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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

leral nonces. aad) lawTw Ml i PR KM IXHIBT a-! i -a MUM IWIM. Waaia -Mali asi aMMik J1. MWfM IM raw IM BMM SI', XUJbUTilS-. ha.

at apotat sa lh.Malh- dataal (WW keadlwd siy, ha swn.w awry Ima the Fira era a. u4 sasda-teal a5i i ally tare fat satiaasuaHt from Liv. aaaa psaa MM aaata aaelhwatsrly i a psraka) on amM. twni.m to la aaauoa a the bach Uiwim Butrath tad ftcaauaalh rwU lhaeoe Berlkweeterty mm a aa eaalai with 111 i aalaalfc a mmt ibbbii iksalBal thai Bontaausir a baa parallel with ta fiat arwaa Biasty-la tmmt te uaamlhasatsrty an at "avasuaaUt Bard uiara snata. ealrrtr tbe Maihvraaa.

ly nde el rwvalaera street leaalr-ItiM lat ath piaa of BegtBBiag (Mac twaty-thna Mat widt tiaai aax aar aa. aieety-tw lat awn oa aaok aaa. Daia New Yak, raavuai--i lb. Wl. THOMAS CAE10.IT.

"harrf. fl wm, Art for pleatrd. asll VUf RE.IMB (An, KT. Jeba w. Ian I weal B.

rw, 5 iuna. iiMoaflt. at ill oat mmU. fl i il. agaiast Mosa I.

JfofiM aad aBam la DUitiaa nl iiiIxmi Iba P-aima. loan of Iba suu. at Haw iwk, 1 wdl e.pea ta aieoa im 7a day at Ooouar, Ml. at o'clock, at the M. Cats' Etekaag.

ta tha wry of Saw oft A I that errtara Im al laad liiag aad beiag la tba Bixieeeih aid at lb rtv at New York. dabagauhad aa au ma, by 1 koaaa R. ediam, I MT Batve-at. at part at Iba bud of Harv Jockiaa. had ia tba olAo of tba RatMtar a bad dot the cuy aad as.

a ui caa no. luaaad marked map rao aa a Ita lu. Tba aaai lot Ja. 10. a ikMhoauWl Heg'e'tg ata rami ib tba Bartbaly Iia ot Tbmr-taooad atiaat lauat la a aawlfiliinwa liooi tba Miztk aTaaua.

oaa baa. aaa mai inaai Uiaaai naaaaj aanbcrlr alaaa auutl; oaa at tat Aa. oa ad aap axty-aiaa laal tktaa cbi UUa laiMtaot tba bnnaf Vmm rt. mmA h. KMMttlif tiaar aaatartr atoat tba mtbat ly kaaof aixl kadt twoatr-kat wot araaiaaiiabtbaaanbwaariraafaat al No.

It aa aua aua Uaao oatbaflr aiora Iba mwwmitm MM HI laobai to ml tbaaoa Umi rtlana of ara.najaa ar of law rsos. tba aortBetlr baa of Thirty I iba sea laraeiy-Sa satki rmw mt baa Nov 11. UJIaad tba i)Udaw Yatk.oaptaBbar1kh.lKI. B. a.

AWti tot t-laiatilfc. lwaj kUtl.MC CXL'BT-aoaM B. Caatiaf aad Loaiu W. ha Loaa u. liopaara.

Thaaai W. abar. iia ha attia.aad KatnuM. aaaiaai looard Kuhat. Haarjr lot aal C'atbaiiaa ka aib, Uaafia boar wiij, Tiumi.

i km wii. Jiim H. rubar aad Aaaa HI. ha wtla. biza fahar.

Aad aiaoibafaad tataliao ba ada. k. I lid Mm ha win. aiai All aMtbar. lUmat lrta.

Zataaia It klallik aad l-oam aa atta, Jaoiaa Hitftl I ml AaaUMj Bufd ba I. k. 1 f.ltlllDB. la ffoaaaaoa ot aa oraaf atada Wt tha ttapraaia Oaft. ra I lit.

artiwa. baariat data aa laa hiu any oi cmraav, nat. aaa mt ik.utawta laehaaaiaMda aad proratad. aotwa kaaby a that ail pataaa aavia aar aaaaral baa ot lacambraaoa. jotlff.

uadivaWvi ahaiaor lalaraatot hat at iha partai laiaat aauua. la tlia laacaaad pit ataai aaagbl ta ba ianJUnaad ta akid aauaa. bad haraiaaMar daaenued. ar aar ibetauf ata rariaiiad to uffvaiaoa lo tba aadatwcaad, go baa batftaa. appatalad ib tbaactiao mf tlia aboao aato.

tJona.1 urUar, at ba alUaa. aaabar IH ail araat. la tlia ait ai bm Vatk.oooi knlorathoomatk dafal Noaaaikar MIL, proa ot all laaa aad lacambraacfa laaprctlvalr. loaabar w.lh tatalartatr avidaaaa ot tba aaioaat daa tbaraoa, bad ba anantty tha aetata at laeb lacaaiuabfiM.abdlbadataaibaravffaapaUiia. If.

Tba laadi aad praniaaa aoaht to ba pamtmbad ta laid mc-ttoa. ara Oaacntad aa tatbrwa. that to aar All Ibat caiUia kjlalftuaad. ataala la tha FoaKh Ward ol tlia city ot Maw York oalbaaotth adaat Madaon. lata Kaae.

or ataat. kaowa and dl.tiaaaabad by IM No. tioaatlad 1adwoa. lata Baaokat draat by lot aambet76: BtHtbatly by ba bainbarii and waMrtly by tlia may al oartaiu St, 4 aaa) ta. all Iroatini oa Hooaarall MreM.

ahal said iotaeootatBta braadlb la itwat twaaly-aina rrat am aad la Iba raar laat. aad ib barth ua aaeti lata I art taclwa. ba tha mJ atanaauatotaot Im wltlcb ptaoiifcaara aoa biaailf kaoaa bad datiaglabad by tha aural aaabar taably-tiiaa Malaaa aiaL Abo. aH thota oartaia lota, pwwaa or pacab) of laad.ataata. ly.

laa aad hataa ta th aa tm lih i'aid of Ibrcttrot ft rw kaoaa aad dattaiannrd aa a aanaia aiapar abatt af tlx i'io or KMaoard roarnadyka. daaan. aaana or "una HtHltaa. City Maraayar. by fou aaaiuat aaa laa aad tbtaa aama OMlarly la Iroataaiaa vmwi anaihatly by laad aoa or lata of Htcliad l.awraaca.

U-) ftmt I laobaa aaatarly by Eabatd Laataaaa'l laad oaa haadtad aad anty.thiM la at (achat; aad aoftiiatly by a fuaii or laDakvftiul Iruta tha HkaMBtardaJaroad at laaa ta Kwbkld LkwtaBua'l laad. four hoa.lrati aaO laaaty ooa laat. lined Stw Ygrk. 0autMBta' 11. arfK Uwtw Raleta TO CiABRT L- OMJLLtV.

dladUat-Yoa ara hereby -aimead to aaawar lb eooiblaiat ol Tbofna Jaoaaa. uloia. lift, a wvr ef ahwh will bertiad ta tnaotfioaot lit ot the cowair ol AH ay Bail awvaa oavy yoor antwvr eo bm, al iM-aiy ot AJbaay wtfhie twoaty darialiat Um aarytc vt ti.a avaa eoi ina o-y taroe, aud muo deifnaani nii to iMwur tjud oomplaiat aa haraby priiirad. lita plaiDlitf will laaa jaUfmaat af aiaat tha aaal date-ad-tat tor lotirthoutaad nvi-i huatrf aad t4Jtr-eta dollar- aad tbiny-thfaeopaia, with intertat oa una ihwaaarid tivehaadrad aad hit -oaa dollar aad atchty. attjlit graia ol ad auaa Iroaa Aucaatbih.

ioe9, aad with wtrrcet vn llbftntaaol aawl aaau, baiog Iwalv buailrei aad aatmunta doilam and lorty-hve eaata, I rata Uaoambea bih, ISM, beavdes the ou ef laiu j4 lawaVw P. CACGAE. Pllb Attoroay AHtaar. May fl. SI PRhMlt Riebarda imnu rraac K.

VVrfiitt.imiaou tor nuan naanand oa malrBct ((Turn not ar. -i'e the deiaadaat. Ktanci It. VVeygaat rn Voo are lrrby aaacnoaad and rwiaifed to answer tit ooanplaint ta Uut a-itoa. dk'd was niro oa ua una ei Jur iitstaat, ia tiwomoi ol lip Clerk ol ooeetr oi Oraaee.

at Goshen, ia sai'l oouatr aad to atnva a copy of yoar aaawer to Uie said complaint on abatriter, at tiM ofhna, ta Newbarch, irrneire courtly. New York, wiihia tweaty days alia the aarvioeot this Mammons on yoa. aeolaai ot the day at aweb aarvioe aad il yoa lad to aa awtr liw aaid ooropiaiat wiihia the time aloraaaMl. tit plaiatirl ia tii ai ibse wid lake mitroaeut axainat yoa lor the auia ol twuhentlrwl aad thraa dollai aad atntHy three cent. with it-te-rai I hhb taetwalOhilay ot Aaaat, enthon-aad eiiht huadrtO nai iffty aevan.

titfiUi owaU ot tni acltoa. iHtiMl Jaly il 1-I tva law la JOHN J. MOFJKLL. PlaiatilT'i Attorney. SI I KM COURT Citt md Coi rtTT or Naw Voaa Ricbarti O'iJoaaa.

airaiaai on a P. Hookirk, CanarT. VVaeU anaa aaii it vary la par Pumnviai lor a money daaiauo on eon-tiael. I 'turn. aolaM.i Ta Uhi da uis-taY oa at hatah lam nwinetl aad wijairad to aatwer the eomulaint ia thw actioa.

which wa f.leil ia tit ofPoa of theelerk ot the city and county of New York, oa the IMh day ot Jaly, and toaerve aoopy of roui aaawar to Utaaajd oomulaiat aa th ufaacriuara. ai tiianr otiiue. Too. ailetraat.ieui city ot Nw korfc. within twenty day aMar tha a-vic of thnj aemmona oa yoa.

exciasive ol the day of ua aervioai aad it yoa tail to aaawer the said eompUiai wiihia tinueie atorasaid, the plaiatttf la that actioa will Ukr jif meet MJOt yoa lor theaataot three thoosaad dollar, with ih atvet irora the UM day ot March, oaa thoaaaad aihl haadred aa niira. au taeoneuoi uia acuon. UaudNew I or. July aVih.lflbl. VlaSaAN at McDFRMOT.

ytnUwIflW Flaiatift' Attorney, ajd Cocrtt or Naw Yoaa. tf ataana Ploae uainn rjidney etoaa. riironxin. For retief. Coa.

au rwr. To Hidney Mioaa, defendant on are hereby uiniiMmad aad iwuaired to anawer tba eomulaint ia thai acttou whrult was tiled ia itaolluol the clerk ol the. city and oouaty ot New York, at tha Cite avkl ha lhl ad Naftar Vork.oa lha Vtfth dar ot AafQet, 11. aad toearva a eo-y of your aaawer to the atd vomuiaiat on ih tab mm In, at hi ottice. aamtv 42 John Mrew.

in awtid eitv ol' Naw York, within twamtv dav niter lha ervK ot Ihw lumaoni von. eiuluaiv of tha dav of inch service a an it von tail to aaawer Or aaid complaint wiiUib Uw iirn aioresaiii ina piaiaun ta ma action wiu appiy uie oou lor ira reiiei oeainiMled IB Uat OuaByUlBI. Ifstad AacuMaVtb. 161. aal lawn C.

F. WETMORB. PlaintifTi Attorney. SUrRKVlK il RT Citt AiiBCooarrT or Naw Yoke A'l li hua Daateiino. aataint Onatavu KratiDi and alinsnd Mialiniatiai.

Paminmi lor ixiuiaawv ftmaud on om. aMsar.) Toiauatavna atwatDa and j'aruinand Moilinann i oa ar tvtjrehy NmmoHd and retintred to answer tlte oom-lilaim in thta actio, whicn will he hlard t.iniieoilioeof thecUik ul lib oily aad ooaaiy ol New York, ai the City Hall, IB th nit of aw ara iha dsv aim! to servt a tvopy of your aaawer to the amid complaint oa the at nn ortttw, nn. aa Joha trct, ue city ot rw i within twenty dav alter th ioa ol una atotntnon oa yoe OBt-luatva oi thnuav ol' ach awvioex aad it won 'ail to iae turn bvm1 eornplaint within liw tiaae aforaaMMl. the plaintill in lha action will tavka jodf tnenl ajtaiast yon lor ihesnmot ten thoaaaBd trvouaand eight hundred aad fiAy-ona. beaida toe cost oi Uiu Daual Naw York, Jaly Ifth.lWI.

As. Am. t'tlfc-LJ'd. Pfainftfl'i Attomer, Ki Joi atrauL Tri(oriplaiat above referred to. was Grrl in th olhoa ol the CJetaoi tftevitr anil oobniy oi n'w iwi, uusaay.

ira'eti new iota, aoiii, iroi. jr lawUw Att. 1. Au'f. fotftlT.

NEW YORK SUPREME COPRT.Wf Aihtonand llartntaaa K. t-iinlan. svafausui Jam MaVOaflll aud JtiHin arnraoa lor ajonar demand on ouatnoi. (tout. But mt.

To James Macgill and Joha Morris, ritalaau Yea are berouy aummon-d aad laqoired to nwrr Uie complaint ia tat aoltont which will be bied ia thf oiHc of tit Clwrlv ot the on and cvuuly ol Naw I ork. at Hie City llail, ia the city ot New York, and a-rvea coir ot yonr atuwar to the said cornptaint oath snlMcriher-. at tiM-ir vtliu. No. Wall atrawt.

in ihucity ol New Yoik, withitt I ti. dar alter uie earvioeoi UiissuninMins on yon, eicliuivc of th tlay of auuh aemce and if yoa I ail to answer Uie said wm alainl within fine albr-aaHl. the pUiaUlIs ia tha action will taa juacaieBt iiibh yoa I or the sum oi six tnooaana and a a 'it lour i to 1 1 sua and eterea cents, with interest Irora the tmi dar ot Ma Mi, one thtjaeaad eight baBOietl aod bliy-oae, beaulea I iiiw cu ui ihw actio. laud aUAvrah 4th. 1851.

Aai yoa are fo niter aotitifd. that the eompiaiat ia thi action ti'ail ta t'leothcd-o theCleik ol ecirv aad county ol Ntw 1 i ork, at tip Cuy llail, ia tba city ol New ork. on day ol aflU(Ut. IVJI. Deed Augaet Vth.

V. MAmin. btrono a. pmith, jiaW 1iw Sw Plaintill' THIs HIM'KtMK. COURT OP THE HTATE OF VOKK Jtayrph kertiiaw.

I'UiuUlf. li. Dvtrndaat. nmiaoB lor money drmand oa con Wjut. kon.

eM arr To lit iletendant ahov named You arha'rtir BinmTne and mint red to aaawer tint complaint ia this aeiaon, winch will tie filed ia tlte oftice ol the Clerk ol iliecity am: eataatr New Vork. at Hi City Hall, ia tbe city ol'New eta, aad to seive a enf ot your anwer the said com pitjat oa the sntMrnber. at their otboe. No. Wad street, intueaitrol New oik, wrthia twtraty day alter the srviotoi th Buturnouen oa, exuluaive ot the day ol aucii aatrvice; and von laa to aoiwer tins said ootMplaint withia UieUmealoreaid, the plaintiff in ihwactKiB will lake judgnvent against you tor tht-ata ot iluusand andthirty etgiht dollars, with interest Irani tit (uat day ol Jus, om thousand eight hundred, aud ti lly -one, banulea lib ooaU ot lai acllOU.

Daied June JUOi, Ihol. bUCKUAM 41 UMALK3. Plaintiri AtUirneyt, W'aU street. New York city. And voa am fnriher aottfied that the complaint ta tins action wa hM in Uie ettf tit Clerk of the otty and eoaiity ol Now uik at the City Uall, ia said, on um third day ol feWpleixv b.

Il. BLCriUAMHM.LK8. a-4 Uwtfw Ptaintift Attorner. iV ha B. 1 YORK hl COL'R T-4xirtt or Kuu- mtb al-lt Bt.J 1,1.

ea r. Tai aaiat Ueorae 1' Thotnaa, ui- I IL. t-vrnu mtxA Kiuma Wabvainl. tSum. oitrMttwi H-l.) To Uaorff r.

Thota a. JariMa K. Weyaat.aud fe.iii VVayant Yoa ai tttuinioBwl aod raiaifi-J to H.wfkf ih cofDi4jBl ra tbteactioB. which wit lilnl ia Uie offiue oiirMClefbol th vBBt- ol KichBMtad. ai RK-hown-l.

la aaid iiw ItMiriow-Bthdarai Aafftwc. It-ol, and 10 rve a rouy ol rout aiw aawi oooioiaiat oa ih- aabaciitwrtp at Uteti othoe, n. dk AabtwaB Mfawt. IB liaa ml nl Nam Vswk tanh.k mi tim Mrrn ol th tantouioa oa voa.

ctuje ol the dar of Bui, aenric ami if ywa lau to aaawer tbo paid compiaini wiihia it uaw atonaaid, the plaieiifl ib Him autioa wiil aipi-lo itw uoart uw PMwt rivnaaaled la ibe tmBotaiaU iHriad Aaai kitb. L00L T0UN0 RUTHVK9. ftQUtlawftw Aunrn-. 1 Ifaal B.M klBBd llaiaaa I la Ina I HaivBT Uayiva: a are he rah aDinnHMitl to an in- omapiaiBi ia um aoiwa, which wa thi day likd ia ll villi ot lb cwk 4 UMtaty aadaoaatvof Naw Vik, ai tli Cn Itall. I aaud cilr aad lo bbttb a rua nl hm kaa.a ta 11..

eoinitiaiai oa at oar atutw. No. 11 Uruadway. ia aaid city, wuiiiB I wanljr day altar the iio ot thu aamniona oa yoa. ax-aittatv of the ot ach ei-w.

aad it yoa lait to am war th aa-d eapaia wiUaaa ta tea alar atd. tha pUuBiitt ia Um mokmm W1UHTMA" ft CLARK. Karavd Valka.aa'i.TboBaB Ctlt. Jaaab 8. Mo.

latyta. Joaa btaiam. aad Ctotaa i. Wataa. Hiaiataaa far itallat Cm.

aatarrrd.) Ta Btetmd Vaa Dyka. Bailor tat ara bjaba 1 aad MMtaitra tn aaawar tha rjoaa plaial ta tbB aouoa. aback aaa baa Hoi IB tba offica of tha tiarkol tba at aad ooa aly of Aaa tbaCtty UfJIbl tba aty af flaw ark, bad lo agrr a a espy of roar aatwer to tba I'laialin sAltorseyt. M'O JttllN R. BTANHiirk.

DEFE.NDAN torn are narwiy Maaeaed aad auuirad la aaaaa lla eoaplaiBt ol Hasty rvtaaua aad Tbotnaa E. tissues plaiatifla IB a uivil ao-twa asa.aa roa. ia Ua BapreiaeCoarluf the slate el New York, winch ettMipLiBtwes gat ia the Couaiy Clak's omce. la the I llr Hall, ta the aay aad taaaly ot New York, In avtrl dky ol Asgaa. IBM, aadte astva aeaoy at year aaawet a tbe aud taa talaotibaaa.

uaataltaB. Na. kavaiuaau IB Ih. en, wl N.a Yotk, ailhiatatmlr dars sfW Ih. Bervieaot tba saaitioasee yea.

a lha day al sack service: and It I yu. fad to aasarw ta. aaai eeaplaiai aaJtia the tune aloreeaMt. I u. ptatauis ia tha atll taaa ndgraast agaiatt yoa for the at at wbwii iwa, mmm ua aaaa UBS aLM Haiad AasTBMll.

sHW, suJilawaw IJItHrTEI.ITet TR ArY. Plsianfli Att'yt 'HE HI PRbME COURT OF Tlia, OTATE OF NEW 1 1 1IRK.AI.XB Ceatfia Bailka aad Loaa Aagaaua Bail. Iub agatBat llean auaaa aaa nasa an hereby uvuii-d la aaawar th otHBplaial ta Irm actioa. aad arte a cop, us yuar aawaoa aaa. at Iia aty at N.w lark, withia tweaty data alusUasarvioeot lha saasaoBs, exelaave el Ihe day el he ssal ye ka aaay aotiiatu uiat it ia a aava ua euatdatal.

the plalaUlU wid laaa aad Uat take atdgreeat la Kl ihuBaai aiaa kaadrad aad etghtaiae doilars. wnb intra liaa iha thtrtaath day or Jaa. A. II IRal. bsstda uatt Ta.

mrair'tial will a Iba day 6 ad ia ua ethos el iha CwHi el ua ei'r aad coaaty New York.!. ALklbRr MATHEtVB, Ptaiatmy Attoraey 64 Wall Mrest, N. Y. To taa aadaats.

Hear! Straea aad S.asaa Mraaa SffltbllK CULRT MatuaaC. Uaspet aad Jual deymoai aaaiuat Jwoan Eddr. rlundwa Moor, aad George 11. Ha- aauja-Ts Ihe above eelaadaab Yoa ara aaasbytamo sad raia'red to aaaaer the eotrtplaiat ib tha acltoa. which was aau ia taa srn.a a ua cawk a tea etty aan eosBly a new iva.

at New Yak. tapteattar etb. tail. sad a arvs ootiy ot veer aaaaer la la aaat enaplaiat mi Ua sabeenbera, al thai ettta. Ha a4 Wak araat.

Naw Vera city, wttaa twenty days alialha sstvajaof tha iibbim a yo. of Ih day ol aaaa aatvat: aad yea lad leaesaa lhasaad eompiaiat wrthia ii aaaa. ua saiati a its ioun will lake ladgaaal aaairat tmm ta tsaaa ol la. Bead tad aad Blaedeuaisaao suty-tits i osaukaitk ataaa fraa tbe Haul day at Aageat. oaa af til kaadrad aad ft'ly naa.

bssaal Lbs assta a Uns Bftl wa Dalai Hi nana 6th 11.1. tiliUT ft WMirrT Ptstatirta' Attetaays. SSsVaiaik l.ii -UR THE COUNTY OF KJ It IRE. 1. th.

BHUla of tka the datrtbauoa af iia B-aaajdt mt lb aa a lha mml aaaieol Wdkam MoUralh. da-eeeaa. Rataa a swryby imav that tka kwsxace of lha nocasds ol tha ssal aausaef Williaa IdoUratB, raraaaad. tauBr asade aa. da tea ana el th.

Bamwaa aa saaay ef New Yotk. by aaaa U. ttlerlraa, iwrawasdaiy aswaaaad srlsaaal ItaTrra Ibw, a 4 isa aiaral.i at: Ih. aut, saaad Wuliaa leltralk, diaasinl. as aaU lha rwal sslabael thaasas VVillaua Mo I.

rata.) aa avsdad ay na aaa oarragaa aaaoag lha eradrtors sa Ua seat dttasa MaUralh. tm asopenaa la taast taa tinva dab, aaaadiag law. at lb Harrogate a othea as lla city of haw Yak, aa lha twaatjetk day of OsloOa aaat, at aaaaa tm ua Isiaaaaa at that day. Uaad law eaaaad day si raptaabat, A. D.

Rat. aaaa BaLADFORD, fertaeaa. f-B'-w ft twtrraa. sa. Iaw plant, oa tba aataenttaai.

at than afbea. Ha. a Diaoo- aay. aud aty. wtthia taaaly daya aAar tba aomca af aaaa oa roa.

ndam af tba day ot aacb BBrrtoajaaon oa lad to aaawar Iba aaat ealBplaiBI aitbia tba tuaa aiol-bapbUBUff ta tba arUOO anil anol. talk. lor IBS tatBB oa- ataadad lbs eoaapkuat. vma naw i art, AifBatTJ. 161.

Hew York, wah.a twaaty dan "fJJ1 Snr'. HllrkEMS OOURT OF TUK BTATB OF IKW I iWiiii Mr -mm 7 list dans sat tt-a lha Bat Cat at Juaary. A D. tinl. keaaia eviaaaiat wdt as tea aay Bad lha aaaa ai Ika satr eadeoaaly New Yoik hmw Yak, Aaraa Ud.l-ai ALBRRI MATuEWB.

Pteiatifni' Attonavr. TstlwP.fcBsaatk, srsadatnaaa vauwiw i i 49, jf a- LBtbrr 8. Biaibaaj afiuaat Cbarba C. Cartar. ibb iy 1 Mm I aa otratfarl To Iba abaaa bibim dabrauaa; raoreot.

ax. pl.tMaJVtfi. Pbusu'rT aj aara al I n. mm an taasty-nra oebU. WIUI rota.

raa itnra Iba kllaaatb aay or and titt-OM. ursioa. the cuua oJ?" actaoa. Uatad New York. Jary WAHEMA.N LATTING Ttmjgq Tm asraptaiat awKBd rathatbor.

aaaaara at Mad ta lha offi-aol iha Clerk of tha sty aad wall ol Aaw York, oa llat fee my of Aaaal. Isbl. kagUwtw TEW VORKbUPREMECOURT Jcaapb liarBbaldarraiBat liiairafBi I i Ml rBminOBtl laaWtMV On (Com. am To Hiwrich Liw, Mndiit-Ym am berebr take iadcnieat airaiosl yoa tor the mud of aiaj doiiin aad t--ytai- car-i, wnn iRin-n ironi roe iwcaty-ieooaa oay ot At-zoa. oaa iboiuaad ectA baadred aad uiLj-ooe.

bafadoi tiioooau ol thm act ton. laiMl aafe UwUw W. A. BEELY. PlaintrtT Attoney.

SUHKBM i Of and Codwtt or aw SfHiimaa. Jem Betiyfmaa. Jacob athetnwr, aad 1ai Uytthanioar. aicMioat Samaet babjete. Max Batata, rioJooioa Hoilbnroer.

aad ftlax Uotfrwinief. HnmHKHU fur a money de. an nad oa ooa tract (Com. aotter.) TothdtBdaate Voa ara betrby rammoaed a ail rtxiotd ta aaawer tha coraiMaiBt ib that auijoa, which wa filed ra iha office ot the CVrk. ot thectty and eiMiuiyot Saw ttatk.

altaeeilTol New Vorh. Aar oat aMlh. lrl. aa't to arrve a copy ot yoar aaawer to tha and oooaplaiat. iia tiie aotMcnrirrt, at No.

aaaaa eireet. New York, witliia twenty dara alier the aemee hereof, ot the day ot inch aarrioa aad it yoa fad to aatwer Uat aaid coo-uUint witiia lha tiase aloraMil. the DlaioTiflA la Una actioa will Lavka md at. ami aaaiaat yoakariheaaanai aare bund rat. (ofty.fiva dollart and biiaea cenU, with iatrcxt ttotn July kh.

apoa two bon- 1'm1 aixif-oae dollar aod blteea cenu. and from AncoataMitL IKI. apoa foai hand red and cucut rluai beudea the coat of thi aajUoo. Ualed Now York, Aarast JD. TCI.

t-LIS. til KK ILL. at UAVISOM. FtaiatittA' AltmBAvi.2NiMAa ae3 law6w New York. SUPREME CJURT-Tlmriore W.

Bay -ad acainst Joaeph Bauaoa. To lite aaid dalVadaat. Yoa are hereby DKinod aod impaired to ibiwh tbeoomu'snt ib that actioa. wbien wa ih dar hd ia Uw othce ut the Ulerk ol the cuy aad ooonty ol Nw York, at the Cay Hall of aatd eny. aad loaerre a copy ot 7 fur an wot ut um sauj CymnpuuBi in aouacnuar, ut vurat.

So. tl VV ilJiatm aueet. ia Um aiud city, wiliua twenty day altar i he i vice of tha ramrnoai on yon -idiiaire ot the day ot inch i oa aoa tl yoa lau aoa war ine taia compiaini witnm ue m-j alofr-Aatd. th plaioun in this BCtion will Lake indrment sttajoat yon lor tita roan of aa handled and aiaetyicht dollar uti aavaaiy-euae ce.u. iai with interest i lot- oa aiaa to.

Irrm Jannaiy 15. ItioQ on 5tf. Iiom Ffb. oary la. lHaU: oa I7U W.

tiom leeember 18, HZrJ aad oa $Jl7 liau-d Nw kork.eaapteai-r4, 11 lawaw j. rttuuiih IT. rtamtiTT Attoraey. JVTEW VORK. BUPRKME COURT.

Jiti" anb Coomtt acainat INninel war. a ronton tor anoaey demaad oa eoa-tiacl -To rJamael Mower, defeat! a at Yoa are hereby aoiumoDed autl reqnirad to anawer the eompiaiat ra tha art Km, which was meti ia im oiuce oi lite i.ierk ot Uie city aad county ot itw York, at Uie Cdy Hall, in the city ot New Yoik. oa the Slat i-y oi Auajnat. iBta. aad to serve a copy ot yoar answer to li aaid on lha aatjavcribai-.

at him niiii. fin. 4 oh a irert. in the etiy of New York, witiiia twenty 1ay mfter the aenrioe ol thai anmrnons on von. axdnaivat ol day ot aacli service and il yea fail to nntwer the said corn, plmat wiihia theurewaloajd, the piaintifl ia this actioa will iDnropsnt uainat von lor he tuna ol two hondrad and thirt etsht dollars aad tweet -sti oeatt.

with intiMaat trom thesixteeath nny or jaenary, on uiouaaad etc hi tauadiad and tiily-oae, beam theoosu ot tLa arttoa. UcOed i ork. Aora.t 19f, HAMltL, WILLIAMS, rtaiatiltV Attorney. au23 law tw Mo. 64 John street SL'PREMR COURT County ol New Btm, l.xcutnx.

ol Thdovlore K. Hits, dircerueil, aau mat iJlieliloQ Wtiiinev, O-orre VV hitney, Da -til M.C.ark and tunic hi wile. Barab fH Hamael H. Wliitney, tdwmd K. Biip-y, vv 1 1 nam 11.

nnney, inarie 11. nuoer, iMizaoetn R.Whiinev. Thcotlore E. U.VVhitna-v. nnl rnalui H.VVhitnv.

and other. Hompiona for relief. (Com. not niuff, ty-ofttc, vnitnry. nanto 15.

vvtutner. Witliatn tl. Wb tliry. 8amuJ d. W'(nl'.

Kdward K. Chark-a II. Whitney. Llizaheth B. VVhrner.

Thtwflor tl VVhiinv. Cora Iia Whitney, David M. Clark and Eunice his wife. Von a avrr-uy inmiivnM ana reqaired to answer the cooipiaint in tliisactiou, which was fiitjd in the oHice of Uie clfrk ot itie city an i iMMinty ot New York, at tlm City Hall in the city ot New York, on tin lini. day of Jaly.

inatant. and toaerve a copy ot yoor an wer to uie ata compiami oa uie at hi oitieo, No. Boekrcan street, in aatd cii within twenty days alter tlie ervii ui thi snniimin on vua esc uaive ot the i bt ol wrvioe aad it you tail to answer th aaid complaint within tlie ime alimMad, the plamtifliin thn act ten will apply to Uie court tor the leiiel (Irtnaiadtrd in tbe oomplaiat. I'Hioa joiy Bin, irv)i. IVll.I.lAM fl.

HRARK1 arAM. yan lawlw 15 Bman street. XJKW YORK HlfPRBMC aud Couittt or Naw York Conkhne. Jtiawnh ktv.rtHTKa.ea. dore II.

Coukliug, agsiaat T.J. Drain. To the aho.e aameil tlerdant Yoa are berehy anmnioned and required to answer i compiaini in mm nciion. wntcn wa iiieu in ine onioe ot the lark ol tha Ckv and Count ol Nw Yo k. tn Chv ll.llni the said City ol New York, on th fitth day ot 1851.

anu to serve a vwy or your answer to me aani complaint on the iilac'iiaer, at his otlice, tin. il iNattau street, in tbe said city of New York, withia twenty dar after the service of thi snmmnna oa von, exclnaive ot tlie day ot such service; and it you tail to mitwer the sai 1 complaint within the tune atorra.iid, the plain 1 1 lla ib thw action will trtke intlflinent Birainif von lor ilia nm ni hve hundred aad 6lty4wo dollars and filty Uiree oeots. with intertat trom the trcoad day of fpiember. one Ibotriand euht nunoreu aoa any, oeaiaesine cost of iau acuoa. I'aiea nita seiieairMr.

imi, Iaw6w a. M. DEWEY. Plain tiffs' Attoraey. SUPREME II.

Hasaft', Robert Vv. A born. Philip (j. Weaver, and Isaao Lew, against Robert Ltatiks-fn-ttmooi tor money demand on contract. To Robert tteit-ndanU You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint ta this action, which wa filed in the oftice of the Clerk ul the city and county ot New York, at tha City Hall, in the city ol new lora.

oa Uiera day ol irlny, loot, anu to serve a copy ot yoar answer lo Uie said complaint oa the subscriber, at Uinr othce. No. 74 Wall tnt, in tlie city ol New oia. within twenty uav alter the Mrrvice ot this lummom on yon, exclusive ot Uie day ol nch service; and if yon tail to anawer ina aaui compiaini witnin uie lime aioieaaui, Uieviain tins tin action am taae 4js4- I lHiUa.ttitl rind nmotv.ei eat trom the Atn dav ol itecom ct ut a iiit7 tags ft i ii it. 1 1 vtai isi hiuii lout tin aj 11 an.

lii'iii svu u- my 13. on7 yi. Iiom ebranrylS. Hoi, oa 11. anil from Alaicb 13, laol.

oa 4 Jb7 iH bnaide the coats ot this action. bMlTli it WOODWARD. elQ1awHw Plaint. fl Aitornrt. NKW Willm llimerand I AH red Large, agaiuat E.iaha Kaxoo- tfuinmoni loramonT dmand oa ooatract.

(Com. not aer.) To Kiiaha Faxon rlelena-aut b'ou are herathy samroonl and reuaired to anawer the complaint ib thi action, which will he filed ia the otlice of the Clerk ul Uie r.xy audoooniy of New ork, at the City Hall, ia tha city ol New York, autl to serve a copy ot yuur aaawer tothetaid complntnt oa the auliwriber. at their othce. No. Wall street, in thecitv ot Now Yoik.

withia twenty day- atler the seme ot Ilk iuiudobi yoa. excJaBiveottheday ol ach semoe and it you Uil to anawer thesaid complaint within the time aiore-. ul. the plainittta ia this action will takeiadrrnetit acainU yua hir tie sura of inirtt-en handled aod seventy five dollars and ix ttfo cent, with interest from the toorteenth day of Angast. ot thonaand eight hand red and fifty-one, beeadea th oasts ot I hi action.

(Dated A Jfth, Ibol.i And you'ara farihr aotified. that tiie eompiaiat in lha action was filil in theethceof the Clerk olttiecitvaodiwanty ol Mew York, at iheCuj iiaii, ia said city, on tlie lh Aneost. Ibdi. Dated beptemhar ittl. MARTIN.

OTRONG ft A. F. PMITH, selg lawgw Plaint iff' AU-meya. SUPRMK Aafoito lavu and other, aeinst John N. Uaocan and others.

la pursuance of the de-eree made tn the alioveeniiiltxl an use, will be sold at public sac. lion, andertbe direction of I'htlo T. linKre. tnettubaenber. Ra-Ittree.

at the Meruhaniai' fezchanre. in Sew York city, bj An-tliony Ulefcker. ayctioneei. oa the 5th day of INovember,, itt 12 o'rlouk, noon, ol that day All that oertain lot or parcel ol lund, now tjnmnionly known a number three handled end road way. attaafe in the Waid of tliecir ol'New k.

utiialed at tlie corner ot Franklin street anil Kroadwav. and hounded a fol'owi, Uiat is to say On the south side by I- raakhn stiert on lh west by an alley on the north by a lot conveyed by William Howell lo one James Morris, by in den turn benog date the seventh day ot Way. la tlie year one thonaand eif hi hundred and toarteeu, nod which last mentiooetl lot is cum-ruunly known as aamber three hundred en i suty-seveu (io7) HiOialw.tyt and oa the aaat by IS roadway alorevaiu, be inn twenty-five tcit wide in front and rear, and one hoadiod and fihy feet long on each be the atd dimension more or le' tOKetliei witn all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenance lie ream belongins or in anywise appertain iug. liated New Yo.k,atemherl8. Wit.

U1LO RUGGLES, Releree, selB tawfiw HO Nassao st-eat. New York. I TH HL'PREMB COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW 1 YOKK City and County of New Vo'k Nathaniel R. Al-firfd an lanie B. Uash, piaintdTs, aiainst Alexander Murray and Whitins P.

Panitef, defendant. Hnmrnon liar a raooey demand oa contract. To Alexander A'unay, one ol the delendant above earned Yoa are hereby snmmoned and required to answer the complaint tn thi actioa. ol which a copy heiewitn seivetl upon yon. aid to serve a copy of your answer to tiie -aid complaint on the subaenher.

at their nlTiey nnmbu five Wall street, in the eitv of New York, withiu twenty days atler the senicebereot. e.cluaiveof the day ol such aarvtco and if vou laal to nnswer the aaid complaint ithia the tiimttre-Aid, tlte plaint i Ha in this actioa will take judgment axaiuat yon lor the aum of hundred and titty. one dollar and e-nts, with interest from the fitth day of Hetitrmber. one Uroaitand etabt hundred aud fifty-one, besides the cost of th' ctam. LJaleU New Yotk.

September litb. 1851. MJCh. HAM St tSMAisEa, PlaiattiTs' Attoraey. Aad yoa ar art Iter notified that the complaint ia tha action wa filed in tlie office of the Clerk of the city and county olNew Votk.

at the City Uall. in said etty, on the nxteentti dayot tep. lemlwr. leal. BUCKHAM WALES, cl7 lawbw Plain fbA uomer.

Supreme court or thr state of new VUKK. Joseph i Iter, plr-intill, ag-mbt Jaioe VVhit-ttroofe. deiaadaat. To Jame Whitlemoio, defendant You are hereby summoned and required to answer tha corn plnint ia llin action, wliich will he filed ia llwulliueol trie L'leik ut the cuy and coaaty ot Mew Votk. at titecily of New Votk: ud losarve aooty nl yuat an.wer to the aia compltimt oa tlie iDbtcnlier.

al l.ta otlice. Mo. ril Wall street, in trie city of New Votk. aiiliin twenty days alter lite arvioe of tha sommons oa you, elclaaiveof Uie tlay ol such arviue; aad ll yoa Izui toan-wer tlte aaid coiniitaint aiUiia Ihe time aforeaaid, the blaintinia the sclioa will take judgment asainst yoa lor the aum ol three handrail aad thirteen dollan aan seveaty-Bine cents, with rate. rat truss Ihe tweaueth day ol AaKnbt.onethoruaadeighthaa- areti sail loiiy-nva, Lwioea uie coats oi loisacuoa.

listed Votk.eaptsnitier 1. 1851. MOO TR V. riaintiH 'i Attorney. And von are fnrther nottftrd Uiat the tmd cotr.olainl was tiled as above, an lla atlh tlay ol nepleniber 161 Ji law tw W.

MUOTKY. Plaintiff 't Attoraey. VilKlv ttUl'UKVlt: rBIIRT.U..Urt IB ioha BaUiwin. rsatumona tor muney tleinand oa contract. Xa.

nut ar.) To Joha baklwta, ueteadsat kou are hereby amiuoo'd andraqutled lo aaawer Ihe covnolatnt in Uia action. ar.) To Joha baklwta, deteadsat kou are ti rt and requited aaawer lb. complaint in Uia a. whiui will tie Hied ia th. olliua ol UieC'letkol th.

ml. Ill be hied ia th. olliua ol UieCletk ot the our and T)T srafHrjaarabla Ji 3-9 tha Bap1 a 01 lake ladarsaal asaiaat yea kvlksaadMraa kaadrad aad I York, at the Cny Hall, la the city el New York, and asty lai. Sanaa, wiU lalataat laaa the tsOi day efAagasl, 11,1. I roar aaawsi to Ua aaid complaint on the Ih.

aats e) lha actaoa. I ulho- No. Vt all atreat. la the city ef New Dated Aagaat lita. IteL Vot wiihia twenty days atler the Bait ice of this inmm.m yoa, exclusive oi the oay ol uicb at vice and if yoa fad to aruwer the aatd complaint withia tba time atorasaid.

the ptainuri in urn action will tale jadgment agniaat yoa lor the sum of 6 va thou-aad aiaa haadred Bad aventy-irtreedoitaraaad aiae oeBta. with iBtaerM Iroa lha loo nil day ol May. ota thoosaad eight haBdred and 6liy. bctdw the cus of uus acbOB. I.Dai.1 November att.

1S60.) And you are Inrther nolUieil Uiat the oomplaiat in Uia actioa was filed la the office ol tha Clerk ol the city and county ol New Yotk. al the City HaU. la said cuy, oa inextdoay ot September, Dalai Bepaauber 24th. 1H6L aaii. omij.tu a.

r. smi H. ae251awl0w Piainlttfi' Auorneyt. fVTOTfCE of aiipticauou lor the dMcharreof as insolvent In. It bis debu, punaant to lha provasuBS of the thud article of the first title ol the tilth chapler ol lla second part sf the R.vratd ritatBtea.

Haysnaa Leopolii. ol the cty. coaoty aad of N.w York. aBiasotveet debtor. NeUce first published rptaa.

bar SaVa, laaL Crediton of liarmaa Leopold, who bar. debu against hiai, to appear before liua. D. P. lagrahara, brat Judge of Ua Court of Cotumcto Pleas, allhe chamben ol' the iudgw ol aud coart.

ia tha City Hall, in the cny ol New Yt.rk.oa tha tenth day of November arxl, at Ml o'clock, ia the lorevooa. to shew cana. ii aay tney have, why aa aaalsBmest should aot be made aUud latoiveat 'a estate, and a. be tiiscbaigal lrom ka debts. Dated rievlaanbef kdd, Iftjl.

BAMUEL WILLIAMS. IswBw Attorney lor inaolveBt. (SUPREME COURT IN EU.U1TY.-Ia lha matte of Ihe appiicatwa of Robert Kara aad others, a majority of Uie Utrectora at lbe New ork lu.uraace Company. Not lee is here, by gives, that an orna w.a niade ta th. above auttut mm th.

01 gWfba islaat. reqatnng all pararns inter-atai ui lla Naw York iBsntaaosCompaay, losbow caaw. il any tlaay bave.wby sachCctporaboaihouklBot bedasolvtd parsaaat toineprovMioraol atitcMUurd ol chauur thud ol Ol the Volualary Lta- oa tore in. subscriber, to whom the aid maUM was by fwtaal eeda aierred lo, thai pun.U htaMrT fl tfi frlii liitiiai al Coan. aorjca a baraby rrraa.

Hnut ta tha of tba ataxaaa aaxaorBoatt atiai Jaa aad aaa laiiiliat oataora. aaaiaa laaaaalaal I lima at. aaiaatNaw York, aad thai tba aaaaa ailf baaaM tar tba oar aaaat of ka dabta, aaaaa ha arpaai aad ditcfaarra lack attach-aaa. aotofdra lav, attfata aras aajatja frsra tba Dntpaakoa, uoa ol tba aotjoa; aad that liMpayaaaat at bay dean daa hiat by ot tha ttata. and tna dabrary ta biaa.

ay fat ka aaa. af aay ptapaity antbia tha atta baloaTB to boa, aad tha traaa. i aaay aacbpiaoarv by bxLaidaa by aaa. aad ara ItaaS Wdayaf Aafi.tSL t. YVEfJ Aliaraa ioc AJtaatsu Ctadast.

Ro. 4i Jaba ataaat. JLTi Marfciar. Jaaior. a aoa-ieadeat of iba '( York, aad tfaattiieaaina will be told tor the par.

eat of rra debu, aajoa he appear ead di-cbarce attaca-eeat, aceordi-r to law. with-" am mat hi ma tha firet oaUt. ioa ol ifait notice aad that the payawnt ot aay dobu dae to him by feudeat. of the ttale of New kork, aad iba detraery to maiorfaf km aoa, of aay property the ttata of Bow York be-oexmg btm. aad ttm UaUMir of aaj tack pfppargr by bib.

aie r. iuuaB uj law. UMm. aUTS TOW. Dated U4ttar of ap61aw9m Anaraey for Anarftmt Credrtor.

170 Broadway. BY order ot Waa. 6. Amg Coaaty ad in of Alfecaay Coaaif Notice at hereby aivam that aa aiiacboeni has beea aaaed ajruajt the eatalo of Cvra. Corner, at a aoa-reaidaaK debtor, aad thai the tamo wul be toid lor the oayawet of km debis, ulna ihm aaid Cyras iooper a4peata aad dMer-irtre each atta-hnMSt aooordiae to liw.

wiLhtM ina noaUn from tha tinl peoiieauoa 01 tna aotioe aad that the payment 01 any Oebts rrJtamaiarl Eaii ftMllUrtsd tat ttaTUWttaT th IttmnlnR. rak th-a batkfn I UlC ddlTCIT Ot ftB" DrOOtStTT belonC1B.r tO SUd debtOT, r. wbicn wtu fiketi tm Um oflim iA ibm cimk of tb crtr aad ooontF of I or of wwe. aad Xitt lmotier of ay by him fo i Nw ofk. in cmj ot Aacaat.

Jtol. aad Uterv aeovr ol TowiMwrwUaiaid couulaiai a Um b-cni4w. al ha offloo. No. IM Faltoa Hniot, ia tha citf of Nw York, wititia fwBtf dsn alter tiwaniea of ttm rauaioasoa rca.

exciatave of ttwuarof cacaiaivioa; uid li 70a Ltui to the aid eoea- triauit whom taa tiai aJotatatd, tita pkaieuff 1a ibw aeuoa will I JuM Kiac. oaa ol Cho Jaabaai of tba 8m- fcqeby fcHvaa. paiaaaat I thaptorv moaaied. aHYd A. ia.ww..

ia. baaari Pom wnawtver. areroiMiiaea by law aad anTOHU IN panaaaee of aa order of the SBrroxate of the coaaty ol Mew York. aou. a nam.hv tit.

tn all nmnai' bariar Ciaiioa i-xaiBst laaacCtrow. lateil tbeolyot New York, dicaaaed. lo reeeut the lame with aoaciien thereof ut lite obaenber. al ha place ol banana. No.

toaihttrart. rathe city ol New York. CO or Deiora tlia alat day ol Ueuemlar aau. fVtMl lit. H.vnf JnM-lRol.

yVi hwftn CHARLES CAROW. Eieetrtat. IN paraaaBceof aaorderrit tira tJorraeata ol theCoonty of New tori nMH.ihMiibt at van lo all DeraoBahaTioc claimaacaiBat KrulU finalman.late of thecrtvot New uVeeaaad. to preat the aaroe wrth vooc hert thereof to tlte ta been her, at the oljica ot tJhaxiee B. Whitalioad.

No. AINftataa at reel, ta lha city ol New Yora.oa or before the leoth day of October aan. Mated naw i ork. the eteventn aay ot apiUawbmMARY ANN GOODMAN. Adatrahtntriz.

Iff parnaaca ot aa order of Uat Snrmxata of tha coaaty ot Naw York. Botice a hereby ciraa to all Derront haTios claim acalBat Junta W. Leot. lata ot tha oily ol New ork. de ceaaed, to preaaBt tba with aoaeben thereof, to the tab.

criuer, at oa rauaeace, inacuoDKai tuevt, toe cuy ot New Votk. on or before theritteenth day of Jsnaary aext. 1 talal i ew iotk.Uielwemri.laT ol Jaly, 11. jylt U-tm GEuRUE VV. LENT.

Eiecntor. panaaBcool aaorderof theSarroaateof UtacooatyafNew I hereby given to all perBaharinsclaimaaaalBat William R. Veanr. lata of the cttv ol' New York, decea. ed, topreaeattlieaame with the vouchers thereof to the tubacri.

bera. al Ilia atom ot Uiivtoa kL ctureae. No. lilt Front street. Ib titecily ol New York.

or at the orlioa of kUla. Borrill at Dnvi. I auB, 9 laths city ol Aew lotk.oaorbeloreuislvui aayot jauaary. taoj. liiial New York, the day of Jnty.

11. jyS lawSm 1 1 my 17 lnv6m fcllWArlD V. BI HAtiUC. I LCZEK.1AB PMITH, Adminittmtar, ML i HARAM ANN YOUNG. IN paraaaaoa of an order of the 8arrogate of Orange Coaaty.

I aad acourdiag to law, notice it hereby given to all persona I baviax daunt axainat Imt 8mith. lata of the town of Cheater, in the aaid coaaty, deceased, that they ate required lo eahibit the aanae, wiiu uje roacoerainereot. to uieonuersiRmn, aaminutrauir, of the aaid deceased, at ha place of in aaid town ol Chiater, ob or helore the 34th day ol Noveruuer oext, ortbt-y will ivae tin, uvaroi vt trie waiaie in aucn case matia ami proviaeu. I k. 1 17 iiki I panaanoe of aa filer ot tbe of the CoDnir ol J.

New Yora Soarm i liereby riven toall Deiaoos liar ina claiim Tborna McUonkey. late oi the city ot New York, de oea-ed, to preeent the same with vouchers there! to the snb. Jofaa Develin, Kta. No. ii VValUtreA, in uie city oi new i oia, on or Del or ine eieveaui uay ol xiovem bar.

aex'. Dated New York, the sixth day of May. 1S5L mytflawDm WILLIAM McCO.NK.bY. AdmmistTator. I purutanca of an order of the Bnrroeat of Uie oonntv ol I.

New York. nc4ic is berehy civen to all irsoni havinr claims aiuut VVilliMjn Cunivy, Jateot the city olNew York, deceased, to prerieot the aarue. with vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at the reaideuw of titthen H. Feeks, No. 137 Clinton street, in the city ol New York, on or be lore Uie atvenUi day of No- Dated New York.

Uie twenty dav of Apnl. 1B5L TKPHlvN 11. FEKKtS, Kxeeotor. ap29 Uw6m HLriTLH. OCNREY j-uecauut.

IN umsuanoe ot an order of the aorrocate of the eoaaty of New York, notice is herebv rivrn to aJI Mnon havine Hairm a.ainai Jncob atifrer, late of Huunton. Virginia, deceased, to pre-attnMhe irn. with vonchers thereof', to the aubsenher, at hi oiii No. r4 and titS Biondway, in the city of 3New York, on or Deioreiiieiweiiiy-tirst day ot March next. O-WU.) Dotted New York, the dav ot teptember.

lRot. selB lawpm CIIAliLES EDWARDS. Attorney. IN pursuance ot ua order of the Surrogate ot the county of New Yoik. notice is hereby gives to all persons haviag claims against Henry keyaer.

lale ot the city of New York, hairdresser, deceased, tn nrarcnt tbe same, with vouchers thereof, to the nbscriber, at Ihe "tfice ot at'wderick R. No. io3 Bowery, ta Uie city of ork, ou or before the twenty-louitb day ot March nexL iaiea new oi. uie nineteenth nay oi ptt ruber, ittoi. selH ltw6iU MARGARET KEVCER.

Execntna. IN pursnanceof an order of Uve ooonty of New 1 ork, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Conklm Leek, late of the city of New York, canenter, dHwuseil, tn prrtteut the same, with voucher Uiereot. to the snba scnheni, at Uie reside a ol Ki tenet us Oakley. No. 3i7 Sixth street, i the city ol ork, on or Delore tbe thitty-tlra day of March next.

Dated New York, the eighteenth day of Beptember. 1951. KPENKTUB OAKLEY. Administrator. e19law6m BUSANNAH LEEK.

A-lmiBiHtrttiix. IN pDruriooeof tbelurroKatot tlwoOBatyof New York, notice hereDy given to all persons having claims against Patrick McCollouih. lateol iheciiv of New Yora: detvadad. to nrmani the same, with vouchers thereof, to ibsabcnber. at theolKoeot norrui rriulcoim.

io Chamber stiaet. in lik city ot hew Vork. on or helore the JJLh day ot March aext Dated New York, tlie tlth day ot September, X96L CATUARlNEMcCULLOUGH. tell law 6m Adminnuauix ot Patrick McCollo'igh. IN pursuance of an order of the Surrogate theonunlyofNew York, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims acaiast Alexander II.

D. at per, late ot the Dittnctof Columbia, deceased, to repeat tlie frame with tbe voucher thereof to Uie at ha ieience, Uutts Motel, Muimy street, in the city ol New a UU ui iw-iwttj uc iii a uay oi errtDaauy neiu Dattd New York, the ifiUi day ol June. 11. jedfi lawin CALEri rt BUTTS. Executor.

I l.tll.naeia nl am. nrt'ai lha nl tka "tt-mm. ht dollan aad lortv eent. viihimif. I ork.

not tc 1 Ktwa to ail (mwhu havin claim her. ooe thovanl e.ehl hundred I ff'n7; I tn residence of Abel W'heaton. No. 4o Third avenue, ia the cr ot i or, on or ireiore ine sixteenth day of irtaroh next. Dated INew York, the tenth day ot lbil.

sell In bin CATHARaNE FLYNN, Adminutnitrix. IN pnnuance of an otder of the Surrogate of the county of New Yoia. notice is hereby given to all persons havine elanus against the esiate ot rent iell. lateol thectty ot New York, counsellor at law. deceased, to present the same with vonclier thereut toibe subscriber, at the office ot F.

F.Marbnry. Esq. No. VV nl I atreet. in the ot New ork.

or before Lbe JJih ai of rehraary next. utiti new or, uv iun day ot An rust, iSol. aato lawtim MAtiV ANNA PELI. Executrix. IN ot aa order of tiie tfunosate of Ui touatyof ISe or oi ice i- hereby givea to afl persons having eiaiiau against Mary Mmard.

late of Uie city of New ork, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers (hereof, to the subscriber, at tiieolfico of nii am Curtis, No. 100 Broadway, ia the city ot New Yrk. av bor the IBrb day of" Fcbruar aazt. l. -tM New York, the 21.

day ol August. IHoI. iaJSlawtm EUSB M. J. Pt.LKHlN.

ECxeoatrix. IN poisaaae of aa order of tbe Butroiraleof tlooanty ofNew York, aouoa ia hereby give a to ail persons having eiaiiR agaiastJoba Kyaa, lataoi Uie eayot New York, dt.aad, to present the same wtth voucher ihereof to tha sub-enben, at Uie KtHceol Umaiel VViUon, N. Ao William street, in the city ol New YorK, on or beloie the twenty-first day ol F-bruaa bcju. liated New lutn oay ot Auea-t, imi. til- nil iinj u- nUKU'l, IUJI.

lawPm KIlMtJ.Si) FirZi.LRALD, LDMHiNK EUAN. PAlRlCri DRAU0T tfHfl EVENING, POST i NEW, TORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1851. to mm, aar rar. uaiaa may ia, ihm. Wtal htRBY ANGEL, of Aawaca, N.T.

twy15 1awrp Atty'i for Crpditor. yafabacot aaordtBrot Uwbiinofaieot the eoaat yot New a iun, aouce is oereuy civea an peraoaa navina oiaiav SucaiBSt Rotaatrt IJirraao. aMLeot tik Air a Nw York. iiraaiiiit to prcaent the aua with voechers thereof to theMtwcnbet-. at la tore ot Menu, faashaw.

akluuea ft No. ia tee suaot, ra ue city ot New York, oa or beluca theeiiluh day of Novembar aezi. iisiodNew York, the Sri day of May. 1961. OA URIEL BAD, 1 vrt BfcNJAiilN r.

DAWbUN. Claaries Ed wards. Proctor. my8 lw6ra isiscntoia. If! ourtuauoe ol an onierol the IhecoUBly of Mew Yoik.

notice Is hereby given to ail persona having cl-lima agsinat Kmnta liughea, late ot London, in tvteat liniaiB. tie. ceased, to prtaot iIm same with voucliefs tliereof to tlie sauacrtt era, at Ihe ollice ol It viulolpb W. Townaend, No. brj I VIar sltatt.

in tlte cilyol New tork. on or belora tne twentytghtii day ol r'aliruarr next. Ualod New fork, the 36th day of August, 11. K. tiw rvrtr.n it.

AamiBHirator. aua7Uw6rn HENRY T. PETERa. Adnunmiatot. IN portnanceot anortieroTOanrrogaiaoflheeoBBtyorNew Yoik.

notice a liereby given to all persona having claims agairul ratiz H. Laga. late ol the aty ol New I ork. grocer, deceased. topteatntthe same, aith vouchers uiereol.

to the tubacnuera. at lite alor. ol reuenca w. uettering. no.

ou ra.w street, mute cityol New York, on or betore Ua twenty -ninth day ol January iteit. Dated new York, the twenty-lonnh nay ol July, lttot. r'REllERICK W. OlOlrEKKNti.i VtmUm Hb.NKk WURTMAN, txecntots. jj-24 law 6m" IN pu.auance ot aa order ot the fturrogate of the County ol new York.

Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims againat John Smith, lateol the city of New York, tteccasrd, to present tneaame with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at the oiiiceol Peter ngenL No. 67 elauifi street, la the city ui' New York, on or betore Ihe 3lt tlay ol January next. Ualed New Yoik, the iSKh day of July, ltttl. 1'ETKR NUGENT, Eiecntor. jyg law6m JANE ALLEN.

Eiecnlrik. I pursuance ot'an orrietot the dnrrogate of thecnunty ot New Votk, notice is liereby given to all persons having claims rtaruuel tj. Wendell, into ol the city ol New York. contlke-ur. deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to lie tUDscnoers, ut iiieomceoi n.

t. rfJiwuti no. na-at street, the city oi' New York, oa or betoie the fiileenuiday nl Dated New Yotk. lbe tenth day of Apnl, 1851. LEWIS H.

LUIS REE. WILLIAM H. CORNELL. apll law6m AdruDauators. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons having claims againat Emma iiuglies, late ol London.

Ureat Britain, dr-oeaaed. are required loelhibil the tame, with the vouchea thereof. ti tlte subscribers, at llteoliice of Randolph tv Townsend, No. 16 Cedar street, in the cily ol' New York, al or before the day ol OcUibet.loal. W.

TOWNSEND. Administrator. apl9 lawfim HENRY T. PETERS. Adtnlnatralnr.

OT1CE is liereby given, according to law, toall perariB, hav. 11 ing claims agaicst James N. Engle. lateol the town ot Bush- wick. King's County, deceased, that they are required to ex.

Iiibtt the same with the vouchers thereof lo the tubaenb-rs, at No. root street, ta the city ol New Yotk, oa of belore Ihe 12th day ol February next. Dated July it). 18il. WILLIAM 11.

BERNARD. TH! PEOPLE OF THE STATE A. the Oraeeet God, Fiee aad IimW iatefaued ra teertaae of Taotaaa McJM Pnaafl tiae i Tom. aad mif-aa DanaMlty to be aad immi aa(M oar Karmnia af I Maraa Biaoaa aad Wui- aL aTlalaaaBT Vjwit aM hka aaatw, Haara. Viwa aaaa I rVkauaJ Wahata.

aaaaa E. the day or October aezt, at eie-ea o'eiook ib the toreawa of I Amd wberaaa too eabuaaoa of the aaitl Kbel ia, Aat Aera that day, than aa-1 tawlo aU4md tao amai i mi aal ot ta ae- I a dae the fabatiaati tor Biaianak lanavbed fat tba aaa oft waatd eoaat or protrmu wew twitwmwrnxu aa aaacmier at wm tarn weaaiwip ma amai aaap w. wiaaadtMttBaeato aaM imni. ta laariaiaay waamrf, wa I Aad pemrme iba ami tm i-aip. bar tak-.

w-ay have eaaaad the aaai ot QtHm ot emtd avrrocaw ta ba iiiiaaaie af I imu ni aad aoaj to aar ta iiiataa of tba aaeiioata. fixed, Wita Aiaxaxiar VV. Bradford, banente oar aad I im aaaat aa a ray I task fttTW Ol OTK. Ifbaa JU aUr fM rajaaOT bbbB aaaB a a aaaaa aaui a aaTaak akaaal 1 iffl taa ByjussMT Bbw a-w att eoaaty. ta yar of oar Low! aaa ttwaiaad enrht haadred aad fi.ty.eeM.

I lie acnea to ail pawoue ciajaarac ta aaid ajaaip. taokka, faalaw4w A. W. HfiADl-OrU). Bmnarmta.

I Ate. or im a bummL. laaaera. that tber beaaao- 1RG WORaj. ay antra aj Tlatbaaiaaa.

all ba aattlad by kT alc-aa aoihanxao to Xiew xotx. fstlawtw OF nW YORKtry TTlflTED OTATE8 OF AEJCA. gOCTHE PIS. aii to ail pwaaaa i i sit ur new lURK. a.

vv araa a nam hui tba oay of I fiiad ra ta ratnat Covrt attto Cartad tHaiaaal Aaaarsaa, lor ib es. aaaa of km. eeetbar. I 8oatawra Vmtnct ot New York. the lb day.oi Wojt dabar, at aa.

an Btarewv arJad I 1 -A Af' btuu betaM th. aa4avamaal. iwIm th. or aa, ol tesrARid LltBifiCi AMD FtUJiT- Wtllaua boraoy iiaaniau. I V.

He B. iwa it! tha daas aad aaaaa si tba ata, lt)L. CHLRCH fe CBTTTEIiDEn. WH B. HOTt HKtlJS.

LEOH JAROSSON. ALPHONBECLERMOWTEL. aTtORFORATlON NOTICE. Pabba aouoa a aanrbr rtraa, 1 thmt uia ot Drorjarty lor aanatd taxaa of taa yaar UraT. aid takapiaea at pa bias aactioa oa SATUROAY.

tba fittaeaUi day Tt.h ISA. ml a'okick aaoo. af tba tt Hall, aad hi eoaoaaad trom day to day aatil tba whole of taW property aball ba aoad aad uat lha detailed Unarm at of tha taxea aad proper ty to be told, a pablahed ia lha Moraiai tJoanat kVn York Eaaitrat.aaaUT asaavavw ptunaa aaa paaaaaaa tauwatyot tw IM. BTtaooa a a. na k.

a mj 'ah. annKiBxaa. Coarrtoun'i Oynca. Aaxut lttli. laiL auU laa Ma NATIONAL BANa tatTOaat of dirkUadaoa atook aad balaaeta ot aoooaan ta tha Mauoaal Uaak.

remaiaiaa aa- olaicaad tor two yaait prior to tha lit of tSnxaaabai. IBal, abate tba fJBB arSCJI oaa oouar aaaa apwaraa, via cacuiin HrumM. Joha Foard. dirrdrada froca UU October, ISO, to April. IaS.

ladoara. ajDoaaUac tsd. cacuiaBD BALajrcaa. A. Grjatin.

I Robaaaiu Miaiaa I A. HaialT Joha L. H. N. Perm E.

1. Bartow It Stl. i. J. BowdtB J.

tmutock. VV.ChaBBing.. J. J. Aator A.

Bet odea, all A lei. Cor. U. W. Fakt E.

UoBiibud R. C. t.anldaeU Beaj. Ward at J. Richmotid Uoyl Tllhaghaat-.

au UI 31 S7 4 14 53 8101 a 4tl 10 78 184 IMS 9U 1 18 a a -t 124 4 Tarda. IB tmet 1 SI fJaSa 94 R. Hrvlop. 914 Ul Meldeak Ely. Ski Thompaoa A Drapac.

aa. tigoeae. Vaa Vliet at 10 A. Zeretra 81 B. 8loaaoD 1 83 J.

Mania, Jr 11 tn 6. ilaadlebaara. Ill 37 M. Radar a 47 Jot. Rbodea.

9) Thalebar 1 U) Edward Mania 1 en Israel Bnuli a OA Tarboz at hliagaley 16 64 Mid tamatr of New York. aa. Fradaaiek Dobta. Caahie, aT ti Nalionai Baak. IB the City of Naw York, being dulv twora.

doth depoaa and ay, that the loregoing atataruea ta are trne and cMtnot, aooofdiag to the best ot ha knowledge and ba-IbiL F. DO BBS, Cashmr. Sworabelorame, thatflthof rteptambar. I80L JOSEPH STRONU. fJomntaMoaet of Deeda.

STATEMENT ol balaauea ol aooonau ia the cereolh Ward il u.nk. remaining anclaimed lor two years and ouwarda. rjtior to the kl ot SelMember. IKil, Bot heretolbre adrefljaisi William 13. nrowa.raew OO W.

U. C. Biowa. Wiluamtbnrgh 1 aU Kphraim Clark, ctlaun FrankUn at allelic Aaslgneol, New York 81 r. VV.

Mariana, lbs M. Montx. 1 12 Ueo. Loerdea. 18 T.

W. jGowsn. natnowa 19 T. A. MetotHl.

New iork 03 John Mayer, I Ut) J.H.BickeU. 25 W.J.ntewait. 41 rtoott ft Biggar. aaknowa 1 S4 E. K.

Waierbnty. 8 HI John B. Weob, New York brt rj. Whusey. 6 otl Callahan.

Certificate of depoate) If 1 1 Uwra Oabom, do 144 of CiTTAiri CoraTT or New Yoek, sa. A It red 8. Fraser, thetteventh Ward Bank, in tbe eitv of New York, be. inc duly sworn, doth depose nad say. that Uie foregoing tat.

I ment a true audeorrect, according to tba beak of his knowledge avod belief. A. 8. FRAPER. Cathar.

Bworn tie fore me. this 3St day of nepternbet, 1061. taiilat JACOB K. AMEKMAW Cwn't of Deedi. JT 1ST Orf BAIaANCES remaining nnslalmsd in M-A the Manhattan Company for two jean previous lo tue first day of September, 1861 David Brieon 2J 48 James A.

Bnrtna ltd S'2 D. t. Campbell M. M. Clark.

Cbauell Wells, i haries Uauoe. O. W. Gibbs Bro's. 30 37 i 63 86 .311 81 78 J.

L. Hannah, M.D., 174 1'J 0. Haven M. HitchotKjk lyes a Enaworth J. Kerr rt.

A. lilaiiliard J.C. Merritt Peter Morris Meilon, Tress. 8 45 84 73 8 30 2 64 77 3 00 88 03 37 Hi 74 83 J. Oakea 0 R.M.rattsraoajTraa Vu S.

Fayran, Jr 01 Loots I'erret 3 6j J. Richards Soheif-felin, Uireotors York society of St. John. O. Rutgers N.

Starr W. H. oackett C. Stewart. Ikaae Seymour bilas M.

Stilwell. r. R. UnderhiU U.A. Wakhington.

Q. Watilar Residence. 1808. Jan. John M'iver.

unknown. Jaly. Thomas Cooper, trattec. 1814. Jan.

Kliaabrth Ardsn 1816 July. Elisabeth Hay dock 1S36 JhIt. James Malcolm Juljf. John Once joua inner. James Turner 1S40.

Jan. Sarah Dunbar. Peter Mnlth 1810. Feb. William Edgar, Jon Margaret Jenkins William Lawrence Com.

monalty of the City of New York Campbell P. Whits Aog William Edgar, Jnn Margaret Jenkins. William Lawrence R. W. Martin MayorAldermtn, andCom monalty ol th.

city of William Miller James Strong Campbell White 1848. Feb. i. U. Abrams James fiall'our.

VV iitiaiu Campbell. William Edgar, Jnn Moaea Hart Margaret Jenkins. William Lawrence. James Lenox. Same in and Commonalty of the city of New Yotk James Strong.

John H. Campbell P. White Maria York Ang. William 8. Samoa! Coehraa William Kdsjar, Jun Moaea Haxt.

Sarah Hodsa. Margaret Jenkiaa Samuel N. Jndah. William Lawrence Margaret Lawrence. Mayor, Aldermen ft Com.

of the city of New York Dinah Peri am James Strong lteehal W'eudover. Campbell P. Whit. 1849. Feb.

Harvey Brown Wm. tdgar. Jr 1 nomas kerris. Fire Departtntnt Fund, Moses llart. Margaret c-amuei rt.

jnuan. Thomas Keefe Wm. Lawrence Mayor Aldermen 4t Com of har3i. 44 6 13 11 4 6 80 6 10 6 3 10 1 6 2 0 1 10 30 6 1 so 211 1 6 18 258 4 10 6 37 1 1 a IS a 12 10 3 6 12 1 4 14 6 IS 2 2 9 .171 63 84 60 t8 63 1 04 ..130 V3 33 76 8 63 86 68 1 61 66 STATEMENT OF DIVIDENDS ON STOCK of the Manhattan Company remaining unclaimed for two yean previous to the first day of beptember, 1861. number Amount of Dividend.

2U0 in) oo 22 60 2T 10 22 00 10 00 12 50 60 00 16 00 ii 00 7 60 8 00 13 IS 00 1 60 60 8 00 13 60 1 60 16 00 46 0U 7 60 1 tf SO 00 au ou 1 60 60 27 00 8 00 13 60 387 00 0 00 monalty of the eity of New York 10 17 60 James Strong 6 8 16 John De L. Watkint 12 26 Rachel Wendover 12 31 00 Campbell P. White 1 I 7i Aug. Wm Chardayoyne 6 8 76 Wm. MgarJr 6 8 76 Lucretia Havens 7 12 2 Motes Hart 18 81 60 Margaret Jenkins.

2 8 6u Thomas Keefe 2 8 60 Wm. Lawrence 9 16 7 Mayor, Alder men atd Commonalty of the city of New York 10 17 CO James Strong 6 8 76 Rachel Wendover 12 2100 Campbell P. Whit. 1 1 75 Julia LiTingston, 69 Divi- cends on 2 245 SO Johanna Murphy, 38 do. 1 70 24 Henry Moss, 19 do.

16 672 00 State of New York City end County of New York. James M. Morrison, Caehisrof tbe Manhattan Com. pany, being duly sworn sai lit, that the foregoing Statements of unclaimed Balances and llividends, are trne to tha bott of his knowledge and belief. M.

MORRISON, Cashier. Sworn and labrcribed this 4th day of September, 1811, before mo JOSEPH STRONG. 51aw6w Ccmmiationer of Deeds. Pasaaa. froi inuiaantt, lauaoiiy ol tw otk.

oa lb Bol I hi tn ituurv a aav rataa I A Ta Parrofata't Coaru held hi aad tor tba County of New rnoaoaya eaaaay aau. at ua deck is lb luaaoou ol thai I will be sold at pablic aactioa. to farecieta aad ausfv iha aaai I -t the Barrogato's OfSoe. in the city of New York, Uaiad Heotamber 22d. 151.

TUOS. ADD1B EM MIT Refaaat R. Etsnrr. Attorney for ApptMsats. (d) as33 Uwaw SUPRE.B COL RT IN EUU IT Y-tLete Cba.cary.l Isaac R.

Jasaap vs. Haaaah iluliraaaa aad othev-Punmant ta tee oecras ot uia uwn, tnaua ib uas aaova entitled basoid aadar lbs dlieelna ol PhlloT. Rugglea. Releree. bTjames M.

Miuer. Aactweaar, ai public aactioa. at the avcbeata' Ea! change la the aty of New 1 oik.oa thaaveath dayot November a ll all thsoaruua lot at uaroal ol laad Wia. Ihedlk ard ol the aly otNsw York, aad dauagnisbsd a a car, lata map bsbo by Chartt. Lea, sra of the swora sarveyon ot aaid oily aad ooaaiy.

aad bMnog aaia the tsooad day al iti.icO. b.7 mm Um B. Sill mmA hoaaial BS lollOWS. BajBalV BArtlW. Iroat by Bayard atreat, soalbasir IB aaat by lot No.

494. a Many oa thoeaeada by lot aas. aao eaaeriy ea ua euaraaaoy rot na. idu, aoalaiaiaa tm aaeih ra the easlaly aad westaly adea BUatv.twa sad siagalar tha lea. meats, bwaditaraears aad appuneeaaom iheaaaia baleagiag, a ta aay waa apyanaraiag.

aad batag the aaaa piaassa wasca were oOBVstysal 10 zaa iMMgesiiaa by rieajaaua Uuk, Mastat ia Chucary. by deed daisd Aa If ta. Dalai New Yak. Rawemba S. WH.

JAwkasM. HMITH. jr. BoI'lBKCnsanl'L 1 1 Iv s. A "sJKVV BAIJ PKKM C.XJ RTloha W.Wal.

PlaiB-nmmn eauaaa aad raaa rMraaa. Ysa sss hsssby lasaind la I A ua. mild Eanilv HaU i.n, Trr r-'aril saawa taa iwa.lti.i a iha aaaa. aad aaree a entiy al yea, I ly.Weod. Ira dawadaat Yua uii, nn.l iaaa.aiiiBBB.esal ears, mt uaaay T' tau te aai w.u ua aaa UM aS.

WHh lla- 1 aWMltsVatMsW. kl 4dlOaV. lVOaft 4 kmrnZi li! WW! iM Bum t-utu-. a-otMn. whitJi was bled la tba Tlaa 1 naw I Wilms IWtrmlT tl.YRansT laaa mmmm -i I L-a-h I -k-t u-lllTfa 80CO s-k-fl0; kari ag- Daued Lib rieptamber.

1S6L Attorata ssll Uw7w WiJlsw-NArul7; tmtt. tat. j't3I law6m NOTICE OF DISTRIBUTION. Notice a hereby given, that Ihe balance temalntng ot tlie proceeds ot 1'iesale oi the realesuutot Isaacf.Crall lateol L.awrenceburgn, in tne stale ol inbtaie, lately mad. under the onlerot tlie County Judge ot tlie county of Richmond, by Richard M.Pell, theatlmini-lratorot' all and singular tlie goods, chalttls.

and credit, ol sail intestate, will be divided by the said Cooaly Judge llieerMliuirsol said inteslate. ta Dtoooiuon totiieir reapec Uve debts, aceotding 'a law. at tlte surrogate's office, ia lbe low a ot ooainnem. in satti cuaai, at tut tuitiar a lobar aext. at 1 1 o'clock tn Uas lorenoon ot thai day.

liaieu AuguaixviB, teoi. mull ls6w R. M. PELL. Adminrttrxtor.

NOTICE ofapphcalioa for he tltscharre of an insolvent debtor trout hu debts, purtnant to the pruvuions ol the third arti cle of the first utle ot liw tilth chapter ot the second tievutu ctatuu. nnius nconetu. ot the Iowa ol art of the tlo, ia the I county ol ales, an insolvent debtor. ladivKlually, and as one ol tne lat tinn ot nater, cccnd to. Notice nrst publi.hed tlie day of September, 11 Crexliiers to eppear belore Hon.

Aa-diew Oliver, ales county judge, at his omce. in the town ot inilo.onuie 2Ud aayot ueoember, at lUo dock. A. to made aailswUlw MUKIGAGE FOR ECLOri RE. YV hareas.

Joaathaa N. Smith by mortgage, bean nr data I be etghteeeui dayiof November, oae thonitand eight huadred aad blty. moitgage aad coavey to the tabacrtb-rr the lands aad piasniaes heteiaalter mat-lion ed. to secoa the payment of tha sura ot lour buudred dollars, with intaeaat trom the date thereof, al tha rata ot avaa n.t rwnt per annnm. payable halt yearly, which roortgage recorded ia Lbe ottice ol the Reguterof Oeeds, la aad lor the city and coaaty ot Naw Yotk, ib Lftar stU of mortgages, page 561.

oa the sink ol November, PSO. and upoa winch miiilgage there a due at the tiaseof the first publicum auaaotica, tha ism of lour hundred kod twenty-mar dodan aad lea Now, aotios a hereby givea. that Uie leads described ia the said rnortgage. to wit: All those ten lots, pieces or parcel of bxna- situate, lying and being ta theTweltth Want of the cny ofNew York, aad kaowa aad dis. Uagoahed oa a oatLaia map ol the lands tor of Bar jamia BrowB, made by J.

H. Hn.iges.City Surveyor, dated May. and bow oa die ra the office ol the Resale! of the cuy and eoBBty ol New York, as lots numbers K9. lid, Ul. lla, 113, Ls.

1, 127. L9. lii. cwtweea tlaa Stxih aad Baveath avenues, and lalweea Obc Handled and Fourth aad Una Huadred and Fifth streeU; tbe said loo numbered lrom one hundred aad aiaa to one hundred and thirteen, inclusive, tiontina oa Oaa Haadntd I'naith sireex. and lla kits numbered horn on.

kaadrad aad tweaty -fivs to ooe hundred and Iwealy-aiua. inclasiva, froatiag oa One llaa-drad and Flllhalreel. togettier with half ol said I. nl said lots, said stiaeu lo UaauMeoet to ad public claims, aad aot to oabln. 1M aa cord aabia, $70.

16 00 7 60 65 (0 1 60 4 50 1 50 17 00 ao 27 00 8 00 8 00 4 60 13 50 12 18 15 00 4 60 7 60 is no 1 5ll 7 00 8 76 24 60 11 45 81 50 8 tO 6 25 8 60 16 76 SUPREME Yates. William K. Fuller, and George K. Fnller, acuag executors of the laa will and tsttsment. sad ttndoea of tha estate of Joha H.

Yates, deceatatl. vs. Henry Yau-s. Aaa Ysies. AlextaderG.

Fonda, Suta Fonda. Mary Anstia FobiIb, Nathaa N. Whiting, and Jane Helen ha wile. Joha 8. Uroot.

and Ann bia wile, Ann Maria McDonnell. Ana Mcllonnell. Joaeph C. Y. Paige, John llelanoey Watkins.

and as etlministralor of Joha Anstia Yates, deceased. Juteph U. Y. Walkins, Joha Wat-tint. Samuel M.

Niell, and Josepha his wife. Cbnstnplief Y. Fonda, Aaa Eliza Frieda, James Hooker Yates, Aadrew J. Yates. Anna Yatee.

John R.Slnyveunt, and Mry A. his wife. Ana Elizabeth Yam, Hannah Hooker Yates. Helen McDonnell, and Marah L. Fonda.

Mary A. Watkias. witeot Joha I Vlancer Wellies, Joha B. Yates, Arthur R. Yates.

Auain A. Yala. ehrldren ot John A. Yates, deceased, aad the AttorsM-v General of ths Stale ot New York. Ia pursuance and by virtue of aa order matte in lha casta, directing the executors and Iroa-leet of lbe late Joha Yates.

dVceaied, to ssll and ditpoeeof ha real estate at private sale, or public and ton. aarl it al public a net tow. thai the same be cocducted by the tubecriber at retere. aud Uie said executors Bad trustees deeming it daereet Bad proper to tell at public auction tbe tallowing valuable property la the city ol New York, will be told at public auction at ihe Exchange tales room, on the 17th day of October aext, at 13 o'clock, aorta, by Anthony J. Bleecker.

auctioneer. Partd No. The three lots aad stores lying together. formiBg IA! at cause, any they have why aa aaavamaat should not be I street, beuag street Bambart 106 and RS Hroad meat aad No. 16 da ot sard insolvent aum, sad bs bedachaiged lion, ha I vVaterstreet lbe square a about 65 100 teat, aad apoa which there are two five alory stores oa Broad itreet, aad oas oa Water areet.

i uiree hot- bow rent tor o.ou. Parcel No. 2. Tlte two-story brick Bona and lot No. 131 Priace street, betweea Wootter and Lawraaoa, the hoaa has aa atuc DBaroeKt aao eetiar.

axil 6 aches. It reated at sti v. Parcel Na 8. The three booses aad lots adaxatBgeach other on the aontherly side of Canal street, at lbs jaetioa ol Laight iwcl. una nova wi kb no.

lAignt areei, aan numners 101 aad 133 I 'aaai uroot. being Si feet 6 uiches oa Caaal sad ill teet 7 inches on Laight itreet, and aa average depth of about 75 leet. the three atviae a r.t ni Parcel No 4. Four iota on 6 lit mat. SSilOO feet, oa the south tide, betweea 1st aad 2d area aaa.

and a right ia the wharf, at aa apparteaaau Aad aao at tbs tame tiros aad place, the fbtsawiag property, ntuatad in Jersey cny. ia lha stale ol Naw Jerarv Parcel Ne. 6. Two three-story brick dwelling booses aad lots oa aonherly side of Grand arret. I.

Jersey cuy. about tweaty fret from snrtkwesterly eoraa of Gmad aad Hadsoa Hreau, each Ux lti teat- Bow naiad law a fl M.h ir terms and psrucaiars will laity stated Ua lime of saw, sad reJereaee aay be bad lor any laiwiKiailOB lo lha reieraa Of lo the plamufl attorney. York. baptmbexl9. lUil.

PH1LO T. Fl'GGLKS. Raferee. -J? rTns Soi'r, No. Kl Broadway.

ts2 Dn I htnitwaflllalKiVBata.tSMM.Mwt.iHH I Belhird at rteotember IB tha vaarone Ihoasaad eieht havalrad the statBtss la aaca case aau. aaa ptovaleu. al lha e-clianLt I u.t. aeisaua w. orauioru.

Dairocata. in Excbaage. ut the city ol new i uia. oa the taealy atcoad day ol December aext, at twelve clock at aooa, of thai day. Vmrk.

Heoteaberrkh- ltbl stdRlawlSw better. rytiAw i.s--, a. wtuarrudi, monaraaea. tssaissatai Wall Aoiirr's Omct, I urrroB rKtaoB. Ang.

an. loot. A.TOTICB ia hereby give, that sealed Dtoooab will be received 1 by thesabscnber.alkaoniceiasaid praxa, aatil FRIDAY, lletorat asih. 1K J- ai a a'eack. e.

lot ua kua aad mi lla hjiiowiBg Bambetof coavtcUtlo beeaipwyed at lbs dilsranl brssjches rsereiaaiar aaBlniaal, via sum tweaty a lotty ooa rids tor lha parpoa oi ntaaafaotnimg fiw. tweaty to torty coaviots iartba parpoa of auut Mttiwasa. tweaty lo forty ooavicts sat the bouse laalaaiBgs aad Irunai. rt. mAmmiTTm a-tvuesa sf JNO.

taring aaytweaiy lo tatty coavtctt tat tha parpoa ol sasknfarlansg tarraaat toh f-V im? fsn therrmfialfor warm. iilaaaiiaaa. lha sasoa, aad ligats --b-taiB-saauaaof FaymeaaaiUbeiaqBinalsltbeaadef Mebaad aik la-Jy ImJS any Proposal lat saay i to the tairmsts mi l. Barnes. apaiCMJCT JLB1D ARCBERT IKPLisUI XT.B TR TL7 A anmnuata kewj ills aat of tba sbova ptaauy ow txaaa aaa sw aaia ur t.uste oi jtwetMl ij srpea irr.

Oecsad. Oa seadiag aad filing theapplicaiKiB of Tboma E. Allea. Administralor and Mary lrpeater. ol tbs estate ot Joseph G.

Carpenter, Uia et the cay ot NVa York, deoe-ued. for aulbonty to roort. tta. leaa or vll the real eauua the an deceased lor tbe pay- aiest ot ho debts rt aotdesad. ibat all persoos i.lrrosted ia Ihe "Ufa 01 G- Uarpeator, deceased apoeer baiora ot rtew i ora.

at naomce, mine "'ii the eTxtaeeta day ol Ootobar Ben. at tta u. oi loai oay, lhaa aad there t. show esase why aBtboruy ahoald aot be givea to lbs aud Admiaatralof to mortgage, ass or all ao mach of th real aatsmof tbs saa Joaph G. C.njesAer, set wa as snail aa mete, lopey bsdattla.

A. W. RRADFOtlD. tfarsosmts. P-amta.

SSil BS I filed la the District Coart tba Uait-d rkalssa Aasetv t. w. A. m-taUUits, lis) Broadwnar. ca.

iwiacaiats laauict of New on. oa the 13th day ol r-w. oar laiu eea thoasrutd eutnt kaaireu aad dhy-one. by Geroaiama A. Lsoor.

Joha D. Lacot. aad Ge. roatMs adetMU, agatast the aeaaxsatp Daaja Webstar. Bar uMsstu mtC AXJi.mTZ "bstaaosof the said Bbaa.

thai Uareada th. uiaiaaU-rar -Saraahal fat lha aa ot the seal slaaaa. shtp. theamet HJilH 11 at uaaa a uasaau aaasa- Aad tstayiaa that the atl am I jp. ka te be corakaiaarl sadunar tawaia.snaattbekbeiiaass.

Now laaa. sata. a tt-. mm ii.m mt tfaaasd Csut a ae directed aad deuvetad. 1 da aeeaby ctva bob.

Bsaea lean litnta etaiattag tha sasd tteaaaah p. tar tact la. a na aav aiaan .1 nesukaasa tka aid Iymnet Ceaut la be bald at the city at" New i i th said doauara I hand al New Yak. sa the Uk day tV Stwembei ial al aavwa a dock a lha Isaaat a af aaaar.iiiaTtaaa Baaae snas na a day at larwdMttoa. aba- Bjeiiaay a aranicoca UareeileT.llhaa sad Ibat.

lass, tna iah day at rermbw. WST. pavbatoaatbaabid lhatnet Coan ta ba bald at tba sRa, afhaw Votk. ra aad ax taa aad riaaUaara Ihatmtaf How Yark.aa tba 1 day, (pforidad tba aaaat thall ka a of jaraabcjatb. oa tba ant day af jarudtctaoa ttanajwr.) aad dasra ls latarpaaa taan araaas, aad la ataks tbaa alaaratawa Dated tba Ob day of riantmibar, B.

TAlXaaAUG B. battad Btataa Maaal kc. HmiALin. Pteetot fat LtUlltaU aa aaaV VESSELJS TO BALL, ETC. THK BRITISH AJTD JIOIIJ AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL aTfcAM- betwaaa NKW-YORR AND LIVERPOOL, diraet, bad botwaaa BUS- TON AN LIVERPOOL.

The BoatoaabJps oalyoali-lng at Halifax ta Laad aad rsoarrs taails aad aasBaBfan. ARABIA, Cap. AFRICA, A. Rjna, PERSIATcapt. ETJROPA, E.

O. Lott, K1 r. Jadkirai. NIAGARA. J.

Stoaa. AMERICA, N. ShasBom, CANADA, W. HamaOB, CAJUHIA, J. L-mucn-Thaas Teraali earrr a clear White Light at buat sad Graen oa atarboard bow Red oa pert bow.

AMERICA, from Bosloa, WadtMaday, ITth Sept. NIAGARA, Saw York, Wednesday. Sit do EUROPA Boston, Wednaaday, lat Oct. AFRICA, Now York, Wsdnssday, 8th do. CANADA, Boston, Wednesday loth do.

ASIA, Naw York, Wednesday. S34 do. AMERICA, Boston. Wednesday, 2SHh do. NIAGARA, New York, Wednesday, 6th Nor.

EUROPA, Boston, Wednesday, 12ta do. AFAICAV Naw York, Wednesday, lath do. Beaton, Wednesday, SBlh da New York, WednaMay, 14 DaeaBbar. New York sr Boa ton to Lirarjool tirst No berth saenrsd until paid for- Freight wiu be chaxsed oa apaela, beyond aa for peraonai expanaee. An experienced gnrwaoB OB board.

AU Letters and Newspaper must pass throaga tha Peet-OOee. ForfMlghtorpkbsAftapplyto E. CUNAED. Broadway. French, German and other foreign goods, reoeircd and bronght la eommon with Brttlah goods.

Through bill of lading ara given la Ham lor New Tork. tU OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY UNITED STATES MAIL 'LINE TO SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN Tha treajnere or thai Com pany will sail regularly onea month, as follows rival swa. WASHINGTON, O. W. Floyd, Sat, April a Ola.) sf KIT HERMANN, J.

P. Wilson, Com. A Aurnut Oolooer Eat Not. March May Sat July Sept. Sat Not.

Das isa ai From Bremen. From Soathamnton WASHINQTONFridy, March 81 1 March. 8 a Friday, May 18 1 May 31 a Friday, Jaly 11 1 Wed, July 16 Friday, Sept. 6 1 Wed lo Friday, Oct. SI Wed Nor.

6 HERMANN, Friday, April IS April 33 Friday, Jnna 18 1 Juae 18 Friday, August 8 WecL, Angtatt 13 uot. a Friday, Nor. 38 Deo. Passage from New York to Southampton or Bremen First cabin (120 I Second cabin. An experienced surgeon Is attached to each tbip.t For freight or passage, apply to MOLLKR.SAND RIKIIA, 26 South N.

Y. C. A. HK.1NEKEN A CO. Bremen.

MART1NEAU, CROSKEY A Southampton- WILLIAM ISELIN. Havre. ja3 "THK PENNSYLVANIA STEAVi- Steamahips a fot'ows 811 IP COMPANY. Slao LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPAN intend running their new UII Ul rti IODUSV aw aua, tr v. Stotabnry.

ClTf OF PHILADELPHIA. 2223 tons, Cap raoa rHtt.aogt.rRik. CITY OF MANCHESTER, Thursday, Octobers. raox iv a root-Crr OF MANCHESTER, Wednesday, 8pt. 17.

CITY OF QLASOOW, Wednesday, October 8. RATES OF raoa rHiuiDtLrMts. 1 raosi Livaaroou r. T. 1 I e.lMM 4.

Them raUs include Provki'ioni and Steward not Wines or Liqnors, which can be had on board. The cabin accommodations, table and attendance, will be found unsurpassed First class steamships ply between Liverpool and Glasgow. Havre, Rotterdam, Leghorn, Marseilles, and other Mediterranean ports, by which goods can ba shirped to Liverpool, and thence by this line to Philadelphia direct. Goods intended for New York and other Biases, will ba entered and forwarded by tbe Agent without charge, aod with economy and dispatch. Those who wish to bring tbeir friends fro LtViipool.ean engage passage for them by any of than, ships.

An experienced snrgeon will be carried on eata ship. Freight on fine goods 00a per tan, and primage. For freight pannage, apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON .41 Exchange place, New York and 9 Walnnt Philadelphia. RICH ARDSON. BKU1 nEae a Liverpool.

PtTRICK HENDERSON ft Glasgow. an Humboldt, NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Tha United States Mall Steamers, the FRANKLIN. J. A.

Wotton, commander, and the HUMBOLDT, D. Lines. commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the year 1861, on the follow. ing daya LI1TI ItfCW TOBK. Franklin, Saturday, Feb.

8 Humboldt March Franklin April 8 Humboidt May 8 Franklin May 31 Hambcldt June 2d Franklin, July 18 Humboldt, Aug. 23 Franklin, Sept. 20 Humboldt, Oet. 18 Franklin, Nor. 14 I Deo.

12 Leave ktttl. Franklin, March 12 Humboldt April 9 Franklin, May Humboldt, Jnna 4 Franklin, July 9 Humboldt, j.iT as Franklin, Aug. 27 Humboldt, Sept. 24 Franklin, Oat. 22 Hamboldt, No.

19 FraaJUia' Daa. 17 Stoc rlrtg at Soothamntoa both waya. Thas. built exprsasly for govern meat eervica, of 2200 tons burthen eaeh, are not rarpaaaed either for speed, strength or comfort, by aay Teasels afloat- Their accommodationa tor passengera are of tha snost approved kind. Stopping at Southampton both going and returning, they offer to proceeding to London, advantages over any other lino in th.

economy of both tim. and money. Ptioa o' passage from New York to South-amp too or Havre $124 From Havre or Southampton to New York tiM No passage secured until paid for. An experienced Snrgar-n on board. For freight or appiy to MOR TIMER LIVINGSTON, A gent, 58 Broadway.

WILLIAM ISELIN. Hbtt. malS MARTINEAU. CROSKEY ft Southampton THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMER MERLIN, Captain Sampson, will sail for BkHMUUA ANU 81. 1 HUM AS.

on WEDN ESDAY, th. Sth of Oet at noon. She hat sxnellent aec ommodatlonfl for passengera. Price of passage to Bermuda, $35 to St. Thomas, $70 There la a regular mall communication between St.

Thomas and all th. Wast India Islands, Havana, Vera Cms, Venezuela, fee. Th. Merlir will take freight. Apply to E.

CUNARD. 38 Broadway. P. S. No letters or mail will be received oa board of the Merlin, except through the Post Ogee.

eel 9 FOR BAVANNAH United States 'Mail Line The asw and splendid steam's hip ALABAMA. Capt. C. D. Lndlaw bwiu leave New York tor savannah on SATURDAY, 4th of October, at 4 o'eiook r.

from pier No. 4 N. H. Freight 111 sent per cnbio foot. Bills of lading signed by th clerk on board.

For freight or peerage, apply to SAMUEL L. Froat at. S-J7 The new steamship FLORIDA, Captain Thrmas Lyon, will succeed th. Alabama, and lean on Saturday 11th of October sa FOR NEW ORLEANS, Direct- The and elegant double enrnre steam ship UNION, Thoa. S.

Budd, Com mander. will leave pier No. 4 North River, at 8 to morrow (TUESDAY) afternoon, precisely. A few of the state rooms are still disengaged, for which applv to SPOFFORD, T1LESTON a sg Month st. FOR LONDON.

Packet of 1st of Octooer The packet ship YORKTOWN. Capt. Bradith, will sail as above, ber regnlar Aay. For freight or pajtaaire. haying superior accommoda tions, apply to tha captain on board, foot of Burling sup, or to s4 ORlTTNELL.

MlNTTJRNa CO, South at FOR LONDON Packet of the lth OoL Tbe packet ship CORNELIUS GR1NELL, Capt Fletehrr. will sail ae above, her regular day For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to the cap lai oa board, foot of Maiden lane, or to Bl OR1VNF.1.L. M'NTTJKV ft f.O..T8 Sooth at at- 'OR LIVERPOOL Black Star Line on arrBthe let of October Tba regnlar paeket ship JOSEPH WALKER, Wm, E. Hoiie, master, will fan as aDCve. For pint sire, havinr tha Deft accomodations for both flrat and second cabin passengers, apply on board, at uoTer street, or to 8AM'L THOMPSON ft NEPHEW, s2 276 Pssrl straat FOR LIVERPOOL Packet of th.

8th Oct. The packet ship ASH BURTON Ve Williams, master Trill rail aa abore. her molar day. For freight or passage, having saperior acmroodsv tiona, appiy to th. captain, on board, foot of Maiden lane, or to GRJNNELL, IdLNTURN ft 18 78 South street.

FOR LIVERPOOL Packet of th. 21st Oct The paeket ship NEW WORLD, Capt Knight, will sail aa above, her regular day. For freight or vssaas. ha Ting so parlor accommo dations, apply to the captain, on board, foot of Maiden lane, or to GRINNELL, M1NTURN ft ut 'a wonto strews. FOR HA VR V.

Packet of tha 8th of October Ths packet ship GALLIA, Capt. Richardson, wiu sail on her rezoJar d-T, aa abova For freight or passag. apply oft board, ptsr No. 18 East stiver, or at uia omce of s9 WM. WHITLOCK.

48 Sonth st FOR HAVRE Packet of th. 16th October I Tbe paeket ship ZURICH, Capt 8. W. Rich, Trill sail oa her rearulax dav. as abor.

For freight or paasago, apply on hoard, at pies? No. 11 North riser, or jo eV4 MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, 3 Rioadwa. ANTWERP PACK ET The faat-salltnr paeket MAY FLOWER, CrabtrssL majttar, baTing asarly aU her eartro ngagd snd goisg oa board. will hav. immediate despatch as above.

For freight or Baasara. apply oa board, at aler loot of Oliver street, er to su23 E. D. HtTRLBUT ft CO, 84 Roata at. Th klip ATALAKTA, Ysnt, matr.

wiU suocaad ar- ROTTERD AM AC ET The fast Bailing ship J.f. LEILA, Stafford, master, having aearly all her BbaaB. mmrmtt mmmmmmA mill kilt ImmaidlBf aSfBSlfik BS abOTB. For freight or rMraajra- apply on roerd. at pier or to bu E.

U. HURLBUT ft 84 Scwth st- FOR CANTON Ob Is October, tha flae fast isailiag ship BR EN DA, wiU ba dispatched frcm Loatoa. aa abova Far ft alght passaga, baTing good sLinsnar Jattoas, apply to ISAAC T. 8M1TH, a12 tf 101 WJ1 straat aeraar Froat r- i OR SAN FRANCISCO. Tbeeiipparahip ME-aju5 AN ICS' OWN wiU b.

ready to Itcetv mmt- MmmWL. I. few ava This aihasauilsat ahi oa tb berth, awing lug r. tons aad is a awry swift Mils. A pot ttoa of aa room kaag alraady ooatrastal te, tjaick dispatch aaa ba relied upoa.

A lin-ited anaooBt of beaTy or RgU freight. If Cared tn a tsw days, wul aggad at arryaarasa rars. TS-" H-a, "ZricTmWB iaa wi rT au strays, pgr. ront. FOR BOMBAY A ant aaaaa akla wfflpaiiTsl ktttiy daapatafc aaaaid amffleiant fratlbt airr.

Ab- HJ tO lAt aaaiaaa, 101 Waal akiaot. aar. rTroat. JE. "0E 8A rB-VNClSCO-Dlrrjct FaanLra Ltaa bfl Tba tarorita dlrpar ayjla CELE8T1 AL, aDadiaf aaaa aaa aaa at Pi or 1.

East Rirar. arul ham aatak a pw. son ot ajar eaawo Dataa aanaa, Thia batifoi sUapar aa ot rary saaaU aaaaafty.aad ax- av. aba amada laa aaasaca ta aaa a raa. ta in doTa.

Fraiga wiU takaa at Tarj low rataa, Mm lata 1,1, ailj li lUCIUit CRAarR. ra JAM K-b ITai A RON, 114 jaj- FOR BAN FRANCISCO DIRECT The llpfar frT tfltlp GOLDEN GATE, at pier 4 North Rrror. A tsw totaa liarht fraiaht aan be takeai. Pat whaell ar eabta psaaaga appiy to E. B.

BUTTON, Beau HWtlltt FOE If EW OKLRANrl Rolatea' LlnaEeca. packet for Monday. Oet. 6tb The faet aoa uat sd shin ST. LOUIS.

David at laakar. amaa- tar. Is bow leading, aad wttl aosUiaaly Bail aa abera. or fralgbt eg laeaara. ac.y ea taara.

at toot of Pima (treat, or to WILLIAM NELSON fe SON. 3 Roats atyaot. No rcodi wB be after SattrrdaT. 4'fe Oct. ThaahipOALtNA, Tboa.

J. Laaritt. raastar, will m-esad the a bore, aad aaS Monday. Oet. ta.

rr- new Orleans packet La Llao-rlrat sReruiar Paeket Tba mat saniag rarniax paekat "'toip MANCHESTER, Tyler. Msster, bavia large aortsoo of her eargo angand. will sail la a raw da ra. For balaooa of height or paasago, apply oa Board, at ptsr il a. auyar.

uia ruin, or to EAGLE a HAZARD, 40 South straat. Tba packs ship RAJAH. Jonas, Master, wul sac oaed the aad sail oa her rsa-alar day. Agent ta New Orlaaaa. Mr.

Wm. Craery, who will ytwaynj aviwBiia an gawue to aw aaareaa. WTI rj- FOR NEW ORLEANS Culoa Line Bed aoad sfRaUa-yoaiUTaly nrat Regnlar Packet lor Thnra-- day, Sd October The fast aaiUng eoppered packet ship INDIANA, James 8 Bennett, master, is new loading and will sail as above, her reg alar day. For freight or peerage, haying (Ulterior fnrakhed ao- eommodauoea, apply oa board, at array's a barf, foot of Wail street, or to sow FROST at HICKS. 68 Booth rrtros.

The packet ship NIAGARA. Smith, mastaw. win roeeeeU the Indiana, aad aaii oa aar regnlar day. ia vraaans meatus joha u. wooarns who win proanptiy forward ail goods to their ad- urree.

NEW ORLEANS PACKET Tha fast safliog Ithip SEINE, Williams, master, will hara tauaedi-- ata despatch aa above. For freight or passage, apply ea board, at pier 20 laat Hirer, or to s4 r. HUKLBUT a a. Koatt rtreat 1UR NLW tBL.k,HN To atorrow Tbe ata. BC2faatfart aaiUog bark, LADY KNIUHT, Merry- 1,1 man, master, only one yaar and a half old.

will receive what freight may offer, and will sail as abore. or freight or Daasase. atoly on board, oter No. 10. North Rirar, or to MAILLER a LORD, 108 Wall Itreet.

retglt taken at Tory low rataa. geTf FOR AFALACHICOLA First raeket WED NESDAY, October 1st Tba fast aaiUng packet bark JANE E. WILLIAMS. Mat on. mastaT.

haying three-foart ha ef bar cargo sogaged aad going on boatd, will recaira what freight Bay offer and aaii as as above. For balanoa of freight or passage, having Baa aa apply on board, atpier 19 Last River, or to E. HURLBUT 84 Sooth at APALACHICOLA AC ET Easia Line The ffast sailing packet brig HERALD, Luce, matter. will b. ready to receive treignt, in a tew days.

Fr freight or passage, spply to k37 K.AGLt a HAZARD, 40 South street Agents In Apalaotiioola, Messrs w. O. Porter A who promptly fornard all goods to their addrsaa. AFALACHICOLA PACKET Eagle Hue The new. feat sailing bark I DF.NHA.M, Grey, eater, having a large porticn of her cargo engaged.

will sail in a fsw days. tor rraight or passage, apaty oa board, at pier last River, (Old slip or to EAGLE HAZARD, 40 Cooth street. Agsntl In Apslaehlcola, Messrs. G. Porter who will promptly forward all goods to their address.

ta3T "MOBILK PACKET First Packet Saturday. I Oct 4th The fast failing bark ASA FISH, Gate, master, having 3-3da of tar eargo engaged and now going on board, will ba despatched as above. ror balanoa ot freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply on board, at pier 30 E. or to i. v.

otsitui a (37 84 Sooth street. MOBILK. PACKET-Eagle Llo Firet Hegular I Campbell. I Packet Tbe fast sailing paeket abip Lt UIA. CII OK my I Ti at it sou.

master, having a large portion of bar caxgt snrsged and on board, wid sail in a law days. For balance of fre gbt or paaaag. apply on board, at nter 11 E. R- Old Slip, or to 27 ft HAZARD, 40 8ooth street. Agents la Mobile, Messrs E.

Center ft Co woo will romptlj forward, free of oommuatioa, all goods to their ddreia FOR BAVANNAH. Oa PoaitiTely the 60 Dollars. C.bia..'..'. IlS Guinea. J-- Pk.t-Frid.y, 3d Oct -Tba Bb.

fa- fan OC tl ut I wgm iguwhh v. Look master, win sail as above, fu'l or not full. tW.L,n Vt-" se28 Flrat For freight or paaeage, having elegant slat, room ao-Kmnaodations. appiy ta the mantes ea board, bulkhead foot oi Boskman street, E. or to DEM1LL ft 188 Front strata.

AQ good ent to tha agents Ib Naw York will be forwarded fre. of oonuniaaioa and all goods lateadad for the iatsrior of Georgia. South Carolina, Alabama er Ten. Btaaee.addr.eeed the ear. ef Taumas S.

Wayae, Agent of th. Central Railroad of tha Union Steamboat, NEW LINE FOR ALEXANDRIA. GEOlts. VlTOW'N AND WAShlNGIO.N Lll D. C.

Ji- dlrs-t First R.gnlar racket To-morrow Tlie fast saiiing, regmar packet achuonor VOLANT, Wax -mitta. master, wul elaar as slve, her regnlar day. For freight or passage, having good aewmmodatsons, appiy to tna master, oa board, at pier is a. tt or i. MOTT BEDELL, 104 Wall street.

Freight taken at the low-at rates. sei'J Agents Ib Alexandria Messrs. Casanova ft Co. la Georgetown. Mr Peter Barry.

FOR WASHINGTON. Old Lino The regular paeket schooner COMET, Fowler, Ur. will sail on Monday. Inst. For freight or pa-sage, apply ob board, at Brar 88 K.

River, or lo SaML. L. Ml I'CHELL, 194 Front St. Bills of lading tlgnttd an board. 29 FOR WASHINGTON, N.

Old Llne-Tbe 1 regular packet sen E. 8 WILLETTS, smith, master, will sail on 1 nosaay. eotn mat. For freight or paesag apply ob board, at pier 29 Fast River, or to 8A.ML.L. MITCH1LL.194 Front st.

Bills of lading signed on board. For NORFOLK Steam p.ek-t for Wednesday, Oet 1,5 The splendid sew doob'e-enrtne steamer 1 lit us W. J. Terry, master, at now receiving freigbt and will ssll aa above. For Freight or res' age abply oa board, pier 8 E.

or to MAILLER ft LORD, se29 10a Wall atrwet. FOR NORFOLK AND Molt Bedell's Old Line First Regnlar Paeket A good Teasel will bo despatched to th above ports For freight or paaaag. apply to aid MOTT BEDELL, 104 Wall ftrsst. Freight taken at the lowest rates. Agents In Norfolk.

Messrs. Hardy ft Delk. For PETERSBURGH Sails Wadna- Oet. it. at 5 at Th.

splendid 'new doobie-engin. steamship CU Or IRICHVIOND. W. J. Terry, master, is now ready to receive fxvight, and will positively sail as above For Freight or Passage appiy oa board, pier 8 or to AILLKK a LORD.

s.W 108 W.U street. fvf-rva ror Kit.H.MONU. nails Wednesday. I Am ftOcL 1st, at 8 r. a.

Tbe splendid new ooobiengine sta.maQlp CITY or RICHMOND. W. Terry, knitter, is now ready to receive freight, ar will sail as above. Babies For Freight or i ssaage apply on board, at pier I E.B., er 10 HAiLLKH ft loko, Be 20 108 aU street. ear- ST AKkS.

NEWPORT, AMI KEY WET tAaV PACKET-The fast sailing bark OC1LLA. Stark, master, win nave immediate despatch as above. For freight or paaaag. apply aa board, at pier 19 East River, or to ti i E. P.

HURLBUT ft CO 84 South trt FOR NEWBF.RN, N. LlBe Th rarn. lar packet schr CORA A. LIN USE Day, ma, ter, will sail oa Monday, 29 insrt. For freight or passage, apply ea beard, betweea piers zs and zw East mvr, or to SAM'L L.

MITCHILL, 194 Front st Bills of lading signed on board. s29 FOR NEWBEBN. Old Line-The i-gu-aCSlr packet sch. ANN MARIA, Jonas, master. e- will have quick despatch For freight or passage, apply oa board, at pier 80 East Rivr, or to 8AMUFL L.

MITCHILL, 154 Front street Bills of lading signed on board. 4 jr. WANTED A good vei ta SBBcaed lb La- I atTTJ dy Knight, aad load ia tb. Una for Naw Orlaaaa MAILLER ft LORD. 108 Wall st.

FOR CHARTER Tin superior sew Sardinian DUISAt ritlKU. capt. rrevs. ero toaa bar-dea. cappered and eopper-fasteBed.

far anrsn to the Maditorraita.B or a-whera. Apply to GRINNELUMINf IHN 20 79 Roalh trwH j-r- FREIGHT FOR BOSTON Th talk of 900 s-TjTi bhu) haary freight caa be had on apptiealioa ta truilUKU, T1LESTON t.O 17 48 Soalb street. OiROTKR'l PRR-HCil BEfitTEAD, Cablaet aad nattraaa Wankeats, NO. CB GOUB'lxtEET, BETWEEN BPRL'CB AND BEEKMAN. BwraBLssagn 1310.

This tan proved Bed ata haa -reared tb. higba pramlBBss awarded at th lat. 6 airs of th. Araairaa la Got. 143, 44, aad 46, over Try srav Twatitor; also, tba Uadal at the rate Fair in Get 1848, 47, aad 48.

As.BToof of aoa Baisft. af taaa. ladataadw, aod tboailiBavtiOB ia which th. are bald by ths pabHe. th aaoaraigawd woatg stata, that a ha faraahad Ua Brat botals ia ta.

ally aad aaaatry wtth thai. Th Bedstead, sad aBothwr artiala of raraltare re quired for taa Chamber or Batrocna, sash as Drtsalag areas Wssbstaada, French aad Cottage fsiltl tails. ardrobas, Teatst l.tres, a. ar BsaBBiaatarad af Black WalBut, sahosTSBT, aad liaa bea.lifaily BaJatad. la aatta or otXsTrwkea.

Also, a (aod aaawtSBest af Paria 5 nrnitare BATE MATTRABSER, Of tha bad quality aiao Hask aad Curled Grass Mat-tnsasa, rilllas-Urs, Fasfhsr Bade, Beat asa aad Pillows aa aaaa, mads ta 9t lbs 8sdtsad, aad at inailli Order fraa th. saatb, fcotal kapas aad aaaiaa. a hadrlad ef aay -attara, will b. smsaptty axaatad at lowest wtsnaaai. prvea w.

C.UARDNER. asm STKAJB BUI UK Pi. gnmsry" Radar, 19 tmad. ef bavy boa. aad ron.

BALsTU-J 7 09 aat 1 taBa.bBtaa.yaar. The Botla ia weal for frah walar. aad axft aaaa tla directloa af Moatgraaary aad wul bs, a i s4 a barrgaia. laqarrsar MsiLLra a imhv, 9Utf WS.WgOftmt, EXPRESSES. aw Toai a aal rarta 1 SVaUVCllABaBU aa tkalTfrtaada aad taa pablio.

that oaa aaa aaa Hiai ar aathtaityta traaasal taaar baataaaa ka far ai. bit uaoaiwi waao a ta Wall aaa. BOOQB dk f.ta TTllfaerata iaafRawa THIS CoBtpaay tnu aarpauta taaar tt- araaa aaaaaaat laatl allllT taa 11th 'aad by that Cat tad States Hat as? aaat Fraabiea. aad athar Blaaaa ia Latlaraaa. vba tas astatatai of Paafa Tha whole trrraiaaaa eadacrtad try tha agutaartoia lly Corarad boats aad goad taaiaa, are eaa-aed fcr Oae Bail maaaortatioa af iraods aeroas the tsthataa aaadSB in wn.a taatr iceaa, ins aay error aa taa aw 8auU kaiuaa raoaiTal af BaHiaSL OOrass CoarUaad stL, N.

T. I aa tail aiosk on aaraaaacaa 11 State ari.aaataa. sates YaaNostnaALaq rtrasaU at tha Marcaaata' Alartaara aaaa. H. O.

Roberta. Esq. evdatand CoSa, Eaf DO. B. Ktdahing.

a. C. abater. rtiltbarr baadioatl. 1 H.

Vaa Noacraad, Vtahaw Fallaws. eTl ADA1S St Great Wcttf-ru and Southern Hi pr f. Haw ArTaattmaatl liaataactsaaa af Rate. I HariBg kaado airanrtaaaau with the TtTTW VVx ranaaylvaaia KaJroad aad anal Coan r-i taa darnel eb of oar wast fl i i 'i i Soatasra Lassaaa Iraagbt, freaa rbiiadeiphia ta ritlabsrg. Uie atleBtioa of Moreheats and tba Bbiio gaairaUy fat ceiled te tbe facilities efferad tb.m tinasb oar Express ever that new aad to tba greatly radnoea rata ot cnarwa.

Our tlrca now. from New York to flttsbart, la ob)t abeat BO boars, for egdinary lipraaa Freight, aad arte. f3 per 100 lbs. Heaey Ooods. by Eipraaa.

CO par 100 lbs. bT Fast Freigbt Lraa." lArooga ta ai oara. par 100 lbs. aad by Freigbt Line," tbroagb I 41 dava. 11 00 aer 100 lbs.

Basall aaeaacaa aad parea of UtUo Talas, will ba uaasporvad at oaa bait oar aomaer rates. Wastsra Marcaaata aad otbera lntareated, ail Bad oar Enpreas tas aaaBBaat, saleM, aad baa part math a 4 tat sending boats lb air Talaabaa goods. All goods aot epaeially dwicaatad, as for Freigbt Line," or Fast Lino." wttt bo eoasidfTed for r.zpraaa SontbeTB and We-tsra Merabaata arderiBg aaoald instruct their ootrospoadeato to Bead by Adam a aaa axpraaa Jy38 AD 4Mg A CO 16 aad IB Wall atreat. PALMER CO's CAIJFOUaiA PACKACR E1PRE8I, For the Mrtsmssstoa of aU Fretgbta, Mesxbaadlfa. Yalnablea.

aad Uotd Dakt, ta aad from UaLiaoaara. Oaaaoa tat Paciric Pobtb. ta ail parts of the Atlanta Statea and Faroe to and trom tbe Wat iBttVss sad China being General Farrwardarra by tha snost axpedt-tioa rwutas. and apoa Ua aaoat atoderata terms. Mr.

Palmer, having ban eo raged lor some time la mercantile batinees in San Francisco, and mads repeated trips to CaUloruia. ba haa made himaetf familiar with ail duties coBeurrrnt npoa tas mat beneficial mod. of eoa-d acting the Express Bnsinesd with as Hi Us delay aa possible. AU freights will be dispatched from this elty te tbo Pa-sine ataasMr twicb a msxtb. aadar charge of a eoeape-taat and ranonsible agant, after tbe man Bar of tba U.

8. mails, la tba bs diSer from all Ur Exprosa compa. Bias. Partlenlar attention wQi be given to tbe eoHeatioB ot drafts, debts, ontslandiag slauns, dispoaitioB of eoa. signmeats.

bs. All informatioa apoa matters ra. lating to Califutaia will ba imparted with picanra to aay that BIU oaa apoa air. r. OFFICES.

80 Broadway. Now York C. a. Palmer. "Miner's Building," Wathingtonst, San Francateo, CaL Dow Palmer, Agta Jtrat, aar baeramsato Llty.

Cal J. H. Mnniby, Agt. REFERENCES. Hon.

Horses Mann, Washington. DC; Hon. k. O. Crosby, California Amos B.

orwta. Esq Am CoaaaL Panama, N. Mr. Tracy, Agt. Lan's line) Panama.

a. a. UK, is), Agent, naanyn. Nl arsons G. P.

Putnam, Uoa Wiy Fatnaja.j 166 Broadway. New York Gen. Joha 8. Tyler. Baton.

Messrs. C. Hunter San Francisoe, CaL; Oladwia a Whitmora. do; BakaElaaa. do; Brooks.

Sneperd MeCraekin, do Tbouua Ward la. Eaq taut atraet, Naw York Meeera. Vaaderier Faxoe, Froat straat, do Brainard, GcOroy Babrock, ortlasd St, N.Y. PA LM ER myS Brt Broadway. N.T tv their la baa tianctaoo witaia tuna.

mt th. lla. fne I to their deatinatrOB by oar igaet ia raasma. ThS "-it for B. A.

at BUS up OWl tact par arrma. THOirmlN ft HITCHt.Oi Msnageraaad Agents. 149 Pearl st of Wallet. REFER BY PERMISSION Tt Vlesera. Job'sbob ft I ntra.

11kW.ll at SrveeOBO. TliasTC ft Seal at Nksmith ft 60 ruts at. Last Arsaa a a. ra Dey atreat. dials pLace.

11 LAKK f)T AHIO1S3I. UNITED HTATE" MAIL LINE. The cosnmodions steamer. NORTII- apt Child. ONTARIO, Catit lruup.aad BAY rrr Al t.

Cap. Ladyard ia connection with the? orttiera aanroaa, ana steamers BRITWH EM PIR ryrjii BRITISH (tCEEEN.aad ROCIIEa.1 t-K. aul fjra adaa. lyliaa, (Suudajk betweea Haarirtoa. Laaav toa, oswego.

kigoaasaaxga, Moauats, aa. bosxcb. ta Laav aa a Lewistaa .4 ra Roeaewtar. .19 Oswego aa 8. 1 aa KlBgatOB ra Ogdensborgh.

4 trriv at at 4 rat, ta time for beau to oowwwaBpa. Lasve Lawpana. ..12. aooa kiacttoB.

aad artive at ugdeasbaegh in tim for morning boat for Montreal aad exptaes traia fm boa tea. rrwsana. Las. MoatrasL 6 ra Ogdaaabargh 9 oa arl 01 ears frosa Bnwtoa Lcare KiagatoB. ...7 aw Harbor.

.11 ...4 ra Roehaster .9 Arrive at Lewirton at 4 rw. la tim. for boat, lor Tor-a- Frcm tbe Pier dxat of Cheat litre Urmmt. For ALBANY, leading at lb. iaurmr Far.

(il cenu to rooghkasjala BreaHfaM and dinner oa board 1 fast aailisg ataamsr HENRY' I LAY, Captain J. Tallmaa, will leave tha Par foot of Chambers street every Tuesday. 1 hursday and aat nr. day. at 7 clock, A.

M. For turthsr Inlormatlon, apply to tb. eapuin. on board the boat. aal I 2m CTAMAObcbHAHD, CommiasioB Paper Waraboass sl Pearl Naw York, kaliigaoa agenu fw Car oa ft rot bars E.

H. Chamber.ia. Bsatoa Falhar ft La aad a a umber of other large mills, offer for sals all kinds of Peper at th lowest prices, I Deluding every datinpttoa Owbb a Hurlbut. riatnsrh Smith'. Wbaears e.rp tper.

book papr. envelope paper, of ail si sat aad qualities hardware and wrappingolali kinds. iaclnlins Manilla, rag and straw, tissue pap-T, all solars eororrd rapers, tea paper, ao. Also, a good aaoTT.mai of hoards Tit binders' boards, straw boards and bouBst boards. Bol agents for Ingall a Putnam' promiam straw board.

and the Long Itlaad boards, teget tar an a all kiada af paper kept by a Paper ar-hoaea. i.ll AUSOM a Httn.UI Paaudatiawt jrirlKI stBAyVV 1X AVE OL A BOUkk LND PAPERS. Mitas.Ohlo, Hot. nth, IMS. Mr.

8. C. Harrfag Dear Sir A abort tits. sine, our warehouse, wivk others, wss bnrned. and being unable to gat out lLa Baft ws pnrchssed of yoa last spring, It wa so badly roasted that ths bias, kaob ob ths door waa aseited aad the outside of tL safe vary mach sprang, so much so that we are afraid to trust It asjaia to a like oriieal.

shoaid oaeoa-etsr, although it did sv eieeilent sarvls. oa that per sat na at uaui ing ear books sad papers, bo only sa that they ml agibts, but la aaoadilioa that liabianslas Um. We would inquire of yea wbalhar we aaa trnst agate aBdarlikaeirannataneavahoBid thy ata swear, aad also lav yoa will axoaaag fog a saw aai. mt lha sasa site aad faahioa. YonxSjtruiy, STEVENS ft RT Art.

SILAS C. HERRlNO.sol. MaB-uaotareTsad preyrie-tnrof th aarq-ulied tlarring's ka.BtnaBdT 15, ItT. and UU Wala: atreat, ear. Pin.

aad IraPayvtaT 118 tllln Eks.CE UP JAMAICA GIN GER. prsoarad aal by Fradartck Biwwa. hi Drag aad Cham Sloe, Nona rest not Bsc Fifia aad Chestnut streets, Philadelphia This valuable prepare-ttoa pnssatn ia a aotaeaiitt.ted form sol th valuaba prousstsai of tb. Jaaaaica Glngar, aad at wsrraatad ta be fra froat ail imtatiag er atbar pro parties of aa In arsons teadaacy. It is beasueially aaad ta a variety of efreaanrtaBo wher.

a warm eordiel aad grmtalu! stiataiaat hi rrqair-sd, particularly Ib exes ahera tbar. is a sans, af ex-hsaattoa arktlng from sxeaasiv. fstiga or aaat, a lea drop la half a taa Bar of water with a litti. aura-, will be foarad aa aad ava ptaeaat aua alive which aaaks. this ssbos a highly asaial addukoa to tas traveller a Bortaaataaa, a wul as to tha faakilT aoiisa-tk.

of ram. dim Where laer. Is aa aui of weight ar aaaaa aftag eating, freaa rm-arfbet aUgeMloa. ot aba. astasia a iBdaead from riding la a tarruad car, ar earriaga.

or from the asolioB of a taa al aaa. the I seines of Gtuger. tf glvrt BcaordlBg lo Ua dilacuoaa, vU ai-axwt iavariaUly grva relief Ib ordinary 4 tail beta. laelpWat shot ara. ta short.

Ib all ea-ee ef prostratioa of dig alive fsactioaa, akatbar frotn indulgaao or dlstasa it I ef iaaatiasaiH. valaa. Daring lha snmmev axoaths aad la BcasGsara eitsaataa. it I iBvalaatda, partieuiariy daxlag tb. pi.vai.aea ol pdeasic Cbcera ao traTadar a family ahoald b.

wilh-oat tt. CAIJTTOrr-Psraoa. deslrisg aa arlkia that aaa b. rei-d aaoa, BT-parad sridy from pare JAMAICA GINGER, ahoald be partiealar to ask tar Brewa. Eaasaes of Jamaica which is warraated ta bo what is Is rallies tad, and at rrwpmr.4 sniy by FREDERICK 80 WN.

aa4 fa sal. at tut Dtag ft I b-ealeal Store, N. E. Coraag sf Fifia ft Cheaaat Straits, sLS.reaaa.ta la NKW YORK, av Wasussis av H.

T. CHAPMAN, Na. 77 Fcarea gvsslT. A sal tela had at tha moat fpaiabte Dtaxxtsta Tll saat-lrlOJt A kht XI --ra. altera re ufUslBsed by WORRALL ft sad aaawtad by Ib Breadwa haws te era tm lha pattern, I a wa rsaBirrasj saw 1 Lha prwreaoaaaa-tpare taaa taay patadar-wMb re, a Ihaaihayaaay Bat ts Ti 1 at salabllabsl Ik llr 1 watgtst aad aaasMy af lraa aaa Be Saxwaaa; aad aitaBBgh VmZi, pats are k-er-r thaa tbaa naw batag pat sm ka ataw.tarykal4-retaaato to aaUgk ae is sibHU al attftaaasty.

Tawir aatlara as taa Balsa as. la aaa. aal aaatoaakaBwitatJMgvaajaBaTtawiBasasg aa aark etas. Haviag bare ai lbe exBwase sd gwuiag a. laaort-a-aal patlera, aad tetvadaalag the las aadar ad lespsttrny sasvest taa patraaag.

mt ksals ta. pabrU laeirias; swsrtavg acaa WORRALL ft CO, Iras Fia.lays, PlxBtiac rraaa aad Bow ajaeaft skassrg. 22, fORPORATION WOTbCbV Tabbs saaasa a aaaaba araea. Bf iDalBCHMaa.Ta BtMajnbg AND lad "TTt" "'An I I CHCOL OR lll tB-V TTrT aeatosrw raf Mbdaaaaj aawaa. aad Sana straat, Nw- atttTalaaW WtLVuTIe a.

a af iimZTLTZ: Torft-hlADAblE CH LOARAl laiainaaLi ail i eat Pae Barnag a aaaaa taa aaraata aad gaaraiaae ar War emeus, aad las amaao waaataaaacB katb ttatas- baraaaa aad aa aaaa taa abaaa laatit all in wat aa BBBBikaa hraaob awaytJi taeal MobDAY. taa lata af lafbt. IBM la pat a mt 1 1 aaa aad be. el eaeaat aaa. aamtal til i --il 11 as 4 li I I Hal I -T- aaaaadsabataaoaaat fa.

aat. bet. aaa aad aad Feanb miu maH. "1 i I mt taa tati klksh aaaaa. Ak 1 A oat lay ImT mm.

mi TmmmZSmZZZT mZ-'Z lAaiakJ.B CtmOtM rtmt. laaaeaT. iJSTji. a -aa. 7t NON.

Tas Beat aavay mt tba tVViT! Jt" aftb. aarwa. aAtlKl. IHt.MOTT. atattirali yaas sa aba Bt of Iramta Taa AANCia btCHt.LlK l.

eltlTrl. A iia aaa. Jaaaar aad tWwVae ia I i af tba taaUah I aaa Um atta at, ttaa. mm4 tba Oaf aal aad i iba itZ aaaat eaJ CITY NOTICES; fORPORATIOil atwtrf "nkaaarirrn 1 aikaeaaaaeaBB.iiiii a mi arf aaaa. aaiiaia4 eraM a.aaiia' aa a.

a. a at aal itaaal l.l are aratgea) ta laa UOaee a) ta. ft aauaa kr an saaeaae araaa. aw: Far r. aaa aaa, ill a imm ia aaa awk IBS mt mm aaaaa.

i mm ail taa a i nasal iaaiaa. au tat il aaaaa mmm staa el graaaa. m. easuarea. uiaaaB aad aaa.

al laaa, aaaaaaa aa aaafc aaaaa at rOk aaat. aatwaaa aaa I ea maa ea tk a.aett, aaaa ef rta awaws. aa aaaa ty ale at tvtk a aaa baaanwa aat aa4 taaa rarta. Sad aa Oaa westerly wats af las at in. Bawa aV sad laaa.

aaa ta uasaaS aa yaaaarl taaar aaaiaa, ta wmma i a a a. f-m ta. date el tba BOtra. (AI( EL rf tR Hirfi. PA API I ft rlULgSiiia ioahi.

aa. rairrl. Aaaaa. a a. lanrt actsas any astinasnt, sua iAeafMa, Svriaa'M ktth.

tal tat aOaJViAATIUM fcOTKt-faaaas CaOkJVtAATIUl la taa aaaaa er aad Iia aa I. laa aaai aaa lealcaa at tas ernea at aaaa aa mm.imm Ktm mmw. I lam Taasdted Fti ka. ii i I mm a snr-ee all Ua aaarral a aaa Baefrraaee.T.eeaiaaai.iaaraeaaiaeaial i kaad. aaaaaaal aa katb adas at aSta aarae, eeraara Trd aad rdta ttata AH iiitaiwBaBBBjMiiBiaaiaarnitaat ay Uat abaaa aaaed aaaaa.

is. aad aaa era aaraaaS as taa iar. or esuae el On a. aw im. tad saiiaai at taaa el jiamaaa.

as amnag. ta laa aaataaasai 4. at uaaa estmbe.4Hakef tlmmmH, wrua U-L ita da-e at Una aot tea ItAMlLi. I'ri ti rT. fRA Id hlCliOLrMl.N IrtAAC U.

fsllTH.A ll, t'rrKW Ut aaat- or AasceaagBTa. Buaat UaaariaBaat. kra. 1-al. CHlbPUBATloa boriCC-faaaa tetaa aaaat ef SB aai.

srrapaat er a and kss. apaaei er lamssasa bii taaawtag a. I ia Br eeaatiataa ay taa A ara kaiaad ta Bm. mi AMMaaa at tiara efJte. hal Hail withia Ui'ny dare iiea ta ata al tka taa.

CAatlfcL H. if. aitrTr. faAJtlT lCiltLit.J.S. 11 A AC WI4 fMITII.

A a Ornrs hraaao Assassatrra. fitaa lawtraaat. tVit. fcaa.l'Sl a-4 ta. ttlKIMKATIO.B JatrTICIt P.Uaaaio.

sbeabrtia. ataewaaareaesit.aecapsaia ecrapaats oi au aaaa Bad as. aiitaaid ea iswatttl laa1a. tknaiy. taal ia lliawiBg aaaaaBaaatia at, ara fitaa lalak by ta aaaraaa.

aad aa, ledd a Uaa-ttMaof ta ksaai al A i ta ata sura. laiaiia by aH uvtaaa aaa an. eta Per Mm ata sot laaa Aik aa at lueeia. ead luk aad ll'h aaa Ta liatta saltistad ky saam ra aeaae ailta arverat baa Bad rata el sraad. vacant has.

pitua aa arcea at laadateaad taa atata lae kk oka, baaaV 4 by tub and II lalrt, aad 4tb aad la enseu. All yiniss aaa siwaia al kaola by the atave Mraad aaaaaaeia. aad a a a. at I aad as Ua aaaa. mt aejaer of that are aetata a parat taaa ae-laea, wStag.

aa Ua asaata, a tart erba. Ita. 4 HaM el Radi.vthi tkrrvrtar. laa tadai.ef ttita aaaata. LbLU.

Ia MUTT. FRA.ICia MCHOL0.1. ISAAC t.M. ftsiTH. Asian.

Orrtr-n. Hrakat) or Aaaaa BBtrra. rreet Irepartaat. faiiaasw 4. laaL aa but a-HiklMB ATIO.1 IT ICE.

Pebtae vathw I uui' tat lha itMMtMZPbeiafa AJ par a e-ud. aavi obmcucm. Uart. aa umi mmm4 I hia wal Lha ia wiRier. aaFiaa tbtretet4 tatt.

to ih i. omtrn a. tttafir9.NM'MMktal Mi LArJ f'kAN Paaav oeat. Caato-i Aoaut Iftianal. Mnwrii -n-A.

ell ft. CVOKPURATION NOTICE. PaMesanrsa haay graa. thai a aeutjai ka swat uisaeiad a taa raa id at Aideraat. it a aaa aCauvtaa arwrulrea Msodaacal ta Haias aaa.

Ail lata an a att kaatag obiarmaa llitiita. aa anaaaal te ptaeat iba awe wnrtar ataxias la-aaxtsat el aare a. to taa i ou'ract tm. at trie ofriia. oa ot batoa tMubrt lau I l.

ICHOLArl PKA.V Ptai.laal. Castea Aqaauact Uasartarat. raent-mlata. t'at. aval at CORPORATIOM NtmCR.

Pal kc aatlce kkeartry r-vai that a Kaureuea mmt baa pit salad a the Ream ef A. aat Atdersnea. tt. aawara Hndsaaiat. fraa Useawa a Htaa aaat ta a ami ZOIart tta aa acaiai' auaal.

AU Mtia at ta lat atl. toavtag atijai laaa uatta, aa a i. aaaat tm aaaat taa sataa a will Btatiag taaa smuaa ef t. tha I aatraet Ck.

mt tba office. a mt lataa araa.r la. P-i. Il tiu Art KEA3. PiaiiiaL Lcstaa Aitaadaat Dasartmeat.

mvL. KL enSlw ITTO.a AQUEDUCT pgitTOI AUUEirttCT ra aaikliag ef the I. i. aua be etrt.ti.arf this nfnoa. Ml la stkav-eaa llEPARITr.rr.

To tBsm. Taar-leas. ei-saw nataak eadareed Pioiasaltavajtat. rag a sawar Fins irna, will aa atajtid al taa alf-aa ua Csatoa Aqaadars IterartBBaal.tReiaBtla. Park.) aaui Tsaaday.

tea Ak oar as easiaalav. l-al. at 4 aVaok. P. la Baud a vaa a rust avaMe.

laa Xttk t. i-k alraa. PEPARTTiEtT. To Coa- ag a a-a a kaaa daa." w.U aa aana al Ua t-rt. mt Mr Charles H.

Daryeo. Ageat I oneiy by tbe pablla. 1 be vela, of a aMoaa. I va k.tU a sewa. a-a th.

aanaary aar. I Co. T. R. Mills, Iroa Staara- tile lett-r, deli wd by aa.

tare. rlv. days la ladTaaa. ZT'4 TZ'Z TtlilT fimim Htmw, I of aU other eompetitwa being pvop-riy estimated. akaal lat.

Tla aiaa at i the rawer Georgia Steamboat Company, aay waara, a at a-a boat or A. Fawns, will be forwarded Itea ef ooMmlaatoa. saT rc- rott CHARLESTON. racket Ship Line Jvty Positively flint Teasel Regnlar day -Tha fast salt. ItasW i-, eoeoered oaeket rhlo COLUMBIA.

tirum ley, matter, will take, a hat freight may offer, and clear as above For freight or paesage, having sxtensiva and meerior accommodations, apply on board, east aide starting slip, or to THOMAS WARDLE, 88 South street, comer Burl lag- aUp, op stairs. JI. All goods consigned Ageat booth Carolina Ran road, at Cheriaaton. Intended for tba Interior of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama aad Tan ni twos, will ba forwarded with diapatch, fre. of com tn iia ion and to avoid mutation, chipper, are, hi all Instance, raqnostad to aeod the agent a bill ot lajlng a29 BALTIMORE PACKET New and Regaiar BALI -Freight red Bred to three eents per foot, and goods la proporttoa Regular racket for to-morrow.

Tbs asw line P. LORD, Smith master, will receive what freigbt aaay offer, aad sail as above. ot freight or aaaaaga. aar ly aa beard, at bulkhead betwaaa pan 18 aad 14 Fast Riv.r, or to no a utau, sua wail straat. No freight received oa beard after tt, morrow eveatag Taa asw lin.

seh I- COLGATE wilt east sad UM above, and sail oa aer rarular day. Shippers will plea-a take nntisa that the abore Line ir eomp.ard of first elaea Tawcla. which sail punctually every four days without fau, and takes no freight ailai the day advertised. OltEbUHI'k CALlFURIIk PACUAUE tlilMttSS. O-l .1 la Cm.1.1 Vasaassgers.

two or mere time par by steamthipa. Tin CHAGRkS aad PA-NAMA. ia ch.rr-of parcels. Jaa elrv. Tal as MAILABLE MATTER, which wiU la all easea, arrive la San Francisco by the mail steamers, aad bs delivered La advaaea ci the malL Wa beg to anoBBce to the public that wa hav entered l.i.

with tha heaviest traB.Drrta.Uon hoaae BSUI rmmm- goods Irom hM to Panama. IN AUVANCE Ok ALL I a mnk lk. rrr mmtmmt laaa. a OTHER EXPRESSES, and laving mail arrangameaU I fmw, ira. Caaal la aear ateet.

iasg ta aas'k tith theU. 9. MalL and aU other steamers oa use raciue, I alioal adu tart. The lta ot th. arwer aas aaeincattaas Ba ua for th.

earriaga of our gioda. w. ara rraraTa to guaraa. I Bating ua aaa aa aaa aaaaa atatai ua a aytasis Aqa DaBal. rw rxt l-al aeT ti a-su JUUS T.

mrat aaa ma L. rat. lfv.1 taxi tot to aad Hamilton. Ptes-a- I 4JTBI EI HEPARTMr "al Halaf R. rers arrive at Nianra I a awl.y i.r-m.

laa. iiw a-aw as aa and Buffalo la lint for breakfast aad boats ap I ak Lria. EXRrFSM LINE BIKU.T. Tb. stesmen CATARACT, Capt Chapman.

and Nil ARA, Cant. Kllby. wiu sbrot a daily ita (Saadaya ex cepted), betwaaa Levi tea, Ringrtoa, CgdsasbBrgh, Moo treat anu tvoatoa r. a a ta. Leava .8 a a arrival ci i pries traia from Bostoa.

Leve Kingston. lag aad arrive al Lawvlca a-at morning la ttm. for ears for Niagara Fails aod Buf falo The steamer EOCHF-STEft leaves Lswistoa' tn Hami. toa dallv. at 1 o'clock, r.

a. OSWEGO AND SYRACUSE BAILROAD. "Ihe car lsavs Oswego for Sv rar oae aad Troy oa the arrival of tbe learners from Lewatoa and Ogdensbargh; and IheatorBlng aad afteraooa trains frosa fyreeae ar-rtva at Orwego ia sua to aonaect with th. steamers Bp and down the take wivlOkm la t.ts. At 7 tl'i UM-k RirroSAt-l LlLiT T.

tag a rvwet tm Caraad aill ka a ot itt. a I Uw latea Aew-f-t Itnaiewwt. Itaaaaa. Park. laaa Mi llAI.Ua.aairlllM.

l-bl. tils ttwl.r.a.. eat', aaaa. aaa lla staiiae laaita aad raivwta- a Chttaa. sa lla a stems.

a aa-th ataat I Xtb I a. I 1 im ptaees fw sarn aaa a 1 a hrr Bkaaatae Mtlwf tbsi-ta. caa aw .1 Ht thr I'taiKi IVI Bithw4tka. MtHOl.Art lit AN -ff ar Ihe LXSaa Aqaocuct N.w 1 --k. t-T- aaa.

1 t. m3t sot RCH0OL8. 1 am. I taa aaaaatlae learn ar aaa taitaikr I a abaaa mm b. aaataisaaaaa.

la I sbtmlat at laa I'areerstty. Waibiagkua awaara aad aa at tas aa lastly. W. I tas aaiaiata aa a naa. a raa i.

tat Pi aag aai. tba bust ana mi ear I Ha. 0 paasctm. aaa kOE. UKAWOOU A kXI.I, aWaadaay.

aaa) 1 4 ML i.awwary. waO.I rstltL al ta af TOI.l-ILOI.AT Xj Braavir-waw aaky. that la I ar.t-B.evtr. Irvrkrsaa laa li, all pmsa wraaa. re tm 4 has lata aar sat ia.

Ua) fat Road, aa aarast. aaat Bad ma aaa. a um ai aa- Btaaa ay art as aaai a- laaa al uaaa aaai au el I laa I ffas4.tMala.iap. IM mammmtmt laat. aaa sal a ta aaa bocaa al unai a.

at mt By I'M Read aid 1 irst avaa. Ak est aaa waaa laianai aa altatad ag ua eat eaaaaaaa. aad aa aa aaa ta ikaaaa, ay taa I II IH glBllBWIB CttOUL, trrakara aaa ba statassad at taa Saafe raaraarr a area Baa) BiaadaaT. Tbaa i 1 nl wail as nana im ta BBuaiaa aew aa-selkBg an Wast to Tl. aaap yiars'wtj ba ssatmatl Yaaaf tba aajaBlatla paapalauaa log sfg siBgie e-aas.

eaary Ikiaktcg tba bo wilt be bbs varied aad aabd eat aaat af la tRcta- ef Bab art WM rORRErr, rMswdael i any IHtRWlWOB CQLLKWdTl tm anaat 1 a TLTE af a to sapeaea ap'aiaas btgaiy rsiaakis ae taa I I aad is btr. aba a si as) Its l8Ta. adaiuaMB to eadleaa as aaa eaaataag bsaaa ta aaaBaBaaaaa i taa Ibtb af WprssBber. at BT Utataa paaaa Mr ba a a. 4 raapatUaap gtres aataaa Uat avaaafwg be ail i i a i fcta eiu ata a ta eraeb a aaaaa In ratal.

4 at i ring Use aaaa. taenia, as. aaay ba bad at taa ban as Pnta taaa. It ana ka saaav taat swab at staid atady LallaaadOrrakmavkaa il i Irataeoaaaawtsbaaeai drsataga. Tba aaiaowtaaj giatiaia bee.

basa psaaaad a testae-1 Aa. fa ka I Bpnng. Varmuya. rua. bs WrU.

Mfstbaa. taVsr Paxb- at aibawa. Haa TbsoAsao Fratkag bayssav Wm C. Bryaat, lag. Tarp.a Cat.

Can aaa. Oaa. B. laaa. bfy friaa A rba slid Ul lata aa aa af Ba laeaa- tor Lka ratstre.

a taaa trmlaa. rear, ft anna lata soaajw; laatlad tbarakT a Basal a mmailia ta basa ara tbaa oaa a atant be daa by btm maid tas eata af a aebea. I tatak ta. paaa ea aaat II tat aaa. aad taat Ms.

KhaTword at weal gmaiiaaa. ta arery rary eat, ta oarry It lata rail aad tsunami tptratkaB Mr. ttinnl aad myaeef baa basa aalaasaiy aiakatad tm Baas taaa twatr vara, aad denag ail taat panel I bar kaowa ban ta bs a aaaa af taa rarest eaaraarte. tea ms baararsas swrbaaja. aad aa aba, taitaial aad eaataaaSsd lastratrta I ua mmtad kum aiargtagty ta ta ay, able aataraof aa aarats aaa Ta a ebtaaia a taaa 4 aad Ubecal traiaaag log Ihsrr aaaa- LUARLU AltrBOtT, Prof Laa tea.

CsR. Tbe i.eresaasatltiB ef Prof A a tboa at aH a askant, af Itself, yet I may add that I reawar ta tt esrtrrWy. CHARLES RING, Praa. Cat. CalL 1 aaa eoaear (a tbo laiaaiaattka ef Prof AaUaoa.

IRANCtS HAWKa. I a aaai ta tbe above lai smmiatallaa. baviag At asw. aral bad seas aadar Mr. abaawlv oara allmasd WhL AITOR.

tatssrt IB Tluttr Bra auaa. brtaraaa Stttk FOR SALE. OR TO LET. aavn rf-eam aeeaa aai aa ir a caiifti aaMt wr rar of aeaiai A-H PracKttT. 76 IS aim taaaicnaaiy I aaaa.

f-ataa aiaoted by Iwltaaa I sward Reas-aal. laat sa sn East br-e La eiitannl la ilaetiarar liaa. Bala Ua ttw swteaaal th. K-e-t laaaat, aad 'mmt tka was taaaa aiaaw gia, taa aaaa aaai ly t- a la taa piai ibibi mt taa set, i.g eooawie t. sid tm-a la a tbe aatiata a lai a.

qatrad addrtanaa ae.1 a rtear ilwtr atswearva pnsaiwar4 isaes. awea Ihrt-ol, aa ia. saas. may kt iitiaa see a.d a eeaef laaa ea lha part ih- tatd aaer ta Tin laaiTienaa ol the sadatieaa ski. ad.

tlal Uwm tea aaa ar.aU la tka. try ih. tterel laaaawt tt hat ta ua aad raw- af ua ICaya Akwe. sa-a. aad taaashrsl iia N-w Vat.

ay tttrltoaiitrl Aidt -aa-B. Jan 8. 1--1. A lai tail ly law ard as AaaaaaBt AirVnaa. Aaraa II.

IM A a. aaid by tsa ai.ya. Aagaa Is. t-ht. T.

DoDGL. etast Cesnai 1 nst Aagea la. 184. sjas aay 4JI UttT llfcPARTaENT. Re 4 Hag af Rawer -P.

Whs I aas haute givea. that Ut. sotsswiBg tacuaa. ba. saw ira xaaaj.

as Aasul aaa-saea Te aaa aad gratia 46lh awal. fraa fca Itasa Biaadaay. T. flag a atata Hwf was. HirMit eg Xla a art.

uetaiaj tiiaa-twav aad aveaa. lbe talma a watn. T. sasaa aad grwaOhvev Bras. Iran VVata la raatk ei.a.

fl 1 lit taut a leataen. kevia ewtetnaa tswwta. aa swiaasad la p. mt 11. FOR SALE BROOKLYN A bajtt rattan Heaas With kite Baa atta xtiloa-ettaaleaa Hsaaea i aaa saaaib aaaaa la as rooted tar faU.

par aaa Pnee 8l9ua, aad easy ttrrs. laa airs ra las CLlPrtH. STATRR 1L.AU. lot BALE 8 ail lis kcto aa aot lag. mas, with a r-oavag aaaias aa-i calrens.

uaaag tm aaata aiaat so tan. I im wttaatltl 1 aa aaaa mt use aawa aan aranaraiaaa ar taa aaitdiag ta. at BtaBeats mmt aaeBaaal as aiiinla BUarasuat IsrLatuirba, MCH. I acaapaBta eaxxtwasaf til. Ad DEAN.

Pia.ii at mi isa Ttmaa ftaaadani I'm 1 I tejaa aaa isaj aeraa. aal New Votk.rauaa.beri;. lat. ale Ka I wa, a m-mm- I mm rUBSSI aad aundita aat kar I jJTfiUrf He, aad ak arjar a'a-aataa sHslsag I mCM 'aaawa ea eialicBiae le th (aatraa I 8 iKA.i. Pra-leet el uaUMa Aqa.

I gardaa. aad abai Yak. riept. i. ISH.

mmt kt I fratt troaa. Apy-i, aal. aba raart UsoarlsMSB. Naw COKPtJltATIOI asms bin It giaa. taal a aataaa ta Baa lutaat a tta P.jard a A'llaiaia, laaa mm te lau srag esreueaa aaial taa Haa tka foci-art ivt.

a- tha aa ar Ml "lit It-Art DE.AN. P.a.awt. Cal ai-a r. tat t' tvd. TBKI.T llU'vhTktlNT.

be.4Uag at I aieara a by ata, tm tim trt- ad i Aesslsis rvtaut-1 P.Ua na tm law tie-ad mt Ajo rraaa 1. caaag. ua aBde 4 aveaa. ssd 4J a aat. Te sava.

aaa aark aad e.twv a lit auna. laa ace. av. aaa A aad S. TeaarataJ aad siad k-id mimH.

It aad UiBftanasa Taldiaa a. 4 Ha waataiaaaaa liaa am Bwib aat' aw US aaat. Haa I ra tK ia.eitaTaM.atakaw yR.wa.aiaa 1 a a taaaiac vww mt tas Bay Tka taaaaak sammaateaxsoa with laa etty. tea nalahy ea eaar.h, Mhcots aad taarfcaaa, aita taa aaeaasjliad kaaarty af laa visas aad drrvea raa dare thla prosarty a ai ait at it by say Utaeaararbbaihstd ed New lt Taa aaaaasra asa being graaaa feat wtaa, aat ta taaa. aaryasiag to Valid lai at rd-t'-r'y crary twainy wiB ba esletwd.

WM. W. TAN WAGEKKK. ta Past a BsAlamga, Haaaaaa auad WATTED TO LKAIC OK Pl'RCUkiE, ta raoklya. aaasatl 2, or 8 Rtary Brtaft BaBdaag.

Faltea trrry. ftba Hal gate aeearr.aj aa ta.v tarsaa. itreet ta T. Ott. aal taa Jttaraal ag Less, sTUK. -A tmakl fara ta alack as use axrtaiaaj saw a ratauata Taa aataar ta Ebibbb. Tba tarm taa baildrsars are atf taa i aostly diamrtsoa. wf Jt eaary eaB.saiaaae aad aaat teld A- B.VANDKRPOKL.S WtiUaai o.uud. If am laat a rraaraL It taa asaatatsal.

tahll FDMUMI POKIER. S. tty HaU Plaaa. Uaaaa.1 a. ar-i'R, BAlva.

A aew erduge aad au aeras af laaa. atiaalad wathis tea asiaaias walk ad la Naw tiavaa Railroad Heatat at harw Basil ilia Pnaa oft aiLi A aata-tttlal tali K''2 Rataarw Ceatrga. la ta. city af New krasaett Li Uewaa a. taat eassare.

wttft flissa Itwat aad tvaw. large latad stieaaa ta rraat, reeaaa sjassad 18 traB.pnrt.tJoB of MhaBdlralUamBllaK.dTaitapva, ptROTGXI AO.I. EIR.CT I'lPAKT" ET T. Cea- I tt T.T!T.' 'iTTTTs uu ik. Li I a.

ahiartaa aitiata kralt ea every Taraty mm4 tn ti. a. aaa aaa I i.L.u. iv.a.. a.

mm mt Ik. I ta Sai mstvaa: Baiaaa. at a I a a tnw.noetatioa ot Utters aaa parcels Baieeea xae raaiao r. 7- ZTT I kaa. aad aitaadv raw.

I I 7mw.Tr"m I I mt. a. anw-arvtl. ana rav. tmm aa mm a-wa.

a a i mi r. tA'ahavaaleo eataoifnea trmxaa in nusisiii ii. I CALLAO, aod VALPARAISO for able ports, aad otb.r etti-e on tbe 8. A. coast, we are prepared to reaaree t.r.r-TERS and PARCELS, which will be promptly desttcbad aal hi.

-A aa ll laraa ta taa a Ural ratpMad. L. I al tat tweaty arias trass a laaa. as aaaa aaa aa aastaaat Laa taast eh rata fctaas at WM. P.


The (BbamVwr baa Uaea ka ana. Wl 11 lasa Nrla a Jaa lata in lalsattll fraa ka Asfast last, aad tba tarry, tag aad I isatiiitii arm ba eoaUaae) aa bsgaliaafia aatat ta tvs af Wi liasa Nsaaaa ft aoa. WUXUM M.UOX. New lax, ITU Iryt leal I aelT all. T.ikir.iviB a ui.At a aa.

ai Bad liaa a aiiaca 4 I at ata utaarB tka sa a aau a ad aaaaaa. I awaa aaa ta aad a Ua ate aaa aa aa artawsiUls4t.lau. A. at au. atta.

Wilaas tlaitae. a. a itatat ttaa. ta SMBf, i taa I BaSar.aae.1 -1 utitb. mmm ha 'as ua ilk cay au ttctrata Tail hbssI ktatraf a fir.NRY BAIX.

at BLA I l- A- MO ROE. sella HFNRYBALU tt Lt K. UtEHsLMOJIROE. I Bead at a. a sraad.

Ka 947 Bail ft Aiaa RLACa. ft CO. rtew Tttt I TKILJIO-IT H016K-B09TU9, ATtABa. TUlk aal kaowa eatabtnaaeat a attti aatsdad ta tbs aaa aaaa aar a ba. aiaay.

I a. Tba esanrai aad pi aaa at sttsattsa mi tat fttaas. aa 1 raexetBeat. aaa Laa eaBSsrl sad I taara, aomaia. la reaasr tt agiaaatila aad advaangn as ta la travwua-.

Havieg beaa aa. mt ta Bra 4 aha L. Tacaar ft fa. aa toag at tka bead as tba aaaaatabaiBt-, tsa sabi arft aVdrws his aaat asertaaa ta aisiataia tta isf alsuia, aad la give satirise uoa ta aa start, aan Wat. If.

PARKFB. Bsaataa. A.g 19. IM1. saTT Btaalat jT498ble antd ftiacle tinn.

A. W. ttl'IU att CUa IRataea sasra, asta Bear ftaiass taaea atraag. UAtKtevaskssltsraslsu a 1 laa att ml lira. ta aad Btr-gta tglab aad Obi aaa tsaaa.

Riasa, Patata. st.solssta. af all kiad. Brwia Kaivwa, that loa-aaiOaaaa ft. Aaa Hardware aad tas-y st th Itwat aaarkM prtra.

.1. Shirt Store Bwigias is tae eaaweMgaat), at aa.i!t..a Wsoaih-al RB. CLKYELATD, 4VtB raa T- 'ou'c- -rt, il York. abo has fcighaat ajsr af taa Aaaraaa last It ata I stt-L Na. tlllel Raarrv-I'abas I speciaaaaa ofBaadl.

work, fpatilfally w-w uat aaaateg aa. Ileal bmmm I rrsaaaa aad ka tsa Bahsa tsa 11 1 III tw. -a- ta Wast Taaawt'aeaaad etta-t, lot- StasuTsaaa. I tare. ts4 saaataatiy aaa a area 1 leace na tn.

a-trynsg gsoaaa a tv ax 1 avatyattk -t. SUS I aynwv aat. 1 aaaaaa my aaaaa si retaarntaniTstst. tepav. I weaty tiat.i at et.

anaiaa raveaik aad Eigi.iuasae.ea. trao vsKaal lots oa ta saaia Mrmiand alnftawl areaa. T. te ae eaoaat lots Naa. sT aad fl We Teawaty tsnnh suaaa.

Aaa. ta. la brwiag pst-tasra: lenag a leer seat wtCtasaagh ata-aaiasol PilUwalii start. st laa mmmtml ttMsaad aveaaa. T.

sag mawalla a Haiua aaat, tl I aaaaa Bad Maaaataa sua. a All pvrsnas ataala J. kavtag et-Hlaaa uaesta. ,111 1. v.

kiaiut tlt-a mm anusr sa ua asanas sad, at ka mhnm mm aa. Is. ia lit In a rntiBla naial. JOHN T. 1 fc.

ffw-t aiai 1 la. ltd ait Kl HI Pataa aaauea a saaay rrt iv. laea ansa 1 ad a laa kaaid mi At. lata, a Ta aaalta trradeaad bkcbib aad satiw ia aa! a a. fraa tasa.a, as aata a-saa.

Tn si laa. grade aad art rat. aad rattaia ite aa Iroa roadway Ithimw. T. -fiag aews4 aad a.

car. I aa ia n.t mt er asrsa aaa. Te asa. laa. grade Bed art earb aaai gatasr a auia ataat.

lraa Iwui aaa BeelollaHna Suva. AU pa-was wtesratd. kaviag a-yw I l.i aa reqartlrd la aaaat liaa a wtaiahT tm Um sat. sd. at ka ratf-v, a hetoa tne la day td Ortear a-iu Bala 12.

k5L JOHN T. DOiGR. titssst 1, 1 aaaaai a-i lut C-TREET Dr.PA RTMENT. Ra 4 Hag ml tTy he solar, a fastba gtvai. that tha kavay lataaas haa saw preaaiuc tm ua rtoaru a aasaiaat smiais: iiaaa, tadeel S4tb asatt.

at ikatat-t. ctaaf aa aaweae Btraa slj rt aal ol 84 aaaaaa tatsa aurldaat 21 avewaa. Bad taa. taa grade aveaa. o.

tea area aaa. Bet aa sad rata 1 IJ I New Ov Had. Ta Hi iLtHtaa eksaha I smb tb. srtaaoat liaaslik beacaad a law Othja aHaeCi i a at ol Repeal eas kvasv I Ha Baa aa Laad a vary targe a a i1 it i-ta, aata Sats day. Gnvtar Oa.

ai a .1.1 I Maataa. btxaamwala. Btataaa. Vsaa. go fa they art V'til ice AITul TO RENKtVTHPIR Ut Ft I Mr.

tsosi aiaa maaaiaisassa. si war. ftay awaaiat tha a'Jakad aao. Bra a si ag Gowaa, leaaa, Cat ara, CrBwaia. Glswaa, nsauary.

Ba. Btwrta, laial. Casara. a. m.

a dar I a aay aadred etya. aad at 1 Taa lis. taaa mt tta. gialiaaia sa saactsoa of bar sleek- aha eosatta tas daatreaay af Ua abut fw-aala ia a aaa" 1 awat Bade aa Shan art aattsa sabattd a. aa as- iBssssB ssfaU waa Ii.

r. Hunker 4 Co. PsALUJ IN Paints Oil, lUiftYas, Tarvltkea, site UB kTaVKIaT, HA aaaxtaauy aa kaBd aad ar aata. Tab a. LassL Dry aad ta OH.

art. a4 aaarel Zlaa, Paiata Fab1 Mlaaral Ftr. Pratsf Pafot laavtbsi.iU g-aaral lailnlmsal eg Paiata Giare, awahav Be. ALSO. B-arm, Lasa aad Betas.

Whoa OR, eg taa bad mmX- Ui aa. Ib laally sysa. All ag a such lary wm art ta aywast pnsas far aaai or Its aqarvmi-al. Bad Marble Mautels, lonumcnut Sculplurr, 5bCa. ac.

slertia Urn-mi tt nt, laa sa aaih aad aana ease. ka. I 4T ft asYBk aval I lyntlaay aarwa tm taaa at anaa-aad Aaeaa A. AauaslaBawiag aeaaetaa I VP Bwbras, taat baatasT ruiatly Bsas sarga ad tail a. atwaisaa laa akt.

A II rrtaai awawt I ta hie Marble Wrrka. by auttaadUag taaa arrowlktiaar haviag at.i-etw.irawio. aa tyaai nw. efkashi sstsbltrhid etaad. -tea bat aad kwT knatssr.

la law aah-iais a. kiadaaa Mas ua la dav ml taaa. I asisn ta tna waaa. ra. aaa aaawi "wa.t) i lull imlH.K "w-1 a.

as ta froat sias aaaa bach lath aad atath strarla, aad saas Ml I haviag pTlK a. I r- lira w. I ia. IIA KIM K.N Ut REPAiaa AMIl SI'PPI ractadlktrita aa tsa a at as aow raablad ta at seats XL TZZL TL V. I Tb Maartaa aaxSjraeaag asvary enraty uaraaafP'iwUa I Tb.

y.alass saxftrsatdag aary varaty Dmaxeav BK-aratety. all aaraa 'alTawaara la hat ha. as pauara aa. Idva-aia -alerai. fraa iLTZZmlmX aad aWaaatl AimTLtmmm rtu mm bwaaofal ta.

kxasM a-rva-A-a latua ml aaia "ward i bar a aa be kad at ika fN mt u. I akieh ara aA trwaa arigiaal datgaaes' has asta. aad assa. Itawtaba li a at asans i. laalte ttBiaars Na t.

I luskslk mt I aaai in aa. th. a WM I Bva. ta II BW Btteas aa a. at aay mtmwm asaaasaasaraj v-mh-rid Mar aaai kat I waa aiuciae ar.

of asjaal tyt aad wanamaihia. ar Ivaii.B acaai sat a. ietJt Tka aakssaaa enraaiasg PaWart ats ead I aa- sntama. aad psisssare eg awary aai BB eaart BisB pari sag aa. t.i.n utat all las aas saail eaaa aa the iat aay ef ta.

as SIlTsfJ I aaa ag taa aBasl kiaetlTal aad eXBaa- taba a mmrm yea. aai ia iaa a. ta. ea- at awaditt aiv. ajata, as aaaraWy ta be daUaaBaBad traatk sa tZTjmmTtLTZZ tb.

ata Ttta- e-aafwar. Aaa. ed PUstag ef Pa-a, kevisai.itatnawiiis.aaVs,BvatsutBst.a ape ad an ihw diawwat eraara si basa aad elhar A mi mmm IH a mm mUmmtmrn. Hataa Is. mm Naa.

I mm i.i I ailsmiBlat ware aj wsn aanyusi a aas taaa. ak tas taUi. a Na. Alt a AS: Weds a at aaaa I mrnt i i I wrwa au aa aaata! Bases a kaaa aaata a ra a a a a eawta aaaaaa. aa mm aaaa mi ta we taaa.

ea. tas a laaa aad aai i i aula ry a aaa ay a aa kavsag taaar. aaaa baa saaaaa, i aaa aa as aaaiaa a mafias' aad a ta I tm a aawt mm mmmmm arks aad ua Mara aa ai 717 AAO dk 8ALDWII. Km 144 taa si aad as I Bta aa ad ba beaa. la Maya.

AASI TAILOR. Faa It a aal lasal.latL ea. baek aat ed Breada.y. Wknlsaals aisaaft i tarara af ttaa taaaad baasay larwHarra. (aa aau af aB abadas aad sslars bsgb-y nrnssksafsl wilh arigiaal aa.

siiBixiaxxwraa.tB gold aaa naa a annus nans trnany hlsndsa. aad as statu a a etya ead tfti.aga.Bt a parte Ib aaythleg as? ta kiad taat aaa to skfalatl at aay etaar aaaaaraetery ia taks B. r. a a. asais aaa ta peri i a' Brrsansa ear I ail ww are aaata, tarara taa aa ta aaaaai a.

taaar ana, aad wm at igMilly wwrk aa to baagM at Ua U. Poar or ilk LtHiaficALavL aaia, by th saa a Msaxk. mmm. by FRANCIS ft LOUT airaiiaUaUi; n-trabn Bas.f tkbllkT RHKER8 ABO ts-LCll Ksxal rrrlw. ratHwra P.

I ta jaaaar. evra I mmmmmt wtth MARBLE BLABS atta rT TrnT "-T. LZL.ZL7 1 tTlT tinr, .7 I A ksrg ed Baaha. af arery Vtrdaadar. sVaakar a.

te Na. iJaa tl Jt Taasaday: I aha lha Irada. BtasSaBtty aa kaaa. aad rwaaiM A Sa IJ-l naiav. rtti itatw.

I ats as saN par i ha. a I.J&. steiaroar. rKia'- 27. a sl tm I GTTAYIANO GOBI Biaipterasad M.

X-SJU Matilay. tVat-a-a. a 1 'e-W I a.1 tag aad aT lratsayse Vsarb ibibI a. A a aaltlu SV' Kntt.y. akai X.

XM bb I saraiday. "ratal ta aa lata I as. Ma. Bar. Oaa.

a A a htm. IM aa aasstJ. satlsTsaaaag tTuw aa it. et rtaadaay.avaaeua Cy II. aa mmm taa IM a MMy mm uaeais It sat aalai 1.1 Tsw aisataa el mil nurara wat-aaa.

aaa aa arw a- is I I rat I. iBi Btil. wear, aaaa rasa aw aa aal Catlaaa aa sattarewtf aiaasl a. asleiasB saavme lat Sat at I'taat a. a ta ta, ubbbb asms a tmm ear.

a aaaaaa a IL laaaaaa nuass laa taw wMwa.drar. a traa aaa.a. saasti sa at ma aaaa aswf aaaaaa. aksct, ssa.t k. kaw.

aaad. aas. sa aar isa trasaautas af aaiisjag taa aaaaa a swart aaaa isa re, ef lew Ya at ka. assta a pay Is. ar lisatnaia aaad a a-wad a at.

aat akia tka a in is a tha Hut" ead aw, pataa aa aa." at as. a a -w sa. atrta a aw at aaai aaa can. aai in mmm aaaaa -me II aa ta M.ya snarf -ay. a kaaaavtia aaaa en, akail a lad gear ad a vialnssa of tka esauesaa." iv aad a taaa tin al sg aa Satasa.

a tai naa wtatiaaaasMtwiiai i tlaa 1 i Goarrey FattlMtnak. LA BOOT. TAIC IX AYE TO INOIU4 HEIR FRIEtr-g ANB taay laaa greas as taa IMPORTiNa AlsLVkal sa thaw aaa a i i as Fa Law fa at. thag eaana. Ih anlea stnssuy a tka CXlMMtaslON LklMAk.a laaiibsis mt Dry tsaads taGiagsw From tartr ssa- sap srtsass alktbslk taaa sad aaa- I.

at that tbay aasitailitaaln la.aila, gagwd bs lha aasrtaliiaa lary III as Bad taay si i st Th aaa ta. 9twj ta OUtgiw la OOtrFRIT PAT. TIBO-i ft HI af attara taa aaai fatttaaa aad Irwd M. Psgitsse. Tbry wai to jisit I I Ijrat, JAXL8 ATTUO.N, Na.

81 Piaa st New 1 erkj taODSTla'T PATT1KMB At STO, COMMlhmlOfl MHHCUAXTM. Rarasawc-as rw ftrw Taaa Hasn HiaasskBBft. Weed ft CaNew Tark. II asit.W.s.. Pirkaagxi a Ca, a Raa Mam.

Ely ft La. aa ataaapfeWasva Esa Sa ABlK.a ALASTsa: Al CslV. 43 titUVrf AUD imOIDOJIt TtoSBbaarlbs JAJ4EB BLaf. ft I02 PRINTED FABRMJS. kSOlAELII t- Lil-IA CttHslUttig sVLOBBE t-4 ALsCGLA.

aad ad assay I The aaa BAKA. aVsta aad pasarws af taa. paaa) a tas Usarea Bs.TB. aiaa tha ainalna a tas at mm. a a a a a saaai isa aaa Saaaaa.

asa Be iwid tm saB aad at aw tat ssaah eg aaa Bag aaa. easasi Ii in I by W. LLL a BON tka 58 aal lift cue? aw ssa, a tan ba saawway pass yam a BrrKtriTATKA Sil 5it.aii UIU ft kaaaaa ksmt.

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