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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 3

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

is Lorh lfrfal iW 9 fti VKcinfpfewjcmfar aily" arriving aa Germany The French have eritrnedthtu. Oniclff wnp took 70 prifoners. A. jjhpfcrial CctoihWancs have tteatvct3 orders tbejmtgaT pmnnGOttt forage e. fell rnc i 6- fc AcqiuVFeva places.

Thcfe niforae other circumibncpSffaye occafioned a report i that a months has been to br- rVcricn The FrtncruWithdrcw yefterdayfrortt all the pbftv alojig of the Rhine. At the tetfnlttbfc ruyTgatipii of' the river was again Ined forraaWytb the prrangements made on 3S kid. The flying bridge between Col6gneac DcutzVill this be madepauableas heretofore. COBLENTZr .8. rrbe French treat thir xounfrjr with' thei greater fcverity thesgrounds that the inhabitants ulfpJay' too great arr ittaairncnt to the.

old. Governhient. The rwftttonsU cominuend multiply to um bn wine and provifiont are demanded and yaw again doth fiiirt beds icc. GeneraVKtrin. iwasa iled a' ftw days-ago in thetVicinity of this chyby fixGhafTenrs who loaded hlm with abufef calling on' him for breed.

He would probably have beta murdered by them had not his-Adjutants come Jptedily to inns futcour BRtJSSELLS JAK. 4 Search is now making1 after fevefil Ung mcn who have introduced era he public offices ottdminttntioni to bun thtfirequiutjon they will be Tent off ft thearmies AH thrjroung en enrolled as well s1h foreign lofficers this garrifonibave received a very pofinie order to join their refbeaiyecorpi. at The day before yefterdajrthereiv1a a yeryfcrious tonBia' between the eacabiiieersand grenaaiot of the grifba ittefniJlJated in aVrtgulir artle. rfhrre men were Tilled ar ruhedaii2croufly- I wounded. The.

tneafures taken to prevent the exportationof corn hews slr Hvbitn attended tHebtft effedst two boats laden with ptoiiGoris Jdd1irie i for the enemy have been flopped. Engltlhretrlsare raJrig on our coati as Well as on that of Zeeland I. il 1-- JAffUAKT I. The Cbmmlflion ftabliftied for the levying of he forced Loon is bulled night and day UTle fft fix aready razed iMTdt the tot others jviU tm inhabitants of the foreft fScigae- had been taken prifbners aboUt monthlg Were on the gth Jnftant Condemned to death 4 tfiiT dUlurbances which for tailed in tKe villages of Gem tpthersi are now happily welled A piantfora Revolution had' been" formed au one CRARLE Luioicba hls real natnais Jaque rob formerly it the Aunnanferviceu olIc fled numerous corps wl10fe Chiefs' coniitedof Auftnan recruiting officers and foldiers of the Marechaujlee they mounted the black cockade and every1 where ttimmtttcd greatratrtcijties. tGen1appe1 made thetnfdves mailers of a confiderable quantity of arms tad ammunition and in fevml other places' fdnfjdcd thetocfnti without however finding any tonfideiati irambsr oft partizans.

Wherever they made their tispearanee thcjdelrroyed the trees of liberty tfudcr actlataation of Eoa Jfof tg tnftrt Some' oops from our garrifon and that of Charleroi we r. t- Tv rm I ordered to march them and by thefe on the Mfcand-jth irifttnej were totally iJpeJred Un yards of 30 oftntm were made prifpnerv and tne ti with their Chiefsj eicaped jib. the foreftv In t- rc. u- i fir tri us iuv tyu ww i utuvt iy tJICli li i tuy Committee. Mott of the iAbbies in courury of Walloons were concerned in this affairr JBij fevcna pritfls were atwlacious i3ugh to fund.

tccia thrnfclves r' ij FRANQKFORT JAI J. VThe German papers ftate thatXrnifnan army 5 fpeedily inarch ag ainil Holland ftp be oI1 tewded by Dulic BnuNSMricr. that the French Gpverhmsnt will aith on yariou prcYexts more br lefs aous. We. do not know what degree of credit for to this tbhhnportarttinidligatce it is hpw- cettin that the.

prevent occupation of the t- it Lt v. Uipuiatloos Holland is in feme way com- Daring the night of the lit mftanr M. de Srr i- with i fix hwftf a ccoVai tofqme to Pansi Rerday and" the day before thctw re Bients of i Light iUorfe Ki 1 aM Lo 6 MirinlCtAiRrAYf iBoaf of joy. OtTp' aFtcnch Ofe att ed' tetand HuJkW He 1 I ifa arfii6c a retrlaa ih6u rt iuc i t-nx 7. wWfe 5 vWal iandjFClumed jn ahe Vie amiVChateu HJUteyes being uncoV td he accpmpariied Toifie Jrtrinciaj ponsby rfAuftrfan iAXf.

The Au army has oVM ts winter- guar enj IrV hfejMilaneiVi ani nr rcmintffrpm Gcrmjnyj tjie ErencjvKayecon cea teamed ti jpaiia force jtftfie ienyirbnsof Orraea. Ok ifie. 3iftulr. the French pcIVatPfiola was bpthe Pi rroritete who roade75 prifbners r- The Imperial lff3r1' Generl having fold all the thag iines of provifons fdrage which places HLhis ctrrnltance gave ri fcrto a- report that aftillpefioii pF 4jirms had Agreed uppinfqf Jhrce. months' between the French and Auitiiah troopsin Italy.

5 vc learh rbm Naples that Admiral HOT arrived thereVorJitHezStK of laft rhjpqth and was utok gruioufiy received by their Majelties thejCirig and Queen of the tWo Sicilies a VIENNA Herjmpeiial Majefty appears to-morrow for the firft timeiri public after hr' in which tic- cafion. a greatgala wilj obJee 4t Cpurr and the French Princefsi will be prefnted. to. the. Nobility and Foreign Mintfters Ontiic fame tfayField Marllial CLAi tAYT js to befoletTihly Xnve I With.

tine infignta. of the Gi Lprderof Maria. Tl eref worn by and opt difppfcd of Jlnce" the' death of thatUltiftriousheror General' AxCIhTBAt7- fias requefled' Ault Council of War order an enquut bemade into the coifs' and particulars ofthe late unfortunate aftion in Italy gainft the French in order that as hehad days before that affair- taken npn hUpfelf the command of the army the preceding thnfiions might be compared with the fubfequent vrnte i- 1 Accprdihgtbajcfterfnnt fauaof the jth the FRENCHPKittcius arrived in that metropohs ori the 9th ult. arid was received by theEMPEROR and the' whole Imperial Fariifly wit Ix everymark of tiesen dtttlhJietlion. Madame ciSoucv having been in thrnauttleave the Prmcets and hot appeara Cpurtjrw pr aHng Paris togttrjcy with He othcf French atfenpatits who a mnwep Prihl teradds thatFieW CIA iIRATT mved at yiennaonthe timulr that a greatStateCouncil yast be held oil thed which the Fieltf Marr fhal introduced byL his IMPERIAL MA.

andthat mVflay In that capital Would be riff ntz wAft of the gthof January we learn that the Auilriarts tookpofiefiion of that townpnjthe 5th of laft in nth 6n whicli occalion theBarghersmarcrrid out with tlicit ioour5 and de. livcr the eysofttie town to theAuftrian General. iiiTliotrodps oftheEleaor which form the Tfqwjcdntihgenfbf that Ponce are' already on VfT iIT It 1 :4 i fc tPPunarFl to jQinrtbeToiperalarmyon the Triune lAjetterfrom tUzLvtoertilof the z4d ultiftateir that font troops belonging to the Prnrkof Wt R. TEM BERG are aEolft to ocialfen into Dririfh pay. jrlMPERiXL army commanded by Field- MarlhalCLA i FA at prefentof Sooo men the troops of the-Empire included and the anny of Marlhal WURUSER confilhof6iodb then the troops of the Prince CospE com- MM rA letterfrpm Leghorn of the apth of December ftatcs that accordingfo the account of the Captain pjfa Dantfu fliip arriyetl there from Tpulqn at he time of his departurerafleet confiUing of is men of war ivas lying in thelatter port ready tofail and under orders to proceed in thebegiJmi giOf January ij Vleatnbjraffc.tteV from Gonftaniinople fthe otji ejur ij a French fquadron conj1i ing of one line of battle hip and five frigates is 1 rived Smyrnaj and thafanother wmpofedo I four Ihips of the line andfite frigates has chdfln i rheroadpfMorea Therorrner has latcly taken a Ruffian and as Auftriari Jhipnvhich cane ea Twerebound to 2ante.

Cited dVJfe. thatj the Prince pf A tbicic General ii the ImycnalSecgicef is to fupcVed1Fil4M mal PE YJ1 Jnthc command in chief oftheAuflrian army 5niraly Ve learn by a letter from of the 23drpf Ds tcraber th heFrenchhotwithft4nding thVlhsavy fall. of fnow in that countrylhave made ait attack on' tlirtvaUeyrO' lF Abiflajmad em KKr venal entrenchments and advanced pgamty Jlagriufco under which cifcumirances the Kingi of SARDINIA has ordered the whole Mjlitia to fad vancelrbward Cairns order to check theTurtKer progrtf the late TuTcan Xmbafladpr4 at Paris- left Bail on the 4th ult. on his return to FkJrence. Some of the Morning PapeH ytflejga hate been eitremely premature iu raent5 riihg the pur- ofacbrittmtionrWiiich is fuppofed to hay pafled on MPndayJbctJirecH his Royal HigHnels the pt3ace of WALES and the Right Hon.

theLpRD TO refpecling theMeflagefcntlnto the City by LordCHQtuoKDtLKY. It is imppffiblt that this convertiofi can Be known. having been private nor md ought to It difcuid until it comes rfwkrl before' the Court of Common Council this fee prpc 4iBgs Or which. will appedran Ibc' Wet are ferry to ftale that the Right Hon. Mr.

PLrtAU has bees fo ft chiedifpokd as to be un- abkto atfeeadia fe pU the Houfc of Coaoaiaas 1 v- So Imftav. VT aatiwfea Veen filedaganft oralibel on theHoufc cif CoaHBons That dFti tto information that he had jJeaTcbqvjfiedi thtj dgsaent Had been mteredBp that' he. had etn oUtIzw that he had obtained imt ofejrror that errors had been aftigned and i ije i. yvasjtheti to thole errors wttiheteflary heJaid for kilter to obferve that i jCodr wpuUnrquire the ifloiVfcrnpulow rd y.lle had three grounds fob jeflionrto theproccedings of outlawry i ft. That thereivas nocapissT adljr That there was no day tfie or is otherwordsfthatthere waS no retie.

And dly That it didTnpf appear thatthe writ of fxitrst was 1 fiveieatiy ihe tel crifi5 to their As. wKEMyb thadrno paper book and as Mr MA LEjf faidJit would be ruuncbnvsrif- encetohi cheat itwas ordered to fund over' till rome' ptherday i. py A COKSPJR CY TOC81' A GREAT CRAbiD1t0NEt Jt-fft An appljcatidnjwasrnade to the Court to aGcJe an award tKat hadbfenmade to long ago as the year 1789. 2helearned Countel otiterved that. this was a cafe of" importance to.

the individuals concerned inafmuch as it. Involvedlaconfiderable trim of money. aiwell as to the Public in general becaufeit was efTentlal to the interefts of the community that guilt mould be exppfed and pvtiithed The cir- cuttiftanceof the cafe as ftated byjhe learned Coun- fel were flwrtlythefe A Gentleman of the name- of HIS who retitled at Gofjxjrr got acquainted with a Mrs. qatntboroug and when he changed his placepf refidence this lady followed' rim. After fomt limealiisacquaintaiuewas broken off.

The Ladyt however exprefled an ardent dire that it mightbe teneared bat Mr declined ii. Upon' whichflie t6ld him with the utrrfoil blttenafs that the fhould havener revenge. She accompanied by' her Grtddfon andXJreat Grandfun came up to London and her Grandfori and Great Grandfon entered jntbaconfpiracy with a man of the name of SamuelRuSTeI to Vexr that Mr. Xifs was married to Mrs. Gainlboraugh The Grandfon was to fwrear that Ht faw the marriage ceremony performed be tween Mr.

Lifs and his Grandmother and the Great he taw it performed between Mr. Ljfs and' hisrGreafGrandmother. SamuelRuffe was to have 20 Guineas for fwearing that' he alt was ptefent at the marriage ceremony. But if he only made a declaration of it. He was to have no more than five Guineas.

Ht did fig a- a declaration that he. faw the ceremony performed but the next inltant herepented To ufe the words of the learn ed Counfel his-conference flew in his face. He threwdown the money and' Paid I have done wrong. Take back your. money and give meback mytdeclaration Sarah wiihtng to get into the land of matrimony did not chufc vto comply with his requeft but put it in her pocket arid turned him out of the houfr Having thus coU lelled as she imagined evidence of the marriage Ih returnstoGofpprt and the firfl thsng fhedoes jtt bring an atcon againft Mr.

Lifs to recover back fhemoney which the aUcdged the had given' him fubfequent to their marriage. Mr. LitS con- tennis of his own innocence told her Jhe might go on action. Sometime after this a letter purporting to have been' written by Mr Ll1s and acknowledging. his marriage with1 Mr Gainfbprough Her Attorney compared that letter with others that were admitted to be in writingof Mr.

Lifs and he was ready to mike sill davit that he believed it to be. Mr. Life's hand writing. In eotlfequenceof of this the confidence of Mr. Lifss family in Mr.

Ufss own innocence was rather fhaken and they began to think Mr. Lifs might have been guilty. It. was at lafj agreed to refer this tuHnefs to arlasratioa and the Lady's and Great Grthdfon appeared to fuppprt this con7piracy though one of them was forced lo Jeave the country for theft. RuRd tame forward on the" part of Mr.

Lifs and laid open the whole cpnfpiracyand hewedihat it intended to bring fnaraeand calumify on the family of Mr. Lifs. The- arbitrators relied on the evidence of the Grandfori andjejeficd aURuflels evidence. And they warded that MrLir Ihould pay to Mrs. Gunfborough the fpm of 6ool.

tbgether viih allthecpflsof tai Which were near 400 more. Mr. Lifs was now dead" and his reprefentatives wiflied to recover back Mrs Gainfboroughs Gtandfon who was hr principal wittiefs when on a ficlc bed and as he imagined at the point of death flat for- the arbitrators revealed to them the whole eotifpira and fail that he could not leave the world with" to lot a fin upon his confcieeice. The arbitrators them- fejves npxy withtd that their award might how or other be rt afide. ThsCoiiit ed that thiscafe was rather" novel and that fcvera difRculties ftobd in their way.

In the firft place there was the. futute. of Wi11ct 11 which operated this care as a ftatute of limi- vtationSj But there was. a mil greater ohjcclion to' tjiis applicaiion and that was that-Mr. Lifs him- felt had acquiefcedin this award.

If it was. all a foulconfpuacy why did not Mr. Lifs apply to the' Court Wthinlhe timelinnitcd by the tlStutcof WU- lain tohave this money refunded and the con- iiirators punifljeid nje Ccurt thrnight thar tthis idifiance cfHrne they could nothing inthis tlrutgebiifinefs and that the reprefentatives of Mr. Lifsmuft apply Ibr relief to a Court of Equity. Rulercfufedv Six nacre new ttoriues were admitted.

Tnefcmale childwhowas taken from a Gypfiy of Tptfenharo and. advernfcd time fwce has we learn not yet found herparentsr Shslays her name is Clrerhttet and lived with her Grandfather WflUarh Byamor Byramwho it fuppod to be aa Officer in the rmy at a large white kOSfe with gat and that he kept Tenl fenrants. She remains in the AVortboafe at. Totxenbara. The Gypfey from whom fee was taken perikd is krhg ife" child bat the jaftrcevbefore wliom bejras ezanaiiMd did ab belitirejr HOUSE or COMMONS.

vjv. TJUnIDAT. IA if. jtrtany rW ntroduceclhis two proaiifol Bills thtobefbr rendering eonfpiraties commit murder fek Ofdeath and for conititunng the ad. nnaifieringofunkwfkl oaths or taking the lame Kithoet tneritable neceffity felcny truitportatiori for feven or fburtttVyearSr at the etion.

of the Court before which rack offences finl tried and the other for mhifyin certain' Magiftrafrj for itFs' done in Ifupport and pronjptionof the. public peace fmcr the It of January i ojr and not warrant- edbyhwv Both Bills after fbme rtfifhnce tojjtejirincjbtcv frortit the Members of were read the firfl. time and the one ordered for the reading on Wednefdayyandihe other on ThurfiJaynext SHIPlfEVVS. 1'- PLYUO TH-rDOCt FEB. I.

TheStandard of 64 guns Sceptre 6 YSn gemce. 4j LaPomonc Carysfotf 34 Cref cent J6 Concorde 361 andThifbc are rrad for tea and will gbout ofHarbotirini a fewfdays. JUHtTSWOOTH FEB-This morning arrived his Majcftys ihip Atlas pf f98gun CaptDtJpp from Plymouth. Captain NonliAN and fcveral of his officers who ata to be witnefltfs at his CourtMutiaI cameround in the AUasXArrived alfathe Britannia Car cartel front Havre. ThetRoyal Sovereign ofiid gtinf Admiral CORN WALL is is ordered to fit and victual for the WeiHndics.

DEAL rEa.2v Wind S. Blows hard. Sailed the Fairy flooj jon cruize. Putt back the Induftry Cpopfrone Admiral. Chri Hans tranfports with twocompanjcs they s4th Regiment on board all well and' main with the reft asperlaft.

The Cabinet Dinner yefterday as al theMarquf ChittwA6LtiS riyy Gardens. A letter front Cork mentions the arrival of the Horn tranfport from Adm. CH RISTX ANsfleet lisping left them the igth ult. in lat. 42.

30' long. 19. The Corporation of met at. the Guildhall on. Saturday loft and unanituouQy voted the Freedom thtBarough CtptSlt EDWARDPBL- LEttfYof ht's Majeflys fhip Indefatigable.

A A a. By particular define the Mafyut raelt Frrr which wj-stq have btcn given under the Patronage of his Royal Highnefs the Prince of VALES in the Rotunda" 0:1 the 8th mfiI it pol. ported until Monday in Eatcr Week. vEN. the hteDr.

Owsx lined' in' the world he was rot more uttly admired for the depth of his. knowledge tlun for the humility of Ins manners. So tong a tfifJaaanJ Vtrtut are in ettima- lion among rnerfb long will his memory be revered by the ChrifHan and Scholar. Notwithflanding theta his merits we are lorry to add. he has left hi family In circurnlhrices ill tutted to their education and habits of life.

Sixteen Sermens are to bepublifh- ed for their benefit which will afford the public in opportunity of teftifying their for the cha-- ratter of a man whofe precepts and practice alike terrrv thtir imitation and praife. The Mafquerade announced of Rarehgh for- next Monday being given up leaves the Malked Ball at theOperaHoufe this Evening the only Entertain moot of oflhefm kind this year before' Fatter. A Guinea and a Half fen a. Mafquerufe at thtf Opera Hmilc is after all even cheaper than one for a Gng1e Guinea at Ranelagh taking the difference of. hire into tlteaccnitnt befides that the en- creafrd price-is not only reafonable in itfelf according to the prefcnt hi price of every thing it is cal.

euhted to render the company more genteel. and at' the. tonne tune not lrfs numerous by including the Nobility and PeojIeof FaOlion who never could be. prevailed upon to attend Guinea MafQurades. rnst Mnnjnt The Scheme of tins Lottery txiag to evidently adyin- to the Yuaic tlat all ranks wiU Eccomc urdukrs not only tbofc who lurC an llidcpend et fortune but thole who wilh tomkrorc let them bur compare the ftDcwinjp Lit or' luxe Prizes is tray Lottery with thofe cf any former Scheitr and tl ejr rill fir it far fi xr' to any before Ounc Jhert are Prize of sccacl.

of ioccoL of oeL 3pf onrL 17 of i ocl 14 of SC1. and ittto oth Frizes. The Ticket and Shares ix the above capital prizes Ire rtlJirr at WRIGHT' Uctxceti Office CharingCrofs It near 71 Ticket eheapsrtlun lilt ma The oTTiIlT begiw drawSjg-diciidof this month lid contain a treat number of Capital Prize than ay former ece. TheTicktt aie old and divided into Shares on the. loweft lasso and trcatcQ ranety of KumJrrJ a' Mr.

NJCHOLSO UcmCtd Slite Lottery Office fovtt Corrh1 the Roral Ex enga Dusk of En Und abet rnlnT pf tf. Capital Prize. the Ufl and former Lotteries he lxCJi bid Cured. Schetnet at thre yatlt. MrJiitTH IrccrocrjTr Ko3So RotxTJt tsttfZR ftrr toe kllowiaR Utter tothe Hrof rktor of the Vic TAB 1 1 Tt A he fubxju soatctu thereof to the ntia tono tbeHublict- lrArtti Sir This i to Worm yoo that tim1 had fperta trrat deal of money with th Facu whan cocfohed is the Lope.

ofccriwj my Wit of a Violent KerroaiccmpUIcc the was af. fliScdwitli an i which baffled all the Mecldne that wet riren her ProrUencedTrtfledarftoofftrLerTourTea. After ha. lac ud. it or foaie time me II Bavrt btrffcd be Cod In per fed health tcthe Rrrit Kipptnefs of.

us both arid I wiflj mot fceart3r that OtOu psrjJe throoibihii Letter nay she it a fatrtruL Jam Sir your gUclUhQ hoodie Servant. 1 Hi 1 i Jfr Sold by the Propntw Mr. rAPFchy in utputch cc ia 51. 3d. and a cjd each fUmy includ at No.

17 Orndtft- ttrtet in tcrctD a in London free of exrenc- poi. ife cxtep ed A pared at as yd. is enough for 30 breattSt. MARRJElX Lately at Eaton Soxs ltcdtaetlslsn Jot. rlftcr at Law toted tort flat Sctr Dr.

MH Mus Cety itk1ca darter cad of mead Priory in the Coocty Bedford- YtRttday St Mary Aldermari' Wt4i II II i I I. i 3 I I 1 k' 2" 1Ij i ifr 1 Ci 1. II tJn Tll 1 flA If rn int I J' I Wi JI. etiOI puM I as WQ 21 61 tl1diJt It. 1.

Cl t' UWI' I to ttt 21fjtj rh 11101 i IitO. I Lt walo er IJ1I UU nlJIJt It ct h. I eats' u' ftq tI il CJRllones aed enlSI' jJfall I lgx tt r. Wit eib LAj 1 1 y' 1' Of j' wririd to 1 a 11 U'- 1 If jJl jt JA 5i. AUftiia 1 i gone t9 i rJ ieMWap lnr fttar lta YiI1J' col1.

wiA i thF 1 Otd15V" tR uti. eFff lJo tackd b1J tiildAl tc tw 75p tJTheIn Co nb Jarl ce it fclltheanga 1orp fi n5" fra h. qt11 mto.tJ1 r4P1aces. tT aqctf lp circ mfbnCFSr se cafipneda rAl re nJ s. ha.

cena. to tccntkItn ra trQ91fn 1. 1. t. mvyene rol thc" beldatong tJ theJ A e.

wJ ti gat 1 thenverwu for to 3d d. flyl bet 1 Cologn i 3Y be ra Ie1s1 ere ofure i I COBLENTZtJA 8 tle1tbir OU 1nri ef ct uncJsJl1at ogitat 3nattmrntto enhlent. requifitaons7fi11. con. t1 IUe u.

ItJplym n. u.m- Now artdprovtfionl I1 3gaindoth General tLI ll IS daysagoin The. vicinity city hl11iwith3bue himfor. bre He uld murderedbythem ntt dU BRUSSELLSJ K. is" anakirigafterfeft ii ti e4.

1 th ntiOn thc ft alI pff nn. 11 J1J. as Jije. at cft1ccrs 1S I2rnron avercceave ordertoJ ti tb iaJo att ii fferious' carabirJ rsiand diers gaq bDl jttetJ i Ifhj ert f1 uad d. Tle.r 1eafumt1en lqpreycnt exporl tionv9f rn il eadyh ej attended 1thebrfi eff two laden viit pto Hi ris or iencmfl ire 11 our oifiIS en Ii lap.

JA A TbeC on trtb rtli fnrcedIon 1Sbuftedhlgl tand' rhefiHl f1 Jr xed oTh. is i1I lroM vcryfpeedily 1 lANV4 i in bithtr fth torelf hiJ. bcenitak noners t1ra wer e' jntan. deJ1J1 th. ilJ ion a mbe hert 4iof.

ion. Mme day. iT R1edil1urbances.wbi b. forfomtlime Vr i 1ten a pif form A Li ti va 1C i I nali i aqile. 1 Jormer yan Auf1rl ferv ei a Eo Afied9f Mat ebl ock a err rq mlttedgrea at les.

of3conl1derabtequantaty ndiri old i jnlwjtbo hOweverfinding ny ndet bl 1anmbr ofpartlzans erev. thc deheir ttcyG firoyed eat mtion f' lD llfp mFeru Soln fromour r.fona.ndtbat.or-Charleroh"eid rnarchagainfi th brtheeontb 6th an tbirift i tCtot3Uy p- f30 oFtbtOwezc madeprif9nS 1atbe V1tb Chacfsefcapect m' for confcquence. this ir th ipanty. Gee 1Iapet pumb s. re rrefted nd unpri Inoraer trl a.

tr 1r of1 fth bies nlry. of. Jic rhed. mt Is iI dfev a aaous cl1 gh tCCf1ltherifclves. te ftJ mn' i1ysnuc aginftHon nd.

t9be thcr igning DukeoL ku lcJ tre er m1 b3" if1th Du flnt tc orefs. Pious. kn. wwhatdelrrceof dl janportaut1 1tdligel1cciit ttt ter i1t1l1t Ctup rion-ofth PJiianJroY nccs on the left bankofr theRhtneI bY Fr ucbmUI1 havel i anaf l. jJutIO efle Jpc lly Je 19 d.

It is. very. naturato Jilppof 1 that Ul a badis infomc t. 1 I A mghlof th tf1anfbnr MdeSPrl d. Gr Mt' nGcfu ffof lIoJl n4.

ltid' tB fen trom. ue. JJ1a. wit Jtiiactot twUD l. I A Eltl 6.

0' iY a hdatb re ofirien i Jtc aHtLo IiOW fa yt w1 rt ij t. glrooS Jt 1 to 1" :1.0 i 1 1 1 j. f. If f' 1 4 i Ir. 1.

fl. 4 1 L1rt I It I fit 0 CtAIIUA1T tot rae. ILL I petUd in his fr jII friteiI vatjJlafbon t1 th nAA' rl. Y. r.

P. 4' H' 1 I i 1i toiiri a. ertfltt-eHed T. ar. ntm.

et. and' Hu 1. s1Jtj Ii ti Jeri i e. i 'G' tb i m- riled nblA a c. 0 om PfdreQ I 1 0 IUnfUOn rlJr UbAN' ul rl arm s' lnil ttS ir 9 wPii 11l rrccr p.

KitS tYfin s. fU1 ny 11i ch aye con. ceRt nt Jorcea the lvlrons OO 31 11r eF enchpc yaes' r1te nt nttrc-h ad i1S pr rs PAJh lo gJ h' rTheImpefJal eneril vJltg gtI. i Pro fiqris. JI g.

WJ 4 1Je f1 I ed cquI. pl otb bCej thlSCirCumjb JifC1 Qtt rms bee Dg foi I et QndAuf i iro psiiLIt I ntlcm pI s' mY 1i rrJvfdth nlt nor oflaltmpgth a 4 IS' tbekM3jeftieSj th ihg nn. uecn' ftbetwoSidlitS LI" fJ. JIlo 4 VIENNAJ iI ir Her mpe. ial npp atstomorrow firftil11e ri' pu blic lYin gicn gr atgalawiU br A urr nd Fr nchP nc fslwiU nil On ra ay ied.

CtAIJtTt e. olP1J11ymv ttleintignia. Grc Qrd rc ii Tber Maf1hal a otdlf ofnc that il11 ous 1. Genral A TE has. quen the Auhc 3una1' to orJqa made 11 0 a fcsand cfll the unfurt n1te inItaJj gainl1tli Frtn i tas h' onJf i1y 1ef IJh tffair t2k n' on cIfJthccommand army tbeprece ing tni btbt compa edlwitht efubf nt eventS.

Ioljl A td ttF rr mi rfi 9 tlje th fnthatmetropolis on 9thult i4. htd yt I1 Il 1 fY' Kof eeD- cWne 1u SOUCY informed' edthat fh 11 Jeavcthei na' i r. ad IIlP ramved therr 1tr tig re3t nci1 ehel tbel i. whichjII fi Mat 1haJwasto be" inttocJucecLby be IklA tM A Jintf It tt3 itaJJo 11d' oi thofJtnuiry te thathe uffn ns took potfeLfJOn. fth town the5tb9fraftm nwblrla eBu 1rdr ut t1i ifto uis3nd.

r4th ys of tine towqtotbeA uftrian Gen l. 1JIbCJ tOdps of rbeBlefi rofS 0 NY Jwhi 1 ntin r1f I Qan l11peU31umYJontheRJllne. rn tituwE plt fi tes- fometroops Prnt ofWu TUfBEIlGH 4 i eni to pay. rh EJU a mD. nded.

Jd- Marlhal CLA III YT coplins atpreent ot46ooo menft thtErripireinc1uded-al1 armyof ha1 hetro ps 0fth lPrincef oni. p1 iletterJI9fILtghfJ1 Dccem btr tCordihgtothcz Capr iri. Iip rri' fro Ihe departure a' fleetconftlting menor tti la. ttf ft adY. ofa Ja 1d dc rde the therbeiGuutgo tW 1 ttaJomCopfiantJnopte rpe.

enJ rrt FZ J1ch battleJhip fiveJrigates" 5 ro I at. Smy that" mother of four. ps of. e. Ji11 fi.

ii. ri. hail pI II cb rlntbcroad rMorca. h3s1ately ela RU i. i 1 wel ir the Is ea" iw cbQuuc1toZtl1 e.

LettersrfromCica thatthc Di Geii tii1 t1ieI riJe lSeiCe fUF edfJ 1d lh l' coi mnd chiefofthcAuttritnannyinI ya Jettezft rfll 3 tMtJhef f4ndalg the" vl' aowJnthat COUl1taY haTemade ti 4 lAbn p1 d9' his r' YetilenJ II nt i4 ancc lnij. ll gruf i un theKlng SAk th 1i JeMpi rfdr tfu 1 ur i tnorder cck 1i lul11e ptogr enemY nl Au IT the1 tfru1cn mb 3tParisjJeftB f1 onthe onhi rct rnto tbtthe tL tp Jru11enhOnj gi psrtof conenataon I ch' IS lUppo lt 1f nda1ber veeRhl liDW. L. tl1eRlghtHonthe. a ipgtheMdl ntU1to 1 LoraC QLJQIC ET.

is tm bl ICO 1 noa havi beep ntt 11ffHidet dlr unt11lt Ijlje ort JJ8e uhm JntJ1e 7 ttO at 1B 1 rcof CH1Si tc 1 r. 1t rr 11 qllTt. trti AS- vr 11 I 1 ytUio 19. f' 11fg iljr II. SfUfYi1T at trn.b iJ ft ti' A fli J.

ant. ar FJR1B31JIl naati iN emfilc againft MtPifm aJibtl' the HOtifeofCoBHBOnsi1 I jaifonm i Jwl i J1hit1 belwt dthat ii wtt ft fiortiJ trn ri I. amg ttb 1 to hofem n. Jtass hll1latoobfene. Co rjV 1 i tbenonrcrup ouiexaa td lonstothe mks hat Jj J1Lr fth isno PJtr Y1tacbt ewntof.

10n1 rued 0118 olher rdsft atthercwanotefte tt was UJ HYONhad tr. ratdtYCutd 1ojn onvrir enceJohisdicnt kwasordeRd tb rd I oiuP ncY Tcr Gll IAT CltA nwOTIIEI. fAkllJE appltc 1wa hc' iJrt fet. nya dtliath3ilb foJ qg asth bt1 rri unfeloDfcrved was. tafe imp rtance individ u31s nafnjufh.

nv61 f1de blc l11of thepublac gene beC3Uf ttw3s fTcnti 1 intere sof theCommunjry gu beexp da 1dpuHhed. hecir tbecafeas yJ A Gentl mail oftbc 1 wh at Goij oit aC 3inted witp chU1gedhls pl cc. faeQd nce. dy' I fm tim t1iisA was biokenoff e. dy c.

pro en ire. h1tlt. fJEJ be renew buMrLsaech ed a whlcb1gletold ufu Ol hefuQuldhave her nj. and reat LondonaneJ he Gr1ndforf2n4Gr entercdJnt confpiracy aq13n ofthenameof thltMr Gijnfbor ugh Gr. dfon toJwear hCaw th tw nMrLjfs a 1d Grandfon that dbetweenbrr.

L1fsancJ. his Grl tGrandmotherSamuelRufrel forlfweari waslrefent hj3iTi adt' brtHon ti tobtven Hctid :1 at avt 1 er1 rmed btirt enext anfiant1erepentedTQufc tbc.lesrn- confdefice hi tJl money h1v keback anclgive me. bad. eclaratio ilh ng an to th lueto inh thehouf thusc01 sTh cvidtrceof lh ort hi the ot analton Lifsto ilaemon wbichrbe i io1s hiso inn cence totdher The on the. appe purportin are m3rriJgewith Gainfb ugh.

Hrr-ftttorney comptr thatlettc were1dnnu anthe hand- dngofMr 3rea kei vitJhat bcJ4r. Vfsshand wastatherof1uken Lirsmighi ei1 fct tf 3 dys ap red fu por is conrpi gl1 one 10' Je yetbe tb fs nfrirac1. 1 JbewedJ 3t itw1Sintended fb Lndcl1umqy faalityof. tl aJj irejee dallRpffels fhouldp1Y tQMrf. of6o J.

togetherwrfh the cols of hich ne 4001. more. rec crback this none rrinclpllwit eri afi re t-fo tb nithe. confplra id hecould notleav afinupon ceThe th m- ves wifb dth1t orother ThC Ult rh tbisarewu ther thatcYcraldifficu1ti fi intbeirway. Ilftlie rfiPbc tti Wi1l tDl I1r.

hicb ftatuteofllini ButJJi rcwata gruterobjcaion a9 thaVi th fl. rLi bj It a. fn 1confp raey" Vbydidnot Lifsapply Co itWit in1 tiin limittd thelutule. VU to have tbismoncy. rcfundedtnd tTtecon lj iraro J1 1qe rb cu tfu tths daa tlJeycoud do' nothl In.

thlS fi butine aLtie re rtfenraucs ofMr Liti muftap rd o.a.Courtor.EqwtT.- Ru1 tefufd. mere neWA ori es TbeJmttecbifd tho.w romtGypry afTottenh m2ndadvmifed fonetime we :1 m. rnotytt herjUret1tsSheay n1meisChiirH ti' 1dlivedwith herGfaadfatka mB Bin wh uP 9fi IDtiteVm13ta. ho dibat 71 pt ts at TheGJPfC1. iilcWastaUn JtriiglHi' fliao before ofn ke it nf.

fca a ygnnt it 1. oJ l1Jllt RL I. HQVS Ar- hti tj GI1l in. d7tiS. twoprotnif BillJ theo efrr.

rmd COf1rU2 es tQ mlt iiy dfor cCnn tu pg miaiae ng Of unmvfvJ03ths rt ingthc. i4 iJ1e table necclityfeJcny rfmn rvttrtetn ars djrCle ori. ofthe Coortbeforewbich nffen cs berriedftnd thrJor M3 lbat iar pportand Prom ot blic ce th lnofJ rytl9. wmm cd b1' V. th romefi 2nre totbepnn apre' fromihe MembcrsofQpp litJon.

weer andth nvte4mr a the thcronrhurfda1nex.t SHIPN WS. PLTUOuTItDO FE fheS ndud UDS Scepr 6t 7.4- La POUlo1e. Ca fort ii f. Concorde36andThJ bc28 TerandViJ1gO. utof1 bou ir rewt ays rUfovrH this omiilganiv d.

MajefiY1hip Ctpr Db. pt fr taiI1 eratoh1Sfficers bo aroo or itn fT mrhe AtJ the i 1R yaJ rlI gnniAd ir. 1 N. VjLLU tand.iau3tJorth lt Wen ladies. Winas.

low. rd i clleF ry qhon II ba k. rone ChriIH wltlrtwocompatvcs s. 4thR gimenton rdaI1 Its mu reftuper In. 1 ThtC3bin afat tbt Marquf I.

rw q3nens. i Cor 3mnlof tiani oSffromAdm tl av. Ieft tb em. e. J.

9 m. it. 4 30. Ion. g.

I of- PI noud met th lon' Saturd nd unani oufJy th 1 th rough Enw A DPIt- i Vof i3j as1hip lrnet tj abIe. rculardefirethelt t. raJIF ws un Patron 1g ofl1i HighnfsthPrnce Dr Owui ht Dr. OW lteWas fJIy-admi'ed krowltdgetJat1 as JriftW a1tJrtltl eflim mer. fo ig theChrilli3n bnding th fe hi rjts forryto heh dtbis familyin circamfttitce5iUfuited bits ofJife tobe pub i1h.

btne willaJFotd tefiifyingtheirefieemfor a- crmmwhote andpralbc ndplflif e. announc lI1g glr tI upI ves Mt1kedBa11at the Opera HonfethlsEvenangthe onJyEntert II1" at aer. a. ft' ttt3II per 3tRaneL ghtaking jl1toll ccqm1t. afed nJyr relra tcrd- rnt IS cUbted.

to. en. dc. th 0. mp ny in.

a ot numcrous6yncIuding PcoJlt of Thonenf co Jd prev iIed Guint1Mifquerades 4 LOTTUT hsiAsDm gtc22dlnlbnt. The. inl fcr. not' tbo anind tccOrtllne buttbolc coin rthc JIDow ebO otany ormcrSchcl1. deer ti itJu tpcr txrortoftmf rhtryart 5 ofccocJ5ofJoccoLS coot.

21COl 1 roocl 40r rsoottk 1 ckeb apa Lict trt qur Cros thin itsadrawipb tyn of 111 kI rtJt" nUm a onn The Ticktuarc rliYldtdIntoSIurcO1 dt tcmsf aAfr Jtc Ibrk mttJ OJ. at. Ex. ang 2. InSbnd Wh in piaJ ar SW1an Jsrit l19r.

Mr. JIIsn. VI Ar. 02ft Jumcr. 310 IuY Ioltowu ProrIKto oftb T' AU tA.

heJl Publ MrArLiT II SirT is 1oadu. nttft nt a craJOff11r. 1 ut1. I glt :1 hope cnrog 1 lknoU. ccm bict.

a ii3td wi1lt al bc b3iBtd1l1 tbrwn ct" Proeienee dieftcd JlJCto oiftr 1 rTca. Mittr :2 bent" Doer per to 1 thr tuooth rr 1liveIt bin tNLJ tern 1e ant. WALOOw. thcPromttcr atIOSe SS1d. tb 1fl UIC1 4.

ftrtctli1DtfQo. tprcdA IS brt iltI Wfor. dlhirr- troMfOC1 cftbc RtYDr 0 dauahlrrud Wm. Priorrin CCStyc8cdlord. I WaR.

Ii Ct to Mift ttal ftCt Vuw. Os rdC tbR or arid Dc ofUa Early rclhataT Of. at- Myaad Of SnrrrryReet St il Itask kSCeKI7Sf 1C i s5 Or. JCeM r1 Cc a. 1' 4 pet.

st lJ 1 4 fCC tCAuataa 1 1tl- i1LA1 8J4Ji a AK Lt.5- I1iSSJ 11i ola7ia1 I ft ilo or I I' i 4 ef4 i' Dc Keto slwt die tltG i' llti1 lalu eawdllat Ct olt lyoMrit IfoMrbnt alliitMdlslt Yoo t' 4EJJ ccly lbtitill a Mgnarc h' ti t' MILAN-JAN. irtnyhas into inter ggarie e4 RetnfortMctstLardatlyarnvm tFheFrench Lcioil-fcrce thFv inity of Otrci0n Elie fti Pii ZhpbS tacked Pj a onto sf wh4tookygpnfoners. 1 ComiilTiarhare Jib temgaestof foraeg. ni cya other places. and fome othcrctrcumftincesrhave occaGonedateport Rmmiceforthree a be.

tzeen aheImpa troops andtheFFenc reach withdrewyef pbf tle th ittl tbt nzvtgafi ii river enctd fortirabl a Nrrxngemcntsmade 1 Dcutz 1 day be tu zde pa1tibleas hei oai rt tltieounfry sriththegteate airy th grounds oar attt eat Governhtunt lfi continue and mul iply are as a fbirtsbeds Ktiat I 1 days ago hluiwith abufe hav to saakiri fcvet al3rodn ri hem the ub at requi ttion tltepwill the arrniis' Allthesy3up as hefoiei4 tcersiri th avcrypoGa to 3oi theirref ftjvetorp3. lie day ye tErdaf here is veiy fcrio carabineenandgrenadrers i it tcriuiba e3 s' guhtbztt tntn ar tuts daI I rtation eady been bythe eft crutzg on as TheContttiiiffioa idtabltted rcedLo. n. d3 rI a fitflG jrifa re tai sr cobe 7AYUARY t4 th4f orekpf57tgnt vho ribners amonthlagoonthlago thinftantCtondetrtied bthemil ii. affembled arid iof on talJ t' urbances fomrt me tailedint1ie Gcmap 011' othenare Caunter hevolutiou aad on nE this tniaforinerIy Aultcian fervtce numerouss Auff and blackcockadcj evcryswlie thty ma ofa am foufid ithoufhoKevec the 4 they libcityiiu kite Long Sot tb oop at tli init.

they dlrei cda 6 30 of licm prifoners e1 foretconfrquet ee of affair tha Munktpality ofG anda great number of atherperfons' and impnfoned here iii to tried bps biilitary ofWalloodswere coticecttedinthtsaffai eelfevptifts wereattdadous tofour FRANGKFO Iii The raptrshate that a' I ufan am xillfpeedilymarch a nft toy otBLvhswtc eyadd Goveritn nt aba tht Dui on variouf more or lc We cred bdu Is ho tt ii ptuUan provinces te heuch muft have led tottarticularandeu the of wticlt rnultfpcedily d. tlo natural co liiippofpf wayico A th euled. theuled. JAttTARY. ctt ri- i aer GraatkonG iAry ofHolland at c0 BFNTlxcawcfetit from the NAgnein withfurh sraccorcU tttotker aorA MANHEIhI Jax.

t6. 1 YclIerday tthciworegiments i osseKttt Lo4r oivtr lit l194tis te rlie i4t lEit gtsart tt etav' pf thu 4 6i 1 1 nt I tw w. fl tit totlf a e' eXt1 ke GtisRSci i aceex atti Ftztn 4t c4 I5AtRs 7 iatr odYairR fbcn th people i envy rfAc zunti t4iS pld i haeat eneh. eftattcstdedbptlTrdm svhtaatata tu tr tTiesaldrttunicd atthe ltai kHit uncoated114j hecom fo lies ctid' ofsb ofdtfhnton hdILAN Aufrtkharmy hasnowI ti' 4tswintr- uarlen iKthe Milatefr' aa tkceiresdai1yrcja yrccriients floc ft renthhaye con cetraed tliixlrtactfiorcetnthe ivtrons oOrnnca. ialiG 3tulfXkc pc tPriolasgas tar rttedbyahe Ptedniontcfe whmadq73nforurs athacoceaf oil.

ri he tnItnes whlc aMiGjed at tcqutCeya other platesthtscircamtance rife to renortfthat a ttlfpelifott parms liadbeeii upon for 17 tht traop spin Wcrlearn fibm there ofi the z8th graciouQyieccivedbytt King QurcnoftheiwoSialirs JAKii6 tsar Ii4ajeftyappears in time in lynng tn onwhith v' agrcatgalawtl oblcrYedt Prinufsvtill day. Field ri CLAtafAYr tirfolmnlymvrded tv tl itifgniabf GteatOrdee ofMartaTliereG worn bylvlarfhalLRUOOtandggotdifpofrd thatilltiftrtoas hero. r' s' ftasregaefted Wargo be Italygalnt had daysbcfotx afiairtaken upo tt i lie htnifelfthecomitsatid hiighCbt According toa jrttFr fron of i th th FtititcaPttt tcus arntredinthattnetropoLotith us' midwismeiticdbythrBtsrERORaitdth ImperialFaiiiilylwitheverymark dcrrltaf etLoa 11QadameDz SoucYtiavutgber that dandn appear a Coarttsasprepa to retur to Paris all the at endantrsv ei iewmpatil ed the Prtnui' LtoVienaa he fame let ter idtls that Firid MarAtal CiAriirAy a Vrnnaon the udttliatzgccatStatcCoiinci wastobeheld otithe t4thkdwhich thcField astosbe sntr uadbqhir fithlritayiththttca ital a very fliort durattoti Jly aetezifciom Cracow tha on the5th inbnth ad the Burghers tiisrchd out on theAuttriatiGeneral ttiotrafpsoFthe EleElorof5lxoxxJwhichforo the' eonhn eM of are arch to inte ihperiah. armyon fhaun rA ilettec frtimttie Laircro IGr of Nltf tares the a rFUatRGttaree6otittAakeninto ritifhpay. TheIMrFRt ci army lifarfhalCiAtaFeYrcnnfiltsatprefentot46 menrthetroops the lmpireindudcd th Wan eonfills of6too' theErince of tom e' prized be Lteboraof thezgtliofDecember theaccount ed' Danifhttiiparnycd from jh 1e" a men tr warvaslying to to fail an der wproceed tea in nc re Weleafn bpagettdrirom tsf th th' hfDcccmbSr that tug onelineof fivefrtgatesisar he at Smyrnaand ihipsot lineandfive chdcanthe road of MorcaThe former natal i re.

aRuflianand uftnatt mi tsvhich Qit Blaea ail isoerc bcuti touttc. 1ettenthom tYASntcxGetleral is tupued i4f Uiarthal vVlxs tu thc of thoAuftrianarmy in Italy learq 7iiria 23d of inberth the av iy falloffriotv couirtr have madesttattack m- Aolla made thetnfdres iaftrrs of fe advaaudagamttlhagnuf a theiagtofSeRtitrttT is Molinato advance' toward it he fuct ier of tb CtiuntCARLtrti byat left Bide th ult. ouhtsrcturti of oyeRecday. ha ut premiiure iu menttonmgr rconrerfation whichh pis to-horn tn CS ix M6odar bct eet htsRoyal th HopthcLoR Ii AYORtenpcQitrgtheMetfaefenttntotheCitr impofrblethati a eonvali tioa caa a difcul ari re i1 ly dayl procetdit sof appear iii 7i to4 Wetadt ferrytoftattahit theRightHon i IH aito un abkwact ia plaeiat1KuoukotCotstmaa id tl 4 1 iAw AEPOAT retKd 9 sAurstettt traa ietiiir eo r3 or taedt eidant kited stllaafrtttuaaitn ttettl been fled a th P. ontbeHotlkofCot ons 1 ha pleaded to es conrt eds tb jido ent entered.

ep lsaoiatIrnr a snitofcefroc an tli3Glie errors. 1t thdCotlrf ivcald require mok fuupulotuezaEt oefi i 4h cnYcotd He of ob. sit dip no DireroriwhichaheirntolcxiEliotiifltud or at iersrords that there aryls ao hat tdidtioiap peirtlistthe riritof tiatvias deiveired by tlteIate Sheriffs LoRufitaiir o. paper rgMANLFYfondant wouldhrnoincon4erii care tohi tt-eias otderrd- over fomeotherdaykq ACOrSPjleCY AGRBAT theCourt to tctaGde anpward had ben made ago asthe 89. Th learned theindividualseoncerned as involved a conGdcrable tscll asto becaufeitwas to' cx pofcd cafeas ftatedlythelcariledCoun- Atortl A ofLifs ort Th ady4 might bnthirLifs it which flteroldhimwithttieutrrfoft tha fhouldhaveherrevenge Great and GreatGran fon enteredintuaconf pitacy ofthename o' war ream was fwe thathyfaw themarriage ceremony 1 to thatht thcmarriagc ofit wasa nex he hts moat a ct ufe lhc tcwrns toGofport tYrftthing flied istobring afflon recovc backtheimoney Lifsco herlllc ai pearec gpurporting 1 tth' 3 1 GSinfbor be in the i riting of hat tt In own ivastother.

ltavcbecngttiU ltfiagree b00 to Grandfon and con fpiracy forwa partof that ban fbatneandcalumriyonttiefamily Th tL andrejeEtedahRutfeNs Mr4Lifslliould RIrsGainlboroug oftiool ryas no ba heti lick-bed thewhole an not fnuponhis the now might fcimc ho befit Th. Count this cafe rsth P. I fcveral toodintheir rra y' thefirft Iacthere ftatuteof which on as a iitn ionss Sutthere greater i C0 tht. Mr. acquiefeed to was not to SV I- money and eo oil ftieCcurt haratth cf ttnme nothing in th tbaLthereprefentativesof mutt Ibrrclicf Rule A were The female child rhovvr aGy foa etime her parents.

She fa7s name s' tiYtQlianiByauiocBytra oQlianiByauiocBytra vho ByauiocBytra fupP he army wi dates a dtbatbekeptfcvcral abet Wor oiafe whorn1wu 5 ct ild Jaltia aotbelittrc a fac bird at aagr rt 4 i 44 or tirtrC raifntroducedbistxopsomdrd ae for tv tnit fc ip of death atidfor thead. udf the cit6oatitferitable nea ity kknpef or pearsr conrtbcfiore be tried fa doncin pasta thcsit Jantlaryand byaav fometfitlantt to tJe rincip I C' ie Membcrsof iea i titneand oce taond teadint oa' onThurtday nezt SHIP NEWS UTHD 6. gunsSccptrc Vcn I Pomonr 3'f Cref 5 and Ihifbe ready' IiSRTSIlOUTti 3liisMajcftys fhipAtlss ofg8gunsC ptThbatifromPlymouth oRIIiN an icteralofhis at Court Illartial Atu. Arrtr i ol iid ns A RHtP LLiS IS t0 ell on 4 a Cooptr one of Chriltians retinas CabinrDinnerycfterdayrtasattheMarqui 1t i tmntportfromtldm. inglft o- ti ate Nf so tRD Yec 4W of ihipltndetati 1 ors to iren Hrghnefg Rotunda oni ft- left fj and arena Chriftianand th Notwithilandin eve' lefthigs r.

tl ct are to Abe publitb eel fortheir elcem for r' tfitirimitationand fornezt Ballat Honfe oNyEntertain- thc fame thlsyrarbefore coach hireiato en- is high priceof rcndrrthecpmpany at time 1eol le honevereotjld setite StAas Lo eRt tca ns Dr The hxcgtss to tlotll bctotn compirtthe find Gs crior ue oftoccot 3 of sco I tj cl rSt oothcr The ab oe a TiarteFrpsr r. ThcLotT ksr bt sszd Ck facturere. Cuktu ue I Licrn edytste Bsrkltn ct tuut' En5lstsd Ruts tl. i. Gdar3 Scstcstsithrayiti ei TEA 14C nildtr ton the Public- et tr rr SirThasis toilfcrsnTottt rectatttat r.

oa totan lscd of esri Nm oae comylaiet i' with rasicatnfrd Sfc ae to offer LrrTourrp Codittper toL st botharid Lvrt i turt rruyrt tri t. 1 JxEPH i d. A tas. n' ncrcd oa7 is mt toutito dos ofttttne. is 4xccpcd pm rnon ctfor txeik s.

1tAlt RiEil on Iritn r' tta j' eilcR dau Lter a tbcCcestyof Efq. tit Mr WanF Ctva7fxtr if Arat ry SxstrdHR tine Rev. Dr. Coln oc oI as DcEoca ztmaCaaety ESdt tn rb asott ao ssArt bet 1i Sisek tq 1l ec. perC Red.

ty a 61 tbratrsS rr at 9 Cat. bf Sta PitCz 4I I 1f 7r tstzoi 4hio xlK a IrNcAcsk 1r ti.

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