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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 16

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

K5r THE 'SATURDAY, 1883: 111 1 that they! ton dnd tta Wleertet dart iltel iA. Btthe Itatacw MatVVhnBBn hash at fcg 111. Btar fUO 1TTIMTIT. e. rs ITWW.

teei eel ia ih Twasatss. lath TMteJ, Be. Ill twim. twUy.Dse.lJtt aeh'aiwwrb. iMri, tta tartan of iliM.fMiy.li7 hhi rrT oftheUte MCA.

w. utMMM. Ik i wnulil by khoot US i luxates hra ok of the 7" rnVwt ecmia jTJTj.i ti miaataa ea HMM nwaltotei mm tZVtZZrZSuir reevotwd; to deltahjal wHwwnuli? 222Slr aa a vsrran everlosktut ttaleJrnltay eelasOsstmh IwtreBa resen BObSe moeeUlD aod hUe nrtor if twi i nerprrly. Iw treat Mara ban mi vesew 'MWaUuiMUk eiBni1l.dda, fad Ml evwusds tM Zoo, U(i ui i tta tew at aw. when he paraM a ee vajuauu sniscB.nBi tare, ead te.r,J! LrSSS rRiTvLhVilhEi ar.

initrricted by i XL vr a 17 1 rr TL. iT kRo i a 130 neMeattal feature or JMme4otM oobl enruer Keenly Maaatea, VZwt li IM nun. with a aattk Bate. aot abeeeTulIf mtnAMml, eptoslu tta Deke'ef rtadfard. tow l.

"7oduQ Bull lb. iwjuirwasoU of iUb (Ud. UlHtW.iltlW raivM4 vfth tb Maf bUk. coat toMPTtsc at tti iM.Vl txwttafu. aoauiaa tmm ooanw ermwia rwam m4 uaJ'airT.

roau waa. aupt an mw, aaa TOV4 DU.olakoaJoiaiaj Vi rKk luwlky win sell by ,11 1 ACCTIOX. aitba Mart. IQ, aa TatUtf Jaaa tt a hia i diuntl at). Uw darinbla aad attraetin EIiI li of Wuhu lUi maaai tkiaa acrar 14 aat ao4 vWnt4.

TM prapotl bdt ae a tea art alamt iaai frathaM. ta aa253JrtaWfc naa. a4 jub). a aUj alawdaraM Baaaka( a tawrt Tmtiitaiut aad ooo VrT.i. ind of te.lrn.Laa4 Afaala aai Jfa.

8'a am. aula? rrara Catarord. Tb Owrt, a it.t.l nda, dSVraraaa t. Wjm. la la.

aMMat akwauaflfm Eirli rk4 luidt. la a aalMtulial KUU. Moa auaaVta. kr a todia drlr. Iram Ua aula road, aad mulM fSTir.TrTrtinh UJ and rand aaMk JZSdl.

ia IbT owapattna of BlrlJrta Maalaaa. Tka cSartlVm. arliall aanoaadinf taja I. a ajaad toart jaaiiToid lanil kouo xa ooa a.ta kf lha aln road, la akea kbaTa? kS TStoS franutas aad aatba oth iLradiaDdVaad taaadan tkirttat tka Iw lor rirli af a ioOa. Ta.

oath, artau amaraoai aa araa af ahoaHMaarat. aad tarmt IBM ekaniia naidratUl and Portia pro ptnj.l mini Uad fratarw af tntarajt. and eamiaaadiBC Ua mat rartal aai Tk cluMwadaad.ble priacUaUr bordar tbVrI J. of lha taaatpletanaMckaraelar aad iataran, aad ESSlSr E. and LOMLET irffl SKLL by JCTioK.allnaltart.

on Taaadar. ia tt alJtmklaai kTa7raSouaa4 MiauaouU. aoautaiu aU tka rairailiU ralrad L4Tlt braraHaaaaM. of aala a ta bad JfinSh lEiTswaoalotd. ba.i.aad i.

Dokaamt AdpU Talaava. ra U. aad Vtaard. Balidiara. Maaaiatnh aai afUtaSrW Laad AiaaU aad Aaetloaura, t.

Jaaiaii wm Ka SiUrwawa 1. 6t" Jok.Wi tt Maaulaad liawJoae. for Ua familj of a rttUemmo. drKcbad. ia ja irmnof half aa rtabUm.

anl rrpd. a a fcmiard Jooov aad tnaii. nodara lpro.BWu aaraatu ZZZZctim t.W lin tk. In. family for aba SI mr aanairai.

at lb. atodaraU tiuaad rwtal fcJH par aaa am. It I ACCTIOX. at the Mart. E.G.

ca TiaaUy, Jaaa 12th. at 2 it" Sira i dt tea SSibi, lAAdEMOU) A MILT HZSi bScaTsa. Greawoad. St. Jotn rd KTtSSl MS birir rrdbj carta, of tb.

Aal. lrOaoiar. and oaadl trfaJato bo bad of Moalan. tkatotar. aad BlSabaiT ad of LomMTi.

Laad At.aU bad Aactbman. St. Jaavat a atrwt. Oa tka KwTbutlOOfaalaboaa It. at Caranhaai.

la tta Wamtt. a blaadfal aad awladad ot. aboat a adla froa Kaadiaa bad aa boor trow to a. aa maaaallT Irabla Baliaai tdaacaTMUtalxrwtnatabTthaavBar far hJ oa aa patlea. aaTtbrnrarauf tba bat ajabarttli and vertmaBtUp: lot Mb "a Vbra oar aerat af laad.

MabllH. aa, and a raallr aapltal boa bouat and launflaf room ahvra. Ribaald to ha tb. aUa far aoaUaaafot4caadwam4fnncka bapntlr plaoaT oa tba BUbrtaand swat faraorlta part of tba TbaaMa. mm mi ad a tb.

rf aiidat of tka laranajt aaaaarf aad pka isttraaabai Wtaa Matd.aaaU bWav aad Oxford kb far rtaoSl jrwia tba diauraaabU faatana af aawropolitaa rtrar nCTEiSRS. aad H. LTJMLEY will SELL by ill ACCTIOX at tka Km. Tolanhaim yard. K.O.

aa Taaalar. Jaaa Ula. at (nnlt iaa.l aoldl. Ua my plain it aad ao. mil.

from dm. 1Ul ra rn R.itua aad fraMt tralaa ioud fn taaa. Tba parrr ta otd and anajprW a baad aiMlam raulaa witb atablmc. fardn, tevaa, aad paddock UaU aboat lour act, with aaaohal koabkoaat for boauaod ataaa bakadaf Unsn. OolUna.

Sate tort, Baadiac of am Breva aad Albaar. A brMoU. Kraoiac i aad at Lankja, Land Axaato aad Aacttoa O. at. iw aatrort.

BKMnaam bofM. vrrmr.bnrT A Tthukh i aad Umrtaat rraakald llanorial Bandaatial eataw. oa tba baaki of tba TbaaMa. oapoaiu SSvhLSST eotapriamt aa attraatrra rawdaaar. badt aitala tb.

teat 30 yaari of nd ariek and avana In U. Italian eaa lalniatfoai raorptiaa, 11 bad and Are nine rooma. aaioM, aad aalbaidia. dMacaad atabBaf. tbna atalla.

tva laoM bM. wlU aiawjr.taiTi aMwa. Aa, tarda aad te aa. oarrUia drtw appraaekalUaarBaa of loaat treat aad blod aatraa fTom U. lndor bith road.

rro wbifb tba aitala a ward by a bait af a raa aad atbartraai. Taa to a amaD bla pnttr aart of abaot SO asm, with lone frontaca ta tba Thaaa. and loorBadwnb ctaBMaad row, of Mmb tr wttbia tba park la ivtrtoaa aid koaaaV lalar auai aUkaUtba hlaUrlaa aadaati T.rn kith, aatbaati. aad aaritabU naldaaM KJ.c JobrnTwincb ocpiad lb. Ua.

of lb. awmarabil nt aftka Dn oniof Mataa Charta. TU old bona, to of tlmbrr aad lutA aad Kill turn, aoma loa. ipadaxnaof a eraat alala ium ail oardmr k. la addlttoataUM fa ttaraar.

own. VZnV aak). ot arabU aad paaMra. a arally oi tttt aad 8i la aztaat. Tba 0.d Wlooa Ymrrj oar ox tba Tbaavaa, vltk IU ricaSaad rUr a la ladaded.

lha wbala lor a rUrnlljJ cAaaeial attrartioa. Urn fban a mlK andbalf frotn lha VfTraburjrltaUgs, oa tba 8outh WeatarB SaUaay, aad anUial SKS. IS. ana XI. bunuiii aro uumnea ta 8tXI ACCTIOX, at tba Mirl.

tC. an WalMM't, Jaaa JctbTat tot. (unlaai mr tonalj aouu tba aanraua kiuiuuj RSSIUUIIIliUlAia wiw imimwi appnrtraaat Iaa4a of abaot 143 aorav wab a loaf fronUca ta tba JUttr Tbarn appoat. CKd Wlndaar. aad la Uia immadiala tkuUt of IkTaTWrnw.

Eioo. Bloaab. Dalehat, Btalaa. and atkar lanT rSbtad dearrtpi aarUoular af aaly aad plaai mar ba had i ri afiddtoatx. A Portion of tk.

hJthlr tm. portant form Frwhold ErSata. of tba lata S. Q. Lambrrt.

Iv, P. for tb. connrr of bock, roeiprinnc tba rr utracti. and obmrmina' raridantlal pror tr dttttmiraiabad aa Oonrt. taata abaot a aula aad a ball tram tba to a if Vxbrtdtc aad mUra fro ax Londoo, wttb tu at MUtea, park.

aodaarroBBdiaifx aa; lha rwdaeora and onndi known a. Ua blaca and Tb. Friarr a watar oora mlU. ailk mill kouM asd tcrmln tba Important ooantry bout, kaowa a tb Lambart tk. aod Dock bei hooa.

a aamarf fardaa. aoociianio latloa anil BuiHmt Uo id ixrioM aboo and sotlaf propartua, all tnthrpariabof Dreham, ta tka eaoatr ot xtackx, tocelh with a cboio. pajtur. fara a. baerbauat, aa, ta tha pariah of Tha whok MtaU mnhrara.

'Inraaut about SDS aar with a notal ralaa of aboat 3.000 per. anaam. Tba Deabainatba a braotlrnl ranch of tba rtrr. boat a mil. and a hlf la, to atibaai lb.

nk.t pUc of Ml at ta Catrlaad. TbaaaC ina la Ua. aad 71a. la wtlgbi, aad tk a an not anoommoa I'lav hot ara of ordinarr oocorraooa. Tkoararlof tba Lralr rtT Coin, la eapadaH adapted, wilh IU rraraLf boUom aad otbar aaMral adoU.

ta tba babtla and jinaaoU of tba tro aJ from 10 lo brae, a dar of tab eaa aacara 4 by tba tr Breadiat mai aad poaita adlot tba rlrrr. and to mahjtam lb mliia Tild frtn thJ lataUrlr atxractiT. aad wall kaowa horj, wkloh haf taaa protectad aad pSarJUf wataa. Tb. lawn ot laaha Ooart ara aaUivw nrr at iLim x.

aod a Ilrbt al frmcM oa brtd ootbaatra da. wbrna la.t u. wllb Ua aroaaa watar. aaliraaa 1 larrida tbt aoxaa. MESSRS.

K. and H. LTJMLET 'in wninnchon with ava. NOBHAJf aod 80S) will SELL br AU0T105. ai iw Mart.

on TWdaj. Jaaa Kth. at 2. ta a aral lou talm vr ImuIt Iba ab a bneflj dtaerload laporunt fBXft UOLX FB0PEKT13. Datailad parUculan and pom may ba ob taad of Vim G.

ArmaUoM and Sob. oolkau Hi. SVbolaa. chambara. NewmatM oa Tyaa ot Laatleya, Land Afent and Aao tlone i.

XL 8t Jam mi it. tVcadilly aad at aWi Kormaa and Hia Land Ata aad 8 eya ClbridWa. aUddlaMX, aad I at. gd Hacks, Wa0o.ia.rt Jfotic of Rata by Aatfcm of ooa of tha i at porta nt Laadtd EU la tha Klotdom. eoexprM.f la aU about ar k.m4iri ittlofaboBtU.000ayaar.

aitha oaaaad ap aa tka dicnity auaof thu aradooratic acd matataoiat rrtorUl domain Tb. raimcrsa Maaor Aahbonr oa, ta tb. aoaaty ot Darby, with B'duatoa aad Sbtrlay. la that eoaaty, tk Uuv aod Baraatna I ropanaia. la to tfacr with arraral manorv lurUra.

adrawaaaa. aad riabU aUaabad tharrto, formins a prtn ponnilcja of a obaran and axtaot aatdom or a Into tb. opn market. TbaZbylaoriwaldBtlalparlor tb uta.coaipri a aboat aeraaa a rtaf a rrabnll ntVrtaaaa Ct.uOC aad CI.W a yaar. Tb Sottlnduuaxhtr.

por Uoa la a partly air kaltaral oroparty. of about 1.000 a at. with a rrat i41 ot riwa aad a yaar. aad wttk a aral aar aitra for tb. araouoa of a m.nafam, Oamaatoa htxaor Bona, la a truly aro, ot dark ala Uma atirnt It vn nu aa al attoa of rUtahaa with a aaaaaITt and V1 caatral towar la lb Early lullaa atria, a lofrla aboat ISO foit loaf, wltk pietara lallary abora.

aa ataxaatly tf ijaad aaatral baQ, apadoat aad wrQ41t raorptioa rooma, aacwaroJOaadaOafld reoma. nam aaa bath rooma. Uatudiac a aplaodkl plnu. bath aboat. (aat aqua, aocnmodioat tluaea oOosaaad ootbadia.a aad to analory.

parUvolar good atabuBfaal othar apporUntnt batidln la abaraal Iba tain ciuo to abwdataly Biaaroof. aad la avppbad wttk wabar tka top aaXacta arraa maut of waur wbaaia aad pmmpa, Tba cvdana ara eblany la tba Italian atrm.wUk a aoooa aioa of tarraoM btaaUfaUy (lab rl aad abribbtd. Tb Tto a from tba nd tb tr oand laotad. a ry iarr. ara at pictarano.

ioontrr. Tlu pat la bat we K0 ao'1 30 act la riUat, wlula timi. Tba ara aa a ot abrabbanm, batwaaa 203 aad X0 wvo a aod ataatalton aad about 100 acraa ot rboaodra HI. hold upoa aoawst raatt, aod pay witaoat rabata Tba XotxuataaiaUrr portloa at tb. artatmforaartyth pr wot fw.

Hi! Ird iiowa. aad Umraamlatat bla maaalo, karat aa a atUI attot oa a alt va ud U. rcoBnjtio i at aaatral 'itJoaka afiaUaad. II to la a riar (aim. Tb badlla.

an ta l.iuriat. ut Jhoat oldWadty. cj ni l.ii.i i.r. I a uuiiuuj eu wiua Umm la kba UU aa4 of Jaaa or rayjaalaf at iniSfilSxit! wiU a raU at aaar. Ikaa CUMm aaa sala aad altal rES3KS.

I)V KB, SOS, aa4 HILTOS will SELL ill by AtJCTIO at kltaabBraH ZZrZTZ aZrraaaaatba aaa aa aaaaaefr te aomfort aad eoa ZZHL? ui atoaruabad a Oaklaada, aad oawlooU iwamolI lia ntlva li Mm Tarraa. rkw caaaat ba baJ a la 'la areatiaf room, aa r. aboai Kfl. by I7M, oaa a la a aa liami j. Jbtt.

illTTulaatd doaaartMoateaa. ft ibadrt i I dcaaarlttn fkar ra atbracu. pl.aaar Srir5l.arlbbaad tbadad ay maamaul tr frail lardrav rtaa! with tb. aolo rWard tAaa la fad baanw aiaorr Utt, lou. with 22 litadaatlt 1 1 aaa mt aa aar rh TT1 Caaaraaarly aa aert abw admtalaca wal) auckd kltcaaa tart aboat kalf aa am.

ia teat, with aa abaadaao. at frail bt aaUkl.aabwildmcaii4).taa waol la pfrcl order, aad aftrtaf Mmiamaa ta aay raatltmaa who. ilk lb aw a aa)o tb itianlioa ot laniiar hn Itar. Bald far a leaf tana a hrw ai.mi i aai. aad tar atla with itaa.

Paniaiilan aad aoadttaoaa at aiaayb. bad Maura Flax, boo, aad Oa. ataileltora. a. liaa atraakaVcC.aad2Eat tadava.n kC at Ma r.

Dab bam aad Oa, Ml cfcaaiwd La i at la Aaeva Marl, E.CL aad of tha Aaotlma tVE. mmA tort In I a Ininnalna datai bat wimfif Tt ami a a. with tomiailPB. aad thra. capital Bmadano to Iniml TESSRS.

OYER. 805. and HILTON will SELL IIX by AUCTION, at U. Mart. Takasbouu rard, X.0L.

oa Moa day Mar 2tth. at 1 a'akxk poaotaally. lb. loUowinf fKO wiJlTrl. macwarwa aoaaa.

aaTura pari. roaq want, am ttooa, a rbolea datacbad i BTT'Otaaa erdar, oantalntin aarbt Urn bad rhambrta, drminc roam, 1:14 balk rooat, aWnat la mm znv. ay I'ft, aattiiai ami of raom un. na. ry ua ta raom.

braalftat room, aad omoaa attraetiv. aardao. Tl yaare i rroond rrnt. la. Bueiton, Mcau.

aad Varoar. Jfo. hnabary pafaauat, Llt a. 10, aai It Uwk, withiB 18 mlaaU walk at BUekhealh Btatloa, coaUlaiaf aarh od had room, laratory. two rxeaJm raorptiaa rooau aod oSou.aad products1 210 par aaaam.

Laaat about yiara: yroaadwnl 1 aaea. Boaoiton. Mrrnn. B. Urn aad Boaa.

J. AdVlaida plaaa. rariloalara, with eoodlttot af aala. of Ik nprtlt Bollcltm at tk AactlOB Mart: aad of tU Auatloaaart, Black brtth. H.K.

8uad InTMtmaat. 4 ttotaaad Bearhosa aad II abart famaabold 1 Itf 111 by AfiCTIOJf. at tba Mart, Tokaaboaaa taH. BC, oa Moa day, Jaaa th, at 1 clack pu net tally, ia two tola, tha Ikwnaad EtERHoUaE. kwowa aa tba Itaar Ana.

Klnnwaodplam. Ua, It aa Itaaa. atpirlar la Iwa yaara, a a rery ifiadaaaaa raatal aad Waauombapark aad UraorUJapart. Btineain. ATESsRS DYER, HON, tad HILTON will SELL XlA by AUCTIOK, al th Mart.

Tokaoaouaa yard. Ba. oa Moo CwrTjaa lltb, at lto'elock. tb tulowlrt PttOPEKm. WKjTOi MUK rARlC A abatra UtUa Frwabold oa, kaowa aa rjavtrat kouaa.

rract lor tb. owoaa by a wrll kaawa archllrca, ta tb Mdictnl atyla af arebttartnra. with prattt tard ai and toaa af ooa axteat. BoOdlon, Mom. alaatoa aod Monia, tsa.

iaaa Yietora atrart, O. H.A Si VI IJJC AR K. A capllal. datacbad Famriy Bartdmua. kaowa aa No.

Tk. Oratrrillo park. aaar Lawtoham Jaoettoa Station aad tb Uata ooo tal nine in bad rooma. dnaaiac rooco, thraa ra crptlnn rooma, aonarrrnkors. and oaora.

and hatinf aUmdin rar 4raa at aboat half aa aora. part whkh olfm a flrHiam bolldlaf ait for aaotbt beuaa, with kmc Lraaa 41 yaara i fraund. mtllla. BOBotton. Ham, amtlb.

I awdoa. and Low. UBrrad MrarlkUriot Ih rwnctr Solleltar. at tha Aaetioa Mart aad af la Aamloaw, Watkbrata. B.V.

Br ordec of Elculot Urraea. Fraabold BaaUaacM, for oow pabaa aad lotaatmaat, la anil aaar to aaia aicnir la.ooraa aw ti n. aad within aatra minouV walk of hlaothoath eutun XTESSRS. DYER, SON, and HILTON will BELL lTX br AUCTION, at tba Mart, Tokanhaoaryard. K.U, oo Moa ila.

Jun. Uth. al 1 o'clock, tba fAIK af oboloa, mmMalaobad rBKtUIOLU KBalDEKCfcV Koa. XI and 32, Laa riaaa. Laa, uaa auaUy wail plaaoad.

aad hatto. tbra. No. la In hand, and Ko. 11 at Irt ot a urn.

Tb wool an ot tb aatimatad raotal rain of M0 par aaaam. rartleulara aad eondi liwanr b. talof Maaira. Mark Sbrobard.

aad Boo, Bobe lora, IT. OoUaftratt, OoUnwhlll. E.O.; al to Marl; and of tb AootiOBaara. Ltlaeakratk, 8.E. May 30th.

Laaarhold BaaJdaomaand BvUdla Laad, alESSRS, MA.NSELL and ROWhTwUl MILL by 1 AUCTI'IS. at tha Mart. Tok.hoa tard. on Wadnaaday. iy 2Jth.

al or 1 a'olook prompt, tha toUawlnx aUcibU rEOFbii TIK8 ALLET5 ABE. Wert Da)wka. Two Laaaabald TUlaa. taowa a Oakatda. Aikya pirk, eonulninf alna roon aad Urn fardaa alaaa aapllal plat ot Botldiai LanJ.

aartof a fond Irootara to Altaya park. Laaaa aboat T5 yrara. Oroond raol Bollcilora, Maanx Moaoa aad LoBfdaa, Jrwry, O. BKITLAH HILI. N.

ood. IvbJ lUrldtnca, kaowa aa Vwalthorra. aoaulalBf 1 rooma; atablia, eamar hooaa. and food nrdaa. laaaa aboat 71 yaan.

Urannd nat 29. boliolur. a L'ptoB, Eaq, 27. Ubanoary laoa, W.O. Mayban.wd.

Fanlenlari, aa, ot Uw Balldlen aad at th Aa tloaaara, U0, Cborah rtad, t'rprr Korwood. Oa lb DolVioh Ooln Enaka, Brdanham hlll. withla a law aJnntaV of to. Crraui Palaoa aad BtatioB. MESSRS.

MANSELL and KOWK are faronrcd with laatractlaaa to SELL by AUCTION, al tba Mart, hooaa rard, oa Wadneaday, M.yJO, at 1 praetoaly, tba loaf LkA4EMOUl FAMILY BEslDEJiCE. kaowa a raroaida. 8rd a ham kill coatalalnf nlaa bad rooma, tlud bath room, four rooaiAion roocna, booarkaavar a raom, kltchaa, asd odlaea, thraa waur etiawU aood iarda. with a. aa.

dtuclad alablia tor thraa boraaa. ooabla rooma for maa. and tarad yard, uaa yrara from Midatunmer. 1I7S, al tha low nst of la par annum. IVttcalan al tb Mart of 0.

T. Pow.U. (JoUdtor, 21 and 29. fit. Bwitbta'i tona, E.a and of th ABCtkmeara.

120, Chureh rcad. Baaiarat. KcaL traabold Family ManaieB. maat pwaaantly aitaat fartnf th. aonth aMat.

eammandlBi iUaalr. aa aad onaal rww. and paBoramM cBry ot uia Down aaa urrooaainf ronnuy execUrnt tubliu far tlx horaai, with mau rooma ctar, and walled xardMi. ER1KND. VINTEX, and SOX are faronred with lotfrartloaa to StXL by ArCTION.H tba Auction Mart.

i Miact, Bamijrata.oaThar day; Mar 21, 1U3, at p.m. preciaa UaTa, la oa let, all that ralwabl FREEHOLD FAMILY BEbl or many yaar. ta. mans, ramoaemi oa ana law Ml Bbtanlial'y built aad arraaaad with aawry I aad taqalrawanu af a raatlamaa'a aonaahola Itlou af aai Buy ba bad ot Mamra. Parker.

Mia ra ard lo tba cowl art PartieaJara and anndltloal BoustajraIT, BaalcnVnad, Load or ot ta AaUonn, Kama, Biaadataln, Xaat Oaatrally altaau Fraahold Marlaa TUanilanoa, allalbla for aaaapatlaa or Ultimas I. P.IKN1), VINTEN, and SON are laroured with in traotloa from th Traataa ondar tb will of th Ua Bear Admiral Oarna to SELL by AUCTIO.t. at tha Aaetlea Mart, Tl, Bla a mrMt, KtmtaU, oa Tbaraday. May rwh. USX at I for 4 e'oloak ta la alVroona, ia oaa lot, th.

aobaUattally buill aad eonrardeaUr arraaftal MAKINE REMIDKNCK, Ohaadoa tdaoa. Broadatalra. eommaodtnf MM aad uninterrupted aaa rtawa. aratra ly attoaU la bi oo ot tha baal poaitlona of thia lnctvaaaf watarint plaoa. Ill Bow la tba oooupaUoa ot Mr.

Bbaltwy Iwbc aonpatloa will airtr oa lha Uth Octabar aaxtl, at natal af 70 pet aaaam Fnialan aad eoadttina ot ata may bad at Meaara, A. F. and B. W.Twndw, Bolictlori, llacola'a lnn CaMA, London. W.O.; or ot tha Aoetioasara, Bimarala Twtckaabaax, ob tb aaokaot tha Thamot Eiratlnt, aooaiaUaf ot tha Fraahold Bmtdean aad Oronnda kaowa a Klttr alia, about half a aiU.

from Twlekarhaa 8utloa. aad with a treatata af about 204 feat to tha rlaar Thame. Tb bmia. to la a charminf raataU four raotptlon room, 0r prlnelpal Vd roeaia, thraa aarraata' noma, hath room, and xtsnaln affloat. Thar atakUn.

for two horaet, a. Th tary prettr frooad an wall erraafed with Uwna, plearan fardaa. aoutaialaf freaohoua aad finery, aad a paddock, Tb wbol la Ut lor aa aneipired tana otaaartyli yaan to Mr. Sterhea Gnat, at areotalof 17S per anaam. auar of all ont(oU(.

Inanran. aad rrpalra. which will Hold by AiuKoa. or KSaRa. HU31BEKT and SOBS, at the Auction hurt.

TokMkhouaaeard. Loados. LO, on kionda. tba lltb una, 1U3. al 2 o'clock pradmly, Tba property may be rtrwed by penntoaloa of tha beaut, with carta, lo be obtaiaad only of the Aao ticaeara, aad partleaUrt bad ot W.

IL Dtmator. BoUoltor. 'o, 1. HnrlettaxUt.t. Cateadiab weatm.

W. sad. ot tha Aar tuaiwa, LAsooia MBQ oaioa yaoraerot rurw wwh faoaaoo, w.u. Bartterdahlra. A moat charmtac Fmaold BeaMratlal Iain, kaowa at Kattkary.

Tba whole emnprii about 100 ten af raa tlrolly itmbend fraat land, dirtied lata farm and wnoda, but th houac. with 200 irm, e(ra a aaort nmpaet aatata. Th raaidnn eoBtaiaa aboat Si bed ronaw ia all asd four floe reeeptloe rwime. Varr loeelr view an obtaiaad from the roe, aod lb an. terraee an th.

aouth frost, ad tba alu to pn ably unaqaallad In beauty withla many aollr of Londoa. The fardea an wall laid aai aad 1 is planted. The he aad th whol. i bulldio ea th wtat from Flasor, four from Watford, and IS from Loodoa, aad la the Btldat of aa vxnluat restdentfal owebawrbood. Tb.

aatbarbd xuaaloB ot the MeVopolitaa Ballway to Bickmanewonh wiU paaa threat tb out, asd tb Company an bound by aTunnl to pot a atatlca aa the protarty. MEHSKi. HUMBERT and SONS are initructed to prrpan for SALE by ATJCTIOV, dortn th 'aaar, ta aban rery rabukla BBalCCNTIAL EsTATE. Tba haun will ba let, faroiahed. alth tb frousd.

for the nam nnotha. Farther partlealan mar he obtained ot Mian Booprra and WbateUy, (Voll dton, 17. Liacoia ano ntioa. iionaen.rr.u.: aoa oi aieem. unmbart aad Hon, London, i E3SRS.

BRAY. WEBB, and Oo. win BELL by at uia san ioaraeuBe Taru. au.minnnaM. Mar 24.

at 1 pncuwiy. a FREEHOLD WABRHOTJaK, at Ka 19, Bread atmt aDJ i yearly teuanoa al 2X par ananm a Fair ot aeaii deUchad laaaebold Baxf deoeaa, kaowa aa Aoa. 17 and 13. rmnbury roao. UlafUo, let at the yearly rental of SS einh.

bald for a. term, of which ea yean an uaecpirad. at a trouadnot of 10 per anenm aad a ledck' bolll, aeml drtecned. Leaaebold Braidmca, attaata Jfo. 23, KIchiBOnd rlUaa, Beraa Blaurvroad.

HoUowar, tat at th yarlr natal at 55, held direct from th fnaheldn for a term, of which 171 yen an aa exetnd. at a groaBdtat of .12 12a. per annum. Partl 'ulara aad enaditiooa of aala may ba obtaiaad of tka kiion. llaaari.

af ilia, Lockyar. aod Milk. 2a. Branaawk plaAa, Oily road, B.G.: John Huv ranaon. 93, iJnaen a tract, Chean Ida, E.G.; Maaan.

lacOckcrby. aod EtMlartoa, 18, 81 Panl charchyar E.C.; Meam, Cood doi. aad Oottea. Bedfor row. W.CL: Moan, Oaproa.

Daltam, Kltebiaa, and Drabaat. artlatraet, at th Mart aad ot th An tiooaara. Mwara. Bray., and Oa, 14, Warwick coeTt, Blfh Holbora.

W.CL Vimit ki read, may be bed of Hearyfet, MaaaXawmawan, JbaWne4, ianaUly. daa, tt. MalTern waUa. Wsreealeraklra. ESSES.

SANDOK and SON are faTonred with luatruetloDa to offer for AXE by AUCTION, npon tha BUaaa. oa 1 nurir way rf.wi, ias i at apraciaaiy, au wet IBtrHOLD BEStbES'TIAL PROPERTY ksows aa Fern Bank, a ouoxmodiiaw family reaidenca, oonUinUf tmr reoeption ro. ioucVdr, 11 bad and dnaiin ro mi aod douwati Bora, with eoack houa. atablinf for Ita horare, well tlmbcrei frouaua, kitchen lardeo, aad fraat paddock, hi all 3a. 3r.

lop. The rraideso ooeupte a moat charminf aad rtaraled atte near the ecu ire ot MalreTB wrlla. commanduif unrrrattad rtaw xteadinf onr a vast expean of aoustry. and the whole form oaa of tb matt dnlnbl proper ie ia thai faenartU and healthy locality. Tba watar 1 of tha poreat da aorlptloa.

beinf from a arparaw aprlnf of almitar aoality to last at the Tar lawrd Holy Wed. Three peek ot bousd frequently meet tha unmeuiate wiio'vmi uiwi. fubb1 tt 1 1 rwr enlan. with puna and (00011100 of aala, may be ouained from Masara, Crawley and Arnold, Solid ton. 20.

WMWhsll pleoi. London. taaeihar with ccden to etc, ot MeaarL Ban doe and Hon. Eatat Areola Bareeyor. aod Aactlonaen.

Vemoa hooae, Gnat Mai rem. asa CBaoinera, wmmawi o. laaaara Ba 111 Kb vs. OE, and jrURBER Ik teikry at OLl TAX B.tarttark kITI 111 EsaBo. yUKBEK, 111 at wad Day 1 1ALE will liea.

HelBul.f obaioi Tuatd Cox una Udaa UYall a.albana fit aaa. a Vrwafhal Carard Daw tla.aB. Tafljj, Wabh ratalcraea marba obtaiaad at tb anmiat aad at tta Aaottam aad rtataamnaa. ta wajrartexogwri. uraye iow Br order ot Matt.

EieoBln, and o'hara, Oood clam FnahoU aad Lou Leaaebold laTeatmeata. MR, DOUGLAS YOUNO it inrtracted to SKLL by AUCTIOy. at th Mart, Tokanhoaaa rard. on Thmlay, 7th. UU, at 2 atone meiaaly, th fallowtsf FBOPEBT1ES.

oaleea nnttuaalr aianoaaa ot CLAFUaM BOAD eka to) Wlthbonlsa. Tb rtlaabl freehold ratldvne. Dtanoianhouaa, 27a aoath Lambalb rrwd, eoatalaiof eery npeaie aeaonwnodetloa tor a family. Insludlaf 7m mtmmm. tibrarv.

aaaoklae room, two aalar cloaeta. ieraerr. lclI'Bt eomeatia lwtii Kahl aad (joaca BOuaa, larra aad baaatllul art en. alls lenai la en. rtaery, aanaai nia.

11 a. To Km uM aunlart ta two abort laiar for oertunilan af Which partienlara at aai. Solicitor, IL ttla, Eaq, 10, Unrwla'adna JLAPytAM.Tba altraatlea taaaabold Tlauea. Ka 2t larkbalW rtac do to ral'way nation, aad wtthla ama mlaat' ot (np am camwoa Tea rooma, ant oracaa, ana eiotuent farnrs, tanrouf a retaur. ateutai Taiue, co.

raatanw reawrrea to a pweaaeaw CLAFRAtt JUXcnOXrepfcold. leand abva weekly boa, all room. 20, Carnonad, Cltrhir Jnactloa. Ia haad, bat will readily let at Me. Id.

par week. SolicUor, W. Toaaf. Eo, Boa. Ill aad 111.

awakatnaa. K.Q. ULA MIA Ooaeieoltn Owner BaaUeoea, with raom for eub'tne. a. 17, Albert aqTi.ra.

claphaw read. Wuk ao'ataaiaa. KWea rooma, hath room, aod effiow ra od rardaau Bald lor best 4 yaar. al aa troaad last Aaaual ealsa aUS par annum, bailettor, liewmrd Bnwaer. EV.

1 Walbreo. E.Q. CLAPHAM BOAD. Weltaltaatad ITaaaa. Tl Jreeaeoad.

Cbpbaat, Hia room, bath room, aad era fardrtv Prraaoi teeaat par bat paittoina will be ftns. Laaae Kyeaea I troaad not 7. ItoUaWa; Mawta. Ssell, bob, aad Graaalp. LCeaorte traer, Manttos ua.

BO. EABT DULWIC1L 43om ckbaawT aad 8tatkm. 7, ft. Hand WU rraafd, Bin roomed Hatuee. let at IJB nan.

set roe a isu aana at low aroona renu. sotjrtiorm, Maaara. Hoeaa aad Bathaa. U. MarHa'adaaa.

Oaasmi akraat. CO. Tba propariua may be etowed. aad ratakiulau aad pawdltVaa at nl bad of tb ataUalaarjj at th Mart; aad aith Aaetloaaar, Ma. tHa, CliBfum roail.

Wt 1 1 ESSRS; FTJRBER, PRICE, and rURBKB8 ntnri JIlTIt, ATTOTTOJI. ea tap Mart. fokawhlllll raoa TaaadAy axt. Bkl a 1 for 2, Lnnhald lanatawat tb Dooxbtf taau, ot tha aaaaal rata of 225. Ta DweUiat Beoaa, Tlll, Cnr a tssnad.

IMt pnmwaln Ha, 12. Brwwstaw mawa, fat lot tk Vaota rm at 30: aad No. 11 aad li rlre al avrwt, let for tk whole term bld tor rari at 14, Vendor 1 fcitictoor. A B. Otdwaa.

tea, i. Old asrJtasU' ssB. Lot 2. tUoaiasrewwmon, lar aorapailoa a Ui tilaitaL The welMmut BaraVaoa, Io.U. Th Chaaa, ClaiAas oonimoa.

eonUstnf atx bed noma, beak room, three reception nana, tad raaal etBeaa, ttted with all modera eoocnleoota and la npital aeaotaun repair. Vetrdor RoliclUr, error taq I. Ore; alim ajaara Lot i CUphas riM leaaebold Ijuatdauee, Aoa. IS. 10, n.

7, aad 5. ralon Mew rsad. Bedlord ned. ct tba aaaaal ealaa each, let 1 re notable uoaata: term r. ra rro nd raot 1 U.

Vndor i aoUdtert, Maaara. J. Lldiard aad Oo, 7, Cnal Jtiawttreet. rordnw CniLKx rwli.t BaaM asd 22. fMrathewrenad bald for li rn at amall frouad raota, a ta aoaatael apnt pno ot M0, abjt to the BKWtasn of Vtadar reliction, Meaara.

IX Keen aod Btorry. U. Liaeaia atun (tidA Lot naofitoy iwo weiojii a monai juatoeooaa, wtu a Tarahaai anno. Tb aoperior CoataaU of a fentlwaa't Kartwnr. Isaiadiat exioaait awl ptaaoforta.

aoble waiaat aidaaoard aad ESSKB. i UKIllSlt, 1'KIUH, Ut rUHBGK WIU JJ A SELL br AULTIOS. oa tha anmutw. 2. Booth Parade, Bad turd park, 1 nrahAm crera.

on Too day Mil. I 22d of May. at 12 for th utm iperasily maaoiac area FLRX1TU kE, conintinf of tie. ant earnd walnat drawmf room aolt upbolatered is aaiia, nlld aak disia rm aoiu moroeeo. oak disis UNw.

eaed asd ear. aonal tabln. new Brumal carpet, book, ornamental china, paiat laf. the aontaoto ot four bed rootaa. eomphaia waiaat aa aia fujiea, with wtafed wardrobe, breaa aod iron Frtmah bedauada, print aad hair meUmaaa.

tad and Uhle Uata, Witsar bleoketa, pereooal laema plate rood, exprsaie rtinaw asd tea aai ita a. etoaa. culiaary ardra aeeu, ead BBmeroaa affacla. May ba rWwed. Cataloauaa sad oa In preoliaea.

or at tba Anctloa aad EataU orace at Warwck court, Uray'adna. artrarea TTyde pek. rreabold I the aanluea atitdlaaeet which baa deraaed. asd is paiffcl aubataaual and daoora MESSRS. FURBER, PRICE, and FTJRBER are ice'rucud to BELL by AUCTION, al the Mirk, Tokeohoun Knl, on Wedneeday, the 6th of Juna, at 1 far 2.

tha ntbatastlallr lit FBEEHULD BE8IDEKCE. Tto. Hwtalkaquara. Hyde partt eoaeeBieatlr altuaUdoM to thopak, and almost adjaoeni to Faddinttoo aad Ireed etataocia. Tba houaa kt moat eooTa Bleatly arranf ed.

aod eoBtala 10 food tad room. Otto! hats room, two handactne dnwinf rvoma, lus and elegant corjterratory, reati bule, capital dintnt room, library, cbeerf ul third room, donhl rn trascwhaU, and exeellest doaaeatas office. The property ia freehold, mrwtA eeeialered InrureaaibU tills. Tba raaidase. mae be viewed ea pUcatioa to Mr.

F. email, or 7, Londoo a tract (aUtoat adjotalntt. whom particular and auBdition eaa ta eotalaed: a alto of Merer. Collyer Brittow. Wither.

Ruatrdl. and Bill. Ndldlon. 4. Bedfnrd wicx ewura, iiray a tnn.

By dlrectiao of the Exteutor ni the Uta K. Bohtnaon. Em. Wall, aaleoud invwlmento la privaU rldenoe. dtuai th beat part of Uxbrtdfe road.

1st to eieerenl UnanU. aad held tor knf term at Boenlsal and frpperanra arourMt not MKSS11S FUKttEU, PRICE, and FURBER are tnatreewd toSELL by ACCTION, at tb. Mart, Takashoaaa nay. jane tin. at i iw loaa, utnt "B1 vix.

Mo. 257. 2M. 2tl72U. and 211.

Dikrldeajuad. asd Delhi lad adkdnlnn. moatlr let to ld laoanU al low rentai. ameunUai 10 about LXjO par aaaam. term 79 year, at a peppercorn frouodvnt, except aa to two huotw, which an held M.

Ko. Jou, uxiwiare roaa. mnes aaosnet be obtaiaad of Meaara. Collyer Brtttaw. WUben, Rttmell, aad Hill, Sol let tore.

4. Bedford row of klewr. Wataoo, Boa, aod Carrie aolleitnra, It, Farltameatetreet. HaU nf Meaara. Adam aad Bon.

23. atreet tat Hamaneramlth or at tha Mart aad al tbe Anctloa asd aatau orace, rrarwici ooon, iry anna. Chtowiek. At a low aiet orlo. Bt order ef the Mortcre.

TtfESSRS. FURBER. MUCH, and FURBER will aewtay, Jaru tWb, al 1 for 2, 1HBKE DWELLlflO HOlI8Ka. IS. It, aad 11.

Heat e'reel, Urtk daca tat at 7k, aad bald for arwarda of 4 yean at 10 Ida. fToaid KBt. rartlcalara may ta eb talked at B. Farts. Eq solicitor, Oray'alno anaar aad at th Aaetioa aad Eatat offlo.

In WtrwieJrcwurt. Orayaduq Kotlca. Aouth BeltnviaKiB KeaMeoeea oa lha tpf leeee. ESSRS. FTJRRKR, PRICE, and FURBER are ,1 1 to Srl.l.

be AUtTTIOH. tbe Mart. Takaahauaa yard. on Tueeday. 3d July, at I for J.

In 1 wta, tha BIKE weli bufll BE8LDE3IUB8. Noa 3a. 37, 41, 47. U. 65, 57.

aad Nl CUrartoo atnat, all of wkkb an let. and an bald under arparata Iwiea for apward of 70 year al to rono foi aaea. rartwitanmay oa naa la aee rAoraa of Kwn Dean. Cbabb. and Oo, Solicitor.

KBoath aad al th Aaetioa aad Eatat MBo. ta Warwick la th IlithOourtof Jualloa, Chaocary Ditlaloa. 1SS2. a 3.111: Cult, daceeeea, warren v. taw.

Terr tmponaai utai, know a Fxchen hall Farm, with Eennlxala baU, WeathenBald, FRAllTCLIIi' aad SOK fthe rarraont appointed by Mr. Jostle Bay. te when Court (bla action (a attached, and with eonaeni of tta.Morttfee will ELL Oh ra IS TAT Ed by AUCTIOK. at the Aaetioa Mart, Tokeobouse yard. Loadao.

ta Mwiday. May 28tb, ItU, al 2 o'clock pradarly. Thia taJaaUerro rty Inclwln a very anlaunnally ereeteo ramuy reata oa. wtta wd farm premiere, by tbe read aide, tbe partab ot Wealberaeld a abart dtataae ia aa off lrtn bomeslalL with two tenmenta Taen an aa etfhl teBemaota. with food fttrdco aad 337a Or.

14p. at capital arable ud frst laad. I tint well. Utenarted with hard road, and let to a moil reanectaol tenant. Mr, Faraos, at aar an Bum.

t'arncuiara, wtta puna aaa eosaittoo ei tot, may ta bed et tba Auotloa Mart. Lusdos i of Joha Erase. Fao, aolici tor. 10, Jobs Straet, Hedfordffww, Itndon asd ot tba Aactioocar aad r.atete AfeoU, ThaxUd, tnex. tuperiar Furniture, auppltad by a Lmdoa Wt nd Arm.

Urwloa hall, Dwamow lew Oreal ft.ttra Ballaayk ,1 RAH KLIN and tsUH are faTOureU witb InitroetJon 1 from Sir Brvdca P. Henniker. Bart, la BELL br AUOTIOK. aa Taeaday aad Wednesday. May 29th aad 30th, at 12 preeteely.

th CUMEBTS ot tk MANSION, oomprlaiat dnwtnf aod moraia ram attiu ia waiaat, entt piaoofori by Miacka, dlnluaroom far Bltan la mabocany, oak aopointmenU ot anUraao hall, capital full, ixd billiard tablby burrouihea and Waltaaarly nw Bnwwla aad ether carpet, very hBdaom bed room rail ta waisat, auhofaoy, ao4 beeeh. beddlna. kilehea rMaiait. ehtna Bed elaaa. aad oat done effectciacludlnf a aearly ae aod rery atyliah aportiaf toai ebaeloart by bnutham.rarda I roll law aala.

aod tana haad Warren v. Carta. Varr dnlnbl Waather leld. dhalford, Flachtafnald, Subblsf, and UadatU. la tb tlnuuty raw a.

fKANKLIN and SON (the penoni appointed by 1 1 Mr. Justice Ear. la whaa Court thia action I altachd. aad wilh content ot the Morlrateeal will offer th folio a (nf PROPERTIES for SALE, at lha Hon Howl, liniatm. on Wednesday.

Jan 6th, ItSX at 3 for 4 o'clock la tb afternoon Sandfailla Farm. Weatherafla'd. comprUinf a Beat aad meat pleamBtly aituated real aence honuatall. fin teoemeota, with about 32 ecrw of mot aoperior turaip tend aad paatun adjotaint tba road, rested by Mr. rareooa, aevea ttetweau aoa ea son or froaao.

aai tea aiau Butrben BIWof Ground at BlMkaionr Fye aark oald. asd ot Bi Bear Traveller Beat, email ald of excellent ara bla laad al Jaaper'e creea, ta Bhalfard. Threa flald of land al Huberts craee. tiucK ana rarm, at BUDaiat, trocx ano, anmprwint ooutonau ana aboat 22 acre of lapcrlor Ita bl laad, with aerrral Uaameata Tkn Fiaoninf oeid. Partioulara.

with eaaditiorja ot aala, may ta had at tha plaoa af aala at Jeha Evas. Eaq, Solicitor, 10, Jaho tUeet, Beo lonlww. London of Meaara. Lawtvaod Basdls. ftallstlora.

lLJeka. traet, ludford row, Loodoa aod ot th anctlwinn aad Ietat Ateau, Thaxted, Eaaex. SutTnlk and Oambrldtmhln The Haartat hell Xetata, aa torporlSBl fraebotd proportr, caarmiafir aituau oa aita aaa aBa.aust rroond doe to tha raptdlt lncTeeeloc market lows of MvarfcllL lowna aad aaay of acorn from Loodoa by tha Oreal A eater Rail way, toe auuos nainf witnts miw aaa aaar ac toe wlthia aaay reach of Camandfe, If ewmerket, Bry, and ottar goad Tb suit to moat etrauUfaouely altnata, aompriaa IO ear ct tary rich aad tertll Una. Utarepenad with thrlviat Una plao Utloaa, lytaf la a ricf feac. Then I a rabateatial larmbooaa.

aad aultahta aad aueataotial boildiBf. aad tba property off an aa excel lent opponaaitr far tbe roraaauon or a maat charm mt rasKKatlal atata. then betsf aevnal rltea for tbe erectic of a residence on mandtnf tbe aroat deli btful view. Tb eportlaf at one lent, the plaautioa affordlaf rood covert, tad beinf moat )udiiouy er rasred drlvtnf bird. land there toodlhuntlaf with th Suffolk and Eaat Eanx bound.

The property ta al art tent tat al tha reduced net af 227 Ha. par anoum. acTcrinf ta a purchaser a mcs noun aad daaUabl UteatBMDt, with th proapeot of a much enhanced value la a abort lim. 1H. MILLAR will SELL by AUCTION, at the INSTATE.

Mr ta vtawd by pcrmtaaiao ot the teaaat, aod particular, with plan aai aood tion of aai, tad at tha Mart at th rrtBeipai noun ta I' a seiffnoournooa or never a. runntBBnt Bsc wood. 7. Bactlerabury. and at the Auctioeeer'i offlcet, 14, Urat toD atr w.

rTcaainy. aoa pi. ternosq, it.w. No 8. Orota end road.

Bt. Joha'awood. Thi aharmlnn eraaU Reeldenee, wall placed la It neladed tardea la thi favouriU pceitaaa, bverlooklof Lord Cricket Orcund. apmprlriaf ob two loon elstaat niot now, 27 by 20. kaeau diniaf room, 24 by aobta central court, with fountain, as, 21 ry 26, ipadoa, well Itabtad atudio, 27 by la mornint room; braaafaat room, two atalr raan.

als bed aad dermis reoava, ample aad convenient aomeetta Ian tardea. Unni larn. poultry run, Ac, sill be Sold cyAocloBby Ttf B. MILLAR, at the Mart, Tokenhonse yard, llJ Loth burr, oa Tueeday. June IS, at 2 preeteely.

The pro. petty to held by lean reC from tha freeholder for a loo term, at a small trouao reot. Poatila oa'et'on of Purchase. Particular and conditlop of eal may bad al the Mart lot Men. yield.

Roaeoe, Field, Fnscta, cad Oabaldeatou, Bolldton, 36, Ua eoln'e inn fleid aad. with orden to nw. of the Auctioneer. L. WrUlcrton road.

SL John'a wooc. aod 14. Uraftoa rtntt. Bood etnet. w.

ttattth Hante Lenrmx lodre. Soutliaae, SSRS C. B. SMITH and GOLDSMITH are with Inatructioiii to Sr.LL by AUCTION, allhrlr DKJiCE, I avtnf frand and uninterrupted aaa view, and a total front ta the Common ot 23uit. betaf the nvwt nmmandU aitua tion la this part at South.

ParUculan and condition of aaie, with pltBaaxrd, may ta ottatnedef Maura, Walker. BeJward. and naitseld. Bobcilor, Soul smptoa etreet, Blooaubory or ot the Auctioneer. Porleee and I'areham, Oa Tueeday, May 29th.

18 3. 81 nf Stratford lodf. Bosthaea, and Block of Buildinv lAsd at tb rear. MESSRS. a B.

SMITH and GOLDSMITH are ft'oured withtoltrocioni (rom tbe Tnitue, andw th will of UtcUuMr. 8'okea, to CELL by AUCTION, at their Property Hale Kooma, No. 166, ues Kreet, Portaea, on Tueeday. May 28 h. 14U.

at 7 sleek, th abon valuable FREEUOLDBESIDENCE haviaf xUaln trrhrUtat to Lennox road, aadovarlookiat th Oomrnoa alas the Important Block of Buildisf Laad. haviaf rx teM tmituM ta Hichiiweil end telhem luwla. Particnlara and condition ot tale, with ulao aarexad, may be obtained of Thorns A. uooaniy, seq, tl, Hootniur rauara, crompuia roeo Londia or of the Audio neera, Port and Farahat. Notice.

JOHNSON and DYMOXD'S ARRAKGEilEUT of BALES I aa failewa Moaday. May ZHt, Watch. JwUry. Plat, a. Tueaday, My 2nd.

Mlacel'aneoui Property. Wdsadat, Mav 23rd, MianlUneou Preparty. Thonday. May 24th. Watottar, Jewellery.

Plate, Ac. Alao so ThuncUy. May 'fith, laeellineon Piuuwty Friday. Mav kith, WatctaTjweltary. Put.

Aim oa Friday, May 2Mh, Marellreoes Property. Moadar. May IS wihea, Jawellery. Plat, ta. Ta edAy, Mar sn Ml cellanaou Prooerty.

Wednciar. klr 30th. Watcher, J.vlleTT. PlaU. be.

A too oa Wedaeadar, Mar 30th, Mtaeellaaecaa Property. Tbaraday, May 311, Mtoollnoti Property, rridar. Jar let. Watch r. Jenry.

Plau. Ala aa Frtdar. Jan UL MttcalUiioont Propertr. Property ot any dwcnptioB or arnonni received for the aala. jaanaoa sa trrrsouq.

Avscwoxicm aaa lawn, nsa ja, iwsonaunanarna. a i. lallwav. Sn mltas from Ctaoewn MortiBMr. arlthl mltas from Brtdrosrth.

aad 12 aaitae from Kidder. lasray raaawaos, a a lid upon as eminence aomtnasdinf tovsly view at th urrouBltnt country, approsctad ay a aarnat drlva thnaah laatafailr tadd oat auaatda. with aomsact tana buildisra. eotueve. nrrtass.

arehard. aoarrr. and aevwal nelo am at rich fertil anbta aad atearfsw laa 1, btarvparaed with thrivUf plaau tltei, eepteoa. the shoi lorralat a pletaneona aataM of 10 acre, wuo noa neatiaf aao iroat Basint. ana vnai vsiy ai Usee of Ua meet of tb AlbrUhtoa, WhaatlAad.

aad Lu lls llnunda. fa a wall arnrrvad locsltrr. To Bald br Auction, tor Al KM attd L.ISTKK LKA and SON Ha aonfunetlon wlih Mr. EDWARD BAUBDEE 1. at tb hUoarapbed pteaa, aod aroari to vtaw way had of bhvldoa D.

Aah nolleikw, 11. tjoeea Vtcttiruwtreet. I oodoa. Z.C Mr. Edward tauadan, Ssrroc, Laad Ateut, aad tnwlurw r.

(, BUhese 11 wtbeet, Loaaoa. K.0. 3 or Mamra jiim sad Uew itaa aad aieen. lAMAnau, aaa jaetmnnri, to Bun.ii, Bool 1 srH, 3 iliillwaBlta Tha Oswpio. 1 11 m.

wBhla a msta a TtilBB ahaaih. two from gaataa St. a as, aad aeaaa mfta I al caw re asd Mektaa Mewbrsr ismmainfy. very at ataaaaai dittos sea as had Freebol 1 latat of aboat tal aswa, araaanU the trM itoa htntkae r.u ttaaaeaatof tka Inors ttsav. asai vmaaa aaar mob a 'asmatsd aasrtara ni imnralri tk toOowm; ttos 1 Estraaea asB Beet lavtlbala.

dnwtac. disisa. asd btUtard i oaea. library tmd atady. mry uaiantoeoa ia tba wey at a.rvttsv' aBtaet, bad aod li minir raosw.

aad beta adapted tm the nualrtrntaai a dans iau hi let meat taataMwakdMUM.U arftaawaem1 dssbt ose Bar am rooau. as. Tb tlusae an anarawaAiy taau as asww Mrtavrn ad ahrahovS bt kltcbea tardea, aad product! arehard. Tha has maatah a wide aad axiaaaiv prrwneot. aad at a veaueol dtatarc tkewtdnaa an tbe medal term bail.lnra.

em. ariaaac rtahl nt tor 12 asrae. au la. asd every rvqaiaiu. Also a on.vesiant Familr ltcm.

ouuials dlsicf aad draarw novo, ara bed room. Ac asd a tsim kuuaa Than an aw eMIirw eei the elat. 3 iptan ks bees apered the ereoiioa aa i aalaaiaf ot th latodnc. aad all ta baitaVat aad ataimortm. asd Ike eetln iututj tonaa a auaraJrty eh etc aad aompaet ssd waM laa uealaaA kawlua till for BriHamtS BT XV WALTOr aad LEE will offer the arure IT 1 be ArCTTOW hwuw eeevuwalv nuaoaad rat be srfvats Wvarrl, a tka tall ilMeL lsarsatar.

aa Wadasanay. the 13th day of Jaa. 1IS3. at 2 tor I e'rieck by ta alurwooa. Farttawtan, ptaaa, aad sos.

dtttss steal may ta sbtetaod tram th Aacttontar. 29. MsaaA. atra Onarreaorwowin. loodoa.

W4 tba Ball Hotel Laaorrtar Mamra Wrlfley aad erect oft. BWirdtara, Oldham aad MawraPaal banoa. oamptoa. aad Jbbm. Solietori.

UantstUAi atint. IitrrpeoL ESSES. WALTON adLEr. wiU offer the foUow Int PBOPEBT1ES bt ACCTIOB tonle pnvtooaty cxswd AS pUna. areoHratiaa a thabr nfraw 20.

Mol iu. ,1 erTTrv. ianea, 3 CHAKI.TO.H(X;.o,IL ITIwiiaatw.lilr. nnaal Beat doDtial EataU ot IIS arm. occupylnf a ch.rml position at th faot ot tta.Cotswitd Hil, mil rm tb beaattful town at neitaohara.

which pre aw aw excellent educational advaataaeu, aad chaw to tbe vfrtsfs, sad a ouster at a atile from the railway atatleo. at wisrnoB. xtufnunaaaoa aaotaiat taaoe an ncaiy timaereo. aa aa aduuti, sal bnuty af tb norerty I a snail late, snica. viae capital btlbard room, asd casaeuiaut aeboa.

Tbs excellsa Nat ba eewprawe na atau aaa te Bote, raw coecn Boeete. ana eener oetbalMlnta, Th pieieny I aitaat on rravel and I tboroathlr draeaad. BoHdlorrsMeaar. Bubb lannot atreal.Ctarieaham BESNIAOlOK LODUk, HerW. Ooantry Kei deuce and aeward of 37 eerea, betwwn Wre.Hertford,WeiTO.

asd rHevettaea. Chmrm Inf little Freehold, comprtaiaf capital httae of air. wa placed oa pavel. and nmaualint aitestlv view lodr. etalillut.

rardea. aad pleaeure trousd. a aeoond cot tare, email farmery, a ptctureeoue wood, asd avvaral acloun of pari Uke paatan land, altrfther a wry artraettva little propertr. Hantinf itb th Poeterhlfe aad Hertforrtahtre. fUUcrtor, Meaw.

Long bourne. ldBf boaraa, ed Buven. 7, Uroln'eiuo fleidA W.a KLM Walee la th hnotlful Tata ot Bt, rioreuee, wtthla as aad a bait mltaaf tbeMaaorbtar KUtioo oa the Milfoni aad Pembroke breach ot th Oreal Westers Railway, aad only three and a half mitae from the favouriU waterint plan Tenty. rtabUBf, eroaad. vinerle, entMildi' ft, and rack like grew land, divided into ounienUutetxad epeVeoje.

the whota ambracia aa area of 20 acne Troet flahinr la th oeirhboorhaod, sad huntlnt with th South Pabrokehn and Mr. Powell a hounds. Th pun city I opytald. but alt oat aeeel to freehold, then taut only a amall aaa of la td. bolleliora, Meaara.

Joaoaou. Upton. Bodd, aad Atty, Bo. 23, Asatlnfrian, tosd a. E.C.

TTotic: ME.SSRS.WALTOX aod LEE will offer th followier PROPERTIES by ACCTIOB tuataes pnvtaua'y diapoasd ot by a treaty), at the Mart, Tokeaaoaea ysrd. iamwSob. CO, aa rtav. Jan. JleL I.UI1 eft I aa nek nil, ana WW.

diiton of eta eaa be had aa applWUou al their offlom, 29, Moaat rrect. Orcsretor wTnare. London. Tb BIKXIKS, Moamouthahin. TaHey ot the ret A very vahv abla ana keaa'lful Fre hold Bsxldestial EataU, tmrnertlatalr en the ouut'ru of th Iowa af Aberavoay.

The aUU aom prlH vry Is atedera aiasaloo tl a Tudor styta af archiiec tara, crernw Bars un 7 cart tnn rrcieai Of srai, niau ro a meal lovelv diatriet. aurmDaoeo bv eharmlne aleaann rmkei and rih asd valuabta hvad. Tbs hsun la en th moat pea fact of ita xtsa is toe weet at tatwaa, nsvtnf oasutircu teefe ana lorty reosptlos tvaarse. very flu heU. eonevel ry Bed bulUrd ronut.

a out 11 tad and draaluf roan bath rooat, hot and sutd Tatktah bath, aod perfect daaMita office. at, lent ublin for nvta eoaehmso'. InitlcT'l. aod ballifTa cott. ard eubrua tlaUy bnllt ateadln.

Bollcilora, Meaara. Gab aad Walford. Abar Cmbrtar. Bnrrwr. ta th cine wood rrrantrv ta tweea Aecotaad WUae.

Aa attraettv am ail Freehold Bnldeatml aetata. Ave mUataa walk from Camherly BUtioa, aaly on aad a quarter hoar from Tb midass ta of moat ax recti a tktauna. aaut of rva brick, with cite root, aaa auaa in aa a rar! aolL eommsdin tut vieea snd ha everv aeoommodaliaa for the weptioB of acattamea' mtablUhmeat of moderaU aU. Tha tehlinf aad ontbulldlnta an exoaediaflr complete, sod lb fardaut ano pleat nr trousd, very attraetive. Exorltanl flaw hoe, two capital cot Urea food bun tin.

A very anloyeble rural aetata for aa fentl em an ieanu ef beinf within ay reach of loodoa. Solici. a naueat, ureery, aa.i ariey, saaiora, Bo. Xotlo II 1 ESSR3. WALTON and LEE will offer the follow AU Thursday, July lkth.

1113, at 2 o'eloea. Particular, pLaa, aad oditioB ot sal eaa ta bad oa arnuratiooat thcuotne, trw Grnevenor eQuare, London, w. MILTOS HOfgE EoT AT Bedford, hire, atflea from Fed lord A valoable rreeoold tjportln Property of 301a, 31a, with a capitaj rldnc nawlr rractea. oceaytot a ttalif ktfuk aitru tloo. asd oBaussadlsf axtecalr ttaw of th vIiy of th Ouae.

Tha boom contain In reception room. ltht princiral bed room, aervanta' rooma ta'h room, and aomnavdloua domestM offins ra vea ent tablla Tt property to altuate tn oo of the beat huntlnt aentree tn i ntland. aoa food ataoUaf may ta had ta the uanediale aeiihhouraood. Th tat 1 tithe tm aad land tax redeewevi. xoept apoa one flwid.

ttUAUlUeMAilujt rAJUf. xuoJoraABtre, two Bttua from Maratoa Station, aeveo from Ampthill, aod aevaa from Bseuord. aad aSorda food ranririf a ibootlnr. Solici ton, avert, XrcUu, rtoDerv, ana xm. jiw qusn, 1 jrionin atao, w.u lausstosvCcnrw jios Dwelllnr booee.

celubl for residential ee businem purpoae, with early pimamion MR, B. HALLETT (many yean with Mntra. Oxeuham) wUl SELL by AUCTION, al tb Mart. Tokenbouee MichaelmaA Laaa, 40 tv yan iroaad rrnt 14. Parr4cmUn aad oaallloo may ba bad ot Ham Uckorteb ad Dsllovd.

Bolldtcn, 2'o. ILUaaw Tlctorls atnet, E.C. al the Marl: aad ot tha Auctioneer. 271, Holiowsyenad, X. aad 11.

Queen Victoria Mini. Ka eiepnoos, joe. oa ifOtra, Brixton. At a Bomtael rveerve. Br ardor ozMoruraevee.

MR. W. It. HALLETI' (many year, with Menn. Oxntaml wiU SELL br AUCTIOX.

at th Mar, ea Taesdar. aezt, 12 for 1 preeleery.TliBEC modera REbMDEMCta. known ae bbettarns. HUsdlord. ssd ComiAoa etlU.

rnoscUnry, Ks. 64. 66, aad bt. Arlinford Lower Tutae hlll. recently ander tat by to mortsator.

bat of th irsul rahia of 13210. per aoauBV 1 91 rear nound rrut. At 10a aach hooaa. PartteulArx. Aa, of J.

P. Garrett, Solicitor. tA DoaAhtr atnet, W.a at th mart aaa or tee sactiooaer. aa per preooainf aavertiaaiaaut wo Family Ue Putlonk Th Rookery aad adloat Bnideaa. MR, WHITTlNOHAM is initructed te bLL by AUCTMX.

at th Mart, Toknhn E.C, oa Moadar. 23tbMT. 1843. faeperat. lota.

Ibe aNrv valuabta FREE HOLD BESIDEKCE8 asd UBOUNDd. Tl.e Bookery coo Ulna sin ape eiou tad noma ararafini 13ft by 16ft, four apadoua od lofty reception room 112ft. htr h). and aaaaoally ormmodlou domesti odieaa. The etas proximity ot the pr.iperty to the atatloa and the privacy at th truaad aiaka th protarty equally desirable either for occupation aa a residence or for a colls or pubus benevolent tnscilu ttoo, is aujaoeni resnieDoe contain tu tu roouia.

two very tarr reception rooms, and is let aa repeirinf lean al 140 per ananm. Plan and particular mar ta obtained of W. Smith, Dart woo in, aaa r. J. xtart, la, Leleo bail etrt.

x.u.. rjoucltor ore, aae uevjooeer. meewpafete aareev, vernniti. au. Camtarlay, aer Friattay aod Batahot, as tta London and Souto Weaura Rail war A Small Freehold Eatat ot aix acres wit a huadlnt trootat of 742 lael.

tl oaUd ta th beet part ot nam, perley, ta an elevates po tloo, aaa witsia id miaaur wait ct tb atatloa, eulUble for tk eeactioti of dateched villa. Psyauot la tt inn tt draind. It sot aoU aa a wool will ta Seredla TVTR. WHITTINGHAM ia irutracted to SELL the yard. EC, oa Mosday.

2ithiMy. ttti mi 2 o'clock. Plea aad particular! mar ta bad at the place ot aala ot F. Howaa, Keo, 3. Ab chann yard, fnnso trt, Cy Bellcitor or ot th dart looser, no.

rJieaopefie eireev. vornnm, Bwii. KIcbmoBo irna. Burrvy. RS.

DREW and HON are interacted by the trueteee sf ths IsU T. P. Wffil. Esu, I BELL trv ACC to.V. al the Greyhound RoUU Bkhanood.

ua Tueeday TU Mar, at 3 a'duct pree avly, tta weU bulll aod tpsriai attrsctira 1BP.B nui at Bsaiusjtua, wtu tseusu, oein aa av rBmstoaa vtuae, at, rkiokia th Old Deer Park, aad la a roort coavmrai position. It aitront reaert. R. WALTER MITCHELL ha bera farorrred with inatrnctionl lo HKLI, by AUCTIUS, oo th Pracaieea, The prooerty war ta viewed, aad particular aad rood ttass Na. 26.

Buah Iana. VaBBoarftrnt, E.6. and ot tha Aactloteaar. Qeorea etreet, Rich mood la LluuidaUoc, IU T. hi arrmer.

Br order ot Bai ka. 11 Belaon equar. BlaclfrUra road. oa Taeaday, May 22. 183.

aommen lot at 12 o'clock to th mla ite, th PLANT and STi'CK ix.TRAUa of a iimli aaa la us, iauab HA.iur ctubxr. aoennrialnr unwardx of 120 nwin mai.hiBA hv Thomas. Wheeler and Wtlaoo, WOccx and Clbba. da, Baller'i aajAUaa'a but loo hole ma chines, linen and lee eoiiera aad eusa, ornoa fnroltare, iron nf. Chartered AccounUnt, 28, Badre row, Cannon tret, E.U.

and of tn Anelerioeer, vurtein eoen. nnerea Ltneolnthln A deatrabl Beetdexittal PropertT, knows Burro ball, embrsclBf ail about 116 acraa, dtoat two milee from Burth Station, four from tbe riatra waterint plan of 8kef ana, tad four hour' from Loodoa, Tta raaidrea? auoo 00 ttalured vojukdc. lo vary haodsotnely tixnbrred fround ot aloat three acres, I ap nroached bv a carriers douhU aotta at ntrsoea. end eoatslu 14 bed and dretainf room, four net pti on room, bat and aeoond ary ttaircase, and tuiiahl office, with food, dry celara ta tha baeeount MpcriLr tlabllnf. a urio hou, aod oottafn.

MESSRS. JXJUmnOOLi, JJKOTHBKS, are Initructed to offer for BAI by AUCTION, at th Mart, kil Wedneedav. June 13th. at I dock, th abon valuable FREEHOLD BolDETIAL' ESTATE, la oa lot aad. If not old, thra ta lot, at will ta nhaeoatBtly UBoanaad, Ptrticutart, plana, snd coadttlon ot aala of tha Auctioneer, IL Parllanwat, street.

of wnovn oarna ao view may 1 owsmeo, By order of th Uqoidston To Manufacturers and other ws.thif xuntv pnrsi, wiw weutr irontate, suitaue lor npsevruif. ulesrTptite, iectric orewtruouoo, iron, or any ouer tart wort, AUGUSTUS WALTON ha been favoured within Uaotion Is SELL by AUCTIOX. at an early date rnntaw ei rrlvstalvt. a nl valuahia FREETIOIn ituaM ai Ponder nd Middlesex, on the bank of th lea river cecal. ad havtof barf prfeltfM aod rlxhta of water.

Tta ana ot tb property to about 10 acraa, and than I erected ttanoa a tub. taBtial butluinf asAt. loaf. tint. wia.

asa uv un, tve ai tided into euitabta rorepanaranU for carryiof 00 asy lsre maauiactarlaf boeinaw, asd lately sccuptad br ibe Loodoa uU worts Th tmildtat I titled throufhont with ihafutif.fai and raid watar tied machinery, comprlxlnf prladcaay a pair of hifUy eniaueJ oorcrouad hit aad law pnann harirootal ttaam eeiinai ot 60 Bonunal bona power each, ton Com lab aod ooa Calloway' patent boiler, and until aeonamiaar with 192 pi pee. I ad dittos to the wannf ertnm pretnl, then an urtne aod kottar kouaea, brtak flu wt abaft Il2rt ktah. tbi. otBce, aad reneral ttorea. Tb pmperty may ta tawed by or don from th Awctioaeer.

and fun tar panJeulan obtained ot Messra. Harwood aod gtepbeneos, Keiicltors, 31. Loua tard stne, E.O. era. Joha Ball aod Co, Chartered Aeeovm.

tauts, 1. GrwbsoviUirara, fcarfefbaU wreet. K.C J. Clarke, ICaa, 21 Bt, Mary t. E.t".

aad of Aafurttii Walton. Lao4 Arm Auctioneer, to, tjuweaetrvet, Cbeaoaid. E.C. pair Tlleaafaa aaa vakmsie LsrswAatd Bbxa, eastatxaa at 1 aarlar Family B.a aorea Boa. tfiB.

llfUlVllf, 111,. SCwees aenad. ad read mli heeesa laOfaa. 1 tV, admCna amvrahu anartr Baa. X.

a5.3a.lT.aa4 M. lim itl ill n.d, 1 it ilial nsl I ml, 1 m. tws as aaaanwaaBsas sHawats Btoua. aad ai ailaisit broad oyes roada, aaose tFumw I ark aaa fTlrfliiiaaaew bi lltl 1 1 frTl wlwlosi rt wsaissa taen tar veara. at aindawl tint 1 1 mis prnewtuit saset isi Uiiitmaiaa.

tha nail i a. atwaaally tta tjaiia'inad ataiia beraaf bentaaM ami 1 staked st a mast aw friHURGOOO and MARTLS. tt the Mart. Tokexv suy it. ai lareowitj, a.

ew. may alik Mart mt A Diti I In aUy. ssdst tta diieiinua, limdifi koaj srd. oa Ttsreur. ta view.

Particular had Oreal ChsrUtte mm. Braadwsll. asd Twhrii artel, gqLk Leasehold lavwrmmit la bbow Fntmrty aad Tntmtala Baa. IS aad 16. Great Qiiiiotii strut let a tiiiaiuiii far leasee a tfA aTa II Tfi ead salt rw.

1 A Ua Mailt L2. nsfi ketd as leasee tar varlowo barm at madant usaad Far kale by fl HtJilGOOUaad MARTIN, the AlArt. on Tiar A say. Mat XI. al acta sly, Is ua.

at ay a rw riruwiwi Wad at Ike Mart at ADcaSdaaa. Itaa, Solujior. 17. BlfuVww. C.

asd at the I si Una .1 laili't aliiiakm 27. CklBtiarj use, i 'w. 1. w. l.

1 ie.T Pltn for leaidaexn asd of rca tna aa; tiairo DweUiaf knose. at preesst ccuoed aa a aaaoric aadtatavsaa 1 peoHuau Colte Prowerty iniellDwainn kwsw wtaa uiwilim fTlHURGOtJD azid MARTIN have iwiv trsrtr JL tioaa to SELL by AUCTIOB. ta A actios Mart. Takes hoaae. ymrd.

EC. on Mosdsy, 2SU May. UU. a 2 o'clock arecaaaiy. la mt TOTTxntlTJGE XABOB, Freaoold atatat, lvaat oa tba aoaxsara alope of tbe rvtr don to lbs church, aad witab a abort watt at railway statlora.

wltk rraeel aotl. either aoe lot about Tt ton ta am, ct hi lots varjlruj from two to 24 acne ka ana flas am lor rssideacea asd vsJoaaTe psau bod. is 00 er 10 lota. aollcir. n.

GeesuhaU asd Uumkerlsla. aaa u. limrnie No. 7, (tCFTOLE PLACI. PaBaaaB.

aloat titarhnld Boaaa.resi naint amu bat roonr. rerepooo roowv aaa sarvaatr asiess, a rallr Blaala. sad a eufUlta twirchan for oocepatloa ta a ItTator lodeis. aouee ee rrreate mtdewc. er for taintwmtt.

Hell ea taaa tta Clowa at a wedwsla reil. reotlcreeevasmiB ad Pesieinsa, 3, RaysovKMalchsts, Grwr' a tnn, W.C HAsf.Kas7x.IA avU awmberaL Bsnwoestosd. Xsrtll WoeJth rosd. Eiftt loot Leasehold OotUM. wan Mtan.slon ta VmorU Dock aad vmrinaa larra trad areita, rrnUnt a rywal aewaao lor esiu acocsnwodauoa.

proa enter a from team nam 17! la la two lots. hlswn. TlplaMU sod Baa. H. MaUn lane, tjuai a Hint, Cbewetda.

DKCRY LAM. I asd 7, ld eert. Freehold PweBlv casta. ajtoat ta crowdad district. Let an lease, nptria.

ta IZB. ta ntUassu to, low aet rectal ottJevasTOm. A aeson tmBt, aa aarry rrttram a oaidrabjy tamaaed aaaasl a Ia oa ta. BHlasr. A.

xlonaMsos. Aeq, neuiisia The vsrloo woueitlw mav ta viewed, aad eartireTtra aad ansifl liooe or aai may ba had er th linoliciiev al th plao of sale sad of the Auctioneers. 17. Oiiina 1 Una W.CL Batlarva. Lost Leasehold UvewtreeuU, 1 to li Crssdeld treet, Brdfe road, prndaciat ako 7 per aaaam.

ESSRs. ROBINSON anl FISHEK will SELL ITA by AUCTION, at th Mart, Tokenhoose rar t. EC. ea Voo day. May 2 1 at, al 2 o'clock reeetaelr 12 cap tally built BEStSEXCES.

auaa mm acoes, bald ea loo taaaaa aa low trssaansta, at peaaaal let to renwctahls wsekly sod prod note aboat 379 rev snuum. The sremleee may ta vtaerad, aad avtacslsn sad sandi tiooaof aataaadot Bees Darts, Ksq, ooiuvvor, 6. Oon aUes. W.

and uf tha Auct oct re, at thwr ecSoes, ZL CM rWmd ecnet. RoItwweT Red UewwtrewA Two FreeholJ Mouaae aad hoTSL MESSRS. E1LOART wiU SELL. by AUCTION, at th MsrhTekaoliiaat Tar, aa FTidav. Ia Jaoa.

at 12 foe 1 o'clock, ta two lots, TWO kBEEHOLD HOUSES aad SHOe8, Bo. 66 aa 67, Red Lhmatrrat, a few dnon from ths Hull aad. and a th tairaadiat vicinity of th proiioaid lmptotseaensf, let oa sheen ieeenUrodlraou at SS per snumecri. May ta vis wed, by perwtasios of WaasU. Psrtieulara asd arsaditioas at lata had ot T.

A. HOI. Solictor. df ord row al th Man aad of tb Ase tioosvTs. cpscioTytaae.

G. Jlo 4. Ikhwtet fardeca, Eerawster reed. A aa. larra and Hwt faahloaably tituatee) th Park MESSRS.

POWELL will SELL by AUCTION, alth Mart, about the end ot Jurat pxalon privUeely peel of), this hsdom MAX8IOX. with bay wusdswa. portlce, thra Coon ot bedchamlera, bath room, threw era wtat room, dintnc break fast, aad echoes raom, well achtd oOceft. tc. all La orl condition, except aome 'rtOiaf tunndeial decsa atiooa.

Particular In itu time from tha Mart treat Means. Saxtaa aad Mortaa. Bolimton, Somamt atri and, with orders to virw. txwm tha At Moaeer. 17, Byaela tanaia.

uwatw fl, W. Xo. 218. Adelaide road. St.

Jcha'awood. TV capllal FarnBara. MB. JAMES Warvrick vtrr rt, Rrsrmt ttrvell vdl BELL by AUCTIOX. oa tka Pleeila ati Taee y.

sts Si sr. at Li for 1 octoe c. ta remataiat li auaixu rta. awust. wanron.

rnewa or ass, Ac May ba viewed to day prwioos ittaiamlt. aad at th Aactiooes. 2, 7 Hsrtwtcav Miilitlis! SIR. V. NEWMAN fin conjunction with Mcwrrrt, waoTHEHOE and MORKI81 will BELL by AUCTIOX.

at rtintuo (13 milM from Lotvtoa. aa Wadond, May 30th. 1213. valuahia FREEHOLD nd COPTHOLD E8TATEB. eontsislB loiether abo 1 52 aeeee, asd eonsistin of a wsU eeult reetdeoca.

farm r. weU planud rroit plantatiowa, ssd opsa mrket rsrSso fvesrod. wtth poaaiop, Particolsn arid plan eaa bv obatad of Mow. W00U.

Pakenoa. aad Garner. cMisitors, Uxatidt ot Meear. Protheroe mod Merrta, t. X.w ftaosdtnot, 10.

aad at Mr. E. P. Xewwas, 41. Utah stint, Ulrld.

Freehold Bnfldle tend. rUckenhsn, Keut. MESSRS. ENOIEllEART will SELL by AUCTION, the Mart, Tolenhonse Tard. ea ThnrwlAy.

Jan 7th, laUKIXTT PLOTS st cttoice FBEEHOLD LAXT. beinf th Brat portics of th Mocie Park FeUU. beautifully altrsU betwwes Beckts ham aad Warn Wick baas. Kent, sdwinbry adapted tor tb ereotk of flrat ttas res deuce Full particulart ia farther ed i Uesinepta. tail plaoa may be inspected at Mamra.

Badhast and WUIiaat' rffloea. No, 3, 8ltn baa oourt, Ctiiricw rtreet aod al the sfkCM at Mtmil. Enteheart, at Bckohra aad Btdoan, Kant. "tack eaU.Fyplog. tsu 71 TH.

WETJERELL ta tnitruct try the' Ex em tor of 1 A the lx Osort Wrths. Eat, to BELL by AnCTIOX. al Brw Farm, Eppi. on Thursday. JlVe 24th.

1M1, s'elook. 73 weU ctwtgB(KT HOBJt 8TEEJU asd HEIFERS, and ftroeell sxwth to 2vk rear, naeed sw the aatake 13 valoable Drees at limn sssa prisiat brood ware with foela. tbna rsldlss, ad tour a tstslof oee of Mr. O. Jenamr, Balriff.

Lrltle Oopthail. Ejiplsf aad ot th Aacvlawaar, Theydon Bois, Eppinc. MR. MALCOLM SEARLE irotnieted by the Hartley Bottle Company to KILL by AUCTIOa. withoat am, spna th setwise.

20, Ousahv laae, Upper Thaww atrwl, E.C, au Tsaedsr. May 22, at if. tbe LEASE, wuh seriy pnwssrlM. ot ttaapaotaos WABKllOCaES ed tn aost. eonstfst bones, aad rrwailaes, wth froots.

of 7Sft. tin. to Orwets iane. Held for about Bee yesra eneirtred. at rent ef 3JA A too.

Is lots, the Coed will. Two ezeeileet Taa. lary Cooper. Ctolna. Uaeaetta.

BSrew, aad very asr aswiaisna sew xiotua. vataifus at j. joan msit Walbroefc Wet 42, MB. ARTHUR T. CROW ba been rKmorxnd with lrMttracsjsri tran ta Electneri of the IsU H.

B. A Joeaaoa. J.P, Utt ot 42. Faweti rrl, Sorslarland, bt th oaaty of Durham, to SELL by AUCTIOX. oa Wcdseaday, May XXh, ISO.

aad Sherry wtsea, a Ea oil pain tin by Jaa Stem, aad a beautiful eolIacloa ef aheX Th eal to eommeon at 11 for 12 'eloe to a mlnnU. raUlotfnes waj ta oetslawd from the Asclkwswr. Msssr hooaa or Mevwra. aUdaoB. MeXsatlo.

aad Idaoa, BoUcttore, Johs rtreet, undevlod. PalWalL Iniportast IavwtteMat. anal freehold. To CaertsBata, dab. Ineorsso eaces Banks, Crab Otambar.

Cmiisiit or Public ofBee, ertdtats seeilef a IreteUw balldla ait hi thto tuwoualtad pesirloa Be, to aod 6L PsO waa. asd Ko. PaO avall BUcs, hevrot aa aaoprnd Urta ot ITS yaan. a imaO rronnd rent. and acitiealat a froataf ot 60TV, wttk a dtctk at lOPa or thsweshesila, MB.

HEDGEK win SELL by AUOT105, at the ktart, Totaaaous teed, oo PrUsy, th Uth of Jane, I SSI al I a lock, tha abon valuable PROPERTT rattle prsvteswjy djstaaed of by vrrnw raty. Far tuO rartlolan apply Mawr BooeU aad Pamarteo, tl Dsvist eUtet. Beiktay wian laad at MA Hedevri Anctloa tad rstste oatc. 49, Pa'l wiall. B.W, la the Hirh Oasrt of JasSJes trhaaosry TllrleUsL Wi Ee ex.

'teelleet 8mn Laaaahold l.vawsn.t 1 R. K. V. PENTECOST (of the firm of Pmtrooat BELL be AUCTIOX. at tha kisrt.

Tokeicwee rard. BO ea'w rm'ar. laeAj i 1 ectocx arvcisetr. ta kata, tk EbETEB LEAREHOLDBESIDEXCEa. kaowa aa Baa.

10 to 24 tava Koa.1, Brsredoa nad. aad 3, and 5. LUford toad, don to Wood Itl HI Sttloa, Waltaamstow; partly tat, tbs whoU evllwaled to prodaa 302 6. pr snnnm. rtask houes eostaln aevee room Reid tor Mrm of 19 mn from Ledydsr.

1177. al rresad rrat ot 2 10a. aaea, Fantaulan of tk fValiclto a. Msiae. Child aad 8sa T.

rlawthsovwra. Crar a lnn, aod Mann. Parker. Garrett, asd Partvr. St.

Michael a allc. OnrahilJ.E.a;Ddot the AuoUcBeert, la, Hlih ttmt, Bsae tiogtoa. w. la Uqaidatioa. Csraamsehfr.

7U th Awhetoa Uaiud XIsxBf Oomtsrnv fTlwitedL TVfR TTRGOE BUfKLANIJ naa received irujtrne iTA. nan trow ta xjqaiasur to tiu, by ACCTIOX, al th art. Token heuee rsrd. Iodoe. oa ThBrsday, May 24.

12 for all those valuable LEAD MIXES, talocfin to tb Ajebetoa United Mmlxar Ormpeny IlamitedL and eotnonsine ths minerals under 27ta. lr. 27 p. at land fa the parts of Llaaesf1, ta tta sseiaty of Carnarvon, lotettar with valuahia machinery, plant, end effscU paco ary for vorkinf th mine aad dreserof the an. Th nines an coo tenieutly aiisr to aouth et corner af tta county, with eeey ao esse aoueaeo lorasnamsst Of ore.

neat so laaa or ta term Of Jt yesra from oeptemner mtalmam real of 25 oar an oa anruVatioB to tha Llouidator. Paul tardea. EC: or to afrean. Grundv. land, and Grendv.

Aaitalm's chnbera. 21 Budte re Cannen traet, EC ar to an s.nwjooecT, ee, tnsoveeu yea, xjacjOB, aj l. Pronertles. Esa aod Middtasrf. MR.

W. IL COLLlEK iiuttnictod by. the Brttith Laod Cowpssv lUmUedl lo odor by AUCTIOX tb followtnt dewrable PBiiPEUTlE CH10WELL, Ewex. At th White Bart, Wcodford brMf. aa TuewUy vtolne axt, Mty 22, at I for 7, la Ma, alltihU Fmhold Bulldlne Laod.

hario fiootat lo tbe hit real from London to and tba sew read isart af 'aaenfrom situate wrthia a wiarter ot aa anar' walk of Woodford taataoa oa tb Oraal Eastern luliwav, from wtanea ttan ta aa iltaet Bern ot train te Urer pool street ad renrhu'sh rreet. BALlXO PARB ESTATE, Brentford. Middlesex. Al th Csrta BoUL Btvwtfor oa Mcdy, May 21. at for I lha eveulnr.

ISO lou ot vshubta Fiaabald katidUi Lead, betaf tk (ntporttaa at tk FaJinf parV Eetsie, tavint im porta at froaxsn to Wmdmlll Ur, Ealinf road, aad whlvatiia road, Tba eat ha a tnvalrr nbaoil, and I adaairahlr adapted for tb araetioB ef xocidersle arrrd vtlU resideaoe. it 1 el teste, wtthla a few mtsute' walk of Brvaktord Bkatwa aa tba BOrrtb Westera fuUwsy, asd aeerts Batlnc Btsseos us Matropolttas Dt trtd Eailwsy UIoensl Itterieiusu. aflordj eutsa drees eewnwtiateatuvi with tha rttv. Ws.l ead. ssd warm at Loredoa.

WhlleaUls road I and, th foot us th rood provided. Abaut f) lot an el tpsrt for tta rotisa mt abip prepertr. Tta proewrttaawlll taaold trn of tltta aad had tari Bm4Btta at ths nntrhsaa anrr Baa nwala es asawteaes or ecsrtraca al see tntrmt. to bo Bald la Bin ra by aqoal half ywrty Ustal ex too tsuansa may oe paaa aa at OBnrtnce will ta rltra oa th Particuhvr. plaa.

tad seodltios. of ve dor'a tJtU tfsr aeceotsd. MasarvR. asd A. BantlCaadscltora, tt, Ooltw.wtrres Lcavlos.

at tka Atiair. fOsoaAetrnl Z.a al th fisom Watfoed. nerta MESSRS. 8TDOWirK, SOS. and WEALL will BkLL fey AUCTIOX at tha Mart.

Toknhcwee rrd. Iyxidon, K.O, oa Mooday. 4th Jane. 193. al 1 o'clock rrecissry.

ta thra lot, bv direetinn ot tbe Porieee. Si vevv sirsnla sew I FBEEBOLD VI LUt RESIDENCES la 81. Atbaoeeoad. wtthl, te, aviaatas walk ot tta rallwov station, th lowa ef Wet'cv. asd tb atraao to Caaelobury park.

Ul to raatmafbU tsnsst em yearly tfreemnta or ibort terns, thus ffifib' lor aowad Uvsstsarst or occtipatioTj. xoy an or Btoatra eievauon, ta food aiyio, pleaesntly titust. at aossvealeat ditan from tta yoad. aad rt el the very moderate rente of each, thoa ptonaeiiif a reatal of Vi per snreum. Tney win srwsr cnmmsel eooif teaaata, 1 air deacrtption taint la mat dew aod ta Wasford.

which sdy BtK of as (xcellrat train aarrloe to Eaaxoa I fast tr na ht about aaiisB aoan aaa ao road trees, ua rrovertitsuv beslthy on dry era vel Then an three parish and district rhurchee asd leftral eburcta of other denovniaattoaa tha endowed srhmT. which will sorter Imports nt eduestional ad ran tare, are aboat to rreoreq. ia esa wstrr are uua oe. xwo tsiru 01 the. purctaee awney mar It deelrrd, rewa'n oa evarttaw.

Particatan may ta tad al tb Mart of Maun. Dad and LfBptaffe, foUciton, 18. Berne rs rmt, Oxford eteeet ad of Messra. ledrwick. Boa.

aad w.Vn aseossaoq go afreet. TtaMorq. nana, 'mum. aMkriws2 mmm7irVSllLk avalaed at Ik LAtUar ewues, tase aaa urt, hi, aassssBsssred sssi kiaTei sssuZTT tta tAJJ the atesw pntauw. raw bm pine.

rtrFwrvaCL tia" TlStJZT'Z uLn 1LZEZ 2ZJZ eTCUnt. aTof IB atUCBMAElXQ rUyV a4TrwU, mayrWa a tM uSmZ by Hsrahan. a a. 1 Oa, a tan dnki. tab 1 ewtuee ey irtS.

a awrswais wrapav ISItl I rear. 21 fcrew rarta tin at ttpw Ian, oa tb tor tan t4 Bert. A valuable aad Ucrortast Freahold javni asem I treat 11 toe ire aoa lend tax lidteiuiil). tnaae is tha perish sad viltafe of Rovoos. sdtotnlst the Roy few Rslrwey Hva snd 22 ttifles from Lov lw.

sod eewTristmc Ike form ksows se Boydoo Temple arid Scraon we. with eonfortakK term hose, tpw tona ftrm btdldict tad about 2S7 acrw af rood sound arahi aad Pasture laad. la a hilh atat af fraltivmtlon hsvtns heew oorerptad and farmed by th ewser. Mr. Jeha Aken Oslely ta etaeerrt for wsny rrsri etas as rackaran at frouod.

otrtaiBrar 1 acre. Ttan to bettered to a vsluebl bed cf keiek rsrtB upon in pn yeily. wwlea, nrarn tt proximity to ran aod water ITA to ELL kt ACCTION. al th AeCkw Mart, Teknbewsw vwd, Lothbary. EC, sear the Baak ot En land, oa Moaday.

Jaa ilia. 1813. at I o'clock aecdnly. tk shove valuabta ESTATE, la tw of Meaara. OoUysa.

Brtstsrw. Wktker. Be end BiB. fMicvm. feed tow, W.Q sttbs O.wi.

Boa.1. Btafewp awlal Mas aad flanswa laws Haelaw Iks White Haw, bndreworUi Karacea hnd. War lh Dusadae Arm. Hsrtforl ana tn eaninosta onto, tt axaasa TVfB SAYER fntructl to 8 ELL by AUC Al A Tius, at lb Beltway Hot at, Uilowresin, aa wssaew atkoAycf Jaa. Id at for 4 a lock at tba arvarsoos, mm aueh coadltioB vrni ta read, the ilii waulhatd HOLD MkBaUAQB DWXLLlhO HOlSE.

Passr MJta, Ma. TIOX. at lb kUilway Beast, CVrlosrptoo, oa Wedsesdsy. the 6th day cf Jase. US3.

at 1 foe 4 clock at ths kjsctt FBEI ehisery, Lssd sad Ptiaila, aiiaate the Parish ct OUtaaaptea, that to ta aar all that tot isan ndeafrtaf hnnw sd tardea wtta tha Isrmyard aad tmlldlaca. and tut those id tehhtoed papsr aiiaa.altadcckBowaa Hither Kla Mills, wttk tbe wi lit stfilt. 26 perthsa. Th ahov pinarty httraal oa tta rtvvr loeueuoi haul lia kadwill atwsya inmaitil aa xiut sal kaxhraos. Tk adeem.

taaaat ths fisots; uiopwtf nreeard wlt inair. ragway ao aa eatiriaf tta Gave Wwera 1 tta losrs ot CuJlosstMoe, TVs asd tba ason sttk the meadsw a aasredof aouujrtae too baal yisewel rseiJeose. mranty mm mm wea vuua. sjiiaaawiew made tor twmedliM tumnaliis. Ta vv aswty aa the 11 tielata, tor rwrtknpss ttaailanssd pus te tta Amstusiar.

mm lesatmaoaVa kydrwatapssrV2 lta the da praswdiat asd ewrslef af aaie. rist.i. 1 ta afcea, Dwroes BrWatAs, ouoabwl tta AtxSmZS fflow. Tt, 1 la.ww.r toed, tooth Emmiln. lix? roadTaoatk BeVnvta, aad LWrtherby Urraca, Baataswl rVwroctel baakaf kaaawsd lliaewiVrSA'l a tew deors frees 0na7mIssbeLk rardee.

Maiinmt. Alliarl ka. riaaerua tract Wet tt law fatourtte a a feeeiatwbl setAtswrhsad about 73 year. as xaired. .1 1w7Vtf dee he'd dltew frees tee flskiMs: Aaa MISXS.

Xaafa, Cromwell road. Sou tk Ess aTi1, tan, snd wtthla a few winaiee sf Clnsreawt luel 4attawnl 1 al ine, ta sprrrstotad br a pesttee aatrtaee tsam CiosvwaileriT cowpnew, as ta aop oee. joiv sa nma 1 mm tea tkasl thrn bed rooms, half Usdis. bath room. iTiliTn tb as, sd floor, best tad room, is ft.

v. nn "ll mtac room sd)otn. hair toadies, 'ihibiiIi JT afcwt ss lbs arm os. sobie dnwtet ream. Jtth Tba.

sd ewtraaas sw to ortioa. sne, laei Hv. JT, vevsibaue. isvaa rr. aad watar ilnti oa the testa room with bar.

kbrarr. Uxht od apswios tli.iaitai cZTZST tata Isureskrark. prweipal toa talrcaea. Tta prvmtoe an ta ta elienl rdr, aad pawiialaa aaa ta bad at aas. rea wmdlt os of aals af hf aav, WTJda, Berrer, od Meorv.

xoeavsrr Be. 27, Collsre fcfU, ary. Bad ef tta ABrttoaalTTax GWvKwur road. South Eeaatnttoa. aad 5a, ItaltTavara, li aival wtodewad 1 eidepeau.

ftaml dstsched Till, Croaad i at new oasrpeno. annnianx. oat 01 toe inn final near at taedaa. only a few nuauter aOr at th rtver, Bnhsy rrk. Hsjnpecw oourt, aad lalwaQ Btsfloa, oa th Brsxth.Waaise4a.ig.

whif! whK MESSRS. ROGERS, CHAPMAN', and THOMAS an interacted to SELL AUCTIOX. st ths Wsav. TatZl ban yard. Ctty, E.G.

a Motadty. Juo Uth. 2 Vaock Iriaii7l7 ta lot, a vahwil. aad Improvtst ESTATE, at Sew Hawsus. sC dntsc.n sstimaled le Bnthaoe.

evn 1490 par asoam ost ate fc4Iewur'Tr2Tttae 1 j. 7. 1. trrt mm. jccalatlti 271 per aaaum Tstanomta vllla sad HnlhflMd Udfe, tat at aad ta par aaaum reepectlvvty Boa Lit 6,6.

aad aee. mncr raad in sud item ami wiliin to 31 tsw aaasua kW 3, a 10. IL 81, woe, ind. reosuewt 110 ear ssesmi Boa I aod 2. Mllfsew vija.

ta mm isr leeet I If ord vUtas, trousd nst each 84, Jsww 1 lades, aad staAtas let at 79 Baxidtat Land, vara 20 per tanaa. Tarmi over t) yean, at aowisal trrwisd rewm. rtnsVosHbswse lamora, Taaaar. Cbailaat. Bta 1 Vlllea.Hiitialne tiaarf.

veednstnx 2S1 sv taauw Tbe aral ta arsva. fUhacskicraal advaauna are acTared at Grammar School for aoa af tntlsBun. aod thare It a delta ttat ruass, wtta aetsusa stay a aaa at al fie ii, Ba. 3. Pnnos'a strvwt, Btoteye 1st.

WtWeilewat ead st tk In Beisvetia sd V. stheTby terrece, Earta eourt, West gate a 8s. pmwtilariy am st favoured soots ea ths (fih oset 0i tasW taararp fiwat Ixwda by th plot aiea resM of the Chatham aad Dwvw kau wayt Aaaaal Kata of vaMAkl Freehold Bullitirtf BMUa, ia chetae MESSRS. ROGERS. CHAPMAN, and THOMAS bee? rasoeesfnlhr Is see astloa lha tta are win In a tka AhNCAL tAlJC of FTUEHOLD IAB1 wt.ta nts.

lai or Tteeet. ia waleb wtu nacaxctad aoseo akota pice mi toasl aadiasT tea rtawa aad tthwi nilahl tor lha wanin. il 1 taoaed aad timl talaehid mStntmetned aktrirw ptK martin an they uf art fend to ewitlimeu awsw ct bwldhaf pan waisr, piu aessdea, asd ns waD. For saMatt a tatter ipeeulatioa ttrald ta twtertalced. Amianta eaa ta wsd road.

BW, and t. Wether by tart ace, S.W. Warms. Caiirth last. Old Charttrw.

aUaihar ks wsll tlmhwad 1 Ulinf rrouad. tajuam iluij, tranhtinn. 0AsjBee h.aa. at, kt the erspetioa of th ester, rcii tilts es wTtupietlos. Lead far, tfth.

free, aad rettatervd title. Mavta vtawed by nrwlaatos. aad partiaajarv, wttk eossxtraoas ot astaTasd sfB K.sC Matia.w. Eaa, rtastastoty to. flnahim stnrt, atths Mart aad ot tka Aaw tloaeer.

11. Loodoa ttrtat, Orwanwtok, tad Bl.rkkwlk, S.E. CrinsHch rrnhold. Ia tta atvervMe part ot the tow, aewe A. W.

J. BCDDS will SBLLr by AUCTI03, mt th Mart, Ctty. Wertneeday, Mty 3T I tn 1 taat, wilt VRIIHOU) UntfilXOT. Ko. alaal ssit ttaeee.

wtch, vrttk tart teeetaw, oswa eeorT. asd btlnswa ttwee. easv aeswon, EsaUl vans xJ0 set saeuea. Mat he vtewsst mmA sail. laev, eiscavditaossot Brwasw.l Ee.

ooceur, 13, ths street. Aderoai. aad Land atoiat, Oreewwtoh 1 rt the kfwt: aad at tta AaMlosorra, B. laintoaetlrnt, GtmwIcA, and Back, heath, AE. Beeeflff.

gTalaskte Itta at Fl.ijFiiMMt, MkUtrByv ttcissM IBllli hnm.l.l state MOWESSRS. ELLIS aad SOS are directed br the Eit tatwra at las toss Mrs. Wee ta SELL AUCTIOX, at tta art. es ntoar, Jus let. aa iiilim, eas ua, the etan muaioLD Estate.

i tWhwhoua.wBata, oonpsltamat Mr.Bchawak. Baker, asst a rally lie turn nhta mt Mn Valla. Mot. 31 aad 32. St, Ouwie ittnt sad.

atattl.t tta at. ssttstw. a. ead 10. Jabs MX th whala anwuita a atanaaf abosi 4,000 sad ta ta Mr.

Walter oa a Fh BEHOLD th ooctsslla koa. kaowe Ik Crooked Bulet, hi tka ttaaw aa, sa st. taen aytrtnt I say day, Ush, at a mt at xTlJ per aad aaadittersj at aaie te be had at tee Man 1 id atadtttaewafaaletekekad uta Mart MnamWitabt, and Wrtrhl, ftooeltors, Adttald hallitlBe. Ita brlilj 1 Messrs. Ellta sad Boa, iackHanni aad iraltejuia.

x.lW wiil kITI A aharmrla Tuta. uinMdby Ihmatiliii Mavery birr, evt, eeH apedaiiv nitahta for aa arttaa mw ay ataa mi asa, wWb ImaiadUte rmiulrsv ESSRS. ELLIS and 809 are drrteted to JILL by ACOTIOX. tta Mart, am Frtdar, Jaa 1st, at 2 raw 1YI arasty laaltw piaitoaaly dlaeowd at by nil Hi ssee taaaat, dettchsd KAlfDKVcK. taslrasT aa the it air at net at ttaovrtharaklttbehUl ssd aBtarastaL tajaty view nrJaV wtah.

It aimarin rtabt tad tjoaaa. a captlal kail, althrary. alasd apsstdUiBf resent, a dnwiwyTjskmB x3Tt by 17ft, a mi miiiaiiat witk Boot, sasow room Ktx. by tOrt, erwrUt Is a aiswtt itlwy asd the tardea barren: a fine amtard reow, imflaB duawntto talina sUhllafctTvenhouwa. aod detbhtul ajmseii irowsda aboet tt acres.

Held foraa BBaratnd terra ot 2 yn at low rest. To ta iy. yrvleeJsns4owdacsneewajveBa.l st rhesUrt ot Mrsws Esareey, Bos, aad Haws. Solicitors, Old Jewry: of Mater. Piliahtm aad Can am aaa bob.

ABWicmtrw. ee. reuxtetnct. tad of Ma beat meet, BW. A UttaEarty kerttak mm nutia 1st tta em bold To Besi.snce tVeilt br strle mt rer.liilaiat.

kaowa a th Ok fBlTr tats la an opsa aad healthy Bocxtioa, verkl tta na. ta mver 1 names, are rtnant part, ran fmeewuw. KOBT. W. MANH tlOP Meters, TROlaLAirB, rm BELL, ay ACCTIOB.

at the Mart, ea loaned. Jrnat a. JVI room, aad aoruroe reoea. sod cap tal ofioes. alar taetewedky carta la be at the Aacticewer.

Farttaalai at Maawe. Btreaoar aad On, Solicitors, at, Partlswnl atrita, P.W. mt Meaart, Hultawe. Boa. aad Coward, ftoliettors, tneiaf ieae.

ta I aad of tk Aa taoneer, 7. Hatart sleoa, Eatea avaan: Hallmi Hint wmt, tahnwee 15. Fartlamm mwit, tvw. Pssldsnns kwvars aa U7L tawn aaara, atoat rtntirety tten cveriookiBsl (ardeaw tafrwaaad rear, sloee to South Xaaatattca Btatioa tta Diatriet Xuwy. aod Bear tk Ixarttaviltwnlsrctaaa aad Bydwavrk.

II maiarn aine bed reoess, lr rworeticw reosae. Bed road oovee: atatoasai tor a teem, tavtnr ataut tdyssn jaexjanttasoeraal pw netet 2 per aenum. Lt Ttaf taltaal atakitat taa bin, 1. sal InUf saw Iota, iai saw Ko. It, Cromwi oww.

Term. yaan assTpire. Owadiaat K. ROBT. (for Mcwrt, TOLIeUrl will tTEZL kv AUCTIOX.

at tta MtV, E.C, as TJisratav. Sel. st 2 s'elaet iniwBiulli nrnlem snvtawarr dwrMSwd ef Pr ratetrt. Is tws Iota, thoahov row eosvenlenl lest LaAstBOU TOWjf RESIDES CE aod STAELXXa Wttb luwiwin. tare at to ar.

uaswrBa. Jnsee. ead W1TAau. BaJjeeloft Oe wea try, Salop aad, wlih ovrdl to vtaw, ot tk Ajcttoweee, kesa Salfelk. VlsUt hm.

a wi Ileus aliait Ksetdeallal Fxsrity at atx sx7VsMtewf.alotswwket, atbavuu Wwa. atow Bt apsetivsly frees Ipswich asd Bury Bt. Bdmaadrv aad Iw kauri ry CAuUBNEB, and BOS will 8ZLL hy AUCTIOX. at th Px Hoteljatowwwtet, cw FM Jua JUh, 183, 2 for 1 o'clock, the atan axtnctrn ITtrkHOLD PKO PERTT. ompctainf awodsrs rvwidsace.

CTosehed by 'rrv drim from two rowta, awl aotrtaistne fear reseetios aad .11 bed rooau. kitchens, sad oCce sta capital StaaHrf and llaM hewea, atudded wttk limbs, aad weemntal rree aa ahruha. with rardees. ercr ard. padVlock.

km, any ta kad cei ovmptatloa of tta parrhaia Particular, may ta tad ot like oB crtora. at 1 a. 1 a xuywara a an Boa, atowmane 3 mo, 1. tal fstasr ataraw. ibwwsps.

wster, ttaaeld BlfawBv OS tbs nssly sf Mimiiwen. aew arlawte' walk tron tka W.ltkam nan est Ol daaaw eaihes Bulton ot th Great Ea ters msia Ilss rad chw to tta rwvsd lalioa aa th Great Sorter Extraeioa from "ait aki.l te txsw. kuat, aad adjotatat the Wmvm Land aad Italia1! twwi. rreehold Paaaaia or BwOdhtf saout an asa a aau of Mr. Maew.

panny ashaaif. 1 BX. bow ha tta ARTHUR JACXS05 hat bren fatrnxed wttk fslraelloss tn ashssil ta Pskkta COMF1 fUlOX. Mm Four wan Betsl. WsJataareroaa.

cat Taeaday. tka 22d let i 7 o'clock ta rhe v.tB rractaily. the sewn sbsas. FaOFeXTTe tUr tavteveed ta et tta teaaat. aad aarltaalari wBk Btae.utabtaaaedapoa aavjttaattoa at taa rsiactpBl lB tw aaibsurhoodr Maaar.

berrtde. asd Mies, 8 oteiv.lwi Jar. titeeera. Italia tank aad WeedTllatallnraTia, ttadfoad ow. W.

ll.Btllnr aata Mc. ArtkatJi 31 Barrtvler. asd Fiuytta ES8RS, HEKBY a vroOD'and 8PI5X EEIJ. bv AUt noX al th Mart. BC Mas Jaaa mm at 1 arena, taa rasieewineva OrGrOB TllXafr, vtiwabta FaOpfJfnEB 1 suh'tast asrewsaodatiaa tor i v.

Bah! BV awarty 43 ysen aextrwd st a avsdarvu rest, lam all 1 a savor, ieo twerw. aas rvsurrr, su. Jaaa Weort. I wooDroaiD. a THis kUsldeawee, la, taaac Beetaav Wrisad.

Hsswad, asd kmi ni vitua. 1 ttAsaar ttasdvastatasf VWlIL Isi ABttwarerwn Mart at tta rwoirew lrtli 2 Bad ot sta i SAW WAHiasutlBeu ivy s.u iwi 3 dea.n. Xa. 33 aad 3V Bathal n.d. ta.

Jakm'aksB ln teOtaa. tarn Jaatttsa, sd Ita vane at U3 each. ILeld tar aswt issavcrwd sA a lusl lal mm mom. miiii i ir ataSSwxrar annrnd. rstnw.

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