiaE of to say shipit LiclnL jbe a.

faKfei fort ho la BottoheReelnd bit that It so Is Sea from per- 05 eeout of peStuii or soodoet pbs I. its tbm the commudb eHeet to to. tattee Urn 111110 It ii upon the principle that army of WM Is British eheerl that pncdple boo tan ted ups. la who pUo OD with reg rd to ether cooatra. bendeiSieOr.

DoTtoj the nril wore or Sf in GiVnlluwml the plate or refuge larn Wj of the dif. yard. tune Protredsto. St Another from the power of tier for a un equity fond tofug udet the of the fir dg Art pi. r.

On the same ft 6. so 4 or' ou on the port of the of a hip 4. adrift sod freud back tote the or his a who mw no dlfttet offence who had Dees I by no tribunal who had ban charged dandfoond isntyof so civil or crimIuolofi' bit who wMpenMutoi limply so he and sought a temporary refuge booed ihlp. HeKUar Mr. Elliot when he lut wrote that the condition of StcHjat the timwus snob thai pooso.

Sytag fn fwm V. il" yiagfrom the Lynch kw of a nub. Bee Iity wen Sjlaj torn the Yes bat the Gonrnmentot Sicily to Oh. poll. Cheen' Is he jntKntet of the charts.

The hon. sod learned gentlemen 11 Mr. IBot disrespect ihelan and insbtsUou of the bob I soy lie showed respect totbem. TheLiwiaadiastteJieniofthalfopeiitiaUap does are now entirly sit adds sod gnrf 1. oMMoa lb.

whole of the uuuuUj is is thl hands of Lea polo. Hearbear Zn the of Raplse there is aooIleDhodo' hear bear from Hr. tbe Code pit. 110. Xa it is not so" adopted to local slrsuoshioso sad to the tog.

of the poop There Is a ConsUtHtoB sod a Parliament pasted by the lateXlng. sworn to by Urn in themost solemn manner near hear with of on T' bl item it wen sat aside bat yet that Conedtolion is a dead tatter. Gha The polio. ererythlaa they arrest people any charge opIDs6 taeataey keep time In polite without any trial and soy awidsot DII7 prisoner brooe it tria1. sod acquitted he is equity kept In prism ft Is tud he Ran.

bear. lanes II no proteetloel there cheers and lb. utmost bazbttloe hare been perpetrated by the polite at Sicily the safortnnat thsoeonbey. Cheers. The hon.

4. not mflwT whet is suede. the If fc l3M as wHNk 00 feeliD would ea against the which hear and which we knew an sobbed in that county. I bob. that so such ma.

that of hi. See which bas tufonded. We don't know that then Is such a bat putting a hypothetical nice It soy moo flying from the fangs of the ponce wen to seek refn je an beard a British ship there Is no I helien in this country who would not deem that that am- had wlductsd himself sobs under those oIrasOisee should drive each so to. dividual back tobe thvctu the Utbsrissss I hors Cows These an matters of isellng cs which we on think It from our position of neutrality in. regard to the contest sow solar.

so. ire ooeanegsoi Los bees to than who stesabceriMns is side The 1 aye th. of By aobla ion. learned friend the other ni bt was at snoecregemsol cat the moment compared Gocheldi to so htVriTj rtrrffnaeB mt if the hen. gentleman boo no ether ground than thai for asserting that the Government has ivan soy saoh Oeeregeoot he be rather straining iacts and saiHuiij la order to prop up tile octaioM which lie wishes to to.

sound. Best hear. Therefore as far as thIs qs-eettoo goes then is so censuntc he applied to Mr. Elliot With iardtothefeehagsol the NMpoIl Government that despatch I should think when they read itaU they could han to say to it weald he Pad. ba ooppr trianoUs.

Et did et turn ref Hear hear is respect to lb. ether point thor I. a Beat sanction between tfitwo eases. In the one cess then Si a positive statute plain intelligible and simple to tb vi. laths- of blot certain pant.

ate attschwi 4hat be tile Foreign Enlbuaent Ad. The other Is Ia tfaobin of the aw of which be but every must see that a prosecution la this ease would be much mote us-certain than Is- tire can of offences against 41 warning was thought so7 to potpie 10 Ireland who dill ao seem to be a wan of the state the law la the other case it was stated by a hen. sod bees member opposite that the discussion in this Han would ho sofirhoot wornIDc to those be wen supposed to be gogd In this subscriptions which wen deemed to be contrary to the law of nations. Hear near Mr. REX1oESSYaId said the nshls lord' tit the stole otSkfly remind nrt Mm of a which had made some years ago by a colleague of his on a ar matter.

Is 1851 the Secretary of the lord noses seated to cnother place that Baron Poormn had had so operation performoiiol on bite while wearing the chains which the wounds tea which that operation was rwjuiswl. That an also repeated to another- Jormby the right hoe. teatiemaB oppoiisa vhec book about Naples woo fuflot th grow misconceptions. The moment that chirr was mode the ones of Naples took steps to gins it a proper diction. A State paper wu uhlUbed to which wenattacbed tire emtltoa tacsurgeoas who performed the operation.

They Scaled tb story about the chains tar boron won Tho CIUCELLOR of the ZSCHSQCXE Oh oh I saw him myself. Cheers. to assort that chains tasted ti. wssod and that thoee chat were worn Seeing the eperatia fQr that was lb. predaecharge laugh.

It was reel by statement of the medial moo that they saw at ccams sod an maths of Stains and they distinctly ed gist the malady fee which lb. etteatlos. podormed. was as hereditary malady and tad nothing to do with chains. Thatstats.

awntwa 5. example statements which Oh. sobS viscouat relIed la hi against tha Klaz ofliaplec. had acwiab to ohoeg. UaoblcloroUr has lnff with seeking to ev tura tho Sing of Naples rnaanti athcltcsBcbvec.

The Boa. lord was the of the liberal party perhaps It might he sold Is Steep. certainly ia tnis oaotry sad he was acting osoodatsoily In using all aUmnaenc to promote the spread of Uberaucm In Italy. Hcarbecr Put be looted Ubml- as a thing not to be approved of any when sad oboenI asS when th ffcctcol thaew badge were a their mmdsouiped a gnat many ctberpcoul -WC tie same. Hear.

This was not a of two but of two dtSenat foe. ct rrilt" Th noi-i. toed an to bbeni views titoogheci Europe tat he wished. point out to toe gentlemen below the esourway so the. side.

wbotalkcd a abouteoo thalUwaslofS these to support. monk which spread liberal views as tbexpecsot the. pcopl of Logiusdi Hearbear We had already a war with a thressigo la sb East and night have another sos- with a Sowmeic Is tile. West- for he lordt speech amounted a roybore kels eaHer Y-ajo Government and the King of Alaugh. re noble lord once talked at a iy a fleet to tho Bay of Naples but go a or hero th ZmICDr iusria which wag oreobocafed larecgaout Eorope la- criBiBg him that the Government O156D 05 that Hey would set 1 CAEIrELta I all that saeawsjTii.

JoLsaJ that what was- Icsaed was ta ordinary Bolls Seas thai is exactly te treta et th eoIW oowI I. tholw1f1le oIwoI1 be 0I1p IU elM. to tolio roso laU IX. Ju IoT of a oJ. jso1aSt 11101 Dityw be eador Is m- ci- rort 1tjIcbo.

or ibis m- Co bore bject' I' 01 11. Y.Ior b- or.u- 7r hi udr SOC 1 1' OOUIl 1 lb. ot 1 ert ioIob yu who 4' be. baOlroriJi rad of uirlalD ot. poOlbi.

oonoeq b. I of St. oe ho. lie wI do 14ool1Detoia tapIr I. 1Dlr Thor I 1b 11 H.

I tj" oa in 10. their poffoet. I eubl1bHs lb. MJ. I c1fr wt ro" Jo qottots oIb is Lhalookd aaI the id ri of po ref tie beo lIImthe 1710 wi the- s10 004 hi.

tho b1 Oh lhcl.poP\ uni Dhho 2. rho of th. told beJ tno theof thmodeeb Ere ajostJI ba. the It 1Ii i i orpo pr th bow to" ill. th.

pTodolthat 1areI. lodo hiols IrJODd knood II. Jastob- rodcI Is prtlrsotn pl tJl d'd rn a. Y. ta6eoo ti1 baT Oer The onIl o.

0 iIIlniD coolS. n. bar. cor sod mo.t to. OD kh B1the.

ODde boo' ID Hobru.1L fu JoIO" oim lp to al" ko. a 7 01. CO bedo a 7 beha. oood. Cfsiaa 5 mi oue be 0Tirl" coo It ralrl7od tuthFlly doot that sereethese of.

d. oi S11nLoh a dooU fed-do la Ii. aUT br1II1 tact gob 011 rpreoced ce i jh hid Ibis hi learned vde Mr. ok ho. CO fit I tbhulL Oble betr.

die' 00100. h. dosbtthat 1 11 4" PIi II mail full fa heir keeldro the. hauld 1a a II peal. deeM.

1 perlodhili LI. 1 51 Is tho he 11 rid. the tIlHbey Sh 1 hh 01 Co 9i" lo ff fn. Jed 0 ho 10. lULLO miRi htoadood It not am" III 104101.

bod I. r. od 1l be tie. tlon tnIlth rrI- a- sod- tur bory ad 1 ld 7l. 6 :1 or po lb.

11I. At' eoWd pnopriety Serjtot that iA opiDi. ht klifoa ado diool com. 00 oa plla to. be.

diM. Won01 my i5. ogIt 10 ID hi. Slofles of Ioo oobohwoddallmoo1O be thpnoner orimlaa1 nAnOIL GE ER neadtoblch clio wiloh1O udo hn sio7 YOTJpolnI oomenL. Ia me m.

pp o. bo f. Od lae fd bo. a hi. gl kd cet I bt DWdT ct rlt.

1. Igj I uo bb 1. tfo ao I. hc m. U.

wT 1. I. liter1 to I. pJ mo edl I ho" bd 1 Idice 7" dolr lb I 1 of Dt- Ihidu. I H.

JO' I OoO oall bo 1" I. hl autl di I ad- bn. e. Ad b. 0 I 1 0 11o 1 a H.

0. 0 pk has. I WT I. 1 m. No 1 a at f.o& I Bo oo t.

1 fc the 1. 1" lb. 1- r. 51 bd tolp Ouatb J0 aTe ho" n. M.

GE' ER- mT jd. Dd jodl wi jo Ip. is. h. Bo t.

df i IT. e. 1 rr Ymb e1pIMj Cr nl 0 jd ID T. T. I f.

1 I. jur cbl. of. 1 hc by 4 Olp 1 dol. taof1 d1 1 IISr theW OT nd la.

It wlt g. Ot 1. wI 1. I. bnd to hi Th.

dobljo Yodo K. bm dIT t. U. od lo h. Tb h.

1. i MUb o. oft. Io comI A PU Wi dl 0 b. WT.

r. to" I i com i Aotd c. bU fo. db hb t. fo pt It I.

aho 11 t. gn adau h. bT olbeeUoob I i Tblmto fh ot Ib Wh. A1 bO fo 0. Ind.

I. 1. ho. 0 dob Ad tb ftO 1 ud th 1 a w. th tk 1.

a wa pl lT r. h. Ad 1 I e. the i I badn I 1 1 Ca u. pl tt A.

I D. I. It ld H. li by I i. I i A 1.

pr lp. pb h. ad i 1 0. m. t7 b.

1 fo Waa. G. fo bt" DO a lids. Ioe da. 0 tOr c''b i i IOhJ Ut ilbel rrcpl I Oblch Ja Olo 0.

JTo A. Polk 0 bk d. i. db :1 A. I lb.

onbl and ot lr" AU I GDa ia io a aDko frm I a t. b. i i f. m. rtbo at to I 0.

I b7p. i 1 d. ho do. 101. bt h.

1 t. fo onno. l. H. h.

1 b. Jk boHfyno tot.k. id onunlHlO1lmll1 bow 00 tell. reap. As eire.

i11i I shot of St. tot dlo tho. Iby dd di tlnctIots. r. 0.

for otis. here I eballi foo2 onali. I b. 1e OP :1. ilonibterl.

lobaII with fOlU" hbJ Tbislo A lhallloko CoaDY I. od IIuth. epU ADTPrllrcoo underenling u. u. n.

Is Is hoth PT that tio. be 1' CODOPq nrt coo nl. 1 or. the tbeAct I eIoIeT 01 1a UI hlT ror inrt h. gi.

de. co iosi. euiii I. flottortly Py. I 01' ain.

wi. 1 dorlbeir that hicl miaod. a. beoadoapiDst hiaoeIf1liU it hi" so b. I A ib fom 11101.

ha tile 110. f. ddI1 ti. be to ho f. fro.

mi tio a diooJ. of ooJ ktiD the ms thy dmiotom sithooh Is bo. wI. bf wllboIaD bite m. 10.

sloote I o. todl bn tion olooT wi" obaIl" ordlDa i IIj1crimI. or. wi 0 of tog i. lTida bich h.o b.

to.p.-ioD wi" efore mloo. hodot ad. rrt hi 1hth i. co o. beertifi with d.

If to. perfonesd plWD iri ot Lea" I I' eooo 7bod 1 pore tire 011. bib i thathtrLothano a. 1 1. Ot SloDer1 11I fa.

m111k. Snipe fr. thebo IDa 11 011 b. SeebaI hJ tqretnwUct ftatnlIP1tl not boiD orhaTitfUiTeD usedJodeey b. fo soch 1.1 f.

II. Y. Alod Adof po rnm" I 00. of uml or oo ptio. I yeotcstitcbesoottrtoeonaions TheA.torn.- ou bt 0' lb ii afi wij ooci bon I Oidnt II gi DId i ty boITln boa ob bD1IiU i l1 the Ato co au UbIam1a ADbodTleI at.

to A or lie rirDt to DOIM The d. ror. wiII dTif an4100Dd hi. ti hares. aJ IIPbaI two the b.

its lb. B. me from. made peo 1rtIh 80 foa n. lot 1pIaID that to lie.

ha1 beyond the ft Is pIWbIo that ha soy the tile hImot hatKr. Cbad. Kr soppeesS taIos what. un by-- OIIo Ted. i the rrooaolltoell uor Lo li Act wi ore If JO make oil.

ye. cod I Mr. La px I ola 0. of tho orat1t. ob rear LI.

rndecoo eod issornoioto Hoi bon. ADY 4l 1. thee. ha 1kI111e uder Itj oliO the thetopiry. they bad said to bias Thom.

ppsp to I' op cold have I dooerll llBio. him. tnct aid be. hi hadu pt 14ij. hi.

wn 1. oT wi" ra" ldsortthcato K. immediately b1letkr 110" ollioe 1 to. It. blo fr I fIl arorppoaIor ADbmod tok It bod to.

mlht oerti lobo i labeUthillk thattblab. of He 11 Masse a. lId of IT judiblob hove- III1ITOrMlIT of Hoar. n. tyof hoC to I.

WltiI 11. OD Mi toriant Pi" 4. laID. boN of this I fn. jOIio he-- ADd.

A 18 1 0 N. Ao rih I boocom ited iDu. be hod1nO thoreI I tIed e. And 10. 104 hero J.

ale. 1 I i. Ill Illncrai He dl. DO these ptosut1osi ha yarn. I ill adosit it to be.

lien be rennet fttetIW latel1 ll I nooliJa the la. rrlalln to hriborytin iBo bote pliam oboes r. committed eba Io.1pD 101cl1 0:1" I. ia berJd It lea At tiID I mrho ro ittnk led thpoI I 7' when 110" t. maI 1 Tin iscorte utIaI deD" aJ" belief bOLl.

10 eo. ch. oonl I aid I ib cia. mall IIW Of bel. thH 0:10 1' ha 51.

Co. IL. Tet Jlrf- a heiDla3iitotedlm be. so mo. silo obi I.booJd ri.

world L. tie II. I. ohhe IJ I 0" ii wiOD 0" wi" OI1dtled and' tArespo Y.7 th 4ot pi tbo eD. It.

1' givng lobe p3md pruoltiro porj Well. 10. lli to a bi 1 rig tDi hiy of Cmbri hot ynioe er the Okhth di i' ij 7h' Ioo i.frie.d. Creeral rt Cb" C. i.

jurice Oco od. liony thing. hmJ. TTORoE GE.ORIlAL Itoorpod Sh1e boat 1 W1ITESILIFTh.t i 1 amT a. on bad.

d. whirl. freon or tano1 1 meat1 tbo. 100 e. 1" C.

or ELF 8BHbH. jsotdologtheery ties thing 111 is noiao ibty 8 bol. red nertitcoto oU poiud oth. ono inh1cIo A U. ra.botll.

boar. ked n. hor I 1 pohtio. the. 1.

propoasl thZhl trespoct ID er LEWIS. permi to arked oDoe iIIthe Iohpoot th polloTofling oth sol 0" od. 1 boa' 1 bdobato Inh ad b. enl1 i exptusoed wi reilord th iuIona ii. I in hth.

foruer toT last b. enuoou. thathere msottao their' dspce these com btotme sad that It I beoltb fi. knl ii opoiA 0. of the WormotIoD I thecoondotionecs' dII' W.

f. pti. so at ond datl 10 td be I co laiIm Id 1 frid tire having ho the prorlotify under den. I. deeidodoo nstitocia pro.

which thiIIg emborrusiil. than the d. of I fwho I' th. 0 w6m1Uloddod tio. h6motpat a f.

orew ore. o. dIeeober niotdd tlODtII1dI bODloenaed lalaIa 1iOr OII ot ftI1t. be CHoar. I the to inted by so th upIaia or be the organ oI.

I gtlmt isdoubtodly erich would with lb. Of this Bee. CHar. It be said being PRllameekrJaIa I the the. GoTimmaI II having 4 I be duty tlII.

notal Lslham Sod the' llatlonwhIob has bee ropoe' by hao. soembem this that the obi' ans.on.- hienlii boftllO IJt 0 ako of Jeoraed ktbryseGeoyJ ollelal kuosdedge It to tllel oOP bot be otneso to all spreebte 10 this leg' padisg the of liar ban. TOo faIroot come. benSi hortobritIforwvddIatiDct1a WsB the tioa. or to M.

IIIt1Uoo- ecotinGommoa 1. 10 The right no dld1 clan Is i to he prorlIIi. of tile 8111 th i to AD porj70h0U evilenea clllle ttaeom PiW ki u' ao" Sosnenbee Gryd tv IF' Pa tI1. the ed Sbllnaj otl drID dJalranobiaod GrI Ii tho. the wrIttfoUh 1' SO" bod of.

1r 1 bo ablnJu that Itime 10 lor hintu of th1eDgtb thopnoaotPorliamODI by. hTh GoTboUhob 101001. tot Bili' d' Glo Woko6oduot II perIDd. d. IHLS is BiIlh1cIo i a i of I Ultlla ref roll.

bebto1eoa doliborate1 1 do. 1r mod boar. i. qo thoolgou deDo1l l1lotioo makedfstiIIc that diotbostion. ho GOTtOn" 0' belie.

n1e to to thet ORTm 1llllAlUY. Th. ODOSOGBUE In rIoiag a to. GooerD ill. deee bocl.

provooiiztshicn fzoo sow arbRari11a I m1js I bIa 1. IDbl hod psnetoei H. Ca bIr bls 0 04 pro bel11ogo1 Jo. 1 tosI fromlueb baldI. da is Sod tb 7.

gJ 7" oIdw 1Tlolato lah bot 1fo hIoh ti r. jlUtlJioobyor t1d lika gI. 1I. the 1. f.

Stat T- DtomedeGonlmonlehod tIl ed IloedsO tire of. t1imate theLI tI tI thinking oa 0 rT would brie iaf. OOOI1t leave m. IDtolera le to be. or.

to' behe or blo i tos re 1. 6ln1 thla soblesodleilneOl GoTenab fxtpiB by. or" Ie atthe of Tlp Oh. no- t. wroogbsm la" Bearhew ln th1inI that.

proeI an plaoe lie oie I Abjec1If 1 tabs to I prorioioooof i1e is- I. i inloofi dod iI i laiIIiII ho ia on iM1oe I I 11. l01Is be it. sootof i II1ert of soIg6Teanfl al no thoaon In therelS of UI11todKiDcIGIL 1 boao. lounge that Ia had 1 tIoe ht 3ws.

lie to 1Ioe IOID ltiaIl1H topm I. dao I tI I J5ealti. ira7. loop. cia.

tbooa rcl 011 to hJd to l.r men haItod I IrlnItor I Hi ID. oh. UemorI Dihta. 1' duct ore wltIt. 1 ptl1 tIIoociee Ii 1 road ebI 11 MO 5rtL ptltit g.

fd rail a. I F. at b1. tie. 1 jeetli Boin I he tliorch basloofforel DOrll tbohethODOfUIOOd a.

Xbot iII thU r. tudo DObI1ord be. Ie 11 1. bed I to oali iIti t. boorAcooroLaa f.

IL. Yoekialoeh The 50. an I mi- acbi tthiUtt x. oi. oftb.

lD 1udIJ Lord 1 Mkinloob Lord Bill wtin yof S. that. paopJ. heIanI1Ie Utbere Go. ailido i EDaiaad b.

in 7. And. In. Ii. r1 fi 10 -ft' ei.

diJ1croI1a StoitoeIf crclrIt I theagitatienuo. goingonin IooEoA III.ChriI: CO Jttci A n' trilUDphthoot tb II. 1 dtchhad hotU1If dlpIomatL4 lie S. boo to. 1 Is pr.

1to11 OD E. i bot ba dedocoobotli ollo. 1 potsoothorged 10. oftheoe Lynch law of Ih I giTeat OD. tbecaue 1ft other.

7 to. in to the. and. 10110I1 of' bahI. LordCowleywooJd ff Stole then tiftg tbehIo toIaocIio blttore blch 0 7 ed to bat the lobes-led he H.

tlD. at. CoonhIoh ooaIT 2 al hot. ODd. be Opp Fi pl dIDIomatio I.

boipO tIOeHiiir isa YioiaIorwodd tsgptsleoloapIbei the Jr i :1 dil ofpoIIcicaI b. botberT o4 ED. that to be or. SoorotarJrlroian Iike uJ JbJe" od ID Ho1eo bu hen IoU I ill rthat Io that. of' oh 1 aoth zl they Im dId.

ftr' If. OD be III4e they N. leiorlore of them panLlelf. 111. eibolayfuJ atoSochdoolriaeoof sod hlmlDloooooloftlaelon itl OSIOOCi pood loIeof" Of.

II acIP1III41a the 1 of She. at gloater whIch tbo. 0It Fhod OeodaoiIemIt.bIob1oo4 tile IS. betollreagt1oa to IlappIe wise r. inzti topo wlthlL he.

tJemus oiIed by repealing tho. 1 his hope loot tot tho of the tile wueld the IDIDlsIDr hid beg. said byM LcripAUrEsro rni4I the byiJcrbi ADT' uf- and t. Ills er he' em bAllI 01. ooomenbaIlon p11 the ctol' oficer IeJIIaa too.

DrIi aaOD tho. po pagsef bloh extraotd be. that Sort. fie I1T ste iDpo'- Illooly are that. po f.

trial or the of. 1 7 oIpofwvh hbe in otpporihell be Ted b. ol bahip thpriDcdple hlp olwar pnIn4 015 ropnI booidoo Siolly alternately all at lime. lor. of I refuge.

os Bear. hoar. be. tb to. bad olr beet chariedfoDJld guilty of DOclrlll2 poseeuto Il ref hoezdoilp.

1Ir1Iliobelut. SidqthU tl1atpezooosf1IDi for nfuzo lrom. D01Ioe ia tbIo l1h Lying trots- Th. r. IIIeGoof he olloe.a- tunsd I Eliot to-the 10 uI the.

to The 10. 1IttIou of tb Napoli. geed tho1z7 mbo oflb Rear tIl. fJodtNopolIt Yo I. late Sing the hImaolf Thopo1lco do they withootasry by bcooghb to ADd.

to 1oorbodIIeo bow puoIDg hi did moo lit. tho' DD4hIch Is I bees- lmot1gb. report II sotlesly Rob. but tioh aa. 1 cboeal ofleoliog oil no poIi.

nIiTII1 Ilea. given biow old of 7 night Ie I papDP op the tcelingt of It oil so refs1II. the la. uf- oh. hlIotmeDA Iu the soot by.

1oooDOoI alto. B. hoar. of Jar theForogu Go. 1t1lw.

whioIo. do 1 form. by beokahatlNapfo1lol the t. 1 the- cheJf hatoI1 Oh" I. Mr.

HE1oESSY DId the moh. bmL 1Imaw chats. s. j. preoIooo1oarretAlaughnoa ohabd hottlamJLootTf.

That pia it hich I Nap Ioe. eor best. FDlIolmoeJf. us oft' 01 liWe tile. 1arJ.

qor of. The tedearantlog boos 1Ioowied wile good Semi abet hat It for the of Whod Iwarub Inlle DOub iordopeacIo Her Goftzcimenthe tA Wkedof 6. the of R. EuoIoI1Goftz11. 1110I0 toolu woa fin.

it they aI1owe4l11e ble lord. lien' I. Ire. would the all olIoo sod oompIIcaIona Be aalT add hi aprooaioa of biuros he CIIiof f. IrdaK hod lid a The 100 onrFMpna i.

hioIs II toy rA be tobaeaib oI 0 Mr. OA1t WELLI I dl. nod P. bDetboqbI that the 01. the or ro Ia theoIl1oo SicIlIaa Do sho He that poop1e kd so tha Posiso st tfl sad Il arid hi 611 6i Ularbeor ThotiflahaI1 it.

ii folioe lb. 1weeolbt 6qoiy th AM. peso. 6. 6.

as oeei to soy 6 or i soy hi' soasobO of so bI soy era so. c. dtMbirei6e fpolatod i ok soot laqslzy. soot so dosorMy to lb. bad of his LOOOIdg bash.

bet froso sfl proot aotlse. lad lsod I. hlcb 5Y 6. bee bern by tech person or presro. to retors oj pflotirs 00 0 fOeO soc.

lbs eso scotch qsostiof s1 bat 5505 coqsreosof that. no. flfl mso a. 0wteO that prelJcd tby to thibeat kooriolge tby hs1 dofdr4 o00irrety o-c bobsole more. sot b.

i be red soy. qo shret a. 1i tstoo. an the aiio rbiisnten en is brian ertMote is. sqprehsnd easer iosrty hftho foil the eramiseiioro.

Stbe ysor. fare of tb. proooediopr eelS. ysowos 6. Store tbrsfbS er.

is 1 if ttIrg sobenspos tar sore. as tm gin preeroatioow-Itbont brer4 Is tlto th Io ind bat tb ot rp nor tha-ribrome. tot iojeat. 1 bave sotlidol wool haea 1. elans lb.

a be Ii 07 sd i laoiyssdioehebcMoltbeirksoeiedre. 5 soblrhthros losIoneos ay' no betoregt1g sat Osaotte ttiionterotilyor baregters beag fiis coed Acted thry pGiOfOicOO Boo JosrrelSooodootobce I thoy Leo an Is the floe. wbefertisr tsetioo rod 1. tttd ion. mtttorho otbg i own sse I art Es.

p. bsttIt 4 mytitat thet the goretbets looms goods. 06. ai a dot all toe. the.

trg I they ye tartlon iftcr0 r. solet so fcf. from ti to. josot ltgett the the Woketeld lt y. titel cortiteat.

nt ooombetonore ea or hen Farliatentory fl thrymade dirareure Vttlihotbeir cots 0 i other mood ought bend eisro dobatsspon by Cmilales sost. fur. Slob bare the 11th sottias the Corot Art 1 aor I I iberefoc. Is. estitof llt tire Goeeminenl jootitod 5 tothiuslag a roe that.

or. a rimtdsebt wie' Shea y. thooght tdIat ladjeide bit to toot hiild So sos Ott opt tis. peede olrocanr it eel the I. dia.

sore woe Leiltat Cmmittee roes- rte boo foon eresgi. It nod Ira ye. cfiO 5 port-of o. tosasIOeciO pbetlape loe al enesto. the tUoas obzt indleldealo.

hadtbeaethorily OIoott Is atisg that I be. ra tore. so. ace sod dlerboure oe groot him be 0 iby jury twppentrreantobomItbaSbeeobeld otttatifbe I tots titeeol Odsoerol oloi 6557 l. Oh etatommet 5 St I The Its s' hove a.

Cl 5 sos the speeches yo a IIsJo. be 1aOgb. hibeaed rrt Isfot lat I Iabotat itollits Is geolIs. Lay if. rtt tvmembhewreeythM aerplared a dett ht1.

hare to infant. you declars I is Tte 05 and It yt the flotteedndthptosoottleet in Ibeedn the Oq5Ioes ep7 a ebligobeos the I at bomealty hut adreosor- a Sep 6. wjj to tSnIynot a iogle wool to It. atop bias lIes. If hoar3 0.

or two polorto toaJ ts slloh 6. ptriiilisd Is soahe a 6. dsoor 1 oftit. ho forget the bane. I restihoa itemsof bons.

so. ersoycessldetotiss otto IotPfi0ll Sb. majority biiJiesf5o arnnOI a I roe his. he opsrn Hess. eonotitote a appafarom sob.

oil be foas4 willing to stideetabe thAt daty Itor. epos lbS 5. Ira yroordodthmiedroodoct Yes algbs call epontbe thereasoim Yoo Lbs bet. oos of Seddleg 50. Parliamot boa I.

tbs 1. satWat' its. doe Is beanS the jsdgotet ibm ntill Ohs briogosod rolsor foreyoi dobiresolsjory. You bbmtO.t- bin. the Acted PadllareesttothesoitoeoresU ibatmidesa.

soak Sloe. ic-ar. Aootherslo est ougi.i naurrly 5afO0Mt bCtO01 toyowoiaoristheestudofthomtoicbr Oh. ThOlIeltoBes the bad. fJhot 1.

St. proercotion the think Oil us i said boe urged. wet the IIouej nobesthi. ifotoebs. boos geiltyotbenoretsoloms and bnio ftfaso.

lonet V. erred It bygtheattotnb4 Aettobe thbaf. pl If. heart. siant sosoottedoso good at all.

hw. decease. from bore I at. eifeeo lfttotletsbetbe 1 sswhioh tsaad I moor I tiere-reot. I Si.

msasrr elhote1 odbrrsghl soeloubteily no I Go reret sear tab6eIsnotasareable osehotitbeforstspeomoby uniow the ci. as ii I bot1lig tboeiIatle hayln hero for 1. Resrbrer. mybearrry ease. Ittbtktr was.

rrvpfl uo ehemeto tolrx. errertoorn 0 bmeJ I clcbled eight of gtoat tuIptiteoo toeco. etet d41eecoto lec the oat. ense. without die.

ioctt four the Lo tAo istItyith rrepecttotbeothrefosn his I 00. G.SereI. poy aisaths. soy coge. thcIIaseo.

1tct toasy as taboo- it oentiono deftatiagthe statemy ccsoluoloso ia tore esee t. ed oslo. is cern. iedoner 5 aa ooste teu on rhiotLe 00 set. I rortitrete.

reomlanmedtothinhthat theIst etibosof ttpt 000erqOesOS somniano sot. foofeltu roe. and totted 0 0 ins. earn cc. be makre facts a one.

s.ts- ti. pet- I oeUoe nod de 6. a sat wee if. tr coto 5 cot tsp- single qore es ne. meantO Actfot tbficmpoepoee of.

piog curd the ost wit 5 died. otis lion probe hould cot to cotJeS to 11. wbthreepcct a tilt I 00t ree ret 5 Or pest. I rn. eotiooith pd sadsoybody sep word lb theoidencetoahow tarn.

tol bebs. glenatmthfulretstion ma the i with i scnomsoon 0 aIec tiery rso open meibo and. Isos fo 1 it yes at soot. sooootoirisywbeiher orrrptioo erbolooro Us. hear.

Alto dots pttln f-cr rote- diel 000 0 beqolt. jootited0feing oatth the prance Ito a I tan. 0 it rooSt anti eat par ty Georosh tte 5bare5gtoitachtoarrybodyM 0 the GeDerIl ortt. ot so does hiodotysofar aadltioiiskbewiilnotleasdisd if 6 ha sow thing any if geatlereco soot. 0O ob befoti Hesisbot Ire IS.

so poQG ptethwtth Itosfad oaths bar. he St one 6srli bl. ces 1. tb proscsUose 1 1. Obatleonoeth I- be I to-tab.

a aotsadei mid pro- AttOOnOyGanI s-lu joSt Is. eebenoes heel tb Mr. onteIadom. its ilsoeoaretold Uyeo soatirre ewbeod ecrtibeat. 51.

days onto asy solotiso iheso rearhod arid. so nstetlofootsoe have Ba an mew might ha. greted soaedaailos St. It. so dtl1otsd blot00 Sisateoonoiea epF baoam000resdybcdolfhcoqld.

ottO. lbrofoe anne tiled S. fleet. boiisa VI eU. iterernest aty s-ithot aphee andtalcrotept neerrrnnehethot It.

cornuioslon. ssyesortoI soybodyceros. 5 as woOl Oh miciliobo the IIs Th airoeee ad gontitoosa ann. motuhave yen. ha Ma GOser1 say.

7055 tIre coo oftwn elm cot ogott shot a oeo mode r. Jote M1to4 ItMemesthet. points theAttoenoy. et toting be as dispute that so is 1551 as to. tolatbeg bsboee ii.

14th peroen sofoensity hrnbyraactedortmpeodcnton agothot ch oPen. to I ml 01. elapsed co prooeaoelot stoold nutbis other 054 commtcaisnrdooisohis in terdiran a mistakers thee. tteet. barI a.

hi. to sight- thofoets sow thoogh men ineoseltrri omely se ttooerndinthijoratlo cgcrptbodoolarethatfIanol is lie. Cootaoo. and or. ocyIsariag oolat frsmittrnlntlintroepoctI nemorveotore teems- Ore.

hevw given of bOUhOrt a me to. octet onles etstienof gtrcthis hooasd in ertoSeil I a it. the fat 1 man ours the TTOPEYGI2fZRALtetrrpedey if me ta-ritIcri I nS arpeelool myboeasdiearnodfrieudl 05d400rri SosS to. aerlset see agoidot I gore. Dan hove-gin on gea- iip the is aooorsalnlng 0 10.

I oisoawttb In prtre corrnptl coetainly S000LOOZSISSt th doss. BorwiohF obylnesan tommiotns Boo coaoaocore s-o oot. and hod goasfed s-ito coeeeqtotoee p00San Cerseroi bad matter reetidorutlee decided on ostioe jt. dehelsa ouch as conduct ouehppoaeontloos soa seben thefiMetopi aretohen foethat porpan a oadodnnno eeIsSon a reyhon. tho I.

othely GO5eitlteOt to rsgtM say of thaotoandielaIpdetofnieso. Thea. speelerl Acted Paplisrest Interfere salting tirpo to thsizptosoodlgn ho of coscoylog the. cosdoat meet reprsbMei. fl Pectoseteisry eosst Ce add soomIadtean- fore part 1 lab.

efflct a to etetais- boor. one 0os so. I make that of set mpoicnt for so gte. any of hoes-a II1 I prosoediag. a coot.

htr bee bohrtog oOo Is 61 A oke 5 sets Qltar. not sh p. teelvbsx preeeedtsqs that Is gsen his cii Tiat I. asypereons 0. i to the execotfos ftom dimwont totbe Icttty is their Glosoeler 554 Wabefiold.

oepenoioeof mesas Otbee Mr. oosr is. ii. arrymembor 0 In. dOubt igth I hsri Govsrneont have tolabe lb.

repsi- 1 ii. oger th ouSt. om by limbos. nottblob oonlaat soot. cral to be In Ibope taste aol way botogoarrIod botif Hoosebocld best epin1 oh lime0 not 06 ore toeali-sttastlsoteapeo cent fes Com ladooer eelboteOatIO tharny Uy Of tbcops Beglssd been the Goroereenthosen idno ad uo.

the aubeoriptime for jornoi. foe free heidi thna. a They emcdto oni 5D1iptalane000 byrsasmom Protossont err. Sane for from naruadtha aoationj thittbPopwsoattaclos fme 3. bilily ceoy ylared like 0 sy rsolt woolS be lb.

coneictionof the pemos. join w0 pot St. as- an 1. Seemedsn thaila I rtt7anry of obedience I. Theho.

copp vs Oh. out 1. fo ry igbt bit. bsorof tubolakeabla peatadsnd eSU tbeitatata onditan teuect sio otlrtt crderthat do. ws-lg be.

to Ida 4. olS thgdoct My any tandoncy I. there bea. I Oar. not Oh doobt totted lb.

Seoea sbjmo tilegni tiralydsosythaiwe pesaon to jo a od. soiling ox' peeeroutloeatlhec a tech be otioe ml iiaadod Wear. Mrs 0 peereen. ope too Ontee that himself bad been a rbeoriber to a and isoetil an- nehethctporened. speech ifow jt ti sometime soprohibltas fo IL so.

of 1. Oh. Isto ItmOt asosi. boitho If poe. bole 0 bavebeen It.

0500 Eearber. bets- bathe wotbeOfItOlIOpOIsIOt fo odSOsios den omen sobs is Cooze sod Ni. Ut. liter. Ii bad oboe led theEosOipeetiug a to a bath.

Ii was besot to rv tI out fairly. th gob Id net perlerem. in inch a oooe itot solos soy cit. uotataoeeL ho fell grateful I. the Lou.

member who saint' dnod this subject for sfoeding the so spportsolty 23. thatib i. nob FAffalm. lb. addo Eliot oanl.

0 et odf a Her s-mci I ii a the lawof toilS net a. mo 0 ha. I foidkIn it lead. pubilo oilyoffee4 tootntr so. sot tAtenBentI deopa as Is inbhieooeontoy gruusdedpaotisflysposaboltod teehIn1IOg wished boo.

otet to II. wh roO ax. ca. Log. nobIsloert no squally oat.

oftheiopreprisoyofhis laeguageisOrdmrtO ahilitywbich depoichsthat IreiOadbe womeey they IOte4OS 11w. on Soaks aoab. golscti lb. Grew. sos.

a thatth. hate-guilty be at so. fornlge ie. ality ameiseppoet libot so. unst a.

whboh.wue-bept so siiy asd a reems-lird ho a Misbeer diad hi Eogilch Cant. II 6w. or three foospsois attscked the coin. lord In getog beoe from the Moo. sad uwhte to-balls abeetoa thoeld.

weabell seisshtybo 061. 1 cow were belligerent or a Such 4CIs1se1 toportielhop Oosirsittyansoedtehtsobeovitreifthelon Olnasteaso5OA tb- 6eiethetrepade psosib Tbsp TOIdrePtOOS Is othef 56. sIsto at this Oh. Sing ef Sstdlal Uosost solgitbeer. ss to wUitb.

151 7- flj ss Mot SiSa.I OWed pOasoe.e4y 1161. sobs fortha Lpteeg 1 the tea. 55555 Ia It was a ey blob so lssd braLorepssa wizasdtkmedadelismbMhebetlgiat aanoIstl000ryPorwisb so. should. so late gvepniad so be earssd geotiooaa Osoiluled ii.

erpe oonto ti. Ldil tmanglsognapewhaeh tImo chctwi II dthat theltipof i. 4. io. not a a s5ppoed cend.

of ftfuge to foeIn poewotion Tha benIleinan so at a ai1viSofin edco oieose ore that a fr war high may be a fomI sot 0 Il. chIp. I not I 6. pIaOOdsttb eibe aIs. itoo another.

the.pos-er and C. Rmc tacos pm. oat erimlosi offense 01 Best. Lear. antethat SIcIly 6 soft.

Ce. tt tI. I. as- tro of ttsgroroeae oadisedbrtion. 1.

tontibeulote bInge kIsgd an exasliath ood. hteZe Mr Bowyor.21o tb mesh mass his lfp 1 mids-bt tbey poop Sb. bela qsatlj Inprlme bernIeUIssoIdhe ha. I of moose 5 foelIn so. I hsarred the 3 tiafanpof thapofltesoante.eekrels-geoobesodit Sri to 6.

lb. sisbim is deperios. I are bocsadhemned thisfm7 nntI theothet it ho bbamiosipsmesege bitt gi. f. tlous ito 1 tho ioes is regard to It oosldbaretossytttweskibs sblo.

5 5 5 Ohs two lb. that PuIb hemsoit offen Issi V4. Aat I whtoof I ish I opos foil 1 gr thsehargs psperwo. pobllabed se. I ofsh.

angeons the 6. no ohaioo- Ob I Gb. ct rtor tO2 OL. LS vrt it Se A I. ohai beat.

otatonabesowhieb hi. tlraHig 01 isptL H. so lob ins okbt cvztstethm Leo. soeltete. oat 1 iii inS.

I4bcra float bImaOIt6TIoO6S thin heom edocis the sew iltorat patmaayeiberpoplswoJ4 I Os- to. gway 14 as nod eapesosof poop Bear. she ese A Thinoble sending-a feettthsBeP 5 at gob igtt Ibses Be7 Po Oh prinsipim of non permit him to diotofa to a foote biossa. It as small asS then tire noble lord felt that thoeh he eonld holly ptte he soulS sot 6117 Homibe- His. 0 that.

allowed the lord to hI. get anbey Into of ismvU rula osIyadd- 554 0 Ii it. gatiomsovte a sobe jespeselsoetbe an is. bbs polls. I' 5miatitisentctlithtoIthofibea.

1' whEeL. thought matotenocs isin SU iteentid I. he Is- desete the geab CothOZIIFOI515. antS ot eccoor 0 jI.

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