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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 18

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SXTUEDAY, IttAT 19. 188a Ml Pi tea. thred, ar TfufutS lit 1 Dear Tn, toOTH UltS MESSRS. BURTON, TBIST ATNKY, lad Co. Ill nuiiiimh tut uxteuuU rKorcrrfM nor OLD si ttiBwiW, ikwMttlMirf).

tniMt tad HMUa, Bvrrvr. laiorUBt Pia.b.11 Pivfjartki mn vtlhia tT raw of tare, etsuoae. Bad pamprbirat family rnnm imn Wia'litoah ki.n, iuW bldier. eaaBn. tuMtf, mmw I ir.

kh epardee, eiBilj. A. 4 apcodev lead PTettttf ttcsbeewd I Iteea. eve, kaevs ae Hill men1, aerTeery. u4 ilni.

Inn kva. nwiMMi with ti; a eott ad rr). aod lt kad lt vka onalamlaf mmi ee mlai toad Itoatatet, Bad edmVabtf dp4Bd lMUU irim la ee mt lam MKWBil NORTON. TRIST, WATN KT and Co. NklNHMiW la FalOFslESv NOT SOLD mt to Awttoa mm th Itth Irosant, Bad way mom ho treated for event.

A iaarakle B.eoHBHal. tlllM. aad linrttanl Fre. Mf Um mm toe Be en Are stale, elevate to Parte ef rn.lill aaa tare asilae free the l'U4 Beetlo. ee ta 8mtw tad Tbn.Vr wall tUileay.wHeaa af mt HnsA eras, Eiithiiann.

Umuo sat th market tow et Level eed Makbim, 4 ooly aw hovrB from Lepage. eomfrvee Ian, toalilatat ample uni mnrlilii for a family, with mMll, IPelldias. Hitii kda. mot ki a. all, thea trill, ease! eettet.

1eear iimi, Una, mimtnl kh. 1 erp.o, nkr4. Araavrrtrs, aad BadelettBf Baeedev kad, Htm aeilrd hew Pleee, td Sioec tsrvdi e. mmi Twrfoc. Uk arwatfwwiilwidlaadMiiiiatafUa.rywr.

aa weed d. U4 VWM, Ue vbek eomprtalBt CO aa, aad atr reier exult eel ahoetiaj: Tbe aetata well lieber. 1, aad Ikm lrf hi' fortavcdisf imKmim Th leBaata of tb Beettao Palbooad art Mar. laer It toed ashta. ia talakaa4atwaaitoalaUrMUtaBrMrtiir a i.aillor Bkk daneae.

mm lb estato aau cearmlf nm. Tat tanaa are let to read ateeata at aamt 460 per eeav aa4 laa tmbM aa4 afro ara la aaad. Ta tartortal Utaanraat eaart a rmKf anrtiaa tka rtw taarwM ta ajla. 11 TESSKS. XUKTUX, THIST.

O. 11 J. ara taairavr4 to lor AUt. al taa Man, dtr. oa FrV I.V Jmmm lK.

at 2 if. taa aaw Taiaabta UCAxi mmi PaKTOOrTHUUJ act aal4 tkaa la at Iota, aa Mian Latl Taa hratfaalM Xmw Waa.OW Rtoat Brldi, aaiTVrfard, tta tool naOaaM, a artckaald. a4 vnmm. aad aaloaont mt anal, aaataia. aa4 mo4 Ia4.

ateat alM. Or. Hp. Lut A aaamallal Hiallaana, baaaUlallf altoala. aaI kaon aa miaitrHf ataabac, balHiao.

tiaaaaa, aa4 avadsw Uad a. St. Jia. Lot 1 araUa aad Bap Laa4, aOolniac Mt ul osUIalaf ti. Jr.

ia. Imt 4 ajaalaraalart. mmi Waod Laad, aajotatac tat aad eoa Uift A Kaeiaaara of Iatu Laai. CaOad Banat Waod, cloat ta Let aad aoatalalmx Xa. Jr.

Up. ranacaSan, vilk r4aa, kad al ta Bridf Haw aad RaDvaf HmK UitM4 ef kan Bmrackarat aad Wood. gaUattctt, Kn boattonbwf Kian.1WU,Cnn. aad Xtabotaoa. SaUollara, Isrrm wl mt Ite AmmUtmn.

tX UU blt, ljamdM, K.a JkMstrattd. taajai. YahuM tad iBforUat FraaaoU Laad, altoal ta rvtU a( ftatnartald. (raaba taa hlrk road laadu traa rdMtill UvM wiiaia a Iww atlastoT walk of tba Kotar 14 aad Cravkarooca lHn mm Ik rantamiia aad Taabrtdf WaUa Laa, aoaspnataf aatrMtai of ataadow laad. aaikanla tmm an at about 10H acna.

admlraklf adaatad far auOdlat rartaait, aad aoaiaiaiaf aalaakla arrottu ml HUtet aad rnlltr't Lank. rJBJblULOKTON, TKIST, WATJlEY, md Co. Jjl an laatraaud br tka atarWatwa to ate lor HALE kf AUCTION' tk Mart. Loodoa. aa Frtdaf.

Jaaa 1M. at 2 o'clock, tka aamraCUlOLD LAND. Partioulara vttk alaaauf bakad 0 J. LJj. Urni.

Hoiirilor, Graat WlnehattaMUaat. X.OU tad a Ik Inatlaeaart, OU Braad atraat. X.O. Srtttoa rtaa. tam.

i aaatnal laaaatald doakl4raatod Raal daaoa. kanva aa 44. Laakcrt road. I Btaat cloaa lo tkraa rallvaf Wat kit, tkauaat taraitaaa, aa4 aiaiaaa tout totkadtf tad Waatoad. It coataini aaran kad rooau, balk room, ttora root, atmaaa aad laaar kalla.

kf dialu room, drtvtnf rgoaa, vtlk yiaauk miimii to typaalat to frdaa.librarf. aai ooawalaat oOcaa malt fardaa la (roal aad Urea (ardaa la tka nar. aruk laaa. tiM lor a tore wbrraol aboot Ufaan urn aaxtiCwl a odarat rrcmsd nal ot tX) Ikjac taa am, itk pnaaaaalon. 11 ESSK3.

HOBXOXt TKIST. WAT KEY. ad Co. 111. am laalraetod ta oSar lor BALK kf AVOIIOS.

at tk Mart. Ditr. oa rrlUj. Jaa kt. at 2 a'olaak fiaelnlf.

tka Dm daatrakla rfiurajtxi, vna taa aaraataca of poaaaaataa aa aampiatioa of claator. Kaat Moalaaj. aad Knbara. Valaabla Fraafaold Saap iii tar. Hnaaav raata aiaaaatiat totatkar ltz par aaaaa.

a ikx ot tsttuaiof lab oomnr aiuioia tavrataMota. ESSUS. KOKTON. THJLST, WATKEV. and Co.

taatraaiad kf tk Traatoaa aadar tka aill or Mr. Mark Ctn. oaJTMaj. JaalVat 'clck prtctwlj. aaora TalaaU riXtHCLD la Ira Iota, aa loUow.

Lot Wrataiiaator A Skop, wttt aortakop aad DwaHlnf kooa. aitaatoKa.1, Waodotnat, Milfkant atraat, lat aa laaat, a at 44 nar anaac. Lot 2. WMUUr.

l.lli kaaaa. Ka. Horaafarrfroad. lat aa a faarlf taaaaaf at J8 par aaaaak Lot aluuMf. A DwaUiac kaiaa, Ka li.

Bataafarrf road, lat OB a faarlf tananm. at tX paraaaaav Lot 4 EaatMoutarf, Smjs A dotaekod DoalllM' kooaa, kaova aa Alpka aattaaa. vitk food araaa. pkaaaatif aitaata la Maaar aavl. aaar tLrai Tmmm Cburek aad tka Tkaaiaa, aad wttkla 10 Ktaatca' of.lUaitoa Oourt Falaea aad luilvaf Btattoo lat aa a taattf tanaacy.

at 22 par aacmak Lat I. tUbcra, Mlddlaaax. A Plot of BoOdiaf Laad. litaU oa Kilkanpark btata, harte a froatai ot about laat. aad adolnlA tka aaw ark Batka.

Mmj HmJ kf parmUaioa ot tk toauhi Partlealan kad of W. t. Waboa, EL. BoUcitar, 4J, Bontkaaiptookailliata, Okaa aary laaa.vr.Cl aadof tk AoctlotMart, U. Old Broad attaat.

Z.CL WMtoehalal TOad. Tk Flrtt Fortlea ot tha rraakald Xatataot tka "TESSRS.KORTK. TKIST, WATKEY, And Co. AT A aaa taatraetad bf tka Exaoutara to afar for 8AIX bf ATJO THMf. at tka Mart, on rrldtj, Jaaa lit.

allo'elaok praeiaalf. tk akor Ttloaal RE HOLD rROPSKIILS, la 17 Iota, a toUavt Lot I A Groaad ot ot 11 aaeurad npua a thop and dwalllnf kou. Ka. WkJtcebapel'Toad, Lot 1 A Cro1 raat of S0 vpoa tv aakatanUai VTaraboaaat, Mm. si aaa ta wnnacaapei roaa.

ltkiv Lot a rrul Bkop. OvaUlnt aoaaa. 1 Xa 23CL Wbruckapaaroad. krt oa baa at a real at 33. Lot a A Ground root of 2t aooa a akoa, dDlaf aaoaa, warakoaatAad pnaa Xa.

at) hltokpl roaCwitk rawtioB la about 23 aar artiojatad mtal 100. Lot A tiraaad rcal of 31 IDt spoa tk Mooa Hotol tod OoSa. Bsaat aaa pramiaia. jto. aitccaapai raaa tad, Yla oturt.

Lota 1 aad A. lat to aaeklr taaaata. LoU I aad 10. TaoWarakooiat of tkrt aon aachlon vUk ta 10 wart Bo. IT aad it, Vla conrt.iikpoaaaioo.

Lot 1L A bvaUakoui. Ko. t.Vlaaoaart. rftk a nnawi ot two toon la tka roar to vkol oorerlof aa ana of about 2.560 laat, ttk aoaaaiaioB. Lota 12 to It Sma DwaSIaf hoaaa.

ITna. I ta li Tl aotut 2 lat aaat lj taaaata, at raotc aavwiatlng to 271 tfia. Lot It. A lrllla koua. Yard, aud larr orttkop.

Xoa. IS tad IS. Tlaa caart kt at ma aatooatiat to 49 lta. par aaauav Mf to rtewd lf paratiaaioa of tk toaaau aad partioulara had of ya aaa mtiwl aouenara. lx lannnn alraaa.

an 1 A capital Bboiv. Dwainr hoaaa. and Ftamlaaa, Xa. 121. titTkaji road, let oa laaa at a rarf low rant of 55.

A rapual Bkop. Iali1nf aoaaa, Warakouaa. aad Trt mUaa. 'daUlda anaeaot, SrUktoo. A ralaakl aad ooowiodioaa tnakold Familf Eaaidanoe, AeLlhtroUf uutata.

No. 27. AdalatdMrraoaot, op tba Waat ollg. ooarniandiaf aa oaialarraritad aa la tki taaportaat. boajtkr.

aad ckoioa pnaiUoo. ta aakalaartal aod oeora traa rapav It oonUlna. aa tk apprr floor. 11 bad aad to aleraat, laftjr. aad vaU propar.

tbrlS 'ut and 20ft. I bf Uft. Liritklaner loldinx (lajiddoon. tmnad dravin rooroa. keln 231.

oa taa croand flaar. rnlranfy halL vilk laaor foldinr kIumI donra. laratorf. braarror rooramc room. im.

mj lifL. oapual oinlntr roata, JufX. by 7 aad on tb kaaeinaau aouaakaaper'a roam. batVr'i raatry. rarita hall, kiUben, and other eoomraaor alao oaUarraeird aad ocTea'tit NUMinf for Ira ttonr.

aith all aaudat appliaaoea. aitaata No. 37. rlaiaii4aa Toad capital prick kaaa4 hmror rooaa. loft aa tr rcoaat orr or coackaiaa.

Fr.i 1 1.100 of tk vkol upaitf aiQ fiTaa oa aaaipUttanJof tb MESSRS. KORTOS, TRIST, WATITEY, and Col i3 offtr for SALE, bf order of tk Tmateaa of tha Will of tb lat. Oa rra Vaotbau. Eaa tb akor daairaM FRKEUOLO TBO rKSTIfU at tk "art, Loadoa. oa FTidaf, una IStk, at 2 o'clock crrcMf tv Iota.

May riwl by ordara only. Partiealara had of E. 8. Can; Solartor. St.

Mildrada aourt, Foul try, EC at tha Mart and ilk ardan to rirw) mt lb Braad atiett, Loadon. E.O. rmkold Craood rat of 10 10a. par locum, tb vhal of tk aalo of akottt 800 par aaaoat. ESSKS.

NORTON. TRI8T. WATS' BY. and Co. Ill ara laatracted to off for BALE bf ATJCTIOK.

at tka Mart, aa fridar, Jaaa lMk. at 2 a dock prenaaly, FREEHOLD aad LEASE. BOLD PROPERTIES; aitoat cloa to tb 8taufortilL aa.ra Wetor. St. Aaa'aroad.

aod Booth Tottaahaat raQoaf atatioBa. la lota, aa followa Lot A caaitol Bbap aad iVamlaaa, Ifo. 3, Wodbrf7 pTCaMat, lat aa at 60. tnri iaatut to Lat 2 A Kkop aad ITaailaa. Ka 4.

tat at CO. tacnaalac to VL Lat A ribop aad rttrBlaaa, Ka 1 Klatatord lanaua. lat at U. Lot 4. A fkop aad fmiaea.

Na la tcrrae, lattt Lot a. Daildan' Wortibopaf too toon, with fard. huladlaf th early ao It aca por portakla atram anfiaA aad ralaaalapIaBI. attaat to tk rr of lUiififard tarrae, witk P' union. Lota aad 7 Two dnablfroBtod DvaUiar UoaeavKot.

aad 13, Vovaaead eoad, lat at 21 nek. Lot I. A DaallU Haoaa, Km.1 lraakUa atmt, let at 39. Lou I to a Elena Houaaa. Not.

17 to 37. Fraakua ttreat, lat to wvaaiy Maiau, itoh uiw reuia araaoBHoy xoa. lJuM to 1A Eifjibl ptota of BaJUtaftaad, dJo(alaf tk oraa aiaatal ohapal. aad kariaf a freatere of 370ft. to Vartrf oad.

K.B. Tkawketoef tk property ta freehoM. axoept lota 4, 5, aad vaieh are hold lor loaf term at raflderat rreoad nota. Partiealara atay be obtained of Hiini. hlontord, Donaaa, aad fix.

aVaUHtora. 23. Kaaai atrret, Straad. wTc. aad of tb Aae ttooiarA 42.

Old Broad street, E.O. IWiaituary. Illciifato Ambwayoad. ImporUiit Treehold BoDd toe Ertaie, meet eliafbtf aitoat oloaa to th Arehway Tavern, triidiag over about araea aorea, oontalnlay valaabto brick aartk. itk tk old toll aooa aad labourer oattere.

aad poaaaailnf rt ttaetr freataraa ta tk Arebeay road aad HlchratohUl. tmt. by Lb yudictoa iruraoaH of Bear roada. akost 2.M0 fart ot arail able IroBtafe aaay be obtalaed. Trom the rxt4 aal kulMiof opr tloa vkwk bar takta eUc lino th Anhotf road haa wea tkrovaoae to tb ikll.

ad th treat domaadfor tBodarabr aiwd hooae. la tkia loeality, baler cloaa ta the traai. rennlraia. and railror mitea to tbeQiy aad Waabaad, tki freehold property eeanot Ian to oror a Terr tacratle aad aacsr aaamlttlon alto. eylHtnlEf.

lea eoartoieat dvtCliie hotuet, knorm at diftoo fl tritk tardetu. altuateoB Hi(hnto blU. tiaaiw. flouios, tkiht, watsey, aaa uo. ar.

laatrocl! ry tba llrrcton of tba tilrbrMe Arcbvar rjooa oaiiy to otter lor BALE, at tk Mart, oa Friday, Jexa 79th. at 2 e'cWk preciaaly. La tare lota, tk aVbr ESTATE aad TWO HOUoXa. Partkulara, aith tdaa, cur be had Is da errarai of K. A.

PaUnos. tl, is. K.UoenW. l(aeratock hlU. N.W4 at th Mart aad at tk Aaottoaeere.

42. Old Erod trr E.a frettaJaary oraai I. A ealuaei RaaMaatlal Ftopertf. pleaaanUe aitaata la Mlddlaias, at tk eoraar of LUhtfoofrttai. about It atiaatea' aalk (rota Uaraacy Chorah aad tk ornery aad Ctoaeh aed ktilwaf btaUoot, aoatptialar a aaattaL detached real Laos, acreeued Iroot tb.

roed. approached tbroetb loLhrng glm. ud eoa toiata( oa tk firat tact. 11 bed aad dreaalaf room aod nUr ciol oe lb troaad Boor, aatrtao en Ik cloak lobby, horary UaCVyl2fL.atady. UtHard room I7II.

by 17ft with rl trance ta nrdoB aad aattr clatat. capital key diaiaf room 26ft. bf lift. 2. eleaaat bay drewiu reoea lift, bf 2521.

Laadwork room. Tb daaaaatlt aeee laciada kitcbes, aouUerr. aulWa paalff larder, aad caller! drtected atakllac for three boraaa, eoachrbooae, tiara aaa room, aad too roosu for coackaiaa. ftrd.pooti7 ha.Ab, adoubia iratBhaua, daUthtral linear (rouodl aad lardeaa laid cot la itBBr Un, era bdA aad adoraad aitk Aawricaa aod ether rat akrab aad orasBUl treat, larr kitchaa aad Cratt weU at anted, forcuid iraed with pit, aad ataadoer laad. baited aa tb aorth aide a piantolUaa, aad nteadutf la tb rear to a road, Ue wboj oaatoinlni aoarly aU aorea.

aad oxunair aad Taloahl build Lo( IrooUfrt of Barer! Buodrad Mt to th Lifktioot road aad th ore road to th nar. Tkla laiportaot propartf la partly freehold aad tarty copy bold at a Bear aoeaUi to, aad Sjeiy aoaal to Iraeboid. Alee TV Pair of leebold eaaaVdrl ached Huueav aitoato Kua 44. 47, and 61, LUktioot road, let a rente oatlac totethar to 123 per aaaoaa. and a eahaakl auraar blot af rlaildlai Laad adlolalaf.

Tlf EiiSKS. JiORTON. TRIST. WATNEY, and Co. I ta Eteculon to aCer for BALE, at taa Mart.

pity, oa Friday. Jaoe St, at 2 o'clock prasttety, ta aaoe vtable rUUPEEIXEa, la loU. Te raektoaoa may be rireed ty crden 00J pad nrtJoulan bad as aoara of laatant, MarUaua aad Mrtioultn bad da tiooeen. ti. Old JSroad etreet.

ta only. aod Eetd. OnrVlu at tk Mart; odo(lbAne ltliary Oeiikai roaiaiea A eery dalrakle rmbold. lulu I Beatdaa kaon el Bprlrnl hoiia. moat deUjhtrulLy sMaetotm tha Berth aid at, and ororlookiDt.

to Oobvbob. aitala 10 arlaatar au at ta won eaoiiea Murumi aau ah rhiat Samoa aa th Loadoa, Cbaltam. aad Peeer Ralli a faajily. vilk risery. aad fa heat at, etobtaa aad aoaek.

nn. i 1 ntoaelr ten Savoy aad Utah tardea. The pre. Lvyaadevvrth of aaoat lift, pad aiteodt eer Brly aa Bore. TtTKTlfORTtJN TKIST, WAT NKY.

and Co. JY1 tatir far SALE at th Mart, bay, Prlday. Job th. iVVdlS nSS. bywaar of th Deriree ml the UU Joke Be ZZfrZr.

th7htriV SZtM PRXIHOLp PEOPERTT. viU to. aTraatan af poawrla aa eoaiplauoa at th porchae. May PrrBailverT I th Tale af hTVAVaam, errer. Aaoto Wat.

oia im tietl.l Eetota, laeae aejeetprr km. ftvato 1 aara iemadia verted aad etteaalre met wnmm Iterfard BrUn at Itaiata Batmy Ue tea lrtif. tare trem Uotkbaad. alt from Ey eea. aad 20 free.

Leevdoe. The ataeae. ee'' rry aeoa tee a taaule af iiilleialn la artadad bf a.park. llBiiaBlllf llavkered aad akaweri tnla. aad eaaurtaaa hi Vf tee ii froa tk Bona aa ert MWW aorea er tkarvahauta, with tba MMXl5.

MltrrTTaST, WATJfEY. Bd Co. aTbaredar. Ja lata aa I o'ctoek Beteeiy, tb he eharav hMDaLtLrRurEETY, vaiah la attaat ta oa of ciead rii WltaTlrl. 1.

tk. eetk Eatiaad. Mat t. I It 1 aad reetleme. aaaaat! vkkh TmTmtmmZmmt AaaVrat, iw it nneiin Ee.t Dauaiea.

the ft akt Mo. fJoravOab4. P. 8 Polaedea Laeey. fUr W.

Pareukar. Bert. DiSraOdra fcW CholmoadJeyjlUrck Or, Thtrrard. Eii; Chert ley Oeartiraham Rior a. per kA9 li.

I MkHekaat kan, Oordoa iplete, sa tear 1. aa aaaaaaat aappty 04 W. Clark. Era. i ja.

r. tb aad aVartoM aaiif, Bw aaeaueat vauaT. nnei.n re aared. aad mmt ta da ovara obtaiaal, vtth roera to rmw mi EaaeV Omkaoa. PTaiaevrtlht.

aad Paoainft airtora. 4. Xev oaar. Llanca 4aa Maaai. CUytoa aad Olbeep.

Bollaltora, Kev eeMloa rya Ma ea. Ctatto A WtrtekeU tdac. B. W. aad of ta Aactliia 1 in.

t2.JH Broad I rtrae. EC. rraoaUaarycWref aadrSoai. Valoakl Preebolti Sportier jEetotat, paana Bt tranr aa Bttea, titiiat a ta paruaa lord, Oaabrira, aod Wuborough rrrea, ll mile, from th Bay aard. Baatio oa th Oelldtord Bnaah of ta Leodoo, Brittle, aad tk Ooeet RaUvu, about 10 miiea rroai Ueraham, from Ovildfwd.

aad 32 treat Brtf ktoa. la ob at tk Biaalplctqrana parte af th tv aaOBUa. aod vail kaova aa BSerular earn of tbe laaat tboeUaf tath amah r'r. aa vet! a eif vttkl ef reach of Lard LaaonSekfe and tba CbiddlaffoM peeka af fat haaeid. Thaeetot laatadat tha farm kaova ee rSUtotaret.

tatoBr heaa, Cpptraad Lover lliU bonaa. Wktlea. Waterbridra, Irtlla. Lencbsfst. Brickkiln, Spy, aad Loorom.iU eomforUUe fartaa tad tfrtcultarBl huildinrt, th Pphm Brick aad Ttl.

WortAth Ttchbura A rait haarhouM. arpeeWTl ahop, keeee pod prmuca, emral cottar at, nrdraa. aad ercaarda, aod Baataroo eodoaum ot exoaunt araUt peatare, aadv aad a lan aitect of vood lead, th vkol ttcadl( rr K3. NORTON, TRIST, WAT5EY, and Co. laatraetod be Ike Truataee aetlae aadar tke vill of iate Jooak Oaatlar, Eeq to offer for BALK kf AUCTIOH.

at ta PREI TVr Grotto. Tdoa. Bear Paateem. Verka A rrerhoU JUat eavUt TepenyU17aarei.vdka rlear frvatar at ahoat l.Sp lore. uaie4lagetoeeteetoftfcerf beaatbTal Beraery ht tbia the tcrekVet perl mt the Taaaara, aU ta parfwt order furhwa ditovpala.

1L KOUKBT 11E1U wut BlO. tt tue fliart, on Jaa lat. at 1 lor oraioet tavciarir. a ytouu tlEXTXAL ESTATE. kaovB a Th Grotto, attaat at Saejl.

do, la tk ooaatf td Berk, thro mil from Paatkaara Ulr aad atatlra oa tk CreU Weetera Saileay, thraatarton of a aulo kf the tovutf Bath treat Uortaf Blauoa. atekl Bui treat Jtoaaia. aad 44 muea tror LeadoB. aod omprllB( a apacioaa rfJaane. eaarmlarlT altaaaaa a aarraaea.

carrtai drrr throack aa aeeaa ot td erfadta baeeaee. latBOti a eery lege I vbw ro eje tona 1 th near aal aeer aa variaratra heaaiy, approacked by a lodf aod at tde ertdtae beeeaee. aad oa about LaM ess; dove riariasklaf the rieer. bbrare. a tuliaai eouretorf.

tvo Cad pal bad ahamban vita artaaai rootoa aojotaiai, Kai ewer I caaeahara. tvo bath rvonu vttk bath tad hot aad avid apply auitahl had loom fa aamatA aad vaU utaaiad toamm nfflnoa. elman eruaada eurroaadlaf ta rarldenee aad aloptsc ta ta liter, vtth a troataf thereto ot ahoat 1.100 feet, rraaaad vith mat taal ta Uvea. Stver bade. aad akrvkbvrf valka.

laeladLaff th Jaatiy admired Biach valk vhenc toeetf eiev a rry are btalad slae a tonal noead opvard mt 200ft. la lanth, bot boo. Undine atop from th rlrar. roaary. a Cover te'dee, vith leraat hoaa.

plaaled vtth iei Iman roaa. pra dacti kltohea tardea eaatainlnt a chele aelectioa af trait tree carefallf tratoed. rtaarf aad orehard hooae. cucumber aad matoa honaaa very eaparior atahtinf la aa pared yard. reoenUy roctod aad Btoet ooanpletely stud.

eonnjUot of (n alalia aod tvo loeae bexr. 1 art eat roaca, coacb houaa (er tit carr acr. aod txo Oral etUt aapply a art hooaa. three enoloaed boiaa, cart haraaei rooav, trooea'a dvellmt racat, oora aad' chaS rooaga. eoachmaa a ottaf A a fanaery vilk all appropriate boildlara, and aedov land.

ttTtkfT'r Tit 17 acree or Orrreabeut. Batlldoa Church la bat baifa atU dseUat, and than are two drUrvrtee af letter daily. Th meeu cd Brreral pack, of bouaot. locJodior Mr. BartraaTa'a, Booth ra are vtthia cary die neighbour bood.

aad vith 1 tiearmr and aaklnt la th Thamca rrery facility for aport I afforded. Th property pity rieved vtth earda, Partiealar mf obtaiaad of Maear. feaOey. Bhav, aad OiDett, Bolicttot, Beramaauaet. Oiford Mreet, W.

at tb Mart, E.O. and. tocrther vitheard to TMv.of My. Robert Raid. U.

Great Miibtea(h C1jaMirtklr. Ta ZatlXeVla Tafata A aataCf IvrhoU niacin eiiBirany viaan ao mile from tk cltTef BatA tamrrl mf a haadaoatoUotai miealna. enbatt allaJ'y Wit ef Bat atoa ad cutoOated, vtth lardea. 1 1 ream rrourta.

euelleat atahtiBC oeekmaa'l aad fardeeer aotuge. tc. apfraaekad ky a carrtat drte taroath a heaatifol beech wad vith aa on im re 11 entranoe led, aad aarrauaded by la eetoaa, vhiea ala rfawm mt aereaefeTtremalyriobaadeJelalie(aerkmltmralUaAaerly all old tra ta a rl feaea. two taratkoeee aad kcmaelaadi. aad latoraparaed vtth.

aad rmhatliahrd by. ita oraaieeetal vcode aad ttaaliliaaa, vkich add mack to th bant of th Uadarap. vtileb a) af aa vin.lry attractre iaarillla, ESSKa. UAKIKL, SMITH. SOU, and bar reeeteed laexrectioae to eaTar ta bf AUCTIOS, at th Mart, TrMaAofard, EC, ee Wed alock tvaciaely.

It la attaated fat th cematf of Cloooa alar, oa the border at Samerert. about (jurmliaa tnm th etty ef Bath, wheae Imadoa kraecked by th Ortal weataTB aauvay ia aooaa aoara ey nwe verae, aaa mMlMila Ml mmt the anetk. i GlonOteteC. Tba Btanaioa aad a (re acre el lead are Is hand, th remainder baiaf kt ta aabytaatlal tesaata at toad yeaU.

Partictdar auf Ultwd of Mean PamT tad (i. U. llnooln Vloa feUa Maeerv Valny. Chaplin, aad Packkaat. rJoUattora.

IJ. Ltaeola a ina Bftio at ta omeo ef ta fata nroaicie. tsata aa ta mar. aaa at Meear. Daaiat Smith, hoe, aad Uakkf.

lead Aat and Bbt Teror. 10. 'Waterteo piaoe. Pall mall. S.W.

Aaat, ta to beeatifal Bi(bnarheod of TrmbrUra. Th Tarairf Eatate, a taioabi aad al(nlp attnetrr. lauii meaaia rem dential piupeitj. romteiaicr aiedmle tiled. ll ppiad rcai denc.

replet vith (eery domestic ceaeeJaBca. vith arprooriat aBon, (ardecA eeach keuae. and ataMlnr. attrraaaded by a eery compact attl eatat af Bpvardi of 31 acre, 1 a rtnf (rnoa, vtth diatrict, tad apeciallf sdaptad for oocapatim be It ovar a a ptaor Term, aod jamimnia eoeeiaeraoi OBUaiag vara. Kerkrhir.

tb OVd Berkakb Mr. Oartb'a, tl MBOckaaelarB, end th lierkahir Vale liariera taaet there ia ale rood thootlaf la th naifl ear farm, aod raurailnr etmetderabl troOdlai eahi. SOM. and OAKLEY Bar recalTta Inttracuoa to oser tk oe meouoeeu PERTTforBAXE br ALOIIOS. to aaa lot.

at tb hurt. Tokaphooarard.E.a. oa WeJaeaday. tke 30th May, at 2 'clock pre ibei art, Olty at tbe aod ef go am, th too (xctediatiy oectrabl REEBOLD EiTATES to Iota. The nrooertiea mar be rleved oa opp leatioa to Job hi an a.

th bailiff (vaca addrat la PaUlathnrrt, Aifold, BdUatakBratl. or to Joka Speealry.tbe keeper lain ot Alfoldl, aad aerueaiat. iU alao. aaar ahortlr Be aktaiaed of Meaara. Pard.

Lloyd. lWtiett. aod Miaaelmeea, BaOelloe, 4. Blooaabury aa.uenk I W.c.:aatof ta AaeUooeert. 42.

Old Broadatreat. Loadoa, E.O PnUmiaary. HaatMbin. A cboioe Prbold BaaideaUal aad Bpantnc vaatatA kaova at IB UBVMf'Ooart uteie, utaai vUb( tr aui of tb Ctly of Wincbeeter, ahoat 3H atllm from th Pallertoa end Stockaridfe atattooa, oa th Aadoeer. Keavary.

aad Seothamptoa Rallvay. aad ealy tvo heura jouroey from Eilrabethaa arcklteotur. rroratly erected eilh red hnck aadSiat. rnncoea enLfi terra oetu moiUonj ena carrtai. rr fernieai oc erat, from th dealt of aa BiiBnt architect, aad oonialnint 31 bed aad draaaiBf rnian, ea lefel euiu of receetioa reoaaa, and bill Lard room, tb internal BUlaca aad ckeorattoaa threathout beint la mart aieelleul taau.

aad aoetly. Tb dooMati otBcet are tttootlT aad atoat oatMiaot. (1 kid oa aod tbere la aa oatalUof (apply of eie. Ileal vator. Tb plea or (round ar charauaf aad haadaoaelr timbered vith noble eedan ot Lebanon aad otter choice tree of mature irevtu.

Tb vailed In kttchw (rda orr tor acre, aad lacledee aottaarratory. An ran nf tlnthnat, aad (orciuc pit. Th Itahllnt atnarlBBi Srt loo, boiaa and 10 ttalli, lar curiae, boot armed vith hat vator, hirpaai and aaddi reema, aad auit atde aooomBtodatioa for coeJimaa and helper Thar a arraxxed eel of honM tarm buudinrt, a meraiaeeal tenak oourt (the valk aad Boor of vhloh are aolid ttooe) eithia trouada. a laundry, th StUaft kf McatrA Ttetham aad Ca A oomfortabl huatlnf thai aad xocIknl atabUat la th rOleta of Crae kf. aad then ar ta ait Ire pel a cottacA do tcaneia.

amral cotttc and (ardena. and th farm called New Barn, YillaiA and Ilem. vkich ar veil cullleatod and Boat rapecuklf touaoted. pariah church adjoin tk pkuor yrounda. Th aetata Ik eery ompeeAaod xtoda orer about I.U2 acrea.

adjolnint laoda blaz hx to Lard St. LaonardA Sir P. iUthurat, aad ethwa. and afford excellent pertrtd and eoeert ahooUnt and huntinf. roar peck ot tothaaadJ aad a (rat rato pack of hariar mart aithln aeay dla MSSR3.

NORTON, TRIST, WATNEY. and Co. ar iaatnckd to offer for SALE bf AUCTION, at th Mart, Beer th Bank af End and, early la July next, th abor yelaebi rtEr14r1I.ll tucTATKL Tba e.neina ma ba elavad eborUe order oaly. rarUcoiara vith plan had la do ear ot Maaera, tmll and 800. hoUeltora, Uresoaater i aad af th Auctioneer.

(2, ta nroaa etreea, nooaon, vu. To Artiaeaa and Laboutrn Dvellinx Xmprorrmeot Acta, 117S and 1842. freehold Buildlpx Bite for Artiaan' Dvalllnf. Eaaez road. laliactoa.

Ooulatoe etrceA Whlleckapel. and Edrvaro raad. St, arr leboa. rty ordrr ot th Mruopclltan Board at Work. I IR.

ROBERT REIU will SELL, st the aisrt, on HA ESSRS. MULL KIT, HOOKER, sad Anr attention to their forth cornier AI7CTION8 af PROPERTY. other ineettairntA and Fumftur Salaa. BrdMark Ertata. Sale Kotlaa.

TVTESSRS. FRKI1KKICK A.M ULLKTT.BOOKER, if 1 aad Ua bar to aaaoonoe that the PROPERTIES reeeotl aabmittod by them to Aacbea, Incirnlinf Kqa 2 aad 6, Cambricr ana a a. is lmroaantrt torrac. Hyoo part, ate bee bulu. 1 tha of the ku Leeiehnld Baainem riamlan Ka.

A Bprtat etreet. may ae eeeotiated far oa roaeonahle Bertua. Aoettoa! ana aorvayw omeAIibioa aoqaa. 11 yd para aoara, VT. koraer of Alatoeatreetl.

40, Oxtord torraca, Byxtopark. Tk commaadlat Lahid aaoet 47 yean, el a rrvaad reat, and Oa. vill SELL by AUCTIOS. at tbe Mart, Tckeahoaa. nrd, ea Tueedar, May 2eth.

at 2 o'clock, th a bora croal featraYUTMEXTTJaay be rteeed by Permijalon lthtoanL Printed particular, vith eoadltiou of eala, maf ba obtalaed nf K. Johneoo. Eea. aoUcttor. A St.

ildrede oourt, foul try. ACL at the Mart aad at th A actio ra aad Sareeyora oAcea, Albloerhouae, UydVpark W. (oeroar of Alblep atreet). Ko. 101 Clnoceater tenaee, Hyde Dark.

An eirelleal loot Leeee beld Family pomtawlnf aa itra fruata. cloaa to En iattoa tardana aad Uyie pert, It contain aeeeo bed aad dreaa. tnt roomA tvo draaiat roomA vith amall eooaarratory, tare re oeptioa room oa (round Soar, aad food omont. Term aaeinired ahoat S9ft yean, at 12 per annum, vtth tb ad ran Ufa of TinLRS.FREDERICKA.MnLLETT,BOOKER, 1TJ. aod Oo.

are loitroctedby th executor to SELL bf A CO. TiOir, at tb Mart, Toknhoat yard. EC. oa Tu aadar. May 291b.

at 2 a'clock. th aaoe channiat RESIDENCE. May ba Tteved vith card tarucalar.vith condition! of aula, mar be obtained ef Maatr. Waddiloe aad Matt. BoucitorA 2X Kalthtnder ttreat, E.U at th Mart aad at th Aactiooeera aad Sareayor' afttoaa, Alhirevheuaa, Bf aO part eqoar.

W. jcoraer af Albloa tret). X. 12, Boatovtoeotreet, Hyde park eauar. Th long Lcaathold Kaidtira.

cloa lo Byde park aad Keeinetoa tardeaA Let on ka. Held for aa aaetplred term of ahoat year. round rent 12. OaVrlnt aa xealleot aad rmprori laeeetmenA MES8iUi.rUKDIKIUK A. V1ULLKTT, BOOKER, and Co.

will BELL by AUCTION, at th Mart, Tokeabout rard, ob Tueaday, May 29th, at 2 o'clock preckaly, th abor eapital KT. Prinled panlcalari Buy be obtained of ktreeri. Markbf WftdA and Bum, Bulioitora, Ko. 9b Xeo eqaaim, LtBoolo'e Ina at tha Mart aad at tb Auotloneer aod Sareeyora' orhoat, Aibioo houae. llyda park eiaar (ooroer ot dlbkrretreetl.

W. For Ineaatmeat. He. 3, Portadown road. ICaMa eak, Tk deefrahl kat Lahld Oothia Villa Raeidaac.

vith tardea la treat alao a tUor aad Oottaf. Ka Ik. Raodolph caew. The bona let oa a rpiiint leaa. aad th I tore aod cottar oa ahortor teaaack productnf la all 71 10a.

per annam. Ilald for aaa pirvd terma of about 64 year, at a low crouad reaA rSllS.FKEliEltICKA.JlULLKTT,BOOKER, 111 aod Co. vill BELL by AUCTIOS. at tke Mart, Tokenheua. yard.

E.CU oa Toedy. May rth. at 3 dock prenaely, la oa lot, tk abor improeinf INVESTMENT. PartlcuUri, vun ooodttiona of aal. may be had of Meean.

Lindo and Oo, Sol Id ton, treet. I II at th Mart sad at th A action eert and Sareeyora' effieeA'AlbloB hooae. Hed prk oqor, Icorner of Albiotmreetl. Friday, Jan lit. at 1 (or 3 a'elnck predialy, la debt lotA TFRAEUOLD BVILD1XO SITES for artiaan' dvailiata.

Edfvar road, Marykbua. by Ltnton atrett, aad vithla 290 Tarda of tna xofvara roaa BLeuun on to metropwitaa atauvay. ana unai a troatat to Llntoa atrett of 224 feat 4 to CulLtle atreet af 131 leet 7. and ta Little EarlVatnet of 156 (eet li. A A PLOT, cootaialnf 1Q.I1S aquar feet, approached from Edf var tod, Bt.

Maiylebou. by Tlntoa rtreet, aod beint to th aouth of Plot and harla a trooUf to Lintoa atreet of 179 tct U. to Carlltle rtroet of ii fovt 7, and to Corlett aUeet of iT feet A 1 A PLOT, ooaUlBlnt qnara teat, aer raaex road. IUd( toaaod baTioraronUfe la DttUn trt at 321 feat, and abattlst A "LoT, contan72labo aquar feet, approached direct from Eaeei roed, lallnttoo. by Pkkerlntlret, and haeint a froataf thereto of 124 (eet a.

and to IXlxiin elreet feet a. S. A PLOT, eon ti nine 43.049 aqutr feet, tcproached direct from Emei eoed. lallntton. if lickerin4 street and Potiham ctrett, and haeinf a trontate to Plckarisfatreet ot 174 feet 10.

to Elder valk of 102 feet 9, and lo rophtm etreet of 323 leet 1L 1 A PLOT.oontalnlnr 49,312 aquar (eet, approached direct from Eaati road, lahnctOB, bf rophaoHtrect aad Pkkwint rtreri and adiolainf Lot and harlnf a frontat to Plckerinf ttrerl of 311 feet 6. to Pphm tnet ot 339 (eet 9. aad to Popham road otT3feet. T. A PLOT, ooctalnlcr 22, COO eiaar feet, approached direct from Xn rod.laUattoa, bf I'opham atreet aad Britaanu rov.and harlnx a froBtax to PophatB trt of 407 fart and to Britaania rov ot 221 (art A PLOT, containing 42.417 him (eet.

altnaU oa the vaai tide of GoolatoB ctrvat. Whltcchaual Illhtrt. and baric a tronUt to UealatoatUevt of 4H feet aod to Mv Uouktoo etxeet ot It! feet. Th kad may kvd. Particular, may obtalaad at th Mart.

Ea. and ot Mr. Robert Bald, 11. Great Mariborotifh. atreat, tt.

on bottr'a rid tbmfrom bf quick traiaa. aad about 10 aitaoto' valk from Sir Andrew odd a veU kaova Uraatmar ochoal lb hatua, which preeest 4eaetBf ekeatko. vith tabla aad embayed vin 4 owe. I soarnkntly placed at a ibort dittaae from tk kick rood from Toabridf to Hhipheraa, vith hn, krt prod nctrr krlchaa rmrde. eUbllnf.aad bnildlnp.

aarrouaded ky rich paatarat.erthardA hop aad arable land, approached by a rrit tbir Ihroath a vell Umhervd. park lik paddock, vtth ea trance lode. Th property lie esmpectly togvther a'nnx leaa. ia vail watered, aad lb boilk no pally traeel. It praaeaeaa aa exteamr frootai of nearly 700 to the kith read, vhkh tofMber vith it poalUou adtaaeal to toe Oanaarta nark.

Thatoea, A Pncfcold Reeideutlai Pro perty, knowrl aa airbnlma, oompriaiac (Lot a ptctureaqwi EUJahcthaa character, apprwacked br ea eraamvatal lodt. and evatatalnt dininf room 30ft. 4m. by lift, fi. draviat room 30ft.

Sin. by left, and Btoralar room, boodetr. aad ataall library, krr eoaeerraiery, and 14 hod and draadaf rvuraA vith empieta aemaataaorfle, aaaeantai etaanat re mwm uaia, aaa dodnt iS per aaaaat, held direct from Lord Portman lor 31 anernlrad. at a mMind rent of 10. K.

JIUUKKT Kr.lL vill HKLL St the MUX. on anttoa air oa door from Great Cuta berland pl 1 ee, Byde park. Let at tlti par anaturi aad bald by kM for 31 year acexpfred, at a rround rent 10. May be rined by parmlaaioa of tesaatA Partiukrt Buy obtalaed of J. 8.

Rabkatain, BoUdtor. A Rtymoad balldinft. Uny'a lna, W.a; at th Mart, ta; aad at Mr. Robert itold. kl.

Ureet Mariooronik etreet, w. Teiivorth. Oxforuahlra A Freehold Publio houaa, fully Uotnaad, end let on a yearly tenancy. B. ROBERT UK ID will SELL, st tha Mart, on ir.intlnTTUv tnovn aa tke Kvine'a Arm.

o4tk etaldine and tardea, attaat at TeUvorth. oa tha hkh toad from Londoe to rm a yearly tenancy at th eei Tbe premba may viewed I m.y be obtalaad of Meeer. aaa earl Orkaer atreeA2kttrBe park road. Capital Laaaahold lnrmtotoat. of eommandln aaone aad prieate alllne hrmaae haLi for loot oxpired terma at eery low erouad rente.

MIrfREI)ERICK A. lIULLETT, BOOKER, aad Oa will SELL br AUCTIOS. at tha Malt. Tokcahsaa. yard, oa Tueedar.

May la lota, at 2 o'alock precitely. tbe abere dealrable INYESTMEXTA May be riewed bf permimlen ot taa taaant. ranuouan, va eanoiuaoa 01 aaie, mar a Dtaina Maeere. Parkin. Par ten, and Woadboue.

Solicitor. Kev qaara, Lloola'4aa. W.O.; mt Meaar. W. H.

Wlthell and Oo, fkll aquare. W. roomer of Aibloo ttraet). Xotio. MESSRS.

MULLETT, BOOKER, and Co. re tpotrltf aaaottaot that their ant SALES bf AUCmOX vill take place at th Mart la Mae, Jen, aad later date, vhn tbef vill be nappy to iaeiade aar (rwaboid erkeeehold rropertlea, aharee, ad leerioa. Bpoe BMderat tereaa. Alotoa awtua, Byde park aquar, w. itn eoroar oc AJaioo ecraetl.

HUbfat. tia. The Grorc A cewjoa, repiet vita ercry cos rente noe Freehold Family Krat lnn. aaa capital niiaaoeiliHi ni It. ituoino 11 aicrioo piaor.

raii ioaiii rc lTjL apeKfaUy liee Botio that tela FREEHOLD PROPERTY rat h'UI SOLD at the re cot Auctioa, and atay now treated lor on exorotlocially laeourable term. mod ra etahUne. with dvellin nwDU neer. Tlf R. ROBINS (of 5, Waterloo pbuy, To Land OompanlcA Boil dint 8odctiec, pecalaiora.

aad CapUaliata, or a axzorotat a moat aaTantateoo mt tor to erection ot a puuua tnaaituttoo, cither of a raiUtoua, echolaatlc parochial, or charitabk character. MR. ROBINS (ot 5, Waterloo place. Pall maJl; is Inatractedtoofferto AUOTIOX, at th Mart, Tokanhouae fard, K.C, 00 Moodaf, May 21th, at 2 o'clock preciaaly, la oo lot, TWEICTY ACRES of raluabl FREEHOLD BC1LDINU LAND, at Harrow, adjoinlnc th Loodoa and North Weatern Kail ear Btatioa. and poeeeeeiai 3bu eat (roclat to tha hiih road, hrrcral rovdl are mteraectea by tata property, aaa it cocua immeaiataiy aceeiopea at a moderato coat, fcaopa ar treatly Beaded, aad the eoqulsitloa of thii eatat would pror hichly remuneraUT It dealt vith la plot.

Plana and particular may had of Meaara, Fraock and llov. Solid tore, Cheahant, Back at the Mart aod of Mr. Robina. 2foUlD hlH, Va. Lnid rTi crrsoent.

Colleciloa of old French aaa uiilan Aft rnrutara, acre 00a aaa aiboh. were, freeaen. vounntai tMvoiuatB aaa tvnatt lenrrVUL. oiotarea. brooaea.

nd Oriental oarpeta, and other 'eonteate of a rentleniao'a realdeneo. It ESSRS. E. and F. SWAIN Charinc disDotedof IT J.

the leaael are inatnatod to BELL by ACCTIOK, oa th Pre mie, on TkorBoay, to 1 KITURE. aad other vorka ml Hltk tret. Not One hi 11. W. View So.

13, Oppidaa nd. Prlauoae blll, M.W, aloe to Chalk Farm Rail vat liioo. bie of the bandaotM Furnltur aad Effecu of lb reaidcDo. 17 and F. C.

BOXHAM hare been birtraeted by the owner to BELL by AUCTIQK.oa th PrrrniaeA ea abort, oo Tueaday, May 22d, at the ralaable FURNITURE, ooccrriaitif braet and Iron Frcach bodateada, horaehair and wool mattramat.larte feather beda, down pillow, a So velaat vood bad room Bulla, aa a a am riled ditto, veabetaoda, drrealng toblea, oheato ot dravera. a wardrobe ot tank and bed linen, blanket, ooUDterpajice, Sc. Th appointmentJ for draaing room lnclad beautiful tult la valnat vood aad told, opholalerrd hair and coeered In needle work, pair of amboyna vood cabin ta, vrlllof tabk to ma teh. larr Venetian mlrrora, atriklnf clocka by aad other china, a ull compaea eotUre pianoforte by Oeort RaaacU, Axmloaler ajidBrtiaaekcarptAhrtnrutAor Btoola mounted fender aad ar trooA tapeatry aad lac vindov urtalnA Th oak dininf room (ami tore eompriaea uuodint dlaiat table, chair coewad la Btoroooa, aid. board, vith lofty back and Levelled adze platrabronar, proof eamrtare.

haadaomely framed, a aerrlc of cut tabk claat. plated food by Elkinftoa, dlaner, dessert, and ka arrrlcca. a maho taaf cylinder bookcajc. 500 eola of taadard vorka, or atoola aad bronze ttaellen, aa lpnalr. foantaln.

vith fittlan complete, rook lot bora, a tuitar.totether vith th usual kitchen aad mlacellaavoos requleilea. Oal.lone cae be had at tb or of th Aao lioaeera, at their office. 1L 12, and 13. Leioeater etreet, Ld etr Bquare. Hotloa.

Thk oonTcclcat hmideno to Lot. RBt7SpeT aaattm. Sak of the beautifallr eitaaied Frvahold BaeideatUI Manaieo, vith Im Boole terrac aaa aaeif trmaar ireuan. mown aa rtaauaa Ooert, Brietol. Into th Maiden ot Geort O.

Ed yard. Eat, de oraead, Tt ESSRS. ALEXANDER, DANIEL, SELFE, Ctv, 11 vill SELL tf AUCTION, th PremUea. oa Tueaday, th Load May; 113, poBetaally at 3 o'clock la th afternoon, by order ot Lot All tht eiefant Freehold Manalon. known a tUdlaad Court, baaatifolly Utoatod oa aa eminence, from vkich toe meet ttoBile rkvt ar obulotd, embrtdnt tb Loreri Walk aad th PahU aardcBA Tb hnre, vkich ka arath aapect, va erected 1 lee ina century, uaoer me eon, Lalaa Vf.

Htnrhu ui amlaaat arehMaet ef. hi dar haa facade of 142 feet, and th library teommualcata. vtth th noble terrac walk, ahoat 330 eet kfif bf feet vidA with tvo tUrhU of top ItadlBi to th beautifully Umberld ornamenUl rroundA Ua vhok emhraelBf. viU th loeelf wUderaee aad rookery la th tar, aa are of 10a. Jr.

Up. ar tharaaboutA all enoloaed bf etas ivalta. Thu. ka eanital ataklljut. af aaa aawaet amallllliiim ata St hor.

tod earrlete room (or two Una barnaaa room, and aoach maa'f cottar. A eery coniidcrabla portion of th. Uodmij. wtthout tnlorf to th atattaka, a aaad far boudla pnrpoeat. The hooee eon rroaad floor, enlranoe bail, drawinr room, un.

cy uta. iwjlj krarr. tflfv Vrr 2Dft. 1 dlnln.reani. Eift.

left. Btoratnt room. Uf t. Mn. by llil.

tin. tood kl token, erraat' half, aoaaakprri room, aculiery. batler. pad other pentckA Urdar, man 1 bad rooan, aad alt a emery effloat. Tb Srat door, vhkh apwoaebed bf tvo aeparate atairoaaaa.

eootalni boodaU, aeeaa toad bed roomA tv viler eloaiay, chambermaid oOoaa. atore eupboerd. Aa Oa th avaood Saor ar oar arreaat' bed room. The property a tfoataf to flTId rod of 794ft, and to Rdlad curt road LlOofLof III naibllllll Xa rlril af wee la ald vitk thla 1st from either of tb doervayt npwilnt Ml af tha WUdTSai oa to Let Th mUt. (ram eke prorkaltf to CUftoa aad Briatol, ealaabk either at a reridea ae or for tb purpoaa of ceir or uy public Inatilutloa.

Lot AIl that elaaakpko of JWlUinVl ad, adjotnint Lo4 1. aad eoaaataia la the whale ba. Sr. aad 11a Thia lot ha. aa aatraao from Hadlaad read.

Redlaod eoaiaoo, aad Badland aourt road. Th vkol. caa ba rleved any day hatvaas th aotut of aad Bpoa ap. blloaxioa at th haoaa. aad aaataS rawtlaalar aaa ha abtalaad af tha Aqantaaam, naaa rnamawi, ucriiuia I er at ateeara, 1 jf ard.

yaamB. Bad Oa. Bv)BnarA XSnmAtt. Jatjttak, paemlealaa of th tonanL BalWa lue. and OllhrtL Kollcitol.

Ko. S. IkraerMtrret, llxforJ etreet. at th Mart, E.C.; and af atx. Uobert BeU, lIrealMarlbaroun atreet, w.

ert road, Camdao te wo aar bold Shop Property. oppaaVt th Metropnlitaa Rs'tle Market vith jmeieika. MR. ROBERT REID U1 SELL, st tb Mart, on VMae. Jnna lat.

at 1 for 2 o'clock la tva lota. TWO LEASEHOLD BOUbLS. vilh Shop (on knova aa th Market tjoa nouaet, vita ir.meaiat pnmceeioa. wtoat ana pern aee Cattle Market, and within a fv doer! of Camde road. aad tofetber ot the rental eelo mt A12S per aannm.

Term unexpired fa year. round rent 13 IX per annum each haute May be ekved. Par tleukraef Meaara, Bail.ja.htaw, and GUIett, bolkitoce. 5. Bemera atrect.

at th Mart, E.U. aod of Mr. UoOerl tield. 61, ureal arlboroafh etreet, W. FTbelU.

tne etrt, Befentetreet. and Twlckmbem comTeoo. Ky ordrr ot th Trnitrea of th vill of Mr, H. Rutland, cVeaad. MR.

UOBERT REID will SELL, st the Mart, on Fridar. Jon lit, at 1 for 2 o'clock preciaaly la tvo lota A rKAKriULdJ attJUBf, a it, ajafatreea, tarn equar. aa yearly oa th terma of an expired kaa treated la 1K4 at tb low tent af (U rnerat rental rain 70. I SIX FREEHOLD COTTAGES, Ko. 2.

3. 4. ami (. Sntlud. ettaeea.

Fourtb croawoad. TvictnhB commoa a f.w mkutee valk from Twickenham, Strawberry hill, aad Fulw.Il railwiy PtatlonA Lt vvetlyat recta ejnoununt to turn, par annum. May rleved. Particular! ma be of MatarA Ballcya, Shaw, and Glllett oolldtorA I. A Berarn airwt.

V. at th Mart, EC. and af Mr. Robert Raid, So. SI.

Great MarlbBrotith etreet, W. tear unexpired, at 13 par annuaa. and let oa laa at 3C0 per aannm. MK. ROBERT REID will SELL, st the Mart, on Friday.

Jon let, at 1 for 2 o'clock jwedeelyth PORTMAN BE of tb nperiorLEASEHOLD RE81DESCE, No. 12, Lover asaur etreet, 1 ortmao eq dare, let oa leaee. 10 coaaioerfttioa ef a premium, for 21 year from hudaoxomer. 1U2, at a rent of 103, and held for unexpired term of 4 fear at a around rent of 12. Mar be eiad by rarmlaaioo ot th tenant.

Particular! may be obtained ot Meaara I onmone and Ltttt, oollcltora, fi, Raymond bullcUntA ray 1 lnn.w.u; at tbe Mart, A. anaol Mr. Jtooert rlboeeufh tre I Raid. Greet ikliBf, MaddlavtA A Freehold, detached Cottafe Kauleoee, near tne tna ignore vitn poaaaeaioa. "TR ROBERT REID will SELL, st the Mart, on 1TJL Friday.

June 29th. at 1 for 2 o'clock preeiaely, FREEHOLD. dtaehd CUT AUK RESIDENCE, knavaja FairaeataotUf. alaaeantlr altuatod vithla a rardea. at th oorbar ef Werwiak coad aod Urerponl road.

Kaltnr creen, vithla three tblnutee' valk of th Old Church and south Eelint Station oo th Hotrnek Branch of th Diasrtet Jtaiivay, aaa about miaaie. vaui irom ta raunt Xnrapn, ana ttnrioyn, oouciton, jm. vuoro etrectv aa an Mart. F.R; aod ot Mr. Robert Raid, 51.

Great Marlboroutb treat, W. etabiinA ea th weal aod prcf erahk aide, and rvoantlf modernlxed. Ith xemaaaaio. MR. ROBERT REID wiU BELL, at the Mart, on Fridar.

Job 29th. al 1 for 2 nclalr. a TOWN RE9IDENCE. Ha. it, Gloamter plao, Bear Pertman equare, Hyde park, and Re gent apart, ana erttntn a lev minute.

01 ataacr etreea itauva fetutkro. It cootalna ample aecnxamodatioa for a family, a fourth (oar harln been added, aad th entire wtnliea modernized and im pro red. The tablinc, itatd Immediately la th roar of th rv Bideaoe, and vith approach therefrom, eomprkt thrv atalla aad double eoach houa. Th property ie held for aa unexpired term of 49 nan, foe tne nrea ne year eurjjeci to anna ot xiaj per annum, and for the remainder of the term direct from th freeholder. Vlaeoaal Portmaa.

at a rround rcat of EhO.per annum. May naved with card. Particular may ohtalnd of Mean HavU, Ktokra, aad McKevaa, HoUdton, 101. Boroufh Ubib Mnet, E. it th Mart, E.O.

and. totethcr with card Tie, of Mr. Robert Bead, gDrlatvaU, Clajiham oammon fiiiparlrn Fumitor. Book. Plato, unen, rtanta ana caeot.

MESSRS.BLAKE.HADDOCK.And CARPENTER ar iBitraeted br th Executor! of th kt BbL Bowman, Vj ta SELL be AUCTION, oa th Premier, oa Monday. ISth Mar. and two foilowlnt da) a. at 12 preeiaely each day, the auprrior rUbUilTUltC ot to boot tare ivataenoa, taoluoint one tenie. vood and mahOBanf.

craad tuaaoforte, act of Chippendale pattern chair aad othvre la eareed Iadlaa roaevood.ahlmBf tlamrAvtadov urtalnA earpete and run. hall table vith Inlaid marble top, th af tba bad roama. line, ahaut TSd eola af book Lknat Sib ounce of plat, quantity of plated article, china aad tkei: etoe end rreeaaouae maatA ai nor. or capital conainf Planter erclen tAola aad aumaroo affeete. Oa tmv Hturdar.

26th May. betereen th boor of II cod A (talocor eachl may be had at the Aua tioetTomoa, 21, tlicb etreet, nicaoiaf iane, taty. UaatA AttractlTA Freehold RaaldeaUal EaUte, aomprkdnf a mod. rat ita maatioa, teete ia a veu umoerva para, ta a area rate haailnf aouatry, tarroanded by S40 acree. In a riat foo.

Tf ESSRS. PHILIP D. TUCKETT and Oo. wiU If a SELL bf auutiuh, at in Mart, ioaaa, oa Tawday. June 19th, at 12.

aa attractir FEEBHOLD ESTATE, ta Ue pariah of Ureal Htaathtaa, ahoat Br mile from St. Neot. and about 2S milae from EimboltoB Caatle. la th beet peeltlo for boatiu vith tb Fitavilliam. Oakley, and Camhridfeehlr compriaia tb rai dac knova aa Btautnton aoua, ooatainiaf rour e.ption a.

a 11 bed and dreamt roomA vitn ample omor eoa ttaniint, arete in a feuiti.all. tlmrad bark ef about S3 acrea. a eunerior faraboua. xcallaat btilidinra. aad eotiateA aad S40 acre of my netful fraiinf aad arhk kad, vith aom iod 00, era.

particular of ti R. Wade Oery, Eea, Solicitor, St, NeoU or of Iteaer. Philip D. Tackett and VO.t taaa Areola,, fc, w. MM, a.

u. Norwood, Oakenahav. Beulah hm. Th eery hlth daai toodent Furnltur, comprtaint rery nanuaom vainut ana meaotaoy oea nnn enitae of wardrobe vith ailrered alaai panel door, ebeet of dravera. ducheaae and other dreaalnt table, vaahaianda.

and bed room reuulaitea, carrva vainnwrame, naauaomeiy maainiea vntn dr vine room chalra. ttnfled corered la erimaoa and told latin brocade, mad by th Meaara. Oillov a Mml frtnd plaaotort by Cramer, In walnut caae, a ramarkably haadaam roac vood marqoetcrk amioir, vith vroutht or Btoulu earkhflMnU aad xqnlaltiy ptatea coin meaeuKma. nanoanme anenaq or moaluHDOuated cabinet vith painted chine iplaqoee, th artiaticauf aod laborately carrud uluinr room nlt of aLle board, bookcaa. buffet, encotrneura.

Sa, purchaaad of tha Xlcaxri. tL kriatie. Manaoo. and Wood, buatolk board, artiilla broBtot and ornamaotal 1 tenia, Bradford, patent vaahint aad manellnt machine, a haadaom aummer houa built of New Zealand totara wood, a Joraey cov In full profit, and nuavfov houaebold effect. TTIJ H.

STEERE (haring told the residence) hat beta (a roured vith inatructlona to SELL th abor bf illlTinV. on tba Premiaea. aa aboT. on Maodar. th flat dar ef May, 123, at 12 odock Dreciaaly.

May be eievd thla day (Saturday), ana eetalocuc had ot th. A Chorclwoad. Upper or wood. B.E. ar oruwcin eue iram, aow nuiu Mia aaw af Lanffbtan.

Eaaae. tn Ike narfakaa ef TLooehtaa and Theydaa ttola. adjoinln ppinf Foeeet Very Taluabl and Important Freehold, BaeiteatUl, aad Baildief Eatate ta email portion Copyhold), beautifully cltuet amldat th charm hlf acenery of aaa aajoutiat EPpmf for eet. about nail a mu rrom tnejooa noia. a mlk and a half (rm Chlgvell laae, tvo nuk.

from Lourblon ao ureaa aaatera ttauvay, aaa oaiy ta muee uvm an Matrvpolla; dlatlnrulahed aa Debdea ball, onaaiatinf ef a rectu raaque aad vll buili aaa ion. replete vith erary aeooo, modatlon for a family, dallrhtfully placed, la abeltered poaitioa la a park. adorned by trend old fernl treat, pleuur rroundA kvaA ehrub btriet, pbadf valia, vended dLA vith runnlni rtrvam aad vator. xau, 100 ntraaA proaoeUTa vajiea Kitcnea teraan, nnery. ampkatahllBt and outbolldinf.

exteneire farm buiidtn, and about 143 acrea af vall park Ilk naatnr. toeadav. arable. aad wood lead. oaifortahl 4 ttached Freehold Reeldenc.

ex Una It liable, balldlat. aad about 22 aerea of meadow lead, know aa Th Mount aa BttreetiT Freehold detached Rati, deoee. dlartntnlahed aa Th Hiaaaaa. vith rardeaA plena ai a troueda, aad ahoat 34 acre at parkdlk meadow, paetut, ami arahk lead, oratlar ta lu entirely a moat enjoyable plaaeor farm a prrtty datached Fretaoia upttat aaaii with ireeabout and tardaa, kaova aa Um coUMA eontaiahu aa area of Pearl half an aar a capital det Bmlrleace kaova aa Debdan eTeea hoaae. vita at a bl In ay lardeaA aad paddock, eonulnlnf alia ataer.

about two ecree eery important rreekold Property, kaown at th Birch hail Eatate, of ahoat 13S acre, ef traadlf timhand aad oadnlatinf kad. vith a lart troatat to 10 roadA adjotalni aad baring atataiSoeat ekvt vf th lorely aoenery ot Xppiaf For, and 1 int aoaas at th paoat baautlful aitae la th eoeaty for oa or more reiidrtiaaa. or sdmlrahly adapted lor aukHUriaioa for albuildinf eatate. vara, bf th formatiao ot new roadA many theuaaed feet of bailldhn troab at michl a bUlned 1 numeroua ottaiA tardeee and uoUdinf ESSRS. TUKLEYsnd BOYLE wUkhELL th HCESS1 ITA.

abor impcrtanl FREEHOLD ESTATE, at ta Mart. Toka hoBtofara. A IX. oa yrtday, Jan AMI rwesteetf, ua tote, palaaa eewetouat dlaniawal of be pxirate aoatracA with aha aad oneiitloni of aalA may obtalaed at M. Partieokr, BelllntTworth, Tyermsa, aad Andrewee, SolloilceA 4, Eaat India BTemaA LeeaeoaaUtree4.

E.a at the Mart aad of Mrearv Ta aatxyie, leaa atBllBno ayt iBaneai a maab. 1 aire tjoicaeeter vottidi. aoiictecr. ToBBnat oc maatr. Bridie aod Co, Sollcilara, 23.

Red Liocqaan, Loodea at ta Mart an 01 tta AvctkMTl, IB, Waterloo pace, rau anau. a.r. eoach bouae for four earrtac. The pka BfTooae aad tardeo aom larr wnameatal timber, kitchen tardea aad orchard. Tiaeriee, fenlat heaaeA eooaerr lory, and other flaav bonaea.

Th wbele eorrr nearly eight acree. Lot 1 Tvo well built. Bmi ducnd Freehold tkttafe (brick and alauh do to th lodt fate. oontelolnf ail and tb other dtkl roeenA vtth rood tardeo is tb rear. With pneaeaai.

Tlf ESSRS. DANIEL SMITH, SON, End OAKLEY ILL har rclTd Initructlou tram th Eiecntor ef th lat Hrnry Cotm to KELL th a bore aUractii. FREEHOLD RESIDENCE aad LAND by AL'CTION, at tb Mart, Toheadieaee yard. EC, la tvo lotA Wauneaday. Ue 30U May.

at 2 slock pee ciaalr. Partiealar and tuaa mar he obtalaed ot Meear. Diaeea. JackaoA sod Attlr. Bollclton, 13.

Billiter equarA tu at art ana. viu iwnn to tmv, i piec. rail mail. B.w. urcat tuii, unor tjaa parA vuaia a lev avaaie vat ot in xuiiiter equarA a.u.

aa th AactkaeaTt, 10. Waterloo half aa bear'! train Journey from tba City aad freat end. For kyeetanenl or ocenpatiorj. Poor lortt Leasehold Family Real ex a total iroaad raol for feur of' 60 per annum, tvo ot 'them helnf let on leaee, and tvo baiaf paid vith oa aaaompktioa of Turrhara TIT ESSRS. DANIEL SMITH.

SON, and OAKLEY 1TJ. bar reeelred Inrtrurtlooi to offer the abor. deairable loaf LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES for BALE by AUCTION, al th Mart, Tokaohotiae yard, E.GL, In leur hxa. oa Wedneaday, the 30U May. at crctock preeiaely.

iarticaiars may otatoea at Maaara. Norton pad 8lidtn, VlateritreeL Wutmlaator at th Mart and nf the Auctioneer, 10, 'Walerleo plaoa, Pall mall. S. W. llrton kall Aetata, Okiacateraaire.

A l.oio Praahold Reei lion, th lover troaad xtondlaf Into btaoUfol Vale of 0 loose ter and oonantlnt ot rich trailnf land, veil timbered, distent about four mike from Yet Janctioa aad 14 from Cdtlppssham aad 13 from Bath. Pleasantly placed oa a ten tie elope I Hortota hall, a aaoderateaisad modern maasira, ef hand aom Eliiabathaa de life, aad aubatanlitlly built ef free a toe aad Bath atoae, akaaed thioathoal viU a rery regard to oomfert, rurrouaded bf It pretty unaU park and padiockA plantatioaa aod pleaeor trounda, viU lart vailed utchea firden. extenair. flam b.uaee Tartotu kiadA an raaiBtal eottat dweliinc. capital atabllnf.

arat claa. accommodation for pedlfr atock er a hantiaf tekliab ateot, lultahl farahouse and hsmeatoads, sad bona aad cat tare pro pert, la tad about th eilkt, th vhok aoataialnf aa ar of about too acrea, all let except th manatoa I which lb owner ba recently Taeated to reeid la tb aorth of fUitandi to nbetastial tenant at fair raata, vhkh aauouat to about i.So0 par bod cm, aaa presentint aa axorllent orportuBitr for aotutriBf capital residential atate, la toeUeat order, in a arat rat hiiatinf oeuntrr. baiaf four Uee from Badmlntoavpark. VTESSRS. DANIEL SMITH, SON, and OAKLEY XL bar ncelred tnatruotion! to offer th abor PROPERTY toe iLEh, ARCTIUM ta Mart.

Tokaahouaa esnL E.U.. ee Wed aetday, th 30th Bay. al 2 o'clock irecitely 111 ot prerkualy dltpoaed ef by prlrtt ewtrtctl. ht rent! me full particular! may obtained of twlaalaa. IHlal Tvm ll Prvcartie.

lam a EaelHI kda am Upper Siratiea Farm. Alee abarea to the Weectaa II 11 ill Oea Ooeapawy. Irmitad. aadSSEI Sharaa to tha New ttvtatatt la.n.imial Compaay. MESSRS.

DANIEIi SON, sod OAKLEY kae raeeieed katinatliia to effaf th ah far SALE by AUCTION, al th tied, lard Arm Bo, Sviackam, ee2Uh Aayed Jama, to 19 Leaa. Lot tjatcVt tod Creeholdl. otelnt Ores WewfanKaO vay Campsry a Wert aad th North WBte CaaaJ. aa, wuhia tare mirretea valk af Sviodoe JaaKtacai Stattea. and raeililnh apvarde ef acres ef aowad paetwre kaad.

vtth rood fatwinv. aad beaU anca. Lrt to Mr. Wm Hnbvae, ee a yeerf, aaaaet. at 50 par aaemaa.

Lota 1 ta I ftaclwata.L Car aaraUaa farm. FreeWd aad aeaatl parti Uoprbeld. artoaa. Beet the Tlliare of Upper Btrataoei. akoa Is mik tram Bvtadoa Jaaettoa Stataea, aompeiarat pvad.

of 1CT arr. of aoaad. peodettrre. arabk aad paature land, houaded aad intaraaetsd ky eo.tal roada. vnk farmh.aai.

aamrtri. ama ejwae. dwwiliis. lkt to Mr. NeUea Blade ea hvaa astil Mkhaesm.

IStft. at th reduced rant of 140 ear 1 Thk will Irs be ottered a Lou I to 12 TvenT 3 aharef. fait eU th WoottoaBaaaettGa Caxapaay, Limited, ia tour kuaf It ahare Loea 13 to 17 llr aairwi Flftr 2 akarea, fuEy paid ern. In tk New Bvttatoa leuetauama Coaapeny. Uamaed.

tn It lot of tarn aneae Paxtieulara may ehcalaed hOarA ATka aad fr tore, Xa. 17. Car'ale ecreat. Bob: ef J. Ta vbibbA Xa Bcdisttor, Swlndoa at tbe alaaa ef aal aod cf th i i llwiaarA 10.

Walarla place, PalVmall. AW. laaeTOV OBtar lallL raVBaJ air, aad rreat holaall. adraatatvA 10 mile trara town. Ih ttr mmUmlImmWtm4mmmmlmlM.

mmwtTtmM aTrypra aad Pleat of aa 1 Ttlalffaiil karn. aad Btohtiat. rear, peat Be ta lat Artkar Lan. vbom ft va balk Wtthlii imiaa Tlf ESSRS. DANIEL.

SMITH, bON, snd OAKLET XlXhar race) red laaraiaalionlfrvm th Executor to offer the aboee Uraetie aad wU bailt FAMILY RESXDENCC for SALS by AUCTION, a tb Mart, Tok.nhona. yard. City. E.C eertf la Jatf. It approached by a priTBto road from th leva to a retired attae tke, aad ia built of brick rmctd.

aad aon tain ipaydotn aad loftf ntranoa aad toner hAllAV.ll rarotiortladraeliitaoddinkt rooana. aad dreeeint roomA da end aitbl ttrTWa.bth room, aad ther haa aad emtyepaeee. Mtew Fear, rami. Laraam a. ornimniai lava mWeir S.

Va ktea. Ta fc as 7g aitBata vtiktB a aaort vaJk ef trtoa3fwtBfxil alwmy). tram aad amtAos tvo Bnetaramt Ited hata revm aad kiali thrae raaaptioe Held oa aeeaa tar aa imexrired tana aaaaaa l1 He tovelMetWeaaby Pin MBSSKS. HOBSON, RICHARDS, sad Ca EIGHT LEABKHOL3 DWrTSKFlmi' SWSJt aadJIas 30. B.

44 Aal nth loaf (ardee haekaa. Enaaet etnil, ooeiakinf foorroom aad aad 40. HartayJ vrtoA Mile aad raadVl uvea, asm etmem.aat bt rOOCBa aaca, fit Mi ll IB 1 1 at 11 eoeata. aa aaooeraaa reau amavati.t to 231 pa aatd heaee for a loa uiax raead term. a eek 3 10a.

aasa t. Badieata. rkaa foae aa a pavaitawa. af. a ewwaAaW parieaaj? vttk eavdjlinee of aaie, eklamat of a a Lea.

lest, lilHl il VL Jnrgt.Q. rt tba Mart; IikPollrf Nallaa.l Preilli.l lamBatfc a riOlaasaol 47. mrnmmTZmSSl V3Vi SELLhf AUCTION, at the Mart. TokenhoaavraH, EO.a, ader. Jaaa tth.

at 2 e'elaek aeaaiaale. la. aaZ artJ IKSLaLANCK tor tXL PaTearaUameaweaa aaaLT mt1 JevahacA Eao, evntkrtar, Clmaerrf kae, W.C; at the Stan Tee MUAnctiQBfflOTA2aCokmaetc wtl Bat ESSRS. HOB. JOi.

BItJHAKlJS, Vna Co. win ill BILL by AUCTION, to ob lot, at tk Mart TaLvaav yard; Ihttry. C. en Wedaaslir an tt IB), el 2 mlZZTwrn. etablint aad carrier bout, and embegiahed vith forplanl Ml inn, W.a an man, B.TT.

Sae larr Umber tree and ihruha, (oraint a crotcctica Mainet cold vtndA Th property, vhkh veil built and in rood rrpatr. loaf leasehold, bald direca tram tb treeholrtar for 70 yean ajeiptrod. a th trxwaad rent ot 3h per tnaca, aod at well adapted tor eeaapa. Hob er laTvrtioeut. It a about aalaratai' valk froea the New Barrow btatioa oa th Mrtrvpolltaa Railway.

aSordint freqaeat train aerrlc to tb City aad Weat aod. the Journey to rertret oecupyinf half ae boot, aad ka thaa tvo mil from th Old Harrow BttioB oa lb Loodoa aad Nona Weetare Hallway. Partiealara may be ebvaiaad of Meaara. LeUbrklfe and doo atreet, AW. at th Mart aad of ta Acttoaen.

10, Watrrioo plac. PaU mall SW. laearaaea ihlr, At tbe head of Btrathruaira. about 13 toika eonU of IaiilumA which at reached from Loodoa ia ahoat 17 boor, th heaatifol sad iteoal re Hlshlaad ReatdantlAl Retato of Aberader. cttotvilat orer ahoat 103 arr.

The moor har been strictly ireeeneo. fer en era! years, aod veil stocked wtth a 000 adsrahk breadth o( Wvkrtd, ta eilhe tatUrratea orcspahisof beinf ae at a amaU outlay about 450 acre are arable. Good antiine ia obtained to tbe rleer Kara, vhich tetereact tb latala. sad alao In Lock Kutbrea. vhicb adjoin it.

Th maaaioa veil far Biahed, beaatif auj attest, sad (warnmartrl loeelf rkv of Bit kod aoenery. Tcere ateblinf for air honeA coach tvise. keeper! cot tax, aad krnnela. Th bin pound! afford aoaad and rood pastor for ahetp aad cattle, aad brt preaortic adapted SKS. DANIEL SMITn.

SON. snd OAKLEY naee raeeteerf Inatmctlona ta offer ih abor PROPERTY tOT BALE bf AUCTION, at th Mart, Tokrakoose Tard. EC la July. Meaotime further aartlcakr aod pka aad erden ta view may be obtained ot Meeer. na art.

Rule, aad Barraa, Solicitor, la rein ate aod of tbe Aactiooeera, 13, Waterloo plaoa. rail mail. AW. Th Newten Maaor frUuTBamnetilr, about a mik trara th pfa taracjo rtrjat of Seiborne, and boat four mik from Altoa. A Talnaak Fraehold Seairlantlal aad MAaorial Property, al laat In th perish ef Nceton Valeoce, and aurrrrundiot th rOlat, aom prialnt' a krf old manor hooae or amall manawci, with pleasur xndA 0 pyintl a eery pleaaaal alto la the aoidat of rery anda btiat and handauuieiy Umbarad park lapdl.

which sora stand most itoaaiT aod eallthtftuekv la all ulrectiooA aad adjotnint th house and tvo itoaaie homreieails. a detached Seld k.meylaa aad rartoo oottat. ta th tiila. totathar vtthaaliim ah mill, foundry, ahop aad ptaiuliM. th vhok lriBt rery corn partly totethar, aad cootaialnf aa are of about 635 acre, kt (xeept lb maaae houae, la head! to one eubetantiai LanaoA oa leeseA at modarst rests meiatlaf to par aaa am lofeUer viU tbe Manoe or Rersted kaoorof Navtoa, vith it lifhtA prirllea ee, aad ewoluuta.

Also, a detached amaU Farm. Bailed Newton Commoa Farm, ahoat IS Bilk from th aula aetata, eoa talnmi about 60 acre of arable laad. aomrsAadlrit rery tn rkv. witb sottac. dweUmt ai buildiofL lat at a0 per aanum MESSRS.

DAMEL SMITH. SON. aad OAKLEY hare reeeired baatructkma (under the proeislone of tbe Settled Act to offer th aom attractire FREEHOLD RKeUDEN TlAL and MANORIAL ESTATE for SALE bf AUCTION, ta Jaaa, la lot, us leas preTaoasly bom Bf prirate contract. Lot Th Navtoa Maaor haaata. eompruiot the Mas Bar A aad ad meant Farm.

Steam Floor MlU. FouadrT. la. taf aluot 496 acrea, tocethcr viU the maaor. Lot 2.

4. NavtoB oommoa Farm. Th DroDertf aitual la a canital htatlaff district, about four mho from th Important market leva of Altoa, 01 the Loadoa aad Boutn vi eetern xtaueay, a loaraef 01 aooat tv nourt trom Waterloo. rantouiara atay ootaaaea a a r.a. vvvbi.

aqL, ooixnior. th Mart od tU AaclioneeraTTWaterioo plsc. PaU msULsV. Lor toe, UsrmarTsd Oaranee Sak7Woaqva ef to expi ratioa or in ar. lifESSRS.

PROTHEROE snd MORRIS are In ATX olaata. ACD0 of ahoiceet Ial, aad faatf pelarrocJunaa. many ihousa of the heat TarWtie ot feraniamA freenhouee eUmbera, tea, Bevated, aad ether roars. baray artatoecaa aaa puxus, ana otaer itocc we Baaaarjos Rampablr and Sainf Tb Orayihott hall aaeTWlahaaevr Eatate. aa Important menoia fro petty, pommmt sreai anrantate avta for reaidenc aad fer rportioc, OTmpriaint about 1.800 acre of laad.

ta on eora pact block, situate la Ue partakes ef Headier, Heats, aad rrsosbam. 8erry, 1U a rend family residence, called Gray ahott hall also a huatlnf or ahootinc box. ealka Wlaheorer Iedt. and eterlknt and eery earkd ahoottar, With early pnmimloa. tf ESSRS.

DANIEL SMITH, SON, and OAK LEY TX baeet rsoeieed Inaurectloaa tram the Executor of Ue let B. PhllllpA Eao, to SELL br AUCTION, al tbe Bottav yaro, vaty, oa a. a clock rrecieely, la one lot, th GRAYSHOTT HALL aad WISH ANGER ESTATE, a sttractir. sod Important property, lUodlnf orer about L600 acre. La th pariah, ot Beadky aod Frvasasm, 11 a aitvat 10 a Bseuttraj Beitnnooraovo, aooua xour mile Irom Basmmer Butiaa so th direct Portaawutk Kailway.aad ahoat six from Kentkf aad Famham Station oa th Altoa aad Wiacheater Rail war.

ahaut 40 mile from Lob4ob. about two mile est of th aid Porttntoalh tarapik read, aifht mile south of Codad mlaz. aod aBrroumlea bf ta saarmlns vtkl loeBry ex tn 1 wra Punch Bowl and Bled Head earn eea, Th property almost la a modern rcr emnul. and Mmmandia Brand and aitnie Tlewa. Th r.ra of th eatat la dieided Into Se priadpal holdiatA Bailed Wiab surer or idaaer.

Land ot Nod. PUater btll. Field houae, and the Upper aad Lover stern ran. Brtloutef may ODaeiova ot earmre. avuea aad Sob.

Solid tan. 17, Carliak atnet, Bobo. th Mart aad ot AocticaeeTt. 13. Waterloo place.

Pall mall, S.W. Berkaaire. Tbe hkhly altraotle aad heautifuily timhelvd Freehold iUatdenual astat nittinruaaait a Biataeio croT. oampruunf a lart family reaadeae ia excellent order, veli plaoad en an eleraied it clcea to Finaeld ehorch sod restery, aad eommaadtn a Sa iuaair proapct. vith delif htful pleeeure iroueda, 000 lain in a ot lofty eat aod alma, tarodactie arda and nrlou flam hoosf.

ausllnc, eoecb hoosea, Tarioua eottafeA xwmhouae. aomeetesd. aad peamlim. aod numerous eadeeuree aoaad Arable, paature, park, sad vood lenda. vhich bar Been la lb eccu pati.a of tha owner (or srreral year! past aa a pleasar farm, Ue whole lyisf rery eompaotly tOfethr, aod eamtaltuaf aa area of Ue.

2r. 34a, bounded aad intersected by axoclleat roads. With po. arerloa oa evmpktio ef the parches. TVfKSSKS.

DANIEL SMITH, SON, snd OAKLEY lU bar rroai red matructioea to offer for SALE by AUCTION, at Ue Mart, Tokhoa yrd. HO. mn Wedaeaday.ta 27 th of Jane, at 1 a'elnck nradael. tha aheea eoa or la tvo let. II hi aitoat la sdelifhtfal district, between ZS end thr mile from th Brackaell and Wokiaf kam citations oa th London aod RouU Weetera Railway.

Ire from Tvyford aad aifbt froaa Windsor Statiosa on th Greet Wealera Rallvay. viU quick commamlcatka viU Metro poll aad all parts ef hntiand alao la th midst mt aaaaeroa re xi erne a Beats, ra an ernu ox peou apueuog uiaMMta. ea iuii aaayreaxb al tteadlnr. assot, an nniey oo aname. rertacoiar (Iraat Marlaoeouth atreBt, W.

et Marl aod of Ua AactlOBMts. No. la, Waterleo ptac. rau man. B.TT.

Tueaday next Odootor lona Akxaadrw. eery Bnest typA Tif ESSKS. PROTHEROE sod MORRIS hare been li J. iaatracted hf Mr. P.

Saad to SELL by AUCTION, al Uetr Cirutral Aactioa Rooou, 47 and tA theapeldA X.O, ea Tueedar next. May 22, al 12 o'clock praeteely, a traad eon1.aecil of ODONTtXJLOSaUM varraatod to be et the aid typA aad orniaiatint af the Saest broed petalkd earkUaa ealy toeetber vith many other orehik ef Tan, aad aa BiiuHisiul of orchlde im to war, freea variovs enllamlnea Caa eievmarvtnf of eel. aaq caaaaotae aaa. lifESSRS. PROTHEROE snd MORRIS will SELL 1IA.

by AUCTION, al their Ceatral Auctioa Kaoaaa, 17 and VS. Cheanelde, EC, oa Friday next, at 12 o'clock pi a tread hat porta Uon ot 0D0XTXJL08srjlf AIJaXANDaLdf, from a ariiato ccnueman. ta piaua eoBQjtioa a oontunmowt or iataieBaai bisibham. lorether vith a rery hoke aelectloo of ettahliihed erckldA and a rarietf of orchid la nover.

Oa rkv aaarnlnff of aak. Catalotue at th RoomA aad A New Broad ctrect. EC frrdenhara aad Lerteoaaooa. IVfESSRS. PROTHKROE Bud MORRIS are in lili LPROPEKTIEr) DWEB SYDENHAM (close the atatloai An leeoortanl Free hold Eetato, diatlntoiahed a Seii fTeen bouee.

ompnamt a moder manaiott, eunaiantiaiiT erecteo as oonaioeraoie aost, amaulliiinsa. pkaaor rrounda. Bad vaUei ia kitchaa tardea, eootoiattaf a total tour aare. 1 ae utuymir as voatreiy aBarreoaaea Bf tl xorotaottadedraata for oaealiimiwl for bulld Inxpurn oaa. Poeamaloa oa oomplatloe of the rloiicrtor.

j7Edll, Eel, 33, Kms etraet. Cheapaide. E.g LEYTOSsTONE, oocupyinf proatiaaot poeitlov oa the hih mad, aad enitahl for a medical or otaer prof aa anal rntleena Tb. dasirahk. double frootad.

Freeh eld RaldscvkaavB a Caritoe bouaa, witb food tardea aituato oaly three trilntaaf valk from the statarm. witn nomesaion. LEYTONSTONs. A vaU buUt, arml aetscbed Hi No. Mrrtle tilka Harrvr road.

Ia hand, but eetim 2S per an train. rViUciton. Mamrs. Leoaard aad Leouard. 8A Particular and eoedltlon of aak atay bad of th Bellcitor I at th Mart, Ea and of th AastaOBears, f7 and ti.

Cheapald, aad No. 9, New Broad atreet, AO. hand or MtAamor aaa ctarrov tt eaut. stiaajcecs. in nisr xrom Hyde park ooroer.

oetnprialnr a krt famlif maaaioa. near thm hnrch, viU a prrrst valk thereto, witb vell arranted pleasure trooadA vailed end ether kitchen gardens, eratainlaf ranoua laas boas sUbllnt sad carriat honat acopylnf a abeltered and deUxbtful position lo lta lichly tlmhered park, vhkh eon Lain! aar.rsl small lata or ornamental fieh psoda. tba rsaort of vlld wl ul amw the eatat mbraeis aa area of about 3S1 acr. nearly all rich old pasture, eery bandaomolr tiatbarvd. Interapeiaed witk belt of ornamental voodlaud and plantatlooA affordiuf dalishtful and ttaottr.

valKA vitn noiaiy nnauiaunf sunaos, in ntfaeaa Miata aulmmaiine in a hill called Belmont etudded vith fine old far aal treei. and oommaodlnf a meat axtenaire and delithlful pixarpeet la ell direntiooe, with krre Isrm beus end homes! eat, a aaoital family rmtdear oalied liill bouaa. aad numeroua boos aad eottat properties, prtaetpaur or aa eroammitu raarareer, an a aala baine freehold. "Vf ESSRS. DANIEL SMITH, SON.

sntl OAKLEY It I bar receiTed Inatructiona to offer th a bore hasuliful RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY for SALE hf AUCTION, at tb Mart. Tot eabouae rsra. on Teaaaasy. tne 01 job, at 1 o'clock preeiaely. 11 kaa freotstee to food read, and pea.

Csae OODal l.raaie prvapvctIT ouuuru lata aa ta euuaae aooua a atitM froa, thm Harrow Btatioa aa Ua Loadoa and North WesterB tEAilwAe imalntlneLvhene Euatoo la reached ta about 20 mlautes and In direct eeturnunicatloa viU all the prineipai llaaa e( rallear. Particular! may be obtained of Meaara. Lewfont, Waterbouf. aad Iawferd, Solicitor, 23, AnaUafiiarA City, EC of 11. cry Person.

taaoa AgenA mjstrto, vrewaern, nowwrsea a. to auart and ef the Aactleoeen, 10, Waterleo placa. Pall malL aVT. Oitf ef Laodoo, Coieroanatreet ad LoodaovvalL Exteeai and Tellable rrecDota buuib cut a ash. ny Aecuea, oa an lass.

ESSRS. DANIEL SMITH, SON, sad OAKLEY ill u. inatraessi be th Wrahinfl Cmrny of Draser to LET by AUCTI024, on luuiuu le.aoi 1 lor au reara, at to mart, T.t,.aMuaL IV. P. I no rldar.

tba 29U tofl Jup. att2'eiack prectaalf. a very' tmportaaa aa Taiuaoae duiuiuiu sua, aa tha anuth.vaat eorner ef Colemans tract aod Loadan vall. asm prtalnf al tofetber about 20.000 aquar. feet, and wr occupied by Lb booee known a Noa 1.

la. 2, aad 4, CwkmatMtrett, la the tenancy Meter, oaory saa 10. aaa otners; eea Ne 34, iL 32. aad 33, London wall. Th kad wtll be dretdd lat 12 ltA oa os ef vhich bow ttsnd.

th fully Hoanaed puhlio houa known a th Bin ABcbor. Each kt will eon tela ahoat L3S9 eoa are fact of troaad. wiU praortiM fronts, aod vtll be suitable far Ue ereetka of fUet atam etSee aad Ibzht varehoalea. aartieulat an plan are now is eourae ox pre naraaHan. eoa iweea reedflmsf be ootalBea at tn ierx I emc.

per oau. inrog. mortoa etnet of Mr. Chariet Rellly, Surraeor to Oompaay, and Lavford. Solicitor, 21, Anstlafrkr.

Aa; at th Mart aod el tke Auctioneer. 10. Water loo place. Pail mall. S.W.

Surrey, near amhsio. Valuable Freehold Property, eampneinf th riaaaaara A a PuUlcvhoaa end Pi am ha, viU li acre of at. tractiT Btuldiat Laad adjolalnf Itaato al Ih Bourn. Faraham MESSRS. DANIEL SSI ITH.

SON, snd OAKLEY bare readeed instmctieut toofer the abor FREEHOLD PBlieilrTT foe BALK he AUCTION, al th Bush lloteL Farpham. oa Thursday, 21st of Jane, et 3 o'clock precisely, bt 24 lotA Tb CiicktUrt' Arm Puhlk hoas boat of brick aad slate, vith aitoato oa th mad side, ahoat midway bet wren Famham aad Frenaham. tv mile trem each, kt until 11M to Jam Xoitht, Eea, el th kv not e( 30 per annum. Th laad adktnlnt, eentainiat about It acres, sow heed a allotment rar dna aad aaitsbl far buildlnr TlUal or amall houses, and iu be sold vith ritinrrliTTi at Michaelmal aett Particttlart but 14d th Bariah of Grcatham aad liawkley, a 1 aad eilremely fcrtik district. atuicaiBded bora aad other rente of riehlj timberd 1 aaalf Bampshlra, aa Lbs border of Biuml Th Orestham Maaor but.

a VAinsrje aaa mannrtei a aiauat ta Beaattruiif aiTvauea by th wIl kaovB 81 farm. witk eiMsent maaor aaoaa, in excellent cenaie. and krt horn ti'ttd Colds Farm, vith aattabk fanihoa aad home Itsao. aaa rirtottl aouate. to vaot coo aaiaiaf aooa, wje acree of itch arabk.

Paatur. and hop lead. vU timhvred aad ktertperaed viU ernaaneatal voodlaud. kt to betas Ual toaaau at BehrtU reabt, amount! 04 to apvarda of 700 per aaaam lotvther viU th Maaor. orrvpated Maaor et Urealham, WiU tta rttatA prletlefrA aod tta motam.ntA Th froperti a situate In aeaptal hnUnt and rpertinr district, about a mik from th Lata Btatioa ea tha Portsmouth Direct lis, ahoat tvo bottrs yauraejf from Wakrktv aad skoal six miles from Peteraaaid.

alae from Farnhaat. aad awrea rrom Alton, au aooa mars towns also tne Farm, called Milk Vara Farm, pristM a amaU horn aa teed aad I esc of rich arabk Bad pertar lead, kt to aa eld tenant at 11 ar anntiat, aitoat cia lo th ot Lever arrmruoa, about i mile mm Altoa. MESSRS. DANIEL SMITH. SON, And OAKLEY eaea r.a.lrad taatractlaa.

uader th naiiloul ef th Settled Land Act. ta offer to abor ealuabk PKXKBOLU ESTATE for SALE by AUCTION, ta July, arreral lota tanlem frericWy sold faro. 1 rr i rriiimiiiila I mm paw aad NorUampteaetree. Isiiartee, tocetaar vtth ttona. aortaat tiooavtu att ae at nam or the vB kava Fiinni.

Remoeal. Warahovalnt, aad Pkaaur Co tract ore fiailnam ia biUaad award of 40 raara. snd carried ae tba jTT Llckrold aad Co, Pvrtioas of the wartetm immlia ae mi fer tee braatrieea, are ao aublet that the eetanta a a reMme almoat aoeitital, Th pleat Bad axto rarhtdrat iia aihalaeai aaa orvaa. aaiiiim, ac, aa mrwatorf a vaasa aaa Be tmwetod tke parckaear kyaka tiee. Pi 1111 all a.

eabst to avkleaaarim. ea aaase. Me be sieved, aad Pert lev I a re. vita iiadliln, 1 1 1 at ta Aaetlea etnaeA olamia 1 tmmk th Mart; sad 1P Wovdherry dovn, Stsjaford hill. Detachaal 'riiia.

vtUttohlkm ESSR.S. HOBSON. RICHARDS, sod Ctv ate fatewarealvitb lnstructleo to SELL br AUCTION a tha Mart. Toteakoaa eard. Wedadf, July ll'Jt, ISO.

at 1 eckal prckrtr, the bea.ll LEASE of tea ebarmiecWamd Svtetha kE3i PENCE, of morierala itlmeailoBr. ksowa aa eed tem Woodaaiy deB. Stok MevtasTOV. ana tars la aU Tin Ileal aj noma, hovatotr. Sued bath hub, ipaciaw tetiaiii bail, amtse.

ealkai dnpaietit otSoaa etth int af tvo auna, krf rk bum, iraaea room, aaat room orer, larfe Tardea wtU tsaak Uwa.rva. etn aova to th beats of the New Steer, vtth to nbl et nllml skin. Held oa Mas al a moderate rental, Mad for aak, vtth pat. aeaatoo. May be Tiewed.

aad particttUr obaamad cf Meaara. Tarlor aad Jacca. Solicitor, 15, rtouta etreet. Fiaahury, EC; alia Mart: and at tie Anetioo otSo, 20. Crjkrao etrert, Beak.

Prellmlaary. HertrvrdaMr. Mardlerbury Maaor, eear Eoyetea. ariomua trriRxfiV KU'RIRIH know a li la Ui Batlaai rw aad Cambtid aabire, vilhia three mala ef th storataat aad St from Thorn. Id aad Bytirrvd BOLD FARM I af Hartiordabira eemprisisf a emamnirina famlif retdre.

sxtenaar evvainl am aad axetateWA aad bctl 370 arv ef fertal lead. Al preeee as lee own paring of aa old etendlef tavant. al a laat af Xiou par assaav bat eeriy ynaiimln aaa be oMaraoil Parhnilar. an aiimki md vhea ready atay ha ebaaiaad ef Meaar CaahffA b.aamaaa, aad Da ran port, BeUorten, 43, Chaan lea W.C: at ta Mart aad et tbe Aeetioo sad Lead Alay oaVeee. 30.

Colaman AOL lbarr atraet, AC Sak oa ThurtJay Beit. Offio JValtar aad Wanaoae FUtiaf. TV 1 ESSRS. HOBSON, RICHARDS, snd Co. will lTj.

SELL bt AUCTI ON. eta th are Soar mt pneaawa, laadf, SHaabeanvt, Rovsaaskar eertet. AC, ee TamrwUy seat ml deer preeraelT aseful OFFICE FURNITURB aad WARE HOUSE FITXUUO. iBanoiaf laaaiatBiA nests, npeoaroa, ectce eteeh). mahataay.

neotetsA aad otaer aaairs, evpyiat pre, cap si Ixeproof aal ky Wall aod (ia, lore quantity ad aartttka vtth panelled doer, deed races, ahalria m.alm. aad drawara, twm eaaoldaUi mhlna aerto, aad ether aeetui atoeaa. stay to sieved asormar et mxlm, aaq aataaowaea iiinn at ine Aaeaog 3 I hERENHAM. OTORK, sod SONS' be to drswst. tentioatoih abor AUCTION BALES, asxt a.x.

at Ike Mart. Ettt BtraeACeeeBt eard am, Loednei. part bainc aold ea iiiibi I ef prteato ovoera. aad bf cedar of exacqeora. Oa earv Ui dse.

To Jtweilm. GoedemKbA MkrramlthA aad other 59 aerat af xtrUilaats, cunoes oaapaoa otru, 10s. sprsy. aoajy, encsevaoq rtsar bronchea, a ruby, emrald, and arUilant ai4rrette. hnllttat paadael aad eeaTrtes.

old Enclish alnr euoa, tana aorta, a Tee aad eoecr. 196oa a sdnr tilt aarrio of taakard. eupe aad aeaB, and dish. 26e. a Bray, ltloa, aa old Irak jot.

Tbat, olear Batvop koatA siler moanted draaattat eaiaa. aad a ear rnrtioa betst without iieai Pabhe Sak, ea Meadaf ant kf rEBENHAM. 3TOKR, xnd SONS, atthcir Aao II tka Mart, Alnt rtjee4, CoTrBt tardcn. Oa laaadaf aad Thereday veil "aleeef Wsaekas. prwallary.

tnT a lBmona aaif Bearpta. atateje bsobv biiiiibbi amiaiia a di.raood arrov Broook.a aatrpkrr aad hrUltaat hteltA hrareial DEBENUAM. STORK, And SONS, at their Matt, rini Btiiai. CoTeal fardau. em Tueaday Bad Tavradaf aaat, aa as.

XOdhk Leeaeboada 'rat tnoLta. et the Mart, oa Moavdar. Ja Itlhv llSC ml 2 e'eloek (aeely. tb follow tef vieaiiaa ratur OPBRTIES TVrU. GEORGE BERRY will SELL br AUCTIOS; ATA at Aperrato REdlOENCA 94.

Hloae. atree, kl UU hflllkailma, M33. al XeU, Bet af the aaaaal Talu of 1JU, aad ta Stable rear. paint Ne, lta. Pari Line tea it, let at Aba Beta ta os lease Bay aa a expared term ef 20 yeaa.

at a rroad ral et jA SoliaaoraMeeav. Say sad Job. 2, NeMaA Aa No, ICE SUXANAclTS EST. ealeeaeat lli hskl for aa aexpir to et 20 years, 4 per aaama bohcitor, H. A ft.

Fowkaa, Ean, 22, CoUerehalLAa Noa 300 aad 302. ElNUTj ROAD. Chcaar. eoostatrnf a haed omelf fitted eoffa pa laa. let oa kaa at 130 a jeer at a aa estakaahed baker' ahop, let mm haa al anaetse wnh amail ahop and roomAaaovB a 2XClreresvawetlet at 33 a vhok raroduaiii 132 year, and bald (or term of 23 fear axanphvl al Btroemd reatef 28 13a, yeer.

Solicitor, B.S.O. Fovtat, Eao, KnL rWlera nnL AC Jto. as. aaa we. suataasv avwAA, hok frvdueiBt 121 par Important Sak ef Freehold aad levBshold Property.

By order of ta avzecutcr or toe isr as, w. oxure, can. TV fESSRS. WAGSTAFF snd WARM AN win SELL XT J. bf AUCTION, at the Mart, CUy, oa Monday, Msy 21.

at 2 clock preeiaely, a under 9 ritUltUAJwa, RAANSBUST la four lota Noa.llILllaad It Ederaed at.aal kt at 28 22, 24. aad AOS rejpectrraly. and No. IA HalCHooo, IIHaeill. mi 111 AOKVtncr aoajper anntrxa.

uautaa rt vaajrj. ISLINGTON In one lot. No. 30. Conha at A let em leesa el 42, and wsrehortee In rear, let at 20.

Totether b2. Lest 11 yrara. rround rent 7. laianuios. aa 00 toe.

aao. sj. lueix, aaa noa, 7. and 9 IellnrtOBfeBlace. La oa lease at CSL Tawm 11U.

vn trtrUBd rvol 21 per annom. auuw AJtraujUA ta oa ioa ta. i aaa ix. woasatrvi A I9 lease at 73. Term 2S fean, aTOOocVranl 17 Per asiattuB, MARYLEBONE, Ia tvo lot.

No. 120 and m. CravfdajeA lart at 81 and tn Term if bt year, no frot ntcVevnA BAIT LaUAA. la tvo Iota a oa I aaa A liptnorrie roed. Baato ht.

Sd. per week each to(taar tS par annum, Tana 12 yean, Seat S5L Term 13 12s I rroand rerit 3 lC. Aua uuii 1 anuoMua, stita rtreaa. fklicitor. 1S1, Strand.

W.C 1 aad ot the Aactkaaarr, Hiehhury Coaoh hlll aad Uorusry. Daairabk aad loaathald la aJTLSSRS. WAOSTAlarl WARif Alf vHTl XV. T.T. IT 1 AUCTION, at th Mart.

dir. cm Mnnatar. June 4 at C110UCH IS. Kythvood nad (sau Crooch hm SutloaL Attractir Freehold Baaidaooa. oonUlnlnf 13 roorxu loot tardea.

atana aoul BORNSET (new Btatlool. ITope eottat. St. tsarrVeoad, da tacoea taaenoia uoaa. oea room sooci Ear Ova.

Jtsot A li, Term 90 feat. Groaad twat A Particular at tha Mart ef Master. Maradea aad 800. SVltlatore, aro. i anq ot aaa staCTaou.wa.asj.oatwary coreer.Jli Pvmhrnkaaklre.

Saauth Wale. TITR.T. RULE OWEN hss been inst etrf to off 111. tot SALE br Pabtk AUCTION, at th Caatk HotaL fcelvt, oa Tbursvliy.

to 7U Jane, 1821 el 2 o'clock precisely, la on lot. Ua raluable RESIDENTIAL EST ATA knew asCottaa. mora and Mount pieaaanc Cottesmor eomprise a atodsra aad suh atanttauy ottut manaiou aouae, aiz tu etsoi, enta looav bat. aaddk room, viU bed room orer; tardea (half aa acrL rardrner'l tad farm teultTa huuaea, lodrat at (roc I aod beak ntrBBOa. aad all ai lei it farm boildinca.

sad abeot 112 aerea ef prodsrtire lead, la aladlat 30 acrea ot thrvrinf wood and ntrrni Th boob coataina lour aitunt rooma, miai latory tmeaua oal of draviat room, billiard room, tua bed roma, three dreatUt root, thre BtrraaU' roomA Utchea. arrr ants' kail, aad tb usual domestic Ota oea. siount neasaat eomxartee. food tartnnoua eoa outbuial iBfA a newly erected ccataee. aad aheel S3 acrea of food maa dov, paature.

aod arabk lead. The aboee aetata liee la roar fame, situated about three male from the market town of lis rarf ordwaat, where there a trst clai itatioa ea the Great Wee tern Rallvay, aod hss a daily postal dtlirerj. Th rirw Claddail (affordlaf toei trout and ealmaa tahiat) Bound the estate on the vest, and tb turaplk road trom Baeerfordareat to Flahruard oa th east. Ta Noru Pmbrokhlr Foihoand aad Sootcbwsll Barter boat th immediate oenthbeurhood. Pxtntod eartieular of aak aod liUo.

eraphk plan are la Bourse of preparation, and msy be obtained, with further tjertlmlAra aad ear, to rirw, oa application to A B. B. Msasr, Cettaamore. tUralfoatf vast A. W.

Maaar. Eao TarkT Mttes. East Ceinstead, Saaasx or Mr. Thomas Rule Owva. Laad A rent anq Auctioneer, er lAeeer.

Esteo ETaes sag Wllllims. Bolt cilon. HaTBrtordeA Hseertordveva, May 2, 1223. iitufhtarhfma aad stable, coat kovje, aad mad toeaBle the vbola aweda 12t Bar lam. Bald tor an aaetptrvd term ot rears, st a troaad leal ef 26 OA apoijCasOrA meeATA BM BBC tA A FBaAJreisdatB, May riewed bf leer of th tottuta, aod partk ttovaof aaie aad of an lewd bf leare ot tk tenants, and reticulars and aoolV a may be had af Ue ieraretre Soaaaftar at th Mart.

Aastioai er, htaaome etraa, BolajBTO eqvare. Par Occripatica and IurmlauL II fESSRS. E. and 8. SMITH at Uroarrd with la.

iJX atractioxia to B1XL by AUCTION, at the Mart, To keek nam fard. City, oa Friday IU Jvaa. at 1 for 3 a'atoakv ha kav Ih loUowtac stlaibk VaUlP AKTIXS, Tis aad cZtiULENW ELL. Three leasehold Dvalthv aad a Dveilinrhovea aad aboo. al taste Xa 333.

Li feol md. Islinftcm lease 24 jeer mot tad it AU la. At Aad ea, to. 40. aad 42, Triaiti an LiMiligel igad lease 24 yaara aioned real eech hove vUlktl.

Also the Waav hotie aad Stahliof Prcoisea, No. 13. rjrsxiawictlose, Psrsiees. atreat. Mae li years rround it aa soocllore.

Meaara. liaraltat.arBAaadnipBmi EG. uatnmbrin aad ST. LITEXS. Serva Dvattla mat aal thrv aaa of oaco rionaa aaa Bteaiii No.

2. 4, a. i. T. A A 4 Stablinx witb SveBiBa east.

aad 13. Dtatikry lanA Pulham troaad I lA A3 let. aaat ta adaattlaaT a froa arl rintil of 217 tha Shop and Dwailiaf heoas, No. Great ArUaratiael. St.

Lake a Laaea3Srara. Oroond it 3 ISA LialAl Sail tors, Mavaiy'irTltl aod Soo. 4S, tmaebMtAmtnm, X.O. Mf OCvlawsf Of tvsvtl X0CnarOCat. KLINaTON.

Th desuraol Laaaahold lmns hoose. taprl a ha 7. Brooatbi atrtat. LrT lool reed. cootaiaunf eishl lose and vaah hoosA ylUiarrlee.

Ieeea 28 Twars tad real AO. Let to eea eld lenaal aa the low reatal of IM. atolkcitor. Mam i Oaillaum aod Soas. 9, Salmbvrf equsr.

Flea atx aal. EC BTOAENA wiautUJ. Wltn rnatMBIoA. A teeteet, vav stmdoee, eoatinaatale rooms, sitaat aad baiaf No. Si Fariai Catratd Wret aorl Lea (3 year rround real 3 ICa I aeea Btua ox reuuor.

at an rear eanmaavi rvstat a a aoaam. Solidtorv Me. atoeJtott, rkananrl SaodemaA flajlmtly ametora ayrqar. AC Tb propcrtle marba Tk by permiaeioei ef the tees ets, ae earUAular. with eneMtltkvm of eala.

thai a abtalaad 1 aa Bat et the reapecltr Solicitors at th Mart Bed al the Aaetlea aad aeBeee efflcev. a. Amweu maas raeeie.uie, avta Bay ateeImportaal Bale of tha Talnahl Himsshold IWttaaaa, SttoreA ttlecr a. Usee, via, eery choice ml paiatka4 Florentine bropsea.hy th best mttrA rare Crwalau aed Seem cblnAho AamsdvAadBum aaffaA at th iiililiamof the late Jsdx Cpm, MESSRS. TABERNACLE snd SON aratAToartxl vith taetrucAioo to 8 ALL.

bf AUCTION. the No. Bremle lor ass.utscturtns or other parpoeia Tt EirflUi. WILLIASI WILSON and BOXretpect XtX (ally anaounce Ibsl they here Been iaatracted ky th Liquids. tore of th Feirkstrn Xnttoeenef Compeey, Limited, to offer for BALE br AUCTION, at the Mitre Hotel.

Cathedral Gala, Maach tar. aa Taeaday, th Vu Jaaa, 1233, at for 4 la Ue after. boob, eubject to enediUeaa ot aak to bo tbee aad tbere ye nil aaad (unlaws ieualy dispwed of by priral oetract, vhkh do BO Uo will he rirea) Lot All that Plot ef Lead oatalnlnf 4.941 aquar yards. haTtat troatao to rami ill aal Brock itraal. Put!

aad Wnarfst t. Immediately edjotniar Gnat Anooats etrewt, totethar viUth Mill I partly Ireproofl. toralaf asd stilliaf aaop. aarre iaclthkABinatolkrhoeAsa4M kaild tBf ratu taMavoe. au at vuca ar aad aaa be tmeartad at a modarst aost aar trad er hualBie reoun rnt ample i Thk plot aoad Buoieot ta ekiat res toather vtth th sad aaoagiy evfH toatadry, ma rhrn ihoBA actee aau aeuer PBiiaai.

vananaaaA eel aaat otaer aammu kiijldian U.reoe. vkaah aaa a readily oaewtad tote in ilnl nrshouse a at preml Bad ara well adsntad tor aarrier aad ther. toewthee 4UT liualiakllCWf Rastta at 417 ad. aad 21A reepeetieety. the vbola ketxaf Buhyect to aa reau AJee aaa.

so ihbsc a. mm the lie dne aee Btatfaa aad laa vtthtahact aaoVaiaf the by ptirai etmtraatl Parlieular! auf htalaed at A P. kf I Tmalila in aal If a er hp MeserA J. A Brtdtfard aaat IWsls. Eau golieitor.

Altev Masara. Caproa aad CtA. Sfdlalset. I Beam, Lead tin aal Vase, 20. Caimi atrnt.

MBBlWrnrer; or to BATtkgataa sod Taaaisy, May Ua 21st sod Zhxi. st 1 e'cloU pawtaaia I eoa Ol tne Taiuaoae ara sa. a ea aaaw a. I the arxxntrneeiu of nine bed ehambmA oommvaa iviBava vwarvbeA dacham dreaun tahlaA vaaV kaoMine ainnaeblna vsnstarad. ertlwg, taJaaOBed teat I eoiae ditto, Tb Co lea of the drawing rot aod xeerptioe i ebaira beautifully upholetered la Upeatrr aad rduab, eieaSal amVrea boa bear da Jour, vith tkere chine pleqaeA octs aad MJaf card toblea ea aulte, expenaST ebotuxad and bobl vaJaat ama tnaraoeterk cahtDcts. man tela, aprii hi doahlj tmmr. ruot 7s ocUre trand by olxaiua. a ortsejOttta Wolfe of Dreadaa. nns ton eotlsrs piaaa, food Axmlasaar ama Bmi.ala carpets, akta rA atet (enJara anal 4rw tmt hm rami jam doatiomA vtodow enrake atd enrteinA a emed carved ak amT kdboardAAaBtvaa m. mahataay dkaaerttaem a ta dintnt aad other table, aapenoe valeat bookmea Thod aod vatarlo mm prke vort tdtriaatodtotb rojkvtty meBtanw Cobbett.

lisilon, Lino.ll. LaTHial Watson. Berrin. Hemsley, Bemaett, Baker Meadt aad as worthy Vaa der Meuleo. Rara Dread Capo ae MeetA YmoBA aad Korttobarf ohhte eraaeoAa.cnA diaia aod aw, haradaomely mounte.1.

matohket FUavarta km, aiiiaetritn aad other Qrree, huets, hniaaa, and rarim a ahoat 200 voa vxba ttA dlaBer eOTVkmv aad th aauatjaMh J' IL LlSerarl IsKS. aoope. and mlarallaeeoe. Iteen. Cataioeaee td.

aa vUtrahk to mT P. W. Naxec. Eel, rkatntor. J.

Cbanoary lsna. BolborB sad of th I iBilliaaiera, No. IA at Hsaarahir. East Woda.y. ahoat 12 mCs AJJcevru lUdvef A lret elaa Freaboad steai.knlial ProSerty efab! approaebad bf a calriasv dnre, vtth kdt totrtorie.

mmm rooena, aad the asaal qosBeati oooae, raared, kdsAeoataiaiaf porca emraee hall, three reeeptioa jrv A aaa ta asuai aojaeat i omoas. vn eaw apple avwae. rood walled ba klacaaa tardea wiU ar'J; Ti e4sller kiicaea lrdep. erehard. aad fowl houses.

Bamsslsa tr atottaXvvdPi dlr tlm BavJ. latalteTed cm aU ahw atatolf araaauatal timber, aad cum mamk aaB attlrZIei, ful new ia Hanu and Berks Freehold Datrf Farm kaovai a. Harvood Farm, trmiaiaiaf St hod room, two eittinro ofhoas. aad rood davy eateade are twoaaetoaed frda. rarr aoaae, waaavaoaee.

maniiat roe toer aoram. aaa for 1) oowa Be eotpv low Maoaaa, aaiAo. atrmr aadkera. Alao a amall Freehold Farm kaova Ba FarvAJ Ulautt four bed pnavaa, park. hTiarooBtBd thaeial efBae.

At tb aide a small aeaiuae.1 yarA naa tma fa boildiaa. Tamatamwaada Bortaoaeftto hsad. Harwood Farm Bean Vet pa leaee Lt a abmt reamdma Barm Th eetato at aatsmae ba OB of Ih cat eaw i oatie of aackad. aaavd aarh. beaotifaliy a a i vita dad ttavker oa aaa inrnwaee.

Taried Tie mr Ua a marital eoeartry aa4lataimw hiila. Ilprv WaanasaaD7 fseoa arahk aYlBi tttai mo paltaaiitcaiaBaU lakdmititl mastrF awehk wtreof PT aaBtlamae a a. bt3 harUavlpoa orSa.BevdmtaBid food laorttat 3 a arUBaakaaf aaraaak baae vtthto Paaea. It at tnaanamid by lial Ham rcevk. aed ba a ah mala, lrndoo.

kaadraaoaAlo mikaSram lo of Wavbm7. vhkh tmd tto kwttattoaoatikdta BcauheerptoeRaal y. vaapc rot mmimliaa msfae to viah the Boelliampann aad tsiamit. nail li waara. laes Th taakoaTslIrkBlBmBxt.fCTahai mt fa tia ad, AO, aa Frrda.

Ue tth day ef Jt. Bfwsketr. Msy be Tkvvd af armiimraiB Mtaeaoojw. ertUplarmohtajpadi.

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