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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 18

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE FOUR BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 I Society, neuti. Amelia Saliba, Society Editor 1'hone 4161 Miss Woodson Is Honored Band Presents Program With Tea at Woman's Club Six of Miss Julia Ann Woodson's At Band Mothers Meeting Tiie Blytheville Band mothers closest friends yesterday afternoon! met Tuesday night in the Junior complimented her with'a tea, one! High School Auditorium for a basi- ol the largest of the pre-nuptial ncs-s meeting, events given in her honor. The meeting was preceded by a Receiving the 100 guests at the program given by each department door of the Woman's club were Miss of the hand showing the work they Woodson and the six hostesses. Mrs. i accomplished diinne the summer.

Freeman Jcrnii'iiti and Misses Mar-1 The band, under the direction of ilyn Dcen, Rosemary Johnston. Mary Robert Lipscomb, was divided into Jo Nabers Mary Ann Parks and three groups; beginners, Intermed- Frances Sliouse ancl seniors for the program. The honoree chose a ballerina- Mrs. Jerry Hcarn. president, prc- length navv organdy frock with a sirlrd over the business session, dtir- shirrcd bodice complemented with'ms which time It was decided that a cordage of pink eardrums and the club would have dues.

They al- ycllow" rosebuds speared tiny; so ctl to have concessions at the hearts. The hoitcases were', football games iliis fall. It was dressed in bouffant summer tea'announced lhat the club would meet dresses in pastel shades. second Monday of each month The lace-draped tea table was! riming the school yeai with the ex- illnminateii by six white tapers injception of the month of September, crystal candelabra. White gladioli when they will meet the first Monin a crescent arrangement were day.

placed under an arch of greenery which outlined the alcove where assorted party foods and punch were served. The six hostesses alternated at the twin punch bowls dining the afternoon. Summer flowers in various hues decorated other parts of the Club. Coming Events Social Calendar Thursday Nit Phi Mil Sorority will meet at Mrs. Murray Smart, pianist, play-j the home of Mrs.

Gilbert D. Hmn- ed tea music during the affair which mock Jr at 7:30 p.m. William Slate lasted from 4 until 5 p.m. I of Fort smith, who is the Arkansas Miss Woodson was presented a i Field Representative of the Amer- gift from the hostesses. Her mother, Mrs.

B. Woodson. was also presented a corsage of outers. Assisting the hostesses were tlieir mothers. Mrs.

F. B. Joyner, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. W.

S. Johnston. Mrs. J. Nabers.

Mrs. Max Parks, and Mrs. J. Shouse Attending from out-of-town were Miss Betty Dale of Prentiss. houseguest of Mrs.

Kendall Berry, and Mrs. C. W. Afflick of Stcelc, Mo. Mrs.

Langslon Hostess To Club Eight, Guests Mrs. Vernon Thomasson and Mrs. George Pollock were guests Tuesday together with members of Club Eight when they were entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles C. Langston.

Arranged throughout the entertaining rooms of the home were filled with roses and other summer flowers. During the bridge games, Mrs. lean Cancer Society will be guest. Jayccettcs will meet at p.m. in the Jaycce Clubroom.

l-'riilay Dorcas Class of the First Baptis'. Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Newcomb at 4 p.m. wilh Mrs. J.

D. Atkins as co-hos- Mrs. Do.i Haley will entertain the Friday Rook Club. The C.B.C. Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs.

O. O. Elkins. Bits of News Mrs. Lois Danforth, Mrs.

J. n. Man- and daughters, Mary Belli and Ann returned Tuesday from Cuba, where they were Ihe guests of Mrs. Danforlh's brother, George Murr and Mrs. Marr for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hill had as their guests, Mrs. Hill's brothers, Ross Smith and J. E.

Smith, Mrs. J. E. Smith and daughter. Peggy all of New York.

They returned to tlieir homes Monday following a weeks visit in Hlythcvillc. Mrs. Hurry Taylor of Blytheville accompanied by her niece, Donnu Jo Hill of Memphis arc visiting in Torrance, as guests of Mrs. Truman Says Five Percenter Not His Friend President Rejects Mrs, Roosevelt's Offer To Resign WASHINGTON. AMg.

4. President Truman said today that WASHINGTON, Ang 4 if, hc tad rejected an by Mrs. President Truman said today lie Is! Roosevelt to resign not acquainted with James V. Hunt. 1 flom her United Nalioius post.

He 3 former army officer who has boon litl wil1 return to the next mentioned in a senate committee's Bfiwrat assembly as a delegate, inquiry into operations of "five! The President said that no ref- Mrs. Robinson Hostess Demonstration Clu The Yarbro Home Demonstration Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Doris Robinson with 13 members ami two visitors present. The visitors were Mrs. T.

H. Parish and Mrs. C. Kato. The meeting opened with the proup singing a medlcv of songs followed by the devotional by Mrs.

G. O. Poetz received high score with Dj ive Abbott. Mrs. Robinson read Mrs.

Otto Scrape receiving second a poem, after which Mrs. Lee Stiles high. The hostess served refreshments of a dessert covirse. Mrs. Teafovd Entertains Bridge Club and Guests Mrs, Gene Tenford entertained the Trl-Town Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon at her home and two guests.

Mrs. Dick White ami Mrs. Weldon Rainwater. Mrs. Russell H- Farr won high score in the bridge games with Mrs.

Dale S. Briggs winning second high. Low crystal bowls filled with zinnias and other mixed flowers were used to decorate the home. The hostess served a dessert, course during the afternoon. conducted a discussion on cancer.

Mrs. Abbott was In charge of the lirogram and chose as her subject. "Fall Gardening." After tiie meeting, games were played and a sandwich plate with iccil drinks served by the hastens. The next meeting will be held August 8 the home of Mrs. Zoa Thompson.

During one period of 12 months, the Tower Bridge of London was opened 5H7 times, to permit passage of shipping Baptist Junior G.A.'s Meet with Patsy Fisher Patsy Fisher ivas hostess yesterday to (he Junior Girl's Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church when, they met nt her home. 525 group continued their work" on Forward Steps with Marjurie and Marilyn Dougherty completing the work us Lady in Waiting. During the meeting its u-as dec- idcd that the G.A.'s would have a hamburger supper August 13 at tile home of their counselor, Mrs. Albeit Enderhn. After the meeting the hostess Taylor's sister.

Mrs. A. L. Crawford and family. Mr.

and Mrs. C. Ross, of 100 East Rose, are the parents o( a scm born at Blythevllle Hospital. He has been named Wlllhun Clyde Ross Jr. Miss Eleanor Januey will leave tonight for Dallas.

to visit with her brother before returning to her home in Montgomery, Ala. She has been the^ucst of Mr. and Mrs. G. Poetz and family.

Mrs. Poelz will motor her to Memphis. Mrs. J. R.

Gill of Dell was admitted to the Methodist Hospital In Memphis where she underwent an operation yesterday morning. Members of her family who went to Memphis to ke with her were Mrs. B. F. Scott.

Mrs. John vens Noble Gill and Lester Gili. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lyster and son.

Johnnie and Mrs. Lyster's mother, Mrs. John Bourlanri left this morn- Ing for St. Johusrmry. where they will be (he guests of his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lyster. They plan to be gone for three weeks. Mr.

and Mrs. Garret! Abbott and children left this morning lor a two weeks vacation to be spent in Boston, with friends and relatives. Mr. nnrt Mrs. W.

T. Shelton and daughter. Jane, Mrs. W. L.

Green daughter. Mrs. Gene Strickland are spending today in Memphis. Phillips Robinson Is representing the Vocational Division of the Arkansas State Department of Education in a regional meeting of the Southeastern states this weekend In Oatlinburg. Term.

He will visit in Winston-Salem, N. before returning home. Mrs. Robinson Is visiting with relatives in Wlnston- Salem. Mr.

and Mrs. A. F. Webb returned to their home in Bowling Green, afler having spent several days here as guests of Mrs. Webb's sister.

Mrs. Charles C. Langston and family. While here. Mr.

Webb, Mr. and son. Charles Jr. attended the ballgames in St, Louis over the weekend. Mr.

and Mrs. Murray McHafTey and family, Bobbie Lou Peterson UNie Beth Garrett. and Mr. and Mrs. Preston GoB and family will i leave tomorrow morning for a week's vacation to be spent in the Ozarks and other points of interest.

Miss Barbara Smith returned percenters." Mr. Truman made the statement at his news conference when he was told that a case o( 2.500 books of pocket matches inscribed. "Swiped These From Harry S. Truman" was purchased last December by Hunt from the Universal Match Company In St. The President said anybody could purchase those matches.

He added, in answer lo questions, that matches he frequently passes to White House guests were not given him by Hunt. Ife said the reporters' information lhat Hunt had made the purchase of i.500 such match folders was Hie lirsi he had heart! about It. Kogcr White, attorney for Hunt, told a newsman the mutches were bought at the request of the White House for use on Mr. Truman's presidential campaign trip last fall. Mr.

Truman said hc did not know Hunt, u-ho is a friend of Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vauehnn, Mr. Truman's Army aide.

Senate investigators, erence to Mrs. Roosevelt's controversy with Francis Cardinal Spellman over federal benefits to par- ochin! schools was contained In her letter. Hc described it n.s the routine formal offer to rcMRn that virtually all holders of diplomatic pests send in regularly, A reporter brought up the subject at Mr Truman's weekly news conference. The newsman he had been told that the of the late President hat! offered to resign her post with the United Nat inns is a member of the Human Rights Commission! be- of her controversy with the Catholic prelate, in New Vork, Mr. Truman replied promptly that Mrs.

Roosevelt offers her resignation every year. In the last case, IIP she expressed no reason. Asked if he will accept the resit: nation, Mr. Truman reulied she's yoing back to the United Nations. five percenters'' Army buying.

deal Kiwanis Club Selects Convention Delegates O. Knudsen, president of thp Blytheville Kiwanis club and Municipal Judge Graham Sudbury, a past president, will represent ihe BlythevWe club at the Kiwanis Convention in Kansas Citv, Sept. ll-H of the Ozarks President to Resign CI.ARKSVILLE, Aug. 4. Wiley Lin Hurie is expected (o submit his resignation as president of the College of the Ozarks this afternoon.

It is understood on reliable authority that Dr. Hurie will tender his resignation at a special meeting of the hoard of trustees and ask to be relieved next month. He has been ill for several years and it is understood his resignation is to be submitted on advice Taft Says GOP May Not Okay Appointment WASHINGTON. Aug. 4.

(AP) Senator Tai (R-Ohlo) said today some Republican senators are considering opposing the nomination of Attorney General Tom Clark to the Supreme Court. 'raft said Senators Ferguson 'R- Mich) and Kern iR-Mo) raised this issue at a ciosed-door session o( the Senate GOP policy committee lo- day. In answer to a question, Talt told a reporter: "Yes. there is opposition, but hey arc uncertain they will do any- blng about it." President Truman announced at news conference a week ago today that he was nominating Clark succeed the late Associate Justice Prank Murphy. He also named Bendor J.

Howard McGrath (D-RI) to ucceed Clsrk as Altorney General. Both nominations now are pend- ng before the Senate Judiciary Committee with a public hearing icheduled for next Tuesday. Fcr- yuson is a member of the com- nlltee and Kem criticized the Attorney General's action in con- icction with an investigation of the vote frnud charges in Kansas City in Chairman McCarran (D-Nev) of judiciary committee told a re- that he had not been informed of the opposition to Clark. However, he said the hearing next Tuesday will be "wide open" If senators or olhei'3 wish it. The were elected delegates of physicians.

yesterday ai the luncheon meeting or. "nitric has been president ol of the club at Hotel Noble. Stanley the college here 26 years. Gresley and Gerald Robson were named alteinate-s. A film nbout life in Mexico was shown at the meeting yesterday following the business meeting when delegates to the convention were elected.

server refreshments party foods. of assorted Attlee's Cold Is OK LONDON. Aug. i in Minister Attlee has "quite recovered" from a cold u'hlch had confined him to his country home since last Saturday, an official spokesman said today. The cold forced him to cancel a weekend speaking engagement.

Read Young Farmers Of Leachville To Meet Tonight Kciih J. Bilbrcy. North Mississippi County Agent, and Eddie B. Chandler, assistant agent, will speak to the Young Farmers' club at Leachville at 8 p.m. tonight.

The meeting is scheduled the high school, and Mr Bilbrcy will explain the soybean storage plan and being made available through the Commodity Credit Corporation, and the possible com'crsion of building into storage bins. The agents will also discuss the "Blanket of Green" plan to cover Arkansas with winter legumes and covei- crops, and the vaccination program for Bang's Disease, which is to begin here soon. Four of the big ElalK fireflif, of Mexico or c'an throw enough light by which a book can be read. Medical experiments with malaria ant! yellow fever patients led lo the first American patent tor an ice-making machine. SLICED BACON Crisp, Tender, Tasty it for brealrfatt, lunch or MIMFHII rACKIMO CO.

7 7 Deaths Are Result Of Mexican Jail Break MOHELIA. Mexico, Aug. 4, liPi Fijrhtiug between police and convicts who staged a mass Jail break here has resulted in 11 deaths, police announced last night. Ten of the dead were prisoners and one a guard. Only 13 of the 72 convicts who fled the state penitentiary Tuesday and seized weapons were still at large.

They were being hunted by officers in the hills surrounding MorcHfl. Forty-nine of the prisoners surrendered yesterday. French Police Hunting For Khan's Lost Jewels LB CANNET. France. Aug.

4. (UP) Thousands ot police today combed southern France for the four bandits who stole a fortune In Jewels from the Asa Khan and his wife. Roadblocks were thrown up from Men torn- on the island border all along the Riviera playground of the world's the sprawling por, of Marseille, known as criminal hideout. Hundreds of cars were stopped. But no trace has been found of the robbers svho yesterday held up the Aga Khan cnlside his villn here and grabbed about a half million dollars in jewels and 200.000 francs (S600) in cash.

American Legion Arena HILLBILLY JAMBOREE Thurs. August 4 featuring Jack Pennington's Variety Gang And Gene Steele Show Begins at 8:00 Admission to Show 25 50c BIG DANCE 10 to 12:00 Admission to Dance 50c Regular Meeting Is Held By Calvary Baptist YWA The Young Women's Auxiliary of (he Calvary Baptist Church mu(, Moncljiy evening at the church. There were members and OUR visitor. Mrs. Roy Mead, present.

The meeting uprurd prayer Mary Ague.s Pccples after which Mrs. Head taught several chapters from the study book "In the Direction of Dreams" by violet Woods. i Following the closing prayer by rs'rrniiin. social hour l.eid and were served. home last night after spending two months in Milwaukee as guest of her sister.

Mrs. R. A. Pasold and family. She accompanied them to Galncsboro, Saturday to visit another sister.

Mrs. H. E. Cobble and family. While there they made a tour of the Smokies and East Tennessee.

Miss Smith was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Pasold and family and Mrs. Cobble who will spend several days here as of their mother, Mrs. G.

W. Smith and family. At The Hospitals STARTING AGAIN-Believed to be the oldest displaced person lo arrive in tins country, Elizabeth Rugicnienc, GG, enjoys a snack after landing in New York. She vvns accompanied by a daughter and son-in-law and will slart her new life in Wcsl Rviirich, Mich. Mrs.

city. KljlhcvHlp Hospital William Gentry and baby Walts LAUNDRY-CLEANERS PICKARD'S GROCERY MARKET 1044 West Chickasawba Telephone 2043 Quality Rev. Scott Conducting Revival at Clear Lake The Rev. L. G.

Scott of Kennctt. former pastor o( the Clear Lake Baptist Church, is conducting a revival at Ihe church twice daily during the week. 'Hie services be(jin 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. J.

A. Haynes Jr. is directing Die music at the revival. The Rev. J.

E. Cox is pastor oC the Clear Lake church. Mrs. Rimer Holmes baby. Rl.

my. Mrs. James Denver, city. On the average, women's feet have increased in size during the last yenrs. ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT.

IN ONE HOUR, IF NOT PLEASED. onr A.k STRONG funnicidt. Made wilt. 9O Icoliol. ii PENETRATES.

MORE xm ToJ. KIKBi OKUG R1T2 THEATRE BY REFRIGERATION MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Old Treatment Often Happy Relief yrhen disorder of kidney function pcrmtu rolJcnoua mnUcr to rfnmin in your lilood msy C.TOTO n.iiKinir kacknrhc. pulny, Icjr I'fcins, loss of nnd cnetxy up tiitrhtp. cyci, hcnrlnrhr.t rxnil ciiziini-js. Bcnnty pn'ifl(rea with Hml hLiiriiritf (hows Iherr is eomctHnit wniric vilh your kufnfys or blftiMcr.

Don't null I Ask drugm'st for Dran'n Tills, diuretic, successfully by millions for ovrr 50 DoanV Rive liArr-y relief And "ill help the 15 miles of VMnrrttitaRiuh onl waiteirom lour blood. Get I Continuous Shows Box Office Opotif 1:45 -Show Slarls 2:00 18:00 a.m. p.m 1:30 p.m LISTEN TO Kt.CN Thursday Friday WACTDISNEVS $0 DEAR TO, MY HEART Office Opens Shnw Slarls 7:00 Simil.iv Slarls 1:15 Cniilititiiius Shows Sun FUrjaln Msht Ettij Night tixcept Saturdit.T No passes honorfrd on Sunday Foxy Continuous rit Ni-ws Stmwlns Sliort firrrvdaj Thursday Friday Green Grass of Wyoming CRjry Cumminjss, Chas. Coburn Sr.krinl Short Subject PENNEY'S ANOTHER ONE DAY SELLOUT! MENS FLAT KNIT T-SHIRTS 50 Each A CASH CARRY VALUE! In Sizes 34-44 In Fine Combed Flat Knit Cotton Priced to Save You Plenty AS QUALITY ONLY THE WORD TO WATCH JN MEATS Price, without a guarantee of quality, means nothing to the wise housewife when she considers the purchase of meat.

It is with lhat in mind lhat we urRe you to try Pickard's the next time you buy meat. you can he sure of consistent quality and reasonable prices. Tender, Cut from Loin PORK ROAST 49c Delicious, Klavorsome ROLL SAUSAGE The Dainty Cooking Fat HUMKO 4 I.b. Cln. 75 Blue Ribbon, Quality LIVER CHEESE Lb.

45 Baby Beef Round Steak Shoulder Roast Rib Roast 69c 55c 59c GROCERIES for ice cream or ice-box desserts TEN BLOW 3 For 89 Brer Rabbit SYRUP Gallon Tins 98 Shioclon. Shredded KRAUT No. 2 1 Can 10 Parka? Plain MARGARINE 18 Shop Pickard's dally for the finest in garden- fresh, crisp, fop quality Fruits and Vegetables at economical prices. Hunt's Sliced PEACHES No. Can 26 Jack MEAL 10 Bush's PUMPKIN 2 No.2i/j Cans Hush's CHOi'l'BI) KRAUT 2 No.

2 Cans Jack Sprat GREEN BEANS 19 Ubhy's Whole Red BEETS Jar 24 1 Kxceltenl Quality DILL PICK! ES i.

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